The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

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Liberty & Independence For New Hampshire And Beyond
Updated: 6 min 2 sec ago

2022 Elections Push Flexit Closer To Reality

Tue, 2022-11-22 23:15 +0000

This election proves the only two solutions are nullification and secession. Most voters in the united states voted to destroy our liberty slightly faster than the alternative option would have done. Voting has rarely worked. Mob rule doesn’t produce liberty when the vote determines who gets the handouts.

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Federal Tyrants Give Florida One More Reason To Secede

Fri, 2022-11-18 22:27 +0000

In The united states, the powers to make laws reside with the State governments. The US Constitution grants a few specific powers to the federal government; the power to have a navy, a Supreme Court, the power to coin money, and a select few others. Article 1, Section 8 outlines the powers delegated to the federal government. No part of the Constitution gives the federal government the power to control education

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GOP Loses, Liberty Advances in New Hampshire Elections

Thu, 2022-11-10 03:17 +0000

Despite everyone expecting a huge red wave on Tuesday, by the time the votes were counted, there was nothing more than a purple ripple. Republicans were expected to take majorities in the House and Senate.

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Voting For Jeremy Kauffman & Curing Wasted Vote Syndrome

Sun, 2022-11-06 02:50 +0000

Jeremy Kauffman is the Libertarian nominee for US Senate running against Don Bolduc (R) and Maggie Hassan (D). Many libertarians will be voting for him and many disaffected Republicans and Democrats are likely to, as well.

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VIDEO FOOTAGE: Was US Senate Candidate Attacked By A Libertarian Activist?

Thu, 2022-11-03 18:48 +0000

In light of the reported attack against General Don Bolduc, the New Hampshire Republican Senate Nominee, we would like to correct the record. 

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The Impending Constitutional Crisis

Thu, 2022-11-03 04:28 +0000

I fear that next Tuesday’s elections could cause a true crisis for our union. And by ‘fear’, I mean that I sort of hope it occurs. I’ll explain my rationale throughout this article. 

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Unusual Election In Senate District 16, Huge Liberty Opportunity

Mon, 2022-10-31 00:13 +0000

One of the most interesting races for the 24 seats in the NH Senate is playing out in District 16. Technically, neither of the two candidates that voters will see on the general election ballot ran in the primary. In fact, both seemingly had no intention of running for Senate until just a few weeks ago. The two candidates represent polar opposites; a liberty conservative versus a hardcore progressive socialist. The District includes Candia, Goffstown, Hooksett, Manchester Ward 1, and Raymond.

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Ballot Question Would Amend Constitution, Eliminate Obsolete Position

Sat, 2022-10-29 20:09 +0000

In the prior session, the House and Senate both passed CACR21 by massive margins. Sponsored by two liberty Republicans, this legislation would amend the New Hampshire Constitution by abolishing the office of the Register of Probate. This position exists in each county and is essentially obsolete.

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Noble 9 File Motion To Disqualify Prosecutors

Fri, 2022-10-28 03:44 +0000

Terese Grinnell and the 7 other defendants in the Noble 9 case filed a motion to disqualify the prosecuting attorneys, arguing that the prosecutors do not work for the Attorney General’s office, the state’s prosecutorial agency.

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Sununu and NH State Police Reported for Crimes

Fri, 2022-10-21 03:50 +0000

Governor Sununu and the New Hampshire State Police were reported for crimes against Monica Holm and other individuals. Read all of the details below and discover how you can speak out against their crimes. We the people must stand up against tyranny, and this is our chance.

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Why We Cannot Reward Sununu

Tue, 2022-10-18 05:51 +0000

Many years ago, after several years as a practicing psychotherapist, I had a revelation. Having studied many and sundry explanations of human behavior and how to help people achieve their goals of behavioral change, it dawned on me that all human behavior can be distilled down to one rule, people do what they get away with.

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Liberty Block Founder Publishes 6th Book, ‘Taxation Is Theft’ Becomes #1 New Release!

Wed, 2022-10-12 20:54 +0000

The latest book, titled ‘Taxation Is Theft’ delves into the history of taxation in the united states, the types of taxes, the hidden taxes, and how politicians spend all that tax money. The final section explains how we can easily and practically eliminate taxation using simple programs that already exist (and no, it’s not the ‘there is no law that says we need to pay taxes’ argument). 

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Crypto Trial Presents Major Opportunity For Jury Nullification

Tue, 2022-10-04 19:09 +0000

In March 2021, six New Hampshire residents were arrested by federal agents in a massively violent no-knock raid. The liberty activists were charged by federal prosecutors with multiple crimes, all of which involved cryptocurrency, and none of which involved any victims. 

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‘Anyone But Sununu’ Movement Gaining Momentum

Tue, 2022-09-27 03:44 +0000

Over the past two years, Chris Sununu has shown his true colors. Shortly after Lord Fauci called for lockdowns in the name of corona-fascism, Sununu shut down the legislature and promoted himself to dictator.

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YouTube Deletes Liberty Block, Google Docs Threatens Alu

Wed, 2022-09-21 05:30 +0000

Since July 29th, YouTube has removed four videos from our channel. On September 15th, the Google-owned video platform totally eliminated our channel. We appealed the decision, and the anti-liberty corporation confirmed on the 18th that our channel was deleted and will never be restored.

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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners & Free Market Medicine

Tue, 2022-09-20 04:13 +0000

Imagine that you lived in a world where medical implants and augmented cybernetics were so cheap that even the poorest people in society had access to them. In this world, people learn skills by inserting a flash drive into their neck and installing the knowledge directly. Humans have replaced their arms with chromed fashion pieces, and the more extravagant people have replaced their whole bodies with cybernetics.

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Local NH Mint Brings Sound Money Back

Fri, 2022-09-16 14:13 +0000

In the face of long-term inflation, increasing numbers of people are losing faith in the dollar, trading their ‘Federal Reserve Notes’ for assets that they believe will hold their value better. The past few years have seen massive interest in crypto, gold, silver, firearms, and many other assets. But it isn’t just for investing or wealth preservation. Many people are already using the alternatives as real currency for everyday purchases. 

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RINO PAC Spends Big Money Against Liberty Republicans

Thu, 2022-09-08 02:24 +0000

On Tuesday, six pro-liberty Republicans were attacked by the establishment. Nasty mailers were sent by the ‘Granite PAC’, an organization that recently spent over 80k supporting Sununu and other NH establishment players. The targets of the attacks included Mike Sylvia, Max Abramson, Josh Yokela, Melissa Blasek, Norm Silber, & Paul Terry. 

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Why Liberty Is Winning In New Hampshire

Fri, 2022-08-26 23:50 +0000

Contrary to the trend found throughout the united states and in most each individual city and states, liberty is winning in New Hampshire. The ‘Live Free or Die’ state is already ranked #1 in freedom by the CATO and Frazier institutes. And its libertarian citizens and activists will continue to diminish government powers and strengthen individual rights with each passing day. Here are the top reasons we can confidently make this assertion: 

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Libertarian Sheriff Candidate Wins Appeal, Will Be On The Ballot!

Fri, 2022-08-26 04:42 +0000

Ben Weir is an Army Veteran and a pro-liberty candidate for Sheriff of Merrimack County in southern New Hampshire. He is running as a Libertarian, which makes it more difficult to get on the ballot. Because the Libertarian Party does not have major party status in New Hampshire, its candidates […]

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The Manchester Free Press aims to bring together in one place everything that you need to know about what’s happening in the Free State of New Hampshire.

As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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