The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

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Liberty & Independence For New Hampshire And Beyond
Updated: 11 min 21 sec ago

Silver Dave Launches Best Silver Barter Piece Yet!

Mon, 2023-12-18 02:59 +0000

The owner of the shop, who is known as ‘Silver Dave’ told The Liberty Block that he is very excited about the new shape. “It’s beautiful, useful, perfect for bartering, and it’s better than pre-1965 90% silver dimes because it says right on it that it’s a tenth ounce of pure silver,” Dave told TLB, adding that “It may be the lowest premium (cost over silver price) fractional silver in the world.” Indeed, the roughly $3.30 per item does appear to be less expensive than any other 1/10th Troy ounce silver product on the market. The large online sellers have already placed large purchase orders for the small rounds, according to Silver Dave.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #184

Mon, 2023-12-18 00:59 +0000

Desantis on townhall last night; no questions about Disney and don’t say gay; his views on abortion and trump’s presidency; the resignation of the president of UPenn contrasted with the president of Harvard hanging on with support of the university; banning conversion therapy (SCOTUS turned down a case visiting this issue) and its implications for free speech. Houthis attacking ships with little reprisal from the U.S. or other nations and its implications for an upcoming election year. Is the U.S. in danger of terrorist attacks as Director Wray has been alluding to?

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Bills Would (Somewhat) Liberate Alcohol Sales

Fri, 2023-12-15 00:03 +0000

A number of bills filed in the New Hampshire legislature for the 2024 session would chip away at the strict regulation on alcohol sales. The state government’s ‘Liquor Commission’ generally regulates all sales of alcohol, and the government itself operates 82 liquor stores throughout the state. Legislators have proposed a few bills that would make it easier for small businesses to serve their customers without running afoul of the law.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #183

Sun, 2023-12-10 00:37 +0000

The DeSantis v. Newsom debate last week; can trump win in November if nominated? Should DeSantis hit trump harder on electability and many other issues? Ed M believes Trump can’t win Iowa; from whom will RFK Jr. pull more votes, Trump or Biden? More covid information coming out all the time about how much we were lied to; will Fauci ever be hurt in any way for all of his lies? Where is congress on missiles being shot at boats by Houthis in Yemen?

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #182

Sat, 2023-12-02 21:13 +0000

Dispute between U.K. and Greece over artifacts (Elgin Marbles) that the British rescued years ago and now Greece wants back; should items/lands acquired legally per the norms of a prior period be returned? The riot in a High School in Queens, NY, presumably inspired by a Jewish teacher posting something pro-Israel on Facebook; are pro-Palestinian protesters all antisemitic? Is it OK for the US to support both sides of wars, such as sending supplies to Gaza while sending arms to Israel?

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Liberty Block Podcast Co-Host Publishes 2nd Book!

Sat, 2023-12-02 05:36 +0000

In 2019, Daniel Jupp published A Gift for Treason: The Cultural Marxist Assault on Western Civilization. The book provides a traditionalist’s reading of the nature of modern civilization and the Cultural Marxist threat it currently faces. It tackles the issues surrounding Western identity and culture, explaining the key historical movements and political principles that define Western identity. It combines discussions of our cultural debts to Ancient Greece, Rome, and Christianity with descriptions of the ideology that seeks to destroy this intellectual and cultural heritage.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #181

Thu, 2023-11-23 09:46 +0000

The new president of Argentina, a libertarian anarcho-capitalist; the Israel hostage situation. Speaker Johnson releasing the tapes from J6; why doesn’t Trump fight for the J6 prisoners? Trump pressuring the RNC to shut down debates; Trump’s idea to give free online college from money from endowments; Musk suing Media Matters; Rand Paul and others fighting against covid fascism with more info coming out every week will never have an impact until republican leadership backs it; Ed M posits that the republican party has always been pro-big-government

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Liberty Block Host Teams Up With Lauren Southern On 2A Movie!

Tue, 2023-11-21 21:33 +0000

On Tuesday evening, November 14th, released a new documentary titled ‘Infringed: Gun Rights In America’. The film was created by Lauren Southern, a long-time conservative commentator.  Ed Powell, one of the co-hosts of “The Conservatarian Exchange on The Liberty Block podcast, was involved as a producer on the movie, assisting Southern with research and setting up the interviews for the film. 

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Anarchist Milei Wins Argentine Presidency; Begins Gutting Government ASAP

Mon, 2023-11-20 04:30 +0000

Milei won the election with 56% of the general election vote, more than any US President has attained in a general election since Reagan in 1984. And the Argentine turnout of 76% of voters is far higher than we have experienced in over a century. Biden allegedly won in 2020 with around 80 million votes out of 340 million Americans (less than a quarter of the humans). Milei’s 14 million votes amounts to almost a third of the humans in Argentina. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #180

Sun, 2023-11-19 03:07 +0000

We welcomed Meagan to the show as a new co-host; is it possible that Jews are moving left and will that last? Is Nikki Haley’s war-hawkishness in tune with the base of the party? Is Desantis’ lacking the stridency of Haley and Ramaswamy in debates what keeps him from catching on with primary voters? Are immigrants choosing to leave the U.S. because it does not live up to what they were promised and isn’t that to be encouraged? San Francisco cleaning up for Xi Jinping; will this make people realize that government can be competent? Ed P. – “clean streets for Xi but not for thee”

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Trump Loves Free College, Haley Hates Privacy

Thu, 2023-11-16 07:14 +0000

In a recent video, Donald Trump unveiled his latest campaign promise: Give the socialists what they have been striving for - a socialist college system administered and funded by the federal government that is tuition-free. Chuck and Nate from ‘Liberty At Night’ pointed out, the program would not likely be completed before 2028, at which point Trump would have to leave office, anyway. (When’s the last time the government efficiently created a huge new program?) In 2029, the socialist college would be controlled by President Newsom or Warren…what could go wrong?

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #179

Mon, 2023-11-13 19:03 +0000

Yesterday’s election results: Mike P reported from NJ, where the GOP made no inroads and probably lost a few seats in the legislature; several parental rights candidates lost in elections for the Board of Education where Mike lives; Ed P reported from Virginia where republicans will not control the house of delegates (and they appoint supreme court judges in that house).

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Legislation Would Reform Red Flag Gun Confiscation

Wed, 2023-11-08 06:42 +0000

As it stands, RSA 173 directs law enforcement officers to confiscate all firearms and ammunition from individuals whenever a person files a restraining order against them. The orders are approved practically by default, and the subject is given an opportunity to contest the order of protection after the gun confiscation occurs, generally a month later.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #178

Fri, 2023-11-03 18:24 +0000

The Gaza war: countries breaking diplomatic relations and putting pressure on Israel; alleged plan of Israel to relocate Gazans into other countries; why does the U.S. allow Qatar to give refuge to Hamas leaders? The airport pogrom in Dagestan; the marches/riots in the UK; Turkey on the side of Hamas; do U.S. interests align more with Putin/Russia than with other countries, especially some Muslim countries; will the U.S. keep funding Ukraine even if Russia wants peace talks?

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Liberty Rep’s Bills Would Protect Children From Perpetual Wars

Mon, 2023-10-30 02:38 +0000

State Representative Tom Mannion (R-Pelham) has been a champion for peace and liberty since entering the State House in 2022. Last year, Mannion co-sponsored HB229, the ‘Defend The Guard’ bill, which would protect NH Guardsmen from foreign conflict deployments without an official declaration of war. This winter, the House will vote on another bill aimed at protecting New Hampshire’s youth from the US Military draft. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #177

Sat, 2023-10-28 21:45 +0000

New Speaker of the House elected today; does it matter who leads the republicans, if they are not going to use the power of the purse in mid-November? Should the republicans do anything that would endanger their prospects in 2024? Is there still a possibility Trump could lose the primaries? Will those who reportedly flipped on Trump (Jenna Ellis, Mark Meadows) hurt him legally?

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Defend The Guard Bill Deadlocked In Committee, Will Have House Vote

Sat, 2023-10-28 21:25 +0000

After being retained from last year’s session, the ‘Defend The Guard’ legislation finally had its public hearing in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. On Wednesday, legislators and members of the public packed the room to testify before the House Committee on State-Federal Relations & Veterans’ Affairs on House Bill 229. Nearly everyone in the room was in support of the bill, which simply called for an end to the deployment of New Hampshire Guard members to fight foreign wars without a congressional declaration of war.

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Legislation Could Trigger New Hampshire Secession Before 2030

Mon, 2023-10-23 16:24 +0000

Legislation filed by Representative Jason Gerhard (R-Northfield) would place a question on the ballot for the voters of New Hampshire. If approved by two thirds of voters, the New Hampshire Constitution would be amended to say that the state will declare independence if the federal government accrues a debt of $40 trillion. As of 10/13, the US debt is $33.5 trillion. In 2020, the debt was under $27 trillion. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #176

Thu, 2023-10-19 23:52 +0000

The ongoing war in Gaza; what should Israel do? Would any country take Gazans in? Why does the world not care about Armenians being displaced by Azerbaijan? The election for Speaker of the House; are RINO’s blocking any conservative from winning that post? Is the inability to elect a new speaker bad for the republicans? Should the Freedom Caucus demand that the whole party stand for conservative principles? Biden wants $100 billion for Ukraine and Israel—where does the money come from?

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Alu Partners With Liberty Narrators, Publishes 4 Audio-Books!

Wed, 2023-10-18 19:13 +0000

Over the past few months, Alu Axelman has turned three of his nine books into audio-books. One of the most frequent requests involves making the books available on audio for those who prefer to listen rather than read. Alu has found three excellent narrators, two of which are members of the New Hampshire liberty community. 

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