The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

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Liberty & Independence For New Hampshire And Beyond
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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #203

Thu, 2024-04-25 07:18 +0000

It's Passover, so Steven was unavailable; Alu seizes the opportunity for a hostile takeover of the podcast and begins throwing AnCap bombs from the first moment! The crew gets into a heated debate about whether the government should ever interfere with private contracts and whether discrimination should ever be outlawed; four different opinions emerge, and many brilliant points are made; the Eds seem to argue that the government is necessarily a party to all contracts.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #202

Thu, 2024-04-18 07:16 +0000

Iran’s attack on Israel; the Trump trial in NYC; should he have not bothered to show up to the trial at all to show his disdain? Would Biden pull Trump’s secret service to send him to prison? Should SCOTUS take so long to make decisions? Do oral arguments change minds? Speaker Johnson changing his mind on section 702; Senate refused to hold trial on Mayorkas impeachment.

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Alu Publishes Daily Journal For Liberty Inspiration!

Fri, 2024-04-12 04:04 +0000

After writing and publishing nine books about liberty, Alu has taken on some unique ventures related to writing. He has helped three other libertarians self-publish their own books, he’s translated his books into Spanish, and there are numerous other projects in the works. One of these projects simply involved compiling some of the best quotes about liberty, peace, and prosperity from the dawn of recorded time until 2024. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #201

Thu, 2024-04-11 07:14 +0000

What is the alt-right? Trump judge refusing to acquiesce to the appeals court re: the bond he has to put up in order to appeal or did Letitia James say the insurance company that issued the bond is not qualified to do such business in NY. Abortion as national issue vs states right; what is Trump standing for in this election cycle? How much else could Trump be doing to spread a winning message and strengthen other GOP candidates?

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #200

Thu, 2024-04-04 23:07 +0000

Disney has won its battle in a proxy way to remain woke against outsiders; liberals keep fighting; conservatives often accept defeat as final; do establishment leaders in D.C. succumb to more than just peer pressure? threats? should republicans engage in issues such as “income equality”—turn the issue against liberal jurisdictions? Attacks on free speech in Scotland, Poland; if Americans don’t fight for free speech the “parchment guarantees” will never suffice

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Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – March

Thu, 2024-04-04 20:07 +0000

In the Torah, in the Chapter of Leviticus 19:36, it states, “You shall have an honest balance, honest weights, an honest unit of dry good measurement, and an honest unit of wet good measurement. I יהוה am your God who freed you from the land of Egypt.” In ancient Israeli society, weights were used to measure goods as well as means of exchange, such as gold or silver, to facilitate trade.

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Goldback Hits All-Time High; Dollar In Freefall

Thu, 2024-04-04 19:34 +0000

As I prepared to pull out my Goldbacks for my sandwich at Robie’s country store and diner Wednesday, the co-owner informed me that the dollar had fallen below a fifth of a goldback. I remember when the exchange rate was around 3.20 dollars for each goldback just before the scamdemic. It’s been around four for the past few years. I had never seen it above five.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #199

Thu, 2024-04-04 19:07 +0000

The bridge collapse in Baltimore, just a freakish accident, hopefully not related to DEI/competency crisis; RFK’s pick of VP, which will probably hurt the dems more than republicans; could this help RFK win any states? Did Mike Johnson screw the republican party and their voters with the budget agreement last week? Why are republicans retiring before the election? Are they being paid off by a rich dem? Is Putin protecting Islamists by minimizing their involvement in the terror attack last Friday?

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The Key To Wealth Preservation: Hide Your Silver In Plain Sight?

Thu, 2024-04-04 18:56 +0000

The Local Silver Mint has just unveiled what may be their most innovative silver product to date. This is quite a statement, considering that this is the creator who invented the Silver Card, Barter Bags, Tenth-Ounce Silver Rounds, Cig-Savers, Building Blocks, and so many other creative iterations of silver. But if you were looking for the best tool for covertly preserving your wealth in plain sight, you needn’t look any further than Weare, New Hampshire. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #198

Wed, 2024-04-03 19:03 +0000

Chuck Schumer’s statement on Netanyahu and elections in Israel; Trump’s statements on Jews and democrats; Extremely high fines against Trump and his appeal; should Trump fight harder and more publicly/be more provocative; Fani Willis and Nathan Wade and the judge’s ruling regarding disqualification.

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10 Reasons To Support HB1276 & Legalize Brass Knuckles!

Wed, 2024-04-03 07:02 +0000

In the Live Free or Die state, there are generally no restrictions for carrying any weapons. Granite Staters may legally carry pistols and rifles open or concealed. However, brass knuckles remain illegal to carry. Last year, the House passed House Bill 31, which would have eliminated the carrying of brass knuckles and similar self-defense tools from the list of crimes in the books. The Senate killed the bill with a voice vote. This year, ten Republican legislators proposed House Bill 1276. It again passed the House, and it is now in the Senate. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #197

Fri, 2024-03-29 23:15 +0000

George Santos running in the primary for congress. Trump clinching the nomination; SOTU; was it a declaration of war against half the country? why did Katie Britt present the republican response and not Trump or someone else with more gravitas? cryptocurrency; would the dems let Trump win and blame him for an inevitable economic collapse? would congress refuse to certify trump if he wins? Current situation in Haiti; RFK Jr’s campaign vs. the “culturally vulgar” campaigns of Trump and Biden; Lazer joined the show and reported from Ukraine; U.S. building temporary ports to send supplies to Gaza;

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House Passes Bill To Ban School Mask Mandates

Fri, 2024-03-29 17:37 +0000

In a contentious and narrow vote, the New Hampshire House passed a ban on school mask mandates Thursday. The 187-184 vote was opposed by Democrats, who warned that the law would prevent local school boards from protecting students and staff from future contagious diseases. Republicans had a few major arguments, which helped them pass House Bill 1093. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #196

Thu, 2024-03-14 19:57 +0000

Trump in; Haley out; extremely unlikely Haley could be Trump’s V.P. Does Trump want a black V.P.? The 9-0 SCOTUS ruling on Trump’s eligibility to run; who is in charge of allowing someone on the ballot for POTUS, e.g., if they’re a foreign national? NY Governor sues Nassau County over their decision to disallow transgenders to compete on female’s teams; can a state influence permits for a park in a county? NYC putting national guardsmen in the subway system; what does the posse comitatus act actually cover?

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Pro-Liberty Bills Would Protect Us From Cops

Wed, 2024-03-13 16:12 +0000

A number of bills proposed for the 2024 session would increase liberty for Granite Staters by holding police accountable or by making it more difficult for them to act as tyrants. Many areas of the laws could be improved this session, including traffic laws and protection of due process.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #195

Tue, 2024-03-05 20:14 +0000

Mary Poppins being re-rated for a word that could be deemed racist; NYC politicians speaking out against expansion of asylum-seeking migrant facilities near their constituents; as migrants are counted in the census, it accrues positively to the democrats to increase migration; the Alabama IVF court ruling that frozen embryos should be considered persons; McConnell leaving as senate minority leader in 2024.

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Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – February

Fri, 2024-03-01 01:15 +0000

Isaiah stated in the Tanakh, “Your silver is fake, and your wine is watered down.” -Isaiah 1:22.

At this point in time, Isaiah lived in Jerusalem during the latter half of Israel’s kingdom and was speaking with the leaders of Jerusalem and Judah on God’s behalf. He was warning the leaders of their corruption and that this corruption against God’s commandments would have dire consequences.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #194

Sat, 2024-02-24 04:41 +0000

Trucker’s protest against anti-trump verdict and fine; Kevin O’Leary speaking about businesses avoiding NYS; wouldn’t that work in favor of amazon and other big companies? How legal/common is it to preclude appeal without paying fine? Navalny’s death; arrest of informant for allegedly lying about Burisma.

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Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – January

Thu, 2024-02-22 08:51 +0000

Starting in January, I have begun writing sermons or as we say in Judaism “drashot,” about my religious beliefs regarding blockchain technology. I believe that in the current age, my religious beliefs are under attack and so I believe it is my duty to articulate my beliefs to normalize them in the hopes that they will be normalized as I continue to articulate them. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #193

Tue, 2024-02-20 06:51 +0000

Republican loss in the special congressional election in NY yesterday; how much may have been due to snow? How much due to Mazi Pilip being a registered democrat? How much attributable to Trump being the nominee? How much to the backlash against Santos having won an election there? What is being done to recruit another candidate in November to run against Suozzi in November, or will they run the same candidate? Can Long Island be saved?

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