The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

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Liberty & Independence For New Hampshire And Beyond
Updated: 5 min 17 sec ago

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #166

Mon, 2023-08-21 00:40 +0000

The continuing Trump indictments; will Trump attend the 1st debate? Who would it help or hurt for Trump to show up or not? Do debates change anything, even if only to cull the field? are Trump’s attacks getting old or just their indiscriminateness? Desantis firing his campaign manager; who decides who won a debate and based on what? was it wise for Desantis to say “of course, Trump lost the election”? Andy Ngo losing his civil suit against Antifa; comparisons to the 7-11 beatdown of the brazen thief?

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Feds Increase Monthly Payments By Nearly $1,000

Sun, 2023-08-20 16:46 +0000

In response to the horrendous monetary inflation by the federal government, the geniuses in DC have caused another major issue without significantly addressing inflation. As The Liberty Block has reported numerous times, the vast majority of all dollars ever printed in history were created over the past three years. Each dollar created by the Federal Reserve dilutes the purchasing power of the dollars in your wallet, bank account, and investment funds. On a simple level, doubling the amount of dollars in circulation cuts the value of each of your dollars in half. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #165

Thu, 2023-08-17 18:36 +0000

The most recent Trump indictment; Per Daniel, our UK Correspondent, the British press is covering this issue like the liberal (anti-Trump) American press, rather than laughing at us as a banana-republic; where are the strong reactions from other republicans? would republicans react more strongly toward the Dems than they did toward Hilary if they were to win the white House? How much power does the media have in squashing the evidence against Hunter and the Big Guy?

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Why You MUST Understand Rates of Increase

Thu, 2023-08-03 05:56 +0000

There is far too much disinformation and purposeful conflation going on in the media right now. With Biden constantly boasting about ‘lowering inflation’, millions of Americans are being fooled into thinking that Biden is bringing prices down. First, the President cannot directly affect prices, especially by lowering them. The only way a government official could directly reduce prices would entail seizing the economy (communism/fascism) and/or commanding that the prices be lowered.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #164

Mon, 2023-07-31 01:34 +0000

McConnell’s silent few seconds with some of the medical info explained by Lazer, who co-hosted the show from the Western Aleutian Islands; will this have any political implications concerning comparisons to Biden? Hunter Biden’s plea bargain hearing, with some disagreement on the panel as to whether the deal was entirely scrapped; can a president pardon himself? What if anything are the limits on presidential pardons? Texas putting buoys to block immigrants; did the bank that debanked Farage back down?

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The Case For The Depopulation Agenda

Sat, 2023-07-29 17:35 +0000

I have long argued against the ‘conspiracy theorists’ who believed that the elites wished to cull the world’s population by drastic numbers. Many of my libertarian, conservative, and voluntaryist colleagues believe that the top politicians, bankers, and powerbrokers in the world want to decrease the amount of humans by billions. I have consistently argued that it would be illogical for the elites to reduce the number of sheep and tax slaves they control. Here, I will present some evidence in favor of the theory.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #163

Sat, 2023-07-22 01:33 +0000

RFK’s statement about Covid being ethnically targeted; does it hurt him at all politically? Is there a strong split within the Jewish community between the left and right? Is Trump inviting further indictments? Is the left afraid of Trump being re-elected or do they think they can control him if he regains office? Ed M. opines that instead of firing civil servants, POTUS should re-assign them to a place where they can do no harm and still get paid; Tucker Carlson’s interviewing the presidential candidates...

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Does Mark Levin Endorse Secession In His New Book?

Mon, 2023-07-17 04:37 +0000

Over the course of his decades-long career, Mark Levin has supported conservative politics and the unity of the united states above all else. He has made it clear throughout his radio shows, books, and other activism that he would never support any peaceful separation or division from the union, even if it were the only path to liberty for him and his cohorts.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #162

Sun, 2023-07-16 20:10 +0000

An Archbishop in England deeming the lord’s prayer patriarchal; the movie The Sound of Freedom and the left going after the movie, as contrasted to their opposition to the catholic church for the very same crime of child abuse. the same people also attacking Andrew Tate for trafficking children, while defending it when attacking the movie. Target backing down re: Mark Levin’s book—does the always back down when challenged? Is the media trying to push Biden out by dripping out more info?

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Satanist Anarchist Begins Prison Sentence

Sun, 2023-07-09 05:27 +0000

On Tuesday, June 27th, Aria DiMezzo checked into the FMC Devens federal prison in Ayer, Massachusetts. Dimezzo faced multiple charges relating to her sales of Bitcoin over the span of a few years. She ultimately pled guilty to operating an unlicensed money transmitting business in September 2022. On April 25th, she was sentenced to 18 months in prison and fined $5,000. DiMezzo worked as a manager at Domino’s Pizza and a regular host of Free Talk Live, a widely syndicated libertarian radio show and podcast.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #161

Sun, 2023-07-09 05:23 +0000

District Court’s injunction from coordinating with social media companies; why did States have standing in this case but not in the election cases when courts said they did not have standing? SCOTUS decision on affirmative action; will legacy admissions be affected? Will universities train applicants how to circumvent the ruling by claiming adversity?

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Holding Cops Accountable By Collaborating!

Tue, 2023-07-04 21:55 +0000

It is no secret that law enforcement officers throughout the united states are almost never held accountable for their heinous transgressions, even when they commit felonies. As I explained in my 2022 book ‘Presumed Guilty’, police officers have been granted increasingly powerful protections from both civil and criminal liability for their crimes, largely by the federal government. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #160

Sun, 2023-07-02 23:55 +0000

SCOTUS ruling on independent state legislature theory, imposing judicial review on powers seemingly given exclusively to State Legislatures; if Trump’s nominations to SCOTUS have disappointed, is that partially the fault of the Federalist Society? The IRS whistleblowers vs DOJ; is the left trying to dump Biden for 2024? How much accuracy is there to the polls showing Trump so far ahead of Desantis? Should Desantis attack Trump’s failures more and will that help to connect to voters more?

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These Groomers Must Be Stopped!

Sun, 2023-07-02 19:18 +0000

Over the past few years, people have become increasingly concerned with the proliferation of adults encouraging susceptible children to engage in inappropriate behavior. It is easy to understand that a person with more life experience, power, or intellect should not influence or coerce weaker individuals to do their bidding, especially if such acts could cause permanent harm to the subjects. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #159

Mon, 2023-06-26 17:28 +0000

The Hunter Biden guilty plea and its ramifications; will the investigation continue? Why didn’t the republicans continue the J6 committee investigation when they attained power? Should Trump be doing more about the J6 prisoners? Should the other candidates do more to fight against the Trump indictment (even if he lies about them and their positions)? Project 65 keeping lawyers from representing Trump and his supporters; Muslims vs. pride, and more.

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Ray Buckley Condemns RFK Jr., Admits Liberty Is Popular In New Hampshire

Sun, 2023-06-18 18:28 +0000

The Chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat Party has published an open letter ridiculing RFK Jr. for speaking at the Porcupine Freedom Festival (Porcfest). Buckley condemned the Democrat presidential candidate and rebuked him for associating with libertarians, referring to them as extremists for supporting school choice and gun rights. 

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Local Mint Making Limited Run of Porcfest Silver Bars

Fri, 2023-06-16 00:39 +0000

The owner and operator of the mint and its retail store, Dave Breger told The Liberty Block that he plans to release 2,000 of the Porcfest bits. The price will be $10 each, though there may be some volume discounts. The bits will likely be offered for the first time at or just prior to Porcfest, which officially begins on June 19th, according to ‘Silver Dave’.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #158

Fri, 2023-06-16 00:09 +0000

The Trump indictment: is there any there there? The reactions of the Republican candidates and various pundits on both sides of the aisle; the contrast with how Hilary was treated; how much power does the president have to declassify documents? How did attorney client discussions get into the Trump indictment? Republicans should be careful not to argue that a president should never be investigated or prosecuted; NYC trying to export migrants to other counties; California trying to criminalize or punish parents for not affirming the genders of their children.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #157

Wed, 2023-06-07 00:01 +0000

A dam being blown up in Ukraine—will we ever now who did it? RFK Jr—is he a viable threat to Biden? Will he pull in any republicans? NYC Mayor Adams considering putting immigrants into private homes—how close is that to the third amendment or takings clause? should DeSantis respond to Trump’s every slight or utterance? Should he wait for debates to respond to almost anything? Pride flag vs confederate flag—can both be seen by others as threatening? the cover of glamour magazine in Britain with a pregnant “man”.

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Alu’s Ninth Book Takes Aim At Gun Control – Now #1 New Release!

Sun, 2023-06-04 17:05 +0000

After years of writing about other liberty issues, Alu finally decided that it was time to address gun rights in a book. He figured that if he was going to write a book about the topic, it should be as simple as possible and so easy to digest that any child who can read could comprehend the book’s simple points. As he did with his last book, Alu borrowed from Ian Underwood’s ‘Bare Minimum Books’ style when crafting this book.

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