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Saturday • January 18 • 2025


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Liberty & Independence For New Hampshire And Beyond
Updated: 5 min 27 sec ago

Liberty Rep’s Bills Would Protect Children From Perpetual Wars

Mon, 2023-10-30 02:38 +0000

State Representative Tom Mannion (R-Pelham) has been a champion for peace and liberty since entering the State House in 2022. Last year, Mannion co-sponsored HB229, the ‘Defend The Guard’ bill, which would protect NH Guardsmen from foreign conflict deployments without an official declaration of war. This winter, the House will vote on another bill aimed at protecting New Hampshire’s youth from the US Military draft. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #177

Sat, 2023-10-28 21:45 +0000

New Speaker of the House elected today; does it matter who leads the republicans, if they are not going to use the power of the purse in mid-November? Should the republicans do anything that would endanger their prospects in 2024? Is there still a possibility Trump could lose the primaries? Will those who reportedly flipped on Trump (Jenna Ellis, Mark Meadows) hurt him legally?

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Defend The Guard Bill Deadlocked In Committee, Will Have House Vote

Sat, 2023-10-28 21:25 +0000

After being retained from last year’s session, the ‘Defend The Guard’ legislation finally had its public hearing in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. On Wednesday, legislators and members of the public packed the room to testify before the House Committee on State-Federal Relations & Veterans’ Affairs on House Bill 229. Nearly everyone in the room was in support of the bill, which simply called for an end to the deployment of New Hampshire Guard members to fight foreign wars without a congressional declaration of war.

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Legislation Could Trigger New Hampshire Secession Before 2030

Mon, 2023-10-23 16:24 +0000

Legislation filed by Representative Jason Gerhard (R-Northfield) would place a question on the ballot for the voters of New Hampshire. If approved by two thirds of voters, the New Hampshire Constitution would be amended to say that the state will declare independence if the federal government accrues a debt of $40 trillion. As of 10/13, the US debt is $33.5 trillion. In 2020, the debt was under $27 trillion. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #176

Thu, 2023-10-19 23:52 +0000

The ongoing war in Gaza; what should Israel do? Would any country take Gazans in? Why does the world not care about Armenians being displaced by Azerbaijan? The election for Speaker of the House; are RINO’s blocking any conservative from winning that post? Is the inability to elect a new speaker bad for the republicans? Should the Freedom Caucus demand that the whole party stand for conservative principles? Biden wants $100 billion for Ukraine and Israel—where does the money come from?

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Alu Partners With Liberty Narrators, Publishes 4 Audio-Books!

Wed, 2023-10-18 19:13 +0000

Over the past few months, Alu Axelman has turned three of his nine books into audio-books. One of the most frequent requests involves making the books available on audio for those who prefer to listen rather than read. Alu has found three excellent narrators, two of which are members of the New Hampshire liberty community. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #175

Tue, 2023-10-17 06:09 +0000

Hamas’ attack on Israel and its ramifications; was there any inside involvement on any level? the failure of intelligence is nearly inexplicable; Israel not having 2A protections; will the left ever change their stances in Islamism or 2A? is it in the interest of the current administration to have fighting or a war against Iran so they can make it harder to vote in the next election? Are the hostages retrievable, even the American hostages? How many pro-Iranians are in the current administration?

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Legislation Could Trigger New Hampshire Secession Before 2030

Fri, 2023-10-13 20:36 +0000

Legislation filed by Representative Jason Gerhard (R-Northfield) would place a question on the ballot for the voters of New Hampshire. If approved by two thirds of voters, the New Hampshire Constitution would be amended to say that the state will declare independence if the federal government accrues a debt of $40 trillion. As of 10/13, the US debt is $33.5 trillion. In 2020, the debt was under $27 trillion. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #174

Sat, 2023-10-07 18:45 +0000

McCarthy losing the speakership; Voltaire: “In this country it is thought necessary to kill an admiral from time to time to encourage the others”; should Trump become speaker? sould trump accept such an offer? Ian Freeman of Free Talk Live (NH) being sentenced to 8 years in federal prison for selling bitcoin; the trial against Trump in NYC. Newsom’s appointment of a Senator who doesn’t live in California; RFK running as an independent and how it will affect the election; Mike opines that Biden will not be the nominee; the Eds disagree;

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How To Double The Number of Free Staters In One Simple Step

Sat, 2023-09-30 21:45 +0000

“Liberty in our lifetime“ – for Free Staters this is not just an empty slogan. It is the rallying cry we listened to and took to heart before we uprooted our lives, packed the moving van, and started driving to New Hampshire. It encapsulates more than just a political strategy, it demonstrates hope. The hope that we do not have to descend into the darkness of totalitarianism, but have a fighting chance against the forces of deceit and communism.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #173

Sat, 2023-09-30 20:16 +0000

Daniel Jupp speaks about his new book on Bill Gates (Gates of Hell: Why Bill Gates Is the Most Dangerous Man in the World); Ed M. commented that at times “malice and stupidity merge”; the court ruling against Trump in NY; the Menendez indictment; the relaxing of the dress code in the Senate for Fetterman; what happened to the fighter plane in South Carolina? Biden marching with striking UAW; will the government shut down (and should there be a more realistic word for this? h/t Mike P.)

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O’Keefe Academy: Ethics

Fri, 2023-09-29 19:27 +0000

We are in! A week late from the original start date but we now have access to the course. A day after posting my article “WTF OMG”, asking why the course had not started on the scheduled date, I got a follow notification on Instagram from the one and only James O'Keefe himself! A promising start.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #172

Wed, 2023-09-27 19:49 +0000

The Boebert/theater affair; the Noem/Lewandowski affair; the double standard (if any); any chance of an upcoming government showdown? Trump’s statement on abortion during an interview and its political fallout, if any.We invite feedback, questions, and comments from our live and podcast listeners, either through comments on Facebook live during the show or by email to:

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Bill Aims To Save Lives of Babies & Severely Sick While Improving Liberty and Prosperity

Tue, 2023-09-26 18:40 +0000

There is a perpetual chronic blood shortage. Since I am an O- blood type (universal blood donor) and CMV (Cytomegalovirus) negative (a disease that most adults have been exposed to but is fatal if babies are exposed to it), I am constantly bombarded with emails from the Red Cross soliciting my blood. Fortunately, I donate my blood as often as they allow me to, but not everyone is like me. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #171

Thu, 2023-09-14 21:38 +0000

Is the bigger story in NM the emergency order on guns or the resistance to it? Would courts uphold public health emergency laws or at least leave them unchallenged, as they did with covid? Is there a federal crime prohibiting depriving citizens of rights under cover of law? Kamala smiling (laughing?) at the 9/11 memorial

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DOJ Investigating Carnival Cruise Lines For Treason

Wed, 2023-09-13 08:03 +0000

Officials from the US Dept. of Justice announced on Tuesday that they are investigating the world’s largest cruise company for treason, obstruction of justice, and other possible crimes. Board members could face life in prison.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #170

Sun, 2023-09-10 20:45 +0000

Long prison sentences for proud boys members. Where are the republicans in protesting these sentences? Are they resistant to being seen as against “law and order”? How could walking in the Capitol have become trespassing? Parallels between the treatment of J6ers and Tiananmen Square; NJ DOH is pushing vaccinations again; how cognitively delayed are children from being forced to wear masks?

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Breaking: Dictator Lujan-Grisham Bans Guns To Flatten Curve of Deaths

Sat, 2023-09-09 06:15 +0000

In response to a fatal shooting of a child, the Dictator of New Mexico announced Friday that she is banning the open and concealed carrying of firearms for the next 30 days in Bernalillo County, where Albuquerque is located. The Democrat declared gun violence to be a public health emergency and announced that she was banning open and concealed carry in Bernalillo County for 30 days. You can rest assured knowing that this policy definitely won’t continue for longer than that. 

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WTF OMG – O’Keefe Media Group Hits Speedbumps On Path To Citizen Journalist Class

Fri, 2023-09-08 21:19 +0000

The O'Keefe Academy is an innovative concept: an independent educational source for aspiring citizen journalists around the world. Anyone interested in holding up a light in the midst of darkness has the ability to do so by taking the course and receiving a press pass through the academy

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #169

Sun, 2023-09-03 20:09 +0000

Discussion of the republican debate last week; some say Vivek won, some say he looked immature; some say DeSantis won; should any candidate raise a hand at a debate or respond that way to a question? Will DeSantis be hurt by insurance laws in Florida in the aftermath of today’s hurricane? The attempt in some States to keep Trump off the ballot for taking part in an “insurrection”; Ed P. opined that Trump can’t possibly lose the nomination; others disagree; is Trump’s campaign weak because of so much money and attention to his legal issues?

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