The Manchester Free Press

Monday • April 29 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Gunstock and Voting

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-07-27 01:30 +0000

After seeing Sununu’s letter on the Gunstock situation, it just confirmed to me and many others that Sununu has to go. I wonder if Sununu is connected to the Citizens of Belknap movement, where this group is trying hard to confuse people.

This means we all need to get on the same page at the primary on September 13th and decide who on the ticket will best represent us as Governor. Sununu has shown his two faces several times, and now he dishonors the elected officials of Belknap County. You’ve got to ask WHY?

If you are not aware of the group RESOLVE, go to their website and sign up for what may be the biggest voting campaign to organize the voters by suggesting who we the people should vote for by the vetting they do. Yes, this takes trust, but you have time to look into why they suggest whom they do. The fight is to get rid of RINOs like Sununu and others and keep NH a place where people want to come, have fun, and maybe move and work here.

Managers at Gunstock, meanwhile, need to remember who they worked for, the Commissioners who are assigned by the Delegation, and who the People of Belknap County elected. The management team, when they resigned, left all the folks of Belknap County to figure out what to do on their own.

We want to thank John Sellers for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

They had total disrespect for the people who employed them, the employees, and the customers.

They laughed/made fun and maybe called hate speech (there is email proof of this) of Soul Fest, a Christian organization that has rented Gunstock for years. I wonder who else they have disrespected since they already disrespected the people of the county and their customers!

Gunstock reaches far more people than those in Belknap County. When they host events, the people need places to stay, eat, and even shop, which bleeds over into several other counties. This management team that resigned really offended more than Belknap County. They insulted and stuck it to us all.

Let’s have HOPE for NH and band together as ONE and finish the job by voting the right people into office. I still believe many people in NH love NH and do not want any more of this craziness, wokeness, and mandates. They want NH to be a place they are proud of.

Vote September 13th, the primary, and November 8th, the general election.

Remember, to say nothing is to say something. To do nothing is to do something. Every action has a reaction, even if that action is saying and doing nothing, so take a stand and get into the battle and let’s have HOPE for NH and WIN!

The post Gunstock and Voting appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Climate vs Weather, The Left Does Not Know the Difference

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-07-27 00:00 +0000

The heat wave is the perfect situation for the unknowing, yes, ignorant Left to call for a Climate Emergency. You see, for the Left, any condition they see as existential can be cured by Executive Orders and restrictions.

By the way, before I go on, ignorant is not a derogatory term. It is a word to describe someone who does not understand a subject. The Left is ignorant of the climate. Weather is what is occurring in the atmosphere at the current time. Climate is the average of weather statistics over a thirty-year period. It is not what is happening this week but what happens over 1560 weeks. The Left believes that the entire country suffering from near triple-digit temperatures for a week means the polar ice caps are melting away and will flood our coastlines.

Don’t you find it ironic that some politicians who bought into the Climate Change movement, like Obama, Kerry, and Biden, all have multiple oceanfront properties? If our coastlines are under the existential threat of being engulfed by high water due to Climate Change, are they investing millions in homes in the crosshairs of giant killer waves? Because they know it is a lie.

We have been told for more than fifty years that we only have a few years to live. For decades, these Climate Change fanatics have been sounding the alarm and looking for changes in policy by the government to prevent an apocalypse. There are many problems with these cries for action. First, they are not based on facts. They are founded on weather and not on climate. Second, and I think most dramatic, is that these people firmly believe that America alone can impact the atmosphere. That is a very parochial and immature thought process. America has less than 10% of the land mass on Earth. Unless all countries combine similar efforts, the atmosphere will have minimal effect.

The heat wave is only impacting the northern Hemisphere, which is in summer. The Southern Hemisphere is in winter. Australia is experiencing some of its coldest temperatures on record. How do these Climate Change activists square this? They don’t. To acknowledge the disparity is to take away their argument that the world is warming while half of it, today, is freezing.

We need to tune out these groups that are not speaking on facts and listen to the scientists. The Earth has warmed by 1.4 degrees Celsius in the last century and is predicted to be the same for the next hundred years. That does not equate to an existential threat. That does not mean we cannot take steps to improve the quality of our atmosphere. We can control carbon emissions to enhance the quality of our air, but it does not mean that we need to abandon fossil fuels.

One last situation needs to be addressed while discussing steps to impact the climate. America is currently shutting down fossil fuels under the Biden administration. They are pushing for conversion to electric vehicles. The batteries, battery chemicals, and chips are sourced from China. At the same time, China has us in their control for the future of EVs, they are building coal-burning plants throughout their country. Two countries and cultures are going in different directions. Further evidence of why we may never reach a consensus on how to address Climate Change.

The best thing we can do is ensure our politicians pay attention to the facts and not the noise. According to recent polls, only 3% of Americans put Climate Change in their top five considerations. That is certainly not enough to impact policy and direction. We need to get politicians to get a grasp on reality.

The post Climate vs Weather, The Left Does Not Know the Difference appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Will Sun-King Sununu And His Never-Trump Minions Ever Apologize For Pushing The FAKE-Vaccine?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-26 22:30 +0000

So the evil “Dr.” Deborah Birx is making the rounds hawking her book, and in the process making it IMPOSSIBLE for lockdown Govs like Sun-King Sununu to deny that the COVID “vaccine” they were pushing as if they received a commission for every injection was no such thing. To reiterate, the “vaccines” were NOT vaccines at all.

For example:



Not only is the “vaccine” not a vaccine, evidence mounts that this experimental drug is extremely UNHEALTHY and DANGEROUS:


So, will Sun-King Sununu and his minions who pushed the FAKE vaccines… for example, Never-Trump mouthpiece Michael Graham … ever apologize for pushing the FAKE vaccines and demonizing anyone who dared ask questions? Short answer: NO.



The post Will Sun-King Sununu And His Never-Trump Minions Ever Apologize For Pushing The FAKE-Vaccine? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-26 21:00 +0000

The Global Dystopic Authoritarians (GDA), consisting of the World Health Organization, CCP, Demolitioncrats, and the World Economic Forum, are employing secret metrics known as “Environmental, Social and Governance” (ESG).

ESG is the imposition of authoritarian, communistic standards on the environment, social life, and governance in Western societies. It is reigning the equivalent of nuclear destruction on previously successful countries, including the Netherlands, Ghana, and Sri Lanka, whose ESG scores are in excess of 90.

Starvation and mass chaos in Ghana and Sri Lanka has not been reported in the traitorous mainstream media to protect the ESG plot to destroy Western Civilization. An article by Beth Whitehead in the Federalist documents chaos and starvation in eleven countries, including France, Spain, and Greece. ESG metrics promote climate and medical control, Bill Gates fake fertilizer, and CCP-style citizen passports. The current ESG score of the US is 55.

In case somebody thinks it cannot happen here, “Think Again!”

We want to thank Charles Bradley for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

The Security and Exchange Commission is promulgating ESG- friendly regulations, including sweeping greenhouse gas disclosure requirements. The new rules increase compliance costs from $3.9 billion to $10.2 billion and will likely eliminate small businesses in America, according to experts in the Epoch Times.

Additionally, major Wall Street firms are singing the ESG song, including Deutsche Bank, Bank of New York Mellon, and Goldman Sachs, even if the SEC is accusing them of doing it fraudulently. (Epoch Times, 6/22/22, p. A6). Finally, the “woke” anti-capitalists have taken over innumerable major corporate businesses in the United States, as evidenced by the abomination known as Disney.

The only path to stop the complete collapse of the American dream, our food industry, and financial capitulation, which includes all state retirement systems, is to vote for Trump MAGA Republicans in 2022.



The post ESG appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How to Defeat the Green Lords of Darkness and Their Liberal World Disorder

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-26 18:00 +0000

America’s anger towards Joe Biden’s presidency is building. Inflation is ravaging people’s retirement, energy costs are out of sight, and America’s great cities have been transformed into crime-ridden war zones where criminals are treated as victims.

Millions of illegal immigrants have entered the country through the porous southern border, along with sex traffickers and American youth killing fentanyl. The world is on fire with Russia invading Ukraine and China eyeing Taiwan. Countries that put their faith in elite green energy are suffering continuous brownouts and blackouts, and the third world is on the verge of starvation. Meanwhile, worldwide inflation is ushering in an inevitable recession.

Welcome to the Green Lords of Darkness and their Liberal World Disorder.

No matter what excuse the Biden Administration and the Progressives give, none of this was happening 20 months ago, and Americans are not buying any more progressive excuses.

What’s lost in the country’s response is a failure to understand the real cause of the Administration’s progressive disaster. Biden and his minions are just vassals placed in power to do the bidding of…

We want to thank James Betti for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

The Green Lords of Darkness. Leftist Billionaires, Tech Titians, and Media Cooperate Giants

George Soros has reportedly spent $14 billion supporting American progressive causes. His famous success was electing radical district attorneys who in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, and others have turned formerly great American cities into crime-ridden cesspools. Billionaire Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post, and their reporting, along with the New York Times, has been so biased people have lost all faith in journalism. Jeff Zuckerberg funneled over $400 million into unethical swing State ballot harvesting and reportedly shifted the election to Biden. Zuckerberg’s Facebook, along with Twitter and Amazon, suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story and blackballed Trump from using their platforms. Billions of dollars of “Dark Money” have made their way to progressive legislators and administrators. The Green Lords of Darkness have unlimited resources and surround themselves with lawyers and puppet media types. Consequences for what they’ve done to America will not come easy.

The Overwhelmingly Progressive Woke corporations/TV networks

Disney {ABC}, Viacom {CBS}, Comcast {NBC, MSNBC} and ATT &T {CNN} are the headliners. Disney paid a heavy price when it misrepresented Florida’s Bill to protect children under the age of 8 from forced sexualized education and CRT indoctrination. Disney lost its favored Florida tax breaks, and its stock is down 50%. What most people do not know is Disney is the parent company of ABC. Does anybody believe ABC’s headline news show “The View” is fair and balanced? Viacom {CBS} has a long history of conservative hate. Perhaps the best example was Dan Rather’s fake news attack on George W Bush. The organization made defeating President Donald Trump its priority. Comcast’s NBC and MSNBC speak for themselves. Although MSNBC’s lack of candor is legendary, the vilest of them all has to be AT&T’s CNN.

Since the election, all of these news stations (especially cable) have lost massive numbers of viewers and money. If these entities were being run using the standard corporate model {Maximizing shareholder value} they would change their stratagem and react to the marketplace. A recent Gallup poll shows that only 11% of the American population now trust TV news. If one strips out the progressive radicals, the number of people that trust these news stations is negligible. CNN has given lip service to trying to be a purveyor of fair and balanced news. The rest of these organizations haven’t flinched. Not responding to market forces indicates one thing. The mega-rich elites who control these parent companies want their progressive influence maintained at any cost and are willing to lose money and harm shareholders to do it {Think Larry Fink’s ESG}.

The Fourth Estate now acts like the Third Reich

The formally great newspapers that used to shape public opinion {New York Times, Washington Post} have abandoned the standard journalistic principles of being fair and balanced. These newspapers, like the cable news and network anchors, have always been biased, but they no longer pretend or attempt to give accurate information. NH’s Union Leader editors epitomize the trend. Although once considered fair-minded, they have refused to admit their error of endorsing Joe Biden. Instead, they pervert their paper by running constant front-page stories about the January 6th committee, Washington Post propaganda, and even highlight Trump hater Peggy Noonan’s columns, desperately trying to establish the narrative, “Trump was a bad man,” and we were right not to endorse him. Abdicating their personal responsibility for the horror that’s overtaking America.

The Gallup poll shows that only 16% of Americans now trust newspapers, and again stripping out the radical progressives, the number hovers in the single digits.

The vast majority of American Journalists lean so far left they couldn’t stand straight if they tried.

The end result is these TV and newspaper journalists have destroyed their profession. These individuals are supposed to protect the average American and speak truth to power. Instead, they have been seduced by their own extreme leftist agenda. It is now on full display. If the present state of journalism has a silver lining, it is they have stopped lying about who they really are. Biased progressive partisans whose journalistic souls are so black they aren’t capable of evidence-based unbiased journalism.

 The United States Constitution is the only thing stopping America’s descent into the Dark Green Progressive abyss.

The Green Lords of Darkness will do anything to advance their agenda. They know their Godless socialistic paradise can’t be achieved without destroying the Constitution. Freedom of Speech, religion, and the equal protection clause has to go. So far, the founding document has held up against constant attack.  The Dark Forces have lied {Think Russian Collusion and the 50 intelligence agents opining Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation}; have suppressed and censored the news {Think Hunter Biden Laptop and Trump’s suspension from Facebook, Twitter, and U tube}; have sowed the seeds of discord, promoting tribalism and ripping America’s unifying fabric apart {Think Equity, the George Floyd riots and defund the police}; have destabilized our nation’s rule of law {Think Soros DA’s, millions of illegal aliens crossing our borders along with youth killing fentanyl}. All designed to force unrest, a populous rebellion, and finally the shredding of the Constitution.

America has glimpsed the havoc the Dark Green Progressive Lords will bring. And it doesn’t like what it sees.

The progressive politicians who have brought these dire times are now returning to their Sates and districts pretending they had nothing to do with the country’s present plight. The Dark Green Forces are expending massive resources, desperately trying to distract voters {especially women} from the reality of the Biden disaster and focus on emotion {Think Abortion and Gun control}. One can only pray they fail.

We still have our Constitution and with it, the power to beat back the Green Lords of Darkness

America’s Constitution gives” We the People” the ammunition and the means to fight back and win. That ammunition is the vote, and the means is an election. The vote is so powerful it can overcome the dark force’s massive resources, disinformation, and dirty election tricks. Once vanquished, these dark forces will not die, like after Jimmy Carter’s failed Presidency, they will go back into hiding, waiting for another generation to forget the damage they have caused. Progressivism is an extreme religion, and these zealots will never give up. Taking a lesson from the Jewish Holocaust survivors,

America needs to be forever vigilant and must Never Forget.

It starts in 2022.
The progressive elected officials, and their Dark Green money, need to be voted out of office. It’s time to bring “America First” order to the pernicious liberal green world disorder. And in doing so save America, and the world, from the Progressive Abyss.

Make America Great Again!!!!
2024 is coming

The post How to Defeat the Green Lords of Darkness and Their Liberal World Disorder appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-26 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes, it looks like I will be doing one on Friday as well.  Again.  But no promises.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***










Point this out and the Libs intone “But you have no PROOF”! to which I reply “So… what’s the innocent explanation for this”?  And suddenly I’m speaking in Urdu.









Prager has many videos on this topic – but a few by one person:

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party | PragerU

Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican? | PragerU

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party | PragerU

Why the 3/5ths Compromise Was Anti-Slavery | PragerU









I have what I jokingly refer to as my Get Off My Lawn 3000.  I may need to rename it.  And this:








Pick of the post:


There are some truly good ones here.  But this is priceless.






Same here in the US, methinks.  And globally – by design.  All so that, in the chaos, fear, death, and violence, the “saving hand” of Socialism can then be offered… and it will be taken up by so, so many as predicted:


(Link to AZ Quotes per their policy)


Meanwhile, people who have come to believe that they have nothing left to lose are very, very dangerous people.




Palate cleanser:


The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Wanna Trigger a Leftist? – Jordan Peterson On The Other “Conversion Therapy”

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-26 15:00 +0000

This is the sort of thing you share with some leftwing kook. It will likely make them snap like a twig. A comforting sound, that. Them losing their collectivist mind. And who better to trigger them than Jordan Peterson.

He’s got some head-spinning logic to put any wild-eyed left-wing groomer on their heels.  It’s edited, so I’m not sure what has been clipped to make this the focused on-minute truth bomb Peterson delivers, but he makes sense which is why Dems will hate it.

Conversion therapy is banned in many states, including my own. Those laws are so bad that people looking for mental health help who want to be their biological gender can’t get it. Especially children. It’s illegal to counsel or encourage them to embrace the body in which they were born.

That sounds like it should be illegal, and so does this.


If you have issues with the player, try viewing it here.



Here’s a great conversation between Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro on Transgenderism, Free Speech, biological truth, creativity,  culture, and surgical transformation, … (12 min)


The post Wanna Trigger a Leftist? – Jordan Peterson On The Other “Conversion Therapy” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Be Honest: You Already Support Secession

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-26 13:30 +0000

Time for some cold hard brutal honesty. To the minority of New Hampshire Republicans who do not yet support peaceful separation from DC politicians, have you thought about what it would take to shake you from your slumber and make you realize that secession is literally our only option if we want our children to have the same liberties we had?

Have you wondered how much abuse you’ll allow the feds to commit against us before you divorce them for good? Here are a few examples that you may find to be your ‘final straw’ or your line in the sand.

Gun rights

As of today, New Hampshire’s state government has no regulations on firearms other than a blanket prohibition on carrying in a courthouse. However, people in New Hampshire must obey federal laws, which prohibit us from owning suppressors, automatic guns, SBRs, bump stocks, and other inanimate objects, without jumping through tedious federal hoops. More importantly, increased federal gun control is inevitable. Last year, congressional Democrats sponsored legislation that would have prohibited gun ownership throughout the united states. Another bill to prohibit private sales without background checks (and thereby create a federal registry) had 211 sponsors. In my estimation, only around 50 Representatives and 12 Senators support gun rights, meaning that strict gun control can pass into federal law quite easily. And Mark Levin and conservative leaders agree that only around 5% of Congress has a ‘Liberty Score’ greater than a ‘B’ grade. Legislation to eliminate due process by banning citizens from buying guns before they are ever convicted of a crime had 27 sponsors. Earlier this month, Congress did pass a gun control bill, which Biden signed into law. The tyrannical bill expanded background checks, sent ATF agents to homes to ‘investigate straw purchases’, and bribes states to implement red flag laws. The ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ currently in the House has 213 sponsors and is very likely to pass into law, totally banning ARs throughout the united states. But the President said that the bill didn’t go far enough. Dictator Biden has stated that he will continue to bypass Congress and implement gun control via executive order if they don’t go far enough to ban guns. Last year, Biden created executive orders that direct the DOJ to ban at-home gun building kits, attack stabilizing braces, and promote model legislation for red flag laws and pressure states to adopt them. While signing these executive orders, Biden referred to our natural right to bear arms as an ‘international embarrassment’. So, how bad must federal gun control must get before you realize that secession is the only way to preserve our natural right to keep and bear arms?

Social credit score 

It is clear that this dystopian surveillance-control system is coming to the united states. China’s communist government already uses this tool to track and manipulate its people to do the government’s bidding and to squash dissent. Now that technology, surveillance, and tyranny are at all time highs, the DC politicians don’t have much in their way. Each time a person purchases a firearm, is caught with facial recognition technology in a place that is not approved, posts anti-government sentiments online, commits an ‘environmental crime’, refuses their medical treatments, or does anything else that the DC politicians don’t like, their social credit score will take a hit. A score that is too low may prevent them from getting loans, using credit cards, traveling, and it may bring about any other punishments that our Lords desire. If you’re being honest with yourself, you know that this system already exists in the united states and will be as powerful as China’s system very soon. The only way to escape it? Leave the union.

Medical freedom

As we all learned over the past few years, our gods in DC can and will control every aspect of our lives, including our medical decisions. Using both direct and indirect measures, the federal government forced nearly every neighborhood in the union to shut down. They coerced nearly every person to cover their faces and rebreathe their own carbon dioxide. They used federal powers to coerce millions of Americans to receive an experimental, dangerous, ineffective vaccine (or multiple vaccines). At the same time, the Lords in DC were suppressing the safe, cheap, and effective treatments. By using federal laws, court cases, regulations, influence, and bribes to states, the feds can and do control everything, even the decisions that may appear to be made locally. It may still be possible to fly without the shots, but we all know how easily they could implement that mandate. Now that the government knows how easily they can persuade or force nearly everyone to inject any substance into their bodies, do you see how that could be used against us in the future? Why wait when we can leave the union and guarantee with 100% certainty that our medical decisions will never again be made by the corrupt, power-hungry “leaders” in DC?

Perpetual war

The leaders of the DC empire have been at war for nearly every moment of its existence. They currently have soldiers in every state on Earth, except for possibly North Korea, Russia, Iran, and China. They waste trillions a year on the most asinine projects. They create millions of dead and injured veterans. The brilliant leaders in DC spent over 1.7 trillion dollars of your money for the F35 airplane. They felt that the money was better spent on the jet than on giving $5,000 to all 300 million humans in the union (or not stealing that money in the first place!) Do you feel any safer? Do you enjoy paying thousands of dollars a year from your income to fund waste and perpetual war all over the globe? If not, there is only one option: secession.


The reckless digital printing of money by DC politicians has led to record inflation. Each year, your salary and your life-savings diminish in buying power. Once people realize what this means, they get scared. And very angry. If your parents have a one million dollar retirement fund that they worked their entire life to build up, how will you feel when you realize that their fund will not last them for their full retirement and that they may need to return to work or depend on you to support them? Now, it is possible to live on currency other than the dollar without leaving the union, but secession would make it much easier to live in an economy that uses real money that can’t be devalued by faraway corrupt politicians. New Hampshire already has the best alternative currency infrastructure in the union. We have widespread use of gold, silver, crypto, and barter. Granite Staters are too smart to rely solely on the failing dollar. If you hate inflation, you’ll love secession.

The inevitable crypto ban

Over the past few years, DC politicians have recognized that cryptocurrency is the greatest threat to their dollar, which is the source of their power. Without the dollar, they could not continue to operate their abusive, evil, corrupt, bloated empire. If the dollar loses so much value in the eyes of the people that their employees, contractors, and foreign governments no longer want to accept it, the jig is up. If Biden can’t pay his military with anything of real value, they’ll all walk away. They can’t buy missiles from the contractors if they refuse to accept the worthless paper bills. Without a way to satisfy the FBI agents who expect a real paycheck, the federal government cannot enforce any laws. Once enough people realize that there are much better currencies (ways to store and/or transfer value) than their dollar, their house of cards collapses. And they know that crypto, gold, and silver are gaining ground on the dollar every day. Once they ban the use of alternative currencies, what will you do? Be honest. You know it’s coming. It’s only a matter of time before the feds make crypto totally illegal. They have already targeted peaceful people in New Hampshire for using and selling crypto, and the feds are trying to put them in prison for life for that victimless crime. Will you give up your precious metals and stop using crypto? Or will you leave the union via secession and never again worry about any federal laws?

Federalized elections 

Currently, each state runs its own elections for local, county, and statewide offices. But the DC politicians think they are smarter and better than all of us peasants, so they are planning to take over all our elections. And it’s going to happen. More than half of the US House of Representatives sponsored HR1, legislation that would give the federal government control of state elections, including mandating that all states allow the types of policies that made the cheating in 2020 so easy. Once this bill passes into federal law, say goodbye to election integrity. And because that will make it impossible for anyone but Democrats to win elections, this federal law will never change. Unless a state leaves the federal jurisdiction via secession. Be honest with yourself. You know this bill will pass. It literally has the support of over half of the House (223 sponsors!) and few Senators oppose the policy. And Biden would love to sign it into law. Once it’s federal law, it may already be too late. Now is the time to secede.

DC and PR statehood

As if the federal takeover of all elections wasn’t bad enough, the Democrats have another plan to ensure their eternal dominance. Once the ultra-Democrat city of DC and the super-Democrat state of Puerto Rico are officially granted statehood by DC politicians, the Democrats will have 4 more radical Democrat Senators and a few more radical Democrat Representatives, assuring their control of the Congress and the Presidency forever. Why wait until that happens when we could just leave the crumbling union now? Within the past few years, nearly half of the House and half of the Senate sponsored legislation to make DC into a state. The same legislation already passed the House a few years ago. And Biden is backing this effort, as well. DC may be a state very soon.

There are obviously MANY more reasons that we must leave the union as soon as possible. In fact, I recently wrote an article listing my top 100 reasons we must secede. But check back here frequently for updates, and please share this with anyone you know who supports liberty but does not yet support independence, especially if they are in the minority of New Hampshire Republicans who still support the DC empire. Tell them that even Abraham Lincoln, the founder of the Republican Party, supported secession, boldly asserting that “Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is …a most sacred right.”



Elliot Axelman Writes at Liberty Block NH

The post Be Honest: You Already Support Secession appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Almost No One Wants Biden to Run Again

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-26 12:00 +0000

The White House staff needs a day off today to catch their breath. Many spent Sunday hitting all the news shows, trying to convince America that inflation is not their fault. The opinions were that inflation had peaked and we would avoid a recession. They are wrong on both counts.

Inflation is still rising and may break 10% for July, and we may already be in a recession. With the last two quarters in contraction, by definition, a recession is upon us.

According to the NY Post: President​ Biden’s job approval rating has once again plummeted, hitting a fresh record low of 31% as a majority of Democratic voters even admitted they would like him booted from the 2024 election, a new poll has found.

Fifty-four percent of Democrats said Biden should not mount a re-election run, compared to 40% who said the flailing leader should, a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday shows. Overall, a telling 71% of Americans oppose the 79-year-old commander-in-chief running for a second term.

The Democrat Party is in panic mode, and the Biden staff is with them. They claim that the economy and inflation are not the results of Biden’s policies. Nobody is buying the story or the excuses. Almost every component of the inflation calculation can be traced back to fuel costs. Gasoline prices have indeed dropped fifty-four cents in the last month, but there has been no relief on diesel. Trucking and agriculture drive the American economy, and virtually every truck or piece of farming equipment runs on diesel. The spike of energy costs over the last eighteen months is all on Biden. He will claim it is on Putin, but no, it is on Biden.

The Biden Team is committed to these talking points just as Joe Biden is to his lousy energy policies. It could be an easy fix if Biden were to reverse his Executive Orders from day one and go back to the policies Trump had in place that made us energy independent. Biden will never do the 180 needed to cure the energy ills of America. His policies, results, and aversion to change will cost the Democrats dearly in the November mid-terms.

GDP Numbers and Consumer Confidence Report are coming out this week, and nobody expects them to be good. Janet Yellen, the genius who said inflation would be transitory, is working hard to convince Americans that there is a new definition of recession. She, and the entire team, know that when the numbers come out, we will officially be in a recession.

It is probably a good thing for the administration that Joe Biden will be cloistered for the week at the White House. There is nothing he can say to assuage the American people for the economy that has turned their world upside down. 90% of the country thinks the President is doing a bad job with the economy. The other 10% is obviously oblivious to reality.


The post Almost No One Wants Biden to Run Again appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another Ill Wind for Green Energy

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-26 10:30 +0000

There’s a Twitter post making the rounds about a windfarm in Mount Pulaski, Illinois. Just North of Decatur and Springfield, the place appears to be all in on wind. But wind power isn’t what it’s cracked up to be, and this post on social media has further darkened its door.

It’s not clean, and it is not recyclable. Windturbines need vast amounts of fossil fuel-based lubricants. Erecting them is a carbon-intensive mess, and the wind doesn’t always blow. And according to this, they’ve got another problem.



Every machine needs maintenance, but one topic we hear little about is the generators built into them that convert the rotation into power. If the tweet is correct, then repairing or replacing them is another carbon-intensive nightmare for those so-called green sentinels chopping bats and birds to bits across the fruited plain.

But another thing occurred to me as I looked at the image in the Tweet. The skillset needed to make any of that happen. The Left has obsessed over cramming every kid through their “higher” learning propaganda mills. Hoards of mushed minds emerge with useless degrees and massive amounts of debt. And it’s a political scheme. Those not already primed to advance the agenda could be made to work for the state in exchange for debt forgiveness.

What, you thought the Feds paying off your student debt wouldn’t come with strings? You imagined that the social credit system they also want wouldn’t put that debt back in your lap if you erred from the approved line one too many times? Nothing is free, and if it comes from the government, they might expect something in return.

But not trade jobs, and that’s the problem.

Who will drive the trucks if your education system focuses on cultivating degreed drones? Where are the people with the skills to get their hands dirty? Who works the crane, turns the wrench, or installs those generators?

It’s a fine thing to talk about a land covered with giant machines to capture the wind, even if they are not all you claim them to be. But if you don’t have the foresight to anticipate maintenance, repair, or outright failure when the things stop working, there will be no one with the skills to fix them.




The post Another Ill Wind for Green Energy appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden’s Motley Constituency

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-26 01:30 +0000

A lot of Americans are mystified by Joe Biden’s historically low approval ratings. They see skyrocketing inflation, an abysmal economy, rising crime across the country, millions of unidentified foreigners flooding into our country across open borders, and a fumbling, doddering president.

They see no positive outcomes from any of his policies. On top of that, there are the solid, credible allegations of influence-peddling and the unmistakable stench of political corruption. So most Americans are mystified – absolutely astonished – that Biden’s approval ratings are not lower than they are.

A recent Quinnipiac University poll indicates that, while 60 percent of respondents disapprove of Biden’s performance as president, 31 percent still approve of his presidency. It raises some interesting questions.

Just how much lower can Biden’s approval sink?  Do his tenacious supporters see something that everyone else is missing? And who are the 31 percent who still support Biden?

It’s difficult to imagine how Biden’s approval ratings could go much lower. Here’s why. First of all, Democrats inevitably circle the wagons in time of need. They’ve earned a reputation for putting party loyalty above everything else.

It goes back at least as far as 1969, when a popular young Democrat senator inexplicably drove his car off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island, drowning his passenger, a young campaign worker. He failed to report the accident until the next morning, leaving the young woman in the submerged car for nine hours. It was a horrific tragedy, and it derailed the senator’s presidential ambitions. But other than that, it had no significant impact on his political career. He remained a hero among Democrats until his death 40 years later.

So with that kind of loyalty, it’s no surprise that many committed Democrats will continue supporting Biden, no matter what. Decades ago, party unity was more important to them than the life of a young woman. Today, it takes priority over the countless young lives lost to the drugs pouring across Biden’s open borders.

But it’s not just party loyalists who blindly stand by Biden.

He has a conglomeration of far-left fanatics who see him as a useful tool, their best opportunity yet to impose their radical agenda. The man who had vowed to represent all Americans was unwilling or unable to unite the people and instead chose to cobble together a constituency of the most radical, anti-American elements of our society.

They include the green fanatics, those who let nothing, not even common sense, stand in the way of their agenda. They demand the immediate elimination of fossil fuels without considering the consequences and without a viable alternative to oil and gas. They’re determined to save the planet, even if it means destroying civilization.

And the recent Supreme Court decision has galvanized another frantic voting bloc. They pose as champions for women’s rights. But their demand for taxpayer-funded, unfettered abortions shows utter disregard for the lives of unborn children. And like other progressive positions, it rejects entirely the concept of personal responsibility. They search for aberrant horror stories to justify their calls for unregulated abortions. They forget that not that long ago, even Democrats agreed that abortions should not be taken lightly, arguing they should be safe and legal but rare.

Some of Biden’s supporters see an opportunity to mold the minds of future generations to their liking. They would deny parents the right to raise their children as they see fit and use the classroom to create a “woke” future of perpetual racial division, gender fluidity, and sexual confusion. They’re doing it now by teaching young children such radical ideas as critical race theory and transgenderism.

Others actually agree with Biden’s open border policy. For whatever reasons, they welcome the millions of unscreened aliens swarming across our southern border and shrug their shoulders at the violence, the drugs, the diseases, and third-world problems that come with them.

And let’s not forget the other anti-American elements that support Biden. We don’t hear the phrase “defund the police” much these days, but they still believe police are systemically racist, and their continued disdain for law enforcement is abundantly clear. Biden has allied himself with the woke culture and Black Lives Matter. Their efforts to demonize police and lionize criminals have warped our societal moral code, leading to a crime surge like we’ve never seen before.

Joe Biden won’t be on the ballot in November, but his policies will be. These constituents represent a small minority of the voting public – just 31 percent. But if Democrats somehow manage to retain control of both houses of Congress, Biden’s agenda will press forward unchallenged, and his motley constituency will take the country in a radical new direction. Rejecting the traditional values that made America great will be a pathway to self-destruction.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Connecting Dots on UNESCO, School Choice, Betsy DeVos, Corey DeAngelis and ESA’s

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-26 00:00 +0000

Conservative groups around the country seem to be embracing Betsy DeVos and Corey DeAngelis as they continue to push for school choice for parents. One might think that they are allies in helping parents find alternative schools for their children who may be struggling in the public school system.

While many of us want to make sure that a child bullied in a public school has an alternative, researchers will warn you that some of these school choice programs are being put in place to help UNESCO control private and parochial schools. I wrote about how that happens here, here, and here. Those who want school choice for families do not always realize that they may be supporting a UN agenda to control the private and religious schools. That’s why you need to understand what is going on and who the players are.

New Hampshire currently has two school choice programs in place for families who need alternative schools for their children. As Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards dumb dow the public schools, families are looking for a better quality education for their children. The social engineering, political indoctrination, and gender ideology has also resulted in more families fleeing the public schools.  So what’s so bad about supporting  school choice programs in your state?

As I mentioned, New Hampshire currently has two school choice programs in place. Neither one is a voucher program but when funding students comes out of the state budget, there is a high risk that those funds could include strings (or regulations) that would help progressives control the private and parochial schools.

For instance in the New Hampshire EFA (Education Freedom Account) program, one of the key regulations that would allow or UNESCO to control private and religious schools is the testing provision. The EFA program requires the EFA student that uses state funds to pay for tuition to a private or religious school, to take a standardized test.

Here is the provision in New Hampshire’s EFA law. The student has three options:

(A) Having the student take a nationally-standardized, norm-referenced achievement test and to provide the results to the scholarship organization by the end of each school year which the scholarship organization shall make available to the department as aggregate scores; or
(B) Having the student take the statewide student assessment test pursuant to RSA 193-C:6; or
(C) Maintaining a portfolio including, but not limited to, a log which designates by title the reading materials used; samples of writings, worksheets, workbooks, or creative materials used or developed by the student. The parent shall have a certified teacher or a teacher currently teaching in a nonpublic school, who is selected by the parent, evaluate the student’s educational progress upon review of a portfolio and discussion with the parent or student.

If this provision only required (B) where EFA students would all take the state standardized test, the state would become the organization that will hold private and religious schools accountable. New Hampshire currently uses a Common Core aligned state standardized test. Those results would then be used to push for curriculum changes in the private and religious schools. That’s what happened in states like Indiana and Ohio. Voucher students were forced to take the Common Core aligned state standardized test and those results were used to push private and religious schools to align their curriculum to the test. Christian, private and other religious schools began aligning their curriculum to the dumbed down Common Core standards.

In the New Hampshire law, you can see that (A) and (C)  offer alternative accountability measures or tests. That’s good. This means that these schools still maintain some level of autonomy.  If one state standardized test is used, those proficiency results are used to get the private and religious schools to conform to Common Core. In other words, if the program requires the EFA student to only take the state standardized test, then UNESCO wins, and now has the ability to control the private and religious schools that accept EFA students. Right now, we have language in the law that helps prevent that power grab.

But what happens when power shifts in the state legislature? If Democrats take control of the House, Senate, and Governor’s office, would they want to eliminate (A) and (C) so that EFA students would only be required to take the State Standardized Test? You can count on it. Democrats in the legislature always refer to the state standardized test as the accountability measure they want attached to state dollars that make their way to religious an private schools.

In Lisa Logan’s article on UNESCO’s vision for School Choice, she lays out the plan by UNESCO to use school choice programs as a way to control private and religious schools. It is the testing mechanism that will allow for this to happen. New Hampshire has the program in place, all progressives will need to do is revise the state statute and eliminate (A) and (C) from the law. Legislators do this every year—they revise the state statute.

Currently private and religious schools will not feel the pressure to conform to Common Core because the testing provisions (A) and (C) provide offers alternative tests. But all it will take is a change in the current law to make a change to this program. If Democrats take control of the House, Senate and Governor’s office at some point in the future, they could tweak the language, hire a new Commissioner who shares the UNESCO vision of using these programs to regulate the private and religious schools, and we no longer provide authentic choice for parents. Those private and religious schools will begin aligning their curriculum to Common Core to keep those EFA students in their schools. We’ve seen this in other states that use state funds for their school voucher programs.

The UNESCO agenda to control private and religious schools is detailed here in UNESCO’s Vision for School Choice:

UNESCO’s solution is to #RighttheRules, urging governments to “see all institutions, students and teachers as part of a single system.  Standards, information, incentives and accountability should help governments protect, respect and fulfill the right to education of all, without turning their eyes away from privilege or exploitation.” It’s clear that they view the infusion of public money into private education as their opportunity to fix the inequities arising from school choice and institute educational pluralism: a school system in which the government funds and regulates, but does not necessarily provide, public education. In essence, this #RighttheRules campaign in concert with the school choice movement is a power grab to allow governments to regulate far more in the private education sphere than they’ve been able to in the past, including enforcement of their equity and inclusion initiatives.

And here from UNESCO:

The new 2021/2 @GEMReport shows that many countries lack adequate regulations on private education or the capacity to enforce them, undermining quality and widening the educational divide between rich and poor #RighttheRules

The 2021/2 @GEMReport makes 5 recommendations to help #RighttheRules and ensure that equity in education is protected in financing, quality, governance, innovation and policymaking



Betsy DeVos and Corey DeAngelis
Former U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos signed on to the global UNESCO agenda which you can read about here:

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos signed on to a radical global “declaration” that calls for, among other absurdities, brainwashing children to believe in the United Nations-backed ideology of total government known as “ ‘sustainable development.” In fact, the pseudo-treaty inked by Trump’s education chief suggests that the purpose of schooling is to indoctrinate children with the right “values” and teach them to be obedient worker drones.

That means more data collection on your children, and:

The signers, including DeVos, agreed to “promote the development of curricula … which have a strong focus on … values and attitudes.” They also committed to “foster the inclusion of non-cognitive skills such as socio-emotional skills across the curriculum,” which is basically educrat psycho-babble to conceal a program of psychological conditioning aiming to bring about the values and attitudes demanded by the establishment in all children.

We know UNESCO has an agenda to push school choice programs so that they can use those programs to control the private and religious schools. We know that the former U.S.Secretary of Education signed on to the UNESCO agenda and is currently making the rounds pushing school choice programs too.

Finally, you can see that Core DeAngelis is also in on this gig. As you can see here, UNESCO features DeAngelis on their web site:

Corey DeAngelis has been championing school choice for many years. DeAngelis is the national director of research at the DeVos-founded American Federation for Children.
Devos served as Chairman of American Federation for Children (2009 to 2016). While she no longer serves this organization, DeAngelis continues to work closely with DeVos on this important issue.

The New Hampshire EFA school choice program does try to avoid the UNESCO pitfall, but a change to the legislature can change the program to a position where UNESCO would be able to push their political agenda on the private and religious schools. Had Betsy DeVos been successful in implementing her school choice program at the federal level, President Joe Biden would be in charge of that program today.

The Obama administration used Title IX grant money to push transgender bathroom policies on public schools across American.  Title IX was set up so that local public schools could use federal dollars to add more sports programs for girls. This would help girls access more college scholarships. The Obama administration then used the Title IX federal dollars, to force public schools to adopt transgender policies. That’s how UNESCO plans to control the private and religious schools. The EFA dollars to force compliance in the private and religious schools.

Who will help UNESCO in those efforts? Betsy DeVos and Corey DeAngelis. 

To the conservative organizations lining up these two globalists to speak on behalf of school choice, understand that your vision of helping children escape poorly run public schools is very different then their vision. Their vision opens the door to UNESCO controlling private and parochial schools. That’s not school choice, that’s a government power grab. That’s not liberty, that’s more government intrusion into our private and religious schools. That’s not freedom, that’s a globalist agenda. This doesn’t just impact private and religious schools but can also creep into the home-school community too.

You cannot stop the strings because the U.S. Department of Education exists, and is now partnered with UNESCO. The State Departments of Education ceded state control of public education when they adopted Common Core reforms in 2010. The federal education law, Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires the U.S. Secretary of Education to approve all state education plans.

All of the U.S. Department of Education’s nonprofits are behind states funding follow the child bills, that should tell you something. Soros’ National Parents Union is pushing “funding follows the child” political agenda with Biden’s backing. And with the help of the so-called conservatives like Betsy DeVos and Corey DeAngelis parents will not have authentic choice in education, but now an intrusion into private, religious and even possibly home-schools too.



The post Connecting Dots on UNESCO, School Choice, Betsy DeVos, Corey DeAngelis and ESA’s appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Reason Why NH State Rep Brodie Deshaies (R-Wolfeboro) Supports Unions (Think Right-To-Work): Bought and Paid For!

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-25 22:30 +0000

I keep saying “I get stuff” and “people send me even more stuff”. It seems that several such folks believe that Republicans should let Brodie Deshaies drop like a rock. There was another attempt, here in NH, to pass Right To Work legislation.  Here are the Union payments to his campaign fund for this year’s campaign:

Yet, he keeps saying that he’s in it to serve YOU, the people in his district!  Not so much, eh? And thus far, Brodie Deshaies has done their bidding – stopping the Right To Wok bill that would make it possible for you to work anywhere WITHOUT having to join a union or be forced to give them “agency fees”.  Remember, VERY FEW unions ever give to Republicans (which DeShaies is telling you he is) unless THEY are doing something that benefits THEM (and not you).

He voted against SB61 which as the Right to Work bill (June 2021).  On March 10, 2022, after receiving $8,000 in donations, he voted for the CACR, a proposed Constitution Amendment that would allow workers to join any union (not that there are any prohibitions against doing so now). This, IMHO, was a stealth attack on the US Supreme Court JANUS vs AFSCME decision that said that workers DON’T have to join a public sector union if they don’t wish to.

Not for nuttin’ the amount of donations from Wolfeboro residents (other than his family)?  $3,820.

Who is he listening to?

Note: the above is abridged by removing either blank columns (no data) or columns that were not needed. You can review this AND more “views” at the NH Secretary of State Campaign Finance System page.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Letter to InDepthNH

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-25 21:00 +0000

InDepthNH just ran a hit piece by Garry Rayno on the Free State Project (FSP).

As with the New York Times, I doubt that InDepthNH will run my response, but I thought I’d include it here, as I did with my response to the Times’s hit piece by Dan Barry.

Not long ago, a father and daughter, both participants in the Free State Project (FSP), were elected to the New Hampshire state legislature.

One ran as a Republican, the other as a Democrat.

During one session, they voted against each other 70 percent of the time.

If you ask what Free Staters believe, that’s the wrong question.

The right question is: What does a Free Stater believe? And the answer is:  It depends which one you’re talking about.

The only way to find out is to ask. Just like with anyone else.

One gets the idea that Garry Rayno, along with others around the state who are peddling the same anti-FSP line, has never actually spoken with a Free Stater.

I say this because it’s been my experience that when someone in Croydon approaches me with genuine curiosity about my views as a Free Stater, I tell them that — speaking just for myself — I prefer to have less government interference, rather than more, in my life.

And I say that — speaking just for myself — I believe that I should (1) respect the property and autonomy of others, (2) pay for the services I use, and (3) let others decide for themselves which charities to support, and how much support to offer.

And I think I should be a good neighbor — helping out when I’m asked to, and keeping my nose out of other people’s business when I’m not.

When I ask people which of those they disagree with, most walk away thinking:  Huh, I guess I could be a Free Stater too.

The problem is, people seem to be afraid of having this kind of conversation.

The whole structure of modern political discourse has been simplified into this:  Figure out who the bad guys are.  Once you’ve done that, you don’t have to pay any attention to what they say.

You can just call them some name — racist, white supremacist, transphobe, Free Stater — and proceed to ignore them.  Or shout them down.  Or censor them.  Because they’re bad guys.

But suppose you learn that someone you were told was a bad guy turns out to be a good guy — for example, because he’s  actually trying to get your kids a better education than the one they’re getting now, but without taxing the elderly and disabled out of their homes.

Well, then you have to start listening to what people are actually saying — looking beyond the labels being attached to them — and thinking for yourself.

It’s much simpler just to take Animal Farm approach:  Four legs good, two legs bad.

If you’d like to see the other side of his mischaracterization of the Croydon school budget issue, you can find that here.

If you’d like to see the pamphlet that I handed out at our annual district meeting, you can find that here.

But just to clear up a few facts that he got wrong about Croydon:

First, I didn’t move to ‘cut the budget’. I moved to replace a ransom demand with a budget. Those are two very, very different things.  The whole idea, as explained in the pamphlet, was to require the school board to build something new from the ground up — which would require them to consider fundamental questions, and set serious priorities — instead of trying to rehabilitate a systemically-flawed and historically-failed system by trimming around the edges.

Second, the school board’s plan explicitly called for keeping the town’s school house open, something that anyone who was paying attention at school board meetings would know.

Third, the learning pods proposed by the school board were, in fact, to be supervised by certified teachers — also something that was repeated ad nauseam at school board meetings.

(Of course, having said that, it’s worth noting that the current public school system, which requires certified teachers and administrators, is producing pretty dismal results — with only about 40 percent of NH students performing at the most basic level of proficiency by the time that they graduate.  So perhaps certification isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.)

Fourth, the 377-2 vote at the special meeting ignores the 300-plus registered voters who stayed home as a protest, because they wanted the smaller budget. So the final ‘vote’ was more like 377-300.

Still a solid majority, but not anything like what it’s being portrayed as.  It’s 55% of the registered voters using the homes of the other 45% as ATMs.

Also, when asked after the vote, many of the 377 indicated that they had cast their votes because they had accepted the kinds of misstatements put forth by Mr. Rayno and others:  that the school house would be closed, that lower spending would somehow lead to higher taxes, that lower tax rates would somehow lead to lower home values, and so on.

You have to wonder whether he got those wrong because he didn’t bother to check them, or because they conflicted with his narrative.

Mr. Rayno started his hit piece by quoting Maya Angelou: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Well, he just showed you who he is.  Believe him.

The post Letter to InDepthNH appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – Here’s What Govt Has Done to the Purchasing Power of Your Dollar in Just 22 Years

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-25 19:30 +0000

It’s called Inflation. The Federal Bank is supposed to “control” and has had a target “range” of about 2% per year. So, has your INCOME gone up 60% over this same about of time?

Doubtful. Mine certainly has not.

It’s the way that Govt impoverishes us all.

(H/T: Bayou Renaissance Man)

The post Data Point – Here’s What Govt Has Done to the Purchasing Power of Your Dollar in Just 22 Years appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

When “Global” Warming Isn’t “Global”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-25 18:00 +0000

The current heatwave isn’t exactly odd, nor is it special. And it isn’t hotter than days of yore when CO2 was just an itch in your fossil-fuel daddy’s pants. It’s just the weather. Yes, it is hot. There are also too many polar bears now (‘cuz global warming).

And did you know that Eastern Europe was having a cold July?



That’s not newsworthy. And neither was the record cold June we experienced just last month.


The tropical (20N-20S) anomaly for June was -0.36 deg. C, which is the coolest monthly anomaly in over 10 years, the coolest June in 22 years, and the 9th coolest June in the 44 year satellite record.


I missed those blaring corporate media record cold headlines in June, and I bet you did too. And not one weather map hyper-exaggerated the unusually cold temperatures last month because that only happens when it might advance a progressive policy priority.






Once again, it’s been hotter for longer and not just once. 1901, 1930, 1934, 1936 and those are just the years for which we have data. Historical accounts going back centuries tell of extreme summer heat in a world lit only by fire, where few had transportation, and if they did, it was a horse.

CO didn’t cause any of that either, and we can see here that mitigating it in the US won’t make a damn bit of difference if it did.




The Dems domestic policy priority on coal, all energy, in fact, has but one impact: it makes America weaker and more dependent on foreign powers, at least one of whom, China, has infiltrated or bought off the scientific and political influencers driving US policy on climate and energy.

Meanwhile, if you look at the 2M temps for July 25th, 2022, most of the US is now experiencing below-normal temperatures )and it’s still July).

Proof once again that this is not climate (decades of data indicating a trend) it is”weather.”




The only climate likely to harm or kill us is the political climate in DC and the state levels wells poisoned by the rhetoric and the strings attached to tax dollars laundered through Congress.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-25 16:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and I will back-edit to include the link.  And please see Friday’s Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Also check out yesterday’s Survival Sunday.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter(and Part IIand Part III) can often be hidden inside humor.  Stand by for Thought Splinters IV… when I can get to it.  Work has ramped up!

I do urge you to see my comment, and its follow-up, at Surak’s post in reply to my latest essay.  That encounter cemented – more than ever – that this is a religious war and we are fighting with True Believers.  This is not a war of reason, but of emotional belief.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




But first, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.











My choice for the best of the lot:



I keep hearing people say “The Consensus”.  Remind them of the above.

Remind them that a static earth – i.e., no continental drift – was The Consensus, as was ulcers being caused by diet, not a bacteria.  And on, and on, and on.

Science is not about CONSENSUS.  It is about evidence, and data / data collection verification, and independent replication of results.  When someone says “You cannot see my data” – no matter what the field is – my alarm bells go off.  When someone says “Shut up” and just listen to experts, my alarm bells go off.

Questioning is how science is done.  And whether climate change, or The Jab, or other things, these have become RELIGION to those who think they’re too smart to really have a religion.







Palate Cleanser:



The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Flashback: If the Democrats Take over the White House, America, as We Know It, Will Not Be Recognizable

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-25 15:00 +0000

Is it a case of ordained fate we cannot escape, or is it that We, the People, are too dense to learn from our own mistakes? Paging through humanity’s history, time and again, we find numerous instances of costly mistakes where people ignore facts and reason by entrusting their lives to a “savior.”

And time and again, we have ended up paying the price for our folly. If we are not genetically doomed to make these ruinous mistakes—which I am certain we are not—then do we commit them out of wishful thinking, laziness, desperation, or some combination of the three?

To illustrate how mistake-prone we are, a few examples will suffice. In order to address the economic disparity, a pivotal concern of humanity, Karl Marx showed up trumpeting his battle cry, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Marx announced that the proletariat is the producer of wealth and that capitalists are leeches robbing them of the fruits of their labor.

In effect, Karl Marx originated the concept of class warfare, the poor against the rich. He urged the workers to rise, rid themselves of the rich and take full possession of their own self-produced goods. Humanity’s poor masses found their messiah in this ideologue, rallied behind him, and got to experience a Marxist paradise.

This Flashback was originally written in 2019.

While Marx’s summons was aimed at the laboring class of industrial Europe, the peasantry in both Russia and later China enthusiastically answered his call. The results: many of the rich went to early graves, only to be replaced by a new class of overlord apparatchiks, and the poor continued to be poor. In the process, the disciples of Marx and Lenin, such as Stalin and Mao, subjected over 100 million to death, and untold millions suffered for many decades while the promised workers’ paradise never materialized.

Democrats and Incentive

Disincentive was the “Achilles Heel” of Marxism. Except for the ruling class, whether you worked hard or loafed, you basically got the same incentive under Marxism. The Democrats and Biden basically want to transform America into cultural Marxism: a failed economic philosophy in a poorly disguised form that this Party has been relentlessly pushing throughout the ages. Democrats’ redistribution of wealth does nothing but disincentivize an individual’s prime motive force “self-exertion” for “self-reward.” Democrats feel the rich have too much, and the poor should simply get a much bigger share of what the rich have. If that is not the exact Marxist failed philosophy, then what is it?

While Marx’s workers’ paradise ideal continued to struggle and kept failing miserably to deliver its promises, its offshoots such as European Socialism and now American Redistributionism under Democratic leadership still aim to create a society where those who succeed in generating wealth turn over the major share of their earnings to those who do not.

Disincentivizing individual exertion through confiscatory taxes is the surest way to reduce the overall wealth of any society. The rich resort to strategies that shelter their wealth and become discouraged in investing their funds, and then the overall wealth of the society declines. It is an investment by those who have funds that creates wealth and jobs. And it is jobs that are the best way to help the have-nots, not government handouts.

In order to address economic issues effectively, government policies should facilitate all individuals and companies to create more wealth, not penalize those who have managed to create and acquire wealth by over-regulation and excessive taxation. The last thing any government should do is to use the ineffective deadly weapon of classism, pitting the poor against the rich.

Hitlerian ‘Salvation’

Not long after the launch of Marxism, another “savior,” by the name of Adolph Hitler, rose to power on the promise of fixing humanity’s economic and other problems at its very foundation based on nationalism. Specifically, he proposed ridding the world of its burden of undesirables and unfit, with Jews on top of his list. Marx’s trump “card” was class warfare. Hitler flashed the ethnic-race card. He claimed that the Aryan race was the cream of humanity’s crop that brought nothing but good to the table, while Semitic, black, and yellow people represented exploiters and aberrations to be eliminated. For good measure, he lumped in the mentally challenged, homosexuals, and the physically handicapped as humanity’s misfits as well to be rid of.

Picking a scapegoat has always worked magic over the millennia, and even Hitler’s syphilitic brain recognized its value for his campaign of mass genocide. The results: Millions died, among them some of mankind’s best-educated and productive Jews. Hitlerism and Communism, for all intents and purposes, either died or went on life support, providing ample opportunities for other saviors.

Islam to the Rescue

In no time at all, Islam, long fractured, lethargic, and dormant, found a new vitality under the leadership of the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, who raised the Black Standard and promised Allah’s paradise to the totality of mankind for the simple price of accepting his Shiite brand of Islam. A naïve dreamer of an American President, Jimmy Carter, hailed Khomeini as a saint-savior, an answer to a prayer, so to speak. Not to be left out, shortly after the Shiite Khomeini’s lightning success in Iran that deposed the Shah and established the Islamic Republic, a Sunni Muslim “Osama Bin Laden” launched his campaign of bringing about a worldwide Caliphate as the sure cure for humanity’s ills.

In contrast to Marx’s class warfare and Hitler’s ethnic-race rallying cries, Khomeini and Bin Laden hoisted the ever-effective battle call of religion. The very concept of religion that stands for uniting people has been subverted, time and again, by clever and devious opportunists as means of pitting people against each other.

America at a Critical Point

The great nation of all nations, America, is at a critical point and crossroads. The current uprising under the direction of George Soros/Obama and the DNC has been abysmal in all areas vital to our nation. Islamist jihadists are on the march, and democracy is in retreat. The Islamic Republic of Iran is rapidly moving toward acquiring nuclear weapon capability.

Domestically, our house is in shambles. The national debt is staggering. If Biden is elected, the nation’s debt will exceed that of our obligation under all other previous administrations combined. Our children and grandchildren will have to service this debt at economically soaring rates. Even today, forty cents of the Federal tax dollar go to servicing the loans—much of it to China and foreign entities.

It is imperative that we, as a nation, live within our means, just like families do. In like manner that families should cut back on everything they can, in order to live within their means, the Federal Government needs to do the same. It must reduce the size of government and eliminate hundreds of bureaucracies that are redundant or completely useless, as President Trump has done. We, as responsible citizens, must make sure that President Trump is reelected.

If the Democrats take over the White House, America as we know it will not be recognizable.


Originally published 2019

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

In Defense of Wealth Redistribution and Lift Ticket Welfare

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-25 13:30 +0000

Over at True North Reports, the author of the piece I fisked yesterday wasn’t excited about the response he received. Some folks had questions or comments that he felt needed to be clarified. A tariff, a tax, a former president.

The idea he is defending is a “tariff” on lift tickets paid by out-of-state tourists at Vermont ski resorts. The added fee would go directly toward “buying” additional lift tickets that Vermonters could use on a first-come-first-serve basis. Sort of like a give a penny take a penny dish at the counter of the local store, except the give is mandatory, and the take is limited to people who show up early and probably have the equipment (there’s no equipment rental welfare proposal yet).

So, here’s his defense from TNR.


I’d like to address some comments here:
1. The Mermel campaign is in favor of cutting taxes and easing regulations to reduce their overall burden on business.

2. think of this as a tariff. Our former president used tariffs because we were being taken to the cleaners by other countries. Vermont is being muscled out of its own heritage by out of staters and publicly traded/massive corporations that got there… by you guessed it, regulatory capture/government. I don’t see a little protectionism as socialist.

3. the demand for our skiing is basically inelastic. Moreover, you are going to feel the same taxes in every state in New England. if you think a ten percent tax on lift tickets will drive people hundreds of miles out of the way you have a common sense problem. It will barely be noticed.


Common sense tells us that any government-enforced levy is a tax. A tariff is a tax. It used to be the only tax.

As for “our former president,” what’s the matter, can’t say Trump? Yes, President Trump used tariffs on goods coming into the country. It was meant to make domestic products more competitive and encourage more US manufacturing, creating jobs and economic growth. A tourist tax may not mean much to some tourists (57% majority of skiers are male and earn 75-100K a year). Still, it will matter to everyone who makes less and ski somewhere else to save a few bucks (not to mention avoiding all the other taxes Vermont likes to levy (maybe we could call those taxes tariffs, and people won’t mind as much).

And tariffs, taxes, fees, fines, and levies discourage use. They often exist to lower interest or price people out of something entirely.

And how (if I may ask) will I feel the same taxes across New England when the “tariff” we’re talking about is for lift tickets purchased in Vermont? That makes no sense. Are you suggesting that US Senator Myers Mermel (if elected) wants to levy a ten percent tariff on some ski resorts everywhere? That’s the only way everyone in New England would feel the same pinch.

And even that makes no sense. I read Mermel’s pitch on his website.

The policy priority is called Vermonters Ski and Snowboard for free.

Excerpt (reformatted)

 To make skiing and snowboarding equitable, I will introduce something akin to an additional hospitality transfer tax upon all lift tickets sold to out-of-staters. Basically, out-of-staters will pay for Vermonters to ski or snow board for free.  For every ticket sold to an out-of-stater, the resort will credit 1/10 of the price to a free lift ticket for Vermonters at that resort.

So, for instance if a resort sells 1500 lift tickets in one day, then 150 free tickets will be available the very next day for Vermont citizens, first come first served. It is estimated that there are 4.5 million skier days/ lift tickets sold per season.

Assuming 75% of the tickets are for out-of-state skiers and boarders, this would produce 337,500 free lift tickets for Vermonters over the full season. Given a season of 120 days this would produce 2,812 free tickets every day for Vermonters spread across every mountain across the State. The program would pass the cost on to out-of- state skiers.

This additional cost to out-of-staters, being just $6-20 per ticket at a time when tickets, meals and lodging for weekends cost the out-of-staters thousands would have little effect on out-of-state attendance. If an out-of-state person skis through an annual pass then their ski days would be assessed pro-rata until their breakeven days and would track their attendance, still generating 1/10 of a free Vermont ticket every time an out-of-state person skis.

So wealth redistribution and lift-ticket welfare is a feature of his ‘new kind of Conservative?’ That’s Myer’s line, not mine.

And sure, that sum is inconsequential to many, but this is still a tax no matter what you call it, and the rules about taxes apply no matter how small, especially in an economy where every dollar counts. They result in less of something, not more.

But Vermont will be Vermont, and while I’m not a fan of this idea, I’m sure a US Senator Myers Mermel would be a far better choice than any Democrat from the Green Mountain State. But let’s not pretend there’s anything conservative about placing “tariffs” on your tourists so you can redistribute the wealth.

Or that a State full of Democrats won’t find some way to mess it up. Or that a US Senator (if elected) can get legislation passed at the State Level without the local Dems’ involvement, meddling, and subterfuge.

Or that the existence of the hospitality fee won’t divert those tourists to places where the fee does not exist.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Advertisement and Promotion in Instagram

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-25 12:47 +0000

Since 2017, Insta introduced its own company profiles. They have special tools, such as contact and c-to-a buttons, only for corporate accounts. More valuable, it gives users the ability to advertise. Insta promotions more newer advertisements, and much less appealing . However, is it totally worth it? Let’s take a look at what they really are and get to know about the people who actually submitted them.

Choose the audience you need

There are millions of Insta users all over the world — and there’s no way to get them all. As with the metrics we’ve already discussed, you must also be selective and strategic in choosing your targeted people.

Setting up Insta ads, you’ll get three more ways for choosing a desired client.

Automatic sampling.

This option targets users similar to your subscribers based on sex, age, location. Moreover, It targets those who have previously been interested with its organic content and have shown involvement in it.

This option makes sense if you’re trying to attract IG users who have previously shown interest. However, if the goal is to attract brand-new users, this is not the best way. It is common practice to buy Instagram followers, likes, comments, views, etc. This way you can quickly start the process of natural scaling of the profile.

Local users.

Target people within a certain radius around a certain location. With options by age group and gender. This might make sense if you’re advertising a last-minute event at a certain location. Also, show your post to those who are related to your followers because of a location.


Create a specific audience according to age, location , and usually the best way because you have more control, but it really depends on your specific goals.

Decide on price and duration

The app makes this part pretty smooth with a sliding scale of budget you are going to spend. You can pay $10.00 a day for a 24-hour promotion and see how it works. The cost and duration can be much higher and longer, so it really depends on your budget.

Instagram uses “CPM” or cost per thousand, which really just means cost per 1,000 impressions or views. Now that we know how to advertise on Instagram, is it really worth it?

The results of ads on Insta

People with relatively large numbers of subscribers trying to get visibility say it’s probably not worth it. And they seem to be struggling for the same reasons.

Laura Price, an illustrator, gives some important insight through her experience with the Insta campaign.

It’s pretty hard to measure success if you only enter $5.00 within 24 hours. But it also doesn’t mean you’re wasting your money. A combination of advertising and promotions can be a good start until a business gets off the ground. However, if you are already a successful brand, you may be better off maintaining your Instagram promotions longer.

Guidelines for Instagram ads

If you’re not sure if you should try Instagram promotions, that’s not a problem. But don’t get completely lost in Instagram. Insta has the highest brand and consumer engagement of any platform. Acknowledge how to use ads, even if you’re not ready to advertise yet. Moreover, to accelerate the initial results, most entrepreneurs buy real Instagram followers and other involvement metrics. This allows to create a trusted first impression, raise the brand status and increase the retention rate of new users.



The post Advertisement and Promotion in Instagram appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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