The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • April 28 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

An Act of Desperation? A Sign That They Know Something’s Coming That the Rest of Us Don’t?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-25 01:30 +0000

You don’t move from having the chutzpah of demanding that the entire Gunstock Area Commissioners resign en masse or demanding that the Belknap Delegation (made up of the NH State House Reps in Belknap County) remove them all to just two. Thanks to Stephen Hepburn, a Progressive transplant from Scotland, for bringing it to my attention from the Gilford Community page on Facebook (and no, I’m not on Facebook myself).

The two, I will add, that have been the most vocal and intense about making sure that both the Gunstock Area Commission Follow The Law as well as their own ByLaws for good governance purposes (as in “NO, any means does NOT justify the end, prior Commissioners and former Sr. Gunstock Mgt!”).

The above “Featured Image” is just a crop of this larger version.


Now it’s reduced, IMHO, from a DEMAND to a plea. From the remaining four just to Ness and Dr. Strang – who have been pushing the HARDEST for answers to questions that should have been asked long ago but weren’t.

Those questions should have been answered, in full, by the Gunstock Mountain Resort senior management -and weren’t. Whose attitude, since I started attending, has been nothing but stand-offish, belligerent, and condescending towards the newer Commissioners. How DARE these “interlopers” delve into our business!  We are our own entity and don’t report to you!  And we’re going to pull political stunts and PR actions that will make you tremble before us and slither into obeisance to our retorts.

In other words, be our toadies and “go along to get along,” or we’ll do what we’re doing now. Throwing hissy fits that almost rise to the level of my six-year-old grandson.

And do they think that the Belknap County Delegation, who put those Commissioners in place after seeing the lawsuit, for no real cause except a political one, filed against them, are going to remove Ness and Strang after what you folks pulled on them, PR-wise, after removing Rusty McLear for the legitimate cause of over staying his interim/fill-in term on the Commission?

Sidenote: Seriously, now a prior Commissioner, Gary Kiedaisch, having quit this past Wednesday when you folks whipped up that tempest in a shot glass of keeping McLear on the Commission by calling him a “De Facto” Commissioner, was going to work?  That people would take that seriously?  I DO know you did – after all, in speeches during meetings and in giving testimony in the NH House on HB1397, you made yourself sound almost like a demi-god.  Such a self-assured, horn-blowing, puffed-up chest incompetent that got fired from Nike, Coleman, and Igloo.

Really, de facto?  Where is that in the Law that such a thing ever existed?  You can’t – that designation doesn’t appear in HB399 that governs Gunstock.  You were bluffing and lost thinking that just because you said it, people HAD to believe you. It also adds to the list of things of “our ends justify the means we are using to get there – legal or not.”

There are legal problems coming at them like a freight train barreling toward them at full steam in the dead of night, like a constant roll of thunderclaps – but no light on. Thus, they know it’s coming, but who knows what it is going to hit them?

Thus, this desperate attempt? I don’t know, nor do I have any information to support my guess, but look what the current situation is:

  • They have been denigrating the new Commissioners for a purpose – trying to Otherize them (which the Left is always doing but denies they do).
  • They’ve been refusing/fighting to give information to duly appointed Commissioners.
  • They sued the Delegation, forcing them to spend 10s of thousands of dollars to defend themselves.
  • Kiediasch spent about $110,000 of Gunstock money for political lawfare purposes to stop or delay current or appointive Commissioners.
  • They accused the Delegation of malfeasance over and over again

And they think the Delegation is going to listen to them even as they are threatening to unseat them all?  “Hubris”  barely starts to scratch the surface here.

And now their demands are being ratcheted downward.  They have spent months being UNreasonable – and now, perhaps, are they really thinking this demand is going to be honored?

They’ve been thinking that they’ve been posturing from a position of strength – how could 4 Commissioners take the place of all those Sr. Mgt folks, ESPECIALLY with 10K SoulFest visitors coming in 2 weeks??  Of COURSE, they’ll cave and take us back – THEY NEED US.

Well, I found out that when they returned to work on Thursday (Wed night, it was “I quit with 2 weeks’ notice”), thinking they had 2 weeks to monkey around more, they found that locksmiths had already changed the locks and they were terminated. They’ll be paid for the two weeks but with no access.  They quit, and now they have found out there’s no “there” there to return to.  They tried to out-bluff the Commissioners – bad guess.

So stories have circulated that they now know they’ve lost a lot of the power position they believed they had – so Thursday morning, they tried to get the middle managers to quit as well “in solidarity” with them. I don’t think that has worked all that well. I’m hearing other rumors as well – let’s see if they pan out.

So the above ad that is now being circulated?  Is that the career hill that they are willing to die on or the last gasp of “oh crap, what WOULD they accept?”

Methinks they didn’t know their opposition as well as they thought they did – and now it’s too late. Perhaps.

Still developing…

The post An Act of Desperation? A Sign That They Know Something’s Coming That the Rest of Us Don’t? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Woke Warriors is a Conundrum

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-25 00:00 +0000
A strong military is one of the few purposes of a central federal government. To protect the people from foreign or domestic threats is the charge given to the various branches of our defense. There has never been the purpose of the brave men and women of our armed forces to promote social justice.

To do so is a waste of the energy and expertise of those who have stepped up to protect the homeland. It is projected that the Army will fall short by 10,000 new volunteers in 2022. With any government prediction, the actual number will be far greater. People are pointing to many reasons for this shortfall. Some reasons seem like a stretch for how much longer can we blame everything on the Pandemic? Mandatory vaccinations could have something to do with the shortfall, and we saw this week with Joe Biden how little protection two vaccines and two boosters can be. A more understandable reason might be the new woke mentality that the Biden administration is bringing to our defense department. People who step up to serve have a mentality and personality that makes them ready to sacrifice their lives to keep us free. These people are not the type of people to worry about pronouns. These people are tough and thin skin is not in their DNA. The Biden administration focusing on DEIJ and LGBTQ+ issues rather than ensuring we have the best trained and equipped military in the world is turning off people who would have readily signed up a few years ago. The ads run by the Defense Department to attract recruits were embarrassing. One ad featured a young girl attending her mother’s marriage to her same-sex partner. Her mom taught her to be strong and do whatever she wanted. She went to college and then signed up for the Service. The ad was done as a cartoon which added to the poor message. Why did someone think it essential to include same-sex marriage in a military recruitment “cartoon ?” Because in today’s world, inclusion is more important than competence and readiness. A former Army Officer and Purple Heart recipient who lost both legs in Afghanistan was on Fox this morning. He had much to say about the new woke Army and why it is stifling recruitment. He believes that when men and women are in combat, their last concern is the social thinking of the people next to them in the field. They don’t care about your sexual preference, skin color, or ethnic background, but rather that you have been adequately trained to complete the mission. They don’t want woke, but warriors, and the fact that the Army is lowering standards and is more concerned about diversity than training is turning many away. Like almost every other policy decision, the Biden administration has also gotten this one wrong. Inflation, the porous Southern Border, our lousy energy policy, and now, the military. Every decision is a bad one, and every one impacts our National Security by weakening us on the global stage.

The post Woke Warriors is a Conundrum appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gunstock SR. Mgt’s “PR Disaster Artificially Made for Financial Gain”- A Quick Summary of the Political Upheaval

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 22:30 +0000

I had a three-way email discussion with Steve and another person very well conversant with NH Politics, and that person floated over a Presser that the Gunstock Area Commissioners sent out after Wednesday night’s GAC meeting (for which I’ve already posted the video here at the ‘Grok).

I thanked that person who then had this “ask” probably because unless you are mired in this up to one’s chest like I am (reformatted, emphasis mine), you’d not know:

Thomas’ coverage on InDepth combined with Grok stuff has been interesting to watch. That reporter deserved to be cuffed, but I’m curious about the software sale allegation. Here’s what I’m not getting though: What is all the fuss about? What was Silber et al doing to make the hacks walk? You didn’t let us sit with you? SMH… I would bet they were making pretty good green for a part-time gig, right?

Given how fast things have progressed, I returned with a quick summary of what the Sr. Gunstock Mgt has been angling for along with Gary Kiedaisch and the former Commissioners. There is a lot more there under the surface layers or the narrative that they and this Citizens for Belknap PAC took to the media (old and social).

Very few are aware of their machinations.

The second legal report by Preti-Flaherty cleared Ness of any wrongdoing on the software.  I pretty much figured as much in talking with him before he became the Chair.

This whole thing has been a political putup worthy of Saul Alinsky to get rid of any Commissioners that weren’t “their kind” and it’s all tied to a possible hotel investment scheme.  That’s why the Citizens of Belknap PAC is trying to Otherize the Belknap Delegation to gain control of who gets appointed to be the next Commissioner (filling Kiedaish’s empty seat). Out-organized, out-planned, and out-executed.  Ness may well be a good accountant and lawyer but he sucks at politics and got out-maneuvered at the beginning.  I’m not sure there’s a path to get inside the opposition’s OODA loop now.

…This stems back, also, when Silber, Strang, Abare, and Terry decided it was time for a replacement for Belknap Republican Chair Alan Glassman a year ago and created a slate of NH GOP Delegates in the County that would vote him out and the old style Establishment squishes (note: I had no part in it as I had stopped going years ago).  It was rumored that Tim Lang, Travis O’Hara, and Mike Bordes were going to be part of a new exec board under Glassman.

Cue: ramping up the “revenge music.”

Plots within plots within plots.  Other than making good appointments of new Commissioners that had started to ask hard questions and challenge (HARD!) what the Sr. Mgt were telling them (at times, refused to give the Commissioners info that was asked for).

Translation: we don’t want to deal with these “interlopers” that are forcing us to take our attention from OUR goals as “a company” (they hated that I kept reminding them that they are just a subdivision of the State that made snow). Remember, I had submitted Right To Know demands that I had to FIGHT to get answers to. So they started to throw political mud against the wall hoping something would stick.

All that happened was that Sr. Mgt was relegated to the front row of the public seating area until called to the table reserved for “the speaker” and GAC sat alone at a different table.  Like how we used to do the Budget Committee in Gilford (called either the TA or Super [Gilford School District Superintendent] and dept heads to come to a podium when needed).

It was a pretense that served their purpose.  Petty.

The mass walkout by Sr. Mgt was the big turd thus far in hopes that the Commissioners would meekly cave and “pretty please, we can’t take all the bad names and press you’ve orchestrated, so come back.”  Bad guess so far, but more on this later as I digress.

Mea culpa – I missed a couple of steps!  I forget the legislative bill they put in as a nuclear option, HB1397, that would have severed control of Gunstock completely from the Belknap County Delegation AND the Belknap County Commissioners (not to be confused with the Gunstock Area Commissioners).  The intent was to make sure that Gunstock would be its own island. It was clear that when I started to pay attention, they were indignant that others were starting to question what was going on, and HB1397 was their way to shut that down.

Then a BIG misstep when that bill failed – then Commissioners Gary Kiedaisch, Rusty McLear, and Brian Gallagher now all “prior” Commissioners either by overstaying their terms (the latter two) or outright quit (Kiedaisch) by suing the Delegation in a preemptive move to claim victimhood that the Delegation was picking on them (claiming that the Delegation was going to remove all three – and NO one in the Delegation had ever brought it up).

And the person’s questions continued:

Glassman has always been friendly to me…I missed a lot. I recall the hotel idea being floated a while back. But what’s the end game? What is wrong with Gunstock prospering if it doesn’t cost the taxpayers anything (or does it). I have friends who go to Soulfest and ski and have a really great time there. I have only driven by the place. This is an honest question. I have found the Belmont rep to be intriguing. But I’m not understanding the upheaval.

So, back to the well for me to supply more info:

As a Conservative, he [Glassman] was always an Establishment guy – a “Republican’s Republican for the Sake of the Republican Party” (you’re welcome to use that meme!) and always excused those that bent the rules (like wanting to have Alida Milham, years ago now, run to be voted onto the NH GOP Committee EVEN THOUGH I pointed out she broke the rules by endorsing two Democrats over a Republican in a single race).

End game: you have Brian Beihl, formerly the deputy director of the very Progressive  Open Democracy NH “advising”/organizing/strategizing/running the Citizens for Belknap PAC – the entity behind all this.

Short term – discredit the Commissioners by this walkout and hopefully have to quit (depending on and using their sense of “honor” against them) in this Saul Alinsky-style stunt (I mentioned, on video, Saul Alinsky out maneuvering Chicago Mayor Daley over O’Hare airport – this is similar).

Midterm – replacing the Conservative members of the Delegation that vote Conservative Commissioners [onto the Commission] so they can move forward their “new” Master Plan.

End game – getting investors that would fund the new hotel and the new sitdown restaurant at the top of the mtn (think Rusty McLear and Alex Ray) and make money themselves as part of that investor group. The fallacy is that they believe they can make this little mountain, surrounded by Conservation land, into a Destination resort instead of a “day skis” for locals.

Result: Costs will drive Belknap County residents off the mountain as it will become too expensive.

Going back to Soulfest – Sr. Mgt HATES Soulfest and pulling this two weeks before it is scheduled will affect 10K visitors.  It is being used for a political point (and I haven’t written this just yet) to make the GAC back down.

A PR disaster is artificially made for financial gain.

Steve pitched in with this:

Good idea for a great headling and story –  “A PR disaster artificially made for financial gain.”

Gunstock Management Walkout Isn’t About Principal It Is About Personal financial Gain – So, What Does Gov. Sununu Get Out of It?

And What does Gov. Sununu get out of it?

  • Sununu supported the state eval committee that can overturn local zoning decisions.
  • He came right out and backed the Sr. Mgmt.
  • He wants the wrong republicans removed so this investment can go forward.
  • Who in the investor group is padding his wagon?
  • Does he get anything else from this?

I didn’t have the time to answer those really good questions – I’ll do that a bit later on.  And I’m going to address this as well. Stephen Hepburn, a radical Progressive transplant from Scotland, put this up on the Gilford Community Page (pointed out to me by yet somebody else as I’m not on Facebook):



There’s a real back story to this – being pieced together from several sources that point to this being an act of hope combined with desperation.  It will be a short but fun read.

Oh, the remark by me about Ness being out-maneuvered and may not be possible to get “inside the OODA loop”?  I have received some VERY recent information that I may have been completely wrong on this.

This will be a VERY interesting week coming at us.


The post Gunstock SR. Mgt’s “PR Disaster Artificially Made for Financial Gain”- A Quick Summary of the Political Upheaval appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Palate Cleanser – Just Because I Can

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 21:45 +0000

Sometimes run into something like this, I just have to get it out of my system:

Hopefully, now, this will become that “song I can’t get out of my head” for the rest of the evening…

(H/T: Sad and Useless)

The post Palate Cleanser – Just Because I Can appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Most Consistent Thing About Sun-King Sununu Is His Self-Serving Inconsistency

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 21:00 +0000

When it comes to masking schoolchildren, as you may recall, Sun-King Sununu is all about local control. His rationale for a veto prohibiting schools from mandating masks:

“Just because we may not like a local decision, does not mean we should remove their authority,” he wrote in his veto message. “One of the state’s foremost responsibilities is to know the limits of its power.” He continued: “Big government is never the solution, and neither is a one-size-fits-all approach. The state must remain steadfast in protecting local control as decisions like this are best left to authorities closest to parents and families, where they can work with their neighbors to decide what is right for their children.”

Yet when it comes to the Gunstock Commission, the Sun-King sings a very different tune:


So … when it comes to masking children … which is useless and harmful … we “must remain steadfast in protecting local control because decisions like this are best left to authorities closest” to the situation, but when it comes to Gunstock, the Sun-King knows better than the authorities closest to the situation.

Got it? Local control is good when the Sun King agrees with the result but bad when the Sun King doesn’t.

The post The Most Consistent Thing About Sun-King Sununu Is His Self-Serving Inconsistency appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sunday Spotlight: Johnny Joey Jones

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 19:30 +0000

Johnny Joey Jones may be missing part of his body, but he makes up for that with a huge heart, sharp mind, and a gift of communication. I do not know Joey, but of all the people I see and listen to in the media, he is one person I would love to know better, and maybe nobody for which I have more respect.

Johnny Joey Jones is a giant of a man.

Joey is a former Marine, although they say you are never a “former” Marine who was a bomb tech in Afghanistan. He had already spent eight years in Afghanistan when in 2010, his life changed forever when he took a step and landed on an IED. That ordinance took his legs but never touched his spirit. He endured the surgeries to save his life, rehabbed his body, got onto his mechanical prosthetic legs, and got on with his new life.

For most of Joey’s adult life, he had served his country as a proud Marine. With his new legs, he had to find a new purpose, and he has found many and is using his mind and voice as his new weapons of war.
He is no longer fighting terrorism in the sands of Afghanistan but is fighting for veterans and all Americans in Washington, on FOX News and FOX Nation, and through his consulting and speaking. JJJ may not be college educated but was schooled by life, and he is a master at sharing his knowledge and experience.

Joey first went to Washington, where he made such an impression that Barack Obama called on him for his knowledge, expertise, and counsel. It was a wise move by the former President. Joey got the bug for politics during his time in the Capitol, but politics will have to wait. Joey said, “I want politics to be better before I put myself in it,” he said.” I’d like to run for Congress someday, but I’m still thinking about it.” That decision is indicative of the intelligence of this simple kid who grew up in poverty with his mom in a double wide. “I believe I can be more honest and genuine in the media than I can in government right now,” he said.

It has been a pleasure watching Joey grow in his new career in media with FOX. He has been used in many roles and appears regularly on FOX First, Outnumbered, The Five, and almost every primetime show. He is more than a go-to person on military topics. He has sound ideas on politics, world affairs, and holds his own against any debate foe.

One of the things that amazes me about Johnny Joey Jones is his humor, zest for life, and his ability to make light of his challenges. To think of how we complain about the simplest inconveniences, and here is someone who has lost half of his body and works to encourage others. He is a giant of a man and an inspiration not only to injured veterans but to all who hear his words.

Joey is married and has two children. He is a family man, a veteran, and a hero. He is someone I hope to meet someday and just have a chat about life, the state of the world, and what JJJ would do to make it better. I think he has the power to do the latter.

God bless you, Johnny Joey Jones. He saved you in Afghanistan because he has a plan for you, and it appears you are already working on His plan. Keep up your incredible mission and we will enjoy watching your journey.

The post Sunday Spotlight: Johnny Joey Jones appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Be Honest: You Already Support Secession

The Liberty Block - Sun, 2022-07-24 19:00 +0000

Time for some cold hard brutal honesty. To the minority of New Hampshire Republicans who do not yet support peaceful separation from DC politicians, have you thought about what it would take to shake you from your slumber and make you realize that secession is literally our only option if we want our children to have the same liberties we had?

The post Be Honest: You Already Support Secession appeared first on The Liberty Block.

URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Bogus ‘Civics’ Bill Will Push CRT on States

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 18:00 +0000

Stanley Kurtz has been sounding the alarm when it comes to the Feds pushing Critical Race Theory on States.  Kurtz warns:

The misleadingly named “Civics Secures Democracy Act” (CSDA) — just now reintroduced in Congress — will allow the Biden administration to push Critical Race Theory (CRT) on every public school in the country. Over a six-year period, this $6 billion pot of competitive grant money will create a de facto national curriculum — just like Common Core. States desperate to tap into the federal gravy train will have to tailor their civics and history grant proposals to the Biden administration’s liking. And abundant evidence shows that Biden’s Education Department is pushing CRT. So why are some Republican senators eager to help Biden spread CRT? I can’t think of a quicker way to devastate Republican enthusiasm just before the midterms.

But how does this work when the Federal Government has no authority over our local decisions when it comes to curriculum? Those questions were asked when the Feds used Race to the Top money to bribe states into adopting the Common Core Standards. It’s all about the MONEY $$$.

We will need to make sure our Executive Councilors are aware of these grants along with Commissioner Frank Edelblut.  JUST SAY NO to the federal overreach!  NO to the FEDERAL BRIBES!

Kurtz writes:

It doesn’t matter that federal law and the bill itself disclaim the authority to formally impose a curriculum on the states. The strings that Biden’s bureaucrats will attach to these massive federal grants will suffice to lure states into adopting CRT. The left-leaning bureaucrats who staff education departments even in red states already favor CRT (those bureaucrats will write the grant applications and divvy up the money). And Biden long ago signaled his intention to prioritize applications that promise CRT.

We are not safe from this kind of radicalization of our classrooms when Republicans embrace this too:

Sadly, while this is largely a leftist-backed plan, we have Republican senator John Cornyn to thank for giving CSDA “bipartisan” political cover. Last year, in an open letter to Cornyn and Representative Tom Cole, the Civics Alliance convened by the National Association of Scholars appealed to both legislators to abandon CSDA. When Cornyn responded with misleading and mistaken claims about the bill, I rebutted. Yet now, the leftist-dominated coalition backing CSDA has added Republican senators Bill Cassidy and James Inhofe as co-sponsors of the newly reintroduced bill. Unless America’s parents wake up and make themselves heard now, there is a very real chance that CRT could be the new Common Core by summer.

While New Hampshire legislators wisely passed a state law prohibiting the discrimination that comes with Critical Race Theory, we need to remain vigilant when these federal grants are offered to states in an effort to direct what our children learn. We’ve seen some administrators ignore some of the state laws, so it would be good for parents to pay close attention to what their children are learning.

If you find teachers or administrators pushing the blame and shame propaganda that accompanies CRT, then gather evidence and present that to the New Hampshire Department of Education.  They don’t get to ignore state anti-discrimination laws any more than they can ignore the Civil Rights Law.

Your child shouldn’t be blamed for slavery, and school personnel shouldn’t be shamed for the color of their skin. This isn’t an academic education it’s bad psychological abuse inflicted on individuals due to radicalized school personnel.

There are remedies, and I’m happy to help any teachers or students who may be subjected to this kind of discrimination. I keep all information confidential.



See more here:

The post URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Bogus ‘Civics’ Bill Will Push CRT on States appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 16:30 +0000

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
  2. Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget my posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well.




Nitzakhon note: I had every good intention of splitting this up into a twice-a-week feature.  But not the time.  Work has exploded – good, because I hate sitting idle – but it costs me time here.




Top of the fold:

WARNING from a Farmer~Get READY!

We can try to educate other people but that time would be wasted; spend your time wisely with people who are rebuilders. If someone has questions about the future, I will give them my beliefs, thoughts and facts. Succinctly. I will not proselytize to the walking dead.

I understand how that sounds. I know many people who are still trying to help people survive the future. They believe their efforts are important and that there is time to prepare. I pray they are correct. For me, I believe we are in WWIII, food and ammunition stocks should be in place and it is time to “get right with God”. Then again, it is always time to get right with God and walk a righteous path.

Don Lemon: Republicans Must Be Treated As Danger To Society – The Lid (

Understand something to your core: the Left views you as an enemy.  They view you as a lethal threat to their planned Socialistopia.  They openly state it, time and time and time again – that they want you banished, or in camps, or just dead.  Channeling the famous Shoah (Holocaust) survivor, Elie Wiesel:

When someone says they want to kill you, believe them.

And don’t forget Larry Grathwohl’s warning (embedded quote, bolding added):

I asked, well, what is going to happen to those people that we can’t reeducate that are diehard capitalists and the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers. And when I say eliminate I mean kill – 25 million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.”

Related; Enemy Action? – Area Ocho (link in original):

According to the NY medical examiner, Ivana Trump died from trauma to the chest. They say it was an accident. She was found at the foot of the stairs in her New York residence. No other details are available.

Democrats hate Donald Trump and have been calling for the killing of Republicans.

And another link, related:

Canada’s ‘expert’ panel recommends the mentally ill be candidates for euthanasia – American Thinker

To the Left, as in the former USSR, anyone not fully on board with Socialism is “mentally ill”… And more:

Battle For The Republic Video/Speech (bolding added):

Whenever Democrat politicians and their token opposition who call themselves Republicans create unconstitutional laws and push us ever further into the abyss of tyranny under the guise of “Democracy,” THEY are NOT “LARPing.” They are relishing the power to destroy our lives at their whim.

These groups are NOT LARPers. They are Warriors dedicated to the destruction of all that is good in a vain effort to establish a hell on earth they call Utopia. These people do not play our games. Their bloodlust is not satisfied with our compromises. They despise our God-given Rights and are hell-bent on their eradication. They do not hesitate to use every means at their disposal because a Warrior’s only goal is to WIN. Our decency and winsomeness and commitment to playing by nonexistent rules are fuel to their demonic fire.




Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles; revisit daily.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

Survival World – Everything You Need To Know to Survive

And two aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs

Specific, one-up articles:

The Gritty Details of How Lebanon’s Civil War Unfolded: Interview 2 (

I thought this was particularly noteworthy (link in the original, bolding added):

This is how it happened, yes. It happened then. Once confidence is lost, people retreat. This has cascading effects on everything else. It’s a change of behavior which is something to be expected, right?

Once societies fall into a low-confidence, low-trust situation, rebuilding that becomes enormously difficult.  That, long-term, will be one of the prime challenges in the aftermath.

How To Pickle Watermelon Rind The Amish Way – Ask a Prepper

Find Out What Areas Would Be Targeted by FEMA When SHTF (they’ll take your supplies) – Ask a Prepper

The fundamental lesson?  What’s the first rule of Prep Club?  There is no Prep Club.

Weird Survival Items That Might Save Your Life – Ask a Prepper

Necessity will, indeed, become the mother of invention.

How to Bake Bread Off-Grid – The Organic Prepper

Why Country Bumpkins Will Win the Day – Intellectual Takeout

Could I survive a true SHTF, grid-down scenario?  Probably not.  But I’d have a damn-sight better chance than – say – most of my relatives who have never known the countryside except as a place to visit for a “quaint weekend”.  The same for my wife’s social circle.  The same for the vast majority of my former coworkers at, well, all of my former employers.  MY friends?  Probably could.  Unfortunately most of them are scattered hither and yon.

Which reminds me, I need to set up a reward system for the kids to push them to learn Morse Code.  That, and basic knots.  I’m already teaching them the edible plants I know.

When Venezuela Starved, Fruit Helped Keep Us Alive. (

8 Deadly Mistakes When Storing Water For SHTF – Ask a Prepper





Words mean things.  When the meanings of words cannot be relied on to be stable, communications become very difficult.  Orwell understood this, and also understood – in Newspeak – that when you constrain language, you constrain thought.




Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?

On “when does it start”?  MHO?  Soon.  Within the year.

Lessons from Candle Smoke – Urban Scoop




Depopulation, Transhumanism and Rediscovering Humanity (With Max Igan) (

Must watch (about 24 minutes).  Cities are three days away from starvation.  And more.  Repeating my two essays on this.  And then a video embedded in the second one.

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question – Liberty’s Torch (

Proverbs 16:18… and What’s Coming? – Granite Grok


Harkening back to my last essay, I’ve shown people this video from my phone.  I’ve given them the link to the conference where this was said.  You’d think that someone would – if only to prove me wrong – go look.  Yet not one person to whom I’ve shown this has, when I asked a follow-up a week-plus later, gone to investigate. Screeeeech!  Someone shows you a video of a person seemingly discussing genocide on a scale that would permanently stain humanity and eclipse any prior event in history and you can’t be bothered to even look?  You’ve lost your survival instinct!

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 2) – Urban Scoop

There is such a deep trust in government and the goodness of people within it.  People are going to die by the billions wondering what happened.  Sowell nails it:




“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”

– Rudyard Kipling




Foraging: Books and one-up articles

No specific articles seen this week, but… here’s a classic one:

52 Plants In The Wild You Can Eat – Ask a Prepper

Books (permanent feature):

Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)

The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods


One of the things, Hashem willing, that I plan to do next spring… assuming we’re still here next spring (!)… is to start planting edibles that are not recognizable as edibles by most.  People see a vegetable garden, that’s recognizable.  People see a kind-of run down yard that seems overgrown with random plants?  Not so much.



Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):



And back to my lament.  Point out these dangers and it’s “Oh come on, it won’t be that bad”!  Related:

‘Paving a Digital Road to Hell’: Digital ID Systems Could Lead to Severe, Irreversible Human Rights Violations • Children’s Health Defense (

Biden Transport Secretary AGAIN Says “PAIN” Of High Gas Prices Is A Benefit – Summit News

Remember their philosophy.  They are the enlightened, the nobility, the elite… and you need to be “nudged” to rightthink.

The World Economic Forum’s Agricultural Revolution – The American Conservative

These people are on a mission.  They’re MISSIONARIES.  You do not matter to them in the slightest.  More on the economy:

The ONLY 3 Economic Charts to Follow – SHENANDOAH (

Animal’s Daily Fiscal Disaster News | Animal Magnetism (

Not just in America.  The entire world is so deep in the debt tank that even with Heliox we’re going to start suffocating soon.



MHO, hanged for treason.

In the book “The Once and Future King” about King Arthur, the wizard Merlin rails about people being “sports mad” about tournaments and tournaments and tournaments.  I see people, now, being Tech Mad.  So enamored with Big Tech and social media and the latest gadgets that they don’t see what the obsession is costing them:



Let alone the take-off of Arthur C. Clark’s Third Law:

Any technology, no matter how advanced, is indistinguishable from a brick when the power is out.

Speaking of the power being out:



New EU ambassador to China opposes Taiwan independence, says it’s ‘essential’ for China to ‘rule the world’


WHO Director Declares Monkeypox a Global Emergency… Despite Majority of Panel Voting Against It [VIDEO] (

So why have an advisory panel at all?



Shortages (broadly):

Senator Warns: Fuel Prices Mean Farmers Can’t Harvest Crops — Analysts Say “Food Shortages” Are Coming (

Impossible-level fuel prices will mean more than just FOOD shortages.  Everything is transported by fuel.  The gas you put in your car, the goods you buy anywhere.  The medical supplies at the clinics and hospitals.

IT’s All About Fuel Pass Gov lk Registration 2022 (





“The ideal citizen of a tyrannical state is the man or woman who bows in silent obedience in exchange for the status of a well-cared-for herd animal. Thinking people become the tyrants’ worst enemies.”

Claire Wolfe

Banning Modern Agriculture and High Crop Yields? – Watts Up With That?





NY Times Notes Four Ways Government Can Force You To Comply With Climate Cult

Globalists planned the impending “food armageddon” YEARS ago – DC Clothesline

I say this over and over.  They’ve been planning this for over a century.  Related:

NDAA Proposes Funding for Pilot Program on Research and Development of ‘Fake Meats’ for the US Navy (

Grey Terror? Or All Just Random? Four U.S. Energy Facilities Catch Fire or Explode in Past Month Alone

I woooonder how this is happening…



Inflation (broadly):

In Case You Were Wondering Why Inflation Has Started To Spiral Wildly Out Of Control… – DC Clothesline

Producer price index June 2022: Gain 11.3% on surge in energy costs (

And energy affects everything else.  Related:

Biden Transport Secretary AGAIN Says “PAIN” Of High Gas Prices Is A Benefit – Summit News

Unemployment Continuing Claims Climbed 122,000 On A Net Basis To 1.4 Million In A Week As Recession Signals Flash Red Everywhere – The Lid (



US Stability (broad catch-all):

‘Impossibly stupid’: Red flags over sale of U.S. farmland near sensitive military base to Chinese company (

Impossibly stupid doesn’t BEGIN to cover this.

New Poll: Young Voters Want United Nations, Not U.S. Government, To Protect American Citizens’ Civil Rights

Yeah.  Let me know how that works for you.

Audio: S.C. State Rep. Caught Planning Election Fraud Scheme – The New American

Remember, the Left has no honor.  Their mantra is power to rule you.  BAMN.



Deborah Birx’s “Silent Invasion”: a Guide to Destroying America From Within (

The very definition of DOMESTIC ENEMY.  Speaking of domestic enemies and impeachment possibilities:

Overwhelming Evidence: Biden Lied, Met With Hunter’s Business Partner – PJ Media

If the GOP gets the House, regardless of the possibility of success if they don’t vote to impeach and hold a trial, they’re worthless.

Breaking: Fifth Largest Life Insurance Company in the US Paid Out 163% More for Deaths of Working People Ages 18-64 in 2021 — Total Claims/Benefits Up $6 BILLION

Funeral Home Whistleblower: Hospitals Are Covering Up Baby Vaccine Deaths by Cremating Babies Themselves

Statistics that point to something very bad happening.  But only since 2021.  What could possibly have happened?

“Under Biden, there’s been 3.25M unlawful migrant crossings at the US southern border. As a state, that would rank as the 31st largest state by population, ahead of Iowa & behind Utah. At the current pace, we can expect +9M illegal migrants during Biden’s term.”

–Economist Mark J. Perry.


9+ million is 3% of the population of the US.  With, doubtless, every female of child-bearing age spread-legged at every opportunity to get pregnant and squirt out an anchor baby.  And then they’re here forever.  And voting “D” forever.

Attempted Assassin David Jakubonis Who Jumped on Stage with Knife and Attempted to Murder Republican Lee Elder is Charged with Felony “Attempted Assault” and Immediately Released (

Collapse of the Rule of Law.  Related:

Mystery solved: DOJ secretly thwarted release of Russia documents declassified by Trump | Just The News



World Stability (broad catch-all):

Western Companies Face ‘Existential Crisis’ As Fears Grow Of Chinese Invasion Of Taiwan

I’ve said it before: if China does not make a go for Taiwan soon, with President Potato in the White House, I’ll be shocked.  The Chinese government needs a good distraction from the widespread SADS happening in China, as well as – from things I posted & commented on in the last Survival Sunday – China’s economy is far shakier than everyone thinks.  That plus Chinese people are seeing their assets in banks confiscated too.  So they need a good distraction.  More:

China’s Debt Bomb Looks Ready to Explode

Related, at least to me:

Bayou Renaissance Man: “Money talks, bull**** walks”

About the US, but IMHO not limited to the US.  And more still:

oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Only Real Solution Is Default

As I’ve said, if we strip-mined the planet down to the MoHo, there’s not enough wealth to pay off this debt.

“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.”

Herbert Stein

generating a sense of crisis so people will demand “solutions” is not a basis for government (

It’s manipulation all the way down!



They came to conquer.  Speaking of:

Muslim says: “We don’t need guns, Islam will conquer Germany by outbreeding you” (

North Korea Tests New Hypersonic Ballistic Missile

Ruh roh.  Mach 10?

Don’t be roadkill

Fun videos, but with a serious point too.  Most people consider themselves “well informed”… and are anything but.  When things go south, they’ll be utterly taken by surprise.  From the same site:

The “deafening media silence” about global protests

Video from the above post:



The Biden Legacy: Taliban Forces, Teeming with US Weapons, Unite to Take Out Pakistani Government | NC Renegades

Sleep tight.  Related:

Don Surber: Taliban may get nukes thanks to Biden

And soldiers in Europe (and doubtless America) ready to help:

Germany: Muslim airport employees give ISIS one-finger salute on airport runway (

This may make US borrowing much, much more expensive

Economic death spiral, and worse.



Specific to energy:

Gazprom Declares Force Majeure, Will Halt Gas Flows to Germany Indefinitely



Gardening, animals, etc.:




Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):

Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:

Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (

USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (

Canning | SDSU Extension (

Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (

Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University

National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (

If you see others, tell me in the comments.

Books (also permanent):

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing

Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing

A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game

The Prepper’s Canning Guide

Pickled Pantry

Fermented Vegetables



Big Tech in general:

How Artificial Intelligence Brings the End of the World – American Thinker

What will happen when s*x robots become truly ambulatory?  When contact with them is more rewarding, pleasure-wise?  When they’re compliant, and don’t talk back, etc.?  Will we soon have a Stepford Wives scenario?  Or will it be a Terminator or Matrix scenario where it ends up being a war between humans and AI?  Or Stepford Wives who, after lulling you in, then kill you?  Or, or, or?





Skynet is smiling.



Self-defense & Hunting:

Indiana Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz Delivers EPIC Defense Of The Second Amendment (VIDEO) (

What’s she drinking?  Send a few cases to the GOP HQ.  So sad that those who were born here take so many things for granted.  As I wrote in Just Give Me Yavneh, so many say – like a mantra – “Oh that’s just not possible”!

They are, as I coined, “Twenty-Niners” (bolding and link in the original):

As the late Walter Williams wrote in a column:

No German who died before 1930 would have believed the Holocaust possible.

Hence my term, “Twenty-Niners”.  People who cannot grasp that anything that could radically change the situation in which they live are actual possibilities, and completely dismiss concerns that others present even when backed by evidence. 

Speaking of, more lamenting over people who refuse to even consider the possibility they might be mistaken.

On yeeting dudes at a distance

I just took the older kid to the range – now that it’s summer – and at 20 feet they did quite well with a rifle.  Me and my carry gun at 25 feet?  Not so much.  Got to get back there, get some one-on-one lessons, and then when I get better sign up for more realistic training too.

The importance of remembering history: They have been lying for decades.

They want all of them.



Catch-all miscellaneous:

Michelle Obama’s Changing Sexual Identity – American Thinker

For me, the issue is not whether “Michelle” is trans; I believe he is but absent a confirmable, chain-of-evidence DNA test or something similar, we’ll never truly know IMHO.  The same for Barakus’ faith:



I am a Jew.  For over two decades I was an atheist.  Never, in my life, have I ever said “My Christian faith” or “My Muslim faith” or anything like that.  Not once.  Not.  F*cking.  Once.

Now, if Barackus is a Muslim, that’s his right to be.  But – and let me be clear – the two issues are related insofar that it’s the deception and concealment of these things that matters.  But deception is all the Left has to offer.  If, as the late Maha-Rushie once said, if the Left were open and honest they’d never win again.  They have to pretend to be something they’re not to have any electoral viability – deception and vote fraud is how they win.  And speaking of deception, from the state of my birth; The Sophisticated Deception of Massachusetts – American Thinker.

The Left has no honor.  And one does not engage with, or prevail over, a dishonorable foe by fighting back under Marquis of Queensbury Rules.



Wrap-up commentary if I am moved to do so:



Back when I lived in Ohio I was still a comics fan, and one day I noticed a title: “Bruce Wayne: Agent of Shield”.  WTF?  I didn’t pay close enough attention to notice it was part of a series of Marvel-DC crossovers; for a while in this miniseries DC and Marvel characters were smushed together.

In that series Clark Kent pens an essay asking about all the weird new villains and heroes (from Marvel) now being seen in the DC universe.  And he asks, pointedly, perhaps in fighting these battles we risk not seeing the greater war we’re losing.  As we worry about what we have – and I have a lot, children, a nice house, etc. – what are we losing?

Our freedoms.





HT to Small Dead Animals (this post, bolding added):

Misha Petrov is a young lady in America who I sense was born in Russia or nearby. She has broken free of the insane group think all around her and not (sic) publishes videos about her new found enlightenment.

While watching this video, you might think, “Proof positive that the American Education System is broken.” I submit to you that it is the way it is very much by design, not by accident.

Now, listen to the absolute arrogance of that first kid in particular.  No room at all for the possibility they might be wrong.  EGO.  VANITY.



Being philosophical here.  It’s my belief that each person has 1-2 that are dominant and truly affect their character all the time.  There are then a couple that are medium-level.  And the rest are the “trivial” a la Pareto.  I’d like to think I know myself well enough to know how I am affected by each of the above.




Palate cleanser:


Even animals are sick of this pronoun sh*t!






The post Survival Sunday appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gunstock Mountain Resort Doing the “Saul Alinsky Two-Step – Or Is That the Brian Beihl Bugaloo?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 15:00 +0000

As I have said in the past, people send me stuff. And given the stir that NH Governor Chris Sununu made by shooting his mouth off concerning three NH State Reps in Belknap County that are rated among the highest in fidelity to the NH GOP Platform (via the NH House Republican Alliance, which monitors such things), GraniteGrok is getting more eyeballs, so more is coming in (more about his hoof-in-mouth disease further down).

This first one that came in counters the Gunstock Sr. Management’s talking point that their walkout was about “respect” and not political as I’ve been posting. Well, throw a bucket of water onto THAT idea – a bit on Brian Beihl, who Kaidaisch / Gallagher has running the Citizens for Belknap election effort (emphasis mine):

Also, I have known Beihl for a very long time. He would not be involved in anything that would be bipartisan. Nearly everyone or everything he has ever worked for has been left of center — Dan Weeks for Executive Council in 2016; NH Rebellion before Open Democracy; station manager at WNHN, the LPFM radio station in Concord whose main host is ultra-leftwing Arnie Arnesen. What’s also weird is that he is very anti-corporate. It must be tough times for Beihl when he actually gets in bed with people who are on the take for a big development like this.

Well, so much for Mike Kitch’s article in NH Business Review about “non-partisan,” eh? And if you’ve put Beihl in place as your “organizer,” he’s not doing it just for the sake of the Citizens For Belknap – it is ENTIRELY partisan and is merely using this as his long-term goal, which is to turn Belknap County blue (Democrat).

Have I mentioned that I have Beihl’s emails, going back YEARS, to back up that assertion? I need to start putting them up. I do have to admit, however, that I forgot that Beihl was with NH Rebellion, and I don’t remember if I ever saved them.

Yeah, that certainly doesn’t fit the Citizens for Belknap’s Narrative well now, does it?

Sidenote: isn’t that just SWEET!  Here is Citizens for Belknap castigating THE ENTIRE BELKNAP DELEGATION while having an advisor who worked for a Leftist advocacy group with “REBELLION” in its name. I swear you can’t make this stuff up (and it’s clear they can’t connect the dots).

And then another data point that someone else sent me. Remember, the Sr. Gunstock Management wanted to make y’all believe that this past Wednesday’s GAC meeting was to make it seem that their mass resignation was “spontaneous” – it wasn’t.



Want another data point? The Sales and Marketing Gunstock head already had a job lined up. Now, as you read it, keep in mind that the above was an ad by the Citizens for Belknap that just appeared in the Laconia Daily Sun; note that Kristen Lodge’s name is in that ad, making it appear that her resignation was “spontaneous.”  That is until you see the date of the email that Lodge pushed out to the Lakes Region Tourism Association announcing she already had a job in Tennessee. And did it with a Gunstock email address (emphasis mine):

From: Kristen Lodge <>
Date: 7/11/22 4:04 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: <redated to protect the innocent>
Subject:  LRTA Board of Directors

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know that my last day at Gunstock is tomorrow, and I resigning my position on the board.

It’s been so great working with all of you. I’m so sorry to have missed the last two meetings. They coincided with two very tough GAC meetings that I needed to prepare for, so I had to miss the LRTA meeting.

I have made the decision to move to Tennessee for a job opportunity (still in tourism).

Thanks for all the work you do to promote the Lakes Region and make it a great place to live and work.


Kristen Lodge
Sales & Marketing Director
Office:  603-737-4308
719 Cherry Valley Road, Gilford, NH 03249
Subscribe to the Gunstock Newsletter!

So let’s ask the obvious question – if her last day was the 12th, then the normal two weeks notice would be back on June 28th. The first of the two meetings she mentioned was LAST month (June 22), and the second would have been this past Wednesday (July 20th)

Thus the Citizens For Belknap would have already known this in advance. Yet, as part of the “con” (IMHO) that Beihl / Citizens for Belknap / Gary Kiedaisch / Rusty McLear / Russ Dumais / Alex Ray are seemingly trying to pull, WHY DID THEY keep her name on that rather large ad to make it seem that she resigned “spontaneously” this past Wednesday at the GAC meeting???

Oh – because it furthers the Narrative they are trying to present?  Are there any more that are in the same situation?  I wonder if that resignation notice is in her HR file…

And I wonder if the Laconia Daily Sun’s reporter, Jon Decker, knew this and just didn’t mention it if he did?  You know, Ethics and all?

Questions were asked because I AM that cynical kind of guy.


To review – His Excellency’s (that’s an official title for the NH Governor – really!  But it fits the mindset as well) Missive, again:


He specifically named NH State Rep Mike Sylvia (CHAIR of the Belknap County Delegation which is made up of the State Reps in the county), NH State Rep Norm Silber (who is also the Chair of the Belknap County Republican Committee) and Gregg Hough (Chair, Laconia City Republican Committee).  Their scores:

  • Norm Silber          2018- 97.6%, 2021 – 100%
  • Mike Sylvia           2018-96.6%  2019-98.3% 2020-98.2%   2021-100%
  • Gregg Hough       2021-100%

You’d think he’d be ecstatic about that wonderful support for the NH GOP Platform, given that he’s the titular head of the Party!  Problem is, they make him look bad by comparison – they aren’t “going along” with his agenda.  Again, he’s not half the politician his Dad is.

So for increasing our readership, thanks Chris!  I’m betting this news is warming that deep recess within your heart, right?  After all, we ARE more “Republican” than many Republicans because we’re really good Conservatarians that stand Consistent on Principles. Perhaps you should try it – works well. After all:

Consistency breed Trust which yields Votes

Openness works too – the former Gunstock Sr. Mgt and the Citizens for Belknap oughta try some as well. After all, some Big Flashlights are starting to turn in your direction.

And after your “Pandemic autocratic rule”, dontcha wish you had listed US in that missive as well? We haven’t been exactly supporters of you lately – you’ve been giving us rather slim pickings on issues lately that would yield happy faces.

I shudder if you’re plan is to outdo your Dad (former Chief of Staff to President Bush) and become the President instead.



The post Gunstock Mountain Resort Doing the “Saul Alinsky Two-Step – Or Is That the Brian Beihl Bugaloo? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

To Solve The Problem You Need To Understand The Problem … Mowers Doesn’t

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 13:30 +0000

According to a tweet from CD-1 candidate Matt Mowers, our Southern border is wide open because of the Biden regime’s “incompetence.”

That’s not even close to the truth. It is deliberate. It is the “Great Replacement.”

The American-Left believes that (1) the “less white” America becomes, the better America becomes … in their words, “diversity is our strength”. Indeed, as Vice-President Joe Biden expressly said so:

An unrelenting stream of immigration, nonstop, nonstop. Folks like me, who are Caucasian of European descent for the first time in 2017 will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then on will be White European stock. That’s not a bad thing. That’s a source of our strength.  

And the American-Left believes that (2) all the people crossing illegally into the United States through our wide open Soutern border, precisely because they are “Latinx” or whatever the latest stupid woke identifier is, will all robotically vote Democrat.

As for whether the Southern border is open because of incompetence or deliberately, Tucker Carlson has explained:

According to AEI scholar Mark Perry, we can expect over 9 million new illegal aliens by the end of Joe Biden’s first term. Nothing like this has ever happened in this or maybe any other country ever and it’s happening for one reason. It’s not natural. It’s the product of a policy choice. Joe Biden promised amnesty to anyone who makes it across our border. So, in 2019, for example, the Trump administration criminally prosecuted 110,000 illegal migrants for violating immigration law. …  you have to enforce the law, including immigration law, but Joe Biden stopped doing it. Last year, Joe Biden prosecuted fewer than 3000 total. That’s according to DHS data obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. That’s a drop of nearly 98%.

Here is Mowers’ tweet:

The post To Solve The Problem You Need To Understand The Problem … Mowers Doesn’t appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Know Why The Public Health Industrial Complex Had to Discredit Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 12:00 +0000

The public health industrial complex (PHIC) has been around longer than most folks would be willing to believe. They want to think that the local doctor is theirs and not beholden to a corporate behemoth colluding with the state or federal government, but that’s incredibly rare.

The triad of hospitals, insurance companies, and big Pharma is not new. Daniel Horowitz has been exposing it for years. They have a lot of clout and influence. In a tiny state like New Hampshire, they’ve secured an effective monopoly making health care competition nearly impossible. The result has been a decline in care and access and a rise in costs. And while that’s bad news for the public and public health, it’s gotten much worse.

This monopoly, scaled nationally and globally, was leveraged at the beginning of the so-called COVID pandemic to ensure that public health took a back seat to one of the biggest confidence scams in human history.

They prattled on about flattening curves, but the goal was profit, money laundering, and control. Part of that control model included preventing prevention. The Public Health Industrial Complex, with the help of the media, ensured that the fast-tracked vaccine, whatever it was, would be the only approved treatment option. And they were all willing to violate Federal Law to make it happen.

Related: The Ivermectin Story; Feed This to Your Horse Faced Horse-Paste Democrat Friends

Section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act only allows the issuing of an emergency use authorization if four criteria were met, one of which was that,


There is no adequate, approved, and available alternative. Among other reasons, an alternative may be considered unavailable if there are insufficient supplies of the approved alternative to fully meet the emergent need or if the agent is or may become resistant to approved and available alternative products.


Both hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin had human doses, decades of use proving they were incredibly safe for everyone of every age and condition and could work effectively to end not just the pandemic but crush the talking points of the fearmongering politicians and a media that amplified them for whatever agenda drove them to do it.

These licensed drugs were also dirt cheap, pennies per dose, widely available, and easy to produce and deliver immediately everywhere for anyone who wanted them.

Their existence was not unknown to “experts,” nor was the likelihood that it would be effective. So, early on, prophylaxis was discouraged by the PHIC, a huge red flag in and of itself. What medical professional discourages early intervention for any condition unless they had ulterior motives or were leveraged by higher powers to that end?

Related: We Have Another Ivermectin Story to Feed to Your Horse Faced Horse-Paste Democrat Friends

The Public Health Industrial Complex tried to destroy the reputation of both drugs. Doctors and researchers who suggested HCQ or Ivermectin were leaned on, leveraged, or ruined (if possible). And thousands of medical professionals would later get fired from “hospital” jobs for refusing an Emergency Use vaccine they didn’t need.

Public health didn’t trump everything, after all.

The Establishment Machine deliberately lied to clear the way for COVID vaccines that were never a public health necessity, and hundreds of thousands of people who should have lived died. Thousands of businesses were wiped out. Millions lost their jobs, their families, friends, and loved ones. And then there is the vaccine injured.

And none of it needed to happen.



The post We Know Why The Public Health Industrial Complex Had to Discredit Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Letter to the Times

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 10:30 +0000

This is in response to the article about Croydon’s budget battle, which appeared on the front page of the New York Times a couple of weeks ago. I don’t think they’ll be printing it, though.  So I thought I’d reproduce it here.


Dear Editor,

Since the publication of your article by Dan Barry about the budget drama in Croydon, NH, my wife and I have been the recipients of anonymous emails and telephone calls from people who are eager to tell us what horrible people we are, how terrible our parents must have been, and how awful our views on education are.

The problem is, they don’t know anything about us, or about our views on education. They know only what they’ve read in the article, which are caricatures.

Anyone who takes a moment to look at the things I’ve been writing for years (on the GraniteGrok website) will see that my primary concern was, and continues to be, getting a better education for the kids of Croydon (and every other town in New Hampshire).  The following is just a small sampling:

Here is the pamphlet that I handed out at our annual town meeting:

As I point out in the pamphlet, and as I stated at the meeting, decades of data show that we can’t improve education by spending more money.  We can only do it by spending less, because that will require us to consider seriously the justification for public education laid out by our state supreme court 20 years ago. That in turn requires asking some fundamental questions that have been ignored for too long, and requires making some serious decisions about what to prioritize.

That was the whole point of proposing the smaller budget.  To force a serious discussion about educational issues. But with the help of journalists like Mr. Barry, that was turned instead into a discussion about personalities.

I find it ironic that when I simply quote our state supreme court, the typical response is to call what I’m saying ‘a crazy Free Stater idea’, ‘detrimental to society’, ‘selfish’, ‘stupid’, and so on.

But who is more selfish?  Someone who is trying to bring about genuine reform in a public institution where it is desperately needed, to benefit both students and the people footing the bill for their education?  Or someone who wants to continue with a system that has a 50-year track record of failure, and a simultaneous 50-year track record of rapidly escalating costs — especially when he’s able to force his neighbors to pick up the tab for 90 percent or more of those costs?

And who is more stupid?  Someone who wants students to benefit from the advances in technology and pedagogy that have occurred during the last few decades?  Or someone who wants to keep sending them to centralized locations — the educational equivalent of video arcades — where they have fewer resources, of lower quality, and vastly higher cost, than the ones they have access to virtually everywhere except when they’re in school?

Note that in New Hampshire, which consistently ranks as one of the ‘best’ states for education, only about 40 percent of students are performing at the most basic level of proficiency by the time they graduate — even though 90 percent of them do graduate.

Note also that every district in New Hampshire is now spending more, adjusted for inflation, than even the richest districts were 20 years ago.  That is, every district in New Hampshire is a ‘rich district’, in terms of spending.  But student achievement hasn’t improved at all.

Finally, note that all of this has occurred in a system that requires teachers and administrators to be certified, a system in which taxpayers are presented with ransom demands by districts, instead of districts being presented with budgets by taxpayers.

Could it, maybe, possibly, be time to try something different?

Which should we be more afraid of:  Trying something that might not work, or continuing with something we know for sure won’t work?

Again, anyone who reads what I’ve written will see that I’m not against using taxes to pay for education.  I’m in favor of that, and am on record as saying that, many times, in many different ways.  What I’m against is making taxpayers pay for things that public schools are doing instead of education, things that actually displace education, and things that in many ways prevent education from occurring.

And I’m especially against that when it forces people who are poor to subsidize people who are rich — which is one of the essential features of our current school funding system.

It’s unfortunate that Mr. Barry chose not to discuss any of this in his article, choosing instead to present cartoon versions both of people who disagree with him, and of their views.  And it’s unfortunate that you gave him such a prominent platform for doing it.

Ian Underwood
Croydon, NH

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Primary is Fast Approaching – Book Your Ads Now!

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 03:00 +0000

Republicans in Primaries can gain a significant name-recognition advantage by advertising on Our readers are not just voters they are primary voters. They are also supporters of Conservatarian candidates.

They donate, put signs in their yard, and learn about candidates. If you win their support, they will talk you up, and the best way to get their attention is to advertise on our pages.

Space is not unlimited, but you’ve got a few options to choose from. You can advertise for a week, a few weeks or a few months or all the way to the general election).

If you need help with your ad, we can do that too. Here are two ads we created for customers in the past few months.





We’ve got a few more, but they have not gone live, so I can’t share those just yet. But we’d be happy to help you with an existing ad or to create something unique for your campaign. Or just send us yours, and we’ll set you up.

And it’s not just campaigns. We also run ads for events (like the 603 Cruise), Dinners, rallies, parades, protests, and even your business. Ads that will be seen by thousands of people every day. People you want to reach.

If you’d like to request rates and check availability, please email me at


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

National Pulse Wrecks Matt Mowers Over Deborah Birx … On Behalf Of Karoline Leavitt

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 01:30 +0000

So … on July 18th, National Pulse published an article spotlighting the ties between Matt Mowers and the nefarious, mendacious “Dr.” Deborah Birx. The article presents itself as an expose of Birx, but it clearly is aimed at Mowers, and was probably ghostwritten by the Leavitt campaign.

Indeed, the article concludes with a plug for Leavitt:

His main opponent – former Trump admin official Karoline Leavitt – has experienced a bumper fundraising quarter as well as garnering endorsements from key Trump-world figures such as Steve Cortes:

While the article is a painfully transparent political-hit/political-plug, it nevertheless raises questions about Mowers that SHOULD be front-and-center in this primary. For example, these Mowers’ tweets:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Training Day: Gov Sununu, This is What Interrupting a “Meeting” Looks Like ….

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-24 00:00 +0000

Last September, Governor Groomer (Chris Sununu) had nine audience members at an Executive Council meeting frog-marched out by his jackbooted troopers to face charges. Someone said Amen. Others were chatting to those seated next to them. Some said nothing.

They were targeted and removed. Escorted out and charged with disrupting an official public meeting. We’ve published the video. There’s no there, there! A fact the State AG had to admit eight months later.


“Those individuals would have certain constitutional and statutory defenses available to them at trial and based on these defenses, and other evidentiary issues, the state would be unable to sustain its burden of proving these individuals guilty beyond a reasonable doubt,” Formella said in a statement.


In the interest of teaching and enlightenment on what disruption looks like, we present failed pillow guy-wannabe David Hogg. He got famous for going to a school that got shot up by a kid who slipped through every so-called common sense gun protection he now advocates. The experts had many opportunities to prevent this kid from causing harm and failed.

Hogg blames you and your guns.

So, he’s a little prick, more or less. Gift wrapped for or by the Left – you decide – to speak to the masses about the evils of..not the incompetent government who had ample opportunity to identify and stop Nikolas Cruz (Parkland shooter), but the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms. And he is an attention whore. His entire existence turns on it. So, he decided to yell nonsequiturs about racism at members of Congress during a hearing.

No one asked him; he just started yelling.



“You are reiterating the points of mass shooters in your manifesto, the shooter in my high school, anti-Semitic, anti-black, and racist,” Hogg yelled at Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ). “The shooter in El Paso described it as an invasion. Guess what? Those guns are coming from the United States of America.”

“They aren’t coming from Mexico, they are not coming from Mexico, you are reiterating the points of a mass shooter, sir,” Hogg claimed. “Sir, you are perpetuating violence, you need to … stop these things now.”


Governor Sununu, that is how interrupting a proceeding or meeting will look. It’s not saying Amen or what passes for murmur or cross-talk in the crowd that can be quickly quieted if needed for business to continue. You don’t call the Storm Troopers in to haul people out who are just sitting there talking under their breath. That’s what you did, and the charges brought are dropping like flies.

And maybe, you’re thinking, talk about bitter clinging, that was last October, but you did that. You abused your authority because you wanted federal money, and it didn’t matter to you what your citizens or Councilors thought about that.

Because of that, these nine folks have had their lives turned upside down for the better part of a year.

It makes you look capricious, arbitrary, and dangerous, and that’s a characteristic typically reserved for Democrats and tin pot dictators; last I checked, you’re not a registered Democrat.


HT | Leo

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Good Guy With A Gun

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-07-23 22:30 +0000

By now we all know the story of Elisjsha Dicken breaking a trigger to stop a massacre. “Many more people would have died last night if not for a responsible armed citizen,” said Chief James Isom of the Greenwood, Indiana Police. Although, It did not take long for Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action to get on Twitter and say,

“I don’t know who needs to hear this but when a 22 year old illegally brings a loaded gun into a mall and kills a mass shooter after he already killed three people and wounded others is not a ringing endorsement of our implementation of the Second Amendment.”

Kris Brown, President of the “Brady Bunch” referred to Dicken as a, “Vigilante.” The pejoratives against this young man in the mainstream media are limitless.

What is intriguing is that the mainstream anti-gun left is smearing Eli Dicken. They are NOT smearing Jonathan Sapirman, the mall shooter who looked to massacre countless numbers of people.

Shannon Watts is not only despicable, but dishonest. Shopping Malls across America post explicit signs at their entrances warning, “No Weapons.” In Many states, however, such postings have no force of law. In the worst-case scenario, Mall Management may send a letter to the offending person demanding that they not enter upon mall property. This is called a “No Trespass Letter.” Mall Management may demand that an armed person leave.  Like the Granite State, this is also the case in Indiana. Again, such postings have no force of law. Shannon Watts is a charlatan and a mass shooter advocate.

The real problem for the left however, is this incident has blown apart their skeptical narrative of a “good guy with a gun,” and they cannot wrap their heads around it. Anti-Second Leftist bedwetters are losing at every turn with the recent Supreme Court decision (Bruen).  It would appear that the Ant-gun left want the mass casualties to push their narrative.

Republicans and Democrats alike stood on the bloody corpses of the Uvalde children to pass some gun legislation. But we already know how weak the Republican party is in terms of moral courage.

Summarily, one thing that stands in stark contrast is that Eli Dicken got done in 15 seconds what 80 plus police officers could not do in an hour and 10 minutes.



The post The Good Guy With A Gun appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Groomers Running Our Public Schools–How They Groom the Girls

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-07-23 21:00 +0000

Parents who raise their daughters to recognize feelings of discomfort when a potential predator is approaching them, are now learning that school administrators are telling their daughters to ignore those warning signs.

Those who’ve worked in law enforcement will tell girls and women to never ignore those feelings, but now woke school administrators are telling girls the opposite. Just get over it girls. If you are not comfortable in a situation with biological males, we are going to force you to ignore those warning signs.

Maybe there are females who are perfectly comfortable with biological males sharing the restroom with them. Maybe there are biological males that would never harm or exploit this situation. But pushing and forcing females to ignore their natural instincts of modesty or danger are being groomed for predators who could harm them.

There are documented cases where males have posed as females to gain access to private areas in order to assault girls and women. Now school administrators are going to put school girls through a reprogramming training to get them to ignore the natural feelings that are there to protect them. And they wonder why we call them groomers–sexual predators must be thrilled.

In the Montgomery County schools in Maryland, administrators issued guidelines that say students can use whichever bathroom/locker room they feel matches their gender identity. They advise students who are uncomfortable with this policy to seek counseling to better understand gender identity.


You don’t make things more inclusive for one group by taking safety and privacy away from another.

When my own daughter and I were shopping many years ago, the male sales clerk was a bit creepy and talked to her in a way that seemed odd to me and her. While nothing happened, I talked to my daughter after that encounter and helped her identify those feelings of discomfort she was feeling. I told her to never ignore that. Some situations may not be dangerous, but I wanted her to never ignore a feeling that could possibly keep her out of a dangerous situation. I had read a book written by a police officer who said that too many women ignore those feelings, and end up as victim of a violent crime. Girls have already reported violent sexual assault by biological males posing as females to access the girls restroom. Now woke administrators are going to counsel young girls to ignore those red flags.

Check your school policy to see if your school board adopted Policy JBAB. This was a policy recommended by the New Hampshire School Boards Association years ago. While many schools rejected this dangerous and anti-parent policy, some New Hampshire schools still have this policy in place.

What has happened to the adults in charge of running some of our public schools? Instead of nurturing a girl’s natural protective feelings, they want to reprogram these girls which makes them easier targets for predators. Who decided that tearing down a girl’s natural feelings of modesty which can help protect her in a dangerous situation, was a good idea?

For more information:


This doesn’t sound like a practical way to keep yourself safe at all, does it? Well, perhaps not, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an important piece of advice to follow. Listen to your gut. When you feel that someone or something isn’t right, believe that feeling and get out of the situation as soon as you can. Don’t worry about appearing strange or rude – it’s far better to be thought of like this by someone than to be correct and then be attacked.

This instinct, ‘women’s intuition’ as it is often called (although everyone has it, not just women), is something that has been with humanity since we were living in caves, and it kept us safe from predators back then. It’s like an animal’s instinct, except that, because our brains are bigger, we’ve persuaded ourselves that it’s nothing and that we should ignore it. Don’t do that; listen to that voice that tells you someone is strange and leave as soon as possible.



The post The Groomers Running Our Public Schools–How They Groom the Girls appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Manchester School District Is Right on This Point but Is Deliberately Hiding the Truth on the Converse of It.

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-07-23 19:30 +0000

I just keep tabbing interesting stories all the time but never seem to catch up on writing about them. NH Journal had this about the MSD and why it feels that it can brazenly lie to parents about their child’s transgender status (for which they are being sued). Reformatted, emphasis mine:

Citizens may have a lot of questions about Manchester School District’s policy of keeping students’ transgender activity secret from their parents. But thus far, officials in the state’s largest school district are not talking. Asked about the policy, school board officials, including Mayor Joyce Craig, all declined to defend it.

…“(T)his motion can be easily resolved by answering one discrete question:

Do school districts have a legally enforceable duty to inform parents when a student uses a name or gender pronoun different than that assigned at birth? Because the answer to this question is no, the Complaint should be dismissed,”

MSD’s filing states.

The answer is no, there is no current NH Law that says that the District SHALL (meaning it is mandatory to do so) inform parents.  While morally they should, as the Parents are the taxpaying customers of the product public schools produce, the fact that they refuse makes it clear that the “morality” (such as it is) that public schools have adopted from the Transgender Politics/Theology combined with Mob Social Justice that has turned them from being educators to Social Justice Warriors. With this, they also incorporate the Black Live Matter Oppressor/Oppressed model in which Parents are Oppressors and they Oppress their children.  But I digress.

Let’s state the converse:

Can school districts point to an RSA (NH Law) that has been passed by the State Legislature that enables them to lie to parents when a student uses a name or gender pronoun different than that assigned at birth? Because the answer to this question is no, the Complaint should be dismissed proceed,”

They say there is no law compelling them – the more important issue is that in our State, subdivisions of the State (and MSD is one) can ONLY do those things that are enabled in some State statute.  There isn’t one and that is why I am suing my board, the Gilford School Board, for the same thing – they have no Power to lie to parents.  In both cases, MSD and GSD, their scummy lawyers are working hard to not let the cases into the courtroom because they know they’ll lose in a heartbeat.

There are two kinds of States in the nation: Home Rule and Dillon’s Rule. The formers says that subdivisions of the State can do whatever they want as long as they done VIOLATE State and Federal law. IF NH was a Home Rule state, there’d be no case.

But NH is the latter kind. Thus, it means they can’t do what they are – acting is if there WAS a law allowing them to lie to parents.

Summary: cute try at a slight of hand on confirming the negative, MSD, what what is the issue is the positive.

Craig, who chairs the school board, declined requests for comment on the policy. She also would not answer questions about whether she supports the policy. None of the members of the board’s policy committee, Leslie Want, Nicole Leapley, Peter Perich, Sean Parr, or Jason Bonilla, would discuss the matter, either.

Of course they won’t.  They’d rather win than admit they were trying to pass one over wrong. Seems to be going on all over the State.

Truth? Honesty?  No, these Districts are using the courts as a legal cudgel to bankrupt parents. After all, in their eyes, the children belong to the schools and Parents just get in the way when it comes to Policy JBAB (lying to Parents).

It’s the “Woke” way.

The post Manchester School District Is Right on This Point but Is Deliberately Hiding the Truth on the Converse of It. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nearly 1 in 3 Granite Staters and 52% of NH Republicans Support Secession in First-Ever Poll!

Free Keene - Sat, 2022-07-23 19:02 +0000

29% agree, “I would prefer New Hampshire to govern itself as an independent country.”

Thanks to the folks at the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence, we now have the results (PDF, web) of their first-ever scientific poll of the people of NH on various questions related to NH independence from the United States!  Conducted by SurveyUSA, 625 adults in New Hampshire were asked 27 questions, so there’s a lot of data to go through, but here are some important takeaways.

First, 29% of all respondents either said they strongly agree or somewhat agree that they “would prefer New Hampshire to govern itself as an independent country.”  This alone is tremendous news! Nearly one in three already onboard is an excellent starting point to begin persuading the rest of the population. Given only 2/3rds are needed to pass a constitutional amendment, we’re almost halfway there! Another 14% said they were “not sure”, so those people are already on the fence on the issue.

Someone may claim this is a fluke poll, but it’s actually in line with another secession poll conducted in 2021 by Bright Line Watch which asked people across the country if they “support seceding from the US to form a new regional union”. It’s not as good of a question for our purposes, as we don’t want to be in a union with the rest of New England, but it does give some insight into regional interest in independence. In that poll, 34% of New Englanders said they support seceding for joining a regional union! That result is right in line with the SurveyUSA numbers targeting only NH respondents.

63% agree, “I trust my state government more than I trust the federal government.”

An even more interesting takeaway from the NH poll is that 52% of republicans say they strongly agree or somewhat agree that they “would prefer New Hampshire to govern itself as an independent country.” Plus, 11% said they were “not sure”. When the historic, proposed constitutional amendment to peacefully secede came up this year in the state house, despite having several republican sponsors, the establishment republicans spoke firmly against it. Others quietly told us they agreed with the bill, but were too afraid they’d lose their re-election if they supported it. Ultimately only thirteen voted against the establishment motion to table the bill. Now that we have the encouraging results of this poll showing majority republican support for secession, perhaps some of the state reps will find a spine. Hopefully the newly established NH Independence PAC will be able to use this data to try to persuade them to stand up in favor of independence for New Hampshire.

As the Foundation for NH Independence pointed out in their announcement of the poll numbers, over time people’s opinions can shift on an issue once considered impossible, like shall-issue gun permits. They say in 1990 that shall-issue permits were less popular than secession is today, but opinions changed and now the supermajority of states have them. Let’s look at some reasons why the numbers are going to shift in favor of independence for NH:

  1. The federal government is going to become more and more oppressive, inflation is going to continue destroying peoples’ livelihoods, and war against peaceful people around the planet will continue. You can count on the feds to get more evil, regardless of who wins the election. Plus, large majorities of NH people already know the fed gov is bad, as shown by other questions on the poll:
    • 79% agreed: “The federal government’s financial decisions and economic regulations hurt our livelihoods and could lead to inflation and bankruptcy.”
    • 69% agreed: “Politicians in Washington, DC violate our rights more than they protect our rights.”
    • 64% agreed: “Laws, regulations, and court rulings coming out of Washington, DC are incompatible with New Hampshire’s culture of freedom.”
    • 63% agreed: “I trust my state government more than I trust the federal government.”
    • Only 29% of NH respondents think that the feds, “have my best interests in mind when passing legislation.”

    We already have roughly 2/3rds of people in NH who are frustrated with the federal government. As the feds continue to get worse, more and more will let go of their indoctrinated, nationalistic love of the United States and join the side of NH independence.

  2. Of people over 65, only 5% strongly support secession. Time is on our side.
  3. “National Divorce” has been trending in recent months and the conversations about secession are going to continue. Meanwhile people around the country are migrating to states that they consider more like-minded to their beliefs.
  4. The Free State Project, a migration of libertarian activists to New Hampshire, had record movers in 2021 and 2022 may top that number. Most of these people support secession and are active. The more people talk to their neighbors and friends about independence, the more will flip to supportive.
  5. Pro-independence activists in NH were energized by the historic proposal to put NH independence on the ballot as a constitutional amendment. New groups have been started, like the NH Independence PAC, which is just getting its feet wet. The now-decade-old Foundation for NH Independence has elected Alu Axelman, author and independence-superactivist to its president seat. With more liberty activists moving in and getting excited about this issue, it’s not going anywhere but forward.

Interestingly, only 39% of respondents agreed that, “If New Hampshire were not already part of the United States, it would be beneficial for the state to join, and be governed by DC.” Showing that even though some in NH aren’t ready to leave just yet, they sure wouldn’t want to join this terrible union! Further, 42% said that the question of secession should be put to New Hampshire voters, and 12% said “not sure”.

NHexit.US Logo

Whenever one speaks to people about declaring independence from the United States, the number one objection is the fear that the military will be used to attack the state that is seceding. This is an understandable fear, given what happened in the 1800s. However, this poll shows it has no basis in reality, as across all eight states that were polled, an average of only 6% would support military intervention if a state secedes. While 37% would support some form of “economic sanctions”, the majority – 57% – say the state should simply be allowed to leave. Americans don’t want to kill their own families and friends just because they want to leave the union and if the federal government gets violent with a seceding state, it will only undermine their legitimacy even further.

The New Hampshire Independence movement is just getting started and I’m excited that so many people are already supportive. If you love liberty and want to secede, you should be here in NH. Come help us make this a reality sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence. You can start by signing the petition at NHexit.US!

You can see the full results including crosstabs (PDF, web) for yourself, so feel free to dig through the data yourself!

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As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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