The Manchester Free Press

Tuesday • May 14 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XX

Manchester, N.H.

Groomers Part 3: Predators Who Run the World

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-08 01:30 +0000

For many people, the thought of the most powerful people in the world, entrusted to lead our countries, major corporations, and even religious bodies, as psychopathic predators are either too unbelievable or too uncomfortable to consider. No one wants to believe the reins of power are in the hands of people who not only fail to live up to their public servant calling but have and will use their power to target vulnerable children or facilitate the criminal human trafficking market. Sadly most people are unaware of the history of heads of state in the west who either were or are connected to, child predators.


Former UK Prime Minister (1970-1974) Edward Heath was accused by at least 42 people of having sexually assaulted them as minors. Heath, most famous for leading the UK into the EU, would die at the age of 89 before any investigation brought charges against him. Like Jeffrey Epstein’s victims, they would not get justice other than posthumously.

Also in the UK around that time was a man named Jimmy Savile who most Americans have not heard of. Savile could be likened to the Dick Clark of England as he hosted a dance and music show for teens and twenty-somethings. Savile also was not exposed until after he died and the things he was known to have done are so far beyond the pale we won’t go into them here. However, the power Savile had come largely from his tight relationships with the royal family. He was one of the few visitors who didn’t need a security clearance when he would drop by Windsor Palace to hang with his buddy Prince Charles. Savile was such a fixture it’s said Queen Elizabeth recommended Charles and Diana seek his counsel when they began to have marital problems. Diana knew Savile’s character and was disgusted by the suggestion. She would die of mysterious circumstances not long after her divorce.

The most powerful royal family in the world has another son, in Prince Andrew, currently being investigated for his trysts on Epstein Island.

Time magazine also wrote this article detailing the network of child abusers in Margaret Thatcher’s administration which, despite massive incriminating evidence gathered by Scotland Yard, was covered up by a complicit media apparatus.

Outside the halls of power, the UK has a massive problem with Muslim grooming gangs that grew thanks to aggressive immigration policies fostered by many of those in Parliament.


Justin Trudeau is more famous among Americans for his metro-sexual good looks and political pedigree. However, since the pandemic, he has shown his tyrannical teeth with a cold disregard for Canadian citizens’ freedoms. Perhaps most demonstrably by having bank accounts of truckers, who were legally participating in a vaccine mandate protest, frozen with a wink and nod to Orwell’s Big Brother. A global media apparatus has a way of suppressing stories that expose the power elite, thanks now to social media giants who can bury both headlines and political ads, which is why most of us haven’t heard about Trudeau’s pedophile scandals both in and outside of his family. Trudeau has more than one underage accuser and is said to have settled out of court to the tune of $2.25 million at least once. This story was confirmed by the Buffalo Chronicle. Add to that his best friend was busted on possession of child porn and the picture gets darker. A cousin of Trudeau’s wife has been vocal about a cover-up of Liberal Party MPs and their predilection toward children.

Canada, part of the British Commonwealth, also has an alleged history of abusing native children in church-run schools that has never been given a proper investigation.


The island nation is no stranger to a similar political and church-linked power elite of predators. Recently the mega-church Hillsong has come under scrutiny for the handling of its founder’s son, Brian Houston, known concealment of child sexual abuse. The largest and most powerful evangelical church in the world was begun by Houston’s father, also found guilty of child abuse only to be allowed back into the pulpit by his son and a team of elders, as detailed in this documentary.

Shane Dowling, an investigative journalist covering Australia’s court system, has written a book about the ongoing protection racket that allows pedophiles to go unpunished. Dr. Reina Michaelson, the founder of Australia’s Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program, published a 2005 article about her experience that led to a discovery of a powerful political protection racket also involving police.

The United States

There is now so much information on the problem of child sex-ploitation here in the U.S. one book alone couldn’t do it justice let alone this two-page article. From the Super Bowl to Hollywood the paths of child predators are well worn and their reach is growing, as seen in this HHS chart, thanks in large part to the Biden Administration’s open border policy. Joe Biden, we’re told, was voted in to become the most popular president in history, and is suddenly now the least popular president in history. Virtually all of his policies are not just bad but seem to actively work against the best interests of the American public, including children. Biden, now famous for his child sniffing and groomer-like commentary to children has a son, Hunter, who has the odd combination of narcissistic video journaling and criminal behavior. Investigative journalists Project Veritas recently suffered the first ever FBI raid of a journalism group for merely possessing Ashley Biden’s diary wherein she says she took inappropriate showers with her dad as a child.

Prior to Biden, the presidency saw Bill Clinton famously groom a young female staffer in Monica Lewinsky. Despite the public outcry and shaming, he would go on to appear on the Epstein flight log over twenty times and Epstein visited the Clinton White House some seventeen times, though Clinton claims none of it is true. Pictures are more honest than the former president as can be seen in this photo of Ghislaine Maxwell taken at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding.

As much as the political Right wants to believe this issue comes from the Left, Heath was a member of the Conservative party, and Republican Senator from Nebraska John W. Decamp detailed the child trafficking during the Reagan and Bush administration that went directly to the White House via Boys Town.

Is this all coincidental activity by the psychopathic opportunists who manage to make their way to the highest levels of global power? Or is there a global power elite that grooms the groomers to do their bidding for fear of public humiliation from blackmail, the kind being gathered by Jeffrey Epstein? This audio from one-time Broadway playwright Myron C. Fagan goes into great detail describing the latter. Never mind his miscegenistic comments and unpopular opinions of historical heroes, he seems to connect the dots as to where the Power really lies and why our leaders lie about their connection to the human trafficking and child sex-ploitation rackets that operate above the law among the global elite. Upon listening, it would explain why our world seems to be in the unbreakable clutches of a power elite who get pervert politicians to do their political bidding on the way to a global, some say Satanic, one world government.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Maggie “The Budget Hawk” Hassan

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-08 00:00 +0000

Maggie “The Budget Hawk” Hassan’s latest ad explains that she is busily reducing the prices of oil and gasoline that are plaguing us.  She is portraying herself as having “fiscal responsibility” in another one and being praised as a budget hawk.

That’s great, Maggie, but does anyone believe that these two items are going to solve all the terrible problems visited on us by the Biden/Democrat axis?

A July 5, a Monmouth University poll showed that 63% say either inflation, gas prices, the economy, or everyday bills/groceries are their family’s top concern (inflation and gas prices alone combined for 47% with the panacea of them all, abortion, at 5%).

Inflation is a result of too much money chasing too few items to be purchased. 40% of all our printed money in circulation has been printed by Joe Biden and his administration.  Imagine that 40% of your pocket change appeared since Biden said that he would protect and defend the US Constitution instead of working to destroy it and us.

We want to thank John Burtis for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Where was Maggie, the budget hawk, when word was spread that Biden and his tool, Br’er Mayorkas, were flying illegal aliens all over America and putting them up on our dime?  Crickets.

Where was Maggie, the budget hawk, when Biden started throwing hundreds of millions of borrowed money at Ukraine without a nod to or from the House, which is supposed to handle expenditures or the Senate?  Crickets?

Where was Maggie, the budget hawk, when Biden and his confreres announced his glorious plan to give non-citizens, who broke federal law when they illegally crossed the southern border, federal ID cards which will enable them to start scooping up our limited benefits, which were hidden behind “Door # 3”, once the Democrats realized that these often illiterate people could be draped in emoluments they never dreamed they’d get, will vote for them keep them in power?  Crickets.

Related: Maggie Hassan’s Latest Ad Says She’s Fiscally Responsible – That’s a Big A** Lie.

Regardless of what the far left media swears are possible, men will never get pregnant, it’s a biological impossibility any more than a guy telling you he is a woman is now, presto, a woman like Lia Thomas is a “woman.”

Where was Maggie the hawk when Biden just signed something, some sort of Executive Order of the type that made Barack Obama famous – the pen and the phone caper – which allows Biden to steal Medicaid funds, which are normally reserved for children, pregnant women, parents, seniors, and individuals with disabilities?  Biden is stealing these funds from our most vulnerable to pay for the airline, train, and bus tickets for folks in states where the voting majority has said no to abortion and send these abortion seekers to other states?  Does anybody have a clue about the price of this insanity?  Didn’t we once foot our own medical bills?  Crickets from our own Maggie, the budget hawk.

While we’re at it, the Democrats and some RINOs have just passed a tremendous bag of insanity, the Inflation Reduction Act, which will throw rocket fuel onto our roaring inflation bonfire.  NBC says there’s $430 billion in new spending along with taxes – read taxes on every one of us putting an end to Biden’s talked about $400,000 limit, below which he said we wouldn’t be taxed.  Suddenly the Moon is made of green cheese.

Under the Inflation Reduction Act, the IRS would receive $80 billion in funding to hire as many as 87,000 additional employees and future Democrat voters. The increase would be more than double the size of the IRS workforce, which currently has 78,661 full-time staffers, according to federal data. The Internal Revenue Service will now employ more bureaucrats than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined.  The IRS has 5 million rounds of ammunition and recently purchased another 4,500 weapons.  Where’s Maggie, the budget hawk on this bit of chicanery?  Crickets.

Included in this act is $4 billion in new federal drought relief funds to help the re-election campaigns of Democratic Senators Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada and Mark Kelly in Arizona.  And just for the dim but mouthy AOC and her buds, this gargantuan bill aptly named the Inflation Reduction Act, which will do absolutely nothing to curtail the inflation that’s eating up every dime we own, contains $369 billion, a $1,000 dollar future bill for every American, just to help change the weather.  What, nothing from Maggie the budget hawk again?  What?  Crickets.

The Tax Foundation estimates that the insanity contained in the Inflation Reduction Act will reduce long-run economic output by about 0.1 percent and eliminate just about 30,000 full-time equivalent jobs in the United States. It would also reduce average after-tax incomes for taxpayers across every income quintile over the long run and reduce capital stock valuations by .3%.

This worthless bill, for us in New Hampshire and for folks all over the USA, will cause no end of damage possibly meted out at the hands of armed IRS agents.  But when you’re a budget hawk at Maggie Hassan’s level, you need never investigate the fallout from not reading the bills you blindly vote for, and if you do see a contrarian piece from a non-partisan economic source, stop, read no further than the troubling headlines then discard it.  Just vote for any kind of bill that’ll shake us down like a boot full of quarters turned upside down, just so long as you garner Chuck Schumer’s kudos and nods at far-left luncheons and soirees and are praised by Chris “Flap Jack” Pappas and the likes of Annie Kuster, two other exceedingly keen budget hawks.

If somebody dares grill Maggie the budget hawk, about the full-blown insanity called the Democrats since 2021, or how vast monetary expenditures will limit drought by changing the weather, you’ll get the same species of insect you always get from US Senator Maggie Hassan:




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Did Kansans Really Vote In Favor of Abortion?

The Liberty Block - Sun, 2022-08-07 23:39 +0000

You’ve surely seen the countless headlines by now. And if you are one of the millions of individuals who consumes their news via headlines or short video clips, you surely know that the voters of the conservative state of Kansas just voted by an overwhelming majority to support abortion from any restrictions. But is that really what happened? 

The post Did Kansans Really Vote In Favor of Abortion? appeared first on The Liberty Block.

Mowers’ Support For Corrupt Oligarch Zelensky Should Be Disqualifying

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-07 22:30 +0000

NH-NeverTrump Journal recently held a debate for the candidates in the CD-1 GOP primary. I did not watch the debate. Any debate hosted by a NeverTrump organization like NH-NeverTrump Journal is a waste of time as far as I am concerned.

I was curious, however, about how far NH-NeverTrump Journal would go to shill for the Establishment choice, Matt Mowers. Naturally, NH-NeverTrump Journal declared Mowers the winner even though, even according to NH-NeverTrump Journal, he was not the actual winner … which strikes me as a variation of the NH-NeverTrump Journal position that we should all take COVID-vaccines that are not really vaccines and provide no protection against infection or transmission to protect ourselves from getting and transmitting COVID.

But I digress. This is what I really want to talk about:

The candidates again disagreed on aid to Ukraine, with Mowers and Prescott coming out in full favor of helping Ukraine fight Russia’s invasion, though both said the money needs to be accounted for.

At this point it is inarguable that Ukraine is NOT anything remotely resembling a democracy. Back in March, Zelensky banned opposition political parties and nationalized television news. Government corruption is so rampant and obvious that even the regime-media … albeit temporarily; that is until forced to self-censor by the domestic and foreign grifters getting rich from U.S. spending on Ukraine … pumped the brakes on its cheerleading for Zelensky:

And to top it all off, Breitbart has reported that Zelensky … after all the military aid and support he has received from the West … is trying to get into bed with Communist China.

And yet Mowers wants to keep the grift going. Disqualifying … unless you believe the purpose of the Republican Party is to keep the country constantly at war in order to enrich the defense contractors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Clogged Artery of Rochester NH

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-07 21:00 +0000

At what point was it decided that $3 million more dollars would need to be pumped into less than a half acre of roadway for a Traffic Roundabout? I’d say it was “Round a Bout” the time of the initial planning stage.

I was at one of those meetings, where a Contracted Development Specialist (CDS) (I made up the title, as everyone has a variation on this) was explaining the benefits of such a roadway to the City Council and Citizens.

At one point in this hearing, this person was looking around the room and prompted questions. I asked if rebuilding the Main Street Bridge to the narrow specification of the needs of a “Hundred Years Ago” would hinder the goals of this Roundabout. The gentleman replied, “This was a good question.”

At this time, the Mighty Verbal Axe of former Mayor T.J. Jean quashed questions from the public. It was job “one” of the council to ask questions.

The Council undoubtedly heard my question, and it was soundly ignored by all. This is the pattern of a well-greased “Dog ‘n Pony Show,” the Done Deal. Served routinely to city residents on a platter of “Hot Tongue and Cold Shoulder..” “Nothing to see here.” I would be remiss if I concluded that the overall shenanigans of these board members over the years did not turn my stomach.

This community is and has been plagued by a governmental body suffering from an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm,(AAA). Sorry folks, this is not referring to the “triple A” that shows up with jumper cables to start your car. Citizens will need to find incontestable ways to get straight answers to rational questions.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sunday Spotlight: Alive Day

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-07 19:30 +0000

You may remember a few weeks ago, I wrote about Johnny Joey Jones in my Sunday Spotlight. J3 is an amazing human being whose life changed in an instant years ago in the desert of Afghanistan. Instead of spiraling down the rabbit hole of depression, anger, and self-pity, Joey Jones straps on his legs each morning and works hard to bring meaning to his life and enrich ours. I hope you can tell by my original post and the intro to this how much I admire this inspirational human being. Yesterday, August 6, was a big day in Jones’ life, and today, I will share an update on his story.

In case you missed my first spotlight on Joey, Here is a quick refresher:

Joey is a former Marine, although they say you are never a “former” Marine who was a bomb tech in Afghanistan. He had already spent eight years in Afghanistan when in 2010, his life changed forever when he took a step and landed on an IED. That ordinance took his legs but never touched his spirit. He endured the surgeries to save his life, rehabbed his body, got onto his mechanical prosthetic legs, and got on with his new life.

For most of Joey’s adult life, he had served his country as a proud Marine. With his new legs, he had to find a new purpose, and he has found many and is using his mind and voice as his new weapons of war.

He is no longer fighting terrorism in the sands of Afghanistan but is fighting for veterans and all Americans in Washington, on FOX News and FOX Nation, and through his consulting and speaking. JJJ may not be college educated but was schooled by life, and he is a master at sharing his knowledge and experience.

I am in awe whenever I see Joey on my favorite FOX News shows. I know he will bring an honest and straightforward twist to any conversation, regardless of the topic. He co-hosted Fox and Friends Weekend yesterday and the feature story on why the day was so important to Joey brought me to tears.

August 6 is the day J3 calls “Alive Day.” That is the anniversary of the day that he took on an IED in Afghanistan, and like far too many bomb techs, he lost. Joey walked us through the events of that day including actual videos from his helmet cam and many others of his brothers who were quick to come to his aid after the blast. For twelve years, he has celebrated Alive Day, not as the day he lost his legs, but the day he was lucky enough to still be alive after the sounds of the exploding bomb dissipated into the desert air. That may be the ultimate example of a glass-half-full mentality that is the make-up of this individual.

The video was terribly graphic, but the story was even harder to listen to. His commanding officer told about the minute he got to Joey after the blast, and the first thing Joey said was, “I am sorry I let you down.” That simple quote speaks volumes for Jones. He was lying on the hot desert ground as the smoke was still clearing. He was aware that he no longer had legs to stand on, but his thoughts were about others and how he had disappointed them. He says that August 6, 2010 isn’t the day I lost my legs. It’s the day I lived. It’s my “Alive Day.” 

His good friend and fellow bomb tech, Cpl Greer, was not as lucky that day. Greer paid the ultimate cost of war with his life. Jones has lived his life these last 12 years partly to honor his fallen brother. He has done that very well. 

I enjoy that Joey’s career at FOX continues to grow, and his appearances are more frequent. Wearing his usual shorts to expose his prosthetics and listening to his humorous quips about his lack of real legs makes his journey more amazing. He is an inspiration to those who suffered his fate serving in the deserts of the Middle East, but more importantly, to everyone. Regardless of the hardships you may endure, celebrate your life and not the event. The event does not define your future, but how you handle it does. We should all be as strong and stand so tall as Johnny Joey Jones. May God continue to bless him.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Independence Speech at “We the People NH” Event

Free Keene - Sun, 2022-08-07 18:47 +0000

I was honored to be able to speak in front of an audience of over 130 freedom-loving people from across New Hampshire this Friday evening at the “We the People NH” event focusing on more liberty-friendly candidates. Since I am a candidate for NH Senate District 10, organizer Terese Grinnell invited me to speak and my focus was to discuss NH Independence. I told the crowd about the exciting poll results that came out recently showing nearly 1 in 3 NH people already support NH being its own country – and 52% of Republicans.

You can get all the details on the poll from this article at NHexit.US where the full results from Survey USA are linked.

I wasn’t sure what the audience’s response would be but I got a lot of applause and nearly everyone to whom I offered a Foundation for NH Independence flyer during the breaks, accepted it. The event was a major success. There is wide interest in independence for New Hampshire from the evil Federal Gang.  Here’s the full speech and organizer Terese Grinnell’s comments afterward:

Notable Quote – Slavery; It’s Never Been Just an American Thing

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-07 18:00 +0000

But that’s what our younger generations are being taught/led to believe (re: Black Lives Matter):

In a world largely free of slavery today, it may seem hard to realize that slavery was an almost universal institution for thousands of years. Despite widespread misconceptions in the United States today that the institution of slavery was based on race, for most of the millennia in which slavery existed around the world, it was based on whoever was vulnerable to enslavement and within striking distance.

-Prof Thomas Sowell (Wealth, Poverty and Politics)

America was established as a series of colonies, often on the basis of religion with much of it coming from European settlers looking for a better life in the New World.  Most were Christian, read the Bible as their foundational theological text, and were well acquainted with the enslavement of the Jewish people over the ages – thousands of years ago. Now, all we hear about in pop culture were Blacks that were imported into what is now America without the context that America was NOT the largest percentage, destination-wise, of the slave trade originating by Blacks and Arabs from Africa. Our Educational system, just by dint of what we DON’T hear, doesn’t teach that slavery has been universal in human history and location.

The problem was, and still is where slavery is STILL practiced, the result of Strong Man governance (by the failure of government; our Southern border has become a haven of human trafficking as the Biden Administration has refused to “faithfully execute” our immigration laws with the result of the cartels schlepping human chattel in and out of our “free” country).

But BLM was a great play for political game for a couple of years – and, as we have recently seen, degenerated into a mere financial racket. Just like the George Floyd death started a movement based on Oppressor/Oppressed, that turned into a pretense of slavery, I see a similar political play in the works here with the Gunstock politics. No, the latter has nothing to do with the former but the structure and performance has been similar even as the focal point is far different (people versus a rock pile but using OTHER people to shaft for that political stance).

The common thread is that certain, very distasteful people will use any tool or advantage they can muster up in order to achieve their political end – which generally (when one is being objective) the use of politics to enslave others to a particular idea that promotes themselves over others.

(H/T: Cafe Hayek)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is it Still a “Private” Jet if Everyone Knows When and Where the Climate Hypocrites are Flying Them?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-07 16:30 +0000

Wealthy one-percenters with private jets are miffed that their flight plans and travel are public. Thanks to the internet machine, the comings and goings of the climate cult elite are being shared with people who actually think any of that matters, and the backlash has been beautiful.

Not everyone can pretend to be John Kerry. He of the “well, I have to do this to help save the planet while you scrounge enough for one vacation a year in coach.” It’s his job!

He’s a hypocrite and an a-hole, but he was like that before he married into real money and the Heinz fortune. Wealth has been a magnifying glass through which his flawed character has only been more greatly revealed.

As it turns out, this applies to most of them and the celebrity class in particular. They don’t know a thing about emissions or climate except that pretending to give a damn might gain them more followers. And then they get on their private plane (Kylie Jenner) for a three-minute hop and can’t understand why their climate groupies are upset.

Related: Clothing Control Freaks: Recyclable Social Justice Fabrics are The Latest Fascist Fashion

It’s gotten so bad that some would like that information to be private. In other words, rather than walk the talk, they’d like their elitist buddies in politics to flip a few switches to help hide their hypocrisy.

The Dems did just cram through a large climate kickback bill inappropriately named something Inflation reduction something. It’s got taxes but not for the private-jet flying class, and most of it is subsidies, kickbacks, and handouts for so-called green energy things that most folks still won’t be able to afford to buy or use.

I’m not sure how spending more money we don’t have on things that won’t work can lower inflation, but it will make a nice poster boy/girl/something for economic failure. And no secret flight provisions for one-percenters.

Such a shame.

Related: Bronze Statue of Greta Thunberg Mimics Green Movements Messed Up Priorities

Would you like some advice? No, too bad.

Stop pretending you know of or give a damn about “emissions” or carbon footprints. You only support this voodoo because you are convinced your lifestyle will never be impacted by the demands placed on everyone else.

Instead of pandering, just tell the truth. You have no intention of living a lifestyle other than what your fame or fortune affords, and thank you for that.

If that makes you look like a rich bastard, at least you’d be an honest one. Then do something useful. Instead of pandering to the climate BS, donate to help women in crisis pregnancies. Help stop human trafficking. Plant a forest. Start private charities that teach trade skills to the homeless, unemployed legal immigrants, or veterans.

Private plan mechanics will be in short supply soon, as will plumbers, electricians, bricklayers, metalworkers, and framers. It’s a long list.

Or, if you’d like to keep working the climate angle, buy some of your fans an electric vehicle. Or maybe a coupon for one replacement battery (worth about 12-20K) in an existing EV. Or some carbon offsets for when the Lithium pack lights up, and the smoke from the car fire emits more noxious emissions into the atmosphere than would the life of the average combustion vehicle.

Or do nothing. Just admit you’re who you are and hop a flight to somewhere no one gives a damn, like China.





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Transgender Puberty Blockers – Well, Which One Is It?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-07 15:00 +0000

SHOT: Rainbow Haired Doc: Parents Who DON’T Chemically Castrate Children Are Abusers

(Reformatted, emphasis mine): On today’s episode of ‘I wish I gauged my eyes out,’ a family doctor with rainbow tie-dye hair just pitched a fit about parents who don’t give their children puberty blockers or surgically remove their genitalia. Ms. Crayola Box called this decision “child abuse.”  Yes, this whack literally just said that parent’s who DON’T help their children transition are committing “child abuse” and even insisted that parents who “ignore” their kids’ “needs” push kids to commit suicide.

…“You know what’s abusive? Ignoring the needs of your child when your child is telling you what they need,” the alleged “doctor” insisted.  Sorry girl but nobody “needs” to cut little Timmy’s wedding tackle off. It’s fine where it is. You know, if your child tells you he needs to jump into a fire pit, try not to ignore his needs. Affirm his childlike delusion and allow him to do as he pleases, no matter the consequences. That’s the psychotic logic Dr. Rainbow espoused.


CHASER: ‘Completely Reversible’: FDA Warns Puberty Blockers Cause Vision Loss, Brain Swelling

Reformatted, emphasis mine:

The leftist prelates of transgenderism have been insisting that the puberty blockers used to ‘transition’ children are ‘completely reversible’ and ‘safe’. Of course, this is a lie, and the FDA has confirmed that by warning of potential vision loss and brain swelling for children that take puberty blockers, as Daily Wire reported July 27.  Puberty blockers, such as Lupron (which is used to castrate sex offenders) and others, are used to suppress the natural onset of puberty in children. They are referred to in the medical field as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) substances. Recently, their use on children that are supposedly ‘trans’ has come under scrutiny. And, for the record, they are most certainly not ‘completely reversible.

The FDA officials, according to their report, said “Five were undergoing treatment for central precocious puberty and one for transgender care,” and “the onset of pseudotumor cerebri symptoms ranged from three to 240 days after GnRH agonist initiation.” According to the Daily Wire, symptoms included specifically, “visual disturbances, headaches, and vomiting.” In addition, “Other effects GnRH agonists caused were an increase in blood pressure, brain swelling, and abducens neuropathy.”

Wait, WAIT! Aren’t we always being lectured by the Left that we are supposed to be “Follow The Science” type of folks?  Or is it that Science, the latter, is now showing that the former is merely about Transgender POLITICS/Ideology and NOT about the Science? Throw in osteoporosis, the unknown effects of long term artificially induced hormonal imbalances, stunted height and weight growth, and infertility.

By deliberately injecting your child with such drugs that would cause them to have these symptoms is supposed to be “affirming” your child?

Has our society lost its collective mind?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What is Nancy’s Endgame

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-07 13:30 +0000

Politicians do nothing unless there is a direct personal benefit to their actions. To believe they are genuine and have sacrificed personal gain to serve the people of their districts is the thinking of a fool. I thrive on being that fool sometimes.

When I see Jim Jordan, John Kennedy, and Ron DeSantis, I have a momentary thought that there are some good people in government. Please do not burst my bubble.

Nancy Pelosi is not one of the good people in politics. She comes from a bloodline of corrupt politicians, the daughter of a former Mayor of the fine city of Baltimore. Ironically, her father oversaw the decline of Baltimore while Nancy watched the beautiful city of San Francisco turn into the Club Med for the homeless street dweller. Seriously, how do these people look at themselves in the mirror? Apparently, they check their net worth and then look in the mirror and see the fruits of their labor. A freezer full of gourmet chocolate frozen treats helps, too.

Nancy Pelosi’s motivation for her current Pacific road trip has been puzzling. There is no political or strategic reason for her trip, but the photo ops have been plenty. There have been no strategic policy announcements; some say this may simply be Pelosi’s swan song. It is evident she will not be Speaker come January, and she will not play the second violin. She will win re-election but may resign rather than step down and pass the gavel to Kevin McCarthy.

The inside word was that Biden was furious about her trip, especially her stop in Taiwan, which had set off the Chinese. But, he was powerless to intervene and pull the plug on any step of her journey. At every opportunity Joe Biden has to exhibit strength, he falls short. Weakness and ineptitude are the mantras of the Joe Biden Presidency. Even though the purpose of her trip remains unclear, she won the battle between the Speaker and President. Maybe that was her intent.

The irony of the Speaker’s journey was it garnered more support from Republicans than from her own Party. She probably would have had a less volatile event had she invited Republican members of Congress to join her. Her need for the spotlight apparently prevented her from sharing the international stage. This looks more like her farewell tour as the days unfold.

The other event during Pelosi’s adventure was her husband, Paul, arraignment on his DUI arrest. This, too, showed the power and privilege of the Speaker. The facts presented about the arrest would indicate Paul Pelosi should be charged with a felony. He was charged with a simple misdemeanor. So many elements showed preferential treatment, including the two-hour wait to administer a blood alcohol test.

Nancy Pelosi is one of the longest-standing members of Congress, but like most, her accomplishments do not match her tenure. One thing she is known for is her ability to raise funds. Not only for her campaigns, the Democrat National Committee coffers, and her family’s net worth. Where Nancy goes, money follows. She may not have had a successful career for America but certainly for Nancy. That leads me to think this trip was for her benefit and not for anyone else. She will not be missed if this is the end of the road.


The post What is Nancy’s Endgame appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Great Barrier Reef Continues to Have Record Growth

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-07 12:00 +0000

Remember that time at Climate Camp when they told us the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) was doomed? Doomed! It’s a common theme among cultists as they wander the digital streets of the internet with their cataclysmic sandwich boards.


The loss of this thing in the ocean near Australia would begin unraveling the world as we know it. At the very least, it indicated negative human influence on the biosphere from excess production and emission of carbon dioxide.

Sorry, wrong again!

In 2021 we reported on record reef size. Earlier this year, we shared evidence that the seawater temps around the GBR were no different than they were 130 years ago. Now we have reports of the highest coral cover in 36 years.


In 2022, widespread recovery has led to the highest coral cover recorded by the LTMP in the Northern and Central GBR, largely due to increases in the fast-growing Acropora corals, which are the dominant group of corals on the GBR and have been largely responsible previous changes in hard coral cover.


There’s more reef than ever, but don’t let that fool you.


Coral cover in the southern region of the reef decreased, however, and the reef is vulnerable to increasingly common disturbances like mass bleaching events, the group said.


The key to this deception is that it can’t be natural. It has to be your fault that the southern regions declined due to warmer water, but it’s not your fault that other parts of the reef grew at a record pace – according to the experts who said the thing was doomed. Doomed!

Related: Moles to Punish Climate Deniers by Destroying Stonehenge

Experts that all got together a few years back and predicted something else.

December 2013. “Climate Catastrophe Will Hit Tropics Around 2020, Rest Of World Around 2047, Study Says.” I know we’ve been distracted by the rise of public health authoritarianism, but it’s August of 2022. The only catastrophes I’ve seen since 2020 were the response to the release of a man-made virus in China that few needed to fear, the political response to that, and everything Joe Biden has done since the gropey doddering turd stumbled into the Oval Office without Barry.

Climatologically speaking, the “tropics” are the same as they were and have been for centuries. They’ve still got slavery, despotism, human trafficking, and the drug trade. Those are all man-made, but the Climate hippies don’t seem too concerned about their impact to life on the planet.

Nor are they all that interested in India, Africa, or China (in particular), which produce most of the world’s CO2, pollution, and ocean plastic. All three of them are nearer the Great Barrier Reef and ‘the tropics’ than America.

But that’s the game. One that the Dems have given away repeatedly. It’s all about the redistribution of western wealth, not to the victims of their carbon totalitarianism but to each other.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Utter Trash That Passes For Journalism In The 603

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-07 10:30 +0000

NH-NeverTrump Journal recently held a debate for the candidates in the CD-1 GOP primary. Of course, given that the debate was hosted by Ultra-NeverTrump Michael Graham, one of the questions was intended to get the candidates to delegitimize the thoroughly legitimate position … Zuckerbucks, censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop, illegal changes to state election laws to help Biden, Wisconsin nursing-homes, etc. etc. etc. … that the 2020 election was rigged.

Only one candidate had the cojones … figuratively speaking … to state the obvious. THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED. That candidate was Karoline Leavitt. The other candidates gave pathetic, spineless non-answers designed to avoid answering.

Here is the Union Leader’s political-reporter’s coverage of Karoline Leavitt:

“Election denier” is a term used by the Left and NeverTrump to prevent any discussion of Zuckerbucks, censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop, illegal changes to state election laws to help Biden, Wisconsin nursing-homes, etc. etc. etc.. You are, according to the people who sling the term, the moral equivalent of a Holocaust-denier if you acknowledge any of the myriad improprieties and irregularities that marked the 2020 election.

Implying such an equivalency, needless to say, is totally ridiculous and totally disgusting. Kevin Landrigan should be ashamed of himself.

The NH-GOP have nobody to blame but themselves for the brazen, shameless partisanship of the “press” in New Hampshire. Rather than standing up to and exposing propagandists like Landrigan and Adam Sexton, they try to appease. And appeasement simply encourages the “press” to act less and less like actual press and more and more like propagandists.

I did not watch the debate. Any debate hosted by a NeverTrump organization like NH-NeverTrump Journal is a waste of time as far as I am concerned. BUT this clip is well worth watching because it tells much about the candidates’ cojones or lack thereof:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey Republicans, Vermont Has an “Open Seat” US Senate Race and a Primary in Two Days

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-07 01:30 +0000

Peter Welch will be the Democrat primary winner for the open US Senate in Vermont. He is a Democrat Machine politician, big government, big spending, and more federal intrusion. Very popular on the Left. But who is on the Republican side, and what do you need to know before Tuesday?

We’ve mentioned Myers Mermel regarding his well-meant but IMO idiotic ski resort welfare idea. But a recent UNH poll has him at a paltry 3% with little name recognition and a primarily neutral or unknown favorability. He’s long odds at 3%, but 42% of those polled are undecided, not that this will likely help him before Tuesday’s August 9th primary.

The predicted favorite on the Republican ballot is Christina Nolan, endorsed by the likes of Susan Collins from Maine. That may be all you need to know, but if you need more, Nolan favored recent federal gun restrictions and supports a national solution to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v Jackson decision that returned sovereignty to the states.

She is still the on-paper favorite, but she’d be more likely to align with our Democrat Senator Shaheen than Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.

Gerald Malloy, the other “viable” contender on the Tuesday ballot, got 30% of the vote in the poll compared to 24% for Nolan, within the 7% margin of error, so they are statistically tied. But remember, 42% of those polled were undecided, and this is Vermont. We could call it the Blue Mountain state instead of Green. And Malloy is running like an actual republican.

He says enough with the federal spending, and it’s time to address the debt. He supports domestic energy production, defends the Second Amendment, and is 100% pro-life. He’d build the wall to stop illegal immigration and put a hitch in the step of the China-fed fentanyl cartels.

Malloy is running an America-First Save America campaign.

Nolan is running a third-way campaign littered with progressive pablum hiding under a  patina of independence from “business as usual DC politics.” Nolan is the “republican” that we’d expect Vermont to send to DC if she could beat the actual Democrat in a general election, but why go for the generic when you can have the name brand?

And this is Vermont.

So, what is to become of the seat vacated by long-time Democrat Senator PatrickLeahy, who had held it for over 40 years?

Is the likely Republican primary voter in Vermont going to show up and vote for an actual Republican? Will the “independents” go with the third-way progressive republican or vie for something different and choose Malloy?

If they do, Malloy could pull off the upset primary win. If not, they’ll get Nolan, who will probably vote the right way on meaningless legislation and the wrong way on the important stuff. And that is assuming a majority of Vermonters don’t take the real Democrat in November.

Gerald Malloy would give voters an alternative, and, in the current climate, people are looking for something other than what they see down in DC and both Nolan, and especially Welch, are just more of the same.



HT | VT Digger

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gunstock – So You Thought the Ouster of Peter Ness Was a Recent Thing? Hardly! Try since 2020

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-07 00:00 +0000

The media and the general public have been led to believe that the effort to either get Peter Ness dumped from the Gunstock Area Commission or get him to resign was just a recent event.  It’s been quite the man-made PR attack against him by the “front men” Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial) and Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice Chair) doing the yelling, screaming, and demanding Ness’s head on a political pike.  Those two have become really awful people with their incessant Two Minute Hate during GAC public and non-public meetings.  Calling their behavior “extremist browbeating sessions” is way too mild.   Wood most likely has no idea what the reference is (the Two Minute Hate) but Doug Lambert absolutely does – and has had no problem in ginning it up.

But to show that they are the Johnnies-come-lately, here are the real people pulling their puppet strings – and they’ve been at this since 2020:

Why? He was asking hard questions that THEY didn’t want to be answered. They have felt that it was THEIR Mountain (in fact, I’ve seen a sign that says exactly that – need to take a snap of it) – the sense of entitlement just keeps dripping onto the floor.

So Tom Day is NOT A VICTIM – but a WILLING PARTICIPANTsince 2020.  Gary Kiedaish as well as he ran up an over $110K bill trying, in turn to either get Ness thrown off the GAC in any way possible. Then Started in on going against NH State Rep Mike Sylvia, then Norm Silber, and the list goes on.

I need to repost ALL of those unredacted legal bills from Devine-Millimet.

And since Kiedaisch has resigned, it is up to Doug Lambert and Jade Wood to explain all of those expenses.  They wanted the Big GAC seats, now they are the responsible ones to answer for what has happened.  Especially since NO votes of the Commission were taken to permit this to be done.

And there is much, MUCH more!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Quick Thought: Resigned Gunstock Area Commissioner Gary Kiedaisch’s revenge Stage begins

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-06 22:30 +0000

There are rich people that are kind, helpful, and down to earth. Former Gunstock Area Commissioner (resigned) Gary Kiedaisch is not one of them in my humble opinion – and humble is not an character that can be attributed to him. On multiple ocassions, he lets people know that he is “of money”, smarter than everyone in the room, and that no one should be on the GAC unless they meet or better his accomplishments in disparaging the NH ideal of the value of the citizen-politician. He has used his money (and influence with the Sununu family) along with what Lenin called “useful idiots”  to totally rip it apart as well as the Belknap County Delegation with the Friends of Gunstock and now with Citizens of Belknap – those expensive multi-colored campaign road signs don’t pay for themselves nor the multiple large ads in the local media. Or paying for campaign strategist Brian Beihl from Soros linked Open Democracy (and NH Rebellion) that gives Lefty organizers millions every year.

So, color me unsurprised at what a reader sent in this image of a campaign sign with this explanation:

Look whose sign’s posted at Kiedaisch’s house. The 100 Meredith Neck Road on the letter you posted has this sign at the end of the driveway. Revealing his other irons in the fire as we suspected…

During the selection for the newest GAC Commissioner in filling a vacancy, I oft saw  Creteau-Miller colluding with Kiedaisch at meetings which tagged her, in my mind, as his pick.  Doug Lambert was selected by the Delegation instead.  From my standpoint, did it even make a difference?  But I digress.

So, is this to take out Jon Mackie, the current State Rep from Meredith?

The result is that a money tsunami is about to be unleashed against any candidate who crosses him. By stacking the deck in the Belknap Delegation, he will then control the GAC which means that he’ll be one of those monied people that will benefit from turning Gunstock Mountain Resort from a facility that is still based for Belknap County residents to being a micro-version of Loon or the other big mountains and raising the cost of tickets beyond the average families. After all, new facilities, especially that hotel he wanted built on land he didn’t own won’t pay for themselves.

He doesn’t care about y’all – just himself. And his cronies that will be exploiting local government.

BTW, Creteau-Miller isn’t the only candidate aligned with Kiedaisch, Rusty McClear, Brian Gallagher.  More later.





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Senator Shaheen Is Completely Wrong about Abortion

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-06 21:00 +0000

Along with my fellow NH voters, I received an email this week from Senator Shaheen on the current state of abortion access in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Senator correctly noted that the Supreme Court’s decision has had absolutely no impact on access to abortion in New Hampshire, which remains legal up to the 24th week. However, I was disappointed to read Senator Shaheen’s clear misstatement on the substance of the state’s Fetal Life Protection Act as it relates to the ultrasound requirement.

She states in her email, “In response to public outcry, the ultrasound mandate for abortions was reversed and is no longer in effect.”

This is wrong and apparently a parroting of Planned Parenthood’s own false statements on the topic of ultrasounds in the law.

We want to thank Pastor Brian Abasciano, Ph.D. for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

These are the facts:

  • The ultrasound requirement has not been changed from the original law. The law already contained language limiting the application of the ultrasound requirement to cases when the provider knows or has reason to know that the fetus is 24 weeks or older. That is still the case.
  • One thing that did change with the passage of HB 1609 this past session was the addition of similar limiting language elsewhere in the bill that simply reiterated the narrow scope of the ultrasound requirement.

There was no “reversal,” and it is simply false that the ultrasound requirement is “no longer in effect.” The ultrasound requirement is still in effect, as it always has been. It is, in fact, necessary to the state’s ability to implement and enforce the 24-week limit, with exceptions for fetal fatal anomalies and the physical health of the mother. I would also note that 24 weeks is the generally accepted point at which the baby a woman is carrying is in fact viable to survive independently outside the womb.

It is rather surprising that a United States senator from NH would get such a basic fact wrong concerning a NH law she was writing about to her constituents. Hopefully, it was not purposeful deception. But purposeful or not, we shouldn’t tolerate or ignore this false, misleading statement from an elected official in a position of public trust. Where are the media fact checkers when we need them?

I hereby call for Senator Shaheen to correct her misstatement publicly in a follow-up email to NH voters.


Pastor Brian Abasciano, Ph.D.

Hampton, NH

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Groomers Part 2: Power Structures

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-06 19:30 +0000

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”  -Voltaire

In part 1 of this series, we looked at the common method groomers use to ensnare their victims from identifying and personalizing to love bombing and ultimately enslaving. We discussed the main organizations and individuals who use them from relatives to cults to nation-states. The focus now turns to new types and entities who are demonstrably using these same grooming tactics yet on a much larger and more socially acceptable scale. The goal is to expose the tactics and help you understand you and your loved ones as the target for the new age of grooming that’s closing in around us.

As with basic grooming that starts with identifying and information gathering, social media has grown as an ostensibly benign tool for common use while disguising its grooming features from the unwitting. Social media giants like Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Tik-Tok are all using mandatory information gathering via your devices in order for you to participate in their platforms. One might argue this is the price to pay for their services, however, if we look at the other signs of grooming we can see they use, or are being run by people, who hold to these methods.

Facebook, for example, has a lengthy identification process they use to sell your information to third parties who will use marketing strategies, such as identifying vulnerabilities, to then market their products to you. This type of customized meeting of your needs (personalization/love bombing) is virtually identical to how groomers exploit their victims’ vulnerabilities by finding out their desires and meeting them early and often to build trust. Facebook invites you to share even the intimate aspects of your life on their platform, which not only builds an emotional bond for you (never them), but lures in your “friends” to all participate. This was the same method used by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell as they found girls to massage them and then sent them back to get their friends to bring more into the net. The primary difference being Epstein’s operation was for sexual control while Facebook’s is a social control mechanism. However the method and the goal are the same. Use a false pretense of connecting to personalize your data collection then exploit the participants by using the data they give you to target their needs and create a bond that is difficult, even painful to break.

Psychiatrist and author of Political Ponerology Andrew Lobacewski, explained how psychopaths learn to identify one another even as children. This natural inclination to network follows them well into adulthood. Obscure groups like NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) form in secret and then meet in relative secret to discuss both their mutual desires as well as to help one another find their preferred targets. Some prefer much younger children where others are attracted to older ones. Social media has become a useful tool for these types of groomers to easily target and track their prey while also using apps on their smart phones to geo-locate those who are careless or naïve. Law enforcement and therapy experts have been warning for years that these online sites will make grooming that much easier. The explosion in the number of missing children and human trafficking only confirm their warnings.

Social media giants like Google, Tik-Tok and Twitter also require your information to use their platforms. Granted, you can falsify it. However, most people are not interested in being dishonest so the number who do participate under pseudonyms is merely the cost of doing business to access the much wider group who don’t. Despite some of these platforms, like Facebook, having an age requirement of eighteen to participate, this doesn’t keep them from gathering millions of photos and information on children: where they are, who their parents are, what they’re like, where they like to go, and so forth. These have quickly become a groomer’s paradise. They have also become a groomer protectorate with Reddit and Twitter recently banning the term “groomer” calling it an LGBTQ slur that rises to the level of hate speech.

Added layers to this widening net include government schools,which virtually all now use social media and/or the internet in teaching children. IF teachers were simpatico with parents as far as the safety of their children were concerned there would be less worry. Sadly the latest generation of teachers has a broad strain of “woke” educators who, by virtue of their woke religion, believe it is their calling to “liberate” children to their true selves and from their parents. This is done by taking them through things like Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), which has recently undergone a Marxist transformation leading to the new title: Transformative SEL. SEL has been in schools for many years, however it has been hijacked of late to focus on the needs of the “marginalized” or “oppressed” groups – namely LGBTQ as can be seen in this paper. Rolled into this call to have SEL adopted nationwide is the method of indoctrinating teachers to adopt it, love-bombing those who play along, shaming and even firing those who don’t while accusing them of being “hateful”, all the while making the end goal to be the “new normal”. If you disagree as a matter of conscience, you will be shunned by these government institutions.

Schools that don’t promote transformative SEL have renegade teachers declare no allegiance to parents or districts by taking it upon themselves to share their sexual identities with children, encourage children to be open to changing theirs while also vowing to keep it a secret from their parents. How do we know this? They brag about it in their Tik Tok videos. Truly – “Let’s keep our talk about your sexual identity a secret from your mommy and daddy” – is now applauded in public spaces alongside the applause of Drag Queen Story Hours coming to a town near you.

The brazenness with which the government and its employees are coming after our children is breathtaking. From a Biden Administration initiative for trans bathrooms backed with threats of taking poor children’s lunch money to DHS head Mayorkas adding parents expressing their constitutionally protected angry speech to a terrorist watch list, the very structure of government sworn to serve you is being weaponized (abuse/intimidate) against you by people you pay with your money. It’s not just the groomers running the asylum, they use the pretense of open, affirming, accepting and tolerant to justify abuse and bullying backed by the most powerful legal and military apparatus in the world.

The Difficulty Schools Have In Policing Grooming

“Woke” Schools Using Grooming Tactics Used by Predators to Seduce Kids…

MI School Employee Who Mocked Anti-Groomer Parents Arrested For Trying To Have Sex With A Minor

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Constitution; Lost in Plain Sight

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-06 18:00 +0000

The Constitution has been interpreted to create two types of citizens, each requiring their own courts. State citizens have District and Circuit courts of the United States. Citizens of the Federal government have United States District courts and the United States courts of Appeal. Everyone thinks that they are a State citizen when, in fact, they are Federal citizens who do not enjoy the Bill of Rights, or most Common Law rights.

Both citizens can be termed “US citizens.”

In the case of Hepburn and Dundas v. Ellzey. (6 US 445, 1805) Mssrs. Hepburn and Dundas lived in the new District of Columbia. They filed a lawsuit in the Federal court in Virginia that refused to hear the case because the plaintiffs were residents of D.C. They were surprised. If someone from another State or Country could file suit, why not them? The reason was that they were Federal citizens and the courts created by the Constitution were only for State citizens or foreigners. The Supreme Court upheld the decision.


We want to thank Byron Winter for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Congress created courts for their Federal citizens. The first one was the United States District court for the District of Columbia; it’s still there. Jumping through history, Puerto Rico was acquired by the Spanish American war as a US territory. A United States District court was placed there in 1900; it’s still there.

Social Security was a New Deal program created in 1935 for the Federal citizens living in D.C., Alaska, Hawaii and the other territories (Title XI, Social Security Act). It was created only for Federal citizens because there is no enumerated power given to Congress to conduct charity in the Several States.

The largest fraud in American history was the failure of Congress and later, the Supreme Court to tell everyone that if they get a Social Security number they are changing their citizenship to that of a Federal citizen with no Bill of Rights or most Common Law rights.

Proofs that everyone is now a Federal citizen are:

  1. A Federal form must be filled out before the purchase of a firearm.
  2. Everyone is paying an excise tax (income tax) on their property (paycheck, business profits, etc.). Constitutionally, property can only be taxed by a direct tax.
    Congress is unrestrained by the Constitution when legislating for its citizens. So, unconstitutional laws are passed and upheld by the U.S. courts, (eg. 9th Circuit).
    U.S. judges legislate, the President rules by mandate, and the bureaucracy is unchecked.
    Only judges from the US Court of Appeals will ever be elevated to the Supreme Court. Judges who have proven themselves to be comfortable with the fraud. Remember Prof. Zork ?
    More times than not, decisions like Roe v. Wade are based upon the 14th Amendment and no other part of the Constitution. The 14th Amendment (1868) made the newly freed slaves Federal citizens.
    The only Federal trial court now is US District Court. The courts are in DC, the territories, and after 1948 in every one of the Several States (HR 3214, 1948).

All of these proofs are in plain sight and yet, people have such a poor understanding of the Constitution they can’t realize what has happened. It’s almost like the fable of The Emperor’s New Clothes. If something was true, someone would have said so before now. Ignorance is paralyzing; leaving people incredibly reluctant to actually challenge the established order and they are too busy to confirm the facts for themselves.

Until they do, the Constitution will remain lost in plain sight.







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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Oh, Joy! – The Centers for Democrat Control and Perversion (CDC) has Sex Advice for Monkeypoxxed Americans …

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-06 16:30 +0000

The Centers for Democrat Control and Perversion (CDC) issued guidance after Joe “Fell Here” Biden announced that Monkeypox was a national health emergency. I think he meant donkeypox, but one informs the other; the CDC is telling “Americans” to masturbate.

All the way to the midterms, probably. A lesson from the era of the Ch!nese V!rus.


You are your safest sex partner. Masturbation will not spread COVID-19, especially if you wash your hands (and any sex toys) with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after sex.


That was the NYC department of health, breaking new ground with other suggestions like, “Be creative with sexual positions and physical barriers, like walls, that allow sexual contact while preventing close face to face contact.”

No such luck with the pox upon us (them, they, whatever), but the feds still feel obligated to get more – what’s the term … government into your “bedroom.”


“Masturbate together at a distance of at least 6 feet, without touching each other and without touching any rash,” the CDC recommends. “Remember to wash your hands, fetish gear, sex toys, and any fabrics (bedding, towels, clothing) after having sex.”


Excuse me, but I’d like to hear this presented on love video by some stuffed suit in a lab coat. Wouldn’t that be amusing? And, oh, sorry, they do have some “cardboard/plastic wrap guidance for the poxxed.

Related: Monkey Pox “Problem” Solved: Gay Men Just Need to Take The Rest of the Summer “Off”


“Consider having sex with your clothes on or covering areas where rash is present, reducing as much skin-to-skin contact as possible. If the rash is confined to the genitals or anus, condoms may help; however, condoms alone are likely not enough to prevent monkeypox.”


Maybe they could put a mask (or two or three) on the pox. Rumor has it they can be very effective at stopping something. And you might as well wear one, no mouth to poxxed-person contact allowed, and condoms may not work.

To their credit, and this is a rare event, covered on these pages here, suggests taking a break.


“If you or a partner has monkeypox, the best way to protect yourself and others is to avoid sex of any kind (oral, anal, vaginal) and do not kiss or touch each other’s bodies while you are sick, especially any rash,” the CDC said. “Do not share things like towels, fetish gear, sex toys, and toothbrushes.”


And whatever you do, do not ask that cheating beeyatch how they got it if it wasn’t from you.

And no, there is no emergency. Maybe 6000 since May. That’s 0.0017% of the entire population. Remove the top 5 states, which include DC and New York, and it drops to 0.00067%. And over 95% of cases are among gay men.

Nothing fun about getting the pox but mobilizing the federal government? Really? There’s no good reason but plenty of bad ones.



HT | Fox News

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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