The Manchester Free Press

Wednesday • May 8 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XIX

Manchester, N.H.

Why Did The NH Hospital Association Stop Tracking The Vaccine Status of COVID Patients?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-16 16:30 +0000

In late July this year, the New Hampshire Hospital Association (NHHA), which looks like a lobbying organization that launders millions in public money to enrich its board and promote the latest thing, stopped publishing a key COVID metric. The vaccine status of people hospitalized with COVID-19.

That question and the title might, at this point, be rhetorical. We know why. It was the latest thing. The Public Health Industrial Complex passed through the final stage of narrative grief and accepted that there was no pandemic of the unvaccinated. Quite the opposite. But that’s no reason not to cling to a talking point tangentially.

If we stop reporting it, maybe they won’t notice. “Because” public health!

And that’s the real problem.

The NHHA receives money from the Feds and NH DHHS. Millions of dollars. National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program $1,441,902. Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program $1,150,388 (I’d love to know what they spent that on because it wasn’t small rural hospitals in NH). Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) and Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Aligned Cooperative Agreements $957,032. They also received COVID funding.

Public money is not lacking, nor are salaries and benefits for the folks running the NHHA. The President of this “non-profit” of 13 employees makes over $400k/year. The Executive Vice President raked in $173k/year. The Senior Vice President of State Relations makes 127k/year.

We assume this means they have the tools and the talent to do whatever they do. And what are they claiming they do?



About that.

If the goal is to use all that money to improve the health of patients and the community, would it not be in the best interest of the same to know if the majority of people hospitalized with COVID are vaccinated so they can act accordingly to protect their health?

How often were we told that we needed to wear useless masks, pointlessly distance ourselves, and unnecessarily close a business, lockdown, or quarantine for the good of the health of the community?

Let’s say more times than the NHHA got state or federal money, though it might be close.

If “vaccinated” creates a high risk of COVID communicability to, oh, I don’t know, our most vulnerable or high-risk Granite Staters, isn’t hiding that bad for the health of patients and the community (the hospitals) serve?

Is it just too embarrassing to admit that you told us we needed to get that “vaccine” or a booster even after it became apparent this might be making matters worse? Something the Public Health Industrial Complex is still doing, even though members like the NHHA can’t bring themselves to publish the COVID vaccine status of people hospitalized for COVID in New Hampshire.

And that brings us back to the rhetorical headline.

If none of this has anything to do with public health, why are you getting public money?



HT | The Reader who did most of the leg work

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Palate Cleanser – The Joy That Comes Only Once A Year

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-16 15:00 +0000

And he is enjoying it EVAH so much!


That CERTAINLY is a pile of leaves!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Get Rid of Career Politicians or Enjoy More Rising Prices

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-16 13:30 +0000

Are readers hoping prices will be rising on heating fuel, gas, and electricity? Are they in favor of shortages, higher rents, and interest rates? Then vote for all the incumbents that have made lives more difficult, and more expensive and they will enjoy more of the same coming along as soon as these career politicians are returned to their cushy jobs of rubber stamping higher taxes, more regulations, and less freedom of choices.

Like most, my standard of living has gone down. Had a delivery of heating fuel today and the cost was over $1,000, almost twice what it has been in years past and about 80% of my SSA monthly check — that hurts. My daughter lost her apartment because her rent went up by $700, and renters know this is now the norm. Inflation hurts everyone and the establishment has no motivation to change. They expect you to go along as you always have and return them to office.

On the other hand, we could decide to take a chance on replacing these career politicians with some new blood. I’m talking about candidates who are not part of the establishment, which says they are reasonable and responsible but are the very ones who have voted for every failed policy and irresponsible economic disaster that has been visited on our lives and that of our neighbors. Believe in all the empty promises they make now just like all the others they promised before, but before, consider if you want more of what they have already given or do you want change?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Annie McLane-Kuster Hates Italians

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-16 12:00 +0000

So on Columbus Day, Annie McLane-Custer made it a point to commemorate “Indigenous People’s Day,” and to ignore Columbus Day:

What a moron. The Genoese’s (in those days, there was no Italian identity … rather, Italians identified with their City-States) discovery of the New World was the most important event in history:

Needless to say, Annie would have no idea what you were talking about if you were to ask her to explain why the world would be a better place if the Colombian Exchange had never happened. So I’ll descend to her intellectual level and pose this question instead: Annie, why do you hate Italians?

The post Annie McLane-Kuster Hates Italians appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – Animated Population Growth Chart

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-16 10:30 +0000

OK, I found it mesmerizing (even if you didn’t). I have to admit, I’ve watched it several times as it’s info I’ve never run across before presented in a way that I kept staring at:


The post Data Point – Animated Population Growth Chart appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Thanks, Doug Lambert, for reminding me that I had unfinished business with Tim Lang

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-16 01:30 +0000

He’s such a pleasant fellow, isn’t he? But I don’t think his Anger Management classes have quite made the grade if you watch his expression at the end. At least he didn’t totally lose control of anger as he did here (scroll down to the middle of the post here starting at 18:00). His message rings hollow especially given how he himself has denigrated fellow Republicans and Gunstock Area Commissioners Peter Ness and Dr. David Strang over and over and over and…well, just call it continuously over months to get them to resign (see my Gunstock videos). And he just bad-mouthed the BCRCExecutive Committee to their faces just before this outburst (video to be up soon).

This is just another Doug Lambert technique in making himself be “the good guy”, the “white as the driven snow dude” (how appropriate!) but he keeps forgetting the sneering attitude he employs while doing so. He really does think he’s rather clever in insulting people to their faces without using their names as in this case (he’s done this often in the past and is resurrecting it once again). He also conveniently forgot to mention how MANY of his posts here on GraniteGrok where he [politically] also took shots at anyone (including LOTS of Republicans) he didn’t like for years.  Sorry Doug, you don’t get to wash your hands of your own actions and get away with it. 

It will be clear that he’s just posturing when I gather them all up. But I do thank him for reminding me that I had unfinished business – which, I point out to him AGAIN, I didn’t start – Tim Lang did.

That would be current NH State Rep Tim Lang and who is running for NH State Senate. He also cosponsored the amendment to HB1397 which would have removed oversight by anyone of what the Gunstock Area Commission had over the operations of Gunstock Mountain Resort. He has also accepted Union PAC money (via Brodie Deshaies’ Common Sense PAC). He also took umbrage at the fact that I had taken NH State Rep Harry Bean’s LtE to the Daily Sun that said that Republicans need to learn to compromise with Independents and Democrats. Yes, head-scratcher so in my response, I asked Bean several questions that begged “and how do you compromise with THESE Democrat policies?” (near the bottom of the post).

But Lang took exception to that with this email:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Rep Timothy Lang” <>
Sent: 10/8/2022 6:29:25 PM
Subject: Harry

Harry is in the hospital, battling for his life. Probably doesn’t need your bullshit right now.


As I said here:

Well, that bit about Bean was news to me and after my post had been published.  While I get informed about a lot of things, it would be hubristic of me to assume that I know everything and Lang assumed I did. I’m not putting the details in this post but his condition is dicey and prayers go out to him to get better.

So I got called out for something I knew nothing about at the time of my writing.  But I still stand by it because if someone puts something out into the public arena, it’s free to be commented on. And I did – and asked a lot of questions about on topics on which he’d compromise – and I would have a hard time to figure HOW to come to ANY compromise on anything.  Tim Lang decided to ignore all that with his email when I responded with:

On Oct 8, 2022 6:33 PM, Skip <> wrote:

How’s that Union money doing fer ya, eh?


So even though he took note of the post, he declined to defend Bean’s supposition and simply retorted with…hold off a sec. So I asked him more questions:

So, I challenge you NOW, in an abbreviated written fashion rather than our oral version.  Here are the same questions that were asked of Harry – now they are yours to answer albeit in a somewhat different construction:

  • Given that you were acting in concert with Democrat leaning Citizens for Gunstock group/Citizens for Belknap PAC and laundered money from Democrat leaning Union PACs, how would you vote on a bill that would institute an income tax, a sales tax, or any other broadbased tax?
  • Given that you were acting in concert with Democrat leaning Citizens for Gunstock group/Citizens for Belknap PAC and laundered money from Democrat leaning Union PACs – what’s your compromise on the Second Amendment where the Democrats want to put stringent restrictions on citizens bordering on complete civilian disarmement (think David Meuse) – how many of your firearms are you willing to compromise on?
  • Given that you were acting in concert with Democrat leaning Citizens for Gunstock group/Citizens for Belknap PAC and laundered money from Democrat leaning Union PACs – How about your compromise on Parental Rights? Both Democrat Congresstwits Kuster and Pappas just voted down legislation, sponsored by Republicans, that would put Parents TOTALLY back into control of the education and health concerns of their children. That members of your “Lang Gang” either voted for or took a walk?
  • Abortion? Republicans want to save the life of that unborn child.  How can you compromise with Democrats that are perfectly fine with killing it?
  • Charter schools? Homeschooling?  Other alternatives?  Education money to follow the child instead of remaining in a given zip code for teachers unions? What’s your answer?

After all, being a potential constituent, his website is TOTALLY devoid of any substantive information on how he stands on the issues of the day.  I am sorry to report that the only answer I received from Lang was this:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Rep Timothy Lang” <>
To: “Skip” <>
Sent: 10/9/2022 11:15:19 AM
Subject: Re: Harry

I will use all my campaign contributions to beat the Democrat running against me, keep the seat red, and keep the GOP majority in the Senate.

You’re concern for Harry is noted.


You made yourself the new center of my attention by emailing me out of the blue  – not Harry. No one reading this has any idea what your agenda will be.  Unfortunately, too many Republicans have the only thought that he has.  He’s forgotten what comes next (rather, doesn’t want to tell us).

Winning is only a precursor; what comes AFTERWARDS is the most important

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hollywood Turning a Decades Old Cartoon Character into a Lesbian is Not “Groundbreaking”

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-16 00:00 +0000

It’s never a slow news day, and I confess I had planned to drop a climate post in this spot, but then I tried over some stupid on my way there, and it demanded that I write about it. Velma from Scooby Doo, the brainy girl with glasses, is officially a lesbian.

Clips from the brand new movie “Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!,” which show the Mystery Inc. member googly-eyed and speechless when encountering costume designer Coco Diablo, have gone viral on Twitter, confirming suspicions held by the “Scooby” fan base for decades.

“OMG LESBIAN VELMA FINALLY,” reads one tweet, which has over 100,000 likes.

Not for nothing, but Netflix would have made her a black-skinned Asian lesbian, which (coincidentally) is what HBO did. #Velma is from India (part of Asia) and is dark-skinned. I’m not sure what her pronouns are, or if she prefers the penis or the vagina but to make up for that, HBO took the rest of “The Gang,” except for idiot Fred, and race-shifted away from white.


I don’t want to show off my psychic powers, but something tells me that Fred hasn’t been kept white so that his character can be treated with respect and dignity.

Oh, apparently there’s no Scooby-Doo in a Scooby-Doo derivative rip-off show. How do these Hollywood Geniuses keep reading my mind about what I most want in a Scooby-Doo reboot?!


Ace of Spades has more details and some entertaining #GoWokeGoBroke stuff that might make you smile. Gay Superman (Jon Kent) got canceled by DC Comics for reasons known to everyone, but whoever thought it was a good idea. That’ll happen when you exist inside a fishbowl.

Critizive middle America and flyover country all you like, but they are your customers, and given how little disposable income is left after two years of uninterrupted Democrat rule, even if they found a few bucks in the couch, giving it to people who hate their way of life and insult them for being too stupid to embrace their enlightened lifestyle seems unlikely.

There’s also a rumor that it was just plain old bad. Lousy. Garbage. And that’s typical. When the story centers almost entirely on someone coming out of whatever it is, even fans who might be willing to let that pass will stop paying attention. Okay, he’s gay. Is there another story in here someplace? Because, and maybe you missed this, the majority of plotlines in most superhero stories spend little or no time on who they’d like to F***!

There’s nothing groundbreaking about it, and it’s gotten a bit tired.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Notable Quote – It’s Narcissism All the Way Down

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-15 22:30 +0000

Having surrendered most of his technical skills to the corporation, [the contemporary American] can no longer provide for his material needs. As the family loses not only its productive functions but many of its reproductive functions as well, men and women no longer manage even to raise their children without the help of certified experts. The atrophy of older traditions of self-help has eroded everyday competence, in one area after another, and has made the individual dependent on the state, the corporation, and other bureaucracies.

When one observes the behavior of the new modern woke, [Christopher] Lasch’s words are stunningly prescient. The college kids literally screaming like toddlers when faced with a speaker they don’t like, the transgender people asserting that their truth is all that matters, the you-go-girl amateur psychologists helping mentally wobbly people to demand respect even if they haven’t earned it. This is the world The Culture of Narcissism predicted. These aren’t the old communists with their “dialectical materialism” and pseudoscience about the tectonic plates of evolutionary social change. These are babies with no secure sense of self throwing tantrums. A comment on a YouTube video I recently came across is very telling. The clip shows some colorful teenage dancers in a 1980s club from 40 years ago. Being in college at the time, I was actually scanning YouTube looking for my old self. Yet what caught my eye was a comment below the video, a remark left by what I assume was a younger viewer: “They all look so confident.”

The woke are not egotistical, assertive activists. They are those without a self, without history, and without confidence. More than 40 years after the publication of The Culture of Narcissism, Lasch’s screaming tyke is running the culture.

-Mark Judge (To understand the woke, you have to understand The Culture of Narcissism)


(H/T: Instapundit)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Few Words on All the Tips, Leads, Links, and Incoming Content We Get from Readers Every Day…

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-15 21:00 +0000

It’s no secret that we get a lot of emails—tons of links, pics, content, memes, video, suggestions, and ideas. Keep it coming. We appreciate the help. You are not just crowding sourcing the internet for us. It suggests topics on which you’d like our thoughts. So, about that.

I want to thank you but remind you that there is a fraction of it to which we can get and, in part, find the time and interest to develop.

As most of you know, I work a full-time job and am a full-time husband, father, dog owner, and homeowner. Blogging is not my job, though I’d love it if it were. As such, I feel compelled to remind folks that not everything pressing or time-sensitive, or even important to me, will get from you to these pages.

A recent example is BLM doxxing a high school kid and their family. It’s a great story that exposes the extremism, intolerance, and hypocrisy of the political left. I just couldn’t get any wind under its wings despite the help of our unofficial “research assistants.” You guys.

Some stories just don’t give me that spark when I first see them, while others light up and seem to write themselves in short order. I pondered the Pappas Ad with the Russian family in it but was going to let it slide when I opened an email where someone suggested that we should write about it. At that moment, the headline came to me, along with how I’d present it. I published it 20 minutes later.

Related: Chris Pappas Can See a Russian Family Having Dinner From His Front Porch

That’s how I work. Sometimes I get a tip or a link, and it sits for days before I see how I’d write it, and then I do. And, more often than I’d like, I get good stuff and just never get to it.

It’s not personal. It’s just how this process goes for me. Your excellent lead or link or story idea is not less of any of those things because I can’t get into it at the time. And I have been known to forward them to other Groksters to see if it sparks their interest.

All the memes and graphics you send (keep them coming as well) get forwarded to Nitzakhon for consideration in the Monday Meme and both Overflow posts. He does them better, so I’ll keep sending those his way.

As for other ways to get your thing on our pages, write an op-ed and send it to us. I know writing doesn’t come naturally to everyone and certainly not the way I do it, but your letter might be what gets one of us motivated to pursue a story or line of inquiry.

And we are working on another alternative that is an old feature on the  ‘Grok. We used to have a section reserved to post links to content “for which we did not have time.” It languished, often un-updated for days, so we yanked it. Earlier this year, I asked to get it back, but the original feature disappeared off the back end. It will need to be rebuilt. Our webmistress has not had the time (she is backed up with other customers), but we want it back.

When it arrives, we can deposit some of the many links you send us there, so keep them coming.

And thank you. We appreciate the continued time and effort each of you takes to share things with us you find exciting or news worthy. And as always, thanks for reading!



The post A Few Words on All the Tips, Leads, Links, and Incoming Content We Get from Readers Every Day… appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Yeah, Gregg Hough still hasn’t learned the shovel/hole admonition.

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-15 19:30 +0000

He just keeps angering a whole bunch of folks in the Republican arena lately – unforced errors.  I put a short list together here:

  • Gov. Sununu said he wanted him defeated
  • The NH House Freedom Caucus believes he’s nuts for picking a fight with GraniteGrok
  • The Democrat PAC Citizens for Belknap (even after doing their bidding) marked him for defeat in the Primary
  • And Rep and candidate for NH Senate Tim Lang decided vote for himself for Vice-Chair of the Delegation instead of voting for Hough (a bit of disrespect in that Lang knew he’d be out of the House come January while Hough could have possible been selected as the Primary hadn’t yet happened).
  • And decided to lambast the Belknap County Republican Committee’s Executive Committee this past Wednesday night for not picking picking up the Gunstock Audit Report (which I found out hadn’t been generally released at the time of the meeting).

Well, I can add a Gunstock Area Commissioner and the BCRC Treasurer to that list.  Dr. David Strang was provoked an email by Hough and has given me permission to post it. Yes, it starts before Wednesday’s meeting – when Strang heard what Hough said, he sent this thread over (reformatted slightly, emphasis mine):

On Tuesday, October 4, 2022, 06:43:40 PM EDT, Gregg Hough <> wrote:

Greetings All,

My request to rid BCRC meetings of the Granite grok has fallen on deaf ears.  Aside from the numerous attacks on me and others in the Republican Party in Belknap by the grok, below the link shows that you have willingly set the table and now the jackals are coming to dine.  The choice to allow this rests on the EC of the BCRC.

Action is no longer a request but a demand! Rid the BCRC of this poison so that we may begin to rebuild our Fractured brand.

I dryly note that Hough is quoting a Letter to the Editor from a hard Left Democrat – as if THAT is supposed to convince other Republicans. Great choice in debate materials.


Representative Gregg Hough
Belknap County district 3, Laconia
Labor, industrial and rehabilitative services committee
Resource, Recreation and Development Committee

I again observe that when the Chair read the BCRC’s decision that his complaint about the ‘Grok was unfounded, Hough said nothing.  But Dr. Strang did take notice of “but a demand” bit – as if Hough had any Power to make such a demand. And a bit of backstory that I bet most people haven’t heard before. I’m betting that Hough wasn’t pleased:

On Thu, Oct 6, 2022 at 12:02 AM david strang <> wrote:

Dear Gregg:

I am writing in response to your terse email of Oct. 4th (below) to the BCRC Exec. Cmte.  I apologize that you have not yet received a formal response to your request (now demand) that Skip Murphy and therefore the GraniteGrok, be removed from our monthly meetings.  As you took the time to make a formal presentation to the EC on your view, we indeed owe you a response.  On behalf of the EC, I apologize for the tardiness of that response.  Please look for a formal reply from Chairman Silber in the next 1-2 days.

Regarding the rest of your email, I must say you are in no position to demand anything of the BCRC, much less its Exec. Cmte.  You have not been a regular attendee to our monthly meetings until just a few times most recently and were notably absent for most of 2021 and 2022.  You have not contributed to any of our fundraising efforts in the past two years or even purchased a ticket in their support.  In addition, after the fuss you and your wife created last year over her desire to attend our meetings as a registered Democrat, we specifically adjusted our attendance policy to accommodate her, contingent upon her (ultimately) changing her party of registration.  Despite our willingness to show deference to her and your claiming that she had changed her party of registration, she has never attended a single BCRC meeting that we know of.

When I called you on Aug. 1 to warn you that Citizens for Belknap was a Democrat organization with ties to George Soros and that Gunstock was not the brass ring on this carnival ride, but rather your seat in the Delegation and Legislature was, you ignored my advice and replied, “thank you very much.”  How did that turn out?  You lost in the primary to which I can only respond, “I told you so.”  You joined with this leftist group and appointed a hard left Democrat (Denise Conroy) to the GAC whose own Twitter page had a posting calling for YOUR defeat in the primary.  Shame on you and Harry for failing to do your homework.  Despite your collusion with this leftist group, they continued to call for your defeat in the primary and it worked.

Yep forgot that with that last bit, the Gunstock Area Commission was against him.

Now you forward a LTE from Stephen Hepburn in your email attack yesterday and change your request to exclude Mr. Murphy and Granite Grok to a “demand.”  Do you know who Hepburn is?  He is registered as a “Hard Democrat.”   Once again, you are taking advice from Democrats.  Shame on you.  Rather than defend the Republican brand, you seem more comfortable attacking us on the EC and all that the BCRC has accomplished here in Belknap County.  Shame on you.  Given this desire and your clear comfort in forwarding Democrat talking points, perhaps you are registered in the wrong party Gregg.  Perhaps you might have had a different outcome on Sept. 13th if you had run on the Democrat ticket.  Your recent talking points and actions certainly seem aligned with their goals.  In summary, you are in no position to demand anything of our organization.  Perhaps in a moment of quiet reflection, you will understand that all of this disunity in our County Committee was in fact caused by you, your disloyalty and your traitorous actions in colluding with Democrats over Gunstock and NOT by the actions of the BCRC Exec. Cmte. which remains loyal to the conservative, Republican cause.  Remember, even Gov. Sununu called for your defeat in the primary.  In the meantime, feel free to take tactical advice from the Democrats.  It has worked so well for you thus far.

On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Belknap County Republican Committee,

David E. Strang
Treasurer, BCRC

Well, that was a series of broadsides, wasn’t it?  I realize there’s a whole of bolding going on there but Hough opened himself up for it.  He should have quit right then but instead, he picked up a bigger shovel:

On Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 02:42:52 PM EDT, Gregg Hough <> wrote:

Treasurer Strang:

Your response in which you state is on behalf of the Belknap County Republican Committee is frankly the most unprofessional representation I have ever seen from a Sanctioned Republican body.  Your brazen, baseless, incendiary accusations and conspiracy theories are beneath the position in which you hold and the Committee in which you represent and ultimately the New Hampshire Republican Party as a whole.

I sir am a sitting New Hampshire State Representative  but more importantly I am a Republican and a resident of Belknap County and as such I have every right to ask, beg, or demand action and accountability from my party at any level.  Instead of asking me outright about any of your claims you simply engage in this sophomoric approach.

Let me be clear in answering each of your accusations.

Accusations?  Rather, observations of your action and quoting your own words

  • Attendance – I have a full-time job that requires my presence 40 hours a week.  Also, my shift is generally from 1pm – 10pm.  I serve at the NH House of Representatives where I serve on 2 separate and standing committees.  This has been further complicated by the House Fire of April 7th, 2021, where I lost my home, most of my belongings, and my mother-in-Law lost her life in the fire, that day I was in session at the NH House.  Also, while holding all these responsibilities together my father’s wife died 6 weeks after the fire, I have had to take care of him since he is in poor health a diabetic and 81 years old, and I developed cancer a month or so later.  Also, I have been faithfully attending my responsibilities as a member of the Belknap County Delegation.  I also have started a chapter of the NHGOP in Laconia, the Laconia Republican committee in which I serve as Chair.  I point out all of this because I am not always available to attend, and I go when I can.
  • Contribution– I bought tickets to the event hosted by the BCRC that replaced the Mount Washington Cruise, even though I couldn’t attend as I was bringing my daughter to college in Texas on that date. I have bought and sold tickets each year to Representative Beans 4th of July event, as well as bought plenty of raffle tickets and other like things and my wife has worked those events as well.  I have contributed plenty to the BCRC in fact the amount I have contributed financially far surpass the support the BCRC didn’t give my campaign, so you are incorrect in your arrogant allegations.
  • The Fuss I created over my wife.-  Your short sightedness and poor memory speaks of your loyalties.  Literally my wife worked to get the lot of you elected to the BCRC and you folks had the audacity after all she did to make that happen for you to give her a hard time because she didn’t change her party affiliation quick enough for you.  She worked at that time 1 ½ hours away from home and was gone in the morning before the sun came up and home after the sun came down and on Fridays, she worked in the schools cleaning kids’ teeth through a grant program she put together through the state with private dentists to help sponsor and donate time as well as supplies and was given a national award for, so getting to city hall was problematic during business hours.  She has attended several meetings.  Also, my daughter was applying at that time to the US Naval Academy Annapolis and required a recommendation from a US Congressman or Senator.  As our US Delegation is all Democrat, she didn’t want to change her designation until after that process simply because our daughter is more important to us than listening to the Executive Committee pontificate at the meetings. Again, you are wrong!
  • The big warning – You had weeks to call me at any time about anything, yet you called me literally 2 minutes prior to the delegation meeting that was called by the quorum pertaining to gunstock. You say to me in your official response email, “how’d that work out for you?” and “I told you so”.  Then you say I “joined with a leftist group” and that I was “in collusion with a leftist group”  You are a Stupid man who sees conspiracies under every rock, and that will soon be proven.
  • The Democrat – Again you can’t seem to follow reality.  I warned in the tribunal set up by the Executive Committee and Skip Murphy of the dangers of his constant writing and video recording of BCRC meetings and said sooner or later the enemies of the Republicans would use this information against us.  You all ignored it, and it continues.  Hepburn’s piece was proof of my warning months ago!!  Yes, I know who he is, the communist operative from Gilford.  He actively hounds all Republicans in social media, and the newspaper and I have personally gone round after round with him in social media.  He is garbage and I am defending the Republican brand; it is you and your allegiance to  Murphy that is in question! He is actively attacking Republicans; you know, the people you and the rest of the executive committee vowed to protect when sitting in my basement asking for support 2 years ago.  You have done zero to honor your promises to the Republicans in this County, and you actively engage in pitting Republican against Republican.  Republicans are not monochromatic like Democrats.  We all aren’t mindless followers and although any Republican can choose which party platform planks, they may follow, you as a Republican Committee charged with handling the affairs of the Republican Party don’t get to pick who’s Republican enough.  The fact that there are some 15,000 Registered Republicans in Belknap County and your Committee has like 50 members is a joke!  If your committee was not incompetent, none of the attack on me or the other republicans would have been tolerated but you enjoyed it and allowed it to happen and you bring in the Grok to help facilitate your personal vendetta.
  • Disloyal and Traitorous – I honestly wonder what color the sky is in your world!  How am I not loyal to the conservative cause?  My voting record is exemplary.  My ratings over two years are 95.5% and 100%.  What you are referring to is obviously Gunstock!  The truth comes out, you’re mad at me because you did a garbage job, and everybody knows it.  Throwing slings and arrows at me doesn’t change that fact one bit.  I certainly don’t take advice from Democrats, and your insinuations are fantasy.

The rest of your response is utter nonsense and since I have not heard from the rest of the BCRC executive committee as you claimed I would. I can only assume that you in fact speak for them as you claim.  As such I will make this chain available to every Republican in this County and State so they may see just how un-hinged and ineffective you and the BCRC leadership is.  Maybe for your next useless speaker you could find someone who could explain to you how not to screw up an election year!

Representative Gregg Hough

Ah, just the same schtick – from a personal animus make public to people who couldn’t care less. I’m betting that I’ll reach more folks than your email list will. And they most likely will look at it and go “TL;DR” (too long, didn’t read).  As opposed to ‘Grok readers that deliberately come here to read our stuff.

Sidenote: or, if you haven’t, sign up for our Daily ‘Grok to get our daily email digest – look at the top right corner of this page!

And Strang is right – not much self-awareness in how he aided, knowingly or unknowingly, in achieving the Democrat founded Citizens for Belknap PAC results – truly, the epitome of Lenin’s definition. Nice to see who Hough just called “useless”:

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: david strang <>
To: Gregg Hough <>
Cc: PAUL TERRY <>; Norman J. Silber <>; Marc Abear <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 07:30:50 PM EDT
Subject: Re: [The Laconia Daily Sun] Steven Hepburn: Vote out the old vanguard, insert moderates in upcoming general election

One more thing Gregg.  I will be happy to inform Cmr. Frank Edelblut, Lily Tang Williams, Karoline Leavitt, Don Bolduc, Kevin Smith, Thad Reilly and a myriad of others that you, a former Republican member of the NH House consider them a “worthless speaker.”  Your true colors are showing.

I’m quite sure that Brendan Smith of the Weirs Time, who spoke this past Wednesday at the BCRC, will be quite happy to hear that he is useless.


The post Yeah, Gregg Hough still hasn’t learned the shovel/hole admonition. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Good News: SCOTUS Refuses to Hear NH Dems Petty Lawsuit

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-15 18:00 +0000

The NH Democrat party is miffed. The US Supreme Court refused to hear their case. They claim they want a provision that allows disabled legislators to participate remotely in House Sessions. That’s not what they want, but we’ll get to that momentarily.



The U.S. Supreme Court refused Tuesday to take up the bid of New Hampshire House Democratic leaders who want to let lawmakers with disabilities attend sessions remotely. Without comment, the court denied the request to take up the dispute over whether House Speaker Sherman Packard, R-Londonderry, had “legislative immunity” over his decisions regarding House rules.


The Democrats say this is about public health and cramming 400 reps into a room, and the disabled or those with health issues that make them high risk should be able to participate from anywhere. You know, public health and all that. But New Hampshire “representatives” have been meeting in person for over 300 years (more or less) without regard for any such provision. If you made it great, if not, send someone else who can.

That sounds harsh, but before the Left called up the COVID maskhole militia, Democrats didn’t give a damn about any of this. Reps who could not serve were stepped down and were replaced. So, why the change?

In part, the Karens, and in part, the culture.

The progressives would like to normalize remote everything even though it has killed your kid’s education.

Now, to be fair, I’m a fan of things being remote. But some kids don’t learn as well that way, and the same applies to working and representing the public in elected office. Some tasks require you to be there to do them correctly.

As a citizen, you have a right to an elected representative who can be in the chamber to interact directly, on the fly, on matters of public interest because they affect your income or the regulatory state. The office is not about pandering to the elected. It is about ensuring service to the voters. In other words, it’s not about you. It is about them.

Democrats may have other motivations, but this self-serving indifference to the function of the assembly is an insult to the people and the process.

Thank you for stepping up but if you can’t do this part-time volunteer gig properly, step aside. Someone else will.

The case has been sent back to the US District Court, and the NH AG is asking them to dismiss it.



The post Good News: SCOTUS Refuses to Hear NH Dems Petty Lawsuit appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Didn’t Think the Supreme Court Bruen Decision Would Be Applied This Way!

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-15 16:30 +0000

The Second Amendment is no longer a “second class” Right:

“Only if a firearm regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual’s conduct falls outside the Second Amendment’s ‘unqualified command,’” Thomas wrote.

Well, all kinds of gun control laws, State and Federal are falling by the wayside as the ramifications of Supreme Court Justice Thomas’ broad and originalist outlook on the Constitution have come into full view. NYSRPA vs. Bruen, where Thomas wrote the majority decision, with that bolded phrase above, put it into full relief. If a gun control law doesn’t align with any of those at the start of our nation (which is to say, hardly any at all), neither Congress nor State Legislatures can enact any.

Or in home rule states, no subdivision of a State like a town, city, or school board (among others) can add additional restrictions to what their States have enacted or will quickly see them whisked away in court.  There will be plenty to write about as Democrat controlled States and areas, in knee-jerk reactions, are quickly trying to enact regulations and laws FAST in their obstinance in following this SC decision.  They will get slapped down quickly.

This will include ALL of the gun bills that NH Democrats are now proposing (see the complete list of LSRs here) – those anti-gun bills are in there.

An example would be LSR 2023-0013. The prime sponsor is Democrat Marjorie Smith: “requiring a background check prior to any commercial firearm sale.”  While only the working title is there, I’m betting this will require that ALL firearms sales must be run through a background check. Not just those from a licensed firearm store but also if I wanted to purchase one from my neighbor (who happens to be an LEO).

Make it more difficult and more expensive for transfers of private property between ordinary citizens, she wants. Note the assumption – we’re all criminals already. It’s not the GUN being regulated by the State – it’s US! Simply a revenge move by yet another Democrat that has a very low view of her “citizens.”

If the Dems regain the majority in the NH House and Senate, will their legislative leaders realize that passing them is a fool’s errand? Or will they pass them out of spite, saying, “hey, let’s virtue-signal, pass them anyways, and make citizens pay court and attorney fees to get them dismissed? After all, WE will not suffer from acting unconditionally”? After all:

NH State Rep. Sandra Keans (R, now D): “I don’t try to justify anything by the Constitution, it’s not my job and I don’t want to do it.”

A view that is held by many. But THIS I didn’t expect (reformatted, emphasis mine):

A judge has ruled that a federal law banning guns that have had their serial numbers removed is unconstitutional. The law at issue prohibits any person from transporting a gun with the serial number “altered, obliterated, or removed,” across state lines. It also prohibits them from possessing such a gun if it has ever been transported across state lines. Serial numbers were first required by the federal Gun Control Act of 1968 to allow guns to be traced. They were adopted in an effort to prevent illegal gun sales.

…Goodwin, a nominee of President Bill Clinton, found in his decision that the federal ban on guns with removed serial numbers is not consistent with the United States’ “historical tradition of firearm regulation.”

He noted that a firearm without a serial number was not considered more dangerous compared to other firearms in 1791, when the Second Amendment was adopted. At the time, “serial numbers were not required, or even in common use,” he said, adding that the serial numbers “arose only with the advent of the mass production of firearms,” putting it outside of the “historical tradition of firearm regulation.”

And was meant, at the time, to be able to trace back defects and repairs and not for legal purposes. Or, if you wish, to prevent illegal purposes. They were just a part of the manufacturing process like almost every other product you buy (e.g., model, serial number. Try fixing your fridge without that info).

And again, the emphasis

Any modern regulation that does not comport with the historical understanding of the right is to be deemed unconstitutional, regardless of how desirable or important that regulation may be in our modern society,” Goodwin said in his decision.

“While I recognize there is an argument … that firearms with an obliterated serial number are likely to be used in violent crime and therefore a prohibition on their possession is desirable, that argument is the exact type of means-end reasoning the Supreme Court has forbidden me from considering,” he also wrote.

Making home made guns has been “a thing” since before the beginning of our nation and has continued throughout the centuries.  That’s the history of the decision kicking in – the Democrat/anti-gunner are going to have a cow in realizing that their stunted idea of “ghost guns” (another made-up term like “assault weapons”) is going to fade into history as well.

Oh, and this other LSR by NH Democrat Steve “Deputy Dawg” Shurtleff:  2023-0069 relative to possession or discharge of a firearm in a school zone. That has to do with the Federal Gun Free Zone law (that has proven to be worthless) as it has this exception to it that Deputy Dawg wants to get rid of. You see, there is this:

(ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license; [So if you have a concealed carry permit, license, or another official document which permits you to possess the firearm assuming that there is some qualification standard in order to receive that permit/license.]

There is an application for an NH Pistol/Revolver license here that meets the above qualification and mine was signed by our Chief of Police after my application was approved by the NH State Police. While getting such a license makes it possible to carry reciprocity with other States, it also allows such a holder to go onto school property.

What do you think the over/under is that this is going to get tossed as well?

(H/T: The Epoch Times)

The post I Didn’t Think the Supreme Court Bruen Decision Would Be Applied This Way! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

For Democrats “Abortion” is about Protecting the Right to Kill Newborns

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-15 15:00 +0000

Depending on the channel or service, if you watch “television,” you get five minutes of ads about abortion for every 8-10 minutes of programming. It’s aggravating with little pushback, so I’ll share at least two things about this single-issue, media carpet-bombing I think you need to know.

First, these ads are for Democrats and maybe some grossly ill-informed independents. The economy sucks, we are in a recession, food and energy prices have doubled, the border and national security are a mess, we are 31 trillion in debt, borrowing money is more expensive, and we are in a proxy war with the sidecar potential for nuclear strikes.

And that smiley-face unity, sanity narrative they peddled up to the 2020 election collapsed on day one and has dug itself a nearly bottomless hole.

So, Democrats are talking about abortion. Why?

When your side has failed so completely, a midterm election becomes something your rank-and-file voter might skip. Abortion is, for many Lefties, a hot-button issue with no exceptions, so if you are the Democrats and want to try and shore up turnout, it might be THE issue to push. Turnout is everything, even if you plan to cheat.

If you sweep up a few votes from independents, that’s good too. Maybe you save a seat here and there at the state or federal level.

The first point informs the second.

Because abortion is a hot-button issue with no exception, the reality is that the push to shore up turnout has nothing to do with women’s health. It is not about contraception, cancer screenings, or any other notion about services at abortion clinics, real or imagined. The Democrat position is that abortion should be legal from conception to live birth. Period.

This is about the right to kill newborns.

We know this to be true here in New Hampshire. We have a relatively new law that limits abortions after 24 weeks. You can kill the preborn baby growing inside you for six months. An entire Hockey season. It’s also (more or less) a Major League baseball season. That’s a lot of time. And abortions are permitted after six months to save the mother’s life; though, according to a critical care nurse I know with over 30 years in emergency medicine, she’s never seen or even heard of that.

Never. Not once.

At six months, there is no debate about heartbeats, viability outside the womb, or the uniqueness of DNA. Planned Parenthood’s illegal baby part-selling scheme preferred them six months or more because the organs are viable. Meaning they are, for lack of a better term, human.

It is not about women’s health. Democrats want the right to kill a baby even after it is born—no restrictions on ending the life even after it takes a breath.

They claim any objection to that is extreme. Refusing to allow the state to sanction the murder of newborn babies is extreme. I think most people agree that the Democrat position is not just extreme, it is evil.

If you are interested in ending extremism, that seems like a great place to start.



The post For Democrats “Abortion” is about Protecting the Right to Kill Newborns appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Randi Weingarten is What is Wrong With Unions

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-15 13:30 +0000

RANDI WEINGARTEN is president of the 1.7 million-member American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, representing teachers; paraprofessionals and school-related personnel; higher education faculty and staff; nurses and other healthcare professionals; local, state, and federal government employees; and early childhood educators.

The AFT is dedicated to believing that every person in America deserves the freedom to thrive, fueled by opportunity, justice, and a voice in our democracy. This freedom is achieved through an economy that works for all, including the ability to form a union; great public schools and affordable higher education; healthcare as a right; retirement security; the right to vote and civil rights; a vibrant democracy; and safe, welcoming and healthy environments and communities.

The AFT and its members advance these principles through community engagement, organizing, collective bargaining, and political activism, and primarily through members’ work—we care, fight, show up and vote. Randi Weingarten has accumulated a net worth of $5 million for her efforts. Much more than any of her members will ever see. Randi Weingarten is a pariah.

The purpose of the union is passé. Unions have no place in politics or policy setting. They no longer have to be concerned with workplace conditions. They no longer need to be concerned with an hourly wage. Pensions are not an issue so let’s make it about equity and reproductive rights. They have outlived their purpose and are trying to find relevance.

To ensure full disclosure, I was in management for my entire career. I never thought about joining a union until I had to when I started driving a bus. I was so angry this week as two union reps were standing outside our bus lot handing out political flyers. The Teamsters union is pushing a candidate for NH Governor high on women’s reproductive rights. Abortion is not reproductive, and calling it such is a lie. Why should a single penny of my dues go to a political campaign? No, make it stop. I am Pro-life, and you insult me when you take my hard-earned money, disregard my beliefs, and spend my money against my beliefs.

Weingarten was responsible for our children losing nearly two years of their education. The government gave her the money she wanted, but that was not enough. She wants total control of our children to turn them into America-hating Socialists. Until this woman erases every semblance of our past and recreates our children in her image, will she be satisfied.

Weingarten was in Ukraine this week. Why, and who paid for this excursion to a war zone? She claimed she was there to support the Ukraine Teacher’s Union. She has already destroyed our education system. Now she wants to go global. One of her most bizarre statements was that what Putin has done is atrocious, and she will not let him get away with it. What the hell is she going to do? Throw a chalkboard eraser at him. How stupid, but Liberals will listen and back this evil person.

Randi Weingarten is not for teachers. She is not for our kids. She is for Randi Weingarten, and she is being successful because people are allowing her. Stop her…..Now.



The post Randi Weingarten is What is Wrong With Unions appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Chris Pappas Can See a Russian Family Having Dinner From His Front Porch

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-15 12:00 +0000

The Pappas campaign has struggled with legitimacy for years. He’s got a white-collar political activist in a commercial pretending (much like Pappas himself) to be a blue-collar guy. And now there’s an ad with a “New Hampshire” family eating dinner who are actually Russian, living in Moscow.



Pappas has released a new ad that begins, “Here in New Hampshire, we keep the government out of our homes…” But the kitchen where a happy family is enjoying corn on the cob and orange juice in the Pappas ad appears to be not in Manchester but in Moscow.

The video is from the stock footage company Pond5. According to the description on its website, it was shot by Daria Kozyreva in Russia.


Karoline Leavitt has some thoughts (also care of NH Journal),


“First, Chris Pappas made his Democrat Party lawyer friend dress up as a mechanic for his TV ad because real blue-collar, middle-class workers in our state don’t support him. … Now, Chris Pappas is using footage of a Russian family eating an extravagant dinner while real families in our state cannot afford to feed their children or heat their homes.


That’s all true, but the thing that struck me as more dishonest than showing a Russian family having a feast passed off as Granite Staters was the opening ad copy. “Here in New Hampshire, we keep the government out of our homes and out of our doctor’s offices.”


New Hampshire Democrats lined up to try and force people to get the COVID shots. Many objected to allowing doctors to prescribe FDA-licensed drugs that were in the best interests of their patients. Some Dems wanted them punished if they tried.

The Left also promoted, we could even say demanded, that adults and children be required to get an experimental pharmaceutical injection to attend any school, keep a job, or take part in normal everyday life.

If there was a way to get between people and their doctors during COVID, Democrats were all in on that. It was their reason for living, and anyone who dared to keep the government from getting between doctors and patients was smeared, pilloried, or labeled vaccine-hesitant or a science denier, including doctors.

As for homes, I don’t have time to dredge it all up, but there is no shortage of regulatory or legislative intrusion from the Left into everyday life, so the premise of this ad is absurd. But that’s not nearly as fun as this.

It’s been fourteen years since John McCain picked Governor Sarah Palin as his VP. The media lost its mind, and with the help of the leftist cabal, they created fables about the woman, few if any, based on any scrap of truth, but to which Democrats still cling. Like Tina Fey, pretending to be Palin, saying she could see Russia from her front porch.

As Granite Staters and Americans struggle to afford high energy costs and food prices that have (in some cases) doubled, Chris Pappas can see a well-fed Russian family at the dinner table “from his front porch.”

And they are all white. Does that make Pappas a racist as well?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Record of My Republican Colleagues and I Speaks for Itself

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-15 10:30 +0000

My name is Dawn Johnson, and I am running for reelection to continue being Laconia’s voice in Concord. It has been an honor to represent you these past two years, and I promise to continue delivering results for our city.

We want to thank Dawn Johnson for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to

The record of my Republican colleagues and I speaks for itself. Together, we lowered both personal and business taxes all while producing a state budget surplus.

  • We reduced regulations and provided property tax relief by returning money to cities and towns.
  • We protected our Second Amendment from a barrage of assaults from the far left.
  • We worked to reform the Governor’s Emergency Powers to ensure that the rights of all citizens are protected in the future.
  • In the last two years, we sent over $12 million back to Laconia with over $1 million in direct property tax relief.
  • Finally, we passed measures to strengthen the integrity of our elections and advanced educational excellence for all New Hampshire children.

I graduated from Belmont High School, and my family has lived in the area for 50 years. My husband and I have been married for 22 years and have two amazing children.

We live in the house where my husband was born and raised. I have an associate’s degree in accounting and do bookkeeping for small businesses in the area. I also enjoy working for two local restaurants where I can learn more about Granite Staters’ problems.

I will continue to stand up for religious freedom, families, freedom, and facts. We need to stop the rising prices of gas, food, electricity, and protect everyone from more government. I will fight to lower costs and reduce taxes so you can keep more money in your pocket.

If you would like to talk more about the issues facing our state, I would love to talk to you. Please email me at so I can learn more about the issues you care about. You can also donate and volunteer by going to my website,

I humbly ask for your vote on November 8th in Belknap-Laconia District 5. As your Republican representative, I will continue to fight for faith, family, freedom, and facts.


God Bless and Thank you



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post The Record of My Republican Colleagues and I Speaks for Itself appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Elimination of Top-Down Rule

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-15 01:30 +0000

Throughout history, since the inception of civilization itself, the masses have been ruled by the powerful, which, if honestly defined, are the most vicious. All ruling classes have established their rule through wanton savagery. If you don’t submit, you will be killed or incarcerated. Hence, we have our very own DC Gitmo.

We want to thank Joseph Archer for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

However, by the grace of God, the ruling class made the mistake of actually making the instrument of their demise, the smartphone. Of course, that wasn’t their intention. They figured they could give the masses smartphones to shut them up, much like a pacifier. But it turns out that aside from being a marvelous invention of entertainment, a smartphone is also a marvelous tool of communication. Not only can it be used to entertain, but it can also be used to govern as it is possible to poll an entire population as to what they believe is the correct decision on any given matter, and it can be done at lightning speed and at no cost.

For the first time in history, it is possible for the world to be governed by the governed instead of by the most vicious, and that, I contend, is going to be the greatest event in human history. In the very near future, more and more people are going to be made aware of the opportunity the masses have to overthrow this world of top-down tyranny and replace it with governance OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people.

It is almost a miracle and too good to be true that we might very soon have a world where the fruits of the people serve the people instead of just a handful of the worst of humanity. Our top-down rulers are not nice or good people. They are a cancer that feeds off the body public. Not a single one of them has ever done an honest day’s work while at the same time expect to be treated like God’s gifts to the world. They live in the utmost luxury and never concern themselves a wit about how most people have to struggle just to get by.

But soon, very soon, millions of people will become aware of just how easy it is to have a government where everyone is an equal and voting member in the decision-making process. Then we will see just how rich and fair our lives can be when not burdened by a cancer of a ruling class.



The post The Elimination of Top-Down Rule appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Random Change is Useless

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-15 00:00 +0000

I always cringed at campaigns that claimed: “Vote for Joe, It’s Time For Change.” What does that mean? What are we changing and why? What will the change look like, and will society be better off?

We took away two days to remember those evil men from the past, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and replaced them with one generic day; President’s Day. How did that work out?

We erased the man who helped a ragtag group of farmers and merchants defeat the most outstanding military of its time and defined our Presidency. We eradicated the man who defeated slavery and healed our divided country after a bloody civil war. We now have a generic day to remember Richard Nixon, who left his office in disgrace, and Jimmy Carter, who left the country in shambles. How did that work out?

The Democrat Party has become the crusaders of change with little concern for what is left in their wake. It is about being the face of the “change of the day,” and no explanation is needed. Look at the actions of Joe Biden on his first day in office. He used his pen to sign a stack of Executive Orders with the primary intention of supplanting Trump’s policies and initiatives, but without a plan to replace them with strategies that deliver positive results. He stopped the border wall construction and Remain in Mexico agreement with Mexico. No plan was in play to secure the Border, so we now have over two million illegal aliens crossing the Rio Grande and entering all parts of our country. New England may be thousands of miles from the Border, but we are all Border States under Biden’s leadership.

Along with the flood of illegals is the influx of drugs, specifically Fentanyl. We are losing over 100,000 Americans between 18 and 45, poisoned by this evil drug manufactured in China and processed by the cartels in Mexico. It was essential to change the situation at the Mexican Border to keep the promises Biden made to his base during the campaign. He had no plan to replace what he ended, and now we have chaos at the Border. We have lost our sovereignty, but we have change. Isn’t that great?

The voters decided they wanted a calmer, gentler President who didn’t Tweet. What they got in Biden is all of that and more. A part-time President with no respect on the Global stage, the Joe Biden Presidency has disrupted the world’s stability. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and Saudi Arabia did not dare step out of line with Trump at the helm. With Joe Biden, the Paper Lion, in the Oval Office, these countries know that there will be no resistance to anything they do by Joe Biden. Eighty-one million people, dead and alive, voted for change, and they certainly got it. We now have war in Ukraine, Taiwan under threat, Korean missiles flying toward Japan, and Iran on the verge of having nuclear weapons aimed at Israel. Saudi Arabia and OPEC Plus are giving Joe the middle finger instead of the oil desperately needed by America and the world.

In less than two years, we have taken a country poised to rebound from the Pandemic and turned it into Jimmy Carter’s America. But we have change. Shouldn’t that make us feel good?

The post Random Change is Useless appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The FBI (Deliberately?) Undercounts Active Shooter Events Stopped or Prevented by Armed Civilians

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-10-14 22:30 +0000

The Federal Bureau of Insurrection (FBI) likes to keep statistics. They were never complete or trustworthy, but the last few years have demonstrated that the agency is partisan and prone to misleading the public. This is no less true regarding the benefits of armed, law-abiding citizens.

AWR Hawkins, reporting for Breitbart News, has some interesting statistics about active shooter events, armed civilians, and FBI statistics. It seems “The Bureau” – likely short on manpower because they are too busy framing presidents and civilians for imagined crimes – got the numbers wrong.

And we’re not just talking about a rounding error.

According to the FBI, civilians stopped or ended around 3% of active shooter events. The real number is closer to 34%.

AWR Hawkins explains.



The post The FBI (Deliberately?) Undercounts Active Shooter Events Stopped or Prevented by Armed Civilians appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Belknap County Republican Committee: In the Case of Gregg Hough vs GraniteGrok

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-10-14 21:00 +0000

Well, I think is the end of this particular running saga – but politics is not rational. To recap, soon-to-be former Rep. Gregg Hough is trying is employ what Gunstock Area Commissioner Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial) used on fellow Republicans and Gunstock Area Commissioners Peter Ness and Dr. David Strang.

Make something up and then get other people to believe it by repeatedly leveling it against the target.

That “make something up” doesn’t make it true but is a demagogue’s tool. In the case of Lambert, it was “THEY VIOLATED THEIR OATHS!” which I proved false, but there’s that old “a lie circles the globe twice before the Truth puts on its shoes” thing. Lambert and Commissioner Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice Chair) eventually bullied the political novice into resigning (look at the number of videos here on GraniteGrok from the Gunstock Area Commission meetings). I’ll get back to that in a few minutes.

Hough Hough Hough

Gregg Hough sent an accusation to the BCRC Executive Committee demanding that GraniteGrok no longer be allowed to report on the BCRC meetings. Loyal readers also know that I had warned him, as my new Elected Representative, to not to be part of the Delegation August 1st meeting. He told me that he wouldn’t – and then did. I told him that I would work against his reelection – you don’t lie to constituents.  It seems natural, then, to think that his action was a reaction to mine even though it had nothing to do with mine..  He also sent his accusation to the entire Belknap Delegation as well and making it a public issue by a public figure.

Conclusion? The starting up of the technique to make GraniteGrok (and me) toxic in a similar (but different) manner to Ness and Strang.  Simply a revenge/PR play, especially as it continues on (just ask both Hough and Lambert and the attendees at the BCRC meetings last few meetings).

And I posted my rebuttal here. And in response, sent it also the Delegation.

Yesterday, I received the following.  Note the word “unfounded” (emphasis mine):



The Executive Committee of the Belknap County Republican Committee (the “BCRC”) met on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, at 243 Mountain Drive in Gilford, to consider, among other matters, a request by General Member and State Representative Gregg Hough that the Granite Grok, a well-known political blog operated principally by BCRC General Member Skip Murphy, be barred or prohibited from making audio and/or video recordings at meetings of the BCRC.

Since January of 2021he Granite Grok has been the only press outlet permitted in BCRC meetings and allowed to make recordings of what transpires at such meetings.

Note: I actually consider we Groksters as all political activists, but we are a media outlet.

Representative Hough had presented a written request with his reasons for requesting the bar, and he was permitted an essentially unlimited time in which to make a verbal presentation to the BCRC Exec. Committee.

Skip Murphy had presented an extensive written answer to the Hough complaint including a justification of the continued presence of the ‘Grok at BCRC meetings.  Mr. Murphy was also allowed an essentially unlimited time in which to make a verbal presentation to the BCRC Exec. Committee.

Mr. Murphy indicated that any time a guest speaker at a BCRC meeting requested that his or her presentation not be recorded or be edited in some fashion, he always agreed to such request without exception.  He also indicated that if any participant in a BCRC meeting did not want his or her comments made openly in the meeting to be reported by the Grok, he would honor any such request.

After extensive discussion and due consideration by the BCRC Executive Committee, it was decided by a unanimous vote of all members present that the Hough complaint was unfounded and it was thus dismissed without further action being taken on it.

BCRC Secretary Priscilla Bean was absent and did not participate in the hearing or vote on this matter.

Norm Silber
Chair, Belknap County Republican Committee

This was delivered live during last night’s BCRC meeting. There was no protestation from Gregg Hough at that time:

Given that this was now public knowledge, I asked the Chair to be able to release the video of the hearing. I reasoned that if this went into a judicial matter, I wanted to be protected against a he said / she said. It would also protect Hough if that scenario was reversed; the cameras were allowed to roll.

Today, as this matter has become public, I asked for permission to post up those videos (from three different angles) in their entirety such that it could not be said that any deceptive editing had been done. Permission from the Chair was given:

Angle 1:


Angle 2:


Angle 3:


He and Lambert continue their effort to disbar GraniteGrok from reporting on BCRC meetings – and sully our reputation. They both continue to blame me for Hough’s loss in the Primary (I did state that I would work for his loss as he lied to me) even though:

  • Gov. Sununu said he wanted him defeated
  • The NH House Freedom Caucus believes he’s nuts for picking a fight with GraniteGrok
  • The Democrat PAC Citizens for Belknap (even after doing their bidding) marked him for defeat in the Primary
  • And Rep and candidate for NH Senate Tim Lang decided to vote for himself for Vice-Chair of the Delegation instead of voting for Hough.

Frankly, compared to the first three, any influence the ‘Grok had would have been minor. But Lambert’s upset at me for not taking a knee, either.

And there’s another entity that he has just royally ticked off. I get to post that video later as I got a tangential mention.

Going forward, IF they are successful in taking over the BCRC like they have the GAC and the Delegation, they will still have me to deal with.  As you heard during the recordings of the hearing, the question was offered “what are you going to do if a registered Republican attends, takes notes, and write about the meeting later, can you stop them from doing so due to First Amendment Rights? They couldn’t even stop anyone from simply hauling out a smartphone and videoing the meeting on their own.

Think of that ramification…and last night was a doozy for clips to comment upon.


The post Belknap County Republican Committee: In the Case of Gregg Hough vs GraniteGrok appeared first on Granite Grok.

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