The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

German Research Team: Diesel Vehicles More Friendly to the Environment Than Electric

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-12-22 11:30 +0000

Angela and Company put Germany on Energy transitioning hormones, but there’s a problem. Not much wind and not enough sun. And there’s no easy way to turn back. The nation’s last three Nuclear plants are decommissioning, which leaves Deutschland in dire straits.

Related: A Career Progressive Brings Bad News – There is no ‘Green’ in Electric Vehicles.

We’ve discussed heating homes and austerity planning, which are concerns. Germans won’t get much further into the 21st century without fossil fuels. But like many Western idiocracies, the energy trans has an equally flawed forced transportation transition. And not just from a manufacturing standpoint; EVs are dirty, and unsustainable, but in Germany, driving them is worse for the environment than Diesel engined vehicles.


The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is causing a stir with a study that takes away the aura of climate friendliness from electric cars. According to this, such compact class cars consumed around 175 grams of CO2 per kilometer in the first half of 2022 due to the electricity generated and the production. A modern diesel, on the other hand, emits 153 grams of CO2 per kilometer.

If the last three German nuclear power plants are taken offline in April 2023, the scientists predict a value of 184 grams of carbon dioxide – 20,3 percent more than with a diesel.


EVs cost more to buy, cost more to maintain, and have crap-resale value (or should) from the threat of battery replacement ($12-20k). There is no formula where we can create enough green energy (which isn’t even green) to offset an EVs total carbon footprint, even if they could solve the rare-earth metal problem that puts this program in the grave in a few short decades.

But wait, there’s more failure. First gen EV pickup trucks have demonstrated that there is no future for battery-powered heavy machinery. The freshman class of street haulers loses significant range with any large load and if you need to run the heater because it’s cold, forget it. You might as well hitch up some horses to a wagon. You’ll get there sooner.

And none of this is a secret. The public domain is loaded with research and data, but the government, ours included, is printing trillions to force these transitions, resulting in some systemic form of self-harm.

You can’t run today’s western economies on this plan, which means there is no looking forward. It’s the pre-destined backward engineering of society.

The only genuinely green transition is to hydro and nuclear, and as we’ve already reported, we’re years behind if anyone is serious about net-zero anything but modernity itself.

And we’ve suggested that was the goal too.

But not to get too far off-topic, Germany and everyone else in the northern hemisphere have a bigger EV problem than they did yesterday. One they – the elites – will have to ignore, bury, or hide.



HT | Free West Media

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Silent Night

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-12-22 02:30 +0000

To Our Dear Leaders,

No one is above the law!

How many times have we heard that line recently?

We want to thank Michael Petruzziello for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

If this talking point is true, why aren’t you enforcing our laws?

Twitter has revealed actual collusion, political influence peddling, election interference, suppression and censorship of free speech, and the spreading of misinformation and disinformation.

They have released tangible EVIDENCE of internal communications that reveal widespread corruption and collusion between big tech, the media, and our government.

This is not a conspiracy, this is CRIMINAL activity.

Yet you are silent, why?

The DOJ, FBI, CIA, FDA, CDC, NIH, DNC, RNC, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and others, along with our political leaders, have either actively or passively abetted this criminal and illegal activity against the American people.

Yet you are silent, why?

Concurrently, you have allowed millions of ILLEGAL aliens to break our laws and invade our country.

Yet you are silent, why?

Your failure to secure our border, and enforce our immigration laws, have resulted in the needless deaths of thousands of law abiding Americans.

Yet you are silent, why?

You have allowed drug smuggling, human trafficking and violence to go unpunished.

Yet you are, silent, why?

I could go on, but I know you will probably continue to do nothing, that’s just who you are.

As our representative in Washington, you are either part of the problem, or you are part of the solution, but you can’t be both.

You must choose to be one or the other, there is no middle ground when it comes to doing right or wrong.

Your actions, or inactions, as it relates too, “No one is above the law,” makes a mockery of the phrase.

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this Christmas, I pray that you will pause and reflect on these simple truths.

Jesus was the only person who ever lived a life without sin.

He wasn’t wealthy, owned nothing, held no office, and had no title, yet he is the most well-known person who ever lived.

He sacrificed his life to cleanse us of our sins, we only need ask.

I recommend that you replace your tired, empty, and hollow talking point with this one, “No one is above the Lord.”

You see, he alone will judge each and every one of us, and his laws are the only ones that truly matter.

Our earthly titles, wealth, political affiliations, gender, race, creed, sexual orientation, or any other personal identifier we choose to give ourselves will not save us.

The truth of the life we’ve lived will be exposed to the light, and the darkness of our deeds will be laid bare.

I pray that our leaders will turn away from the darkness and lead our country back into the light.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and an enlightening New Year.


Michael Petruzziello
Major, USMC (Ret)

The post Silent Night appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Other Wuhan Bio-Lab

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-12-22 01:00 +0000

Did you know that “the initial cluster of Covid-19 cases in Wuhan was located on the opposite (left) bank of the Yangtze River from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is commonly supposed to be the pandemic’s epicenter according to the “lab-leak” theory.

The image above, provided by the original lab-leak debunking article and science and hijacked for our purposes from The Brownstone Institute, shows the locations of the initial cases and what is near them. The markets (wet markets) are highlighted, but as noted in the reporting, “the Science article also indicates the locations of the Chinese host institutions of the joint laboratory: the Union and Tongji hospitals. Per the legend, they are indicated by crosses 5 and 6: right next to the home location of what the article identifies as “cluster 1,” an elderly husband and wife who represent “the earliest known case cluster and the only cluster admitted by 26 December.”


They had no known connection to Huanan Market.” (Red dots on the map indicate cases with a known connection to the market; blue dots those that have no known connection.) The Tongji Hospital is the closest to “cluster 1.”



[T]here is also an infectious diseases lab in the area of the cluster: the aforementioned German-Chinese Joint Laboratory of Infection and Immunity at Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College. The laboratory is a joint project of Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College and the University Hospital of Essen in Germany.


The other bio lab in Wuhan sits right in the middle of ground zero for the alleged wet market and is surrounded by cases with no known connection.

I guess, maybe, the lab leak theory still lives, assuming it ever died.

If you’d like a little more intrigue,


The accompanying article in the German newspaper Die Süddeutsche Zeitung notes another highly intriguing fact: the Essen University Hospital is not the only German teaching hospital with which Tongji has a “close partnership.”

It also has a partnership with the Charité Hospital in Berlin of Germany’s “state virologist” Christian Drosten! Drosten is the chair of the virology department at the Charité.

Now, it was none other than Christian Drosten who in mid-January 2020 – just a couple of weeks after the initial outbreak of Covid-19 just a stone’s throw from Tongji Hospital – devised the notoriously oversensitive PCR test that would become the “gold standard” for detecting the virus.


Feel free to read more here, and by all means, discuss at will.



The post The Other Wuhan Bio-Lab appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

World Cup Rocked By #MeToo Scandal

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 23:30 +0000

Despite what many are calling a World Cup with an ending so epic not even Hollywood could have made it up, the world of soccer has been rocked by its own Hollywood-esque #metoo scandal.

Photographs have emerged and are now taking over the internet of players lying prostrate, supine, and even pretzeline after having been viciously assaulted by another player. Each of the photographs is accompanied by the familiar “#metoo” tag as well as a secondary cry for the emotional sympathy players are clearly not getting from a cold and cruel world.

These cries for help often go unheeded and even mocked as grown men continue to play games at the expense of the bold and brave weepy men who have the courage not to hide their feelings of both pain and betrayal. Many of the players’ overprotective and enabling mothers have come out in defense of their grown baby boys asking such pertinent questions as “Why are you letting this happen to my baby?” “Who is responsible for hurting my baby?” and “Why isn’t the grass softer?”

In a first ever for litigation the FIFA players association has a class action suit against itself. The court case names every player in the league as both plaintiff and defendant. “This is very unusual but so is watching reams of grown men rolling on the ground crying for a month straight” commented Qatari legal expert Mohammed El Mohammed.

A separate class action suit has been filed by American football fans who say they were deceived when believing they would be watching international football only to have their testosterone levels involuntarily lowered over the course of the World Cup.

“Why wasn’t Tom Brady on the American team?” asked one incredulous fan from New Hampshire. “Without him, the team is like an old brah – weak suppaht and no cups.”

The plaintiffs are seeking damages of 1 billion Euros and a lifetime supply of Dude Wipes.

We reached out to several of the sponsors for the American Men’s Soccer Team for comment. Pradeep Achu, speaking for the Kleenex company, made the following statement:

“Kleenex is deeply grieved at the human carnage Americans had to witness during this year’s World Cup. We were so distraught we couldn’t wipe away the tears fast enough, even with our unlimited supply of Kleenex’s new FIFA turf tissues, the only tissue made from 100% recyclable turf. Kleenex proudly offers a $1 million dollar donation to build the first state of the art Soccer Ouchies Facility & Treatment Spa (SOFTS). Kleenex is also working with the maker of Depends Male Underwear on a high-impact, breathable, compression soccer-specific diaper intended to hit stores next season.

Also moved by the immense need to re-masculate the sport Pfizer is developing a new drug intended to replicate male testosterone via mRNA technology, which currently is under trial in the Euro League. Fans critical of the new drug blame it for the nearly 4,000% increase in players with new heart problems and on the field deaths. Spokespersons for the drug maker are unconvinced. “Have you seen how much they run? That’s enough to give anyone heart problems leading to death” says lead scientist Antonio Fauccio, who also recommends players double and even triple mask until they flatten the curve or the EKG line, whichever comes first.

Not to be outdone by their western counterparts the Saudi Royal Family has donated a half a billion dollars to fund a global soccer initiative developed by a behavioral studies team from the Tavistock Institute in England they are calling Go Find Some Balls.

Among the unique injuries sustained in this year’s World Cup players were sidelined with the following:

12 boo-boos on the knee

16 sprained eyebrows

27 micro-aggressions

2 dislocated man-buns

13 cases of debilitating hang-nail

One reporter who asked “Since you can’t use your hands in soccer why are players sidelined by hangnail?” was found later that evening by the Sudden Death Squads who patrol the streets of Qatar due to the Sudden Death Syndrome. Qatari officials believe there is a new deadly strain of SDS brought from the west to the Middle East as a result of exposure to rainbows. The reporter’s sudden death was ruled a suicide.

The finals match was indeed one of the most exciting in recent memory. When asked why the Argentinian team lacked diversity the nation’s Twitter account responded “Because we are a country not a Disney movie” which lowered the country’s ESG score and landed the team an honorary yellow card prior to the match. The French team was so diverse many of the country’s critics reconsidered their stance on France’s colonial efforts into Africa given this was their second straight appearance in the finals.

The finals match also went into sudden death ending in a penalty kick shootout that saw Argentina’s goalie outduel France’s aging keeper Hugo Lloris. Lloris will likely be replaced by the up-and-coming Scott Sterling who has yet to allow a goal in any penalty kick situation due to what his coaches describe as his “steely faced determination”.

The post World Cup Rocked By #MeToo Scandal appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Tutorial: How to Create a Right To Know to Hold Your Government Accountable – Part 3

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 22:00 +0000

Having dealt with the Purpose of an RSA 91-A demand and showing its Constitutionality, this post bringing up Definitions. As I said in Part 2:

Next installment will talk about Definitions.  While it may seem mundane and you might think “I’ll wait until Skip gets to the “meat of RSA 91-A”, Definitions MATTER. And they matter a LOT because once you change a definition of a word (as the Left keeps doing to achieve a political agenda), an entire law can mean the opposite of what it did when first written.

Yep, it IS mundane – but important.  RSA 91-A:1 enumerates those definitions (emphasis mine):

 91-A:1-a Definitions. –
In this chapter:

I. ” Advisory committee ” means any committee, council, commission, or other like body whose primary purpose is to consider an issue or issues designated by the appointing authority so as to provide such authority with advice or recommendations concerning the formulation of any public policy or legislation that may be promoted, modified, or opposed by such authority.

II. ” Governmental proceedings ” means the transaction of any functions affecting any or all citizens of the state by a public body.

III. ” Governmental records ” means any information created, accepted, or obtained by, or on behalf of, any public body, or a quorum or majority thereof, or any public agency in furtherance of its official function. Without limiting the foregoing, the term “governmental records” includes any written communication or other information, whether in paper, electronic, or other physical form, received by a quorum or majority of a public body in furtherance of its official function, whether at a meeting or outside a meeting of the body. The term “governmental records” shall also include the term “public records.”

IV. ” Information ” means knowledge, opinions, facts, or data of any kind and in whatever physical form kept or maintained, including, but not limited to, written, aural, visual, electronic, or other physical form.

V. ” Public agency ” means any agency, authority, department, or office of the state or of any county, town, municipal corporation, school district, school administrative unit, chartered public school, or other political subdivision.

VI. ” Public body ” means any of the following:

(a) The general court including executive sessions of committees; and including any advisory committee established by the general court.
(b) The executive council and the governor with the executive council; including any advisory committee established by the governor by executive order or by the executive council.
(c) Any board or commission of any state agency or authority, including the board of trustees of the university system of New Hampshire and any committee, advisory or otherwise, established by such entities.
(d) Any legislative body, governing body, board, commission, committee, agency, or authority of any county, town, municipal corporation, school district, school administrative unit, chartered public school, or other political subdivision, or any committee, subcommittee, or subordinate body thereof, or advisory committee thereto.
(e) Any corporation that has as its sole member the state of New Hampshire, any county, town, municipal corporation, school district, school administrative unit, village district, or other political subdivision, and that is determined by the Internal Revenue Service to be a tax exempt organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

So what does this all mean?  I’m not a lawyer nor do I play one in the blogosphere. However, I DO use 91-A a lot so I have a layman’s knowledge of it. Simply put, what all of the above means is that any part of Government here in NH is subject to having to answer to 91-A demands.

By the way, in VI.  (a), there is the mention of the “General Court“?  That is the official name for the NH House of Representatives and the NH Senate.  And with that, any committees established by them be they standing committees (like Judiciary, Municipal, et al) that are exist session after session or ad hoc ones (like the NH House’s committee on Housing that was just established by NH House Speaker Sherm Packard). It will also include any other activity that is subordinate to the House and the Senate (e.g., offices that are staffed employees that work for the House and Senate).

Also note that in the Definitions, it talks about the General Court, the Executive Council, any State Agency (think Department like DHHS (Health and Human Services), DES (Department of Environmental Services DRA (Dept of Revenue Administration), DOT (Department of Transportation) and their subsidiary entities (government is FILLED with Boards, Commissions, and other such things).  Usually, these are one of the areas that people send Right To Know demands. We here at GraniteGrok have done so with the notable example of catching the a State employee that we caught surfing the ‘Net almost all day long contra his Department policy (unauthorized use of State equipment) as well as the State’s IT department who was failing to monitor such things.  Ah, life can be fun!  None of them were happy that we made them look like fools.  Thank you, RTKs!

And then there’s the lower levels – your towns, cities, and school boards. Yes, there are others types like Gunstock Mountain Resort – and I have more coming on that), Water Districts, and the Regional Planning Commissions.  All of them are ripe to demand information  – like WHY are you funding this (it keeps losing money like our town’s dump Recycling Center, WHERE in your budget are you paying for THIS (not an allowed “Purpose” according to the DRA), and lately, what books do you have in your libraries?  Yep, public libraries.

All of them are covered in VI (e).

It is a target rich environment.  So if you think something isn’t right, it’s most likely that they are fair game.  But not always – you do need to figure out if a “target” is one of the above, ask them where they have been:

  • Given the Power to do what they do
  • Where do they get their funding?

Translation: has this “body” or group been created by government AND is it getting tax monies. The latter is a great way to ask questions of NGOs (Non-Government Organizations or Social Agencies) in what they are doing in performance of government contracts or work done on the behalf of Government.

Oh, one last thing – let’s go back to VI (b): where it states: “executive council and the governor with the executive council“. As you may have seen here and here, the “Office of the Governor”,  via its legal counselor James Scully, believes it is exempt from this law. I need to get back on this.

So isn’t rather ironic that the Government who MUST sign such bills believes it is exempt from upholding the law s/he made legal?


Previous Posts:

  • Part 1 – What is the Purpose of a Right To Know demand?
  • Part 2 – Why is it Constitutional?

The post A Tutorial: How to Create a Right To Know to Hold Your Government Accountable – Part 3 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fifth Circuit Court Tosses Another Biden Vaccine Mandate

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 20:30 +0000

When my kids were younger, we watched a lot of Pokemon. Yes, I said we. I was as good as anyone at matching the silhouettes to the names. So, when the Jab mandate craze took root, one of my first thoughts was, “Gotta Jab ‘Em All!”

Biden’s administration has done its best to fulfill the notion. Jab anyone, and everyone.

One way was a blanket assumption that anyone who gets a whiff of federal money (your money, and these days your grandchildren) could be force-vaccinated. Use the force Joe!

People will put up with a lot for a federal contract. And the fear culture inspired many to cave early, but resistance is not futile. There’s been pushback. One such instance was a Biden order that all Federal COntractors mandate COVID-19 vaccination or the could (would) lose their contracts.

You could hear the ‘F**k You! for miles. And that shout heard ’round the world just won in court.


A 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the mandate in a 2-1 decision.

“The President’s use of procurement regulations to reach through an employing contractor to force obligations on individual employees is truly unprecedented,” the ruling concluded. “As such, Executive Order 14042 is unlawful, and the Plaintiff States have consequently demonstrated a strong likelihood of success on the merits.”


Truly unprecedented. That has a nice ring to it and maybe just a little bit of recoil. And not just there.


The case is one of the multiple recent examples of COVID vaccine mandates that have faced recent legal challenges. On Monday, a federal judge approved a class action settlement of more than $10 million for workers at an Illinois healthcare system whose religious exemptions against taking the vaccine were rejected.


The scope of abuse excused under a fabricated umbrella of fear will never be known. So many lives were harmed or lost as a result of the response, numbers that will keep rising as vaccine and policy injuries (lockdowns, unnecessary masking, remote living, or isolation, alcohol, and drug abuse or overdose) continue to take people from us.

While it is challenging to fight fear on that scale, massive financial loss resulting from malfeasance has a way of slowing the roll. At least, we hope it does.



HT | The Daily Wire

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Respect for Marriage

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 19:00 +0000

The Respect for Marriage Act (RMA) is anything but respect for marriage. Marriage is from God, not from any government. What the RMA does is show us how far from God we have gone.

We want to thank Yochanan for this Op-Ed- Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Our nation has lost its moral compass or moved the baseline to be anything it wants.

Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; We all have sinned, and so I will not condemn anyone, that God will do. I am merely a messenger stating truths/facts that many do not want to believe because they think they are gods in their own humanistic way. Sure, this MRA will give the benefits/protections of traditional marriage, which government allows, but RMA will never get the ultimate respect some are looking for from God.

Did you know marriage is not in the NH or US Constitution? So, why is the Federal government making it a law?

Governments only give you a piece of paper that says you are married. Maybe because they want your MONEY for the license, or maybe governments think they are gods and we should worship them (hmmm, that sounds like a verse in the Bible too).

So, does this Respect for Marriage Act mean anything or deserve respect? I say only to those who think they need the government to allow it to and to force others to show respect.

Respect is defined as “to consider worthy of high regard or ESTEEM.” Do you really think the government respects or esteems marriage? I doubt it because if they did, they would go back and read a book that is over 4,500 years old which tells them the definition of marriage and who it is between, but as the government does, it makes up its own definition and then tells you to believe it and respect it because it is the LAW.

I’ll leave you with these few words written thousands of years ago.

In Genesis 1:27, So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 2:24, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall be united with his wife (a woman): and they shall be one flesh.
Genesis 3:20 And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

Should we believe the Respect for Marriage Act is actually that? No, not by a baseline that was set 6,000 years ago and written down so we would know what is true and what is not. Should we treat others like we want to be treated, absolutely. Should we pray for those who have lost their way again, absolutely!

Merry Christmas.

The post Respect for Marriage appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 17:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Maybe a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






In a country that had even a shred of honor, decency, morality, etc., this should be enough for indictments, trials, convictions, and imprisonment by the metric f*ckton.  That these things have not happened, to me, says that we as a nation have fallen.  I’m in good company in thinking this:



Breakup is the best option IMHO.  Speaking of – nice to see something from Surak:

What really happened in 1776? – Surak substack blog



Surak is back!  (Bolding added in the quote below; image from the article – and I’ll have to move, clearly.  The question is where.)

They chose to secede, on territory they controlled, initiating a new government. Read the list of charges in the Declaration of Independence, and tell me our present government is not more tyrannical.

He’s in good company (bolding added):

The problem our nation faces is very much like a marriage in which one partner has an established pattern of ignoring and breaking the marital vows. Moreover, the offending partner has no intention to mend his ways. Of course, the marriage can remain intact while one party tries to impose his will on the other and engages in the deviousness of one-upsmanship and retaliation. Rather than domination or submission by one party, or domestic violence, a more peaceable alternative is separation.

I believe our nation is at a point where there are enough irreconcilable differences between those Americans who want to control other Americans and those Americans who want to be left alone that separation is the only peaceable alternative. Just as in a marriage where vows are broken, our rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution have been grossly violated by a government instituted to protect them. These constitutional violations have increased independent of whether there’s been a Democrat-controlled Washington or a Republican-controlled Washington.

If separation occurs – and logistically it’d be a nightmare, let alone there being outside actors, state and otherwise, eager for this to happen.  Nor would it be without bloodshed internally; just look at India’s separation from Pakistan.  But it’s separation or spicy time.

However, remember what I keep saying: the Left is a missionary religion determined to bring Communism to the entire country, then world.  They will not stop.  They will infiltrate, they will corrupt, they will stare across those borders and see territory that needs conversion to the Marxianic faith.  Any separation will IMHO only be a delay of the avalanche.

The Avalanche Has Already Started… – Granite Grok

Things Fall Apart… With A New Cartoon “Getting Ready for the Spicy” – Granite Grok

Things Fall Apart 2 – Granite Grok











I so-so-so want this to be satire and mockery.  I desperately want to believe that there aren’t people this f*cking stupid.  And the virtue signaling pegs out on the gag-o-meter.  But I’ve very much afraid this will prove to be genuine, and that all too many people with enthusiastically be for this.  To Saaaaaave the plaaaaaanet.






Something to which we have not paid sufficient attention is the LONG GAME the Globalists are playing.  They’ve been working this plan for AT LEAST a century, and probably far longer.  We have some advantages and they have weaknesses, but do not doubt that – backed by the enormous funds they have – they have gamed out what they want to drive to happen.  They’ve bought or collected kompromat on countless politicians.  This is going to be bad, regardless, so do not underestimate them.









They’re too addicted to being liked.  They’re too addicted to their invites to the “beautiful people” cocktail parties and feathering their own nests.  Plus they don’t want their “legacies” to be too tarnished so the enemedia will write laudatory puff pieces about them after they retire.  And, of course, to curry favor with the printing houses so that their memoirs will be published.












Pick of the post:


I’m an engineer and, in my career, one of the things I got really good at was looking at data and seeing special cause events.  This so screams at me that SOMETHING CHANGED that I literally cannot grasp how other people don’t see this, yet I’ve shown this to people and they don’t.  I’ve shown other materials to people, like the McCollough videos in the last meme post, and they don’t react.  It’s like they literally cannot see it.  Yuri Bezmenov was right.

I think this is highly psychological.  They have become convinced that they are good, noble, moral, educated, and intelligent people because they “follow the science”.  Thus, two factors come into play to my “I’m not a psychologist nor do I play one on TV” mind:

First, when you tie your positive self-image – intelligent, good, moral, educated, etc. – to a specific belief or action, to entertain that the belief or action may not be a good thing would jeopardize your view of yourself as intelligent, etc.  That’s a hard & bitter pill for most to swallow, and IMHO many can’t.

Second, being superior intellects who look down on us unwashed, anti-science deplorables, admitting we were right and they were wrong would mean destroying that inflated view of themselves.  Again, a hard and bitter pill to admit that someone you disdain was more perceptive than you.

Not for nothing is VANITY the Devil’s favorite sin (language alert!):




Palate cleansers:






The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Uber Liberal Tim Robbins Red-Pills Himself Over COVID Response – Regrets Blindly Following Mandates

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 16:00 +0000

Tim Robbins is a fine actor, but as with most folks who live or work in that world, he has been a reliable progressive mouthpiece. Environment begets and all that, maybe as a survival instinct until it becomes who you are. But sometimes, there’s a spark, and you ask questions outside the approved narrative.

It seems, all on his own, Robbins discovered that the anti-mask protesters (for example) were not the people the media and politicians described. They were folks, many like him, and it started him on a journey beyond the approved narratives.

He wondered why they changed the definition of vaccines or reversed course on years of virus response tactics. Why was the vaccine harmful under Trump (no one would take that) but mandatory under Biden (you have to get it)?

And what seems to have tipped him off the edge is the calls to reject health care for people who were not vaccinated. How could you say you care about people on the one hand and then take an uncompromising stand against helping people who need emergency care?

The pacing’s a bit slow, but it is an interesting journey as Tim Robbins, career lib, talks through how he got here from there, what got him thinking, and why.




The next question is; does this, as it has with many, translate to other topics and issues? He also seems offended at the attacks on free speech, so maybe there’s more light at the end of this tunnel.



HT | ZeroHedge

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

JFK – Nixon – Trump

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 14:30 +0000

Mark Twain famously said, “Brevity is the soul of wit!”  The gift of a long life is to appreciate Twain’s wisdom and the disappointment of learning the Administrative (Vampire) State have run my beloved U.S. of A. since at least 1960.

1. As a sophomore in high school, I believed that JFK was assassinated by a “lone” insane gunman, and Jack Ruby murdered Oswald because he loved JFK.  Recently, R. F. Kennedy, Jr. said, “The CIA murdered my uncle.”  Recent enormous document releases by the National Archives confirm RFK’s statement.

2. The Watergate scandal, as a young law student in Washington, DC, disgusted me. A recent series of books by Geoff Shepard, a lawyer on the Nixon legal Watergate team, uncovered a cabal of the CIA, FBI, DOJ, and Federal Judiciary.  These vampires of the Deep State removed a President popularly elected in a landslide and by an Electoral College landslide.

Attorney Shepard proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Judge Sirica and the entire Federal District Court of Appeals were ethically compromised, and probably criminally, for extra-judicial contacts with the prosecution and an unprecedented “en banc” hearing of Watergate appeals without the statutorily mandated “three-judge appeal” panel, the only time this has ever happened in American judicial history.

3. The “Musk Twitter Files” have confirmed the “Vampire State” stole the 2020 election, the persecution of the Trump Presidency, and soon the “J6” clown show of Pelosi and Cheney’s recommendations to indict Trump for “fictional” crimes. The parallels between the Nixon and Trump conspiracies are eerie, disturbing, and frightening.

Yes, Steve Bannon, there are conspiracies.


The post JFK – Nixon – Trump appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sununu Bans TikTok

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 13:00 +0000

It should not surprise anyone that a communist regime might expect its citizens to provide details of things they see or hear wherever they allow them to go. Communism survives in the shadow of the terror state, and you’d be crazy to say no. So it is with Chinese Companies.

China allows them to do business, and if the company can serve the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), it will. There’s even law, not that the CCP would concern itself over such a thing if it got in the way of what they wanted.

Our government uses technology and social media to spy on, censor, or propagandize violating laws and enumerated natural rights. Hence, the idea that Tik Tok might collect personal or location data for its government is not a stretch. It’s not even a question.

The question is, does it present enough risk that America or Americans need to do something? Increasingly, the answer is yes, even in New Hampshire. Governor Chris Sununu has issued an Executive Order banning Tik Tok from all State devices and networks.


WHEREAS, TikTok can harvest large amounts of data from devices it is installed on including when, where, and how the user conducts Internet activity and on June 30, 2022, TikTok admitted in a letter to nine United States Senators that China-based employees can access U.S. data, even though that data is stored in the United States. Additionally, under China’s 2017 National Intelligence Law, all Chinese businesses are required to assist China in intelligence work, including data sharing.

WHEREAS, there are also several Chinese companies that produce Telecommunications and Video/ Audio equipment and we reasonably believe use of these products may enable the manufacturer or vendor to:

• Collect sensitive citizen, financial or other business data.
• Enable Business Email Compromise and act as a vector for Ransomware Deployment.
• Conduct effective Cyber-espionage against government entities.
• Conduct surveillance and tracking of individual users.
• Use algorithmic modifications to conduct disinformation or misinformation campaigns.


Manipulate elections?

He’s probably not ready to make that leap, even though we know our government used Facebook and Twitter to this end.

How about child pornography? I know it’s allowed in public and school libraries, but it is also allegedly pervasive on Tik Tok.


TikTok allegedly has child sex abuse material hiding in plain sight all over the social media platform, according to a Forbes investigative report. …

“They typically read like advertisements and come from seemingly innocuous accounts,” Forbes reports. “But often, they’re portals to illegal child sexual abuse material quite literally hidden in plain sight—posted in private accounts using a setting that makes it visible only to the person logged in.”

The grotesque material can be found in “post-in-private” accounts, which predators easily access using specific phrases to avoid algorithms that would lead to a violation.


TikTok says it doesn’t allow that and uses both AI and human moderation of videos to enforce its “zero tolerance for child sexual abuse material and this abhorrent behavior which is strictly prohibited on our platform.” Child advocates claim they’ve seen the stuff and mention tactics used to fool the AI. Does one of them involve a school board because that seems to be how they expose children to pornography around here?

It’s not quite the same, but one begets the other. Child pornographers encourage and support the sexualization of children they can exploit.

China encourages using technology to obtain personal or other data on people in foreign countries, including ours. Doing it with a social media app Americans are willing to install on their personal tracking devices is just smart spying (ask the US Government).

And while some will complain about the Governor banning the platform from state devices and networks, anyone who complains too much was probably spending more time making or viewing videos on TikTok at taxpayer expense than the job for which they were hired.

If we were looking to lower the cost of government …


NH Sununu EO 2022-09

The post Sununu Bans TikTok appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Crypto6 Day 7: Fake FBI ‘Expert’ Erin Montgomery Won’t Testify @ Trial

Free Keene - Wed, 2022-12-21 12:54 +0000

Attorney Sisti Cross Examines Government Witnesses

[Day 7 below has been updated, you can skip to the part where we left off if you’ve already read the first part of the story]

We learned today that Erin Montgomery the supposed leading blockchain analysis expert for the FBI who was disqualified as an expert wouldn’t be testifying at all, not even as a non-expert ‘witness’!

We also learned that the FBI misled the jury about the average age of people the church sold bitcoin to via selectively picking out older folks from a Telegram folder on the church’s computer that was seized and getting an ‘average age’ thereof from this selected pool.

We learned about some of the scams, the feds trying to paint Ian as having partaken in a scam against a bank where the bank lost no money and was in fact authorized to speak on behalf of Nobody in the effort to recover money for the Church Of The Invisible Hand.

We discovered the government was very uncomfortable about talking about the misdeeds they committed the day of the March 2021 raid as they damaged cameras, failed to comply with warrant requirements that they announce themselves before entering, and so forth. They were not authorized to conduct a no knock raid like we had all assumed originally based on the mere fact the didn’t and no knock raids have become the norm despite that they’re only supposed to be utilized selectively in particularly dangerous circumstances.

We learned the FBI is trying to claim that they had to seize Ian’s computer in order to get photos to investigate scammers when in fact they could have just asked for them, like OTHER law enforcement agencies did.

It is shown that Ian and the church have a policy of investigating transactions that might involve people being scammed and that he called one such victim. It’s the case other victims were called, but that’s for another day. Ultimately we learned no amount of procedure will ever fully stop a determined scammer. As neither the church’s own efforts nor the banks stopped any of these victims from getting scammed.

Day 7

~10+ supports turned out

FBI agent from other day continues…

Cross examination by defense

Q You went through 1% of transactions?

A I don’t know

[it was wayyyy less than 1%, it was more something like less than 0.013333333 based on further testimony]

Q You only went through Telegram photos?

A Yes, that is where the 59 were from

Q Your job was to jut select specific photos?

A Yes

Q For ages, you skipped out on people?

A Yes

Q You didn’t go through and testify to all of them and for some reason you skipped over some, why?

A I don’t know

[isn’t this a big red flag that the government is up to no good? remember that they are trying to get the jury to believe Ian worked with scammers to launder money and preyed on elderly folks in the process despite every one of the governments witnesses testifying to the fact he didn’t know the scammers and there was no reason to believe he worked with anyone on anything in this regard]

Q In your limited sample there was an active investigation in regard to one person, what was going on?

A We can follow up with info from computer

Q The info came from Ian’s computer right?

A Yes

Q That is where you got the ID right?

A Yea

[so they’re admitting here that if it was not for Ian doing know your customer the government would be able to ID and identify the scammers at all]

Q You would not have that if not for Ian right?

A Correct

Q Were you able to follow up with general fellow?

A Jeremy Harmon, no

Q Wasn’t he a scammer?

A Yes

Q Is there any info Jeremy Harmon ever met with Ian?

A I don’t know

[aww did you even investigate this case? how can someone be so incompetent or ignorant? ohh that’s right, they work for government]

Q Fredrick Dryer claimed to be in oil?

A Yea

[Fredrick Dryer is the scammer]

Q She lost a lot money and was in contract for a long time right?

A Yea

Q Any contact with Ian?

A No

[ok, so there is confirmation that the scammer has had NO contact with Ian in person or otherwise]

Q He is still in contact with victim, right?

A Yea

[they are talking about the victim I believe still being in contact with the scammer, yes, you heard that right]

Q Was it you who said you didn’t want to follow up with the scammer?

A Not exactly what I said, but in a manor of speaking

[trying to wiggle out of it because it makes ya case look bad, you don’t really care about the victim at all]

With info recently provided we are going to follow up

[what he means is because they were called out the prior day on this they did some immediate ‘deciding’ to do something or to claim to be planning to do something now that the public gets to know they never intended to investigate any of the scammers, remember the FBI had Ian’s computer for many years, so they had plenty of time to investigate the scammers]

Q Dryer is guy who took money?

A Right

Q Ian is not the scammer, right?

A Correct

[and case begins to fall apart even more]

Q Are you pursuing William Millers?

A No

Q In Miller case are you investigating scammer who of which there was ID for?

A No

[remember, all of these scammers can be ID’d explicitly because Ian and the churches policy of doing KYC and then retaining that information for YEARS, this was done because it was warranted and reduced risks like this while still being as respective of peoples privacy as feasible for the types of transactions occurring]

Q Scamming happens with and without crypto right?

A Yea

Q None of the investigation appears to have cut off scam, right?

A I think banks stopped some scams

[aww ok, that isn’t the result of the investigation you’re doing though, but ok]

Q Some banks let 4 transactions go through right?

A Yea

[ie even red flags don’t stop banks from cutting off a customers ability to do the transactions, but it’s not even clear these were red flags as the only basis is a customers age effectively, and some old people aren’t mentally incapable of making their own decisions, which was pretty much what appeared to be the cases here even if they ended up making poor choices]

Q She transacted business for $240,000 and $210,000 and nobody raised a concern, is that normal?

A I’ve seen various actions

Q Nobody questions on Jerry transaction either right?

A Yea

Q The only one who questioned it was Ian, right?

A I can’t recall

[how convenient, the banks didn’t question any of the transactions, but Ian did, and took steps to try and stop it if it appeared to be fraud, failing to defeat fraud happens because scammers are often good at what they do]

Q None of the banks checked, but Ian did, you aware of that?

A I did not sit in on her testimony

Next the government plays some audio of a recorded phone call.

Freeman on Nobody call to Bank Of America call and Ian on Bank Of America Call $350,000 return thereof

Freeman made first call, audio played out of order

Nobody made 2nd call

Q Do you know if nobody authorized Ian to speak on his behalf of nobody?

A No

[they are trying to suggest that Ian’s committing fraud when talking to the bank because he gives Nobody’s name when he calls in the assistance of Nobody in the recovery of church money]

Q Did you know the bank did return the $350,000 on that account?

A No idea

[did the FBI even investigate this case?]

Q 2nd call was in pursuit of additional $40,000

A No idea

Q Do you know no bank lost any money on this?

A I don’t know

Q After 5 years you would think you would know, right?

A It was handled by another employee

[how convenient, they just have so many agents that you can’t actually question them about anything]

Q You watched swat team film?

A First time I saw it was in court

[might be a good time to direct people to watch the security footage video themselves]



Q Special swat gear, you use cameras right?

A Just started using them

Q Where are cameras supposed to be used?

A I don’t know

Q Will you be surprised to hear cameras were attached to helmets in raid of Ian’s residence?

A I don’t know

Q Is there a reason they would not want to record?

A No

Q Any videos of swat team we can show jury?

A Not that I know of

[again how convenient of it for the government to lose footage like that, fortunately there is some video from security camera footage prior to the government conveniently ‘disabling’ the camera, or maybe I should I more accurately describe it as physically destroying the cameras]

Q What is that in the video?

A Bearcat

Q What is that?

A 2nd Bearcat

Q What is guy doing?

A Throwing something, in my experience a flash bang grenade

Q Did you see any one warning people in house?

A I can’t speak to that

Q Did you see people hiding?

A I wouldn’t say that

Q You did not see anyone approach, right?

A No, I didn’t

Q Flash bang grenade, right?

A Yes, based on my experience

Before someone enters the house there should be a knock and announce

Q Do you see Bearcat with battering ram and broken window attached?

A Yes

Q Beatcat obviously entered house right?

A Yes

Q What is that on the helmets?

A Goggles

Q What is mounted on top?

A Night vision goggles

Q Any cameras?

A I can’t tell from that frame

Not the case agent at the time so I don’t know

[he knows, he just doesn’t want to answer, he’s watching the video remember]

Q Any inquiry into means of entry when you became case agent?

A No

Q What is that?

A An aerial drone like thing, it is used for clearing spaces to avoid agents being harmed

Q for surveilling right?

A Right

Q Someone saw it right?

[he’s referring to the video as it’s being piloted from afar]

It wouldn’t be useful if no one was watching it right?

A No

Q Who is that guy?

A Nobody

Q This fella?

A Mathew Roach

Q Was he charged with anything?

A No

Q Of course that is Ian

A Yea

Q Did anyone resist?

A No to my knowledge

Q Who’s this?

A Bonnie

Q Bonnie is married to Ian?

A I believe so

Q She charged?

A No

[#2 has a body cam according to state rep who came out to support Ian in the Crypto6 trial]

Q What is this?

A He appears to be taking camera down

[pretty sure this is where he’s physically destroying the camera, not carefully taking it down as it might sound from his wording]

Q He doesn’t want people to know what he is doing?

A It’s for officer safety

[of course it is, everything is for officer safety, why didn’t you just drop a bomb on the place, wouldn’t that have been safer than risk officer safety by going in? ohh I remember why they don’t do that now… in the 1980s they actually did drop a bomb on a black activists house and the public was absolutely outraged that they haven’t done it since as far as I’m aware]

Q Did you ever replace it?

A I can’t speak to that

[I can speak to this, the answer is no, WE replaced the windows and the doors and cleaned up the multiple buildings that the government destroyed and damaged, though I’ll admit now that it appears that one person who helped with cleanup may have been an informant or deep undercover gent… maybe more on that to come… maybe not… haven’t yet decided given they are still deep undercover and sometimes it’s best to keep your enemy’s closer]

Q What is this?

A End of Bearcat

Q Do you know what it is approaching?

A Porch

Q What is it doing now?

A I can’t see

[liar, it is ripping out a window clear as day, see video above, you’d have to be blind not to see what the bearcat is doing]

Q Did you know how many agents were there having taken over the case?

A I don’t

Q So the only reason we know anything was because of Ian’s security footage right?

A yea, this was recorded by Ian’s security cameras

Q Lots of money coming into church accounts, right?

A Yes, money went into different accounts

Q Money came into and out of accounts, right?

A Yes

Q When you raise money have to exchange right?

A yes

Q You aware he purchased bitcoin, right?

A I’m not aware of that

[how can the case agent not be aware that the main target in his case purchased bitcoin???? in a case that surrounded bitcoin and of which other agents have testified to????]

Q They were purchased by Ian or the church right?

A Right

it was his property

[ohh now he amazingly remembers all of a sudden what this case was about]

Prosecutor cross examines

Q Freeman used money to buy bitcoin to and then sell it?

A Right

Q Did we show records from Kraken?

A Yea

Q $280,000?

A Yes

Q How much?

A $240,000

Q Under 1% fee?

A Yea

[they are trying to show here that the fees the church charged were excessive and only possible because of some sort of criminal activity even though they were in line with market rates the entire time or a bit below them even, an actual exchange is going to have the volume and so the fees are going to be low, a vending operator is going to have higher costs because they maintain the machines, collect physical case, have employees, need to rent space from business owners for each machine, etc, and the same applies to sellers online for a various of other reasons, like banks not wanting to do business with you because they perceive you as a competitor or being too risky, and that doesn’t mean crime, as some banks can and probably do specialize in high risk clients, but they also charge more for providing such services, and in fact most banks charge a fee simply for having a cash deposit account and receiving large amounts of cash or cash over a certain amount for any account for that matter]

Q What did Ian charge?

A 10% fee

[it’s humorous that they are trying to make Ian out to be a criminal over what is literally just regular capitalism, or in this case really a charitable project]

Q Search, what did you testify about?

A Interviews, cell phone, computer

Q Most on?

A Cell and PC

Q Where was PC found?

A Mr Freeman’s residence

[pretty sure it was found in the studio, but ok lets go with that]

Q Did Sisti ask a single question about interviews?

A No

Q You have background in swat?

A Yes

Q Point?

A Officer safety

Q Always use same tactics?

A No, it depends on the situation like if there are weapons inside

[that’s curious considering you raided in 2016 and didn’t take similar action then]

Q As far as swat tactics are concerned what is the purpose?

A Just amount of force to ensure you are in control

[that is funny considering they testify at some point it is to use an overwhelming amount of force]

Q Any shots fired?

A No

Q Any one hurt?

A No, not to my knowledge

[liars, there broken window injured Bonnie in the raid and she ended up with bloodied feet because they made her put on shoes with glass in them]

Q Were objectives obtained?

A Yes

A picture of matts room is shown on screen

Q What is this?

A High powered weapons and several types of riffle

3 pistils, ballistic helmet, vest

Q Where did picture come from?

A Matt Roach’s room

Q On day of search?

A Yes

Q Does room matter?

A No

They could be used by anybody

[note: if only Matt has access to Matt’s room which I’m 99.99% sure is the case here how does anybody get access to these weapons?]

Q Sisti asked you about banks stopping transactions?

A Yes

Q Was the bank ever told it was to buy bitcoin?

A No

Q Would he tell buyers what to tell banks?

A Yes

Q Did he say for bitcoin?

A No

Q Did he say for something else?

A Yes, church donation, investment, or rare coin

Q Do you know if defense told truth about Nobody authorized right to speak on his behalf

A No

[yea, except the problem is the burden of proof is on you guys to prove that something illegal was happening and you’re not providing any such evidence, but are trying to imply through deceit and lying that people were up to no good]

Q Did banks close many accounts?

A Yes

[and did they ever tell Ian or the church or anybody why? because ian later testifies only 1 bank ever told him why and it wasn’t because he was committing a crime]

Q Did banks say he was money service business?

A Yes

[this is false, the only financial institution that said  they thought he may be a money service business was a small credit union and when he protested with a legal letter and other evidence responded to him with their belief was he had strong evidence to show the MSB rules didn’t apply to him even though they still did close his account]

Q Did they say he has to register?

A Yes

[this is misleading because they didn’t really say what he had to do, but said more like what he probably needed to do, and that was without having more knowledge or full knowledge of everything, aka the Seth Hiiple letter saying his church wasn’t required to register under MSB laws, etc]

Q Did Mr Freeman provide passport for fraudster?

A No, we had to seize it

[they didn’t ask for it! How would freeman have ever even known they were investigating when they didn’t ask or say they were and were in fact NOT investigating until the defense called out the FBI for NOT investigating the scammers during the trial??? if anyone wonders why we call these FBI guys liars and thieves this is a perfect example of why that is]

Q What was break in case?

A A victim got a screenshot

[Remember that if they had contacted the seller of the bitcoin, aka Ian/the church they could have had access to the IDs of the scammers, but it’s because they were NOT investigating the scammers EVER till the trial started and the feds got called out for not investigating the scammers that they purportedly started investigating the scammers. Rather what they were investigating for the past decade was Ian, the church, Free Talk Live, for the reason of political persecution. The feds don’t like the Free State Project and have numerous active open investigations on Free Staters of which 2 out of 8-9 that exist are more publicly known and disclosed to exist, but evidence of other investigations exist, aka the main known ones include the LBRY case with Jeremy Kauffman and the Crypto6 case, but of course the main thing they don’t like is being called out 365 days a year on nationally syndicated radio for doing really terrible stuff like distributing pictures of children being raped, encouraging distribution, and increasing server capacity thereof, for calling that out the feds raided FTL studio in March of 2016, just two weeks post a show where Mark Edge called them out on it in what was known as the playpen case, and that raid of FTL in 2016 there were no charges because the objective was to smear Ian and undermine FTL. The supposed connection made no sense as the suppose connection to playpen was a year old case where they had already sanctimoniously raided because that is STANDARD protocol, else those who actually committed crimes would be able to destroy evidence, so it made no sense to raid a year AFTER that unless the real objective was to silence a nationally syndicated radio show of which was the only mainstream non-technical outlet to cover the case where the FBI f’d up at all.]

Q What is challenge to investigate?

A Fake names, overseas, fake phone #s

Q Following the money is a challenge?

A Yes

Q Why?

A Bitcoin is hard to trace

[it’s a public blockchain- tracing it isn’t the problem like it might be with privacy coins, it may not be evidence usable at trial, but it is usable to investigate and get warrants to conduct raids]

Q Who changed money to bitcoin?

A Mr Freeman

Just so we don’t have any misunderstanding we will go over photos we missed again.

Q Average age?

A 59

[this is again misleading because they selectively picked out pictures of older folks to get an older average age]

[the prosecutor goes through the folder showing the younger people now that were skipped over given they were called out by the defense for skipping over those young people]

[we should also remember here that banks didn’t stop or even red flag these transactions, but even if they red flag a transaction it doesn’t mean they have to stop the transaction from going through as the governments own witnesses evidenced via the credit union fraud department testimony]

Defense cross examines

Q All were under 59 right?

A Yes

Q They were the ones left out yesterday?

A Right

Q Kraken $280,000 purchase, fee attached right?

A Yes

Q When buying always trying to buy at lowest price?

A Yes

Q Nothing illegal about buying?

A Right

Q Do you know where money goes?

A Fostering peace

Q Do you know about homeless, orphanages, etc?

A I heard about that in testimony

Q In regard to excess money you don’t know where it goes?

A No

[ok, so they can’t claim this given that they’re seizing the money and freezing the accounts, they have the bank records, etc. they do know where the money goes because if they didn’t they couldn’t seize what they did]

Q Regarding swat factors include

– bars on windows

– history of violence

– whether or not know of advocating overthrow of country

None of this is true in regards to Freeman, right?

A I was not part of any of that

[again, how convenient that they can’t provide FBI agents that can testify to everything, but only that of what benefits the prosecution]

Q Anyone give you a memo why they had to be violent with a peace church?

A No

Q Don’t you think anyone there had the hell scared out of them that night?

A I can’t say


Q Did anyone ever know if he had violent background before search?

A I don’t know

Q No one ever resisted, right?

A No

Q You guys were investigators right?

A Yes

Q In regard to Nobody you didn’t ask Nobody?

[I believe he is referencing the call to the bank were Ian Freeman provided the name Nobody when asked about the account he was calling about that they tried to make it sound like it was some sort of fraud in play by Freeman, when in fact it was authorized by Nobody that Freeman could speak on his behalf]

A No

Q No money was lost to bank with Freeman speaking for Nobody?

A No

Prosecutor questions agent

Brings up conversation where Renee says Ian is rich

[not much actually said, they’re just trying to re-iterate that Ian is “rich”]

Defense cross examines agent again

Q What does Freeman drive?

A I don’t know

Q Does he live in a mansion?

A I don’t know

[really? come on, you investigated this guy didn’t you??? Freeman has a parsonage and lives in one room of a duplex with the first floor containing a ministry radio studio, and one of the rooms on this side of the duplex is rented out, and the other side is also rented out by the church, as is are other church properties, but there is one church property where a portion of it is also used for church activities as well elsewhere though]

New witeness

Name: Rebecca

Kentucky- lived there for 20 years

59 years old

Employed school cafeteria worker

She worked at walmart prior

Not maried

Previously was married for 38 years

Has 1 child

Why not married? Divorced after physical and mental abuse

Q You join

A Yes

Jerry Flowers

Q How did that start?

A He reached out and then I

Q Then?

A He asked me to join Telegram

Q Did you know what it was at the time?

A No

Q What is it?

A Like text messaging

Q How often?

A Every other day

Q Talked about what?

A Kids, life

He lived in Mobile, Alabama and traveled a lot

Q What was intent?

A Companion

Q What happened?

A He got sick and needed money for doctor

Q He needed you to send him money?

A Yes

Q Why?

A I was vulnerable

Q How?

A Go to bank and wire money

Q How did you know where to send it?

A He would tell me

Then he went in hospital

Then I got nervous

Q How long?

A Weeks

Q You got nervous?

A It scared me, I never did that before

[I think the gist of this testimony here is she was thinking twice about having had sent a large sum of money to what is a complete stranger]

Q Was it sent to flowers?

A No, different people

Q What way?

A Bitcoin

Q How did you know how to do that?

A Via phone calls from flowers

Q How did you know who to send it to?

A First time it was to freeman

Q Did you know what freeman did?

A Yea, bitcoin

Q Did you sent photos to flowers?

A Yes

Q Is this your drivers license?

A Yes

Q Did you know what ftl_ian was?

A No

Q You sent to flowers?

A I did

Q Did you have bank account at US bank?

A Yes I did

Q Can you see amount of wire?

A Yes, $20,000

Q is this your handwriting?

A Yes

What was written:

“I Rebecca authorized and completed a wire transfer in the amount of $20,000 for purchase of bitcoin from ftl_ian on Telegram. I understand this transaction is non-refundable”

Signed and dated by Rebecca

Q When you were doing wires were you communicating with flowers?

A Yes

Q Did Mr Freeman ever call you?

A Yes, he called and confirmed I wanted to do transaction

Q Did he ask what bitcoin was?

A No

Q Before today had you been to New Hampshire?

A No

[this is referring to wire to NH Peace church ian b feeman dba nh peace church , where dba stands for doing business as]

Q Ever get any of your money back?

A No

[aww you signed that you understood the transaction was non-refundable why would anyone think they’d get their money back???]

Q How did this effect you?

A It ruined my life

[I ran out of time to finish typing up the summary of day 7 initially, so it was previously half published. It’s not complete and here is the rest of the story below:]

Defense asks questions

Q Born in Kentucky?

A Yes

Q Ever see Mr Flowers

A Tried, but didn’t work out

Q But some Telephone conversations?

A Yea

Q How long?

A Aug 2020 to 2021- quite a while

Q You did this from your bank?

A Yes

Q Of 25 years?

A Yes

[I think they mean they had a banking relation for 25 years]

Q How many wires?

A 8-10

Q Any teller ever say anything about you authorizing this kinda money going to Mr Flowers?

A Yes

Q What did they say?

A “Are you sure about this?”

Q And you did it anyway?

A Yes

Q Ian actually called you right?

A Yea

Q Ian didn’t know you either right?

A Right

Q Ian had to make an affirmative act, right?

A Yea

Q He didn’t do anything with transaction until you authorized him right?

A Yes

[basically this confirms that the banks and Ian / Shire Free Church was doing the same thing as the banks as far as KYC was concerned and in reality more than what the banks were doing because the church had a policy of actually asking several questions to weed out suspect scam transactions]

New Witness

Name: kate Eyeryan

Employed paso trust company

compliance officer

regulatory watching infrastructure company and exchange for crypto

users to buy and sell crypto

example bitcoin, litecoin, etc

Q Any other name?

A itbit

Q Open to public?

A Yes

Q Types of customers? individual & businesses?

A Yes

Q Create account on exchange?

A Yes

Q Charge fee?

A Yes

Q Structure?

A Fee when you buy bitcoin and dependent on if you are exchanging larger amounts we have lower fee amount. Highest fee amount? 35 bips or 1/100 %

[what they aren’t clear on is this doesn’t include withdraw fees as they cater to traders, not people who want to spend their crypto so they make money on different things than the sellers of crypto, not to mention volume]

Q Is paxos regulated?

A Yes


Q Who with?


Q Bank secrecy act apply?

A Yes

Q Types of regulations?

A Program to ID and report suspicious activity

[remember that the church isn’t a MSB, it’s not required to follow these rules, but you also need to remember that the church is reliant on a regulated financial institution to receive funds from customers and that entity does have to follow these rules, but the church despite this is taking steps to stop scammers and in the process doing KYC, requiring IDs from all parties that are part of a transaction, so the church also has a program to ID and deal with suspicious activity of its own and the government even showed the policies of the church as evidence on screen]

Q Collect?

A ID in line with KYC, nature of activity, then if we have reason to suspect scam/fraud we red flag it

Q What is an example of activity outside of a users profile?

A Spending more money than expected

Q How do you create accounts?

A Log on to site and provide ID and personal info

Q Risk ratings?

A based on a variety of factors

Q Example of low risk user?

A Individual operated in low risk, in a country with firmly established AM2

Q AM2?

A Anti-money laundering laws

Q High risk?

A Working in high risk business

Q MSB aka money service business high risk?

A Yes

Q Does Paxos offer accounts to unregulated MSBs?

A No

[remember that the church isn’t a MSB under the governments on laws on defines a MSB]

We will reach out with supplemental questions if unsure

Q Do you ask questions over life time of account holder?

A Yes

A refresh is done based on a users risk rating. This is to make sure profile has not changed over time. If we have questions we ask clarifying questions since last inquiry.

Q Does volume matter?

A Yes, we may ask for more information from the user

Q When you reach out every time do you use the same script?

A Don’t know, but standard template and tailored questions

[the church has a policy of calling customers too when a customer is conducting higher trade volumes and asks more questions not unlike what itbit is claiming they do for higher risk customers]

Q Third party transfers allowed?

A No

[this isn’t actually the same thing as as an agent being involved, but… not illegal anyway… rather it is merely higher risk…  and not something the church did except occasionally with good customers and they actually played an audio clip from FTL where Aria said her church didn’t do them and Ian said his didn’t do it that much either except for good customers on an occasion]

Q If a customer is too risky what do you do?

A Close account

[notice that this doesn’t mean the person is doing anything illegal, it’s just what the government is saying you have to do, if you are in a risky, but legal business good luck keeping a bank account, itbit account, or any financial account, and the government has effectively locked out or created a world of unbanked individuals and businesses through this … for example those employed in the sex industry currently or in the past even 20 years ago can’t open or maintain a bank account for long.. it doesn’t mean they committed any crimes as the prosecutor is trying to claim, but that said unbanked individuals include the poor, or people not making much money and it’s often because of fees charged when there is little or no account activity, such as there isn’t a regular paycheck going in and money coming out]

The prosecutor shows an itbit application for the Shire Free Church from 2013… although it’s signed in 2016.. probably actually 2016

[it looks like everything is honestly stated and correct on the application based on my first hand knowledge of the church]

Q In 2016 same general field?

A I worked for the US treasury?

Q What for?

A Office for terrorism

Q Were you familiar with field at time?

A Generally, not specifically

Q Do you know if size of business mattered in 2016?

A No, it does not

Q Part of account opening?

A Yes

Defense Cross Examination

Q Do you know how much went through pax in the last hour?

A No

Q Would you be surprised if I told you it was $8 million dollars?

A I couldn’t tell you, it’s all relative

[you couldn’t tell us if you’d be surprised? hmm]

Q Where would you place your company?

A We are growing but small company

[so the church isn’t even a company by your standard then…  hmmm]

Q You aren’t taking risk right?

A No

Q You can’t explain fee structure?

A Right

Q With regard to application it has the a real name, information, and purpose, etc right?

A I don’t know details of this application

Q Do you know if user immediately started using account?

A I don’t have information on that

Q What was the purpose of the follow up email?

A We needed more information

Q Date of follow up form?

A 2017

Q Did you examine documents?

A Yes, to prepare for testimony

Q Do you know of explanatory letter from Ian and the church?

A Yes

Q The Martin and Hipple letter?

A I’m unsure of the firm

The defense lawyer puts the letter up on screen which advises the church of its legal status

Q Have you seen this Martin and Hipple letter?

A Yes, in context of reviewing case

[prosecutor is trying to stop testimony as it makes his case look bad, real bad, the church was advised it was not a money services business and therefore NOT required to register with the federal government and it wasn’t regulated under the state law either]

Martin & Hipple Letter Advising Church That It’s Cryptocurrency Activities Aren’t Regulated By The Federal Government

The Hipple letter states the church is neither a money service business nor a money transmitter “under state or federal law”. It has no legal requirement to register. The letter concludes the church is NOT a MSB under federal law.

The letter references banking department testified organizations that are churches are not money transmitters.

It is not an ATM, but a vending machine. Though the activities are not specific to vending, but sale of crypto from ones own wallet.

Not all machines have the same software.

The machine holds it own bitcoin, and we don’t regulate that. This part is from the banking department of New Hampshire testimony prior to New Hampshire passing a law that removed the authority of the New Hampshire banking department from regulating cryptocurrency businesses. Despite for a short time it had the authority to regulate the state authorities never did.  To watch the video click the play button below. The most interesting part is in regard to the Shire Free Church’s vending machines and cryptocurrency sales. The state and federal law are nearly identical on this issue and would be the same. Start watching from 16:41 to get a good understanding of why the way the vending machines are setup and the way in which the church sells its crypto is not regulated at the state or federal level.



The main take away from the testimony was that not all the machines have the same software or setup and in the example the machine holds its own bitcoin, and the state doesn’t regulate that. It’s no different than buying a kitkat from a vending machine.

If it holds anothers bitcoin or connects to an exchange then it is a money transmitter. If it does not sell that of others bitcoin then it need not be registered under New Hampshire law. And remember this is the same or very similar to the federal law’s wording.

Q Did itbit follow up with Seth Hipple?

A I don’t know

Judge Speaks

#1 not a case on advice defense

#2 federal law not NH state law

[keep in mind that while #1 is correct it does evidence that the lawyers don’t all agree on what the law is, and #2 the letter refers to both state and federal law, so it’s relevant even though the part about state law is not]


New Witness

Name: Nancy triestrl

Lives in Indiana

Lived in Michigan


Children 4 + 4 step children

Semi retired

Mariot Hotel

Home Caregiver

70 years old

[remember that this is now, not the age at the time of the scams occurring, a number of years have passed so these individuals are older than they were at the time of these incidents, maybe still not young, but not as old either, and they were selectively chosen for the sake of arguing the case, in this case it appears she was 66 at the time of the scam]

Q In 2017 you met someone online

A Couldn’t leave house for 6 weeks

Q You met man online?

A Yes, Mr Gray

Q Text back and forth 3-4 years

Q Ever meet in person?

A No

Q What did he do?

A Oil rig boss

Q Ever explain why he never met?

A Always had a reason

Q He asked for money?

A Yea, first it was a gift card for netflix

[yea, bitcoin isn’t the #1 way people get scammed, gift cards are frequently used, and prepaid visa cards are another example, and all of these scams used other methods exclusively before bitcoin even existed]

Q How much did you send?

A $16,000

Q Did he ask you to use bank account?

A Yes

Q Did he ask you to open back account for him?

A He may have

Q He asked you to buy bitcoin?

A Yes

Q Did you know what bitcoin was at the time?

A No

[yup- this was not uncommon at the time and why terms like rare coin actually make a lot of sense]

Q Require photo?

A Yes, when transferring money to Mr Freeman

Q Do you know what Telegram is?

A Yes, a wire transfer

[this was funny because a telegram was never a wire transfer, it is an instant messaging application, but prior to that it was a messaging service before computers existed, the reliability of these witnesses is less than stellar]

Q Do you know Ian Freeman?

A No

Only spoke 1 time

Q What did he ask on phone?

[these individuals don’t generally have an accurate recollection of what was said in these conversations because they happened years ago while Ian knows because the church has different scripts on the types of questions it would ask and multiple questions to weed out scams]

A Asked my name and said he was Ian Freeman and then asked if I was buying bitcoin and said he was just calling to make sure.

Q Why did you stop sending money to Gray?

A I was tired of the bullshit

If I didn’t fill out the form he’d make me do it again.

Q Did you ever get paid for this?

A No, I don’t even know what they are

[then why did you freaking write you were buying bitcoin from ftl_ian on the receipt???? talk about being willfully blind]

Defense Cross Examination

Q Dealt with this Anthony for how long?

A 5 years

Q Did you have picture?

A Yes

Q You don’t know if it was him?

A No

Q This whole thing was an absolute disaster?

A Yes

Q How much did you lose?

A $16,000 personally

Q Quite a few transactions right?

A $20,000 or more

Q These transactions happened at same bank right?

A Yea, most anyway

Q Quite a few transactions at Chase bank?

A Yes

Q They knew you well?

A Yea, they knew my husband died

[that is far more than Ian would typically know or be able to reasonably know]

Q Did they ever have a concern?

A No, they just shut my account down

Q You don’t know Ian, but someone saying they were Ian wanted to confirm you were sending money?

A Yes

Q He was the only one who called you and was concerned?

A Yes

New Witness

Name: Darlene Lacac

Supervisory accountant for FBI

1 yr in position

30 years prior forensic accountant

Q What is it?

A Review and analyze financial records

Q Education?

A BA, Masters certified public accountant

Q How many cases?

A ~200

Q You do Ian’s case?

A Yes

Q Role in it?

A Review financial records

Q How did you obtain those records?

A Through a legal proccess

Q How many accounts did you review in this case?

A 50

[these weren’t all Ian’s accounts despite the claim because the prosecutor is mixing accounts of different entities together and calling them all Ians when they’re not, only some of them are directly connected the Shire Free Church and others are not, imagine if they took your entire family and added up all those accounts and claimed they were yours just because you had some checks between family members? well, that is what they did here, or churches or people with associations to each other]

Q In this case did you review bank accounts in the name of Ian Freeman?

A Yes

Q And others?

A Yes

James baker (this is Aria, she’s trans and this is her legal name, not the name she goes by)

Shire Free Church


Q Did you put this information into a spreadsheet?

A Yes

They now show the spreadhseet

It has a total of 50 accounts with account #, bank, holder, period, credits, debits shown

A summary of deposit sources is shown on screen

Oct 2016 to May 2017

Deposit Source, count, total deposited, percent of total

Summary of Payee Summary

Payee, count, total pd, percent of total

[Basically what we’re seeing is the churches and individuals thereof bought a lot of crypto]

[interesting note: the city of Keene got their cut]

[also interesting is that Robin Hood good a donation from this account which makes a lot of sense given the church must have donated to that peace outreach effort]

91% of money went to buy crypto church

Q Is this personal or business account?

A Personal

[this is a misleading question as personal accounts are often used for business, and most sole proprietors use personal accounts, business accounts simply have different features, and it’s not lying or misleading to have an account like this, and in fact you only have the options of a personal or business account typically so no church is going to have a church account, they’d likely have a business account even though they aren’t a business, same as would a non-profit, but again it’s not always the case as just depends on the need]

[this is where we lean they opened a personal account for a sole proprietor doing business as NH peace church, or really a church in this case doing business as NH peace church]

[one other thing to notice is all these spreadsheets show the banks made money off the churches transactions, yet the church profited not a penny as a non-for-profit charitable organization]

Q What are the locations from which deposits to church account were made?

A From all over the country

[b/c of 8 people getting scammed out of 4000 transactions through no fault of Ian they want bitcoin banned… and this # we later learn is actually 6000 transactions, not just the ~ 4000 Ian did because the other two did another 2000 between them of their own they are trying to merge all together]

Defense cross examination

Q # of bank accounts a lot of money went to churches and Ian Freeman?

A Yes

Q Money goes out seems to go to crypto currency exchanges right about the same % as in

A Right, they go to the exchanges

Q Money was not going to the purchase of real estate or yachts or anything like that?

A Right

Q Only 1 account out of country?

A Yea

Q It still exists do you know that?

A I don’t

[the humorous thing is the banks never lost a dime and Ian and the churches won every case when an investigation did occur because they were taking the proper precautions and doing KYC and so forth and taking every reasonable step even more so than the banks were doing]

New Witness

Name: Thomas Konlly

Employee assistant secretary of state of New Hampshire

Responsible of all business in New Hampshire

Q How do I start non-profit?

A Two proccesses

Articles of agreement states name purpose conditions for membership

[this is misleading because a church doesn’t have any obligation to register as a non-profit under the law, but many do, but if you do not you are still exempt for taxes, and if you do you are exempt, but have more paperwork to file]

Q Fee to state?

A Yes

Q Purpose?

A Determine if name is available, document is complete

Q Do they investigate?

A No, not at all

Q What else might I file?

A Non-profit report once every 5 years

Q Certificate for crypto church of NH?

A Yes

Q What generates secretary of state of this individual

A Online

Q Does any investigation occur as to what entity does?

A No

Q What does this trade doc represent?

A Church can file a trade name too

Defense Cross Examination

Q They weren’t hiding from state, right?

A Correct

Q They did exactly what they were suppose to do, right?

A Correct

New Witness

Name: Colleene Rahahau

Work: IRS, taxes

Revenue Special Agent

Compliance with tax law

How long in program?

8 years

BA in Forensic Account

Before this was a revenue agent

Q Audit of tax payers?

A 100s

Q Ever do those who did not file?

A Yes

Q Familiar with revenue code?

A Yes

Q What years did Ian owe?

A 2016-2019

Q What did you determine?

A No filing in those years

Q What did you review?

A Records from localbitcoin

Q You calculated how much money was made?

A Yes

Q You used that to figure out a schedule of taxes?

A I did

Taxes Due

2016: $19,182.65

2017: $66,033.55

2018: $56,174.30

2019: $140,198.28

The total amount came to: $281,588.78

[I made sure to copy these #s perfectly]

Q Based on how many trades?

A Near 4,000

[kinda funny considering they claimed he did more like ~6000 in total based on the merging of the churches into “Ian Freeman”]

[they also used excel which is a proprietary software program from Microsoft which has bugs in it and doesn’t always calculate the right answer, where is the source code for this??? If it has to meet the governments own definition like that of bitcoin then it should be thrown out just like the blockchain forensic ‘expert’ who couldn’t qualify because of the proprietary tools she was also dependent on, and while she can do it by hand she obviously isn’t. she should be forced to hand calculate everything and show us her work!]

Q You gave him benefit of doubt?

A Yes

Correctable taxable income

2016: $54,303.06

2017: $184,872.30

2018: $165,243.09

2019: $387,993.61


Q You audited 100s of cases?

A We don’t start off with people owing anything, we schedule a time to meet with someone

Q So it doesn’t usually start in federal court?

A For civil purpose correct

Q No letter for 2016

A Correct, in general program

Q And that holds true for all the years right?

A Yes

Q 2018 didn’t send out letter about taxes, right?

A Not to my knowledge

Q In fact you never told him in 2020 or 2021 either?

A No to my knowledge

Q All you did is come up sales

A Correct

Q He could owe nothing even, right?

A Right

[gotcha, if he could owe nothing than how could he have evaded taxes that he didn’t owe???]

Judge announced he is suspending trial by 1 day

Wrapping up before holiday

Likely off Friday too

This was down to Renee and lawyer coming down with COVID humorously.

[ I also got sick, so it was good that they killed enough time for me to recover so I could report it all !  But let me explain the humorous part, so some of us were objecting to having to wear masks that don’t work against COVID, and they wouldn’t allow the witnesses to wear masks, so the very people the government relied upon ended up with COVID resulting in a delay… not that the mask would have changed any of this… I did wear a mask and I still got COVID remember… and so did the lawyer… I don’t think anyone else got sick mask or no mask]


Why Casino Guides and Reviews are Useful

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 12:30 +0000

If you’re looking for a trustworthy online casino with a great selection of games and one that also has fantastic bonuses with fair and realistic wagering requirements, then you’ve come to the right place. Here you can learn about why online casino guides and reviews are useful when choosing a reliable online casino to sign up to.

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Final note

Make sure that the casino you are about to sign up to is available on desktop and mobile and that it specifically caters to players from your country. For example, you don’t want to sign up to an online casino that doesn’t accept your preferred currency. The main thing to remember is that you should always try and take the time to read the reviews and guides carefully before deciding which online casino you want to register a new account with.

The post Why Casino Guides and Reviews are Useful appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Acquiescence Will Make Their Job Easier

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 11:30 +0000

I wrote yesterday about how the Biden administration and whoever controls them are damaging our great country. Pick any facet of our lives, from Border Security, National Security, the economy, fossil fuels, food costs, food supply, and inflation/recession. You will see that we are in much tougher shape than just two years ago. Our country has changed for many of us, not for the better. Our mindset has changed, which is the most frightening element of all. We have had bad periods, most recently with the Jimmy Carter Presidency. But we stayed strong, chose new leadership and direction, and entered a decade of recovery and prosperity.

Today is different. With the change in mindset, people are accepting our new National Order, created by Biden and whoever is pushing his buttons. There is no sense of unity and willingness to change course, which appears to be the plan. The Democrats, specifically the Progressive wing, had promised to transform America fundamentally, and the chickens have come home to roost. In two years, we didn’t move backward but rather into a new world based on Progressive ideas.

Our inept leaders in Washington, led by Joe Biden, may not be as incompetent as they are compromised. We have discussed the foreign money lining the pockets of Joe Biden and probably many others in his administration. People and firms also pay vast sums of money within this country. People like George Soros and Sam Bankman-Fried give billions to Democrats and weak Republicans. These people are looking for a return on their investment and are not friends of America. Media companies, like Netflix, make politicians wealthier with hundreds of millions of dollars to tell their stories or write progressive content.

These attacks on our country and our existence are made to weaken our society. It is an orchestrated effort by the Left, which hates America, and China, which has compromised the Left to assist them in their quest for world dominance. A weakened America will be easy prey for China and may be the only thing standing between them and their mission.

This theory is my opinion, and putting the facts together to prove or disprove it won’t be easy. We don’t even know today how deep the Chinese tentacles have worked into our country and its leaders. Who is in a position to investigate? Congress? Nope, compromised. The Intelligence Agencies? Nope, compromised. The media? Are you serious even asking that one? I think it will have to be someone like Elon Musk, who has the resources and the desire to find the truth.

We are seeing what Musk can do with Twitter and why so many were against him buying the company. It had nothing to do with him as much as it did with people knowing what someone like him would uncover. The facts are coming out each day, and so far, the media can ignore it but not for much longer. It is the same thinking as why Biden is avoiding a trip to the Border. If he goes, the media has to go with him, and then the world will see what Conservatives have been seeing. When the investigations start in the House in January, the media will have to turn the cameras on and let the other half of the country see behind the curtain. The nation’s reaction to that revelation will tell us whether we can come back or our acquiescence is too powerful. I pray to God that eyes will be open and people will believe what they see.































The post Acquiescence Will Make Their Job Easier appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What does the Future of Gaming look like?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 10:30 +0000

Can you imagine a weekend without a game night? Seems impossible, right? Especially for enthusiastic gamers like us who satisfy their entertainment cravings by playing games all night long. Our weekends start with calling up our friends and inviting them over for a FIFA match or a car racing competition.

Cozying up near the fireplace, grabbing the nachos, and getting hold of the controller really enlightens our day, and we feel like the world is a happy place. All thanks to the hundreds of games released every year and the internet, of course.

Don’t ever forget that we are living in a digital age; hence almost all our games are powered by a stable and reliable internet connection like the one provided by Grande. You can only excel in the gaming world if you have an efficient internet connection.

In this article, we will talk about gaming trends and the future of gaming in particular. According to current trends, the industry will expand further in the upcoming years. Developers are constantly monitoring changing consumer needs, trends, and opportunities for innovation. So keep reading and get to know what the future holds for gaming.

1. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality might be a new concept to some of us. However, it has been gaining popularity day by day. It essentially revolves around practical as well as riveting simulation of a three-dimensional surrounding. Virtual reality made considerable progress in every sector as digitalization spread.

In addition to this, VR has the potential to significantly enhance consumer satisfaction and increase business profits. Looking at the popularity of virtual reality games, several huge gaming companies have turned towards VR in order to enhance their gaming experience. The gaming business is experiencing rapid innovation because of this.

2. Artificial Intelligence

The concept of artificial intelligence has always been dominant in gaming, specifically in non-player character games such as the naive bystanders in GTA. At present, game developers have adopted a more cultured and advanced approach to non-player character games. Several NPCs are now designed with behavioral traits that enable them to practice more compound decision-making.

For instance, the hostile aliens in Halo 2 can coordinate their attacks rather than heedlessly charging into the fray one by one as if they were in a generic action film. NPCs are nonetheless limited to what is permitted by their programming.

Could we anticipate seeing more sophisticated AI in commercial games in the future? Experts say it might happen, but not everyone believes it will happen soon.

3. High Fidelity Graphics

The future of gaming looks bright, especially after the advent of high-fidelity gaming. These games promote enhanced gameplay and state-of-the-art graphics. The massive growth in high-fidelity games is attributable to up-to-date mobile phones, gaming setups as well as ultra-modern chips and processors.

For a more immersive gaming experience, gaming companies are motivated to build graphics cards that support high-fidelity gaming. The new technology will revolutionize gaming and provide more lifelike graphics and experiences.

Gamers will be significantly impacted by graphics with high visual quality. It will only require a handful of enthusiastic gamers to use the technology before it becomes popular in the gaming industry.

4. Augmented Reality

Who remembers the summer of 2016? When we would all just be out in our gardens with our smartphones, trying to catch our best-loved Pokémon characters. The masses were heavily indulged in playing Pokémon Go, the game that won the hearts of millions across the globe.

This was essentially a smartphone game based on augmented reality. This game’s central idea is that digital objects, in this case, vibrant creatures known as Pokémon, overlay a player’s natural range of view.

The game, which has subsequently sold more than $5 billion worth of merchandise, was most people’s introduction to augmented reality and is still the most notable application of the technology.

However, the adored intellectual property of Pokémon Go is only a small component of the game’s overall success. The interaction between virtual characters and real-world locales is the game’s true secret ingredient. People are interested in games that interact with reality rather than removing them from it, which is one reason why AR is gaining traction more quickly than VR.

5. Cloud Gaming and Streaming

Experts have predicted that the cloud gaming industry has a very long way to go. The rise in digital content consumption has been fueled by the availability of efficient internet services, increased smartphone usage, and improved smartphone technology.

Countless players are installing games on their tablets as well as smartphones. While this may seem more advantageous, let us tell you that cloud gaming blesses its users with a more enhanced experience. Users can enjoy their favorite games on their mobile devices without having to worry about the effects of the games operating locally on their gadgets or the limitations of storage space.

The gaming business is projected to profit from cloud gaming in the future. Users can now play popular games without spending money on expensive hardware thanks to cloud gaming, which also allows compatibility to get around the restrictions of just being able to play games on certain consoles.

Final words

The future of gaming is bright. We can say this without any doubt. The world is moving towards digitization at a faster pace and because of this reason, several advancements are made every day and state-of-the-art methods are introduced to enhance the gaming experience. The entire gaming experience will become smoother with more innovations and inventions. Just wait and watch.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How To Prepare Your Home For A Harsh Winter

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 10:00 +0000

Winters in New Hampshire are no laughing matter. The temperatures remain between 14 and 36 degrees from December to February, and snowfall averages rank top three in the nation. While these conditions create the perfect environment for the holidays, school closings, and winter sports, staying safe and warm indoors remains a constant challenge for residents. Luckily, there are steps you can take to prepare for yet another harsh winter. 

Check Your HVAC System

You’ll need an efficient HVAC system to keep you warm this winter. Before cranking up the temperature, evaluate your unit to ensure it’s in working order. Change the filters to improve the indoor air quality and reduce the risk of a house fire. Hire a contractor to clean the ventilation system and repair any mechanical issues. 

Roof And Chimney Maintenance

The harsh winter is sure to put a beating on your roof and chimney. The weight of the heavy snow and the large amounts of water from winter storms can cause substantial damage. As you might imagine, a damaged roof can quickly lead to leaks, efficiency problems, and mold growth. Make your home safe and efficient this winter by hiring a contractor to inspect and repair your roof and chimney. 

Seal Cracks

All it takes is a small hole or crack for cold air to enter your home, causing you to crank up the heat. Of course, the higher the thermostat, the more your energy bill costs. Save money and keep warm this winter by sealing cracks. You can generally find cracks around windows, doors, and other entry points. Use caulk, weatherstrips, or steel wool to fill the holes. 

Inspect Your Plumbing

The constant freezing and heating of plumbing fixtures can cause unnecessary pressure, leading to cracks, leaks, and other problems. Prevent the headache in advance by inspecting your plumbing system. If you notice any leaks or cracks, repair them immediately. Lastly, insulate your pipes properly to prevent freezing. 

Winterize Your Pool

Chances are you won’t be using your outdoor swimming pool during a New Hampshire winter. Therefore, you should complete a few winterization tasks to preserve your pool throughout the colder months. Winterizing includes cleaning, adding winterizing chemicals, lowering the water level, draining the pump and filter, blowing out water lines, and covering the pool. 

Tend To Your Landscaping

While it would be nice to take a break from home improvement tasks like yard work during the winter, it’s not ideal. The snow, wind, and ice can cause trees to tip over, while a cracked and icy sidewalk can cause someone to get seriously injured. Although you may not have to cut the grass for a while, you should complete tasks like trimming trees and repairing damaged walkways to keep everyone safe. 

Install Outdoor Lighting

The sun sets earlier during winter, making it difficult to see. The last thing you want is for someone you love to get hurt. Adding outdoor lighting to your home’s exterior can make a big difference. Motion-sensor lights are ideal for added security as they go off and on anytime movement is detected near the premises. 

Of course, you can also add aesthetic appeal by installing walkway, wall, ceiling, and landscaping lights to the mix. If you truly want to give passersby something to look at, consider adding Christmas lights with remote-controlled color-changing features. 

Stock Up On Emergency Supplies

When reports of a major storm hit the airwaves, finding the things you need is nearly impossible. Save yourself the hassle by stocking up on essential items before the weather gets bad. While your list of necessities will vary, some suggestions include a first aid kit, candles, batteries, generators, canned goods, ready-to-eat meals, non-perishable snacks, blankets, shovels, snow blowers, and salt. 

Whether you’ve recently moved to New Hampshire or lived here all your life, enduring the winter months is quite challenging. As climate change and rising inflation rates cause another wave of pressure, residents are encouraged to prepare now. Use the above tips to ensure that your home and family are ready to handle whatever this year’s winter season has in store.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Review: A Christmas Story Christmas (2022) HBO Max

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 02:30 +0000

In these days where advertisers have substituted the word holiday for Christmas, as if the word Christmas is somehow offensive, seeing a movie come out with the word Christmas twice in the four-word title is refreshing.

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If you’ve had basic cable television for any portion of the last thirty-five-plus years, you’ve probably stumbled on the movie A Christmas Story at least once. The 1983 movie was a box office flop. It became a holiday classic thanks to TBS and the need for lots of programming on cable TV. The story centered around a young boy growing up in the Midwest in the 1940s who wanted a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas.

Thirty-nine years later, HBO Max offers a sequel starring much of the original 1983 cast. (There was a 2012 sequel, A Christmas Story 2, without the original cast).

The latest offering stars Peter Billingsley as a forty-something-year-old Ralphie. Other returning actors are Scott Schwartz as Flick, RD Robb as Schwartz, Zack Ward as Scut Farkus and Ian Petrella as Ralphie’s brother Randy Parker. Billingsley also handles the role of narrator in the new version.

Julie Hagerty, known for playing flight attendant Elaine Dickenson in the comedy classic Airplane!, stars as Ralphie’s mom, Mrs. Parker.

The story takes place in December of 1973 when Ralphie is in his early 40’s. Ralphie is now an aspiring science fiction writer and is attempting to get his 2000-page manuscript, Neptune’s Oblivion published. A few minutes into the movie, we learn that Ralphie’s dad has passed away, which is the basis of the new story.

Upon learning of his old man’s death, Ralphie packs up the car with his wife, son, and daughter, leaves Chicago, and heads back to his childhood home on Cleveland Street in Hohman, Indiana, to console his mom.

Back in Indiana, Ralphie reunites with his old pals Flick and Schwartz. You’ll remember Flick as the kid who got his tongue stuck to the flagpole in the original. Schwartz was the instigator. In the 2022 movie, Flick is a bar owner, and Schwartz is a deadbeat barfly who doesn’t keep current on his tab. The Scut Farkus and Randy Parker characters also have roles in the new movie.

A Christmas Story Christmas has a lot of callbacks to the original movie. Viewers will recognize familiar music from the original score featured throughout the new movie. Another tribute to the original, when asked by his kids, what he wants for Christmas, Ralphie states that he wants a radiator for his 1966 Plymouth Belvedere. You’ll recall that in the first movie, the old man says he wants a new furnace which amused his two sons.

In this sequel, Ralphie, the professional writer, is asked to write his old man’s obituary. He suffers from writer’s block and lacks self-confidence in his ability due to the fact that his manuscript has yet to be purchased.

If you are a huge fan or even a casual fan of the 1983 A Christmas Story, I highly suggest checking out A Christmas Story Christmas. It is a fun movie that pays homage to the original. It is not just a sequel that was cranked out looking to cash in on the success of the first. If you’ve not watched or do not like the 1983 movie, this one is not for you either.

Warning: This may not be a good movie for little kids. If your kids are waiting for the big guy (and I don’t mean Hunter Biden’s dad) to come down the chimney on Christmas Eve, this movie contains several Santa spoilers. Also, there is alcohol consumption and drunken behavior presented in the movie.

So, in the next few nights, when you’re looking to find a new Christmas movie, instead of watching something you’ve seen 20 times before, give A Christmas Story Christmas a look-see.

Sources:, HBO Max

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Tutorial: How to Create a Right To Know to Hold Your Government Accountable – Part 2

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 01:00 +0000

Part 1 is here.  This second installment (and afterwards for a while – it’s looking like merely two posts is not going to do this topic justice) is to talk about the salient points of the text of RSA 91-A. That is, the DOs, the DON’Ts, and the GOTCHAs. Later, I’ll talk about strategy and tactics in how to use it (sometimes, very straightforward and sometimes, not so much). So let’s get to it, shall we?

II. Is it Constitutionally based?

I blame the need for this question on the very poor education that our NH-based schools do in the area of Civics. You know, how did our Founders design our Government, what was the history behind that effort, the philosophy that was employed (certainly NOT “progressive” or “socialist”), and what do all the parts of our NH Constitution do?  And in this tutorial series, we need to answer the most important question FIRST: Is it Constitution?

And for those of you that received your education during the last two or three decades, the reason why that question IS important is that the Constitution is our “Fundamental Law”. It is our foundation and the most basic Law of the State.  All other attempts to create law, ordinances, policies, and regulations MUST be coherent within the strictures of the NH Constitution.

“Strictures, you say, Skip”? Yep, strictures. Boundaries, no-go areas, limitations; the Constitution, first and foremost, is a fence that was created to keep the Power of Government dispersed and not easily aggregated into the hands of one person – or a cabal of a few people. The reason for that is that is rather simple – when Power (Governments have Powers, Individuals have Rights) is closely held, the Freedoms and Liberties of us all are at risk. And THAT is THE purpose of Government in our American Civics system:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Rights come first – then Government.  Government cannot “bestow” or give rights to others – but it can take, infringe, or limit those Rights when enough people vote (or their elected Representative vote) to do so given that they no longer know or recognize what their Rights are (and no, housing is not a right, nor drinking water; a Right is part of YOU as a human – my Right to Free Speech is not dependent on anyone giving me anything.  It is totally self-contained within you).

So, with that done, what is the Constitutionality, from a New Hampshire perspective, the NH RSA 91-A law commonly known as the Right To Know law (and sometimes referred to as an “RTK”)?  Right here – in the NH Constitution, Part 1:

Sidenote: And oh, by the way, notice that our (NH)’s Bill of Rights is FIRST in our Constitution – and Government is mentioned second. Priority matters and it shows “People over Government”.

Emphasis mine:

[Art.] 8. [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.] All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them.  Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive.  To that end, the public’s right of access to governmental proceedings and records shall not be unreasonably restricted.  The public also has a right to an orderly, lawful, and accountable government.  Therefore, any individual taxpayer eligible to vote in the State, shall have standing to petition the Superior Court to declare whether the State or political subdivision in which the taxpayer resides has spent, or has approved spending, public funds in violation of a law, ordinance, or constitutional provision.  In such a case, the taxpayer shall not have to demonstrate that his or her personal rights were impaired or prejudiced beyond his or her status as a taxpayer.  However, this right shall not apply when the challenged governmental action is the subject of a judicial or administrative decision from which there is a right of appeal by statute or otherwise by the parties to that proceeding.

So first lesson – a great question to ALWAYS ask is this: Is it Constitutional?  As soon as anyone starts to deflect from it, refuses to answer, laugh at them and tell them “you just lost”. However, we see the justification for having NH RSA 91-A IS Constitutional.  The Constitution is telling Government “you WILL be subject to the peoples’ inquires”. Article 8 sets the foundation for RSA 91-A – the design is set. Right To Know is the scaffolding that provides the pathway and ability for carrying out that which is already our Right – an accountable Government.

The Preamble (or preliminary part) of RSA 91-A echoes this back to us:

91-A:1 Preamble. – Openness in the conduct of public business is essential to a democratic society. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure both the greatest possible public access to the actions, discussions and records of all public bodies, and their accountability to the people.

So, the loop is “closed” – establish the Right in our Constitution and then give us the equipment to carry out our Responsibility. Yep, Responsibility – Rights to not exist in a vacuum. The founders wanted an “ordered” Society. No, not being ordered around but well functioning and civil. However, some Representatives really do believe that Government is SUPPOSED to boss us around):

  • NH State Rep Kris Roberts (D): “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.”
  • NH State Rep Leigh Webb (D): “The role of government is to legislate behavior

This is Government [reigning] over People – the exact opposite of what our Founders had designed.

Back to Responsibility. It is my belief that we must exercise Responsibility (and self-restraint) in order for this American Experiment to continue to be successful. I do have my doubts and we hear too often “MY RIGHTS SAY <insert almost anything here>”. With both the Right and Left (mostly the latter) holding that almost any good idea has to be a Right, Rights become useless and Responsibility is almost a nullity in today’s Society – except when the protester scream “YOU HAVE TO GIVE <such and such> to me!!!!!”.  Like free food, housing, education, cell phones, cable, medicine…see where this is going?

ANYWAYS, back to the topic. Our most valuable tool is Constitutionally based. Those in Government swear an oath to uphold the Constitutions. From that flows the Right that we can demand things from them that we believe are going astray for them to show they are acting lawfully.

Next installment will talk about Definitions.  While it may seem mundane and you might think “I’ll wait until Skip gets to the “meat of RSA 91-A”, Definitions MATTER. And they matter a LOT because once you change a definition of a word (as the Left keeps doing to achieve a political agenda), an entire law can mean the opposite of what it did when first written.


The post A Tutorial: How to Create a Right To Know to Hold Your Government Accountable – Part 2 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What A Prosecutor Might Do When She Receives the Jan 6 Report

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 23:30 +0000

For the moment, I’ll pretend I am a prosecutor in the Department of Justice and have been handed the Report of the Congressional Committee known as the Jan 6 Hearings. That committee has recommended prosecution of the former US president. Well, goody for them.

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The Fifth Amendment says: “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury….”

Will the work of the Pelosi-Schiff committee suffice to meet that requirement? I suppose so. Members of Congress ought to be as capable as a 23-layperson grand jury to carry out an investigation, and decide if charging the person with crime is warranted.

Deciding To Prosecute or Not

Anyway, I, as Prosecutor, am not bound by Congress’s referral. I could drop the entire matter, I could gather a new grand jury, or I could now charge Donald Trump with one or more crimes. People will ask me to explain which of those three choices I make, so I better have something to say about the quality of the Committee’s report, its honesty, and whether I reckon it is a strictly political move by one Party against another.

Judging by the disproportion of Democrat reps chosen by Madam Speaker to participate in the hearings, it looks political. Also, on many occasions during the televised hearings, we heard committee members state as fact some things that are only opinions or speculation. As a prosecutor, I deduce that the demeaning tone used, when some witnesses spoke about Trump, was part of a smear. Granted, that does not automatically disqualify information provided by such a witness.

Ah, now that I’ve had a chance to study the referral a bit more, I am inclined to judge the report as unsuitable for use, or at least insufficiently complete for use as a substitute for a grand jury. The task of a grand jury is to decide if there is enough evidence to justify trying a suspect. The committee, led by Rep Adam Schiff of California, neglected to go down several crucial paths.

For example, they did not call Rep Pelosi to testify as to why she turned down Trump’s request for Congress to authorize National Guard assistance. No effort was expended on the question of who instructed the Capital Police at the door to let people in, almost with a welcome. They did not subpoena the media to testify how it made the mistake of saying five people were killed when it was only one. And did they ask for medical reports of policemen’s injuries?

Vitally, nothing was done to eliminate the possibility that some of the invaders were agents provocateurs whose mission was to create a scene that would incriminate Trump, or that would present to the people a tragic sign of the collapse of democracy.

As the prosecutor, I must attend carefully to the word “insurrection” that is being bandied about. Was there an insurrection that day? The law, which was passed in 1948, is codified at 18 USC 2383. It says:

“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

Before I would seek to learn who incited or engaged in rebellion or insurrection, I would have to find out if any rebellion or insurrection took place. At the moment, I am not being asked to prosecute anyone other than Donald Trump for this crime.


If I find that he appears to have incited a rebellion or insurrection, i believe I would be able to charge him with incitement even if his hoped-for rebellion did not eventuate. In general, when someone is charged with conspiracy to commit a crime, there needs to be some action by one of the conspirators. The crime of incitement, however, is not a crime of conspiracy.

(Ah, I see that Congress refers Trump criminally for conspiracy also. Let us look at what evidence they have for this. He may have had conversations that are recorded, or he may have emailed someone with a plan for violence on Jan 6 that can be construed as conspiracy.)

In regard to incitement, Congress wants to make the case that Trump urged violence. There are videos of Trump at a microphone around 1pm on Jan6 telling the crowd that they should walk to the Capitol. So, since the potential charge is “incitement to rebellion” I need to know what manner of rebellion is implied?

Does Trump mean a sort of moral/intellectual rebellion whereby folks just assemble en masse to show their judgement of condemnation of election theft? If so, I believe there is enough activity of that sort in America’s history that accepts such action as patriotic not criminal. Of course, if Trump meant that people should go in and HURT any occupant of the Capitol, that would qualify as incitement to rebellion.

There is precedent for labelling “treason” any physical attack on law enforcement personnel, dating back to the Whiskey Rebellion (a violent protest against a tax on whiskey) in Pennsylvania in 1792, but Congress does not recommend a charge of treason here. Rather the event of Jan 6 is to be seen as an “insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof.”

The Opening of the Ballots

But here the message is very muddled. It is being held that the protestors wanted to act against just one particular authoritative decision by the United States, namely that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. That is not the same as a rebellion to overthrow the government but rather to insist that A rather than B is the genuinely elected president. It happens; on at least one occasion in history the Catholic church had two conflicting popes!

Such a conflict needs to be sorted out itself. A case can be made that the voting, although it may have been false counted in six states, nevertheless passed legal muster, given that the rules of 15 USC 2 were followed. Six Congressmen stood up to challenge the count on the day it occurred AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, WI. Only two of those had a senator co-signing so those went to both chambers for a vote.

The best one — regarding Pennsylvania — came back with 138 ayes (that is, to dump Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral ballots) to 282 nays in the House and only 7-92 in the Senate. The other — Arizona — worth 11 electoral ballots, resulted in121-303 in the House and 6-93 in the Senate.

Had all six challenges succeeded, 79 of the ballots for Biden would have been dropped, leaving him with 223 (instead of his 302) and Trump with the winning number of 232. (A win by 9 votes.)

What Did Trump Expect of Pence?

It appears that Trump had urged Vice President Pence to “do right by him” as the presider over the opening of the ballots. But there is no law allowing the vice president to do so. Trump is on record saying that “Pence didn’t have the courage.”

I agree that if Trump asked Pence to do something other than preside properly over the ballot opening ceremony, he, Trump, acted wrongly and foolishly. But that is not a crime. If, however, he planned for Pence to be beaten up — or even if instructed the invaders to scare Pence — that would be the crime of assault, at least. One would hope Trump’s supporters, after such a crime, would stop supporting him.

Unless other material comes to light to show that Trump did indeed instruct anyone to scare Pence or to perform any violence I, as prosecutor, will dismiss this part of the referral. Instead, I will belatedly open a criminal investigation into the 2020 election, to whatever extent there is authority in the Doj’s portfolio to do so.

I can also examine whether the Jan 6, 2021 invasion of the Capitol was a set-up, by persons other than Trump. The melee has harmed America’s reputation and harmed the American people’s faith in their nation. By increasing Americans’ inter-Party hostility, it tends to block good legislation. It distracts greatly from more pressing concerns.

Many of the participants need to be punished, if they were there as part of a set-up. Any who were wrongly punished thus far should be compensated. The fact that any were kept in solitary confinement looks like dressing up the story to make it all seem worse than it was.

If Adam Schiff, or any other members of Congress’ “select committee” took part in deceit, they can be expelled now by a 2/3 vote in their own chamber, per Article I, section 5 of the Constitution. Liz Chenery is already out of Congress. All of them could face criminal charges, as could any section of the FBI that committed violence while disguised as rioters.

We Americans are sick of being treated like playthings or subjects for psy-ops. Let the Jan 6 fandangle stand as the Grand Finale of that sort of nonsense.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Bostonians of The Year” Are Vineyard Elites Who Perp-Walked Illegals Off Their Island Within 48-Hours

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 22:00 +0000

This makes perfect sense. The elites at The Boston Globe have chosen their “Bostonians of the Year.” They picked the well-heeled elites on very exclusive Martha’s Vinyard. Their feat? Perp-walking two planes filled with illegal immigrants off their island in record time surrounded by armed National Guardsman.

That’s not how the Globe framed it.


DeSantis had wagered that making the migrant crisis real, instead of theoretical, would unleash a spasm of NIMBYism among the island’s pampered progressives. But it was precisely because the migrants who had been flown there under false pretenses were real human beings, and not props, that the Vineyard’s year-rounders rushed in to help. (Also: the pampered people tend to clear out by Labor Day.)


Most of the piece paints a picture of caring one-percenters trying to do good despite the deceptions of right-wing hooligans like DeSantis. But we watched this in real-time, and the Globe’s reimaging is laughable. Martha’s Vineyard styles itself as a Sanctuary for Illegals, but in less than two shakes of a lamb’s tail, they’d expedited these “migrants” to someone else’s sanctuary.


Given that Martha’s Vineyard isn’t in Boston, The Globe could have found better fodder. There are border towns in Texas with hundreds of illegals wandering in daily, thousands a month, hundreds of thousands since Biden opened the border. Human trafficking, drug and gang crime, the dead.

There’s nothing noble about this, and recognizing a handful of silver-spoon elites because they didn’t have the resources but found a way to deal is ridiculous. But maybe it’s the right thing to do after all. As the Daily Wire notes, “past recipients include Monica Cannon-Grant — a BLM-aligned activist who was arrested last March along with her husband Clark Grant. The two were federally charged and arrested on 18 counts of fraud and conspiracy in relation to her non-profit, Violence in Boston (VIB).”

It’s okay. The Globe’s rose-colored glasses come with blinders. We’re still waiting for them to ask Obama how, given the climate crisis, he could spend 12 million on sea-level property. Is it because its estimated worth is now 19 million?

Did you catch that? Despite our desperate climate straights, the value of Obama’s ocean-level mansion has increased by at least seven million since he bought it in 2017. On land with plenty of space for an illegal alien sanctuary. But that would affect the property values, the values The Globe recognized.



HT | Daily Wire

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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