The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 18 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

Presentation to The NH Ballot Law Commission on State Senate District 24 Ballot Irregularities

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-04-05 22:30 +0000

Today, the NH Ballot Law Commission met to listen to the results of voting machine audits as well as a presentation on NH State Senate District 24 Ballot Irregularities (Press release here).

NOTE: It seems that YouTube is taking more than an inordinate amount of time to “process” the video. Please be patient, but I bet it’s because of “Ballot irregularities.” Should have been done by now.

The latter was from a number of the towns in the District assembled by Lou Gargiulo and his volunteers. Compiled from voting machine testing, watching results afterward, issuing numerous Right To Know demands, as well as watching the results of the recount of the November 2023 election where Debra Althshiller’s win was re-affirmed.

The report was given as a non-partisan view of irregularities that were found that violated various RSAs and established “chain of custody” norms from when ballots were run through the voting machines (mostly LHS / Dominion’s AccuVote machines) all the way through the recount. It was stated, up front, that the election was NOT being contested, that Altschiller won the election, and requested actions to either have election officials comply with State Law or for new State Law / Secretary of State / Attorney General to address these irregularities was not part of the presentation.



I have the voluminous paper-based report that was handed out; I have asked for and will be receiving a PDF of the report for publication.

There is also a more detailed addendum that was given to the Commissioners but has not yet been released to the media that contains all of the foundation observations that led to the presentation itself.

Since no other media outlet has the time or space, or willingness to do so, I have offered GraniteGrok to be an open repository of each element of data (e.g., machine tapes, issued Right To Knows, responses to those RTKs et al.) so that it can be “open source” for anyone to review and,

1) try to shoot holes in the conclusions or
2) let people know what can be done in their towns and cities to ensure that “Follow the Law” is not just a platitude.

I’ll be putting up other camera angles later on.


April 5, 2023 10:00 a.m.


1. Authorize the minutes from the meeting of January 11, 2023.
2. Discussion on results of tests from municipal elections.
3. Appeal of Lou Gargiulo from District 24 Senate Election Recount – presentation of issues of concern as allowed at pre-hearing conference.4. Discussion on what devices, if any, to send for further examination and
5. Other Business.

The post Presentation to The NH Ballot Law Commission on State Senate District 24 Ballot Irregularities appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Yesterday (April 4th) Biden Won Wisconsin’s Ten Electoral Votes … 2024 Is Going To Be A Blue Tsunami

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-04-05 21:00 +0000

Yesterday, April 4th, Biden won Wisconsin’s ten electoral votes. And it wasn’t even close. He won by a blowout margin of 55 percent to 45 percent. If you don’t know what I am talking about … then you are part of the problem.

A GOP that refuses to accept that the nature of American elections fundamentally changed in 2020 and that continues to bitterly cling to the delusion that everything is just going to go back to normal.

What I am talking about is the Wisconsin Supreme Court. It now has a four to three liberal majority. The repercussions for the 2024 election include that court reversing itself and holding that ballot harvesting is legal and voter ID is not legal … in other words, Wisconsin is now out of reach for the GOP Presidential candidate. From NBC:

Janet Protasiewicz, a judge on the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, has won a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, NBC News projects, giving liberals their first majority on the state’s highest court in 15 years.

Protasiewicz defeated conservative Dan Kelly, a former state Supreme Court justice, on Tuesday in what became the most expensive state Supreme Court race in U.S. history and one of the most closely watched elections of 2023.

Protasiewicz’s victory will allow the court’s new liberal majority to determine the future of several pivotal issues the bench is likely to decide in the coming years, including abortion rights, the state’s gerrymandered legislative maps and election administration — including, possibly, the outcome of the 2024 presidential race in the battleground state.

With 85% of the expected vote counted, Protasiewicz had the support of 55% percent of voters, while Kelly had 45% percent. …

… the Protasiewicz campaign, as well as groups supporting it, widely outspent Kelly’s campaign and groups supporting it.

This election … not Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine … should have been the top priority for the GOP. It obviously wasn’t:

Jesse Kelly’s tweet is super-applicable to the NHGOP. The House has a functional Democrat majority and yet the “Republicans” in the House kept the same “leaders” that lost their majority. 2024 is going to be a bloodbath for the NHGOP. Governor Chris Pappas, a solid Democrat majority in the House and a better than 50 percent chance that the Democrats take the Senate and Executive Council too.

The post Yesterday (April 4th) Biden Won Wisconsin’s Ten Electoral Votes … 2024 Is Going To Be A Blue Tsunami appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Researchers: Evidence of Long COVID From Mental Health Issues and Not the Virus

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-04-05 19:30 +0000

Researchers looked at “the prevalence and associated risk factors of post–COVID-19 condition (PCC) in young people after mild acute infection.” What they discovered was its prevalence absent any infection.

What will annoy them more? There’s clinical research suggesting long covid is a mental illness or that we reported on that over a year ago.

From the research – Emphasis Mine.


Findings  This cohort study included 382 SARS-CoV-2–positive individuals and a control group of 85 SARS-CoV-2–negative individuals aged 12 to 25 years who were assessed at the early convalescent stage and at 6-month follow-up. When applying the World Health Organization case definition of PCC, prevalence at 6 months was 49%, but was also comparably high (47%) in the control group. PCC was not associated with biological markers specific to viral infection, but with initial symptom severity and psychosocial factors.


Psychosocial means relating social conditions to mental health. The other term for this is Somatic symptom disorder:  “…any mental disorder that manifests as physical symptoms that suggest illness or injury, but cannot be explained fully by a general medical condition or by the direct effect of a substance, and are not attributable to another mental disorder.”

We can paint that picture.

The pressures and strains associated with being fearmongered, locked down, remoted, masked, distanced, masked, hand sanitizer, and masked, combined (perhaps) with the oversized amount of attention or focus (or social sympathy) for those claiming symptoms or infection…in a world where being noticed is a higher social good than being healthy.

Long COVID is a social disease!


The point prevalence of PCC at 6 months was 48.5% in the SARS-CoV-2–positive group and 47.1% in the control group (risk difference, 1.5%; 95% CI, −10.2% to 13.1%). SARS-CoV-2 positivity was not associated with the development of PCC (relative risk [RR], 1.06; 95% CI, 0.83 to 1.37; final multivariable model utilizing modified Poisson regression). The main risk factor for PCC was symptom severity at baseline (RR, 1.41; 95% CI, 1.27-1.56). Low physical activity (RR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.92-1.00) and loneliness (RR, 1.01; 95% CI, 1.00-1.02) were also associated, while biological markers were not. Symptom severity correlated with personality traits.


The only reference I could find to vaccination status was this: “The SARS-CoV-2–positive group had received fewer immunization doses in the observational period; otherwise, the 2 groups remained comparable.”

Lacking any other detail, it looks like “the response” is responsible for long covid, not COVID, which is interesting. In March of 2022, we reported that,

[VA Sen. Tim]Kaine has a bill to throw buckets of money at more research, but the NIH has already laundered 1.5 billion on the idea of the “prolonged health consequences of COVID19.” Long COVID.

I have a better idea. Read GraniteGrok. We spent zero federal dollars reporting on the prolonged health effects of the COVID19 response. The policies and programs that are in my mind responsible for a lot of ills, including Long COVID.


“Jeremy Devine, a resident psychiatrist at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, argued in a Wall Street Journal editorial last year that long COVID is “largely an invention of vocal patient activist groups.” He says symptoms attributed to long COVID could be “psychologically generated” or “caused by a physical illness unrelated to the prior infection.”  …

“[The] fear of chronic illness is likely the underlying problem.”

I created the featured image above for the March 22 piece and this one a few month later.


Oops, we were on the right side of the science again!

Exit Question: When does Pfizer announce they have a new drug to treat the mental illness of Long COVID?


The WHOs “definition” of PCC, or Post COVID Condition, can be found here.

The post Researchers: Evidence of Long COVID From Mental Health Issues and Not the Virus appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

You Can Fix Anything With Duct Tape!!!

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-04-05 18:00 +0000

Good evening, folks. “Your trusted reporter, Buzz Buzzby at your service. Today I am joined by my intern and trusted sidekick, Timothy Hasno Bottoms, and we are standing-incredible as it may seem-in the center of the Garden of Eden, directly under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

We are here to try to cover an evolving story: rumors abound that Adam is cheating on Eve and is about to announce his liaison with…Wait! I see Adam now. He is approaching our position with something in his hands. Not sure what he is holding…let’s get a little closer…ah, I see it now. In his left hand a big juicy ripe Macintosh apple. In his right hand…not sure…it looks like a roll of duct tape. What the Heck is going on? Let’s get over to the man and get some quick answers on this one.”

Adam: ” Pray tell, what the heck are you two doing here? How did you get in?”

Buzz:” We heard a rumor about a breaking story involving you and Eve. We wanted to investigate those rumors, so here we are. And the way we got in, well, we just walked right in the front gate, right passed the guards. There were two doors to enter by. The first one had a sign above it saying in big letters SINNERS. The other sign said ” EVERYONE ELSE.” The line to get in under the first sign was huge. The other line was empty, so we just jumped over to the empty line, and here we are.”

Adam:” No kidding. I don’t think that is how it works. But, ok. Not sure about any rumors.

Buzz: “Well, Tim and I are reporters. Can we ask you some questions? Like, how and why are you even in the Garden? I thought God kicked you out. Permanent.”

Adam: “Yea, I thought he did too. I guess that was my own belief based upon my own conclusions after eating the Apple. Turns out, it was my own choice to leave. When I ate the apple, I told him that I wanted to live in a world where he wasn’t God, and I was. He said, “FINE” but guess what? Dad never said goodbye. Ever since I ate the apple, he has constantly been in my life, my every breath, my every thought, trying to have me come home. I guess he was trying to rescue me from the horrors of the world I created. His own son, Jesus, argued my case in front of him and famously said, “FORGIVE THEM FATHER, FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO.” That was me-the guy who did not know what I did when I ate that stupid apple.”

Buzz: “So you argued your way back in? Tell our listeners how that works that you outfoxed God with your debate skills.”

Adam:” Huh? No. No way. I am not some dam Lawyer (BTW, he does not really like lawyers) arguing a case before some Judge (he does not like Judges at all). My brain is not near what his is and outsmarting him was not my plan. If it was, I deserve to be on the outside like before. That is stupid,” I ate the apple” thought. I am tired of being stupid.

No, I read the story of the “PRODIGAL SON.” It was Dad’s “how to get out of jail” card laid out right in front of me. I read it, took a shower, gathered up Eve and our kids, and marched strait to the front gate of Eden. I stood out there for three days constantly repeating what the prodigal son said to his dad when he returned from living with the pigs. I guess Dad got tired of listening to me so he opened the gate. He did not let me in though, but rather told me to stop repeating everything. He said I was irritating him. He said ” it’s not the words that matter. The prodigal son learned something while he slept with the pigs. What matters to me is whether you have learned what he learned.”

Buzz: “Well, did you? Tell us what happened next?”

Adam: “I reread the story. I then began to think. What have I learned in the last five thousand years?”

This is a question that is not hard to answer. What I learned is that I should never have eaten the apple. I have should never have chosen to leave God’s world and try to invent my own.

Why? let me explain:

When I asked to leave Gods world, I was not just asking to leave God, but all that he is. I was asking him to let me live in a world where his values, his truth, his love did not exist. And of course, in removing his “nature” from the world I wanted to live in, I needed to fill the void that was left with my own replacement parts.

Take his love. Dad’s nature is just pure love. Not the “love” referenced in a Hallmark card. Not the “do you love” love of a teenage girl. Not the love that says “What can you do to make me happy?” love. No, his love is the love that says “No greater love has a man but that he give up his life for his friends.” kind of love. Dad, by his very nature, cannot help himself but to pour out his love on me. He wants nothing but good and truth and beauty for me all the days of my life. He wants to nurture me, grow me, make me into the most wonderful, beautiful person I can ever be. And he wants to pour out this love on me thru all eternity.

When I told him to go away, to leave me to my own world, I guess I thought it would be really easy to replace that kind of love with a love of my own making.


What I got was truly horrible. I substituted his “love” with rape. Not just sexual rape. That would be bad enough. But rape in every fashion you can think of. Rape militarily. Rape spiritually. Rape financially.

You see, rape is me loving myself and imposing my will on you thru my superior strength, for my own pleasure and against your needs, wants, desires or pleas.

Look at what is happening as we speak-wealthy billionaires are bleeding every last cent out of the world population so that they can grow their 5 billion into ten, and their ten in to 50. Why? Rape. Pure and simple. If God’s love prevailed, the billionaires would do everything in their power to take care of those less fortunate. If the billionaires gave just half their billions to the poor, that alone could end world hunger But, they don’t. They take pleasure in their billions and in taking even more at their whim from the world. Rape. Pure and simple. It’s the world’s way of filling the void left behind by asking God to take his “love” out of our equation.

Look at what is happening to our youth. In a world filled with God’s love, they would be cherished. Nurtured. Protected against evil. In a world without Gods, love-three 9-year-olds are murdered so that a shooter, out of their own self-love can feel the pleasure of watching them die. Rape!

“Apple Textbooks” by Michal Jarmoluk/ CC0 1.0

Look what is happening to women. In God’s world, they are loved, honored, and respected. In a world lacking God’s love, they are called “birthing persons;” they are pressured into self-mutilation; they are condemned for bearing their own child.

Look at our military: they are given nearly a trillion dollars to protect us, but …

Buzz: “Wait, hold on, Adam… I see Eve coming. What happened to her? We heard that she and you were getting a divorce?”

Adam: “Divorce? No, well, maybe in my prior life. But that is just it-I used to love her as any Adam would. Now, I see her thru the eyes of my Dad. And I am loving her in Dad’s way.
I told Dad that what I learned while sleeping with the “pigs” was that I want to love as he does. And he knew I spoke the truth when I stopped treating Eve like an Adam woman and began loving her like the God woman she was always meant to be.”

Buzz: “Hello Eve. It is my privilege to be here with you. I am Buzz Buzzby, and this is Timmy Bottoms. We are just asking your husband all about why and how you all got back here to the Garden. Can you add anything to what your husband has told us? Like how you convinced your God to let you back in.”

Eve: “Well, I guess. I stood outside the front gate, and I simply raised my voice loud enough for him to hear. Some call it prayer. To me, I was simply telling him the truth of what was in me. I asked-I begged: “I don’t want to live anymore in a world without

God. That hip, slick, and cool dude named lucifer-with the thousand-dollar shoes and the fancy hair- was a dam liar. I had no idea that the world he said I would be god in was a world of genocide, pedophilia, murder, chaos, greed, violence, war, and hatred. I had no idea that everything that God created would be mocked, spit on, and ultimately by my own hand, destroyed. I had no idea that I would be enlisted in, causing the crazy gullible people to self-destruct.

I would rather be Eve in a God world, than a god in an Eve world.

I am done with evil; I am done with hatred. I just want to go home where I am free of all that horror.
And by the way, Dad said its ok if I change my name to Mary. She got it oh so right. I cannot wait to stomp on that damn lying, serpent’s head.”

Buzz: “Ok. I think we have enough now for our story. Thank both of you. We will check back soon to see how you are doing. If that is ok? Bye now.”

(Camera clicks off. Microphone too) Buzz: “Wow, Timmy. Amazing. Of course, the “I LOVE EATING THE APPLE AND LIVING IN A GODLESS WORLD” folks out there will ignore this whole story. I had no idea that Adam and Eve had returned to the Garden. Did not know that was possible…. you know Timmy, I am not an overly religious man. But did you pack us a lunch? Any chance you put an apple in it?”

Timmy: “I sure did. Want me to get it? It’s in the car.”

Buzz: “Sure. Also, do you have any duct tape in the car?”

Timmy: “Sure do boss. Real men go nowhere without duct tape. You can fix anything with Duct tape.”

Buzz: “Hard to believe I can-we can-fix the world with Duct tape. “

Timmy: “I don’t think we can fix the world with duct tape boss. But I am with Adam and Eve…I mean Mary…I think duct tape can fix us.”

Later that nite, the local T,V. station carried a teaser headline” TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL VANDALIZED WITH 4 DUCT TAPED APPLES. FILM AT 11″

(Good folks-Easter is coming. Is it time for you to stop eating the apple and maybe duct tape it back onto the tree. For me and my house, we wrapped it 8 times lest the first seven fail. Hope you will join us. GOD BLESS!)

The post You Can Fix Anything With Duct Tape!!! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-04-05 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.

Also, for those prepper-minded, my last two Survival Sundays:

Survival Sunday – PREP Edition – Granite Grok

Survival Sunday – SITREP Edition – Granite Grok

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






Hang on! We knew about Covid WHEN???



This is, to me, staggering.  First, the date of the job posting – November 2019.  In Ukraine.  Those two things, in and of themselves, are damming.  But then… think about it.

That’s a job with a pay of well over $300K.  That’s not chump change, and doubtless is only one of multiple positions for which they’re searching for warm bodies.  So we’re talking a significant project.  A project for which there had to be a RfP, bids, consideration & debate, awarding, budgeting, etc.  This is months and months before November 2019.

Now most people reading this I suspect that, in general, they understand Covid 19 was planned, and deliberately engineered to enable a mass injection – not vaccination – campaign, is not news.  But the scope of this… and you think, given the untold BILLIONS that went into this, the countless decades of planning, and millions of man-hours of research and development, you’re going to PROTEST and VOTE your way out of this?

Remember, they want mRNA in your vegetables: Researchers aim to develop edible plant-based mRNA vaccines (

They want mRNA in your meat: Roughly 2 In 10 Cows Injected With mRNA Vaccines Die Instantly – [your]NEWS (

They want mRNA in you.  Period.

Understand, I don’t want this.










Yes, they will.  They’d rather betray their friends or, worse, their differing family, than admit they were bamboozled.




And to build on that, when your being right and their being wrong shows that YOU – that knuckle-dragging, beer-swilling, gun-toting, G-d-fearing deplorable was actually more aware, more perceptive, more insightful, etc., than their uber-intellectual, uber-educated selves.  Their egos won’t handle that.








Even AI developers are getting nervous.  Time for a Butlerian Jihad?  There is AI that writes its own code.  AI that has “children”.

What have we done?










We still believe we live in a high trust society.  It’s become a crisis – a crisis of trust.

A Crisis of Trust – Urban Scoop

And… “Seasoning Americans”.  BWAAA HA HA HA HA HA!








Somehow this snip from Batman came to mind (with a Men in Black overlay):



Welcome to the future, pal!




Pick of the post:



And thus is the racism of the Left revealed, for the Left dismisses these people as nothing but ignorant & illiterate.

IMHO, it’s one reason the Left swallows “Pallywood” hook line and sinker.  Because they can’t believe that “little brown people” can pull the wool over their hypereducated, elite selves.







‘Our so-called leaders knowingly talked nonsense, destroyed lives and turned society upside down’





Palate cleansers:


The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“I am not oppressed”

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2023-04-05 16:30 +0000
“I am not oppressed” ❤️???????? This man awesome! Sound Up ???????? — ???????????? KC ???????????? (@KCPayTreeIt) April 4, 2023 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

.380 ACP vs 9mm: The Concealed Carry 9mm Showdown

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2023-04-05 15:41 +0000
by Chris Dwulet, When it comes to picking your next semi-automatic everyday carry (EDC) handgun, two calibers that you should consider are the .380 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) and the 9mm Luger (9x19mm NATO, 9mm Parabellum). Both cartridges fire... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Three Congressmen Introduce Gold Standard Bill to Stabilize the Dollar's Value

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2023-04-05 15:31 +0000
Money Metals News Service, April 4th, 2023 Washington, DC - As America faces the twin threats of inflation and bank failures, three U.S. congressmen introduced a pivotal sound money bill that would enable the Federal Reserve note “dollar” to regain... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Government Agency Tries to Abrogate the 4th Amendment – Fifth Circuit Court Spanks Them Hard

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-04-05 15:00 +0000

In W. Virginia vs EPA  SCOTUS decided that the EPA had gone well past its authorizing legislation in demanding that it could regulate CO2 emissions even though CO2 was never in that legislation. They decided that they could “broaden” their “mandate” and start applying their government powers in ways that Congress never intended or granted.

The National Marine Fisheries Services tried it, too, and lost with a rule to Track Charter Boats Without a Warrant.

In a landmark win for charter boat fishermen across the Gulf of Mexico, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has set aside a controversial Final Rule issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), which required 24-hour GPS tracking of recreational charter boat fishing vessels and reporting of confidential economic data. As Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod wrote, “in promulgating this regulation, the Government committed multiple independent Administrative Procedure Act violations, and very likely violated the Fourth Amendment.” The ruling is major for many reasons, including that the government tried to claim that charter boat fishing is a “closely-regulated industry” to which the Fourth Amendment does not apply.

NCLA represents more than 1,300 federally permitted charter boat owners in the class-action lawsuit, Mexican Gulf Fishing Company v. U.S. Department of Commerce. The Final Rule required each charter boat to be “equipped with NMFS-approved hardware and software with a minimum capability of archiving GPS locations.” The Rule would have required charter boats to install onboard an NMFS-approved Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) tracking device—an “anchor bracelet”—that continuously transmits the boat’s GPS location to NMFS, whether the boat is being used for a charter-fishing trip or for something else. Charter boat operators “are responsible for purchasing the VMS units,” which the Final Rule estimated would cost upwards of $3000 plus a monthly service fee of $40 to $75. NCLA argued this 24-hour GPS surveillance was not only unnecessary and unduly burdensome, but also that this requirement violated the Fourth Amendment by searching without probable cause or a warrant, exceeded the authority granted by the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA), and was arbitrary and capricious in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). NCLA also complained that the rule required reporting economic data that had nowhere been specified by the agencies in proposing the rule for comment.

Translation: The NMFS claimed that if you want to make a living, you MUST buy this stuff, that YOU will pay, and you will give us your data (made up out of whole cloth).  The Judge said, “Up Your!” and “No way.”

People make fun of us or wonder why we don’t trust the Government but “running amok” is a phrase we need to apply more often.

Why so these power-hungry morons believe that they are above the law?  What is WRONG with these people???

The Fifth Circuit agreed with NCLA’s analysis and held that the GPS-tracking requirement was unlawful for “several independently sufficient reasons.” These include (1) that the “unambiguous language of the Magnuson-Stevens Act does not authorize the regulation;” (2) “the Government failed to respond to public comments expressing concerns of personal privacy violations stemming from GPS surveillance;” (3) “the Government failed to rationally consider the associated costs and benefits;” and (4) the Final Rule cannot withstand APA review because there was improper notice of the data the agency planned to collect. Regarding the contention that the Government failed to address Fourth Amendment concerns in public comments, Judge Elrod emphasized that “the Government fail[ing] to identify this particular concern from the public comments borders on incredible.”

Charter boats operating in the Gulf of Mexico are small businesses. They account for less than one percent of Gulf fishing. NCLA commends the Fifth Circuit for recognizing the financial and privacy costs associated with NMFS’s ill-conceived regulation. The Court also correctly held that the agencies could not state vaguely that they sought “other” socio-economic data and then require purely economic data reporting like the cost of fuel and how much passengers were charged. In highlighting how the Government failed to connect the GPS-tracking requirement with any legitimate conservation purpose, Judge Elrod wrote, “What benefits does the Government point to in response? Next to nothing.”

Next to nothing – but they tried because they could. It seems, more and more, that the Government is acting under the principle that if they aren’t caught, it’s fine—lawlessness for them and hardship for the captains and crews.  And the NMFS didn’t care.

Another word for this is Tyranny.

This hits home because my Dad was a commercial fisherman – a charter boat out of Cohasset (MA).  If he hadn’t passed away when I was young, I might have ended up “under his captain’s hat” (rather than “in his shoes”). It does explain why one of my favorite shows is “Wicked Tuna” – that’s what he did some of the time.

Final Thought: Can we get a requirement in place that any executive branch’s personnel must have a Civics class on the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and their authorizing legislation such that if they fail to obey them, they can be held personally responsible for court costs and damages?

After all, aren’t we?


(H/T: Instapundit)

The post Government Agency Tries to Abrogate the 4th Amendment – Fifth Circuit Court Spanks Them Hard appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Are They Allowed To Make Jokes About Washing ‘Her’ (Golf) ‘Balls’?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-04-05 13:30 +0000

Women have a choice. Shut up about men winning your competitions and taking your trophies or get canceled—thats’ a choice from the party of choice. And the women who lost the WPGA Tour Australian Women’s Classic to a biological man?

They “chose” to celebrate his victory.


The WPGA Tour of Australasia celebrated the theft of the prize from the female golfers with a tweet showing the biological male, who goes by the name of “Breanna” Gill,  kissing the trophy and commenting about his “nerves of steel,” that helped him to win the women’s professional golf tournament. …

“I always thought in my head if I ever got the opportunity to actually win a golf tournament and the girls happen to come running out on the green, I was going to stand there and take it. I wasn’t going to run away,” said Gill.

Golf New South Wales reports that (reformatted),


[Danni] Vasquez showed no signs of disappointment at being so close to victory but not quite reaching her goal. “I just enjoyed the first two days and then before the last round I said to Darcy (Danni’s caddy and fiancé) ‘let’s just give myself an opportunity’ and I did exactly that so I’m really happy,” Vasquez said.

“As sad as it is losing in a playoff, I’m very happy that Breanna did Winn. She’s a great lady and I’m very happy to go up against her but I’m also very happy with myself.”


Australian Golf Digest.


The third-place getter was thrilled that she was still in contention all the way to the end.

“The way I hung in there for the entire 18 holes is something that I’m very proud of after what I thought was a relatively slow start,” Bunque said.

“Bree got off a quicker start than I did and I think that could’ve gone south pretty quickly but I’m proud of the way that I kept hitting every shot as it came and just hanging in there until literally the last putt.”


No one batts a mascaraed eyelash, ladies, so you’d best get used to it. B-Team )C-team?) men have invaded swimming, cycling, and a host of other sports, so why not golf? But will it get so crowded that someday they’ll need the TWPGA?

Exit question: are they allowed to make jokes about washing ‘her’ (golf) ‘balls’?


Note: Featured image is a generic royalty-free pic of a woman golfer.

HT | Gateway Pundit

The post Are They Allowed To Make Jokes About Washing ‘Her’ (Golf) ‘Balls’? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Eco-Socialists That Are Trying to Horn Us Into Unaffordable EVs … Won’t Tell You This

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-04-05 12:00 +0000

“New cars compared to 1970 vehicle models: 99% cleaner for common pollutants. New trucks compared to 1970 vehicle models: 99% cleaner for common pollutants. So why are the climate change fanatics trying to force us to buy EVs?”

And rarely will they acknowledge that there is no such thing as a “no emission” vehicle – it takes emissions to make them, emissions to transport them, and even MORE, emissions to charge them. Saying that there are no “tailpipe emissions” is merely a marketing ploy and a distraction for those that are ignorant of what is going on under their hoods and out of the mouths of those FORCING us to get rid of our current cars.

Too expensive for the regular folks, and just one person can flip your electricity off and keep you from “fueling” your batteries – it’s all just another tool for control.


Stephen Moore | Climate Depot

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Brics May Hit Us Like a Meteor

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-04-05 10:30 +0000

America needs to wake up to the all-out assault on its existence by China. Except for John Kerry, most Americans believe our most critical threat is China, but I do not think most understand just how extensive and dangerous China’s threat is. China is a formidable foe by itself, but its effort to form a global alliance elevates the threat to existential. Existential is an overused word, made so by Climate Change advocates, but when you look at the Chinese attack on America and its quest for world dominance, it is the only word to describe it accurately.

The assault began years ago when China offered American industry cheap labor and a ready-made infrastructure. It appeared to be an innocent way for American businesses to enhance their bottom line. Over time, the manufacturing industry was eroded at home as production and manufacturing went around the world to China. Made in the U.S.A. was replaced with Made in China. China has become a force in the Middle East since the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan, and China has been buying land in the U.S., Central America, and South America.

The pandemic shed light on China being a sole source of essential needs. Medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, and computer chips became challenging to source, or the Chinese purposely controlled the flow to hurt America. We know the COVID virus originated from China, as does the raw Fentanyl shipped to Mexico to be processed by the Cartels. This combined effort between China and Mexico results in 100,000 Fentanyl deaths annually in the United States.

Now an organization called BRICS is getting attention for the threat it poses to the rest of the world. BRICS is not new, as it was formed almost a decade ago. At the start, it was BRIC which stood for Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Recently, the S was added to indicate the inclusion of South Africa and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia joining sounded the alarm. On Monday, Saudi Arabia and OPEC announced a cutback in production for the rest of 2023 of one million barrels per day. This announcement caused an immediate spike in crude prices, and there is no estimate of how high they will rise.

This manipulation of oil supply and price is part of the overall plan of BRICS. BRICS wants to eliminate the Dollar as the price standard of international crude to be replaced with a new BRICS currency. This decision may make the Dollar useless internationally. It is not a secret that China wants to be the sole superpower in the world and has set 2030 as a target to achieve that goal. BRICS is a significant step in China’s plan.

China is using the rest of the members in BRICS. When they finish using them as pawns in its global chess game, they will squash the other members. China will not share the power and dominance they seek.

Why is BRICS coming into play now? Because they sense the weakness of America under the leadership of Joe Biden. Whether Biden is compromised or not, he is no match on the Global Stage to Xi, Putin, and their new mates. America is the loser with Joe Biden.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Beware the Power of labels.

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-04-05 01:30 +0000

Joe Biden and the Democratic Party’s use of pejorative labeling to defile and dehumanize their political opponents is not only their “go-to” strategy of late but also a potential bellwether of more sinister intentions. Biden’s use of labels to vilify those who don’t support his agenda is heard on a nearly daily basis.

We want to thank Andrew Archibald for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Their apocalyptic tone makes Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” comment seem endearing in comparison. Whether it’s Biden referring to his political opposition as “MAGA Republicans,” “domestic terrorists,” or “threats to democracy,” his use of these categorizations is insulting at best, and, at worst, a painful reminder of similar strategies employed by his Leftist predecessors during darker periods in modern history.

Biden’s use of labels to define and target his enemies is eerily similar to that of other Progressive despots.  Joseph Stalin used the term “enemies of the state,” while Mao placed those opposed to his Cultural Revolution, including “Right Wingers,” into one of five “Black Categories.”  These cohorts were rounded up and sent off for political reeducation, otherwise known as torture, imprisonment or execution. Pol Pot, Che Guevara, and Kim Jong-Il – all the Leftist heavyweights, employed similar labeling tactics to coalesce their followers and marginalize and breed contempt for the non-compliant.

The historic precedent of this type of labeling leading to violence and marginalization of large subsets of a national population is, therefore, well established. The question that remains is what combination of factors escalate this from simple name-calling to actual persecution? What causes the scales of reason to tip irrevocably from political rhetoric to policy? Adolf Hitler took advantage of a horribly depressed German economy and a desperate citizenry to advance his obscene agenda. In a few short years this progressed from Anti-Semitic grumbling to the adoption of the Nuremberg Laws that robbed German Jews of citizenry and political rights, and ultimately to the grotesque atrocities of the Holocaust.

While genocidal events resulting in the slaughter of tens of millions of innocents may seem like extreme examples, they are relevant because they are emblematic of how motivated, Leftist regimes execute their strategies. The first and most important step in their process is to target a subset of their populations (the opposition) and label them as “threats” to the agenda of those in power.

This labeling creates division, and division leads to an irreparable fracture in a Nation’s foundation – a united Citizenry. Labeling is an insidious cancer used by those in power to create disharmony and contempt between brother and sister citizens. While seemingly harmless at first, labeling has a hidden superpower – an ability to rapidly metastasize and destroy its host from within.  Beware the power of labels.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Long After Vermont Passes Suicide Tourism Will it Tax The Practice?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-04-05 00:00 +0000

If you pay attention to Democrat majorities, it won’t take long to realize something. There’s never enough revenue – no such thing as enough. Every stream shall be tapped, which got me thinking. Vermont doesn’t currently tax medical services, but it is about to pass suicide tourism.

It would be the only state in New England with assisted suicide and no residency requirement. And according to this NYT article, they’ve already got customers waiting. And Vermont is eager to serve. And no, it’s not a new topic on these pages.


Vermont Passes Bill to Make The State a Sanctuary For Death and Dismemberment

Live Free In New Hampshire or Die in Vermont

Assisted Suicide is Now Available in Vermont after a Zoom Call with Dr. Death

Suicide Six Ski Resort to Change its Name ‘cuz Mental Health Awareness


That last one is because unassisted suicide, which the party of death and depopulation pretends it doesn’t like, is also on the rise, but that’s typical in the wake of Democratic rule. It only makes sense to make killing yourself polite and legal. Then you expand the franchise.

At first, you need a doctor to sign off on your terminal illness, but what does that mean? Terminal depression? Anxiety? Upset because your gender mutilation surgery disfigurement didn’t make you happy like they promised, or the hormone drugs made you intolerably ill. The doctors, who increasingly rely on the government printing press the way climate “science” does, find themselves living like it’s COVID all the time. Hospital services equal reimbursements, and the party of death will inevitably pay for corpses.

And why not. You’d have to be crazy to re-elect Liberals.

Concrete evidence of any mental illness will quickly rise to the top of the list of acceptable reasons to ask for state-sanctioned self-murder.

The depopulation party makes depopulation legal, calls it assisted suicide (a cure for what ails you), then makes it increasingly easier.


Follow the Bouncing Ball: Canada Wrecks Health Care, Legalizes Assisted Suicide, Organ Donations Rise …

Introducing Modern, High-Tech, Self-Assisted Suicide Pods – Yes, They’re Serious

Canadian “Coloring Book” Normalizes Assisted Suicide for Children

The Public Schools are Grooming Your Kid for a Lifetime of Anxiety and Depression

New Research Suggests Puberty Blockers May Make Your Kids Suicidal


Make them hate themselves and life, and they’ll line up to shuffle off their mortal coils with a please, Daddy.

Democrats are also the party of rationed care (Death Panels), and in the context of their policy priorities, that’s a flat-out truth. Surgery costs too much, or the wait is too long. Maybe you should kill yourself. Your government therapists and doctors agree (and your dying is easier on the unbalanced balance sheet). Here’s a note, gind a field and shoot yourself up (or swallow this) at sunset. We’ll send a cart later to pick you all up.

And the next thing you know, it is outspoken public figures or inconvenient political opponents who have something terminal. They were chronically depressed after being confined without due process or picked up in the middle of the night after experiencing an existential crisis unrelated to acts of free speech or assembly. And thanks for the organs and the donation of your assets to the government. What a patriot!

What, you can’t take it with you? They’ve never wanted your family to get much of it (unless you’re a wealthy Democrat donor). So why not aan actualdeath tax? We’ll let you kill yourself  (we’ll pretend to care) for a small fee (taxable, of course), and after you’re gone, we’ll tax what you left behind and then tax anyone who manages to hang on to whatever we missed. And then we’ll take the rest.

Death and taxes, right? The only two things you can count on are death and taxes, and the political Left is happy to profit from both.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey Mr. NH Speaker, How Do You Define Transphobia?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-04-04 22:30 +0000

I have no idea what prompted Packard’s statement (see below). But I would still like to know what he means by “transphobia.” Does it mean opposing “drag shows” aimed at children? Does it mean opposing the chemical castration of children and other “gender-affirming” procedures on children?

Does it mean believing that biological boys shouldn’t be allowed to compete in girls’ school sports? Does it mean believing that biological boys shouldn’t be allowed in girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms? Is everyone who believes that, for example, Rachel Levine is a man, not a woman, transphobic?

Is everyone who has “de-transitioned” transphobic?

Don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer … you’ll get none. Your support is NOT important to the NHGOP. You are taken for granted. You have “nowhere else to go.” The political troglodytes running the NHGOP are concerned with the proverbial “suburban moms” … because these troglodytes lack the capacity to understand that the political universe realigned in 2016 and it’s not going back.

This is what prompted this post:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Reminder: Our “Ruling Class” Will Continue To Ignore Us Until WE Decide They Can’t

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-04-04 21:00 +0000

But when will that Preference Cascade, that tipping point, happen? From Angelo Codvilla, a Professor from my alma mater (BU) that DID make me feel grand to have matriculated from there (twice).  Emphasis mine

As over-leveraged investment houses began to fail in September 2008, the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties, of major corporations, and opinion leaders stretching from the National Review magazine (and the Wall Street Journal) on the right to the Nation magazine on the left, agreed that spending some $700 billion to buy the investors’ “toxic assets” was the only alternative to the U.S. economy’s “systemic collapse.” In this, President George W. Bush and his would-be Republican successor John McCain agreed with the Democratic candidate, Barack Obama. Many, if not most, people around them also agreed upon the eventual commitment of some 10 trillion nonexistent dollars in ways unprecedented in America. They explained neither the difference between the assets’ nominal and real values, nor precisely why letting the market find the latter would collapse America. The public objected immediately, by margins of three or four to one.

When this majority discovered that virtually no one in a position of power in either party or with a national voice would take their objections seriously, that decisions about their money were being made in bipartisan backroom deals with interested parties, and that the laws on these matters were being voted by people who had not read them, the term “political class” came into use. Then, after those in power changed their plans from buying toxic assets to buying up equity in banks and major industries but refused to explain why, when they reasserted their right to decide ad hoc on these and so many other matters, supposing them to be beyond the general public’s understanding, the American people started referring to those in and around government as the “ruling class.” And in fact Republican and Democratic office holders and their retinues show a similar presumption to dominate and fewer differences in tastes, habits, opinions, and sources of income among one another than between both and the rest of the country. They think, look, and act as a class.

Perhaps just a “touch” of the French Revolution might be in order. The Ruling Class has learned nothing in a decade because we haven’t MADE them learn anything (PAIN is how most politicians learn, us inflicting political pain upon them). So they continue to ignore us. Why?

Too many of We The People are too apathetic to care.

(H/T: Instapundit)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don’t Ask the Scientist. They Don’t Know Either.

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-04-04 19:30 +0000

Is the climate changing, getting warmer, or is it cooling? Don’t ask the scientist. They don’t know either. And listening to the hysterical, “the world is coming to an end,” environmentalists will only give you ulcers.

Keeping in mind when these panic-stricken, nonexperts, who have no background in anything related to the issue, are now talking “about climate change,” they are spreading the old myth of the end of the world, “global warming.” The same baloney sandwich they severed before.

If they actually believe this stuff, they should be addressing their concerns to China which is burning all the coal they can buy from Pennsylvania coal mines to power the factories making all those solar panels and sneakers they sell to Americans.

So heads up. Take a look at what is actually happening.

Snow, snow, snow all across the northwestern American States. Rain covers the mid-US and Sothern states, and not a desert that was not already a deserts in the Sothern half of America.

Nor are the seas rising nor the Artic Ice Capmelting – some parts of which are the thickest in a decade. Plus, not any reports of palm trees sprouting north of the Mason/Dixon. H

How do environmentalists explain that? Oh, right, glaciers are melting. Have been for a century or more last I checked.

It’s simple. It has nothing whatsoever to do with climate it’s all about politics and money. The more electric-whatever they can sell the richer that element of industry becomes, and if they keep the hysteria pumping, the more money leftist politicians get from those industries.

BTW, news from Saudi Arabia is that they are planning to reduce oil production soon. Swell, now aren’t you sorry we are no longer energy independent and are dependent on middle eastern oil along with Europe?

Can Mr. Biden explain exactly how any of this benefits regular Americans or Western Europe? We are pretty well sure he and his cronies are fairing quite well via dealing with China, but when do the rest of us see any advantage?

Here on the ‘Grok, there have been numerous articles exposing how the U.S. will never be able to create enough electric energy to power the left’s dream of a clean new world without fossil fuels. But the ‘Grok is preaching to the choir and must find a way to expand readership.

This problem affects all of us regardless of politics, so, any ideas?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Government Agencies and Departments Find Nothing Wrong With Debauchery

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-04-04 18:00 +0000

Dave Powers, a long-time aide to the President, was a man without a meaningful job in the White House. He had the innocuous title of Special Assistant to the President and his duties were mundane but pivotal.

While on the road with the President, if the First Lady wasn’t present, one of his jobs, according to sources in the Secret Service and staff, was to prowl the streets of whatever city they were in and fetch the most attractive women he could find. It wasn’t unusual for him to bring back as many as three, walk past disapproving Secret Service agents, lead them to the presidential suite, and bid the Commander in Chief goodnight in his thick Boston accent.

The Secret Service and FBI Director Hoover at the time (circa 1961-1963) were not amused. They were fearful that pillow talk might compromise national security, a concern that survives today. It’s dangerous stuff, and it does happen. One slip and there was no telling who’d get hold of the classified whispers.

President John F. Kennedy’s womanizing was hardly a secret among the adoring press and even those who disapproved of his politics. They were noted but unreported. There was an unwritten “gentlemen’s agreement” back then that presidential dalliances were out of bounds.

Not so today, although those engaging in sexual interludes are not presidents (as far as we know), but various law enforcement agents, who are comprising national security through pillow talk most foul.

The House Oversight Committee has had a parade of Justice Department and other agency and department heads testify that while those in their charge had indeed acted badly, especially when it came to illicit sex, they could not fire them. Instead, the agents would be sent home for two days to a week, then reinstated, security clearances still intact.

That is what comprises today’s punishment, save for particularly egregious offenses which can result in the revocation of a security clearance. Back in the 1960s, especially in the FBI, if Hoover got word of an agent’s hair being out of place, at best, that agent would be assigned to northern Alaska and, at worst, fired on the spot.

To the person, when asked by Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, why offenders identified in The Handling of Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Allegations by the Department’s Law Enforcement Components1 had not been canned, each director or agency head testified that under current Civil Service laws, not even they can fire an agent, not from the DEA, not from the Secret Service, not from the IRS or FBI, Short of committing a capital offense, firings seem to be impossible in Washington.

In checking through the OIG report assigned, the bad actors were identified and questioned. Sins were uncovered with stiff resistance and often via heavily redacted documents.

Chaffetz vented his spleen at DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart, according to The Blaze.2 “ [when she] testified at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing after a damning Inspector General report said DEA agents used prostitutes in Colombia that were provided by a drug cartel in that country. The report also said the DEA didn’t fully cooperate in the investigation.”3

“This is a matter of national security,” Chaffetz said. He went on to touch on the key findings: “The report goes on to highlight repeated sexual abuses including ATF training instructors sleeping with their students; using government vehicles to facilitate inappropriate sexual relationships; and managers sexually harassing employees and then asking them to watch pornography. The report also makes clear that when law enforcement engages in inappropriate and illicit sexual behavior, the agencies they work for oftentimes simply look the other way. To use the IG’s language, these cases of sexual misconduct are treated as, quote, local management issues, end quote. In other words, they’re basically swept under the rug.”4

He went on to say that the FBI and DEA tried to hide these incidents from their own Inspector General…and even told their employees not to cooperate. He explained that the IG asked the DEA to run more than 40 search terms to identify relevant information. “The three terms that they ran out of forty included, ‘sex,’ ‘prosti’ and ‘exposure.’ Why exclude the search terms the inspector general is asking for?”

He then read the DEA head the riot act for submitted documents so heavily redacted that the IG couldn’t figure out what they were about.

Citing all of the agencies investigated, Chaffetz said, “It’s incumbent on the leadership of these law enforcement agencies to weed out employees who put our security at risk, embarrass the country and break the law.

“People make mistakes,” he continued, “but these weren’t simple mistakes. This went on and on and on, multiple reports of sex parties, of loud parties to the point that the landlord was complaining back to our federal government about how out of control these parties were,” he said, his tone incredulous.

He concluded with a head shake, “It’s a sad day for the DEA.”

No, Mr. Chairman, it’s a sad day for the United States, and it clearly demonstrates how government agencies and departments seem to find nothing wrong with debauchery. Is it any wonder why the rest of the world regards the U.S. with a highly-raised eyebrow?

The only and best way to rectify this ethically is to rewrite the civil service laws and grant agency and department heads the power they need to fire any agent who engages in these kinds of activities. Period.



1.       The Handling of Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Allegations by the Department’s Law Enforcement Components Evaluation,  Evaluation and Inspections Division 15-04 March 2015
2.      ’They Need to Be Fired’: Chaffetz Explodes After DEA Chief Says She Can’t Fire Agents Who Get Prostitutes From Drug Cartels, ‘They Need to Be Fired’: Chaffetz Explodes After DEA Chief Says She Can’t Fire Agents Who Get Prostitutes From Drug Cartels, by Pete Kasperowicz, Apr. 14, 2015 12:23pm
3.      Ibid.
4.      Ibid


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Poisoning the Well” is not Working in New Hampshire, But We Can’t Help Ourselves

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-04-04 16:30 +0000

Kenn “The Out of State Lobbyist formerly known as Ken” Quinn works for Term Limits USA, but after reading his latest article, “So Voters, What Did We Learn From Last Week’s House Vote on Term Limits (HCR 4)” March 24, it appears that he may be moonlighting with the Southern Poverty Law Center.

We want to thank Hal Shurtleff for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

A good portion of the article contained a rehash of left-wing diatribes against The John Birch Society.

HCR 4 was not a vote on Congressional term limits; it was a vote to apply to Congress for an Article V Convention, ostensibly for proposing a Congressional term-limit amendment.

Mr. Quinn tells us that “In New Hampshire, over 3/4ths of the voters support term limit for Congress with an average of 77% which breaks out at 74% Republicans, 78% Democrats, and 78% Independents.”  If these stats are correct, why did New Hampshire voters re-elect all three of the incumbents running for Congress?

Just maybe, New Hampshire voters and legislators are leery of an Article V Convention. Sixty-six percent of the voters said no to a state constitutional convention in the last election.

Mr. Quinn will never learn that spending most of his testimony trashing the opposition doesn’t generate much support for his cause.   In 2021, State Rep Max Abramson sponsored a resolution applying for an Article V Convention.  I have known Max for a number of years and respect him.  He offered to debate the issue, and I arranged to have him debate Robert Brown, one of the nation’s foremost experts on the subject…The debate took place on Camp Constitution Radio. Max and Robert both made their cases without smearing and vilifying each other. (A  link to the debate)

That is how people of goodwill who disagree with each other manage controversial issues.

 Refuting Mr. Quinn’s accusations against The John Birch Society:

 Its founder Robert Welch called Eisenhower a “communist.”

Robert Welch was a Republican Party activist who was deeply troubled by President Eisenhower’s policies.  He did some meticulous research about him and only discovered more troubling history, including his willing participation in one of the little know but darkest chapters in our nation’s history, “Operation Keelhaul,” which was the forced repatriation of people fleeing the Red Army. Several million people, including women and children, who were promised safe haven by the allies, were forced into the hands of Stalin. Some women with babies in hand jumped to their deaths rather than being turned over to Stalin’s henchmen.  Most were murdered, raped, and worked to death in Siberia’s labor camps. 

Robert Welch published his finding in a book titled The Politician. He concluded that Eisenhower was either naïve, a willing opportunist or a conscious instrument of the communist conspiracy.  He let the readers of the book draw their own conclusions. Mr. Welch’s findings were independently corroborated by two authors years later in Other Losses and Target Patton:


The Civil Rights Movement was communist-controlled:

A picture is worth a thousand words. Here is Martin Luther King at the Highlander Folk School in Tennessee, run by American communists.  Seated next to King are high-level members of the Communist Party U.S.A:



President John Kennedy learned of the communists that worked for King, which included Karl and Anne Braden, Hunter Pitt O’Dell, Bayard Rustin, and Stanley Levinson who was the author of King’s “I Have a Dream Speech.”  Kennedy, during King’s visit to the White House, told King that he needed to get rid of the communists.  He never did. To learn more about the sordid record of MLK, I recommend the recently released documentary by my friend Vince Ellison titled “Will You Go to Hell For Me.”

The JBS tried to impeach Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren because the court ruled state laws separating children based on race were unconstitutional:

Here is Mr. Quinn playing the race card,  a tactic usually employed by the Left with the purpose of causing hatred and division.   For the record, The John Birch Society’s membership has always included blacks.

The John Birch Society launched The Impeach Earl Warren campaign and listed various reasons calling for his impeachment.  As California’s Attorney General, Warren enthusiastically supported the interment of over 100,000 Japanese- Americans.   Warren had no judicial experience and was little more than a political appointee.

Warren wrote the majority decision in  The Brown v Board of Education, basing it on social science studies from  Swedish socialist Gunnar Myrdal’s book An American Dilemma rather than court decisions. In so many words, he said that blacks feel inferior in all black schools, which is paternalistic racism. While this decision seemed right in the eyes of many Americans, it granted the federal government total and unconstitutional jurisdiction over local schools-a power the U.S. Constitution never granted to the federal government.   It also paved the way to forced busing. I was a student during the disastrous forced busing era in Boston. Thanks to Warren’s Supreme Court, the city erupted in violence.  Boston’s public school system was once the best in the nation and now it is one of the worst.  The schools are now segregated, with only a 15% white enrollment.  Warren’s court also gave us the Engel v. Vitale decision which made prayer in local schools illegal.

John McManus called Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan “communist lackeys.”

Prior to Biden, most conservatives ranked Jimmy Carter as the worst president in our history.  Carter’s pro-communist credentials include formally recognizing Communist China, cutting relations with Taiwan, and turning the Panama Canal over to Marxist  General Omar Torrijos.

Ronald Reagan is regarded as a great conservative leader even though, as Governor of California, he signed legislation decriminalizing abortion.  As a candidate for president, thanks to the influence of Dr. Mildred Jefferson and Phyllis Schlafly, Reagan came out as Pro-Life. Reagan did cut the growth of government but only vetoed one annual budget. I was an enthusiastic supporter of him in 1980, but after he was elected, I learned some troubling things about him, including bailing out Communist Poland, sending millions of dollars worth of military hardware to Communist China, and giving Communist China financial aid. For an understating of the Reagan Administration, I recommend a book by former Ambassador to Rumania David Funderburk, Pinstripes and Reds:

I admit that the term “communist lucky” may be harsh, but I am sure those people suffering under the Communist Chinese brutal regime may beg to differ.

The John Birch Society Bribed  New Hampshire State Senator Kevin Avard:

Mr. Quinn did not include this in his article, but he may have if we did not get word of this ugly lie.  In 2016, a friend of mine forwarded me an unsolicited E-mail from the New Hampshire Convention of States, led by Mr. Quinn at the time, which accused The John Birch Society of bribing State Senator Kevin Avard to change his support of an Article V Convention.  I wonder how many more lies were spread by the Convention of States against their opponents that we did not learn about.

Former JBS CEO Art Thompson called Thomas Jefferson a traitor:

I don’t have info on whether or not Mr. Thompson made such a statement, but if he did, it was his opinion and not a position of The JBS. He may have been referring to Jefferson’s initial support of the French Revolution and some of the correspondence between Jefferson and the man known as “Citizen Genet.”

In the end, the New Hampshire House wisely voted against HCR 1 and HCR 4, both applying for an Article V Convention by comfortable margins. After ten years and hundreds of thousands of dollars, Article V lobbyists on both sides of the political spectrum, which include Wolf PAC, founded by the odious Cenk Uygur, have had no success in New Hampshire. Let us hope that their losing streak continues.


The post “Poisoning the Well” is not Working in New Hampshire, But We Can’t Help Ourselves appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Rules From Biden’s Ministry of Visible Radiation Could Leave Poor People In the Dark

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-04-04 15:00 +0000

A little while back, during the Rule of Barak I – may he live restlessly in his propane-backup-powered sea-level mansion – his Czars made waves about the light bulbs you should be allowed to use. They preferred the curly ones from China with the poisonous mercury inside.

If you broke one, the EPA had rules and warnings, and unlike the cheap and reliable incandescent, you could not just toss them away (though many did).

You don’t see Compact Fluorescents as much, and not just because the Biden administration recently banned their sale. They have been eclipsed by LED bulbs, which last longer and lack the same hazardous innards – but incandescents are still cheaper and available, at least until August of 2023.


Under the rules, incandescent and similar halogen light bulbs will be prohibited in favor of light-emitting diode, or LED, alternatives. While U.S. households have increasingly switched to LED light bulbs since 2015, fewer than half of households reported using mostly or exclusively LEDs, according to the most recent results from the Residential Energy Consumption Survey.

… In December, the DOE introduced separate rules banning CFL bulbs, paving the way for LEDs to be the only legal light bulbs to purchase.


Guess who will be hit hardest by this compassionate, progressive mandate? Low-income “families.”

Because of its higher cost, LED lighting is overwhelmingly preferred by those with a bit more disposable income, while those with less can defer to the cheaper good ol’ standby – incandescents—better stock up. And maybe buy some candles before they ban those as well.

The Bidenistas have come for the Edison bulbs, but not everyone agrees it is a good idea.



“We believe that further regulatory interference in the marketplace is unwarranted given that more energy efficient lighting choices, namely light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, are already available for those consumers who prefer them over incandescent bulbs,” a coalition of free market and consumer groups opposed to incandescent bulb bans wrote in a comment letter to the DOE last year.

“While LEDs are more efficient and generally longer-lasting than incandescent bulbs, they currently cost more than incandescent bulbs and are inferior for certain functions such as dimming,” the letter continued. “Consumers are best served by retaining the choice between incandescent bulbs and LEDs rather than regulating incandescent bulbs off the market.”


We use LEDs in my home because it makes (cents). The Electric rates in New Hampshire have always been high. They are now the second highest in the nation, thanks to a mix of legislative and bureaucratic meddling and mismanaged mandates by service providers. Paying a little more for LED bulbs inevitably saves me money. It also forces you to change your habits and behaviors, which is what the Left is after. By making electricity expensive, they gain leverage. But it is always at the expense of the people the ruling class claim to champion.

Those they loathe.

Since long before Jonathon Swift’s Modest Proposal, the ruling class has trampled on the poor, many of whom are trapped there because that is where those in charge want them, especially in the once-prosperous West.

Poor, disenfranchised, race, sex, or gender-baited mobs make for a good revolution. And while the proto-Marixst Democrat socialists pretend to champion the victims, they only want their votes. The moment they’ve achieved the perennial one-party state and no longer need voting (it feels like we’re there already if you ask me), the only thing the victims should expect is that their numbers will swell.

That means more hands and mouths fighting for the same or dwindling resources, leaving everyone with less except those in charge. And, thanks to new rules regarding visible radiation, in the dark, which is precisely where your would-be “betters” want you.



HT |The Gateway Pundit

The post New Rules From Biden’s Ministry of Visible Radiation Could Leave Poor People In the Dark appeared first on Granite Grok.

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