The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 18 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

The Skip & Tom Weight Challenge – Week 5

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-04-10 15:15 +0000

Baskin & Robbins Chocolate Fudge and Easter Dinner – yes, one of us slowed down and one of us went backward. Yes, it happens and I reminded Tom of one of my sayings: “Everything in moderation – including moderation”. One for him and one for me. Just in different proportions.

I only dropped one pound – but I know the reason. While it’s a long story, I was introduced to B&R’s Chocolate Fudge back when I was at BU and a store was located in Kenmore Square right down the street. Heat of a summer’s day, the icy blast of a blizzard day, I’d walk down and get a pint with CF on the bottom and chocolate chip on the top.  A lot of trips during my years there.  Well, there are no B&R stores up this-a-way but the local Shaw’s started carrying the product line a couple of months ago but only had the chocolate chip.

That is, until this week when I discovered that the B&R shelf space in the freezer had expanded and they now had the chocolate fudge. Just one pint was purchased but it didn’t last the day. Heck, it didn’t even last the afternoon!

Tom, on the other hand, had a traditional Easter dinner – and tossed moderation aside. Understandable (EIM-IM, above).  So while I am starting to hit the wall, he went backward. He’s also working out and taking some weight lifting and changing his diet to support it, so he’s gaining muscle mass (yay for me unless I get him mad…snicker).

So, the tale of the Thermometer and Chart

So almost mid-point for me but “less fast” and Tom lost ground. Let’s see what next week’s rebound will be:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Children Won’t Know Snow” Update – Snowfall Records Broken in Wyoming

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-04-10 15:00 +0000

Climate Cultists say crazy apocalyptic things to keep the progressive peeps in line, and it gives the media soundbites to terrorize normal folks. And anyone who groundhogs the approved narrative risks a bit of rhetorical whack-a-mole, but not responding to their stupid ’emissions’ is hard to resist.

Related: Bureaucrat Caught Being Honest About the Climate Agenda Has Resigned

Nothing they predict comes true, like how our indifference and inaction to this imagined problem meant our children would not know snow.

It has been at least 15 years since they broke the seal on that doozy. Plenty of our children’s children have “known” snow. But this has been a lousy year with record snowfall across the west and the left Coast. They’ve got more snow than you can shake a measuring stick at *record snowfall all over, including places where children saw snow for the first time because it rarely snows where they live.

But, what’s a lying, scheming Climate Cultise to do? If they’d said that more kids would know about snow because of Global Warming, would we have listened? Someone has because a few years later, they adjusted the narrative. Both more snow and less snow were signs of the climate apocalypse, securing the dogma of the irrefutable scientific climate consensus as no matter what, it’s terrible. But don’t worry; we can fix it with Marxism.

But the old narrative still rings false in our ears. It is still, after all, about your CO2 boiling the planet, and that’s not happening.

Tony Heller from Real Climate Science reports that Casper, Wyoming, just set a historical record for single storm and single-day accumulation.



So much for kids not knowing what snow is, but back to the Warming. It can snow more the closer we get to zero degrees C—no such luck.



Record snow, record cold. Not to worry. Remember, warming causes cooling. Cooling causes Warming. And none of that is natural or normal.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Kamala Dropped The Ball

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-04-10 13:30 +0000

When someone fails to do what is right, is that dropping the ball or just another failure in a series of failures? Nashville has taken some shots in the last week. From the senseless killing of six innocent souls at the hand of an unstable woman to the expulsion of two Democrat state legislators, Nashville is not used to bad press. Nashville is also not used to being snubbed by anyone, let alone the hapless Vice President of the United States. If you saw Harris was going to Nashville this week, you would have thought she would pay the respects of the country to the families of the six dead victims buried this week. You would be wrong; Kamala Harris is an embarrassment to this great nation.

Kamala Harris traveled to Nashville to support the three disgraced state representatives who had embarrassed themselves and the state. Two Representatives were expelled, and the third barely kept her job. The President also met with the three reps via Zoom to show his support for their strength and courage. The town of East Palestine, Pennsylvania, is still waiting for a call or visit from either member of the Executive Branch.

First, let’s look at her address. She was overly dramatic, using a plethora of accents. She was attempting to connect with every minority in the room. It didn’t work. She came across as unreal and animated. There were two reasons for the VP’s visit. One was to show her support for the ousted Democrats. The other was to chide the Republicans for their actions. This is what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris call reuniting the country-driving a wedge between us at every opportunity.

The story of the Tennessee Representatives is for another article. This story is about the Vice President. Harris went to Fisk University, an all-Black school in Nashville, to condemn the White Republicans who destroyed Democracy by silencing two Black Reps and removing them. This address by Harris is what fosters racism. Making the issue about Race is the Ace of Spades for the Democrats. These Reps disrupted a state legislature, used bull horns, and disrespected their colleagues and the state. Our VP did not mention what they did and why they were expelled. For her, it is enough to call them leaders, to call them heroes, to call them Black, and to identify those who removed these Reps as the angry white machine that cannot have such a threat in place. The threat must be eliminated.

Kamala began her address with her trademark giggle before she broke into her passionate speech. She was in her element, and she was singing to the choir. She was at Fisk, not to discuss the Reps and their ouster. She was at Fisk to rile the troops. She patronized these students by calling them all leaders. The crowd was loud and receptive. Just what the administration was looking for.

Harris accomplished her goal, but in so doing, she embarrassed most of America by snubbing and disrespecting the six victims of the Nashville mass shooting. Their families would like to hear how the loss of their family members did not die in vain and the steps would be taken to prevent a repeat. The families would remain disappointed.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Research: COVID and Flu Vaccines Are Not “Preventing” Hospitalization

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-04-10 12:00 +0000

We’ve got another good read from Igor Chudov’s Substack, in which he dissects a recent JAMA Network research report on Veterans and the ineffectiveness of Flu and COVID vaccines at reducing hospitalization, as in they don’t.

 64% of patients hospitalized with COVID were vaccinated against the flu. 63% of patients hospitalized with flu were vaccinated against the flu.

We know that the influenza vaccine does not prevent Covid hospitalizations. But if the influenza vaccine prevented influenza hospitalizations, there would be fewer influenza-vaccinated people hospitalized for influenza than influenza-vaccinated people hospitalized for Covid.

Do you recall the campaigns encouraging you to get not just the COVID shot but a Flu Vaccine as well? They’ve been pushing seasonal flu vaccines but more so in this century. It probably made sense for the needle in every arm brigade to get you twice while they had you captive and willing. But shortly after, they reversed course and said, DONT DO THAT! Bad things were happening.

Based on this research (2022-2023 study), getting them separately wasn’t much help either.

And I am not saying people at risk should not consider the flu vaccine. That’s your call. My own experience with them is not news here. The only years I ever got the flu, I was convinced to get the flu shot (two in the past ten). My current policy is to take a pass on all of them despite being in the at-risk category, which was before COVID, and I was right to avoid that too.

Vitamin D3 (w/ K2) and Zinc have proved effective for me. Several family members have gotten a handful of colds/flu since the pandemic paranoia winddown, two of whom are jabbed, but not me – but you are not me. As is our standing policy with everything, we’re just reporting on what we find and offering our thoughts. Do your research and figure out what works for you. But the data continues to suggest that these injections are not living up to the hype while elevating the risk of potential harm with little or limited benefit if you elect to get one.


Igor Chudov | JAMA Study

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

An Open Letter to Four Senate Finance Committee members

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-04-10 10:30 +0000

Greetings, committee members. While I haven’t read all 149 pages of the budget heading your way, I know some who have. This email could easily get very long, but I will try to keep it short and focus on my biggest grievances against the House for passing it.

We want to thank Julie Smith for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

I will start with the nearly 20% increase in spending. That is NOT the NH way to do things! We already see this kind of fiscal irresponsibility here in the city of Nashua and in Washington, neither of which government bodies I have any representation in. That goes for the House also! I can always count on Mr. and Mrs. Newman to vote in a manner that’s repugnant to my values, but such is life. Since my senator, who I voted for, is not on this committee, it is up to YOU to restore sanity to this bill before he votes on it.

I am sure you will hear from others about what Jim Kofalt calls “Christmas tree ornaments” in this omnibus bill, but I will narrow my concerns down to two items for this email, the first one being the augmentation of the state police force.

On 10/13/21, His Excellency weaponized the state police against his peaceful critics at an Executive Council meeting. Since two of you were not in the senate at the time, I want to point out that nobody in the previous senate condemned that in the public square. I personally watched this “police state” in action from a front-row seat right next to the husband of arrest victim number 8. Since that arrestee lives in New Ipswich, I brought this atrocity to the attention of my own senator, and he said the senate had to stay in its lane and that I should take the matter up with Wheeler, which I tried to do.

While this bill is not necessarily the SENATE’s opportunity to be involved with state police reform, the least you (Finance Committee and the whole Senate) can do is stop the expansion. Please cut it out of the bill. It is Easter right now as I type this, and the next person who gets arrested for saying the word AMEN could be someone near and dear to YOU!

The other item I want to address is State of Emergency reform. Two years ago, the House put some good language into HB 2 that the Senate had watered down. Naturally furious that the ball was dropped on the one window of opportunity to tie His Excellency’s hands in the form of an omnibus bill, I complained to my senator in a text, and he kindly called me right away, which I appreciated. However, he seemed more focused on the senate’s accomplishments, several of which I do agree with him on (EFAs, banning CRT), but abuse of the State of Emergency must be curbed. Sorry to sound like Hillary, but to keep NH worthy of being called the “Live Free or Die state,” the Corner Office MUST be restrained by any means necessary, no matter who occupies it in the future.

Unless NH dot gov is wrong, the Senate Finance Committee has seven members, and I have selected your four to send this appeal *”” <>, <>, <>,<>). As presumably intelligent people, you all know that the two notorious lovers of spending are going to try to pork up the budget even more, and the man with the gavel is sadly likely to go along with it. I won’t bore you with citing many items of evidence of their reputations, but suffice it to say that I see this committee as a four vs. three at best.

And on a final note, I was angry and saddened by the loss of Gary Daniels, a good man worthy of his seat, his committee assignments, and his leadership position. Please honor his service to Granite Staters by rehabilitating the budget to something that would meet his standards. And by that, I also mean that no strings should be attached to any incoming federal money, as he and Senator Giuda had voted NO on 11/19/21.

Thank you for your consideration, and let it be known that I am not alone in pointing out that you are being watched.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Are Freedom-seeking Iranians Ready To Dislodge the Tyrannical Mullahs?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-04-10 01:30 +0000

Over the past forty-four years, many of us have seen various Iranian opposition groups and TV channels pop up, one after another, but none united or supported their competitors. Each group had its own agenda. A typical Iranian dilemma: “Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.”

This has been our dilemma until the new generation of Iranian women rose up and said no more.

Protests are not a new event in Iran. They’ve erupted over the years — over election fraud, economic malaise, and civil liberties. But this time is different — an unprecedented revolution led by women and the support from men. What’s fascinating about this revolution is the first time in history that women have been both the spark and engine of the revolution.

Although Mahsa Amini’s death sparked massive and widespread protests, these protests did not transpire spontaneously. They are a symptom of deep-seated and festering dissent. The list of grievances is sorely long. Decades of excessive corruption and widespread maladministration have tattered the economy. The middle class is virtually nonexistent, and the working class has sunk into desolation.


Iran’s Prince Reza Pahlavi says the Charter of Solidarity and Freedom of Iran creates the basis of cooperation among opposition forces to oust the Islamic Republic. Prince Reza Pahlavi is right. If Iranians remain divided, there won’t be a chance against the powerful Islamic regime with the vast and destructive power apparatus that has no problem using it against its own population as it did during the  2009 Green Movement.

Sadly, Iranians are inherently too stubborn to work within a group like the Japanese are.  A Japanese proverb says, “A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle.” This means that ten arrows are stronger than a single arrow. If you change the arrows to people, you will understand more about why the Japanese are so group-oriented.

If my assessment is accurate, we are in it for the long haul.

After forty-four long and draining years since the arrival of Ayatollah Khomeini, I am puzzled as to why our political activists or groups have never compromised or found common ground to work with one another for the sake of Iran in order rescue her from further drift into the abyss.


It is no secret that our wealthy competitor, known as “Mujahedeen Khalgh” or just MEK, is a Marxist Iranian opposition group that claims to be the government in exile. It is known as the cult of Rajavi and feels it has the upper hand with the unlimited support of many current and former US and European officials and funds, but with zero support of the Iranian people from the inside.

Personal note

The Iranian opposition groups abroad have one thing in common; they agree that the situation in Iran is dire indeed. Anyone who believes that sane, rational people on both sides are engaged in brinkmanship to secure the best advantage, but would eventually work out a compromise, is deluding himself. In some cases, time works as a healer and even as a solution to thorny problems. Yet, this problem will not go away, and time would only make the cataclysmic clash more likely and deadly.

Iranians, by tradition and temperaments, are activists in the true sense of the word. We have always taken an active interest in any community in which we live. You can observe that in the United States as well, where Iranian-Americans run for office and participate actively at all levels of civic and political life. We are not inclined to be spectators of life since we had to be active participants in order to survive in the hostile environment of our neighborhood.

I never had the privilege of meeting Prince Pahlavi in person, but after forty-four years of crusading, his maturity, knowledge, charisma, and full understanding of the current events in Iran are quite impressive and noticeable. He has become quite an articulate politician. Whether we like it or not, Prince Pahlavi is the only asset that can unite Iranians in order to topple the Islamic Republic from power.

Undeniably, Prince Pahlavi is very popular among the Iranian people (young and old), and recent protesters on numerous occasions have been chanting his name to return home and “Make Iran Great Again.”

Prince Pahlavi’s calm temperament and demeanor make him an ideal catalyst among different opposition groups.

Question to opposition groups: What are you afraid of? It is either now or never. It is freedom and democracy-seeking secular Iranians who are thoroughly capable of dislodging the tyrannical Mullahs. They will eventually accomplish this task with or without any help from the outside, yet, it would be expedient to give these valiant fighters a hand so that future generations can recall this generation of expatriate Iranians as trailblazers who had the courage to break from the bleak past and launch a bright future.


Great opportunities don’t come every day — recognize and seize them with every chance you get. If we fail to take action with this golden opportunity now, future historians will ask: how could the entire group have seen it coming and done nothing about it? What kind of drugs were these people on?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The 2023 Belknap County Budget – It Wasn’t Just About the Money

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-04-10 00:00 +0000

The 2023 Belknap County Budget would make for a most interesting case study for students enrolled in a graduate school program and course in public administration. At the same time, examining the process—and especially the decisions made around the processes and procedures adopted by the Delegation’s Budget Committee, cries out to me for corrections and improvements to be made prior to next year.

The Delegation’s majority chose by election to constitute a Budget Committee comprised of seven of its Members, at least six of whom had not served on prior Delegation Budget Committees. Representative Barbara Comtois (Barnstead), the only Delegation Member with prior experience, having served on several Delegation Budget Committees, was passed over. So was I, despite my decades of budgeting experience with other local and regional governing bodies.

Predictably, the lack of experience represented by this year’s Budget Committee resulted in mistakes and misjudgments, not so much on numbers, but rather with respect to a commitment to adopting and carrying out a lawful, fully informed, deliberative, transparent, and engaging process. The meetings that had not been properly noticed effectively precluded public awareness and the opportunity for input. The only time Public Comment was allowed on the recommended budget was at the March 29 meeting—figuratively speaking, at one minute to midnight.

The House Finance Committee invited legislators to Concord on April 4 for a presentation of the committee’s recommended state budget. A handout included a detailed summary for each major category, as well as the budget by line items. As the recommended state budget was scheduled for House action on April 6, time was thus provided for Representatives to study it, discuss it, and provide opportunities for floor amendments to be filed.

In contrast, the Belknap County Budget was presented to Members of the Delegation for the first time on the very night it was moved for adoption. No doubt dating myself, I recall to mind the saying of exasperation, “That’s no way to run a railroad!” Rather, best practices would indicate that the budget the Delegation was being asked to act upon should have been sent to each member of the Delegation as soon as practicably possible following its approval by the Budget Committee—in other words, comfortably prior to March 29.

No doubt the current Delegation governing majority will learn from and correct some of this year’s errors of omission and commission. I hope that among any other changes, the Budget Committee makes will be one that extends an invitation to all Delegation Members and the public to provide constructive criticism of this year’s experience and seek suggestions for adoption of a much more inclusive, inviting, and engaging set of principles, processes, and procedures to be followed in 2024, all in full accordance with the law.

Not only do all the Members of the Belknap County Delegation deserve better next year, but also the citizens and taxpayers of Belknap County.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

State of Emergency Reform in Peril Take Action Today

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-09 22:30 +0000

HB 127, relative to the declaration of a state of emergency, has passed the House and had a hearing in the Senate last week. This is the bill the Governor vetoed last year.

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The Senate committee voted unanimously for the bill to be killed and it heads to the floor Thursday, April 13th, with an Inexpedient to Legislate recommendation. Several of the members of that committee gladly voted for this exact bill only last year, so one must wonder what has occurred for such a change of heart in less than a year.

The House amended the language of HB127 to the budget trailer bill this week, most likely to garner votes from legislators who support State of Emergency reform and would not otherwise vote for a budget with such excessive spending.

Please call Senate President Jeb Bradley and Senate Majority Leader  Sharon Carson and tell them to support HB 127, common sense state of emergency reform, regardless of what Governor Sununu wants.
Senator Bradley: 603.271.3479
Senator Carson: 603.271.3266

Public Health Ordinance Bill

Tuesday, April 11th, N.H. Senate
Election Law and Municipal Affairs
Room 103, State House
  9:15 a.m. – SUPPORT –HB 154, relative to the adoption of public health ordinances by municipalities. Currently the law does not require a public hearing in order for a select board to adopt a public health ordinance. This proposal not only provides for a public hearing before the public health ordinance is adopted, but allows the legislative body to vote in the proposed ordinance by a majority vote. The public health boards under this proposal, could be voted on at the annual town meeting or by calling a special town meeting.
 Click here to register your disposition.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don’t Call Me Transphobic, This Is Simply Insane

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-09 21:00 +0000

Many prominent American companies are employing the same spokesperson to hype their products. What they are actually doing is angering a significant number of their customers.

I would think that Disney taught a lesson about the pitfalls of going WOKE, but apparently, some companies were not paying attention. Budweiser, NIKE, and Kate Spade are amongst the companies who feel that transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney is the new face of their products. You can add these products to those I am committed to never buying again.

My decision is not about boycotting but about deciding with my spending dollars not to support companies that openly push the transgender movement. We, consumers, can get upset with companies and complain about their policies, or we can spend our hard-earned money elsewhere. We need to make these companies realize they are making bad choices by not contributing to their bottom line.

Dylan Mulvaney is a hot property at this time, with companies looking to show how diverse and progressive they are. I do not see the logic or value in having a male model and singing the praises of a female sports bra. Obviously, NIKE does.

I am sickened by this all-out effort by the WOKE to normalize the transgender movement in this country. I will acknowledge that there is a medical condition called Gender Dysphoria. Gender Dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics. I will not acknowledge that this condition is present in the multitude of people who are seeking gender reassignment, especially the young people who are being subjected to chemical and physical reassignment. In the case of children, this is blatant abuse.

Companies that are glorifying this social movement are doing society a disservice. They are complicit in a tragedy of our time. They are encouraging young people to pursue treatment for a condition that does not exist. This social movement will leave many regretting they got caught up in the momentum. Many who go through gender reassignment either undergo a second series of costly surgeries to reverse the procedure or live with depression and regret. The incidence of suicide amongst transgender individuals is much higher than the national average.

The military is actively recruiting doctors proficient in transgender surgery. American taxpayers are footing the bill for reassignment surgery of military personnel. There is much written about the increase in the number of people who identify with the opposite sex, but what I cannot find is the motivator pushing our educators to promote gender change amongst schoolchildren.

It is ironic that in a time when words like inclusive and diverse are used freely, people and companies are showing with their actions to be anything but inclusive. These ads, run by some prominent but far too progressive companies, will only polarize the public. They will lose customers and investors in the name of being identified as WOKE. When this trend passes, as they all do, there will be much regret and images to be corrected. I hope that time comes sooner than later, and I’ll pass on the Bud Light.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont Lawmakers Look For Ways to Keep Kids From Attending Religious Schools

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-09 19:30 +0000

Vermont has a squishy Republican governor and veto-proof majorities of Dems in its legislature. Team Blue is looking for a workaround to Carson v. Makin which forbids a state with a tuitioning program from discriminating against children who might want to spend it at faith-based schools.

They say things like, “More public education money than ever is going to religious schools that discriminate against LGBTQ students.”

Families are already taking their public money to religious schools here in Vermont.

And some of these schools, on their websites, and in their admission papers, say they won’t admit gay or trans students. So, you know, our public money is now paying for religious schools that discriminate against these kids.

And there’s another thing, and that’s that there’s a compelled support clause in the Vermont Constitution, and that says that Vermonters cannot be forced to support a religion they don’t agree with.

For the record, Vermonters have been forced to support religions with which they might disagree for decades. The Feds hand billions in “public money” to religious organizations to resettle refugees yearly. Billions with a “B.” Democrats (as a Party) not only have no qualms or concerns, they’ve been known to defend the investment.

They’d give money to Jesus himself if he were willing to hold a BLM sign or wear Antifa black block and suppress the speech of Republicans.

This is not a question of discrimination (unless you mean against people of faith). It is about education control. The Constitution continues to get between them and your children, and schools that won’t indoctrinate kids in the fashionable gender mythology of the day threaten their ‘mission.’

As for discriminating against gay or trans kids, as long as they can get whatever the government claims passes for an education, they can choose any private school they want. Sorry, that’s not true. Numerous private schools refuse kids for a wide range of reasons. These are the schools to which the wealthier among us, including those on the Political Left, send their kids.

They are expensive enough to make them exclusive bastions of ruling-class privilege—places where academic rigor results in a mind taught how to learn, not just what to learn.

The government schools are for everyone else and, with the help of government unions, are a monopoly over which the progressive project (with rare exceptions) have absolute educational and ideological control. A cartel that funnels “public money” through a system that, with few exceptions, advocates and activates a partisan political agenda that -coincidentally – aligns with the priorities of Vermont Democrats.

They have a trapped (future) constituency through whom they can advance policy. But people of faith are protected from government mandates that force them to operate outside their chosen belief system. Children and their parents or guardians cannot be prohibited from using a state school tuitioning program.

And since the state cannot be so bold as to refuse to certify qualifying faith-based schools to protect their secular monopoly, they are left with how to prevent students who might do better outside the public school from using education dollars to get that education beyond their control.

That is the problem Vermont Democrats are trying to solve, and so far, they’ve been unable to find a way to do it, and that’s good news.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey, Mx. Transwomynx, Got a Prostate? Then Guess What?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-09 18:00 +0000

It seems that most of what goes on around “a Transwoman IS A WOMAN!!!” when it comes to the arena of ideas that anyone can change their sex from male to female or the other way around.  It always seems to be oriented around what “equipment” a woman has that a transwoman doesn’t, that some women can’t bear children so it “takes away” that argument about transwomen, et al, et al, et al. Some of these transwomynx disturbed people have complained that they have had periods in trying to have people that they have the equivalent (and the pain) of having periods. Which, as a biologist, requires that a body has a working uterus that hasn’t undergone menopause.

So Matt Walsh (he of the famous question “What Is A Woman?) has a great question of a “transgender” EMT concerning if the EMT was called to see a Transwomen who was complaining about having a miscarriage (hey,  so why not go to the next level?).  After the intro to this video, really watch that long pause by the transgender EMT:

Matt Walsh Roasts Trans EMT With One Simple Question


So let me reverse which way the “argument” is facing. It isn’t what a transwoman doesn’t have, it’s all about the organ that they DO have – that a “women” doesn’t. Again, being a biologist, I’m not clear as to why I didn’t think of this before – or others?

That would be the organ that for which almost all men hate going to a doctor for an annual exam. I’ll tell you, I absolutely HATE it every time:

Yep, after, after that “SNAP” of the glove, the next thing you hear is “bend over ” as the doc checks your prostate.

YOUR PROSTATE!  And it is generally, for me, not a comfortable exam. I’ll leave the details to the reader. So it’s real is exclusively a male organ (just not the one that most people think of as being part of maleness in this whole transgender mashup). Women don’t have it – and can’t. Just like men can’t have ovaries and uteruses (uteri?).

SO, the next time you hear the denial argument that not all women can’t give birth in trying to rationalize that they are a woman, ask them if they have a prostate?

Got one? You’re a dude unless you had a congenital issue or surgery.  Dudettes don’t. Period (and not the way I used that word earlier).

Now, will this be sufficient to win an argument?  No because transgenderism for many has become a faith religion – they CAN’T look at themselves with any kind of reality because then they would be heretical to themselves.  This is why they always try to separate biological sex from gender (but they are starting to lose on that front every time Normal people see a hulking 6’5” male trying to believe they are something that they can never be).  But it can result in some amusing looks on some faces.

And for the record, I like the rest of the podcast as well.

(H/T: Daily Caller)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Marijuana Legalization Bill Passes House with Major Bipartisan Support

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-09 16:30 +0000

Concord, N.H. — Marijuana legalization is one step closer to reality in New Hampshire after the state House of Representatives voted 272-109 to pass HB 639.

HB 639, a bill to legalize marijuana in New Hampshire, has bipartisan sponsors in House and Senate

While legalization efforts have fallen short in recent years, this year’s effort has positive momentum heading into the state Senate with HB 639 having bipartisan sponsors in both the House and Senate.

HB 639, which would legalize marijuana for adults over the age of 21, is co-sponsored by House Republican and Democrat leaders, Representative Jason Osborne (R) and Representative Matt Wilhelm (D), and is supported by a broad coalition of representatives from the marijuana industry and civil rights and policy groups.

Polling has shown that the vast majority, more than 70%, of New Hampshire residents support the legalization of marijuana for adults. In recent years, legalization bills have passed in the state House of Representatives, but have fallen short in the state Senate.

“I am pleased to see New Hampshire take a step toward relieving gangsters and thugs from control of this market, keeping dangerous untested products away from consumers, and protecting children from harmful age-inappropriate products,” said Representative Jason Osborne.

“With the decisive passage of HB 639, the New Hampshire House has sent a strong message that this is the year to legalize adult-use cannabis in the Granite State,” said Representative Matt Wilhelm. “Every year we fail to legalize marijuana, the state wastes valuable resources and ruins the lives of many young and poor Granite Staters by enforcing failed prohibition. New Hampshire remains the only state in New England that has failed to legalize cannabis, while our neighbors benefit from increased revenue and their cannabis users benefit from safer testing and regulation of the product. Legalization of adult possession of small amounts of cannabis is the right thing to do for New Hampshire and we must get it done in 2023.”

HB 639 now passes to the state Senate, where it also will be supported by a bipartisan group.  State Senator Keith Murphy (R), State Senator Becky Whitley (D), and State Senator Donovan Fenton (D) are supporting this bill through the Senate, and plan to work with members of their parties to get adult-use marijuana legalization to the governor’s desk for the first time.

“Prohibition has proven over and over to be a failed public policy,” said State Senator Keith Murphy. “It is especially ineffective when all of our surrounding states have already legalized marijuana possession and use. Investigating and prosecuting cannabis possession is a terrible waste of tax dollars. For these reasons, I am encouraging my Senate colleagues to support the bill.”

“There’s momentum behind marijuana legalization this year, Granite Staters want this to happen and it’s time that lawmakers come together and listen to our constituents,” said State Senator Becky Whitley. “HB 639 would stop the cycle of harm caused by enforcing marijuana prohibition from the day that it’s signed. With such far-reaching, positive impact at stake, there’s no time to wait.”

The broader coalition of bill HB 639 includes: Americans for Prosperity – New Hampshire, The American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire, New Hampshire Cannabis Association, Prime ATC, Hon. Timothy Egan, Hon. Joe Hannon, Attorney Paul Twomey, and the Marijuana Policy Project.

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Coalition members said:

Ross Connolly, AFP-NH Deputy State Director, said, “We applaud the New Hampshire House for once again passing HB 639 by an overwhelming, bipartisan majority. Public polling consistently shows 70%+ of Granite Staters support legalizing cannabis for adults. Representatives made it clear that they stand with their constituents by finding a bipartisan compromise that protects consumer safety, restricts access to minors, and keeps the regulatory and tax structure low to ensure retail cannabis in the Granite State is competitive with our neighbors. We encourage the Senate and Governor to join the House in supporting this thoughtful and uniquely New Hampshire approach to legalizing cannabis for adults.”

Frank Knaack, Policy Director for the ACLU of New Hampshire, said, “Sold to the public in the name of public safety, New Hampshire’s marijuana laws needlessly ensnare over a thousand people — disproportionately Black people — in its criminal justice system every year. New Hampshire’s war on marijuana harms community safety, wastes taxpayer dollars, is enforced with a staggering racial bias, and ruins lives — it’s time for it to end.”

Hon. Timothy Egan, NHCANN Board of Advisors Chair, said “HB 639 is a great example of intelligent, bipartisan legislation by two important House Committees. It answers our residents’ call for regulation, in a fiscally prudent manner, while being socially respectful to our communities, public safety officials and patients. We look forward to engaging the Senate and Governor, to gain their insights on this “New Hampshire way” of legalizing cannabis for adults.”

Karen O’Keefe, Marijuana Policy Project director of state policies, said, “Year after year, legalization bills have died in the Senate after passing the House, leaving New Hampshire as the only state in New England that hasn’t legalized and regulated cannabis for adults. HB 639 is informed by the lessons of the 21 states that have already legalized cannabis and reflects the priorities and values of New Hampshire. It’s past time for the Granite State to live up to its ’Live Free’ motto and finally end their status as an island of prohibition by passing this bill.“

View a bill summary from the Marijuana Policy Project here, and a fact sheet from the ACLU of New Hampshire here.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Amish Farmer Tells ATF He Does Not Need an FFL to Sell Long Guns and It’s Off to Court They Go

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-09 15:00 +0000

Reuben King is an Amish farmer in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He’s got a side hustle selling long guns to the locals. How many? When the ATF raided his barn, they confiscated 615 of them.

Undercover ATF and State Troopers had been buying guns from King from 2019 to  2021. In the middle of all that, the ATF sent King a letter telling him he needed a Federal Firearms License or he had to stop selling guns.


But King doesn’t need an FFL, his attorney, Joshua Prince, told The Epoch Times. He will argue the FFL itself is unconstitutional.

Firearms sellers—those who sell occasionally from a private collection, and those who hold an FFL— have come under more scrutiny since June 2021 when President Joe Biden declared “zero tolerance for rogue gun dealers that willfully violate the law.”


King’s private collection included, according to the ATF,


During the January barn raid at King’s property, the ATF said it recovered ample evidence of an ongoing gun selling business, including 615 guns, many marked with price tags; approximately 10,000 rounds of ammunition; detailed records showing thousands of purchases and sales of guns over many years; receipts for advertisements placed in a local newspaper offering firearms for sale under several names and phone numbers; and plastic bowls containing numerous pre-marked price tags sorted by denominations.

King had approximately 30 brand-new, Savage Axis rifles (26 in the same caliber)—each in an unopened factory box, and all in a larger palleted shipping box—as well as a similar stack of 19 Silver Eagle shotguns (18 in the same gauge), also new in box, court papers say.


Don’t you wish your personnel collection looked like that too? Well, maybe it could. King’s lawyer will be working to make that possible.


The U.S. Supreme Court has said the understanding of the Second Amendment around the time of the founding is the best measure of what the founders intended.

“You will not find any laws in existence around the time of the founding that required an individual to obtain a license to be able to sell firearms,” Prince said. “It wasn’t until 1938 that the first Federal Firearms Act, requiring sellers of firearms to become licensed, was enacted.” That was 147 years later.

When you’re right, you are right. The right to keep and bear arms say nothing about how or how many. And it has long been understood that in almost any society, you are free to trade, gift, or sell your property. So, what if that property consists of several hundred rifles?

Is that a line you won’t cross?

The weenie progressives are wetting themselves at the thought of seeing a truck back up in their neighbor’s driveway to drop off a pallet of rifles. I’d pay to see a picture of that. But given the new SCOTUS benchmark for gun laws, restrictions, rules, and provisos, the Amish Farmer may be on to something.

If the case finds its way to the highest court, the ATF might find itself with a lot more free time on its hands, which, maybe, they could spend learning how not to shoot people’s dogs or – since it’s trendy – helping the FBI find unhinged military aged American Yutes who claim to be transgender.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

One Member Of State Party NOT Suffering From Low Testosterone

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-09 13:30 +0000

This post is about my agreement with a recent tweet from Ryan Terrell, the NHGOP Vice Chair … because (1) that tweet is spot on and (2) that he tweeted it shows that unlike most of the “leaders” of the NHGOP he is NOT suffering from low testosterone. The tweet:

Note that he is NOT saying that there are no persuadable voters. He is saying that in the aggregate Democrats are not persuadable. And he is absolutely correct. People who reflexively call you … or who believe that you are … Nazis, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Fascists, Putin’s Puppets, Homophobic, Transphobic, et. etc. etc., EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY (sorry, bitter-clingers, but they are saying it indirectly when they say the candidates you vote for are Nazis, etc. etc. etc. and the policies you support are ___phobic, etc. etc. etc.), are obviously NOT going to be swayed by facts, logic or reason.

And … it is sad I have to explain this to some of you … the people who call you Nazis, etc. etc. etc. and call the policies you support authoritarianism, fascism, ___phobic, etc. etc. etc. DO HATE YOU. Are you that in denial, or that lacking in self-esteem, or that pathetic that you actually believe that the people who say AND BELIEVE that Trump is Hitler don’t hate you?

So here is a STUPID reply to Terrell from one of the NHGOP “insiders”:

Terrell is NOT saying New Hampshire elections can be won with “hard republicans” alone. What I take away from his tweet is that he is saying is that every minute a GOP candidate spends trying to reason with, find common ground with, etc. etc. etc. “hard Democrats” is a wasted minute … that every dollar spent trying to win the votes of “hard Democrats” is a dollar wasted. “Hard Democrats” … no matter if they call themselves “Independents” … are NOT persuadable. People who believe that you are Nazis, that democracy only exists when their candidates win, etc. etc. etc. are NOT persuadable. PERIOD.

My view, as I have made clear repeatedly, is that New Hampshire is a lost cause. Terrell obviously disagrees … otherwise he wouldn’t have run for Vice Chair. But unlike so many others in the NHGOP, he at least sees the opposition for what they are … and has the testosterone to call it like he sees it.

Unlike this low-testosterone  excuse for a State Representative, Joke Sweeney who responded to Terrell as follows:

Dear Joker, the budget the majority GOP House passed represents capitulation, not persuasion. You gave up on expanding Education Freedom Accounts and reduced that budget appropriation by $10 million each year, despite increasing overall spending by nearly$2,000 per person … in order to get Democrat support for cutting interest and dividend taxes for wealthy people. In other words, you screwed working and middle class parents. If that’s a “huge win for conservatives” one shudders to think what a loss would look like.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Hiccup in the Prosecution of the J6 Defendants

Libertarian Leanings - Sun, 2023-04-09 13:05 +0000
By Clarice Feldman, American Thinker In a 107-page split opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia may well have torched the outrageous overcharging of hundreds of people who peacefully walked through the Capitol, a public building,... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

A Curious Collection of Comments To Consider.

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-09 12:00 +0000

I have heard a rumor that no one is above the law. This is the alleged rationale for the indictment of former president Donald Trump. To borrow from our President-in-Name-Only, I only have two words: Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Are you old enough to remember how their behavior was either dismissed, supported, or both?

A letter writer to the Sun (4-3-23) somehow believes that Trump’s indictment made accountability great again. Uh-huh. See the previous paragraph.

I found Rep. Bordes’ reasoning for eliminating the penalties for performing abortions after 24 weeks somewhat lacking (Daily Sun 4-5-23). Isn’t the whole point of having penalties attached to malum prohibitum laws to dissuade people from violating said laws? Having no penalties is like having a chihuahua as a guard dog: not too many people will be frightened.

Another recent letter to the Sun (4/3/23) calls out the Free State Project by claiming that, somehow, FSP people ( i.e., state representatives? He isn’t clear.)  have “forced” restrictions on freedom of speech. He claims that speaking about American history and gender issues has been forbidden. Um, no. The restrictions are in response to lying,  biased, and racist versions of our history. The misrepresentation of gender issues is what was addressed, not eliminating the ability to speak about them.

Are “hate crimes” on the rise, especially in NH? My question is: is there actually such a thing as a “hate crime”? As so many things in the real world have opposites (e.g., hot and cold – well, lack of heat, actually, up and down, left and right), are there then “love crimes”? I would say there are not. That said, as I have repeatedly noted, the publicity provided to this minority of citizens seems to only encourage them to continue to scrawl lame supremacist slogans. While we don’t have to ignore them, their antics don’t need to be on the front page.

Another writer (3-21-23) stated that history could not be rewritten. Perhaps not, but the recording of said history can be biased. She notes “that Africans were kidnapped from their homes and subjected to slavery.” What she missed was that it was their fellow Africans who did the kidnapping and the selling of these people to the white colonists. Kind of an important missing piece. Maybe she was right: “Rewriting history means the horrors of the truth is [sic] lost.

A piece in the Sun (3-20-23) noted that a Belmont resident was reported to have weapons, including three handguns, five rifles, and knives. The “firearms” were then said to be airsoft guns. So, I guess that he didn’t have any firearms. The accompanying photo had the scary “firearms” displayed. Typical Sun reporting.

A piece in the Wall Street Journal (1-9-23) on public transit notes that “when riders stop taking subways and buses, it’s harder to keep up service.” Whoda thunk it?  I’m sure that the World Economic Forum will find out how to force us into the train cars.

I read that the Real ID deadline has been extended yet again. Do you want a definition of closing the barn door after the horse is gone? See Real ID.

The last item from way back in last November, the NH Executive Council rejected funding for sex education.  The amount of funding was $682,000. How many people would that potentially assist, you may wonder? One thousand. What in the wide, wide world of sports would $68,200 per person provide? I guess that we’ll never know.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Week's Favorites...

Libertarian Leanings - Sun, 2023-04-09 11:13 +0000
...from PowerLine: See the rest here. Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Worship: “For Such a Time As This…It’s all about You”

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-09 10:30 +0000

We are created for the Eternal, created for the Sacred.

-Lauren Daigle

“No greater Love is this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”. “I have come that you may have everlasting Life…No man comes to the Father but by me.”

(ohn 15:13, I John 5:13)

“I’m coming back to the heart of worship. It’s all about You, It’s all about You, Jesus. I’m sorry, Lord, for the things I’ve made it. It’s all about You, it’s all about You, Jesus…”. -Michael W. Smith

Chris Tomlin: “We fall down, we lay our crown. At the feet of Jesus. The greatness of Mercy and love, at the feet of Jesus. And we cry holy, holy, holy…”

From “Jesus Music” to “Contemporary Christian Music” and 30 years later, circling back to worship music. From church music to music industry and finally back to its roots there is Worship music circulating, sans industry, from church to church as it did in the beginning.  From grassroots returning to grassroots.

It seems to be an eternal cycle: from simple beginnings where true worship, me to God, you to God, happens. Then the trappings of “religion” start to get in the way, of special clothing, of determined rituals and sacrements, or ordered services and liturgies. What happened to simply worshipping, one heart to His? As “religious life” gets more and more complicated (an “improvement” by some), more “doing” than contemplating, our relationship with God gets lost. The purpose gets lost and priorities as to what was important, what SHOULD be important, gets lost.

No, this is not my regular kind of “Easter Post” post as you can tell (here) but then again the documentary “The Jesus Movie” hasn’t been around for a while (FX network) that documents how the Jesus Freaks, Jesus Music, and the Jesus movement started back in the late 1960s, started to blossom in the 1970s, and how it as now gone full circle. I’ve now watched twice in the last few days (2.5 hours in length).

How did the “counter-culture” reaction start out in California in trying to find “the heart of worship”? What was it’s battles against the status quo (like Jesus in Israel, Luther pounding his thesis into the church door, from the High Liturgy of the Catholic Church to the “low liturgy” of the Pilgrims) at the time of its start?  And more importantly, what happened between that simple worship and how Christian music “lost it purpose and priority” and how (in part) it returned to First Principles?

As you can tell, it grabbed my attention as I was part of that era, singing a church choir (hymnals and organ/piano) and then to a teenager group with electric guitars, drums, and horns).  It was about worship, it was about getting the Gospel message out…

…and then things changed. Some said “matured”, but something was lost in translation. “It’s all about you” became other things as the movie presents – but only presents a small slice of what was happening in Christianity at the time along side the music (yes, you can argue what was “beside which” depending on your point of view). I don’t think I’d be far off to say it lost its soul, at least in part.

And then, as hearts noticed their “holes”, that something was missing, worship, true worship, returned and with that musical side to it again. The music returned to its real place – to support the idea and meaning of reaching out to God, to worship Him and not to just listen to highly produced music and singing along. This second generation of “Jesus Music”, returning as Worship music, stirred souls. It did mine even as I had experienced its first generation.

And then it had its time. But that hunger for God always exists. Think I’m wrong? Review that first quote at the top of this post: “We are created for the Eternal, created for the Sacred.” People hunger for God. Or some facsimile thereof because as we know, if people refuse the reality of God, they will put something else into its place.

Back in February, something happened to prove that truth.  From The Atlantic (of all places!) is the amazing story of yet another revival:

On February 8, after a regularly scheduled chapel service on Asbury University’s campus, in Wilmore, Kentucky, a group of about 20 students lingered and began to worship and pray for one another. The chapel speaker that day, Zak Meerkreebs, had exhorted the students to “become the love of God by experiencing the love of God,” and closed with a prayer asking God to “revive us by your love.” According to the students, as they stayed and prayed, an unexplainable, surreal peace descended upon the room. As minutes stretched into hours, many students who had gone to class returned to the auditorium when they heard what was going on. They would eventually be joined by faculty, staff, and community members who trickled in to participate in worship and prayer.

In the days since, a stream of pilgrims has made its way to Wilmore. All of the auditorium’s almost 1,500 wooden flip seats are occupied; the walls and archways leading into the gathering space are crammed with people hungering to join in. Crowds have congregated in auditoriums and chapels elsewhere in town, singing and praying and reading the Bible. There has been a steady diet of proclamation (both standard preaching and personal testimonies), public confession, prayer (individual and corporate), scripture reading, and singing. People I have spoken with who entered these spaces describe encountering a “sweet presence,” “deep peace,” or “the quiet, heavy presence of God.” A sense of awe prevails. It is, one participant told me, as if “heaven opened up.”

I live 20 minutes from Asbury and have spent nine days there since the revival began, and I see a paradox at play. The event has gone viral online—on TikTok, the hashtag #asburyrevival has more than 100 million views and counting. But its appeal is actually its physicality and simplicity. In a time of factionalism, celebrity culture, and performance, what’s happening at Asbury is radically humble. And it gives me great hope for the future of American Christianity.

As of this Friday, the university will no longer hold public worship services. “I have been asked if Asbury is ‘stopping’ this outpouring of God’s Spirit and the stirring of human hearts,” the university president said in a statement. “I have responded by pointing out that we cannot stop something we did not start.” Indeed, the phenomenon has been reported to have spread to other schools, including Samford University, Lee University, and Cedarville University.

America has experienced several spiritual “Awakenings” in its past when things appeared to be dire. Was the returning back to Worship style of singing presaging yet another one?

Wise men still seek Him”

And He still seeks us – He sent his only Son to be a propitiation for our sins as he nailed to that cross in agony (“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”). He died that day but rose again on their third day which we call Easter.

Let us worship Him and for the grace and mercy He has shown us. We all have sinned – none of us is perfect. That sin separates us from God who is Holy (meaning “set apart”). Jesus came, lived, and died to be that bridge between we who are unholy to God the Father, who is Holy.

The heart of worship is all He asks for.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Concerned Alumni of Dartmouth College Announce Moderator and New Panelist for “College Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates” Roundtable

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-09 01:30 +0000

Hanover, NH – Concerned Alumni of Dartmouth College is excited to announce the addition of a moderator and new panelist for the upcoming “College Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates – Scientific, Ethical, and Legal Considerations: A Roundtable Discussion and Dinner Event,” to be held at Dartmouth College’s Hanover Inn in Hanover, NH on April 26.

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Kim Witczak, a leading global drug safety advocate, will moderate. Ms. Witczak is a Consumer Representative on the FDA Psychopharmacologic Drug Advisory Committee reviewing new drugs coming to market and is a board member with several non-profit organizations in the field of drug and patient safety. Our panel of thought-leaders for the discussion now includes Dr. Sandy Reider, a Harvard-trained Vermont family physician with decades of experience. Dr. Reider serves as Medical Advisor to the Vermont Coalition for Vaccine Choice and is also a founding member of Physicians for Informed Consent. He joins panelists  Dr. Martin Kulldorff (co-author Great Barrington Declaration), Dr. Asseem Malhotra (UK Cardiologist, joining us remotely), Dr. Joel Wallskog (co-founder React19), Todd Zywicki, ’88 (professor, Antonin Scalia Law School), Brook Jackson (clinical trial expert and whistleblower). Dartmouth College has been invited to participate by sending representatives to be part of the discussion. At the time of this release, they have not agreed to participate.

The panel discussion, free and open to Dartmouth students, faculty, and administration, as well as the general public on a first-come, first-served basis, will take place from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Advance registration is required. For those unable to attend in person, a livestream and recording of the event will be available.

Following the discussion, a dinner featuring keynote speaker Aaron Siri, Esq. will be held. The dinner benefits React19, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Covid-19 vaccine-injured community.

“The continued fanaticism of American colleges and universities to coerce healthy young people to accept the Covid shots as a condition to attend college is shameful,” said Todd Zywicki Dartmouth ’88.  “Vaccine mandates are justified only when there is demonstrable evidence that the shots will prevent transmission without serious side-effects. Neither is true of these shots. It is time to end these unethical and unscientific coercive policies.”

“The Dartmouth motto is ‘Vox Clamantis in Deserto’ or a voice crying out in the wilderness,” said Steve Berger, Tuck ‘87. “In that spirit everyone should listen to the brave doctors and scientists who have been silenced and ignored while raising legitimate medical and ethical concerns about college and university Covid-19 vaccine mandates and policies.”

Read more about this event and about our student sponsorship initiative in an article by Christopher Dreisbach recently featured on the No College Mandates Substack.

To reserve or purchase tickets, please visit or email

For media inquiries or further information, please contact Christopher Dreisbach (Dartmouth ‘00) at

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas: Vermont Principal’s Association Reinstates MVCS Thanks To Cocaine Bear

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-09 00:00 +0000

You may be wondering what in the wide, wild world of sports is going on these days in women’s athletics thanks to all the gender-bending and rule-breaking, most recently right here in Vermont. 

Earlier this year, the Vermont Principal’s Association made the unpopular decision to ban the Mid-Vermont Christian School girl’s basketball team, and all the other teams in the school for that matter, after the team decided to forfeit its game against another school sporting a trans-boy-saying-he-plays-like-a-girl athlete.  Rather than simply acknowledge their constitutional right to follow their consciences and exercise their religious liberties, the VPA did what principal bodies live to do best – hand out punishments.

The hot-button issue quickly went viral thanks to social media, where New York Times Best Selling Author and world-renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson re-tweeted a Valley News article with the uncharacteristically laconic but highly Canadian phrase “It’s aboot time.”

Support for the team was massive, other than among red and blue-haired women in Vermont or those elected to represent them like Windsor County Senator and neighbor to the girls Becca White.  A crew from CNN was chased off the MVCS campus by a small band of dads wielding pitchforks and “fully semi-automatic high-powered bump-style weapons of mass destruction,” as described by Senator White.  The film crew then made their way across the street to Jakes for some flapjacks and beet hash, where they were able to interview the freshly coiffed senator, who was more than happy to offer standard progressive talking points on camera.

After CNN reported the incident, the alternative media swooped into action and interviewed some of the dads, which is when the actual story emerged.  It turns out a bear was recently spotted strolling through the campus and was found shooting baskets at the courts near the elementary school.  The bear had such tremendous touch and accuracy inside the paint the dads, wanting to keep their school open for fear of losing funding, decided to detain the bear and bring it inside the gymnasium to scrimmage.

What happened next was remarkable.

After only a few short moments, it was clear this bear could not only brawl, it could ball.  Head coach Chris Goodwin tallied up the bear’s statistics after the day’s events and reported to Banana’s News Inc. the bear had collected 114 rebounds, 117 points, 98 steals, and only 14 fouls in just over 20 minutes of play.  Play stopped after the 14th foul, given each foul sent one of the girls to the bench with either a minor injury or mostly minor blood loss.  Assistant coach Helen Jenks is encouraged, though, since “the girls are young” and “they heal quickly.”

The Christian community caught wind of the bear, and an ad hoc school meeting was convened to discuss what may be the most incredible act of cunning since Jacob stole Esau’s birthright.  After reviewing the current Vermont Statutes on anti-discrimination, the team’s legal counsel concluded they could, in fact, have a bear play on the girl’s team, so long as the bear was female or identified as female.  Biblical counsel was offered by local pastor Neal Patel of Valley Bible Church, who pointed out, “there is nothing in the Bible about bears playing girls’ basketball.”

Can a brother get an amen!?

Stunned by this oversight, VPA director Jay Nichols couldn’t help but admire the school’s clever ploy to circumvent their deliberately obscure rules and has welcomed the team back into the league, where they are the early favorites to win next year’s state championship.

The bear was required by law to submit to a full athletic health screening, which it narrowly passed, given it has not been vaccinated for COVID-19 yet still has advanced myocarditis thanks to its habitual use of cocaine.  Both the Mid Vermont School board and VPA have decided to look the other way on this since cocaine is technically not listed as a performance-enhancing drug for bears in Vermont, and everyone can’t wait to see the bear start setting state records for girls’ sports.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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