The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • September 7 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

GrokPAC Sent Out Mailers And Got Back…Hate Mail! Part2

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-12-11 14:30 +0000

I am beyond understanding why there are those that are EXCITED to have porn in youngsters’ public school libraries. In addition to the first set, we got even more hate mail with respect to our mailers dealing with porn books in public school libraries and the politicians that choose NOT to affirm Parental Rights in keeping it away from young and impressionable students.  So, I’ve got more – this one from Amherst.  The envelope:

And of course, they also sent back the mailer inside like at the previous post. Now, I have to admit – I’m not completely sure that I am reading this correctly.  Reason is that when someone writes in a thick Sharpie, it’s hard (at least for me) to fully get it right.

(click to embiggen)

I THINK it says “Parents should read these AND they are ok for children”.

Now, I think ALL parents should be reading what is in their child’s curriculum as well as what’s in their school’s library.  I’m betting that MOST parents are NOT going to agree that minor children should be reading them.  I should ask, beyond the excerpts on the mailers, have ANY of these folks actually read the books themselves?

Backside: “Read as Parents and children should not read”

(click to embiggen)

So I’m confused – which is it?  Ok for kids or not?  Is she hedging her bet?  I have no idea.

Oh, for those that sent their return addresses in sending back the mailers? Yeah, I’m going to send something back.

And still more, along the same lines, to post later.

The post GrokPAC Sent Out Mailers And Got Back…Hate Mail! Part2 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Could the be Left Facing an Existential Threat? In our Dreams, Perhaps.

Libertarian Leanings - Sun, 2022-12-11 13:00 +0000
Thomas DiLorenzo, Why the Left Must Destroy Free Speech – or Be Destroyed Of course minority opinions “must also be silenced” and “every act of the government must become sacrosanct and exempt from criticism.” This was never more on... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Sunday Spotlight: Yellowstone Turns 150

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-12-11 13:00 +0000

The most famous, most significant, and first National Park in America, Yellowstone was never meant to be. The U.S. Government sent a team of explorers, geologists, and engineers to ascertain the feasibility of building railroad tracks through Montana, Colorado, and Idaho. The goal of these men was not to preserve the natural characteristics of the region but to cut through it to ease the railroad connection from East to West. It did not work out as planned, but the National Park System was born.

The first organized exploration of the territory was by a team of Army Civil Engineers in 1860. The venture was cut short by Mother Nature and the winter snow cover. The Civil War prevented any future attempts at surveying the area. Ferdinand V. Hayden, head of the U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, led the next scientific expedition in 1871, simultaneous with a survey by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

What Hayden and his men saw and experienced during the trip led them to convince President Ulysses S. Grant to rethink the railroad construction. Their mission was to find a way to destroy the land in the name of progress. Their experience told them they needed to preserve the nearly two million acres of natural beauty and wildlife. They were overwhelmed by the scope of the land and the natural interaction of the various species that call this area home. Through journals, letters, photographs, and drawings, they told their story to President Grant.

Apparently, these men sold their story well as any Railroad plans for this region were scrapped. On March 1, 1872, President Ulysses S. Grant signed the Yellowstone National Park Protection Act into law. The world’s first national park was born. This was just the beginning, as in the 150 years since the birth of Yellowstone, 423 parks have been designated, and added to the National Park network. The National Park Service manages over 80 million acres in all 50 states, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa.

There are various types of National Parks. National battlefields, Military Parks, Historical Parks and sites, National Monuments, and Memorials are some classifications. These areas must be placed into the National Park Authority so they can forever be protected from encroachment and their natural resources and wildlife can be maintained and prosper. I believe the National Park Service is one of the best uses of a government authority.

The popularity of television series like Yellowstone and 1883 shows a thirst for the Midwest’s beauty, toughness, and nature. We still have a connection to our country when it was still forming. That is true Americana. It is not Times Square or the sidewalk dwellers of San Francisco. The pioneers who challenged the elements and natural predators of the midlands are still the heroes and backbone of this country. There is no Woke in Montana in the middle of winter. Just a will to survive, which true Patriots have shared for over two centuries.

The post Sunday Spotlight: Yellowstone Turns 150 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Week's Favorites...

Libertarian Leanings - Sun, 2022-12-11 12:04 +0000
...from PowerLine. See the rest here. Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

The Global Warming Cult Just Took a Vicious Kick to the McNuggets

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-12-11 11:30 +0000

Fraudulent Michael-Mann Made Global Warming has only lasted this long because it is well-funded (by you through your government) and broadly advertised by State-Run media. It has almost nothing else going for it, and now it has even less.


According to researchers from the University of Cambridge and University of Coppenhagen, the northern peninsula of Greenland – which is now a polar desert – once contained boreal forests of popular and birch trees that were teeming with wildlife.


These conclusions are the product of a 16-year research project examining DNA recovered from a 100-meter-thick sediment deposit from Kap København at the north end of Greenland, well inside the Arctic Circle.



Scientists are telling us that two million years before there were SUVs, oil or gas-heated homes, western government, capitalism, private jets, or even CO2-emitting people, Kap København Greenland was a lush, verdant, wooded landscape.


Once they pieced together the fragments, a picture emerged of forests teeming with reindeer, rabbits, lemmings and mastodons – the latter of which have previously only been found in North and Central America.

No carnivores were found, most likely because they were fewer in number, however the researchers speculated that there were likely ancient sabre-toothed tigers, wolves or bears.



This is a problem for the tipping-point party and their outrageous abuse of taxpayers not yet born to fund “solutions” to the presumption that your lifestyle is killing the planet.

For the record, here’s the current weather forecast for Kap København, Greenland.



What if it is warmer in the summertime, Steve? It is!



It is at or around freezing in July. So, it is warmer, but not “boreal forests of popular and birch trees that were teeming with wildlife” warmer. In other words, there are other more complex drivers of changing climate (notice I did not say ‘Climate change) than the ranting Marxists accounted.

And we knew that. The politics of climate change has always been about changing the world’s economic climate, not the weather. But for the folks pushing the latter, this research is a vicious kick in the McNuggets.

A warmer planet is not only not a bad thing, it’s good for mother nature, something else we knew but that the Marxists must protest, perhaps too much.

But respected scientists, experts in their field, are telling us that the planet has been a lot warmer (which we also knew) and wildlife thrived in places that are currently polar deserts, long before the Michael Mann-made global warming was even conceived.

It’s a bad look for the Climate Cult, and their relentless push to insist that your “not freezing to death” with the lights on is killing the planet.

No, it’s not. Go away.


HT | The Burning Platform | The Guardian | Nature

The post The Global Warming Cult Just Took a Vicious Kick to the McNuggets appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH GOP Delegate / Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert – Restraining Order / Stalking Order Sought – Paperwork Part 4

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-12-11 02:30 +0000

So I’m a bit behind on posting up what is now Court paperwork in the case of Douglas Lambert [allegedly] assaulting Erica Golter during a Belknap County Republican meeting and was stripped of his General Membership by the Members for it. He has been charged with Simple Assault and the victim is looking to have a Restraining/Stalking Order placed against him as his actions were not just a one-time deal.

Sidenote: you can see the previous posts on this by clicking here).

Anyways, the first time she filed for the Order, it was denied as more specifics were needed:

Order on Stalking Denial - need specifics - 2022-11-07 Golter v Lambert Laconia District Court

However, the victim quickly filed an amended complaint/additional material including the video from GraniteGrok of the meeting.  Michael Garner, Circuit Court Judge watched the video and the materials and decided that a hearing was to be set by another judge. In other words, there was enough “there” to warrant additional action by the court system (e.g., this was not a baseless case):

Order for a Hearing for the Stalking petition given the video 2022-11-08 Laconia District Court

Note what the judge wrote (emphasis mine):

“I agree that Respondent stood in front as Petitioner in an effort to obstruct her view, and when she moved past him to his right, he leaned in with that direction and initiated contact with her.

Corroboration of what I saw, what the victim underwent, what the BCRC Executive Committee saw, what the Gilford Police determined, and now observed by a Judge. Deliberate action – not an accident.  Of his own volition


Accordingly, an Order was written for a hearing on November 29 at 11am in Laconia District Court in case 450-2022-CY00223:

Notice of Hearing on Stalking Petition 2022-11-08 Golter v Lambert for 2022-11-29 Laconia District Court

Yes, I showed up with my camera early (always need time for setup).  An additional item to the checklist was to check in with the Clerk of the Court. While GraniteGrok is a registered media entity with the NH Judiciary (with paperwork attesting to it), I’ve learned twice before that such paperwork doesn’t automatically gain one access to the hearing courtroom. Must check in first.

And then I found that Lambert, instead of doing the right thing and “manning up” and taking his lumps responsibility for his actions, had lawyered up.

Things went sideways (a bit).  We’ll talk about that in the next post. However…

…Methinks he knew all along that he was in deep sneakers even as he was trying to do the “oh gosh, nothing happened, this is a lot about nothing” schtick during the BCRC meeting where he had to be told, several times:

You are no longer a member, please leave the room.

And that’s when I was the receiver of “The Bony Finger of Lambert” Award. ‘Cept now, there’s a bit more to it:

Deep sneakers. You know, I should go back to the video and fisk what he really said to the General Members and then compare it to the paperwork thus far.

And now we know why people don’t want to be videoed at the Belknap County Republican meetings – they do stupid stuff and don’t want a record of them being stupid. I really don’t have a better explanation.


UPDATE: My friend John Hawkins has another SubStack post out (I’m on his email list and it came in just as I was finishing this post) and this was entitled “The 40 Best Quotes About Politics” where the first one was from Sam Adams (the Patriot, not the beer maker); emphasis mine:

1) “A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued, but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.” — Samuel Adams

Methinks Lambert has spent too much time with the Citizens of Belknap PAC (I saw him cavorting in their booth during Gilford’s Old Home Day) and he’s lost both his Principles and his Manners – I would never have believed that he would have attacked a lady for no reason at all. Some manners (or actually, none at all).

Ditto, his virtue.

He needs to resign from the Gunstock Area Commission. Does he have the manners and virtue to realize that he’s done wrong to someone that was just standing there minding her own business?  And are the two “feminist” Gunstock Area Commissioners, Jade Wood and Denise Conroy going to put up with his behavior?

How about the Belknap County Delegation – is this cause for “removal for cause”.  How about it, former Judge (and now Representative) David Huot?

Oh Wait!  The Belknap County Administrator hasn’t seen fit, a month after the election, to update the Delegation listing?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Clueless On Cavuto

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-12-11 01:00 +0000

New Hampshire’s RINO/NeverTrump Sun-King Chris Sununu appeared on Fox News’ Neocon/NeverTrump Cavuto show yesterday to discuss South Carolina being awarded FITN by the Democrat Party. It is stunning how uninformed the Sun-King is.

Cavuto, who despises Trump, naturally asked Sun-King if Trump was to blame for the GOP’s miserable performance in the midterms. Sun-King, who obviously loves to hear himself talk, said essentially Trump was part of the problem, but the major problem was candidates who could not win.

Sun-King evidently is unaware that in Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, etc. elections are now ballot-harvesting contests. Democrats win these contests because in the weeks leading up to “Election Day” they bank so many votes that the GOP has already lost by Election Day. For example, there had been weeks of “early voting” in Pennsylvania BEFORE the debate where voters finally got to see that Fetterman was as much a vegetable as Biden. In Arizona, the Democrat candidate for Governor refused to debate because she knew that she didn’t need to persuade, but to “harvest.”

And speaking of “bad candidates” Lord Sun-King, your boy Chuckie Morse couldn’t even win a primary where the majority of voters are NOT real conservatives … because he campaigned like it was 1982, not 2022: low taxes, small government, blah, blah, blah.

Sun-King also claimed that the Democrat “liberal elite” would mount a primary challenge to Biden in New Hampshire. So, apparently, Sun-King is also unaware that the “liberal elite” are actually running the Biden administration.

Sun-King is such a clueless narcissist.

The post Clueless On Cavuto appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“The Transgender Movement Isn’t Just Targeting Kids, It’s Targeting Families” and More! – Stack of Stuff #33

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 23:30 +0000

While most of the attention is put on the kids in schools, hospitals are getting in on the game (big money in those surgeries and after care!). We’ll redefine our Hippocratic Oath so that NOT mutilating our kids and pumping them up with drugs used to chemically castrate pedophiles is “shall do no harm”. Redefine that porn is “literacy for marginalized school populations” and lying to parents is “we want interested and involved parents”.

Our entire Society is going psychotic and the Left is pleased that their efforts are working. And that effort is wrapped up in the title above (and below) – destroy the traditional family and you can remake Society in their own image (which, we all have to admit, is rather dysfunctional to begin with as their ideas (Marxism) have never worked. Period.).

As always, snippets may well be reformatted and emphasis is mine (for the speed readers amongst you).

  • The Transgender Movement Isn’t Just Targeting Kids, It’s Targeting Families

The point of the indoctrination, though, isn’t only to create more “gender-nonconforming” students. It’s to break down family structures and parental authority. The goal isn’t simply to teach and encourage transgenderism in our schools. It’s to lay claim to the students themselves, over and against their parents and families, for purposes that go far beyond the promotion of gender identity. After all, you can’t very well reshape society according to your utopian vision if something as solid as a family is standing in the way.

Creating Chaos is the key – in the minds of the kids and then in the Parents. It’s like when Marxist Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals were first unleashed upon the unknowning and Republicans. This Transgender Movement is using them – until WE realize it and then com back with a vengeance.  See below as to the end goal:

 The solution is to break down the family. Most recently, Christopher Rufo reported this week that the largest children’s hospital in Chicago has partnered with local school districts to promote a radical transgender agenda, including sexually explicit materials that push “kink,” “BDSM,” and “trans-friendly” sex toys for children.

…Don’t laugh, though. As outlandish as this might sound to most people, the targets of all this are impressionable students, many of whom are susceptible to such messages for the simple fact that they are dealing with the turbulent — albeit altogether normal — emotions and angst that accompany adolescence.

…Rufo rightly identifies part of the dynamic here is the creation of a “school-to-clinic” pipeline. A cynic might say the motive is simply profit, since every transgender patient represents a lifetime of medical interventions and surgeries. But there is another motive, says Rufo. Transgender activists, he writes, “believe that they are in a struggle for liberation from the system of ‘cisheteropatriarchy’ — and each ‘gender non-conforming’ child is another tool in that fight.”

He’s right, but it’s even worse than that. Put bluntly, these activists are in a struggle against parents and families, many of whom oppose radical redefinitions of sex and the multiplicity of genders being pushed on their children in school.

And if you are a loyal reader, the story of Gunstock this past year, is just another example, albeit in a different setting and style. But one can see the manchinations of the Citizens of Belknap being the local political equivalent of of the transgender activists – sew Chaos among the unknown and then change the culture.  Neither is going to give up”

And then at the other end of the spectrum is The Stupidity. If “female” is not a gender, how can there be a “ma’am”?

Sidenote: which is one of my favorite words – a sign of politeness and respect to those that should not be called “miss”.  Yes, I’m waiting for the day that I’m called out for being “ageist” (yet another made up Woke political word whose only purpose is to use the Guilt and New-Shame cards) – then I will free to unload.

Non-binary teacher takes to TikTok to ask whether there is a non-binary form of the term ‘ma’am

Libs of TikTok shared a video in which an individual, who apparently teaches somewhere in Texas and identifies as non-binary, asked whether there is a non-binary equivalent for the term “ma’am.” The individual’s TikTok account includes a description that says, “Your local non-binary Math Teacher.” The account also includes the pronouns “They/Them.”

“I’ve come out to my students,” the teacher noted in the video. The person went on to say that a student had inquired about what language should be used, noting that referring to the teacher by saying “yes ma’am” or “yes” both seemed disrespectful.

And then the pull to suck impressionable students that can be now normalized to this:

“Open discussion welcome in the comments #teacher #nonbinary #enby,” the TikTok post states.

And then someone else asked MY immediate question when I first saw the title:

When sharing the video, the Libs of TikTok account declared, “These are the people teaching your kids.”In response to the tweet, one person commented, “My genuine question is, ‘Why are you discussing your sexuality with students?’

Why indeed?  They are paid to teach subjects – not tell students what their sex lives are all about. And they wonder why our kids are ignorant of what they SHOULD know when they graduate

Make no mistake – the Teachers Unions are ALL IN on this transformation (which immediately should bring up that Obama utterance of “In five days, we will radically transform America”.). Yep, those old images of a wooden desk with an apple on top of a book with a smiling teacher in the chair. Oh, the teacher may be smiling but not necessarily for the reasons you think.

  • The teachers union promotes a how-to guide for “anal sex,” “bondage,” “sadomasochism,” and “fisting.”

The national teachers union’s “LGBTQ+ Caucus” has created a website and badge for public school employees that promote non-binary identities, a how-to guide for “queer sex,” and the idea that “transgender men can get pregnant.”.  According to local reports, the National Education Association and its local affiliate in Hilliard, Ohio, have been providing staff in the Hilliard City School District with the QR code-enabled badges, which point to the “NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus” website and resources from gender activist organizations including Scarleteen, Sex, Etc., Gender Spectrum, The Trevor Project, and Teen Health Source.

One of these linked resources, Teen Health Source’s “Queering Sexual Education,” which promises to “empower youth” and includes a how-to guide for performing “anal sex,” “bondage,” “rimming,” “domination,” “sadomasochism,” “muffing,” and “fisting.” The materials are extremely graphic, explaining how to, for example, “[put] a fist or whole hand into a person’s vagina or bum.”

This isn’t a fringe organization. The NEA is the largest teachers union in the country, representing more than 3 million public school teachers in all 14,000 local school districts—and it has been captured by radical gender theory and its perverse sexual ideology.

So, why go through the hassle of having such materials as porno books in the kids’ school libraries when you can have impressionable students whip out their smartphones, scan that QR code, and immediately have access to all the same materials and MORE?

And Parents will never know, will they? Like in the above snippet, it is all about separating Parents from their children and claiming them for their own.  After all, teachers have to make that “mind and soul grab” before the kids realize “oops, my mistake”:

  • England’s NHS Warns That Most Transgender Minors Could Be Experiencing a ‘Transient Phase’

The National Health Service (NHS) of England issued a warning this week that most children who identify as “transgender” are going through a “transient phase.” .  The publicly-funded health service issued draft guidance last week on treating children and young people with gender dysphoria, the condition where someone feels that their gender does not align with their biological sex.  The guidance reportedly stated that physicians should be open to “exploring all developmentally appropriate options” for children who are showing signs of gender dysphoria, keeping in mind that “this may be a transient phase.”

Remember, the current statistic is that almost all of these gender dysphoria suffering children are also suffering from a plethora of other mental illnesses and may realize that what social influencers, teachers, and peer-group pressure revert back to their real biological sex/gender (the two last words used interchangeably and NOT possessing different contexts).

This year, the NHS announced that it would shutter its only dedicated gender identity clinic for children, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in response to recommendations from an “expert review.” The review criticized the clinic’s long waiting lists and “raised concerns over a lack of consensus about how the health service should assess, diagnose and treat young people seeking gender services,” Reuters noted.

And now the trans activists are going all Soviet Union  “Zampolit ” (CTRL-F if you go to the link for word search)”. The Zampolit were political officers that were assigned to military units and, for political and lyality to the Communist Party reason, could override the orders of the actual military unit commanders.  Many were shot or dispensed with one way or another (e.g., The Hunt for Red October).

  • LGBTQ+++© Police State: ‘Trans Buddies’ Now Assigned to Monitor Doctors for Transphobia

Respecting The Science©, as we are trained to do, obviously requires that we place LGBTQ+++© Gestapo [er, Zampolit – Skip] in every doctor’s office in America. Their job is to make sure bigoted doctors don’t slip up and practice medicine based on biological reality, because biology is transphobic, as is reality.

Vanderbilt’s Pediatric Transgender Clinic practices The Science© by providing “evidence-based, personalized gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents” — a fancy, rambling way to say “transing children.” And now it’s upped its game by inserting “Trans Buddies” into the doctor’s office.

The Trans Buddy Program’s mission statement reads:

“The Trans Buddy Program’s goal is to increase access to care and improve healthcare outcomes for transgender people by providing emotional support to transgender patients during healthcare visits. We emphasize a patient-centered  approach, with the goal of empowering the patient to make informed healthcare decisions. Trans Buddy recognizes the importance of intersectionality to our direct care practice, and we therefore aim to work with people of all identities with compassion and respect.”

…Next on screen, a wide-eyed Trans Buddy who looks like she just parachuted a gram of MDMA pops into frame to explain her sanctioned role in coercing hospital staff to comply with the prevailing gender orthodoxy: “Sometimes I’m there to be sort of always observing kind of how hospital staff are interacting with individuals and again, you know, using correct pronouns.” (emphasis mine)

I guess the Woke Hospitals were just copying the schools as this next one show that having “Trans Buddies” are for life:

  • Why Does Fort Worth ISD Want To Teach “Gender Identity” To Pre-K Children?

Evidently no child is too young to push the transexual agenda on, at least to some administrator at Fort Worth ISD, where they give “gender identity” training for Pre-K teachers.

At Fort Worth ISD (FWISD), a school district of almost 75,000 students, teachers take training sessions that may endorse concepts related to critical race theory (CRT).

A screenshot obtained from an anonymous FWISD teacher shows that pre-K teachers are required to participate in almost nine hours of “anti-bias” training in order to satisfy continuing education requirements.

All classroom teachers in Texas must complete 150 hours of continuing education training every five years.

The description for the anti-bias training reads, “This course offers information on culture and language, racial identity, family structures, gender identity, economic class, different abilities, holidays, and more.”

And if teachers don’t finish the training, their pay is docked.

Why does someone at Fort Worth ISD think that pre-K children, who don’t even know what sex is, need to be exposed to “gender identity?”

Simply because the victimhood identity politics hard left simply can’t wait to corrupt your children to their worldview. Everything must be subordinated to their warped will-to-power. No child or institution is safe from their clutches.

As loyal readers know, I have been after my School Board for a couple of years over their Policy JBAB (Transgender and non-conforming) over coerced speech by Government (“preferred pronouns” which they now have backed down from) and lying to Parents (still on going). However, this next snippet brings up yet another battlefield. One of the Gilford School Board members, intrepid Kyl Sanborn has insisted that if training is to be done on this, someone who has rejected their transitioning from their original sex to the other, should be brought in to tell the other side of the story.  This has been fought against.  Why is the operative question:

  • Why Are They so Afraid of Detransitioners?

The detransition movement has been growing over the past few years as more people who attempted to transition to the opposite gender come to regret their decisions. Many of these individuals went through social, medical, and even surgical treatments as minor children. But now, many are deciding to reject what they previously believed about their gender identity. This paradigm shift has been quite troubling to progressives – especially those who believe it is acceptable to push these treatments on kids. They have been trying to discredit these individuals in any way possible – but it is inevitable that their voices will be heard regardless.

The Post Millennial published a report detailing how a Pennsylvania school board rejected an offer from a resident to allow a detransitioner to share their experiences with teachers tasked with learning about then teaching about gender identity to small children.

From the report:

On October 25th Mike Winterode, with the No Left Turn in Education Pennsylvania chapter, made a statement at his local school board meeting. He said that after reading the training “while some in attendance did learn strategies for introducing gender identity to kids who still believe in Santa Claus, they didn’t really learn about gender, and what happens once we get beyond name changes and pronouns.”

He went on to describe some of the not so glamorous parts of transition. Such as how a double mastectomy takes away the ability to ever breastfeed a child, and how the use of puberty blockers can destroy the ability to orgasm as an adult. In his statement, Mr. Winterode made an offer to bring Transexual Content Creator Sara Higdon (me) and Detransitioner Chloe Cole to speak about the dangers of transitioning children; at no cost to the district.

…GenderGP, an advocacy group for transgender individuals, claimed “detransition is a loaded term,” and that it does not refer to an “unsatisfactory or regrettable result,” but only “refers to the small group of people who transition and then go back.”

Yeah, well “gender-affirming” is as well.  It really is “sexual multilation surgery” and drugs used for other purposes than originally designed for.  And the trans-activists are working hard to invalidate them just like the Left calls us every name under the sun.  These people are simply Speech and Idea Totalitarians.

Happy Warrior time!

  • Alex Stein confronts armed Antifa members guarding Texas bookstore hosting transgender storytime for children: ‘These are the real cowards‘

Political provocateur Alex Stein stirred the pot at a Texas bookstore that was hosting a “transgender storytime” for children. Stein confronted armed Antifa members guarding the bookstore in Denton, Texas. Patchouli Joe’s Books & Indulgences store hosted a “transgender storytime” for children on Saturday afternoon. The bookstore promoted the event on its website and Facebook, “This FREE event takes place during National Transgender Awareness Week, and will be hosted by Patchouli Joe’s Books & Indulgences – a family-owned, LGBTQ-friendly, independent bookstore in the heart of Denton, Texas.”

And lest we forget what started this “Stack of Stuff” series off, we’re back to Critical Race Theory:

  • Debunking the grievance industry in our schools

City Journal last month released a survey that asked eighteen-to-twenty-year-olds whether they had been taught six concepts related to critical race theory. These included: “America is a systemically racist country,” “White people have white privilege,” “White people have unconscious biases that negatively affect non-white people,” “America is built on stolen land,” “America is a patriarchal society,” and “Gender is an identity choice.”

Each of these was answered in the affirmative by a majority of participants, of whom more than 80 percent attended public schools.

That’s curious given that public educators and their defenders in corporate media have been claiming for years that CRT is not taught in schools. “Teaching critical race theory isn’t happening in classrooms, teachers say in survey,” reported NBC in July 2021. The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson in June 2021 called the controversy over CRT “manufactured,” while his colleague Karen Attiah the same month called it “hot air.”

Since then, the narrative has evolved into “well, various themes associated with CRT may be taught in public schools, but not CRT itself.” A November 2021 report from PBS, for example, explained, “There is little to no evidence that critical race theory itself is being taught to K-12 public school students, though some ideas central to it… have been.”

When Big Flashlights keep looking around, stuff has a way of being found out.




The post “The Transgender Movement Isn’t Just Targeting Kids, It’s Targeting Families” and More! – Stack of Stuff #33 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NoLabels No Mas?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 22:00 +0000

Without getting into the weeds, the differences between the Real Right and the True Left are simple. The Right wants maximized individual liberty with limited government oversight. The Left wants maximized oversight regardless of the cost to individual rights.

Groups like No Labels try to accumulate influence and power by playing the worst on both sides against the fantasy of a romantic utopian middle.

But anyone willing to sell some liberty for more government sold as security can be convinced or tricked into giving away too much.

No one on the real right can trust them, and everyone on the Left is content to use them. There is no middle. It’s a fantasy that leads further left.

No Labels was started by Democrats and RINOs on the premise that they could moderate the political divisions. In the 12  years since their founding lie, the left-right divide appears wider. So how might matters get worse?

Accusations of racial and sexual discrimination or harassment.


  • There is lingering discord over the decision to hire and ally with individuals who left prior jobs under allegations they’d sexually harassed women.
  • Two former staffers said they witnessed one of the organization’s few Black employees being singled out to discuss race issues at a staff meeting.
  • At least three ex-aides have sought remuneration from the group over the nature of their termination in the last two years.
  • Two female staffers recalled management telling female employees to dress more conservatively after a colleague was improperly touched by a male member of Congress at a No Labels event.
  • Staffers are bombarded with emails and demands by Jacobson. They come at all hours of the day, sometimes with odd requests, such as changing the employer listed on their LinkedIn profiles to “America” to throw off a journalist trying to locate them.


In my mind, no Labels has always been a Liberal front group designed to use accusations of extremism on the right to pull Republicans to the Left. The Republicans it courts or who praise it are all sell swords content to give up (some or more of) your freedoms for a seat at the Washington elite’s table. A place setting owned by the inside-the-beltway progressive establishment.

Democrats who say kind words are using them as moderate covert for higher office from which they will advance the Left’s priorities.

And you can’t convince me otherwise because no one worries about their candidate going to DC and coming back too conservative.

No Labels is and always was a progressive creature, and as such, it makes the same mistakes as similar groups like the Lincoln Project, which exists to enrich the consultant class while advancing the Left’s hold on power. Their headspace is the same. Say one thing, do another.

And in their defense, they can’t help it. But candidates who cannot put individual liberty before government power are doomed to become progressives and excuse the abuses of the ruling class at the expense of everything else. And that’s where NoLabels is now. The only thing that matters is the movement, and that’s always a path to tyranny, no matter where you claim to stand.



HT | Politico

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Twitter-Files … You Can’t Believe Anything From NH-NeverTrump Journal Ever Again

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 20:30 +0000

There is no longer any denying it. The Twitter-Files PROVE that the 2020 election was RIGGED on many, many, levels. So where is the apology, or at least the recanting, by NH-NeverTrump Journal that there is NO EVIDENCE that the 2020 election was rigged, that Biden beat Trump fair-and-square, that if you question the propriety of the election you are an “election-denier,” blah, blah, blah.

There won’t be an apology, or even a recant, because the purpose of NH-NeverTrump Journal is to gaslight New Hampshire into believing that the GOP must reject populism and return to its neocon, Chamber-of-Commerce, country-club roots.

A simple question: If NH-NeverTrump Journal is gaslighting you about the 2020 election … which undeniably it is … what else is it gaslighting you about?

Part 2 –

Part 1 –

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Under the Guise of Patriotism

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 19:00 +0000

A truth the right side of the aisle must wrestle with: the Deep State international cabal uses American foreign policy to advance global interests” under the guise of patriotism.

Did you know that Congress has not followed its constitutional duty to declare war since WWII?  America has ceded its power to declare war to that cabal since Pearl Harbor. Who is this “cabal”? It is the regional military arm of the UN, a.k.a. NATO.

Thinking critically, one might ask: Why is America sending 100,000 troops to defend 29 nations in Europe, all under the command of NATO, while simultaneously ignoring the invasion of our southern border? Answer: The cabal tells us it’s Patriotism, however it’s the truth played out before our eyes. It’s the advancement of global interests at the expense of our men and women in uniform.

U.S. troops serve under UN command because Congress shrinks from its responsibility to declare war. Citizens have no control over the UN or NATO. Because of this, military families in NATO countries lose the God-given protections of the Bill of Rights and live under the laws of European Union nations.

Does spending 65 billion dollars to protect Ukraine this year with the higher cost of American blood looming make sense? This foreign policy is not American. It represents the advocates of one world government who have dominated our nation for the past century.

The UN Peace dove is a fraud, and its military arm NATO, sold as a way to defend European nations from the USSR, is part of the con game. Article 52, Section 1 of Chapter VIII of the UN Charter allows for the “maintenance of international peace and security and regional actions of agencies”  such as NATO  or SEATO in Vietnam.

These agencies must conduct their activities consistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Do you remember 911? The UN Security Council Resolution 1441 was issued to President Bush in 2002. This was permission for our President to commit American troops to battle in Iraq. Later resolutions would spread the conflict to Syria and Afghanistan. One does not ask permission from an inferior power but from a superior power.

Let’s look closer at the UN Charter written by FDR Advisor Alger Hiss, a Soviet Agent. Chapter VIII, Article 54 states:

“The Security Council shall at all times be kept fully informed of activities undertaken or in contemplation under regional arrangements or by regional agencies for the maintenance of international peace and security.”

China and Russia are on the Security Council.  Do you trust their leaders with NATO’s strategies of war? I don’t! Isn’t it strange that American diplomats at the San Francisco  Conference in 1945 agreed that our two future enemies would know all of our planned military strategies in UN-condoned wars?

Is this why we didn’t win the UN war in Korea and Vietnam? UN Anti-American war policy was initiated in Korea and Vietnam. The results are displayed on the Korean War Veterans Monument and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. That’s what you call bloody anti-American diplomacy that our Congress and one Administration after another ignore. Congress continues to enable this compromise of our war powers because there’s no accountability that will blame them for sending troops to battle.

We need to get out of NATO and the UN. American liberty depends on holding our leaders accountable to the Constitution.  We can’t enforce it unless we know it. Knowledge of this great document designed to limit government must replace loyalty to party. We need to implore our federal Congress to co-sponsor the American Sovereignty Restoration Act for 2023.

We won’t win the battle until our people gain a sufficient understanding of congressional responsibilities and limitations placed on our leaders by the Constitution. Check out JBS.ORG  or contact Regional John Birch Coordinator Matt Rhodes about the seminar called The Constitution is the Solution at 207-391-0970.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Flupocalypse is a Lie

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 17:30 +0000

Believing anything “the government” says was always tricky. We can add a new measure of skepticism to government agencies pretending to be interested in public health. The COVID response killed that, and they are back to make matters worse.

The Public Health Industrial Complex is peddling another blood-for-money campaign that pushes flu vaccines. Regular Flu. The thing they replaced with COVID, which they have since rebranded to facilitate more money laundering.


It turns out that a year ago, the CDC changed the definition of “Influenza-Like Illness:”

For this system, ILI is defined as fever (temperature of 100°F [37.8°C] or greater) and a cough and/or a sore throat. Since the 2021-22 season, the case definition no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza”. Since ILINet monitors visits for ILI and not laboratory-confirmed influenza, it will capture visits due to any respiratory pathogen that presents with the symptoms of fever plus cough or sore throat. These data should be evaluated in the context of other surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza activity.

As of now, any illness with “fever AND (cough OR sore throat)” is counted as influenza and would darken the map!


By changing the definition of flu, the experts have elevated the incidence in the wake of a two-year public-health terror campaign. State-run media has made sure you knew about the rise in “flu,” but not why.

Igor Chudov explains the double counting here. I have other fish to fry. The latest Flupocalypse aligns with all the other domestic terrorism from the Biden administration.

The non-stop renewals of the COID public health emergency

DHS continues to issue partisan national security domestic terror Def Con 1 updates.

The mess at the border, the economic misery, and a new end-of-the-world conspiracy every other minute.

It’s exhausting or meant to be; people in a constant state of tension are more likely to cede their freedom in exchange for a false promise of security. Some will increasingly act out or initiate actions that can be used to advance the goal of a police state. Flooding the nation with third-world hooligans only accelerates the problem of crime and disorder among the ‘migrants” and actual citizens.

In 2020 “they” weaponized a virus and created a new path to tyranny in the form of the public health police state.

As I write this, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia are building theirs. Blue states in the US are on the same path. Changing the definition of flu adds tension to accelerate the process. If Big Pharma gets more money for “treatments,” then that’s a bonus that finds its way into the pockets of the elites or downstream to buy off state and local public health despots to keep them on the line.

All while dismissing or ignoring the real threat to public health. The CDC, FDA, and we can add the growing Hospital cartel, and health insurance companies can deny service and control the public at the direction of policymakers.

Do no harm has evolved to do harm as needed, and without a way to reign in the bureaucracy behind it or legal protections we shouldn’t need to protect us from it, real threats can never be known or even believed.

And that’s probably on purpose.



HT | Igor Chudov Substack

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Executive Councilors Rejecting Taxpayer Funds for Radicalized and Politicized Sex Ed

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 16:00 +0000

An email worth reading was sent to New Hampshire’s Executive Councilors regarding their vote to reject taxpayer funding for the Get Real sex education program for NH students.

Three out of five voted to reject the funding:


9 December 2022

Members of the New Hampshire Executive Council
By Email, with attachments

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

I write to thank you for refusing to proceed with funding for the Get Real sex education program. I also offer background information to support your decision and encourage the Council to seek alternate course providers.

While the Get Real program may previously have been funded in NH for some period, the premise upon which it was developed and purported standards for its materials (present medically accurate education about healthy sexual behaviour) changed radically in 2019 to one of explicit progressive sexual education advocacy. Get Real references the organization SIECUS for the frameworks it says it aligns with. That organization’s stated purpose is to “spark large-scale social change.”

SIECUS also (1) asserts that “Sex Ed sits at the nexus of many social justice movements – from LBGTQ rights and reproductive Justice….” The motto for the Get Real publisher (ETR) is “advancing health equity.” That purpose is decidedly different to educating young children (middle school age) and informing young adults (high school age) about biology and healthy sex behaviour. What is the social change they want to effect? I doubt parents of prospective students know of this focus for the program, nor the single viewpoint of the authors and presenters. Does the Executive Council want to endorse these objectives? ( 1

The program’s authors assert that the program is shown to delay sex among participating middle school students; empower parents as primary educators about sex; and reinforce communication within families. However, the studies relied on to support these broad claims are based on entirely subjective surveys of approximately 500 school-age participants in the Boston area. As with much social science analysis, there is no way to confirm the purported results nor to replicate them. Further, the surveys addressed vaginal sex only and were administered during a period (2005-2008) when children in the US were generally found to be exploring other behaviours less likely to result in pregnancy – oral and anal sex in particular, and increasingly homosexual and bisexual activity. It was also a period when sexually transmitted diseases increased in the US. All of these shifts have affected girls disproportionately.

The program says it seeks to highlight the role of parents in their children’s care but also asserts that the materials and activities used by participants will be private within the classroom. That seems intended to assure children that no one will be told anything about conversations or disclosures the child makes in the class. Parents certainly have reason to expect that all activities their children participate in with other adults will be open and disclosed to them, but that may not be the case. However, depending on the teacher’s personal beliefs or school policy, parental rights could be ignored completely.

The program’s developers, presenters, and trainers have substantial ties to Planned Parenthood. That organization’s primary profit-making activity is providing abortions. Increasingly it characterizes as educational and advocates for pornography in school libraries. It also assists in making available permanent changes to children’s bodies through sex change surgery and medications such as chemical castration packaged as puberty “blockers.”

The foundation for Get Real and other newly promoted sex education courses is from SIECUS – Sex Ed for Social Change, formerly known as Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. It was formed as a not-for-profit organization by a senior executive of Planned Parenthood, reflecting the specific intentions and practices of that organization. It is not a governmental agency, although it has presented itself (and apparently been widely accepted) as the sole authority on sex education in this country for decades. It’s now focused on advocacy surrounding sexual practices and expanding acceptance of homosexual and non-binary behaviours, particularly at younger ages. (The results of that advocacy show up in news reports almost weekly with adults parading online the ways they present sexual matters (their own and that of their friends) in their primary classrooms.) SIECUS also contributes to the publication of the so-called National Sex Education Standards. These Standards are followed by schools throughout the country and now assert without irony that a child’s gender is “assigned” at birth by a medical professional. (This apparently makes the x and y chromosomes the only ones biologists should ignore.)

The Standards document also widely expands the concepts of sex education to include class, climate, law enforcement bias, privilege, race and culture, and other non-medical concepts. Those are ideological and highly politicized concepts that no one discloses to parents when seeking consent to classes. They are certainly not appropriate for middle school and early high school-aged children.

Information about SIECUS and ETR is readily available online, but I attach PDF files of the Guidelines and the Standards that present in detail the outlook for the Get Real program. It is a politicized and ideological program very much focused on effecting social change by influencing children’s behaviour, in large part by encouraging sexual experimentation at earlier ages and secretive relationships with non-family adults. It dismisses any recognition of parental rights. Is that the outcome you want? I urge you to seek other viewpoint-neutral materials for any taxpayer-funded sex ed program.

Sincerely yours,
Diane Dunning Martin

PDF email Attachments :
National Sex Education Standards –
Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education -3rd edition

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Maine Legislature Leaves Gov. Mills’ Winter “Relief” Scheme Out in the Cold

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 14:30 +0000

Most of our readers understand how this works. The government screws something up, deliberately in most cases, and then pretends to help with the downside of its policy priorities. When that fails, you blame your opponents while regular people suffer.

The New England energy dearth has been an ongoing concern for years. As reliable energy is decommissioned from the grid, nothing reliable has been proposed to replace it. All while heating oil or gas infrastructure has been delayed, sidetracked, or blocked by environmentalist politicians and their green boots on the ground.

The elevation of Joe Biden and his homunculus (Kamala Harris) to the White House alongside a Democrat majority Congress has pushed the Northeast past a tipping point. The Dems’ war on fossil fuels has driven prices up, making the stuff precious and harder to get. With winter days away and a cold and bitter January just weeks away, the folks who had a decade or more to get on the right track picked the wrong one and think sending you a check to pay for overpriced heating oil is the answer.

As I noted here, make sure you ask for small bills, you may need to burn the money to keep warm.

And while getting some of your money back from the crooks in the government is welcome, a check doesn’t make it available to buy.

New Hampshire pushed its own ‘Cash for Oil’ scheme. A stipend to help offset energy prices that have risen in part due to years of inaction or the wrong action by so-called “leadership.” It passed, and I’m sure the check is in the mail, but no one I know has seen one.

Maine tried that too. Gov. Mills wanted to spend 474 million to help Mainers offset the fiscal abuse heaped on them by her political party’s indifference to facts on the ground. Buy some heating oil (or gas or pay for your electric rate hike) but only for a month or two, assuming there’s electricity, oil, or gas.

A handful of the remaining Republicans in that State’s Senate said no, and the measure failed. Mills blamed them.

“A minority of the minority choose to reject this help for Maine people,” Mills said in a written statement. “I urge Senate Republicans to join their other Republican and Democratic colleagues in the Legislature to give this plan the support needed to enact it as an emergency measure so that we can get this relief into the hands of Maine people without delay.”

I didn’t look but does this “relief” include an admission that you are part of why there’s an emergency? That the New England grid needs hydro from Canada or natural gas from Pennsylvania and on and on?

Is there a path to motivate change in DC to overturn old laws so we can get oil or natural gas from the Gulf Coast (instead of Asia or Africa) and have it shipped to the Northeast? Is there any motivation to back pipelines or other much-needed infrastructure?

Has anyone accepted that the math doesn’t work if we try to switch to wind and solar or that the transition (if you are even on onboard with one) will take decades? Or that, yes, we do indeed have plenty of time to find valid alternatives to extend our energy future, and maybe wind and solar are not that?

Or is it just another handout to temporarily assuage the guilt or misdirect culpability (as in the case of Mills blaming Republicans), not that there are no Republicans who bear some blame?

Residents can probably buy cordwood, motor fuel, propane, or kerosene for portable heaters. It’s getting expensive, and maybe the handout helps a little, but giving people some of their money back or giving it to people who never earned it, isn’t relief. It’s more like giving someone fentanyl for chronic pain.

It doesn’t fix the problem, but people become dependent, and without an intervention and a recovery plan, they could become addicted until it kills them.

Or was that the plan all along?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

For Dr. Jill, It is All About the Dough

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 13:00 +0000

One of the often-heard questions about the Biden family is why the President’s wife allows her husband to continue to embarrass himself in a job he is no longer capable of performing. I think the answer is quite simple.

The answer is not easy to accept, especially for people who believe in the foundation of human relationships. Love and mutual respect are what most of us strive for from our life partner. For Dr. Jill Biden, her make-up is clear, and her purpose for being the wife of Joe Biden is power and money. She is propping Joe up and pushing him on because the money train will only run if Joe Biden is in office. Joe retires, and the faucet is shut off. Jill Biden is not ready to settle for their current status when she can have four more years of money flowing in the backdoor of the Biden estates. She is not the First Lady but a maniacal mercenary.

You only need to look at the relationship between Hunter Biden and Burisma. Hunter had no skill set that would make him valuable as a Director on the Burisma board. His skill set was his last name and his VP Dad. Within two weeks of Joe Biden ending his second term as Barack Obama’s Vice President, Burisma cut Hunter’s compensation by 50 percent. Joe was out of office and no longer valuable to Burisma.

Hillary Clinton keeps her name in the news and teases us about running because that saves the money coming into the Clinton Foundation. When she lost in 2016 and was out of power, donations to the foundation dropped to a point it nearly folded. Politics is an ugly business, but you look at the net worth of longtime politicians, and you know why they keep running. It is not to serve the people of this country. Stay in a position where people believe you can do them favors and keep sucking in the dough.

Joe Biden used to brag about being the poorest Senator in Washington. The poor, blue-collar guy from Scranton. He left Scranton when he was a kid and has never been poor. Politicians do not make exorbitant salaries. They could make much more in the private sector, but the money does not come in the backdoor like it does when you are in politics. So how do they get elected poor and leave office as millionaires? Not by putting their pay in a passbook savings account. It is not by shaking hands but by having a hand out to be pasted.

I thought it was elder abuse when Jill did not step in and say no to Joe running. Four years and much brain degradation later, she is pushing him to run. They had to hide Biden in 2020 to hide his slipping acuity. What will they do in 2024 to mask his growing mental deficiencies? Jill Biden has not been a very visible First Lady, which is a good thing. She does not come across as a very likable woman. She has been on stage more often when Joe is at the microphone. She is pushing and propping Joe. She may be there to catch him when he falls. The story of Joe Biden as President is a sad one. Unfortunately, it is also embarrassing to the United States on the global stage, and it will take years to regain our credibility. In the meantime, the money will keep coming for Joe and Jill, more millionaires created by the United States political machine.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Climate Duke and Duchess Fly Private Jet Cross-Country to Collect “Human Rights” Award

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 11:30 +0000

Nothing says privilege or idle rich like flying your private jet to speak out for some cause. And talk, as they say, is cheap; action speaks louder than words, especially when your causes collide.


“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived in Manhattan on Monday afternoon by private jet where they were whisked away by a gas-guzzling SUV as they are set to receive a human rights award at Tuesday evening’s elitist Ripple of Hope gala, tickets for which were selling up to $1 million (£847,000),” reports Breitbart.


When Meghan wrecked Harry, she must have poisoned him with the Hollywood elite hypocrisy inherent in liberal show people. Live in a gated palace and whine about how the borders should be open. Complain about food insecurity, but back politicians committed to making sure people starve. Or, as in this case, expect the peasants to do with less to save the planet while you hop on a private jet to collect a human rights “trophy.”

Laura Ingraham and Raymond Arroyo took this hypocrisy to task in epic style with this segment.

Watch the latest video at

If you genuinely want to save the planet, do some of that pontificating in China. I feel sure they will reward you with something. Perhaps a boat trip home in an 18th-century seafaring vessel to address the hypocrisy problem.



HT | News Wars

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GrokPAC Sent Out Mailers And Got Back…Hate Mail!

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 02:30 +0000

The other day I went to the GrokPAC PO Box to see what might be in it. I had expected to see “business” mail, but I wasn’t surprised when I didn’t. And I wasn’t surprised that I had other mail. There were ten or so responses to our mailers concerning the smut and pornographic books that can be found in Public School Libraries.

There were ten or so responses to our mailers concerning the smut and pornographic books that can be found in Public School Libraries.

Yes, porno books. Books that if I were to read excerpts from them on TV or radio, the “7-second delay” button would be pressed immediately.

As I posted earlier, if I was to read those same excerpts at a School Board meeting, my mic would be cut.  But they allow such porn to be available to children in libraries that we Parents used to believe (to use the language of the Left) to be “Safe Spaces.”  Ladies and Gentlemen, your elected School Board Representatives, School District Superintendents, school librarians, and other staff are making the statement that porn IS safe for your child.



Do you agree with that?  And I will start posting up those excerpts in later posts.  This one’s purpose was to just illustrate some of the responses.  Most people don’t like to receive it – I think it is rather amusing, depending on what they are complaining about. So, I will post them (see FAQs here) as “Object Lessons.”

The first one is rather mild. It was only one word long but did say a lot. Actually, his actions said the most about his message. And those actions were to take our envelope and stuff it into a larger one and send it back:


Amusing (“OR Current Resident”) – I’ll give him some points for that. The one-word message was on “our” envelope (which I have cropped):  “Nah.



I dryly note that the outside envelope does have GrokPAC on it, but our envelope seems to have not been opened. Or he did a great job in resealing it (or someone else told him what was inside). However, his response was mild and fairly non-descript, but showed that he might have had an idea what was in it and didn’t care. At all.  OK, that’s up to him.

At the other end of the spectrum was someone that really wanted to give us a piece of what remains of her mind. Free speech – I’m happy to have that debate. But I do have concerns, grave concerns, about people that have no problems with porn being accessible to minor children – especially in the lower grades. This response just hit TILT!

Sidenote: Yes, harkening back to the day when arcades were mostly pinball machines, and you pushed too hard trying to “guide” the ball where you wanted it to go. I could make a dime or quarter last most of an afternoon back in my college days when studying and needed to take a break.

This next person definitely had more on her mind and certainly wanted to let me know it. Yes, I AM making the assumption that it was a woman because I know very few men that have such good handwriting.  So if you happen to know this lady, tell her thanks for me. Here’s the front of the envelope she sent, and her message back to us started here:


Well, she didn’t want to stop there. Talking points, talking points, talking points – every one certifiable and stereotypical of how some of the Left

Yes, just for removing porn from little kids, I’m a hater, I’m a racist, I’m a fascist (I bet she doesn’t even know what the word means – she’s certainly not reading GraniteGrok, is she?). As to the last bit, the mailer she received was one that Matt Wilhelm is from (Hillsborough 42, Manchester Ward 1). So, heavily Democrat.

But she wasn’t done there. She decides to add a “message” on our actual flier as well:


It says:

  1. Freedom of choice!
  2. They are free to read what they want – it’s the USA!
  3. Why are you pushing your views on others?

Well, no. Kiddie porn is illegal and it is illegal to give it to minors. So neither #1 or #2 are true. IF you are an adult, well, I may not like it (at all!) but you can obtain and view it unless it has been adjudicated otherwise.

As to #3, I find this to be almost totally true across the spectrum of the Left. What THEY say is what it should be – there can be no discussion. While she is complaining about my advocating about my views, isn’t she doing the same? Why is it only one way? Am I supposed to just “go along and get along” with her (and the Left’s) ideas on this? Isn’t this what politics is supposed to be?

Er, no. Or at least it seems that one. Once again, I’m happy. Why?  As Pappa Smurf (Sununu, Sr.) used to say all the time: “Talk, talk, talk. Then talk some more”. The reference was in talking to our families, talking to our friends, talking with others about Conservative values running up to an election.  The Left HATES that!

I’ve turned it around (among many others that have done so as well – The Left wants to SILENCE us – I want them TO KEEP TALKING, TALKING, and even more TALKING!  It shows everyone who they are and what they think.



Fascists, anti-Freedom, and Stupid.

I really never knew that allocating taxpayer money to give minor children porn books is the epitome of Freedom!

Sorry, I disagree.  Children are MINORS, and Society has agreed to restrict their rights until they get older, wiser, and more mature and reach the Age of Majority. It should go, however, that not all that attain such an age are wiser, smarter, or more mature.  Many of them that haven’t are called “college kids” (I kid! I kid! Er, mostly).

However, it illustrates one of the huge chasms between the two philosophies – what should Freedom be recognized as?  With respect to age, who has complete Freedom – and who doesn’t?

Guess that should be another post that speaks back to FDR’s Second Bill of Rights and Freedom itself.  Liberty vs. Libertine.

However, it’s clear – she isn’t going to be voting Republican any time soon…though I do wonder if she “split her ticket” and voted for Sununu for Gov.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Child Mutilation…What is Their Motivation

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 01:00 +0000

The crusade of school systems and manufacturers of children’s toys to promote gender reassignment is sick. There are many other descriptives I could have used, but I keep profanity out of my writing.

The story of a book published by the American Girl Toy company that teaches young girls how they can take steps to become the boy they want to be is the latest example of a WOKE culture out of control. American Girl Toy and their parent company Mattel are facing incredible backlash, and calls for boycotts and stock sell-offs are loud and justified. We need a name. Who at American Girl Toy thought it was necessary to produce this book and target young girls who cannot even grasp the concept of changing gender? Somebody had to sign off on such a blockbuster and dangerous concept, and we need that person under a hot light to give us answers.

Who is doing this deplorable and inexcusable act on children? Teachers are on the frontline to attack our prized possession. There is no limit to their efforts. They do not have a minimum grade level, and it does not matter whether they are boys or girls. You do have to wonder how they choose their prey. I am sure they are directing their efforts on the weakest and most timid, who can be easily manipulated. Let’s look at some examples.

  1. A 2nd grade teacher in Darien, CT, includes the book “Julian is a Mermaid” in her curriculum. This book is about a child who transitions, dresses in drag, and joins a parade wearing only underwear. The school Board ruled that the book is appropriate in the classroom this week.  
  2. School districts around the country are embroiled in a battle over whether to teach children in grades K-3 about being transgender. Advocates recommend teachers read their young students “Introducing Teddy,” about a boy teddy bear who transitions to being a girl, calling it a “heart-warming story about being true to yourself.”
  3. There are a couple of lawsuits in New Hampshire challenging the New Hampshire School Boards Association (NHSBA) transgender JBAB policy. This time, Ohio parents filed a lawsuit based on what you would find in the JBAB policy that has been adopted in several schools throughout New Hampshire. JBAB not only says that biological males and females can use the restroom of their opposite sex, it also includes a provision that forces school personnel to lie to parents if a student requests a name change at school.

These actions coincidentally happen at the same time that school systems are trying to insulate parents from what their children are being taught and exposed to in school. It is pathetic that students are coached not to mention school activities with their parents. They are being told to only trust their teachers. This is criminal. I hope teachers are not being taught these activities in school, but the only other explanation is it is a product of their years of indoctrination.

This topic is almost beyond comprehension, but it is a reality and must be stopped. I do not have the solution, but I believe it will be found if parents continue to get involved and demand accountability. We also have to consider alternatives to public schools and weaken the teacher’s union’s control of our kid’s education. The hill is steep, but it must be climbed. The future of our children and our country is at stake.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More SEL Group Therapy in Schools: Training Kids to Keep Information Secret

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 23:30 +0000

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is now a way for group therapy sessions to be held inside your child’s classroom. We already know that this is happening in Greenland, but what does this look like?

It’s. hard to say exactly what this looks like in your child’s classroom because it will depend on who is providing the group therapy and what program they are using. Either way, did you sign your children up for mental health services when you handed your child their backpacks this morning?

Isn’t it interesting that after COVID-19 and all of the damage done to children academically and emotionally, school administrators now think it’s their duty to provide children with mental health services? In other words, the organization that damaged your child emotionally has now decided it can fix them.

In this video, you will see the counselor in a “community circle” with children administering a dose of SEL. Some of it may actually sound good to parents. What’s wrong with teaching good characteristics? In some ways, that’s not a bad idea but listen closely to what the counselor says about not sharing what is said in the circle.

Since this is a promotional video to sell an SEL product to your school, they will certainly make it sound wonderful. They won’t show you what happens if a child decides to share a traumatic experience with the circle. What does the counselor do, then? Most counselors, unless they have a Ph.D. in Child Psychology, do not have the education or clinical training to handle a situation like that.

By telling children not to reveal what is said in the circle, most, if not all, will keep that information from their parents too. They are being taught by someone who is supposed to be educated in group therapy with children to do something dangerous. As one parent said after she saw the video, “I absolutely don’t agree with that, it is dangerous and contrary to teaching and maintaining and manage health. Especially for families like mine with Autism, physical disabilities that require mediation and mental health issues. I’m giving the benefit that it was poorly done and meant to point out the should gossip. I think it should be addressed to see if it can be changed or the lesson removed.

This video came from Character Strong. Character Strong is selling school districts a product that can be dangerous if you follow their instructions. While they are supposed to be meeting the social and emotional needs of your children, you can see that this kind of mental health treatment comes at great risk to your child’s well-being.

This is the danger when local schools decide to offer mental health treatment to your children. They have enough trouble teaching children to read, write, add and subtract.

We know two New Hampshire schools that gave two children a vaccine that their parents said they did not want given to their children.

They struggle to teach academics, now they think they can handle medical treatment and mental health treatment too.

They couldn’t even get their promotional video right. Now they want to sell your district a program that doesn’t train the teachers or counselors properly.

It’s time to stop expecting our local schools to provide all of these services to children. They need to focus on teaching academics to leave mental health treatment to professionals outside the school system.

The post More SEL Group Therapy in Schools: Training Kids to Keep Information Secret appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, You Want to Know to Whom or What Gov. Sununu Is Connected? Check This Out!

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 22:00 +0000

Politicians are nothing if not “connected”. To their constituents, their donors, other politicians, their old friends – and then “new” friends depending on their political standing as a politician and “what can they do for me”.  And, often, politicians will also make “new” friends on the same basis (“what can you do for me”). Yes, other than donors (and their money and their ancillary “help”), achievements, and Power, connections are in that bag of “Coins of the Realm”. To other politicians, great and small, Important People, and Important Organizations of many stripes.

There is one site that has had some time put into it trying to play “connect the dots” on how well Governor Chris Sununu is connected. Certainly, or I’m betting so, many are through his Dad who was VERY well connected. Others as he became a Governor and I’m also betting that many more are being made as he has been raising his national profile by going on a bunch of junkets, getting interviewed in the print, and going on a lot of TV networks and stations.  Fame often builds more fame.

Or notoriety, as the case may be.  A small sampling:

(click to embiggen)

This diagram is interactive on the site I found it on so go here to “play” with it. You may be amused at some of the information (and I use “amused” quite loosely). I’m betting it isn’t exhaustive but it certainly has a lot of information that most people are not aware of.

(H/T: Grazing The Surface)

The post So, You Want to Know to Whom or What Gov. Sununu Is Connected? Check This Out! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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