The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

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Liberty & Independence For New Hampshire And Beyond
Updated: 2 min 42 sec ago

Notice of Trespass: The Voting Machines Are Not Legal

Thu, 2022-08-25 04:09 +0000

On March 15, 2022, a notice of trespass was served by certified mail to Selectmen Waddell, Sawyer, Bridle, Rage, Town Clerk Doheny, and Town Moderator Cassassa.  This trespass, served by me, Regina Barnes, an NH state citizen involved unlawful electronic ballot counting devices used to count/tally votes in all Hampton elections. It informed all parties that they had violated their oaths of office.

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Does The ‘Election Integrity Legislation’ Really Do Anything?

Tue, 2022-08-23 00:50 +0000

Let us briefly discuss the 2022 state senate's attempt at Constitutional Amendment Concurrent Resolution (CACR) 36 - residency for the purpose of voting. Providing that only residents of the state may vote in elections.

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Attempt To Throw Secessionists Off Ballot Fails Miserably

Mon, 2022-08-22 04:07 +0000

A real-life Karen has filed a petition with the NH Ballot Law Commission requesting a hearing to deny ballot access to 14 members of the state legislature running for re-election this year.

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Liberty Conservatives Resolve To Defeat Sununu, Anti-Liberty Incumbents

Thu, 2022-08-18 04:15 +0000

On Friday, August 5th, over 300 pro-liberty Granite Staters gathered at the Kingswood Art Center in Wolfeboro, NH for The Resolve Initiative Candidate Debates. Twenty candidates attended to introduce themselves to the audience. The six-hour event included debates for the races that had more than one candidate.

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How A National Divorce Might Go

Tue, 2022-08-16 14:25 +0000

Libertarians have long believed that peaceful separation is the easy and obvious solution for our severe political disagreements. Let me share with my non-libertarian friends how we might voluntarily choose to restructure into new countries.

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Why Can’t We Just Get Along?

Mon, 2022-08-15 23:17 +0000

“Alu, secession is not necessary. We all just need to chill out and get along with our neighbors. We have so much more in common than we realize. We are one country! We are all Americans! Our values and goals are the same, we just differ on some tiny inconsequential issues.”

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I Figured Out PorcFest

Thu, 2022-08-11 01:48 +0000

I can't believe it's been an entire month already since PorcFest. I've wanted to post about it but at the same time, I've been processing it … because it was a profound and transformational experience for my family, with so many feelings and so much to say; it's difficult finding the right combination of words to describe it (a Porcfest phenomenon that is a real thing, turns out, more about that later).

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Do American Citizens Exist?

Wed, 2022-08-10 03:22 +0000

The word ‘citizen’ is used very often in the united states and throughout the world. In general terms, people seem to agree that the word describes an individual who resides in a particular country and who is entitled to the protection and other services provided by the government, generally in exchange for obeying the laws and pledging loyalty to the government. To be honest, I was surprised by the precise definition of the word by and 

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Did Kansans Really Vote In Favor of Abortion?

Sun, 2022-08-07 23:39 +0000

You’ve surely seen the countless headlines by now. And if you are one of the millions of individuals who consumes their news via headlines or short video clips, you surely know that the voters of the conservative state of Kansas just voted by an overwhelming majority to support abortion from any restrictions. But is that really what happened? 

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Kiki’s Delivery Service & the Spirit of the Entrepreneur

Fri, 2022-07-29 18:20 +0000

You’re going about your daily business, perhaps on a walk through your neighborhood. During this walk, you come across two children at a lemonade stand. “Lemonade $0.50” The signage says. Not the price you paid in years past, but you’ve worked up a thirst. You ask to buy a cup from the children. They reply “For $5 you get a special cup that will give you 50% off our lemonade all summer.

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