The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • May 4 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Biden Rhetoric Threatens Justices

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-05-06 16:00 +0000

The Great Unifier. The Great Healer. The man who could bring civility and normalcy to the White House has failed again. Joe Biden’s failure is putting nine men and women in grave danger.

The six “conservative justices” have been doxxed, their home addresses published for anyone to see. This situation is serious, and nobody anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has the competence or will to solve it.

When Jen Psaki was asked if President Biden condemns the leak or actions by leftist groups, she said no. She said this is a Supreme Court issue. WHAT??????

The Democrat Party, led by Joe Biden, is now a rogue, progressive, unified party. They were the moderates and the radicals, but no longer. In not condemning this week’s actions, they are complicit and, by their silence, encouraging it. I still contend that they orchestrated all of it.

Joe Biden went to the microphone on Wednesday and, in one of his most coherent deliveries, condemned all MAGA Republicans as the most radical group in America’s history.

As Hillary Clinton said in 2016, when she referred to Republicans as a Basket of Deplorables, she alienated one-half of the country. That one moment and comment is pointed to by many as the day Hillary lost to Donald Trump. We may look to May 4th as the day Biden alienated one-half of the country and delivered Congress to the Republicans.

This is so infuriating as the White House is not only doing anything to throw water on this fire, but they are throwing gasoline on the fire. They will not condemn the action and divert any responsibility to the court and the justice department. As far as Jen Psaki is concerned, the leak is not an issue. It is a threat to women’s rights that is the primary issue of their concern.

Just last year, when the IRS had a similar leak, Jen Psaki and President Biden were quick to condemn any leak of any government entity as being a grave situation. But it appears that since this situation at the Supreme Court is helping the White House and fundraising for all Democrats, it is not a problem, but it’s going to be allowed to fester.

When are we going to wake up to the practices of the government? They fabricate the story and coordinate with mainstream media and propagate their story. They create a narrative and then a DISINFO Czar to moderate the truth. This is such a charade that it should insult every American, not just the Conservatives. I watch the White House briefings and cringe as Jen Psaki speaks for the administration but is mocking the press.

Jen Psaki is toying with the media as she is probably under contract with MSNBC. Biden is already naming Psaki’s replacement. As Psaki is double-dipping from the government and a failing MSNBC, she does her best to discredit FOX News. Her actions are obvious to anyone unless their primary news source is one of the three-letter networks.

I pray for the safety of all of the justices, as I hope you do too. To have one of our justices injured or worse by some fanatic is beyond comprehension. Our prayers are for all of them and that they have the fortitude to survive this attack. And that they do not bend a knee to the pressure applied to them.



Ray Writes for and the Liberty Loft

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (05/ 4-5 /22)?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-05-06 14:00 +0000

We learned that Rep. Mike Yakubovich (R-Hooksett) has a son named Max that can really sing a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. We also learned that Rep. Gary Hopper (R-Weare) has been doing well with chemo treatments and was able to join us for Wednesday’s House session and was greeted by the House with a much deserved standing ovation.

May he be able to join us for the remaining House sessions this term.

We learned that Hon. Barbara French (D-Henniker) who last served in the House from 2012 to 2016 passed away in April and members of the House took time to remember her during our session.

We also learned that Rep. Salloway (D-Lee) will not be running for re-election and he gave a heartfelt and unifying unanimous consent speech during Wednesday’s session where he praised and mentioned Rep. Aron (R-Acworth) on her speech about Israel a few weeks ago. It is nice when we can all agree on the notion that no matter our differences, that we should all come together for the benefit of our state.

We learned that UNH and their Cooperative Extension supplied an amazing BBQ lunch out on the State House lawn Thursday and showcased their different departmental studies programs! It was a lovely lunch break for the Legislature!

We learned that as the Senate kills really good Republican House bills, we will simply add the language of those bills onto some desired Senate bills and then send them along to committee of conference and let the chips fall where they may. The next couple of weeks will be interesting to see what the Senate conferees will do with that. And yes, they will do that to our bills as well. It’s a well-known legislative game that is routinely played at the end of the year.

We learned that despite all the brouhaha over SCOTUS Roe v Wade news this week, the House Democrats could not do anything but grandstand and posture, and pull SB399 off consent only to have it tabled (177-156). Thankfully, another House bill that formerly passed, duplicated the language in SB399 regarding clarification of ultrasound requirements and fetal anomalies, for the Fetal Life Protection Act that was passed last year in the NH Legislature. The 24 week abortion ban remains intact in NH.

Of course, their protests about SCOTUS and Roe v Wade would not have been complete without Rep. Debra Altschiller (D-Stratham) making statements about “reproductive servitude” while presenting her motion for an amendment to pass a Constitutional Amendment that would codify abortion access. I’m wondering if we can locate an Oscar for her dramatic performance. The nominee for supporting actress in this category is Rep. Marjorie Smith (D-Durham).

We learned that a new Congressional redistricting map is on the way after the passage of SB200 (179-159). Rep. Ross Berry (R-Manchester) did a superb job of coming up with a map that satisfied all of the concerns of the House Democrats expressed over the previous map. In this competitive map, Rep. Berry kept counties together, kept economic communities together, and even had a low population deviation! The House Democrats still rejected it in the end because it’s not all about what they really complained about in the previous maps, but all about wanting to stack the deck so their candidates win every time. They were also very upset that with this map because Congressional candidates Kuster and Pappas would now be in the same district as a result. As if we should build maps around candidates … (eye-roll).  Word has it that the Governor hates it as well.

We learned that a few bills seeking to fundamentally transform the way we do government got killed (SB222, SB339, and SB344). Those would have opened the door to more “remote participation” in government business such that people could attend meetings in their pj’s over zoom calls instead of actually facing people in person in licensing boards and commissions, and doing important work. House Democrats want so badly not to actually come to work… maybe we should vote them all out in November so they won’t have to!

We learned that House Republicans passed SB345 (185-152) to relax rules on youth employment in the areas that tend to be confusing and difficult for employers. The law was simplified and will make it easier for teens to work and earn some money while assisting employers with problems they are having with a tight labor market. Of course, for Rep. Tim Smith (D-Manchester) you’d think we’re going back to the 1800s and workhouses. He also put out an Oscar-winning performance while screeching that we were “filling empty shifts with child labor.” These folks sure have a penchant for the dramatic and conjuring up visions of Charles Dickens’s England.

We learned that throughout the 2 days of floor debates on bills we had Rep. Woodcock (D- Center Conway) rambling on about getting lost because of some GPS issues on his cell phone, Rep. Marsh (D-Wolfeboro) talking about the inability to get adequate answers about erectile dysfunction if we didn’t pass SB382 (telehealth compact bill) and Rep Walz (D-Bow) exclaiming that “there is no voter fraud in NH” (as we considered SB418 which passed 164-155 which would create affidavit ballots requiring proper voter identification). The verbiage coming from the House Democrats in these 2 days was entertaining and laughable. Where do they come up with this stuff? Do they practice it in their caucus I wonder?

We learned those floor speeches do not compel people to vote one way or another. Rep. Schamberg (D-Wilmot) rambled on for at least 25 minutes about why we shouldn’t pass net operating loss carryover (SB435) after which Rep. Lang (R-Sanbornton) gave the shortest speech of the day asking us to vote “Yea”. With all that, SB435 passed via voice vote, and only 1 or 2 voices voting “Nay” in the end. Brevity wins.

We learned that parents of special needs kids will finally get their own office of advocate for special education which will help them solve special needs problems. SB381 passed 170-155 and it is amazing to me that the House Democrats would not want to give these parents what they have long been asking for to help advocate for their children. Whatever happened to “it’s for the children”?

Finally, we learned that the House Republican majority passed many good bills, and killed or tabled some bad ones. It was a good 2 days of work and now we’ll be waiting for the House bills to come back from the Senate with Concurs or Non Concurs while committee of conferences begin. The next couple of weeks should be interesting.  The next question after all this is of course, “What will our Governor do”?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ivermectin Bill Headed* for Gov. “Snoonoo’s” Desk – Parents Bill of Rights Passes Senate Hurdle

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-05-06 12:00 +0000

HB1022 would allow the dispensing of Ivermectin by use of a standing order. If you wanted it, you could get it without a prescription after a brief discussion with the pharmacist.

Ivermectin is a COVID killer and by that, I mean policy as much as pathogen. Nothing is perfect but Ivermectin is better than anything the “experts” have proposed, cheaper, and no trillion-dollar bailouts or backroom deals are needed for it “to work.”

That’s why they hate it.

We’ve got great coverage on NH’s HB1022 back story. We’ve published testimony, interviewed a prime sponsor, and added plenty of commentary. You might even stumble over a few digs about Horse Paste, which go deeper after Democrats on social media announced this week that Misoprostol (horse ulcer medicine) could be used to induce abortion medically.

HB1022 passed the NH Senate along party lines, 14-10, with Democrats objecting to the “my body, my choice argument.” Given the timing, it doesn’t play as well as it might any other week of the year. But then, the only body involved when taking Ivermectin is yours unless you are pregnant, and Ivermectin is a lot safer than the “Dems want it to be mandatory” mRNA vaccines.

As for Governor Sununu (Snoonoo), I’ve no clue where his “big shoulders” stand or sit or lean on this one. The only barometer is that as the prospect of running for reelection approached, mandates and the “essential this or that policies” were shown the door at the state level. But the ‘Snoo’ was all-in on the tyranny when it was in vogue with the ruling elite. He even abrogated the First and Fourth Amendments to the US Constitution (to name two) because we were “all in this together.”

This is something he can sign if his dad says it’s okay.

*Update: I missed the Senate amendment – the Bill needs to head back to the house (where it passed 189-153 the first time) before reaching the governor’s desk

Parents’ Bill of rights

The other bill (there are more but let’s not get carried away) is HB1431, is a Parent’s Bill of Rights. The Senate Amended it, so it will need to go back to the House, but that’s more technicality.


Declaration of Purpose. The general court finds that it is a fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their minor children. The general court further finds that important information relating to a minor child should not be withheld, either inadvertently or purposefully, from his or her parent, including information relating to the minor’s education.


Parents are to be involved and informed and are the Alpha and Omega of their child’s development and existence. They belong to parents not teachers, schools, or Ed unions.


Infringement of Parental Rights Prohibited. The state, any of its political subdivisions, including, without limitation, any school board, school district, or school administrative unit, any other governmental entity shall not infringe on the fundamental rights of a parent to direct the upbringing and education of his or her minor child without demonstrating that such action is reasonable and necessary to achieve a compelling state interest and that such action is narrowly tailored and cannot be achieved by less restrictive means.


The parental bill of rights does not protect child abuse or illegal activity, but the rights afforded (which are many) have teeth. If the district or board fails to address concerns covered in the Parental Bill of Rights, the parents can sue and recover attorneys’ fees for their trouble.

Districts, like municipalities, rely on the taxpayer’s pockets to leverage the system in their favor. People with legitimate gripes might not choose to try court, knowing the costs. If the case is strong, schools will lose lawsuits left and right, plus the cost of opposing attorneys’ fees. Taxpayers might decide to make some changes.

Would the governor sign it? It’s hard to say. Snoonoo appears as all-in on the gender stuff as he is on abortion, but most folks are not, and as I noted earlier, there is an election looming.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Very Quick Look at the Incompatibility of Islam with the Bill of Rights

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-05-06 10:00 +0000

Institutionalized chattel status of women in the Quran. Stipulating lower status for slaves in the Quran. Approving slavery. Demanding blind obedience from all, rather than allowing freedom of thought.

Condemning all other religions as void and heresy. Imposing Stone Age Sharia law on all. Requiring jihad against non-Muslims. Islam is the greatest gift that Muhammad bequeathed to charlatan men to exploit the masses of fools.

For as long as there are donkeys, there are those who would ride them, is our apt Persian metaphor that explains why the cast of Muslim clergy is so intent on keeping the donkeys they have and doing all they can to get more donkeys with fresh legs and strong backs to continue with their joyride.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another School Board (SAU21) Decides to Not Follow the Law

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-05-06 02:00 +0000

Got an email tip: “This is being passed stealthily through SAU21. Next board meeting is at Hampton Falls LAS school next Tuesday.” What do they mean by “this?” Policy JBAB. “SAU21 is a cooperative school district consisting of Hampton Falls, North Hampton, South Hampton, and Seabrook.”

“SAU21 is a cooperative school district consisting of Hampton Falls, North Hampton, South Hampton, and Seabrook.” And they will be trying to ram this through under the rubric, like all the rest of the school districts, of “anti-discrimination.”

The problem is that SB263 (signed by NH Governor Chris Sununu and acting as a starter’s pistol in codifying the Left’s Gender Identity into school systems) NEVER gave School Boards the ability to override the US or NH Constitutions or ignore current NH State Laws.

SB263 also discriminates against those of deeply held faith

Here is their Policy JBAB (Transgender and Non-Conforming students):

District policy requires that all programs, activities, and employment practices be free from discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.  This policy is designed in keeping with these mandates to create a safe learning environment for all students and to ensure that every student has equal access to all school programs and activities.

I dryly note that this Policy left out all the OTHER politically “protected classes” subject to “non-discrimination. The relevant text from SB263:

193:38  Discrimination in Public Schools.  No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in public schools because of their age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, marital status, familial status, disability, religion, or national origin, all as defined in RSA 354-A.

So if you believe that God made only two sexes, male and female, as a Christian, Jew, or Muslim, you are out of luck. Amazing how well the Left has made THE attribute of our founding, religious freedom, almost a non-mentionable (unless it serves their political purpose and agenda.

This policy sets out guidelines for schools and district staff to address the needs of transgender and gender nonconforming students and clarifies how state law should be implemented in situations where questions may arise about how to protect the legal rights or safety of such students.  This policy does not anticipate every situation that might occur with respect to transgender or gender nonconforming students, and the needs of each transgender or gender nonconforming student must be assessed on a case by case basis.  In all cases, the goal is to ensure the safety, comfort, and healthy development of the transgender or gender nonconforming student while maximizing the student’s social integration and minimizing stigmatization of the student.

And just like with the Democrat identity group politics Totem Poll, Normal students are of lower worth to the District than Transgenders, but I digress, except to have you know that this Policy actively dis

The Board recognizes a student’s right to keep private one’s transgender status or gender nonconforming presentation at school.  Information about a student’s transgender status, legal name , or gender assigned at birth also may constitute confidential information.  School personnel should not disclose information that may reveal a student’s transgender status or gender nonconforming presentation to others, including parents and other school personnel, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.  Transgender and gender nonconforming students have the right to discuss and express their gender identity and expression openly and to decide when, with whom, and how much to share private information.

Nice to see how badly the School Board hates Parents.  Effectively, your Elected Representatives want to remove your son or daughter.  Or worse, put your CHILD in charge of your family!

When contacting the parent or guardian of a transgender or gender nonconforming student, school personnel should use the student’s legal name and the pronoun corresponding to the student’s gender assigned at birth unless the student, parent, or guardian has specified otherwise.

Official Records
The District is required to maintain a mandatory permanent pupil record (“official record”) that includes a student’s legal name and legal gender.  However, the District is not required to use a student’s legal name and gender on other school records or documents.  The District will change a student’s official record to reflect a change in legal name or legal gender upon receipt of documentation that such change has been made pursuant to a court order.  In situations where school staff or administrators are required by law to use or to report a transgender student’s legal name or gender, such as for purposes of standardized testing, school staff and administrators shall adopt practices to avoid the inadvertent disclosure of such confidential information.

Another way in which the School Board has decided to lie to you, Parents!  “IS NOT REQUIRED” – somebody looked hard for loopholes and they found that – you won’t be able to either file a Right To Know or any of the Federal variants (especially those dealing with students).  You’ll never know and the School District will laugh at you.

A student has the right to be addressed by a name and pronoun that corresponds to the student’s gender identity. A court-ordered name or gender change is not required, and the student need not change his or her official records.  The intentional or persistent refusal to respect a student’s gender identity (for example, intentionally referring to the student by a name or pronoun that does not correspond to the student’s gender identity) is a violation of this policy.

Gender-Segregated Activities
To the extent possible, schools should reduce or eliminate the practice of segregating students by gender. In situations where students are segregated by gender, such as for health education classes, students should be included in the group that corresponds to their gender identity.

Restroom Accessibility
Students shall have access to the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity consistently asserted at school. Any student who has a need or desire for increased privacy, regardless of the underlying reason, should be provided access to a single stall restroom, but no student shall be required to use such a restroom.

Locker Room Accessibility
The use of locker rooms by transgender students shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis with the goals of maximizing the student’s social integration and equal opportunity to participate in physical education classes and sports, ensuring the student’s safety and comfort, and minimizing stigmatization of the student.  In most cases, transgender students should have access to the locker room that corresponds to their gender identity consistently asserted at school. Any student who has a need or desire for increased privacy, regardless of the underlying reason, should be provided with a reasonable alternative changing area such as the use of a private area (e.g., a nearby restroom stall with a door, an area separated by a curtain, a P.E. instructor’s office in the locker room, or a nearby health office restroom), or with a separate changing schedule (e.g., using the locker room that corresponds to their gender identity before or after other students). Any alternative arrangement should be provided in a way that protects the student’s ability to keep his or her transgender status confidential. In no case shall a transgender student be required to use a locker room that conflicts with the student’s gender identity.

Physical Education Classes & Intramural Sports
Transgender and gender nonconforming students shall be permitted to participate in physical education classes and intramural sports in a manner consistent with their gender identity.

Interscholastic Competitive Sports Teams
Transgender and gender nonconforming students shall be permitted to participate in interscholastic athletics in a manner consistent with their gender identity.

Dress Codes
Transgender and gender nonconforming students have the right to dress in a manner consistent with their gender identity or gender expression. In general, schools may not adopt dress codes that restrict students’ clothing or appearance on the basis of gender.

It is the responsibility of each school and the District to ensure that transgender and gender nonconforming students have a safe school environment. This includes ensuring that any incident of discrimination, harassment, or violence is given immediate attention, including investigating the incident, taking appropriate corrective action, and providing students and staff with appropriate resources.  Complaints alleging discrimination or harassment based on a person’s actual or perceived transgender status or gender nonconformity are to be handled in the same manner as other discrimination or harassment complaints.​​

But they will be able to discriminate against Christians, Jews, and Muslims because this Policy TRUMPS your beliefs that you are trying to inculcate into your children.  Is this what you want?

I sent the following back to my tipster – and yes, it is just the tip of the iceberg on this issue:

NH is a Dillon’s Rule State which means that subdivisions of the State, like a School Board, MUST be able to point to a specific RSA (State Statute) that enables them to do some action.  Outside of that, they can do nothing.

  • Which RSA grants them the Power (Government has Powers, Individuals have Rights) to grant a new Right to a minor child that completely obviates the Freedom of Speech of others (re: preferred pronouns).  See the SAU16/Exeter lawsuit on this (and mine)
  • Which RSA grants them the Power to lie to parents (by omission or commission) about the transgender status of their child?
  • Which RSA grants them the Power to coerce staff members to lie to parents on behalf of the Board’s Policy?

And does the Board not care about the distrust that such a policy will invoke in the Parents against the Staff?  Or the Staff to the Board?

The answer is that there are NONE.  They’ve gone [legally] rogue.

And a couple more – ask the Board about the lawsuit against the Manchester School Board when a Mom inadvertently found out that the School District had allowed her daughter to go “trans” (and most likely helped) with a new masculine name?  Ask them about the Exeter School District when they retaliated against a freshman who rejected the idea of transgenderism because of his Catholic faith?

And watch this and this for more background, as I’m suing the Gilford School Board for exactly these same reasons.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Warrior’s Spirit – 2A Tactical Is Firing Back at the Town of Barrington

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-05-06 00:00 +0000

UPDATE!  Please see below:

A couple of weeks ago, I put up a post ““If It’s Happening in My Town, It’s Happening in Yours (Even If a Bit Sideways)” – Barrington’s Treatment of 2A Tactical“. It was all about the town of Barrington, after giving full permission (permits, paperwork, the works) to Rob Russell (a disabled veteran who wanted to open up a home-based gunsmithing business) to be that entrepreneur that he decided was the way to provide for his family after being medically discharged from the job he loved). From that post:

  • Bob Russell served our country in the US Army – infantry (MOS 11B40)
  • He became 100% disabled
  • Came home, settled in Barrington, did all the right paperwork and steps, and started his one-man-band shop in his home (all properly approved).
  • Having armorer skills, his work became known and he brought in some help to keep up with the inrush of work.
  • Then did it a couple more times – all veterans getting honorable work, solid hours, at good pay.

And then someone powerful decided to make life miserable and because….?  And that is the issue about not just his home based operation but also the new location with a custom building being put up to service his customers better.  Most of us would think this is lemonade result when Life handed him lemons after his Army stint.

Like the title of that post stated, if it’s happening “here” it’s happening in your town as well.  I’ve seen it here in Gilford, I’m seeing that again in Belknap County…

Sidenote: So, NH State Senator Bob Guida said that he was going to work to vote out ALL of the NH State Reps that are Conservative Republicans because, it seems, he’s becoming the toady (and Tim Lang’s political ambitions) of Gary Kiedaisch’s money and connections with NH Gov Chris Sununu?  What, he wants to be the next incarnation of Shawn Jasper with a hidey hole in the bowels (aptly put, Skip!) of NH Government?  So it happens everywhere – especially with rotten politicians.  And he doesn’t even live in Belknap County!

…and its starting to ramp up in Barrington again.  I got this from a tipster totally unrelated to 2A Tactical – methinks that Rob Russell is looking to make life miserable and put a Big Flashlight on the two no-gooders that had him spending upwards of $2million in trying to satisfy the Town on his homebased business, wreak havoc on plans (and then later, construction) of creating his own business building on land he bought, and then spending 10s of thousands (even more) on a lawsuit that the Town dropped on him.

UPDATE:  I was a bit off here – Rob sent a correction:

Just want to make one important correction, and you can do whatever you want of course with this info. We didn’t spend 2 mil fighting or satisfying the town. I estimate that my business may have lost up to 2 million dollars due to the town’s lawsuit due to: in inability to build our future building (can’t get a construction loan with a lawsuit from a municipality threatening to destroy your business), lost revenue from not being at the new location and the huge increase in building material costs. We did spend upwards of $30k on lawyers fees etc. fighting the town. So we did suffer a great and significant loss, I just think the way you worded it makes it sound like we spent 2 mil.

Apologies – and corrected!

Only to then withdraw it.  Shakedown. Retribution. The willingness to just make life hard because somebody didn’t want to “toe the good ole’ boy network”?  Russell was left holding the bag. He even went to the Town and asked “How many times has the Town sued business in town?”

The answer was “only 3 or 4 over the last 10 years”.  But they sued him over….what?  They had given him ALL the proper credentialing TWICE in starting up his business and then growing it.

So, he took the incoming fire – and now is returning fire – dead on the right targets:

I was also told, again after making his life miserable for YEARS, that:

You know, this is going to cost the town some money

Ayup. Play stupid games (with people’s lives and livelihoods), win stupid results.

In doing a little digging, it seems that the worst offender in all this may well be that second guy, Peter Royce.  Has to have had some spot in all this to rile Mr. Russell up – people talk, whisper things, and when you aggregate it all, Occam’s Razor is often right.

Bad actors can often hide for years in plain view AND in the dark corners of Government (even in a small NH town, there’s plenty of them).  Some can fool all of the people for quite some time – but very, very few. The rest will get caught.

And this petition could be looked at as the modern version of “the stocks” – rotten tomatoes brought by the onlookers. I have more info that I need to put up.

Given that we have reconstituted GrokTALK! podcast (recorded, audio only – we are taking the baby steps and will add video in a little while and then go LIVE), we are looking for guests.  Not in  two weeks, though; Rob will be on with us.

To Be Continued.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Roveywade: Ignore the Hype – The Dobbs Draft Leak is Not Moving the Political Needle

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 22:00 +0000

This week the poo-flinging monkeys want you to think the Dobbs draft decision leak that would topple Roe v. Wade is a needle-mover. The idiot media is on it like Biden on a 12-year-old, and they want everyone to think this is a mid-term election game-changer.

But is it?

The lib’s favorite pet cafes have waiting lists, and the crying rooms are full. And you can hear the twigs snapping and snowflakes melting (whatever that sounds like) as they echo off the inside of the Left’s blue bubble.

Add to that the Sturm and Drang of the professional pot-stirrers in the media working their narrative cauldrons, and the perception is that outrage is rising from sea to rising sea, but it’s not.

Polling tells us that most Americans have no idea why we should overturn Roe (it has nothing to do with abortion). They think abortion should be legal (again, having nothing to do with Roe), but they also agree that while legal, it should come with limits. Big ones.

Fifty-four percent polled would be OK with an abortion ban after 15 weeks, while 50 percent think six weeks is long enough.

In contrast, New Hampshire, where Governor Chris Sununu would happily rubber-stamp terminating preborn babies at any “week,” stops the practice (with exceptions) after 24 weeks. For “graduates” of Everyday Math and its Red-Headed Common Core offspring, that’s six months.  SIX MONTHS. And our local poo-flinging narrative monkeys can’t shut up about how this is an offense to human rights, the dignity of women (whatever those are), and reproductive freedom, which translates “loosely” to sex without consequence or, as I like to call it, freedom from reproduction.

But most Americans would prohibit the practice sooner, so is the Sturm and Drang going to backfire? We talked about it on GrokTALK! and Mike summed it up nicely. He said Democrats are “weaponizing all the wrong stuff.”

Over at Hot Air, they’ve got a great quote (snagged from Politico) that apes that from a Democrat strategist.


“Midterm voters care about affordability first and foremost, and they are not people who are worried every single day about losing access to abortion,” said Julie Roginsky, a Democratic strategist who began her career as a researcher at the abortion rights group EMILY’s List. “My fear continues to be that sometimes we as Democrats run on things that we wish the voters cared about, rather than what the voters do care about.”


Sometimes? Okay, we’ll let them pass for now, but most folks won’t. Abortion doesn’t make food cost less or energy prices go down. In fact, given the Left’s obsession, it costs more when they demand tax dollars to pay for it. Money people don’t have that will get laundered back into Left-Wing political campaigns.

And that’s why the Left opposes abstinence education and adoption and was never all that serious about contraception (unless it came from the rose-colored candy dish at the local abortion mill). It doesn’t make them any money.

And they don’t care at all what abortion does to the girls and women (whatever those are), and if the “ladies” (the ones with a uterus) figure that out, it might be the end of abortion as a get out the vote and campaign finance laundromat for the Left.

That is what matters to Democrats.  And after the Dobbs draft leak, their fundraising needle barely moved.

That’s not going to stop the antics, but it doesn’t appear to have the legs they’d hoped, crossed or otherwise, and won’t carry them to November. They need something else, but with Biden and Harris pulling the sh!t wagon, they’ll need another pandemic (or something like it) to survive the predicted red wave.

Not that Republicans in DC have a clue what to do with the majority, but we have to hope, or we’ll be watching a plurality of “our” fifteen Supreme Court Justices rubber-stamp government-funded “abortions” (depending on circumstances) up to 3,848 weeks.

That’s how they do it in China, and we all know how much Democrats love China.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GrokTALK! with YAL Chief of Staff Sean Themea on HealthCare Freedom

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 20:00 +0000

After dancing with the technical difficulties devil in the pale moonlight we finally got another episode cleaned up and”in the can.” An hour of conversation about the Alito Draft Decision leak among other topics, including Health Care Freedom legislation with YAL Chief of Staff, Sean Themea.

We also venture into the news out of China as it embraces Omicron Lockdown-fever and what the West may think about that.  CNN says the economy is about to rebound (we disagree), and a lot more.

Please listen and share!



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Ghosts of Nuremberg

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 18:00 +0000

Are the ghosts of the Nuremberg criminal experimentations on human beings today being emulated by the tyranny initiated by mandated vaccination?

Looking back at these heinous acts in Nazi Germany is a necessity for understanding. The true narrative of Nuremberg, which was brought to light at the “Doctor’s Trials,” revealed and scarred the human consciousness about the horrifying experimentation forced on incarcerated individuals in concentration camps as if they were laboratory animals.

In an open letter of 9/16/2021 “ Rabbi Hillel Handler, Hagar Schafrir, et al. likened the global administration of the Covid vaccines and their consequent side-effects-induced deaths to the infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele’s human experimentation. In blindness, lacking knowledge of this true ugly history, too many Americans fail to feel the full impact of the promise of a repeating result of human misery.

What are the consequences of the answer that America’s Frontline Nurses Founder, Nicole Sirotek received from her colleagues in 2020 when she ask them: “Why Covid-19 patients were being denied life saving-treatment?”

History repeats.

But I am confident that when a sufficient number of individuals learn the lessons from the history of the post-WWII Nuremberg Trials they will as be horrified as I am about the answer that Sirotek received. “We’re just following orders.”

Our citizens over the past century have been victims; unknowingly enduring the manufactured rewritten history and moral degeneracy in schools, TV, and media that have created self-promoting would-be dictators ascending to power striving to play God who has ruled by inverting reality: obedience to the state is liberty. The state is your mamma and daddy.

Today’s citizens have been trained in leadership that just follows “executive orders” as opposed to constitutional law passed by Congress. Such basic inversions of reality have been pounded into the minds of our youth for the past hundred years: “There is no God, there is no innate right or wrong, and man is a graduate beast.” One wonders?

Is this an accident?

Or could it be on purpose that this agenda is actually the three basic tenets of communism that are taught in our schools? No matter the reason, this move to turn our government “upside-down” attacks the foundation of Americanism and promises tyranny if it continues to be taught to the youth of our nation. It must be stopped and parental control of what is taught to children must be restored.

Here we are today standing at a moment in history that can either aluminate the human times with the preservation of liberty or eliminate the foundation of liberty. As individuals, liberty’s future depends on each of us. Our responding actions when our God-given liberties are infringed by “above the law” government mandates that are morally wrong, must challenge these violations. Otherwise, the verdict is written in stone: if we don’t, we become a part of the tyranny that our silence is inviting.

As the beautiful patriotic hymn draws a picture of the source of the power of our Founders: “Our Fathers God to thee, Author of liberty. Of thee I sing. Long may our land be bright with freedoms holy light, protect us by thy might. Great God our King.” May the strength of these Courageous warriors of truth and dependence on God that won our liberty, once again rule. We must stand today for the power of biblical truth to become the “moral backbone” of our government. Otherwise: the dangerous trend that “We are just following orders” is a oneway ticket to the dead-end street of tyranny.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sun-King Sununu Has His George Wallace Moment: Abortion Today, Abortion Tomorrow, Abortion Forever

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 16:00 +0000

In 1963, Alabama Governor George Wallace, in his inaugural address, infamously declared: segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever. The leaking of a Supreme Court draft opinion that overrules Roe v. Wade apparently ignited Sun-King Chris Sununu’s inner George Wallace:

George Wallace recanted his racist views later in life. I hold no such hope for New Hampshire’s narcissistic Sun-King.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Roveywade and Leaks They Made and Dems They Lose Their Mindsies

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 14:00 +0000

I want to thank the Left for the unmasking. It’s not every day that you can get blubbering, safe-space, cry-baby libs to show their two faces with this much energy and conviction.

A coordinated exercise in self-immolation and a gift that keeps on giving.

Someone talked about “Fight Club.”

Never before in the history of the High Court has such a thing happened. Leaking a draft opinion to the press. It sends a message but not the one you think. If it is okay to abandon court tradition in favor of politics, it must be OK to abandon judicial deference to any previous decisions by that court. Especially the “political” ones.

This harpoons any reasoned argument about protecting Roe or Casey.

The leak aborted Stare Decisis.

Separation of Powers.

Some Democrats have discovered the idea that legislators should make laws instead of judges. Someone has been saying that since at least 1973 and it was not Roe Roe Roe your abortion Democrats. But now, it is as if “judicial legislating” was never what the Constitution intended or the crux of the issue with the original decision in Roe.

No matter how you feel about killing the unborn, letting Courts create laws instead of overturning them and returning the process to legislators to fix was a bad idea.

Ironically, Alito’s draft decision – if it holds up – begins to heal that wound.

My Body My Choice.

They spent the past two years telling women that the state had a legitimate reason to control their bodies (lockdowns, masking, pharmaceutical intervention). Refusing to embrace these demands meant no normal (no anything) and no job for some. But you’ve circled back to My Body My Choice. Women suddenly have rights, another mind-boggling, Rube-Goldbergian Left-Wing trap.

What Do You Mean by Women?

The newest appointee to the US Supreme Court doesn’t know what a woman is because she’s not a biologist. The SJW LGBTQ Gaystapo and their thug enforcers (all of whom could go by the nickname “Lefty”) have spent years telling us men are women, and you are a bigot if you don’t embrace that lie.

The Left erased women. No women, no women’s rights.  Arguing to the contrary invites questions about the questions. If you don’t have a uterus, you are prohibited from commenting; unless you are a man claiming to be a woman who also (by the way) has no right to “her” body when it comes to lockdowns masking, and pharmaceutical intervention.

If we ask you to get your story “straight,” we’ve violated your safe space, but there is no safe space from State interventions of the Dems leading them, and pretending otherwise is a lie.

And Not Entirely In Conclusion.

The coordinated messaging from the blubbering, safe-space, cry-baby libs is that anyone who disagrees with them is extremist—disagreeing with what, though? Judicial precedent, “women’s” rights, courts backing away from legislating from the bench. Or did you mean the opposite of those things?

The answer you’ll get is unintelligible screaming, crying, chest-pounding, whining, and name-calling.

That won’t change.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

For Midterms Dems Focus on Culture War Rather Than Issues

Libertarian Leanings - Thu, 2022-05-05 13:48 +0000

Mark Wauck, Meaning in History:  The Culture War Is Alive And Well

On the GOP end of the political spectrum, the wild success of Ron DeSantis—following on the wild success of Glenn Youngkin in VA—seems a clear indication that the culture wars will be front and center. Just as clear an indication is Trump’s continuing and overwhelming success in getting his selections elected in GOP primaries. Never mind the quality of some of his endorsements. The point is that Trump, the leader of populism in America, is showing that he owns the New Right and that the New Right continues to be the ticket for GOP electoral success.

In all this we see that cultural issues are combined with class differences, as well. The Dems are increasingly identified not only with cultural issues but those cultural issues are being recognized by Americans as the expression of class differences, as well. The aberrosexual issues that Dems are trying to foist on Blacks, Hispanics, and suburban moms are now seen to be part and parcel with the upper class of urban Whites. What happened in VA, and is happening increasingly across the country, is that people—like suburban moms—who may have once aspired to become part of the genteel urban Upper Class are having second thoughts. They are no longer certain that the class that controls the Dem party and despises their lifestyle is their kind of people, or that they want to entrust their children to them. Identifying themselves as the class that is willing to trash even the most cherished American institutions in their quest for power may also prove to be a losing card for Dems. Americans remain, in many ways, a people that is bound to tradition.

Read the rest here.

Categories: Blogs, United States

Inflation is Worse Than They Say

Libertarian Leanings - Thu, 2022-05-05 13:39 +0000

Samuel Gregg, Common Sense:  'That Doesn’t Feel Like $150 Worth of Groceries'

In 2011, the last time inflation was on the rise, the then-president of the New York Federal Reserve, William Dudley, ventured into a working-class neighborhood in Queens, New York, to give a speech explaining why inflation wasn’t a big deal. Finding that he wasn’t making an impact, Dudley famously picked up an iPad 2 and told his audience, “Today you can buy an iPad 2 that costs the same as an iPad 1 that is twice as powerful.”

“I can’t eat an iPad!” someone in the audience shouted back.

I was reminded of this story recently while standing in the checkout line of my local grocery store. An elderly neighbor standing in front of me saw the total price of her purchases flash up on the screen. For a moment, her eyes registered shock. Then I heard her mutter, “That sure doesn’t feel like $150 worth of groceries.”

What my neighbor was sensing was the general increase in the price of goods and services and an associated decline in her money’s purchasing power. That’s the essence of inflation. 

I didn’t have the heart to tell her that a bag of groceries isn’t included in what’s called the “core inflation” measurement. 

Read the rest here.

Categories: Blogs, United States

Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 12:00 +0000

The Democrats have jumped on the Supreme Court leak like a Siamese Fighting Fish that jumped into the adjacent bowl. It has been revealed that the White House was aware of the Supreme Court leak a couple of days before the news appeared in Politico.

This advance notice was not enough time for Joe Biden to have an answer ready for the media yesterday when they asked about the leak. Two days to prepare for the most obvious question, and he had nothing. What a surprise.

The White House, specifically Joe Biden, was prepared with a web fundraising campaign geared around the leak fiasco. There also was an obvious synchronized message from the Democrats and the media. They were all on the same page as if they had been coordinating their efforts for weeks rather than one news cycle.

Kamala Harris was animated as she lied to a group she was addressing, claiming the Supreme Court was about to outlaw abortion. It just isn’t true. She screamed at the Republicans, saying “how dare they” repeatedly. It was loud but ineffective.

The overreaction was hyperbolic.

The Senate has called for immediate legislation to codify the right to an abortion for any woman in any state. The radical Left, Warren, and Sanders called for the immediate destruction of the two-thirds majority by blowing up the filibuster. It is not so much support for killing the unborn but placating the Radical Left. Abortion, or reproductive rights, is the number one issue of many members of Gen-Z.

If the leaked draft were to become the final Court decision, many say it would correct a mistake by the Court over fifty years ago. There is nothing in the Constitution that refers to terminating the life of an unborn baby. The Roe V. Wade decision took the control away from the states to set parameters on abortion to conform to the wish of its residents. Overturning Roe V. Wade will return abortion to the states where it belongs.

There is also no mention of any other issue in the draft. Biden’s statement that Same-Sex Marriage is also in the crosshairs is to fuel the misinformation. Instead of healing, he stoked the activists on the left, who quickly took to the streets before the ink was dry on the leak.

This overreaction did not start with the leak but can be traced back to 2020 when Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and called out newly confirmed justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. He threatened they would have to answer for their actions should they ever rule against Roe V. Wade.

This abortion story will be the rallying cry for the Democrats. Biden calls Republicans the MAGA crowd that is the most radical in our history. He tells his listeners that they must elect more Democrats in November or lose control of the country. His words validate my belief that the leaders of the Democrats orchestrated this leak. The money has been flowing into Democrat coffers since Tuesday. The Dems show that this is a crisis that they will milk for all its worth.

This rhetoric is embarrassing and infuriating. To listen to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders rant about the hypothetical next decisions that the Court will be handing down would be comical if not so serious. Biden says that LGBTQ students will be banned from classrooms. Harris says that the Court has told women they no longer have control of their bodies. Warren says that the Court has no legitimacy. Sanders wants to blow up the filibuster and pack the Court. NONE of these are true. These amateur hacks are doing nothing but stir the base with lies. You can throw Psaki into that bunch. She twisted words into pretzels during her briefing today. These people do not deserve our time or respect. With each sound bite, I am more convinced this whole charade has been orchestrated by the Dems, and it will have a short run.



Ray Writes for and the Liberty Loft

The post Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tweaking the ‘Grok!

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 10:00 +0000

Every day, we have published at least eleven new pieces (one every 90 minutes) between 6:30 am and 9:30 pm, every day, for what feels like a long time. That’s a lot of content. Well, I’m changing it.

Effective yesterday, the new schedule is every two hours, beginning at 6 am and ending at 10 pm. The change means nine new posts every day instead of eleven.

We’ll still add breaking news when we can and any other content that needs to pop in here and there (or just because we feel like it), but the new default will be nine posts, one every two hours, beginning at 6 am.


Speaking for myself, I’d like to write “better.”

Without the time to focus on making the content more interesting or unique, it begins to get a rushed cut and past feel, and I’m Not Lovin’ it, and since this is a hobby, I need to be loving it.

Everyone has a tone or a “sound” to their work, and I think mine’s getting lost in the business side of being a prominent media source (which we still are), trying to keep a promise, so…I’m adjusting things a tiny bit to try and make a little more room.

Summarized: I hope to exchange a little quantity for better quality: small changes, and maybe, at least once and while, better results.

So, that’s the plan today. It is subject to change based on circumstances, but I wanted folks to know what’s up. Oh, and a reminder: GrokMeet in Concord on May 14th, 6-8 pm ET, Area 23 Pub in Concord.

We hope to see you there.



The post Tweaking the ‘Grok! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Notable Quote – Radical Ideas CAN be the Right ones!

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-05 02:00 +0000

History has shown that voluntary economic trade between individuals, without the “guiding” Hand of the Government, has lifted billions out of poverty and onto the road of a higher standard of living at lower costs and higher quality compared to when markets were controlled by others and such decisions were made beforehand.


Although Adam Smith is today often regarded as a “conservative” figure, he in fact attacked many of the dominant ideas and interests of his own times. Moreover, the idea of a spontaneously self-equilibrating system – the market economy – first developed by the Physiocrats and later made part of the tradition of classical economics by Adam Smith, represented a radically new departure, not only in analysis of social causation but also in seeing a reduced role for political, intellectual, or other elites as guides or controllers of the masses.  -Thomas Sowell (Basic Economics)


But look at that last part – “a reduced role.

Those that held such positions must have hated that they were getting cut out of the middle and no longer got their “cut of the pie” even if was just the satisfaction that their decisions were “for the betterment of all”.  Such hubris!  Such thinking is limited, self-avowing, and self-interested in one way or another.

It’s that limiting part that is the most important, however, as while it may reduce “friction” for some transaction, it completely closes off entire sectors of commerce from even being thought of. In short, it limits innovation.  Items like the microprocessor, the revolutionary iPod (at the time), personal computers, the shipping container, affordable cars, non-stick pans, clothes washing machines, floor vacuums, bike helmets; heck, even the “in house toilet”. Some interesting, some mundane but none, I believe, could have been developed if even just a small cadre of people were controlling the marketplace.

No, the innovational idea by Smith recognized that it was the Individual, looking out for their own self-interest in trying to make life better for themselves and their families by serving others with new and varied products that made their lives better, were the key to the marketplace.

It is at our own economic peril that we ditch this ever-so-important insight.


(H/T: Cafe Hayek)

The post Notable Quote – Radical Ideas CAN be the Right ones! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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