The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

Sunday Spotlight: The Man is Loved and Hated

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-23 18:00 +0000

We love capitalism in America. It is success that most people have a problem with. It is not achieving one’s level of success but developing jealousy and hatred for those who achieved theirs.

When someone reaches for the heights and gets there, rather than analyze how it was done to learn from the example, we turn on the person and try to bring them back down. Elon Musk is the wealthiest man on earth, and his story is why he is this week’s Sunday Spotlight.

Elon Musk has experienced far more in his fifty-one years than could ever be documented in a short post. Born in South Africa, raised in Canada, and built his fortune in the United States, his life is as complex as his ventures varied. From online banking (PayPal), space travel (SpaceX), electric cars and power (Tesla), tunnel transportation (Boring), and satellite internet (Starlink), his wealth has skyrocketed to an estimated $240 Billion. This wealth has made him the target of many, especially those who find capitalism evil.

Interestingly, those who criticize Musk the most benefit the most from his genius. They love the electric vehicle technology developed by Tesla that will aid in their quest for a carbon-free world but are disgusted with the revenue it has brought to Musk. They lauded him for altering the orbit of his Starlink satellites to allow Ukraine to stay connected to the world via the Internet. Still, they complained foolishly that his satellites block the sun and are a menace to other space travel.

Musk resided and built his empire in California, and Tesla and SpaceX still have a presence on the coast. He has taken most of the operations and his residence to the free state of Texas. The business environment and the restrictions levied on his operations by California during the Pandemic forced Musk to make his move. It shined a bright light on the mass exodus from California to states like Texas, Florida, and Tennessee that are more conducive to business and less restrictive on individual rights.

Musk’s latest venture has put him in the crosshairs of both supporters and detractors. His buyout of Twitter has put the bias of Social Media out in the open. His negotiations with Twitter have exposed the political bias of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and the algorithms and misrepresentations they use to manipulate information and company values. His promise to bring free speech back to Twitter has struck fear in both the social media and mainstream media worlds. He is also now a target of the Biden administration that is weaponizing the Justice Department to investigate Musk and his purchase of Twitter. Many say that Biden is in the White House because of the censorship practices of Social Media, and they do not want any such information to be uncovered. The deal to purchase Twitter should be consummated this week.

Elon Musk is still a young man. He is brilliant and surrounds himself with people of the same ilk. His business are cutting-edge and challenge the imagination. His philanthropy is second to none, and his companies are built for the betterment of humanity and the world.

Brilliance should never be harnessed, especially when used for good. Elon Musk is a man to be celebrated, not destroyed. If we can put aside our jealousy and embrace Musk for what he has done and what lies ahead, we may find answers to questions that plague both sides of the aisle. I, for one, look forward to many years of innovation and great ideas from this young man.

The post Sunday Spotlight: The Man is Loved and Hated appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-23 16:30 +0000

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
  2. Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well.




Top of the fold:


Fraud vitiates all protections.  Good on her, and good luck!

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Omicron is highly contagious, yet mild. This modified Omicron may be equally contagious, and 80% lethal. If it gets out [is released], more than half the population of our country will be at severe risk, and that’s only among those who are “vaccinated”. Our government not only sanctions this, it funds it.

At the link is the pre-print paper PDF.  Seven Hairy Hells.  And about Omicron:

Carazo et al, Quebec, JAMA, < 1% risk for Omicron hospitalization for unvaccinated naturally immune from prior COVID-19 group.  Clearly the winner.  Vaccination not help anyone do better than an unvaccinated COVID-19 recovered person. @PeterMcCullough

I’ve had Covid and have antibodies.  I caught it from my son (through my wife), and I’m sure my daughter had it too.  I’m 90% sure we’ve all had a second bout as well with Omicron – as I think we had the Delta version.  We’re protected.  My only concern is government interference… and my Covidian wife going through with it anyway.  But that seems, B”H, to be a stable situation.

Western Civilization Is Ceasing to Exist | (

The campfire is fading.  The wolves are closing in:

Hungry Wolves and Darkened Campfires – Granite Grok


Mysterious GPS Disruptions Spread in Texas Near Fort Hood

Think of the fact that so much of today’s commerce, and even just plain driving, relies on GPS.  IMHO this was a test run.





Good point!




Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles; revisit daily.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

Survival World – Everything You Need To Know to Survive

Homestead Survival Site – How to Live Off The Grid in Comfort and Style

Urban Survival Site | How to Survive a Disaster in the City

Mind4Survival – Survival and Preparedness

Gray Wolf survival

Sustainable Living (

And three aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites & links too:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs

Prepper Website – Preparedness • Survival • Alternative News

Specific, one-up articles:

Starting a Campfire in a Pinch – Lehman’s Simpler Living Blog (

Meal In A Jar Recipes You Need To Prep While You Can Still Afford It – Ask a Prepper

30 medicinal plants that’ll change your life forever (

How to Store Flour Long Term (

23 Overlooked Survival Foods You Need To Add To Your Pantry – Ask a Prepper

10 Ingenious Ways to Keep Moths Away From Your Grains – Ask a Prepper

I’ve had to throw out hundreds of pounds of grains because of these little SOBs.

How I survived a year of SHTF in 90s Bosnia – PrepHole

Winter Is Coming. Is Your Car Prepared? – PJ Media

 Related to Spicy Time:

The Hunt Is On and You Are the Prey – POLITICAL MOONSHINE

You will not “gray man” your way through this.








Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?





An excellent video by Bill.  And it reminded me of something from my essay, Fear is the Mind Killer… – Granite Grok, wherein I discussed the history book The Savior Generals and how dread was such a factor in the belief that the defenders were going to lose:

Dread has an enormous impact on behaviors.  I just finished The Savior Generals by Victor Davis Hanson.  In it, he discusses five wars that seemed lost and the military leaders that stepped forth and saved them.  A specific thing from his conclusion about common elements of the five situations was that dread of an enemy that seemed unstoppable at the time was a critical factor to the dire state they were in (bolding added):

Some enemies are not just formidable but abjectly terrifying.  Before the victory at Marathon, the Greeks, or so the historian Herodotus remarked, feared even to look upon the Persians. … The chronically outnumbered Byzantines likewise felt such apprehension….

By 1864, a growing number in the demoralized North were beginning to believe the myth that the South simply had bred a better warrior class… In Korea, the sudden influx of hundreds of thousands of Communist Chinese created sheer panic among American troops.  [In Iraq] many in America felt there were simply few antidotes either to suicide bombers or improvised explosive devices…

What is remarkable in all these cases was how little such dread affected generals like Themistocles, Belisarius, Sherman, Ridgway, and Petraeus.  They did not belittle their enemies’ fighting prowess, but simply saw that their own side’s prior problems were not due to larger-than-life foes…

I see the same thing now in our war on the Left.  We’re terrified that it’s hopeless.  It’s not hopeless.




I just started a FORAGING group on Gab.  However, I’m having trouble with it and have asked for help.  Will announce when I can let people in.


Foraging: One-up articles

None found this week.

Foraging: Permanent sites:

Foraging (

Wild Harvests (

Southern Appalachian Herbs

Books (permanent feature):

Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)

The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

Japan Pushing Biometric “My Number” Digital ID to Include Health Insurance Cards, Driver’s Licenses, and More by 2025 – Activist Post

Relentless advances.  Related:

IMF ponders ways to end people’s hesitancy to move away to cash (

Don’t they mean “from” cash?

South Korea Plots Digital ID System

Your enslavement will be sold as “convenient”.

Do Recent Laws Allow The Government To Use Biosurveillance To Target Americans?

The short answer?  Yes.  Related:

The American Stasi State | Frontpage Mag

Netherlands’ Land Grab: Government’s Proposal to Seize Up To 600 Farms Within a Year, by Force if Necessary – The Expose (

Protest harder!  Vote harder!  I’m sure that will solve it!

UK Commons passes bill to electronically tag protesters that haven’t been convicted of a crime (

In the land of the Magna Carta.



National Security (specifically):

democrat Presidents help our enemies keep up with the US – Flopping Aces

Russians get help from Iranian drones that they learned to do from us.  And Barackus could have stopped it… and didn’t.



Shortages (broadly):



The Food Crisis Of 2023 Is Going To Be Far Worse Than Most People Would Dare To Imagine | ZeroHedge

This will be catastrophic.  But people won’t notice until they, themselves, see the empty shelves.  Related:

U.S. winter wheat farmers plant into dust as Plains drought persists (



These people really are this stupid!

The food situation, here and worldwide

This blog post is not, repeat, NOT designed to make you afraid, or scare you into “prepping” if you’re not already there, or anything like that.  Its intention is to simply present facts, and let you make up your own mind what you need to do to prepare for the shortages that are coming.  In the USA, there will undoubtedly be shortages of some food groups, and much higher prices for others;  but we’re fortunate to live in a country that is more likely than others to produce enough food to keep most people alive.  In other parts of the world, that’s anything but the case.  Genuine, worldwide famine is now being forecast by the United Nations and other authorities, and they’re not joking.







BIDEN ECONOMY: Real Retail Spending Fell in September – Inflation Impacts Spending Behaviors (

Make things more expensive, people react.  Duh.

Federal Tax Receipts Near Record-High Share Of GDP

And still they want more.  And more.  And more.

Food Prices in Canada Continue to Climb, Says New Statscan Report

How Everyday Food Items Have Risen in Price in the Past 12 Months

Lithium price jumps to fresh all-time high – MINING.COM

Inflation protests across Europe threaten political turmoil – Blazing Cat Fur

Around the world.






Why Does The Media Never Call World Leaders ‘Far Left’?

A good question!  Related:

Mainstream Media Poses ‘Major Threat To Democracy’ According To Poll | ZeroHedge



Know your enemy:


Nolte: MSNBC Compares Trump Supporters to ‘Lice, Fleas, Blood-Sucking Ticks’ (

They hate you.  They really, really hate you.  This is, IMHO, a combination of Stages 4 & 6.  More to the point, this is former RNC Chief Michael Steele.


These people are truly mad, and a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to all live on earth.  The hubris, the sheer overweening pride, to think we can do this and be in control.



Economy at large:

Tighten Your Belt: You are in for a Very Bumpy Ride – The Expose (

Dependence on government is the goal.

Cracks In The World Economy Are Starting To Show | ZeroHedge

It will hold… until it goes catastrophically, I think.  Related:

Cargo Traffic At LA Port Plummets; Trucking Firm Warns Of 2008-Style Slowdown | ZeroHedge

“Weeks Away From Whole $hithouse Coming Down” – Holter Warns This Crash “Will Make 1987 Blush” | ZeroHedge

A Brief History of the Past 10,000 Years of Monetary Policy and Why Last Week Was a Big Deal – Epsilon Theory




US Stability (broad catch-all):

Best case: We will have a depression; Worst case: We will have a civil war predicts Robert Kiyosaki

Video, two minutes.

Will James Comey And Robert Mueller Be Prosecuted For Lies John Durham Uncovered?

Yes… at half-past never.  This is one of the reasons Rome fell – when the average Roman saw how utterly corrupt the Rome he’d believed in his whole life had become, he ceased being willing to fight for it.  Related:

Poll: 93% Concerned About Democrats’ Soaring Inflation, Poor Economy (

We already saw vote fraud exposed in 2020.  If there is no “Red Tsunami” or, worse, the Left keeps the House and Senate, then TINVOWOOT.



And they’re laying the groundwork / psy-op battlespace:

Howard Dean: Dems Will Increase Senate, House Majorities in Midterm Election (

Nancy Pelosi Claims Dems Will Win Big – Apologizes For Saying Trump’s Name Out Loud On Colbert Show

Given the economy, inflation, uncertainty, and myriad other anchors… if the Dems win big it’s 100% proof that TINVOWOOT.  Related:

Arizona Attorney General Requests FBI and IRS Investigate 2,000 Mules-Linked Group

Biden’s Invasion: Thousands of Illegals Forming Another Caravan to U.S. – Geller Report

The Great Replacement proceeds apace.



CEO Says San Francisco is a ‘City of Chaos’ Where Retail Workers Are ‘Terrified’

The progressive CEO of a clothing store chain announced yesterday that he would be closing the San Francisco store because of the frequent break ins by gangs of thieves. Davis Smith who runs the active-wear chain Cotopaxi, described San Francisco as a “city of chaos” and one in which his retail workers are “terrified.” He also described how practical efforts to deal with the problems, such as private security, don’t help because the thieves have learned they won’t be physically stopped or arrested.

A civilization cannot survive like this.  Nor like this, when mere criticism of policies results in the government agents thinking you are traitors:

Federal Advisory Group Suggested Charging All Employees of Libertarian Think Tanks With Treason



World Stability (broad catch-all):

Ukraine Can Retake Crimea By Next Summer, Former Top US Commander Says | ZeroHedge

This kind of talk is bad enough; if, somehow, they try it????

Noland: “Dominoes Are Aligning For A Major Synchronized Global Crisis”

Unstable across the board.



Related to the above:


Seven Hairy Hells, these people really do want to play “global thermonuclear war”!

Russian aircraft fired missile near British plane over Black Sea: UK Minister | Mint (

We are just one such event shy of things lighting off.

Europe and the United States Go Thelma and Louise – A Son of the New American Revolution (

Like Thelma and Lousie, the United States and Europe are gunning their engines and tossing equipment willy nilly into Ukraine. I guess they hope something sticks. Remains to be seen if the NATO countries experience the same hard landing that met Thelma and Louise at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Zscaler CEO: ‘Major’ EU Internet Cable Cut Was ‘Act Of Vandalism’ | CRN

Another target for sabotage.  And look here, is Russia being set up as the fall guy?  (I’m assuming Russia did not do it.)

Russian ‘spy ship’ tracked off UK coast sparks fears Putin may cut off World Wide Web – Daily Star

And check this out.  They’re right next door to Ukraine:



The terrible what-ifs accumulate.





The lesson here?  Human hubris, fueled by “good intentions”, is the cause of so much harm to our world.




Specific to energy:

Here’s What Happens When You Go Without Power for 7 Days – Ask a Prepper

Now, imagine this in the entire US after an EMP.  And it won’t be seven days.  Related:

What Could Happen in the Event of Complete Collapse in America? – Liberty’s Torch (

Energy Inflation Isn’t An Accident, It’s A Planned Demolition (

Planned for decades, actually.

How To Prepare For The Rising Energy Prices – Ask a Prepper

It’s coming.

Spiralling energy costs force Belgian companies to shut down (

High energy prices will drive shortages.



Gardening, animals, food preservation, overall health, etc.:

30 medicinal plants that’ll change your life forever (

Tabletop Hydroponics: What I Know About the Quirks of Kratky Jars (



Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):

Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:

Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (

USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (

Canning | SDSU Extension (

Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (

Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University

National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (

If you see others, tell me in the comments.

Topical Books (also permanent):

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing

Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing

A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game

The Prepper’s Canning Guide

Pickled Pantry

Fermented Vegetables

Hydroponics and Greenhouse Gardening: 3-in-1 Gardening Book to Grow Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit All-Year-Round

Hydroponics for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Hydroponic Gardening, Designing and Building Inexpensive DIY Hydroponic Systems…

The Aquaponics Guidebook: Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics










Big Tech in general:

REVEALED: DuckDuckGo Sells Private Search Information of Users to Microsoft – Big League Politics

DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg did not deny that he was selling out the search information of its users. He just made excuses for doing it while still claiming despite the evidence otherwise that his organization promotes privacy.

So, is there ANY SEARCH ENGINE that doesn’t do this?


Make something more expensive… *cough $15 an hour minimum wage cough*… you incentivize developing alternatives.

Hopkins: The Gaslighting Of The Masses

It’s gaslighting all the way down, IMHO.

The “smart money” nightmare – when the government can track and control every cent you spend

The video is very important.  15 minutes, and it explains very well.


OOH, this looks really cool (if I could wear contacts).  OTOH… terrifying, including how dependent you will get on it.  Let alone what kind of information it will gather about you.  Does it record without you knowing?  Is it connected?  How does it free-translate signs, etc., i.e., it would have to be connected to language databases and what happens with that RF exposure literally on your eye?

Google Doesn’t Want You to Research Mass Formation Psychosis (

Control the information flow, control the population.



Self-defense (broad) & Hunting:



A school shooting successfully stopped – but the mainstream media ignore it

Good news.  And not reported, of course.  That would destroy The Narrative.

The Ultimate Meat Processing Charts for Preppers – Ask a Prepper



Meanwhile, in Canada:

Canada bans new handgun sales in strictest gun control regulation in 40 years | World News | Sky News

And doubtless Dems here in the US are Jonesing at this.  Related:

Biden Administration in Hot Water for Allegedly Violating 54-Year-Old Gun Act (

How To Protect Your Garden From Looting Intruders – Ask a Prepper

And so many who will think they can show up and just demand you feed them.



Catch-all miscellaneous:




Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:



Nuremberg 2 now.  For the politicians.  For the pharma employees.  For the doctors and nurses and pharmacists who pushed this, who denied early treatment, who scorned HCQ and Ivermectin, who ignored ever-mounting evidence of Jab harm.  (I had an Ivermectin scrip that I couldn’t fill at ANY local drug store… in retrospect I should have lied and said I was going to somewhere in the world that had a parasite problem.)

And these guys especially:

The Authorities Are Our Enemies – Kunstler

Adding the mRNA shots to the official vaccine schedule will make permanent the liability shield their makers enjoy under the current emergency use authorization (EUA). Pfizer and Moderna are now off-the-hook for any responsibility, unless fraud over the vaxxes is proven in a court of law. Given the vast evidence of harms done by these products, will that be a difficult thing to do? Consider: cases for fraud can be brought in any jurisdiction of the USA, not just in the notoriously corrupt DC federal district court, which does not recognize crime for what it is (crime).



I count this immunizing of pharma as one of the single biggest contributors to where we are today.  It removes consequences.  To cite Thomas Sowell:



Observing the red-pilling of a man: Dr. John Campbell on the massive increase in newborn infant mortality | Barnhardt

Dr. Campbell is FINALLY realizing what we all knew from February ARSH 2020: This is all 100% intentional, meticulously planned, and has NOTHING to do with keeping people alive and healthy, but rather to make people sick, sterile and DEAD. It is a human population reduction campaign, and the largest crime against humanity ever executed by orders of magnitude. This is Our Lady’s words, “Entire nations will be annihilated…” playing out in realtime. WE. WERE. WARNED.



As Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel once said, “When someone says they want to kill you, believe them”:

Evil WEF Leader Caught Planning ‘Mass Extinction Event’ to Inner Circle – News Punch

RTWT.  More:

Planned Parenthood told us what it was going to do: Matt Walsh flags 1969 depopulation memo – LifeSite (

They’ve been planning this for decades.




Palate cleansers:









The post Survival Sunday appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Canada Bans the Sale or Transfer of Handguns in the Dominion

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-23 15:00 +0000

Justin Troodough is grinning like the Cheshire cat. On Friday, his new anti-gun law went into effect. He thinks it is an anti-gun violence law, but as we all know, anti-gun-violence laws result in more violence, not less, so Canada should prepare for the inevitable.

Related: O Canada … Justin Trudeau Puts Out The Welcome Mat For Democrats

Thanks to Troodough.


Oct 21 (Reuters) – Regulations prohibiting the sale, purchase or transfer of handguns within Canada took effect on Friday, as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the measure builds on earlier efforts banning handgun imports.

The handgun freeze was announced in May alongside proposed legislation that would implement the nation’s strongest gun control measures in 40 years as part of Trudeau’s plan to tackle gun violence, his office said. …

Friday’s action stops people from buying, selling or transferring handguns within Canada, and prevents them from bringing newly acquired handguns into the country, according to the prime minister’s office.

The black-market folks must be very excited. Demand is likely to rise, especially among the criminal element who stand most to benefit, just like Chicago, Baltimore, Washington DC, and even London – if you’d like a Western example of stupid outside the US.

Crime and violent crime have risen everywhere this is tried.

Chicago, America’s gun-control Mecca – whose dogma Democrat missionaries work diligently to spread across the country – has had 587 homicides this year. Five hundred thirty of those were the result of “gun violence.”

Baltimore suffers roughly 340 homicides yearly, most of which result from gun violence despite decades of “common sense” Democrat anti-gun laws.

Canada had 743 Homicides in 2020; 277 were gun-related ( I did not find data for 2021).

Moving forward, we can watch (in real-time) how crime and violent crime rise under any new anti-gun violence legislation in Canada, except in Alberta. They have said they will not enforce Troodough’s ridiculous law. I’m not sure how that will play out in the Great White North, but we’ll try to keep you in the loop as that develops.

The post Canada Bans the Sale or Transfer of Handguns in the Dominion appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Notable Quote – Lying with Impunity and Then Demanding You Affirm Their Lie

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-23 13:30 +0000

“The modern Left’s standard tactic is first to propose a transparent counterfactual (men becoming women perhaps being the most egregious), act on it as if it were real, and demand we all do the same. They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.

The Great Reset proposes to command by fiat what Nature and Nature’s God has thus far refused to countenance. Just surrender your freedom; your mobility; even your diet—eat more bugs! they sing—and heed us. But the sirenic Alemannis and the Davoisie have poultry legs, and the Chinese relish for chicken feet ought to give us pause.”

—Michael Walsh, (introduction, Against the Great Reset)

A great Overton Window being shoved to the Left. The Transgender movement, school-aged version, mirrors that first observation quite well. Not only can boys be girls and girls be boys, but they SHOULD be allowed to do so (even as our lyin’ eyes and thousands of years of evolution tell us otherwise).  The next counterfactual (as Walsh puts it) is that we MUST “affirm”, nay, CELEBRATE that – or the kids will kill themselves (ask that noted psychologist, NH Democrat Party Chair Ray Buckley).

A twofer. Now add to that “lying to ourselves” and that we are required to “love” them (really, it IS a demand that we love completely unknown children), is that we give up our Constitutional Rights: Free Speech (and speak only that which Govt allows – in this case “preferred pronouns”). Then, as Parents, we are to not worry about Government Schools willing take on the mantle of being able to lie to Parents (all  court decisions holding that Parents ARE in charge of their children’s upbringing to the contrary) concerning the sexuality of “their students” (see Buckley, above).

This is the 2+25 situation we find ourselves – and it seems that every day brings other Progressive ideas that we know are lies – like not punishing those that do crimes against Society should not be dealt with according to black letter law that Society has enacted to protect itself from these deranged, unfit, and evil people. Crime rates soaring?  We are supposed to believe that WE are responsible because Society has and is oppressing them as yet another “marginalized” group (as if they are incapable of following the Laws that the rest of us are bound to follow).

And that Biden can wield “prosecutorial discretion” along our Southern Border and allow 5 million new illegal immigrants into the county because America has been and continues to be an Oppressor nation (even as China and Mexico are free to flood our country with fentanyl and other drugs with impunity that kill over 300 of our countrymen daily).

November 8th is soon coming – ask youself: how much longer are you willing to have lies foisted upon you and then forced to believe they are actually truth?

After all, “we have always been at war with Eastasia” (when Orwell’s 1984 starts with war being aimed against Eurasia). They expect us to believe them in real life, like Biden announcing that our Country is strong and that all Republicans are stochastic terrorists” merely because we are his political enemies.


The post Notable Quote – Lying with Impunity and Then Demanding You Affirm Their Lie appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

On the Upside, the Technology Made '2000 Mules' Possible

Libertarian Leanings - Sun, 2022-10-23 12:00 +0000
Anne Toomey McKenna, The Daily Record: What Is Fog Reveal? A Legal Scholar Explains The App Some Police Forces Are Using To Track People Without A Warrant Government agencies and private security companies in the U.S. have found a cost-effective... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

“Despite My Many Disagreements with Platforms of the Republican Party, It Poses Far Less of a Threat than Democrats”

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-23 12:00 +0000

While folks are simmering the defection of Tulsi Gabbard from the Democrat Party, who says she will now vote Republican, other “Democrats” appear prepared to make the same leap.

Civil Liberties Lawyer Jenin Younes says she can no longer vote for Democrats. It’s just too dangerous.


A lifelong Democrat writer and civil liberties attorney said Thursday she will vote Republican for the first time, motivated by what she sees as the left’s embrace of “authoritarian” measures during the COVID pandemic and censorship of opposing views.

“Though I was a lifelong Democrat until 2020, I will be voting red this November and in every election for the foreseeable future. I firmly believe that, despite my many disagreements with platforms of the Republican Party, it poses far less of a threat than Democrats,” Jenin Younes wrote on Twitter this week.




“I would say I initially associated the Democrats with sticking up for the little guy, being anti-corporation, even anti-big government,” she said while appearing on “Fox & Friends.”

“Things have changed since then, and I would say especially with COVID where the Democrats really embraced authoritarian policies in terms of closing businesses and schools,” she added.

Younes lambasted Democrats’ notoriety for censorship, particularly through the Big Tech and social media crackdowns, adding that the issues she finds so important have made her consider voting Republican for some time.

Former Democrats speaking out after Tulsi Gabbard announces she’s leaving the ‘woke’ Democratic PartyVideo
She roasted progressive Democrats even further by dissecting their laser focus on gender ideology issues for children, including pronouns and gender-affirming treatments for minors.

“[That’s] another issue I have with Democrats at this point in time. I want to emphasize that I don’t have a problem with adults being able to do what they want, but I have a problem with people pushing children to get surgeries and confusing them about their identity in this way,” Younes said.


Gabbard, for the record, is probably still more dangerous than your average RINO as a candidate. She’s carrying a lot of blue water with her. So any appreciation we may have for her standing up and publicly leaving the party of death is focused on her voting for Republicans instead of Democrats and any influence that may have on her party.

I wouldn’t vote for Republican Tulsi Gabbard until she’d demonstrated the inclination to be at least libertarian instead of a liberal progressive. In other words, we’ll take the votes, but we are not giving her any votes if she runs for something.

We also appreciate the influence she may have with other Democrats that do not like the direction socialists have chosen. This lot is comprised of millions of blue-collar and union voters. Like Gabbard and Younes, they are okay with adults doing as they please but uncomfortable with using policy to sexualize children. They don’t like free speech attacks or where the Left has led the economy.

Climate change might be on their radar but not at the expense of everything else, and that’s what has happened.

They won’t announce it on Twitter, Facebook, or even among friends or family. It is too risky. They are not prepared or equipped to face the assault that could come from a public announcement, even in groups perceived as friendly.

Most of them will vote Republican on a secret ballot in the privacy of a voting booth on November 8th. Maybe not every race, but at least a few. For all of Gabbard and Younes’ reasons and more.



HT | Liberty One News

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Influencers, Not Legislators

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-23 10:30 +0000
Seeing Democrat Representative A. O. Cortez of New York mock her supporters this week at one of her rallies sealed the deal for me. She is not mature, worldly, or professional enough to be called a legislator in the United States House of Representatives.

The people who attended her rally were upset about her support of the war in Ukraine and were chanting, “AOC has to go.” She first addressed them with a mock Spanish accent and then danced to their beat. I am sure her followers on social media got a kick out of their role model in government, but that shows the intellect of her followers. It is sad, but her stature on social media platforms is far more important to her than her standing in Congress, which is dismal. Like all of her fellow Squad members, Cortez does not write legislature that is sound enough to pass the House and move onto the Senate. They do not stand for anything important enough to garner the support of the rest of the House. They are the Court Jesters of the House, but they apparently own their districts and their future looks as long as they want it to be. They have the money and have their constituents buffaloed. Their re-election is all but guaranteed. Cortez is running for her third term; in 2022, she received nearly 75% of the vote. The shine has come off the candidate in the last two years, and she may never see those lofty numbers again. She will return to DC even in a cycle where Republicans are projected to gain many seats. Hers appears to be secure even with nothing of note accomplished for her District. For Cortez, it is all about sound bites and clicks. She has an incredible number of followers on all the platforms. The numbers are not proportionate to her success in Congress. Let’s look at the numbers: A.O. Cortez Social Media Followers Twitter 3.9 Million Instagram 3.2 Million Facebook 1.8 Million TikTok 488 Thousand Granted that some of these are redundant, but that is about 9.5 Million followers ready to lap up whatever she is serving. She does not need to legislate. She just needs to post. The other members of the Squad are not as popular but suffice it to say they each have millions of IT Social Media disciples ready to spread their word. There is no stopping this Phenomenon for the radical left, and there will be more of them surfacing. It may not be in this cycle where the people appear to be swinging to the Right, but radicals are patient. The Radical Left and its base are nothing more than an extension of the indoctrination process. The do not need to pass bills to show their success. It is the spreading of their Anti-American, Pro-Socialism rhetoric that is why they tolerate being a part of the system. We can only hope that this group will tire of their efforts to transform America to one that reflects their values rather than that of our forefathers. Radicals do not always show patience and staying power. Let’s pray for the sake of our country’s future, that the Squad fits this prototype and burns itself out.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SCOTUS Did Not Ban Abortion

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-23 01:30 +0000

News flash for idiots: the Supreme Court of the United States did not ban abortion. Disregard what Maggie Hassan and Chris Pappas are telling you. In the vast majority of States, women can still get legal abortions with very few changes, and big blue States have no changes at all. Remember, it’s October right before the midterms so lying is the Left’s game plan, and its only hope to keep many women voting for Democrats; lie, lie and lie again.

It can’t be said enough, neither Hassan nor Pappas have done anything in Congress except vote to create massive inflation, raise your rents or montages, and reduce your lifestyle with ever-increasing costs. All of a sudden, Pappus is going to push a bill that forbids those in Congress from working the stock market? Hey folks, that already exists so he’s promising you nothing new.  So Hassan is now what, a moderate?  Clams she crosses the aisle, bucking her party, and will lower your taxes? OMG, she sounds more like what she has been calling a radical conservative for years.  Look, you know none of what they are pumping is anything more than smoke and mirrors. Just as soon as (if) they get reelected, you’ll never hear another word from either one of them on any of their campaign promises.

So once again, SCOTUS did not ban abortion. Pregnant ladies, you can still murder your baby within the time conditions laid out by your State’s laws. Here in NH, nothing at all has changed and contrary to what Maggie and Pappus allude to, they can not change any of that. What’s more, none of the Republicans running for national office against them can, in any way, affect any changes concerning abortion at the State level.

What voters on every side have to consider is whether will they will be able to heat their homes, feed their kids, and afford gas for their cars – or not. As violent crimes are increasing all across the nation, even here in NH, murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and sex traffickers are causing young girls to “disappear”. Are you comfortable when your daughters leave the safety of your home? Are you safe in your home, as home invasions are going up too?

If none of any of this bothers you, well, go ahead and vote for the candidates who helped create all of this: Maggie Hassan and Chris Pappas, both of whom voted for and supported Biden’s every disaster and failure. If, on the other hand, your family’s welfare comes before some misplaced “Party” loyalty, wouldn’t it be a good idea to replace a couple of failed career politicians with new blood? What have you got to lose voting Republican since the Democrats have thrown you all under the bus anyway?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

O Canada … Justin Trudeau Puts Out The Welcome Mat For Democrats

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-10-23 00:00 +0000

Canada continues its rapid descent into open tyranny. Trudeau must be an inspiration to the Democrats. Hopefully they’ll find it so inspiring that they move to Canada and NEVER come back. The latest assault on human rights from Canada’s tin-plated, delusional, full-on facsist dictator Castreau:



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why We Cannot Reward Sununu

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-22 22:30 +0000

Many years ago, after several years as a practicing psychotherapist, I had a revelation. Having studied many and sundry explanations of human behavior and how to help people achieve their goals of behavioral change, it dawned on me that all human behavior can be distilled down to one rule, people do what they get away with.

We want to thank Steven Axelman for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

Others word this as “what you allow is what will continue.”

Arguably, this is what addicts mean by “hitting bottom.” Leaving aside the usefulness of this concept in the area of psychotherapy, it is almost always true in politics and interpersonal relations. Behavior that is not tolerated does not continue. One can question what “tolerated” may mean in various circumstances but what is not tolerated will not continue or persist.

Almost everyone knows that rewarded behavior does persist, at least anyone who has taken a Psych 101 course. Unfortunately, in the area of politics, this seems to conflict with the rule of “don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good” or “if he agrees with me 80%, he is not my enemy” or the like.

In my first internship as a social work student some 30 years ago, I found myself working in a maximum-security prison. Among the things I learned from one of my clinical supervisors was that inmates have one desire over any else—they want to get out of prison, period. Politicians, likewise, have one desire, period—to be re-elected or promoted to higher political office.

Politicians are not stupid. Perhaps the only thing that will ever deter a politician is fear of being voted out of office. And they also know the other maxims listed above. Hence, they will do everything and anything they can, as long as they can stay in office. They know that there is only a certain amount of crumbs they need to throw the peasants to invoke the argument of “the perfect vs. the good.” “He’s not as bad as the other candidate; he did sign some of the things we fought for; he will be even better next term,” and on and on it goes. This is one of many reasons incumbents stay in office at such a high rate.

Which brings me to New Hampshire. In most States in which a governor has a four-year term, the argument of how much damage the other candidate can cause if a particular governor is kept out of office as a punishment/deterrence is realistically quite strong. In New Hampshire, where a governor only serves for two years, this argument is much weaker.

In New Hampshire, if the republicans hold the House, Senate, and Executive Council, I am convinced (until being convinced otherwise) that the amount of damage a first-term democrat can do is quite limited. It is true that very few good bills will be signed. On the flip side, Republicans will fight harder for what they (ostensibly) believe against a governor from the opposing party.

If defeated in November’s general election, the message that will be received by Mr. Sununu will be loud and clear. His actions concerning emergency orders, lockdowns, and other acts of tyranny will not be tolerated and certainly will not be rewarded with another term, notwithstanding his signing of some good bills.

His actions in the arrests of the “Noble-9” will not be tolerated and certainly will not be rewarded with another term. The message will not only be loud and clear to him; it will be loud and clear to many other RINOs elsewhere. It is not enough to sign a few good bills and be better than the other guy while acting like a dictator and at times, a vindictive one. The time to send this message is in a few weeks. The place is the Granite State.

The State will be little hurt in a two-year period. It is by far worth the message sent. On November 8th, you will have an opportunity to show Sununu and other tyrants that they cannot get away with tyranny.

If you do not, and if you help or even allow him to be re-elected, he will receive another message loud and clear: “everything I have done is okay with the voters.”

When he shuts down the State over a climate emergency or an immigration emergency, he will rightly assert that this is what the voters wanted. When he has other opponents arrested, he will rightly assert that this is what the voters wanted. Is this worth it to you just to get a few good bills signed or get a tenth of a percent reduction in taxes?

Think about it long and hard. This is the time!



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post Why We Cannot Reward Sununu appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Come to Our Table, O Democrats of NH

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-22 21:00 +0000

Hello Granity Dems,

November 8, 2022, is voting day for NH Governor, all NH legislators. Executive Council, Sheriffs, and the Washington DC positions of Senator and two Reps. The current situation is a bit odd — Repubs have the governorship and a majority of both state legislative chambers, but Dems have all three federal seats.

I am here to discuss those three seats with you. Have you been satisfied with the two reps, Chris Pappas in District 1 and Ann Kuster in District 2? Of course, I don’t know your taste, but I can tell you that both those persons are, historically, unimpressive. I say this because each of them always follows the leader.

A member of the US House of Reps gets an annual base salary of $174,000. This costs the taxpayers of the US a total of 75 million bucks a year. ($75,690,000 to be exact). But if all Dems are following Nancy Pelosi’s instructions, why bother to pay them? We could just pay Nancy her $174,000 and let Pappas and Kuster stay home in NH, giving them, say, a $5,000 honorarium per year. I mean, what good did their presence do, in Washington, if the outcome of every vote they cast was set in concrete in advance?

Granted, a lot of Repubs follow the leader (if you could call Mitch a leader — retch!), but not to that ridiculous extent.

Dems, we want you to put Karoline Leavitt, age 25, into Chris Pappas’ seat and Bob Burns into Ann Kuster’s seat. I think US Army General Don Bolduc (ret) is going to get Maggie Hassan’s senate seat. She is spending megabucks on ads, but in each ad she looks like she doesn’t really want the job. Have you noticed that?

Also, the ads are about her saving money for you.. One senator does not have that effect. The other day I heard Sen Hassan say “I passed a law that lowered the price of [something or other].” She sure didn’t PASS a law. The entire Congress passes a law. Oh well, I’m being picky.

You want to talk about saving money? Do you know that Congress paid billions, in advance, to the manufacturers of vaccines so they could compete for the prize? Yes. It’s true. Moderna, Pfizer, and other hopefuls were paid to hurry up and produce a vaccine.

Turns out later that they had had that vaccine already on the shelf from away back. And it’s not a vaccine; it’s a gene-alterer. Oops, best not to get me started on that. I just want to say that Kuster, Pappas, and Hassan could have said to the contenders “You want to be paid for a chance to make kazillions on gullible Americans? Get lost.”

I’d also like to ask you to make a concession for my personal sake. Please eschew, abjure, and otherwise throw overboard the whole business of enmity. In my opinion, Trump was divisive. I thought I would die when he ordered the Muslim ban. But with Biden, it’s like his “advisors” come around every night after supper to instruct him on a new range of subgroups that he can stir up. Where’s the love?

The reason I said, please do that for my sake is not that I’m a Muslim. I’m strictly RC. But the dissension is killing me. It is depriving me of my ability to wax poetic about Ah-meh-rih-cah.

Are you old enough to remember when we loved those rocks and rills? [thy] woods and templed hills? My heh-art wi-ith rapture thrilled, but not anymore.

I’m very worried about the 87,000 new agents that Treasury has hired to help IRS collect taxes. You know they won’t be helping collect taxes — that can be done by emptying your bank account electronically. The new guys will be armed, which means they will be trained to shoot. Oh, did you just walk away because I made you think of guns?

Let’s talk about that. I know that Dems are good at worrying about street shootings. Repubs have a different focus. It is on the “guns from the top.” The Second Amendment is no joke. You should develop some allegiance to it.

Instead of reading the actual words: “A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” just replace with “Excu-use me, federal agent. I did not invite you into my home. So like Sayonara, buddy, and I mean business.”

Please give “democrat” a good name. Think “republican.” Tick these boxes on November 8: Karoline Leavitt, Bob Burns, and Don Bolduc.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

From NH Department of Education Commissioner Frank Edleblut concerning the updated CDC COVID-19 vaccine to NH School Districts

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-22 18:00 +0000

Dear School Leader:

You may have heard that on October 20, 2022, the CDC’s Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to unanimously recommend that the COVID-19 vaccine be added to the Vaccine for Children (VFC) program.

We want to thank NH DoE Commissioner Frank Edleblut for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Related: Breaking: New Hampshire Will NOT Require Students to Get the COVID Vaccine to Attend School

Their vote may generate questions and conversation within your school community and as such, I am writing to confirm that this recommendation by ACIP has no impact on immunization requirements for students in New Hampshire.

The VFC program allows children to receive ACIP and CDC recommended vaccines, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. The VFC is a federal program, which allows New Hampshire to purchase childhood vaccines at a reduced cost. Participation in the VFC program is voluntary and requires parental consent for a child to receive individual vaccines.

RSA 141-C:1-a provides that no person may be compelled to receive an immunization for COVID-19 in order to access public school districts or school administrative units.  There is no change to the required list of vaccines for children entering childcare or K-12 school in New Hampshire (RSA 141-C). The NH Department of Health and Human Services has stated that they have no plans to seek legislative approval to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the required list.  Parents and guardians can find more information regarding which vaccines are required for school attendance, in addition to information regarding medical and religious exemptions at

Frank Edelblut

Frank Edelblut | Commissioner of Education
New Hampshire Department of Education
25 Hall Street | Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-271-3144

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Agency That Botched Hurricane Season Prediction Says Northeast Will be Warmer and Drier This Winter

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-22 16:30 +0000

NOAA, the experts who completely botched the 2022 hurricane forecast, have consulted the goat entrails and announced their winter predictions for the United States. If you live in the Northeast, they say it will be a warmer, dryer winter. Can we believe them?


NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center has released its prediction for the 2022-23 winter season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says another “warmer-than-average” winter is predicted for parts of Maine, and New England. Differing from their prediction last winter, northern and western areas of the state have an equal chance of warmer or below normal temps this season.



Just for fun, I looked up the Farmer’s Almanac predictions. They’re about as right as NOAA most of the time, so it seemed like a fair comparison. They are predicting a colder, more wintery winter.



In contrast, I looked up the Farmer’s Almanac 2022 hurricane season predictions. They didn’t have their own (that I could find) and instead referenced the experts who got it wrong. So what now?

Most years we have about a billion acorns, and that’s supposed to mean a colder winter (I think). We only have about a million this year, so maybe NOAA guessed it right. Of course, we’ve had more than a few years when the Oak Trees got it as wrong as NOAA, so that leaves us where we started.

Winter is coming, and the only thing we know for certain is that Democrats f**ked it up no matter what kind of weather we get. Electricity prices have doubled. Fuel and heating oil costs are through the roof. And the political Left’s solution to that is more taxes on fossil fuels to pay for more of that not-at-all green energy that can’t meet demand.

So it’ll be cold, one way or the other.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden and Fetterman, What a Team

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-22 15:00 +0000

President Biden and John Fetterman appeared together on Thursday in Pittsburg. The two men showed all that is wrong with our government. We do not demand the best and brightest to guide our country, and here we have two men who are challenged to utter complete statements.

One because of a stroke and the other, dementia. It is unfortunate, but we deserve better.

This event was a planned rally for John Fetterman, and he did not utter a word. For his supporters, this silence was tantamount to going to a concert, and the headliner let the opening act play all night.

Biden thanked Fetterman, Pennsylvania’s lieutenant governor, for attending the speech, saying that he would try to be brief for the sake of the lieutenant governor. During the brief acknowledgment, Biden commented that Fetterman’s wife would do well in the Senate.

“John, thank you very much for running. I really do appreciate it,” Biden said. “And Gisele, you’re gonna be a great, great lady in the Senate.”

Sorry, Joe. You got off the teleprompter for a few impromptu lines, and you could not handle the job. This is why very few Democrat candidates want you anywhere near their campaign trail. The same with Kamala. This duo is the third rail in this midterm, and even though Biden is gaslighting the public to believe that nobody has done a better job than him, the Dems do not see the light.

The reporters covering the Fetterman rally tried to ask the man some questions before they closed out the event. His wife, Gisele, was quick to step in and say the couple would not be taking any questions. This day, in her words, was a celebration, not a presser. This silence has been a troubling pattern with many Democrat incumbents. The refusal to answer questions or to debate their opponent is indicative of a lack of a positive message. They feel if they harp on abortion and cast stones at their opponent, they can slide through on their re-election campaigns.

Fetterman’s issues go beyond messaging. The stroke has definitely hampered his cognitive skills, and he needs a teleprompter to engage in a simple conversation. He will use closed captioning during his only debate with Republican Mehmet Oz. Oz has closed a significant deficit in the polls to a dead heat.

It is unfortunate that he had a stroke, but now it has become a shield for the Democrat. People spend so much time and effort discussing Fetterman’s malady that they are not digging into his dismal record as Lieutenant Governor. His soft-on-crime stances and support for the DA that has overseen the most significant increase in crime and murders in state history. It was not a good optic seeing Fetterman, a hulk of a man, hovering over his wife and Biden and being as silent as a mime.

There are 18 days until the election, and the trend is not good for Fetterman. At this point, he may not be able to correct the momentum because his body is not capable of performing better. If you cannot handle the campaign for a job, you cannot handle the job, and the vote should go to Oz.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Assisting the Great Conspiracy via Professional Loyalty

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-22 13:30 +0000

There is a great conspiracy, a centralized plan to attack people everywhere. I think that there is top-down control coming from a small group. Let’s call them by a neutral-sounding name, the cabal.

I ask: If there is only a small cabal of persons who want us to die, and a very large group of people — say, 5 billion adults (a billion is a thousand million) — who don’t want to die, why don’t the latter, the huge majority, overwhelm the former? How can a relatively small cabal pull it off? It seems that they are able to get people from all walks of life to do their bidding. But how?

The Medical Profession and Health-Care Workers

This morning I read a report by a Canadian physician, Dr. Trozzi, who says that 80 doctors in Canada have died due to (or at least subsequent to) taking the Covid vaccine. Dr. Trozzi went on to mention a letter sent by a Dr. Makis to the Canadian Medical Association “respectfully asking that they fulfill their duties by investigating the deaths.” (Makis also asks for a halt of vaccine mandates for medical workers, but that’s a bit late as most have already been mandatorily injected.)

How can anyone be so polite and restrained as to “respectfully request” an investigation? Isn’t it perfectly normal for unusual deaths to be discussed openly? And does not each doctor have some colleague-friends whom he could phone to arrange for a group refusal?

Let’s face it. The medical profession let us down during the Covid Affair. Any doctor could have seen what was happening and could have tried to stop it at least by saying, “I won’t be a party to this.” Hundreds of doctors did refuse to commit the required sin and thus lost their license to practice, but there are more than a half million physicians in the US alone (according to

Of all those American doctors, I sort them into three groups: doctors who were fully aware that it was a genocide and participated willingly (no doubt declining to get vaxxed themselves); doctors who had at least a basic awareness that Covid was a scam but did not speak out; and doctors who are substandard in the cerebral department (how did they graduate from medical school?) or who went into denial. The last group rolled up their sleeve and took the vax.

There are also many healthcare workers — it’s a booming industry involving nurses, blood technicians, psychologists, CATscan personnel, and many other specialties. However, I will leave them aside for today. The ones who work in hospitals must obey the hospital’s protocol or lose their job. (Many nurses did speak out, however.)

What we need to know is: how does “the cabal” control the medical profession in such a way that Dr. Makis is “respectfully requesting” the CMA to deal with the vaccine issue?

I can tell you how the cabal prevented doctors from using very good cancer cures from the period 1890 to 2022 and continuing. They took over the medical schools and textbooks to pretend those cures did not exist. They arranged with state legislators to revoke the medical license of a recalcitrant doctor. How so? by each state giving “the profession” the right to say what constitutes acceptable practice. The AMA needs only one president nationally to ensure everyone is kept in line. (See my 2013 book Consider the Lilies: A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer.)

The Legal Profession and Its Similarity to Medical Profession

What about attorneys? I can reduce this section to a few words by saying that what the AMA does, the ABA — American Bar Association — also does. Many members of the public request the disbarment of bad lawyers but the persons in charge of disbarment are themselves part of the deal and often protect bad lawyers while punishing lawyers who go against the party line.

However, it’s not enough to show that a professional body prevents doctors and lawyers from doing the right thing. Doctors and lawyers prevent themselves from doing the right thing. That must be why they did not help us during the crisis.

Does this mean that doctors and lawyers are morally insufficient? Probably all humans are morally insufficient, but when it comes to being members of a group, one’s moral sufficiency may rise or fall based on the prescribed rules of the group. I am referring here to the emotional pull of loyalty. Members do not want to speak out against their bosses. It is considered disloyal to do so.

Loyalty is a deep human trait based on our attachment to kin and tribe. It easily gets transferred to one’s occupational group or one’s political party. I bet it does more harm than good. All that a cabal needs if it wants to institutionalize a bad thing is to “run” a few of its henchmen at the top of the group. The rest will follow like sheep.

There is also the normal human fear of standing up to the powerful. I have found, by working on court cases of family law in Australia, that lawyers, even lawyers who are mothers, do terrible things in child-custody cases. Often, they can plainly see that a child is being sex-trafficked yet pretend not to see it. They are under the sway of bad judges who might terminate their careers.

Also, they probably realize that thugs might get them. I quote the South Australian Speaker of the House, the late Peter Lewis (1949-2015):

“I [was] bringing some of the people who had made the allegations [about pedophiles] to the point where they might pluck up enough courage and confidence and swear the truth of those allegations, enabling them to be more carefully investigated. But they were being ‘bumped off’– that is, murdered and viciously assaulted – quicker than I could get them to write down their allegations.”

I don’t know how the profession of law — think of it, LAW — could fall so disgracefully. But please see an article by William Sumner Scott, entitled “The ABA and Legal Education.” (It is Appendix M in my 2022 book “Unreality: Sandy Hook Messes Minds.”) Scott points to ABA control over the accrediting of law schools, as well as their curriculum — a curriculum that doesn’t acknowledge the existence of judicial corruption.

The Journalist’s Profession

Search the Net for “Codes of Ethics for journalists,” and you will find some beautiful ones. They make such promises — or should I say they create such illusions — as to cause people to think that the profession has placed inhibitions on itself.

They give you the idea, for example, that they act to protect privacy, that they have sought out an opposite opinion to the one they are proclaiming so as to be fair and balanced. They famously claim to check out allegations by obtaining at least two sources for factual statements.

It’s not true. Editors of major newspapers or TV stations do not hold back ethically. They do what’s in their interest to do, including making up whole stories of “news” for entertainment purposes or more sinister purposes. If they give two sides to a story, they can use a straw man argument as one of the sides. They can neglect to show that a provider of newsy information has a vested interest in providing it.

Just as the cabal, I presume, got into the making of legislation, such that the AMA and ABA have certain privileges of regulating their members, so the cabal must have been behind the creation of the FCC, Federal Communications Commission. It controls electronic broadcasting by issuing licenses for bandwidth and sets “policy” for media. Let me quote a 2013 article by Chris Patterson and Seeta Gang at

“Since the 1980s, it [the FCC] has taken much of the blame for the lack of diversity and the concentration of ownership in US broadcasting, the rise of media conglomerates, and pro-market regulation of Internet-related industries. The FCC has more responsibilities and autonomy than regulators in other industrialized countries.”

Beware autonomy of an agency — what is that doing in the US republic?

The Anti-Ethical Profession of the Intelligence Agencies

Now contemplate the marriage of the CIA and the media. The cabal is surely the hidden director of the five or six main media corporations, which in turn control the smaller news outlets. At first, the CIA, under a mission called “Operation Mockingbird,” endeavored to either bribe or intimidate the media to accomplish its purposes. But, as noted at the website   “What we are seeing now is the CIA openly acting AS the media. Any separation between the CIA and the news media, indeed even any pretense of separation, has been dropped.”

The CIA recruits from college campuses. I don’t know how they choose students who will not feel any ethical pressure to tell the truth or to be faithful to democracy, but they do. Caitlin Johnstone writes:

“Democracy has no meaningful existence if people’s votes aren’t being cast with a clear understanding of what’s happening in their nation and their world. And if their understanding is being shaped to suit the agendas of the very government they’re meant to be influencing with their votes, what you have is the most powerful military and economic force in the history of civilization with no accountability to the electorate whatsoever.”

Vive Granite Grok!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Breaking: New Hampshire Will NOT Require Students to Get the COVID Vaccine to Attend School

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-22 12:00 +0000

The CDC’s advisory committee voted to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of recommended vaccines for children on Thursday. That is not just a bad idea. It is dangerous. But like all things COVID, states and schools might heed the suggestion to require kids to get this junk, just not in New Hampshire.

It’s against the law.

From the New Hampshire Department of Education and Commissioner Frank Edelblut.


“… I am writing to confirm that this recommendation by ACIP has no impact on immunization requirements for students in New Hampshire.

The VFC program allows children to receive ACIP and CDC recommended vaccines, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. The VFC is a federal program, which allows New Hampshire to purchase childhood vaccines at a reduced cost. Participation in the VFC program is voluntary and requires parental consent for a child to receive individual vaccines.

RSA 141-C:1-a provides that no person may be compelled to receive an immunization for COVID-19 in order to access public school districts or school administrative units. There is no change to the required list of vaccines for children entering childcare or K-12 school in New Hampshire (RSA 141-C). The NH Department of Health and Human Services has stated that they have no plans to seek legislative approval to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the required list. Parents and guardians can find more information regarding which vaccines are required for school attendance, in addition to information regarding medical and religious exemptions at


Parents, taxpayers, even administrators, and teachers, please take note. Immunization is optional and at parents’ discretion. Schools may not require it of students or parents who participate in or need lawful access to school property for sports, plays, activities, events, conferences, or even school board meetings.


So the headline could read, “New Hampshire cannot require,” but that protection is transitory. If Democrats get the votes in the Legislature and a willing governor, they will roll that back, and not just for Public Schools.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Rep. Nutting-Wong’s House of Mirrors

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-22 10:30 +0000

After reading Rep. Allison Nutting-Wong’s (Nashua, Ward 5) recent op-ed that attacked state representative candidate Di Lothrop’s defense of the Republican stand on life, I’m stunned. That’s saying something in these times marked by blatant misrepresentation and untruths regarding our state’s modest protections for the preborn. I thought I could no longer be surprised by any statement a pro-abortionist might make, but I was wrong. Ms. Nutting-Wong’s claims and assertions are deeply and personally offensive to me and many other women who have suffered the unspeakable heartbreak of a miscarriage. If there were an award for editorial malpractice, she’s earned it.

Yes, Ms. Nutting-Wong sadly suffered a miscarriage, which I and many women can personally relate to. In no world can the natural and tragic ending of a pregnancy be conflated with abortion and abortion laws, medical terminology notwithstanding. In fact, our NH law specifically excludes miscarriage from the definition of abortion. And it includes exceptions for the life of the mother and fetal anomalies incompatible with life.

We want to thank Shannon McGinley for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Yet, in the wake of deliberately misleading the reader by equating her miscarriage with the decision to terminate a viable pregnancy, she assumes the mantle of addressing “the confusion and myths” of the other side. It’s like a hall of mirrors – reflect, deflect – it’s an illusion designed to deceive and misdirect.

The post Rep. Nutting-Wong’s House of Mirrors appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2022-10-22 10:29 +0000
And they will claim that they never said any of it But we have ALL the receipts — أبو عمّار (@MaajidNawaz) October 22, 2022 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Data Point: Americans Believe American Government Has Too Much Power

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-22 01:30 +0000

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A 54% majority of Americans say the federal government has too much power, while 39% say it has about the right amount of power and 6% say too little. These figures have generally been stable throughout the Donald Trump and Joe Biden presidential administrations. Since 2005, no less than 50% of Americans have said they believe the federal government is too powerful, with some of those readings reaching 60%.

(Image H/T: Gallup)


I’m in the 54% category, I think that the 39% aren’t paying attention, and I have NO idea what that totalitarian 6% is thinking. How MUCH more Government do they want?  Or better, how much do they really think they NEED?  DO “they” need it or are they thinking more that those of us in the 54% and 39% have to be controlled MORE than we are already?

After all, the Declaration of Independence laid out what the primary role and responsibility of government are supposed to be: protecting our Liberty.  Look at it this way – The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen. The smaller the citizen, in making our own decisions for ourselves, means far less Liberty exists.

Are they all for what the Chinese Social Credit system is doing to its subjects? And what the World Economic Forum (e.g, the Davos elite) want to do in the Great Reset and replace our current social contracts (the DoI and our Constitutions) with what is best for them (after all “owning nothing and being happy about it” isn’t very Liberty oriented, is it?).



(H/T: True North Reports)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pandemic of the Vaccintated

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-10-22 00:00 +0000

Anyone who breathes a word about public health, regardless of occupation or position, must step back from the approved narratives and take a serious look at who among us is most likely to spread COVID this winter. You know, to save grandma!

Related: Why Did The NH Hospital Association Stop Tracking The Vaccine Status of COVID Patients?

That’s been the mantra for almost three years. Community transmission, public good, take one for the team, safe and effective! Get your “vaccination” to protect the vulnerable, you selfish bastards.

That’s been flipped on its head and we’ve reported on it more times than I can count. So, what if Walgreens, a member, and benefactor of the largess of the Public Health Industrial Complex, just happened to have a pile of data about positive COVID tests and vaccine status collected from their 8000+ locations?

They did, they do, and it’s not pretty for the COVIDIOTS because if you care about grandma or the community, the vaccinated need a passport so we can tell who is most likely to catch it or infect others.


According to recent data from over 8,000 Walgreens stores in the United States, the unvaccinated have the lowest incidence of COVID-19, and vaccinated people are more likely to test positive. … Last May, Walgreens released the data from April 30 to May 6, 2022. It showed that unvaccinated have the lowest positivity rate for COVID — triple and double-vaxxed groups have the worst rate.


Gateway Pundit has lots of charted data at that link if you like that sort of thing or feel the need to wave in the faces of the Truth-Hesitant Karens clinging to their masks and distancing (no offense to non-Karen “Karens.”) It’s an impressive display of opposite day every day forever.

We were told to get the shot to return to normal and protect those around us. Surprise! The Jabbed are all Typhoid marys, or I guess we could truly say COVID Karens, while the unvaxxed are a mere fraction of the total testing positive.

Remember when testing positive was the Gold Standard? Remember when vaccine status was the Gold standard? The olde days but at this point what difference does it make?

Take this report form Vermont. Cases are up as are hospitalizations and deaths.


Vermont’s statewide Covid-19 levels hit “medium” last week, the state Department of Health reported Wednesday, marking the first time the state has been above “low” levels since June.

According to the department’s weekly surveillance report, the higher rating was based on the number of hospital admissions for the disease, which rose to 73, or 11.7 per 100,000 people, in the past week. That’s the highest rate of hospital admissions reported since mid-May. A rate exceeding 10 hospital admissions per 100,000 people triggers the department’s “medium” designation.

Similarly, the number of people currently in the hospital with Covid reached 66 on Wednesday, the most Covid patients the state has reported since May. That includes six intensive care patients, about in line with recent weeks.


There are lots of charts and graphs and words but not one of them is “vaccinated,” probably because the satet department of health’s recommendation give this change to “Defcon Medium” is to get the new bivalent booster.


​​The department said that a seasonal increase in Covid is not unexpected, while urging people to get the Covid bivalent booster, which targets the Omicron strain of the virus currently dominating the state.

“Freely available bivalent booster vaccines are effective at protecting people from getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, and dying,” the department said on its website along with the report.


The bivalent booster that never had human test trials and is emergency use authorized by the FDA. I’m sure it’s safe and effective as the previous mRNA”vaccines.” Do it for grandma even though it will probably make you no less infections or contagious, just like its predecessors.

Just don’t tell anyone.



The post Pandemic of the Vaccintated appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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