The Manchester Free Press

Monday • February 10 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

On This Day in 2010

Libertarian Leanings - Sun, 2023-04-16 17:12 +0000
I posted this: In The Meantime Although I was very encouraged by last night's T.E.A. Party in Manchester, New Hampshire, I don't plan to write about it until the weekend. In the meantime I thought I'd share this bit of... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Survival Sunday – PREP Edition

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-16 16:30 +0000

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.  I know this is a long post; I am attempting to put out a lot of information as a buffet-style resource.  Read or skip sections depending on your interests.

Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
  2. Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well, which is a good site to check out in general.

FYI, here’s a link to the last Survival Sunday – SITREP Edition.




Apologies for missing the last one.  Time!  Between tax preparation and a deadline work-wise, just no time to do it.




Top of the fold:

Anti-TikTok RESTRICT Act could actually imprison Americans for criticizing GMOs –

IIRC it was Eisenhower who said that proposed laws should be looked at in terms of how they could be misused, not just trust in the good intentions of those who wrote it.  And more recently, look at the leak of classified info.  How… convenient.

The Leak Was the Op – White House and Congress Demand New Powers, Think Restrict Act, in Aftermath of Classified Intel Leaks – The Last Refuge (

Massad Ayoob: Short answers against Gun Control & how to defend the 2nd Amendment. Critical Mas EP47



‘Unprecedented’ situation as two African countries report outbreaks of Marburg virus (

See, I told you so.

The Next Pandemic




Oddments – random thoughts on prepping:


  1. Understand – most Leftists hate you. Take that into account as you prep, as you discuss with others, etc.
  2. When some version of SHTF happens, these people will turn on you with a white-hot hatred. Not just because you have preps and they don’t… but because you were the perceptive ones who saw what they did not, and worse you took action, outclassing and outsmarting their uber-intellectual educated selves. You saw, and prepared for, what they dismissed and derided as impossible while feeling morally and intellectually superior in that derision.



  1. I see and hear lots of ads for gold and silver and overall endorse the idea.  Here’s the problem: The Potato (or more precisely, his handlers) may simply do an FDR.  And your purchases through websites or dealers are on record.



Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles; revisit daily.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

Survival World – Everything You Need To Know to Survive

Homestead Survival Site – How to Live Off The Grid in Comfort and Style

Urban Survival Site | How to Survive a Disaster in the City

Mind4Survival – Survival and Preparedness

Gray Wolf survival

Sustainable Living (

The Classic Survivalist – Surviving in a Modern World

Primal Survivor – Practical and sensible prepping advice

Em Off-grid – We & Our Off The Grid Life – Em OffGrid

Resource for Practical, Daily Prepping Skills for SHTF & Survival (

And three aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites & links too:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs

Prepper Website – Preparedness • Survival • Alternative News

Specific, one-up articles:

When Bugging In Can Get You Killed – Ask a Prepper

Consider scenarios.

Major US Banks Are Collapsing. What’s Next? – Ask a Prepper

Consider the dichotomy here – cash out helps you, and threatens the economy further.  RTWT.  Related:

The System is Down! – Contemplations on the Tree of Woe (

Homemade Laundry Soap – Orange Scented – Farmhouse on Boone

Been told – by one person so far – this works well.

Is Prepping Over? – Ask a Prepper

If you can look into the woods and see medicine and food, if you can defend yourself and your family, if you can find and purify water, grow from seed, raise animals, make friends, make trades and preserve food, then you are going to outlast the buyers with ease.

Not just physical goods.  Skills.  Knowledge.  And a network of people willing to cooperate.

Related to Spicy Time:

8541 Tactical – Mildot Range Estimation

Range estimation is a key skill in the sniper’s toolbox. If you don’t know how far away your target is, you have little chance of hitting it on the first shot. One shot, one kill…right? There are many methods of locating the target’s range. For the purpose of this period of instruction we will be covering range estimation with the mildot reticle and it’s variants.

Who Will Win America’s Next Civil War?- WhatIfAltHist (

Video.  Even if we win victory will be messy like nobody can imagine.

Screw the Blue

Bureaucrats and cops are callous, officious f*cks who do not care about your feelings and will stomp you into the ground over the pettiest of bullshit.

Learn from this.  They’ll Follow Orders.  As will FEMA:

The FEMA Death Camps: Where Will They Take You? ( (bolding added):

Perhaps to one of the 800 secret death camps FEMA has scattered throughout the territory of the United States. Some, like the one located just outside Fairbanks, Alaska are large enough to house up to 2 million people. But Alaska has less than 800.000 residents. So, who do they plan on taking there?


One item that will be impossible to find after the collapse…Get yours now if you can use it.



Primitive Ways To Build A Shelter – Ask a Prepper

Good to know for the worst-case.  From the same site:

1800s Pioneer Items You Should Still Have At Home (

Steel + Flint – Ask a Prepper


Dugout Shelter Under 10ft (3m) of Snow – Solo Camping in Survival Shelter During Snow Storm





Don’t Be an Idiot: Are You Smarter about U.S. Government than a Brand New Citizen?



I remember when my immigrant wife was starting to study for her citizenship exam.  Having heard through her immigrant friends and ESL classmates how ignorant we native-born Americans are, she’d ask me questions from the citizenship exam.  And I’d know 99% of them.




Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?




Something is coming, but what is it?










(Link to AZQuotes per their policy)

And CHAOS… it’s what’s for dinner:

The Biden 10-Step Plan for Global Chaos › American Greatness (




I have a FORAGING group on Gab.  I will check 2-3 times a week to see if people have asked to join.

Foraging: One-up articles


Coastal Foraging – Mussels, Clams, Crab and Lobster – Clean and Delicious Cookup Autumn 2022



Talks about the “R” rule for foraging shellfish.  There’s an old joke:

A Rabbi is walking along the street on Yom Kippur (a fasting day), and sees one of his congregants at a restaurant feasting on raw oysters (not kosher).  He rushes up and starts castigating the man:

Rabbi:  Eating?  Eating non-kosher food?  And on Yom Kippur???

Man: What, there’s no “R” in Yom Kippur?


If You Know Foraging, How Difficult Is It To Live off the Land?



Foraging (permanent feature):

Foraging (

Wild Harvests (

Southern Appalachian Herbs

Books (permanent feature):

Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)

The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods




Shortages (broadly):

Dimmitt dairy farm explosion ‘by far the deadliest barn fire for cattle overall’ (

As if beef prices weren’t already going into orbit.

A personal note: Unfortunately, there are several medications I critically need.  One, in particular, is a very common medication these days.  Yet my pharmacy texted me to make sure I was “still in the market” so that they could pre-order it and make sure that they have it in stock when it’s time to refill.  Same for the associated hardware with that medication; just got the text today.  (You might be able to put 2 and 2 together here.)

Huh?  This is like a pharmacy asking if you’ll need a refill on, say, a high blood pressure medication that’s prescribed to hundreds of people in the area – and checking to make sure they have it in stock for you when your refill is due.

These common things should be in stock, period.





Gardening, Food Storage, Animals, Food Preservation, Health, and Related:

10 Fruits & Vegetables You Can Plant Once — And They Will Keep Coming Back Every Year (



Introductory guide to sowing seeds



And related:


The Secret to Healthy Seedlings How to Transplant Them



How To Freeze Dry Eggs – Farmhouse on Boone

My wife doesn’t see a crisis nor need to prep.  And is angry that I have done so.

Bunch of images – dumped en masse:




How to Grow, Thresh, and Mill Your Own Wheat for Bread



450 square feet yielded 25 pounds of grain, so roughly .06 pound per square foot.  (No idea if this is good or not.)  His channel:

Vegetable Academy – YouTube

10 Smoked Meat Recipes – You’ve Gotta Try #8 – Smoked Meat Sunday

OK, I think I need to get a smoker.  Somehow.



Zero waste urban gardener #shorts



I’m getting the book.  And from the recommendations, this:

The Seed Saving Bible: Learn Expert Techniques on How to Best Harvest, Store and Preserve the Seeds from Your Favorite Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs to Build Up Your Seed Bank for Years of Future Use

Several, quick-hit style:

Preserving Meat Long-Term, The Old-Fashioned Way – Off The Grid News

Smoking Meat For Long-term Storage – Smoking Secrets For 2020 – Prepper’s Will (

Basic guide on how to preserve meat by smoking (

Curing and Smoking Meats for Home Food Preservation | Bradley Smoker

Some basic steps to learn how to preserve meat by smoking (

Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):

Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:

Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (

USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (

Canning | SDSU Extension (

Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (

Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University

National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (

Topical Books (also permanent):

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing

Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing

A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game

The Prepper’s Canning Guide

Pickled Pantry

Fermented Vegetables

Hydroponics and Greenhouse Gardening: 3-in-1 Gardening Book to Grow Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit All-Year-Round

Hydroponics for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Hydroponic Gardening, Designing and Building Inexpensive DIY Hydroponic Systems…

The Aquaponics Guidebook: Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics



Self-defense (broad):

Amanpour on PBS After Nashville Shooting: Gun Rights ‘Bizarre Indeed…A Cult Indeed’ | Newsbusters

So belief in being able to defend yourself is a “cult” in their eyes.

Archives: State Knife Laws | American Knife and Tool Institute (

Useful!  I actually have a knife that’s shorter than my normal one for when I go into MA.

Aussie Gunsmith Issues Stark Warning to US Firearm Owners on Gun Control (

A smart man learns from his mistakes.  A wise man learns from the mistakes of others.


How to Prepare for a Home Invasion – Home Defense Tips



Others by the same guy (links only):

2 Home Defense Mistakes That You Should Stop Doing – YouTube

How to BRIBE a Corrupt Police Officer | Jason Hanson – YouTube

How to Escape a Stalker | Jason Hanson – YouTube

This Homemade and Improvised Weapon Could Save Your Life – YouTube

How To Pocket Carry a Pistol – YouTube

How to Disarm a Gun Pointed at You – YouTube

How to Be a Human Lie Detector | Behavior and Mind Reading (Pt.1) – YouTube

How to Be a Human Lie Detector | Behavior and Mind Reading (Pt.2) – YouTube

Jason Hanson – Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life – YouTube

Don’t Get Seduced by a Woman – Honeypots and Honey Traps Explained – YouTube

And related:

You Are A Target Just By The Way You Walk: Jocko Underground 009 – YouTube

10 Signs That Someone is Lying: Jocko Underground 033 – YouTube

How To Looter-Proof Your Home – Ask a Prepper

Good against burglars too.  Speaking of the home:


PATREON SHORTS – Backplate Shooting



Another related:


Don’t Fall Victim To This Home Invasion Tactic | Home Defense | Navy SEAL



Bayou Renaissance Man: Critical advice from Massad Ayoob on riots, mobs and self-defense

Includes two important videos.

Trump Pushes National Reciprocity: ‘2A Must Apply Across State Lines’ (

I’m not a lawyer, but I’d think this is a no-brainer to achieve.



Hunting & Fishing:


Liver as bait



WTF are you fishing for???


Fishing 101: A guide for beginners




5 TIPS That Will CHANGE The Way You FISH (Special Guest)




Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

As you can imagine, compiling these takes a lot of time and effort.

Any suggestions on how I could monetize this somehow – not, though, to the detriment of the Grok?  Nobody seems to be buying my Zazzle products.

Best Hardcoreright Gift Ideas | Zazzle

Best nitzakhon_now Gift Ideas | Zazzle




Limited Finances? Here’s How to Prep in 2023!



By definition, unless you’re a multi-millionaire, you have limited financial resources.




Palate cleansers:



Pretty close to the top of the list of NOT MY JOB!

I can see it now… “Honey, have you watered the cobra today”?


OK, ok, I’m sometimes very cynical about relationships…




Please check out my MEMES collections; last one here.  Mockery, ridicule, and the wrapping of uncomfortable truths inside humor can penetrate the cognitive shields of normies far more effectively – IMHO – than dry facts and figures.


The post Survival Sunday – PREP Edition appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Former Planned Parenthood Director Aborts Himself after Child-Porn Investigation Police Raid

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-16 15:00 +0000

A former director of strategic communications for Planned Parenthood of Southern New England has reportedly committed suicide just five days after police raided his residence as part of a local child porn investigation.


The Blaze reports Tim Yergeau, 35, of New Haven, reportedly killed himself five days after police raided his apartment as part of a child pornography investigation.

Yergeau worked at the abortion chain for approximately four years from 2018 to 2022 as the director of strategic communications for Planned Parenthood of Southern New England. An Instagram profile that The Blaze identified as his shows numerous photos of his pro-abortion advocacy, including wearing a Planned Parenthood T-shirt and participating in pro-abortion events.


Wait! There’s more.


Yergeau had a large social media imprint and left behind many posts on his Instagram account devoted to liberal causes, including the LGBTQ movement.

He also posted about his hatred for Glenn Beck, the founder of TheBlaze.

At the time of the police raid, Yergeau had been working as the communications director for the Long Wharf Theatre, but it has since scrubbed its announcement of his hiring.


Any bets on his position regarding porn in public school libraries and teachers grooming kids? I’m guessing yeah, to both from Tim Yergeau. Posts about book banning and support for the DOJ scrutinizing parents who speak out at school board meetings. And I’m sure he is a registered Democrat voter.

Stereotypical left-wing pedophile.

What seems odd to me is that someone who (for lack of a better word) ‘enjoys’ child pornography would be in the business of ensuring there were fewer children to exploit.


Speaking of which, The Long Have Register, which has more details on the botched raid, the cops busted in on his neighbor’s apartment before they searched his, never mentions his employment at Planned Parenthood.

Both investigations (botched raid and local kiddie porn) are ongoing, but since right-wing hating pro-LGBT Yergeau killed himself, is it okay to suggest he might be guilty as he would have been charged?


The post Former Planned Parenthood Director Aborts Himself after Child-Porn Investigation Police Raid appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Businesses Leave Chicago To Make Room For DNC

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-16 13:30 +0000

There are many potential reasons for and sub-stories about the Democrat National Committee’s (DNC) decision to hold the 2024 Convention in the Homicide Capitol of the country. The DNC has named Chicago to host the convention that should start the reelection campaign of Joe Biden.

That is if no indictments are waiting for him to leave the Presidency behind. The DNC plans to spend $90 Million to hold the convention, and the reason for the hefty number is the amount spent on security. The Chicago Police Department is already understaffed and cannot keep Chicago’s residents safe. There is no way the Chicago Police can ensure the safety of even the high-profile attendees, let alone the delegates.

Chicago claims it symbolizes the principles of the Democrat Party. The claims do not specify if the lawlessness and record homicides are part of these principles, but they will have to account for them at the convention. It is thought that the strength of the union’s presence in Chicago is drawing the convention to the Windy City as the DNC sees a need to shore up the relationship between the union brotherhood. The city of Chicago has a problem with its image regarding business, big and small. The companies leaving Chicago are contributing to the wind!

Just this week, Walmart announced the closure of four stores in Chicago. The company can no longer assure the safety of its customers and employees. The company can no longer absorb the millions of dollars lost due to theft. Walmart is not the only company pulling out of Chicago, but the list is growing.

McDonald’s is feeling the pains of the challenging business environment in Chicago. CEO Chris Kempczinski recently said that crime is “seeping into every corner of our city,” and he’s frequently asked, “what’s going on in Chicago? We have violent crime that’s happening in our restaurants … we’re seeing homelessness issues in our restaurants. We’re having drug overdoses that are happening in our restaurants,” he said last month at the Economic Club of Chicago. “So we see in our restaurants, every single day, what’s happening in society at large.” Though McDonald’s is not leaving yet, individual restaurants may be in jeopardy.

Boeing, Caterpillar, and Citadel also recently announced moves out of Chicago. Boeing is leaving for business and political reasons as they feel D.C. is a better fit for them as they move more to defense contracts.

Tyson Foods is the latest company to close its Chicago offices. They are closing numerous facilities and centralizing their operation under one roof in Arkansas.

The bottom line is these companies leaving is a negative signal about the business environment in Chicago and may influence other interested companies to look elsewhere. They also take employees with them or leave unemployed people behind. People pointed to Mayor Lori Lightfoot and her lack of attention to the Chicago crime situation, but with the election of Brandon Johnson, they may have taken a further step to the Left. None of this puts out the Welcome Mat for the DNC and the attention the convention will place on Chicago.






The post Businesses Leave Chicago To Make Room For DNC appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

In 2022 Moderna Paid NIAID (Fauci's department) $400 million for a New Royalty-Bearing License — Bonuses!

Libertarian Leanings - Sun, 2023-04-16 12:34 +0000
National Library of Medicine, March 14, 2016: SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence Significance The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV highlights the continued risk of cross-species transmission leading to epidemic disease.... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

"This is the Hoax..."

Libertarian Leanings - Sun, 2023-04-16 12:09 +0000
Greenpeace co-founder, Patrick Moore, exposes the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), for the fraudulent, self-serving scammers that they are.#ClimateScam #ClimateCult #NetZero #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #GreatReset — Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) April 15, 2023 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

St. George’s Hospital London: Masks Made No Difference in COVID Infection Rates

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-16 12:00 +0000

Another high-profile result has arrived to confirm your suspicions about masks being useless acts of public health theater. St George’s Hospital, London, The UK’s largest teaching hospital, has announced that masks made no difference in infection rates.

Long story short.


Infection rates didn’t soar when mask mandates were removed in NHS facilities during the middle of an Omicron surge.


Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review has a slightly more colorful evaluation of the St George’s Study.


The U.K. Daily Mail reports that researchers from St George’s Hospital found absolutely no “statistically significant change” in the hospital-acquired COVID infection rate between the period of time when a mask mandate was in place vs. when it was relaxed. During the first phase of the study – from December 4, 2021 to June 2022 – all workers and visitors in the hospital had to wear masks everywhere. From June through September 2022, there was no mandate, except for “high-risk” wards, such as cancer treatment and ICUs.

The results? Given that rape victims were mercilessly forced to mask, we should have expected an unmistakable death count in phase two. Instead, there was no difference in infection rates observed in either phase. Moreover, those in high-risk wards – which served as the control group – “found no immediate or delayed change in infection rate,” aka no benefit whatsoever.


No surprises, but you’ve got to love the source because you can share it with the Mask-Nazis in your life because they’re still out there, and what do they have for a comeback? The largest teaching hospital in England isn’t a reliable source. Okay.



The post St. George’s Hospital London: Masks Made No Difference in COVID Infection Rates appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Real Scandal

Libertarian Leanings - Sun, 2023-04-16 11:34 +0000
The real scandal regarding Pentagon leaks is the MSM’s effort to hide the information contained in the documents from the American people in order to protect Permanent Washington/Security State. Trying to keep the American people in the dark, they’re killing... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Does Islam Breed Violence?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-16 10:30 +0000

There is a division of the house. On one side are the politically correct in government, the leftist mainstream media, and a raft of Islamist apologists. One and all are tripping over each other in reassuring us that the mass murderers such as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan and suicide bombers who detonate their explosive vests in crowded marketplaces and even mosques are individual anomalies and Islam is not responsible for what they do.

On the other hand, are those who have been fed up with the numberless daily horrific acts that are clearly committed under the banner of Islam throughout the world. In all fairness, there needs to be a distinction. Numerous criminal acts are also committed, on a daily basis, by non-Muslims. The critical difference is that non-Muslim criminals do not hoist a religious banner to justify their misdeeds, while Muslims proudly claim that they commit their heinous acts in obedience to the dictates of their religious faith.

“Investigators in the FBI and U.S. Army determined that Hasan acted alone and as of yet have found no evidence of links to terrorist groups, satisfied that his communications with Awlaki posed no threat. Regretfully, Attorney General Eric Holder has declined to state that radical Islam was the major motive for Hasan’s attack.”

Would someone, please, explain what motivated Nidal Hasan who had been, at tax payer’s expense, educated from college all the way through medical school and post-medical-school training, to turn his deadly weapons against a nation that gave him everything he had?

If Islam had nothing to do with what Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan did, why:

had he repeatedly preached the ascendancy of Islam to the U.S. Constitution?

had he publicly supported Islamic suicide bombing?

had he proclaimed his highest loyalty to Islam?

had he been in contact with violent anti-U.S. Islamists and a virulent Yemeni Imam?

did he distribute copies of the Quran to people on the morning of his bloody attack?

did he keep screaming “Allah-o-Akbar” as he heartlessly sprayed over a hundred bullets, killing thirteen and injuring some thirty innocent men and women?

Here is the truth, as bitter as it may be. Islam is the culprit. Islam is anything but a religion of peace. Violence is at the very core of Islam. Violence is institutionalized in the Muslim’s holy book, the Quran, in many suras:

Qur’an:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

Qur’an:9:112 “The Believers fight in Allah’s cause; they slay and are slain, kill and are killed.”

Qur’an:8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”

Qur’an:8:65 “O Prophet, urge the faithful to fight. If there are twenty among you with determination they will vanquish two hundred; if there are a hundred then they will slaughter a thousand unbelievers, for the infidels are a people devoid of understanding.”

Qur’an:9:38 “Believers, what is the matter with you, that when you are asked to go forth and fight in Allah’s Cause you cling to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? Unless you go forth, He will afflict and punish you with a painful doom, and put others in your place.”

Qur’an:47:4 “When you clash with the unbelieving Infidels in battle (fighting Jihad in Allah’s Cause), smite their necks until you overpower them, killing and wounding many of them. At length, when you have thoroughly subdued them, bind them firmly, making (them) captives. Thereafter either generosity or ransom (based upon what benefits Islam) until the war lays down its burdens. Thus are you commanded by Allah to continue carrying out Jihad against the unbelieving infidels until they submit to Islam.”

And the Quran is considered by Muslims as the word-for-word literal edicts of the Muslims’ god, Allah.

Right from the start, violence served as the engine of Islam under the command and supervision of Muhammad himself. For one, the Prophet’s son-in-law’s cousin, Ali, was titled the Commander of the Faithful for his unsurpassed feats of butchery. Ali with the assistance of one or two of his thugs, beheaded some seven hundred captives, most of them Jews, in only one day. This man, highly esteemed by the prophet of Allah, had a sword that had its own name—Zulfiqar. Ali’s portrait, holding the menacing sword, adorns the homes and shops throughout Shi’a’-lands. And the Shiites, at the same level as Muhammad, revere Muhammad’s executioner, Imam Ali.

On the Sunni side, Muhammad’s co-revered is Umar, another unabashed killer of untold numbers. And of course, the choice weapon of these champions of the religion of peace was the sword. And to this day, a sword adorns the flag of the birthplace of the religion of peace, Saudi Arabia.

And Islam, by the nature of its very doctrine, appeals to man’s base nature. It promotes intolerance, hatred, discrimination, and much more:

Qur’an:61:2 “O Muslims, why say one thing and do another? Grievously odious and hateful is it in the sight of Allah that you say that which you do not. Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in a battle array as if they were a solid cemented structure.”

In reality, Islam is like a deadly contagious disease. Once it invades the mind of its victim, this debilitating disease is capable of transforming him into a helpless pawn that has no choice but to execute what he is directed to do.

Of the reported 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, millions are already trapped in the terminal stages of this affliction while millions of others are rapidly joining them. The people enslaved with the extreme cases of Islamic mental disease are highly infectious. They actively work to transmit the disease to others, while they themselves engage in horrific acts of mayhem and violence to demonstrate their unconditional obedience to the dictates of the Islamic cult of violence.

The savagery and variety of the actions of these Islamic captives are seen daily around the globe. Many of these acts, committed under the banner of Islam, have become so commonplace that the world has come to view them as the normal part and parcel of troubled humanity. And, from time to time, the world is shocked into a passing and momentary realization of the evil deeds these Islamist robots commit and quickly gets over it and does nothing to seriously address this affliction of humanity.

November 5, 2009, dastardly mass murder at Fort Hood, committed by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, is no longer in the public eye. Life will continue on its deadly course, pushed along in a variety of ways by agents of death, Islamists. Only the families who lost their loved ones and those who survived the bullets have to live the rest of their lives with incapacitating injuries, in the main, won’t be able to put the episode behind them.


The mass murderer Nidal Malik Hasan did not riddle people with bullets under the pressure of momentary insanity. The insanity, ironically, in a man who was trained to help people with sanity was introduced in him from the moment of birth and from the very early years when he prostrated himself five times daily toward Mecca in the expression of total submission to the dogma of hate called Islam.

Islam is a mental retrovirus that has mutated into numerous varieties and degrees of severity, over the past 1400 years. Everyone born in a Muslim family, as well as those who convert to Islam, contract a particular mutation of the Islamic Virus. As is the case with all retroviruses, the Islamic Virus burrows deeply in the person and erupts, from time to time with potentially devastating consequences.

The Islamic Virus first divests the person of his most fundamental human attribute. It takes away his right to make decisions himself and absolves him, in return, of any responsibility for his actions rendered in blind obedience to it.

A true Muslim does not and cannot believe in freedom of choice. In the religion of Islam—Submission—everything is up to Allah, as clearly and repeatedly stipulated in the Quran. The Raison d’être for the Muslim is to be unconditionally submissive to the will and dictates of Allah. Everything that a “good” Muslim does is contingent upon the will and decree of Allah, he is indoctrinated to believe.

Humanity is facing a deeply troubling dilemma. On the one hand, is the desire of enlightened people whose aim is to forge a world of diverse people into one universal society ruled by peace and justice for everyone while, on the other hand, Islamists are hell-bent on imposing their stone-age system on everyone. Tellingly, the Muslims themselves are at one another’s throats regarding which of dozens of Islamic sects’ dogma should rule.

For now, Islam is busy with what it did from the time of its birth, fighting the non-Muslims and infighting. Truth be told: Violence is the animating force of Islam. Islam is a religion born through violence, raised by violence, thrives on violence, and dies without violence.

The post Does Islam Breed Violence? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

FDA Blames Declining Life-Expectancy on Free Speech

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-16 01:30 +0000

Life-Expectancy in America dropped for the first time in modern history. The change follows the years-long response to the alleged SARS-CoV-WIV epidemic. But it wasn’t the virus or the response. According to the FDA, it was misinformation.


Califf said a new factor has joined the list of known causes of life expectancy disparities like race, ethnicity, income and education: living in a rural area, where he noted that people are exposed to different information sources. ..

He said there’s a need for better regulation, including “specific authorities at FDA, FTC and other areas” to root out misinformation.


Free speech has caused Americans to live shorter lives. This is actually common knowledge under socialist regimes. Saying the wrong thing shortens already reduced life expectancies on a daily basis. The government addresses instances of disinformation and misinformation by intimidating, arresting, jailing, or executing offenders.

That is how they root out misinformation. Is the head of the FDA suggesting something similar in the United States, and if not, how does he plan to prevent his agency or any other – given their weaponization and militarization in recent years – from descending into that trap?

No plans would be the best guess. It is in the interest of the agency to address mistakes, bad judgment, poor decisions, graft, and corruption, by preventing whistleblowers and isolating anyone who demonstrates the intellectual agility to ask uncomfortable questions.

We, of course, understand why. A systemic advance in the centralization of public health information (socialized medical propaganda) is to blame. The global narrative was more dangerous than the virus from which they claimed to be saving us. The suggestion of misfeasance or malfeasance cannot be permitted to persist. But the Constitution still stands in their way.

Maybe they could label opposing scientific opinions, credentialed or not, as hate speech. That’s a growing vector for intimidation. Or perhaps you can buy Twitter. I hear that place is a hotbed of public health debate since Elon Musk took the helm.



Substack | Igor Chudov

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Naomi Wolf’s Howl: Pfizer COVID Docs Reveal “Greatest Crime in Human History”

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-04-16 00:00 +0000

Naomi Wolf was once a darling of the Democratic Party. A Yale graduate with a Ph.D. in history, Wolf worked as an advisor to the Clinto-Gore administration. Described as an American liberal progressive, feminist author, and journalist, she rose to prominence as the author of The Beauty Myth in 1991, which was named one of The New York Times’s seventy most influential books of the twentieth century.

For all intents and purposes, she had built up political capital both in and outside of Washington D.C.  None of which was able to keep her from being canceled once she started to push back against the elite left’s manipulation of the pandemic.

Wolf made a now famous video that went viral where she expressed profound concern over the proposed vaccine mandates being discussed in her state of New York.  Governor Cuomo and Mayor Deblasio had both exposed themselves as authoritarians whose agendas superseded the Constitution, and civil and human rights, all of which Wolf holds dearly as a Jewish American.

Following her fall from grace, she was targeted again for speaking out against the rising number of reported abuses from mandates and adverse reactions specifically harming women.  The number of miscarriages, jobs lost from refusal to comply, and attacks on parents’ rights were cause for more concern resulting in Wolf being kicked off most of her social media accounts for speaking out.

Suddenly she was embraced by the strange bedfellows from the right, such as Steve Bannon and other lifelong progressive liberals like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Together, they were amassing a body of intellectual and medical professionals who knew the pandemic and it’s government response was not an organic anomaly due to random biological evolution but a well organized, well funded, and targeted bio-weapon attack on American’s including their loved ones.

As a result, Wolf seized the opportunity made when Pfizer was court-ordered to release their trove of COVID research documents rather than their preference to have them sealed for 75 years.  At a rate of 55,000 documents released monthly, Wolf knew she needed help weeding through the jargon to develop the picture she suspected would emerge.  That people were being injured at record numbers in the U.S. and likely around the world.  That Pfizer knew this was happening and hid it from the public, and that members of the government, the military, Big Tech and Big Media were colluding to deceive, coerce, and intimidated Americans into injecting themselves with not just an experimental mRNA gene “therapy,” but a bio-weapon that would decimate thousands if not millions of Americans.

Her appeal for help netted 2,500 experts willing to volunteer their time to read the Pfizer documents and produce reports. The team included: physicians, RNs, bio-statisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians, research scientists, cardiologists, pathologists, and anesthesiologists.  Wolf was barely able to manage the incoming reports. However, what she and her staff uncovered she describes as “evidence of the greatest crime against humanity in the history of our species.”

Here are a few of the details from the 58 reports she shared during her recent speech at Hillsdale College:

  • Pfizer knew one month after roll out the vaccines didn’t stop COVID despite paying for massive celebrity campaigns. They also knew they had “vaccine failure” and “failure of efficacy”; documents identified third most common side effect of the vaccine is “COVID”.


  • Pfizer was receiving so many adverse event reports they needed to hire 2,400 staffers to simply process the paperwork.


  • Pfizer knew in May of 2021 the vaccines had caused heart damage in 35 minors within a week after the injection. The FDA knew since the documents all say “FDA confidential” at the bottom.  Parents were not told of this risk until August of 2021.  During those four months parents and youth alike were propagandized by celebrities and advertisements funded by the CARES act and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to “be strong” and “do it for grandma”, despite knowing of the life threatening side effects.


  • Looking at the bio-chemical interaction the CDC and Pfizer, when asked how long do the petroleum based lipid nano-particle and spike protein contained in the vaccines stay in the body, lied and said they are metabolized. The truth is the vaccines were designed to “bio-distribute” to major organs.  Meaning they cross every membrane in the human body. In women they accumulate in the ovaries and there is yet to be a mechanism for safely removing them.


  • Robert Chandler, a respected pathologist who treats the Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Angels, discovered the particles decrease at the injection site yet increase in the organs over time. Pfizer knew all of this.


  • In only three months there were 1,200+ deaths out of 42,000+ reported adverse events. The documents also reveal Pfizer deceived the public by listing minor side effects while knowing they would cause strokes, hemorrhages, lung clots, leg clots, neurological disorders, dementia type disorders, Guillain-Barre syndrome and Bells-Palsy.


  • #1 side effect is joint pain. Wolf knows young people, teens and twenty-somethings, with limps and chronic joint paint following getting the COVID shot.  She explains the nano-particles pass into the cartilage.


  • Perhaps the most appalling, before it was legal to do this in early 2021, Pfizer injected 62 kids, as young as 2 months old. Twenty-eight of them we don’t know what happened to them.  Records show a seven-year-old British girl who sustained a stroke and a two-month-old baby with liver damage.


It’s no wonder they wanted to seal the evidence for 75 years, given these details alone indicate crimes against humanity on a global scale worthy of the death penalty.  However, the leviathan behind all of this is international in scope and so well funded. Thanks to the trillions of dollars controlled by the captured industries, the battle for justice already in the courts is severely uphill.

The second part of Wolf’s speech details her reasons why she is convinced this is a bio-weapon intended to target Americans and Western culture in general.  We will cover this in part 2 of this series due out tomorrow.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Goal of the Diversity-Equity Agenda is a Government That Bullies Everyone

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 22:30 +0000

Many years ago, we warned our readers that campus craziness was the Left’s beta test for what their Utopia would be like when they released it upon the nation. Not a tough call to make, but it was still the right one.

The campus crazies even put on shows for us as primers for the world in which we would soon live, and here we are. If you object to sexually explicit content in a public grammar school, you are a book-burning Nazi.

Welcome to the land of diversity and inclusion. Where any insult, threat, or crime is justifiable if it pulls the lever to the left. A downhill journey that began decades ago and will culminate with the progressive endgame. A nation where everyone is bullied by the government, including the people who got us there and the people in it.

Even the progressively homogenized media will have to sing for its supper. But, where one wrong word can, today, get you canceled, in the Liberal paradise, one wrong word could get you disappeared in the middle of the night.

That’s how it works in China, Venezuela, Cuba, the old Soviet Union, and every Democrat-socialist bastion of equality across the scope of human history. Our version can’t be any different because the ingredients are the same—people with power and people with none.

Human beings will put up with a lot, but the same urge that drives elites to want more control is alive in each of us, and sure – some more than others. But yearning to be free is not a bumper sticker. It is an ingrained facet of human existence. We may enjoy company, family, and community, and some of us are energized by these connections, but we don’t want them telling us how to live every moment of our lives, and that’s what the Left is after.

Diversity and Inclusion are a Marxist smoke screen for divide and conquer. The goal is equity defined by a handful of ruling-class despots whose meddling leads to less of everything except government intrusion.

No one on the Political Left is looking downriver to a land where you are accepted for who you are. That’s not even in the cards.

The goal is to silence your speech and mandate theirs. To homogenize compliance and systematize obedience.

In the end, there is o only one party, one message, and one thing they will tolerate. Your silent obedience.

So yeah, maybe silence is violence after all.


The post The Goal of the Diversity-Equity Agenda is a Government That Bullies Everyone appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Has Militarized The EPA

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 21:00 +0000

Biden promised to make fossil fuels extinct and is taking steps to do so with the help of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Joe Biden vowed to do it when talking to blurry-eyed environmental groupies during the 2020 election.

He has thought through his plan as well as these dreamers have charted out their future. Biden has visions of everyone driving Electronic Vehicles (EVs) and our landfills filled with the beautiful gas vehicles that we have loved since we were kids. I dream of being the person to push the button and crush Joe Biden’s treasured Corvette. Good for us, good for him.

As Biden was boarding Air Force One, that evil gas-burning jet, on his way to Ireland, he directed the EPA to announce new guidelines that the auto industry would never be able to comply with. He took the EPA in his feeble hand like a gladiator yielding his sword, and he took control of the auto industry and pulled the guillotine lever that hung the fossil fuel industry to its death. Greta Thunberg was so giddy today that she had to skip school. But seriously, why go to school when we will all be extinct in 10 years, right, John Kerry? Cue James Taylor for your favorite diddy. By the way, Hunter is on this trip to Ireland with The Big Guy. The Irish best get their checkbooks out. Hunter’s idea of a souvenir is a check to the Biden cartel with at least nine zeros.

Regardless of the standards involved, the bigger picture is that the government is mandating to the American people how they will travel about the country. Only about 6% of cars on American roads today are Electric, which is not enough for Biden and the Climate Change advocates. The numbers and the infrastructure are against the speedy growth of EVs. First is the price, which averages over $60,000 for EVs, while gas vehicles are still in the $40,000s. Filling stations today number about 145,000. There is no statistic on the number of pumps but at 6-12 per station, the pumps total 900,000 to 1.8 Million. The Administration brags about the 130,000 public access chargers. They are not even close to filling the demand in the future. Currently, there are only two significant owners of the chargers, ChargePoint and Tesla. There is no push on the part of petroleum companies to convert filling stations to charge.

The power grid in America is well below the capacity we need today. It is prevalent in some regions to see scheduled “brown-outs” or even black-outs. Ee cannot keep the lights on our air conditioners running. What will happen when we start plugging in the family SUV every day? In California, there were orders last summer forbidding the charging of EVs. Try using that excuse for your boss when you don’t have enough battery life to drive to work.

Finally, these EV charging stations will not be wind-powered. We will need fossil fuels to generate the wattage we will use, so these EPA standards will not eliminate fossil fuels but transfer the user.

We love our cars, trucks, RVs, and boats, and we are not ready, and possibly never will be, to have the government mandate that we need to give them up. Please tell me where this power is given to the President in our Constitution. I’ll wait.



The post Biden Has Militarized The EPA appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Major Election Errors Identified in Maricopa County, Report Shows

Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2023-04-15 20:57 +0000
By David Lindfield, Slay On Monday, Maricopa County released a report by former Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor on the causes of the ballot printer issues on Election Day. [...] According to the report, the county expanded the... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Two More Reasons Why The GOP Has No Chance In 2024

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 19:30 +0000

If you are one of those who insist that nominating Trump will fix everything OR if you are one of those who insist that “moving on” from Trump will fix everything, then don’t read this … you will find it very triggering and upsetting.

FACT: The GOP has done virtually nothing to prevent the 2024 election from being rigged in the same manner the 2020 election was rigged. What’s the plan to prevent regime-media/Big-Tech censorship? What’s the plan to combat “Zuckerbucks” and copycat Zuckerbuckers? What’s the plan to compete in vital swing-states where election-day has been replaced with a month(s)-long ballot-harvesting contest?

Two new FACTS: One is a recent article from Kelly Conway regarding how the Biden-regime is planning to turn out waves fo zombie Tic-Tok voters:

Former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway said she’s worried young voter turnout in the 2024 election will hurt the Republican party as the Biden administration turns to social media influencers. …

Conway also said she’s concerned the left is becoming a “turnout machine” with young voters because of the administration’s use of influencers. …

Voters ages 18-29 prefer Democrats by a significant margin, with the demographic voting for Democrats over Republicans by a 28-point margin in 2022 as well as voting for Biden over Trump by a 24-point margin in 2020,

What’s the plan for combatting the legions of zombie Tik-Tokers?

And another FACT … the GOP “mega-donors,” at best, cannot be counted on. Zuckerberg invested nearly half-a-billion into turning out Democrat voters in 2020. The GOP’s Zuckerberg equivalent, instead of matching that investment, gives his money to Harvard:

How are we going to beat the Communists, when our mega-donors are bankrolling the Communists?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This is the 50,000th Published Post on

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 18:00 +0000

OkThis post on this day, April 15th, 2023, at 2 PM ET is the 50,000 published post on That sounds like a lot, and maybe it is, but the ‘Grok had some very humble beginnings, and it wasn’t until more recently that we truly cranked out the content.

Related: Attorney General Bill Barr Explains Why New Hampshire Needs

It took a bit of digging, but I worked out a few waypoints in the journey from where two guys shared thoughts they didn’t think anyone would read to whatever it is we are today.

If you don’t know the story, GraniteGrok started in 2006 with two guys, some cameras, some free time, and the wide-open internet. Not a lot of blogs back then, and they did well in that landscape, establishing a practice that continues to this day—operating on a set of constitutional conservatarian principles through which politics and culture are filtered.

Put another way, we are here for the unapologetic principles, not some political party or agenda, and sometimes that pisses people off.

From 2006 to Feb 2010, when I came on board, GraniteGrok had published 4,790 posts, or about 1,198 a year.

In early 2010 Skip began recruiting more writers. He needed and wanted some help. At the time, I was aggravating NH Libs from NH when several other folks and I were invited to broaden the style, tone, and audience of GraniteGrok – many of whom have since drifted away (or, in the case of Ed Naile, passed away).

From late Feb 2010 (when I started here) to December 2017, Granite Grok added 23,848 more posts. That’s just over 3400 a year or 280+ every month. And no, that is not a strange place for a pin drop. Early 2018 was when I promised we could surpass the Keene Sentinel in online traffic and eventually everyone else in online NH print media along with them.

And we did.

From Jan 2018 until this post you are reading now, we added another 21,362 articles or items, 4000+ a year or 334 per month. And before getting canceled by Facebook, we were catching up to WMUR (Election season 2020) and owned the number one spot for traffic among all online print news media portals in the state, much of Vermont, and parts of Maine and Massachusetts.

Since Facebook canceled us (though I’ve recently gone back to sharing some milder stuff there to see what happens), we’ve added footprints on other platforms, but most of our traffic comes straight to our front door. We could drop social, and it wouldn’t make much difference.

Is it because we added more op-eds? We give our readers a place to express their views to stimulate more debate. Content-sharing agreements have been developed. And someday, though I can’t say when because it is out of my hands, we’ll have a Grok App and the site updates we’ve promised, including an ad-free premium option (fingers crossed).

What’s Next?

Adding another 50,000 posts at this pace will take 12.47 years, but if free speech is still a thing, and I haven’t dropped dead or wandered off the mental acuity plantation (or been put in jail for disagreeing with the regime), I may still be at it. I hope someone is, if it’s not Skip or me. 100K seems like a milestone worth achieving, as long as it is still original content filtered through that unapologetic conservatarian filter.

NH should always have that.

We’ve seen many political blogs come and go in this state on both sides. Groups, coalitions, alliances, organizations. People have risen fast and burned out, never to be heard from again. Longevity is not typical. It’s rare. Maybe we’re the only ones dumb enough to persist at a hobby that increasingly looks like shouting in the darkness.

We like to think of it as lighting a candle and minding it with perseverance and tenacity. We want to ensure people who are looking can find their way, which I think I summed up nicely in my memoriam to Ed Naile and John Irish.


Ed and John were in it for the long haul, come what may. And they woke up, maybe not every morning but most, with an idea about how they could help, what it would require of them, and they did that.

We cannot replace them; we can only succeed them. And not like them but in their spirit, because the battle against tyranny is eternal, as is the desire for liberty but tyranny never rests, so – like them – neither shall we.


Whatever happens, for however long it does, we intend to keep at it, and we hope you’ll continue to come along for the ride.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“It’s More a Ruling Class That Has Given Up on the Society It Rules.”

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 16:30 +0000

Traditionally, our “Ruling Class” understood that America came first before its ideological aims. They understood that this demanded a “Limited Government” that let the rest of us decide for ourselves what is best for us.

That there was no comprehensible way they could know enough about our Civil Society to know all the elements and interconnections to make sweeping changes.

They understood that “change for the sake of change” mostly resulted in calamity.

And then the Progressives started in with the Woodrow Wilson Administration that decided WE didn’t know what was good enough for us – but that they did. They moved us away from being a Republic using democratic processes to their desired Administrative State that would “govern” use via technocrats who are non-partisan and “only have our best interests at heart.”


 Biden’s America – A Society That Has Given Up on Itself. Well, it’s more a ruling class that has given up on the society it rules. They’re following Rhett Butler’s maxim that you can make as much money by tearing a civilization down as by building it up. – Instapundit

We’re not far from that Administrative State, but we have learned that those we elect to be part of that Ruling Class have their own agendas and not ours. And we’ve learned that the “non-partisan technocrats” are highly partisan and generally not as smart as many of those of us that don’t receive a government paycheck. Sure, there are some good people in government, but too many are all but willing to change us into their own image.



The post “It’s More a Ruling Class That Has Given Up on the Society It Rules.” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Business Index Rates “Corporate Respect for Religious and Ideological Diversity.”

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 15:00 +0000

Corporations have been jumping hoops to get a good ESG and Net-Zero score or favorable rankings from The Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equity Index. But, there’s a new corporate “score” on the block, and it is starting to unnerve the oligarchs.

The Viewpoint Diversity Index (by The Alliance Defending Freedom) measures “corporate respect for religious and ideological diversity.”


Viewpoint Diversity Score’s annual Business Index is the first comprehensive benchmark designed to measure corporate respect for religious and ideological diversity in the market, workplace, and public square. True diversity requires protecting freedom of expression and belief for employees, customers, shareholders, and other stakeholders. Accordingly, the Business Index evaluates a wide range of corporate policies, practices, and activities to determine whether companies respect these fundamental freedoms as a standard part of doing business.


It gauges tolerance for things outside the progressive plantation, like the religious rights of Christians, free association, or free speech, so Companies with high ESG or CEI scores obsessed with appeasing the Net-Zero Zombies tend to have outrageously low Viewpoint Diversity Scores.

The 2022 report lists Go Daddy at 2%, Adobe, Microsoft, and Airbnb at 5%, Amazon at 6%, Apple at 8%, PayPal gets 7%, and Google and Meta at 9%. Few, if any, significant banks can manage a score of above 25%. Twitter was 6% in 2022, so we’ll be able to see if Elon’s influence can improve things.

From the report.


The two industries with the lowest overall scores were computer software at 6%, and internet services and retailing at 8%. The financial and data services industry also came in at a low overall average score of 11%.


The National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) has taken to introducing resolutions for consideration at upcoming shareholder’s meetings based on these rankings of large #woke institutions, and they’ve gotten support from an unexpected quarter.


The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sided with conservative investors this week in their request to investigate what they say is PayPal’s systematic political and religious discrimination against customers.

Over the objections of PayPal’s management, the SEC allowed a proposal by the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) to go to a shareholder vote at the company’s next annual meeting. This decision follows a similar decision on March 29, in which the SEC green-lighted a proposal regarding alleged political and religious discrimination at JPMorgan Chase, America’s largest bank.


This follows in parallel or perhaps on the heels of efforts by State Attorneys General to investigate banks that use their pursuit of favorable ESG and CEI scores to discriminate against customers of faith.


Nineteen states, led by Missouri AG Eric Schmitt, are investigating Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo for putting UN (BS) Net Zero ESG banking goals ahead of American laws.


And I get it. In the New World Order, appeasing the new emperors might make sense for oligarchic executives perched atop piles of money with this or that company name. When the revolution comes, the government will pick winners and losers, and you’d rather have a seat at the table than be in a body bag under it. But until the Progs can mingle the ashes of the US Constitution amongst the charred waste of the once great American Republic, it’s illegal for financial institutions to discriminate based on a wide range of tags.

These companies, like PayPal, are quick to line up their lawyers and protest, though I can’t imagine why. Don’t they trust their shareholders to vote in line with the board of directors’ vision of partisan one-party political hegemony?

JP Morgan Chase was likewise forced to allow shareholders to vote on a similar resolution.


In the past two years, Chase has denied payments or canceled accounts associated with people and organizations—such as former ambassador Sam Brownback, the Arkansas Family Council, Defense of Liberty, and retired general Michael Flynn, Jr—for holding mainstream American views.


That was Nebraska State Treasurer John Murante, one of many in state governments delegated as flyover country pushing back against the Left’s use of the banking system to undermine political opponents. And yes, banks are owned by people, not the government (at least on paper), but because of what they do, state and federal regulations were developed to prevent this sort of abuse. Rules that were applauded by many of the same people now are using ESG and CEI to reject loans or refuse services based on an ideological profile.

I don’t have high hopes for resolutions presented at stockholders’ meetings, with or without teeth. Still, the SEC’s tolerance for them is surprising, and I applaud ADF’s mission to shine another light on corporate progressive appeasement tactics peddled as diversity or equity initiatives when they result in systemic discrimination and inequity.


ADF Business-Index

The post New Business Index Rates “Corporate Respect for Religious and Ideological Diversity.” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How to Stop the Islamization of America?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 13:30 +0000

The more I read about Islam, the more concerned I have become about its threat to democracies everywhere. I truly understand how it is that the people in Islamic nations cannot question Islam for fear of death, but I cannot for the life of me see how an educated person can fall victim to this falsehood.

I thank Anwar Shaikh for my awakening to Islam being an imperialistic doctrine, as opposed to a religion. “Freedom Is Not Free,” and it takes vigilance to keep it free. In the past, I spent many hours contacting American Congressmen to get our country off dependence on Middle Eastern oil. Fortunately, America is now a major exporter of oil and gas.

There is no such thing as “Islam” one can reform and find a way to make moderate. There are numerous Islams. One and all are extreme and not in the least amenable to change. Remember that Islam claims it is the perfect eternal faith for mankind. Splits have occurred and will continue to occur in Islam. Yet a Reformation-style change has not happened in nearly 1400 years, and is not going to happen, and will never occur. Islam is carved in granite just the way it is. No change. Allah’s book is sealed.

There are indeed some Muslims who are moderate in the way they practice their faith. These people, for the most part, are cultural Muslims. They don’t practice Islam the way it is mandated. They pick and choose. Therefore, “moderate Islam” is like being moderately pregnant. It is not possible. The only way to deal with the menace of real Islam, the jihadist variety, is to fully dismantle it and relegate it to the confines of museums.

My relentless search took me to numerous sources with various explanations. Some praised Islam, specifically Shiite Islam, to high heaven and presented their evidence in support of this adulation, never mind the fact that even Shiite Islam is fractured into no less than one hundred different sects.

I found the house of Muhammad fractured so extensively that there was no way any one of them could represent what Muhammad launched. The Sunnis, for instance, consider all Shiites infidels and the Shiites label Sunnis as betrayers of Muhammad’s faith and his household.

Beginning with the Constitution’s adoption, America has been a republic. But the dominant trend over the last two centuries has been to call it a democracy. A woman asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government the Constitution was bringing into existence. Franklin replied, “A republic if you can keep it.” Democracy is the guardian of our liberty. Embedded in a democracy are provisions that can make it implode from within. Democracy also has its own guardian: a resolutely vigilant, proactive, and ethical citizenry.

What can be done? Is there a way of resisting and reversing the imminent coming Islamic assault on our most cherished right of liberty?

Here are some suggestions:

·       Become an active worker for liberty, instead of a passive, non-caring, devil-may-care nihilist. Many Europeans are already paying the price of non-caring complacency as Islam is rapidly gaining greater power, casting its suffocating pall on their lives.

·       Interact with Muslims in your locality and try to wean them away from Islam by pointing out how the Quran and the clergy are enslaving them in a defunct ideology of intolerance, backwardness, and death.

·       Use the political process, while it is still responsive to the demands and wishes of freedom-loving people, by supporting laws that guard freedom and reject those that infringe on liberty.

·       Actively support political candidates who are deeply committed to the tenets of freedom.

·       Run for office, any office. Encourage your friends and other liberty advocates to pitch in and help in any way they can.

·       Hold to account those politicians who sell themselves to Islamic advocacy groups and promote Islam. These for-hire politicians will do anything they can to keep their position, power, and benefits from the generous financial backing of Islamic groups.

·       Be an active educator by informing others about the creeping danger of Islam. Islam is seriously eroding the very foundation of liberty by various means. Powerful moneyed Islamic organizations threaten anyone who dares to criticize Islam with ruinous lawsuits (CAIR).

·       Contribute small or large money to causes and individuals fighting to preserve liberty. As the old saying goes, freedom is not free.

In short, liberty is your most prized possession, and democracy is the shield that protects it. Yet this shield of democracy is vulnerable and needs to be repaired and strengthened on a regular basis. I am calling on you, the individual freedom-loving person, to play your part in defense of freedom; not only for your sake but also for mine and all others who cherish this precious blessing of life.

The post How to Stop the Islamization of America? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Climate Cult Ignores Record Coral Expansion and Decline in Cyclones

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 12:00 +0000

The Climate Cult has a lot of canaries in its coal mine. Rain, snow, no rain, no snow, glaciers (growing and melting), sea level (rising or not), and let’s not forget increased storms and the decline of coral reefs. To those last two points, the Cult has fresh trouble.

Despite rising CO2 that likely has nothing to do with you, Cyclones in the Australian region have not been more frequent or severe—quite the opposite.



I added a not-mathematically-exact trend line to emphasize the conspicuous decline in cyclone energy in defiance of all the high sticking over atmospheric carbon dioxide and perennial exclamations about the hottest month or year ever.

The Coral Of The Story Is …

The end of ocean coral, like glaciers and snow, is another bugbear of the climate left, the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) being the mothership or posterchild for this hyperbolic venting. But the GBR has been rapidly growing new coral since at least 2012 (The hottest year ever!), and it has not stopped.

The Australian Institute of Marine Science recently published a piece titled, ‘Highest Coral Cover in Central Norther Reef in 36 years,’ which is almost as long a period in time as AlGore Global Warming. Imagine their chagrin – if there were even capable of it. Since their caterwauling began, there has been more CO2, heat (somewhere), and coral.

Dammit, Jim (Hansen), I’m a fat masseuse fondling politician, not a scientist.

Add it to the rising sea of predictions they got wrong.

Both linked pieces, by the by, are from organs of the Australian Government or pretend NGOs and rely on them for outrage funding, so you’ll find plenty of hedging from ‘scientists’ grown alongside the coral to think they are only grant-worthy if everything is couched in end-times Book of Revelations exhortations. This is doing the opposite of what we said, but over here, OMG! – the world is ending – we need more funding!

When can the Climate gods rapture them to the climate-controlled utopian progressive paradise? Not soon enough. And there are still trillions of other people’s hard-earned Australian dollars to launder on wasteful climate research doing business as science, and not just down under. It is money they need, not to do science but message control to silence those who dare to question their methods, motivations, and conclusions – you know, actual science.

Cyclones, I am “read” to believe, can do a lot of damage to coral reefs, but since cyclones show no connection to your rising CO2 climate paradigm, it looks disturbingly natural and not at all man-made.

By the way – the spleen-venting climate Pharisees that read the runes or bones or entrails have predicted a milder-than-usual Atlantic Hurricane season for 2023, so we should expect it to be one of the worst years on record (global warming!).


The post Climate Cult Ignores Record Coral Expansion and Decline in Cyclones appeared first on Granite Grok.

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