The Manchester Free Press

Monday • February 10 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

Be Careful Who You Sit Next To In Church

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 10:30 +0000

That new person you sit next to in your regular pew may not be there for the Sign of Peace. They may be looking at who you connect with in your house of worship. You might even see their weapon and FBI badge if their sports jacket opens.

It was bad enough when the FBI and Justice Department were weaponized against people who had the audacity to speak up for their children at school board meetings. How will Joe Biden and his Administration explain violating the sanctity of our churches to seek out “Radical Christians.” They will, of course, start by denying any knowledge of the “hunt for domestic terrorists” in our churches.

According to internal documents released by the House Judiciary Committee on Monday, the FBI sought to develop sources inside Christian churches and Catholic dioceses to combat domestic terrorism.

The documents were obtained last month by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La. The FBI planned to use churches as “new avenues for tripwire and source development,” with a specific focus on “mainline Catholic parishes.”

Regardless of your faith, you should be up in arms with this latest assault on our freedoms by an out-of-control government. Even if you do not claim a faith, you must worry about the next assault. No branch of government has a place in any house of worship. We are fortunate to have the Republicans in charge of the House and Jim Jordan protecting us and bringing these atrocities to light.

The FBI also cited a desire to sensitize religious congregations “to the warning signs of radicalization and enlist their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires.” If the FBI is concerned about radicalization, get out of the Catholic Churches and into a teacher’s lounge.

This rogue effort by the FBI cannot be explained, and somebody has to be identified as the initiator and terminated immediately. If Director Wray continues to plead ignorance, that is reason enough for his head to roll.

The assault on Christianity and specifically Catholic Churches does not end with FBI infiltration but with the Department of Justice (DOJ) ignoring violent assaults on churches. The 69 brutal attacks so far this year against Catholic Churches have escaped the attention of the DOJ. These attacks should be classified as hate crimes against a religious group and its followers. Give them a hate crime or an anti-trans crime; these departments will be all over them.

The House has acted quickly since the Republicans took control in January. What they have found has put a razor focus on the importance of the 2024 election. If the Democrats maintain the Executive Branch and Senate, we will see more of the totalitarian efforts that are being uncovered. Or, we can vote these Democrats, especially the more Radical members, out and regain the freedoms our Constitution guarantees us. The next time you hear a politician from the Left claim they are the “Democracy” Party, push back with the facts. They are out to destroy our freedoms and control us as much as they can get away with.

The post Be Careful Who You Sit Next To In Church appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We’re still Offering 25% off Everything at the ‘Grok Store

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 03:00 +0000

Order anything at the ‘Grok Store by April 17th, and you can take 25% of the purchase price (excludes Shipping). It’s a spring fling kind of thing, and while we don’t have a ton of stuff there, we’ve started making some of it available in different colors.

That’s, in part, a learning curve issue, though the addition of color only seems to add to the number of items we sell in black or white.

Go figure.

Anyway, since I have to come up with the ideas and the designs and do all the backend stuff (see why they are all so simple), if you’ve got something you’d like to see on a shirt or monogrammed on a hat or on a mug, or whatever else they offer – and it’s not someone else’s work, let me know. I can create anything as long as it is original or well within the public domain.

At present, the Z28.310 hat is the biggest seller (also available in camo and a handful of colors for men and women – we know what those are). It is a monogrammed cap, and we did have one commenter say they ordered it, and it never shipped. I ordered one myself and it all seems to be going along just fine, so – not sure what happened there.

How It Works

While we do the design and pick the colors and products, everything else is handled by a third party. If something goes sideways, we won’t know until you tell us. So, please, if you do have an issue, let me know (, and provide the product, description, problem, or just the order number, please – if you can.

While we don’t make a lot on these sales, and it’s mostly a novelty/marketing thing, I will make time to try and solve your issue.

If you are interested in how often we have those sorts of issues, only twice that I have heard, and one was about the country of origin. SO, about that. Everything is printed or monogrammed in the US on US soil by US residents at a US company, but we have no control over where they buy the mugs, hats, shirts, or glassware (etc.). The mugs are still made in China, and I get it if that’s a non-starter. Just remember that the odds that you are not supporting “China” by simply using networks and technology to access the internet is close to zero. Your smartphone, desktop, laptop, cellular infrastructure, electric grid, and government use Chinese hardware, software, or influences. And I’m down with the struggle, but please do not get on a high horse about it unless you know for certain your life is devoid of something made in China.

I have looked for an all-domestic products alternative and come up empty.

You can support us with a donation. That’s the best way (and many of you have and do so, thank you!). But if you want something tangible, we have a storefront, and until April 17th, you can save 25% when you use the Code ‘FRIENDS&FANS25.’




The post We’re still Offering 25% off Everything at the ‘Grok Store appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dem City Crime Forces Whole Foods To Close Flagship Store in San Francisco

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 01:30 +0000

I wonder what homicide Detective Mike Stone and his upstart partner Inspector Steve Keller would think of 21st-century life on The Streets of San Francisco. The characters would be appalled. So are most retailers.

And despite the city by the Bay recalling its soft-on-crime DA, San Francisco continues to stumble, and that’s not a surprise. The COVID response showed a wide audience that it is easy to break things but no small matter to fix them after. Decades of Democrat rule – which remains unchanged – cannot be undone with one election of a slightly less liberal crime boss.

Related: Amazon is Closing Retail Stores in Dem-Run Cities ‘cuz Crime!

Rhetorically speaking, San Francisco has already fallen into the ocean. Even Whole Foods can’t stand it anymore.


The nearly 65,000-square foot location at Trinity Place in the city’s Mid-Market neighborhood shut its doors Monday to “ensure the safety” of its employees, a Whole Foods spokesperson said. Although Whole Foods did not share any additional information on the conditions that led to the store closing, the spokesperson added that it was a “difficult decision to close the Trinity store for the time being.” Affected employees will be transferred to nearby stores.


The location was only a year old, opening in 2022 and heralded as a flagship for the brand. But this is San Francisco. Drug use in the bathrooms forced the company to limit access. They even cut their operating hours, but in the end, decades of Democrat rule won out. There was no way for them to protect their employees or their product from crime, so they closed the location.

CNN reports that this particular unit offered 3700 local products, so this doesn’t just affect the rich bastards running Amazon, who own the brand. Locals trying to eke out a living have been deprived of sales, diminishing their livelihoods.

Don’t feel too sorry for them. The odds are good that they are Democrats who continue to exacerbate local decline by refusing to see the root cause of it. Electing Democrats. And thanks to ranked-choice voting, they get to pick from which Lefty gets to screw them over and over.

And odds are good that despite all the bad management, crime, and decline, things will keep getting worse. That, and they are in California, which, as a state, is on the same downward trajectory, a path reinforced by the departure of not just retailers but people.

The people who might vote for change saw the forest for the trees and hoofed it out as soon as they were able or were hoping too soon. That will leave the systemic failure of Liberal rule and those trapped by it.

And at this rate, with very little in the way or choice when it comes to the store’s from which they can steal.


The post Dem City Crime Forces Whole Foods To Close Flagship Store in San Francisco appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Chickens Have Come Home To Roost; It Just Took a Decade+ Longer Than We Thought

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-04-15 00:00 +0000

While I was on my town’s Budget Committee, I warned the town and school board against taking “free money” that the Feds were giving out like the candy thrown out by Old Home Day marchers. The analogy was apt.

The kids along the marching route eagerly went after the candy just lying in the street while department heads and town leaders pursued any and all money that the Feds were throwing their way. No difference at all – one having the lure of sugar, the other nothing but sugar – both addictive, but at least the kids had [more] responsible adults in charge of them to limit their access to that “free” stuff.

My warning was that the “money candy,”  like the candy on Old Home Day, would run out. You can only hand out free stuff for so long before the bills come due.

That was when the national debt was between $4-$6 Trillion.

Such a trite and quaint idea it was, telling them that too much was too much. Telling them that the cost will come due and you all won’t like it.  I told them that all it would take would be the rise of 2-4% points in interest rates, and just the interest payment on the national debt (forget about principal payments) would soar.  Well, guess what: now those financial chickens have come home to roost.

The Congressional Budget Office on Monday revealed that the cost of payments on the federal debt soared 41 percent in the first six months of the fiscal year thanks to higher interest rates — driving the deficit up to $1.1 trillion over the period.

…The Federal Reserve Board has pursued an aggressive rate-increasing campaign to try and tame inflation, but one of the risks was always that this would further exacerbate the nation’s fiscal problems by adding to the cost of interest payments on the debt.

…In February, CBO projected that by the end of the decade, the federal government would spend more on interest payments than on defense.

Only an optimist would hold that it would take until the end of the decade to hit that point (defense spending will be $816.7 Billion this year) but is also dwarfed by Welfare, Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation ($4 Trillion). Just interest payments on the National Debt are projected to be $308 Billion this fiscal year. And that’s ONLY IF:

  1. Interest rates don’t go up further.
  2. The yearly deficit doesn’t continue to rise – but it is.
  3. And that the Dollar stays as the world’s reserve currency

Just for the first half of this fiscal year, the deficit has gone up $1.1 Trillion already. The second half, I bet, will be larger.



As we have seen, we haven’t had enough responsible adults either in Congress, in the Federal Reserve, in the Executive Branch, or in voters to have seen this three-decade man-caused disaster coming like a slow-moving train wreck. And stop it.

We’ve become far too greedy as a nation – we spend far too much on far too many things that, at the Federal level, we shouldn’t be spending at all.

Oh, to Point #3?

Gross interest owed on the $31.4 trillion national debt—that is, interest owed on both the $24.9 trillion publicly traded debt and the $6.7 trillion debt in the Social Security, Medicare, and other trust funds—will reach a gargantuan $1 trillion in 2024 for the first time in American history, according to the latest data gathered by the White House Office of Management and budget.

While Biden wants to jack up the Federal Budget north of $7 Trillion this year, it nominally has been around $4 Trillion the last few years. So 25% will be for debt payment.

We’re screwed.


The post The Chickens Have Come Home To Roost; It Just Took a Decade+ Longer Than We Thought appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Indigenous Theory and The Age of Progressive Educational ‘Colonialism’

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 22:30 +0000

Feel free to berate me for the odd and (perhaps) unnecessarily long title, but I promise the two thoughts are connected if you grant me a few moments to make the case.

We’ll start with anthropology and evolution and the migration of humanity from the cradle of life. Taken at either face value or in-depth, the current consensus contradicts the indigenous ideology that proliferates primarily on the political Left. That people “from here” had more rights than anyone who showed up later. Regular readers will know I think this absurd.

My default example is North America, which had no people for millions of years and only recently enjoyed their presence – a series of occupations with the current disfavored European colonialists currently in the majority—each successive set of people displaced, bred-out, absorbed, or eliminated the predecessors and their culture. Calling the last know ‘occupants’ indigenous is absurd.

And so it is with not just the remainder of the globe but with other Hominini who preceded our alleged ancestors, all of whom – based on the known fossil record, first did “people” things somewhere around the *African-Euroasian regions, subject to change as new evidence presents itself. The rest of the globe was allegedly unpopulated but filled up with successive generations of conquerors whose ancestors would one day be us.

We are all brothers and sisters, but not one of us, with few exceptions, can claim to be indigenous where we are now unless the definition is reduced to meaning the last flock of folks before the current bunch that displaced them, just as they displaced those who came before them.

Any claim to special considerations as a victim of history on these terms is little more than the most recent page of a story that might be 3.5 million years long. And history tells us that we, too, shall one day be displaced, and those few who remain while victims of history have not earned any special consideration for what was lost, certainly not in America.

What Does That Have to Do with Public Schools?

Education, like humanity, has evolved, but not for the better. In America, the government takeover of education has resulted in a tumultuous century-long journey down a steep hill toward systemic ignorance. A devolution from near-universal literacy back to a time when the ruling class was well-educated, and everyone else was kept stupid enough to do as they were told.

Public education and its progressive advocates are wholly responsible for generations of idiots whose children they now insist cannot be trusted with their progenitors. If, as the educrats suggest, a biological parent is incapable of knowing what is best for their child, are they not to blame? And if they are, why isn’t the cure to reverse course and do whatever can be imagined to protect future generations from the same fate at their education industrial complex hands?

Why aren’t parents who dare to take note of this trend, and change course, not afforded indigenous (education) rights in the interest of preserving what was once an at least respectable means of passing on skills and knowledge for the benefit of posterity? Their ancestors and ours taught children at home or in neighborhood groups, passing along not just knowledge and values but the ability to learn and think for themselves.

Their indigenous education heritage, one that has real modern value, is dismissed as hackneys and discriminatory, while the new-age progressive educational colonialists abandon history, logic, and even basic literacy for protest, victimism, pornography, and gender mutilation while claiming that their previous generation of students lacks the skills needed to manage not just their child education but every aspect of politics and culture.

I think it is unwise to allow people so incapable of teaching to decide not just what kids think but how they think. To persist is demographic and cultural suicide which, as our readers also know, is exactly what they are after.


*The only indigenous population rights that might exist based on the current politicized meaning should be somewhere in Africa/Eurasia.

The post Indigenous Theory and The Age of Progressive Educational ‘Colonialism’ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Civil Society” Was Supposed To Be the Buffer Between Government and Individuals

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 21:00 +0000

What happens when PROGRESSIVE Socialist Government refuses to “stay in its own lane” and destroys and absorbs its functions after decades of effort? We become its target.

Emphasis mine:

One seldom finds a clear definition of the political. . . The equation state = politics becomes erroneous and deceptive at exactly the moment when state and society penetrate each other. What had been up to that point affairs of state become thereby social matters, and, vice versa, what had been purely social matters become affairs of state—as must necessarily occur in a democratically organized unit. Heretofore ostensibly neutral domains—religion, culture, education, the economy—then cease to be neutral in the sense that they do not pertain to state and to politics.

As a polemical concept against such neutralizations and depoliticalizations of important domains appears the total state, which potentially embraces every domain. This results in the identity of state and society. In such a state, therefore, everything is at least potentially political, and in referring to the state it is no longer possible to assert for it a specifically political characteristic. . . The state’s form thus becomes increasingly questionable and its radius of power ever broader. – Carl Schmitt (The Concept of the Political)

Steven Hayward at Powerline adds this:

…his description of the absorption of more and more social (by which we’d understand as largely private) domains sounds an awful lot like progressive government in the U.S. today.

Like I said, our government has all but eliminated Civil Society where we set our own norms and traditions. What we have seen, however, that that Power hungry lawmakers and bureacrats have been predisposed to continue their march well beyond anything wildly foreseen by our Founders and have co-opted almost everything and making everything political.

EVERYTHING. Go ahead, name me one thing that is no longer political or into which Government has stayed out of.

I dare you even to try.

The post “Civil Society” Was Supposed To Be the Buffer Between Government and Individuals appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

There Is No Mental Health Crisis Worse Than an Entire Nation Shackled to the Will of a One-party State.

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 19:30 +0000

The public ed industrial complex, in cahoots with the Gender transitionists, is recruiting an army of mentally unstable people, some of whom are taking a false “they hate you” narrative and using it to commit suicide by cop after shooting up schools and churches.

Planned or executed, the number of these incidents will rise, and that’s the point. Chaos is the vehicle to control, beginning and ending with gun control. The progressive’s paradisical utopian police state cannot rise until they get the guns. What better way than to destabilize American youth with unnecessary drugs or surgery in parallel with the endless message of division?

Does anyone want to ask why those in power who insist transgenders are reviled would go out of their way to make you one of them? Hey, a majority of people hate these people, and we think you should be one of them. But being mentally unstable, on drugs that might kill you, and enduring surgeries you can’t reverse will make you feel better about yourself.

And when it doesn’t, maybe you acquire some firearms and exact your revenge. We’ll use your death to take guns from law-abiding citizens.

So yeah, there is a public health connection. The Dems and Progs and Libs (Oh, My!) may be farming a generation of potential mass shooters and using it to grab your guns. Look, a public health crisis! The cure for that is to stop transing kids and filling their heads with hate. But you can’t get the guns that way, and no one who matters makes any money on the ride.

There are, of course, serious problems with the “mass shootings are a public health emergency” narrative. They are the same problems found in the cloudy gray areas defined as hate speech. The right to keep and bear arms and freedom of speech, the press, and association (as well as religion) are protected constitutional rights. There’s no right to transing kiddies nor any provision for abrogating rights based on the perception of a public health crisis.

Yes, the response to COVID demonstrated to our self-proclaimed betters that many of us would willingly accept their boot on our neck if they jacked the fear up high enough. And while things appear normal these days with folks abandoning – with few exceptions – the so-called necessary precautions, I’m not convinced the majority would not leap down that same rabbit hole if prompted.

The American Middle-Class is still content to leave things alone under the pretense that they are being left alone. Not enough of them have been activated by the actions of their government and its army of bureaucrats to abandon the safety of anonymity. They may feel concerned but not in a measure meaningful enough to get them off the rhetorical couch. It is an itch they can reach but won’t scratch.

Maybe a judge will scratch it for them, and they can keep turning a blind eye to the deteriorating mansion of what was once American greatness. What they fail to realize is that the political left will never leave them alone. It will never stop milking them of their livelihoods, robbing them of their future, or depriving them of individual rights. The progressive movement is James Cameron’s Terminator.

Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, …”

It is a notion understood by the founders and eloquently echoed by President Ronald Reagan.


“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Freedom is rarer and more precious than life. It is also that thing that keeps Democrat Socialists from achieving the sort of government for which they pine. One that begins when they get the guns. You can’t have a modern tyranny without guns, but neither can you have freedom. Both are messy, but the latter has a thriving middle class that can choose to be more while the latter does not.

If you want to be left alone, regardless of what the gun grabbers say or how you feel about firearms, you have to fight for the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.

And if this helps, there is no mental health crisis worse than an entire nation shackled to the will of a one-party state.


The post There Is No Mental Health Crisis Worse Than an Entire Nation Shackled to the Will of a One-party State. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bud Light Could Have Featured Dr. Tamia Potter or Dejah Woods on The Can

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 18:00 +0000

While WOKE employees are busy destroying companies and their products, there are so many ways that we could be celebrating the accomplishments of women in America. Has anyone heard of Tamia Potter?

Tamia Potter just made history as Vanderbilt’s first-ever black woman neurosurgeon resident in 148 years. Bravo to you, Dr. Potter. Job well done.


How about Dejah Woods? Dejah Woods is a 24-year-old from DeLand, Florida, and made history as the first black female firefighter in her city. Congratulations Dejah!!

Nationwide, women make up only 4 percent of all career firefighters, and Black people only 8 percent of all firefighters.

“If I can be that person so that little girls know that there is a possibility that you could be wearing this suit too, that is definitely something I want to do,” Woods said.


These young women represent hard work and real accomplishments. Had the marketing department at Anheuser-Busch chosen either one of these women instead of the biological male Dylan Mulvaney, this marketing disaster would never have happened.

Lesson learned hopefully by all corporate executives, NEVER EVER EVER hire woke employees.


The post Bud Light Could Have Featured Dr. Tamia Potter or Dejah Woods on The Can appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 16:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Also don’t forget both complementary parts of my Survival Sunday feature: PREP edition and SITREP edition.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***








There is, apparently, a NH Beef Producers Association.  Give them some feedback about the possibility of mRNA in our NH cows.  Be firm, but polite.

Contact 1 — NHBPA


85 Palmer Road
Francestown, NH 03043











It’s no secret that I’m Jewish – duh, read my profile – and make a “spirited attempt” to keep kosher.  But I live in a non-Jewish country and it is absolutely not my place to insist, when going out to a restaurant, that they call up a Rabbi to supervise as the entire place is scrubbed and blessed.  I’d like to buy kosher meats, and while some few stores do carry a bit of a selection, that’s not really a thing, at least not where I live.  (For the Jews reading here, there’s KOLFOODS; I’m concerned about mRNA in my beef so I only buy organic, kosher or not.)

The majority in this country is, and has been, Christian.  Many things that go on in my world are on Saturday – my holy day.  It is not my place to insist that they be rescheduled to accommodate my beliefs.  I adjust to the fact that my beliefs are not in the mainstream.

Hijra – Islamic conquest by migration – is very real.

You searched for hijra – Political Islam

I recall a video – wish I’d saved it – of an Imam preaching in Europe about how Europe would be theirs someday.  Right on cue, every parent that had an infant or small child held that child up.  They know.


WARNING: Muslim Scholar Says We Will Conquer and Enslave you in 40-50 Years



These are people that think and plan in terms of generations upon generations.  Also, from here:

“One day millions of men will leave the southern hemisphere to go to the northern hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give the victory”.








Another troubling report and why our country is dying…The collapse is speeding up…Hang on.



Bumpy times coming.  And it’s by design.








A few years ago, waaaay early in Trump’s tenure, I got into it with a lib on LinkedIn who said that Newsom was being groomed for a run even then.  Prediction seems to be confirmed.  Look for his record, as above, to be increasingly “spun” by the enemedia.








Xaviaer DuRousseau: How I Accidentally Red-Pilled Myself





Pick of the Post:



Am I saying that every Ukrainian soldier is like this?  No.  Am I saying I applaud the use of force by Putin?  No.  But… to those who flat-out deny that there are actual Nazis in the Ukraine, all I can say is…






The Safety Cult





Palate Cleansers:



The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Do Republicans Lose To Democrats? Read This Thread and THINK HARD About What Is Said

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 15:00 +0000

“If you sometimes wonder how a party whose ideas are so awful can remain electorally competitive, this helps answer the question:” And at the same time, keep in mind the phrase “Democrats are the Party of Government” in that:

  • Democrats love Bigger Government and the further removed from voters, the better (e.g., forget local and State politics – move everything to the Federal level)
  • Democrats ARE the Party IN Government or in an NGO / PAC / Social organization / Media – and that revolving door among them all but all centered on “being” Government to force the rest of us to bend to their will.

Powerline has a Twitter thread by Bill Glahn that can be summarized thusly: “we’re amateurs and the Dems are full-time pros. We play and they play for keeps.” The difference isn’t just the money and the staffing but the INTENSITY, especially here in NH.  For example, the NH GOP announces its staffing levels and we all know that if it wasn’t for the RNC, staffing would be nil. Doubt me? They can hardly have a staff during the out years.  Meanwhile, there’s Ray Buckley touting staffing levels an order magnitude (if not more) all the time.

But read it here:

There are Republican Billionaires and multi-millionaires. It just seems that they aren’t all that willing to play the game.  Do I have any specific remedies?

Not really except to add one observation. It’s called an organization.

Not that I know all that many rich people – and I’m not part of that club to begin with. But it is clear that a lot of the Democrat dark money is funneled through a bunch of organizations that contact these folks and act as a funnel to “gift out” that money for Progressive / Leftists political groups – layers upon levels upon layers…you get the idea. Discover The Networks is one organization on the Right that attempts to watch them. Capital Research Center is another kind of tracker that concentrates on money flows.

Other than the Koch Brothers (now just a single brother now that David pased away in 2019), I am not familiar with any others (not that I’ve actually looked for any). However, the Left’s model should be looked at, evaluated, and see if that model could be adapted for the Right. It’s called “Playing for Keeps”.

I’ve often said that Republicans only play using the Marquis of Queensbury boxing rules while the Left does Mixed Martial Arts. It’s a difference between too many rules, being too gentlemanly, and going for the win. It’s the difference between “losing gracefully” and “refusing to lose at all”.

And that’s what Glahn is trying to say: like it or not, until we realize how the playing field has changed, and then REALLY adapt to it, we’re toast.  It’s part of the reason we’re losing here in NH – the old tactics are working.  Thinking that something is smart that actually plays into their domain AND THEN TRYING TO PUT THEIR PLAN INTO ACTION FOR THEM. Which is to make it easier to sign up voters for them. Like this: (reformatted, emphasis mine):

House Election Laws Committee Chairman Ross Berry, R-Merrimack, proposed Tuesday to graft this proposal onto a Senate-passed bill (SB 70) to create a voter information portal that would permit citizens online to more easily register to vote, update their information or request absentee ballots.

The state Senate earlier killed separate legislation (SB 73) to permit the use of Help America Vote Act (HAVA) money for voting machines while Berry’s House committee decided to retain its own legislation on the topic (HB 447) until early in 2024.

Berry said he was hoping his gambit could permit both these ideas to become a reality.

“We know our colleagues on the other side of the wall really love the portal,” Berry said. “Let’s marry the two and have our cake and eat it too; that’s what the bill does.”

Except it isn’t your cake that will be eaten. Or, eaten a way that you haven’t wargamed out. They are salivating over eating your seed corn.

Is signing up to vote in your place of domicile all that difficult?  No, it’s rather easy regardless of the screaming of the Democrats “VOTER SUPPRESSION”.  Trust me, especially here in NH, if you want to vote, it’s not hard to register.  In person. With documentation. If someone can’t take 30 minutes to live up to their civic responsibility ONCE while they are in a given place, why should we give into their laziness?

So why is Berry looking to help them (and why is Senator Grey in on this, too)?

Slippery Slope – let’s just ALL vote online NOW?  What could POSSIBLY go wrong…



The post Why Do Republicans Lose To Democrats? Read This Thread and THINK HARD About What Is Said appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Anheuser Busch has Lost 4 Billion in Market Cap Value Since March 31st

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 13:30 +0000

Dylan Mulvaney may have been excited to share the news about the deal with Bid Light, but the brand has had a little hiccup. Anheuser Bush Market Cap has declined about 3%, which doesn’t sound like much until you realize that equals 4 billion dollars.


Now 4 billion is next to nothing for a company that size, and no one is ringing alarm bells or battening hatches. But the stock price had been on a six-month rise, up over 40%.

Since the end of March, BUD has declined a wee bit.



It might all be a coincidence. In Dec of 2016, BUD peaked at 131.40 per share. I didn’t check to see if they did a stock split, but it hasn’t gotten anywhere near there since, but before the beginning of April, it had been rising for six months straight.



In other words, much like the climate, there are many moving pieces. It’s much too early to tell if BUD will “go broke after going woke.” And by broke, we mean paying a meaningful price for the virtue signal like Gillette. They lost 8 billion before someone at P&G picked up the phone and said, no mas!

As for BUD, one Twitter reply said they’d need to lose 100 billion in Market Cap before anyone blinked, but that’s ridiculous. No one bats an eye until you’ve lost 75% of its value; what businesses did you run?

I guess the question is this, and I will leave it to you to debate. How black of an eye is required before, if ever, the #wokefolks at Anheuser Busch discover that the people who pay for the fuel in the private jets on twelve-pack at a time are not interested in the transgender agenda?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Different Kind of “Gender-Affirming Surgery”

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 12:00 +0000

If you’re an adult (and I’m saying that loosely in some cases) and you want to mutilate your body in some fashion, be my guest. Just don’t make me pay for it or be on bended knee “affirming” delusions that these modifications make you look or feel better.

And yes, I’m talking primarily about gender dysphoria, where a tiny fraction of our population believes they can be something that they can never be but go all Trans-Authoritarian on the rest of us by demanding that we treat them in ways THEY tell us to do and that we can only use certain words in referring to them.

And the good Lord above help them when we call “gender-affirming surgery” for what it really is – sexual mutilation of perfectly good organs.  And it is sexual mutilation upon children who have no idea of what they want and can’t consent to anything pushed upon them by ideological misfits or parents that refuse to BE parents and do the right things by their children (no, you’re too young to do that – wait 20 years and see if you still think that’s such a great idea). And God help those little children when witless certain parents have no idea of what is “good” for their children in the first place.

Imagine the parents that condoned this simply because little Johnny knew better than they did what was best for him for the rest of his life…?

Our country has lost its mind and morality due to the chaos that has been shoved down our throats and demanding it is filet mignon. While the above is a bit of satire (barely, given the atmosphere going on in Public Schools), would DCYF sanction this, as well as breast removal and genital mutilation, because of transgenderism?

At this point, I can’t say that they could if the reasoning was for “mental health issues of the child” by a child that can’t understand or comprehend what the ramifications of making such a decision would cost him or her.

Yet, schools do with transgenderism all the time. How much further, given we’ve developed into a “Slippery Slide / Anything Goes” culture, would schools be willing to generalize transgenderism? After all, some schools are fine with kids being furries, right?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trend Spotting: Identifying and Riding Market Trends in Binary Options Trading

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 11:30 +0000

Trading binary options can be a great way to earn in the stock market, but like any other form of investing, it is important to stay up-to-date with market trends. Knowing which stocks are going up or down and when is key to successful trading. Here are some tips for trend spotting in binary options trading to help you identify and ride market trends to become a pro trader.

Analyze market trends

Analyzing market trends is essential for success when it comes to binary options trading. To identify and ride market trends, traders must first understand the basics of technical analysis. Technical analysis involves studying past price movements to predict future price movements. This can be done by looking at charts and indicators such as moving averages, support and resistance levels, trend lines, and other chart patterns. Once a trader has identified a potential market trend, they should look for confirmation signals that the trend is likely to continue. These signals could include an increase in volume or a break of a critical support or resistance level. Once these signals are present, traders can enter into trades with confidence that the trend will continue in their favor. It’s important to remember that no matter how strong a trend may appear, there is always the possibility of it reversing direction at any time, so traders should always use risk management techniques when entering into trades based on market trends.

Use technical analysis tools

The technical analysis is the process of analyzing an asset’s price movements over time, utilizing charts and indicators to spot patterns that could be employed to predict future price movements. By comprehending how prices fluctuate, traders can make informed decisions about when to enter or exit a trade. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator is one of the most commonly used technical analysis tools. This indicator employs two Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) to measure momentum and detect potential trend reversals. The MACD line is calculated by subtracting the 26-day EMA from the 12-day EMA, while the signal line is calculated by taking a 9-day EMA of the MACD line. When these two lines intersect, it indicates a possible change in trend direction. Other popular technical analysis tools include support and resistance levels, Fibonacci retracements, Bollinger bands, and candlestick patterns.

Set stop losses

Stop losses are predetermined points at which you will exit a trade if it moves against your position. By setting stop losses, you can ensure that your potential losses will be limited no matter what happens in the market. Setting stop loss points can be done manually or automatically, depending on your trading platform. When setting manual stops, traders should consider factors such as volatility levels and recent price movements to determine where their stop loss point should be set. Automated stops allow traders to set predetermined levels at which they will exit a trade if the market reaches them without having to monitor their positions themselves constantly. No matter how they are set up, stop-loss orders are an essential tool for managing risk in binary options trading and should always be used when entering trades.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The UniParty’s War Is NOT Winnable …

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 10:30 +0000

Leaked intelligence documents show that pretty much everything the UniParty and the Regime-Media have been telling us about the war in Ukraine are LIES. From John Davidson at the Federalist:

… the war has not been an unbroken chain of brilliant underdog battlefield victories for Ukraine and crushing Russian defeats, as the corporate media and the Washington political establishment have led us to believe. It rather seems like chaotic and indecisive butchery on both sides, with weapons and cash pouring in not just from the U.S. but from all over the world to sustain a large-scale war of attrition with no end in sight.

And the only reason that a stalemate has been achieved is that the UniParty has poured a staggering $80 billion into Ukraine. To  give you an idea of the order of magnitude, aid to Israel was only $3.3 billion in 2020.

And what has the UniParty achieved? The needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians (the West prevented a negotiated settlement from being reached after Russia invaded) …  … an anti-American coalition of nations led by China … the depletion of our weapons stockpiles … and more national debt.

The warmongers in both Parties should be ashamed.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden’s Yang Yang Yang Moment

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 01:30 +0000

Stumbling, stuttering, mumblin’ Joe did his supporters proud the other day when he attempted to say the word young as part of a complete sentence, with the understanding that a complete sentence for Joe is not exactly the same as for you or me.


The leader of the free world – who hates the free world, showering glory on the photocopiers that elected him – by repeating himself. Talk about a subtle shout-out. Th-Th-Th – that’s not all, folks? When Biden speaks, people listen and then go to the White House transcript to see what he was supposed to say. Or they make fun of him on Twitter.


AOC as Dorothy is a nice touch.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Senate Upheld Human Rights by Rejecting HB88 & HB224

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-04-14 00:00 +0000

CONCORD, NH (April 13, 2023) – The NH Senate today upheld the basic human dignity of its citizens by rejecting two bills, HB88 and HB224. Both votes were 14-10, with all Republicans voting to reject the bills, and all Democrats voting in support of the bills.

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HB224 would have effectively legalized abortion through birth.
HB88 would have said that certain people (preborn children) have no rights.

“By rejecting HB224 today, the Senate upheld our humanity by protecting mothers and their ready-to-be-born children from dangerous late term abortions. Overwhelmingly, NH citizens agree that a healthy baby at 8 months deserves a chance at life, even if mom needs to leave them at the hospital under the Safe Haven law.” said Jason Hennessey, President of NH Right to Life.

Additional info is available at:

NH’s Fetal Life Protection Act (the FLPA, RSA 329:43-50) protects viable, preborn babies at about 6 months (24 weeks), with exceptions for the life and health of the mother, as well as fatal fetal anomalies. Thus, the only abortions it prohibits are late-term elective abortions.

NH Right to Life is New Hampshire’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to the pro-life cause.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Worst Racists Have Always Been And Remain Rich, White Liberals

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-04-13 22:30 +0000

Throwback to 1991 … one of the very few good things George H.W. Bush did was nominate Clarence Thomas to the United States Supreme Court. Thomas terrified … and continues to terrify the Democrat Party elite because … well you can hear him tell you why himself. Note the arrogance, the annoyance of the rich, White, liberals like Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy and Joe Biden.

And the attitude of the Democrat Party elite has NOT changed one bit. Recall Andru Volinsky declaring it was “tokenism” when Eddie Edwards was nominated to the licensing board … the “you’re not really Black unless you think the way rich, White liberals tell you to” mindset.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Chris Sununu Poll Watch – week of 4/13/23

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-04-13 21:00 +0000

It is time to formalize the previously informal series on behalf of NH Governor Chris Sununu to keep himself from making a total fool of himself, and yes, he can drive further down that road – plenty of asphalt in front of him. Remember, it’s not deliberate sarcasm on my part.

I just want to keep reminding him that HE set the bar for who should and who should not run for the Republican nomination in this Presidential election cycle.

After all, he’s a man of his word, right?

Hangover: An “Evergreen” statement by Sununu himself on low-rated wannabes:

Mr. Sununu also warned minor candidates not to carve up the field.

“I think there’s a lot of hope and opportunity for good candidates to get in, drive the message where it needs to be,” he said. “But the discipline is getting out, too. The discipline and saying, ‘Look, you’re only polling at 5%, you got to get out.’ We don’t want a crowded field here.”

So I’ve been following his status since he first set that benchmark “for the field,” so he can follow his own words, yes?

Thus, I’ll help remind him as I know that even if HE doesn’t read GraniteGrok, someone in his office or his friends do (and I know his political enemies read the ‘Grok). And while there are a lot of polling websites, I’m going to stick with RealClearPolitics‘s aggregate polling average:


(click to enlarge)

Even Vivek Ramaswamy has a higher average, 0.9, than Sununu: 0.5 (his column is 2nd from the right).

Vivek just arrived on the political scene – Sununu and his family have been an NH dynasty over the decades.

Scoring a pathetic 0.5% over nine national polls isn’t good.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Where are the Absentee Voter Affidavits?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-04-13 19:30 +0000

Where are the Absentee Voter Affidavits required by New Hampshire Law, codified in statute RSA 659:30? The current N.H. voting statute RSA 659:30 establishes that affidavits required by election statutes must be sworn before any person authorized by law to administer an oath.

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Every absentee ballot must be accompanied by an affidavit sworn before an official authorized by law to administer an oath, which currently does not happen. The witness signature line for a public official to certify the election law requirements has been removed. Why?

The current N.H. voting law NH RSA 659:50 I. (b) requires that the moderator may only remove an absentee ballot from its envelope if there is a lawfully executed affidavit. An absentee ballot void of a supporting affidavit, must be declared defective for failure to execute a lawful affidavit. The state can call an absentee return envelope an affidavit all it wants, but an envelope signed by a person claiming to be voter without the certification of public official authorized by law to do so, is not lawful. Why is this happening?

Part II, article 32 of the Constitution of New Hampshire requires that the moderator …shall, in said meetings, in presence of the said selectmen, and of the town or city clerk sort and count the said votes, and make a public declaration thereof.

Failure of the moderator to declare an absentee ballot envelope defective for lack of a lawfully executed affidavit is malfeasance of office, as the law requires that it must be put aside as defective. The moderators of every town in this state, in the last 3 elections removed the absentee ballots from their envelopes, and put them into unconstitutional voting machines, why did they do this in direct violation of our election laws.

New Hampshire Election Law, RSA 666:2, defines malfeasance under section: I. A moderator, supervisor of the checklist, selectman or town clerk shall be guilty of a misdemeanor if at any election: He shall knowingly receive an illegal ballot void of an affidavit required by law. And, the moderators committed another crime by putting an illegal absentee ballots into the voting machine and mixing it with the legal votes cast, which violates NH RSA 666:2

VI: “He shall knowingly add any illegal vote to the number of legal votes cast;” Also, the moderator, the selectman or town clerk in the state are in violation of NH RSA 666:2 VI. If, He shall fraudulently declare the state of the vote in the election of any officer. And,

The cover up. Once an absentee ballot is separated from an application for an absentee ballot, the return envelope provided by the town or the Secretary of State, and then inserted into the voting machine becomes impossible to challenge the absentee ballots, nor can they be reconciled with the original absentee ballot envelope upon challenge, as the absentee ballot is now mixed with all the other ballots, making it impossible to verify the legality of any absentee ballot. As of today, all absentee ballots return envelopes used since the 2020 elections where illegal as there is no proof of a lawful execution an affidavit, as there is no signature line on them, therefore, no signature of any official authorized by law to do so.

According to former Secretary of State William Gardner the 2020 elections saw an increase in absentee votes from the previous elections of 2014, 2016, and 2018, which averaged 4%. The legislature passed HB 1266 in 2020, during the covid-19 lockdown, and the Governor signed it into law, which increased absentee voter turnout to 30.4%. How do we, the people, hold these public servants accountable? Here is the remedy provided by law.

The Towns, Cities, Village Districts, and Unincorporated Places require an Oath and a Bond, Title III, Chapter 37: Before entering upon the duties of his office, the town manager shall be sworn to the faithful and impartial performance thereof, and a certificate to that effect shall be filed with the town clerk; and he shall execute a bond in favor of the town for the faithful performance of his duties in such sum and with such surety or sureties as may be approved by the selectmen.

42:1 Oath Required. – Every town officer shall make and subscribe the Oath or declaration as prescribed by part 2, article 84 of the constitution of New Hampshire and any such person who violates said Oath after taking the same shall be forthwith dismissed from the office involved.

42:1-a Manner of Dismissal… –
I. The manner of dismissing a town officer who violates the OATH as set forth in RSA 42:1 shall be by petition to the superior court for the county in which the town is located.

666:3 Official Misconduct. –
I. (a) Any public officer upon whom a duty relating to elections is imposed who shall knowingly fail to perform such duty or who shall knowingly perform it in such a way as to hinder the objects thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor if no other penalty is provided by law.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Flu Vaccines Were Never Worth The Risk and COVID Boosters Just Make Matters Worse.

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-04-13 18:00 +0000

Booster uptake has plummeted worldwide, but the public health mountebanks continue to hawk their COVID wares, aided by flamboyant charlatans in the media. The push to inject is still on, despite the lack of evidence any flu vaccine ever worked.

Dr. Sherry Tenpenney dug into the history of flu vaccines and unearthed some eye-opening data, like how it’s been known for about 60 years that flu vaccines don’t prevent flu.


There is little evidence that recent vaccines have significantly prevented clinical illness, as well as equally little evidence to evaluate effects on mortality.” – The U.S. Public Health Service 1964

“flu shots are ineffective and possibly even harmful in the most highly targeted group, the elderly.” – NYT 2005

“The runaway 100 percent effectiveness that’s touted by proponents [of the flu shot] was nowhere to be seen,” said Dr. Thomas Jefferson – Lancet 2005


A review of recent data confirms the old consensus (outside the money-making halls of big pharma and those to whom they donate) that the ordinary flu vaccine is, at best, a placebo and, at worst chemical roulette.


I analyzed the data from the 1997/98 flu season up through the 2015/16 flu seasons. Here’s the table I created, showing that in any given flu season, only 15.34% of illness was caused by influenza viruses. That means the flu shot was worthless almost 85% of the time in preventing the flu; it’s even MORE worthless if the viruses in the positive samples don’t match the serotypes that are in that year’s flu shot!


I’ve shared my experience. The few times I’ve had a flu shot – not for many years now, thank you – I got the flu. The years I skipped it, no sign of or a very mild and brief head cold. When the COVID shot came along, the decision was not difficult. I skipped it.

Professor Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges Hospital Medical School London, says you should skip it as well or – skip the boosters. It’s no news to us, but he says they worsen matters for you.


[T]he side effect profile is getting worse and broadening and I and many oncologists from around the world have been alarmed at the sudden increase in cancer relapses and new cancer growths, which only have a recent Covid booster vaccine in common.  …

Giving a booster vaccine for Covid is associated with T-cell suppression and a change in the type of antibody induced which, taken together, explains why the immune system is no longer able to control the cancers it was previously doing very well.


The data confirming these truths continue to pile up, which is inevitable when your human test trial encompasses 70% of the global population. That extensive survey will produce outcomes nearly impossible to ignore though not for lack of trying. The misinformation folks continue to rely on bumper-sticker slogans like anti-vaxxer to label science they can’t explain or won’t. But their zealotry over COVID “vaccine” uptake has led to revelations about previous flu seasons, what the Public Health Industrial Complex calls cures or prophylactics, and their lack of efficacy.

The COVID-19 Panic over-reached, and while a majority of the injected population may not yet have discovered that governments and health experts or bureaucrats do not have their best interests at heart, the long shadow of the campaign to get a needle in every arm continues to accumulate casualties that will be harder to ignore.

The COVID apology tour wasn’t the breakthrough we expected. Still, it is evidence that there is a growing uneasiness among the literati as what they’ve labeled sudden adult death syndrome comes for people they know or love.

As I wrote in November of 2021, as part of an updated look at athletes dropping dead, who has to die? To which we add, and what are you prepared to do about it? Public Health has become little more than a revenue silo for the Pharma Oligarchy, and if that doesn’t change, you’ve no reason to believe anything they or your doctor tell you.

You can ask why, but you might not like the answer. The institution has been taken over by people who would rather you were dead but will happily make money from that on the way.


The post Flu Vaccines Were Never Worth The Risk and COVID Boosters Just Make Matters Worse. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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