The Manchester Free Press

Monday • February 10 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

Residents Continue To Flee Massachusetts (Primarily to N.H.)

Granite Grok - Mon, 2025-01-20 15:00 +0000
People have always relocated between New Hampshire and Massachusetts for a variety of reasons. However, the flow from Massachusetts into New Hampshire is larger than the outflow, and it has been increasing, according to an analysis from the Pioneer Institute in Boston.  From 2010-2023, New Hampshire gained a net total of 98,879 immigrants from Massachusetts, nearly ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NEA-NH Teacher’s Conference Has Student Mental Health Course

Granite Grok - Mon, 2025-01-20 13:00 +0000
I hope taxpayers aren’t covering the cost of admission. The NEA is the largest labor union in the US and, therefore, the largest teachers union, so when the NEA in NH announces a teacher’s conference, you’d be right to wonder what they want teachers to know. If you happen to be a member of the ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

58¢ Per Gallon! And That Still Low

Granite Grok - Mon, 2025-01-20 11:00 +0000
So much to unpack from Thursday’s big reveal of the Clean Heat Standard rules package from the Public Utilities Commission (PUC)! The big news is we got an “official” cost impact estimate – sort of. Just shy of a billion dollars over ten years with the impact per gallon of fuel oil bouncing from 8 ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Media Response To Joe’s Buh-Bye Shows Divide – Drives The Wedge

Granite Grok - Mon, 2025-01-20 03:00 +0000
It was only a 15-minute address—not really long enough to warrant cleaning off the resolute desk or bringing in the cameras. It probably took longer to get Kamala and Jill to sit beside each other. I can picture that scene as reminiscent of getting a sixth grader to sit next to a first grader on ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Legal Hopes for Vermont Liberties?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2025-01-20 01:00 +0000
Alliance Defending Freedom is a national nonprofit organization of Christian attorneys who identify important cases to pursue to preserve and protect Americans’ God-given “inalienable” rights. ADF has been a hero for Vermont citizens who suffer under a far-left supermajority progressivism that has insinuated gender, race, and climate ideologies into public schools and government institutions at ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Liberty Activists Call On Trump To Pardon Crypto Political Prisoners

Granite Grok - Sun, 2025-01-19 23:00 +0000
CONCORD, NH – A press conference by the Free Ian Now campaign today highlighted the importance and urgency of incoming President Donald Trump to pardon Ross Ulbricht, Ian Freeman, and Roger Ver.  “President Trump, please do the right thing and pardon all three of these crypto-pioneers: Ian Freeman, Ross Ulbricht, and Roger Ver on Day One.” – ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Europe’s Renewable Energy Disaster

Granite Grok - Sun, 2025-01-19 21:00 +0000
Europe’s zealous embrace of climate change ideology is yielding destructive dividends. State-compelled directives and wasteful subsidies implemented to reduce carbon dioxide have created an economic dependency on renewable energy technologies before they were proven and built. Europe’s economic engines have been shut down along with its nuclear reactors, coal-fired plants, and industrial production. Natural gas ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Will The Media Attempt To Reestablish Some Credibility?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2025-01-19 19:00 +0000
One in four Americans claim they trust the media, But only one in 14 have confidence in the news they’re being fed. Our local ABC outlet is probably in decent shape (sorta), thanks to the democrat fanbase. but amongst Conservative watchers in New Hampshire, it seems to be commonly accepted that, In the 20 years ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

TikTok Goes Dark Despite No Threat of Enforcement

Granite Grok - Sun, 2025-01-19 17:00 +0000
170 Million US TikTok users are going through withdrawal today after the platform went dark in response to a law passed by Congress and signed by Joe Biden. The bill was argued as a necessary step to prevent China from collecting data from Americans. We assume this is data Joe Biden and Democrats have not ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Your State House 1/17/2025

Granite Grok - Sun, 2025-01-19 16:00 +0000
This week, my committee started with orientation, getting presentations from the JLCAR staff on the administrative rules process; from the retirement system on pensions; and the OPLC (Office of Professional Licensure and Certification) on licensing and board operations. This was good background information for the new members and reminders for the experienced ones. We also ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Our People Awakened

Granite Grok - Sun, 2025-01-19 15:00 +0000
Contrary to our unalienable rights, today’s censoring reigns supreme.  This abusive and illegal tactic has become so inclusive that one wonders how and why in this land of the free.   The authority’s lack of corrective concern and subsequent action to such a blatant Constitutional trespass is equally concerning.  Our underlying menace is disinterest in enforcing ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Portsmouth Still OK With A Battery Storage Facility at Schiller Station?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2025-01-19 13:00 +0000
Woke Greens have been pushing us toward an energy apocalypse, and New Hampshire has not been immune. Sununu was pro-wind, which got us involved with the Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind project developers and greenwashers love, but no one else. There are, arguably, a lot of people who don’t know enough to know it is ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Special Ed Shortfall or Overspending?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2025-01-19 11:00 +0000
Good Morning, Commissioner Edelblut, Senators Abbas and Lang, I am writing to you about the Special Education shortfalls in our state. As an older special needs mom with strong connections to the NH disability community and after reading the following article and getting a message from my Senator, Daryl Abbas, I have some major concerns. ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Legal Anaylsis of Climate ‘Science’

Granite Grok - Sun, 2025-01-19 03:00 +0000
That Renewables Manufacturing Pollutes is Beyond any Reasonable Doubt With few exceptions, the common law upon which US jurisprudence is based employs one of two “burdens of proof” in litigation: the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard used in criminal prosecutions, a very high bar requiring compelling evidence, or the “preponderance of the evidence” standard employed ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Week On VDCTV [Link Fixed]

Granite Grok - Sun, 2025-01-19 01:00 +0000
This week,  our news staff talks up the Vermont Legislature Week #1, Burlington Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak’s controversial gag order on the Burlington Police, and the State of Vermont’s efforts to protect Vermont from forest fires and the next big flood.


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How ‘Skinny’ Can It Get?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2025-01-19 01:00 +0000
This was one of those videos that I had to watch over and over as it demonstrates well the philosophy of iterative enhancement design to accomplish a goal. In this case, getting a Lego based car over a bridge (of a sort): Testing a Lego car against narrower and narrower bridges that it needs to ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

California Moss Power In Flames.

Granite Grok - Sat, 2025-01-18 23:00 +0000
When you think the atmosphere in California can’t get any worse, the Moss Power Plant battery storage, south of San Francisco, goes up in flames AGAIN. The original structure was first built by the infamous utility PG&E, who committed the largest mass homicide by a corporation in 2018, so this all seems par for the ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Our Government Doesn’t Do Things Affordably

Granite Grok - Sat, 2025-01-18 21:00 +0000
Governor Scott gave a good inaugural speech this week echoing the voters’ call for “affordability” in the last election. “Vermonters told us – loudly and clearly,” explained Scott, “they expect us to get back on course; to spend within THEIR means; and above all else, make Vermont more affordable for them.” I think this sums it ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

12 Years Ago ‘Grok Interviewed Pam Bondi – Check It Out

Granite Grok - Sat, 2025-01-18 20:00 +0000
Florida AG Pam Bondi recently underwent her ritual abuse before a US Senate committee as Donald Trump’s nominee for US Attorney General, but twelve years ago, she sat down with GraniteGrok for a few minutes to talk to Skip at the Americans for Prosperity’s Defending the American Dream Summit. Here it is. When you’re done ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Reverse the RTK Tax, a Call to Action

Granite Grok - Sat, 2025-01-18 19:00 +0000
House Judiciary member Louise Andrus, who actively opposed HB1002 with various efforts, including addressing the whole House on 2/1/24, has sponsored HB114.  It’s the political antidote to the abomination against 91A that His Excellency signed on 6/14/24.  The committee hearing is at 1:30pm in the LOB next Wednesday, January 22. Since I don’t know every ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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