The Manchester Free Press

Monday • February 10 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

Right Side Up

Granite Grok - Fri, 2025-01-17 01:00 +0000
This week, Mike and his guest co-host discuss the population declines in Vermont, Gag orders, donkeys, and ducks.” Check out our other podcasts, and please Like, Follow, or Subscribe to the ‘Grok on Rumble and YouTube and check both for Replays of Granite State Live, GrokTALK! and Right Side Up, or follow these links.


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dying in Prison in the ‘Live Free or Die’ State

Granite Grok - Thu, 2025-01-16 23:00 +0000
News articles allege that Detective James McLaughlin falsified reports and/or evidence but this was kept hidden from the jury in the 1994 trial of Fr. Gordon MacRae. Editor’s Note: The following is a guest post by noted author, Charlene C. Duline. Retired from a distinguished career as a diplomat and Foreign Service Officer with the ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sec. of State Responds (again) to Ongoing Windham Election Night Issues

Granite Grok - Thu, 2025-01-16 21:00 +0000
Donald Trump is about to be Inaugurated President, but over ten weeks after the historic win, the Town of Windham, New Hampshire, still hasn’t reconciled its ballots and counts. The resolution will not affect any federal races, nor will any local races be flipped. Still, given the systemic problems evident once again in the most ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

School Board Chair: Get Rid of Athletics to Keep CRT English Program (Merrimack)

Granite Grok - Thu, 2025-01-16 19:00 +0000
Merrimack is using three English Language Arts programs, however, one of them causes emotional harm to children. According to the lawsuit against Wit & Wisdom, parents reported that their children had suffered psychological harm because of the Critical Race Theory focus in Wit&Wisdom. All of this was reported here. Now that parents have begun questioning ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Testimony: Prohibiting Businesses from Scanning Drivers’ Licenses

Granite Grok - Thu, 2025-01-16 17:00 +0000
HB 77-FN: prohibiting businesses from scanning individuals’ licenses when selling alcohol or tobacco products. Thank you for addressing this issue that threatens the public’s ability to protect against identity theft and other dangers associated with private identifying information.  Since delving into this issue, I have come across other threats to individual’s rights to keep themselves ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Next Week on Granite State Live

Granite Grok - Thu, 2025-01-16 16:00 +0000
We’ll take calls to talk about your expectations for the next four years under Donald Trump, and? Watch the teaser to learn more!


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

These Hearings Are More Retribution Than Confirmation

Granite Grok - Thu, 2025-01-16 15:00 +0000
The confirmation process for the president’s cabinet members, ambassadors, and principal officers of his administration is twofold. The president’s responsibility is to nominate people who are qualified for the job, align with the commander-in-chief’s vision, and are of high character. The Senate then performs its duty to advise and consent through committee hearings and a ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Will NH Fly The Flag Full Staff on Inauguration Day?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2025-01-16 13:00 +0000
There are so many things demanding our attention that lots of things never attract at all or, just as likely, more current distractions have elbowed past knowledge out of the way, with a few of them falling off our memory radar altogether. This might be one of them. Biden ordered all flags flown at half-staff ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trees Fall & Lines “Slap” in California

Granite Grok - Thu, 2025-01-16 11:00 +0000
The fires in California are not caused by wind. The fires needed a spark. The world is watching as: “the world’s largest aerial firefighting fleet.” Gov. Newsom …fights to defeat the California fires, which some say were likely caused by “line slapping” or neglected utilities. I am inclined to question the oversight of California’s public utilities ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

OMG – They’re Planning A Coup Against Trump

Granite Grok - Thu, 2025-01-16 03:00 +0000
James O’Keefe, former frontman for Project Veritas and now head of O’Keefe Media Group (OMG), released video footage today on the social media app X revealing an apparent coup attempt being planned by members of the Joint Chiefs and former military generals and ambassadors.  The confession was made by former F.B.I. Special Agent Jamie Mannina ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GrokTALK! With Ian and Jody Underwood – Education Funding

Granite Grok - Thu, 2025-01-16 01:00 +0000
My guests are Jody and Ian Underwood. The topic is education, Public, private, Homeschool, charters, funding, including EFAs, and more. From unconstitutional monopiles to Claremont, from 5 feet to 30,000 feet, we fit it all in one hour. Production note: I’m still futzing with the program details: lighting, framing, logo, splash, music, all of it. ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Those Climate Apocalypse Predictions Have Worn Thin

Granite Grok - Wed, 2025-01-15 23:00 +0000
As I have had to say WAY too many times here at GraniteGrok, I’ve been around since before the first Earth Day. I’ve lived through the mainstream media’s yammering that “We’re all gonna die” – not from Global Warming but from an incipient Ice Age that was descending upon us. For well over 50 years, ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Liberty Activists Hold Rally Calling On President Trump To Pardon Ian Freeman

Granite Grok - Wed, 2025-01-15 22:00 +0000
CONCORD – As the nation prepares for a major transition in presidential administrations, liberty activists, Free State Project President Carla Gericke, and Bonnie Freeman are calling on President Trump to fulfill his promises to the American people: making America free and safe again. Trump’s first act should be to correct the injustices of past administrations—starting ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

O’Keefe Busts National Security Stooge Undermining Trump Presidency

Granite Grok - Wed, 2025-01-15 21:00 +0000
You may, by now, know the name Jamie Mannina. Long story short, he worked for the FBI and Hillary for President, after which his focus was Russian and Chinese election interference. Based on the reporting, he’s still clinging to the debunked Russia Collusion narrative from 2016. I wonder if this counter-intelligence expert also believes Hunter’s ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Happened To ABC’s ‘Layers’ of “Fact-Checkers”?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2025-01-15 19:00 +0000
Who let this go through on something as basic as the US Constitution? “Can birthright citizenship be repealed? Breaking down Trump’s proposal.”It looks like another anti-Trump dig, poke, and scree. How dare you make these little children “stateless,” never mentioning their mothers for putting them in such legal jeopardy. And so much for “objective” reporting. ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Boosting ROI: Why is a Must-Have for B2B Marketing

Granite Grok - Wed, 2025-01-15 17:31 +0000
B2B marketing emerged so that a marketing dollar could ensure return on investment (ROI). Since marketing dollars are a limited resource, compounded by a company’s needed efforts in B2B marketing to bring about the needed dollar value for the associative expectation of return on investment. Thus, within the marketing process for January, B2B requires newer ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How To Think about Universal Funding For EFAs

Granite Grok - Wed, 2025-01-15 17:00 +0000
Suppose we ask a very basic question: Under what conditions should we give tax money to, or spend tax money on, people who can afford to get along without it?   We don’t give LIHEAP subsidies to people who can already afford to heat their homes. We don’t give Section 8 subsidies to people ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Communism: An Historical Snow Job

Granite Grok - Wed, 2025-01-15 15:00 +0000
The many flavors of communism promise a lot while appealing to peoples’ envy. With your support, they will “stick it to the Man” only to turn around and become the “Man,” leaving nothing to envy. From X, a compilation by WretchardTheCat: What a sell job – a snow job, a promise of everything to everyone, ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Securing America’s Future: How Private Sector IT Management Strengthens Our Nation

Granite Grok - Wed, 2025-01-15 13:02 +0000
As foreign adversaries ramp up their cyber warfare capabilities and federal agencies struggle with digital security, private-sector IT management emerges as a crucial defense for American businesses and national interests. This market-driven approach not only protects critical infrastructure but also reduces dependency on bloated government programs while fostering economic growth. While Washington bureaucrats grapple with ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Canada Would Like Your Organs Before They Kill You

Granite Grok - Wed, 2025-01-15 13:00 +0000
Canada is ready for a political change. Justin Trudeau is at the end of his political leash and has promised to step down as soon as his tyrannical party agrees to a replacement. He has no chance of winning the upcoming election (sounds like Biden), and they need a plan B (like Kamala) who will ... Read more


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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