The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

Investors Pulled 1.5 Trillion in Assets Out of BlackRock® In the Past Year – Company To Lay Off 500

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-01-15 16:00 +0000

BlackRock® invests other people’s money and a lot of it, but not everyone is happy about how. Its commitment to “Environmental, Social and Governance” (ESG) has become an albatross around the company’s neck.


BlackRock plans to dismiss some 500 workers as the asset management company seeks to contend with heavy losses.

The company’s assets under management declined from $9.5 trillion in the third quarter of 2021 to $8.0 trillion in the third quarter of 2022, according to the firm’s most recent earnings report. The reduction in headcount, which represents less than 3% of the BlackRock workforce, occurs after one of the worst years for the stock market in history and similar layoffs in other industries.


That’s not money lost due to a declining market. This is money that got up and went someplace else. You can add market losses to it, and as Ace notes, there are probably some FTX losses hiding in the balance sheets as well.

Net-Zero Climate Woke “banking” has not had a great year.

In October, nineteen states joined a lawsuit to investigate a who’s who of banks that might be basing lending or investment on commitments to the ideologically driven notion of ESG. States (primarily red) have also announced their intention to reallocate their assets of public money (like pensions) away from firms like Black Rock.

It’s good advice.


The losses come amid BlackRock executives’ promulgation of the environmental, social, and corporate governance movement, also known as ESG, by which managers commit themselves to pursue green energy, appointing minorities to serve as managers, or otherwise blending profitability with activism. BlackRock has taken “voting action on climate issues” against dozens of portfolio firms, according to a company stewardship report.

Critics say the recent poor performance of ESG funds discredits the movement.


Translation: you will invest in sh!tty poorly-performing funds or else!

Or else what?

Or Black Rock will have to fire 500 employees. That’s 3% of their workforce. And while BlackRock plays woke, how will they decide who stays and who goes? Will it be color-blind based on performance, or is race or gender more important?




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sunday Spotlight: The Real Story About Those Big Yellow Buses

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-01-15 14:30 +0000

Next Friday is Day 90, which means 90 to go. We are at the halfway point in the school year and a good spot for reflection. Let’s take a look inside the iconic school bus. Everyone knows what they do, but there is much more when you look behind the curtain. That is what we will do with this week’s Sunday Spotlight.

I marked my third anniversary working at First Student driving a school bus this week. Not a day goes by that the competence and professionalism of our drivers are not tested. I have a greater appreciation and respect for my teammates each day. Every day we turn the key, turn on the lights and hope for a seamless run. Most of the time, our wish is granted, but when the unexpected arises, we call on our training, experience, and sound judgment to bring normalcy back to the bus.

I was training and testing for three months before meeting my first student. At the time, I thought it was excessive. Now I wonder if it was enough, but you can never prepare for every challenge. That is life, and the unexpected can always mess with a good plan. The training and life experiences must blend to make you a successful driver and guardian of parents’ most prized gift; their children. That responsibility makes this job daunting and stressful, but both are calmed by each of us just doing our job. Let’s look at an example

This week, a routine bus run turned anything but routine. A young girl being brought home from school had a seizure, collapsed, and fell between the seats of the bus. One of the students alerted the bus driver, and a cool-headed individual did her job. The driver called the dispatcher with precise details. The school, police, and parents were called. An ambulance was dispatched. The young girl was transported to the local hospital for tests and then released to her parents. A young girl went home because a bus driver did her job.

Every driver has a unique story. Every man and woman has their reason for putting on a reflective vest and heading off each morning to fill their bus and deliver their students to their school. We do not need to stoke our egos to dispel the belief that we are simply drivers, but our daily actions do that for us. We are professional, trained, and dedicated guardians of your children, and despite the inherent stress, we love our job,

There are significant changes in our post-COVID America. The ridership is down as habits have yet to revert to pre-Pandemic norms. The long lines of cars in the parent drop-off and pick-up lanes are obvious. There also is a significant drop in public school enrollment. Charter and home-school are becoming more popular alternatives as parents are not happy with how public schools made physical improvements, and public school education results are forcing students elsewhere.

The noticeable changes on the bus are the interactions between riders. I have all high school riders, and you can meditate on my bus. There is virtually no communication between students, and this means those who may be neighbors. Earbuds are as standard as backpacks, and personal interaction has been replaced with text, IMs, and DMs. It is sad because social skills are disappearing quickly.

Some people think of us as just people driving for a part-time job. They could not be more wrong. I have only been driving for three years, but it did not take long to realize the incredible responsibility in what we do. Every day we transport dozens of kids, your children, to and from school safely and efficiently. In the dark of morning and the bright sun of afternoon, we are guardians of your children, your most precious belongings. We pick them up in the morning and deliver them home in the afternoon. Safe and sound. It is not just a job. It is serious business for us, and we love what we do. We do it for you, and we do it for your children. We do it because we love the job and the kids.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

German Doctor Made €28,000 Euros Selling COVID Mask Exemption Certificates

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-01-15 13:00 +0000

We could call this putting other people’s money where your mouth is. A German physician was found guilty of violating German Law for issuing 4,287 mask exemptions to patients, none of whom had any medical records with the accused.

Translated by Google

According to the prosecution, the background to the certificates issued was the political attitude of the doctor from Weinheim in the Rhein-Neckar district. The 59-year-old considers the statutory corona-related restrictions to be inappropriate and unconstitutional. In particular, the accused had repeatedly spoken out publicly at demonstrations and the video platform YouTube against the obligation to wear a face mask. She also confessed to this in court.

The doctor has been sentenced to two years and nine months in prison for, according to LifeSite News, “selling mask exemptions and issuing false medical attestations.”

Well, that’s a thing. Is the German Government going after Pfizer, Moderna, itself? If issuing a mask exemption when there is plenty of peer-reviewed evidence that they do not do what advocates claim is a crime, when will the vaccine* extremists find their way onto the docket?

The FDA Advisory Committee is upset that facts were withheld from them. Serious health risks that until recently were labeled as conspiracy theories are accepted side effects. Million of Germans get The Jab based on lies from their government, public health officials, politicians, and if it was anything like America, the media, and celebrities.

They are all guilty of false medical attestations, but no one is holding their breath, waiting for justice to find them.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Support the Iranian Protesters to Dislodge the Mullahs

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-01-15 11:30 +0000

Historical precedent aside, present Shiite Iran is home to over 300,000 Mullahs. The most descriptive term for “Mullah” is “parasite.” A Mullah begins his career as a parasite, lives as a parasite, and dies as a parasite,

simply because he contributes absolutely nothing to the necessities of life, yet gobbles disproportionately more of whatever resources he can grab.

As a true parasite, a Mullah’s very survival depends on others. It is critical for a Mullah to procure and maintain a docile, obedient host. A flock of gullible ignorant fanatics makes excellent hosts and the Mullahs’ main task is to keep the sheep in their pen by hook or crook. They scare the flock with horror stories of hell and entice them with the promise of unimaginable glorious paradise – if and only if they behave and keep on supplying them with milk, wool, and meat.

The ruthless mullahs of Iran are plenty evil without the bomb. With the bomb, the end is truly at hand. Some influential pundits pontificate that we can live with nuclear Islamists in Iran if it comes to that. They argue that the Islamists would never use the bomb. Because the mullahs, the fanatic zanies as they may be, are not going to risk Iran becoming a radioactive parking lot by the massive U.S. retaliation. Wrong. Civilized people cherish and celebrate life. The Islamists relish death as stated in their ideology and practiced daily.

Once again, these well-heeled know-it-all pundits are seeing things through their own spectacles. The mullahs have no compunctions about killing tens of thousands of their own people. They have set up a “Special Court of the Clergy” to try and imprison any of their own clerics who dare to oppose their doomsday designs. They even arrest and torture the ordinarily untouchable ayatollahs for speaking up for the rule of law and tolerance.

The time is ripe and the time is now. History will record this. The Western world must rid itself of the “happy talk” as we tranquilize ourselves by reasoning that these doddering old-world religious fools may be mischievous, but they could never do real harm. Oh, sure, they might be arming some Iraqi Shiites, killing a few US soldiers, providing a little support for Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas terrorists in Palestine, building several bases in South America and Africa, murdering Iranian people, and calling for the eradication of Israel—but they have no global destructive capacity. After all, we pacify ourselves that we’re not exactly talking about criminal masterminds like Hitler, or are we?

Islamic clergy, the parasitic prime beneficiaries of Islam, are master practitioners of the carrot-and-stick strategy. By drawing heavily from the Quran and the Hadith, the conniving mullahs and imams have assembled a potent arsenal of threats and promises to keep the faithful in line. They have little trouble in so doing, by shooting at peaceful demonstrators, killing a large number of unarmed people, and arresting tens of thousands of protesters for the past 5 months.

I REPEAT: The U.S. and its allies have, in secular Iranians, their best friends in the entire world. It is imperative for the U.S. to help these Iranians to dislodge the vicious doomsday Mullahs, not as an act of altruism but as a prudent measure of enlightened self-interest.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – Value of US Dollar 1913 – 2022

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-01-15 02:30 +0000

December 23, 1913 was the founding of the Federal Reserve. Here are the results so far … US dollar purchasing power down 97%

(click to embiggen)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Palate Cleanser – How to Beat Arcades with Mark Roper Engineering!

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-01-15 01:00 +0000

Some people go to arcades to waste some time and have some fun. Others are deadly serious in that they want to win hundreds (if not thousands) of “tickets” to trade in for crappy prizes at “the counter” when your time in the arcade is done (Mom, Dad, Grammy, Grandpa are threatening to leave you behind).

And of course, ex-NASA engineer Mark Roper as a different take on things – how to beat some of the rigged arcade games at their own scam. Although one has to think “how much time and money did he spend to win some essentially worthless tickets”?  Enough to make you watch his video – heh!

It’s almost enough for me put political blogging aside for a while….almost.  It’s what drives engineers.

Just thinking about things…solving problems that need not be solved….but it’s fun!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

To Sun-King Sununu, “Local Control” Means He Controls The Locals

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-14 23:30 +0000

The latest manifestation of Sun-King Sununu’s insatiable narcissism … His Wokeness fostering the impression that he may run for President. The dipping of the royal toe toe in the Presidential waters, however, is all about “look at me!; everybody look at me!” At the most, Sun-King would play the role of hatchet-man for NeverTrump, with the hope of securing a cabinet post or perhaps a larger stipend from CNN or MSNBC to be a “contributor.” As he revealed in declining to run for the U.S. Senate, His Wokeness is too lazy to fundraise and too thin-skinned to actually run for higher office.

True to form, Sun-King’s Presiential campaign is based on gaslighting. One particular whopper he has been pushing is that he is all about local control:

This a BRAZEN lie. In 2020, Sun-King signed into law a bill that effectively ended local control of zoning by creating a HOUSING APPEALS BOARD empowered to overrule the decisions of local land-use boards.

The purpose of this Housing Appeals Board was to grease the skids for developers to build large apartment complexes, i.e., so-called “workforce housing.” In other words, the purpose was to end LOCAL CONTROL of land-use decisions.

Needless to say, these complexes not only destroy the rural character of the State, they are intended to attract “young voters” who by massive margins vote Democrat. So … because of the Housing Appeals Board … New Hampshire will not only look more like Massachusetts; it will vote more like Massachusetts.

And yet the Sun-King … who effusively supported the Housing Appeals Board … has the chutzpah to tell us that he is all about local control.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

By Their Vote, Chris Pappas and Annie Kuster Tell Us They Hate Churches and Pro-Life Centers

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-14 22:00 +0000

So, is part of your “RESIST” schtick, Chris Pappas?  And is that mask hiding a broad smile, Annie Kuster?

Leading up to and after the SCOTUS Dobb’s decision (that corrected the wrong decision that abortion was not part of the Constitution), there were a lot of attacks on churches and pro-life/pregnancy care establishments, many by either a group called “Jane’s Revenge” or allied pro-abortionists. While I did put up a post stating that we’ve seen what the Republicans have done in the past, I have to admit that part of what the Rs are doing is putting Democrats “on record”.  Like on this (emphasis mine):

Majority of House Dems Vote Against Resolution Opposing Violence Against Churches and Pro-Life Centers

…But you have to give the Republicans credit for fighting the good fight and for making the Democrats say all of the quiet parts out loud.

For example, this week, the House passed a measure that condemned attacks on pro-life facilities and churches. According to Just the News, the resolution “condemns recent attacks of vandalism, violence, and destruction against pro-life facilities, groups and churches” and “calls upon the Biden Administration to use all appropriate law enforcement authorities to uphold public safety and to protect the rights of pro-life facilities, groups, and churches.” The vote was 222-219 and was, as usual, split along party lines. But three Democrats—Vicente Gonzalez of south Texas, Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania, and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington—supported it.

And note that none of them were named Annie Kuster or Chris Pappas. They had the chance to let their constituents know that they abhor violence simply because of the religious faiths of those being targeted by the pro-abortionists.

They couldn’t even be bothered to put up a facade. But it IS nice of them, via the “speech of their vote” to let the rest of us known that they hate people of faith and what we stand for. That they have no problem with our houses of worship and outreach missions being destroyed. I can only believe that it is because they cannot stand the idea that we treat other things to be far more important than their god of government mentality.

Our heresy, in their eyes, must be punished. After all, poll after poll, study after study, have shown the Democrat Party being far more godless than Society at large.

From the post:

The report notes that there were 342 incidents of vandalism, 58 incidents of arson or attempted arson, 12 incidents involving guns, 11 bomb threats, and 19 incidents that fell into the “other” category, which consisted of assaults, interruption of services, or threats. Twenty incidents involved a combination of offenses.

And these incidents were making the news until, suddenly (like the Antifa attacks in Portland and Seattle), they weren’t anymore. It was like some master-Hive minds in the Left said “nope, no more reporting on this!”.

So we do have to ask “does violence against churches rate the same as the violence against unborn babies, Congresswoman Kuster and Congressman Pappas?  I understand that NH is one of the most unchurched States in the country, but does that factoid give you sufficient cover to give credence to physical violence?  That you can ignore it because if your ideological makeup that “we don’t matter to you”?

We shall remember.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“We Might Do Well to Take a Similar Approach toward Elected Officials”

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-14 20:30 +0000

The rhetorical dust has settled on the business of choosing the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives. It was not exactly what you’d call business as usual, and the usual suspects were quick to feign outrage, and we should not forget.

The alternative to what we saw is lockstep acceptance of business as usual which, given how perennially unpopular the body is, seems like a bad idea.

Terrell Clemmons, the Deputy Editor of Salvo Magazine, had an interesting take or turn to explain why what we saw was – as I and many others noted – how things should work.


Last week, political news was all about the battle for the Speaker of the House that played out over several contentious days and took fifteen votes to settle. Mainstream commentators criticized the “chaos” and “division” and characterized the drawn-out process as a dysfunctional “clown show.”

Without commenting on the political minutiae of it all, I would just ask a question: was that really what it was? Every mother knows that when the toddlers are quietly “getting along” in some other part of the house, she should drop what’s she’s doing right away and find out what they’re getting into.

We might do well to take a similar approach toward elected officials.


This strikes me as precisely what the Founders intended, and these are points made here and across the conservatarian firmament. Getting nothing done at the Federal level has historically prevented more harm than help, with the caveat that it also prevents action to undo previous harms. And that’s critically important. The elites are forever claiming a need to fix what is broken when it is they who broke it. Some would argue, myself included, that this is their entire reason for living.

And we can debate whether any given example is deliberate but simply put, they do use their authority to break things they can then claim to “fix” or that they intend to “fix” if you’ll give them a bit more of what is yours (rights, property, etc.). They’ve flipped the relationship.

The nation was started on the premise that public servants worked for the general populace. The government got its power from the people. These days it is more a matter of codependence. Politicians overstep to perpetuate self-destructive behaviors among the people, who are blamed for whatever they claim ails us. A deficit that has become multi-generational.

Congress has spent so much that does not yet exist that your children’s children’s children will likely have to pay a significant price for it. Fruits of labors not yet borne. Something I have called the true voting rights problem in America. A tax upon ancestors who had no vote in the matter. The result of congress “quietly” getting along.

It’s a dangerous thing, and there are few examples of it that have not benefited “members of congress” at the expense of the people for whom they are supposed to work.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bill Hearings for Week of January 16, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sat, 2023-01-14 19:44 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 119 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 18 and opposition of 24 with 13 being of interest.
Of the 32 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 2 and opposition of 2 with 2 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support HB108 relative to the confidentiality of reports made to the division of children, youth, and families and requiring guardians ad litem be appointed in certain instances. Children and Family Law Tue 1/17 11:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill provides that reports of suspected abuse and neglect may include the name of the person making the report and provides that the person’s identity shall be fully confidential unless such a person makes such a report in bad faith or maliciously and with intent to cause harm, in which case the person may be subject to civil and criminal penalties.
Oppose HB115 relative to changing the date of the state primary election. Election Law Tue 1/17 10:00 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill changes the date of the state primary election to the second Tuesday in June.
Oppose HB333 relative to changing the date of the state primary election and adding a run-off election if necessary. Election Law Tue 1/17 10:45 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill changes the date of the state primary election to the second Tuesday in March. This bill also creates a run-off election in the event no state primary election candidate reaches 50 percent of the total vote.
Of Interest HB345 enabling ranked-choice voting for state party primary elections and municipal elections. Election Law Tue 1/17 1:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill establishes procedures for ranked-choice voting and allows state parties and municipalities to opt into such procedures.
Of Interest HB350 relative to ranked-choice voting. Election Law Tue 1/17 2:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill establishes procedures for ranked-choice voting for federal and state offices.
Oppose HB402 relative to prohibiting false statements against candidates. Election Law Tue 1/17 3:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill prohibits the publication of false statements by any candidate, political committee, or political party regarding another candidate’s positions on issues.
Of Interest SB12 relative to the leasing of seasonal camp lots by the fish and game department. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 1/17 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill allows the executive director of fish and game to lease certain seasonal camp lots on fish and game lands, and changes the requirements for approval of short-term leases and contracts of the department.
Of Interest SB54 relative to purchased power agreements for electric distribution utilities. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 1/17 9:30 AM SH Room 103 This bill requires electric distribution utilities to issue requests for proposals to provide more diverse and longer term options for providing default energy service to customers in purchased power agreements as directed by the public utilities commission.
Support HB252 exempting agricultural operations from certain municipal noise ordinances. Environment and Agriculture Tue 1/17 1:30 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill exempts farming and agricultural operations from municipal noise ordinances.
Support SB48 relative to the definition of “way” for the purposes of driving after revocation or suspension. Judiciary Tue 1/17 1:15 PM SH Room 100 This bill clarifies laws related to driving after revocation or suspension by prohibiting persons with revoked or suspended licenses from driving a motor vehicle upon a way, removing the prohibition on operating motor vehicles while not on a way.
Oppose SB58 relative to arrests without a warrant while in the care of a medical professional on the premises of a residential care or health care facility. Judiciary Tue 1/17 1:45 PM SH Room 100 This bill authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest a person without a warrant for interfering with the provision of medically-necessary health care services.
Oppose HB260 prohibiting the operation of motor vehicles by drivers with animals on their laps. Transportation Tue 1/17 3:00 PM LOB Room 201-203 This bill prohibits operation of a motor vehicle while the driver has an animal on his or her person.
Of Interest HB121 relative to worldwide combined reporting for unitary businesses under the business profits tax. Ways and Means Tue 1/17 10:30 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill repeals the water’s edge combined group provisions of the business profits tax.
Oppose HB303 relative to insurance coverage for pain management services. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 1/18 2:15 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires insurance coverage for pain management services.
Of Interest HB97 establishing an additional penalty for a violation of privacy. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 1/18 10:45 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill increases the penalty for certain offenses that constitute a violation of privacy.
Oppose HB107 relative to employment restrictions for registered sex offenders. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 1/18 11:45 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill prohibits a person convicted of certain sexual assault offenses from hiring or otherwise engaging in any employment or volunteer service which provides direct services to a minor, or supervision or oversight of a minor.
Oppose HB420 relative to the availability and funding for the dual and concurrent enrollment program by the community college system and making an appropriation therefor. Education Wed 1/18 10:10 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill amends the purpose and course eligibility for the dual and concurrent enrollment program withing the regional career and technical education program and makes an appropriation therefor.
Oppose HB429 requiring the offering of breakfast and lunch in all public and chartered public schools. Education Wed 1/18 2:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires school districts and chartered public schools to offer both breakfast and lunch programs to students.
Oppose HB327 prohibiting the state from requiring the public use proprietary software when visiting state websites. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/18 1:15 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill prohibits the state from requiring the public use proprietary software when visiting state websites.
Support SB35 relative to RSV vaccine administration. Health and Human Services Wed 1/18 9:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill authorizes pharmacists, pharmacy interns, and licensed advanced pharmacy technicians to administer an RSV vaccine to adults.
Support HB164 relative to prohibiting towns from criminalizing the right to peacefully and orderly assemble. Judiciary Wed 1/18 11:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill creates an exemption from the criminal code for orderly and peaceful assembly.
Of Interest HB169 relative to termination of guardianship. Judiciary Wed 1/18 11:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill changes the burden of proof for termination of guardianship proceedings.
Of Interest HB63 relative to religious use of land and structures. Judiciary Wed 1/18 3:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill prohibits zoning ordinances and local land use regulations from burdening religious land and structures in their use as residential housing.
Support HB256 prohibiting cities and towns from discriminating in the use of public facilities. Judiciary Wed 1/18 3:30 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill prohibits a municipality from unlawfully discriminating against any individual or group based on their speech or purpose.
Oppose HB95 enabling municipalities to adopt rental practice regulations. Municipal and County Government Wed 1/18 10:00 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill enables municipalities to adopt bylaws to regulate the period of notice required prior to a rent increase on residential property and the permissible amount of such rent increases.
Oppose HB422 to create a public county registry of the monthly rent charged by landlords for each owned unit. Municipal and County Government Wed 1/18 10:45 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill creates a public registry of rents.
Oppose HB295 relative to requiring all selectboard and school board meetings to be recorded and broadcast live online. Municipal and County Government Wed 1/18 2:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill requires public sessions of the boards of selectmen and school boards to be video recorded and live-streamed.
Of Interest HB416 relative to membership on certain local land use boards. Municipal and County Government Wed 1/18 2:30 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill prohibits certain persons from being elected or appointed or sitting on any zoning board of adjustment, planning board, or board of selectmen of the town in which they reside.
Support HB434 relative to flying drones in state parks. Resources, Recreation and Development Wed 1/18 11:15 AM LOB Room 305-307 This bill allows for the commercial and recreational use of drones or small unmanned aircraft in state parks subject to exceptions and limitations. The bill also establishes fees and authorizes fines to be assessed for violations.
Oppose HB143 relative to wiretapping to record conversations related to domestic violence. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/19 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill allows a person to make an audio or video recording, or both, without the consent of the person being recorded for the purpose of obtaining evidence of domestic violence. Such recording shall be admissible as evidence.
Support HB201 relative to changing the penalties for driving without a license. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/19 11:30 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill changes the penalties for driving without a license to a violation, unless the individualis convicted for second time in a 12-month period.
Support HB464 relative to eligible students in the education freedom account program. Education Thu 1/19 9:30 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill expands the definition of who is an eligible student qualifying under the education freedom accounts program.
Support HB367 relative to eligibility of students in the education freedom account program. Education Thu 1/19 11:00 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill increases the household income level based on the federal poverty guidelines for the eligibility of students to participate in the education freedom account program.
Oppose HB380 relative to non-academic surveys administered by a public school or a chartered public school to its students. Education Thu 1/19 1:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill makes changes to the requirements for school district or chartered public school policies governing the administration of non-academic surveys or questionnaires.
Of Interest HB399 allowing for a testing exception for graduation from high school. Education Thu 1/19 1:45 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires the department of education to design and administer a high school diploma equivalency test which would except students age 13 or older who pass the test from school attendance requirements. The bill also provides a private right of action to enforce the provisions of the bill.
Oppose HB45 establishing a committee to study student loan forgiveness in New Hampshire. Education Thu 1/19 2:30 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill establishes a committee to study student loan forgiveness in New Hampshire.
Oppose HB258 establishing a certification for animal chiropractors. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 1/19 1:30 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill establishes a certification for animal chiropractors.
Support HB409 relative to nonresident licensure by the board of barbering, cosmetology, and esthetics. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 1/19 2:15 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill modifies the requirements for nonresident licensure by the board of barbering, cosmetology, and esthetics.
Oppose HB320 relative to free speech in interactive computer services. Judiciary Thu 1/19 9:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill prohibits, with limited exception, censorship of speech on interactive computer services social media platforms. The bill establishes a civil right of action for violation of the statute.
Support HB314 relative to the expectation of privacy in the collection and use of personal information. Judiciary Thu 1/19 10:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill regulates the collection, retention, and use of personal information and establishes a cause of action for violations of an individual’s expectation of privacy in personal information.
Support HB149 relative to the handling of requests made under the right-to-know law. Judiciary Thu 1/19 10:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill requires periodic updates to the requestor when a request is made under the right-to-know law.
Of Interest HB254 relative to remote participation in public meetings under the right to know law. Judiciary Thu 1/19 11:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill modifies the requirements for remote participation in public meetings under the right to know law.
Support HB289 relative to consultation with legal counsel under the right to know law. Judiciary Thu 1/19 11:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill prohibits a public official from retaining legal counsel for the purpose of evading compliance with the right to know law and makes violation of the requirement a misdemeanor.
Support HB307 relative to attorney’s fees in actions under the right to know law. Judiciary Thu 1/19 1:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill requires the court to issue a final judgment in favor of the requester before attorney’s fees are awarded under the right to know law.
Oppose HB308 relative to a quorum for meetings open to the public to include remote presence. Judiciary Thu 1/19 1:30 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill removes the emergency exception requirement for remote presence of members to constitute a quorum for meetings open to the public.
Of Interest HB321 relative to minutes from nonpublic sessions under the right to know law. Judiciary Thu 1/19 2:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill requires public bodies to review meeting minutes withheld from public disclosure at least every 10 years to determine whether they should continue to be withheld. Minutes not reviewed after 10 years shall be made public.
Of Interest HB347 establishing a superior court land use review docket. Judiciary Thu 1/19 2:30 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill establishes the land use review docket in the superior court.
Oppose HB57 relative to the state minimum hourly rate. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Thu 1/19 10:00 AM LOB Room 305-307 This bill increases the minimum hourly rate, increases the base rate for tipped employees, and adjusts both rates annually based on the most recent 12-month average of the consumer price index. The bill also requires a youth minimum wage for employees under 18 years of age.
Oppose HB48 relative to employee protections from COVID-19 in the workplace. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Thu 1/19 1:00 PM LOB Room 305-307 This bill establishes COVID-19 related workplace rights for employees.
Oppose HB74 relative to an employee’s unused earned time. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Thu 1/19 1:30 PM LOB Room 305-307 This bill requires an employer to pay an employee for unused earned time.
Oppose HB82 relative to employment protection for participants in the therapeutic cannabis program. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Thu 1/19 2:30 PM LOB Room 305-307 This bill prohibits an employer from refusing to hire, or terminating the employment of a qualified patient of the New Hampshire therapeutic cannabis program solely on the basis of a positive drug test.
Oppose HB118 prohibiting employers from engaging in certain anti-union activities. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Thu 1/19 3:00 PM LOB Room 305-307 This bill prohibits employers from requiring employees to attend or participate in anti-union training.
Support HB44 relative to permissible residential units in a residential zone. Municipal and County Government Thu 1/19 1:30 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill requires that local legislative bodies permit by right certain single-family lots in residential districts to be used for up to 4 residential units.
Oppose HB90 relative to the municipal planning master plan. Municipal and County Government Thu 1/19 2:15 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill adds the authority for local planning master plans to contain sections on transition to renewable energy and other relevant topics.
Of Interest HB292 establishing a criminal penalty for theft by a public servant. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/20 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill establishes a criminal penalty for theft by a public servant who authorizes payment for legal actions against the municipality, and creates a right of action against such public servants.
Support HB216 exempting dimethyltryptamine from the controlled drug act. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/20 1:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill exempts dimethyltryptamine from the controlled drug act.
Support HB144 restoring firearm ownership rights to ex-felons. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/20 2:15 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill provides that a non-violent felon who has completed the term of incarceration, and all other conditions of the sentence, shall have the right to possess and use a firearm.
Support HB31 repealing the prohibition on the possession or sale of blackjacks, slung shots, and metallic knuckles. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/20 2:45 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill repeals the prohibition, penalty, and exceptions relating to the carrying and possessing with intent to sell a black jack, slung shot, or metallic knuckles.
Support HB229 relative to requiring an official declaration of war for the activation of the New Hampshire national guard. State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Fri 1/20 10:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill limits the activation of the New Hampshire national guard to only those times where the United States Congress has passed an official action pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.
Of Interest HB269 relative to limiting the authority of New Hampshire delegates to policymaking conventions. State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Fri 1/20 10:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill: I. Establishes a procedure for the selection of delegates to an inter/intrastate policy-making convention. II. Limits the authority of delegates to policymaking conventions to only those granted by the New Hampshire legislature. III. Creates a procedure for recalling and replacing delegates to policymaking conventions who act outside of the scope of the authority granted to them by the New Hampshire legislature.

The post Bill Hearings for Week of January 16, 2023 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

Pappas and Kuster Vote to Kill Born, Breathing, Babies

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-14 19:00 +0000

There are places, almost all of them in America, where it is “legal” to kill babies up to or even at the time of birth. Advocates sell this practice, everywhere else labeled accurately as infanticide, as women’s health – regardless of its effect on women or their health.

Some Republicans in the US House advanced legislation that suggests that a living breathing baby outside the womb, whether it happens to have been born deliberately or survived an attempted murder, has a right to live.

H.R.26 – Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in summary,

“…establishes requirements for the degree of care a health care practitioner must provide in the case of a child born alive following an abortion or attempted abortion.

Specifically, a health care practitioner who is present must (1) exercise the same degree of care as would reasonably be provided to any other child born alive at the same gestational age, and (2) ensure the child is immediately admitted to a hospital. Additionally, a health care practitioner or other employee who has knowledge of a failure to comply with the degree-of-care requirements must immediately report such failure to law enforcement.

A health care practitioner who fails to provide the required degree of care, or a health care practitioner or other employee who fails to report such failure, is subject to criminal penalties—a fine, up to five years in prison, or both.

An individual who intentionally kills or attempts to kill a child born alive is subject to prosecution for murder.

The bill bars the criminal prosecution of a mother of a child born alive under this bill and allows her to bring a civil action against a health care practitioner or other employee for violations.”

Killing the newborn is murder. Denying it care can result in fines, prison, or both. The mother cannot be prosecuted.

New Hampshire’s congressional rehires, Annie “Kill ’em” Kuster and Chris”Hand me the Forceps” Pappas (not that he would ever even watch such a procedure), voted against protecting the living, breathing infants. They had to protect their big-dollar donations from international global interests like Planned Parenthood.

Money is more important than life, including the lives of girls who would one day be women if it had been illegal to murder them.

The bill did pass despite their dissent, 220-210. It moves on to the US Senate, where DCs other “ambassadors to New Hampshire” are expected to vote the same way, not that it will ever see daylight on that side of Capitol Hill.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden Will Never End the “State of Emergency”

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-14 17:30 +0000

We should never again expect to live in an America that is not in a state of emergency when a Democrat occupies the Oval Office. It is the moral equivalent of war all the time. A footing from which the Left can perform outrageous feats of graft and tyranny.

Woodrow Wilson, the leading left-wing light, is regarded as the founder of war fascism. His resulted in progressive advances upon the US Constitution and American culture. Years later, Roosevelt used crisis as an excuse for the exponential growth of government, and we’ve never looked back.

These days, it’s the COVID emergency, which Herr Biden has just extended again; and will again (and again). He won’t be allowed to end it even if he were inclined or mentally fit to imagine it. There is a slim chance he’d end it as a campaign flourish in 2024 but were he to “win*” it would be promptly reintroduced, but this seems unlikely.

There will be some crisis of their own making. They’ll use it to justify buy-in on more Biden. We can’t change chief executives during this crisisisisisisisisisisisis…

The pandemic emergency works well for them. I do not believe the emergency use drug authorizations can continue if there is no emergency. No EUA vaccines or any other failed Emeregneyc Authorized money laundering after-vaccine “supplements” to enrich favored interests in the pharmaceutical industry and their bureaucratic or political pals.

They seem smitten with medical socialism and the control it offers.

Those are not the only reasons. There is a manifold of diabolic advantages to this continuous state of “war” doing business as a public health emergency. It created an emergency caused by the state of emergency—the genuine public health emergency resulting from the policies and practices since being introduced.

The party of death and depopulation can’t be losing sleep over any of that. And with millions still wrapped in the blankets of fear the democrats provided, a measurable breakwater still exists to repel the rising tide of concern. A wall to must the sound of dissent.

In Canada, they plan to make dissent illegal (fines, loss of professional licenses). American Marxists do not have that option, though they are making inroads by labeling debate as hate. The censorship thing was going gangbusters as well until the Musk fellow began exposing the shotgun marriage between federal censors and social media.

Keep that one handy the next time some groomer starts squawking about banning books you can read online or get shipped anywhere in the country in a day or two. Banning? Seriously. That’s what the Frist Amendment is supposed to do to the agencies and actors who violated the actual right to free speech which does not protect giving minors access to pornography.

Talk about a state of emergency.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pro-life March for Life to Take Place Today – Sat, Jan 14

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-14 16:00 +0000

CONCORD, NH (January 14, 2023) – The NH March for Life, a tradition spanning decades to rally the public to protect all life from fertilization to natural death, will happen today, Saturday, January 14 in Concord.

Please Submit Group communications or Press Releases to
Submission is not a guarantee of publication.

The main speaker, Kathy Hill, is a national leader for Surrendering the Secret, an abortion recovery program. She is also the Massachusetts Regional Coordinator for Silent No More Awareness, a client advocate at Attleboro Women’s Health Center and a former basketball Big East Player of the Year from Providence College.

The schedule is:

9:00 a.m. Memorial Service for the aborted children dumped at the Concord landfill, Old Turnpike Road, Concord, NH

10:00 a.m. Mass at Christ the King Parish (72 S Main St, Concord, NH)

11:00 a.m. Rally at the state capitol in Concord (107 N. Main St, Concord, NH)

Noon March for Life from NH State House to Christ the King Parish 1:00 p.m. Conference at Christ the King Parish (72 S Main St, Concord, NH) Photos for publication are available by writing to

The NH March for Life is sponsored by NH Right to Life.

NH Right to Life is New Hampshire’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to the pro-life cause.

Jason Hennessey,
President NH Right to Life
(603) 230-8136


Editor: apologies for the late notice; we only just received it this morning.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

VAERS Shows 2-Year-Old NH Girl Died Within 24 Hours After Getting COVID Vaccine

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-14 14:00 +0000

A two-year-old girl from New Hampshire has been listed in the HHS Vaccine Adverse Effects Database (VAERS). According to the report on 12-15-22, she received a COVID-19 (Moderna) mRNA infection with a regular flu shot. She was dead on 12-16-22.


New Hampshire permits COVID-19 injections from 6 months up, and the state’s FAQ/guidance (local pdf copy here) claims they are both safe and effective.



To its credit, the FAQ does inform readers that there has been one death of a child in NH under the age of nine from a COVID-19 injection, but that does not begin to compensate for the other lies presented as facts.

Or that these lies have resulted in the death of a two-year-old little girl who, statistically – all other things being equal – had nothing to fear from any strain of COVID until she was over 60 years of age.

We offer our heartfelt condolences on the loss and hope that in its wake, Granite State parents consider seeking a broader range of opinions, including those of medical experts who have serious concerns about COVID vaccines and children.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Honorable Members of the House Education Committee:

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-14 13:00 +0000

My name is Ann Marie Banfield, and I am submitting written testimony on HB61, AN ACT relative to teaching on discrimination in public schools and discrimination in public workplaces.

As a parental rights advocate focused on academic excellence in education, I urge you to vote Inexpedient to Legislate on HB61. Bringing back the ability to discriminate against children in our public schools not only hurts the children who attend our public schools, but it also hurts public education.

We know public school enrollment has been declining in New Hampshire for several years now. Our focus should be on making our public schools better so families can continue to send their children to the local public school.  I focus on k-12 education and have seen numerous examples of the radicalized Critical Race theory taught in our public schools.

This political agenda caused parents across the state to challenge their local school board members to reign in this kind of hate and prejudice that was aimed at their teachers and children. The anti-discrimination legislation that was passed into law helped curb some of that discrimination.

Our children do not go to school to be shamed and blamed for events that happened during the time of slavery or anytime in history. But that’s exactly what has happened. Parents have come to me with examples of how their children were shamed and blamed for slavery. In one case, a New Hampshire mother had to console her young daughter, who blamed herself for slavery. This is not an education, this is child abuse, and it was happening in our public schools.

Here is a social media post from a mother in New Hampshire describing what her child expressed to her mother a few years ago before the anti-discrimination law was passed :



It is not ok to psychologically abuse anyone with that message. As a taxpayer who funds our local public schools, I do not want questioning, or even learning the history of this country will always remain an important subject. There are past events that need to be learned, so they are never repeated. But it’s also important to understand all of the facts. Facts that show the exceptionalism that led men like Abraham Lincoln and the abolitionists to use our founding documents and their religious beliefs to fight for the dignity of all men and women.

Parents are looking for truth, not for someone’s biased radical agenda that blames and shames students today for past events. Condoleeza Rice was interviewed on The View and disagreed with requiring white people to feel guilty for everything that has happened in the past. She mentions one of the most important features of CRT, which is the idea that black people have to feel disempowered.

Rice rejects this radical worldview and goes on to say that she wants black children to be completely empowered and to know that they are beautiful in their blackness.  But in order to do that, she doesn’t want them to make white kids feel bad for being white. Condoleeza Rice just summed up why the radicalized CRT agenda is wrong for students in New Hampshire.

This new radicalized discrimination divides children and pits them against each other for no reason other than their skin color. Anti-discrimination language affirms our civil rights, and that is a good thing.

In 2021, we saw an influx of radicalized Critical Race Theory training for teachers and the curriculum aimed at children in public schools. This came in under the umbrella of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice. It was so alarming to teachers and parents that many of them mobilized to affirm our civil rights through the non-discriminatory language that was passed in HB2.

We saw teacher training in SAU16 that described everyone as white supremacists if they believed in a colorblind society. We had New Hampshire parents assuring their children that they were not responsible for slavery after receiving a lesson in history that placed the actions of slave owners on their children.

These are violations of the Civil Rights Act, but parents and teachers do not want to have to take their school district to court. There are costs involved, and it can be a lengthy process, as we are seeing in SAU16 right now. The school districts have tax-payer funded attorneys at their disposal, so it can be a daunting task to spend thousands of dollars on a private attorney to fight for our basic civil rights.

Currently there is an ongoing lawsuit in SAU16 where a resident is just trying to compile documents to see how CRT was implemented in the school district. Residents already uncovered information that shows that they were planning to push more bias and prejudice on the students. The Superintendent is using tax-payer funded attorneys to fight against producing these documents. SAU16 has already spent roughly $10,000.00 to keep these documents hidden.

We do know that SAU16 purchased books for the students on anti-racism. Anti-racism includes the same toxicity as the radicalized Critical Race Theory we are seeing in k-12 schools.

For instance, in the book SAU16 purchased for 8th grade children, the author says that there are two identities that we all fit in.
You fit into the dominant culture if you fit into any of these identities:

1) White
2) Upper-middle-class
3) Cisgender
4) Male
5) Educated
6) Athletic
7) Neurotypical
8) Able-bodied


You are in the subordinate culture if you fit into any of these identities:

1) Brown
2) Indigenous people of color of the global majority
3) Queer, transgender, nonbinary, cisgender women, youth
4) Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, atheist, non-Christian
5) Neurodiverse
6) Those living with disabilities
7) Those living in poverty, and more.


A student or teacher must then determine which of those two boxes they fit in.

This is why Condoleeza Rice rejected the narrative of CRT that we are seeing in k-12. She disagreed with requiring white people to feel guilty for everything that has happened in the past. She mentions one of the most important features of CRT which is, the idea that black people have to feel disempowered.

Rice rejects this radical worldview, and goes on to say that she wants black kids to be completely empowered, and to know that they are beautiful in their blackness.  But in order to do that, she doesn’t want them to make white kids feel bad for being white. Condoleeza Rice just summed up why the radicalized CRT agenda is wrong for students in New Hampshire.

While this radical agenda in our schools may be wrong, the CRT/DEIJ/Anti-Racist agenda also violates our basic civil rights. Those rights were affirmed in HB2 with the anti-discrimination language.

Why would anyone think it’s ok to discriminate against any group of people based on their skin color? Why would we want to go backwards? Why would you not want to affirm the civil rights of all of the children and teachers in the public school system?

This kind of discriminatory behavior has been happening in many of the New Hampshire schools like Litchfield, Sanborn, Exeter, Hollis-Brookline, and Hopkinton, to name a few.

Parents set up websites, Facebook pages, and have objected to this discriminatory behavior at school board meetings. HB2 has helped those parents and teachers demand that their school administrators focus on academic achievement for all of their students.

Teachers are in a very difficult position speaking publicly, but HB2 helped them so they aren’t subjected to this kind of hate and prejudice in Professional Development.

It was David Ryan, Superintendent of SAU16 who admitted in a public meeting that they would have to change their professional development because of the anti-discriminatory law.

The professional development in SAU16 provided by 2Revolutions was questioned at a public meeting when someone asked about the Professional Development East Kingston teachers had to endure 1:22:29.

According to 2 Revolutions, teachers and children are covert racists and a white supremacists if they are:

Of the belief that we should be colorblind when judging someone Silent
Are white parents self-segregating in certain neighborhoods & schools
Live in an area where education funding is from property taxes
Supports the message of Make America Great Again
Denies White Privilege
Believes in Exceptionalism
Celebrates Columbus Day
Claims reverse racism
Assumes good intentions are enough
Believes : But we’re all one big human family….there’s only one human race.
This is the kind of professional development we have seen in New Hampshire Schools. This is not training that is focused on helping all students succeed academically, but training teachers to blame and shame their colleagues and the children in their care.

The teachers in SAU16 were subjected to professional development by 2Revolutions who was hired to work with the teachers. According to 2 Revolutions if you live in an area that funds public education through property taxes, you are a white supremacist.  That would mean that every resident in New Hampshire is a white supremacist, including all of the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. They then work on dismantling your inherent white supremacy. But if you look at this new world view, you can never dismantle your inherent racism. These vendors sell their anti-racist propaganda for profit to schools that are willing to violate the civil rights of the teachers and children.

There are many more examples I can share but I think you can see that this kind of destructive bias we saw in New Hampshire schools prior to the passage of HB2. This was damaging to teachers and children in our public schools, but more importantly, it was violating their civil rights. The children who are in the subordinate culture may then begin viewing themselves as abnormal and inferior just as Condoleeze described in her interview.

HB2 provided a way for parents and teachers to fight back against the prejudice aimed at them. They shouldn’t be used as a political tool by political radicals. Our schools should be focused on academic excellence and literacy in the core subjects. They should be nurturing children in kindness and compassion instead of the character assassination we’ve witnessed.

It’s unfortunate that some of our educators thought that this radicalized approach in our classrooms was ok. It is not– it violates our most basic civil rights. There are ways that teachers and children can learn the truth about history without this kind of psychological game being played on them, and it shouldn’t include discriminatory actions aimed at teachers and children.

For these reasons I urge you to vote ITL on HB61.
Ann Marie Banfield
Parental Rights Advocate Focused on Excellence in Education

North Hampton, NH

ADDITIONAL Information:





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don’t Tell Us You Did the Right Thing

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-14 11:30 +0000

Do not insult the intelligence of the American people. The Queen of Gaslighting, Karine Jean-Pierre, repeats continuously that the President and his team are doing the right thing by turning the found classified documents over to the Department of Justice, absolving them of the original sin.

She knows if she says this enough times, the media will repeat it like trained seals, and the majority of the American people will forgive them. The red flag has been thrown on the play, and we are now reviewing the whole mess.

Let’s go with the President and KJL’s thinking. Sam Bankman-Fried bilks thousands of clients out of billions of dollars. He and his inner circle live the good life until the money is gone. He then walks into the closest police station and admits to his crime. He promises to cooperate and tells them how he spent the money but apologizes that it is gone. Sorry, but look, I am doing the right thing by admitting what I did. Are we good here? NOOOOOOO. You are guilty of sin and should pay for your crime.

Joe Biden is guilty of the mishandling of classified documents regarding some important foreign governments, and he has potentially harmed our National Security. There are far more questions than answers, and for a President who pledged to have the most transparent administration in history, he has pulled down the shades. Biden claims he does not have any knowledge of the contents of these documents. Then goes on to say they are not as many or as severe as Trump’s trove of documents. That thinking does not square. If you don’t know, then you cannot comment, period.

When Biden was addressing the matter on Wednesday, he stumbled, and nobody caught it. He admitted that documents were discovered in his New Jersey office, making it the third location. Where does it end? One question I cannot believe has gone unasked is if Biden does not know how the documents got into his home office, garage, and Penn-Biden office, then who put them there. We need names and answers, and they are not being asked or answered.

The locations matter. The Penn-Biden office had $45 Million donated to it by anonymous Chinese companies or people. What favors did the millions purchase for the Chinese, and did they have access to the documents? These documents have been there for six years, which leads to a lot of exposure. The documents found in the Biden Delaware home are troubling. Joe Biden refuses to log who visits him at his home, where he has spent nearly every weekend since being elected. He claims that these weekends are working periods, so who is calling on the President, and for what purpose? He claims the garage was locked, but that does not detail who may have had access to the garage and documents.

Joe Biden has repeatedly said that he takes the handling of classified documents seriously. Has there ever been spoken a more shallow statement? This situation and the money trail at the Penn-Biden office may be the anchor that sinks this damaged ship.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrat PAC Citizens for Belknap Finished Its Take over of the Belknap County Republicans – Part 2

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-14 02:30 +0000

Well, this was more interesting than I thought it would have been. I figured that my previous post would have been a “capper” as in “the closing of a chapter”; write it, be done with it. I was wrong. A number of emails have come in over this but one came in that really showed the intent of what the takeover really meant. And this comment from Ronnie Abbot was amusing (from the post):

…but many of the 19 State committee members who were there to vote publicly denounced C4B the entire time. We all still would have voted for the slate that got elected. C4B had nothing to do with this change in leadership.

But the end result was that the Republicans who did vote that way were aligned with what the CfB intentions were – wipe out the Conservatives in the County. And no, Mr. Abbott CAN’T change my mind BECAUSE the desired end result was exactly that which was achieved. To the littlest jot and tittle. You voted for what CfB wanted, like it or not.

And one of the things that was CERTAINLY desired was a complete trashing of what the previous Executive Committee had put into place for governance – and that lasted for about 30 seconds as if that part of “The Rule Of Law” (e.g., the BCRC ByLaws) had never existed. They wanted what they wanted regardless of doing it the right way or not. Like it or not, those ByLaws existed. And these takeover Republicans are all about…what, exactly?

Emphasis mine – see if you get the pattern:

Hi Skip:

It’s worse:

1) Senator Lang attempted to have two positions added to the Executive Committee by election of State Committee Members. <it was> pointed out that this would require a change to the BCRC Bylaws. Elliot [Gould, Exec Dir of the NH GOP who was running the election] told Sen. Lang he would need to have the bylaws changed. [LOL]

Next – those State Committee members (aligned with the CfB and elected at the last meeting) decided that THEY were above “the Rule o Law” of the BCRC ByLaws:

2) The State Committee Members attempted to elect an EC Member at Large. <it was> pointed out that the bylaws specify that the Member at Large is to be elected by the General Members. Elliot removed their candidate from the ballot. [LOL]

Elitist, right?  No commitment to the “little people” who formerly made up the “legislative body” of the BCRC. We want to do what we want to do…like this:

3) After the outgoing officers departed, and so as reported, a motion was passed to make all Belknap Reps and Senators members of the BCRC, again in violation of the bylaws.

Just couldn’t wait any time at all. It’s like it was merely a mob rule meeting. To which I was not surprised:

 4) Two non-members (Lambert and Lange) were elected unanimously by the State Committee Members present to serve as officers, yet another violation of the bylaws.  Most egregiously, the State Committee members imposed Lambert upon the GMs —imposed because the GMs had just voted in November to expel Lambert from membership due to inappropriate conduct towards a female GM at the previous (i.e., October) County Committee meeting.

Brings back stories I read about what took place during the French Revolution. This likely is not a comprehensive list of astonishing irregularities. But these four stand out in my mind at this time.

“GMs” being the General Members that had applied for and granted into membership of the BCRC. They were (emphasis on WERE) the ones that must do the voting on other members – and were the ones that voted Lambert out of their midst. The “State Committee members” made it clear how little they place in them – as if they didn’t exist at all. Only the State Committee “Elite” matter and if it hadn’t been for the presence of Elliot Gould, they would have completely turned it into a “good ole’ boy playground mentality” completely. Like a bunch of elementary school ADHD boys, they couldn’t wait to do things the right way; they wanted what they wanted and they wanted it NOW.

So if I was a General Member in attendence on Wednesday, WHY would I continue to attend if I was just told that I’m not of any account at all?

Nice going, Hough and Lambert, for running your first meeting! Right in line with highest regard for the Rule of Law previously exhibited by these two along with Harry Bean (RSA 91-A, RSA 24). Great role models!

Somebody else wrote in to say that they believed that the attendance rate would mirror that of the Laconia Committee under Hough’s esteemed leadership. Given the disregard and disrespect shown to the General Members Wednesday night, I’m betting that prophecy will be wrong – it will tank FAR more quickly.

None of the chuckleheads that were trying to run things have ever learned something very important – loyalty is earned from the bottom upwards. When the top people (from Tim Lang downward) violate that precept and disrespect those at the bottom, don’t be surprised when no one is left at the bottom over time.

If rules can be made up on the fly and on any kind of whim desired, who is going to stick around to be treated in such a fashion?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

All These Republican Congressional Bills Are for Show – We’ve Seen This One Act Pony Before

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-14 01:00 +0000

Retract the funding for the 187,000 new IRS agents. Voting to repeal the IRS with the Fair Tax. Restricting sales of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China et al. Impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, Homeland Secretary, Build the Wall. Prohibit voluntary contributions to the WHO. Whole bunches of other stuff.

Meaningless drivel.  No, not that they aren’t important (at least some of them). Meaningless in that they aren’t going to go anywhere.  They are, for the most part, meaningless because neither the Democrat-controlled Senate nor the Democrat-controlled Presidency are going to take any action on them.  The Congress is only 1/2 of 1/3rd of our Constitutional Branches of Government.

No, they can do LITTLE in these circumstances. Yes, they can STOP a bunch of things as the House of Representatives controls the purse strings IF they don’t allow the Senate to try to do an end run around that Constitutional authority. They can STOP things by stopping the funding.

Ten years plus is a long time, however, and I’m afraid that many have either forgotten the lesson or never heard of it. We will shortly begin to hear the cries that we’ve heard before during the TEA Party movement!


No, they couldn’t and yes, we did.  What happened then?


No, they couldn’t and yes, we did.  What happened then?

They failed to keep their promises.  They were like the junkyard dogs that finally caught the car bumper and then stood there. Knowing that they had just been found out.

While in the minority-majority, they could pass ALL KINDS of things in the House. While in the minority-majority of the Senate, they could pass ALL KINDS of stuff.  None of the House stuff mattered because the Senate would kill it for them. None of the Senate stuff mattered because the President would veto it for them.

And then when we gave them the trifecta, they grew strangely quiet. To the point where they did little.

Because now what they did would have consequences. REAL consequences.

And they grew afraid. VERY afraid. They became the “Do Nothings” as they realized that now their votes could be used against them – especially after they had promised so much that they decided to do so little.

So we cashiered them all for not keeping their word and promises.

I see this pattern starting anew down in DC – a flurry of activity and bills flying out of the House. Sure, they are “keeping” their promises. But I wait for the entrieties to start: give us more, give us more. You’ll see, we’ll get it done.

Color me unbelieved – I’ve watched this before. Surprise me and my sense of unbelief may dissipate like the fog outside right now.

But I’m not going to hold my breath – too much in parallel is the history of the past unfolding yet again.

I don’t fault them for “doing” right now” – I just want to see it to its completion.  That’s why I’m not being a rah-rah guy right now.

Prove it to me after the 2024 elections when it looks like you SHOULD take over the Senate given the seats that will be up for grabs AND the Presidency.

And then don’t force me to walk away again as you act like a third-rate TV network running decades own reruns and wanting us to cover you with glory before you’ve actually accomplished anything meaningful.

We’re watching. Pitchforks are just waiting in the corners.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden in Wonderland

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-13 23:30 +0000

Do you feel like you went down a rabbit hole in 2022? I DO! So, I consulted that wonderful childhood fantasy and adult farcical parody known as “ Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. Alice met so many wonderfully fanciful culprits : the grinning Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Queen of Hearts.

Seems as if this fanciful , farcical world was resurrected in 2022. The grinning Cheshire Cat, one of the greatest prevaricators in the history of fairy tales, is imitated by Joe “ The Numbskull” Biden. His motto is “ If it works let’s destroy it”. Then Alice stumbles on the “ Mad Hatter” and the “March Hare”. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Mark Milley , resembles the “Mad Hatter”. Milley’s conduct in betraying President Trump to the Chinese Communist Party proves that Milley is mad beyond a reasonable doubt.

We want to thank Charles Bradley for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
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There is a plethora of candidates for the “ March Hare” in the denizens of the deep state swamp. I choose to highlight Merrick “ the Betrayer” Garland , who scampers to every disgusting wish from the Cheshire Cat, probably resulting in the scurrilous and defamatory indictment of President Trump for “Making America Great Again”.

Finally, we have the “Queen of Hearts”. Lewis Carroll would agree that it is a real ghoulish choice for the title: Jill Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris. Each of them so richly deserves the title since each of them would gladly decapitate any conservative. The good news for Alice is she woke up from her nightmare before the Queen of Hearts could decapitate her. Unfortunately, our Nightmare will continue for quite a while.

The post Biden in Wonderland appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Note to Dems: ‘Liberty’ is “Indigenous” to NH and America

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-13 22:00 +0000

This week, another piece of legislation was introduced in Committee to end Columbus Day. To make it indigenous people’s day (NH HB 180). In honor of, you guessed it, indigenous people who, as it turns out, are people whose ancestors were born here before yours.

As regular readers know, I’ve been nothing if not persistent in mocking this notion becasue,

No race of man originated in the New World. The residents of our continent came over water or crossed a temporary land bridge from Asia. Each wave of people had a different reason for making the trip.


Say it with me. North America has no indigenous people. Even less so than most of the world. What the Marxists claim is more accurately squatters’ day—a day to honor the conquerors who came before your ancestors.


Anyone who ever found their way to America came from someplace else. They arrived, declared all that they could see (and much of what they did not) theirs, and kicked whoever arrived before them to the curb.


If they could.

“Native” Tribes captured, enslaved, or killed other tribes as in every other corner of the earth. Mount Rushmore (for example) was only “recently” sacred Lakota land. They moved in and conquered the area (in the 18th century) at the expense and lives of those who were there before them, and it was business as usual until someone displaced them.

Those born here before us took slaves, tortured enemies, and even engaged in cannibalism (HT | NH Journal, for that link) and not a Colonialist “white supremacist” among them. So, we find ourselves in a contradiction. The Marxist stooges peddling the injustice of European conquerors want to celebrate the injustice of those who took the land by force from those who came before them.


The bill to end Columbus Day entirely and celebrate Indigenous People’s Day was filed by Durham Democratic Rep. Tim Horrigan, who made it clear he would not support co-existence — celebrate both holidays on the same day — as some have suggested in the name of compromise.

“I want there to be a [singular] holiday on the second Monday in October, and I want it to be named after the indigenous peoples,” Horrigan said.  “I want it not to be named after Christopher Columbus.”


So much for those bumper stickers people put on their Subaru Outbacks, but the idea of ‘no coexistence’ has a sincere ring coming from the mouth of a Democrat tied to a party with an agenda to end the ‘indigenous’ nature of American Liberty. It was born here too. It has had some not-so-nice bits, but they are not worse than what preceded them. What followed, however, was exceptional in human history.

The Left hates that.

They are a political party obsessed with a return to tribalism and faction and the violence that follows. To divide by any means to undermine this nation. And at no point after, should they succeed, will they argue in favor of honoring the indigenous ideology of the Constitutional Republic they worked so hard to displace.

You won’t even be allowed to talk about it.

As for Columbus Day, it should be a celebration of the journey to a new world. Not just the voyage that leads to the birth of a nation but that first “breath” of liberty experienced by every immigrant to arrive on our shores. A country like no other. And not one he would have imagined possible or even embraced. He seems more like Modern Democrats than our Founding Fathers.

Maybe that’s why they hate him so much.



The post Note to Dems: ‘Liberty’ is “Indigenous” to NH and America appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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