The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • May 18 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XX

Manchester, N.H.

Being a Conservative Shouldn’t Make You an Isolationist

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-23 16:00 +0000

I had an interesting experience this week that challenged me as a Conservative. It was noteworthy because I have always thought of myself as not close to the center, but when I had a blog twenty years ago, my tagline was “there is no room to my right.”

I am so committed to my Conservative and traditional ideals that I have sacrificed many friendships and relationships. Losing people in my circle was difficult, but compromising myself would have been more challenging. To have my position challenged this week was harsh and confusing. It made me question the very definition of the term.

Two labels that I have little use for are Libertarian and Independent. Libertarians believe that we can exist without any form of government. This belief is nearly impossible as a central government is essential for specific components of our life that, without, would result in anarchy. National security, a police force, a monetary system, infrastructure for travel, and control of who enters our country are but a few things that we must rely on a central government. That does not mean the central government has unfettered power but should be constrained by the people. An independent, in my view, is someone afraid to acknowledge an alignment to one side or the other. The political arena in America is so diametrically opposed that being neutral is illogical. To live in the middle is more of an indication of ignorance of the issues or the inability to formulate a position than a legitimate political ideology.

I will not define a Progressive, for I think that is a fluid stand. I see Progressives as people constantly searching for more creative ways that the government can provide for every need in life. Progressives are highly dependent individuals. Conservatives or Conservatism is easier to define and understand. Big “C” Conservatives believe in limited central government. We believe in local control, thus our love of the Republic versus a Democracy. We have an opportunity in America to decide where we want to live based on geography and ideology and still be proud Americans. My own life experience is an example. Born and raised in Massachusetts, I was expected to be a Democrat. It was a birthright of being born in the Commonwealth. As I grew and learned, that expectation did not work for me, and when I got married and started a family, we headed to the Granite State. Forty years ago, New Hampshire was a beautiful state rich in natural wonder and very Red and Conservative. New Hampshire in the 80s was where I was meant to be.

I live in a small town on the seacoast with a population of about 12,000. Doing some research on the town website, I was surprised to see more voters registered as unaligned than Democrat and Republican voters combined. If Conservatives are ever to be successful in winning an election in this town, we must reach out to the unaligned to join our ranks. If we choose to isolate ourselves and not communicate with anyone identifying as non-Conservative, then we do so at our peril, as the numbers are not in our favor.

When I published my Sunday Spotlight this week about Kevin Costner, I was accused of touching the third rail. I hope the person who said this, and I look forward to his comments on my articles, did not mean it in such a drastic manner. I can take the criticism as I have thick skin, but we cannot have this thinking and flourish as Conservatives. We are enjoying a swing back from the Radical Left. I hope we do not push the pendulum away by saying nobody left of center is welcome on our side of center.

I took some of the same fire months ago when I wrote about Tulsi Gabbard. I predicted at the time that she would cross the aisle. Though she has not declared herself a Republican, she has dissolved her association with the Democrat Party. Take a minute to listen to her podcast, and you will hear the voice of reason and Conservativism. It would have been a shame to slam the door and tell Tulsi she was not welcome in our tent. We need to invest in a giant tent and hope more Tulsis are willing to see the light.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Democrat Rosemarie Rung Won and Lost

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-23 14:30 +0000

Merrimack’s Democrats were unable to repeat their 2018 feat. That’s the year they managed to get four Democrats into the Statehouse from my town. This year they got three, and that is three too many, but they’ve got a problem. They won based on a lie.

Rung is by far the most prominent Dem in a still mostly Republican town. She was the only Left-Wing state rep to survive the 2020 purge – we sent three of four packings. And for 2022, she ran on the slogan People over politics. Anyone who ever had to deal with her or either of the other two who clawed their way back into office in the midterms knows it’s a promise they can’t keep.

They’ve probably already broken it. And that’s good news for Republicans if they can pay attention and take some advice.

Under no circumstance is Rosemarie Rung capable of putting people before her Left-Wing politics. All you need to do to prove it is screengrab her social media feeds. That goes for (the other two) as well. Save them to a folder titled “Name of Candidate: people over politics.” When the 2024 race heats up, you’ll have more ammunition than you could possibly need.

Every time she opens her mouth come campaign season, you can say, ‘before you believe her, she lied last time around,’ and bring the “receipts.” If you’ve done it right, you’ll never have to share the same screengrab twice. Can’t be trusted. Lies to voters. No integrity. You get the idea.

And it’s her own damn fault.

Unless she intends to turn over a new leaf.

We should start a pool. If she’s not already broken her people over political pledge, how long until Rosemarie Rung proves she lied on her campaign signs?


The post How Democrat Rosemarie Rung Won and Lost appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Biden Administration Is about to Add a $6/Gallon Tax When You Fill Up Your Car

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-23 13:00 +0000

The Biden Administration is about to add a $6/Gallon tax when you fill up your car. Arbitrarily, by regulators – those faceless, unaccountable, unelected, and unassailable bureaucrats who are part of the Deep State that know better how you are to run your lives than you do.

And in this case, raising the cost of your next fill-up.  If you now pay $3.70/gallon at the pump, try $9.70 if they get their way. So if you have a 15-gallon fill-up, your cost will go from $55.50 to  $145.50:

EPA floats sharply increased social cost of carbon

EPA has proposed a new estimate for the social cost of carbon emissions, nearly quadrupling an interim figure that has already drawn legal challenges from a host of Republican-led states.

The metric puts a price tag on the damages created by each metric ton of greenhouse gas emissions. Agencies can then use it as part of their analyses of the costs and benefits of more stringent climate regulation on sources ranging from power plants and automobiles to the oil and gas sector.

The Biden administration has been using the Interagency Working Group’s interim value of $51 per metric ton of CO2. But earlier this month, EPA quietly proposed increasing that number to $190.

And that $51/ton was an almost instant overloading by the Biden Eco-Socialists from Trump’s Social Cost of Carbon that had been set at $1/ton. Nice to see that the price of our energy is at the whim of these ideologues.  Did they learn nothing from the 70s when OPEC quickly raised the cost of oil by over 100%? I remember that as I got my license just after the oil boycott started – from 25 cents/gallon to over 75 cents. My part-time high school job paid $2/hour. Do the figuring of my anxiety level.

No legislation is required. In fact, your elected representative is not even wanted. So much for “saving our Democracy,” as Dems have kept yammering at us this past election cycle. For Progressives, however, this IS their end game – for us to be ruled by a government of expert Administrators who, we keep being told, are totally non-partisan and altogether altruistic, with only the best wanted for the rest of us.

This shows that they believe they control the basic laws of Supply and Demand – or can dismiss them at their pleasure. Did they not learn anything from the collapse of the Communist top-down command systems? Have they even heard of the Great Mind Fallacy?

Lord, have mercy upon us, for they believe they are better than You are.

Hey, I have this unused bridge over here – sell it to you cheap if you have any money left over…


(H/T: VodkaPundit)

The post The Biden Administration Is about to Add a $6/Gallon Tax When You Fill Up Your Car appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The FDA Does Its Impression of King Henry II: “I Never Told Anyone to ‘Kill’ Ivermectin!”

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-23 11:30 +0000

Remember that time on Twitter when a Federal Agency publicly stated that Ivermectin was for horses and cows, not people? That was The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They now claim that calling it horse paste wasn’t meant to prevent people from taking Ivermectin.


“The cited statements were not directives. They were not mandatory. They were recommendations. They said what parties should do. They said, for example, why you should not take ivermectin to treat COVID-19. They did not say you may not do it, you must not do it. They did not say it’s prohibited or it’s unlawful. They also did not say that doctors may not prescribe ivermectin,” Isaac Belfer, one of the lawyers, told the court during the Nov. 1 hearing in federal court in Texas.


It reminds me of the tale of the murder of Thomas a Becket. Four knights killed the Archbishop after overhearing their king being distraught by Becket’s actions. It was never Henry’s intention that the Archbishop be killed, but there it was, and there was no taking it back. All a misunderstanding.

And so it goes with the US Food and Rug Administration. “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all, Stop it.”



“Why you should not use Ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19.”

News and media sites went all-in with stories about how the FDA declared that Ivermectin was for horses and cows, not people. Our local ABC news affiliate did a biased, unbalanced, and incomplete report that included a picture of the Ivermectin horse paste. Yours probably did too.

The Local and national COVID Karens went wild, as CNN, MSNBC, and all the alphabet networks went to war based on Ivermectin based on one tweet.

Efforts to improve access to Ivermectin with legislation at the state level were met with resistance based on the FDA and the mountain of media lies that built up around it.

I guess they were kidding around.

But to my knowledge, the FDA never attempted to correct the record, not in any meaningful way, and that assault continued until they were sued this year in Federal court. In the interim, doctors and pharmacists came under assault by state and local boards of health and licensing over the off-label use of Ivermectin to treat patients at risk or with COVID-19.

A use that was permissible under FDA rules as the FDA long ago licensed Ivermectin for humans until politics stepped in to interfere. A politics the FDA deliberately invoked with their tweet.

I guess they were kidding around, but the FDA never came to the defense of doctors or Pharmacists being threatened by state or local boards of health or practice. Folks who may have had to lawyer up to defend their livelihood based on the perception of the FDA’s position, which it is now defending in court, as noted.

The cited statements were not directives. They were not mandatory.” You might want to tell that to Democrats in Congress. They are framing Donald Trump over J6 based on even flimsier perceptions of his use of language.

Two other problems come immediately to mind. First, many people who could be alive if the FDA had never started the war on Ivermectin died.

Second, suppose the FDA gets the case dismissed. I think they may be throwing a lot of folks under the bus, like every state and local board of health or legislative body (and more than a few hospitals) that acted to infringe on the doctor-patient relationships based on the Tweet and the Media broadsides that followed.


[EpochTimes] The hearing was held in a case brought by three doctors who say the FDA illegally interfered with their ability to prescribe medicine to their patients when it issued statements on ivermectin, an anti-parasitic that has shown positive results in some trials against COVID-19. …

Plaintiffs in the case include Dr. Paul Marik, who began utilizing ivermectin in his COVID-19 treatment protocol in 2020 while he was chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and director of the intensive care unit at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital.

After the FDA’s statements, Marik was told to remove the protocol from the school’s servers while Sentara issued a memorandum to hospitals telling them to stop using ivermectin against COVID-19, with a citation to the FDA.

Marik was forced to resign from his positions because he couldn’t prescribe ivermectin due to the FDA’s statements, the suit alleges.


Did the FDA step in and correct the error made by Norfolk General Hospital (or any hospital?)? Not to my knowledge. Quiet as a church mouse until they needed to ask a judge to dismiss a complaint against them for actions directly resulting from their behavior.

Actions that should have significant downstream consequences no matter which way this goes.




The post The FDA Does Its Impression of King Henry II: “I Never Told Anyone to ‘Kill’ Ivermectin!” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Exposing the Fraud: They Make Climate “Fudge” Over at NOAA, Too!

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-23 02:30 +0000

Science used to be about comparing reality to your theory. These days it is about reshaping the perception of reality until it proves your theory. Global Warming (dba: climate change) is an excellent example. With the earth refusing to satisfy any of their predictions, the experts have taken to tampering with data.

Related: Have You Tried NASA’s New “Fudge”

One of the champions of exposing this fraud is Tony Heller at the Real Climate Science Blog. I’ve followed his work for years as he continues to launch broadsides into the climate establishments’ leaky hull.

He recently published a video explaining NOAA’s temperate tampering fraud and debunking their excuse for the tampering in the first place. And while we’ve cored bits and pieces of this here and there over the years, this puts it all in one place with graphs and a relatively easy-to-follow explanation.

We would be remiss in our mission if we did not share it with our readers.



You can get more great stuff from Tony, Here.



The post Exposing the Fraud: They Make Climate “Fudge” Over at NOAA, Too! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Thought Splinters (Part 4)

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-23 01:00 +0000

This seems to be becoming an ongoing series of pondering topics that have made, are in the process of making, or may make, fundamental shifts in my thoughts about, and perspectives of, the world. 

Thus, I attempt to be a living testimony to the quote, purportedly by John Maynard Keynes (which is in dispute; see here); regardless of who said it, it’s a good quote:

“When the facts change, I change my mind – what do you do, sir?”

Or, quoting Bill Whittle in one of his videos… “I want to be where the truth is”.  Me too.  And if that means I change my position, then based on evidence & logic, I do so after suitable reflection.

These essays are premised on the concept of a “thought splinter” – a concept that penetrates cognitive shields against dissonant information to fester until a person’s consciousness has to turn and address it.  Previous entries:

Thought Splinters Part 1

Thought Splinters Part 2

Thought Splinters Part 3

Yes, there will be a Part 5 as I’m removing two topics from here so I can finish this one in something less than an eon.



For years I’ve heard people babbling about planes spraying chemicals into the atmosphere.  I’m an engineer.  I understand, intellectually, why jet engines flying at high altitudes have their hot steamy exhaust from burning hydrocarbons turn to clouds in trails.  The physics & thermodynamics of this process are plain and simple.  Thus, for decades, I’ve dismissed these chemtrail claims outright.



But then I started to see pictures of planes with tanks fitting into the passenger compartments.  Now, these are not tanks on pallets being shipped hither and yon and merely strapped down – which I could understand for cargo purposes.  I can even see some kind of bolt lagging for heavy tanks.  But these are tanks that look to be permanently, hard point installed IMHO.  I mean, really bolted down.  Some appear to have plumbing attached, headed somewhere.



Now please understand: I don’t want this to be true.  I’m not sitting on the couch in my foil hat salivating at every conspiracy theory that comes by, hoping the mothership takes me soon.  I. Do. Not. Want. This. To. Be. True.

But assuming the photos are real, and the multiple eyewitness testimonies (including a couple of pilots!) are real… and citing Occam’s Razor for the pictures… I see the simplest explanation being that there is a significant effort to spray something into our atmosphere.  What, possibly, could the innocent explanation be for planes with hard-plumbed tanks in plane cabins be?

Again, I want to be proven wrong.  But things like the above, and this, and more below, are making it increasingly difficult to dismiss a priori:


Spanish Meteorological Association says Spain is being sprayed.

The Thought Splinter of tanks hard-point attached, sometimes with plumbing, piqued my curiosity… and my very reluctant conclusion, therefore, is this: there is a significant, global effort to spray the entire planet with something.  Or several somethings.

Full disclosure.  I have not watched more than a few minutes of the almost two-hour video, below.  But something struck me watching it, as it struck me in general on this topic: the sheer HUBRIS to think that this can be controlled and fine-tuned without enormous ripple effects.  The earth is a system of feedback loops within feedback loops interacting with multiple other, similarly nested, feedback loops.  One cannot muck with one – the amount of sunlight coming down and hitting the surface – without staggering risk to the others.  And certainly not do it without a long period of open debate in which the public, who will bear the brunt of any potential negative effects, having the final say.





Thought splinter: The pictures of container tanks, hard-point mounted with what looked like permanent plumbing attached.




(Image source)


Given the enormity of the universe, I would be floored if Earth was the only planet to have life on it.  Heck, I’d be surprised if there weren’t other life islands even in our solar system (albeit not intelligent / technological life).  Given that enormity and long sweep of time, I would be likewise astonished if we were the only intelligent and technological civilization to have arisen.  But despite multiple claims at visitations and abductions, I’ve been highly skeptical of such claims.  After all, citing paranormal skeptic and debunker, the late James Randi, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof”.

My skepticism is being weakened.  It started crumbling as the US Navy declassified videos of encounters with craft with beyond-human capabilities emerged.  My skepticism got hit very hard when I heard a radio segment – I don’t recall what radio show it was, perhaps this Glenn Beck segment? – where one of these Navy whistleblowers recounted how a carrier had multiple radar traces from UAP encounters and, when it docked, a team came on board and confiscated the entire set of recordings of the event – to my understanding never to be seen again.  Huh?  Since when does that happen?  Since then we’ve had multiple other reveals, like these:

UFO sightings: Canada’s defence minister briefed | CTV News

Navy Intelligence Deputy Director Explains Bizarre UFO Sightings In Historic Hearing | (

And based on this interview, video below, I bought his book.  Full disclosure, I am reading but not yet finished, though his account of the USS Nimitz UAP encounter and aftermath is convincing and revealing; In Plain Sight: An investigation into UFOs and impossible science.



Taking his word at face value for he seems quite sincere, and his narration of things so far in the book don’t sound like someone foaming at the mouth crazy.  He appears quite cogent.  He’s also not rushing to validate what he wants to believe… right now I’m reading his very-skeptical  discussion of the so-called “Art’s Parts” artifacts.  Others are also moving towards this view (image from this link):



So the question, asked by Paul Joseph Watson, is why now?



And IMHO he’s right.  The threat of alien invasion would absolutely be a rationalization for One World Government to unite us against the threat.  Now I’ve read that the promised alien invasion will be staged; I’m not so sure given the above.  But then, assuming the pre-WWII reports are correct (let alone some of the primitive art stuff that is, admittedly, very subjective), they’ve been here for a long time.  If they truly wanted us dead, that would have been easy peasy by now.

So if they are here, and I’m far-far-far more open to that idea than even a few years ago… what do they want?



And an added thought.  I’ve commented to friends on the Globalist push, after the “flier” election of Trump interrupted the plan, to rush to get back onto some kind of fixed schedule.  Schedule for what?  They’re rushed, they’re panicked, they’re push-push-pushing to get back to their milestone dates.  Why?  Are the alien colonists on the way and they need to have the earth depopulated & subjugated in time for their arrival?

And an interesting diversion about aliens being here:

The missing plan for alien first contact – BBC Future

Building off the above article… if aliens do, indeed, arrive, and by dint of their being provably sentient beings thus have civil rights, how do we grant them?  And if sentience is the determining factor, what happens to agricultural farming if cows, sheep, chickens, etc., are shown to be sentient?  Lab meat, anyone?

Thought splinter: The revelations about Navy pilots (in particular) seeing UAPs aplenty.




Happy Thanksgiving!

Now to work on Part 5.

The post Thought Splinters (Part 4) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Housekeeping: If You See Ads You’d Not Expect on The ‘Grok …

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-22 23:30 +0000

Ads are a pain, and I get that sometimes they interfere with the site experience. I’m not a fan of that, so we are always looking for ways to keep the ad revenue and improve the experience. Ads help pay the bills but mostly allow us to bank money for bigger projects, needs, or site improvements. However!

We do not want ads that run contrary to our mission.

I received a message from one of our authors that they were seeing planned parenthood ads on page. I emailed the service that manages that stuff for us, and they very promptly blocked them, so if you did not see them, you will not (or should not).

They were very polite and prompt, resolving it for me overnight so homework time.

If you see ads on GraniteGrok that, like Planned Parenthood, are just way off our plantation, we’d like to know about them. The faster way for us to address concerns is for you to email me. Let me know whose ad it is and if possible right click on that ad and send me the link.

Right-click, not left. A left click will send you to the ads landing page, which you are free to do for ads that interest you.

I will take a look, and if it is something we do not want to promote on our pages, I will have it blocked.

One more note. While it may take a while, our to-do list includes a VIP/subscription model that would create an ad-free experience. Those of you who donate monthly will eventually – no timetable yet, sorry – be able to visit and enjoy either premium subscriber-only stuff or the content without any ads mucking things us. Possibly both.

It’s on the list.

And, as always, thanks for reading!



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

FBI’s Wardrobe Dep’t Has Trump-Supporter Costumes?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-22 22:00 +0000

The FBI had inserted players “to look like Trump supporters,” inside the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, before the invasion began. How do I know this?

I know it because FBI director Wray could have said NO when Senator Rand Paul repeatedly asked him, at a hearing, if the FBI had players inside the Capitol Building to appear as Trump supporters before the invasion began.

So simple. If the answer were actually NO, Wray would have uttered it. Instead, he began by saying, “It is policy not to give away the locations of agents (etc, etc.).” He finally told Paul he would get back to him later with more detail.

No need to get back, Mr. Wray. We got it. It’s under control. Clear as crystal. Thank you for telling us. This is extremely important information. It colors everything.


Thank you, too, Senator Paul. Thanks for putting the question in such a way. God knows you are always on the case.


NH Layperson, future Speaker of the House

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

High School Girls Cross-Country Team is Headed to State Championships … Thanks to a Boy Pretending to be a Girl

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-22 20:30 +0000

Aspen Hoffman is a boy. In Boy’s High School track, he’s ranked 56th at best and possibly 72nd, according to this report. But as a girl, he’s number one. And thanks to the State having no requirement for trans surgery or even hormone therapy, “Aspen” can keep his junk and his first-place finish.

Washington’s Seattle Academy High School girls’ cross-country team qualified for the state championship thanks to trans student, Aspen Hoffman.


I’d expect a few folks to look at this and say, ‘hey, this is a big opportunity for all the biological girls on that team who might not have made states without Hoffman.’ To that, I’d respond, so you are saying that these young women cannot succeed without help from a penis?

I can hear both factions of feminista’ losing their minds. The Trans-Feminists who support men parroting the female stereotypes they claim to abhor are pissed, as are the feminists who oppose allowing men to pretend to be women, especially where they put girls or women at risk or deny them an opportunity for success.

But they’re not the only ones with a grievance.


“[Hoffman] is larger than any of the girls, and shamelessly takes 1st place on the podium. Now my daughter is competing against a male for scholarships. And we can’t even say anything. You can’t even approach it in a nice way without being labeled a hateful bigot. You will get threats against you,” said one father.


Not to worry, he might be ogling them in “their” lockerroom the same way that “Lia” Thomas does.  And no, you can’t say a damn thing about it.


Parents are terrified to even raise concerns about Hoffman’s presence on the girls’ team. Another parent noted, “parents are upset but they know it has to go to the state committee, which isn’t politics, it’s the state high school board, and unless there’s any kind of pressure put on them to change the rule nothing’s going to happen.”


What is the rule? There isn’t one. None.  Washington followed the IOC’s watered-down walk backs on the question of men competing as women.


In 2007, the Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) adopted the International Olympic Committee’s position, which stated that trans individuals could participate in sports in their reassigned gender, provided they had undergone surgery and a minimum of two years of hormone treatments. Then in 2018, WIAA updated its policy lifting the surgical component, “an MTF [Male to Female] student must have one calendar year of medically documented testosterone suppression therapy to be eligible to participate on a female team, consistent with WIAA policy.” However, in 2021 they disregarded all scientific reasoning and eliminated all requirements related to medical evaluation and hormone therapy.


Hoffman’s victory can only encourage more mediocre males to gender-bend their way onto female teams in search of stolen athletic glory. And they don’t even have to stop being sexually attracted to their teammates to do it.

And it is a hill on which Democrats are willing to die.

Did anyone with a wife, sister, or daughter want to rethink their votes on November 8th?

Anyone? Bueller?



HT | Libs of Tik Tok

The post High School Girls Cross-Country Team is Headed to State Championships … Thanks to a Boy Pretending to be a Girl appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont Man Who Created the Most Misogynistic, Sexist, Anti Women Cartoon Imaginable Invited to Read to Children at NH Public Library

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-22 19:00 +0000

At first, it reads like an innocent, happy event. “Join Emoji Nightmare and Katniss Everqueer, two of Vermont’s favorite drag queens, as they [as they] share stories and do a craft. Fun for the whole family!” [Warning: Adult Langauge/Topic]

We want to thank Verita Indago for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

So reads the glowing event coverage written by a Kilton Public Library employee about a visit by Vermont man Justin Marsh who appeared in the drag persona he calls Emoji Nightmare.

“See more about Emoji and Katniss on InstaGLAM: @dragstoryhour.vt.”,

It’s not all happy rainbows and exclamation points after this. If you search for Emoji Nightmare on Instagram or you will see the most misogynistic, grotesque and hateful representation of a woman that can be imagined. If a professor were to ask their class to draw an image to convey the most extreme hatred and disrespect towards women, they could do no better than the cartoon character Justin Marsh created called Cumsterella, who is part of a musical project he created called Cum Dumpster.

Cumsterella depicts a crawling, naked woman with a trash dumpster for a head who has been ejaculated on (considering how she is shown to be dripping with semen and her dumpster head is overflowing) by what appears to be hundreds or thousands of men.

If the Justin Marsh/Emoji Nightmare wanted to tell the world how much he considered women to be trash and nothing more than a receptacle of male bodily fluid, this is the way to do it. Don’t tell me it’s just a joke. I’ve had it with jokes where women are the butt of the joke; this is no joke. It’s classic textbook misogyny. Where is the outrage?!

This is the artist who was invited by the Kilton Public Library in Lebanon, NH to read to children. Where are the feminists? Why are they silent?

In the new culture wars battling all around us, they seem to have been muted by a kind of battered women’s syndrome. Everyone is afraid to speak up and say something about Mr. Marsh/Ms. Nightmare being an obviously nightmarish choice for someone to read to children. Everyone that is but the brave Robert Nied, a former library trustee in Chester, Vermont who confronted this issue in May 2022.

Mr.Neid, who prides himself in carrying himself in the increasingly rare attributes of acting in a reasonable, calm, and professional manner, urged that an event featuring Mr Marsh/ Ms Nightmare reading to children in his community library simply be paused while the trustees took some time to think about it.

In his comments about it, he alluded to the Cumsterella cartoon displayed on the performer’s social media page. After that, he was attacked in ways he never expected. Neid soon after described them in his resignation letter as “unprecedented in their hostility, baseless, uninformed, untruthful and some are motivated by personal malice. In the last several days, I have faced insults shouted from a passing car and several public comments that cross the line into defamatory.”.

Neid was not alone in resigning from the Whiting Library Board. Five other trustees, nearly the entire board, and a librarian also resigned amid the fallout of his one suggestion that the library pause the proposed event, an entirely appropriate and responsible concern, and one that any good library trustee would advise.

But wait, there’s more;

The Lebanon Public Libraries are dedicated to creating a culture of inclusion for every attendee, regardless of age, race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or spiritual belief.”

You can have a culture of inclusion in Lebanon, NH, unless you are a woman deeply offended by Mr. Marsh/Ms. Nightmare’s disgusting “art”. No culture of inclusion for you! You don’t matter, not to the performer or the people running the Kilton Public Library in Lebanon. They probably think they are kind and super aware and well-educated people but in reality, their actions are tone deaf and cruel, and they are too arrogant to consider otherwise.

So cruelly arrogant and blind, they see no hypocritical irony in reminding the public that they will not allow any discord or disagreement of any kind that could be considered biased language.Try it and you will be expelled immediately. Never forget, ladies-we do not matter to the powers that be who run the Kilton Public Library in Lebanon. Kindly be a lady and shut up and go along with (and pay for via taxation) this abuse happily or else you will be kicked out.

Please note, any homophobic, racist, sexist, or otherwise biased language will not be tolerated. Any attendee who uses such language will be immediately removed from the event.”


Location: Kilton Community Room Event Type: Children’s Programming“ This is a ridiculous farce. It’s bullying and forcing silence in the face of disgusting insults to all women. Its bullying that is also the heihght of cowardise, of hiding behinda sexual minority group that cannot be critisized. Enough. It’s time to evolve beyond this societal dysfunction that allows abuse to fester unchecked. Years ago, people would have known this innately without needing it pointed out to them by me or anyone else but now, we are not just being told to be silent, we must pretend not to notice being made into the worst possible kind of sexualized joke. Don’t continue going along with it like it’s nothing. Wake up! Be courageous! Say something! Nobody should get a pass for making offencive epiteths against women simply because they personally belong to a sexual minotrity but that is exactly what happened in Lebanon this past weekend. Do not leave this kind of world to our daughters and granddaughters!

The post Vermont Man Who Created the Most Misogynistic, Sexist, Anti Women Cartoon Imaginable Invited to Read to Children at NH Public Library appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Why do we never believe them?” – From The Stew Peters Network: ‘Died Suddenly’ – Watch It Now!

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-22 17:30 +0000

The Stew Peters Network has officially launched the documentary movie “Died Suddenly,” and you can watch it here.

Related: Sudden COVID Vaccine Death Syndrome (SCVDS)

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.

They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

[This film is not suitable for children]


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The post “Why do we never believe them?” – From The Stew Peters Network: ‘Died Suddenly’ – Watch It Now! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This is How Biden Sees Fair Share

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-22 16:00 +0000

Joe Biden has been talking about the “fair share” for years,

usually when he talks about the rich paying their Federal taxes. Nobody defines fair share because there is no number to define such an abstract variable. Is it 15%, 25%, or 40%? Who knows because Joe does not know himself? There is no answer, but Biden knows that bringing up the subject gets his side riled up because “fair” is one thing they love. Joe never mentions that 50% of the population pays no taxes, but they are the recipients of the bulk of the social benefits. Maybe while we are talking fairness, how about Joe Biden disclose all of the monies that were funneled to him through his Son, Hunter? The Biden Cartel received millions in the last decade, yet none has been reported as income. So that harkens to the question: What is your fair share, Joe?

Taxes are not the only situation where fairness should be considered. For the last year, Joe Biden has been pledging billions of dollars in weapons and aid to the Ukraine government battling for its life and sovereignty. Nobody will argue that Ukraine and her people do not deserve our support, but let’s look at how countries worldwide are stepping up to give their “fair share.” Biden has claimed that he has used his years of experience and influence to unite the world, especially the NATO members. The irrational actions of Vladimir Putin directly threaten them. Yet, as usual, the United States is carrying the world on its back.

With the $39 Billion that Biden requested last week, the United States has given Ukraine nearly $100 Billion in military equipment and monetary aid. The rest of the countries combine for less than $40 Billion. See the image below and look at how much the rest of the free world thinks of Ukraine and its struggle for existence. There is very little accounting for where are dollars have gone or are used for, which is a serious problem and will probably force the new Congress to halt future funding. This sets up a battle between the Biden Administration and the House. This is especially true after General Milley announced last week that the United States was in for the long haul, and there was no limit to what it will cost.

This comment by Milley was wrong and should not have come from someone in the Pentagon. He is talking about spending our money as if the amount is trivial and the supply unending. This discussion of finances went on while Biden was pledging our money to the Climate Culture crowd like a drunken sailor on leave. He is talking about $100 billion dollars for a cause that most of America do not believe is a crisis. A good portion of these funds would go to underdeveloped countries as reparations. Why do countries that have grown and bettered themselves owe countries that have been content living in the past? It isn’t very smart, and the new Congress in January will not let Biden make good on these pledges. Thank God for even a slim majority in the House.

While world leaders are throwing money at Ukraine and Climate Change, people will be freezing to death in the United States and Europe because the cost of fuel and food is forcing them to make a decision; food or fuel. This winter brings a real existential threat to these people while our politicians are too busy to deal with reality. It is past time to reel these faux leaders in. January 3rd is when we start.



The post This is How Biden Sees Fair Share appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Breaking: NH’s Property Developer/Political Laundromat Continues to Thrive:

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-22 14:30 +0000

New Hampshire’s Executive Council will vote today on whether to launder tax dollars into the pocket of a well-heeled Republican donor.

This story is developing, but here are the basics from a reader.


Steve Duprey purchased a vacant building called Granite One in Concord for  about 2.9 million in June ’22. The parking garage was in horrible shape so it needed a new one.

The best place to build it is where the Attorney General’s office is, so we spend $1 million to tear down a building worth $ 4.8 million and now need to relocate the NH DOJ .

Duprey *offers* to lease the state his building for $3.5million/year for a 20 YEAR LEASE ($70M) or to sell it to the state for $15 Million.

The lease is a triple net lease which means the state pays all maintenance all repairs and all taxes in addition to rent.


Duprey is a wealthy former NH RNC Committeeman and a long-time RINO donor to suitable candidates (mostly Republicans, but he’s donated a few bucks to Dems like Dan Feltes and Andru Volinsky). And not all RINOs, if you care. But if the Executive Council approves any version of this plan, Steve Duprey will be rewarded for his commitment to the Granite State’s crony politics laundromat. Your tax dollars to donors through (in this case) what appears to be unnecessary and very expensive development.

And if this is all correct, and this story is still developing, the only winner, in my opinion, is Duprey.


Link added:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Failed Democrat Candidate Demands I Censor A Grokster Who Wrote About Her – Fat Chance!

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-22 13:00 +0000

It was Stephen Scaer’s post about Elle Gallo that got her “copyright demand panties” in a wad. Once again, we see that yet another “transgender activist” can’t STAND that someone has an opinion that varies from theirs.  Go ahead and read Stephen’s post and then come back. I’ll wait…

So now, having read Stephen’s post, you know that Elle Gallo censored his speech a first time by “canceling” his billboard “speech” about the issues surrounding transgenderism of minor children.  So she “stalked” him (see, two can play this game!) and followed him from the billboard to GraniteGrok. She then found me and decided to submit a demand of me – to censor Stephen a second time (emphasis mine):

—— Original Message ——
From: “Elle Gallo” <>
To: “” <>
Sent: 11/21/2022 7:04:18 PM
Subject: Copyright/article 11/21

Dear Skip,

Steven Scaer has copied information and images from my website that are subject to copyright restrictions.  Please immediately remove his opinion piece dated November 21, 2022 “Derry Dem Saves Citizens from Dangerous Book”.

I look forward to your response.

Thank you,
Elle Gallo

Silly person – she failed to read our FAQs concerning emails sent to any of we Groksters:

Anything you send us is fair game and may be used on the site. Exceptions to this policy include if you ask us not to; however, if we judge the email to be nasty, we may still publish it to skewer poor judgment or lack of critical thinking.

And so I have. And in my judgement as the Beneficent Dictator of GraniteGrok, I judged it’s intent to be “nasty” given that I am a Free Speech supporter – demanding that someone be censored isn’t in my wheelhouse except for a very few reasons (e.g., Adult themes but kid friendly).

So I decided to send a response – and to be technically correct, a commentary on both her email above and on Stephen’s post’s commentary:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: “Elle Gallo” <>
Sent: 11/22/2022 1:48:10 AM
Subject: Re: Copyright/article 11/21

Dear Ms. Gallo,

I have reviewed your email below as well as Mr. Scaer’s post (he is BCC’d on this email) and I have a few thoughts.

It is clear that he has commented about information located on your NH House campaign site (from Derry) that you put out for public review. Thus, his actions are a valid expression of protected Speech under the First Amendment as well as Articles 22 and 30 of the NH Constitution. It is called “public discourse” – a fundamental part of American civics and governance. While you do have a copyright notice at the bottom of your campaign website (now, only a single page), do you know anything of what is known as the Fair Use doctrine when it comes to such material?

In essence, it is legal for others to extract/abstract limited parts of a larger work (e.g., your public political page) with the intent to report upon your words and/or to formulate any kind of commentary upon your speech. In this case, your political stances and actions. Just because the material is copyrighted does not mean that an iron dome now surrounds it that prevents any commentary by others, either in support of or against it. Others are allowed to express their opinions on it.

If you look at the totality of his post, his limited abstraction of your speech pales in comparison to his commentary upon it. It passes muster.

Please also remember that as you voluntarily decided to run for public office, you became a “public person” making it much more likely that others would comment on your political ideas and stances. Thus, it is also legal for him to use your image in identifying you and to further identify you with your own speech.

Reverse the position – the part of your website that mentioned his copyrighted speech (the billboard). Should he have brought a demand that you erase any mention of your “erasing” his speech?  Of course not (although he might be able to bring an action for other reasons).

However, you took it upon yourself not to debate his speech, as he has done, but to “silence” his speech. You didn’t just comment upon his speech as he did on yours – you had him CENSORED.  Is this what an NH State Representative is supposed to do (even though you were not successful: – and then boast about it? And how would you have justified your action given the Oath of Office you would have had to take (NH Constitution, Part Second, Article 84) in which you would have sworn allegiance to the Constitution before taking your House seat:

I, A.B. do solemnly swear, that I will bear faith and true allegiance to the United States of America and the state of New Hampshire, and will support the constitution thereof. So help me God.

You admit his post was an “opinion piece” – again, protected Constitutional speech. You silenced him once and now you are demanding that *I* be your instrument by which you would strip Mr. Scaer of his Free Speech a second time?

So what is my response to your demand (far better than what you did to Mr. Scaer)?


He caught you red-handed and embarrassed you with your own words about your own actions.  You admitted to what you did to him – and now you want to hide it? Oh, WAIT!  You have!  Why DID you remove that part of your campaign website that he screenshotted?

(click to embiggen)

I searched your website – and it is gone. Ashamed of what you did?

Man up and own up to what you did to him – or does “responsibility” not exist in your vocabulary?  In fact, you ought to be apologizing to him.

And to be sure, I WILL be posting this response on GraniteGrok in the morning.  Welcome to the Streisand Effect (you can look it up on GraniteGrok), Ms. Gallo.

Oh, one last thing – nice linking to DerryUnited from your website. I dryly note that it, too, is copyrighted yet you used all of its information. Should they be demanding that you take down your use of their information for campaign purposes (heh!)?


Skip Murphy
Founder, co-owner |

No, as a public person, she can’t just say that you cannot quote what I have put out there for all to see. You ran on it so ANYONE gets to comment on it.

Yes, I stand behind Stephen and his right to comment on Elle Gallo’s stances, ideas, and speech. This is the ESSENCE of our democratic process (seeing that “our democracy” [as the Democrats kept yammering about all during this election cycle as if America would be only a burning husk if they didn’t keep their political power] – and this Democrat wants to have it both ways at the same time:

*I* can talk but you can’t.  That’s saving Our Democracy.

Sorry, that makes HER the dangerous and extremist person in all this.

So, Elle Gallo – when did you decide that your mission in life was to be “Karen the Censor”?

And yes, snark and satire is a vital part of Free Speech, Ms. Gallo.

The post Failed Democrat Candidate Demands I Censor A Grokster Who Wrote About Her – Fat Chance! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GrokFOOD: Share a Thanksgiving Side Dish Recipe with Our Readers

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-22 11:30 +0000

I give thanks every day, but every November, we set aside a day to do it as a nation. Part of this tradition involves lots of food. Turkey, Stuffing or dressing, cranberry, potatoes, yams, squash (pretzels, popcorn, toast, and jellybeans).

You may also have a friend group that celebrates yearly, and no, that’s not Friendsgiving. It’s Thanksgiving. The Indians and pilgrims celebrated the harvest as friends despite being quite different so please call it what it is.

Some folks (families or friends) will also have a special side dish or two that is traditional in their family. Maybe it’s something they make for their table or bring to someone else’s as a guest.

So what is it? Is it a side dish, a certain type of dessert, a snack platter, or even a beverage?

We’d like you to share yours with our readers, including the recipe if you want. You can leave it in the comments or email it to me, and I’ll add it to a comment for you. It should be something you have to make not buy prepared.

At my house, we try to do a different extra dish every year so that it’s never the same thing twice in a row. I do not know what that is yet for this year (even though I do the majority of the food shopping for our family.



The post GrokFOOD: Share a Thanksgiving Side Dish Recipe with Our Readers appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Iranian Revolution Is Not Just a Political Revolution, It Is a Full-Fledged Renaissance against Islam

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-22 02:30 +0000

Nearly 1400 years ago, a group of nomads from across the scorching Arabian Desert conquered Persia (Iran), the greatest empire known in the history of mankind. With that, they injected their Islamic virus into the veins of their victim: the Iranian people.

1400 years later, in a show of solidarity, the people of Iran have risen and stand shoulder to shoulder to defeat the virulent disease of Islam. The Iranian revolution is not just a political revolution; it is a full-fledged renaissance against Islam.

I translate the image below: “I am glad I live in an era when Islam will depart Iran forever. The Iranian retaliation, after 1400 years.”

“I am glad I live in an era when Islam will depart Iran forever. The Iranian retaliation, after 1400 years.”

And many more comments like that have come directly from Iran and Iranian teenagers. As I predicted 40 years ago, when I started to write about Islam, this imposed ideology will be terminated in my lifetime. I am glad I am alive to see it happening. I am glad I was part of it and made a difference. “WOMAN, LIFE, FREEDOM.”

Translation of the image below: “Due to lack of cameras to register Islam’s historical events 1400 years ago, you can now witness (watch) the pure form of Muhammadan Islam in Mahabad, Iran, in action.” (And for that matter, everywhere else in Iran where the forces of the Islamic Republic are savagely murdering Iranian people) . “Due to lack of cameras to register Islam’s historical events 1400 years ago, you can now witness (watch) the pure form of Muhammadan Islam in Mahabad, Iran, in action.”

The post The Iranian Revolution Is Not Just a Political Revolution, It Is a Full-Fledged Renaissance against Islam appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Exodus Redux, Trump Style

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-22 01:00 +0000

Like Moses leading his people out of Egypt,

Donald Trump single-handedly guided a progressively repressed America to the brink of a new promised land. In 2015 Trump was maligned by the Republican establishment and left for dead by Hillary Clinton and the Washington DC Deep State.

We want to thank James Betti for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to
Review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

But miraculously, Trump opened the Red Sea of the Republican primary and general election, won the presidency, and brought together a new coalition of blue-collar and traditional Americans. Over the next four years, he was brutally and dishonestly attacked. His progressive/ deep state enemies tried to take down his presidency {think Russiagate}, but by putting America first, Trump was able to change the nation and the world.

His foreign policy projected strength but, at the same time, made the rest of the world pay their fair share. He constrained China’s ambition, North Korea’s paranoia, and Iran’s terrorism, and his Middle East peace accords were masterful. He removed foolish business regulations, demanded fair free trade {think new NAFTA}, and the stock market soared. The military was rebuilt, and the borders were sealed. And America was safer. Trump kept inflation in check and called out the deep state, ensuring American retirement savings were safe and Americans would not be illegally abused by a corrupt DOJ/FBI.

In early 2020, like a biblical plague, the Coronavirus came.

Instead of recommending protecting the at-risk population and keeping the country/schools open, panic overtook our leaders, and the nation was shut down. Trump quickly realized the disastrous consequences of this action and gave the ok to reopen, but the power to make it happen was at the level of State government. Governors {mostly progressive} declared an emergency, suspended constitutional rights, and forced shutdowns of all nonessential work. The main CDC spokesman was Dr. Fauci, who, by refusing to acknowledge the entire effect of the pandemic and ignoring the harm created by his draconian recommendations, violated his Hippocratic oath of “Do no harm.” Thousands of small businesses were forced to close and never reopened. Untold numbers of not-at-risk children were deprived of socialization and education. Suicide and drug use rates soared. And an entire generation of children is 2-3 years behind in learning, and most will never catch up.

Some States refused to buckle to the intense politically motivated progressive intimidation. Florida, Texas, and Georgia come to mind. Their businesses stayed open, and their children stayed in school. And the virus mortality rate was no different.

The progressives and the media blamed President Trump for every virus death.

The election was on, and candidate Joe Biden was sequestered in his Delaware home, hiding his clear cognitive dysfunction and ineptitude and, most importantly, deceiving the country by pretending to be moderate “Scranton Joe.” The corrupt FBI, now exposed as trying to bury the Hunter Biden laptop, warned tech titans of impending Russian disinformation, and when the Hunter Biden laptop surfaced, all reference to it was suppressed. President Donald Trump was removed from all social media and, in effect, banned from the public square. Fifty former intelligence officers penned a letter opining the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. Despite knowing the letter was felonious, AG Barr and FBI Director Wray refused to set the record straight. Likewise, Pfizer held up the announcement of the world-saving Covid 19 vaccine until after the election.

The fix was in, and when the votes were counted, Joe Biden was elected president. The election was dirty-trick legal but clearly was not fair. Polls show if the public knew the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop, 6% would have changed their vote, shifting the election to Trump.

If Donald Trump had exited office in silence,

he would be the overwhelming favorite to be the next president of the United States, but he didn’t; and in what can only be described as an irrational rage, he refused to acknowledge that it was progressive unethical dirty-tricks, not widespread voter fraud, that had taken him down.

On January 6th, 2021, Americans who sensed how unfair the 2020 election was, marched on Washington, DC.  Trump knew there might be trouble and authorized the National Guard to be called out, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi, hoping for chaos, refused to give it an okay. There was a riot and a breach of the capital building. President Trump was blamed, and very powerful forces fabricated a now-debunked bogus death of a policeman, armed insurrection narrative.

Trump survived the ridiculous impeachment attempt but never let go of the unfair 2020 election. Over the next 18 months, the country radically changed. The fossil fuel industry was systematically destroyed. The price of home heating oil doubled, gas topped out at five dollars a gallon, and electrical rates skyrocketed. This, combined with massive spending, sparked the worst inflation in over 40 years. Crime runs rampant in major progressive cities; the southern border is nonexistent, with 5 million illegals having crossed along with American youth killing fentanyl and child sex traffickers. The world is on fire with Russia invading Ukraine and China eyeing Taiwan.

During the buildup to the 2022 midterm elections, President Trump demanded total fealty on his election-denying claims. Anyone who did not kiss the ring was fed to Trump’s base, and few survived.

Then the 2022 midterms happened, and it became clear that American independent voters, who decide elections, voted against their children’s future and America’s best interest to take down almost all of Trump’s handpicked election-denying nominees. And that independent voters are never again going to allow the post-Jan 6th, 2021, Donald Trump to have power.

Just like the great prophet Moses, who led his people for 40 years in the desert, and who God did not allow to enter the promised land; the political forces of the universe are not going to allow the post-Jan 6th 2021, Donald Trump, to lead the coalition he created, into the promised land of America’s renewal.

There are some caveats.

On November 15th, 2022, a very different Donald Trump announced his candidacy to be the next President of the USA. The election-denying bitterness was replaced by a sharply focused, forward-looking vision of how to return America to greatness. Viewers of the speech cannot help but wonder how big the Republican Senate majority would be if this version of Trump had emerged from the unfair, dirty-trick 2020 Presidential election. But few believe Donald Trump has the discipline to reign in his mercurial personality and maintain his newfound political balance. Even if he could maintain his newfound focus, Trump-hating Republicans and similarly-minded independent voters will be almost impossible to win back.

Many in the Republican party and in the nation appear ready to move on from Donald Trump. Not because of his record {there is none better}, but simply because of his aggressiveness and post-2020 election behavior.

If Trump attacks, emerging MAGA leaders will be best served by not engaging

and instead, give Trump credit for what he has done for our nation and the Republican party. All the while reminding the voters it is time to build on Trump’s legacy and move on to a new-generation MAGA candidate. If Donald Trump does, without substance, ratchet up his rhetoric, he will diminish; eventually devolving into irrelevance.

But if any of the rising MAGA leaders show fealty to the old elite Republican establishment,

kowtowing to Ivy League Wall Street elites {Karl Rove types} and turning their backs on noncollege-educated blue-collar American workers, the new MAGA coalition will turn away and turn back to the one person who led them into a land where promises made, were promises kept.

It is time to make America Great Again! 2024 will come faster than you think!! Never give up!!!



The post Exodus Redux, Trump Style appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

AG Garland is Nothing More Than A Pawn

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-21 23:30 +0000

If there is one thing we need to thank Mitch McConnell for is that he never allowed Merrick Garland a chance to become a member of the Supreme Court.

Barack Obama had nominated Garland in 2016, his last year in office, and under intense pressure, McConnell never allowed the Senate to begin hearings to approve Garland to the Court. Garland has shown that he can be manipulated and would have been a progressive pawn on the Supreme Court.

I was most aggravated by Garland’s actions last week, but my angst with him goes back much further. Garland has done more harm to his office and the country but his failure to act than the ways he has. One of Garland’s most egregious acts was his part in the teacher’s union’s involvement during the Pandemic. Garland allowed his office to get involved in the union’s insistence that schools remain closed even after the CDC had said it was safe to reopen.

This came on the heels of Garland weaponizing the Justice Department and the FBI against parents who protested too robustly at school board meetings. His actions were in response to parents being outraged that they were blocked from involvement in the children’s education process. These parents were irate that CRT was taught in public schools, that children were being exposed to sexual topics in elementary grades, and that children were being counseled on transgender issues without parental consent. Garland refused to resign when called to during Congressional hearings.

Some of the worst situations, where Garland has refused to involve his Justice Department is investigating the FBI’s involvement in the Russian Dosier, Hunter Biden and possible participation of Joe Biden in money laundering and tax evasion, and the protests and assassination attempt of Supreme Court Justices after the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Garland was quick to act to have the FBI invade Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago. As soon as Trump announced he would run to regain the Presidency, Garland announced the appointment of two Special Counsels to investigate the former President for his part in the January 6 attack on the Capitol and the possession of top secret documents from his Presidency. These actions were done to embarrass Trump and to stymie any possible run for President.

Garland has proven to be an inconsistent and inept Attorney General and leader of the Justice Department. He is weak and can be manipulated at will. He has shown that the President can use his office, the Justice Department, and the Intelligence Agencies to target the American people and political foes.

One of the many promises Joe Biden made upon taking office was that he would not interfere in the function of the Attorney or Justice Department. That promise was hollow and false. He has used or blocked them in far too many instances to list. This manipulation of the Justice Department, FBI, and CIA has placed a shade of doubt on the honesty and integrity of them and the President. With the Republicans taking back the House, we may get some answers, and hopefully, many will be held accountable. Only if we can put a face to the questions and issues we know have been mishandled can we start building confidence in these essential facets of our government.

The post AG Garland is Nothing More Than A Pawn appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Insufferable Climate Hypocrite John Kerry Caught COVID at COP27

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-21 22:00 +0000

Nations gathered for the COP 27 Climate Conference are on the brink of agreeing to a world Welfare package that redistributes wealth from Western countries to third-world countries. John Kerry has been talking about how to do this for decades. But there’s a catch. Kerry tested positive for COVID at the Conference.

Related: The Goal of the “Climate Change” Movement (Ironically) is a Political Climate in Which Nothing Changes

Everyone is worried (OMG!) that vaccinated and boosted special envoy John Kerry has been infecting all the other vaccinated and boosted attendees. Or are they more concerned that it might make it impossible to reach an agreement on world welfare in the name of climate reparations?


“He is fully vaccinated and boosted and experiencing mild symptoms. He is working with his negotiations team and foreign counterparts by phone to ensure a successful outcome of COP27,” Kerry’s spokeswoman Whitney Smith wrote in a statement late on Friday.

Loss and damage remains the main sticking point between rich and poor nations, particularly the issue of how to compensate countries that have already been ravaged by climate-driven floods, droughts, mega-storms and wildfires.


I could remind everyone that there is no evidence of man-made “climate-driven floods, droughts, mega-storms and wildfires.” And this “use the climate as a global wealth redistribution plan” has been on John Kerry’s lips for longer than I’ve been blogging. Obama was also a big supporter, and it came up numerous times, but they never had the gas to get it done right.

COP27 appears to be the time and place, but Kerry got himself the COVID.

Thank god for modern communications infrastructure made possible by climate fuels. They are still all in on it but will the divided US Senate pass any such treaty, and, better yet, would a Republican majority House fund it?

Given the current inflation and fiat money, I’m hoping the answer is no. Still, we’re always just one stolen election away from another Democrat majority, so stay frosty, my friends (except my friends in Buffalo. You need to keep warm).

Good thing shoveling is exercise, which will keep you toasty as long as you’re bundled up for all the six feet of climate change you just got.


The post Insufferable Climate Hypocrite John Kerry Caught COVID at COP27 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Boston Schools Fulfill A Long Standing Admonition FOR US! – Stack of Stuff Part 27

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-21 20:30 +0000

When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” – sometimes attributed to Thomas Jefferson

So, let’s get to it – once again as my collection of educational posts has been growing out of control. And in many cases, reformatted here and emphasis mine.  So the Boston School District is fearing its Parents? Good! After all, who really is supposed to be in charge?

  • Boston schools panic over lawsuits by parental rights group

The trend of American public schools turning into radical liberal indoctrination centers that defy the rights of parents to control how their children are raised has been ramping up for some time now. But in recent years, encouraging signs have been observed as parents have sought ways to reassert their rights. Some have opted to abandon public schools, choosing either private schools or homeschooling for their kids. Others have run for and won seats on school boards to retake control of the curriculum and school policies. But a group called Parents Defending Education has adopted a far more confrontational approach. They have identified incidents where schools are promoting racism, transgender ideology, and the sexualization of children and have taken the school districts to court to stop it. They’ve been particularly active in Massachusetts lately and, as the Boston Globe reports, the schools are growing increasingly anxious in fear that any of them might be next.

An increasingly active right-leaning nonprofit called Parents Defending Education filed a federal civil rights complaint against Newton North High School last month, alleging that a student-led theater production broke the law by limiting auditions to people of color only.

The same group sued Wellesley Public Schools last year for alleged illegal discrimination when Wellesley High School hosted a forum for Asian students and students of color to discuss a mass shooting at an Asian massage parlor in Atlanta. The teacher who organized the session wrote that it was “*not* for students who identify only as White.”

So far, the national group has identified 43 “incidents” in which they say Massachusetts schools inappropriately — or even illegally — taught students about race, sexual orientation, or gender, setting school districts across the Commonwealth on edge that they might be sued next.

Sounds like good people to know! Go read the rest of the post. “Reverse Rascism” is still racism and it still it is wrong no matter what the SJWs/BLMs want us to believe. Breaking the Law on behalf of their Wokeness ideology is still breaking the Law. Even if it is President Asterisk’s:

  • District court strikes down Biden rules permitting males in female sports

A federal district court determined Friday that “sex” should not be defined to include “sexual identity” or “gender identity” in federal statues. The ruling, from the court case Neese v. Becerra, sets legal groundwork for restricting women’s sports at colleges and elsewhere to biological females. The ruling, which revolved around a Biden administration regulation that required medical professionals to provide transgender healthcare services, also struck down related rules that would require female scholastic sports to be open to men who identify as women. That’s because in both cases, the Biden administration argued that Title IX’s prohibition on sex discrimination applied to “gender identity” and “sexual orientation.”

Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative legal nonprofit, filed an amicus brief that argued against that interpreation. It represented two collegiate athletes in the brief – Maddie Dichiara at the University of Houston, Madison Kenyon at Idaho State University and high school long jumper Chelsea Mitchell. However, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Amarillo Division, decided that “because Title IX does not protect ‘sexual orientation’ or ‘gender identity’ status, neither does Section 1557,” according to its Friday ruling. The ruling also entails that Title IX does not guarantee the rights of males to participate in female sports teams, according to ADF.

“Title IX’s protections center on differences between the two biological sexes—not SOGI [sexual orientation and gender identity] status,” the court wrote in its opinion. “Title IX expressly allows sex distinctions and sometimes even requires them to promote equal opportunity… Defendants’ theory actively ‘undermine[s] one of [Title IX’s] major achievements, giving young women an equal opportunity to participate in sports.”Even more, “the Defendants’ reinterpretation of Title IX through the Notification imperils the very opportunities for women Title IX was designed to promote and protect—categorically forcing biological women to compete against biological men,” the court wrote.

And let NO AGE be young enough for schools to indoctrinate YOUR children into their sexuality moral code – and dismissing yours with disdain:

  • Maryland school district unveils LGBTQ propaganda targeting toddlers with highly sexual concepts

The largest school system in Maryland has unveiled a new book list loaded with LGBT-activist propaganda aimed at elementary schools and tailored to children as young as 4. The objective of the sexual content is to “reduce stigmatization and marginalization of transgender and gender nonconforming students.”

And instead, stigmatize those of Faith, especially Parents, that hold traditional values concerning sexuality.

Fox News Digital reported that a recent Montgomery County Public Schools PowerPoint presentation referenced a set of activist books that will be distributed to classrooms, from pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. The books seek to undermine the concept of a gender binary at an early age and immerse children in the vernacular of LGBT activists, teaching toddlers words like “drag queen” and “intersex.”

Pre-kindergarteners will read or be read “Pride Puppy!” a book about a young child celebrating “Pride Day” with his grandfather. It is touted as an “affirming and inclusive book that offers a joyful glimpse of a Pride parade and the vibrant community that celebrates this day each year. Kindergarteners (i.e., children ages 5 and 6) will take a break from learning to tie their shoes and mastering the alphabet to read “Uncle Bobby’s Wedding,” a book about a gay wedding. Move over, “Clifford the Big Red Dog.” First-graders will read “Intersection Allies,” a “gleeful entry into intersectional feminism for kids … offering an opportunity to … connect to collective struggle for justice.”

…MCPS pre-K teachers were provided with a resource guide linking them to the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s glossary of “LGBTQ+ words.” Accordingly, teachers can provide toddlers with activist-approved definitions for words such as: “non-binary”; “transgender”; “pansexual”; “cisgender”; and “gender expression.”

Can’t get much more blatant than that, can they?  Yes, read that whole post as well.  And I can assure you that this next School Board will not warm the cockles of your hearts:

  • More School Board craziness

…In today’s edition Chaya documents how one school board in Michigan has appointed a truly scary new “Trustee,” as they style their School Board members. The Dryden Community Schools decided to appoint  a young man with a substantial TikTok following to their Board, putting him on several committees. The school board had a seat open due to the resignation of a member, and they tapped Austin Grondin. The young man, Austin Grodin, “describes himself as “chaotic evil” and “unhinged” while posting pictures and videos filled with offensive language and sexually inappropriate attire.”

Chaotic evil and unhinged do not seem to be characteristics desirable in a school board member. Just sayin’. The former student/now school board member is an advocate of using the term “homophobic” as a weapon even in cases where it does not apply. He admits as much in one of his TikTok videos. Clearly he is a role model for the ages and representative of the larger community.

This is a verbal blackmailing abuser that is now a school board member. Nice philosophy, there, dude:

Perhaps that is how he got the gig? Through a sort of blackmail of threatening the committee with slander should they not appoint him? Who knows?…What I do know is that the ideological Left doesn’t hesitate a moment to pick these fights and dare parents to fight back. And fighting back is exhausting and time consuming. There will be acrimonious school board meetings, endless articles about the racistsexist homophobictransphobic parents fighting progress. Even if they win, parents will have to keep fighting these fights.

Can’t even give a child an aspirin without parental consent but surgical mutilation of minors is just perfectly fine:

  • Tattoos are child abuse, but gender affirming surgery is not

We live in a society run by clowns. Totally, completely, thoughtlessly unserious people. The have replaced religion, tradition, and human reason with vague “feels” that are about as consistent as a 2 year-old’s identity preferences. I am a cow! Mooo! Superman! Fireman! A non-binary ghost-pronouned polycule Barbadian crypto-fraud! Children have the most amazing flexibility.

New York, home of some of the most radical gender politics in the country, also has some of the strictest laws against child mutilation. Because children are not old enough to make decisions such as getting a tattoo, even if they have their parents’ permission.

Last month, a 10-year-old boy walked into the nurse’s office of his elementary school in Highland, N.Y., and asked for some Vaseline. He wanted to rub it onto his new tattoo — a crude rendering of his name in large block letters on the inside of his forearm.

The nurse called the police.

The boy had gotten the tattoo with his mother’s permission from a neighbor, according to local authorities. While some states have no minimum age for receiving a tattoo if a parent allows it, New York State forbids anyone younger than 18 from getting tattooed with or without parental consent. Last month, both the tattoo artist, Austin Smith, 20, who was unlicensed, and the boy’s mother, Crystal Thomas, 33, were arrested, as pictures of the boy’s arm stirred outrage across local and international news sites and social media.

Now subject that boy to “bottom surgery” and his parents will be hailed as tenderly loving parents who wish to affirm their 10 year-old’s believe that he is now a she even as he can’t make up his mind over which cereal to have in the morning or which video game to buy. He’s called a MINOR for a reason as Society knows young kids don’t have the agency to decide on “important” stuff. Yet, with this overwhelming urge by sexuality activists tearing and shredding our norms, many just smile over ruining their lives by those that will never be held responsible for shoving this evil onto us.  And yes, I do mean evil in making young kids to believe they can be something that they can never be – and then never do a “reset” to go back to what they really are.

We’re back in the Middle Ages when people believed in stuff they shouldn’t have – but no one stands up now to tell these charlatans they are nothing more than grifting snake-oil salesmen.  After all:

  • THERE DOESN’T SEEM TO BE MUCH “MAY” ABOUT IT – Puberty Blockers May Have Severe Longterm Effects on Kids.

…Surprisingly, it’s the New York Times that published an in-depth piece seeking to answer the question: “They Paused Puberty, but Is There a Cost?” The cost not only comes in delayed sexual development but in serious effects such as permanently retarded bone growth, infertility, and potential retarded brain development.

“Many physicians in the United States and elsewhere are prescribing blockers to patients at the first stage of puberty — as early as age 8 — and allowing them to progress to sex hormones as soon as 12 or 13,” the Times said (emphasis added). But yet, “the United States had produced no data on the impact or safety of blockers, particularly among transgender patients under 12.”  There are 300,000 “trans” young Americans between the ages of 13 and 17, the Times reported, and an unknown number younger than that. That’s a whole lot of children potentially seeking these treatments.  So puberty blockers were being used on kids as young as eight, with no data on the safety and side effects?  How is that allowed?

There’s a lot in this Times article, including a lot of framing to make puberty blockers sound very helpful to a good many trans youth—for instance, by saying blockers can mitigate the high depression among “trans” kids. And the article does not mention certain important facts, such as that a recent projection estimated that transgender surgery will likely be a $5 billion industry by 2030 (from $1.9 billion in 2022), which indicates a high financial incentive. The Times also did not note that a majority—as much as 80%—of “trans” youth later change their minds and wish to return to their biological sex, though they are less likely to do so once they take puberty blockers. That said, the Times was far more honest than might have been expected, even putting potential harms toward the top of the article and alleged benefits much farther down.

Just another male “erasing” females in sports – and doing so with a self-righteous, self-glorifying sense of glee


A biological male won the women’s elite division of a cycling race in Massachusetts on Saturday. Austin Killips, who identifies as a transgender woman, won the Verge Northampton International Cyclocross held in Northampton.

* * * * * * * *

The wins were not the first by Killips this year. The cyclocross competitor has also kept biological women off the podium in other women’s races, including a third-place finish at the Women’s Elite Cyclocross in Rochester, New York, in September, along with two wins in other events in Massachusetts. Killips made headlines in 2019 as a cyclocross racer, later becoming the first biological male to race in the sport’s World Cup in the women’s field. In an interview on the topic, Killips called the achievement significant.

“I haven’t pored over records, but I think I’m the first trans woman to race a World Cup in the Women’s field. I know Molly [Cameron] has raced, but she’s always raced the Men’s category,” Killips said. “I do think it’s significant and notable. You know, when I’m at bike races and have other queer and trans folks come up to me, it’s super meaningful, and I guess I’m very aware you can’t just separate the two out. When I’m training and racing, I’m just a bike racer. I’m out here competing with these people.”

And never forget – teachers are YOUR employees.  YOU are the ones that have the primary responsibility for raising and teaching your kids to be normal adults. Are you listening, former NH State Senator Jeanne Dietsch??

  • Forget the Teachers Union Snobs…You Are Your Child’s Greatest Teacher

There seems to be a common thread among the overeducated, elitist class — the same class that is currently in charge of our public school system. They have the idea that they are more qualified than parents to decide what is best for children. It’s an arrogance that has always been on display on the left, but one that came to a head in 2016, after Trump’s historic victory. The mantra of the left became, “white, uneducated voters.” Their idea of “uneducated” rested on one metric — who went to college and who didn’t. Somehow, the prevailing common wisdom from the progressive elitists is that if you didn’t go to college, you’re not really educated.

It is ridiculous, of course, and rather pathetic. It would be laughable if this weren’t the attitude currently infecting our public education system. It is an attitude that separates parents from their children in the name of “expertise.” It is an attitude that has led us to a constitutional crisis, as parents cede more and more of their authority to the state.

Let me be blunt – our educational system screwed over the parents by not teaching them the Proper Role of Government (and the various fences that are supposed to protect us from Goverment) so they can screw over our kids even more. And I’m willing to have that screaming match with anyone because I KNOW most Parents know little about Civics.

They want to shame you into acquiescing to the teachers’ unions — the Experts. Take this post from school choice advocate Corey DeAngelis, who shared a very disturbing tweet from the NEA. They knew what the response would be so they closed the replies, but DeAngelis opened new replies with a thread of his own. Unsurprisingly, it has been getting a lot of responses.

I forget who said it but some teacher, that he had never met, had this same ‘tude and telling him that this self-indulgent teacher cared more about his kids than he did.  His simple response (which I have adopted and used a number of times in the past):

Go ahead – tell me their names

How DARE these teachers, sitting on their self-elevated perches, have the temerity to adopt that attitude to make us believe that they are something that they are not. Yes, they have studied, yes, they have experience. And we carefully vet the teachers that the Grandson had/has now and we are satisfied. But TMEW is a teacher and knows the ins and outs and I certainly know the politics of this situation – a dangerous pairing.  We’re NOT going to put up with this if some educational professional decides to give us a hard time (are you listening, my school board?  You still have two outstanding emails asking detailed questions that you STILL haven’t answered!!).

And the best way to say “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!”:

  • Parental Rebellion Pays Off: Conservatives Win School Board Seats

The parental rebellion against wokeness, radical gender ideology, and misguided COVID-19 policies continued, producing some solid results in school board elections across America. Again, it wasn’t a red tidal wave, but commonsense candidates found success in an arena long dominated by the Left and public sector unions. Unions still dominate at the local level—in both organization and money—but the landscape is changing.

Though they are often “nonpartisan,” school board elections have become a serious battleground in debates over K-12 education. Nonpartisan does not mean that there isn’t a serious debate about ideas. As local schools—even in “red” districts—increasingly promoted critical race theory and radical gender ideology alongside stringent COVID-19 lockdowns, parents began organizing in earnest.

A few national organizations, such as the 1776 Project PAC and Moms for Liberty, added much-needed support and financial backing for citizens to step into the arena to save their local schools.  For instance, Bridget Ziegler, a Florida mom who not only won her Sarasota County School Board election back in August, now helps educate other potential candidates as the Leadership Institute’s director of school board programs.

This kind of organization and institutional support has proved invaluable and means that campaigns once dominated by left-leaning insiders are now open and competitive. Over the past year, the 1776 Project says it has flipped more than 100 races nationwide.

And some big wins came during the midterm elections. These groups helped flip school board elections in Florida, Maryland, Indiana, and Michigan, according to The Daily Caller.

“Of the 67 candidates Moms for Liberty supported in Florida school board elections, 41 won,” the Caller reported.

March and May are both coming soon and that means local elections for a lot of towns here in NH. Including School Board.

The post Boston Schools Fulfill A Long Standing Admonition FOR US! – Stack of Stuff Part 27 appeared first on Granite Grok.

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