The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • May 18 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XX

Manchester, N.H.

On The Radio – Skip joined Marc Abear and Paul Hopfgarten on “Common Sense Radio” (WEZS AM 1390, Laconia NH)

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-20 14:30 +0000

Every Saturday from 9am to 10am, Marc and Paul have guests on to talk about a number of issues.  This week:

  • An Israeli breakthrough in cancer treatment?
  • How much energy DO you need?
  • Is an e-Bike in your Christmas future? DO you want it in your future?
  • And which matters more given this cycle’s election: Ballots or votes?

Take a listen (just under an hour long):

Thanks to both – I always enjoy being on!

Oh and the infamous “Poop” link when talking about cancer:  Cancer patients weren’t responding to therapy. Then they got a poop transplant.

A couple of other links I found doing some research:

  • Breakthrough in pancreatic cancer research
  • Cancer Breakthrough News: Drug Trial Cures Cancer Of Every Patient
  • New Cancer Breakthrough Drug ‘Cures’ Every Patient
  • New treatment triggers cancer cells to produce their own anti-cancer medication
  • Reactivation of a single gene turns colorectal cancer cells back into normal tissue
  • Promising cancer drug aces human clinical trials
  • Scientists make cancer breakthrough that could improve immunotherapy success rate






The post On The Radio – Skip joined Marc Abear and Paul Hopfgarten on “Common Sense Radio” (WEZS AM 1390, Laconia NH) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Chiefs on the NY State Dept. Of Ed Just Banished Indian Mascots “To the Reservation”

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-20 12:30 +0000

New York is full of liberals who always want to run things into the ground, and tradition is high on the list of targets. Liberal “Native Americans” are just as bad; get a few together, and they’ll pressure anyone they can (in the name of anti-discrimination) into erasing any sign of tribal influence on American culture.

Related: Cleveland Indians Change Team Name Inspired by First “American Indian” To Play Major League Ball

The New York State School Board has officially banned the use of Native American mascots in all public schools. Failing to comply could result in fines and loss of state aid.


“Arguments that community members support the use of such imagery or that it is ‘respectful’ to Native Americans are no longer tenable,” the department said in the memo, issued Thursday. …

“Students learn as much through observation of their surroundings as they do from direct instruction,” the memo added. “Boards of education that continue to utilize Native American mascots must reflect upon the message their choices convey to students, parents, and their communities.”


Public or local tribal support used to be all you needed to protect the mascot from harm, but that’s no longer the case. No matter how favorable or favored the depiction, the State Department of Education chiefs say they have to go.

How about a compromise?

Instead of virile unstoppable warriors with hatchets, what if the schools made them androgynous body-positive transgenders with rainbows and purple hair? It would solve a lot of problems.

Related: Land O Lakes Got Rid of the Indian and Kept the Land

First, it’s likely an accurate depiction of the school. Second, anyone complaining could be pilloried by a broader range of whiny left-wing-ax-grinders.

Go, Gender Warriors!

Or, student: “Excuse me, what did indigenous peoples look like?” Groomer: “We’re not allowed to show you. That would be racist.”



Note: The Featured Image is from Dartmouth… Massachusetts. Which voted in April of this year to keep its mascot.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sun-King Sununu Really Hates GOP-Voters

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-20 02:30 +0000

Unless and until GOP voters understand that faux-Republican elitists like Chris Sununu, Mitch McConnell, Larry Hogan, etc. are NOT their their friends, their allies, on the same team, blah, blah, blah … but that these elitists actually despise and loathe GOP voters … there is no hope of saving the GOP from permanent minority-party status.

Here is Sun-King Sununu in Nevada obviously referring to GOP candidates like Don Bolduc, Karoline Leavitt, Blake Masters, Kari Like, and calling them CRAZY … which means he views the voters who nominated them as CRAZY. Do you get it yet? He never wanted Bolduc and Leavitt to win.

What matters to Sun-King Sununu and his elitist ilk is that they control the GOP. And if that means the GOP becomes a permanent minority … that is just fine with them.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Let Us Go Back in Time to the First Thanksgiving

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-20 01:00 +0000

This Thanksgiving in 21st-century America, a dangerous mindset has permeated our beliefs for over a century. True history has been denied, so we do not benefit from its lessons. Perhaps we can label it the “accidental theory of history.”

This view dominates today despite the eternal truth spoken by Ben Franklin at the 1787 Constitutional Convention: “God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”

Technologically we are giants of intellect, but in “self-government,” we are failing. Today we repeat the history of Israel declining into slavery as the Prophet Isaiah warned: “Therefore my people have gone into captivity for want of knowledge.” The knowledge they forgot is the same that we as a people have forgotten, our “Creator.” And that “He Governs in the affairs of men.”

Let us go back in time to the first Thanksgiving to see how God governed the affairs of our Pilgrim Fathers and how Plymouth Rock was prepared to be a safe haven for them to settle.

In William Bradford’s words, “Squanto” became an instrument of many blessings. Squanto, being the sole survivor of the Patuxet Indian Tribe, had been captured by an English explorer and taken to England in 1605, where he remained until 1619. Meanwhile, local Friars introduced him to Christianity, and when he returned to Plymouth in 1621, his tribe had been the victim of a plague, leaving him the sole surviving Patuxet Indian. Divine intervention? Yes!

Of the 100 Pilgrims who arrived at Plymouth, only 50 survived the suffering through that first winter from cold and disease. And among the 50 survivors, only 6 or 7 were physically sound. Hostile Indians, because of the plague, were spooked not to enter the Plymouth area, giving the disease-ridden remaining Pilgrims a safe haven. This, along with Squanto’s help until 1621, when he joined his adopted tribe, the Wampanoag Indians, enabled them to survive the winter guided by divine province. Being thankful for all their bounty, because of Squanto, Governor Bradford appointed a day of Thanksgiving, inviting Squanto’s adopted tribe to celebrate all these blessings from God.

The feast planned for one day lasted three days. They ate deer, fish, turkey, lobster, eels, vegetables, cornbread, herbs, and pies and the Indians even taught them how to make popcorn, according to the Providence Foundation. The righteous living of the Pilgrims was rewarded during the feast in which 90 Indians competed with the Pilgrims in running, wrestling, and shooting games. This wasn’t accidental history, as Ben Franklin said: “God governs in the affairs of man.”

In these troubled times, if America is to survive as a free nation, we must go back to the strength the Pilgrims modeled for us: even in their darkest hours in the deep cold of winter, their faith in God’s province carried them through. Let us learn the lessons from that First Thanksgiving. The blessings did not come from the government. No matter what moral persuasion you are, let us unite and look to our Creator, who is the soul Author of liberty who governs in the affairs of men. And “give thanks for the bounty that His liberty has produced.” Liberty is not accidental! Give Thanks! May all have a “blessed” Thanksgiving.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Federal Judge Blocks Biden Admin’s Radical Transgender Overreach

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 23:30 +0000

Democrats are generous with your tax dollars when it comes to things like foreign aid, Green Energy Myths, and the Ukrainian laundromat. Refuse to administer puberty blockers or perform transgender surgeries and kiss your odds of getting reimbursed for Medicaid, Medicare, or research grants goodbye.

You could be morally, professionally, or scientifically opposed to the no-choice mandate, and it wouldn’t matter. The Biden Administration’s reinterpretation of provisions passed a decade ago stood in the way. From May 2021,


Yesterday’s HHS announcement will only lead to more incidents of poor patient [and] could also lead to medical professionals who understand the medical harms of hormones and surgery for “gender transition” purposes being silent about these harms, out of fear of being sued and punished for “discrimination.” Furthermore, it could lead to significant erosion of the conscience rights of medical professionals who have moral objections to “gender transition.”


Another example of the government getting between doctors and patients, which – correct me if I’m wrong, was a primary talking point for passing Obamacare. But the Biden era is founded on a Democrat party platform of medical intervention by Federal mandate. You will close your business, stay home, lose your job, get The Jab (and the booster), give children hormone therapies that could kill them, or perform unnecessary surgeries to remove sex parts without regard to mental or physical health.

They are pretty insistent with the threat of lost funding, losing your license to practice, or even prosecution.

But a Federal judge just tossed out the Biden HHS rules.


In his Friday decision, however, [U.S. District Judge Matthew] Kacsmaryk said the Biden administration’s interpretation of Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was erroneous, since the Bostock ruling “does not apply to Section 1557 or Title IX.”

According to the Trump-appointed judge, the HHS’ arguments attempting to “retroactively apply Bostock” to Section 1557 were “unpersuasive.” He pointed out that while “Congress could have included ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ in the statutory text,” it “chose not to.”

“Instead, Congress limited Section 1557’s protections to those afforded by other federal statutes — including Title IX. Because Title IX does not protect ‘sexual orientation’ or ‘gender identity’ status, neither does Section 1557,” Kacsmaryk wrote.


The victory could be short-lived. As predicted, the Lame Duck Congress will be ramming through whatever they can get to the House floor before January, whether the slim Dem majority in the US Senate can pass it. But some of it will get through, and Biden signs everything they put on his desk.

Congress could rewrite parts of Title IX and Section 1557, which, if passed into law, would mean more lawsuits to block it based on rights of conscience which get lip service as it is. The Government, including the Blue States, is happy to stomp on your religious freedoms and force you to spend a fortune fighting it in court.

We’ll take the win but expect the Dems to respond quickly to get what they want.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nancy Steps Down….Finally

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 22:00 +0000

I watched Nancy Pelosi’s farewell speech today, and I confess I cannot shed a tear or think of any positivity in her reign. This last week has been huge for those who wanted to see a change of the guard and a slow-down of the Progressive slide we have been suffering through.

We all looked forward to this end of an era as we sought to win back the House. The Red Wave or Tsunami never took place, but all we need is a majority of one to rip the gavel from Nancy Pelosi’s waving hands and to grind to a halt the Biden spending spree.

Nancy Pelosi has been in Congress for thirty-five years. She has been in Leadership of the House under four presidents for twenty years. In a petty slight of her lips, she only acknowledged three. Pelosi ignored the term of Donald Trump, but we will not ignore her show of disrespect by tearing President Trump’s State of the Union speech to pieces. Pelosi’s time as Speaker can be summed up in two words; Power and corruption. She had absolute control of her caucus, and it was political death not to follow her lead. She was a money-making machine for her Party and her family, which is where the corruption comes into play.

The Pelosi’s have seen their net worth grow to over $120 Million. Some of that is from her $225K Speaker’s salary, but most is credited to her husband, Paul, and his very lucrative stock deals. Numerous deals have netted the Pelosi family millions that many say could not have happened without insider trading. Nancy’s career has been perfect for their retirement fund.

Running for office is a full-time sport for career politicians and a monetary windfall for their friends and family. The salaries for Senators and Congressmen \are fixed, but they have much flexibility with their staff and campaign workers. People like Pelosi and Maxine Waters have created high-paying careers for their children. Great for them and too bad for the American taxpayer. All legal and all bogus. Money is why these people can never walk away from their positions. Do you think a love of country and the flag keeps Diane Feinstein in office as she closes in on her tenth decade?

Pelosi is not walking away, but she is stepping down. She will not run for any leadership position, but I doubt you will see her sitting between Alexandria Cortez and Ilhan Omar. Somebody like Nancy lives for power; after 20 years, she cannot survive without her large staff and Thursday press briefing. She says she wants to continue speaking for the people of San Francisco, but I am curious if that is for the folks who live in homes on the Bay or in tents on the sidewalk.

I can picture Pelosi marching outside the Capitol after the passage of Obamacare, carrying an oversized gavel. The arrogance and show of power over the people is how I will remember Nancy Pelosi. She claims she wants to pass the torch to the new generation of Democrats, that her time has passed. Her favorite to succeed her is Hakeem Jeffries, a young Progressive from New York. I see him cut from the same cloth as Pelosi. He thrives for power, and this is his big break. The only problem with the next generation of Democrats is that they are the indoctrinated Socialists of the future. They have no love of the country and no grasp of its history. They only see how America should be as they were taught. If the Democrats want to destroy America, they can put their support behind the likes of Jeffries. We on the Right will rebuild this great country and make America great again.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Second Amendment Happy Ending of the Day – Don’t Enter Through a Lady’s Window Without Asking

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 20:30 +0000

The more stories of this type we make know, the more that:

  • Stupid people MAY figure out that they are walking/slithering into their “Happy Ending”
  • The Public at large understands that guns are for defensive uses by those of us unable to physically defend ourselves against those of overpowering physical strength.
  • DGU (“Defensive Gun Use”) should be an acronym everyone should either take heart in or never try stupid stuff because you want something from someone else that isn’t yours.

Emphasis mine:

Birmingham Woman Shoots an Intruder as He Crawled Through Her Window

An unwelcome intruder crawling through a window qualifies as the worst kind of nightmare for most women, especially those who live alone. One woman in Birmingham, Alabama, however, had the perfect equalizer to deal with big, strong home invaders with evil in their hearts. She used it to great effect early Tuesday morning.

…A 29-year-old man was killed when police say he was shot while trying to break into a west Birmingham home. The burglary call went out at 12:45 a.m. Tuesday at a house on Avenue O. The homeowner told police the intruder was trying to crawl through the window of her house. She grabbed her gun and fired a couple of shots, striking the burglary suspect once in the chest.

It wasn’t immediately clear whether the homeowner knew the man. Authorities said the wounded man then ran a block to the Chevron on Bessemer Road where he collapsed at the front door of the store. A store worker called Birmingham 911 at 12:46 p.m. West Precinct officers arrived at the store and provided aid to the man until paramedics arrived. He was then transported to UAB Hospital where he was pronounced dead at 2:11 a.m.

The would-be home invader was identified as Jamel Nathan Thomas, 29, of Birmingham. He won’t be victimizing anyone any more and becomes one of the 1.6 million defensive gun uses that occur annually in the United states.

Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.  In this case, his last prize, forever.

(H/T: The Truth About Guns)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Please, Let Me Pay Your Student Loan

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 19:00 +0000

MSNBC ran a spot last Thursday night where they talked about how most people who have their student loans paid for will travel or dine out with their newfound funds. These people, buried under excessive debt, are so creative in how they will spend our money.

People who work for a living and play by the rules will now dip into their savings to pay the tuition bill of some unthankful individual who is smoking pot, on vacation, and eating at a five-star restaurant. The others will spend it on gambling or drugs. Isn’t that nice?

This forgiveness of student loans is wrong on so many levels. Joe Biden bought the votes of millennials and Gen-Z by promising to forgive $10K to $20K of any student with an open student loan. His plan ran into some roadblocks and is being bounced around in the courts. Today, Biden’s plan is a no go after being shot down by a Federal Judge in Texas. Biden is not about to stop. The Dems need the votes in 2024 they bought for the Mid-Terms with their plan. The next step for Biden is to ask the Supreme Court to intervene. He may wish it did not get to this point because he has little chance of the Court siding in his favor, and then Biden has run out of options. He will have reneged on his promise, but it did its job. He used it to avoid a massive gain by the Republicans and kept the Senate.

This plan, which some say could approach $1 Trillion, is a massive transfer of wealth. Let’s make it clear. There is no forgiveness here. The students who will benefit from this action will be the winners, but the American people will be the losers. These loans do not disappear. The burden shifts from those who signed a commitment to pay the loans to the rest of America, who derived no benefit and had no obligation to pay the loans until Joe Biden assigned them that obligation.

Biden’s plan will impact every American with an outstanding student loan. There is no provision for future borrowers, but you can be assured that this is the first step towards free college for all. How else can the Democrats justify “forgiving ” today’s loans but not tomorrow’s? It will not happen.

Biden is making a mistake trying to validate his Executive Order with a favorable decision by the Supreme Court. Trying to push a trillion-dollar, unpopular, and possibly illegal initiative upon the American people with the stroke of his pen and thinking the Supreme Court will support him is a foolhardy move. Chances were not good Biden could have gotten this action done legislatively, even with control of both Chambers.

One more impact his plan would have is exasperating the already high inflation rate. This “forgiveness” of student loans would be tantamount to pumping another trillion dollars into the economy. His action will further weaken the dollar and drive the inflation and interest rates higher, something the country does not need. The President does not have the power to spend money in such a fashion, which is what even Nancy Pelosi said a year ago. Finally, Nancy said something that Conservatives can agree. Too bad it took her thirty-five years, but we have been waiting for fifty years for Biden. Unfortunately, we are not done waiting on him.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SAU 3 Berlin – Trying To Mollify Me That A Card Catalog Isn’t What I Know It To Be (Parsing, Much Parsing)

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 17:30 +0000

And a wee bit of “I know more about RSA 91-A than he does”. Well, perhaps – she’s a lawyer and I’m not. However, sometimes engineers, who must be MORE precise than lawyers many times, can read simple English used in writing such laws.  I will give her an A for trying to move the discussion into a more favorable ground for her than for me in which her arguments wouldn’t leak quite as much. Emphasis mine:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Atty. Barbara Loughman” <>
To: “Skip” <>
Cc: “Julie King” <>; “Karen Lancaster” <>; “Karen Lancaster” <>
Sent: 10/14/2022 4:08:07 PM
Subject: RE: Berlin PS/RTK/Gr.Gr.10.2.22req.

Dear Mr. Murphy,

I know I promised to get back to you today on behalf of Berlin Public Schools regarding your RTK request below.  I apologize for the delay and not having a complete answer for you today.  I was out at a conference and hearings the last two days and have not been able to reach superintendent today.

Under the RTK law, government is required to produce governmental records upon request for any record reasonably described, provided it is not exempt from disclosure under RSA 91-A:5.  RSA 91-A:4, I.  We do not claim that any of the records you have requested are exempt, since all you are requesting is a record of the books and information about the books in the school libraries and classrooms.

The RTK law does not require government to produce records that do not already exist.  The term public record refers to specific pre-existing files, documents or data in government’s files, not to information that might be gathered or compiled from numerous sources.  Brent v Paquette, 132 NH 415, 426 (1989).  See also:  RSA 91-A:4, VII.

That last bit, from numerous sources, is important as you shall see. Don’t forget about it.  But notice the change in emphasis she tries to pull off – from a card catalog containing all books to simply searching for a book one by one:

Library Books.  The Berlin Public School libraries have a digital catalog of all the books in the libraries.  Finding what you want in the catalog is easy.  I believe the superintendent has already explained how to do that to you.  I have also tried logging onto the digital catalog and found that anyone can use it.  I believe that is sufficient to comply with your RTK request for the record of books in the school libraries.  It is not unusual to refer persons requesting records that are on a government website to the website.  See: RSA 91-A:4.   While I do not think it is required to comply with the RTK law, because of the availability of the digital catalog, I believe the superintendent can also have the list of books in the elementary school library printed for you if you prefer a paper copy.  I have been unable to reach her today to confirm whether the list will also include, or if there is a separate list of books in the middle-high school library that can be printed for you.  The RTK law gives you the right to inspect the list at the SAU office and to have photocopies made.  The SAU can charge you for the actual cost to the SAU of the photocopies, but not clerical costs. RSA 91-A:4, IV (d).

Not that she doesn’t even touch upon the “that a governmental body in possession of records is required to produce them in electronic media using standard common file formats: Green v. SAU #55, 168 N.H. 796, 801 (2016)” mentioned in my demand.

Your request includes a number of questions about the books.  To the extent those answers appear in the digital catalog and printout, that information will be provided.  However, if it is not included in the catalog/printout, the RTK law does not require the Berlin Public Schools to go through the books and compile that information for you.

Classroom Books.  There is no record of books in teacher classrooms.  The school does not maintain a list or lists of books that may be found in teacher classrooms.

I should be able to reach the superintendent by Monday and will get back to you.  In the meantime, thank you for your patience.


Barbara F. Loughman
Soule Leslie Kidder
PO Box 908
Wolfeboro, NH 03894

Well, I wasn’t inclined to go down that path so I sent back a bit of a cheeky response – and also intimated there might be another RTK that wouldn’t play out very well at all if this iron-fist within a velvet glove was going to continue. So I decided to fisk her response. Payload at the end:

—– Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: “Atty. Barbara Loughman” <>
Cc: “Julie King” <>; “Karen Lancaster” <>; “Karen Lancaster” <>
Sent: 10/14/2022 8:11:49 PM
Subject: Re[2]: Berlin PS/RTK/Gr.Gr.10.2.22req.

Good evening,

Under the RTK law, government is required to produce governmental records upon request for any record reasonably described, provided it is not exempt from disclosure under RSA 91-A:5.  RSA 91-A:4, I.  We do not claim that any of the records you have requested are exempt, since all you are requesting is a record of the books and information about the books in the school libraries and classrooms.

Whew! I am very glad to hear that a simple list of books, which constitute the responsive records I am demanding,  with all the data elements listed in my RTK that are common to a card catalog, are not exempt.

The RTK law does not require government to produce records that do not already exist

Nor am I demanding records that do not exist be provided.  You have just admitted (above) that such a list of responsive records (one record per book) is available in your library system.  Thus, from RSA 91A:4:

IV. (a) Each public body or agency shall, upon request for any governmental record reasonably described, make available for inspection and copying any such governmental record within its files when such records are immediately available for such release.
(b) If a public body or agency is unable to make a governmental record available for immediate inspection and copying the public body or agency shall, within 5 business days of a request:
(1) Make such record available;

In this case, all the Responsive Records that fit the demanded criteria.

(2) Deny the request; or
(3) Provide a written statement of the time reasonably necessary to determine whether the request shall be granted or denied and the reason for the delay.
(c) A public body or agency denying, in whole or part, inspection or copying of any record shall provide a written statement of the specific exemption authorizing the withholding of the record and a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the record withheld.

In light of the above…

The term public record refers to specific pre-existing files, documents or data in government’s files, not to information that might be gathered or compiled from numerous sources

And then I decided that going all technical on her was the better part of valor – and fun.  I don’t think she expected the following:

Are you informing me that the data records and associated data elements within your library system’s schema don’t exist? Are you claiming that the distinct SQL tables residing in your single library system (normally and customarily considered to be “a point source”), along with the keys linking that data to other related tables for the entity colloquially known as a “book” within that same database system are to be viewed as “numerous sources“?  Or are you claiming that none of that exists?

That’s a bit of a stretch.  Are you also telling me that a file that traverses the necessary and existing data tables, linked by existing keys, that provides the demanded “list of Responsive Records” at the push of a button as “output” also doesn’t exist (e.g., a “Report”) in the Berlin System?

I HAVE the instructions that, as long as that file has not been removed from your system (which would ALSO be violating RSA 91A on record retention) to have that query file (e.g. a Report) output that list of Responsive records to a spreadsheet- are you saying that such directions don’t exist?  Or saying that you are refusing to use that which is already part of your system?

Thus, I am not demanding records from “numerous sources” but are found with ONE source – your library system. Running a report is not “assembling data from “numerous sources”.

The Berlin Public School libraries have a digital catalog of all the books in the libraries.  Finding what you want in the catalog is easy…I believe that is sufficient to comply with your RTK request for the record of books in the school libraries.

As I have already explained, that answer is insufficient for the purpose of my demand. I will repeat – it is for a listing of the books (and the demanded data elements as title, author, ISBN, et al) contained within the Berlin electronic card catalog.  The receiver of such a demand is required to supply that demanded set of Responsive Records. It is not up to the demander to find themThe burden is on the receiver to comply.

Payload #1:

This is no different than when I have, in the past, demanded complete Municipal or School District payroll information from their accounting systems.  Or are you holding that there is no similarity other than the subject matter? Remember, RSA 91A specifically calls out this kind of demand:

I-a. Records of any payment made to an employee of any public body or agency listed in RSA 91-A:1-a, VI(a)-(d), or to the employee’s agent or designee, upon the resignation, discharge, or retirement of the employee, paid in addition to regular salary and accrued vacation, sick, or other leave, shall immediately be made available without alteration for public inspection. All records of payments shall be available for public inspection notwithstanding that the matter may have been considered or acted upon in nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3.

And yes, I seriously contemplated just sending that off – for both the School District and for the municipality. I guess she didn’t think I knew RSA 91-A as little as she thought I did.

And as the demander, I do not have to tell you WHAT I am looking for – your duty is to provide the information and not force me to do searches on your system to find out what I am looking for. Or are you going to dispute that as well?

I believe the superintendent can also have the list of books in the elementary school library printed for you if you prefer a paper copy.

No – I want you to follow the Law as written and as described in my Right To Know:

V. In the same manner as set forth in RSA 91-A:4, IV, any public body or agency which maintains governmental records in electronic format may, in lieu of providing original records, copy governmental records requested to electronic media using standard or common file formats

This was affirmed in the Green case that mandates that such electronically kept information must be provided using common file formats.  Your existing query file (e.g., “Report”) creates a spreadsheet that can contain all of the Responsive Records that meet the specification I have provided.

Your request includes a number of questions about the books.

You are certainly amusing.  I have made no “number of questions” – only one: are you going to provide the list of all of the books, with the demanded data elements commonly found in a card catalog, found in the District’s library system exported to a spreadsheet file?

In the meantime, thank you for your patience

I’m a retired engineer so I have the time and having raised two ADHD boys, I learned patience.  But only to a point.

And now, Payload #2 – the embarrassment because I reached that point:

Right now, you are needlessly spending valuable taxpayer money in stalling for time in refusing to cough up a simple list of books that would take no longer than 3 minutes if you had complied from the get go. Add 5-10 minutes to create an email, attach that file, and email to me.

Should I start submitting a series of RTKs for the legal expenditures at the GL account level for paying your invoices to the District?  And the complete audit trail for invoices, payments (of course, redacting any “privileged communications” from them – only financial totals of each instrument) and then start publicizing it locally as to why the District is spending THEIR hard earned money because you won’t fork over a list of books?

Happy to do so. I would rather, however, just get all the responsive records and get out of your hair. Your decision.

I was on my town’s Budget Committee for almost 10 years and actively monitored such GL transaction activity and when I saw wasteful spending, you can bet I let others know about it.

After all, it’s not the District’s money – it’s the taxpayers. At the rates you charge, it is now being wastefully spent.

Or, what are you hiding? I can write about that as well. Your decision.


It would have been FAR simply (and cheaper) just to have the Superintendent tell a librarian to punch the Report button and send the report to me. Instead, even knowing that the card catalog was a permissible governmental record that falls under the Right To Know Law, she forgot her position of being a government employee that is supposed to serve the public – and not a title holder that allows her not open the Doors to her kingdom.  Or queendom.  Superintendentdom? I can’t keep all this PC/SJW made up words (made only to shut down debate and someone’s speech) straight. Nor do I wish to.

But I am right that it isn’t her’s in the first place – it’s the public’s.

And yes, there is a finale next post.

The post SAU 3 Berlin – Trying To Mollify Me That A Card Catalog Isn’t What I Know It To Be (Parsing, Much Parsing) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Challenges Human Resource Executives Face Working in Philippine Online Casino

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 17:08 +0000

Human resource executives in any sector face numerous challenges. From attracting and retaining the best talent, managing complex relationships, and embracing change and diversity in workplaces among other issues, their task is cut out.

It is even more challenging when you think about the current work environments. Workplaces such as the online casino philippines using gcash, as Houston G. O’Keefe points out, present unique challenges to human resource executives.  The fact that majority of the employees will be working remotely where they will be solving players’ issues such as casino deposits that do not reflect, the welcome bonus which cannot be fully claimed, and failure of the system to release the player’s casino winnings among others, makes it hard for the human resource executives bring everything together. In this article, we will be exploring the challenges that online casino Philippines and other jurisdictions face as they try to bring together a dynamic field.

Managing a spread-out workforce

With the COVID-19 situation, the workplace environment changed. People were working remotely since there were strict requirements to social distance as one way of curbing the spread of infections. This has now become the new normal. Some sectors have never gone back to pre-COVID times. They have fully embraced remote working, designing their human resource in a way that managed workers remotely. 

This can be a big challenge, especially for an industry that had only known physical workplaces. Luckily, for PH online casinos and other jurisdictions, the operators had embraced remote working, where workers did not have to be in one place to offer the required services. However, this comes with its challenges. Sometimes managing people who are spread out in different regions and timelines can be a herculean task. Online casinos employ people from different countries, some speaking different languages. Others are located in different timelines, such that when some are reporting for work, others are leaving for the evening. 

As a human resource executive, this can be a challenge especially if you have not mastered these differences. At a time, you may be seeking a report from an employee who is in Indonesia and you want him or her to liaise with a colleague in New York. If you do not synchronize their times properly, the report may be delayed affecting several aspects of the company. To succeed in the management of employees who are located in different regions, you need to use programs that recognize these differences and also keep yourself updated on what is happening around you.

Optimization of new talents

The competition in the online casino industry is stiff. Operators are looking for ways to attract and retain players or customers. To achieve this, they need workers who are not only motivated but also skillful. They have to attract the best if they are to keep up with the competition. 

Human resource executives have a responsibility to ensure that the workforce they are hiring live up to the dream of the online casino operator and at the same time stay motivated to keep the players coming. It is also crucial to hire employees who are familiar with the complicated software and hardware that are found in online casino platforms. With the scarcity of such a workforce in the market, it is not an easy task for HR executives to meet these expectations. They have to be smart, use effective strategies to attract talent, and optimize it for the attraction and retention of the players.

Managing relocation

With online casino operators having multiple locations where they operate in different countries, at one time or another, there will be the need for staff relocation. This is one of the challenging aspects for employees. Some may be required to relocate to a foreign country where they will encounter the following aspect

  • New culture 
  • New ways of doing things
  • New people
  • And a different working format

It is the responsibility of the human resource executive to handle relocation. If it is not done well, it can affect staff productivity and the entire organization. A human resource executive working in an online casino space can find it hard to manage relocation if it involves moving to a location where gambling is not embraced positively. They need to prepare the employee for all possible scenarios to allow them to cope in a new environment. Failure to handle some aspects such as expectations may lead to disastrous results.

Embracing change

They say change is inevitable but those who bear the greatest brunt are the people who are supposed to midwife the change process. And these are none other than the human resource executives. An online casino and Philippines economy, for instance, may not be doing well and the operators are forced to downsize the business. 

It will be the role of the human resource to identify those who will be affected. It is not an easy task, breaking the news of changes including job losses to people who have been serving for years. Human resources executives are normally in a position that not many would envy, sometimes they even become victims of their success.

Human resource executives face numerous challenges and these are more pronounced in workplaces that embrace remote working such as online casinos. Coping with these challenges requires a great level of training, experience, and embracing teamwork.


The post The Challenges Human Resource Executives Face Working in Philippine Online Casino appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, Stanford, Silicon Valley, Michele Dauber, Brock Turner and The Hunting Ground

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 16:00 +0000

Did you know that FTX has offices in Derry, New Hampshire, at 84 W BROADWAY, STE 200, Derry, NH, 03038, USA?

We want to thank Claire best for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

That the “Not Alone” White House Task Force is strategically tied to the NHCADSV and UNH New Hampshire. Soteria Solutions Inc ties these two organizations together to train “Bystander” and “Know Your Power” funded by grants from the Department of Justice. Soteria Solutions is a non-profit/for-profit organization that was recognized for entrepreneurship using federal grants. It shares the same logo with Soteria Mutual/Finance in London, UK, which appears to deal in Bitcoin and BlockChain. That may be coincidental.

That Michele Dauber campaigned with several of the organizations mentioned in this article, as well as the NHCADSV and Congresswoman Ann Kuster, to block ABC Good Morning America from airing an interview with Owen Labrie in July 2019. The same organizations that signed the Women’s March Letter supporting Amber Heard; the same organizations that are tied to the ACLU who created the #MeToo Op-Ed for Amber Heard, which is central to the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard defamation suit.

Ponzi Schemes, Pyramid Schemes, Propaganda, Criminal Trials and Elections

Sam Bankman Fried, who founded FTX, appears to be about to go down in history as the new Bernie Madoff. The bankruptcy papers for FTX can be viewed here. This is apparently worse than Enron:

The World Economic Forum heavily endorsed FTX. Now it is hiding its ties:

The scandal is far-reaching, and it specifically implicates Stanford & ties it together with the Democratic Party, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood talent agency powerhouse CAA, where the Obamas, Joe Biden, Valerie Jarrett (“Not Alone,” “Civic Nation”), Arne Duncan (US Ed, Emerson Collective) and Tina Tchen (“Times Up,” NWLC, Obama Foundation) are all signed up:

According to The Information, Bankman-Fried entities invested $200 million in Sequoia Capital, including $100 million to Sequoia Heritage, its wealth management fund; plus $300 million in K5 Global, a fund run by Michael Kives, reportedly an adviser to Bankman-Fried.

Michael Kives is an alum of Stanford, worked at CAA and worked for the Clintons:

Sam Bankman-Fried is the son of Barbara Fried and Joseph Bankman of Stanford Law, where Michele Dauber is a tenured professor and a feminist activist who campaigned for Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren. She is also on the Silicon Valley Democratic Committee and started the Enough Voter Movement.

Barbara Fried founded “Mind The Gap” with Paul Brest (also Stanford). She also wrote an article about why feminism is for everyone in October 2017 at the start of the run-up to the midterm elections.


Inside the secretive Silicon Valley group that has funneled over $20 million to Democrats


“When asked about her role in Mind the Gap, Fried, who has no campaign experience, “downplayed the organization” as “merely” a “pro-bono donor advisor to people who are interested in evidence-driven decision making.” She told Vox Media’s Recode:

Our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of different forms of political and civic engagement, and provide our conclusions free to individual, interested donors so they can make more educated decisions about where their money would be most effectively spent

Paul Brest also helped to launch Stanford’s Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society.

Regina K Scully (Executive Producer: “The Hunting Ground,” co-founder of Artemis Rising Foundation, which is credited on the film) is given a full page at Stanford’s Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society.

She is married to John Scully, who used to be on the board of trustees at Stanford.

Artemis Rising’s form 990s suggests the organization put $1.25 million or more into “The Hunting Ground,” which premiered at the Sundance film festival on January 23rd, 2015. Its premiere was sandwiched between Brock Turner’s arrest by Stanford police on 19th January and the announcement of charges with a mugshot photo in The Mercury News on January 27th.

The alleged victim in the Brock Turner case, Emily Doe (later known as Chanel Miller), was a family friend of Michele Dauber’s and had come to campus where she met Turner at a frat party. He was 19. She was 22 and not a student. (For an in-depth look at the case versus how it was portrayed by media, Michele Dauber and activists, read “Collateral Damage: A Candid Look at the Brock Turner Case and the Recall of Judge Persky”)

A digital newspaper called “The Fountain Hopper,” founded by the Russian Stanford undergraduate Ilya Mouzykantskii in September 2014, took a single line in a police report and blew it up into the sensationalist and false case against Brock Turner, which led to the recall of Judge Persky, changes in California minimum sentencing laws and the launch of the bipartisan workforce to combat domestic & sexual violence introduced by Rep Ann Kuster (NH-D) and Rep. Jackie Speier (CA-D).

The founding of “The Fountain Hopper” coincided with the launch of the White House-backed non-profit “Its On Us” in September 2014. Press releases for the film referred heavily to “It’s On Us.” “Its On Us” is backed by Civic Nation, which is headed by Obama’s senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett (also a Stanford alum).

A month after “The Hunting Ground” was announced in October 2014, Rolling Stone Magazine published “A Rape on Campus.” The story turned out to be false leading to the defamation suit: Eramo v Rolling Stone. Exhibits from the trial indicate that The White House “Not Alone” task force, also headed by Valerie Jarrett, was behind the creation of the story and the media strategy to publish it.

The Hunting Ground” also got debunked, but the White House “Not Alone” task force endorsed it.

Close scrutiny of the film’s financing and distribution indicates it was wholly created as a piece of propaganda for the Democratic Party and that Silicon Valley and Stanford Democrats were heavily involved. Jennifer Siebel Newsom (another Stanford alum and wife of current California Governor Gavin Newsom) also received an executive producer credit. The Weinstein Company and CNN (where Valerie Jarrett’s daughter works) distributed it. Disgraced attorney Tom Girardi received a special thanks.

Gloria Allred, who has a close connection to both Tom Girardi and the White House “Not Alone” task force, is apparently also being investigated.

Michele Dauber once stated that the issue of sexual violence brought women out to vote “in droves.” She also told Amy Goodman in an interview on “Democracy Now” that she gave the Emily Doe Victim Impact statement from the Brock Turner sentencing to filmmakers of “The Hunting Ground” to leak it to the media before it was read in court.

A 2019 FOIA reveals that Michele Dauber worked behind the scenes of the Turner trial with the DA’s office, not only creating the Emily Doe statement but also using the sentencing to cause the recall of Judge Aaron Persky.


Whistleblowers from Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accused Ken and Michele Dauber of social media manipulation in 2016. How much was Stanford involved? John Hennessy, President of Stanford from 2000 to 2016 was one of the founders of Google and remained on its board even during his 16 years tenure as Stanford’s president. He is now Chair of Alphabet Inc, its parent company. He has been nicknamed “The godfather of Silicon Valley” while Ilya Mouzykantskii’s father “Dr. Boris” has earned the nickname “godfather of ad-technology”.

When you read The Women’s March letter supporting Amber Heard (signed by Michele Dauber and supported by non-profits NWLC, Know Your IX) and you see all the other non-profits listed at the bottom of the page, you start to look into Michele Dauber, the Bankman-Frieds, Stanford, “Mind the Gap” and the comments about “Gaming the System.”

The ACLU (whose Executive Director also comes out of Stanford Law) created the op-ed for Amber Heard, which led to Johnny Depp’s lawsuit against her for defamation and even tried to file an amicus brief. When Depp’s legal counsel demanded discovery from the ACLU, there was resistance because the ACLU didn’t want to disclose its other business relationships. The organizations endorsing the Women’s March Letter in support of Amber Heard must be those business relationships. Some of them also happen to be business relationships for Civic Nation and The White House “Not Alone” task force headed by Valerie Jarrett and “Times Up,” founded by Tina Tchen.

There is one paragraph in the Washington Post Op-Ed which specifically relates to Title IX and campus sexual assault. Amber Heard never went to college. That paragraph was created for the benefit of the NWLC and Know Your IX, who endorsed The Women’s March Letter. The ACLU and Know Your IX went on to sue Betsy DeVos over due process in Title IX and lost. But the damage to Johnny Depp’s Hollywood career was done.

Roberta Kaplan of NWLC abruptly quit Amber Heard’s team when the ACLU’s involvement in the op-ed became known. No reason was given but it would appear that there was a conflict of interests.

Stanford Law Professor Barbara Fried wrote the following article in 2017 “Feminism is for Everyone” — Perspectives for a Feminist Class Politics.”

Much of 2018 was peppered with events and campaigns tied to promoting the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act or promoting female democrat candidates for the midterms. Michele Dauber was running the “Enough Voter Movement” with Amber Heard as a spokesperson.

Brock Turner’s appeals were denied in August 2018, largely because his trial lawyer had failed to object on a close to a hundred occasions and thus left a record on which most appeals couldn’t be brought. The moment of his arrest to the moment of his trial coincided with the release of “The Hunting Ground” to its Oscar win for best song “Till It Happens to You,” performed by CAA’s client Lady Gaga and produced by Stanford’s Regina K Scully.

The FBI is supposedly about to wrap up “Operation Mystery Dinner,” which will hopefully expose years of secret dinners and other activities involving judges, prosecutors and local journalists colluding behind the scenes of Silicon Valley trials taking place in the very court where Brock Turner was tried and turned into a national punching bag via Dem Caucus rep Michele Dauber on the Silicon Valley Democratic Committee.

FTX was a hoax. “The Hunting Ground” was a hoax. Rolling Stone’s UVA “A Rape On Campus” was a hoax, but they were all used, just as the manipulated People v Brock Turner was used, to engage voters for the Democratic Party under a false premise.

This Associated Press article from June 11, 2016, following the dissemination of the Emily Doe victim impact statement to Congress, which led to the bipartisan workforce against domestic and sexual violence, is disturbing:

— June 2, 2016 — Judge Aaron Persky sentences Turner to six months in jail and orders him to register as a sex offender for life. Turner is taken into custody and placed in protective custody because of his notoriety. He is scheduled to be released on Sept. 2. The sentence touches off an emotional national debate about leniency and campus sexual assault. Critics begin to collect signatures in an attempt to remove Persky from the bench.

How heavily embedded is Stanford in promulgating a defamatory narrative on campus sexual assault via “The Hunting Ground” and the “People v Brock Turner” for Democratic fundraising purposes?

What was really going on at “Mind the Gap,” founded by Sam Bankman Fried’s mother and Paul Brest? And how intertwined was this with Michele Dauber’s Enough Voter Movement and Google/Alphabet Inc?

Is the crucifying of a 19-year-old Olympic hopeful swimmer, Brock Turner, the acceptable standard for Stanford’s and Silicon Valley’s Democratic Donors and propaganda funders?

Is it really just about how much money can be raised on a knowingly false narrative? How much is Stanford willing to support lies and plagiarism for Democratic party purposes?

Why do Stanford, The White House & the Silicon Valley Democratic Committee care less about students and their lives than they do about covering up white collar crime that endangers student lives?

Schleifer, Theodore. “How a crypto billionaire decided to become one of Biden’s biggest donors.”

Medium | Claire Best

The post FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, Stanford, Silicon Valley, Michele Dauber, Brock Turner and The Hunting Ground appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Doc Reccomends Vitamin D – FTC Says he Commited Fraud: Sues Him for 500 Billion (That’s with a “B”)

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 14:30 +0000

The Federal Trade Commission, invoking the COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act, claims a Missouri doctor committed fraud when he claimed that Vitamine D3 and Zinc help your immune system because “no published studies prove Vitamin D protects against, treats, or prevents COVID-19.”

Related: Tell COVID Karen What She Needs is More Vitamin D3

Dr. Eric Nepute is a St. Louis chiropractor who marketed and sold “Wellness Warrior Vita D,” and according to the FTC,

“Starting no later than June 2020, [Nepute] began advertising a protocol that customers should follow to protect against, prevent, or treat COVID-19. This protocol, which has varied over time, advises consumers to take [daily] substantial quantities of emulsified Vitamin D3 and zinc,” found in the Wellness Warrior products, the complaint stated.

My first thought after reading that was, when is the FTC going to sue Pfizer, Moderna, Joe Biden, the FDA, the CDC, Governors, Public Health Officials, Hospitals, Doctors, and every politician who pushed the COVID-19 vaccines on people when there were not only “no published studies” that proved any of the COVID-19 “vaccines” worked, significant data was being hidden that suggested they did not; that they could make people more susceptible; that they would likely be COVID carriers after injection, and or suffer from a wide range of dangerous or potentially fatal side effects?

How about employers who threatened to fire employees who refused to get The Jab, or is that too far outside their preview, as if that mattered?

The information withheld is required when issuing an emergency use authorization for a pharmaceutical product so that healthcare professionals and patients can exercise informed consent. Not only were they denied that right nearly everyone applied pressure in favor of blind compliance. At the same time, anyone who dared ask a question was labeled a science or vaccine denier, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists whose employment or license to practice was threatened if they dared to report what they saw in their COVID-Vaccinated patients.

Where is the Federal Trade Commission or anyone claiming oversight authority to protect “consumers?”

Nowhere, and they are suing this guy to collect the fines to which they claim the Government is entitled because “… defendants are selling their products by disseminating information, exploiting fears [amid] a pandemic, and posting a significant risk to public health and safety.”

That is precisely how the Government promoted the EUA COVID Jabs. And now they are suing Dr. Eric Nepute for suggesting that Vitamin D3 and Zinc support natural immunity, which (Surprise!) they damn well do!


Frontline attorney Tom Renz of Ohio is Nepute’s advisory counsel in the case.

“The problem with this is wrongful prosecution, in my opinion,” Renz said, “because [Nepute] didn’t lie. He didn’t commit fraud. He said this would bolster your immune system, and it’s true. Both [vitamin D and zinc] are well-known mechanisms for bolstering your immune system. “This is simply going after him because he was outspoken about using vitamin D and zinc, and he didn’t like the jab—that’s all it is. He had a big following, and they wanted to make an example out of him,” Renz told The Epoch Times.


The Government loves to make examples, it’s how they shut people down, but could this backfire? If the case is not dismissed as “wrongful prosecution,” as the defendants claim, it will go into discovery, and the US Government (everyone on the pro-Vaxx side) has a lot to answer for if such truths are revealed in open court.

COVID-19 is the flu. A bolstered immune system helps fend off viral infection. Vitamin D and Zinc are so well known for having these powers Dr. Fauci admits to using Vitamin D for that reason, and he’s not alone.

The Experimental vaccines, on the other hand, are known for many things, but preventing infection or transmission of COVID-19 has long since passed its shelf-life even in the media, which has, by the way, gone to war against Vitamin D in time to cover the FTC charges against Dr. Nepute.

Maybe Dr. Nepute needs to lead a class action lawsuit against the FTC for gross negligence and fraud, which might nix the immunity deal behind which every one of the liars has been hiding.

I can dream.



The post Doc Reccomends Vitamin D – FTC Says he Commited Fraud: Sues Him for 500 Billion (That’s with a “B”) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Adam Frisch Concedes Colorado's 3rd Congressional District Race to Lauren Boebert

Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2022-11-19 13:48 +0000
Chris Pandolfo, Fox News: Colorado election results: Boebert opponent Frisch concedes race ahead of likely recount More than a week after Election Day, the race for Colorado's 3rd Congressional District remains uncalled and is likely headed to an automatic recount,... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

This Week's Favorites...

Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2022-11-19 13:06 +0000 PowerLine. See the rest here. Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Notable Quote – Fear Progressivism/Socialism FAR More than Populism

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 13:00 +0000

A two-fer:

SHOT:  Prof Thomas Sowell (Knowledge and Decisions)

It is not the source or the ruthlessness of power alone which defines totalitarianism, but the unprecedented scope of the activities subjected to political control.

E.g., name a part of your life in which Government HASN’T intruded and you’ll begin to understand “unprecedented scope”. I’ve challenged people to name an area of their lives in which they try to claim there is no law, regulation, rule, or ordinance that isn’t staring right back at them.  I’ve always won that there already is such – they just didn’t realize it.

CHASER: Prof. Don Boudreaux:

Indeed. And in this way progressivism is an even graver threat to liberty than is populism, for progressives are far more intent than are populists at subjecting to political control as many activities as possible.

Please do not read into the previous paragraph any suggestion that populism is acceptable. Populism is deeply illiberal and much to be feared. It must be fought against and subdued if liberal civilization is to survive. But the enemy of my enemy is not thereby my friend.

Progressivism – if only because, compared to populism, the mask it wears is friendlier and the tones in which it speaks are more dulcet – is an even greater threat to liberal civilization than is populism. Embracing, or even tolerating, progressivism as a means of subduing populism – or simply because progressivism is currently the most practical political option to populism – is a foolish move for anyone wishing for a revival of true liberalism.

And that would be true Western Classical Liberalism (Individual Freedom and Liberties) and not what Democrats try to palm themselves off to be.

(H/T: Cafe Hayek)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

COVID, People of Color, and Look How Well Ivermectin Worked In Africa!

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 11:30 +0000

Few FDA-approved and licensed drugs have been badmouthed as hard and often as Ivermectin. Like a broken storm door in a hurricane, as they say. And an institutional blockade on anyone in many parts of the US who thought it was suitable for their patients.

Related: FLCCC Doctor Gives COMPELLING TESTIMONY to NH House Committee in SUPPORT of IVERMECTIN Dispensed Without a Prescription

This is where the Democrats are supposed to be so offended that the government came between a doctor and her female patient that they demand change we can believe in or something equally pithy. What we got was crickets with police powers threatening to revoke the licenses of doctors and pharmacists if they dared prescribe or fill orders for a drug people had been taking safely for decades.


It’s been off the radar absent a pressing progressive political need. But most of the lies the Left told about it live on, like Michale Brown’s Hands up don’t shoot, and almost everything they said about Trump. To their credit, they are good at lying and making them stick. But not everyone in the world will get campaign donations from Pfizer or be invited on a junket which, if I recall, was unethical if doctors did it.

And there are still a few nations with a vested interest in preserving public health instead of using it to control their subjects.


They faked studies funded by people who would lose money if Ivermectin worked. The FDA even lied on Twitter about it being for horses, not people. But in Africa, something like 25 nations made it widely available early on, or it was already in use, while about 13 countries did not. The result is a continent-wide unofficial drug study on the effectiveness of Ivermectin versus the Wuhan Flu.

Related: We Know Why The Public Health Industrial Complex Had to Discredit Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

Hint: It doesn’t look good for the progs who tried to convince you it was dangerous to humans.

Hundreds of millions of humans probably took it regularly on a continent with over 1.4 billion people. Are US Dems, Progs, and Libs calling them names?


For the folks in the cheap seats, the blue line is nations that used or had ready access to Ivermectin as an anti-parasitic (for human beings), and the Yellowish/Gold one is those that did not. Johns Hopkins provided the data.


This graph should resolve any doubts if public health is indeed a concern. Ivermectin saved lives. It saves lives.

Keep that graph or a link to this post handy when the weasels start again about the horse dewormer or COVID and people of color, or whatever. You could also share this: What is Ivermectin or the Ivermectin Story? Or this: We Have Another Ivermectin Story to Feed to Your Horse Faced Horse-Paste Democrat Friends

Neither is as in-your-face and one snap-shot jaw-dropping as the graph above, but they all prove Ivermectin works.

So I guess we need to ask this. Is keeping Ivermectin out of the hands of people of color on this continent racist, given its tremendous success at saving lives in Africa?

It wouldn’t be the first time Democrats did something that hurt blacks in America. Wait, have they tried to scare them away from taking vitamin D? Yes, actually – they are working on that right now. “Vitamin D won’t protect you from Covid or respiratory infections, studies say.”

Studies say.

What’s next? Breathing is bad for you, or did they cover that with the mask-nonsense?




The post COVID, People of Color, and Look How Well Ivermectin Worked In Africa! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Few Thoughts About the Election Recounts in Nashua

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 02:30 +0000

After the re-counts took place in Nashua and the GOP candidates each added approx 20+ votes. This was due to the tabulators not reading ballots with check marks, stars, or x’s, that people put down instead of filling in the ovals.

So in this instance, the tabulators worked as they should have, and it was the voters that let us down. The large number of undervotes (1221) was because people did not enter all the votes they could have.

About 75 ballots had no votes for any state reps at all, and many just had a vote for one candidate instead of three.

Believe it or not, before this election, Nashua had about the same number of registered DEMS vs. REPUBLICANS.

The straight vote ballots, all GOP or all DEM, came out 1651 DEM to 1310 GOP. That 341 DEM vs. GOP voter differential was the major reason the GOP side lost in Nashua.

The DEMs came out to vote (there were a lot of same-day registrations as well), with many of the GOPers apparently staying home, which is pretty incredible considering the current state of affairs.

Losing sucks, but this info will prove useful to me going forward if I decide to run for the NH House again in 2024.

IMO The GOP needs to:

1. Do a better job of getting out the vote.
2. Inform voters that they should be filling out the entire ballot and not leaving sections blank or voting for just one or two candidates when the total number you could pick it three.

As a side note, the Nashua teachers union and/or school administration decided to have training meetings with the teachers of each school on election day.
The teachers being there and taking up those 30+ parking spots all day did have a suppression effect on voting. People couldn’t find a place to park, so they circled a few times and then left w/o voting.

The teachers could have and should have met at either of the high schools as they were not used as polling places.

I find it hard to believe that he wasn’t done purposefully to frustrate people and keep them away from the polls.



Note: the Nashua registered voter data is from July and does not take into account any new registrations after that.

The post A Few Thoughts About the Election Recounts in Nashua appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Open Thread – So, Has Everyone Calmed Down From Last Week? Or is “Cold Fury” Setting In?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-19 01:00 +0000

Anger – but rationally directed.  Not helpless, not a victim – but “self-righteous revenge” might work. The fury of “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” setting in with a determination of “Molon Labe” mixed with a Gandalfian “You Shall Not Pass” ‘tude.

Or, is everything buttercups and fairy rainbows with you?

As always, this thread is yours – do with it as you wish!  I will leave you with this, however:

(Image H/T: Ebaum’s World)

The post Friday Open Thread – So, Has Everyone Calmed Down From Last Week? Or is “Cold Fury” Setting In? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

G20 Agrees to Global Vaccine Passports

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-18 23:30 +0000

Absent a government that pushed back, the twenty largest economies in the world have agreed to adopt vaccine passports “to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital and no digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations.”



And less developed nations will be bribed with fiat money to take up the program, at least in the name.

If you read down thread from the Twitter post above, you’ll find some very unpleasant business about global digital IDs and ESGs, but I confess this was my favorite.



And so very true. The globalists are using capitalism to confine us into a national-socialist box, and public health is their new concentration camp.

That’s the New World Order. Smiley faced Hitlerism. A one-party “state” with absolute control and little tolerance for dissent. And it’s no surprise the progs on the political left are doe-eyed about it all.

Except those who’ve had friends or family drop dead without any other explanation by the so-called ‘cure’ for COVID, for which (by the way), there is a documentary due out on the 21st of November (Trailer).

And resistance, real resistance, is not futile. Push back before you can’t. Soap Box, Ballot Box … but not that third thing. Not yet. And not just because THEY think that’s what they want.

There’s still time to save America, but I’ll understand if you disagree about the timing.



The post G20 Agrees to Global Vaccine Passports appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

2022 Election Cycle Leftovers

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-18 22:00 +0000

I have this habit, both good and bad depending on your point of view, of being a “tab hoarder”. I just don’t open up a few tabs for posts that I would LIKE to comment on – I have a lot. Right now, probably well over 800. I keep deluding myself that “I’ll get to them…someday”. Problem is, if all I ever did was use those, I wouldn’t have quite as many. Problem is, I’m doing exactly how I describe the writers/Groksters – we are all political activists that happen to have a blogsite. I get involved in local politics and report on them. After all, if it is happening in my town/area, it’s also happening in yours if well (even if the topic is a bit different – same kinds of people, same tactics).

So, this is an “aggregate” post so I can start devolving myself from bunches of stuff that were interesting to me at the time so you might as well. Or not. Almost all of them are going to be about folks who have written about the election results on the Republican side of things: what went wrong, who to hold accountable/blame, rant, observations, comment “rationally”, or something else. Of COURSE, we here at GraniteGrok have already “been at it” (especially Ed), so read/re-read them. Reformatted, emphasis mine:

  • SHOCKER! WaPo Update About Mar-A-Lago Raid Doesn’t Fit the Narrative

…Remember when the FBI raided Trump’s home supposedly looking for “nuclear secrets” a few months back? Guess how that turned out?

Federal agents and prosecutors have come to believe former president Donald Trump’s motive for allegedly taking and keeping classified documents was largely his ego and a desire to hold on to the materials as trophies or mementos, according to people familiar with the matter. In other words, Trump was keeping souvenirs, as everyone else does. That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets.

  • Let the Blame Games Begin?

Who or what was responsible for the Republican nationwide collapse in the midterms? After all, pundits, politicos, and pollsters all predicted a “red tsunami.” Given such high Republican expectations, the blame game for the loss is as strident and confusing as was the election itself. Here are some of the most common targets of criticism.

  • Abolish ‘Voting Season’ and Bring Back Election Day

Returns are not counted for days. It is intolerable for a modern democracy to wait and wait for all sorts of ballots both cast and counted under radically different and sometimes dubious conditions. The Democrats – with overwhelming media and money advantages – have mastered these arts of massive and unprecedented early, mail-in, and absentee voting. Old-fashioned Republicans count on riling up their voters to show up on Election Day.  But it is far easier to finesse and control the mail-in ballots than to ‘get out the vote.’

  • Video: Kamala Said The Quiet Part Out Loud About The Voter Base That Won Them The Midterms

In the video clip, Harris says: “What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid. That is why we put them in dormitories. And they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions.” Kamala said the quiet part out loud.  She admitted that only stupid people can vote for their agenda!

When President Joe Biden touted the Democrats’ better-than-expected performance in the midterms, he had a special shout-out for young voters: “I especially want to thank the young people of this nation, who I’m told — I haven’t seen the numbers — voted in historic numbers again,” Biden said, “just as they did two years ago.” He wasn’t alone. Other Democrats have praised young voters for helping the party avoid being crushed by a “red wave.” The role of Gen Z and young millennials was crucial.

Young people, when they turn out, seem to strongly favor Democrats — making them a decisive voting bloc that can determine who wins in key races across the country.

  • Don’t Blame Gen Z for Voting Democrat, Blame the People Who Told Them To

Something uncharacteristic happened during the 2022 elections in that the youth actually put its money where its mouth was and turned out to vote. Historically, you could count on Gen Z to do a lot of screaming and yelling about politics but then absolutely fail to turn up at polling locations. This year, they switched it up and came out in force and one in three was voting Democrat.   According to pollster John Della Volpe noted, Gen Z was the dam that stopped the red wave.


Life after Trump. “We can talk about cheating and the fix being in and mail-in votes. We can go on and on about the deep state and the media. We can spend months in denial but the fact is, Americans do not want Donald John Trump to be their president. He did not save the Republican Party. He spent it. . . . I really wanted Trump to come back but I just don’t see it. He’s damaged goods, done in by Barack Obama and the FBI and the Washington media. Chuck Schumer warned Trump on TV two weeks before his inauguration, ‘You take on the intelligence community? They have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.’ That is evil. That is unfair. That is the world we live in, for like Sarah Palin, our enemies turned Trump into an albatross. He came so close to bringing Washington down that they now will destroy him, ruin his children and salt his fields because he threatened them.”

  • The biggest winner of election 2022 was Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“The biggest winner of election 2022 was Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Four years ago, he carried Florida 50%-49%, by just 32,000 votes, and he has been under repeated attack by the national press for his policies on COVID, concentrating on protecting the elderly and insisting on open schools and outdoor activities, and for a bill forbidding overt sexual material in kindergarten through third grade. His mettle was tested when Hurricane Ian attacked southwest Florida on Sept. 28 at a point not predicted by meteorologists (weather experts have improved greatly in recent decades but aren’t perfect). He got the Pine Island bridge repaired within three days and the Sanibel Island bridge repaired in three weeks rather than the predicted three months. He didn’t just promise to build things — he delivered. This year, DeSantis won reelection by 19 points, a 1,506,000-vote margin, in the state that George W. Bush carried in 2000 by a 537-vote margin after 35 days of recounts and litigation.”

  • This Explains the Lack of a Red Wave More Than Anything Else.

All the fundamentals were in the Republicans’ favor, yet while the GOP is still on track to win the majority in the House and maybe eke out a 51-seat majority in the Senate, the red wave many of us were expecting didn’t happen. There are many theories about why the elections played out as they have. Many believe it was a lack of quality candidates, or the issue of abortion, or even Donald Trump. But on Wednesday, Tucker Carlson of Fox News offered his explanation for the Republican Party’s dismal midterm election results despite a favorable environment — and it makes perfect sense.

[T]he mechanics of an election. They matter. In fact, they matter sometimes more than any individual running in the election. The way people vote makes a big difference to the outcome,” he explained.

Indeed – Getting voters to vote matters.  For decades the Democrats have their “constant campaign” and their year ’round Get Out The Vote efforts. I’ve complained to Republicans for over a decade that the Rs don’t.  This year, I’m blaming NH GOP Chair Stepanek and Tucker. Fall on your swords.  And your replacement better take note.  Same message to the subsidiary Committees (County, City, Town) as well. Well, let’s keep going – with the blunt Sara Hoyt:

We’ll open by quoting Wy Knot from The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, by way of an opening: Oh, you ROCKHEADS. You DESERVE TO STARVE!  I’ve been wanting to say that for a day and a half. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get something else out of the way.

So, I [Ian Bruene] think this is my distillation of lessons from the midterms (written as speaking to a generic audience):

  1. Iowa and Florida did the hard work to clean up voting. They had blowout victories.
  2. Guam doesn’t have voting power. Thus not worth frauding. They had a blowout victory.
  3. Iowa had tons of abortion, reeeeeee campaigning. The result was to turn redder.

From that we can make some conclusions:

  1. It’s the fraud. Anyone who is taking the abortion talking point can kindly stuff it.
  2. It’s the fraud. If you aren’t interested in doing the hard local work to clean it up, you aren’t interested in winning.
  3. We have a mild win. Why are y’all casting it as the defeat to end all defeats? I don’t care how much of a losing fetish you have. If you must indulge it hire a dominatrix and do it in private.

To this I’d add two notes: there are contests still undecided. By doing the normal GOP and GOPe bullshit of going “Oh, this is perfectly legit with just a bit of fraud” you are ensuring those contests are frauded dem. And that we lose the Senate.

  • Jen Psaki Casually Admits That Dems Peddle Socialism

After many polls had already closed on Tuesday night, former Biden administration press secretary Jen Psaki implied that Democrats support socialism. Democrats lost a huge amount of Latino support in Florida becausesocialism does not play there,” Psaki tweeted, saying “the Latino vote is not the same everywhere.”

We may not have this here in New Hampshire NOW but you wait – if the Dems take the NH House via recounts, you can be sure they will be trying to enact it:

  • Republicans need to figure out mail-in voting: It’s being used by Democrats to influence the course of elections.

What was the determinative fix in the 2022 midterm elections? Early, mostly mail-in, voting. It is perfectly legal. But it undermines a fair and open electoral process. Were I a Democrat, I might even say that it “threatens our democracy.” Why? Because it allows for the wholesale manipulation of the vote. It also dilutes the integrity of an election by transforming it from an event into a process.

I should add that “mail-in ballots” is an equivocal term. It can mean different things in different contexts and in different states. The practice is obviously open to more interference and manipulation than same-day voting is. So extra safeguards must be put in place and scrupulously followed if such interference and manipulation is to be avoided. Some states do this. Florida is a good example. Other states do not. Apparently, about 1.4 million people asked for mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania. Around the same number voted early by mail in Arizona, compared to just shy of half a million on Election Day. Were all such ballots carefully checked to ascertain the identity and eligibility of the person casting the vote?

The real issue is that the wholesale practice of early or mail-in voting makes a mockery of elections.

Another Democrat trope just vanished – it was ALWAYS just a Democrat meme to get out their voters even as they KNEW it was a lie.

  • The Other Imaginary Red Wave

We have been through this hysteria before. Predictions of right-wing violence are now a standard feature of Democratic rhetoric. In the lead-up to January 6, 2022 (the one-year anniversary of the 2021 Capitol riot), the media, politicians, and the Biden national-security apparatus warned that “domestic violent extremists” were likely to strike again. Washington, D.C., was reportedly on edge in anticipation of the MAGA rebels. As it turned out, January 6, 2022, was notable only for the maudlin theatrics of newly patriotic Democrats, who softly sang “God Bless America” in a candlelight vigil on the Capitol steps, as calm engulfed them.

During the previous year, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland Security had issued regular warnings about election-denying terrorism. The summer of 2021, August 2021, September 2021—all provoked a satisfying increase in alerts and in precautionary barricades and bollards. And still, the right-wing terrorists did not strike.

And we never do.

  • White House Report Card: National division is a win for Biden

This week’s White House Report Card finds President Joe Biden leading what now appears to be a permanently divided nation. Despite his promises of unity, voters this week stuck with their team, the Republicans unable to bring over enough independents and Democrats to prove that their message and that of MAGA are dominant and liberals holding on with the help of single women and younger voters.


People didn’t show up where people needed to show up to flip races. Oh, they showed up elsewhere. You’ll hear about the “national popular vote,” the total number of votes cast for each party. Republicans received almost 52 million votes, Democrats only around 47 million. It’s an interesting stat that means absolutely nothing.

For the past few cycles, Democrats were roundly mocked by conservatives for citing how they’d won the NPV, as they should have been, so it can’t be a source of comfort now. Everyone knows where the votes are needed. If the candidates, campaigns, and party can’t work within that reality they deserve to lose.

Well. Plus: “That being said, the real problem for Republicans was Lindsey Graham. The senior Senator from South Carolina, for reasons known only to him, decided to introduce a nationwide 15-week abortion ban in September. Think what you will of the concept, it was a stupid strategic move.”

Extremely so.  And it didn’t hurt for the Democrats having this TREMENDOUS “bait and switch” for the Gen Z-ers:

  • Biden’s illegal student-loan bailout bought off Gen Z — and staved off a red wave

Republicans are not so giddy, to say the least. When analyzing what went wrong, the GOP shouldn’t overlook how President Joe Biden blatantly bribed some young voters to save him from the red wave — and they don’t even need the cash.

That’s right: The kids actually did show up to vote this time around. Per the Edison Research National Election Pool’s exit polling, 27% of eligible voters aged 18 to 29 cast ballots. That makes this the second-highest youth turnout in a midterm in nearly 30 years. And Edison estimates that in key competitive states, the youth turnout was even higher, around 31%.

It’s amusing that the Democrats keep kvetching that low income Republican never vote their “self-interest” by voting for Democrats. What, getting your student debt wiped out ISN’T in their self-interest?  But the Dems lied – they knew it would never happen just like the “right-wing violence” they are always using to dupe voters. They knew that the court system would kill it – but as former US Senate President Harry Reid (D-Nevada) said about his lying from the Senate well that Romney didn’t pay his taxes during the Presidential race – “it worked” as planned (Romney, as if I had to remind you, lost to Obama).

You know, like GAC Commissioners Douglas Lambert and Jade Wood kept saying that Gunstock would close forever. They led the low information voters on, too, just like the Democrat Citizens for Belknap PAC wanted.

  • Rays of Hope (abstracted)
    • Gridlock in Washington.
    • Republicans drew many more votes than Democrats.
    • Republicans won every age group over 30. Of course, we got clobbered among young people. But at least we know where we need to concentrate our efforts.
    • Republicans made substantial gains with minorities.
    • The Democrats can’t get men to vote for them.
    • The Democrats can’t rely on abortion forever. Can they? I think it is fair to say that Dobbs, while correct, cost Republicans the election….
    • Goodbye, Trump.

In my view, the strangest thing about the midterm election is how rigidly it preserved the status quo.

  • Michael Savage Suggests ‘Enemy Within’ GOP Doomed Midterms with Timing of Roe Ruling


  • The Modern Electioneering Process of “Ballot Submission Assistance” is Taking Center Stage

If CTH had a small part in helping people to reset their reference points around modern electioneering, well, that’s a good thing. The difference between “ballots” and “votes” is previously explained {SEE HERE} and absolutely critical to understand before moving forward. Thankfully a large percentage of conservatives, intellectually honest independents and even some establishment republican donors have read our research and are now starting to have the ‘votes‘ vs ‘ballots‘ conversation.  That understanding is critical, because any conversation that does not accurately identify and accept the problem is futile.

  • “Candidate Quality”

In Senator Mitch McConnell’s infamous quote on candidate quality, Adam Laxalt, the GOP challenger to Catherine Cortez Masto still makes for a Trump-endorsed outlier. The fact is, he almost won, he could have won, and it proves he wasn’t a bad candidate, although I’m willing to argue Captain Sam Brown, who got fleeced in the primary, would have done better. And, Masto proponents knew it. Insiders know of instances where Democrats concerned with losing the vulnerable Masto seat re-registered as Republicans to cast votes for Laxalt in the primary, afraid to face Captain Sam Brown. I know it happened, I was told so as a boast by a contact close to Masto’s campaign. My response was, “Doesn’t that violate the spirit of the closed primary?” Of course, it does. They just don’t care.


  • There’s Plenty Of GOP Blame To Go Around, But One Person Deserves More Than Others

Well, that sucked. And the hits keep on coming. One of the favorite pastimes of the political class is finger-pointing – when a candidate bombs the fingers come out, mostly because the alternative would be to take some responsibility themselves. In the case of the 2022 election, there is plenty of blame to go around as there was a whole lot of feces hitting a very powerful fan. Pretty much everyone got hit with their share of splatter.  Trump supporters blame Mitch McConnell, and non-Trump supporters blame Trump. But where does most of the blame belong? Honestly, everywhere…That being said, the real problem for Republicans was Lindsey Graham




The post 2022 Election Cycle Leftovers appeared first on Granite Grok.

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