The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 9 min 17 sec ago

Why Is Voter Confidence at an All-Time Low?

Fri, 2022-07-29 15:00 +0000

Voter confidence in New Hampshire and nationally is in sharp decline. Currently, less than 50 % of eligible voters vote in most NH town elections.

Voting rights and procedures are of recently increased interest to the NH State Citizenry as demonstrated by the recent enactment of the 2022 NH Special Committee on Voter Confidence established by Secretary of State David Scanlon.

In this article I would like to explore the question that many NH Citizens who have attended these meetings are asking, which is whether this Special Committee is serving its mission:

Mission: The Special Committee on Voter Confidence will work to identify root causes of voter confidence decline and make recommendations to reverse the trend.

The New Hampshire Special Committee on Voter Confidence was formed by New Hampshire Secretary of State David M. Scanlan as a bipartisan effort to discuss and address growing concerns about declines in voter confidence. Dick Swett and Brad Cook will chair the Committee.

New Hampshire is one of the easiest places for voters to register and cast their ballots, but concerns about declining voter confidence have been voiced in the state, as well as nationally.

Through open and continuous dialogue with the voting public and elected officials, the Committee will work tirelessly in the lead-up to mid-term elections to reverse this trend and strengthen the public’s trust in New Hampshire’s time-tested election process.

All of the Committee’s meetings and speaking engagements will be open to the public, with advance notice, culminating in a publicly available report on its activities”

It is important to start with Co-Chairman Brad Cook. Mr. Bradford Cook by background is an attorney with Sheehan Phinney. He is also the current and active Ballot Law Commission Chairman. Chairman Brad Cook is hearing and receiving evidence from the public and has a duty to compile and resolve complaints of federal voting law violations, pursuant to the Help America Vote Act of 2002. Many now after witnessing his performance are questioning his clear bias and dual roles, and whether it presents an appearance of impropriety and a perceived conflict of interest.

We want to thank Al Brandano for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

I asked some NH Citizens present to share their thoughts as to why voter confidence is at an all-time low.

“It goes beyond the existing studies of the winner effect or the loser’s “regret” phenomenon as some like to describe it. It’s about Election Integrity and whether you trust the accuracy of the voting machines and the people running the elections.”

What many believe is at the core of the cause is the ignorance to consider the voices of a virtuous NH citizenry that take the time from their precious lives to make a commitment to present facts and evidence along with testimony, by respectfully following rules and showing decorum. Many now feel they are outrightly being disrespected and summarily dismissed.

In a well-known Supreme court case of Crawford v. Marion County Board of Elections, Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote that “public confidence in the integrity of the electoral process has independent significance because it encourages citizen participation in the democratic process.”

One thing is for sure is that Chairman Bradford Cook’s Machiavellian behavior is not winning over any hearts and minds nor encouraging voter confidence. Nor is the lack of transparency in the manner by which the Committee extensively delays citizen’s videotape testimony for others to hear and learn from.

In fact, he seems to be single-handedly reducing the citizens trust even more so. I will be sharing more information in a series of letters/ reports to the citizens of NH in the near future.

The post Why Is Voter Confidence at an All-Time Low? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It’s Hot!

Fri, 2022-07-29 13:30 +0000

Oh boy, it is hot! We older folks better keep hydrated and out of the sun. Find a nice cool place and settle in. As for you younger kids still working drink, drink  and go easy and out of the sun.

Ran into a lady at BJ’s who claims this heat wave is proof absolutely of Global Warming, Well, foolishly I dissented and was treated to one of “those looks”.  Being too hot to engage in debate there I’ve decided to point out a couple facts here.

First, It’s July, midsummer, and just like every summer, it’s always hot. This heat wave is a bit unusual here in NH; unusual but nothing that hasn’t happened in previous months of July. Now, if this was November, I could concede the Greens might have a reasonable claim to evidence – but it is not.

Second, where was the evidence of this “global warming” last winter when below freezing temps went on for weeks? Seemed like our furnace ran continually during the night and our propane heater in the living room saw more action in years as we watched TV.

Third, to be global it has to be GLOBAL, doesn’t it? It’s not because most of our northern hemisphere is dealing with normal summers or even cooler ones.

Still, those dedicated “save the planet” activists never let facts or science stand in the way of a good chance to impress the gullible with “the sky is falling”. This has been going on for about five decades and not one of their predicted disaster scenarios has come close to happening. The fact that our government has bought into and encourages this nonsense needs to tell people that the currently entrenched majorities are playing some sort of game at our expense. Every independent study in recent years shows the nonsense as nonsense. The arctic ocean is not ice-free, coastal cities are not flooded and under water nor has sea water encroached up the Mississippi River all the way to the Great Lakes, not even to New Orleans.

Okay some glaciers are melting at some increasing rates but have been melting ever since the end of the last Ice Age. If it is warming, the planet is doing so at such a slow rate that any calls of “disaster” are of the Chicken Little variety. Only way we stop this is by replacing those entrenched now with people who deal in facts and legitimate science.

Keep this in mind when you vote in November.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gun Sense Vermont Doesn’t Waste Time Coming after Your Firearms

Fri, 2022-07-29 12:00 +0000

The anti-gun groupies didn’t take long to get their hands dirty. Just days after a murder-suicide in Burlington, they’ve done precisely what I said they would. They are coming to take away your rights.

This does not make me some guru, or expert, by the way. Anyone paying minimal attention to how the Left operates saw this coming. But since I did say it on these pages, I get to gloat a little bit.

From yesterday’s piece.

And not long from now, the rising crime they created will require that they deprive you of other rights until your state looks less like the quaint New England for which it was once known and more like every other city Dems have ruined.


Not long, as it turns out, is right away.


“Gun Sense Vermont definitely mourns the victims of this crime, but the way we honor these victims is by taking action and that’s what we need to do,” Casey said.

Gun Sense Vermont said they will be lobbying the legislature this coming year and are looking to see a ban on assault weapons, as well as longer waiting periods for firearms.


Vermont has been doing the liberal slide on guns for several years now. Once a bastion of 2A support, despite harboring more dirty hippies for more years than anyone would care to admit, those days of respect for that natural right are numbered. And now we have GUn Sense Vermont openly promoting bans on firearms.

That’s not what it says on their website, but here they are telling News 5 they want a weapons ban and more extended waiting periods. The latter of which, by the way, contradicts one of the four “bullet” points on their home page.

  • Access to a gun makes it 5 times more likely that a male abuser will kill his female victim.

In reality, a woman trained to use a firearm that is allowed to own and carry it is rarely a victim.

But enough about that. Calling for bans and waiting periods is more slippery slope stuff that leads to more of the same, which promises a land of paradisical peace and prosperity like that achieved by Decades of Dems in Chicago.

Chicago has had a paltry 1,975 shootings in 2022 and 360 deaths. And the “stop the violence” crowd in the Windy City can proudly report that someone is murdered there every twelve minutes and forty-six seconds. And no, that’s not in any of the brochures.

As with everything that makes sense to Democrats, the result is almost always the opposite.

Vermont will not be any different.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GrokGauntlets – Well, Yet Another Establishment Candidate Blew Us Off: Matt Mowers

Fri, 2022-07-29 10:30 +0000

“You claim to be going to DC to fight the Swamp; yet you boast about all of the DC-based politicians that have endorsed you. If you are depending on us to be impressed by all those names, how are we supposed to believe that you’d be fighting them?

I’m sitting here in my living room with TMEW and the Grandson typing this. I SHOULD be over at Grokster Norm’s home starting to grill Mowers. It’s not like Matt had far to come to meet with us – he literally lives just a few doors down from Norm. So all of that bluster back at the Belknap County Republican Republicans was just that – a smoke screen.

Yesterday, I called “his guy” John Callaghan to confirm his arrival. When it was clear that his voice mailbox was full (as mine almost always is), I emailed him. What I received shortly afterward was this from Mower’s campaign manager:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Parker Carey” <>
Sent: 7/26/2022 11:00:58 AM
Subject: Tomorrow


Thanks for reaching out. Matt is not able to make it tomorrow.


Parker CareyCampaign Manager
Mowers for Congress

My Response:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: “Parker Carey” <>
Sent: 7/26/2022 11:05:27 AM
Subject: Re: Tomorrow

Duly noted. I will tell the other Groksters that he will be a no-show.

And our readers.


And thus I have done so. Yet another Establishment candidate that blusters they they are up to the battle against all of the DC swamp.

Really?  And you folks can’t even summon up the courage to face a handful of political bloggers asking what any of us think are rather simple questions (although we’re finding that we DO make those that ARE willing to come in to talk with us). If you won’t do that, the chances are rather dim that we can’t trust that you won’t go Swamp.

See the top of this post – that was going to be first question I was going to ask. I think that it is a rather simply constructed one – but one that would be rather difficult for him to answer truthfully and honestly given his background AND how he has portrayed his campaign bona fides.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

FREE EVENT! NH CD-1 Congressional Candidate Debate!

Fri, 2022-07-29 01:30 +0000

The Government Integrity Project is proud to host a FREE debate between four GOP candidates who are running to replace Chris Pappas in the U.S. House of Representatives: Tim Baxter, Gail Huff Brown, Karoline Leavitt and Russell Prescott. 

You are invited to attend this extraordinary event that will take place on August 13th at 2pm inside Grace Ministries International, 263 Route 125, Brentwood, NH. (Click here to register)

This debate will provide powerful insights into each candidate’s visions for the direction of our country, and provide opportunities for audience members to participate and ask questions!

After the debate, there will be opportunities for you to speak directly with the candidates to share your thoughts and concerns.

We expect tickets will go fast and suggest you take a few minutes to register here and reserve your FREE seats now.

Join us for this special event and be a part of history!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Groomers Part 2: Power Structures

Fri, 2022-07-29 00:00 +0000

In part 1 of this series, we looked at the common method groomers use to ensnare their victims, from identifying and personalizing to love bombing and ultimately enslaving.

We discussed the main organizations and individuals who use them, from relatives to cults to nation-states.  The focus now turns to new types and entities who are demonstrably using these same grooming tactics yet on a much larger and more socially acceptable scale. The goal is to expose the tactics and help you understand you and your loved ones as the target for the new age of grooming that’s closing in around us.

As with basic grooming that starts with identifying and information gathering, social media has grown as an ostensibly benign tool for common use while disguising its grooming features from the unwitting.  Social media giants like Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Tik-Tok are all using mandatory information gathering via your devices in order for you to participate in their platforms.  One might argue this is the price to pay for their services, however, if we look at the other signs of grooming, we can see they use or are being run by people who hold to these methods.

Facebook, for example, has a lengthy identification process they use to sell your information to third parties who will use marketing strategies, such as identifying vulnerabilities, to then market their products to you. This type of customized meeting of your needs (personalization/love bombing) is virtually identical to how groomers exploit their victims’ vulnerabilities by finding out their desires and meeting them early and often to build trust.  Facebook invites you to share even the intimate aspects of your life on their platform, which not only builds an emotional bond for you (never them) but lures in your “friends” to all participate.

This was the same method used by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell as they found girls to massage them and then sent them back to get their friends to bring more into the net.  The primary difference being Epstein’s operation was for sexual control while Facebook’s is a social control mechanism.  However, the method and the goal are the same.  Use a false pretense of connecting to personalize your data collection, then exploit the participants by using the data they give you to target their needs and create a bond that is difficult, even painful, to break.

Psychiatrist and author of Political Ponerology Andrew Lobacewski explained how psychopaths learn to identify one another even as children.  This natural inclination to network follows them well into adulthood.  Obscure groups like NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) form in secret and then meet in relative secret to discuss both their mutual desires as well as to help one another find their preferred targets.  Some prefer much younger children, while others are attracted to older ones.

Social media has become a useful tool for these types of groomers to easily target and track their prey while also using apps on their smartphones to geo-locate those who are careless or naïve.  Law enforcement and therapy experts have been warning for years these online sites will make grooming that much easier.  The explosion in the number of missing children and human trafficking only confirms their warnings.

Fellow social media giants Google, Tik-Tok, and Twitter also require your information to use their platforms.  Granted, you can falsify it, however, most people are not interested in being dishonest, so the number who do participate under pseudonyms is merely the cost of doing business to access the much wider group who don’t.

Despite some of these platforms, like Facebook, having an age requirement of eighteen to participate, this doesn’t keep them from gathering millions of photos and information on children, where they are, who their parents are, what they’re like, where they like to go, and so forth.  These have quickly become a groomer’s paradise.  They have also become a groomer protectorate, with Reddit and Twitter recently banning the term “groomer” calling it an LGBTQ slur that rises to the level of hate speech.

Added layers to this widening net include government schools, which virtually all now use social media and/or the internet in teaching children.  Were teachers simpatico with parents as far as the safety of their children was concerned, there would be less worry.  Sadly the latest generation of teachers has a broad strain of “woke” educators who, by virtue of their woke religion, believe it is their calling to “liberate” children to their true selves.  This is done by taking them through things like Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), which has recently undergone a Marxist transformation, thus the new title Transformative SEL.

SEL has been in schools for many years, however, it has been hijacked of late to focus on the needs of the “marginalized” or “oppressed” groups – namely LGBTQ, as can be seen in this paper.  Rolled into this call to have SEL adopted nationwide is the method of indoctrinating teachers to adopt it, love bombing those who play along, shaming and even firing those who don’t while accusing them of being “hateful,” all the while making the end goal the “new normal.”  If you disagree as a matter of conscience, you will be shunned by these government institutions.

Schools that don’t promote transformative SEL now have renegade teachers declare no allegiance to parents or districts by taking it upon themselves to share their sexual identities with children, encourage children to be open to changing theirs while also vowing to keep it a secret from their parents. How do we know this?  They brag about it in their Tik Tok videos.  Truly – “Let’s keep our talk about your sexual identity a secret from your mommy and daddy” – is now applauded in public spaces, alongside the applause of Drag Queen Story Hours coming to a town near you.

The brazenness with which the government and its employees are coming after our children is breathtaking.  From a Biden Administration initiative for trans bathrooms backed with threats of taking poor children’s lunch money to DHS head Mayorkas adding parents expressing their constitutionally protected angry speech to a terrorist watch list, the very structure of government sworn to serve you is being weaponized (abuse/intimidate) against you by people you pay with your money.  It’s not just the groomers running the asylum. They use the pretense of being open, affirming, accepting, and tolerant to justify abuse and bullying backed by the most powerful legal and military apparatus in the world.

  • The Difficulty Schools Have In Policing Grooming
  •  “Woke” Schools Using Grooming Tactics Used by Predators to Seduce Kids…
  • MI School Employee Who Mocked Anti-Groomer Parents Arrested For Trying To Have Sex With A Minor





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Extremists? You Bet – Looks Like Gunstock SR. Mgt (And Commish Gary Kiedaisch) Had a Really Good Reason Why They All Quit en Masse Last Week!

Thu, 2022-07-28 22:30 +0000

And it wasn’t because the Gunstock Area Commissioners, their bosses, rearranged the Belknap County Complex meeting room such that the Sr. Management was put into the front row of the Public’s seating area instead of having tables of their own like the GAC. As the result of an RSA 91:A demand, I now have the same legal documents that they all received early that Wednesday morning before that GAC meeting’s “hissy” fit from the lawyers that are conducting both the legal and accounting investigations into the prior Commissioners and the Sr. Gunstock Management.

Remember, THIS was what the new Commissioners were appointed to do and the Extremist resigned Commissioner Kiedaisch and Sr. Management are putting up this political smokescreen to keep this from happening!  Those receiving the documents:

  • Tom Day, former Gunstock General Manager
  • Cathy White, former Gunstock Chief Financial Officer
  • Becky LaPense, former Gunstock HR Manager
  • Gary Kiedaisch, former GAC Commissioner
  • Brian Gallagher, former GAC Commissioner

I’ll put up the one that was sent to Tom Day – all the others are copies (same demand, the different names listed above):

(click to embiggen or review the following complete PDF:

GAC PretiFalherty Demand Letter PGC to Day req docs 07 20 22

I received them all as they are now Public Documents (I have removed the personal email addresses of the Commissioners, emphasis mine):

Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 3:04 PM
To: Jade Wood <>; Douglas Lambert <>; David Strang <>
Cc: Peter G. Callaghan <>; Joe Foster <>; Mike Sylvia <>; Norman J Silber <>
Subject: Events of July 20, 2022 – Follow up

Dear commissioners:

Due to the inability to conduct a nonspecial meeting yesterday July 26, 2022, and following up on matters discussed on July 20, 2022 I would like to share the following.

Demand Letters by Legal Counsel:

Attached are five demand letters sent to three members of senior management and one Commissioner and one former Commissioner on July 20. These notices were sent on or before approximately 4 PM Eastern time on that day.   It is likely that I have not shared these with you previously given the ensuing chaos of that day.

Notwithstanding the existing tension between the commission and management prior to the July 20 meeting, I think any reasonable person reading these demand letters would see that (a) the progress of the legal investigation requested by the Delegation; (b) the progress of the audit of financial statements duly authorized by the commission; and (c) the attached demand letters were the events which led to the resignation of management and a Commissioner on July 20.

I do not believe any reasonable person reviewing the facts and circumstances could agree that the seating chart of the meeting caused these acts.

I’m sharing these letters with members of the delegation since they requested this legal work.   It does not appear these documents are subject to attorney-client privilege and thus may be disclosed under RSA 91-A.

Retaining Public Relations Counsel: 

Attached are a memorandum to you of my understanding of special powers the commission conferred on July 20, 2022.  Pursuant to that authority, and after seeking advice from legal counsel, I have memorialized an agreement with McElveen Strategies, LLC.  This agreement was reached on July 24, 2022.  A copy of that agreement is also attached.

Counsel has also advised that given the current environment, failure to engage Public Relations counsel may represent a breach of duty by a commissioner.

The nonpublic meeting scheduled for July 26, 2022 was meant to ratify the enclosed agreement.  Unfortunately, that nonpublic meeting did not occur.  Based on advise of legal counsel, McElveen Strategies has been retained.   Should you not agree with this action, please advise.


Peter G. Ness, Esq.
Chair, GAC


Note the phrase “to conduct a nonspecial meeting yesterday July 26, 2022”. Having watched part of the video (Thanks Theresa!), it clear that Jade Wood hijacked what was supposed to be a non-public meeting by publicly calling  for the mob to assemble and then shouting down Commissioner Peter Ness in trying to run the meeting. Her absolutely dismissive gesture when both Strang and Ness walked out of the meeting after demanding their resignations in a very haughty fashion, gave rise to my thought of “Stockholm Syndrome” in her case. With respect to Doug Lambert’s case, Rule 8, Rule 9, and Rule 12 of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals have been employed (and I don’t think he’s realized it yet – he won’t return my calls). In both cases, the Citizens for Belknap, led by Brian Beihl (formerly of Open Democracy NH), and its supporters, have taken both of their fears and have used it against them in deflecting what SHOULD be their main efforts in investigating prior malfeasances.

And CoB has set up a Narrative that has, as its base, Rule 10.  They took a “Negative” (“EXTREMISTS!!!!”) and made it a “Postive” for their followers.

Hopefully, Josh McElveen (former WMUR reporter/anchor) can lend them some well needed assistance. This whole controversy has been spun up out of whole cloth (think “mean tweets”) and used effectively against both the new Commissioners and the Delegation. Time to turn the tables. Here are the documents mentioned in Ness’s email:

Memo to GAC 7-27-2022 re PR Firm Josh McElveen engagement


GAC -PR Firm McElveen Eng Ltr 7-24-2022


Now I wish they hire an interim GM and CFO – there are PLENTY of firms out there that could do so.





The post Extremists? You Bet – Looks Like Gunstock SR. Mgt (And Commish Gary Kiedaisch) Had a Really Good Reason Why They All Quit en Masse Last Week! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fentanyl, That Devil …

Thu, 2022-07-28 21:00 +0000

Maybe I’m just being picky, but I have a problem with this Union leader headline. “Direct delivery of Naloxone key to reducing opioid deaths.” It’s key? The key to stopping opioid deaths is trying to prevent death after an overdose.

This is an interesting situation.

We’ve got a news report featuring a governor of a US border state who is excited about tying New Hampshire to another $750,000.00 in federal money (strings and all) to combat the opioid epidemic. A money pit we predicted years ago, for the record, and almost precisely the way it’s panned out.

  1. The Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee on Friday approved using $250,000 in federal American Rescue Plan Act grants to dispense Naloxone kits.
  2. The fiscal panel approved spending another $500,000 to support recommendations of the Governor’s Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs that include recovery services for youths up to age 24 who use stimulants.

It is reactive, not proactive, followed by federally funded (grow government) therapy programs.

And no, these “killer” drugs are not pouring in across New Hampshire’s northern border (southern, yes!), but when Mr. Trump was trying to deal with the open-border-opioid crisis he inherited from Mr. Obama, Gov. Sununu stated that he would not send NH Guardsman to help while carrying the Left’s Narrative water.

Trump somehow managed without the help of Governor Groomer (imagine that), and the flow of illegal drugs waned for a while.

More enforcement, deportations, arrests, prosecutions, The Wall! Illegal crossings plummeted, and kids no longer had to live in Joe and Barry’s cages – the ones that reminded some of the concentration camps.

Chrissy Sununu didn’t want any part of stopping any of that stuff, prolly ‘cuz it might mean less federal money for him to cuddle.

But when they wanted Guard troops for DC after the fake “insurrection” narrative took root, he was johnny on the post. And these priorities matter, especially no. We’ve got hundreds dying annually in our state and exponentially more nationwide from opioid overdoses. Drugs are made in China, shipped to the Cartels, and walked across our open border into the US.

Sure, we get to read about the odd multi-departmental task force raid that seized “x” amount of this or that, but the key to reducing these deaths is not Naloxone (Narcan). Should first responders have it? Yes! Should they use it to save lives? Yes! But the key to reducing deaths is to get the government to do one of the few things it is actually supposed to do and for governors to ensure it does that and not all this other crap.

Securing the border and national security are Federal Responsibilities. They are not doing that. What they are doing is stepping all over people’s basic rights – especially during the so-called pandemic, which ruined lives.

Ruined lives are more likely to seek out diversions like drugs, and this leads, sooner or later, to overdose deaths.

And while I know you love some more of that “Federal money,” complete with all the sides *strings, rules, mandates, etc.), refusing to address the key issue makes it look like you just want more money, and lives are not really the concern.

And no one said a word about the real problem.

It’s a little bit frustrating, but hey, I’ve got a blog to vent, so there you go.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Our Political Leaders, Are Not Leaders, and They Have Failed Us

Thu, 2022-07-28 19:30 +0000

It’s official, our national leaders obviously don’t care about this country, our state, the American people, or the Constitution they swore an oath to support and defend.

How could they, if they are willing to idly watch our country be invaded by unvetted foreigners?

How could they, if they are content allowing human beings to be illegally trafficked by criminal cartels into our country?

How could they, as they watch fentanyl and other deadly drugs, flow across our border, killing countless innocent Americans?

How could they, as they encourage dishonest judges and district attorneys to unleash violent criminals back into our society, to prey on law-abiding Americans?

How could they, as they condone our rogue justice department, selectively mete out “justice” while blatantly mocking the judicial tenets lady justice is supposed to represent?

How could they, as they mindlessly vote for spending bills that fund foreign wars, waste taxpayer money, and bankrupt our country?

How could they, as they allow big Pharma to test experimental drugs and vaccines on the American people with impunity?

How could they, as they bend a knee to china, allow them to steal our intellectual property while plotting our demise?

How could they, as they compliantly watch corporate media and big tech, silence our freedom of speech and “cancel” those they disagree with?

They are all complicit in allowing these things to happen during their tenure.

They are all accessories who have condoned all of these actions with their silence and inaction.

Their failure to act, coupled with their mindless political obedience, have negatively impacted the safety, security, and quality of life of the American people.

The failure of our representatives to protect the Granite Staters who sent them to Washington will forever be their legacy.

They have failed all of us, and we need to vote them all out.

We need to fill their seats with bold new leaders who are able to act independently.

Leaders who will replace their rhetoric with results, their aloofness with accomplishments, their indifference with industriousness, and their dishonesty with integrity.

I pray that our country still produces such people.


Michael Petruzziello
Major, USMC (Ret)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Monkey Pox “Problem” Solved: Gay Men Just Need to Take The Rest of the Summer “Off”

Thu, 2022-07-28 18:00 +0000

The World Health Organization (the WHO?) has been warning the planet about the latest emerging plague. Sinister Monkeypox. Only it’s not a plague by a long shot. The disease is rarely fatal, mostly an inconvenience, and this time around, the only intervention needed is this.

The outbreak of the disease appears primarily in gay men and is transmitted through intimate contact. And by primarily, I mean almost exclusively. This monkeypox “epidemic” is so narrow in focus that neither the public health industrial complex nor its PR wing (the corporate media) dares to share the sexual orientation of the patients.

That’s fine. It’s not really anyone’s business what consenting adults do until it is relevant to the spread of the disease or in the context of blanket orders or mandates by the public health officials hiding these details.

A habit (blanketing) they’ve gotten much too comfortable with in recent years.

So, let us be frank about Frank and Frank and patient zero (who may or may not be named Frank or Francis, frankly).


Pride parades and events are being flagged (that’s FLAGGED) as Monkey Pox superspreader events. “The Gran Canarian pride festival attended by 80,000 from Britain and across Europe is being investigated after being linked to numerous monkeypox cases in Madrid, Italy and Tenerife.”


That was the genesis of this Monkeypox epidemic. With rare exceptions, and there may be none because, as noted, the experts don’t want to release details, patients are not gay men. One example of this is the apparent rise of this disease in children.

That could be a problem. How is an epidemic currently spread almost exclusively by gay men infecting children?

I bet you can work that out for yourselves.

But to get to the point, the “cure” is to isolate those most at risk. The disease is spread by intimate contact, so maybe gay men need to embrace abstinence for a few months. Lock down the libido. Quarantine the [insert word for you know what here]. Maybe until Thanksgiving? At which point you can be thankful you did not get or transmit monkeypox.

In the name of public health and all that.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Physicians Declare Teenage Mental Health Crisis Across the United States

Thu, 2022-07-28 17:00 +0000

Mental health challenges among children and teenagers have hit a nationwide crisis. That’s according to a recent declaration of national emergency by the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA), the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) – three major medical organizations that jointly represent well over 200 children’s hospitals and 77,000 physicians nationwide.

In the declaration, the CHA, AACAP, and AAP collectively called on lawmakers and policymakers at all government levels to join them and promptly tackle the ever-increasing child and teenage mental health crisis in the US.

The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated the mental health crisis among teenagers

The coronavirus pandemic has hurt mental health across the board. Still, according to the New York Times, children and youth bear the biggest brunt. However, this is particularly true as children and adolescents struggle with ongoing grief, stress, and uncertainty, not to mention the physical isolation during the onset of the pandemic.

The data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during the pandemic is quite alarming. It shows that children ages 12 to 17 visiting ER because of mental health emergencies rose by a whopping 31% between the onset of the pandemic and October 2020. The CDC also noted a 24% rise in such visits for kids ages 5 to 11.

Mental health in children in Chicago and across the nation is not only suffering almost out of sight. Teenagers, in particular, faced so much throughout the pandemic. As a result, they endure a lot mentally even though many states have “returned to normalcy.” While most healthcare providers and stakeholders focus much on the pandemic’s physical health effects, we cannot ignore a teenager’s mounting mental health crisis.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, teenage mental health challenges were gaining some attention. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic has only pushed these mental health challenges facing teens to a crisis level. So it’s no wonder advocates of young people say swift action is needed now.

The national emergency declaration by the CHA, AACAP, and AAP marks the first discussion of children’s mental health crises on a nationwide platform. It’s an urgent call to all stakeholders, particularly policymakers at every level of government, to see the situation through an emergency lens.

The unequal impact of the teenage mental health crisis on Latinos and people of color

Clinical psychologists at the Center for Childhood Resilience at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago have noted that the facility has experienced a dramatic jump in the number of parents coming to seek mental health treatments for their kids.

The demand for children’s mental health services at the hospital has become so high that the waiting list has ballooned to the point of concern.” For teens looking to get care in person, they visit mental health franchises like Geode Health, which provide services around the country.

The specialists acknowledged the pandemic’s role in fueling the youth’s mental health challenges. They noted that most children seeking treatment were missing friends, experiencing grief, or facing isolation.

Even so, the pandemic-induced mental health challenges have disproportionately affected children and adolescents from minority communities. After all, data from the Chicago Department of Public Health indicates that Latinos and African Americans in Chicago accounted for 29.7% and 42.1% of coronavirus-related deaths. Meanwhile, only 23% of Covid-19 reported deaths were Caucasians.

Off this background, it’s evident that grief significantly contributes to the mental health challenges faced by Latino and black teenagers. After all, losing a loved one can be traumatic and affect a child’s mental health.

Policymakers and other stakeholders must discuss the teenage mental health crisis and ways of helping them cope with the impact of racial injustice and community violence among minority groups.

Moving up a gear is the way to go.

According to experts, access to youth mental health isn’t up to par, especially in minority-heavy, big cities and metropolises like Chicago, New York, and Detroit. They recommend making high-quality mental health services available within places of worship, community centers, and school buildings.

For instance, schools can set up trauma-driven strategies that should focus on teaching teens how to express their emotions responsibly. These programs should also focus on students’ emotional safety and robust relationships with their peers and teachers.


Medical organizations and children’s hospitals have made one step forward by declaring teenage and children’s mental health crises a national emergency. In the declaration, the AAP, AACAP, and CHA emphasized the unequal toll the situation has had on youth from minority groups. They also note the inextricable link between current racial injustices and the escalating youth mental health crisis.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Extremist? Tom Day Demonstrates the Problem with Gunstock and His Political Donation to Sununu with Gov’t Money

Thu, 2022-07-28 16:30 +0000

With this check to the Sununu campaign, were you hoping that no one was going to remember that up until Jan 20, 2020, you were Chris Sununu’s Waterville Valley General Manager? Quid pro quo?  Cui bono, Mr. Day? 

And yes, I have saved that Gunstock website page. And interestingly enough, given the exchange where you were incensed over who was in charge of Gunstock, there was this little tidbit as well:

Gunstock is owned by Belknap County, and the GAC is a five-member board appointed by the Belknap County Delegation to oversee the resort. The Gunstock general manager reports directly to the GAC.

And you got mad when you were reminded that Dr. David Strang was, indeed, your boss???

The amount of twisting and cavorting his mind (or those of his minders) had to go through to come up with this deflection over you sending this political donation to your former boss – and they/you are calling your bosses, the Gunstock Area Commissioners, Extremists?  Tom Day told WMUR this as a way of explanation about the check (emphasis mine):

“We are a for-profit entity that has a donation line item in our budget and we donate to different things to promote Gunstock and promote the area and promote skiing in general,” he said. “We generate our own revenue and this donation does not affect Belknap County residents because we don’t take Belknap County money.”

This is wrong at so many different levels that it’s not clear where I should start first.  But here’s a try – Summary: No, you were buying political influence, it’s not your money, and yes you did.

To break that down:

  1. No, you are NOT a “for-profit entity.”  Gunstock is owned by Belknap County. The County is a mere political subdivision of the State which means Gunstock is as well. There is a State Statute, RSA 399, that governs the entire operation of Gunstock, which means it is entirely a Government entity. As far as the “for-profit” is concerned, Government departments, bureaus, and agencies don’t “have profit” because they are not a commercial (think PRIVATE sector) companies.  They don’t have “profit,” but they CAN have a surplus.
  2. If you were REALLY a for-profit entity, you’d be paying REALLY BIG bucks in taxes to the Town of Gilford – and you’re not.  You BARELY return much at all to the County.
  3. Yes, they can donate to charities and other non-profits (like the Tourism board or a a group that helps kids, and things like that).  No one would have a problem with that.
  4. However, sending a check “to promote Gunstock” to a political candidate that is also your boss (Governor Sununu) is not “promoting Gunstock,” that is seeking and paying for influence to a politician. Tom Day can’t even be honest with himself or us. He knows he got caught and is trying to wiggle out of it.
  5. Sure, you have a revenue stream. So does the NH Dept of Motor Vehicles, right? You have to go there to pay for your license, pay for your vehicle plates, and pay for any testing; thus, they have revenue. Unlike YOU, Tom Day, as well as disgraced Commissioners Gary Kiedaisch, Rusty McLear, Brian Gallagher, and Russ Dumais, they have never said: “this isn’t public money” because they tell the truth. Ask them – they will not lie, like you, and say they are a “for-profit” entity and that the money they collect is theirs. They will readily tell anyone that it is ALL PUBLIC MONEY.
  6. This leads me to my last point: it is ALL PUBLIC MONEY.
  7. Contrary to what Day wants you to believe, they DO take Belknap County money – when they squander their revenues. Why else have they run to the Belknap County Commissioners for a handout like when they did back in 2016?  Remember, I had to fight them, even with a valid RSA 91-A demand, to get their budget numbers. “THAT’S PROPRIETARY,” they said, until I pointed out that when they came, financial hat in hand and gave the Commissioners their budget, they were plenty relieved to have gotten Belknap County taxpayer money

Isn’t that right, Tom Day?  Or are you merely trying to rewrite history to support “The Narrative”? Or thinking you can bamboozle everyone into believing a lie?

The problem is that they have either adopted the idea, or had it beat into them, that they aren’t part of Government. That’s been clear since I started to “watch” Gunstock very early this year.

They believe that they are something they aren’t. They believe that they aren’t constrained by any Law or regulations that apply to other Government agencies.  Kiedaisch believes, and now had the Sr. Gunstock Mgt believing that the Gunstock Area Commission was to act like a corporate Board of Directors – it’s not.

And when the replacement Commissioners started to be appointed to the GAC with Jade Wood replacing Russ Dumais, the “old boy network” started the rebellion against those new Commissioners AND the Belknap County Delegation that was appointed them.

So Tom Day is the perfect illustration of what has been wrong with Gunstock Mountain Resort, not in its operation, but in its perception of itself and its outlook vis-a-vis its status within Government.

Which is to say, they reject that they are simply a Government agency. And THAT is the root of all of the problems as they are trying to be something that they are not…

…and not being completely honest about it. Or in this explanation of why a political donation was given, by a government agency, to a candidate.


The post Extremist? Tom Day Demonstrates the Problem with Gunstock and His Political Donation to Sununu with Gov’t Money appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Wild Swans: A Precursor to Lily Tang Williams for Congress

Thu, 2022-07-28 15:00 +0000

I made myself read the international bestseller Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China, a memoir by Jung Chang (Touchstone edition; Simon and Schuster, 2003.) Why? So– I might know real historic details of life under a totalitarian regime such as Mao’s “Cultural Revolution.”

The daughter of a high Communist official, Jung tells her personal family story of the excruciatingly painful suffering of the Chinese people and her family, whose Father even had this VIP government role.

Growing up as a young girl until her early twenties, Jung endured oppressive physical and psychological conditions: forced communal living and separated marriages (even high Communist officials could not live together with their spouses).

Forced concubines for many. Ruthless, harassing local and national leaders, food rationing, and starvation. And arduous journeys by foot for registration papers to government offices and required relocations to new compounds.

We want to thank Claire Voie for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

She experienced the suicides of family and friends, incarceration, and the mental breakdown of her Father when betrayed by Communist officials. The abject cruelty of public shaming rituals staged in a public square for critics of the government or those suspected of disloyalty.

The constant surveillance of every day activities by officials and even neighbors. Mindless broadcasts of intercom propaganda blasting on town loudspeakers. Massive corruption in all levels of government.

The government manipulated conflicts/tensions between people and groups (communists vs. “rightists,” peasants vs. highbrow, neighbor vs. neighbor, ethnic group vs. other ethnic groups, etc.–sound familiar?)

Young Jung finally leaves China in 1978 with a prestigious scholarship award to Britain, where she meets her future husband, London’s Jon Halliday.

It seems incredulous that she survived and excelled amid such misery. She was gifted with extraordinary fortitude and inner intelligence.

With a maturing conscience, she learns from her experiences and discerns the evil manipulation of Dictator Mao, who continually propagandized as a “God” in her early school days.

She writes how nature consoled her—the natural beauty and life-giving landscape of flora and fauna among the plains and mountainous Chinese landscape. Recording her mystical and meditative times of solitude in nature, she often preferred being away from people, where she could think and rely on her own instincts.

Like Jung Chang, New Hampshire’s Lily Tang Williams is a Chinese-born survivor of the same totalitarian regime known as the “CCP.” With extraordinary fortitude and intelligence, Lily Tang escaped to FREEDOM in 1988 when she came to study in America.

She later met her future husband, John Williams, and her family now lives in Weare, New Hampshire. She travels throughout America with her passionate message for “Victims of Communism.” Running for U.S. Congress in NH District 2, Lily has a great purpose: to save America from an emerging tyrannical government acquiescence to Congressional and corporate elites colluding with the CCP and Communist practices.

Lily Tang Williams will not cave in as many do (even Republicans.) She knows better.

I trust Lily more than the other District 2 Congressional candidates. Only she can shock Congress out of collusion with a cultural revolution in America.



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Does Cloud Computing for the Pharma Industry Require So Much Power?

Thu, 2022-07-28 14:00 +0000

The exponential increase in computing capacity, often referred to by technologists as Moore’s Law, has had a disruptive and transformative effect on virtually every major industry. The pharmaceutical industry is no exception.

The explosion of computational power has had unexpected implications for productivity, had profound consequences for the pharmaceutical industry, and led to the development of the exciting field known today as biotechnology. 

Moore’s law refers to doubling the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit roughly every two years. While some claim that Moore’s Law is no longer applicable, the exponential growth in available computing power for virtually every industry is undeniable. 

To many technologists, cloud computing solutions represent the next huge step forward in biotechnology and many other fields. It allows pharmaceutical companies to leverage increased computing power for safer data housing, more efficient scale-up or IT infrastructure, and more accessible data sharing. However, cloud computing isn’t without its drawbacks; it often requires the use of vast amounts of power. 

To understand why cloud computing for the pharmaceutical industry uses so much power, let’s explore the growth of the field of biotechnology and how cloud computing will become the next big step forward for the industry. 

Understanding the Power of Biotechnology 

Dramatic increases in computing power have led to a cascade of advancements and discoveries in biology. Most notably, computational systems have allowed biologists to sequence the human genome. The Human Genome Project (HGP) took nearly 13 years and $3 billion to complete and represented one of the most dramatic steps forward in the field. 

The mapping of the entire human genome has given researchers the tools to uncover the genetic influences and origins of various ailments, leading to the possibility of new treatments and preventative measures. The genomics revolution, and the related field of proteomics, the study of proteins, have produced a colossal amount of data that must be stored, organized, and analyzed. 

Our information systems in 2003 were not as connected as they are today. Ironically, the level of technology that enabled the completion of the HGP represents a challenge for analyzing and applying those findings today. According to Dickson, technologists must update much of the IT infrastructure that houses this data, so pharma cloud computing systems are vital. 

Pharma cloud computing systems provide biotech firms the firepower needed to complete complex computations, analyze genomic data and find genetic causes of some diseases. They provide various benefits when working with big data. 

The Law of Accelerating Returns 

Developed by futurist Ray Kurzweil, the law of accelerating returns refers to “the tendency for advances to feed on themselves, increasing the rate of further advance, and pushing well past what one might sensibly project by linear extrapolation of current progress.” In simpler terms, discovery A leads to discovery AB and AC, and each of those spurs at least two different discoveries. 

Scientific discoveries don’t move in a straight line but fan out in multiple and sometimes unexpected directions. The biotechnology field is one example of the law of accelerating returns. It has impacted everything from the development of vaccines and antibiotics to advancements in the food manufacturing process to the gene sequencing revolution. 

The Benefits of Cloud Computing Systems 

First and foremost, cloud computing systems are higher performing than other IT systems. They can examine, organize, and analyze large datasets quicker and more efficiently than other systems, allowing researchers to sort the signal from the noise in massive amounts of data and develop scientific hypotheses that they can test. 

Another benefit of cloud computing systems is offering enhanced data security, a priority for biologists. Security is essential for data in biotechnology because data can accumulate quickly and must be secured efficiently. Sensitive data about expensive, lucrative medical products such as COVID-19 vaccines can represent intellectual property worth millions or even billions of dollars. 

Pharma cloud computing systems and web-based databases allow IT managers, to implement multi-factor authentication for all workers who access the data, limiting possible vulnerabilities and security concerns. They also enable the deployment of robust firewalls that limit data breaches and access by malicious actors such as hackers. IT managers must protect data through enterprise-level encryption and cross-referenced through regular data snapshots when using cloud computing systems. 

Finally, cloud computing systems are compatible with sophisticated Intrusion Protection Systems (IPSs) that can detect anomalous log-ins or other suspicious user actions that conflict with expected behaviors stored in a dedicated SIEM platform. Some institutions have even halted cloud computing initiatives and subcontracted them out to other companies to ensure data security. 

Scalability is another significant benefit of cloud computing systems. It refers to the capacity of these systems to quickly and dramatically expand; to store and analyze rapidly growing quantities of data. 

Cloud computing systems allow this to be accomplished cost-effectively through strategic resource clustering strategies such as Hadoop clusters. Data is written into an external cloud storage system and accessed by adding or removing nodes. 

The Power Requirements for Cloud Computing Systems 

Much of the power requirements for cloud computing systems come from the need to cool large clusters of IT hardware systems. Technologists utilize various techniques, including the strategic spacing of different hardware pieces that allow for enhanced air circulation, liquid cooling systems, and powerful fan and ventilation systems to keep the systems from overheating. 

Ventilation systems often require a vast amount of power to function correctly, and failures in cooling systems are an existential threat to cloud storage infrastructure. That is why redundancy is essential and represents an additional demand for power in cloud computing. 

Backup systems are necessary, as is a comprehensive policy of checks and balances. IT managers must institute plans that prevent the failure of part or all of a cloud computing system. 

Different types of redundancies include dual power feeds, a backup network stack, high-efficiency computer nodes, and a failsafe storage cluster that can accommodate disk failures or hardware malfunctions. Despite these challenges, the advantages of cloud computing are so significant that many different industries are taking advantage of these systems.  

To Sum Up 

It’s clear that cloud computing systems are dependent on high amounts of energy.  The use of such power levels by these systems requires extensive planning to ensure proper cooling, ventilation, and maintenance of cloud computing infrastructure. 

The power of the cloud is setting the stage for some of the most important breakthroughs in biotechnology, which have the potential to save millions of lives in the future.



The post Why Does Cloud Computing for the Pharma Industry Require So Much Power? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Burlington Police Chief Lacks Manpower to Investigate Murder Suicide Because BLM-Appeasing City Council Defunded Them

Thu, 2022-07-28 13:30 +0000

We’ve been charting the Democrat decline of Burlington, Vermont, for a few years, and it is swirling the bowl as predicted. Property crime has been rising, and now gun crime is becoming a problem, but the local PD lacks resources. Can you guess why?

The Dems running the city into the ground tripped over themselves during the summer of love, rape, looting, and riots to show BLM they were made of the right stuff by backing the latest thing. They cut police funding by 30%.

Burlington is also a sanctuary city that gave illegals the vote (local elections only) and continues to display the hallmarks of long-term decline under Democrat rule. As I said, swirling the bowl.

And, to be fair, it is what the people want: they just legalized prostitution and sex trafficking so it is illegal for the city to regulate sex work. This will result in more human trafficking, drug abuse, sexual assault, and maybe even more sexually transmitted diseases and crime.

Related: Keep a Close Eye on the (National) Socialists Running Burlington Vermont…

A Baltimore or Chicago they may never be, but they’ll get as close as they can with the population and progressive antics at hand. And without the resources to investigate rising crime, what’s to stop criminals from committing more of them?


Police say [22-year-old Kayla] Noonan was shot and killed and that her friend, who lived in the apartment, was critically injured before 27-year-old Mikal Dixon shot and killed himself. …

[Acting Police Chief Jon]  “Murad said detectives are over-extended investigating other cases and that they have reached out to the Vermont State Police for assistance.”


Murad’s department is famously lacking resources, another side-effect of knee-jerk leftist policy. And sure, you pull State police off their regular work to lend a hand in Burlington, but is Burlington paying for that or every other taxpayer in Vermont? And where will the State Police find the resources?


Vermont State Police, with an authorized strength of 333 troopers, recently reported that it has over 50 vacant positions. Add to these numbers the wholesale dissolution of the Burlington and Rutland police forces and what the respective municipalities are attempting to do in re-staffing. It is unprecedented.


All of Vermont is already paying.

And it won’t stay in Burlington or Rutland, which also defunded its local PD and has ten times more crime per square mile than the state average.

Brattleboro is another Vermont town the progressive policy-liquored left is driving into a ditch. And not long from now, the rising crime they created will require that they deprive you of other rights until your state looks less like the quaint New England for which it was once known and more like every other city Dems have ruined.

Related: 2021: New Hampshire Ranked Safest State in America Again, While Vermont Begins Liberal Slide…

It might still be pretty from a distance, don’t get me wrong, but up close? Democrats destroy everything they touch, and Vermont is not immune.

Burlington is just the first to fall, and while it’s not yet buried, only the residents can change course. But to do that, they have to stop voting for Democrats (or Phil Scott-republicans) for the next few decades, and I’m not convinced they are able.

Sure, voters in San Francisco recalled their City DA because the crime exceeded their tolerance for it, but no Republican mayors or city councils are in their future because real change is not something in which they truly believe.

So, is Kayla Noonan the victim of a murder-suicide or her city’s ideological blind spots? Not to worry, since they can’t blame themselves, the Dems will blame white people, guns, homeschooling, wages, inequity, and anything but Democrat policy mistakes. Maybe they’ll even blame whoever threw ammunition on a hot grill in a South Burlington McDonald’s yesterday.

They had to evacuate the building.

Responding officers negotiated with the employee, who still possessed the handgun and additional ammunition, the report said. The employee agreed to leave the gun inside and surrender to police.

No name was given, but don’t be surprised if that person ends up being a school shooter someday. And everyone will act surprised.



The post Burlington Police Chief Lacks Manpower to Investigate Murder Suicide Because BLM-Appeasing City Council Defunded Them appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

2022 Fashion Trends for Summer and What to Buy

Thu, 2022-07-28 12:17 +0000

Whether you’re planning to spend your summertime in the city partying with your girls, heading for the beach, or anything in between, there’s definitely a summer clothing trend for every occasion you might have.

Summer styling is arguably all about comfort, versatility, and ease. What fashion items will make you feel the most carefree, comfy, and confident while staying true to your style? Preparing your warm-weather wardrobe—from shoes to shorts to accessories—is only half the battle. The other half of the fun is styling your outfits, and summer is all about effortless fashion.

Fun, happy-go-lucky colors, subtle skin flashes, and light fabrics are a few fashion trends we’re gunning for in 2022. Ahead, check out our top picks for 2022 fashion trends that’ll be all the rage this summer season. These summer styles are approved by leading fashion experts, trendsetters, and stylists.

Cute Women’s Shorts

Bold and cute shorts are back in style, baby, and we love them. If you ask us, shorts are the comfiest and most reliable bottoms women can rock in warm weather. So although micro minis and 1990s retro trends have recently had their moment in the limelight, the power of a cute pair of summer women’s shorts remains unbeatable.

Let’s give shorts their due respect and attention, shall we? After all, these bottoms can be so much more reliable and practical than dresses and skirts, particularly during those windy summer days. Better yet, Sanctuary clothing says that shorts for women can be incredibly versatile—you can wear your favorite pair out on a date, to brunch, or even to work.

According to a recent piece by The Wall Street Journal, some office employees and their organizations are starting to embrace shorts, paying homage to the trendy work-from-home fashion. Of course, shorts began their fashionable return in spring, but this summer, they are back with more bang and even cuter.

This year’s summer shorts come in all shapes, sizes, and price tags, which means there’s a style for every woman looking to try the trend. Of course, you must find a shape or style that works for you, from baggy to slim-fit, mini, midi, or Capri lengths.

For instance, if you want to create a work-friendly outfit with a serious dose of glamor, you won’t go wrong with a pair of paper-bag or high-waist shorts. Pair your paper-bag shorts with a tucked-in, tailored button-down top. Layer an open blazer or cardigan over the top and finish off the outfit with a pair of low heels or espadrilles.

On the other hand, if utility is your thing, look no further than khaki shorts. They’re cute yet versatile and super-practical for just about any plans you might have for summer. A pairing of khaki shorts and a white silk long sleeve blouse is a safe bet for a variety of relaxed occasions. Complete the look with a pair of chunky high heels or something cute like suede ballerinas.

Denim shorts are another must-have in your summer wardrobe. Cute options in style this season don’t feature cliché distresses or rips, which makes them an all-summer staple. Try teaming your blue jeans shorts with a simple white sleeveless top for a more laid-back approach to summer styling.

Micro Mini Skirts

Micro mini-skirts are one of the most rave-worthy fashion trends for summer 2022, partly thanks to Miu Miu and Miaou. These itty-bitty bottoms are already reigning supreme, sending longer dresses and pants to the back of the wardrobe until the colder months come knocking. They’re great for showing off your beautiful tan skin and staying nice & cool all summer long.

Ever since the micro mini brought back the Y2K trend, the big question has always been: how do you wear such a short skirt off the runway? Even though they can be risqué, micro-minis can make perfect outfits if styled correctly. And the answer is right there: wear these micros with equally itty-bitty tops.

Of course, you should ditch skin-hiding pieces like turtlenecks and chunky knits for crop tops and cute bralettes. For instance, you can marry your favorite micro mini-skirt with a small blouse for a skin-showing summer outfit.

Alternatively, you can wear your micro mini with a structured blazer to add a strong power punch to your summer ensemble. The pair might not be appropriate for the office, but it’s undeniably sexy. A fashionable corset top can also do the trick.

Bold, Bright Colors

The events of the past two or so years have made us feel bogged down and stagnant in various ways—and fashion is no exception. This year, fashion experts and stylists are banking on the return of dopamine-dressing-friendly styles like neon brights and fringes to lift our spirits and moods.

Bold and bright hues attracted a fair share of attention on last year’s runways and will undoubtedly stay trendy well into fall. We expect to see these bold colors in just about any piece of clothing on red carpets, street style, and beyond.

So, for the summer, say adieu to your neutral pieces in favor of the hottest pinks and brightest blues (and every bright hue in between). While the warm weather will birth numerous bold color styles (read: purple, neon green, and orange), pink will rule the roost. For inspiration, look at the Grammys 2022 red carpet, where celebs like Billy Porter and Saweetie rocked many shades of the hot hue.

These bold colors work in matching sets, as well as with neutrals. Don’t forget about exotic bright colors like sorbet, mustard, and lilac, amongst many others.

Platform Shoes

After many years of naked straps and minimalist soles, platform shoes are making a comeback. “The higher the heels, the better,” is the slogan for footwear designers this season. And if what we saw in various runways is anything to believe, this shoe trend will stick around for a while. From Versace to Nodaleto, platform shoes are the most prominent summer trend.

The trick is to go strappier, chunkier, and higher with your platform heels. However, if you’re not ready to go all-in with platform shoes after wearing super-comfortable slides and trainers for months, look for casual and smart-casual style inspiration from celebs. Hailey Bieber pairs her platforms with a tailored blazer dress, while Dua Lipa sticks with an open cardigan and a mini skirt. It’s all up to you.

Wrapping up…

Styling outfits this summer is about pieces that provide a nice balance between casual, comfort, and chic factors. With bold colors, cute women’s shorts, and mini micro skirts, there’s a style for all your summer plans, from rooftop parties to vacations to weddings.


The post 2022 Fashion Trends for Summer and What to Buy appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Much Are Nashuans Willing to Pay For Secrecy?

Thu, 2022-07-28 12:00 +0000

Citizen participation in their local government depends on the goodwill of those serving. Laws exist that permit citizens access to meetings and records, but without the goodwill of those serving to provide access and records, it all falls apart.

Nashua’s officials lack the goodwill expected of public servants. The City is undergoing a major expansion and redevelopment effort of our Downtown. Many of these high-cost projects are not open to public participation. Public records of meetings and minutes are not maintained and provided to the public per the law. Tracking what is really going on is nearly impossible and extraordinarily frustrating. One such project is the Nashua Performing Arts Center (NPAC).

The secrecy surrounding this project is so high that the Corporate Attorneys Bolton and Leonard and Economic Development Director Tim Cummings are not willing to state whether the NPAC joint committee or the three corporations that comprise the joint committee are public entities. More to come on this.

The secrecy surrounding this project is so high that the Board of Aldermen did not identify this committee on the city website. The Board approved 2 of the Corporate entities that make up this joint committee through Omnibus Resolution O-20-094. They appear to be public entities, but the City will not confirm this.

The secrecy surrounding this project is so high that minutes and agendas have not been posted on the City website. Citizens had no way of knowing that this joint entity even existed.

The secrecy surrounding this project is so high that the project costs are being withheld from the public. There is no publicly available history of the change orders approved for the construction of this downtown facility. This $25 million dollar project is heading for cost increases. But that too, is shrouded in secrecy.

The secrecy surrounding this project is so high that the meeting minutes recorded by the Board do not meet the requirements of the law. These legal requirements are minimal. It is inexcusable to not record the motions of the Board and provide a brief explanation of the items discussed. A review of the May 9, 2022 meeting minutes shows that the Board provided no update on the financial and construction project. How could the board skip these major agenda items? The meeting has no motion to adjourn. Did the meeting last 5 minutes or 2 hours?

I don’t want to pay any more of my money for secret projects that are supposed to be public. How much more do you want to pay?



The post How Much Are Nashuans Willing to Pay For Secrecy? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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