The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • May 11 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XIX

Manchester, N.H.

Biden Promised Normal, This Isn’t Normal

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-05-20 02:00 +0000

Maybe this is normal. After all, normal is a relative term, so maybe to Joe Biden and his incompetent team, we are precisely where they want us to be. If that is the case, eighty-one million people were sold a bill of goods, and the rest of us can say we told you so.

That is not a good consolation for the country’s dismal state after fifteen months of Joe Biden.

We have the worst inflation in decades, and the 8.5% published rate by the government is a bogus number. Since it does not include the impact of Food or Energy costs, why is it even posted? It is a false and useless number masking today’s much more significant issue. Some estimates put the actual inflation number at 25-30% if all commodity categories are included.

Biden had pledged no new taxes on the low income and middle class, but the inflation he created is the cruelest tax and most impacts the low-income tier. The rich can absorb the $5.00 cost of a gallon of gas, but the $75.00 tank of gas may mean less food on the table for low-income Americans. The ripple effect inflation will cause on modified vacation and travel plans are yet to be seen. After two years of COVID, a summer locked down by inflation is the last thing the country needs.

We are getting closer to the Red Tsunami, and the Dems are running out of time to turn things around. Biden and the Radical Left hope that the Abortion controversy will bring support for Democrat candidates in November. Still, the cost of inflation to the average family will make them forget who Roe or Wade was. Biden urged Democrats to assume their campaign status this week. He should have encouraged his staff to produce something of a positive impact. They are not capable of meeting that goal.

We need to go no further than the top two spots to see the magnitude of our problem. Joe Biden is rarely let out on his own, and every time he goes off prompter, we see why. Today, he was in Buffalo to pay his respects to Saturday’s mass shooting victims. First, he and the First Lady are alone on the stage with COVID masks covering their faces. Such a show of weakness for a country that craves strength.

He then goes on to compare Buffalo to Scranton. You would think he would let that go, but he still feels some mileage is left in Joe from Scranton. He is wrong. Then he tries to quote his parents and blows the line. All he had to do was read the darn thing.

Kamala was sent to the memorial of the recently deceased leader of the UAE. She addresses the media and blows her message. Another daily special of Word Salad from our VP. Sad, she can do nothing right. Kamala Harris had the opportunity to seize the moment. She is the first Black female Vice President who could have set the bar for young girls everywhere. Instead, she has disappointed all except for those of us who felt she was a charlatan. With a charlatan VP and a deficient mental acuity President does not a country thrive. But that is what we have.



Ray Writes for and the Liberty Loft

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gunstock: What Was Foretold Is Now Reality: Guida Retiring, Nominates Lang as Handpicked “Political Son.” Nailed It!

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-05-20 00:00 +0000

WMUR: State Sen. Giuda announces retirement, endorses Rep. Lang as replacement

Not 10 minutes after he got booted from the Committee of Conference where his bill to redo Gunstock went down in flames as Chuck Morse shoved him out of the way.

Now, I can’t take total credit for this prophecy made back on April 23 as a bunch of birdies sent me the info in various and sundry ways:

Gunstock Resort Rumor: What’s the Connection: Guida, Lang, and Baby Huey (Gov. Chris Sununu)?

First, the context (beyond what I and other writers have already put on GraniteGrok) of the sinkhole of politics that the Gunstock Area Commission, Gunstock Mountain Resort, and the Belknap County Delegation. It all seems to swirl (word of the day) around former CEO (several times) and current Gunstock Area Commissioner Gary Kiedaisch (having been elected to Vice-Chair, launched a lawsuit to prevent being fired (once again), promoted to Acting Chair, and now demoted to just Commissioner).  He’s never held back from telling everyone how great his CEO skills are and the size of his wallet.

And his connections with NH Governor Chris Sununu. More on that in a minute; back to WMUR:

CONCORD, N.H. —A season of turnover is underway at the State House as longtime state Sen. Bob Giuda, R-Warren, is announcing his retirement and endorsing state Rep. Tim Lang, R-Sanbornton, to replace him. Giuda has represented District 2, which includes parts of Merrimack, Belknap and Grafton counties, since 2016 and is known as one of the more outspoken and conservative members of the Senate.

See my shocked face?  Glad you can as my mirror isn’t.  HB1397 was to completely redo how the Gunstock Ski Area, the Gunstock Area Commission, the Belknap County Delegation, and the Belknap County Commissioners, and MONEY all interrelate with each other.  And as I reported earlier today, it went down in flames as the NH House Leadership sussed out what was going on, along with the NH Senate President, and put a stop to that nonsense.  RSA 399 is still intact as Kiedaisch / Rusty McLear / McLaughlin / Lang intent to wrest back their playtoy (Gunstock). Their “Master Plan” which would have taken control over land they didn’t own to build a hotel et al and turn Gunstock into something it isn’t (not a “destination” resort but a day trip for locals”) and pocket…well, I’ll let you finish that statement.

Good deal!

But WAIT!  The actual prophecy:

So I’ve talked about the Kiedaisch/GAC  angle/rumor.  There’s another one that gets into political horse-trading.  With 2020 came the redistricting of not just the Federal districts of Congress and Senate but also the NH districts for Executive Council, State Senate, and NH House Reps. The redistricting fouled a few things up. If it holds, Guida’s State Senate district gets a redo – and Lang has talked about running for Senate.  He and his Lang Gang in the Delegation are tired of losing and he wants to jump up the political ladder to get away from always being on the losing side of the Delegation’s major issues and voting.

…More detail: Giuda would continue to be a placeholder for Lang and would withdraw at the last minute, throwing his support to Lang. Of course, as part and parcel of this rumor is that Lang’s candidacy would receive campaign financial support from Kiedaisch and his cronies (like Rusty McLear in retribution for being put out to pasture and perhaps another well-known developer interested in that briefly mentioned hotel above).

Well, “the last minute” part was way off – but the “working part” came true. And Guida’s “payoff” (if there is one)? Still to be seen but let’s see if this comes true:

Before the Giuda-Lang arrangement became rumored, another one was that maybe Giuda had been promised campaign financial support from Kiedaisch, or given Kiedasisch’s boasting with the tightness of his connection/influence with Baby Huey, a gubernatorial appointment for Guida somewhere in the Administration.  You know, like former Speaker of the House Shawn Jasper did in getting that Agriculture Commissioner job?  Pays a lot better than a State Senator, right?

So Part 2 remains unfulfilled.  However, Part 3 is already in full swing:

It’s also known that Sununu believes that the Belknap County Delegation and hates the Libertarians in Republican clothing. So he might play ball in hopes that Kiedaisch & Cronies’ money would muddy up the waters in Belknap to get a more compliant, less conservative, Delegation that would be willing to do the “thank you sire, may I have another” (think Animal House). Maybe a good tradeoff in his eyes and let Kiedaisch have his toy back -> letting Gunstock return to operating without transparency and accountability.

So, prepare for a lot of money to be spent in NH House races around Belknap County this cycle – especially in the Republican Primary.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Be an Anti-Communist

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-19 22:00 +0000

The reality of any on-the-ground political effort to the right of Mao tends to be plagued by varied ideologies, apathies, good-perfect-enemy-ism, anarchic utopian dreams, zealous libertarian evangelism, and pathetic decorum-ism. As a result, it tends to be the “moderates” – representing a third-way-ism conducive to sabotage of rightist goals – who drive agenda.

These moderates can affect this by being the majority opinion, or simply by being the most intolerant (of different ideas) group in the room.

We must, then, build out a coalition that can represent both the largest representative bloc on the right, and also be the most intolerant (of any ideas to the left) group in the room in order to begin to shift policy rightward beyond the threshold of defeat by the modern left. This coalition must hold firm in order to defeat, first, the GOPe RINOs, and, second, the left. That order is significant, as the left cannot be successfully engaged by the right until their blockers, the RINOs, are defeated.

However, to coalition build on the right is to herd cats. Somebody could show up, suggest limiting the government to the exact dimensions authorized by the Constitution and not one iota more, and he would lose half the room for being too radically anti-government, and another third for being a statist. There is, seemingly, no way to present a positive, uniting vision around which the right might unite except in the vaguest, most nebulously superficial appeals to “freedom.” No vague obfuscation of this sort will ever work to hold a coalition of rightists together, as the coalition to be built will necessarily be one of too many chief ideologues, and not enough pragmatist Indians. That obfuscation only works on the left.

This all makes sense when you take a higher-order perspective of the situation. The right is not a cohesive bloc at all, but rather it is, itself, already an unsteady coalition of all entities not explicitly leftist: libertarians, right-anarchists, traditionalists, populists, nationalists (in this context: patriots), Christian nationalists, and so on. The left, however, is close enough ideologically between its primary factions of Progressives (bureaucratic Young Hegelian utopian zealots) and neo-Marxists (destructive Young Hegelian utopian zealots) that they can just keep driving towards their goals without much argument about where they’re heading.

We want to thank Mike Belcher for this Op-Ed.
Please direct yours to

Also, when the left gets their way in government, they create more problems for government to “fix,” and more opportunities for their program to expand, and coalitions to endure perpetually, whereas a right victory yields fewer problems for them to fix, and ultimately to the dissolution of their coalition as unnecessary. This goes a long way toward explaining why those who want to win will always have the upper hand over those who merely want to be left alone.

So, then, if we cannot reasonably advance a positive vision to unite rightists against those who want to win we must, obviously, advance a negative vision to unite rightists and make them want to win. Now, here a “negative vision” is akin to a “negative right;” it means to advance a vision against something in order to be free of it, rather than for something to have it. The thing that must unite us, and that we must defeat, is Communism, and it has already arrived in America. It is, in fact, already the foremost operating principle of the federal government (see “Equity”, and Lysenkoism), and more and more state governments also.

Thus, anti-Communism as a negative vision becomes the future and hope of the right, and of the coalition, we must now build. This is the common strand that unites us for the very simple reason that if it does not, and we fail in our task, it will destroy us – each and every one of us. We must pursue this coalition along the paradigm of political warfare, as (through no choice of our own) we are not currently in peacetime. This is a wartime conservative doctrine, though “conservative” doesn’t nearly do it justice. We are no longer looking to conserve. The conservation of this remnant – this extant, festering corpse of our republic doesn’t motivate us: it just cannot. We are here for a refounding, a remoralization, and a political counter-revolution.

To advance this doctrine we must, for the moment, subordinate our own individual preferences to this broader goal. We must see the enemy clearly for what it is: a dogmatic and zealous cult of death bent on devouring our families and communities. That isn’t hyperbole. This isn’t simply for a better future, as politicians are known to say. We must do this to ensure any future at all. Everything is on the line now. We must hang together, or surely, we will hang separately.

Be an anti-Communist.


| Michael Belcher Substack

The post Be an Anti-Communist appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Savage Truth 603” Found NOT GUILTY on All Charges for Arrest at Governor’s House!

Free Keene - Thu, 2022-05-19 21:43 +0000

Skylar Bennett aka Savage Truth 603

Skylar Bennett, aka “Savage Truth 603” was arrested in December 2020 at New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu’s house during what was intended to be a candlelight vigil. Simultaneously, nine other people were ticketed for violating an unconstitutional town ordinance against “picketing”. So far, all the people charged with picketing have been found “not guilty”.

Skylar, who faced trial for not just “picketing”, but also “disorderly conduct”, and “criminal trespass” earlier this month, has been found “not guilty” on all charges!

It’s an amazing victory and proof that the state’s targeting of the activists protesting at Sununu’s home is so illegal that not even the lowly district court judge can rule in the state’s favor.

You can watch the full trial from the courthouse in Brentwood, NH below:

At least two other people remain charged with “picketing”, one who was the last of the Nine ticketed in December, and one man charged with it during a “honk brigade” event in 2021. Stay tuned to Free Keene for the latest on the “Newfields Nine”.

Palate Cleanser – This Is Why I Won’t Allow Myself to Own a Chainsaw

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-19 20:00 +0000

And some of these folks are “professionals”!  At first, I didn’t think I’d be interested in it but figured I’d take a peek at the video.  The more I watched, I felt like one of those folks that DVR NASCAR races and speed through the race looking only for crashes.  ‘Cept with this, there were no “intervening” safe laps with the mishaps.

Yes, I have the right idea – I’m not buying a chainsaw that would do any sizable trees and I’m CERTAINLY not going to climb any of them!

(H/T: Videos That Suck via Linkiest)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Are Sununu and the Rest of the Baby Killers in NH Silent on the Pro-abortion Violence Sweeping the Nation?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-19 18:00 +0000

The news that’s not news because they don’t want you to know too much is that radical abortion militias are threatening to burn down the Supreme Court and kill a few Justices. They’ve been “choosing” to firebomb family planning and pro-life offices around the country to warm up.


The Department of Homeland Security has released a very concerning new report showing that radical abortion activists plan to burn down or storm the Supreme Court building and murder justices and their law clerks once the decision overturning Roe v. Wade is released. The report indicates these pro-abortion extremists will also target churches and other places of worship with violence and vandalism.


Anti-Christian hate crimes too! Nice lot you got there.

So, we’ve got illegal threats and intimidation of Supreme Court Justices. A promise of insurrection – to borrow a phrase, criminal threatening, murder, property destruction, hate crimes (their definition, not mine), and whatever else you can milk from that leak.


Several churches have been vandalized with pro-abortion graffiti since the Supreme Court leak, including a Catholic church in Boulder, Colorado, another in Fort Collins, Colorado, the Catholic News Agency reports; and a third, the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Houston, Texas. A Tabernacle also was stolen from Saint Bartholomew Catholic Church in Katy, Texas.

Police are investigating arson at two pro-life organizations in Wisconsin and Oregon, as well as vandalism at several pro-life pregnancy centers. Pro-life advocates also have shared videos and reports of being assaulted by abortion activists at rallies and events. And abortion advocates have threatened to bomb a church in New York City.


I’m not sure if I’ve heard anyone who supports abortion say a thing about any of this. Silence. Crickets. It might not be a bad idea for the Left, or even the fake right, to find a microphone and say a few words. And not just platitudes. In New Hampshire, a law-abiding gun owner can shoot and kill anyone who is attempting to burn down any place they occupy.

Rick Olson can explain it better but arson – even attempted arson – is recognized as an effort to harm the people present in the dwelling. If you are in front of my house with a lit Molotov and you cock your arm back to throw, you can be shot dead in self-defense.

Make sure you share that with any out-of-state hooligans who drop by to help you “protest.”

You may also want to let them know that many churches in the state are NOT soft targets. I won’t say which, and I don’t know them all, but more than one and fewer than “all of them” have trained armed security and digital surveillance. More than a few took up that cause after the church shootings in previous years.

As with concealed carry, you will have to guess who has guns and who does not. Think of it as a choice. But if you don’t choose wisely, you may never get to choose anything again because you’ll be dead.

A problem we may not have to worry about in the Granite State, but a few words from so-called abortion leaders might go a long way to ensuring that the sort of violence of which only the Left is truly capable never finds a home here in New Hampshire.

And failing to denounce these acts will, of course, make you complicit in them. Your rules, not mine.



Leo Hohmann | Life Site News

The post Why Are Sununu and the Rest of the Baby Killers in NH Silent on the Pro-abortion Violence Sweeping the Nation? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden’s Ministry of Truth Is Dead and Frau Jankowicz Has Already Left the Building

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-19 16:00 +0000

“You can’t handle the truth” may have been one of the most fantastic lines in Hollywood History, but it is also a tagline of the Biden Administration. A few weeks ago, Joe Biden announced the formation of a new department that would operate under the Department of Homeland Security umbrella. This idea proved to be a flawed and unpopular decision on all fronts and possibly violated many Constitutional rights. 

Even the concept of the Disinformation Board was fuzzy depending on who was defining it. Some administration members claimed it was to monitor international information aimed at harming America, while others said it was to monitor Social Media. These groups could not be simultaneously correct unless the Board was to do both. They named Nina Jankowicz to head up this effort to compound a wrong decision. There are many tweets and Instagram posts on record posted by Jankowicz to show that she would be the target of the Board and not the person to be making any decisions on truth.

Today, this Board has been “paused,” which is political talk for dead, and it has been reported that Jankowicz has already submitted her resignation. You can chock this idea as another monumental failure of the Biden Team. Can he ever do anything right?

Another situation that involves truth is the CDC tracking Americans during the Pandemic. In this case, the truth we need is, did this happen, who ordered it, and who will pay for those decisions? This story hit on the same day as the SCOTUS leak. That was sheer luck for the CDC. The fever pitch of the Abortion Activists drowned out any mention of the CDC tracking issue, but it cannot go unnoticed.

The CDC paid $420,000 for one year of cellphone data from a company called Safeguard. Below are some of the data points included in the data purchased.

The documents contain a long list of what the CDC describes as 21 different “potential CDC use cases for data.” They include: 

  • “Track patterns of those visiting K-12 schools by the school and compare to 2019; compare with epi metrics [Environmental Performance Index] if possible.” 
  • “Examination of the correlation of mobility patterns data and rise in COVID-19 cases […] Movement restrictions (Border closures, inter-regional and nigh curfews) to show compliance.”
  • “Examination of the effectiveness of public policy on [the] Navajo Nation.”

If the specifics reported are correct, none of the US spy agencies were involved, and this was just the CDC and a private company violating our privacy. This is an example of a government agency using surveillance of American citizens without authorization. Another agency overstepping its authority and stomping on our rights. As the CDC was tracking us going to church or our kids going to school while migrants are breaching our border without proper testing only to be transported to every state in our union. Can this government get any more hypothetical? No, they can not.

The leak story still lives, but some news bureau has to get on this story and dig until our questions have been answered. When a story like this is allowed to go unchallenged, we have surrendered our rights, and they may never be restored. In the public domain, we must insist our press and media start doing their job. Complacency will fuel this mission of the Left to destroy our country. We on the Right need to take off the gloves and fight like our lives, liberty, and freedom depend on it, for they do.



Ray Writes for and the Liberty Loft

The post Biden’s Ministry of Truth Is Dead and Frau Jankowicz Has Already Left the Building appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So has NH State Senator Bob Guida just killed his own bill in the Committee of Conference?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-19 14:15 +0000

UPDATE!  HB1397 has been killed. Success Leaders: NH State Rep/Belknap County Delegation Chair Mike Sylvia, NH State Rep and House Majority Leader Jason Osborne, GAC Commissioner Dave Strang, and NH State Rep Norm Silber, Diane Pauer and Speaker Sherm Packard.

UPDATE 2: It looks like Guida got a bit of comeupence like Kimberly Rice did on the Parental Rights bill. Except, however, Rice stayed on the Committee. Guida was replaced by the President of the NH Senate, Chuck Morse.  Wow!  Kudos to Morse on this!.

And this CoC just convened and I am waiting for an update soonest!

That would be HB1397 – what was originally a bill to extend the terms of Rockingham elected officials from 2 years to 4 years.  Yeah, I dunno, either, why they’d have 4 years while the rest of NH goes every two years. But that’s beside the point.  NH State Senator Bob Guida basically shoved that part aside and butted into the Gunstock Ski Area brouhaha by totally rewriting the bill such that it would isolate this county-owned recreation area from the rest of Belknap County governance, strip the Belknap County Delegation AND the Belknap County Commissioners of their authority and oversight of it, and made it financially without oversight – except for the Gunstock Area Commission.

Which was the point all along as the Gary Kiedaisch / Rusty McLear / Tim Lang’s of this cabal weren’t too happy that they lost their Power base on the GAC due to those “damn Conservatives in the Delegation that simply were Following The Law”.  In doing so, new Commissioners were installed that actually are Following the Law (other than being late in responding to my Right To Know/RSA 91A demands but that’s another story).  And in doing that, took their playtoy away and their delusions of creating a “mini-me” version of Loon, Waterville Valley, or other kind of “for-profit” ski areas that are destinations versus “ski for the day for the locals”.

So, it’s my understanding that Guida decided to throw his weight around and became the insufferable self that has been in process for the last couple of years (re: “do you know who I am??”).  Things didn’t go well for him during yesterday’s Committee of Conference and,  as one person put it, got up and angrily ran out of one of the CoC’s work sessions.  It doesn’t help that he loudly called the House Committee Chair Tom Dolan an effing liar.

Well, that’s a GREAT way to destroy friendships and NOT influence people (makes it rather interesting for me, however, watching his self-induced political career implosion in real-time).  Dolan knows of this outburst.

Now, I’m no expert on CoC’s but I’ve been told that if just ONE person doesn’t like the bill after trying to reconcile the House and Senate versions, the bill dies (like what NH State Rep Kimberly Rice tried to do to the Parental Rights bill yesterday).  Unlike the Parental Rights bill, RSA 399 that governs Gunstock has worked well since 1959. Unfortunately, those that had the Power are acting just like the Left is doing with regard to the US Supreme Court in change from [il]liberal Democrat judge majority to now a Conservative one. Court packing, term limits, calls for intimidation tactics, even…insurrection!  Their “Super-Legislature” was taken from them and they are ticked.

And Guida has now done the legislative equivalent and is trying to ram it through.  I’m told, however, that his ham-fisted manner is going to end with a non-concurrence (right term??) and it will die.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, NH State Rep Kimberly Rice Hates Parents and the Parental Rights Bill that Empowers Them Over School Boards.

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-19 14:00 +0000

UPDATE!  The Senate Parental Bill of Rights has been accepted by the Committee of Conference.  There are a couple of line differences between the House and Senate so there will be a vote next Thursday.  Then Gov. Sununu has to sign it.  YAY!

NH State Rep Kimberly Rice was “demoted” from Chair and Majority Leader Jason Osborne took over.  This session was over in a hurry.

Consider this an add-on to Ann Marie’s Parental Rights post (“Democrat Senator Jay Kahn Leads Republican Senators to Oppose Parental Rights in NH“), except instead of being about HB1639  about in-school CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey, this is about the fundamental role of Parents in raising their children WITHOUT Government interference.

The state, any of its political subdivisions, including, without limitation, any school board, school district, or school administrative unit, any other governmental entity shall not infringe on the fundamental rights of a parent to direct the upbringing and education of his or her minor child without demonstrating that such action is reasonable and necessary to achieve a compelling state interest and that such action is narrowly tailored and cannot be achieved by less restrictive means.


In other words, the default IS that Parents are in charge – and NOT have to “prove” to Government that they are fit parents.  When I testified for HB1431 (that puts Parents back in charge of their kids against the overreach of an encroaching part of Government – School Boards), a bill to codify the idea that Parents are in charge of their kids, it was clear that she didn’t want to deal with the bill, she didn’t really want to listen to folks like me during the hearings, and just wanted it to disappear. Now, having fallen for the idea put forward by the Left AND those whose wages are dependent on the Educational-Industrial Complete NOT losing their grasp on your kids, scuttlebutt is that she is the prime suspect on the Committee of Conference that should be reconciling the differences between the Senate and House bills on this matter, that will kill the bill completely.

While I had wanted to go it that CoC (and others – Life has intervened once again), I couldn’t. But it was clear from the newspapers that when it came to supporting parents, she caved. From the Union Leader (per normal, reformatting / emphasis mine):

The legislation would require teachers and staff to promptly report to parents any inquiry a student made into changing “gender expression or identity,” as well as joining any club or extracurricular activity. House Speaker Pro Tem Kimberly Rice, R-Hudson, said these late objections to the bill (HB 1431) were too serious and complex to resolve in the waning days of the 2022 session. “I don’t see any way we can support this. We would have to amend so much stuff to try and take care of people, and I don’t think we have enough time to deal with it,” Rice said. “I just think this is going to need a lot more work and that is something that can be worked on over the summer.”

And from the Keene Sentinel:

“It’s such a fine line between parental rights and the child’s rights,” Rice said. “I just want to make sure that we’re not setting kids up to self harm, to feel they have no one to talk to.” “Yes, there are a lot of great parents out there,” she added. “Unfortunately there are some not-so-great parents out there.

And that proves the point – Rice is ALSO now assuming, as law enforcement, school administration, and “advocacy groups”  that Parents are (and SHOULD BE held) guilty simply because of a School Districts say-so?  As her default position?

How about taking the side of Parents, Kimberly?  Your own words declare yourself guilty of prejudging Parents out of thin air.

“It’s such a fine line between parental rights and the child’s rights,” Rice said. “I just want to make sure that we’re not setting kids up to self harm, to feel they have no one to talk to.”

And that’s the Left having implanted that outlook within her.  Sorry, WHO is supposed to be in charge of raising kids, 360 degrees?  Yup, their PARENTS. But it is the school districts that believe that Parents should automatically judge Parents to be guilty of ANYTHING harmful to a child well before anything happens.  Remember, during my testimony, I TOLD them about the Clay County, FL, school system guidance counselor (someone to talk to??), Ms. Washington, that turned a 12 year old girl “trans” who became so conflicted that she then attempted suicide.

And the school said nothing to her parents.  Then the girl tried it again – the very next day.  Only THEN did the school called the parents. Their answer to the parents (“WHY didn’t you call us sooner?!?!?!?!?!”) was because of your Catholic faith, we judged feared that you would do harm to your child.

See, every parent is guilty.  And Kimberly Rice, with her non-concurrence, may well set this scenario up to happen here in NH. There are already three lawsuits against School Boards and one of them, Manchester, is SPECIFICALLY on this topic – hide the transgender status of any child from those nasty, uncaring, harmful Parents. Nice to see that the Republican Legislature is now siding with the Democrats that have infested school systems.

And you wonder, on such an important topic to “the base”, why the base doesn’t trust the Republican Party elected officials?  Don’t they remember that just a few short months ago that now Virginia Governor Youngkin RAN on such ideas – that Parents should be put back in charge that schools took from them?  That Florida Governor DeSantis is WAY up with the Republican base with fighting FOR parents?

Rice?  Not so much – certainly not showing the political courage to stand up to the vested interests (and yes, I count the NH DOJ and not an “uninterested” party in this) and standing FOR Parents.

Leaving Parents, for at least another year, having to deal with School Boards that look upon them with disdain (after all, they deign not to speak with us Parents during “Public Meetings”, right Gilford School Board), enact Policies that many believe to be wrong, and teachers (just watch the Twitter account of The Libs of TicTok) who believe that your child is theirs. that may well be killing off one of the most important bills this session for base -.  If you doubt me, haven’t you been reading GraniteGrok?  Quick Hint: “Stack of Stuff“.  What is it that I’m trying to convey?

Good going, Kimberly!  Remember, I am invested in this – I have had to SUE the Gilford School Board because they codified that they could lie to ME about the transgender status of my legal son.  And his elementary school Principal REFUSED TO DO SO when asked at the Gilford School Board meeting!  So, Kimberly, you would willingly condemn ME to be one of those pre-judged parents.

Thanks a bunch.  Now you’ve made it personal ALL OVER AGAIN.

So yes, Kimberly, I am one of those that, if you are the one that effectively kills this bill, will work to see that you don’t get elected.

Don’t protect MY Rights? I’m not going to protect your seat.

From the NH House Roster:

NH State Rep Kimberly Rice represents Hillsborough – District 37 (Hudson, Pelham)

9 Hickory Street
Hudson, NH  03051-4759
Seat #: 2005

And no, I’m not “outing” anyone – if anything, State Government did has as all I had to do is look her up on the NH.GOV site.

I have been getting calls all day today (hey, needed something to do while waiting for my laptop’s new AC Adapter to arrive and recharge my laptop – without juice, it’s just a very bad (albeit, very expensive) Frisbee) concerning this and a couple of other Committee of Conference bill deliberations.  The Rumor is that a LOT of folks are mad as hell over this – especially the donor class.  The grassroots can be ignored – and are too often. I can say what I want here at GraniteGrok but it can be ignored as well.

That donor class?  No, I think they can be ignored but only at your electoral peril. The absence of their money will speak FAR LOUDER than GraniteGrok; and they (yes, plural) made it known to me that this bill had better pass or there will be a few less digits in Republican campaign coffers in the fall. All up and down the ballot.  Are you listening, Steve Stepanek? Political Operatives / Campaign managers?  You’d best be calling Rice as well.

And I’m hearing that House Leadership is threatening to pull Rice and the other Rs, if necessary, from that CoC and replace them with people that will make this happen.  And they may do so because so much pressure is being put on them.

Consider GraniteGrok among that group – Sherm Packard, Jason Osborne: make this happen.  Do you remember what happened when I wrote about Frank Guinta, almost non-stop, for a year and a half?  I’m not saying the ‘Grok can repeat that performance but I’m up for it.

After all, MY School District doesn’t care about my concerns.

Don’t make it a double.




Committee of Conference: HB1431
Report Not Filed

establishing the parental bill of rights.
Meeting: 05/17/2022 2:00 PM  Location: LOB 202-204Senate: Sharon Carson, Bill Gannon, Rebecca Whitley
House:  (C) Kimberly Rice, Debra DeSimone, Jodi Nelson, Denise Smith


Why is this so important?  This:

The only explanation I have is that she believes, like the teachers and School Boards all over the State, believe that kids belong to them; Parents are impediments and should be replaced – this sign is showing up in a lot of schools:


Present bill is HB1431


The post So, NH State Rep Kimberly Rice Hates Parents and the Parental Rights Bill that Empowers Them Over School Boards. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ALERT! The 2022 Parental Bill of Rights is at risk of being killed in Committee of Conference

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-19 12:49 +0000
Act before 10 am TODAY: Contact the Speaker of the House to save the bill!

After 8:30 am, please send a short text message to House Leadership asking them to pass the Senate version of the Parental Bill of Rights, HB1431. Please be firm but polite.

Sample message: “Please pass HB1431 as modified by the Senate on May 5th.”

Speaker Sherm Packard: 603-505-5738

Deputy Speaker Kim Rice: 603-943-3369

This is the time where legislation changes quickly and there are many moving parts.  We are doing our best to verify the facts that we are being told and contact you in real-time.  This is why this notice did not go out sooner than late Wednesday night.

HB1431, the Parental Bill of Rights, passed both the House and the Senate but was amended in the Senate (the Senate version is stronger!). So the differences in the bill are required to be ironed out in committee of conference. However, if the members do not agree, the bill in question could just die.

Please Submit Group communications or Press Releases for consideration
to Submission is not a guarantee of publication.

The Parental Bill of Rights is a critical bill. Here is its stated purpose:

Declaration of Purpose.  The general court finds that it is a fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their minor children.  The general court further finds that important information relating to a minor child should not be withheld, either inadvertently or purposefully, from his or her parent, including information relating to the minor’s education.  The general court further finds it is necessary to establish a consistent mechanism for parents to be notified of information relating to the health, education, and well-being of their minor children.

Here is what we know:

  • There is a House version and a Senate version of HB1431.  The Senate version is far superior in both protecting children as well as families.
  • Various progressive groups oppose the Senate version.
  • The Attorney General’s office along with numerous progressive activism groups have made false claims about the Senate version regarding potential Title 7 civil rights violations.
  • After hearing their claims, the House (Decision by Deputy Speaker Kim Rice) was unwilling to adopt the better version of the bill.
  • We have reviewed these claims with several attorneys and found them to be completely false (This is what took the time to respond)
  • There is a 9am meeting on Thursday morning 5/19 between the House and Senate to work out their differences.
  • There is a high likelihood that the bill might be killed because the House leadership is not willing to accept the better version of the bill.
  • There is a great opportunity for the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker to pass a huge change that protects families and children.

The House should accept the Senate version and concur with the changes that they Senate made.   This bill will make sure that parents are notified when a school official “..or other school employee initiates, investigates, or finds the need for any action by school authorities relating to the student…”. This means that when a student is being disciplined for being late or tardy, or failing in their classes or being bulled or similar, that they parents are made aware of what is going on.  This is a very good thing.

Send a message to the Speaker’s office to let the Speaker know that this is a critical must pass bill and that the Deputy Speaker should do what it takes to adopt the Senate version as the stated reasons for objecting are without merit.

Sample message: “Please pass HB1431 as modified by the Senate on May 5th.”

Speaker Sherm Packard: 603-432-3391

Deputy Speaker Kim Rice: 603-943-3369



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tenth Amendment Win in NH – HB1178 Nullifies Anti-Second Amendment Federal Laws and Exec. Orders

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-19 12:00 +0000

The New Hampshire legislature has passed HB1178, a bill prohibiting “the state from enforcing any federal statute, regulation, or Presidential Executive Order that restricts or regulates the right of the people to keep and bear arms.”

The extended text is even more pleasing to defenders of liberty.


Federal Statutes, Regulations, and Presidential Executive Orders Relating to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Pursuant to the general court’s authority under Part II, Article 5 of the New Hampshire Constitution, the state of New Hampshire, a political subdivision of this state, or any person acting under the color of state, county, or municipal law shall be prohibited from using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer, or cooperate with any law, act, rule, order, or regulation of the United States Government or Executive Order of the President of the United States that is inconsistent with any law of this state regarding the regulation of firearms, ammunition, magazines or the ammunition feeding devices, firearm components, firearms supplies, or knives. Silence in the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated pertaining to a matter regulated by federal law shall be construed as an inconsistency for the purposes of this chapter.


State law in all cases trumps Federal law, but HB1178 does provide for cooperation with federal investigations into illegal activity or illegal use of firearms. It is not a blanket amnesty. No Wild West, though the Left will have framed it that way. And I doubt the Governor will be singing it while the nation and the media sift through the recent tragedy in Buffalo though he should.

As sad as the shootings and loss of life are, we find ourselves looking at one more example of a place where law-abiding persons are disarmed by the burden of ownership imposed by their government. One law-abiding citizen with some basic training could have changed the incident in Buffalo in several ways from ending the shooter’s ability to continue to murder to simply distracting them. You can’t proceed with your murder until you deal with the incoming.

People have more time to flee, and back up has more time to get there.


Biden and the Beltway Dems are constantly pursuing restrictions on private ownership and possession of firearms. They want to turn every corner of the nation into Chicago, where, in May 2022, there have been 197 shootings and 37 homicides over 17 days.

Someone gets shot in Chicago every three minutes and murdered every fifteen (14:41).

There have been at least nine “mass shootings” in Chicago in 2022, where four or more people were shot in a single shooting incident. If your threshold is two or more, that number jumps to 116 “mass shootings.”

Is this the first you’ve heard of that because Chicago’s “common sense” gun laws are the Left’s template for America.

New Hampshire is not waiting around to be disarmed.

HB1178 will go to the Governor for his signature, and while he’s terrible on many issues, this isn’t one of them. Chris Sununu has been a strong supporter of Second Amendment Rights. He is expected to sign it. And when he does, New Hampshire will have nullified Federal overreach on the Second Amendment.

More states need to follow that example and not just on firearms. The States are the last line of defense against Federal abuse of power. Ignore this at your peril.



NH | HB1178

Image Credit | The Tenth Amendment Center

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don’t Be A Boob: Bananas Formula For Babies

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-19 10:00 +0000

The great baby formula panic of 2022 is upon us and I am here to reassure everyone, that there is nothing to fear – I have the formula for babies. In fact, thanks to recent advances in science and society we have multiple formulas. This cracked-out reporter made it his mission to solve this crisis and he is happy to report the stories of the demise of formulating babies is greatly exaggerated.

The original formula for making babies is still a strong one. You simply need a fertile female and capable male of relative attraction, some smooth jazz, a nice bottle of Merlot, and a quiet, dimly lit private area, and let the multiplication (that’s a math term) begin. With any luck, you’ll have a baby on the way by the next morning. If not, most men are champions at giving a woman a second, third, and even twenty-third chance until they get it right. Patience isn’t just a name for a woman with strong birthing hips, ladies.

Thankfully science and social hysteria have collided like particles at CERN and we now have a plethora of baby-making formulas. With men and women no longer encumbered by “gender norms” a simple switching of the sexes ought to yield some results. If the woman is proving barren then perhaps she was meant to be a man and vice versa. Don’t just change positions you love bugs, change gender roles. Within no time that (wo)man will be as pregnant as the wallets of the marketing team for Calvin Klein.

Still feeling panicky? Worry not little princesses. Babies are so easily made we are discarding them by the millions here in America. In case you hadn’t noticed the formula for babies is so successful, our streets are filled with mostly blue and red-haired women who can’t possibly stop themselves from making them. Just one look at some of these street mammals makes you wonder how they had a baby in the first place, but their point is made. The formula for babies is such a juggernaut even teams of doctors, clinics, donors, deadbeats, and politicians are having a hard time stopping them from emerging on this earth. Having taken the war on babies to its logical conclusion – they must be stopped before they come out of the womb and spread their cuteness and human potential like all of the other unwanted viruses.

Tired of having real babies you can even have a Meta baby AND still neglect it in the Metaverse. Have it raised by Meta-video games, send it to a poorly performing Meta-school and sustain it with nutritionless Meta-food, that is, if you choose not to have a Meta-abortion. It’s important that the meta-verse be as real to real life as possible.

Maybe you’re one of the unlucky ones who can’t have a baby. Well, luck be a baby tonight! Plenty of people have learned how to simply become big babies even after they reach adulthood. These thumbsuckers have all the accouterment of actual babies while also having the appearance of full-grown adults. The formula for this is also quite simple. Thanks to the social studies mad-scientists who gave us such hits as grievance culture, one can simply adopt a victim narrative based around what used to be called “Life” and, without all of the messy afterbirth, simply adopt a full-grown baby persona. With quivering pouty lips, incessant crying, suckling at the government tit and often smelling like they crapped themselves because like actual babies they are ill-equipped to handle the real world, these big babies are almost as useless as the little ones.

Luckily our burnt-skinned neighbors with the funny names south of the border have not lost the formula and they are generously bringing them here to share. For those who can’t bother to copy off their illegal neighbor’s work, they are lucky we have a president who is so overcome with babies he can almost smell them. Literally, I have pictures! For a Catholic, he is remarkably devout when it comes to babies.

Speaking of devout the church has also developed a formula for making babies, spiritual ones that is. The rise in this exciting new Bible teaching called narcigesis where everything in scripture is somehow about you and how you are so awesome God killed Himself just so He could have you in Heaven. I don’t know what trimester eternity is in but you must be pretty special if God would off Himself for you, right? Unencumbered by the scriptural admonition by Paul to mature and move from milk to meat (spiritually that is), churches have found the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple for Satan) principle more user friendly and in keeping with today’s narcissistic culture. Even the flat earth crowd knows the Son was made to revolve around them.

The last thing we need is these condescending celebrity types like Bette Midler tweeting out to the crying mothers who are concerned about how to nurse their babies “It’s called BREASTFEEDING and its free”. Sure, God started the free healthcare idea but we don’t need you rubbing our faces in it, Bette. Do Better. Take those double Ds and put them to use ma’am.

She probably voted for that Brandon guy twice.

What a boob.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – For All the Talk That Trump Is Now Fading, He’s Got a Great Candidate-Picking Track Record

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-19 02:00 +0000

I wish I had this kind of track record. Reformatted, emphasis mine:

EXCLUSIVE: President Trump’s Endorsements Matter – Last Night 23-2-1 (TBD-Oz) – Overall 81 Wins, 3 Losses, 1 TBD (Oz)

President Trump’s endorsements are golden.  After last night, President Trump’s results to date are 81-3-1 (Oz).

Last night was another huge win for Americans who want to Make America Great Again.  President Trump’s endorsements were big winners.

Here are the results to date and from last night: PRIMARIES

Idaho-Senate: Crapo, Mike
Idaho-Governor: McGeachin, Janice (L)
Idaho-01: Fulcher, Russ

Kentucky-Senate: Paul, Rand
Kentucky-01: Comer, James
Kentucky-02: Guthrie, Brett
Kentucky-04: Massie, Thomas
Kentucky-05: Rogers, Hal
Kentucky-06: Barr, Andy

North Carolina-Senate: Budd, Ted
North Carolina-03: Murphy, Greg
North Carolina-05: Foxx, Virginia
North Carolina-07: Rouzer, David
North Carolina-08: Bishop, Dan
North Carolina-09: Hudson, Richard
North Carolina-10: McHenry, Patrick
North Carolina-11: Cawthorn, Madison (L)
North Carolina-13: Hines, Bo

Pennsylvania-Senate: Oz, Mehmet (TBD)
Pennsylvania-Governor: Mastriano, Doug
Pennsylvania-08: Bognet, Jim
Pennsylvania-10: Perry, Scott
Pennsylvania-11: Smucker, Lloyd
Pennsylvania-13: Joyce, John
Pennsylvania-14: Reschenthaler, Guy
Pennsylvania-16: Kelly, Mike

May 10: Nebraska, West Virginia (3-1)

Nebraska-Governor: Herbster, Charles (L)
Nebraska-03: Smith, Adrian

West Virginia-01: Miller, Carol
West Virginia-02: Mooney, Alex

May 3: Indiana, Ohio (22-0)

Indiana-02: Walorski, Jackie
Indiana-03: Banks, Jim
Indiana-04: Baird, Jim
Indiana-05: Spartz, Victoria
Indiana-06: Pence, Greg
Indiana-08: Bucshon, Larry

Ohio-Senate: Vance, J.D.
Ohio-Secretary of State: LaRose, Frank
Ohio-Attorney General: Yost, Dave
Ohio-Treasurer: Sprague, Robert
Ohio-Auditor: Faber, Keith
Ohio-01: Chabot, Steve
Ohio-02: Wenstrup, Brad
Ohio-04: Jordan, Jim
Ohio-05: Latta, Bob
Ohio-06: Johnson, Bill
Ohio-07: Miller, Max
Ohio-08: Davidson, Warren
Ohio-10: Turner, Mike
Ohio-12: Balderson, Troy
Ohio-13: Gilbert, Madison Gesiotto
Ohio-15: Carey, Mike

March 1: Texas (33-0)

Texas-Governor: Abbott, Greg
Texas-Lieutenant Governor: Patrick, Dan
Texas-Attorney General: Paxton, Ken*
Texas-Agriculture Commissioner: Miller, Sid
Texas-Comptroller: Hegar, Glenn
Texas-Land Commissioner: Buckingham, Dawn*
Texas-04: Fallon, Pat
Texas-05: Gooden, Lance
Texas-06: Ellzey, Jake
Texas-10: McCaul, Michael
Texas-11: Pfluger, August
Texas-12: Granger, Kay
Texas-13: Jackson, Ronny
Texas-14: Weber, Randy
Texas-15: De La Cruz, Monica
Texas-19: Arrington, Jodey
Texas-22: Nehls, Troy
Texas-24: Van Duyne, Beth
Texas-25: Williams, Roger
Texas-26: Burgess, Michael
Texas-27: Cloud, Michael
Texas-31: Carter, John
Texas-36: Babin, Brian
Texas-38: Hunt, Wesley
Texas-SD-08: Paxton, Angela
Texas-SD-11: Middleton, Mayes
Texas-SD-24: Flores, Pete*
Texas-SD-31: Sparks, Kevin
Texas-HD-15: Toth, Steve
Texas-HD-31: Guillen, Ryan*
Texas-HD-61: Frazier, Frederick
Texas-Tarrant Co.-Judge: O’Hare, Tim
Texas-Tarrant Co.-District Attorney: Sorrells, Phil*

*advanced to runoff

That’s impressive.  Sure, all of the talk is of a Red Wave – but that’s for the General Election(s).  I dare say that none of the “Professionals” have this kind of track record; if so, they’ve kept it rather quiet which it TOTALLY unlike Political Operatives / Consultants.  After all, “wins” begat more business, right?  The Golden Touch for elective races?

83 wins, 1 loss, and one To Be Decided.

(H/T: Gateway Pundit)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Liberty Dinner 2022 tickets on sale now!

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Thu, 2022-05-19 00:25 +0000

The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance cordially invites you to its 2022 Liberty Dinner on Saturday July 23rd from 6:00 to 11:00 PM. Formal attire please.

We will unveil this year’s Liberty Rating and award the Legislator of the Year and Activist of the Year. In addition to a buffet dinner and an evening with both old and new friends, there will be a silent auction of various items – many of them liberty themed!

Get your tickets at!

The post Liberty Dinner 2022 tickets on sale now! appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

Liberty Dinner 2022 tickets on sale now!

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Thu, 2022-05-19 00:25 +0000

The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance cordially invites you to its 2022 Liberty Dinner on Saturday July 23rd from 6:00 to 11:00 PM. Formal attire please.

We will unveil this year’s Liberty Rating and award the Legislator of the Year and Activist of the Year. In addition to a buffet dinner and an evening with both old and new friends, there will be a silent auction of various items – many of them liberty themed!

Get your tickets at!

The post Liberty Dinner 2022 tickets on sale now! appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

President Franklin Pierce and the Worst Franchise Players Ever

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-05-19 00:00 +0000

U.S. News and World Report famously does an annual ranking of the top 100 colleges in America. It all gets lots of attention and schools that make the list understandably tout the ratings in their marketing plans.

Truth be told, the best college in America for a Granite Stater could be a community college or an affordable state college. A place to get the necessary background to succeed in a chosen field. A place to make lifelong friends. A place to meet a future spouse. A place to play on a sports team.

All things that would not happen if said Granite Stater attended Princeton, the Report’s #1 rated school. (Princeton’s annual tuition is over $56,000.00). So, the best college in America for said Granite Stater could well be White Mountains Community College, Plymouth State, UNH, or whatever. Yes?

Inevitably lists are also generated as to the worst colleges in each state. These lists also get attention and are not helpful to whatever institutions make those lists. But such lists create a buzz and draw attention to the list-makers—which account for the lists.

Presidential rankings are common. Was Washington or Lincoln our greatest president? Who was our worst president? I take issue with those who say New Hampshire’s Franklin Pierce was our worst president. He was only the third worst. Perhaps soon to be fourth worst.

Sports lists are common. The greatest this or the worst that. Statistics are cited to make cases. Then others point out that intangibles matter. Arguments abound. Lists of the greatest player ever for each sports franchise are regularly published.

The all-time greatest Red Sox player? Ted Williams or Carl Yastrzemski? Or Babe Ruth?

Such lists provide fun fodder for Fenway Park arguments over grandstand beers, though the ultra-contentious do draw energy from arguing for the sake of arguing. Enjoyable at times, but tiresome after a while.

Inevitably, lists come out as to the WORST player for each sports franchise—like a recent one from listing each NFL team’s worst player ever. For example, the immortal Giovanni Carmazzi was listed as the worst 49er ever. (Look him up.) The immortal Limas Sweed is supposedly the worst Pittsburgh Steeler ever. (Look him up.)

So naturally, I had to see who was listed as the worst New England Patriot ever.

The immortal Chad Jackson. (Look him up.)

According to, Pats coach Bill Belichick is known for finding hidden gems in the NFL draft. Guys who weren’t at the top of every scout’s wish list, but who’d go on to have solid, overachieving careers. Chad Jackson was supposed to be one of those guys. In 2006 Jackson was taken in the second round and was seen as a receiving weapon for Tom Brady. Instead, he played in just 14 games, catching 14 passes for 171 yards before the Pats cut him.

Not even Belichick gets every pick right.

No doubt someone pointed out the ranking to Jackson, who surely blanched at the news. But such things go with being a high-profile athlete. I’m sure Jackson’s mom would argue against the designation, over Gillette Stadium beers with the ultra-contentious. She might claim that the immortal Mike Taliaferro was a worse player. (Look him up.)

Such lists actually may benefit those who receive those “worst” designations, after all,’s list helped to get Carmazzi, Sweed, Jackson, and Taliaferro into this column.

Bring on the next list so we can have another fun “discussion.”

And …

Upon further review, I now rate Franklin Pierce as our fifth-worst president, as opposed to third or fourth worst.

(Look him up!)



State Rep. Mike Moffett is a retired professor and former Marine Corps officer. He vice-chairs the House Committee on State-Federal Relations and also serves on House Education Committee.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Poll: COVID Comes in Dead Last among America’s “Worries” but is The Damage Already Done?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-05-18 22:00 +0000

The headline from CNBC isn’t precisely what you’d expect. “Inflation Is Top Problem Facing America, with No Other Issue Coming Close.” The product of a Pew Research Poll, the results measured a dozen “concerns” from guns and violence to school, healthcare, racism, and COVID.

Here’s the snapshot from the poll.



Can you smell the Pew in this poll? Climate change 42%. That’s an outlier. Climate Change rarely rises from the bottom unless you oversample Democrats but look at inflation AND where COVID landed? Dead last.

Unemployment – not a big concern in this poll (they must not have polled people looking for workers) – beats it by 4 points. Racism is also low on this list, as is infrastructure.

But if this is accurate, COVID is no longer a big deal to most Americans, which is a vast improvement. Everyone is acting like they are supposed to when the flu comes to town. It’s the flu in May. But is it an act? If the “powers that be” hit the shiny candy apple red button again, will enough Americans bend the knee the way they did the last time?

Will the wallflowers who took a tentative step toward liberty during the last dance wilt under the fresh heat of tyranny or grab it by the b***s and tell it to go to hell?


People activated by one crisis or event can become well-rounded, long-term activists for liberty, but most will not. A few will get a little too radicalized by a cause. Maybe burn bright and then burn out. But most will get worn out by the unrelenting Left, which is what the Left does. The Democrats are the Nazis bombing London only no breaks between raids. They come at you on TV, in movies, on the radio, in print, at work, school, on social media, and everywhere.

And no matter how crazy you might be, the Left can plug you into something now and keep that crazy going. Recruitment appears easy.

Liberty is different, and to be honest, the Republican Party doesn’t truly understand that or can’t operate alongside it; take your pick. Look at how few Republican governors stood up for it and the rights protected by our Constitutions during COVID.

Liberty is so easy it’s hard. It’s not a sound bite, a long weekend away, or even one political campaign. Defending it is a lifelong life choice. Look at Rand Paul or his dad Ron. You don’t have to agree with them on everything, but you have to agree they are in it for liberty.

As I wrote in my Memoriam to the passing of Ed Nail and John Irish,


Ed and John were in it for the long haul, come what may. And they woke up, maybe not every morning but most, with an idea about how they could help, what it would require of them, and they did that.

We cannot replace them; we can only succeed them. And not like them but in their spirit, because the battle against tyranny is eternal, as is the desire for liberty but tyranny never rests, so – like them – neither shall we.


Liberty is messy, and the Left has trained people to be afraid of it. To accept constraints in exchange for assurances never delivered. Promises that are never kept. Lies propped up by lies. But people still believe. It is why 42% of those in this poll actually think the climate is a thing and that (here’s the bigger lie) the government could do anything but make life worse either way.

And inflation killed COVID. Even Democrats and left-leaning independents think higher prices are the most significant concern. For how long? Are we paying attention until a new narrative starts trending? That’s the way of things these days but is it too late for that narrative to be liberty?

Liberty is sexy, and it’s yours to do with as you like with a few boundaries. Has America evolved beyond that or can we get it back? Can the threat to liberty posed by whatever the Feds are doing this week ever be the biggest concern in America?

Only if your state decides to make it so? And only you can make that happen.

It’s not lost, but it can’t find its way back without you. Every day, any way you can. “Because the battle against tyranny is eternal, as is the desire for liberty but tyranny never rests, so – like them – neither shall we.”


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Breaking: Hooksett Representative Announces State Senate Run

The Liberty Block - Wed, 2022-05-18 20:41 +0000

Sitting State Representative Michael Yakubovich has announced that he is running for State Senate in District 16. The incumbent Senator is Democrat Kevin Cavanaugh, and the district includes Hooksett, Candia, Raymond, Goffstown, and ward 1 in Manchester. The campaign will hold a sold-out kickoff event at the Taphouse Grille in Hooksett on Thursday evening. 

The post Breaking: Hooksett Representative Announces State Senate Run appeared first on The Liberty Block.

Democrat Senator Jay Kahn Leads Republican Senators to Oppose Parental Rights in NH

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-05-18 20:00 +0000

It is bad enough that parents no longer have democrats fighting for them, but we are now seeing some of our elected Republicans follow in that direction.

Today the NH House of Representatives and Senators had to concur on an important parental rights Bill. HB1639

You can watch the Committee of Conference meeting here. Fast forward to 1:02:00



When the NH House and Senate pass different versions of the same bill, that legislation goes to a Committee of Conference where both sides must concur on an acceptable version. In this case, you will see that Jay Kahn (D) leads Senators Ruth Ward (R) and Erin Hennessey (R) to oppose a good bill that would have required parental consent when children take a CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey at school.

We know anytime there is research conducted on children, ethical guidelines require informed consent from parents. Children can be exploited which is what we’ve been seeing for many years that this survey has been administered.

You can read from Dr. Mark B. Constantian who explains the ethical reasoning for parental consent on surveys like the YRBS. He says:

There is an easy example of why this legislation is needed.

I have done many years of clinical research.  Any research involving students, according to the Declaration of Helsinki, requires Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. The purpose of such approval, which is rigorous, is to assure that any human experimentation, which includes surveys, is not only safe but likely to produce important new information.

The current Youth Risk Behavior Survey would not pass IRB muster, for several reasons.

First, to my knowledge it is not a metric proven to give reliable information. It is not “controlled,” except by measuring the current data against the data from two years ago. To my knowledge, the YRBS has not been shown to be reliable; and moreover its questions are potentially harmful because they can create confusion in the children’s minds, plant ideas that may not have occurred to them, and invade their privacy in a way that parents may not approve. The YBRS is thus an experiment with no defined goal.

The latest administrative analysis of this data (attached) is naïve. The writer consistently talks about “significant” change with no evidence of any statistical proof, and is excited, for example, that the percent of students who ingest alcohol before sexual intercourse has dropped from 22% to 5% in two years. This is an unbelievable conclusion.

Sadly, none of this mattered to the Senators. What matters is that NGO’s receive funding $$$ from grant organizations so they can offer programs to schools to curb risky behavior. Does it work? Who knows. No one presented any independent research to the committee during the hearings, that showed their programs curb risky behavior. In fact, I’d argue that some of these programs do the opposite. But I guess that doesn’t matter. Facts be damned, let’s throw money at the problems and hope they work. But what if they don’t work and actually do the opposite?  Read more about that here.

These people make their living off of selling these programs to schools. They should be held to a very high standard. They should be conducting their research in an ethical way, and they should present independent and peer-reviewed studies showing their programs actually work.

For now, parents lose. The CDC survey will continue in our schools without any ethical boundaries. While parents may have seen momentum on their side, some of their elected officials just threw them under the bus.

It is good to mention that the four State Representative serving on this committee supported the opt-in requirement on the YRBS. They should be thanked for not abandoning parental rights:
Rick Ladd (R)
Deb Hobson (R)
Glenn Cordelli (R)
Ralph Boehm (R)

On parental rights :
Parents 0

The post Democrat Senator Jay Kahn Leads Republican Senators to Oppose Parental Rights in NH appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Two New Choices, One Fateful Decision in November

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-05-18 18:00 +0000

Today’s voters usually think of our elections as political contests between liberal and conservative visions of America, often contentious, but always consistent with American values. In recent years, as our political rhetoric became more heated and the rancor more bitter, politicians and pundits started labeling every election as “the most important in history” – a vote for the very soul of America.

Now, almost overnight, we’ve witnessed historic changes in our country. Many of those American values and civil rights we’ve always taken for granted have come under attack.

When Covid-19 arrived, some politicians panicked. Out of fear, they overreacted. But others actually saw the pandemic, not as an emergency, but an opportunity to change America. They responded by abrogating the civil rights of American citizens. They arbitrarily closed schools and places of worship. They outlawed peaceful assemblies of any kind, required all citizens to wear facemasks in public, and forced them to submit to vaccines that they, themselves, had denigrated just a few months earlier. They promised that their mandates would be short-lived, but repeatedly extended them for what seemed like an eternity.

While out of the public eye, those same politicians ignored their own arbitrary decrees, knowing they were virtually useless. At the same time, they revealed a true lack of concern over the virus itself, by infusing American communities with millions of unvaccinated, unscreened illegal immigrants. Their lockdowns did nothing to mitigate the mortality rate. Per capita, Covid deaths were higher in this country than in Sweden, which had a much less stringent response to the virus. It tells us that the suspension of our civil rights was not only wholly unjustified, but mostly ineffective. More than that, it set the stage for the economic and social disasters we’re dealing with today.

But just as threatening to our freedom is the growing censorship by the news and social media. Leading up to the 2020 election, the media suppressed a major story incriminating the son of a presidential candidate and most likely, the candidate himself. Their biased and tainted reporting likely altered the outcome of that election, and saddled our country with most of the problems we now face.

Now, in defiance of our Bill of Rights, the federal government is joining the censorship business. A new government entity, designated the Disinformation Governance Board, has been established under the Department of Homeland Security. Ostensibly, this new board is tasked with standardizing the DHS response to so-called disinformation. We’ve seen what a biased news media can accomplish, and we’ve seen how effective government propaganda has been in authoritarian countries. The last thing America needs is state control over free speech.

It’s not just our freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and other basic liberties that have come under siege. So many other American values have been crumbling before our eyes.

We’ve watched the concept of equal justice vanish as crime rates escalate across the country.  Progressive prosecutors and antipathy toward peace officers are turning America into a lawless, third-world country. All this, while the powerful treat Lady Justice as their personal instrument of retribution.

We saw easily manipulated zealots follow radical agitators onto streets across America, rioting over fabricated injustices. We were dumfounded and disgusted when they began to frantically tear down random historic monuments. Now they’re invading our churches, attacking our cherished freedom of religion, and freely violating federal statutes by protesting at the homes of Supreme Court justices. They envision themselves as champions of women’s rights, but what they’re demanding is the right to kill more unborn babies,

And those responsible for protecting our borders have instead opened the floodgates. Defying our immigration laws, they allowed more than two million foreign nationals to cross into our country illegally. Then they took the limited resources needed to feed America’s children and diverted them to families who have no right to be here.  And if they seem overly confident during their congressional testimony, it’s because they know they’re free to lie under oath with utter impunity.

America’s decline is apparent in so many other ways.

There are the record-high gas prices and soaring inflation, the deep division in our country, and the force-fed racial animus.

Our children and young people are being taught to see America as a greedy, imperialistic country, infested with systemic racism. So national pride, the glue that holds a country together, is eroding before our eyes.

Our founders wrote of unalienable rights bestowed on us by our Creator. Now, elements within our country are demanding other rights that have nothing to do with our Creator – like the right to free education, the right to silence opposing views by any means necessary, and the right to murder unborn children at will. Those aren’t, nor could they ever be construed as God-given rights. Nor do they remotely resemble the rights guaranteed by our Constitution.

In the 2020 election, voters were deceived by politicians and the media. They believed that the man they were electing was a uniter, who would bring dignity and decorum to the White House. But now they’ve seen what happens when a feeble president bends to the will of the radical elements in his party. A new NBC poll reveals that 75 percent of Americans now believe we’re on the wrong track. That includes voters across the political spectrum. Only they can stop America’s disintegration by electing rational lawmakers who will stand up to this president’s radical agenda.

This upcoming election is not about liberal vs. conservative ideas. It’s a contest between anti-Americanism and American values. This time, it is a vote for the soul of America.

The post Two New Choices, One Fateful Decision in November appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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