The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • May 19 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XX

Manchester, N.H.

MIT Student President Commits Hate Hoax to Prove Speech is Too Free

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-13 12:00 +0000

The College Fix reports that MIT’s “student government president has been removed from his position and faces a recall election due to his role in perpetrating two campus hate-crime hoaxes” in opposition to new campus policies supporting free speech.

What a juicy pile of interlocking contradictions.


Undergraduate Association President David Spicer helped hang the offensive posters and chalk the quad once in February and then again in mid-April during Campus Preview Weekend, infuriating his peers — even progressive ones who once championed him as a leader in campus diversity and inclusion.


The Gay student president was mad that MIT was trying to defend constitutionally protected speech. Hence, he decided to test the boundaries by postering and chalking the campus with hate to see how far things could go.

Yet another case of a marginalized community member frustrated by the absence of actual ‘hate crimes’ perpetrating one to make a point about what wasn’t happening until they did it. Sorry, two. Spicer is alleged to have committed two hate crimes.

As regular readers know, I’m not all-in on the idea of hate crimes or even hate speech. These are made-up ideas by people who traditionally get their panties in a bunch about overcharging by police and district attorneys.

People who insist you accept them for who they are, but when you do, get frustrated by the lack of extra attention they think their marginalized status deserves and commit hate hoaxes to get more. But Spicer took it to a whole new level. He didn’t perpetrate the garden variety hate hoax against himself – he hated on the whole community.


“My decision to participate in the postering campaign was not one made lightly. I decided to join in the effort because I wanted, and still want, an MIT that supports students on the margin,” Spicer wrote in an April 27 op-ed in the student newspaper The Tech. …

“While I know that President [Sally] Kornbluth probably has not had to deal with homophobia in her life, I have and probably will for the rest of my life. I want the MIT administration to know the tax they impose on marginalized communities.”


Spicer engaged in what he viewed as a necessary exercise. Free speech can harm you like this. But the risk presented by restrictions on speech is far more dangerous. True liberty in any community is rare, and free expression is essential to freedom. If feelings get a say, whose feelings and where does that end?

The guardrails Spicer favors to protect those he claims are marginalized would inevitably marginalize everyone. The government doesn’t give back power. If you let them limit speech beyond the few exceptions in place, they’ll find reasons to limit it further. It is a path to compelled speech which is a restriction on thought itself, and the suppression will not be limited to people you’ve pre-segregated as outside your community.

You have to stop thinking like that. Your community is America, an increasingly marginalized political idea that has made freedom a reality and lifted more people out of poverty than any other in human history—an exceptional exercise whose success has made it the object of hate from outside and within.

One of my biggest gripes about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion illusion which marches hand and hand toward utopia with many in the LGBT*** movement, is that its goal is (as always) not what they advertise. The same can be said for notions about hate speech or hate crimes. There is speech, and there is crime. And there are speech crimes—libel and slander, incitement, and fighting words, among a few rare others, all with high hurdles to keep speech free.  But their goal is to make you hate free speech and to see its exercise as a crime. And while there’s no crime against being an asshole, it might cost you your gig as a student president, even if you think you had the best intentions.



HT | The College Fix

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“What Is The Transgender Status of My Legal Son?” Part 3

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-13 10:30 +0000

So, in Part 1, I asked “that question” and the Grandson’s teacher refused to directly answer my question. Part 2 showed me that in simply asking that simple question, the Administration started to monitor that email thread.  However, the Principal, Danielle Bolduc, gave me a direct simple answer: ‘The simple answer to that particular question is no”.

Glad to hear that. Problem is, Policy JBAB still leaves wiggle room for the District to lie to parents (and I’ve posted those issues here on GraniteGrok). So I dunno!

Well, for the time being, I’ll accept the answer at face value. However, Reagan’s words still ring as true and as loudly as they did when he first said them: “Trust, but Verify”.

So, a two-pronged process is now in play.  The first is….wait for it…..a Right To Know (what, you expected something different from me?).  I’ll leave the boiler plate aside for the moment (I have more RTKs to post) but put up the “payloads”. First was one about teaching materials (first one I’ve ever done, believe it or not!):

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the following governmental records pertaining to Health/Wellness/Physiology/Sexuality instruction for the following Grade Levels:

  • Kindergarten
  • First Grade

The Responsive Records will include:

  • Provide all curriculum, handouts (including those for which it was mandatory to give back in and NOT to be taken home), books read to children
  • Provide copies and any and all “classroom” materials that can be found within the classroom (including but not limited to “quotes”, posters, flags, and the like).
  • Provide which which District staff (roles/titles) are involved in this instruction area (either the normal classroom teacher, normal classroom aides, or other staff members coming in to assist or teach this kind of material).
  • Provide all lesson plans pertaining to this subject matter, in the two Grade levels, for last and this year.
  • Provide the District’s goals for the respective two grade levels in this regard as to what milestones are to be achieved by the end of the academic school year.

I think that covers most of what I am looking for or at least it’s a good start. Regular readers who have waded through my “xxxx- Stack of Stuff” posts where I do an aggregation of between 5 – 10 Edu-Transgender Activists snippets know what it going on.  The above is part of the “Verify“.  There is a lot more that I can do. In fact, I have also RTK’d the following:

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the following governmental records: for all of the District’s electronic information systems that contain directly or are linked to student information:

  • Provide the database schema that shows all database tables containing student information as well as key information linking one table to another

This information can either be represented in graphical, chart, or textual formats (although graphical would be preferred).

Note that the above does NOT include any system or security level tables (see RSA 91-A:5, XI). The latter tables have nothing to do with this demand and are, indeed, unwanted.

For those of you in (or retired from) Information Technology, you know what I just did.  For those of you who do not know what a “schema” is, it is a map of what information is kept within an application. In this case, any of the District’s system that have anything to do with students. Most systems today use databases that organize their information in tables: rows and column.  And there are a lot of them as developers will try to separate such data logically into various tables like this for a high school:

  • A list of students (which each row is a given student)
  • Each student has a homeroom and the student table has a “key” that points to another table that lists classroom used for homerooms (and may have a key field that points back to each student in that homeroom).
  • Each student takes “N” number of classes (another table like homerooms)
  • Each student has “N” number of teachers (so forth and so on).
  • Each teacher teaches “X” number of classes
  • Each class has “Y” number of curriculum items
  • Each curriculum item has a paper audit trail (PO Request, PO Authorization, Purchase Order, Invoices, Payments, et al)

Knowing what the schemas are allows one to start asking more and more questions.

And another RTK that I put in gave them where I will be going based on what I find:

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the following governmental records:

  • A copy of the District’s Ethics Complaint form(s).
  • A copy of the Process/Instructions/Chain of Custody for submitting, acknowledgment of, status updates, and final decision.

Oh, I also have a bunch of other RTKs that have been issued based on another meeting.  Those of you whose children have IEP (Individual Education Plans – for those with a disability of one nature or another) may find them “interesting”.



The post “What Is The Transgender Status of My Legal Son?” Part 3 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Parody for Contrast: What If Sununu Took On The Chinese Communist Party…

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-13 01:30 +0000

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu took his war against the Chinese Communist Party to a new level this week when he signed three bills into law that severely restrict the CCP’s ability to acquire land in the state of New Hampshire, crack down on the CCP’s data collection of U.S. citizens, and ban CCP influence from the education system.

We want to thank Terry for this (Parody) Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

A Chinese think tank designated Sununu among the five most aggressive governors in the U.S. against the communist nation back in 2019, several months before the coronavirus pandemic erupted. Since then, Sununu has continued to take an aggressive approach toward China.

Sununu signed three new bills into law on Monday — SB 264, SB 846, and SB 258 — a package the governor’s office called “the strongest legislation in the nation to date to counteract the influence of the United States’ greatest economic, strategic, and security threat — the Chinese Communist Party.”

The trio of new laws:

  • Prevents Chinese entities or affiliates from buying farmland in New Hampshire or land near our military bases and critical infrastructure.
  • Stops sensitive data from being stored on servers that might be owned by entities affiliated with the CCP.
  • Prohibits the Chinese influence that we rooted out of higher education from working its way into [New Hampshire’s] primary and secondary education institutions.
  • Blocks access to dangerous applications, such as TikTok, on government and educational institution servers and devices.

New Hampshire is taking action to stand against the United States’ greatest geopolitical threat — the Chinese Communist Party,” the governor said in a statement. “I’m proud to sign this legislation to stop the purchase of our farmland and land near our military bases and critical infrastructure by Chinese agents, to stop sensitive digital data from being stored in China, and to stop CCP influence in our education system from grade school to grad school. We are following through on our commitment to crack down on Communist China.”

At a press conference where he signed the bills, Sununu noted the numerous advantages that China has over the U.S., including how they use their government to create an unfair trading relationship with the U.S.“Part of the reason we’re in this predicament is because elites in our own country, for a generation, have sought short term profits over long term U.S. interests,” Sununu said. “They thought people were making money, that was good for some, and they didn’t have a long view of how that would work in terms of America’s industrial base here at home, or America’s security abroad.”

The governor’s latest actions against China build off legislation that Sununu signed into law back in 2021. According to the governor’s office, those laws:

  • Strengthens foreign financial connection vetting and disclosure requirements for entities seeking tax-payer-funded grants or contracts from state agencies or political subdivisions.
  • Creates heightened scrutiny of research grant applicants, foreign applicants for research positions, and foreign travel or activities of employees of major research institutions.
  • Requires universities and colleges to disclose foreign donations and grants of $50,000 or more to the State University System Board of Governors or Department of Education. State agencies and political subdivisions are required to report foreign donations and grants of $50,000 or more to the Department of Financial Services.
  • Prohibits specific agreements between state/public entities and the seven countries of concern (Russia, PRC, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria, and Venezuela).
  • Creates new criminal offenses in New Hampshire for the theft and trafficking of trade secrets.
  • Anyone who willfully and without authorization steals or attempts to steal a trade secret and use it for their own benefit will now face a third-degree felony, punishable by up to 5 years in prison. Individuals attempting to sell stolen trade secrets will face a second-degree felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison
  • If an individual or entity violates this law on behalf of a foreign government, the penalties are severely enhanced — reclassifying the felony one degree higher and increasing the offense severity ranking.

HT | The Daily Wire

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Overload in Public Schools. Or If You’d Rather: Overhead Bloat

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-13 00:00 +0000

My career was spent as a software engineer and consultant. The last twenty years of it were spent working for a manufacturing software vendor, and I spent a lot of time talking with both C-level leaders, the blue-collar workers on the shop floor, and everyone in between. The mantra, at least in well-run shops was:


“How do we constantly improve our product most efficiently, get rid of wasted efforts, and drop those savings down to the bottom line in order to lower the price of our product relative to our competitors, make a larger profit, and return that profit to our owners/shareholders?


In other words, they had the right eyes on the right prize(s) in their efforts to be the best they can be. And much of that effort was always in discovering excess labor – especially in indirect labor.  DIRECT labor is all those folks that do the creating on the line – they create and assemble the “widgets” (be it the physical “something” you can hold in your hand or the “invisible” software held in your mind).  Indirect labor is everyone else. That’s important because any manager worth their salt knew what that ratio was between the two and was always looking to improve that ratio of direct to overhead.

Not so in education – by a long shot. At least in my hamlet, I was constantly having to educate both the School Board and new Superintendents on this basic measurement by asking them, “what is your indirect/direct labor ratio by headcount and total burden cost?“.  Usually, after a couple of years of demanding that answer as a Budget Committee member, that ratio would improve as “overhead” personnel and burdened costs were lowered (I think it’s time again to start demanding that answer – time for a new Right To Know?). And do you know why this is important?

Manufacturers understand they are going to be held personally responsible for their output and their cost.  Our education system is the complete opposite. Yes, your local schools have costs like manufacturers, and they create “widgets” (usually called our sons and daughters called “students that have been educated”).  But accountability isn’t there as taxpayers don’t ask the harsh questions necessary about how GOOD their output is and generally only grouse about the cost without asking the hard questions of WHY the cost.  My indirect to direct labor question is akin to “Price Point,” and NAEP scores show the quality of their workmanship.

But without taxpayers acting like owners/shareholders asking about such things, you get our educational systems without any “limiting factors”.  And you get Bloat:








Bloat – when adults get the money, and the number of kids getting an education drops like a kid going down a playground slide. Make no mistake, that drop in enrollment is happening here in NH as well.

And now you see why my question is so important. Sure, it is easier to point out in overly large school districts, but the scrutiny they receive is also too small for their size. Here in NH, the ordinary citizen CAN provide such oversight and suss out even small savings of the economy – if they bother to look for it.

The best example I can give you is Twitter. Before Elon Musk took over, it had 7.500+ employees.  Afterward, head count (and cost) started to drop – dramatically. Much of the Left, who looked at Twitter as their “playground,” howled that Twitter would cease to work and then exist (both complaining and exulting at the same time). Now, the headcount and the commiserate cost are down to around 1,000.  It’s still working – you can go and read tweets and create your own.  That’s what it was meant for – everything else was “overhead.”

Perhaps y’all should be examining your districts more closely and asking what will be called “embarrassing” questions. Hold them accountable.

Just know it will take you a while to build up your courage and your credibility as you continue to hone your questions to be more insightful and penetrating.


(H/T: Powerline)

The post Overload in Public Schools. Or If You’d Rather: Overhead Bloat appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Great Unifier Now Has States Fighting States

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-12 22:30 +0000

One of the beauties of this great country is the 50 states that make up our Republic are allowed autonomy and the freedom to create their character. We have 50 individual states that have their strengths and weaknesses. Since our inception, a healthy competitive nature has existed to attract people to each state as visitors or residents. That is until Joe Biden took the oath of Commander in Chief.

Biden has amplified debate on numerous hot-button issues that have people exiting some states while migrating to others. Two states that have always claimed to be the most desirable in the Union are now hemorrhaging residents. A Representative in the United States represents about 760,000 people. California and New York lost a Representative based on the most recent census IN 2020. Conversely, Florida gained one Representative, while Texas gained two.

Some of these issues include the availability of abortion services, including late-term procedures, income and sales taxes, quality of education, and availability to use your tax dollars for your school choice. The majority Party of the state government was important to some, with Republican-run states gaining population at the expense of Democrat-controlled states. These issues can be contentious, but none have the volatility of illegal immigration. This issue, which will be the signature failure of Joe Biden, is pitting city against city, county against county, and state versus state to the point of court action being the resort.

There are stark differences in philosophy and application between Conservatives and Liberals on most issues, but the differences regarding the influx of illegal aliens are mind-boggling. It starts with the concept of Sovereignty. A country is defined by its geographical boundaries. Republicans believe in secure borders with specific ports of entry. Democrats do not see a need for boundaries and have more of one-world thinking. This flow of humanity is not immigration; to say so is a mockery of the legitimate immigration process and an insult to people who take the correct way to access citizenship.

Today, two comments were made by Democrats that show the absurdity of their beliefs.

President Joe Biden was asked about the troops he sent to the Border and whether it was a sufficient show of force to stem the tide of people crossing our Border. He responded that these troops were not there to be a deterrent but to do the administrative work so that the Border Patrol could do their job and ensure the true function of our Border, which is to facilitate the flow of “asylum seekers” into our country. Biden doesn’t see a Border as a barrier but one long welcome mat to let anyone cross.

How can our President be so wrong? His job is to protect our Sovereignty, and he clearly shows, by his words. he does not understand or believe in our Sovereignty. He is not fit for the job.

Hank Johnson (D-GA) insulted Republicans yesterday with disgusting rhetoric. He claimed that Republicans love seeing illegals lined up on the Border, identifying them as cheap labor, and Republicans would return to slavery if they had their way. This repugnant individual should have been loudly booed by both sides and escorted out of the Capitol. He doesn’t deserve a seat in the People’s House. He is not fit to be a human being.

This fish on the Left is rotting from the head down. Joe Biden is everything but what he promised in 2020, and the Left is okay with that. He is setting an anti-American tone, and it is contagious and sickening.








The post The Great Unifier Now Has States Fighting States appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Local Paper That Still Hasn’t Published the Truth About COVID Vaccines Wins a Pile of “Journalism” Awards

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-12 21:00 +0000

Corporate media has long since abandoned its role as fourth estate watchdogs digging up bones to expose the truth or inform and protect the public. But they like to give each other awards to further their self-delusion.

Or maybe they are. The Wikipedia definition reads like this emphasis mine.


Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on the interaction of events, facts, ideas, and people that are the “news of the day” and that informs society to at least some degree of accuracy.

That’s at least somewhat accurate, but that’s not how they’d describe their role. The Union Leader, the object of this piece, says, “There is nothing so powerful as the Truth.” And there’s nothing in that tagline that suggests you must find or report it—the truth. Or that anyone in your industry needs to consider it when handing out awards. The Union Leader (UL) had scooped up seventeen awards at the New England Newspaper & Press Association’s 2022 Better Newspaper Competition.

I laughed out loud when I read that the UL was so well regarded when it comes to being a better newspaper, but that’s not much of an endorsement for the rest of the “news” papers. All of whom have failed miserably at their stated purpose – especially when it comes to the Pandemic response.

Little to nothing outside the box of approved narratives. I found a national wire piece from Reuters about CDC Director Rochelle Wolensky stepping down, but not her admission that the COVID vaccine can spread the virus. I couldn’t find it, but that seems newsworthy to me given all the calls by Democrats (for example) to reserve any return to normal life for passport-wielding recipients of the ineffective “vaccine.”

Talk about a target-rich environment for potential comments. Why did the alleged haters at GraniteGrok have the science right a year before the CDC or nearly anyone in your party? No partisan worries; there were likely a few “Republicans” who made the same mistake. Safe and effective. You could start with the Governor, his Director of Public Health; wait, we’ll get you a list.

But no, the folks in the news business had other news to almost get right. The closest you’ll get to anything outside what we call the approved narratives is this. Christopher Thomson writes a column called Close the Deal. It has musings that suggest things could have gone better. No sh!t. I expect you might also find some off-the-plantation syndicated musings from John Stossel. But nothing by anyone who might get an award from the New England Newspaper & Press Association.

Tens of thousands of experts and countless research papers have emerged dismissing, debunking, and disproving every aspect of the response to COVID, from masks to distancing, to lockdowns, t remote learning, to childhood risk (there was none) to the COVID injections and their lack of both effectiveness and safety.

Search The Union Leader for Vaccine+Safety, and you get garbage results.

 Pfizer’s own documents clearly show known risks that undermined the safe and effective narrative aped by politicians and media over a year after a judge forced them out into the public. A journalist would have chased that data and reported the details, at the very least, in a manner that would allow Granite Staters to make their own decisions. But you won’t find any reporting on that anywhere in New Hampshire’s so-called professional media.

But congratulations on winning 17 awards for being a better newspaper while failing to provide even balanced coverage regarding what may be the most significant scientific fraud in human history after the political “cure” for so-called “global warming.”



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bill Barr … Swamp Creature Extraordinaire

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-12 19:30 +0000

Because Bill Barr has decided to interject himself into 2024, we should recall what an absolute DISASTER he was as Trump’s Attorney-General. This tweet from Julie Kelly does so succinctly:

Two things that I believe Trump needs to address.

Barr is just one of a series of disastrous personnel decisions … is one. I would like some acknowledgment that there were major mistakes made in staffing the administration AND some assurance that it would not happen in a second term.

The other is COVID. Again, I would like some acknowledgment that there were major mistakes made in handling COVID … i.e., giving Fauci and Birx the keys to the car … AND some assurance that it would not happen in a second term.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If Abortion is Such a Small Percentage of “Women’s Health Care™” Why Are Clinics Still Going Out of Business?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-12 18:00 +0000

Planned Parenthood Peeps like to crow about how little abortion services account for the greater good these clinics allegedly provide. Was it three percent?

It was. I remember asking a similar question when Planned Parenthood lost a court case and stopped applying for Title X funding for abortions (sorry, women’s health care services). To get money for family planning, they had to separate that from abortions, but abortions were so much more than 3% of their business it would (likely) cost more to do the separating than the family planning reimbursements were worth.

They never said it. They just stopped trying because Planned Parenthood doesn’t do a lot of family planning; they are in the family prevention business. Dr. Leana Wen let that dead cat out of the bag back in 2019 when she publicly admitted, as part of her brief tenure running that operation, that abortion was their core business because it was.

She was too honest, so they had to abort her “occupationally,” but not before she confirmed what everyone knew. These clinics end babies’ lives, and that’s how they make money. If that were not the case returning the question of abortion to the states would not have resulted in hundreds (perhaps thousands) of abortion clinics (doing business as women’s health centers) closing their doors.

There’s no other explanation.

There is no shortage of women, and the Abortion-Left culture war has been adding to their numbers. Something with which Planned Parenthood is helping. They are making more “women” that will need prostate cancer screenings – referred by “women’s health care clinics” that care about the health of “women” and not just making money by performing abortions – because the new women won’t need that service.

And clinics keep closing, which is odd, and not just despite the more “women” math. The COVID-19 vaccines had a significant impact on reproductive freedom. Abortificents doing business as flu vaccines will do that. It was so bad I once jested that Planned Parenthood should sue Pfizer.


One of the if not early, then alarming reports to surface after the Jabbernauts began the ‘needle-in-every-arm’ crusade was a rise in miscarriages. Pregnant women were losing babies almost as fast as if they’d taken that horse medicine (Misoprostol) feminists ranted about after SCOTUS un-penumbra’d Roe. v. Wade.


It’s a public health crisis. I’m surprised we’ve not heard more about it.



The post If Abortion is Such a Small Percentage of “Women’s Health Care™” Why Are Clinics Still Going Out of Business? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-12 16:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Also don’t forget both complementary parts of my Survival Sunday feature: PREP edition and SITREP edition.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***







Don’t have time – just a meme dump today.




Reihan Salam: The Issue of Crime Made Me a Conservative






They don’t reproduce, they recruit.  And internationally.  LGBTQ is a religion, a missionary religion.









This kind of push across all media – seen at the time – was one reason I started to have my doubts about The Jab.  When the push-push-push to get this into every arm was this intense, I had to wonder something was suspect about it.  It was only then, my “paranoid antennae” vibrating, that I really started to look into it.








Pick of the Post:

Two are the winner.




From what I’ve seen the Left is absolutely apoplectic over that townhall meeting.




Palate Cleansers:



I guarantee two things:

1. Someone has a sense of humor that I like

2. Someone else is offended


The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It Rained a Lot in April … for the 7th Year in a Row

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-12 15:00 +0000

April showers bring May flowers, but for a little while, at least this year, it looked like April showers brought May showers. We got a break from the cold and the rain this past week; the same week, NOAA updated its precipitation data.

April was above average again.

It’s not the most exciting news unless you get it and need to get it. The Climate Cult is at war with your way of life. The enviro-fascist movement and its political agitators drive policy on a handful of oft-repeated lies. The temperature is the big one. Everything orbits around the theory that a few degrees of warming will be cataclysmic. That’s nonsense. Rubbish. Absurd. We’re living despite the lie as I type this. It is so not true they had to stop calling it warming. It’s climate change. And the climate changes morning to night, every day, week, month, season, and throughout the years. That’s not on you.

Another Climate Cult (methane impaired) sacred cow has two parts – too much rain (flooding) or not enough rain (drought). We always have too much or too little. It’s never baby bear. The climate can’t be just right (even though these last few days in New England fit the bill). So, we have to talk about it. People need to know or be reminded.


Rainfall in April and early May gave the Cult media an excuse to roll out the narratives on flooding and blame CO2, which means you. There was a flood of headlines about it. But if the recent absence of daily showers (doing business as lovely weather for the next few days) persists, they will flip the coin and work the drought narrative.

As I’ve noted previously, and at least a few times this year, the annual drought festival narrative is coming. When it does, no one will remember the extra precipitation we keep getting in April. And that matters because it counts.


April Precipitation NH 1895-2023


Looking back, you can compare total annual precipitation against historical averages and the planned outrage required to advance dangerous partisan political agendas like Net-Zero. Looking at the past 128 years, there’s no evidence that the lifestyle they want you to sacrifice is relevant to precipitation in April.

This is the average annual precipitation in New Hampshire from May to April from 1895-2023.


Annual NH precipitation May to April 1895-2023


Where’s the drought? 1964-1968 when we were where? Heading into what the experts would predict as a new ice age. 1940-43. 1909-1915. 1979-1981.2001-2003. But New Hampshire has been above the 100-year mean more often than not.

It must be an infrastructure problem that Dems in Dover will address with a new utility that taxpayers can fund. So, ignore the drought talk when that comes up. Otherwise, there is a significant risk of flooding when we’re not on the odd-even water restrictions as our lakes and rivers dry up.

Here are 12 months, Aug to July, when it’s as warm and dry as you’d think we could get.


Annual NH precipitation Aug to July 1895-2022


Not much to see is there, but if you listen to the screeching climate harpies, it’s the end of the world, rain or shine.

It’s not.


The post It Rained a Lot in April … for the 7th Year in a Row appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Central Bank Digital Currency: Paper Money isn’t the Solution

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-12 13:30 +0000

Physical paper money solves some of the privacy and security issues inherent in central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). But a lot of people seem to have forgotten that government-issued paper fiat is the parent of a CBDC, and it won’t solve the more fundamental problem – whether physical or digital, fiat currency isn’t real money.

What Is CBDC?

Digital currencies are virtual banknotes or coins held in a digital wallet on your computer or smartphone. The difference between a central bank (government) digital currency and peer-to-peer electronic cash such as bitcoin is that the value of the digital currency is backed and controlled by the government, just like traditional paper fiat currency. In fact, a Federal Reserve-issued CBDC would just be a dollar in another form.

But the specter of a CBDC raises new concerns relating to financial privacy and the potential for government control.

At the root of the move toward CBDC is what some call “the war on cash.” For years, governments have looked for ways to eliminate physical cash because it is hard to control. I can put it under my mattress and nobody has to even know I have it. And if you and I do a cash transaction, no record exists. That’s a problem for government officials who would like to tax our transactions, or possibly prohibit them altogether.

Enter CBDCs.

Government-issued digital currencies are sold on the promise of providing a safe, convenient, and more secure alternative to physical cash. We’re also told they will help “stop dangerous criminals” who like the intractability of cash. But there is a darker side – the promise of control. CBDC creates the potential for the government to track and even micromanage consumer spending.

Imagine if there was no cash. It would be impossible to hide even the smallest transaction from the government’s eyes. Something as simple as your morning trip to get a coffee wouldn’t be a secret from government officials. As Bloomberg put it in an article published when China launched a digital yuan pilot program in 2020, digital currency “offers China’s authorities a degree of control never possible with physical money.”

The government could even “turn off” an individual’s ability to make purchases. Bloomberg described just how much control a digital currency could give Chinese officials.

The PBOC has also indicated that it could put limits on the sizes of some transactions, or even require an appointment to make large ones. Some observers wonder whether payments could be linked to the emerging social-credit system, wherein citizens with exemplary behavior are ‘whitelisted’ for privileges, while those with criminal and other infractions find themselves left out. ‘China’s goal is not to make payments more convenient but to replace cash, so it can keep closer tabs on people than it already does,’ argues Aaron Brown, a crypto investor who writes for Bloomberg Opinion.”

Economist Thorsten Polleit outlined the potential for Big Brother-like government control with the advent of a digital euro in an article published by the Mises Wire. As he put it, “the path to becoming a surveillance state regime will accelerate considerably” if and when a digital currency is issued.

You can see why governments are keen on implementing CBDC as quickly as possible.

Is Paper Money the Solution?

As the push to implement CBDC intensifies, opponents are lobbying for policies to preserve the right to use cash, primarily in the form of the US Dollar (USD). This makes sense on the surface. If people have the option to use physical currency, they can simply avoid a CBDC and the inherent control it would provide government actors.

But in the clamor to minimize the impact of CBDC, many have lost sight of the inherent problems with paper fiat money.

As George Mason put it, “The laws making paper currency a legal tender have produced great and numerous evils.”

Thomas Jefferson went further, declaring that “paper is poverty, it is only the ghost of money and not money itself.”

A CBDC would certainly give government more control than it has today, but don’t forget that the government’s monopoly on money, and the Federal Reserve’s ability to create it out of thin air, gives it plenty of control to begin with.

In fact, the Fed is the engine that drives the biggest government in history.

The problem with fiat money – paper or digital –  is the Fed can just fire up the proverbial printing press and make more when the government wants to pay for something. That means there is virtually no restraint on government spending already – and on government power. But when the government just creates trillions of dollars out of thin air, it also erodes away the purchasing power. That makes you poorer.

As Thomas Jefferson warned, “We are to be ruined now by the deluge of bank paper.”

Paper currency is the parent of a CBDC. Central bank digital currency is the same old dollar in a new form with the same problem as paper. Instead of printing new dollars, the Fed can create new digital dollars with a keystroke. Instead of a deluge of paper, we will get a deluge of electronic digits.

In fact, the economy has already moved mostly in that direction with the advent of credit cards and electronic payment systems.

Granted, CBDCs create new worries about privacy and control, but that is not a reason to suddenly embrace the USD as the solution to all of our problems.

But that’s what a lot of people seem to be doing. They’re telling us we have to protect and promote the fiat US Dollar in order to fight a CBDC because government digital currency is so bad. As one opponent of government digital currency put it, “I used to be really critical of Federal Reserve notes. … Compared to CBDC, U.S. Federal Reserve note cash will be wonderful. We will miss it when it is gone.” [Emphasis added]

Note he “used to be” really critical of the USD. Apparently, he’s not anymore because CBDC is so much worse. This mentality drives people away from opposing the original evil that led us here in the first place.

It’s important to remember that Federal Reserve notes were always an evil. CBDC is all of that evil plus some. But that doesn’t make the original evil good or something that should be preserved.

John Adams compared government overreach to cancer.

“The nature of the encroachment upon the American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour.”

What do you do to cancer?

You remove it.

And when cancer metastasizes, you don’t just remove the metastasis; you remove it and the original tumor. No sane person would embrace the original cancer just because the metastasis is worse.

The Path Forward

Relying on fiat paper money might alleviate some of the problems of a CBDC, but it doesn’t strike the root of the problem. The government might not be able to track every purchase if you use paper money, but it will still devalue your dollar every single day – and expand its own power while doing so.

We need currency competition.

That means finding sound money alternatives to federal government-produced and controlled fiat money.

This could come in the form of gold, silver, or non-government cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. It could even involve ways of transacting business we haven’t even thought of yet. But we need money that is not subject to Federal Reserve and government control and manipulation.

Supporting one form of government money over another is not a long-term solution, nor will it ever push the needle forward for the Constitution and liberty.




Mike Maharrey | The Tenth Amendment Center

The post Central Bank Digital Currency: Paper Money isn’t the Solution appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tone-Deaf Democrats Advance Bloated Raise and Benefit Package for Themselves

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-12 12:00 +0000

If you want an example of Democrats being Democrats, the Vermont legislature has one. They are in the process of rewarding themselves (without any public input) for successfully ignoring constituents’ concerns.

Related: Are Vermont Socialists Not Yet Ready To Accept the Price They Must Pay for Socialism?

Elected Democrats don’t feel a responsibility to represent the interests of voters. Once in office, their job is to tell them what they need even when it is not what they want.

The much-hated heat standard bill is a good example. It passed despite significant objections from the peasants. Their governor, who is effectively a cuckold to the Dem majority legislature, listened long enough to veto the bill to no avail. The State Senate has already overridden what is now expected to pass through the lower chamber like sh!t through a goose [which it has – the house has overridden the Veto].

The people didn’t want it, but elected Democrats knew better, and for that, they want to reward themselves with a fast-tracked hike in pay and benefits (S.39).


The Vermont House Government Operations Committee yesterday voted 8-4 to send to the House floor a hefty pay raise, adjournment pay, and state employee-level health care benefits for the Legislature.


The Legislature currently makes $811/week in session, which is easily 800.00 dollars too much. That rate will rise incrementally to $1,210/week by 2027. The people who know better will also be eligible for health care benefits, $242.00/week in adjournment (out of session) pay. More mileage pay, lodging, meals allowance, childcare expenses, and a slew of other bennies, including raises for leadership, professional development per-diems, and a death benefit for their survivors that amounts to pay they would have received for the session in which they ceased to be.

Measure that greed against its fiscally irresponsible tone-deafness, the crappy economy, inflation, higher energy prices, and additional cost burdens from new legislation (like the heat standard). Everything costs more, thanks to Democrats, so their legislative majority response is typical of their party. You will give us more so we can afford to offset the financial burden of our policies.

The government first, the people last.

New Hampshire Democrats have a similar impulse, but paying for a professional legislature has not come up (that I can recall) in ten or twelve years. Members of our House and Senate get $100.00 a year plus mileage, a legislative license plate, and a drawer at the state house. No benefits unless near-total impunity for exceeding the speed limit to do the people’s business counts.

The House Speaker and Senate President get an office and a few dollars more, but not much. It is a genuine people’s Legislature.

This benefits taxpayers. Short of rising in the ranks to pursue a paid gig at the federal level, there’s not a lot of incentive to do it, do it for long, or abuse it (some still find a way).

Yes, our Legislature has the odd long-term seat warmer, but it is not for pay or benefits. There are none. And it will only stay that way if we can keep Dems out of the majority and something that passes for a Republican warming the governor’s chair. The side effects of this form of government to date have been low crime, high standard of living, low poverty, high quality of life, better health outcomes, lower total tax burden, and a slew of other things that Vermont used to enjoy before the hippies flipped the government.

Vermont has been going downhill ever since, but at least the professional politicians will be doing better, assuming they have the stones to override what should be a quick veto from the governor on the raise and benefits package when this makes it to his desk.

And they do because it’s all about them and not about you.



The post Tone-Deaf Democrats Advance Bloated Raise and Benefit Package for Themselves appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Family Corruption Exposed, MSM Not Interested

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-12 10:30 +0000

I anxiously waited for the nine o’clock hour on Wednesday morning for the long-awaited review of the House Oversight Committee’s work for the last four months. We have been getting daily updates from Representative James Comer, teasing us about the plethora of information they have uncovered from banks and whistleblowers. Maybe we have become numb to these promises, having listened to Adam Schiff for nearly five years that he had information linking President Trump to the Russians. Schiff had nothing, but his false promises got him scheduled on the Sunday talk shows for five years. Schiff was using a ploy for self-promotion. Comer, and his committee, put their chips on the table today. They laid the groundwork for the methods used by Biden representatives to receive money from China and Romania and disperse it to as many as ten members of the Biden family. What we are seeing is a complicated scheme that is becoming unraveled like a cheap sweater.

As I watched the press conference, I was scanning the live feed of CNN and MSNBC. CNN was covering a preview of a Donald Trump Townhall Meeting in New Hampshire. MSNBC was discussing the NBA Playoffs. They chose not to cover this press conference implicating the sitting President of the United States for a level of corruption we may have never seen. It is criminal that these news networks censor the information they supply to their viewers. Viewers of these two networks are oblivious that the head of an international crime family is sitting in the Oval Office. Over $10 Million flowed into the Biden bank accounts from China and Romania since he was Vice President. The funds from Russia and Ukraine are still to be analyzed.

The work of the House Oversight Committee is one of three significant events occurring in the country that deserve full media attention. The other that is getting little coverage by MSM is the chaos at our Border as we approach the end of Title 42 on Thursday. Joe Biden went on the record yesterday saying the situation will be chaotic for some time. The Administration has no plans to stop the flow of illegal immigrants. Their only priority is to process them efficiently and let them into our country. The only story they are covering is the impending default on the debt ceiling. The President and Karine Jean-Pierre are flooding the media with anti-MAGA colloquials and outright lies about the plan presented by Republicans and passed by the House. They are denigrating all Republicans and spreading fears about the massive cuts in essential services. Biden is pulling numbers out of the air. Biden claims that Police Forces will be cut, 100,000 teachers will lose their jobs, and Social Security Checks will be reduced-lies-all lies.

Biden is playing divisive politics which is what he promised not to do when on the campaign trail. Either he does not know what is in the Republican Bill, doesn’t understand it, or doesn’t care about the lies he heaps on America. It doesn’t matter because he has the media in his pocket like the Chinese have him, and if he can keep distracting America, he may get away with Grand Larceny. Biden will play along with the media on the default and keep feeding them erroneous information. It is a perfect screen to hide his illegal operation. This will work until the Justice Department decides to press charges. With Garland at the helm, that will probably never happen.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

House ‘Border Security’ Bill Provides for a Big Step Toward War in Mexico

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-12 01:30 +0000

A provision in the Secure the Border Act (HR 2) scheduled for a vote on the United States House of Representatives floor this week provides for a big step toward the US government going to war in Mexico.

Section 123 of the 213-page-long bill states that “Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Secretary of State, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report on whether a Mexican drug cartel described in paragraph (2) meets the ten criteria for designation as a foreign terrorist organization.” That referenced paragraph two then proceeds to list by name 11 “Mexican drug cartels.”

Should the report called for in the bill conclude that some or all of the listed groups are foreign terrorist organizations, the US will have taken a big step toward launching a war against up to 11 new organizations folded into the targets list of the US government’s global war on terror.

In an April 10 article, I discussed the push by some Republican US House members and presidential candidates for war in Mexico. Expect Democratic politicians to be on board the war train too.

Notably, a US war promoted to the American people as against drug cartels in Mexico may turn into a broader war — one against the nation of Mexico as well. Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has made it clear that he opposes US military action being taken in Mexico in the name of fighting drug cartels. “We are not going to permit any foreign government to intervene in our territory, much less that a government’s armed forces intervene,” declared López Obrador in a March press conference.


Copyright © 2023 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

The post House ‘Border Security’ Bill Provides for a Big Step Toward War in Mexico appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“What Is The Transgender Status of My Legal Son?” Part 2

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-12 00:00 +0000

As I said here, I finally went there with that question above with the Grandson’s teacher refusing to give me a straight answer. After two and a half years of dogging my School District over their all but complete capitulation to the gender dysphoria movement that has swept our education system…

Sidenote: one that has even caused a backlash now named “LGB without T” because of its militancy in attacking it even with a merest variance to what they want. It has caused the LGB folks to want to dissociate itself from them. Thus, I call it Trans-Authoritarianism and as you know, I’ve been posting about what they (and their enablers) have and continue to do for years.

…with their Policy JBAB to the point of suing them,  I wanted to know what my District would do when asked. If you read my previous email, you know that his teacher refused to tell me, obfuscating her answer relative to my direct question.  I also ended that post with this:

Right after that, and I suspected that it would be, I found out that this email thread was being monitored by “the Administration”.

Here is that email:

—— Original Message ——
From “Danielle Bolduc” <>
To “Skip” <>; <redacted>>
Date 5/3/2023 3:02:52 PM
Subject <redacted>

Hi Skip:

I have been following your emails with Mrs. Anderson concerning <redacted>. In your latest email you ask, “Is he identifying as other than male in your class?” The simple answer to that particular question is no.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

Take care,
Danielle Bolduc

Danielle DiSisto Bolduc, EdD
Gilford Elementary School 76 Belknap Mountain Road
Gilford, NH  03249
603 524-1661
~Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

Like I said, a simple question needed only a simple answer. Instead of deflection, I should have received that answer the first time I asked “that question”. I am glad, not over being monitored, but that I got that straight answer.

But it leaves another question – WHY didn’t I get that from the get-go?  So I did have questions. Since TMEW and I had a meeting already scheduled last week about one of the Grandson’s F.A.S. issues (a congenital issue of his F.A.S. diagnosis – low muscle tone. In this case, – but this was concerned with swallowing problems that we’ve been dealing with since his birth), and she was there, she and I scheduled a meeting for this past Monday for a face to face.

We did have a bit of a tussle (albeit, polite) still, over “that question”.

More on that later.




The post “What Is The Transgender Status of My Legal Son?” Part 2 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey Joe, Get Out Of Our Garage And House

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-05-11 22:30 +0000

The government, in this case, the Federal Government, has shown it is so proficient at controlling functions. One just has to look at how we managed the COVID Pandemic or the Afghanistan withdrawal. How about how well we are dealing with the condition of our rail system or turning our once mighty military into a WOKE social experiment? How about how we took a flourishing economy two years ago into a high-inflation and low-output machine? We have also seen how well the government handles our debt ceiling and the Biden Crime Family. With this horrific management track record, it is no wonder they want to get into our garages and homes to manage our day-to-day lives.

As we are well aware, this President and his WOKE Administration are hell-bent on removing us from the internal combustion vehicles that we have driven and enjoyed for decades. They are adamant about forcing us into much more expensive electric vehicles By 2035. It does not matter whether EVs are affordable or not. Most Americans are against being forced into an EV by the government. The government should not be in a position to dictate to Americans and eliminate our freedom of choice. This President shows daily that he believes the government knows better than the people. This is whether the decisions on education, their child’s gender, the car they drive, or whether their home is powered by gas, natural or propane, or electricity.

The President is extending his reach into our homes with the latest round of household appliances the government wants to control. To date, the Administration has placed controls on air conditioners, residential gas furnaces, light bulbs, refrigerators, freezers, and most recently, gas ranges and washing machines. Very little remains within our homes that the government can try to micro-manage. Today, the Biden Administration added dishwashers to the list. The size of the kitchen sink may be our last stand!

We are allowing this to happen. We have put people into office more intent on assuaging environmentalists than on solving the immediate issues facing every American. We have a Border crisis about to explode with the end of Title 42 on Thursday. We have a Fentanyl epidemic that is poisoning 100,000 young Americans yearly. We have an economy that is stalled by inflation, pending recession, and a workforce unwilling to work. We have a crime situation growing in the cities and suburbs as gangs from Mexico branch out into America. We have a corruption story emerging involving our President and his family that involves millions of dollars from foreign adversaries. These events impact America and our future, and this Administration wants to focus on our dishwasher’s rinse cycle.

We need to replace these feckless representatives of both parties, but in the meantime, we have to hold our elected representatives accountable to representing us and not controlling us. Get out of our garage, kitchen, and laundry room and get to solving the matters we are paying you to solve.

The post Hey Joe, Get Out Of Our Garage And House appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Has Mikey-G Finally Had It With The Sun-King?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-05-11 21:00 +0000

Sun-King Sununu tries to be on both sides of the issue. I suppose it’s his version of Bill Clinton’s “triangulation” tactics. For example, Sun-King supports banning late-term abortions, as long as the ban is voluntary … which OBVIOUSLY means the ban is not really a ban.

It would be “big government” … bad, bad, bad … to prohibit corporations from grooming … but it is somehow not “big government” to ban conversion therapy. It is up to each school district to decide whether students wear masks … local control! Local control! Local control! … but opining that every school district MUST allow biological males to compete in female school sports is somehow not inconsistent with “local control.” ETC. ETC. ETC.

It looks like Sun-King’s talking out of both sides of the royal mouth has gotten to be too much for even one of his (formerly?) loudest cheerleaders:



The post Has Mikey-G Finally Had It With The Sun-King? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Executive Council Hearing: Anne Edwards Nomination for Superior Court Judge Part 3

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-05-11 19:30 +0000

Still rolling through the videos that Chau Kelley supplied of the hearing – THANKS, CHAU! The PERFECT angle for getting the testimonies of those for and against NH Governor Chris Sununu’s nominee for a Superior Court Judgeship, Anne Edwards.

For those of you outside of NH, the Executive Council is another check against the Executive power of the Governor and all nominations put forth by the Government. The EC will hold a hearing on each nomination and either vote it up or down.

[Part I] [Part II]

Here is Tranche #3.

NH Supreme Court Chief Justice Gordon MacDonald:


Supporter #4:


Supporter #5:


Supporter #6:


Supporter #7:


Supporter MacDonald:


The post NH Executive Council Hearing: Anne Edwards Nomination for Superior Court Judge Part 3 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey Lizzie … Your Daddy Is Still A War Criminal And You’re Don Quixote

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-05-11 18:00 +0000

Lizzie Cheney … who was overwhelmingly FIRED by the voters of Wyoming … is promoting a new NeverTrump ad. Lizzie, your Daddy is still a war criminal who LIED, repeatedly to instigate a completely unnecessary war in Iraq that caused inestimable human suffering. But the good news is that Daddy Dick and the Bushies and the rest of the neo-con faux-Republican grifters like YOU no longer run the GOP. Go away, Lizzie. Go far, far, far away. NOBODY … except your choir of NeverTrump grifter-sycophants … cares what you have to say.



The post Hey Lizzie … Your Daddy Is Still A War Criminal And You’re Don Quixote appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-05-11 16:30 +0000

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.  Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch can, and presented as is.  I make no guarantee of accuracy or complete coverage of the world.

Please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well, which is a good site to check out in general.

For prep materials, please see:

Survival Sunday – PREP Edition – Granite Grok




Top of the fold:

Revealed: the US is averaging one chemical accident every two days | US news | The Guardian

Statistically impossible IMHO.  Unless done by design.

News From Zimbabwe, U.S.A. : The Other McCain


The Latest Trans Label Will Leave You SPEECHLESS | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |

I used to use the argument against transgenderism as follows:

If I suddenly decided I was really, say, a paraplegic in an able body, and wanted surgery to snip my spinal cord and become so in reality, virtually all of society would pivot on me to see to it that I got heavy therapy and the help I clearly needed.  The same holds true for getting an “addadicktome” or a “lopadickoffme”.

Apparently that argument’s usefulness has ended.




The Death of Accountability





Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf says “regulation” is needed to target “misinformation” (

In other words, we don’t like you talking and exchanging information freely.

What climate emergency?

Remember, the earth is an incredibly complex system.  That it all boils down to one thing – CO2 – that happens to be the one thing that politicians can leverage for control is ludicrous.



What does human meat taste like? Scientists reveal the unique flavour of our FLESH | Daily Mail Online

Insects.  Cannibalism.  Legitimizing child sex.  At what point can we say this is not just garden-variety evil, but actually demonic?  Related:

This is sick and evil beyond belief – but it’s happening right now, all over the place



Protecting Children:

BREAKING: 27 Colorado Dems vote AGAINST making indecent exposure to minors a felony | The Post Millennial |

Understand your enemy.

Special Report: Boston Children’s Hospital Gender Clinic (

It has become a multi-billion dollar business. These procedures often cause permanent disfiguration, mutilation, castration, and lifelong medical and mental health problems. It is all experimental.

Remember when Barackus said that surgeons might just do procedures for the money?

Idaho parents grill library official over obscene children’s books (

Video.  Disgusting how the librarian defends it.



National Security (specifically):

Signs that Biden remains on China’s payroll – Flopping Aces

One has to wonder what China has on The Potato, and others, to keep them in their place.

China And Russia Strike Deal In Push For Arctic Power

Oh, this isn’t good.



Key Gunpowder Factory Mysteriously Exploded, US Production of the Chemical Now Totally Offline (




On The Jab (and Covid)

The Big Fail Brownstone Institute

If vaccinations were doing what they were promised to do, then countries in which higher proportions of the population became vaccinated would be countries in which relatively fewer people died from the virus. But there is no evidence that such a thing happened.

U.S. and UK Secretly Agreed to Hide Vaccine Reactions • Children’s Health Defense (

Concerns build on concerns.




Surprise: NY Times Says Inflation Is Still Going Fast





Robert Kennedy Jr. | Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson





Nothing specific, though Trump utterly eviscerated CNN.  And the Left knows it.  But this just hit:



If Trump said he liked sunny days the enemedia would say TRUMP HATES GARDENERS BECAUSE THEY NEED RAIN.  Vile scum.




India Kills 22 Million Girl Babies in Sex-Selection Abortions, Where are the Feminists? –

Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, told the Church Militant that their research estimates about 550,000 girls are killed in sex-selection abortions every year in India.

“It is a human tragedy of enormous proportions that will haunt India for generations,” said Mosher, a social scientist.

30,000 Doctors Say: Killing an Unborn Child Not Necessary to Save a Mother’s Life –

Finally, Dr. Michael Chupp, chief executive officer of CMDA pointed out that “ACOG leadership’s advocacy of elective abortion is out of step with the 85% of OB/GYN’s who do not perform abortions.   Their extreme advocacy for elective abortion through birth does not represent the majority opinion of either ACOG membership, or the majority opinion of all the rest of the obstetricians and gynecologists in this country.”


Know your Leftist / Globalist & Islamic enemy:

Colorado teachers union adopts anti-capitalist resolution | Just The News

Long march.  Just about there.



Immigration / Migration:

US Lawmaker: 700,000 to 1 Million Illegals Gather at US Border with Mexico to Storm Country After Title 42 Ends (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Electing a new voting population.

How the Left Wins Elections by Transforming Nations – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles

Invasion Inbound

What happens when these invaders are transferred to Los Angeles, Chicago and New York city? Or to middle America as Bush, Clinton and Obama are organizing? Is this the beginning of the American Spring?

New Footage Shows El Paso Engulfed In ‘Mass Migration Dumpster Fire’ As State Of Emergency Declared

“Under control”…  Related:

WAYNE ROOT: Title 42 Ends in Days. Get Ready to Witness “The Fall of Saigon.” | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor



Watch The Other Hand – The Potential for One Million Illegal Alien Migrants Expected to Swarm the U.S. Southern Border, May 11th With Biden Ending Title 42 – The Last Refuge (

Immigration is THE issue.



Economy at large:

Et tu, Argentina?

Argentina starts to drop the dollar too.

Biden’s America: Foreclosures And Repossessions Spike, But, Hey, Finally Getting Americans Out Of Sudan


Bernie Sanders Openly Calls For Wealth Confiscation, ‘Billionaires Shouldn’t Exist’ (

Brings to mind this Bill Whittle classic:





Bayou Renaissance Man: Gradually and then suddenly

Most people – and most countries – that end up in financial trouble spend a long time on the “gradually” part . . . and are surprised when it accelerates to “suddenly”.  Nevertheless, I believe that’s the stage we’re in right now;  the accelerating decline from “gradually” to “suddenly” in the economy – the world’s, and our own nation’s.

Speaking of suddenly:

Establishment Economists Are Finally Realizing It’s Time To Pay The Piper | ZeroHedge

For the average concerned citizen out there, this narrative change matters because it’s a signal that things are about to get much worse. When the establishment itself is openly acknowledging that gravity exists and that we are falling instead of flying, it’s time to get ready and take cover. They never admit the truth unless the worst case scenario is right around the corner.


Political War

Is Bud Light The Battle of Midway in The Culture War? – Flopping Aces

Breitbart: Politics is downstream from culture.

“A full-blown Color Revolution-style attack on the US Supreme Court as an institution is now in its early stages” (

So maybe what we are witnessing is more than a color revolution against the Supreme Court. We’re witnessing a color revolution on the edge of a hot war on the conservative Justices.

Given Antifa et al, it’s pushing towards a hot war with the entire Left.



US Stability (broad catch-all):

Masked Murder Manifesto › American Greatness (

When the system protects the corrupt and outright evil, societal destruction is inevitable.  On that:

Millions in PPP Loans Received by Companies Tied to Paul Pelosi Forgiven (

The danger of big cities: How can I put it any more strongly?

Get out!



World Stability (broad catch-all):

US helping to ‘kill Russians’ – Moscow — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Words are getting more pointed.  Related:



Tom Renz’s Terrifying Warning of World War III (

Attorney Tom Renz of Renz Law has been a fighter for the people in the vaccine injustices of the past three years. He warns that people must be prepared for the possibility of World War III. It’s alarming and credible.




Dr Richard Lindzen exposes climate change as a politicised power play motivated by malice and profit





Specific to energy:

Irony: German Bundestag Admits Conversion To Heat Pump Systems For Its Own Buildings Not Possible! – Watts Up With That?

Eat the bugs and shiver in the dark, plebes.

Bayou Renaissance Man: Natural gas and electric compressors – a marriage made in freezing hell?

Government regulation.  Taking a system that worked, and ruining it.



‘Dark Future’ Decoded: What’s NEXT in Our Dystopian NIGHTMARE





Big Tech in general:


Some look at this in wonder.  Me, in terror.  Related:

Groundbreaking AI system reads minds and produces text without implants (

I can see where this could be of use.  But the potential for misuse…

The “Location Off” switch on your phone is a lie. – Gabriel Sieben

The only way to be sure is to turn your phone off and wrap it in shielding.



Catch-all miscellaneous:

New theory explains why aliens have never contacted humans (

So what does this set up?  A big reveal coming?



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

Slowly, then suddenly.  I think we’re juuuust about at the suddenly part.  Things are converging:

Converging Downturns – Granite Grok




Palate cleansers:





Please check out my MEME collection.  Here’s the last one.


The post Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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