The Manchester Free Press

Monday • May 6 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XIX

Manchester, N.H.

The 51 NHGOP House Reps Who Endorsed Trump … You Do NOT Matter, Per The NHGOP Establishment

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-05-07 01:30 +0000

So PresidentTrump recently released a list of 51 NHGOP State Reps who have endorsed him. In response, Governor DeSantis’ campaign arranged for Majority Leader Jason “Legalize It” Osborne to release an endorsement of DeSantis. 51 to one, you say? Not so fast. Per the NHGOP Establishment, Osborne’s endorsement “matters,” which obviously implies that the endorsements of the Trump-51 do NOT:

… And, notes New Hampshire political veteran Greg Moore, he is one of the few Republicans in the state whose endorsement is likely to make an impact.

“As the leader of the largest state legislative body in the nation, Osborne’s endorsement matters. This is definitely a coup for DeSantis, assuming he decides to run,” said Moore, head of Americans for Prosperity – New Hampshire. …


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fed up with Schools Disrespecting Students and Parents

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-05-07 00:00 +0000

I must admit that I am fed up and tired of reading about how these schools continue to disrespect students and parents. Also, to the same extent, how women and girls are bullied and abused in competitive athletics. Where are the women who burned their bras in the sixties?

We want to thank Howard Coffman for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Did you not teach your children how to resist bullying?

I have a simple and effective solution: Parents, keep your student home!

No students, no money. You should know that October 1st, at least in New Hampshire, is the day state and federal aid is set based on attendance on that day. If you don’t get what you want from your district, simply tell them no students in school on October 1st. This will impact everything at the school district. Give them a test run on a specific day. See what response you get. The second and third time it’s done, the school will get the message.

As far as women’s sports, same thing. There is no competition or abuse of women and girls if they don’t compete. I suggest the female athletes appear at the event, take their starting position and then sit down, or better yet, take a knee!

Let the event coordinators and commentators try and figure out what do and what to say. Let them explain at a nationally sponsored event what is going on. Let them explain to the sponsors why there is no competition and no audience!

Both of these things are driven by money.

Eliminate the participants (students in one case and athletes in the other), and it all comes crashing down.

If participants simply say they are not going to participate, the abuse ends.

I’m sure the organizations impacted would declare themselves victims, but everybody else would know their abuse has just ended.

It’s time to bring this abuse to a screeching halt.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey NHGOP … Maybe Direct Some Of That Outrage Against Dead Communists Toward The Living Communists In The New Hampshire House?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 22:30 +0000

So … a historical marker was erected in Concord to commemorate a long-dead Communist and the NHGOP is outraged … OUTRAGED. Here is one of the NHGOP leaders bravely, courageously, defiantly taking a stand against the dead Commie:

I am so, so, so glad that we don’t honor dead Communists in New Hampshire. But why do we countenance living Communists? As I have posted many, many times the Democrat Party’s agenda is Mao’s cultural Revolution come to America. For example:

Every NHGOP State Rep and State Senator should be forced to read and re-read and re-read … as many times as it takes for it to sink in … Lilly Tang Williams’ tweet below that demonstrates how today’s DEI … Diversity-Equity-Inclusion … is simply Mao’s Cultural Revolution by another name. The top legislative priority of the NHGOP should be fighting DEI … that the NHGOP’s “leaders” instead ignore DEI and in some cases … like Sun-King Sununu … actually embrace it shows that they are either ignorant or cowards … or worse.

And this:

Your “Democrat friends” overwhelmingly support DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and CRT (Critical Race Theory). DEI and CRT are simply euphemisms for anti-White racism. DEI involves discriminating against White males. It is an ideology that maintains one’s race, or “identity” is defining and determinative. That is, DEI sees people not as individuals, but merely as part of a tribe, or group, or identity. CRT is the dishonest rewrite of history intended to justify DEI … America was founded by White males in order to exploit everyone else and benefit White males, so DEI is simply redressing centuries of systemic discrimination and exploitation by White males. Those who support DEI and CRT are not “good people.” They are the real racists, the real bigots.

Your “Democrat friends” overwhelmingly support abortion up to birth. At some point well before birth, the fetus has developed sufficiently that it is absurdly dishonest and indeed depraved to deny its humanity. Yet your “Democrat friends” do exactly that … they deny that seven, eight and nine month old unborn babies are human. Those who support late-term abortions are not “good people.” They are evil.

Your “Democrat friends” overwhelmingly support “gender affirming care” for children. “Gender affirming care” is another lovely Communist euphemism … to camouflage the sterilizing and removing of body-parts of children. Those who support sterilizing and removing the body-parts of children are not “good people.” They are monsters.

There is much, much more I could add … grooming, censorship, biological males taking over female sports, etc. etc. etc. Suffice it to say … the NH-Democrats’ agenda is Mao’s Cultural Revolution come to America. And they are winning because the GOP refuses to see them for what they are.

Has Ross Berry, or any of his fellow “leaders,” “young-guns,” blah, blah, blah, ever called out any of the Communists in the New Hampshire legislature? Sorry all you Red-teamers … the NHGOP … especially House “leadership” is a JOKE.

The post Hey NHGOP … Maybe Direct Some Of That Outrage Against Dead Communists Toward The Living Communists In The New Hampshire House? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The CDC’s Deep Gay Fake

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 21:00 +0000

The Left invented the term fake news to target alternative media, and then Donald Trump stole it and beat them with it mercilessly. Next up was deep fakes, “news” like video or similar that was so fake you needed corporate media or Big Tech to find the truth.

No, not like Anderson Cooper in Waders in a Ditch or the entire Steele Dossier, or the Covington Kid smear, not light-skinned Latinos, Hands up don’t shoot, the heap of lies about COVID, those mostly peaceful protests, or mass shootings by a Muslim in a gay nightclub. I’m referring to the CDC’s recent news about teens and gender.

“According to the CDC’s latest data, roughly one out of every four high school students in America now identifies as LGBTQ,  …”




In 2021, 75.5 percent of high school students identified as heterosexual, the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) found.

Among high school students, 12.2 percent identified as bisexual, 5.2 percent as questioning, 3.9 percent as other, 3.2 percent as gay or lesbian and 1.8 percent said they didn’t understand the question.


In other words, they are saying you are gay or queer, or Bi, but are they, or is this like that buddy who insisted he had a girlfriend in Canada?


One clue about what’s going on here is provided by the fact that a lot of today’s “queer youth” don’t seem to be very gay in practice. As noted above, only 3.2 percent of today’s young people say they are primarily same-sex attracted — a figure very much on par with many recorded in the past. That group is outnumbered about four to one by the self-declared bisexuals. For that matter, a surprisingly large chunk of today’s heavily female cohort of “bisexuals” seems to be spaghetti-straight in practice. According to data from the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology, 55 percent of self-declared bisexual women under age 30 have had only heterosexual sex (if sometimes quite a lot of it) in the recent past. …

Further complicating this picture is the fact that sexually active people of any kind are rapidly becoming a minority among the young. According to the 2021 YRBSS report, the percentage of American high-school students who have ever had sex fell from almost 60 percent in 1991 to 30 percent in 2021.

Saying you identify as this or that is more self-marketing than the reality. A sop to peer pressure. An affectation to avoid looking like a cisgender stooge pandering to the sexual mores of the patriarchy (see also biology and human nature).

The media went wide with the CDC’s report. Look how gay everyone is, but like their other “sciences,” this is also political. It is a partisan perception. Many of these kids are just saying what they must to “fit in.” That’s not a crime, kids and teens and adults – hell, everyone who isn’t secure in their own skin has been doing that forever. And no one denies that gender dysphoria is a thing, but not all of these kids are confused about their gender. Many of them are pretending for attention-seeking sympathy by claiming fellowship with a victim class. Or they’ve been herded by rainbow warriors whose growth plan requires aggressive recruitment into their cult, and this inculcation has created the dysphoria that, in the absence of pressure, would either not exist or resolve itself.

And there’s nothing wrong with being something other than heterosexual. Consenting adults have been engaging in all sorts of activities in pursuit of sexual pleasure for millennia and should be free to do their thing. But most kids who claim to be on the LGBT** have never had sex or even intimate contact. Like with that girlfriend your buddy has in Canada.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Praising with Faint Damnation?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 19:30 +0000

We’ve all heard the phrase damning with faint praise, which is the use of insincere or half-hearted praise to indicate that someone doesn’t deserve praise at all. The idea is, if you’re supposed to be praising someone, to do such a lousy job that you leave the listener asking:  Is that the best you can do?  Is that the nicest thing you can say? 

I wonder if something like the reverse of that — praising with faint damnation — might be going on with the steady stream of behind-the-scenes featuring Tucker Carlson that are being ‘leaked,’ presumably to justify the recent cancellation of his show by Fox News.

With each new video, I find myself asking:  Is that the best you can do?  Is that the worst video you can find?

The impression one gets is that if there are years of such footage to comb through, and the most damning thing anyone can find is a joke about whether women have pillow fights in the women’s room… this guy must be a saint.

The more of these videos I see, the more I find myself thinking that Tucker is the kind of guy I’d like to have as a friend and certainly the kind of guy whose thoughts about what’s going on in the world I would like to hear.

Is it possible that Tucker himself is the one leaking them?  I’m having trouble coming up with an explanation that makes more sense than that one.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Colebrook School District (SAU7) – Time To Cough Up Your District’s Card Catalog

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 18:00 +0000

Time got away from me – Life, elections, illnesses, and other and sundry reasons as to why I didn’t keep up on this. However, it’s time to restart this project and Colebrook needs to be prodded. Like with a number of other Districts, SAU7 Superintendent decided that to satisfy my RTK from October was to “look them up yourself” and sent links to their library management system to do so.

Again, look at the date – back from October of last year:

—– Original Message ——
From “Debra Taylor” <>
Date 10/13/2022 2:56:55 PM
Subject Response to Right to Know Request


Please see the attached letter.


Debra J. Taylor, Ph.D.
School Administrative Unit 7
21 Academy St.
Colebrook, NH 03576

And the PDF that was attached to the email:

SAU7 Colebrook Debra Taylor Response to Right to Know Request – S.Murphy October 11, 2022

The important bit from that document:

The card catalogs for the Colebrook School District schools are maintained digitally and can be found at the following hyperlink:

Yeah….no. So yesterday, I decided to start tapping on my keyboard and let her know that was inadvisable – a Respondent can’t tell a Requestor to do the work, that’s HER job to supply the Responsive Records. Sorry, this is not a grocery store where everyone has to check themselves out. This is a “cashier only” type of deal – I ask, you send.

And I am getting tired of what I am seeing over and over – School District websites listing the School Board members but without any contact information available. Thus, my updated RTK now demands their contact information:

—– Original Message ——
From “Skip” <>
To “Debra Taylor” <>
Date 5/5/2023 3:19:59 PM
Subject Re: Response to Right to Know Request

Good afternoon,

I have to apologize for this VERY late reply to your email to me from October of last year. However, work should never be left uncompleted and my NH School District Library card catalog project is restarting.  In your response to me, your attempt to deflect your legal responsibility was this:

The card catalogs for the Colebrook School District schools are maintained digitally and can be found at the following hyperlink:

That response from you is insufficient and is not a proper response to my legal demand which was for the contents of the SAU7 card catalog. It is for the entire card catalog that makes up the Responsive Record that must be returned to me.  A Respondent cannot fluff off their duty under RSA 91-A to the Requester to do the work themselves; this is not how it works.  Sorry but this is not a grocery store where everyone has to self-check themselves out. Thus I am reissuing my RSA 91-A / Right To Know demand to the District for the  District’s card catalog.

If your library staff does not have the requisite skill set to accomplish this task (which should take no more than 3-5 minutes), I can send them the exact instructions to follow to have your Destiny library management system quickly put that together and output to a spreadsheet file as demanded.

Please note that this Right To Know is being sent with an addition: Contact information for the School Board members (re: email addresses, phone number). Upon review (, there is no way for Colebrook residents / voters to directly reach their Elected Representatives via the District’s website.

Thank you for your legal attention to this matter.


Skip Murphy
Founder, co-owner |
Dominating the political Bandwidth in New Hampshire

The saga continues again…

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New York State Dems Ban Natural Gas in New Construction (Heat, Stoves, All of It!)

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 16:30 +0000

In one of the finest examples of backward thinking Progressivism, the fuel responsible more than anything in the past two decades for lowering American emissions (if you still think that’s a thing we should do) was just banned by NY Democrats.

Related: Ohio Law Defines Natural Gas As Green Energy – Requires Regulators to Grant Leases

Increased reliance on natural gas has led the way and the world when it comes to cutting so-called carbon or CO2 emissions. It only makes sense that Democrats are in a mad rush to ban it, beginning with the chatter about gas stoves. You recall. News leaks, the claims are denied, the alleged harms are debunked, and a few months later, the Feds have rules to end gas stoves. States are jumping the gun and rushing to be the first to make energy more expensive and options fewer.

New York State Wins.


New York has become the first state in the country to ban natural gas stoves after the state Legislature approved a new state budget that includes a prohibition on fossil fuel combustion in most new buildings starting in 2026. …

The measure prohibits the installation of fossil fuel equipment in new buildings under seven stories by 2026 and by 2029 in taller ones, effectively requiring all-electric heating and cooking.

There are exemptions for places such as hospitals, manufacturing facilities, and restaurants. Existing buildings are also exempt from the ban.

Exemptions are nice and meaningless if Democrats continue to rule the roost. And while the new rules grandfather in existing infrastructure, use, and appliances, it won’t be long before they come for those. They will sunset legal sales just like they have with fossil field power cars. A handful of states are working out how to make that happen, even if it makes no sense.

Related: Too “Green” California Has to Build Five Natural Gas Power Plants to Prevent Blackouts…

California, the tip of the stupid progressive spear, announced a ban on Diesel trucks after 2036 with nothing on the table to replace them or infrastructure to charge their planned EV replacements.


California regulators voted Friday morning to implement a ban on new combustion truck sales after 2036, and mandate all trucks be zero emission vehicles by 2042, significantly tightening the state’s already strict trucking emissions rules.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) finalized the Advanced Clean Fleet rule, which would mandate that 50% of all state and local government vehicle fleet purchases be 50% zero-emissions by 2024, and 100% by 2027, and create a registry for drayage trucks. The rule — which comes one day after the board voted to implement the state’s first-ever rules to limit train emissions — would go even further than recent California rules approved by President Joe Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency, which would cut diesel truck sales in half by 2035.


It’s a lot like COVID. The cure is worse than the diseases, but they mean for you to have it, and dissent will not be tolerated.

That’s your cue to object, and often.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Transgenderism Is Biological Blackface

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 15:00 +0000

We find ourselves today living in a post-George Floyd world of Wokeism where talk of equity, environmentalism, and social governance (ESG) have replaced accusations of microaggressions and discussions about the extent to which White privilege exists, if at all.

We want to thank Vindaloo Bugaboo for this Op-Ed. Please submit yours to

And while there is still plenty of racism making the news headlines, by and large, it’s been supplanted by the next liberal social injustice de rigueur—that of transgenderism “rights.” The issue, however, is that they demand Joe Q. Public willingly endorse an untenable lie.

During the early and mid-20th century—and continuing right on up through 2008’s Robert Downey Jr. spoof film “Tropic Thunder”—several notable Hollywood actors and actresses made cameo performances using Black minstrelsy, better known as blackface (Native American or other BIPOC minstrelsy notwithstanding).

Over time, especially after the passage of the landmark Equal Rights Act of 1964, theatrical blackface eventually was shunned due to its overt racial insensitivity—and rightly so, as defense of the practice, today has been relegated solely to philosophical discussions of its historical use when racial opportunities were not what they are today. Regardless of its racist undertones (and disregarding its use as far back in time as the days of Shakespearean performances at The Globe in England), absolutely no one would ever take seriously an actor wearing blackface who professed with all sincerity to being, in fact, Black. If an actor had professed thusly, they would’ve been laughed out of the movie studio’s front office and permanently (pardon the pun) blacklisted.

Hollywood may be one of the most progressive cities on the planet, but even they would draw the line at such ludicrousness.

The reason for this is simple: despite donning theatrical makeup and a costume, external changes do not legitimize a white actor’s claim of being Black because legitimacy is dependent upon establishing genetic, physical, and genealogical evidence to verify the claim.

Yet here we are today, in 2023, staring into the abyss of state legislatures around the country attempting to codify transgenderism “rights” into law without respect to the more fundamental affirmation of the extent to which biology determines gender. These Progressive legislators insist on gendered terminology like woman or man must necessarily be divorced from their respective biological constraints because—as radical trans activists love to point out—”gender and biology are two different things.” Well, yes, that’s true, but not in the way they pretend it to be.

The fallacy of their reasoning lies in them divorcing themselves from the fact that gender is derived from biology and is not just an arbitrary psychological construct unknown to anyone but the individual.

As a clinical laboratory scientist, I know a few things about the human body and anatomy. There are fundamental biological differences between the sexes; in addition to the XX and XY chromosomal foundation embedded into every cell of the human body, men have a different Q angle—the lateral line of pull of the quadriceps muscle relative to the patella, affecting the downward force through the leg and knee. This is one reason why men are faster than women when sprinting or running. The Q angle is reduced in men, providing a more linear piston-like movement in the leg.

The pelvis is fundamentally different between men and women as well; a female pelvis is larger and wider than a man’s and has a rounder pelvic inlet, while male iliac crests are higher than females. Men have larger larynxes than women and thus deeper voices, more muscle mass, greater bone density, and—literally—thicker skin. A simple Google search on the physiological differences between men and women yields a staggering 121 million returns. Yet despite an overwhelming amount of long-established scientific evidence, we’re seeing reports of educators claiming forensic anthropologists cannot tell the difference between a male and female skeleton!

This is insanity beyond that of Orwell’s “1984” doublespeak. It is insidious, insistent, irresponsible, and indefensible.

What Progressive legislators and academic (I use that term loosely) zealots are engaging in is what I refer to as biological blackface. Biological blackface is the purposeful delegitimization of the opposite sex from which you were born using hormonal therapy, cosmetic surgery, theatrical makeup, and fashion.

I refer to transgenderism as biological blackface not only because it is physically impossible to change one’s biology (male to female, or vice versa) but because such ambiguity of long-established fact is offensive, dehumanizing, and delegitimizing to women who were born biologically female. Regardless of a whole litany of “treatments” meant to align the outward physical appearance with one’s perceived inner identity, no treatment can undo the biological foundation for gender that a conjoined sperm and egg create.

A man who uses any or all of those means of biological blackface to convince himself and others he’s a woman has no more scientific legitimacy than would Marjorie Reynolds in the 1947 movie “Holiday Inn” had she claimed she was Black because she donned face paint and fake braids. Likewise, the same is true of a woman who insists she’s a man because she injects testosterone into herself to spur facial hair growth. Externalities are not what makes a man a man or a woman a woman, but rather it is biology.

  • If I were to darken my skin using black walnut extract, doing so would not make me Black.
  • If I were to change my hair color and style, they would not make me Black.
  • If I were to talk in Ebonics, listen to rap music, and play for the NBA, those things would not make me Black.

Being Black means you possess certain genetic, physical, and cultural characteristics that are the same as for people existing in or descending from Africa. It is not dependent upon the extent of melanin in one’s skin (although to a large extent that is true), nor one’s nose width, lip thickness, musculature, or hair follicles, and it certainly is not governed by the wearing of African tribal clothing.

No amount of skin-based melanin modification or elective surgery can ever negate the reality of my Northern European heritage; I could replace my entire wardrobe with nothing but kente and dashiki fashions, and yet I would be no more racially identifiable with James Earl Jones than any other Caucasian. And if I did those things, I’d be mercilessly scorned, mocked, ridiculed, and abused if I claimed— with conviction —that because those things make me feel Black, I, therefore, am Black.

Yet this is the very rationale that trans activists demand of society writ large, as well as demanding we disregard biology as having any relevance to determining one’s gender. They believe taking hormone suppressors and undergoing cosmetic surgery (and that’s what it is, little more than superficial body modification) are sufficient forms of external validation for convincing others to suspend their sense of reality as they seek validation for what they feel themselves to be. It’s madness, unrooted in science or possibility.

In clinical terms, transgenderism is known as gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is defined by the American Psychological Association, American Medical Association, and other medical organizations as a mental health disorder—the key word being mental. It is demonstrably not a physical, genetic, or biological condition that can be “corrected” by changing one’s outward appearance. It is fundamentally a disorder of the mind, a conflict between one’s biological reality and a self-perception of being something else. Yet reality lies in the physical; the psychological is malleable and unknowable.

For the sufferer of gender dysphoria, therapy and reconstructive surgery may be of use in assisting them in addressing their perception of innate femaleness or maleness, but that no more makes them an actual woman (or to a far less common extent, man) than my dressing in a “furry” costume and wearing a prosthetic tail makes me an actual cat.

Affirming a lie does not make it truth, regardless of how many times it’s repeated.

The belief that one’s internalized mental conflict supersedes and negates biological identity—and worse insists upon the law to force me into compliance with endorsement of said internal conflict—is not only false but scientifically indefensible. We do not normalize schizophrenic or multiple personality disorder behavior, just as we don’t normalize pedophilia, necrophilia, or bestiality. Those, too, are all mental health disorders—but it does not serve the greater societal good to indulge the whims of those suffering from their condition in an attempt to normalize their mental health issues.

Transgenderism is unmitigatedly offensive to the biological woman who must compete against biological men and all their inherent biology-derived advantages. As a society, we changed our collective tolerance to and use of blackface once we understood how degrading and dehumanizing it was to Blacks, and we now must stand up against those who advocate in favor of the degrading and dehumanizing effects against biological women by those in the radical transgender movement.


The post Transgenderism Is Biological Blackface appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Redux: “Conservatives Believe That The Best Form of Welfare Is A Job. Govt Thinks Otherwise.”

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 13:30 +0000

It was true back in 2011, and it is still true today. Conservatives believe in the honor and dignity in work. Progressive don’t believe in a hand-up and are willing to supply a hammock forever.

Sidenote: I once told a person that if I got laid off from my software company, I might come looking to him for a job and that I’d be willing to clean his toilets. He looked at me really funny like until I told him about the honor and dignity bit.

I came across this via Cafe Hayek a while ago and stored it away. I just came across it again, and what Armen Alchian and William Allen said about history and poverty reminded me of someone else’s take on this (emphasis mine):

Thousands of years of recorded history present a persistent story of poverty and tyranny, with an occasional experiment in personal freedom and opportunity being fulfillingly productive. If we are to foster the good society and its responsive, efficient economy, intellectual competence must be married to high character. Otherwise, we will defeat ourselves by generating increasingly efficient gulags.

It is clear that a Society that maximizes an individual’s self and economic Freedom is a successful one. Everyone profits from everyone else’s industriousness in seeking out opportunities to fulfill their dreams and take care of their families (re: their “self-interest” which the Left always perverts to “selfishness” to those that are successful and inflame others to high levels of Envy).

However, over the last two decades, it is clear that our Society is becoming far less free and certainly no longer a “high character” one at an ever increasingly rapid pace.

…and immediately thought of Robert Heinlein’s quote that said it a little bit plainer. In trying to find that quote, up popped a post of mine written way back in 2011 that is as relevant as it was back then.  I would suggest that you read it – not for my “wit and wisdom” but for the comments from entrepreneurs that were throwing in the towel as Government was making it too hard to succeed.

The Heinlein Quote:

“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as “bad luck.”

– Robert A. Heinlein

Again, go read the story of the wanted-to-be mine operator and the jobs he wanted to give to people that were BEGGING him to take them on. But because of the Left’s whining about just about everything, after sitting there listening at the government hearing, he threw in the towel realizing that it would be too expensive because the Left was going to MAKE it too expensive.

It was happening back then and it is still happening today.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bud Light “Stand” at Crowded Red Sox Game Has No Customers

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 12:00 +0000

BUD’s stock price is still hanging in there. On March 31st, it was at $66.73, and Friday morning, it was set to open at $65.90 (closed Friday at 64.83). It’s been like that for weeks. Every time it gets near $63.00 per share, there’s a buying spree, and it pops back up, though not to the price before the Muvalney nonsense went wide.

On paper, there’s no obvious reckoning, but that doesn’t mean one isn’t underway. People have stopped buying Bud Light (which I like to refer to as Blight).

The video was filmed during a four-game series between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Boston Red Sox this week.

Fans were lined up at a neighboring stand, leaving the Bud Light-stacked stand empty.





AB’s CEO has come out publicly and stated that there was no official campaign with Mulvaney. An advertising partner was responsible. And now AB is dumping a small fortune into supporting the Blight supply chain partners while promising a massive ad campaign over the summer to resuscitate the brand.

Funny thing. Isn’t that what Alissa Heinerscheid, the (former) VP for Blight marketing, said the Mulvaney thing was about? Building the brand among new demographics.

Ghosts. She must have meant ghosts.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Epic Fail as Fed Chairman Powell Claims Banks "Safe & Sound"

Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2023-05-06 10:41 +0000
By Mike Gleason, Money Metals Exchange As more cracks in the foundation of the banking system appear, gold prices have once again been knocking on the door of new records, although we're seeing a pullback here on Friday. On Thursday,... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

If You Live In New Hampton, Please Support Fran Wendelboe for School Board

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 10:30 +0000

On March 14, 2023, Jen Larochelle from Hebron wrote a Letter To The Editor to convince residents in the Newfound Area (Danbury, Alexandria, New Hampton, Bridgewater, Bristol, Hebron, and Groton) / SAU4 School District to vote for Michael Delaney of New Hampton over Fran Wendelboe (who was the incumbent).

We want to thank NH State Rep John Sellers for this Op-Ed. Please submit yours to

Delaney won by four votes. In Hebron (one of the smallest towns in the district) where she lives, 80 percent voted for Delaney because they took the bait and caused Fran Wendelboe to lose the seat. The thing is, Larochelle never talked to Delaney, yet she says in her letter that he would be fiscally responsible and do right for the children. Wonder how she knew that?

Guess what? Delaney resigned, and now Fran Wendelboe is at the mercy of the school board to be the New Hampton Representative when it votes for a replacement to fill Delaney’s vacant seat. I wonder if the Hebron School Board representative will vote to have Fran represent New Hampton.

But wait, there’s more! Hebron is one of three towns thinking of leaving SAU4 by creating their own SAU via legislation,

HB349; the bill has passed the House and Senate, now onward to the Governor for his signature. The last step in the process would be a vote by those towns. Yet, Hebron, Bridgewater, and Groton were able to vote on who should be the school board representative for New Hampton! This is not new in politics but needs to change.

Newfound, SAU4 has a few other issues going on, including using the SAU email address to send political emails and the resignation of the SAU4 superintendent.

New Hampton residents need to voice their support for Wendelboe to the school board now.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Your State House 05/28/23: Dealing With The NH Senate Bills

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 03:00 +0000

This week, my committee met for the last public hearings on Senate bills and to vote on many of the bills in committee. SB 74 was a housekeeping bill, updating language relative to the state Department of Personnel.

We want to thank NH State Carol McGuire for this Op-Ed. Please submit yours to

I brought in an amendment with similar language changes, also a request from the Department of administrative services. There were some questions, but no opposition, and we immediately voted to adopt the amendment and pass the bill.

SB 108 would allow the employees at the public defender program to join the state employees’ health insurance plan. That is a full-featured plan; I was surprised to find that it cost less than their current plan, both for premiums and co-pays. The public defender program is already paid from general funds, and they offer employer-paid health insurance, so changing to the state employee plan would only be a cost impact on the state if many more employees chose this insurance – or if the public defenders were a lot more expensive to cover than the average state employee. With 250 public defenders versus 18,000 state employees (more or less), it would take a massive differential to change the average cost. We voted unanimously to recommend the bill.

SB 105, on the live birth worksheet, was a different story. The sponsor was convinced that her bill, which deleted most of the data collected, was necessary to protect the privacy of mothers and children; every other person testifying (for over 1.5 hours!) was opposed to most of these changes. Nobody was opposed to removing the criminal penalties for not fully and accurately completing the worksheet; the main opposition was in removing the mother’s (and father’s, but not as vigorously) identification. Getting the results of the baby’s blood test screening immediately is vital for treatment of the genetic conditions we test for – even a few days may delay diagnosis, and for many of these conditions there is no real treatment, only prevention, and the effects before diagnosis can be devastating. I was also concerned that the vital records department would be unable to issue a birth certificate without the data this bill would delete (names of the child and the parents!) and that we would lose all genealogy data. Other members of the committee were concerned about losing the address data: public health data on maternal mortality and other childbirth-related situations would be impossible to collect or analyze if the only address were the hospital’s. The bill went to subcommittee for further discussion; I cut off the agencies and lobbyists who had signed up to speak and told them to work with the subcommittee.

Then we debated and voted on most of the Senate bills we had heard earlier. All but one of the votes were unanimous since the bills had gone to subcommittee and we’d worked out the kinks on most of them. SB 147, on the dentists’ board, was amended to delete some of the controversial limits on child anesthesia, since a Senate committee has a retained bill on the topic. SB 203, on the manufactured housing board, was amended to delete the restructured board and simply keep the website available for five years. SB 53, on advanced refrigerants, was recessed until the building code review board met and approved the necessary code changes.

SB 49, on the OPLC fund, was amended to require any surplus above $3 million at the end of the biennium be used to reduce license fees. We all agreed that while the agency needed some liquidity, but the excess should be minimal and not sent to the general fund. SB 44, expanding the scope of practice of masters level alcohol and other drug counselors (MLADC) to mental health treatment without the current requirement of substance use, was amended to clarify the educational requirements – a criminal justice degree isn’t a good basis for mental health treatment.

SB 71, on workers’ compensation for firefighters, had started with a major study commission on cancer detection and screening. This commission violated the House rules, in that legislators were in the minority – but adding more people likely would dilute the effectiveness of the commission. We amended the bill to keep the presumption of cancer being caused by workplace exposure (not guaranteed, but a place to start – the workers’ comp agency didn’t see a problem or much expense in this position) and delete the commission. A study by the insurance industry would be more effective, in our opinion, than one led by the legislature.

SB 149, on nurse agencies, was not unanimous. We amended the bill to place the registry directly under the OPLC, not the board of nursing, and clarify what actions (revoking an arranged placement, creating a bidding war, placing a nurse with a suspended license, and so forth) could lead to discipline and what kinds of discipline could be imposed. I tend to agree that a consolidated complaint from the OPLC of a pattern of bad behavior is more likely to get action from the attorney general’s consumer protection group than individual complaints, but I still think the bill is unenforceable. At least the amendment improves the bill, and we were unanimous in supporting it. The bill itself was recommended 15-4, and I was in the minority.

Finally, SB 207 turned out more difficult than anticipated. This bill created a study committee on licensing for mental health professionals, which I thought was redundant to the ED&A committee – we’re working on licensing issues all the time! Therefore, I had an amendment to delete the study and just left the part about peer support counseling for first responders – I wasn’t necessarily in support of it, but I was willing to discuss it and didn’t remember much testimony. Fortunately, some lobbyists who worked with those groups were present and explained why they thought the bill was necessary. I and the rest of the committee were thoroughly confused, so I sent the bill to subcommittee.


Representative Carol McGuire

The post Your State House 05/28/23: Dealing With The NH Senate Bills appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court Finds “Right To An Adequate National Defense” … Biden To Send Troops To Ukraine

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 01:30 +0000

In a unanimous decision earlier today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the general welfare clause … Article 1, Section 8 … of the constitution guarantees an adequate national defense. The Supreme Court added that, while “in the first instance it is up to Congress to define the parameters of an adequate national defense, the scope of the duty clearly encompasses defending the Ukraine from Putin.” President Biden, in response, announced the immediate deployment of an unspecified number of troops to the Ukraine.

Oh … I know what you are thinking: You cannot fool me. This is ridiculous. There is no “right to an adequate national defense” in the constitution. Judges have no business interfering in foreign policy.

YUP … but everything in italics applies equally to the New Hew Hampshire Supreme Court’s education funding decisions … yet “the system,” INCLUDING the NHGOP, simply goes along with the court.

And … I know some of you die-hard Red-team’rs are thinking: No comparison. None at all. Our State Constitution says “shall be the duty.” The federal constitution doesn’t say anything about any duty.

Sorry (not really) … but you don’t have any idea what you are talking about. When the phrase “common defense” within Section 1, Article 8 the federal constitution is READ IN CONTEXT … the militia clauses, the Commander-in-Chief clause, AND HISTORY … it is clear that the federal constitution assumes that we would have an army and navy. Likewise the State Constitution assumes that there would be … more accurately continue to be … a system of public schooling. There is NOTHING in either constitution, nor in the historical record, that suggests that either constitution contemplated the judiciary having any role at all in either the national defense or public education.

In other words, claiming that the New Hampshire Constitution contains a judicially enforceable right to a “fully funded” “adequate education” is the equivalent of claiming that the federal constitution contains a judicially enforceable right to an “adequate national defense.”

* * * * *

This will likely be the last … for a bit … in my series on the ongoing ConVal education funding trial. You can find prior posts here:




The post BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court Finds “Right To An Adequate National Defense” … Biden To Send Troops To Ukraine appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Has Done So Much Harm, Which Is The Worst

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-05-06 00:00 +0000

I was recently asked to participate in a one-question poll by the GOP House Leadership Team, which is actually the Kevin McCarthy Campaign Committee. The question asked to identify my number one issue from the following list:


  • Border Security
  • Economy & Inflation
  • Election Integrity
  • Protecting Life
  • Lowering Crime
  • Investigations & Accountability

It seems to be a simple question, and I should have answered quickly, but I had to stop and put this list into priority. It was not an easy question.

Each of these alone is a significant problem for America. When you see them as a group, you realize the extent of the damage the Biden Administration has inflicted in two short years. We may find it challenging to stay afloat for the final two years of Biden’s term. We don’t want to give him a chance to “finish the job.” To finish the job is not a redirection or transformation but the destruction of America. To say “Rome is Burning” to describe Joe Biden’s America is not hyperbole. 

After ranking this list, I narrowed my answer to Border Security. I am concerned about the others, but these other issues may be inconsequential if we do not secure the Border. Let’s look at how serious the Border Crisis is and how it impacts all the other problems.

First, for a country to exist, it must have sovereignty and clearly defined Borders. Biden and the Left do not need Borders, so they are comfortable with an unsecured Southern Border. Europe tried the experiment of no borders and uncontrolled travel between countries. It did not take long to realize this was a colossal mistake and harmful to the individual countries. Some European countries, such as Greece, Finland, and Hungary, have built walls to fortify their Borders.

We do not have control of our Border, which has led to a proliferation of gangs in nearly all of the 49 contiguous states. We know that people on the international terror watch list have entered America. We also know that people from over 160 countries have illegally crossed into America. This fact dispels the claim by the Biden Administration that the people coming to our country are seeking asylum because of hardships in Central America.

We know the amount of Fentanyl coming from Mexico is growing, and the means of distribution are more creative and aimed at a younger population. Fentanyl poisonings and deaths are increasing each year and exceed 100,000 a year. It is confirmed that Mexican Fentanyl originates in China. It is estimated that ten million illegal aliens will cross from Mexico during Biden’s term, bringing the illegal population in America to 10% of our total.

The breakdown of our Border will impact our economy by flooding the country with millions of untrained workers driving down wages. The increase in crime, drugs, and gangs stretching across the country will negatively affect our quality of life. Millions of non-English speaking children blended into our classrooms will further impact our already challenged education system.

The Republican-controlled House is working very hard to determine the impact of a corrupted election process and to get to the bottom of the facts of how the Biden Crime Family, Intelligence Agencies, Justice Department, and media conspired to influence the 2020 and 2022 elections,

We have many serious issues to face, but until we restore and fortify our geographic Border, we have no country to protect.

The post Biden Has Done So Much Harm, Which Is The Worst appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Let’s Play Who’s The Racist Bastard

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-05 22:30 +0000

Eric Adams is the mayor of New York City. He is pretty typical of big city mayors. He is a leftist. He is black, his city is struggling, and he does a lot of what American politicians these days do a lot of; blame other people for their problems.

We want to thank Marc Abear for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

You might think we would want to elect people who are problem solvers to political office. But you would be wrong. We tend to elect the loudest, most rhetorically adroit blame-throwers we can find. It’s what we do.

Mayor Adams this week sent out a press release accusing the Governor of Texas of “…deciding to play politics with people’s lives….” The Mayor said, “… this behavior [is] morally bankrupt and devoid of any concern for the well-being of asylum seekers….”

Mayor Adams went on asserting the governor is “… targeting five cities run by Black mayors….” Adams makes the accusations “… Abbott bussed migrants to New York against their will… had security guards hold them hostage on busses when they tried to get off in other cities… shipped them off while sick and COVID positive… tagged individuals with barcodes…” Here’s the link:

So, here are the questions: Is Gregg Abbott a racist bastard dumping his state’s problems on a poor big city in another state? Is Eric Adams a racist bastard deflecting responsibility away from the poor results of leftist policy decisions? What are the facts? Why should you care?

Let’s start with the facts. El Paso, Texas, is a city in Texas. It has been bussing illegals to various places around America. The Mayor is Oscar Leeser, a Democrat, a Hispanic man. El Paso has bussed 10,713 illegal migrants to New York City (NYC). The State of Texas has bussed 5,200 illegals to NYC. It seems Mayor Adams is “presenting the facts poorly”… at the very least he’s skewing the presentation.

It turns out the illegals are being asked where they want to go when they get to America. The illegals are choosing the cities of Chicago, Denver, and NYC. Last week the New York Post (NYP) did a story on VOLAG handling of illegals. What are VOLAGS? They are any of the nine U.S. private agencies and one state agency that have cooperative agreements with the State Department to provide reception and placement services for refugees arriving in the United States. Did you know the State Department was paying for the illegal immigrants flooding our southern border?

Well, if you ask the NGOs dealing with the illegals, like Catholic Charities or Lutheran Family Services, they will tell you, as Karina Hernandez of Catholic Family Services in Houston told the NYP. It is the illegals who are choosing Chicago and NYC as their tops choices of final destination because they have family there, they know people there. The takeaway? Mayor Adams does not know what he is talking about, or he is speaking a truth not supported by the facts.

The larger point here is: Yes, a white governor is sending illegals to black-run cities. But at least in large part, the reason so many illegals are arriving in these black-run cities is the illegals are saying they want to go there. And… black Democrat mayors in southern and western states are sending their illegal migrant problems to other black mayors across the country… Facts can be inconvenient.

In December of 2022, the City of Denver, according to Mayor Michael Hancock, got an unexpected influx of illegals. The Denver Post and the Colorado Sun reported the illegal migrants themselves who had used social media to coordinate a group trip to Denver. They believed the sudden arrival of so many of them all at once would guarantee more free services: housing, food, education, and jobs. Let that sink in. Where did that notion come from? Do you believe it was organic? ;

The influx of illegals left the city in financial straits. The City could not fit all those free services into the budget. There were suddenly too many people all expecting lots of services, and delivery systems and resources were not in place.

Mayor Hancock decided to get rid of his problem. The Denver Post reported the Mayor spent $492,000 on one-way bus tickets to other cities across America. Care to guess which cities this black male mayor sent his illegal migrant problems to? Top destination; Chicago, black mayor. Second top destination; NYC, black mayor. Third top destination; Atlanta, black Mayor. Are you seeing a pattern developing here?

There does not seem to be a lot of support for Mayor Adams’ charge of racism against the Governor of Texas. What do we think of people who make unfounded allegations of racism?

What we seem to be mixing up here is a witch’s brew. We are inviting the rest of the world to send us their homeless, tempest-tossed, tired, poor, huddled masses and the wretched refuse of their teeming shores. And they are doing it. These Democrats are spreading it across America.

What we have is the nullification of our immigration law by our federal government. This is flooding the southwest with illegals. The southwestern cities are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the influx.

They are incapable, with the resources available, of dealing with the number of services needed by this uncontrolled arrival of people. The arrival cities are sharing their misery by paying for these illegal aliens to travel elsewhere. This is a federally mandated diaspora.

The illegals want to go where they have family, and contacts, or where they believe they can get services. It is a human response. The ignorant part, on the destination end, is the sanctuary assumption. The political elite has decided for their subjects that they will accept poverty, crime, and destruction of their future. That is what sanctuary is; a signed blank check for social chaos and poverty.

Couch it as you will with idyllic language. But real people require real food, real education, real water, garbage service, and policing. Those things must be paid for or people will go without. That’s what is coming. We are going to face a reckoning for the promises made but lack the ability to fulfill.

Mayor Adams is using the accusation of racism to distract from the truth. Many of America’s cities are run by Democrat mayors of all colors. They embraced sanctuary city policies. It sounded great as an expression of their city’s values.

There are over 100 sanctuary cities and 11 states in the U.S. Sanctuary jurisdictions are magnets for illegals. ; Think about it… Those sanctuary locations offer things like free housing, food, transportation, education, medical care, and a refusal to cooperate with officials seeking to enforce the law applicable to deportation of illegals.

If you are an illegal alien and you just got to the VOLAG on the border. Say you don’t know anybody here. Where are you going to want to go? Will the promise of getting something for nothing attract your attention? How about protection from deportation? Think the VOLAGs tell you about sanctuary cities?

Did the VOLAGs maybe do some coaching before you decided to come? Do those VOLAGs get paid for what they do? Do they operate outside the U.S as well as within? Remember, they are operating under “cooperative agreements” with the State Department. Look it up. It’s another whole bag of snakes.

Free stuff, it isn’t free. NYC has to come up with $4.2 billion to fund those sanctuary policies. That’s going to crimp the budget. It will probably raise the tax rates. The results of Leftist policies will destroy all who adopt them. It is true each time, every time we listen to the Siren’s song. Just think about it.

New York City, San Francisco, and Seattle are turning into violent, crime-ridden dumps. The Mayor is wrong about the racism charge but right in understanding their cities are in trouble. Knowing you are in trouble isn’t the same thing as doing the right things to fix it… is it?


The post Let’s Play Who’s The Racist Bastard appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If You Want a Dirty Justice, The Wise Latina Failed to Recuse Herself and Then Ruled in Her Publisher’s Favor

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-05 21:00 +0000

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, an Obama appointee, has made most of her accumulating wealth from book deals with Random House or its subsidiaries. A sum of 3.6 million dollars over eleven years if the reporting is accurate. So, why didn’t she recuse herself in Aaron Greenspan v. Random House?


In the case, Greenspan – an author who was classmates with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg while at Harvard – alleged that his proposed book about the founding of Facebook was rejected by Random House, only for the company to then grant a book deal to another author who copied his idea and then turned it into the successful movie “The Social Network” in 2010.

During that case, then-Justice Stephen Breyer, a fellow left-wing justice, did ultimately recuse himself due to receiving payments from the publisher in the past. Sotomayor, however, did not recuse herself despite doing the same thing.


That was ten years ago, so? Old news. Partisan garbage?


According to the Daily Wire, Sotomayor was paid $3.1 million by Penguin Random House over the course of two years; in 2010, she was paid $1.2 million by Knopf Doubleday Group, part of Random House’s conglomerate, and then received two separate advance payments in 2012, which amounted to $1.9 million when combined. These payments have made Penguin Random House her single largest source of income.


Getting 3.1 million dollars from the accused and then voting in their favor looks terrible regardless of the specifics of the case. And while I am sure she’s had more than one opportunity to explain it away, in the wake of the progressive war being waged against Justice Clarence Thomas, it looks worse.


In another case in October of 2019, the Supreme Court declined to hear the case of children’s author Jennie Nicassio, who sued Random House after the publisher allegedly began selling a book that was nearly identical to one of her own. In declining to hear the case, the Court ultimately affirmed the ruling of a circuit court which had ruled in Random House’s favor. Sotomayor once again did not recuse herself in the vote to decline Nicassio’s case, even though Breyer once again did recuse himself.


Justice Breyer’s recusal shines an unpleasant light on the Wise Latina. Stephen Breyer is no more or less a progressive jurist than Sotomayor, yet he had the integrity to step away from two cases where he had the appearance of potential bias. Sotomayor could not be bothered.

Water under some bridge, I suspect, but it is rhetorical ammo for opponents looking for something to toss back at the wailing banshees who will not leave Clarence Thomas alone.



HT | American Greatness


The post If You Want a Dirty Justice, The Wise Latina Failed to Recuse Herself and Then Ruled in Her Publisher’s Favor appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Many Retailers Closing Will It Take To Admit Failure

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-05 19:30 +0000

Nordstrom announced on Wednesday that they would close their two stores in San Francisco after 35 years of serving the fashion needs and wants of the Bay Area. There have been twenty significant retailers that have closed up shop in San Francisco since

2020. Shoplifting, robbery, and the safety of their employees are too important to remain in the City by the Bay. How many companies locking their doors as they close does it take before the Mayor, Governor, and President all admit that the plan to make America a Woke, lawless country is a failure?

San Francisco is a city that has survived earthquakes, the assassination of its Mayor, the COVID Epidemic, Former Mayor Newsom, and Representative Nancy Pelosi is being brought to its knees by a DA who won’t enforce the law and a population that is out of control. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the country and has been a tourist destination for worldwide travelers. San Francisco is still one of the most expensive places to buy real estate, but how long can it stay firm against this assault?

Gavin Newsom visited his former home city last week and did not make a good impression on anyone. He was caught on tape being asked by someone on the street what he would do to save Frisco. Newsom was arrogant when he snidely responded, “I thought you would tell me what to do.” He came across as pompous and holier than thou.

Nordstrom is not the first to leave Frisco; there will undoubtedly be more to close. Retailers that have already exited the Bay Area since 2020 are Whole Foods, Crate & Barrel, Marshalls, GAP, Office Depot, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Banana Republic. All of these companies ceased operating in San Francisco for the same reasons. They could no longer be profitable with the rampant crime and could no longer protect their employees.

We saw the video of Target last week in San Francisco, where every piece of inventory was locked up behind glass. You need a sales clerk to unlock a cabinet to give you a tube of toothpaste. Only those on the Far Left can call this progress.

Crime, deserted neighborhoods, and tent cities of homeless people pepper the sidewalks of former active downtown shopping areas. It is not just San Francisco. We have already seen Baltimore, Detroit, and Chicago become shadows of their former greatness. Los Angeles, Denver, and New York are following suit. All of these cities are under
Democrat control. How can any rational person claim the Left’s policies work for America?

San Francisco is one of the most expensive cities in the country, with some of the highest real estate values. The local and state governments have abandoned the taxpayer citizens to maintain a WOKE and sanctuary city. These continued crime, drug, and homelessness issues will erode the value of people’s homes and make them unsaleable.

Correcting the parameters forcing businesses out of the city and state is impossible. The government is either complicit with the direction of the town, or they are powerless to make corrections. The future seems obvious. Gang rule will replace Democrat rule, and these cities will die away. Blindly trusting Democrats will prove to be suicide for all of these cities that are spiraling out of existence.



The post How Many Retailers Closing Will It Take To Admit Failure appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

They Took the “Queen” Out of “Drag Queen Story Hour” (Are They Hiding “Her” in a Closet?)

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-05 18:00 +0000

You might ask yourself, why would a parent want to put their kids near drag queens? The better question is, why do drag queens want to be near kids? And if it is all so ordinary and okay, why did they drop the word “queen” from Drag Queen Story hour?

Content Warning

That’s right. It is now called Drag Story Hour! What happened to ‘Be You?’ If you are a “drag queen,” why drop the “queen” from events where “drag queens” in full makeup, hair, and costume read books to children at public libraries?

Not proud?

We hear all this prattling on about Pride, and then you stuff the “queen” in a closet somewhere. It’s an odd move because these drag queens … aren’t hiding much nor appear to have much need of a closet.






These are deliberately published pictures on public platforms, and wouldn’t you know, these are also the promoted guests at a Drag Story Hour Event coming up in Berlin, New Hampshire.

If you are an adult and this is your thing, from either direction, I don’t care. I’ve made that clear so often that even an incensed lying liberal stooge should have stumbled across it. But I do have an objection to exposing children to this lifestyle choice. And the flyer for this event is quite clear. “Adults must be accompanied by a child.” You can’t just show up without a minor.

This ‘presentation’ is for children.

The flier also insists that “The Library is NOT sponsoring event.’ That’s how they wrote it—not sponsoring event. It is missing a word, just like Queen from Drag Story Hour. A coincidence? Perhaps, like how the library is not supporting an event that involves reading to children inside the library. 

Is the library upset that they exiled the queen from Drag Queen Story Hour?

No, they don’t want any calls or emails from taxpayers who might wonder why a public library is NOT sponsoring an event” held on the premises. Have they given up control of the property? Are the Queens not allowed to touch the books? Do they have to bring their own?

Related: Vermont Man Who Created the Most Misogynistic, Sexist, Anti-Women Cartoon Imaginable Invited to Read to Children at NH Public Library

We’re not supposed to ask, but “Drag Story Hour” could just as easily be sponsored by The National Hot Rod Association and feature Matt Hagen or Alexis Dejoira. Drag Racing. Story Hour. No Queens, unless you mean Alexis, who is a biologically heterosexual female and could be considered a queen of drag racing.


Alexis Dejoira


Nope. The other Drag queens are coming to the Berlin public library, one of whom is Emoji Nightmare/Justin Marsh (see also Cumpstrella Cumpstrella).

Marsh, an upstanding citizen of the People’s Republic of Vermont, is due in court on May 8th (9 am) on charges of alleged domestic assault, unlawful restraint, and interfering with emergency services.


Oct. 18 at 6:58 a.m., after responding to a dispute in Hyde Park village, police arrested Justin Marsh, 33, of Hyde Park, for domestic assault, unlawful restraint and interfering with emergency services.


Just a little public disobedience, or maybe someone asked why they took “queen” out of Drag Queen Story Hour, and Justin just had to be Justin. Perhaps you can ask the sponsors (not the library). See if they can explain any of it.



The post They Took the “Queen” Out of “Drag Queen Story Hour” (Are They Hiding “Her” in a Closet?) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-05-05 16:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Also don’t forget both complementary parts of my Survival Sunday feature: PREP edition and SITREP edition.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



In light of that, see this:

Ireland Set to Pass “Hate Speech” Laws – Will Make Possessing “Hateful” Content on Your Devices a Jailable Offense – Elon Musk Weighs In | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft





When you see a GMO product and decide to no longer buy it, make sure you let the company know they’re losing a customer… and WHY.  Snail mail is best, IMHO.  In parallel, if / when you find an acceptable substitute, tell that new company why you’re now a customer.  Include that if they go the GMO route, you’re willing to leave them too.




Science, the Transgender Phenomenon, and the Young | Abigail Shrier





Just a meme dump.






Oh SH*T, the small bank collapse is real and it’s here | Redacted with Clayton Morris






I have seen multiple independent videos doing this comparison.  So here’s the thing.  I’m not a biologist.  Seriously.  I can see the difference.  So why are there not more doctors, etc., not looking, when it’s not difficult to do?  It’s because they don’t want to know.




Pick of the Post:



A two year old can barely speak.  And you’re willing to start transitioning a kid at that age?

Wood chipper therapy.  Stat.




Palate Cleansers:



The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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