The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • May 5 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

City Council Says No Pride Flags on Public Property

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-06-20 12:00 +0000

An American town run by an all-Muslim city council with a Muslim mayor has found a diplomatic way to keep the Pride flag off public property. They passed a neutrality resolution prohibiting all but five flags from being flown on town property.


The proposal called for the ban of all but five flags from being flown on city properties — including the American flag, the state of Michigan flag, the Hamtramck flag and the Prisoner of War flag. The fifth one is known as the nations’ flag, one that represents the countries from which the city’s immigrant residents hail and reflects the community’s international character.

Ultimately, the council said the decision was not about discriminating but heeding the city’s 2013 resolution about reflecting “the international character of the city.”


No BLM, no “LGBTQ+, religious, ethnic, racial, and political flags.”  … “On your property, you can do what you want to do,” Councilman Khalil Refai said.


Some attendees traveled from around Metro Detroit to express their feelings about the measure ahead of the vote.

“This is America. We don’t fly heterosexual flags,” Stephanie Butler said. “…This doesn’t mean people are not free to exist.”

Many told the council they believed limiting the types of flags allowed was a way to criticize the LGBTQ+ community and defied Hamtramck’s reputation as an inclusive place.

Of course, they did. Everything, everywhere, all the time, it’s about you. Your feelings, your priorities, and everywhere has to be your safe space. (conquered is more like it). Your politics, your agenda, your flag. Sorry, that’s not always going to fly.

And wasn’t this inevitable?

The LGBT*** lifestyle is anathema to devout Muslims. We have said for years that it was only a matter of time before growing Islamic communities pandered to by the Left ran headlong into their sex and gender cult despite the sex and gender cult going out of its way to keep that from happening. They don’t challenge Muslim bakers or artists or photographers or dating services (not sure they have one, but you get the point).

When Muslim drivers refused to transport alcohol, the default response was, well, that’s what they believe.

Christians and Jews get sh!t on, and Muslims get their way. That’s how it looks from here, and I’m not saying there is no anti-Islamic animus or that Muslims looking to mind their own business and benefit from America are not harassed. But this victim-class totem poll conflict was as inevitable as the clash between women and the transgender agenda.

Women are still losing that battle.

How the Islam vs. LGBT*** thing progresses is anyone’s guess, but devout Muslims are not likely to back down, and it is unclear whom the political Left will side with if one-day flags are not the only thing on the docket.



HT | The GatewayPundit

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Apology Tour, Part Two

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-06-20 10:30 +0000

When Barack Obama took office in 2009, he embarked on a worldwide tour to apologize to all for the imperialistic actions of our young nation. The irony in that statement is that the United States never entered into armed conflict with any country to take territory from a foe.

The other is that no other country on earth has ever come to the aid of others or lost more sons and daughters for the sake of others than the United States. We had nothing to apologize for, but our President was bowing down to European and Middle Eastern leaders. It was a defining moment in the Obama tenure that damaged our standing and respect around the globe.

President Trump earned some of that respect back, but respect is not something that ebbs and flows. Respect is not something that you can turn off like a switch. Under Trump, America was not feared, but with a rebuilt military and a commitment to defend ourselves regardless of the foe, we had a renewed sense of security and four years void of conflict.

Biden followed Obama’s model, and we quickly regained a supine position. The abysmal exit from Afghanistan set the tone for our role as a world power, and we opened the door for China to assume a dominant position as the alpha country that dominates all others. This new world order is why China threatens Taiwan and moves into the Middle East. It is why Russia felt no resistance to invading Ukraine. It is why Iran is close to possessing offensive nuclear weapons. And finally, it is why over five million unvetted illegal aliens have entered our country through a porous unprotected southern border.

In Biden’s Administration’s most recent show of submission, Secretary of State Blinken is in China being schooled by the Xi regime on what China expects of us. We are no longer calling the shots. Biden stunned the country on Saturday by apologizing to China for assuming the balloon that traversed America in February was an intentional action by the CCP. Biden is now telling the world it was an accident and the Chinese government did not control the balloon’s path. To use one of Biden’s favorite words, malarkey.

We know that Biden is compromised by China, Russia, Ukraine, and who knows how many other regimes, and Xi may as well have written this apology. What could be the purpose of this uncalled-for statement by our President other than doing the bidding for China? First, the Administration tried to convince the American people that the Chinese have been using surveillance balloons since the Trump term, and now we are to believe that this balloon was caught up in the jet stream and the Chinese could not direct its flight. Incredible luck that the jet stream brought this balloon over many of our most critical military bases.

If we buy this malarkey, we may believe the COVID Pandemic was caused by a bat, that Fentanyl doesn’t originate in China, and that the Chinese police stations in our major cities were take-out kiosks. This Administration cannot be straight with the American people, and they are not working on our behalf. We are not in a position to successfully impeach both Biden and Harris, but we have to create a strong enough case that the media cannot ignore. We cannot sit back and hope for a win in 2024. We can no longer count on fair elections. We have to get down on their level and beat them their way. Losing is not an option.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Slippery Meet Slope: Hawaii Reduces Waiting Period for ‘Assisted’ Suicide to Five Days or Less

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-06-20 01:30 +0000

Government-managed demise has a long and storied history to which we’ve recently added the idea of chemically assisted suicide. What was once cruel and unusual punishment for capital criminals is compassion and care for people who are a burden to the system.

And Hawaii has just changed its law to allow for a quicker death.


Under previous law, individuals seeking to end their lives had to make two oral requests to their physician for a lethal prescription 20 days apart. Bioethics news service BioEdge reports that the state’s Democrat Gov. Josh Green, who is a retired oncologist, signed a law reducing that period by 75%, to just five days. The new law also lets doctors waive that period entirely if a patient is terminally ill and expected to die sooner than five days.


If I read this correctly, under the correct circumstances, your doctor – the one who probably could not prescribe affordable Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, can order a chemically induced suicide to hasten a human departure at a cost of up to $20,000.00 even if you are likely to die in less than five days without his suicide assisting intervention.

I guess we’ve abandoned the argument against allowing people to “do themselves in” because of the cost. A round of 9mm ammunition runs under 0.30 cents. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a section of pool hose and a tank of gas. Or you could get to know the Clintons, and they might end your life at no cost to you.

I’m joking, sort of, but there are a lot of problems, not the least of which is incentivizing pharmaceutical death to the benefit of pharmaceutical companies. While politicians call for Medically assisted death to be covered in full by the taxpayer (you) or private insurance, the cost of the cocktail – typically, a self-administered overdose of barbituates – has skyrocketed.

As the practice becomes more politically popular on the Left, the price to execute has risen.

It is a death that is not necessarily pleasant or painless, and Hawaii just made it easier for them to make more money on people who would die on their own or who might not die were they not counseled that it was for the best by a public health industry in bed with political tyrants beholden to big pharma.



HT | LifeSite News

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Kelly Ayotte Represents A GOP That No Longer Exists

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-06-20 00:00 +0000

Skip’s post Race For Governor: Can Kelly Ayotte Get Past Her Never-Trump Baggage proved quite popular. But Ayotte has a bigger problem than her virtue-signaling, Hillary-enabling alleged write-in vote for Mike Pence in 2016. Ayotte represents a GOP that no longer exists.

The GOP base does NOT support endless-forever-wars. The base is not as dumb as the Establishment thinks it is. The base knows the Establishment LIED about WMDs in Iraq. They don’t believe that “Putin is Hitler,” and that if we don’t “stop Putin” in Ukraine he’s going to roll his mighty Tiger tanks … oh! I’m sorry! T-90s … all the way to the Atlantic Ocean because Russia lacks “living space.”

How does being an endless-forever-war Neocon, which is Ayotte’s image, make one a “good candidate” … to borrow a phrase fro the NHGOP-Establishment … for Governor of New Hampshire? It doesn’t. It puts you at odds with the base and doesn’t offset that by attracting “unaffiliated voters.” An Ayotte candidacy would be a candidacy without a constituency, except for the Establishment grifters and the die-hard all-Rs-good-all-Ds-bad crowd.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hijacking the Schoolroom

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 22:30 +0000

Underneath the banner of struggles and the joys of family responsibilities, a nefarious scheme has worked to take advantage of those who think government education is free and good.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Today, this results in an infinite number of Americans who deserve the ugly word drawing that English philosopher John Stuart Mill’s prophetic quote paint:

“He who lets the world make his plan of life for him has no other use for any human faculty than the ape-like one of imitation.”

These words are a warning, not quoted to offend. Gone are the days of teachers using their expertise to teach. Teachers must now teach the state curriculum or be fired. The hijack of the schoolroom is rooted in an 18th-century rogues gallery of brutal mass murderers who told us exactly what they intended to do. The result of government control has influenced widespread views of the purpose of government.

Ever since American blood liberated Europe in WWII, without parental notice, this evil Marxist programming of children’s minds to believe what the Marxists want them to believe has had a powerful effect. Carefully study Hitler’s words:

“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people, as long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and any deprivation.”

This tactic covers an evil intent to disarm parents who would otherwise confront state abuse of parental control. Sadly, Hitler’s response to opposition echoes today boldly through UNESCO and the Department of Education, essentially saying, “Your child belongs to us… you will pass on… in a short time, they will know nothing else but what we want them to know.”

Is today’s woke cancel culture rooted in this Marxist strategy that graduated from disobeying parents to disowning them? The first public schools required study of the Bible because the concepts were foundational to the Constitution. Supreme Court decisions gave cover for the government to divorce God from our public school curriculum and replace biblical ideals with the philosophy: There is no God, there is no innate right or wrong, and man is a graduate beast. Could the root cause of the violence and anarchy in hundreds of cities in 2020 be the result of this godless teaching?

Cultural Marxist strategist Antonio Gramsci reveals the obvious target: “Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity… in the new order.” It is frightening to contemplate the endgame of this “new order” when we consider the divisive programs called education today: “CRT, LBGTQ+, and Agenda 21 & 30.

Yes, the seeds of tyranny channeled through the vanguard of educators have run wild. Stealing the minds of the children of each generation has been the strategy. Today, the “fruits of evil” we inherit all divide us to conquer us.

It is only by frantically grasping onto the biblical roots of Christian-style American civilization founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ that will enable our people to see through this revolution of perverted thought that feeds the “cancel culture” with obsessions of hate for all that is decent and good about America. We must oppose these evil, deceptive tactics dressed up as love and concern for our children in the schoolroom.

Joseph Stalin’s promised the death of liberty, literally saying, “Education is like a weapon, it depends on who holds it.” Further saying. “Ideas are far more practical than guns. We don’t let them have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?”

View the Freedom Project Education video at Subsplash › freedomproject ›…

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Viable Plasmid DNA Found in Both Mono and Bivalent Pfizer COVID Vaccine Samples

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 21:00 +0000

Kevin McKernan, a scientist with 25 years experience in the genomic field and a leading expert in sequencing methods for DNA and RNA,” found something in the Pfizer COVID vaccines that wasn’t supposed to be there.

Someone sent him samples of the Pfizer/Moderna vaccines “to act as mRNA controls.” “… thinking, this is the perfect control… It should be pure.” Should be.

Umm, no.

In addition to the expected mRNA, he also found mRNA fragments, other pieces of RNA, and two forms of DNA: linearised and circular.  The significance of the circular – or plasmid – DNA is important.  The plasmid DNA is the ‘complete recipe’ used to program bacterial cells to mass produce the mRNA.  This DNA should not be there.  Further investigation by McKernan showed the plasmid DNA contained in the vaccines was indeed viable and capable of transformation in bacterial cells.

So, the Pfizer and Moderna vials of bivalent vaccine that McKernan tested were contaminated with DNA.  DNA encoding the spike gene and potentially capable of inserting into the genome of an organism.


According to the report, the maximum allowable DNA should be zero, but regulators allow a maximum of 0.033%. Kevin McKernan found 35% in the Bivalent (“This is up to 1,000 times higher than deemed to be ‘acceptable’ by the regulating authorities.”). Tests on the monovalent found 18-70% more DNA than the regulatory limit.


These results are in the process of being further verified by the scientific community.  In the essence of speed, McKernan published his findings and methods publicly on Substack and online.  He explains, ‘The publication system, during the pandemic, is politicised. So, that’s probably not going to get the word out very quickly. I had to do my best to document this all and make the data public.’

If McKernan’s findings are verified, the implications are serious. Widespread DNA contamination would bring into question the quality of the entire mRNA injection manufacturing process, safety systems, and regulatory oversight. In addition, DNA might not be the only contaminant.


An expert with 25 years of experience found “plasmid DNA contained in the vaccines [that] was indeed viable and capable of transformation in bacterial cells,” and you likely won’t have heard this anywhere outside of vaccine safety and public health accountability circles. You know, medical conspiracy and disinformation websites.

This news does not rise to a level of public health concern that would trigger interest among the corporate media, which begs the question. What would? People dropping dead didn’t do it, so why should an expert analysis identifying cell mutating DNA in your COVID vaccine be news? The one that doesn’t stay at the injection site.

They leave that reporting to websites like this one, and while I’d like to thank them for ceding the field, we’d give it all up for even an ounce of integrity from so-called journalists in the name of public health.

But if you’re interested, this piece is very informative, with links, but less junk than the mRNA injections. It might be worth a look.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Improving Veterans Benefits in the US to Honor Our Heroes

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 20:00 +0000

In today’s society, American veterans face numerous challenges, despite their incredible sacrifices and service to the nation. From physical and mental health issues to difficulties in accessing quality education and employment opportunities, veterans deserve better.

Our duty as a grateful nation is to ensure that those who have served are provided with comprehensive and improved benefits to support their well-being and transition back into civilian life.

Strengthening Educational Opportunities

One significant way we can enhance veterans’ benefits is by expanding access to quality education. By implementing programs that offer vocational training, apprenticeships, and affordable higher education options, we can equip veterans with the skills they need to pursue rewarding careers. Scholarships, grants, and tuition assistance programs specifically tailored for veterans can help alleviate the financial burden associated with pursuing education.

Empowering Employment Initiatives

Establishing stronger employment initiatives is crucial to better serve veterans in their post-military careers. Implementing tax incentives for businesses that hire veterans, creating job placement services within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and fostering partnerships with private industries can all contribute to greater employment opportunities for our veterans. By providing tailored career counseling and resources, we can help veterans translate their military skills into the civilian job market successfully.

Expanding VA Healthcare Services

Expanding VA healthcare through legislation such as the PACT Act is a vital aspect of improving veterans’ benefits. By investing in infrastructure, increasing funding, and expanding the availability of healthcare facilities, we can ensure timely and quality medical services for our veterans. Strengthening mental health support and providing specialized care for conditions such as PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, and substance abuse are crucial steps in addressing the unique healthcare needs of veterans.

Enhancing Transition and Reintegration Programs

Smooth transition and reintegration into civilian life are critical aspects of supporting veterans. By improving programs like the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) and collaborating with community organizations, we can offer comprehensive support services, including job placement assistance, mental health counseling, financial guidance, and housing resources. Investing in mentorship programs that pair veterans with successful civilian professionals can provide invaluable guidance during this transition phase.

Strengthening Disability Benefits

To honor veterans’ sacrifices, it is imperative to strengthen disability benefits. Expediting the claims process, enhancing accessibility to benefits, and ensuring fair and comprehensive evaluations are essential steps. Adequate compensation for service-connected disabilities, including physical injuries and mental health conditions, must be prioritized to provide veterans with the financial stability and support they deserve.

Fostering Community Support and Recognition

Building a stronger community support system is vital for veterans’ well-being. Promoting public awareness campaigns, organizing community events to honor veterans, and encouraging employers, schools, and organizations to create veteran-friendly environments can all contribute to a more inclusive society. By fostering a culture of appreciation and recognition, we can empower veterans and ensure they feel valued for their sacrifices.

Improving veterans’ benefits is an ongoing mission that demands our utmost attention and dedication. Our collective responsibility is to ensure that veterans receive the care, respect, and opportunities they deserve. In honoring our veterans, we strengthen the very fabric of our nation, built on principles of sacrifice, courage, and resilience. Let us unite in our efforts to improve veterans’ benefits and create a society that truly honors their service. By implementing the suggestions outlined above, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of our veterans.

A smooth transition and reintegration process is vital for veterans’ successful return to civilian life. By improving programs such as the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) and providing comprehensive support services, we can help veterans navigate the challenges they face after their military service. Mentorship programs, community partnerships, and access to resources like counseling, financial guidance, and housing assistance can significantly impact their transition journey.

Our veterans deserve better. Our moral obligation is to improve their benefits and create a society that truly honors their sacrifices. By prioritizing education, employment, healthcare, transition support, disability benefits, and community engagement, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of our veterans. Let us stand together, united in our commitment to bettering the lives of those who have served our nation. Only then can we truly repay the debt of gratitude we owe to these brave men and women.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Just Need Santa And A Snowball

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 19:30 +0000

Saturday, the events in Philadelphia were poised to make the people of the City of Brotherly Love forget the I-95 tragedy of last week. A week ago, a truck accident involving highly explosive cargo took out both sides of the major interstate leaving over 100,000 daily commuters looking for alternate routes. This highway will be down for months, choking neighborhoods with frustrated drivers.

In a city that usually mocks its nickname with acts of defiance like pelting Santa with snowballs at an Eagles game, Biden’s visit today could not have been staged to look worse. This was Biden’s first scheduled campaign event since announcing his reelection bid a couple of months ago, and if this is what we can expect from Joe’s Team, he best head for the basement.

The President arrived in Philly, and the onlookers held their collective breaths as Biden navigated the long staircase from Air Force One to the tarmac. He appeared to point to the few politicians waiting to welcome him, and I wondered if he was questioning the appearance of John Fetterman, the Junior Senator of Pennsylvania. Everybody in attendance, including the President of the United States, was dressed in a suit and tie, except for Fetterman.

Someone on the Senator’s staff told him it was appropriate to meet the President, ride in Marine One, and speak at a Presidential campaign event wearing gym shorts, sneakers, and a hoodie. This is not a poor show of respect by a man recovering from a stroke and posing as a Senator. This appearance is a slap in the face and a display of ignorance by a buffoon who has no place in federal politics and is amongst the 100 most influential people in the country. It gets worse.

Someone, possibly the same person who approved Fetterman’s wardrobe, gave the Senator time at the podium. Fetterman is a man of few words but too many to enunciate safely. Fetterman had a few sentences prepared to introduce the President but was thrown off track like a train through East Palestine. He stumbled through his thoughts and could not get two words in particular out at all.

Delegation and infrastructure proved too tricky, and I am not sure anyone could attribute the challenge to his stroke. It was painful to watch, but the scene angered most because this man, John Fetterman, should not have been elected. The voters of Pennsylvania own the election of Fetterman, which is a national embarrassment.

The President was there today to tout his infrastructure bill as a reason to return him to the White House for four more years. It is not. And there is no single or group of reasons to give Joe Biden four more years to continue his destruction of America. The I-95 incident is not an example of our infrastructure problems. This catastrophe was due to an unfortunate acccident, not deterioration.

Biden called the repair of the highway the most critical project in America. He has already forgotten the good folks of East Palestine who will be looking at health issues for decades. Had those folks voted for Biden, they would deserve attention. In Joe’s world, every decision comes down to what you can do for him. A vote or a deposit into one of his many bank accounts will win you favor. This is from a man who said he would be a president for all Americans. He lied. What a surprise.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Wishful Thinking: Dem Lawmaker Goes on MSNBC and Says Trump “Needs to be Shot…”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 18:00 +0000

Congressional Delegate Stacey Plaskett was spinning hew web on MSNBC – where many Left-Wing liars go to deceive – and accidentally said the quiet part out loud.

Emphasis added.

“You know, having Trump not only have had the codes, but now having the classified information for Americans and being able to put that out and share it in his resort — with anyone and everyone who comes through – should be terrifying to all Americans and he needs to be shot … stopped,” she said.



And while that is shocking (not), the US Virgin Islands delegate did go on to say something truly absurd.


“And that’s the thing that I am concerned about with many of my colleagues in the GOP,” Plaskett said. “That they believe that there is a two-tiered system, but the two-tiered system is not to punish them more,” she claimed, “It’s to – they want it to allow them to get away with more than everyday Americans. Causing Americans to distrust the FBI, the Department of Justice — it’s all a mechanism, and all, you know, part of their propaganda.”


There is a two-tiered system of justice in which Donald Trump is a victim. Two words. Hunter Biden. Two more words. Joe Biden. Two more words. Hillary Clinton. Three words. Almost any Democrat.

The system does punish them more. It punishes everyone and anyone who does not pull the Democrat level or tote their narrative bail. And they are not even subtle about it.


HT | Red State

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

MONDAY MEMES – Juneteenth Edition

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 16:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  Take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and almost certainly a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Last week’s Overflow-Overflow.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.


Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





Neil Oliver: Whatever happened to government BY the people OF the people & FOR the people?



I still believe in the principle that The People are sovereign.  The longer I live though, the more I read and see, the less I believe we’ve been living in that kind of society for a very long time.  Likely, from before I was born.  It’s betrayal trauma as I start to truly realize that the country I believed I lived in, isn’t.  And hasn’t been for a long time.  I know I’m not alone in this.









Excellent data presentation.  Also see this from Surak (dated info; he’s gone dark but still good stuff).  Here’s the problem:



People will not see “proof” because to see that proof would mean that they were fooled.  Admitting they were fooled, and more, admitting their superior intellects were fooled when those they despise and deride as “conspiracy nutjobs” saw, is too much for their egos.


(Link to AZQuotes per their policy.)


To learn, as I read in an excellent book about reading crowds, requires humility.  For it’s only in humility that we have the ability to realize what we knew and believed and that which has made us feel good about ourselves has been supplanted and superseded.  Learning means letting go of a belief, sometimes a central belief.  Surprisingly few have this ability to make this leap.








Are ovaries (and by extension, also testes) turning into DEADVARIES?  Remember what the guy in a video says here about “prevent them from giving birth”.









Celebrate Juneteenth!  No, no, not THAT one.  THIS one:






I have often have “We just want people to pay their fair share” thrown at me, to which I reply with what I believe is a terribly simple question: “OK, what’s a fair share beyond merely ‘more than they’re paying now’”?

The looks I get…

Very often my hammer strikes again: “Now, please, what’s a fair share?  Define it!  Give me the percentage, the amount, the formula that defines fair share… and what if I disagree?  What makes your fair share more fair than mine”?

“But it’s only asking people to pay ‘A little bit more’…”

To which my reply is immediate.  “Asking?  Can they say no?  Then it’s asking in the same way a woman with a knife at her throat is asked to participate in a back-alley romantic interlude”.

The looks I get top the first set of looks I get… 

They will never define it.  Ever.  Because if they define it, at some point, they will bump up to that limit and never be able to come back to the well again.





On this last one, broadly true… but I am sure that there were transmissions.





We must remember: the Left exhibits herdbeast collective behaviors.  An early essay of mine (italics replaced by underlining, but bolding and links are in the original):

The Right Way: The Leftist Sense of Self (

In the days when I debated in the local paper’s comment section I was one of the few regularly-posting people from the Right. One day a Leftist sneeringly replied to one of my comments “Do you realize nobody ever ‘likes’ your comments?” My reply was something to the effect of “I didn’t realize we were in a high school popularity contest.”

But that got me thinking that Leftists are herd-beasts (I started keeping track – all the good little Leftists would like-swarm each others’ comments). They move together. They think together. They studiously avoid thoughts that are not of The Collective. A former co-worker was, one day, ranting about eeeeeevil Conservative attacks on Planned Parenthood; he then commented “I don’t know anyone who is against abortion.” I raised my hand, and he sneered and dismissed me outright. That reprises the apocryphal quote “I can’t believe Nixon won. I don’t know anyone who voted for him.”

Liberals are constantly checking their views against those of their fellows because, deep down, they’re not sure of their own. I think that it’s one reason they slide to further and further extremes. It also simply explains, as in Occam’s Razor, why they can turn on each other so readily when one strays off the reservation. But consider this essay, which makes me think that these people actually get a high off the rush of approvals by their fellow liberals. So what happens with drug addicts? They constantly have to increase the dose. So, liberals constantly go further and further in being SJWs to exceed the last person who got adulation.

Ultimately, for the Leftist, it’s not about what they think, it’s about what others think about them. Read this essay by a psychologist whose work and essays I really like; alas, she’s gone dark after Obama’s re-election. And then READ IT AGAIN – it’s that good. They’re not strong enough to stand on their own convictions.

Know your enemy.  Also know your side.  They act in lockstep unison.  We go more independently.  That’s why we get people like this – whatever their motives:










Look at the date.  June 20-f*cking-20.  Fatality rate estimates were known before The Jab came out.  This is one of the big reasons why I started to question The Jab, even before it was available.

Understand that if this had been, say, an Infection Fatality Rate approaching Ebola or Marburg or Smallpox?  Yes, civilization-threatening real pandemic.  But this wasn’t it – fear was the real plague.  Based on THAT plague, people rushed for salvation.










I’m seeing a bunch of – likely specifically selected – quotes by this guy come out.  Definitely intrigued.  Also:









Is religion necessary for morality? – The New Neo

I was an atheist for 25 years or so, during which time a good Catholic friend once told me that in how I treated people I was more “Christian” than a lot of the actual Christians he knew.  A high compliment.  But I used to believe that morality can be empirically developed, inspired by my readings as an atheist.  Now, I’m not so sure.

I still believe, both then and now, that if the only reason you behave is because of fear of punishment – i.e., the afterlife – you’re not really a good person.

More broadly, as Founding Father John Adams once said:

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Before The People can govern themselves as a society, people must govern – i.e., control – themselves as individuals.  That comes from internal self-restraint, created by – not threat by but love of – a higher power:


Clay Christensen on Religious Freedom





Pick of the post:



Not as imaginative as some, but chosen because – unless you’re absolutely blind – its blunt truth provokes a nod of agreement.




Monday Musical Memory:


AC/DC – Who Made Who (Official HD Video)



I first heard this song in a movie about a roboticist turned evil, Runaway, and in light of the current and rising debate about AI, appropriate.  Speaking of AI, this gives me the creeps:



One of the myriad aspects of this that disturbs me is the fear of death that this manifests.  Yesterday was Father’s Day.  I miss the man terribly.  (Same with my mother, and others in my life who have passed on.)  Yet to have an AI-driven continuation of them would not just not be them, it seems almost ghoulish.

And a further thought building off the disappearing island thing and a conversation on Telegram with the person who sent this to me: Imagine if they start to pick off Rightward-leaning “influencers” but, through this program, their social media accounts continue.  Not only would this be a way to disappear someone on the QT but it would sow enormous division.  Consider two people, A and B, who are mutual friends/contacts of activist C.

A: Did you know that C has disappeared?

B: Nonsense, they posted this morning.

A: I know, which is weird, because they’re not answering their phone.  Haven’t for days.  (Note: With this AI and voice imitation software out there now, I’m sure that fly in the ointment is only a matter of time before that’s handled… and what about deep fake imitations of people on, say, a Zoom call?  Unless you know the person live-and-in-person, and can go by their place, how could you possibly know for sure they’ve been disappeared when – on the phone / Zoom – they’re conversing, you see them, they sound like the person you know…)

B: I’m sure they’re just busy – how could they be gone if they’re still posting on (social media of choice)?

Absent knowing about the above AI program, what would happen?  C would be gone, and A & B fall into bickering and are divided, rather than being concerned about C’s absence and possible liquidation.  Disappearances, and division.  Check.

Dark, indeed.

Speaking of disappearing, I should note that while I’m planning to go dark for several weeks soon… recharging as it were… I WILL be back (or something’s happened to me) by the end of July, and understand that not only am I not suicidal, suicide is a mortal crime in Judaism.   But I am “on” 24/7″ and even in the wee hours wake up thinking about this cr*p.  I have to disconnect for a while.




Palate Cleansers:


If you can watch this video of deaf people hearing for the first time and not have your environment turn a little dusty, something’s seriously wrong with you.


It’s like some of the videos I’ve seen of people who are color blind who get these glasses that enable them to see colors, and in many cases they’re utterly overwhelmed with joy.  There was one video I saw some years ago of a teenager who was so overwhelmed at now having a world of color that he was sobbing.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If Only The GOP Ran Good Candidates Like This …

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 15:00 +0000

Check out this clip of John Fetterman. According to the GOP Establishment … you know, the Mikey Grahams and the Chris Sununus … the Democrats did better than expected in 2022 because they ran “good candidates” while the GOP ran “bad candidates.” As the video shows, that’s a LIE … but the GOP Establishment routinely lies. For example, where’s the apology … or at least a retraction … from Mikey and Sun-King Sununu … of virtually everything they told us about COVID.

Fetterman is in the United States Senate because Pennsylvania elections are RIGGED. “Early voting” and “mail-in ballots” are NOT democratic. They are anti-democratic because they allow uninformed voting. They allow the manipulation of voters. (BUT they are not going away … so either the GOP fights fire with fire or the GOP has no chance in States like Pennsylvania).

Chuck Morse was NOT a “good candidate.” He couldn’t even win a primary. Bolduc didn’t lose because he was a “bad candidate.” He lost because Sun-King Sununu has made New Hampshire  bluer and bluer and bluer. (Indeed, every GOP vote cast in New Hampshire is a WASTED vote because those votes won’t make any difference in New Hampshire, but would matter in real swing-States like, for example, Arizona.)

Here’s the video:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Hampshire Boy Celebrated for Having His Genitals Surgically Removed

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 13:30 +0000

Back in 2018, we watched 16-year-old NH resident Emily Tressa testify in support of NH’s bathroom bill HB1319 which gives males access to female private spaces such as women’s locker rooms and restrooms.

He was held up as an example of a young man who easily passed as a young woman and as proof positive why women no longer deserved our rights to privacy.

I felt sad for him because he was too young to understand the difficult path he was on. I had attended a presentation by Rene Jax, a male-to-female transsexual, where he spoke about the very serious health problems he had suffered since starting his medical transition and his regret for the loss of his healthy body.

I often thought of Emily and wondered what had happened to him, and I recently discovered that he had gone through vaginoplasty at the age of 17, meaning the surgeon inverted his penis and fashioned it into a pseudo-vagina which he has to dilate for the rest of his life to keep it from closing. He also has to continue taking female hormones for the rest of his life which will seriously damage his health and shorten his life.

If you spend much time on social media discussing this subject, you will frequently encounter people who declare that gender-confused minors never have surgery on their genitals and right-wing fascists are spreading the lie that it is happening to further their own evil ends. But it is not difficult to find evidence this is happening.

The whole country witnessed Jazz Jennings having a “farewell to penis” party on his very popular TV show before his vaginoplasty at the age of 17. And Boston Children’s Hospital used to advertise vaginoplasty for 17-year-olds before their very sick videos about transing of kids were exposed by Libs of TikTok and Billboard Chris.

Related: Psychologist Celebrated for Transing Autistic Kids

Back in 2019, journalists with New York Daily News and Inside Edition celebrated Emily’s vaginoplasty, and he published a series of videos documenting his vaginoplasty experience on YouTube. Back then, it was something to celebrate. Now the legacy media is trying to cover it up and pretend it isn’t happening. Emily Tressa and Jazz Jennings are living proof that it is.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dover, New Hampshire, Bans Book Banning™ … Or Something

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 12:00 +0000

The Dover City Council “overwhelmingly” approved a resolution last week. It denounces partisan political and “unconstitutional” book banning, which is amusing given that Dover is run by political partisans that hate the US Constitution.

Without looking, I can almost guarantee that the City of Dover’s political elite said little about constitutional rights during COVID. And how long would it take for us to find rants about the need to silence dissent as disinformation? Support for passports that restrict the unvaccinated (or not vaccinated enough) from access to public spaces; or businesses pressured to keep them out of private ones.

The Democrat Dover City Council would, if it could, implement the most draconian interventions permissible, the Constitution be damned, from essential and unessential businesses to indoor or outdoor mask mandates to prohibiting religious gatherings (or gatherings of any sort) and for longer and harder than you can imagine.

If someone told them they could ignore the Bill of Rights tomorrow, they’d be dancing widdershins around its smoldering ashes and streaming it on Instagram.

This isn’t about taking a constitutional stand on book banning. This is a partisan head fake.

Books have been challenged in Dover as inappropriate material for the public and school libraries: books that glorify heterosexual rape, child-adult sex (pedophilia), and illegal drug use, to name but a few. No one is asking the city to do something it cannot. Like every political subdivision, Dover willingly prohibits minors’ access or activity based on age, including “published material” deemed unsuitable for “children.” But here they are, having a fit and making references in their resolution to Nazis.

Beginning on May 10, 1933, Nazi-dominated student groups carried out public burnings of books they claimed were “un-German.” The book burnings took place in 34 university towns and cities. Works of prominent Jewish, liberal, and leftist writers ended up in the bonfires. The book burnings stood as a powerful symbol of Nazi intolerance and censorship.

To my knowledge, no books have been burned in New Hampshire (except for a few Harry Potter Books), and no one is asking that anything be banned. But the Progs have decided to conjure the dark history of totalitarian regimes in defense of material that would make most adults blush if asked to read it out loud in public. Material that, if you handed it to your neighbor’s kid, could get you arrested and charged as a sex offender.

And while we’re enjoying ironies, do Dover Democrats know that a private citizen burning a book in protest is protected by the Constitution just as if they were burning the American flag (don’t try that with a pride flag, they’ll bust you for a hate crime)?

And if you happen to be a Dover Democrat, burning black businesses under the shadow of the penumbra of mostly peaceful protests is also a right, as is expressing your dissatisfaction with a Supreme Court ruling by vandalizing or burning pregnancy crisis centers.

Search their social feeds. I bet you’ll find they have nothing negative to say about those folks depriving others of their constitutionally protected rights. You might even see a few huzzahs.

And where can we find similar outrage from Dover’s proud first amendment defenders over the Twitter Files? The Government actively censored people and banned them and their words. Got them muted or kicked out of the public debate entirely, even interfering with elections.

It’s a fair question because you write, in your resolution, “WHEREAS: All public officials in the City of Dover, together with the City Manager and Department Heads, have each taken an oath to uphold the State and Federal Constitutions.”

An oath?

We’ll need proof of that outside this narrow grooming scandal you’ve defended. Otherwise, your resolution resembles partisan Potemkin politics, a dog and pony show, smoke and mirrors, and street theater.

But it’s not a total loss. There might be something sensible in there.

“…it bears noting minors cannot obtain a library card to check out books at the Dover Public Library without parental/guardian consent.”

So, parents might have some rights over their children and the books they can read, and the Dover City Council just resolved it, if not sideways.

Will or has Dover prohibited any expense of city funds that might deny them that right? Sticky wicket, that. What if they object to the kiddie porn peddled as knowledge curated by experts?


The Dover Public Library, as well as the Dover School District, employ professional librarians who have education, expertise, and experience in developing a collection of materials for their libraries. If some book or other material has been acquired as part of the collection, the professional determination should in no be way partisan, political or ideological, but instead based purely on the informational value and potential interest of the book/material to the public generally and the marketplace of ideas.


And, (emphasis, mine).


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND DOVER CITY COUNCIL THAT: Censorship of ideas on the basis of partisan, political or ideological beliefs is antidemocratic, unconstitutional, and denounced in the City of Dover. All citizens’ rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and Part I, Article 22 of the State Constitution shall be respected in accordance with applicable law. City resources, to include City funds and the time of the City’s professional staff, may not be used for the purpose of censoring library materials on the basis of political, partisan or ideological beliefs.

Librarians are paid government employees. Could they be required to demonstrate that decisions about what is or is not included are apolitical? Is the conspicuous absence of a title or topic partisan unconstitutional book banning? Nope. The Resolution is written so that requesting a book be removed is untenable. Keeping books from entering the collection on ideological grounds would not be unconstitutional.

Librarians can expend all the city time or money they like exercising partisan political bias to keep materials out.

You won’t likely find too many books on scandals involving Barak Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, Benghazi, or any Democrat who has held elected office. Books by or about Donald Trump could be excluded, or anything recent on the misguided response to COVID. Books on how masks, distancing, or the vaccine didn’t do any of the things they said or the unconstitutional political response. Are there any books on abstinence or the fiscal or personal benefits of saving sex for marriage or staying married?

There might be. I have no idea, but those are a few suggestions. I’m sure the citizens of Dover will find what’s missing, with which we might start a conversation about partisan political librarians. Because while you can’t have every book on the shelf, the ones you choose to leave out speak louder than words. Like how “… public officials in the City of Dover, together with the City Manager and Department Heads, have each taken an oath to uphold the State and Federal Constitutions.”

It makes me smile every time I read that. And it might not be books you’ve “banned” by exclusion or books you’ve included that violate decency laws, but I have a feeling that bit in your resolution is going to come back and bite you in the collective ass.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Democrats Versus Trump: A Bad Horror Movie?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 10:30 +0000

The Democrats and Donald Trump reminds me of a bad horror movie, where the hapless protagonists only make the monster stronger with each attempt to eliminate it. So goes the Democrats’ endless attempts to finally rid America of the “scourge” of Donald Trump.

Thanks to the Durham Report, we now know they started even before Trump was elected president. Hillary Clinton’s campaign – with the full knowledge of the candidate and the sitting president, Barack Obama – cooked up a “dirty trick” to portray Trump as an agent of Russia in their effort to deny Trump the White House.

When that didn’t work, they weaponized the FBI, CIA, and the rest of the “deep state” to undermine and hobble his presidency. They spied on Trump and his campaign staff using false information manufactured by the FBI.

When that didn’t work, they impeached him under the false charge that he sought foreign assistance for his 2020 re-election bid. This time a spy, in the person of NSC staffer Alexander Vindman, was sent to listen in on Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian president Zelensky and then make all manner of false charges against Trump based on it.

Democrats were furious that Trump was less than enthusiastic about their plans to use Ukraine as a proxy to go to war with Russia. Vindman, though an active-duty US military officer, was of Ukrainian background and was loyal to the country of his origin rather than the country of his citizenship. He also openly defied the military chain of command and his commander-in-chief. Trump’s lack of enthusiasm for their “Project Ukraine” infuriated Vindman and he sought his revenge against the US President.

When that didn’t work, they impeached Trump again over the false charge that he led an “insurrection” against the US government on January 6, 2021. The more surveillance video we see of this “insurrection,” the more it looks like a false-flag operation cooked up perhaps by Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Washington swamp to finally be rid of Trump. Hundreds of political prisoners have been held in solitary confinement on false accusations that they tried to overthrow the US government.

When that didn’t work, and Trump’s re-election numbers looked more and more favorable while Biden’s approval rating continued to linger in the political basement, the Democrats have now indicted him over some classified documents apparently discovered in his residence in Florida.

The boxes and boxes of classified documents discovered at multiple Biden locations have disappeared into the memory hole with the help of the media—nothing to see here.

Suddenly Donald Trump, who polling suggests would obliterate Joe Biden in a fair US election, faces 100 years in prison! Where else would you see the head of one political party arrest his main political opponent on cooked-up charges? A banana republic!

For those of us who love this country, it is truly shocking to see this abuse of power. But there’s one thing these dirty tricksters never seem to understand: the more false evidence and false charges they cook up against Trump, the stronger Trump becomes. With these outrageous and continuous attacks on Trump, the Democratic Party (and plenty of Republicans) has lost all credibility. When this plan fails, and it will, I am afraid to think what they might try next.


Copyright © 2023 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sports Betting Mistakes to Avoid: Lessons From the Pros

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 09:30 +0000

Politics are always at the forefront of things in New Hampshire, and they are a crucial part of life for state residents. While this covers the usual range of subjects, it can sometimes impact what we do to have fun in our spare time. Sports betting is a great example and is an activity that was legalized by state officials in 2019.

As a result of this regulatory change, locals around New Hampshire now have the same choice as people in states like New Jersey for sports betting. A good tip for any new bettor is to find out the top US sportsbook promos and bonuses for 2023 and to sign up with a site that offers them. It is worth finding out about common mistakes when gambling on sports, so you can avoid them.

9 common sports betting mistakes to avoid

If you are looking to get some tips on costly mistakes to avoid as a sports bettor, the best people to turn to for help are pro sports gamblers. Here are some of the lessons can you take from them to guide your own gambling:

1. Changing unit size

Managing your money wisely is a great tip to take from sports betting pros. One common mistake to avoid is changing the unit size of your bets. This means never getting too confident and risking more when you’re winning, but also never chasing losses if you lose. Most sports betting pros will instead use a flat rate betting system which involves staking the same amount on each wager and only using up to 5% of your bankroll per bet.

2. Overreacting to recent trends

Although research is key when placing bets, one thing you should avoid is putting too much emphasis on recent trends. This can be tough to accomplish because most gamblers will naturally want to back a team that is on a hot winning streak.

By the same token, most people will bet against a team who lost their last game badly. This is something to guard against though as hot teams are overvalued and teams coming off recent losses are undervalued. It is much better to look at things from the opposite perspective as you will get better odds.

3. Gambler’s fallacy

This is the notion that if an event happens more often than usual over a set period of time, it will happen less often moving ahead. The problem with this idea in sports betting is that events do not follow a pattern and each game you bet on is its own individual, unique spectacle. For example, if the Rays lose the first three games of the World Series to the Astros, it does not mean they will lose the fourth. Gambler’s fallacy suggests they should.

4. Too many bets

Sports wagering pros know that betting for the sake of it is ill-advised and can lead to financial losses in the long-term. Due to this, you should never get into the habit of making too many wagers and you should only bet on sports when you are confident the bet makes sense.

5. Having unrealistic expectations

Any sports betting pro needs to have realistic expectations regarding what can be achieved. New bettors can often have a totally skewed idea of how much they can earn per week or how much they can grow their betting bankroll per month.

If you fall into this trap, you will not only end up feeling disappointed when things don’t pan out this way but also put too much pressure on yourself to hit unrealistic targets. It is therefore a lot more sensible to set realistic targets to aim for, such as trying to win at least 55% of your bets to stay in profit.

6. Buying into touts

Although sports betting markets like New Hampshire’s are regulated to keep gamblers safe, the overall industry does not always have the same assurances. One example to consider is people who set up companies or websites selling picks to bettors.

While there are some honest and legitimate handicappers out there, there are also some scammers that are simply after your money. If you see a handicapper who is promising quick returns, easy cash or has no track record to check out, it is best to avoid them.

7.  Choosing your heart over your head

One lesson to take from sports betting pros is to always use logic, reason and factual evidence when choosing which wagers to place. There are a ton of websites now available which provide the latest stats to look over and it is always worth looking at this kind of data when gambling.

This is a much better approach than betting with your heart and relying on gut instinct. If you were to take this approach, you would be far too easily swayed by favorite teams, big franchises such as the LA Lakers or the Toronto Maple Leafs and media coverage. If you choose to use your head instead, you are already one step ahead of most gamblers and stand a better chance of winning overall.

8. Ignoring sharp action

Sharp action is something that the most successful pro sports bettors look out for as it helps them build up a track record of success. This simply refers to spotting reverse line movement when betting on games. This is where the line moves in the other direction from where the betting percentages are heading.

Taking this approach helps you avoid the mistake of betting with your heart and also puts you more in line with what sportsbooks think will happen. As bookies always come out on top in the end, this can’t be a bad thing!

9. Failing to shop for the best line

Whether you live in Windham, Nashua or Berlin, one classic mistake to avoid as a sports gambler is taking the first lines or odds you see on a game, race or event. You do not know if these are the best around to take advantage of and this could result in you losing out in the long run. By shopping for the best lines at multiple sportsbooks, you always get the best value odds and this means you make more cash on winning bets overall.

Where to bet on sports: Best legal sportsbooks

Whether you bet in New Hampshire or any other state where betting is allowed, finding the best legal sportsbooks to use is another tip to take from pro gamblers. This is something you must pay close attention to as it will directly impact how much fun you have, how safe you stay online and how easy it is to access the best lines.

To make it a little easier, we have looked over some of the top platforms to sign up with and can recommend a few of the very best. Caesar’s sportsbook is a fully regulated betting site and one that has an enviable reputation in the sector. It also has superb customer support, great value odds on all major sports and plenty of markets to explore.

Bet365 is another top legal US sportsbook to consider using and features some of the best bonuses to grab. With an intuitive user interface and a range of secure payment options, it is also a well-known brand in the industry.

DraftKings is also a sportsbook which rates highly and has a slick, professional design. Their mobile app is perfect for betting on the move, and they have a quick, simple sign-up process.

Bet like a pro on all the top sports

If you live in New Hampshire and are interested in getting involved with sports betting, the decision by state politicians in 2019 means this is entirely possible. It is worth considering the above tips first though, so you not only bet like a pro but also avoid the costliest mistakes that new gamblers make.

The post Sports Betting Mistakes to Avoid: Lessons From the Pros appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who Has The Higher Polling Number: Trump or Biden

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 01:30 +0000

The media and political onslaught against Trump is never-ending. The Left’s goal is to dirty up Trump so that anyone in the squishy-middle-low-info voter groups will instantly recoil from pulling the lever for him.

On the other hand, the media has pulled out all the stops praising Xiden’s buffoonery and his miscreant minions using a too-large Executive Branch as an instrument of Tyranny. (Go ahead and tell me that all the top-down decisions aren’t making us miserable?)

So when I saw this from Rasmussen, my eyes popped out to see how bad it was: Biden, 23% strongly approve, 46% strongly disapprove:


(click to enlarge)


Not a great spot to be in right about now, although his lowest approval was 22% a year ago.

Now, in a head-to-head against Trump?  Even with that -23 rating, this latest instance of Democrat lawfare SHOULD have put Trump six feet under….oh wait!

Biden total approval is at 43%, Trump’s total Approval is 51%.



So, about those 81 million votes that Biden got…



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Urgent Appeal: Vote Against the Impeachment of General Paxton

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-19 00:00 +0000

Honorable Texas State Senators,

I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the ongoing impeachment proceedings against General Ken Paxton, the Texas Attorney General. As a concerned citizen who values fairness, due process, and the principles of justice, I implore you to stand against this ill-conceived and unwarranted impeachment effort, which I believe to be a sham lacking substantial evidence and driven by political motives.

The impeachment against General Paxton is nothing short of a political witch hunt driven by partisan motives rather than genuine concerns of wrongdoing. The burden of proof for impeachment lies with those making the allegations, and we must adhere to this fundamental principle of justice to protect the integrity of our democratic processes.

It is also crucial to recognize that impeachment should never be employed as a tool for political retaliation or a means to settle personal or partisan differences. Instead, it should be reserved for apparent misconduct or public trust violations. As you evaluate the allegations against General Paxton, it is vital to ensure that the burden of proof is met and that due process is respected.

It is crucial to consider the potential repercussions of setting such a precedent, as it could undermine the stability and functionality of our government institutions, eroding the public’s trust in our democracy.

The House’s rush to impeach Attorney General Paxton, with 20 articles adopted within a mere two days, raises concerns about the integrity and fairness of the process. Such haste, combined with the lack of compelling evidence, undermines the credibility of the impeachment effort and threatens the foundations of our democratic institutions.

While addressing any legitimate concerns or allegations raised against public officials is essential, ensuring that impeachment proceedings are grounded in genuine evidence of misconduct is equally vital. As they currently stand, the accusations against General Paxton lack substantive proof and fail to meet the threshold required to justify removing him from office.

Moreover, it is worth noting that the people of Texas have overwhelmingly elected him to serve as their Attorney General. Therefore, the impeachment of a popular elected official should not be taken lightly, as it challenges the voice and choice of the electorate. Removing him from office through an impeachment process lacking strong and compelling evidence would undermine the vote and will of the voters. Such actions risk alienating a significant portion of the population and exacerbating political divisions rather than fostering harmony and cooperation. Removing him from office based on flimsy allegations sets a dangerous precedent that could further polarize our society and undermine the people’s trust in their elected representatives.

I would like you to judge Attorney General Ken Paxton based on his records and the tangible contributions he has made to the safety and well-being of Texas. Throughout his tenure, he has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting the interests of Texas residents.

His efforts to combat crime, defend individual liberties, and stop the federal government’s overreach have impacted our communities and our way of life. It is imperative to consider these accomplishments when evaluating his fitness to serve and resist succumbing to the pressures of political agendas that seek to undermine his achievements.

Therefore, as honorable representatives of the people, I urge you to carefully consider the facts, weigh the evidence presented, and evaluate the motivations behind this impeachment effort. It is essential to remember the broader interests of the citizens of Texas and prioritize their well-being over political expediency.
As a concerned citizen, the best alternative is dismissing the allegations against General Paxton without a mock trial.
Upholding the sanctity of due process is crucial and sets a precedent for future proceedings that should be grounded in truth, evidence, and the people’s will.

Should you decide to vote, I urge you to vote against this sham impeachment. Doing so would demonstrate your commitment to fairness, integrity, and preserving our democratic system. It is crucial to safeguard the credibility of our democratic processes, as well as to protect the rights of those who have been elected to serve.

Thank you for your attention, commitment to public service, and dedication to upholding the principles of justice. I trust in your wisdom and integrity as you make this critical decision that will shape the due process in the great State of Texas.
Sincerely yours,

Amil Imani
Professor of Homeland Security

The post Urgent Appeal: Vote Against the Impeachment of General Paxton appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Government Power Is Like a Deadly Disease

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-18 22:30 +0000

Government power is like a deadly disease.

If you don’t nip it in the bud, it grows faster and faster – and more dangerous.

That’s what the Founders and Old Revolutionaries warned us about – repeatedly. As a result of ignoring their warnings for generations, we now live under the largest government in history – and the disease keeps getting worse.

Virtually every time the people ignore one new government power or another, there’s an excuse – an “emergency” they claim requires us to ignore some limitation on power in the Constitution.

I’m sure you’ve heard things like this as much as I have.

“The Patriot Act is just for the terrorists”

“The income tax is only an emergency war time measure”

“If we don’t ban ___, people will die in the streets!”

“But it’s for the children!”

All these excuses are based in fear, what John Adams warned is “the foundation of most governments.”

We were warned – repeatedly – how dangerous this mentality is.

Founder after founder warned us against turning a blind eye to violations of the Constitution, which they also called “arbitrary power” or “usurpations” of power.

Samuel Adams put it this way:

Let us remember that if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom!

In his opinion against the constitutionality of Alexander Hamilton’s first National Bank, Thomas Jefferson warned that even a single step beyond the limits of the Constitution was a step too far:

To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.

Years earlier, John Dickinson, the “Penman of the Revolution,” took the same view as Jefferson and urged us to “Oppose a disease at its beginning” – because even a single concession to the limits of government power would act as a “PRECEDENT for other concessions” in the future.

He warned that those concessions would lead to the end of freedom. John Adams described it like a deadly disease:

The nature of the encroachment upon the American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour.

That’s why so many of the founders and old revolutionaries understood that arbitrary power needs to be opposed by the people themselves, the earlier the better. Adams put it this way:

Obsta principiis – Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards.”

He was reiterating a long-standing maxim that James Otis also recognized a few years earlier:

“It is my countrymen of the utmost consequence that we boldly oppose the least infraction of our charter, and rights as men. Obsta Principiis is a maxim never to be forgot: If we do not resist at the first attack, it may soon be too late”

Thomas Jefferson gave the same advice in his “Notes on the state of Virginia.” He wrote:

“The time to guard against corruption and tyranny, is before they shall have gotten hold of us. It is better to keep the wolf out of the fold, than to trust to drawing his teeth and talons after he shall have entered.”

These leading founders and old revolutionaries recognized a timeless truth. When you allow a government to chip away at the limits on its power, eventually the dam will burst. You will end up with a government exercising virtually unlimited authority – arbitrary power.

Unfortunately, that dam burst many years ago. From money printing that powers an almost endless list of unconstitutional federal programs, to mass, warrantless surveillance, violations of your natural right to keep and bear arms, unconstitutional and undeclared wars – and everything in between – we can see the danger of ignoring the founders all around us.

Although going from where things are today – to a true “land of the free” won’t be quick or easy. It’s definitely not game over for liberty.

As St. George Tucker put it:

The acquiescence of the people of a state under any usurped authority for any length of time, can never deprive them of the right of resuming the sovereign power into their own hands, whenever they think fit, or are able to do so, since that right is perfectly unalienable.

We’ve got a long way to go, and a lot of work yet to do. But with your support, we’re building a strong foundation for the Constitution and liberty – whether the government happens to like it, or not.




Mike Maharrey | The Tenth Amendment Center

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

There is no Connection Between Low Atmospheric CO2 to Less Extreme Weather

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-18 21:00 +0000

The Climate Cult’s apocalyptic prognostications don’t hold up well when compared to facts and science, but anyone who points this out is smeared as a denier. To be fair, I do deny the validity of their arguments, their “science,” the alleged causes, effects, and cures.

Related: The Climate Cult’s Cape Cod Conundrum

I deny that this is anything but a power grab based on a desire to undermine free market capitalism and human liberty.

There is no connection between atmospheric CO2, and the things the Climate Cult alleges are in response to it. There is no evidence their proposed solutions would lower “emissions” or that they would change any of the side effects they claim are caused by them. Nothing they say makes sense, but they keep saying it, so some folks think it must be true.

If you want to invest your time and money in it, be my guest, but there is no such thing as climate choice. However, there is ample evidence that those who agree with me are more likely correct than those who disagree – primarily on the relationship between emissions and weather.

And we enjoy scouring the internet for examples that arm you in the fight.

Related: Biden’s EPA ‘Erases’ the 1930s ‘cuz “Climate Change”

Tony Heller has been a reliable source of such evidence. In a recent video, he explores the super-safe climate of seventy years ago as he takes us back to 1953. Tito was inaugurated as President of Yugoslavia. Eisenhower refused clemency to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Stalin suffers a stroke that kills him. Winston Churchill is knighted, and Elizabeth II becomes Queen of England. The SCOTUS tells restaurants in Washington, DC, they cannot refuse service to black people. Castro started his Cuban Revolution; Chevy rolled out its first Corvette, the Korea war ended, and General Electric announced it was firing any employee who was a communist.

CO2 was very low in 1953, but the weather was still “extreme.”



The post There is no Connection Between Low Atmospheric CO2 to Less Extreme Weather appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Happy Father’s Day!

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-18 19:30 +0000

Let me quote from my published op-ed from last year, paying tribute to my father.

MY FATHER was born in 1938, in a village in Sichuan, China, to an intelligent but poor and sickly father whose death left his impoverished mother to fend for herself.

Fate was not kind to her, as the struggle of being poor and raising six children was compounded when she developed a severe infection from a dog bite. Treatment cost her what little she had, and my father was orphaned at the age of 6.

The life of an orphan in China was unforgiving, but thankfully my father’s uncle adopted him. As a man of little means, he needed my father to work on the farm; education was expensive and out of the question, but he could earn his keep as a farmhand. These experiences shaped my father into the man he would become: powerful, steadfast, and honorable — a true fighter. One that not even the local bullies would challenge.

As a teenager, he earned a reputation as a hard worker. During Chairman Mao’s Great Leap Forward campaign, my father was recruited to work for a vast state-owned steel enterprise in Chongqing. This was idyllic considering the fate suffered by some 40 million Chinese who starved as a result of central planning gone awry.

After several years he was transferred to Chengdu, where he met my mother and fell in love. They were married after obtaining their respective work unit leaders’ permission. I was their first child, one of three, born two years before the terror of the Cultural Revolution ensued.

My memories began in an employer-provided eight-family row house. Our family of five shared two small rooms with dirt floors and an outdoor kitchen. There was no plumbing or heating, and we had to share a single water pump and “bathroom” (a hole in the ground) with eight other families. My parents worked tirelessly, but their positions were lowly, and our food rations were limited as a result.

I always remember my father as a hard worker, waking early each morning to take the bus to work. Public transportation was crowded and the competition to obtain a seat was so fierce that fights would break out. One day, after nearly being run over in a scuffle to get a seat, my father refused to degrade himself any further and bought a used bike to ride to work.

Dad was a prodigious worker and popular amongst his colleagues. His Communist minders thought he was trouble, and he was. His pride denied him submission to their corrupt authoritarianism, and he fought their tyranny at every turn. Honor, however, comes at a price. They conspired to get rid of him by relocating him to a work site 19 hours away. He refused to leave my mother — a sickly woman — and his three children, despite the commonality of family separations in communist China.

His refusal to relocate earned him a permanent “early retirement” in his late 40s. He refused to accept this. And so, he illegally served as a bicycle taxi at night. He had his bike confiscated by the police on multiple occasions and was robbed even more frequently. When seized, he would buy a new bike, and when robbed, he would fight back.

My father certainly could have made our lives easier, but it would have required obedience and submission to his immoral masters. Instead, he persevered honorably so that we could survive the brutality of communism. If he had chosen dishonor, perhaps I would not be the person I am today. Because of my father’s unwavering moral code, I fought back against a life of slavery in China.

After escaping communist China, I brought my parents to the United States, where my father worked in a local Chinese restaurant for a few years. He became a U.S. citizen in 2005 and was later baptized a Christian, something that would have never happened in China. Last year, he was afflicted with COVID at the age of 82, yet he would not submit even to this, and he made a full recovery.

Dad, you are a man of integrity, honor, and dignity: a small man who cast a large shadow and stood defiantly against the evils of communism. You never asked for much, just the freedom to work and provide for us. I am thankful for your love, sacrifice, perseverance, and hard work. You knew you were a man of little means and social status, but in the best way possible, you taught me how to live with dignity in defiance of evil. Despite the harsh lens through which you judge your achievements, you were and are my hero. I love you very much. Happy Father’s Day.


Republished with the author’s permission.

The post Happy Father’s Day! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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