The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • May 5 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

It Would Cost NH at Least 135 million Less to Pay Burgess Biomass Workers to do Nothing Than to Renew the Planned Subsidy

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-26 22:30 +0000

We’ve written about the high cost of NH Biomass energy and the redistribution math that costs ratepayers millions. Well, the Governor has a new bill on his desk that would sweeten the deal, but if this is about jobs, it would cost ratepayers less to pay the workers to do nothing.

Drew Cline, writing at Josiah Bartlett, has an update on the Biomess, the redistribution scheme, and the new bill. He makes excellent points, as he usually does, on topics like this and shares how we got here and why it makes no sense. HB142, that new bill, would make that bad deal worse.

To save 30+ jobs at the plant and some 200+ timer jobs that could probably find other destinations for waste wood. It’s got a big price tag, and the Governor, who advertises how tax-friendly he is, should veto HB142 because it is a massive tax on taxpayers and ratepayers all over New Hampshire.

Signing it will add to our already record high electric rates, which is bad for more reasons than I’ll get to here because it occurred to me there was another way to make a case for a veto.

I don’t know what Burgess Biomass employees make or the five-score timber folks, but can we agree it’s probably less than 100,000 per year?

If we gave the Biomass folks each 60K to do nothing(which is the national income average), it would cost 1.8 million. Add the 200 timber workers, and that’s another 12 million. Paying them not to increase our electric rates would save New Hampshire ratepayers over 135 million dollars on top of the reduced cost of electricity from not having to pay higher rates.

We’d continue to save more, even if we had to extend the severance for several years, than if Sununu signed HB142.

Cline calls it a subsidy, which it is, but it’s more than that. It’s an insane subsidy when it makes more sense and saves a small fortune to shutter the business being bailed out and pay the employees to do nothing.

IN-SANE! We shouldn’t even be able to do that math. Why is this even on his desk?

The millions saved by the rest of the businesses and residents can go into savings or productive investments in local businesses that will employ more people in jobs that don’t cost taxpayers or ratepayers more money.

After the plant shuts down, Jeb F-ing Timber-Tool Bradley can encourage someone to retool the Burgess plant to make wood pellets that pellet stove owners would buy. It would create more jobs, keep his Timber cronies happy, and generate revenue for Berlin and the state.

I bet you could raze the Burgess plant and build a new pellet-making facility for less than this subsidy will cost long term.

HB142 is not just a bad idea and bad for New Hampshire; it is “makes no damn sense” bad.


Note: Yes, the math is simplified for this example, but there is no version of this where it makes sense to bail out so few jobs with that sort of money and tack on the expected electric rate increases.

The post It Would Cost NH at Least 135 million Less to Pay Burgess Biomass Workers to do Nothing Than to Renew the Planned Subsidy appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Will Sununu’s Manufactured “Insurrection” Terminate His Political Career?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-26 21:00 +0000

October 13, 2021, is NH Governor Sununu’s manufactured “insurrection”. Hundreds of people peaceably assembled to vehemently oppose Sununu’s desire to accept a $27M grant to set up a NH covid tracking database that would be connected to a national database.

The grant also committed the state to “assist the US government in the implementation and enforcement of federal orders related to quarantine and isolation” among other serious obligations that usurped our Constitutional Rights.

Related: IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE? NH Governor SECRETLY Pressured State Reps to IGNORE ARRESTS of Nine Americans UNDER HIS WATCH!

Nine of those peaceably assembled citizens were targeted by Sununu and then arrested during the meeting.

It is difficult for anyone not present at the meeting to believe the blatant abuse of power by the Governor and the State Police. The disturbing arrests were portrayed by the media as an insurrection in a fabricated propaganda campaign led by WMUR. Nothing is further from the truth. Videos by those who attended – as well as the official state recordings – show all attendees quietly and respectfully sitting in their chairs observing the meeting.

When the arrests suddenly began with Mrs. Bastarche and Frank Staples, those in attendance were quiet and respectful – and they remained quiet and respectful – INCLUDING BASTARARCHE AND STAPLES as they were taken out of the room!  The videos prove their innocence.

Mrs. Bastarache was ridiculously charged for “uttering Amen.” A word that every person in the room uttered – including the Governor – after he led the meeting in prayer. I was there and can speak with first hand experience.

The defense has issued a subpoena for Sununu to testify. Watch the following video, and you will understand why. This story provides timecodes and identifies Sununu’s disturbing actions throughout the video.



The trial began this morning, Tuesday, June 27, 2023.  Mrs. Bastarache and the others that were arrested at the October 13, 2021 Executive Councilor’s meeting deserve our support during their fight for our Constitutional Rights to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances – as well as the blatant abuse of power.

This trial may be the beginning of the end of Chris Sununu’s governorship in New Hampshire.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hunter’s Sweetheart Deal Was Bad, This Is Outright Corrupt

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-26 19:30 +0000

What do you say to the American people when you preach from the highest hills that you will get the rich to pay their fair share and your son is a tax evader? What do you say when you want 87,000 new IRS agents to shake down Americans evading tax payments, and your son settles his tax debt for pennies on the dollar?

What do you say when you use any tragedy to call for more and stricter gun laws and expanded background checks, and your son falsifies his federal gun paperwork and applies for gun ownership while a Crack and alcohol addict? You say nothing. You ignore questions yelled at you by pool reporters. You have your spokespeople go into a blackout and deflection mode. You say you are proud of your son, have him attend a State Dinner on the day his plea deal is announced, and have him sit with the United States Attorney General for drinks and dinner.

This scenario is what equal justice under the law looks like when your last name is Biden. What makes us the angriest is not the sweetheart deals but the arrogance and lies from Joe Biden and his Administration, treating us like the underclass. Joe Biden is royalty, and for the fifty years he has been sucking off the public dole, he and his family deserve all they can cheat and steal. Just shut up, go about your business, and accept what you see as fair and just.

Attorney Merrick Garland addressed the country this week to assure them that everything in the Hunter Biden case is above board and by the book. Unfortunately, just like a Greek Pizza Shop, there are two sets of books. With the AG, we are not getting the book kept on top of the desk. Merrick Garland has no credibility. His handling of parents versus school boards shows he is a small man who requires large doses of power. Garland has been complicit with our corrupt President to weaponize the Justice Department against anyone threatening the movement. He went on the record to say no one should question the integrity of his department. Sir, we should all question the integrity of every aspect of Government. If not, we end up with the likes of the Biden Administration.

There are many aspects of the Justice Department and Intelligence Agencies now. Biden weaponized them against Republicans (MAGA, MAGNA, or however Biden pronounces the term); they are not carrying out justice equally and are definitely corrupt. This analysis may not describe the lower levels of these agencies, but the leadership hierarchy has to be dismantled. We cannot sit back and wait for this to happen organically. The rot is too entrenched, and these leaders have established a power base linked for protection. They also have the mainstream media in their ranks. To prove this, you only need to look at the list of former leaders on the payrolls of CNN and MSNBC. You will find many of the names of the 51 signers of the Russian Collusion memo on that list.

The House will not let this plea deal rest without more digging for the truth. They cannot simply talk about it. We need action, or their credibility will go the route of Adam Schiff. You cannot continue to tease Americans. You, at some point, have to show your cards. Grassley, Comer, and Jordan-let us see what you have now.


The post Hunter’s Sweetheart Deal Was Bad, This Is Outright Corrupt appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Willful Blindness

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-26 18:00 +0000

It is hard to believe how quickly we’ve forgotten the most significant terrorist attack on American soil. So, let me remind our readers once again. On September 11, 2001, nineteen Islamic terrorists, primarily Saudi Arabian citizens, hijacked four commercial aircraft.

In a synchronized attack, the hijackers deliberately flew two planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and a third into the Pentagon. The passengers on the fourth plane launched a counterattack, spurring the hijacker pilot to crash the plane into a field in Pennsylvania.

Approximately 3,000 died that day, the single most significant loss of life resulting from a terrorist attack on American soil.

After these attacks, I saw many car stickers saying, “Everything I Needed to Know About Islam I Learned on 9/11.” Well, not.

Islam and Sharia continue to creep into every aspect of American culture stealthily. And too few people know it or are talking about it. Why? Because Americans have been conditioned to be tolerant and compassionate, embrace multiculturalism and respect each other’s beliefs, ideals, and values. That would be wonderful in a Utopian world, but the fact is, Islam doesn’t embrace any aspect of Western civilization—much less American culture. We are rapidly and methodically being dismantled as a nation, and our freedom and liberty are more fragile than ever since WWII. And while we fight the enemy abroad with combat troops, intelligence, and drone strikes, we’re doing nothing to combat the same enemy residing on our soil and in broad daylight.

This is no longer an alarm. Our enemies are already here and planning to make America like another European country. Suppose we don’t defeat Islam politically, lawfully, and swiftly. In that case, our children and grandchildren may well be engaged in an endless religious and ideological bloody war, the likes of which have never been seen on American soil.

Islam is a theocratic political violent ideology that hides behind the mask of religion to accomplish its mission of a worldwide caliphate. Americans must understand Islam is a totalitarian “theo-political” belief system and a social doctrine (the two go hand-in-hand) based on the Quran, Sira, and Hadith, what Dr. Bill Warner of the Center for the Study of Political Islam aptly coins the “Trilogy.” It has mandates on every aspect of life, enforced and regulated by the barbaric criminal and civil codes known as Sharia Law. The precise definition of a Muslim becomes crystal clear when you read the trilogy of Islam. Bottom line: you are to be an Allah-fearing, Quran-believing, and Mohammed-following zealot that forces people to submit, convert, and comply with Islam and Sharia or be killed. Those are the facts.

Does every Muslim follow the commands of the Quran? No, thank God. But as they superficially assimilate into communities and increase in numbers, they become more militant and less tolerant of that community’s laws and regulations.

Any religion or ideology whose “holy book” commands its followers to commit crimes that are antithetical to the laws of this country should not only lose its tax-exempt status but lose its 1st Amendment protections and be banned from the United States altogether. In case you are not familiar with some of the condoned atrocities of Islam and Sharia law, let me tell you a few facts.:

Are you aware that women are stoned to death for committing adultery, and according to the interpretation of Islam, gays should be thrown from a high building and then stoned if they are not dead when they hit the ground? Or that the genitals of little girls are mutilated(Female genital mutilation or FGM) in an attempt to control their sexuality, and that children may be murdered in the name of family honor? And last, Islam does not recognize the separation of church and state and doesn’t follow our Constitution or any artificial laws. They have their laws: Sharia or Islamic laws.

In countries where Islamic enclaves and ghettos have emerged, like France, Britain, Sweden, Belgium, and North African countries, local Imams or mullahs enforce Sharia law regardless.  Most Americans fail to understand that Sharia law is the foundation of Islamic theocracy and totalitarianism. The establishment of global Sharia law is their final goal. The Quran is unequivocal in its directive to Muslims to establish an international Islamic state (Caliphate) over which the Islamic messiah, or Mahdi, will rule with Sharia as the only law of the land. Make no mistake that is the intent of influential Islamic elements in America.

Organizations such as the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) fully exploit our naiveté and lenient laws to install Sharia law. Moreover, Islam starkly contrasts the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and what the First Amendment was designed to protect—our God-given, unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Sharia law is complex and derived from multiple Islamic sources: the Quran, considered the “unmitigated word of Allah,” is the primary source of Sharia law. The Hadith (sayings and actions of Muhammad) is the second most crucial document in Sharia and Sira (the life of prophet Muhammad). Historic rulings by jurists over the years and so-called reasoning by analogy make up the other two less-influential sources of Sharia. Together they constitute Islam’s theological core and result in a totalitarian way of life for Muslim followers and non-Muslims (kafirs and infidels). Sharia law completely contradicts American values because it enslaves people and encourages acts of violence and barbaric behavior. Sharia demands the death of those who renounce Islam.

In short: Mild Islam may not appear too obtrusive to some since it is like the early stages of pregnancy. Yet, pregnancy it is. And before long, the full-term beast will make its appearance. If we don’t want to deal with the beast, we need to prevent the pregnancy in the first place.

The post Willful Blindness appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DeSantis Losing in New Hampshire, Polling Updates, and a Question for Republicans* That Won’t* Vote for Trump

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-26 16:30 +0000

As we approach the July 4th Weekend, the polls that didn’t seem to mean much – or perhaps “shouldn’t be taken seriously” – are beginning to mean a lot more, and that’s a problem for Ron DeSantis. He was doing better when they didn’t appear to mean much.

DeSantis, who has been branded by some supporters as the electable Republican (in anything like a fair general election), either isn’t selling that message, or Republican Primary voters are not buying it.

A.G. Gancarski, writing at Florida Politics, recently published an update on the polling as Ron runs back to New Hampshire looking to make a dent in Donald Trump’s prodigious … polling lead.


The Race to the White House polling average shows Trump ahead of DeSantis 45% to 13% in a crowded field, with Christie at 8%, and 49% to 25% if the race were somehow just two people.

DeSantis has attempted to glow up the Granite State at the expense of Florida and its residents.

“I was born and raised in Florida, and it’s only been recently that we’ve developed a sense of state pride ourselves,” DeSantis said at a party dinner this Spring. “We’re proud to have stood up for freedom in the last few years when it wasn’t easy. We did it our own way and I’m proud of that.”

“But I must admit, we draw inspiration from the people here in New Hampshire,” DeSantis continued. “Because more than any other state, you don’t mince words when it comes to your stand on liberty. You say it very clearly: Live Free or Die.”


Trump is ahead 53-19 in California, 54-9 in West Virginia, and 43-18 in South Carolina. Nationally RCP has an NBC news poll dated June 25th with Trump up 52-22. Trump is up 59-27 in Maine, 41-25 in Wisconsin, 48-28 in Virginia, and 53-21 in Nevada, but it is well within the margin of error at 27-26 in Utah.

To get to Utah (and Super Tuesday), Ron DeSantis has to get through Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada with a lot of dead weight pulling him down. Chris Christie, Pence, Haley, and the rest of the GOP castaways. There are too many not Trump’s and only one Trump, and he has a record to run on with three unique qualities. He promised to do Republican-like things, he did the things he promised, and they worked.

He did not clean out the swamp. It cleaned him out, so there’s reason to believe that will repeat in 2024. Donald Trump also has some COVID response baggage he has yet to unpack effectively, and DeSantis has him dead to rights on that. Gov. DeSantis has done Republican-like things that worked in Florida but with a friendly Republican legislature with similar priorities. DC isn’t like that, and even with a divisive Republican majority, Trump managed to get some things done, though he could have done more if Congress had been on his side instead of either pandering to Democrat lies or hiding behind them.

Is DeSantis either of those, we don’t know, but Democrats are not afraid of their agenda, no matter how crazy. Republicans not only run from theirs, but they also use the left’s narratives to label them and anyone who promotes or defends them as extreme.

Republican primary voters like Trump’s style better.

In 2016, Trump won the GOP primary with 35%, including NH insiders, outsiders, and many new voters. His closest competitor was John Kasich, who captured 16%. Ted Cruz landed third with 11%.

In 2020 President Trump won the New Hampshire primary with 86% of the vote (after winning Iowa with 97%). His closest competitor was … William Weld, with 9%, followed by 2.3% (write-ins), primarily conscientious objectors or never-Trumpers after four years of non-stop badgering, two impeachments, and the rest of it.

DeSantis is currently 2024’s John Kasich in New Hampshire (Weld doesn’t count), but he lacks the outsider cred that four years of Biden have only made more necessary. He was a great Governor for Florida, but even with a new set of negatives, Trump’s appeal to primary voters is hard to beat.

DeSantis’s appeal among GOP primary voters is that he is not Trump. That he will not produce a down-ticket washout (or so they say). That he is the adult on the ticket to Trump’s childish name-calling antics. But that is obviously not enough to get Gov. DeSantis the nomination, and while we’ve got eight months (give or take) before the polling numbers are for delegates, it’s time to ask this question. If you won’t vote for Trump at all in 2024, would you vote for Trump – DeSantis in Nov. 2024, or is Trump so rough that even Gov. Ron can’t win him your vote over the Democrat (presumably Biden).


Note: Votes are restricted by IP Address. And yes, we know who cheated in my last poll.

Do You Refuse to Vote for Trump (in the GOP Primary or the General Election) Becasue He is mean, unelectable, etc.?
  • Yes
  • No
  • If You Answered Yes Above would you Vote for Trump in November 2024 if DeSantis Was His Running mate (VP)?
Vote l o


Note 2: Nothing about this post implies an endorsement of any candidate by the author or

Added five hours after publication

Note 3: By *Republicans who *won’t vote for Trump, I mean rank-and-file voters who are not Never-Trumpers but are convinced someone else needs to be the nominee because they are fed up with The Donald’s personality.

The post DeSantis Losing in New Hampshire, Polling Updates, and a Question for Republicans* That Won’t* Vote for Trump appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey Mikey … This One’s For You … A Timeline of FBI/DOJ/CIA Interference In The 2020 Election

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-26 15:00 +0000

It’s every bit as important to the Mike Grahams, the Chris Sununus, the Bill Barrs, the Mitch McConnells as it is to the Communists Democrats that you believe that the 2020 election was free and fair.

It’s essential to Mike Graham et al.’s narrative that GOP voters believe that 2020 was a massive … MASSIVE … repudiation of Trump AND that the same thing will happen if Trump is the nominee in 2024.

It’s a LIE. A big, fat LIE. 2020 was the most corrupt election in the history of America:


The post Hey Mikey … This One’s For You … A Timeline of FBI/DOJ/CIA Interference In The 2020 Election appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s Child Abuse and Censorship Problem in a Nutshell

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-26 13:30 +0000

If you want to sum up New Hampshire’s child abuse and censorship problem in a nutshell, look no further than this from 2012 about the election of Stacie Laughton. You will notice that the link to Stacie’s interview with the Nashua Telegraph has now been removed – at whose orders?

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

The NH Press Association, formerly headed by Howard Altschiller, married to Dem Rep Debra Altschiller because it’s politically inconvenient.

Laughton is more focused on using the position as an opportunity to improve society: advocating for the homeless, those in low-income housing, and those with mental illnesses and physical disabilities. She also said she would like to strengthen the public school system.

Child abuse recognizes no political affiliations or genders, but unfortunately, the NHCADSV, HAVEN, DCYF, Children’s Trust Fund, and Children’s Advocacy Centers are too tied up politically and too tied to the Judiciary and Police to be able to see the wood from the trees because it doesn’t suit their fundraising narratives.

Stacie Laughton got a pass. Henry T Nicholas III (who funded Marsy’s Law campaign) got a pass (Amanda Grady Sexton told the public not to pay attention to news reports of his sex, DV, and drug abuse history). Police Detective James F McLaughlin got a pass (he used sexual images of children to federally entrap) but was rewarded by the New Hampshire Police & Fire Department for lifetime achievement while the AG’s office helped block his history of misconduct from becoming public.

Stacie Laughton has now been arrested for child pornography in a daycare center. The NHCADSV of course, is silent as they were when a Manchester Middle School teacher was arrested for sexting with a 6th or 7th-grade male, as they were when Phillips Exeter Academy covered up sexual abuse because their funding relied on the goodwill of Governor Hassan; as they have been about Chuck Douglas’s ordering of a 13-year-old female rape victim back to YDC because she failed to name her rapist. As they were about James F McLaughlin and his use of child sexual images to federal,ly entrap in the name of cracking down on sexual assault as they were when a female from Concord pled guilty to sex abuse of minors in YDC.

It’s not complicated. Public funds have been abused in New Hampshire to promote a dishonest judiciary in bed with non-profits who cover up and hide sexual abuse in partnership with their relations in the media.


Independent media is a rare and precious thing, even here in New Hampshire. Please consider the value we provide and then commit to a monthly subscription, a one-time online donation (via PayPal or GiveSendGo), or you can donate by check*. Thank You for Your Support.

*For donations by check, please email for the address.


The post New Hampshire’s Child Abuse and Censorship Problem in a Nutshell appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont Dems Still Want a Raise (Is it so They Can Afford All the Tax Hikes They Passed?)

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-26 12:00 +0000

With inflation battering the peasants and long-term recession looming, the first priority of Vermont Democrats was to add hundreds of millions in new spending and then increase their own salaries so they can afford to live with their policies.

We wrote about the pay and benefits hike for elected officials back in May. The Dem majority was trying to fast-track it without public input. The bill was eventually passed and then vetoed by Gov. Scott.

The poverty-stricken legislature does not have enough votes in the State Senate to override. But they are working on it because, according to Chittenden Central Sen. Tanya Vyhovsky,

“… the bill was needed to ensure that more working Vermonters can afford to serve in Montpelier — something that she says is not true today.

“The barriers to service in the General Assembly are astronomical, which is why the demographics of the General Assembly do not match the demographics of Vermont,” Vyhovsky said. “And this is a problem. This is one of the reasons why we have such a difficult time meeting the needs of average Vermonters.”



She’s not all wrong. It is clear that the priorities of the legislature do not match the wishes of voters, but piling on salary and benefits will take an already overpaid body and turn it into a professional political project. It is also true that one of the priorities of Democrat majority legislatures is to turn them into full-time professional occupations. Raising pay and benefits will do that and the citizen legislature is anathema to the progressive project.

The Founders pictured people coming to serve for a few years out of duty to the interests of friends and neighbors and then, out of necessity, drawn back to the source of their means. Government service was a public service, not an occupation. You made your living farming or ranching or shipbuilding or lawyering, jobs that pay the bills just waiting for you after a stint serving the people.

But much like the news, once they figured out they could make money on it, truth and transparency went out the window.

Job one becomes serving the needs of the political cult and those that feed and water it regularly (lobbyists, special interests). The will of the people being a barrier to overcome every few years with fast talk and false promises, and lots of lobbyist and special-interest money.

To the progressive mind, elected office is a tenured position that starts the moment you adopt their priorities, retained until retirement or death when the latter is not in fact, the former.

Professional politicians are difficult to unseat. Paid professionals are even more so. This is not new, it is not news, and everyone paying attention knows it.

The goal is a permanent one-party state run by people who get paid a lot more than most to rob everyone else. And there are no examples of Democrat rule where this is not the case, nor are there examples where this formula results in prosperity for the people at the expense of the people in charge. It’s exactly the opposite.

That’s what Vermont Democrats are building, and I don’t think the “peasants” have the votes or the will to stop it. I’m not even certain they see the threat.


Independent media is a rare and precious thing, even here in New Hampshire. Please consider the value we provide and then commit to a monthly subscription, a one-time online donation (via PayPal or GiveSendGo), or you can donate by check*. Thank You for Your Support.

*For donations by check, please email for the address.

The post Vermont Dems Still Want a Raise (Is it so They Can Afford All the Tax Hikes They Passed?) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Quick … Somebody Tell Doug … It’s NOT 1983

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-26 10:30 +0000

Do you know about Doug Burgum? He’s a Republican. He’s the Governor of North Dakota. He is Reaganesque, and he is running for President. He would be the PERFECT candidate … IF it were 1983. It’s not.

It’s 2023, and America’s most dangerous enemies are DOMESTIC, not foreign – Mayorkas, Wray, Garland, Biden, and their ilk pose a far greater threat to America than Xi or Putin.

Yet in the glossy SIX-page flyer I received, there is not a mention of the threat the FBI/DOJ and the CIA/”Intelligence-Community” pose. Instead:

Doug will rebuild our military and win the cold war with China. His energy policies will help defeat Putin …

Winning the Cold War with China means taking on Blackrock, JP Morgan, and all the other “American” businesses who are funding China’s military buildup by investing in China in lieu of America.

Putin is not Hitler. He is not even Brezhnev, and the border dispute between Russia and Ukraine could’ve and should have been avoided. But Biden/Blackrock chose WAR and big profits for the military-industrial complex … over compromise and peace.

It’s not 1983, Doug. America’s most dangerous enemies live in and around Washington, DC.


The post Quick … Somebody Tell Doug … It’s NOT 1983 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

UN Peace Is More Deadly Than War

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-26 01:30 +0000

United Nations peace is more deadly than war. Without a shot fired in our land, U.N. theft of our liberty continues. 90% of U.N. “peacekeeping” is funded by your taxes.

We want to Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Yet, the peacekeepers serve the interests of the United Nations while our national sovereignty continues to erode. Did you know that the first Secretary General of the U.N. at the San Francisco Conference, Alger Hiss, was later exposed as a Soviet Agent? Alger Hiss and Soviet Foreign Minister Andre Gromyko co-authored the UN Charter to promote U.N. “peace of the graveyard.” The generational “Deep State” plot to create a New World Order depended on senatorial ignorance and public trust in 1945. Today, it depends on uninformed voters that continue to support this evil, mythical dream.

The majority of our people must awaken from apathy and ignorance about the U.N. and stand up for our troops. Informed voters must convince Congress to rise out of their timidity and challenge the unconstitutional process that permits the U.S. President to request a UN/NATO Resolution to go to war. The only permanent solution is to restore congressional power to Declare War per Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution to get out of the U.N. and to get the U.N. out of the U.S.

What is the root cause? American citizens who vote for boughten, spineless representation. We have hired the congressional incompetence that permits presidential collusion with the UN/SEATO/NATO to supersede the authority given to Congress by the Constitution. As we view in the mirror the bloodstains of all of our American soldiers, some of that vivid picture of congressional moral cowardice belongs to us that surrendered the power to declare war in Korea, Vietnam, and the 20-year War on Terror. Have you paid a personal price for a U.N. war they call peace?

We cannot continue to let the majority in our Congress remain silent, for the surrender of this power hides their commitment to sending our sons to battle with no accountability. Silence enables Congress to hide from responsibility. We cannot continue to trust the lives of our sons and daughters to their inaction. Bucking the party line of the two major parties takes courage. An intimidated representation that allows the surrender of “war powers” to continue must be punished at the ballot box.

Get out of the bleachers and onto the playing field at Help Get the U.S. Out of The U.N. Demand that your Senators and Representatives sponsor and support the American Sovereignty Restoration Act. Then make a difference in N.H. Support a bill to stop our state’s support of unconstitutional wars. HB229 will nullify sending N.H. troops to fight them.


Note: HB229 is currently retained in the committee and won’t see ‘action’ until the next session.

The post UN Peace Is More Deadly Than War appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Biden Owes His “Victory” To Blatant Political Corruption”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-06-26 00:00 +0000

Reporter Tom Elliott has compiled a compelling list of facts pointing out the US government’s institutional corruption. You’ve likely seen some or most of them, but they paint a disturbing and unpleasant picture of America when laid out in succession.

They are also evidence of systemic internal interference in U.S. elections by the police and surveillance state.

Democrats love to talk about election meddling, but it is nearly impossible for anyone willing to pay attention not to conclude that this is projection to distract us from all of their election meddling. And, of course, it is. Everything they do is that. It’s rule number one. If Democrats are accusing someone of it, this is because they must be doing it.

And how does that make you feel about all the Republicans, including governor (Sununu), who could take the evidence and beat the Democrats relentlessly about it (the way the Dems flog Republicans with Left-Wing lies) but instead pander to the Progs narratives to smear a guy (in this case, Trump) who has been the object of police and government abuse of power on a scale that rivals anything in the nation’s history?

Most of them would wilt after even a fraction of that, but Donald Trump is pushing back and claiming back. Whatever you may think about him – and be honest about whether it isaccuratee or just another internalized Democrat-Party talking point, he’s probably the only politician who has your back.

The Establishment, political/ruling class elites don’t, and Elliott’s listcements that reality, either through their inaction or indifference, accounting for the handful of pols who are engaged but will never do anything significant base-appeasement via dog and pony hearings, “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.


Here is the tweet – the complete list is replicated below.


1) An I.R.S. probe into the Bidens money laundering payments from hostile nations — the normal outcome of which would have ended his candidacy — was instead given a stand-down order

2) The F.B.I. & I.R.S. wanted to search Biden’s house in September 2020 but were given a stand-down order.

3) The @FBI authenticated Hunter’s laptop a year before the NYPost first reported on its contents

4) Rather than use the laptop’s voluminous documentation of myriad felonies to initiate criminal investigations, the F.B.I. hatched a plot to warn social media companies of an imminent “hack & leak” operation of what they heavily suggested was Russian disinformation

5) The F.B.I. used its 2016 Russia collusion probe — which the Durham probe has since proven was essentially an extension of the Clinton campaign — to rationalize its meddling in the 2020 election.

6) The F.B.I. also conducted an influence operation with various reporters at major newspapers to convince them that forthcoming damaging reporting about Biden that they knew was true was in fact not

7) The F.B.I. was spying on Giuliani when he shared the laptop’s contents with the NYPost

8) When the F.B.I. told Twitter & Facebook a Russian disinformation campaign was coming, they had already concluded Russia wasn’t trying to game the election

9) In their attempt to corroborate their own rumor of Russian electoral influence, the F.B.I. became aggressive with its demands for user data from Twitter, eventually getting shutdown for seeking users’ private info without a warrant

10) Nonetheless, in the preceding years, the F.B.I. established a beachhead inside Twitter, with an operations center of former agents who communicated via their own dedicated slack channel. These ex-agents included Jim Baker, the F.B.I.’s former top counsel who played a central role in the F.B.I.’s Trump/Russia scam, as well as Comey’s former chief of staff, Dawn Burton, who started the F.B.I.’s Russia collusion probe.

11) The C.I.A., in collusion with the Biden campaign, seeded disinformation claiming the laptop was itself Russian disinformation. The major media used this as a pretext to avoid reporting on its contents and instead attack those who were.

12) The F.B.I. also arranged a meeting with Sens. Grassley & Johnson about supposed Russian disinformation & Hunter Biden.

13) The F.B.I. then used this briefing with the senators to justify quashing their own agents’ probe into the Bidens’ corruption.

14) When the story broke mere weeks before the election — one that polling later indicated would have altered enough Democrat votes to send Trump to a second term — Twitter & Facebook orchestrated an unprecedented & anti-democratic mass censorship campaign.

15) When Twitter initially resisted censoring the story, it was Jim Baker who convinced them to do so (despite the F.B.I. having known for a year the information was true).

16) In December 2020, after the operation’s success and Biden’s “victory,” the F.B.I. agents working at & with Twitter celebrated the outcome.

17) The F.B.I. subsequently paid Twitter $3.5 million for the staff hours expended on their influence operations.

18) At the time Trump was being impeached for asking Ukraine to investigate Biden’s alleged corruption in Ukraine, the F.B.I. & I.R.S. already knew the Bidens had indeed laundered more than $10 million from Burisma, via fake companies and dozens of bank accounts, while at the same time VP Biden had used U.S. aid as leverage in getting the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma fired.

P.S. And that’s to say nothing of Democrats orchestrating a state-by-state campaign to change voting rules to enable the widespread adoption of voting boxes … Left-wing activist groups, funded in part by Facebook, facilitated the exploitation of these drop-off boxes on behalf of the Democratic Party. That part may not have been illegal since they simply changed the rules, but it’s especially shady since it was done alongside federal health agencies then-knowingly overstating the threat of Covid, which was used as the rationale for the change of rules in the first place.

P.P.S. And this is just what we know despite the feds’ best efforts. Imagine how much we don’t.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Optics: NYC Drag Marchers Chant “We’re Here, We’re Queer, We’re Coming for your Children”

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-25 22:30 +0000

We’ve seen this blatant truth from the Alphabet Mafia before. And while I generally say, “believe politicians’ actions (legislation and votes), not their words,” the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir appears sincere about their LGBTUVWXYZ agenda.



The NEXT video shows way too much – especially in public where children might be watching – and these marchers don’t care. And they wonder why there’s a growing backlash against them. Many of us said that their push for “equality” was just code for “you gave us an inch, now we’re going for your throats.”



Confirmation from one of New York City’s Drag Marches.

These sad sacks are completely honest about what one of their aims is – going after Parents. Sure, their rallying cry is about children, but the real message is for Parents. We will hurt you by going after your children. And the problem for Parents is that the LGBT movement is in full control of where their kids spend more of their days: Government schools. Too many staff members believe and act that Parents hate their children.

Again, it’s the  Childism philosophy, that bastard offshoot philosophy of Critical Race Theory applied to nuclear families, that believes all Parents are Oppressors and children are Oppressed. Can’t be any clearer on how Critical Race Theory can be applied to nuclear families as a tool to destroy them – from a previous post of mine (about a 1/4 of the way down):

Progressives, in their never-ending crusade to force everyone to adhere to their religion, have added another commandment to their list of evils: Childism. They describe it as “anti-child attitudes” which lead to oppression of children. What fresh hell is this? you may be wondering. Not so fresh actually: two psychiatrists, Chester Pierce and Gail Allen, proposed the theory back as 1975. They described it as “the automatic assumption of superiority of any adult over any child.” One can assume that this would include parents as well.

…But in 2012, psychoanalyst Elisabeth Young-Bruehl resurrected the theory in her book, Childism: Confronting Prejudice Against Children. The book’s description reads, in part:

In this groundbreaking volume on the human rights of children, acclaimed analyst, political theorist, and biographer Elisabeth Young-Bruehl argues that prejudice exists against children as a group and that it is comparable to racism, sexism, and homophobia ….

…Rather this emerges from a generation which has acquired these two beliefs: 1) that children are not gifts from God, but are expendable prior to birth; and 2) the ultimate achievement in life comes not from raising responsible children, but from attaining fame on social media.

…The scientific theory of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget has long instructed those who study child development that there are four stages of cognitive development. Piaget also found that a child can’t begin to understand abstract concepts until the adolescent years. Later, 2009 research from the American Psychological Association asserted that emotional maturity lags behind cognition in those same adolescents. Yet anti-Childists insist that immature children must have authority to control their lives. And adults who would deny them that? They’re exercising bigotry similar to racism.

And this article does a throwback to my first snippet:

The speaker also told students that “parents aren’t safe, and that it’s OK to lie to them about where they are in order to attend this meeting.” The mother added:

She doubled down that parents aren’t safe [and] that heterosexuality and monogamy are not normal.

The school district acknowledged that such a club does exist, but would not address the mother’s allegations. Yet anti-Childists would insist that such undermining of parents is perfectly appropriateBecause a 12-year-old has equal rights to their parents, who are guilty of bigotry should they deny the child what they want.

So the bottom line is, in their own words (even as the SFGM Choir disavowed their song after the HUGE blowup over it), believe them. They mean it. It gives new meaning to the phrase “Gay Conversion Therapy.”


HT |  Matt


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Cindy Young, of Bristol, NH Arrested by the FBI for Walking Around the US Capitol on Jan 6, 2021

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-25 21:00 +0000

First, to our readers in Bristol, New Hampshire, and neighboring areas, if you know Cindy, we’d like a chat. She’s been arrested by the FBI “for her alleged actions during the breach of the U.S. Capitol on 1/6/21.” And what were those, exactly?

According to


Cindy Young is charged with entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or ground, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in any of the Capitol buildings, according to officials.


Wait, there’s more!


Young is shown entering the Capitol through the Senate Wing doors at around 2:22 p.m., according to officials.

“After entering, Young traveled through varying areas of the Capitol. Young came into possession of a Trump 2020 and an American flag,” according to court documents, Boston 25 News reported.


Wow. Such criminality. Was it the Trump or American flags that made the Federales snap like twigs? Is there any chance she is a distant relative of Joe Biden? Not only would she not be detained, she’d be ‘home for dinner.

And yes, there was a bit of pushback on Twitter, but this was my favorite.


Our government is a wholly politicized clown car of partisan tyrants.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Let’s Play a Guessing Game

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-25 19:30 +0000

I’d like you to read the quote below and decide if you think they better fit the ideas of a Democrat ora  Republican. I’ll give you my thoughts at the end.

We want to Rep. John Sellers for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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  • “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people, as long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and any deprivation.”
  • “Education is free. Freedom of education shall be enjoyed under the condition fixed by law and under the supreme control of the state.”
  • “Give me four years to teach the children, and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” AND “Destroy the family, you destroy the country.”
  • “Education is a weapon whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” AND “Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.”
  • “Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”

These quotes are, respectively, from Adolf Hitler, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Antonio Gramsci

See where this progression is taking our country. We are a Constitutional Republic (elected representatives making laws, but limited by rules, i.e., the NH and US Constitution, Bill of Rights, guard rails per se), to Democracy (mob rule, no guard rails, no constitution, majority rule), to Socialism (centralized government control of schools, the economy and more – the key word being centralized) finally to Communism (claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people, including your Children).

HB10 and SB272 Parental Rights Bills, where you would have the absolute right to know what is going on with your children at school, were killed by the elected representative Democrats. Maybe they just don’t trust parents, or they want total control of your children!

Parents, you have options for schooling. Get them out of public school now to save our Constitutional Republic and your child’s mind.

Happy Independence Day to all.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Criticism Of The USDOJ Is An Attack On Democracy!!!!!

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-25 18:00 +0000

Rather than try to defend the indefensible … that is, rather than actually addressing the FACTS that show the USDOJ covered up multiple crimes by Hunter Biden and his daddy, the “Big Guy,” our figurehead, illegitimate President … Merrick Garland instead took to the podium and bloviated about attacks on democracy. Yeah, right, democracy in America is now an unelected, unaccountable, heavily-armed federal agency that sees its mission as propping up the Democrat Party.

In the real world … the world that so many in the GOP refuse to live in … Merrick Garland, Chris Wray, Joe Biden, etc. are the real threats to America. But these GOP refuse to see what is apparent. So they pretend that America is not a creeping Police State by pretending that Putin, and not Garland, Wray, Biden, etc. are the real problem … Putin and Russia are the real threat to our freedoms! Russia hacked our election! He’s Hitler reincarnate!  

Forget about those pro-life activists being arrested by heavily-armed FBI agents, that parents who spoke out at school board meetings were classified by the FBI as domestic terrorists, the whistleblower who exposed that everything we are being told by DoD about Ukraine is a LIE, just as everything DoD told us about Afghanistan … we’re winning! we’re winning! just a few more decades and the troops can come home! … was a LIE, that virtually everything our wonderful government told us about COVID was a lie, the J6 protesters being held in the DC-gulag for years, that the USDOJ is going to put Trump in prison.

Keep your eye on the ball, people. The real threat is Putin! Putin! Putin! Putin! Putin! Putin!

Here is Herr Himmler … oh; so sorry; I mean Merrick Garland … warning people not to criticize USDOJ:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Treehugger Serves Up a “Food Apartheid” Word Salad

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-25 15:00 +0000

Treehugger, that former font of Eco-Socialism, went pretty much dry when they fired the writers (like Lloyd Alter and Sami Grover) that were smart, stuck to their guns – and provoked a community of commenters that often were more interesting than the articles themselves. However, the pickings have been far and few between – until a couple of days ago. TH has become, for the most part, a Lefty feminist hangout with “fluffy” style posts that often have little to do with what their mission used to be.

I still stroll over every once in a while in search of a weed or two poking out of that barren ground, and I found one just CHUNKY with Social Justice gibberish.

The title is kinda middling of the road, but the subtitle gives you what Hayley Bruning wants you to believe. If you can cut through the Leftist lexicon (reformatted, emphasis mine):

What Is Food Apartheid?
How we analyze and reform our food systems begins with the language we use.

Indeed. Words matter, and words SHOULD have very specific and precise meanings. Sure, English, with overloaded words (words that can have very different definitions based on context), lots of idioms…

Sidenote: it’s been fun raising the Grandson. And part of that is watching him trying to parse what most of us take for granted – words strung together that get across an idea but to the uninitiated, just a blank look. I often, when confronted by a confirmed SJW, have to parse the words and then translate these made-up words to “normal English” as the PURPOSE of those words is to seem benign, seem neutral, but totally change the topic and what is REALLY desired.

…and a subset of people who are deliberately trying to put Orwell’s 1984 warning into reality by weaponizing language to change thought processes by redefining words. Hayley is stupid enough to be upfront to admit that’s her purpose:

How we analyze and reform our food systems begins with the language we use. Food apartheid is a concept that sheds light on the structures that limit access to affordable, nutrient-dense foods in low-income communities. It often pushes ultra-processed food with wasteful packaging that is not optimal for people or the planet. The term is often used in conversation with food desert, which refers to areas with limited access to supermarkets but does not imply the systemic issues that cause the low access. In this article, we analyze these terms, the impacts of food apartheid, and how to achieve more just food systems that promote food sovereignty and sustainability.

Language Overview
When considering the origin of “food apartheid,” sources commonly refer to a 2018 Guernica interview with Karen Washington, an activist and community organizer who popularized the term. Washington stated in the interview that the term “food desertinaccurately represents neighborhoods that are not in close proximity to supermarkets with nutritious foods. This has been echoed in a blog by the National Resources Defense Council, which points out that “food desert” has been criticized for undermining the vibrancy of the neighborhoods and implying, with the use of “desert,” that these situations are naturally occurring.

On the contrary, food environments are built and designed unequally, with racial and economic factors to analyze, and “food apartheid” more accurately identifies the oppressive structures that created this inadequate access than “food desert.”

Everything is based on race – Critical Race Theory and Racism has totally permeated the SJW mind thought and processes. NOTHING else matters if they can’t attach some remains of racism to everything in Society to keep the Oppressor/Oppressed going – even as they have to strain hard to see the tiniest atom of such being present.

“[‘Food apartheid’] looks at the whole food system, along with race, geography, faith, and economics,” said Washington in the Guernica interview. “You say ‘food apartheid’ and you get to the root cause of some of the problems around the food system. It brings in hunger and poverty. It brings us to the more important question: What are some of the social inequalities that you see, and what are you doing to erase some of the injustices?”

The thing that drives me nuts the most is the word “designed” as if there is some racist set of gnomes sitting around some candle at a round table constantly scheming on how they keep people down. Sorry, there’s another name for them – Planners and they get paid by Government. Since Hayley is talking about urban areas that are, pretty much, controlled by Democrats, she has no idea she’s blaming people like herself. After all, in the large cities in America, when is the last time those cities had Republican mayors (and forget about the city council majority being Republican)?

And NO discussion of the illiberal word salads can be complete without their most “powerful” word (other than “FASCIST!” of which they have no idea what the real definition truly is):

In addition to characterizing inequitable food environments, the term “food apartheid” begins an intersectional conversation about race, policy, agriculture, and reform.

Ayup, “intersectional” – the word that is THE nexus point of all of their arguments. It is their main justification meaning that NOTHING can be deconstructed into its component parts (what an engineer does – taking a large problem and breaking it down so that each part can logically be analyzed (and rectified) and then, and ONLY then, reassemble the parts. And it’s THE way to hide flaws and disregard some of their chaff they flow up into the air that hides their intents.

Anyways, this I couldn’t leave alone so seeing a long lost opportunity to take a whack at an Eco-Socialist again (even if Social Justice Warrior is a better fit), I took it. After all, my TH friend Vindaloo Bugaboo had alerted me that he tore her a new one as well so I felt duty bound to join in the fun. After all, “apartheid” is a GOVERNMENT Policy. Really, a Government flunky that doesn’t even know the history of the word (or is deliberately ignoring it)?

Let me chime in as well – the inanity of trying to use “Food apartheid”.

You DO know how “apartheid” is defined, right? Oh, no you don’t as VB pointed out. Let’s start with the strict definition:

An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.

A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.

Do you know what that takes? GOVERNMENT. So are you blaming Government for “Food Apartheid”?

No, you’re not – it’s just part of the Leftist word salad of newly made up words or phrases used strictly for political purposes and generally to induce guilt in others. But yes, you SHOULD be blaming Government for this but not for the amorphous and ambiguous sense of “Society’s fault” you intended.

Ever think that the policies put in place by Government is actually the root cause? WHY are people poor? Much is because of crappy public education. Remember that case where a high school senior in the Baltimore school system wasn’t going to graduate because of his 0.15 GPA? After four years, he was illiterate 14 different ways to Sunday.

Yet, he was in the top half of his class. GOVERNMENT failed him – continuing to socially promote him. And his Mom railed against the school District “Why did you let this happen to my boy???”.

I asked the same question of her – where was SHE during his K-12 years?

So failure up and down. That comes down to a failure, not of Society, but of the Local Culture – a culture of failure. Yet here you are, Hayley, attempting to use the language of the Left to blame everyone else. Go ahead, continue to make them “victims” and find fault with everything that have nothing to do with the situation that the residents themselves have caused (and yes, VB’s Portland and Seattle are far from the only examples but are certainly the best known). [from VB’s comment]:

Send them to a farm in Ohio to work for it. I would guarantee nearly 100% of them will cut & run within a day, if not the first hour, after stepping foot on that farmer’s land.

Again, Culture (or the lack of culture or the WRONG culture). Some folks might flourish if you did that – but not most because Government policies have caused a severe entitlement mentality problem here in the US. “Victimization” breeds contempt for those that refuse to want to continue to give free stuff because the idea of “Self-responsibility” has been beaten out of them.

And you just added to that. And don’t squawk that I’m victim blaming. Being a former daycare owner, I saw plenty of examples of what I just wrote about. “You should do this and You should be doing that” was what I heard – but when I turned the table and asked what THEY are doing, all I got was screams in return.

That’s what the Left has done to a formerly “Can-do, bootstrapping, self-responsible, and self-reliant” culture under the guise of “a hand up”.

You can thank LBJ’s “Great Society” that brushed aside husbands and Dads when a family got into rough straits because the Government policy demanded that they couldn’t be around if Government was going to give the Mom and kids the help they needed.

So, what’s that rate of absent fathers in the family again, especially in the Democrat controlled cities you are writing about, Hayley?

Yeah, 70% or so. And you don’t think THAT changed the Culture and changed it from depending on Dad and husband to being one dependent on Government?

I agree with VB – your blinkeredness has blinded you.

I’ll end this long post with the SAVAGE end of VB’s post:

Stop blaming racism for every damn thing “wrong” in this country. It’s race baiting gaslighters like you who keep lying to the gullible public, making them think that racism is keeping minorities down when it’s in fact poverty. And you fight poverty with education, dedication, sacrifice, and work ethic. Inner city minorities often turn their noses on all of that.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Not The Answer This NH-Communist Wanted To Hear … Bobby Kennedy On “Weapons Of Mass Destruction”

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-25 15:00 +0000

Some Communist in the audience of a WMUR political show asked Bobby Kennedy what he was going to do about “weapons of mass destruction” … her term for semi-automatic firearms. The answer she got, I suspect, was NOT what she was expecting.

It certainly was not the shallow, insipid, rile-up-the-communist-base, canned answer Joe Biden or any other Communist Democrat would doubtlessly have given. It was thoughtful and, frankly, courageous for someone running in the Communist Democrat primary.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Maine Joins Legion Of Anti-Birth States

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-25 13:30 +0000

Let’s stipulate that the Left is passionate about writing laws that make it easier to kill unwanted babies up to the point of birth and beyond. The reason for the termination is immaterial.

In the Left’s world, if the mother, the birthing person, decides the unborn infant is inconvenient, they have every legal avenue to end the pregnancy. Maine is poised to allow late-term abortions against the will of Republicans, and 80% of Maine residents polled. Getting 80% of people to agree on any topic is nearly impossible, but 20% can override that supermajority.

In a marathon session on Thursday, the Maine House of Representatives passed LD1619, which has the support of Governor Janet Mills. The Democrat-controlled State Senate is expected to pass the bill on Friday, and Governor Mills will sign it as soon as it hits her desk. Planned Parenthood actively lobbied for passage and spent over $830,000 to ensure passage. There was also a series of questionable manipulations of phrasing in existing Maine abortion policies that made passage of LD1619 more important to Democrat backers and assuaged the Planned Parenthood representatives in the chambers.

There was already an abortion law in Maine that allowed for late-term termination of a pregnancy if the mother or fetus were in medical jeopardy. With this law in play, there was no need for LD 1619. This is where the OAG (Office of the Attorney General) came into play and went to work. The AG distributed a text of the existing policy, omitting the late-term provision. This act turned some to see a need for the new law.

The presence of Planned Parenthood at the Statehouse should concern anyone with a conscience. Planned Parenthood professes to be concerned with women’s health and reproductive assistance. They have a unique definition of reproductive, for in PP’s book, reproductive means abortion. They are in the business of killing the unborn and are doing it with our money.

Planned Parenthood receives money from the government in two main ways: reimbursements for providing services to people covered by Medicaid and grants from government agencies, primarily HHS. Congressional Budget Office estimates that Planned Parenthood receives over $400 million in federal and state Medicaid reimbursements, making it the nonprofit’s single most significant revenue stream. They also receive over $500 million in direct funding. Much of this money, our money, goes to campaign contributions. The potential law in Maine brought nearly $1 million. The government should be looking for a detailed accounting of this money, but you will never see that happen, as many Democrat lawmakers saw some of that money hit their campaign coffers. Let’s be clear that is our money buying votes for a law to kill unborn children. That should anger every taxpayer, but nobody will touch this third rail.

Finally, this bill passed on a party line with a few Democrats crossing the line. Two Republicans were absent; coincidentally, this bill passed by two votes. Showing up for work can be a life or death Matter!

The question I have when the topic of abortion arises is what motivates the Left to push abortion rights. There is never an answer, but the obvious is power and money. The Pro-choice folks tend to be more active and aggressive in supporting Women’s Reproductive Rights. That may be changing as Pro-life proponents are getting more involved and, maybe more importantly, younger. The power is in the form of Pro-choice votes, and the money is all that Planned Parenthood money. These Democrats are selling their votes. This is a classic example of how dirty government can be, even at the state level. We saw on Thursday the convergence of a messy issue and politics. The outcome was a terrible decision that went against the majority’s will.

I want to think the reps that voted for this bill will get their just do on Election Day, but we all know people have short memories, and these politicians with such little regard for life will rarely be held accountable.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Court Sides With Christian Business: Feds Can’t Force Women to Share a Bathroom with Men

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-25 12:00 +0000

The Constitution continues to get in the way of radical Government overlords pressuring people to abandon their principles to do its bidding. And while it only takes a few judges to thwart that, for the moment, religious conscience has another defender—the US Fifth Circuit Court.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which is tasked with enforcing laws that make it illegal to discriminate against job applicants or employees based on a laundry list of “classes” (including religion), fined a Christain business in Texas. Braidwood, a wellness company, opposed allowing “employees to use restrooms that correspond to their gender identity, regardless of their biological sex or whether they have undergone sex-change surgery.”

The EEOC came down with the discrimination hammer (even though religion is a class the EEOC is supposed to protect). Braidwood sued.


The Court ruled that Braidwood is protected from discrimination by the EEOC under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.


The court’s decision stated, “On the merits, we decide that [the Religious Freedom Restoration Act] requires that Braidwood, on an individual level, be exempted from Title VII because compliance with Title VII post-Bostock would substantially burden its ability to operate per its religious beliefs about homosexual and transgender conduct. Moreover, the EEOC wholly fails to carry its burden to show that it has a compelling interest in refusing Braidwood an exemption, even post-Bostock.”


The First Amendment tells us that Congress shall make no law abridging religious freedom. I’m sure the genderstasi at the EEOC argued that Congress didn’t make a law; the EEOC made a rule. In real terms, there’s no difference if you are at the pointy end of the stick. Rulemaking with the force of law is law, but The Fifth Circus didn’t throw out the rule or make the case that Congress never intended Title VII to be used this way. It merely said that the Braidwood couldn’t be punished because another law (and related precedent) protects them.

Okay, but for how long? In the hands of progressives (lawmakers or rule-makers), that could transition at any moment into something the genderstasi can use to deny them their rights. And what about the religious rights of Christian women who = as a matter of conscience – are opposed to sharing a bathroom with a biological man?

The EEOC appears ready and willing to force employers to discriminate against them.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A.I Says Entities Opposing NH’s Parental Rights Bill Are All Supported by Your Tax Dollars

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-06-25 10:30 +0000

When I asked Bard – Google’s AI product now competing with ChatGPT AI (Artificial Intelligence) – who was against SB272, I got answers that were not surprising – using REPUBLICAN NH Representative Mike Bordes (R-Laconia) as my entree into the subject.

After all, he was the guy most responsible for gutting and then permanently tabling both the House and Senate versions of Parental Rights.

As far as I know, he has no children of his own, but it did take no small amount of Union money to fund his re-election campaign (what, Laconia, you can’t do better than this demonstrable RINO concerning his votes against you but with the Democrats?). So my question was: Why is NH State Rep Mike Bordes against NH SB272?  And remember, NH Gov Chris Sununu has Bordes firmly as his pet and in his pocket – and Sununu was the Republican that launched this attack on families by the Left by signing that infamous SB263 that enshrined transgenderism as a protected group (and continuing the shredding of “E pluribus unum” of the American population into tribal sects).

Bard answered:

New Hampshire State Rep. Mike Bordes is against SB272, a bill that would require all public schools in the state to teach about the history and contributions of LGBTQ+ people. Bordes has said that he believes the bill is unnecessary and that it would be better for schools to focus on teaching traditional history. He has also said that he is concerned that the bill would be too divisive and that it would lead to protests and disruptions in schools.

Here are some of the reasons why Bordes is against SB272:

  • He believes that the bill is unnecessary. He argues that schools are already teaching about the history of LGBTQ+ people, and that the bill would simply be redundant.
  • He believes that the bill would be better for schools to focus on teaching traditional history. He argues that students need to learn about the history of their country and its founding principles, and that the bill would take away from this important learning.
  • He is concerned that the bill would be too divisive. He argues that the bill would lead to protests and disruptions in schools, and that it would create a hostile environment for students and teachers.

What?? Er, WHO is actually doing the protests in the past couple of years up until now? Yeah, the LGBTXYZ/Alphabet Mafia. Not the Normal kids (although we are starting to see the blowback from having this immoral sexuality religion rammed down our student’s [virtual] throats.

It is important to note that Bordes is not the only person who is against SB272. There are many people who believe that the bill is unnecessary, divisive, and harmful. However, there are also many people who support the bill, and who believe that it is important for schools to teach about the history and contributions of LGBTQ+ people.

It’s clear to see the bias in this AI model, which is derived from the information being fed into it – Google is no right-leaning commercial entity.  So I asked the obvious follow-up question: Who else is against NH SB272?

And like I thought, having seen their tax money lobbyists speak against every individual.

In addition to New Hampshire State Rep. Mike Bordes, there are many other people who are against SB272, including:

  • NH School Board Association
  • The New Hampshire Association of School Principals
  • The New Hampshire Association of School Superintendents
  • The New Hampshire Association of School Business Officials
  • The New Hampshire Association of Teachers
  • The New Hampshire Human Rights Commission

Don’t believe me? Take a DEEP dive into your school district’s budget. In it, you will find the money spent for the above, gathered from your property taxes. They represent the teachers’ best interests, the School Principles, the Districts, the Superintendents, and the Teachers. All of which you are already paying for, and if you’ve been reading GraniteGrok regularly, you know that each of those organizations advocate for their members…

…and not the people, us, who fund them.  Sweet deal to have a double-barreled shotgun aimed at both your wallet…and your Rights as Parents. And the NH HRC is an NH governmental commission.

The rest of these organizations are also in the tank with respect to eliminating all semblance of Parental Rights in the Government School system:

  • The New Hampshire Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
  • The New Hampshire American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
  • The New Hampshire League of Women Voters
  • The New Hampshire Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Health Center
  • The New Hampshire Transgender Resource Center
  • The New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • The New Hampshire Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Bard continued:

These organizations and individuals believe that SB272 is unnecessary, divisive, and harmful. They argue that the bill would:

  • Prevent schools from teaching about the history and contributions of LGBTQ+ people
  • Create a hostile environment for LGBTQ+ students and teachers
  • Encourage discrimination and harassment against LGBTQ+ people
  • Undermine the rights of LGBTQ+ families

The opponents of SB272 are calling on the New Hampshire legislature to vote against the bill. They believe that the bill is harmful to LGBTQ+ people and to the state of New Hampshire as a whole.

See what’s missing (shouldn’t be hard as I emphasized WHICH families Bard is protecting)?  Or rather, whom? Yeah, all of the emphasis is on a singularly teeny minority (but with loud voices and lots of money behind them).

Yes, that would be Normal Parents – the VAST percentage of the population and those that put their children into the schools that are turning against them when it comes to this struggle of “Who is responsible for teaching my kids about morality and sexuality? WHOSE moral and sexual mores should reign supreme?”.

More and more, and with Mike Bordes’ blessing, it’s the school systems – the teachers, the principals, the superintendents, and their lobbying groups – that believe that parents are PROBLEMS.  Given that most of these folks are Democrats, should we be surprised as their Party would rather do away with Parents? Sure, they will protest these words but look at their POLICIES that tell another story.

The simplest one is their dogma that Parents should never have the Right to decide how their child is to be educated.  Your child is THEIRS and your money is THEIRS in accomplishing THEIR goals. Go ahead, change my mind (with data – not talking points). I dare you to try because I don’t think you have the intellectual heft to do so.

So, dear readers, in looking over Bard’s “words”, how do YOU think it tilts?  Us versus them?

Oh, and my next question was this: “Who is for NH SB272?”

That will be the next post and I can assure you, none of them were tax money supported.



The post A.I Says Entities Opposing NH’s Parental Rights Bill Are All Supported by Your Tax Dollars appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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