Position |
Bill |
Title |
Committee |
Day |
Time |
Room |
State Analysis |
Of Interest |
HB1400 |
(New Title) relative to residential parking spaces. |
Commerce |
Tue 4/9 |
10:20 AM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill provides that zoning and planning regulations shall not require more than one residential parking space per unit. |
Of Interest |
HB1144 |
relative to requirements for sewage disposal system information to be disclosed during real estate transactions. |
Commerce |
Tue 4/9 |
10:30 AM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill requires certain information to be disclosed about sewage disposal systems during real estate transactions of dwellings and food service establishments. |
Support |
HB1115 |
relative to the termination of tenancy at the expiration of the tenancy or lease term. |
Commerce |
Tue 4/9 |
10:40 AM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill adds the expiration of the term of the lease or tenancy if over 6 months as grounds for an eviction. |
Support |
HB1298 |
relative to the definition of part-time teachers. |
Education |
Tue 4/9 |
9:10 AM |
LOB Room 101 |
This bill defines “part-time teachers” and subjects them to the board of education’s professional code of ethics and professional code of conduct. |
Oppose |
HB1382 |
(New Title) granting witness fee reimbursement to unrepresented parents in the armed forces who prevail in special education hearings. |
Education |
Tue 4/9 |
9:20 AM |
LOB Room 101 |
This bill authorizes witness fee reimbursement for a parent in the armed forces who represents themself at a special education hearing and prevails. |
Support |
HB1305 |
relative to freedom of speech and association at public institutions of higher education. |
Education |
Tue 4/9 |
9:30 AM |
LOB Room 101 |
This bill establishes procedures governing freedom of speech and association at public institutions of higher education. |
Support |
HB1215 |
(New Title) relative to development approvals and appeals. |
Election Law and Municipal Affairs |
Tue 4/9 |
9:40 AM |
LOB Room 103 |
This bill extends the existing 5-year exemption for subdivision plats to 10 years, and increases the preliminary step from 2 years to 5 years. The bill also changes the building code and fire code appeals process, limiting the jurisdiction of the local building code board of appeals to hearing decisions made under local amendments to those codes. |
Support |
HB1361 |
relative to municipal land use regulation for manufactured housing and subdivisions. |
Election Law and Municipal Affairs |
Tue 4/9 |
9:50 AM |
LOB Room 103 |
This bill requires municipalities that adopt land use control measures to provide reasonable and realistic opportunities for the siting of manufactured housing on individual lots and in manufactured housing parks and subdivisions within residential districts. The bill also directs municipalities to provide reasonable and realistic opportunities for expansion of existing manufactured housing parks. |
Support |
HB1399 |
allowing municipalities to permit 2 residential units in certain single-family residential zones. |
Election Law and Municipal Affairs |
Tue 4/9 |
10:00 AM |
LOB Room 103 |
This bill allows the expansion of a single family residence within a residential zone in an urban area to no more than 2 residential units without discretionary review or a hearing, if the proposed development meets certain requirements. |
Of Interest |
HB558 |
(New Title) requiring the department of energy to initiate a microgrid study. |
Energy and Natural Resources |
Tue 4/9 |
9:00 AM |
SH Room 103 |
This bill requires the department of energy to initiate a study to investigate the potential benefits, risks, and key considerations around developing a framework for electricity microgrids in the state. |
Of Interest |
HB1314 |
relative to the comprehensive state development plan. |
Energy and Natural Resources |
Tue 4/9 |
9:20 AM |
SH Room 103 |
This bill adds provisions to the comprehensive state development plan concerning protection of natural resources and identifying environmental threats. |
Support |
HB229 |
relative to requiring an official declaration of war for the activation of the New Hampshire national guard. |
Finance |
Tue 4/9 |
2:00 PM |
SH Room 103 |
This bill limits the activation of the New Hampshire national guard to only those times where the United States Congress has passed an official action pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. |
Oppose |
HB1279 |
relative to payment by the state of a portion of retirement system contributions of political subdivision employers. |
Finance |
Tue 4/9 |
2:10 PM |
SH Room 103 |
This bill provides that the state shall pay 7.5 percent of contributions of retirement system employers other than the state for group I teachers and group II members. |
Support |
HB1012 |
exempting from criminal penalty certain parenting decisions intended to encourage a child’s independence and freedom. |
Judiciary |
Tue 4/9 |
1:30 PM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill provides that a parent shall not be guilty of endangering the welfare of a child for allowing the child to take reasonable risks to further their development as an independent human being. |
Of Interest |
HB1002 |
relative to fees for records under the right-to-know law. |
Judiciary |
Tue 4/9 |
1:45 PM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill establishes parameters for when a public body may charge a fee for records provided under RSA 91-A. |
Support |
HB1069 |
(New Title) relative to material subject to disclosure under the right-to-know law. |
Judiciary |
Tue 4/9 |
2:00 PM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill: I. Clarifies a public body or agency’s ability to accept record requests by electronic means and to provide such records electronically. II. Replaces the word “citizen” with “person” throughout the chapter. |
Of Interest |
SB476 |
making a capital appropriation to the department of corrections toward the replacement of the New Hampshire state prison for men. |
Public Works and Highways |
Tue 4/9 |
10:00 AM |
LOB Room 201 |
This bill makes a bonded appropriation of funds for architectural, engineering, programming, and design and construction documents for the New Hampshire state prison for men. |
Of Interest |
HB1059 |
relative to the state building code. |
Executive Departments and Administration |
Wed 4/10 |
9:00 AM |
SH Room 103 |
This bill updates the definition of the state building code to include more recent versions of certain international codes and amendments approved by the building code review board. |
Of Interest |
SB599 |
relative to the state fire code. |
Executive Departments and Administration |
Wed 4/10 |
10:00 AM |
LOB Room 306-308 |
This bill: I. Revises the definition of the state fire code. II. Ratifies amendments to the state fire code. |
Of Interest |
HB1190 |
relative to adopting the interstate social work licensure compact. |
Health and Human Services |
Wed 4/10 |
9:00 AM |
LOB Room 101 |
This bill adopts the social work licensure compact. |
Oppose |
HB1296 |
relative to insurance coverage for diagnostic and supplemental breast examinations. |
Health and Human Services |
Wed 4/10 |
9:15 AM |
LOB Room 101 |
This bill provides that certain insurers that provide diagnostic and supplemental breast examinations shall not impose co-payments, deductibles, or other cost-sharing requirements. |
Oppose |
SB403 |
(New Title) relative to the health care workforce. |
Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs |
Wed 4/10 |
11:00 AM |
LOB Room 203 |
This bill: I. Extends the deadlines of the legislative commission on the interdisciplinary primary care workforce issues. II. Makes clarifying amendments to the nurse practice act statute. III. Establishes the position of and regulation of community health workers. IV. Provides directives to the department of health and human services. |
Oppose |
SB456 |
(New Title) relative to the state loan repayment program for qualified nursing professionals, and making an appropriation therefor. |
Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs |
Wed 4/10 |
1:00 PM |
LOB Room 203 |
This bill makes an appropriation to the department of health and human services, state office of rural health, for the state loan repayment program to qualified nursing professionals, and directs the department of health and human services to provide a report to the legislature on a budget proposal for a student loan forgiveness program that would cover nurses who do not qualify for the state loan repayment program. |
Oppose |
SB496 |
directing the department of health and human services to establish a climate and health protection program. |
Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs |
Wed 4/10 |
1:30 PM |
LOB Room 203 |
This bill directs the department of health and human services to establish a climate and health protection program in response to health threats associated with a changing environment. |
Support |
SB507 |
extending the time to petition for a new trial in certain cases. |
Judiciary |
Wed 4/10 |
10:30 AM |
LOB Room 206-208 |
This bill extends the time to petition a court for a new trial in certain cases. |
Oppose |
SB474 |
relative to prohibiting metal detecting in certain areas. |
Resources, Recreation and Development |
Wed 4/10 |
1:00 PM |
LOB Room 305 |
This bill prohibits treasure hunting with a metal detector in areas that expose students to the risk of injury. |
Support |
HB1533 |
relative to the safe harbor compensation amount under the business profits tax. |
Ways and Means |
Wed 4/10 |
10:00 AM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill increases the amount of the safe harbor provision for compensation under the business profits tax and provides for a biennial increase in future years based on the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index. |
Support |
HB1536 |
relative to increasing the amount of the expense deduction allowed against the business profits tax. |
Ways and Means |
Wed 4/10 |
10:15 AM |
SH Room 100 |
This bill increases the amount of the section 179 expense deduction permitted against the business profits tax. |