The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 18 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

State v. Joseph Hart – Court Order and Response

Free Keene - Sat, 2024-04-06 17:58 +0000

This blog is made pursuant to NH Rules of Professional Conduct 3.6 (c) (2).

I am grateful to Judge Susan W. Ashley for her correct interpretation of District Court Rule 1.3D…  the rule that allows non-lawyer representatives to appear and litigate for another in a criminal case.  Find her ORDER here.

It’s worth noting that Judge Ashley is the Deputy Administrative Judge for the Circuit Court.  You cannot achieve that position without knowing the rules front to back.

Find my required response to her ORDER here.

Bill Hearings for Week of April 08, 2024

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sat, 2024-04-06 14:04 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 32 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 1 and opposition of 4 with 2 being of interest.
Of the 40 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 11 and opposition of 3 with 7 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Of Interest HB1400 (New Title) relative to residential parking spaces. Commerce Tue 4/9 10:20 AM SH Room 100 This bill provides that zoning and planning regulations shall not require more than one residential parking space per unit.
Of Interest HB1144 relative to requirements for sewage disposal system information to be disclosed during real estate transactions. Commerce Tue 4/9 10:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill requires certain information to be disclosed about sewage disposal systems during real estate transactions of dwellings and food service establishments.
Support HB1115 relative to the termination of tenancy at the expiration of the tenancy or lease term. Commerce Tue 4/9 10:40 AM SH Room 100 This bill adds the expiration of the term of the lease or tenancy if over 6 months as grounds for an eviction.
Support HB1298 relative to the definition of part-time teachers. Education Tue 4/9 9:10 AM LOB Room 101 This bill defines “part-time teachers” and subjects them to the board of education’s professional code of ethics and professional code of conduct.
Oppose HB1382 (New Title) granting witness fee reimbursement to unrepresented parents in the armed forces who prevail in special education hearings. Education Tue 4/9 9:20 AM LOB Room 101 This bill authorizes witness fee reimbursement for a parent in the armed forces who represents themself at a special education hearing and prevails.
Support HB1305 relative to freedom of speech and association at public institutions of higher education. Education Tue 4/9 9:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill establishes procedures governing freedom of speech and association at public institutions of higher education.
Support HB1215 (New Title) relative to development approvals and appeals. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 4/9 9:40 AM LOB Room 103 This bill extends the existing 5-year exemption for subdivision plats to 10 years, and increases the preliminary step from 2 years to 5 years. The bill also changes the building code and fire code appeals process, limiting the jurisdiction of the local building code board of appeals to hearing decisions made under local amendments to those codes.
Support HB1361 relative to municipal land use regulation for manufactured housing and subdivisions. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 4/9 9:50 AM LOB Room 103 This bill requires municipalities that adopt land use control measures to provide reasonable and realistic opportunities for the siting of manufactured housing on individual lots and in manufactured housing parks and subdivisions within residential districts. The bill also directs municipalities to provide reasonable and realistic opportunities for expansion of existing manufactured housing parks.
Support HB1399 allowing municipalities to permit 2 residential units in certain single-family residential zones. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 4/9 10:00 AM LOB Room 103 This bill allows the expansion of a single family residence within a residential zone in an urban area to no more than 2 residential units without discretionary review or a hearing, if the proposed development meets certain requirements.
Of Interest HB558 (New Title) requiring the department of energy to initiate a microgrid study. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 4/9 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill requires the department of energy to initiate a study to investigate the potential benefits, risks, and key considerations around developing a framework for electricity microgrids in the state.
Of Interest HB1314 relative to the comprehensive state development plan. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 4/9 9:20 AM SH Room 103 This bill adds provisions to the comprehensive state development plan concerning protection of natural resources and identifying environmental threats.
Support HB229 relative to requiring an official declaration of war for the activation of the New Hampshire national guard. Finance Tue 4/9 2:00 PM SH Room 103 This bill limits the activation of the New Hampshire national guard to only those times where the United States Congress has passed an official action pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.
Oppose HB1279 relative to payment by the state of a portion of retirement system contributions of political subdivision employers. Finance Tue 4/9 2:10 PM SH Room 103 This bill provides that the state shall pay 7.5 percent of contributions of retirement system employers other than the state for group I teachers and group II members.
Support HB1012 exempting from criminal penalty certain parenting decisions intended to encourage a child’s independence and freedom. Judiciary Tue 4/9 1:30 PM SH Room 100 This bill provides that a parent shall not be guilty of endangering the welfare of a child for allowing the child to take reasonable risks to further their development as an independent human being.
Of Interest HB1002 relative to fees for records under the right-to-know law. Judiciary Tue 4/9 1:45 PM SH Room 100 This bill establishes parameters for when a public body may charge a fee for records provided under RSA 91-A.
Support HB1069 (New Title)  relative to material subject to disclosure under the right-to-know law. Judiciary Tue 4/9 2:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill: I. Clarifies a public body or agency’s ability to accept record requests by electronic means and to provide such records electronically. II. Replaces the word “citizen” with “person” throughout the chapter.
Of Interest SB476 making a capital appropriation to the department of corrections toward the replacement of the New Hampshire state prison for men. Public Works and Highways Tue 4/9 10:00 AM LOB Room 201 This bill makes a bonded appropriation of funds for architectural, engineering, programming, and design and construction documents for the New Hampshire state prison for men.
Of Interest HB1059 relative to the state building code. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 4/10 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill updates the definition of the state building code to include more recent versions of certain international codes and amendments approved by the building code review board.
Of Interest SB599 relative to the state fire code. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 4/10 10:00 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill: I. Revises the definition of the state fire code. II. Ratifies amendments to the state fire code.
Of Interest HB1190 relative to adopting the interstate social work licensure compact. Health and Human Services Wed 4/10 9:00 AM LOB Room 101 This bill adopts the social work licensure compact.
Oppose HB1296 relative to insurance coverage for diagnostic and supplemental breast examinations. Health and Human Services Wed 4/10 9:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill provides that certain insurers that provide diagnostic and supplemental breast examinations shall not impose co-payments, deductibles, or other cost-sharing requirements.
Oppose SB403 (New Title) relative to the health care workforce. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 4/10 11:00 AM LOB Room 203 This bill: I. Extends the deadlines of the legislative commission on the interdisciplinary primary care workforce issues. II. Makes clarifying amendments to the nurse practice act statute. III. Establishes the position of and regulation of community health workers. IV. Provides directives to the department of health and human services.
Oppose SB456 (New Title) relative to the state loan repayment program for qualified nursing professionals, and making an appropriation therefor. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 4/10 1:00 PM LOB Room 203 This bill makes an appropriation to the department of health and human services, state office of rural health, for the state loan repayment program to qualified nursing professionals, and directs the department of health and human services to provide a report to the legislature on a budget proposal for a student loan forgiveness program that would cover nurses who do not qualify for the state loan repayment program.
Oppose SB496 directing the department of health and human services to establish a climate and health protection program. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 4/10 1:30 PM LOB Room 203 This bill directs the department of health and human services to establish a climate and health protection program in response to health threats associated with a changing environment.
Support SB507 extending the time to petition for a new trial in certain cases. Judiciary Wed 4/10 10:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill extends the time to petition a court for a new trial in certain cases.
Oppose SB474 relative to prohibiting metal detecting in certain areas. Resources, Recreation and Development Wed 4/10 1:00 PM LOB Room 305 This bill prohibits treasure hunting with a metal detector in areas that expose students to the risk of injury.
Support HB1533 relative to the safe harbor compensation amount under the business profits tax. Ways and Means Wed 4/10 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill increases the amount of the safe harbor provision for compensation under the business profits tax and provides for a biennial increase in future years based on the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index.
Support HB1536 relative to increasing the amount of the expense deduction allowed against the business profits tax. Ways and Means Wed 4/10 10:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill increases the amount of the section 179 expense deduction permitted against the business profits tax.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #200

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2024-04-04 23:07 +0000

Disney has won its battle in a proxy way to remain woke against outsiders; liberals keep fighting; conservatives often accept defeat as final; do establishment leaders in D.C. succumb to more than just peer pressure? threats? should republicans engage in issues such as “income equality”—turn the issue against liberal jurisdictions? Attacks on free speech in Scotland, Poland; if Americans don’t fight for free speech the “parchment guarantees” will never suffice

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Zephan’s Bitcoin Sermon – March

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2024-04-04 20:07 +0000

In the Torah, in the Chapter of Leviticus 19:36, it states, “You shall have an honest balance, honest weights, an honest unit of dry good measurement, and an honest unit of wet good measurement. I יהוה am your God who freed you from the land of Egypt.” In ancient Israeli society, weights were used to measure goods as well as means of exchange, such as gold or silver, to facilitate trade.

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Goldback Hits All-Time High; Dollar In Freefall

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2024-04-04 19:34 +0000

As I prepared to pull out my Goldbacks for my sandwich at Robie’s country store and diner Wednesday, the co-owner informed me that the dollar had fallen below a fifth of a goldback. I remember when the exchange rate was around 3.20 dollars for each goldback just before the scamdemic. It’s been around four for the past few years. I had never seen it above five.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #199

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2024-04-04 19:07 +0000

The bridge collapse in Baltimore, just a freakish accident, hopefully not related to DEI/competency crisis; RFK’s pick of VP, which will probably hurt the dems more than republicans; could this help RFK win any states? Did Mike Johnson screw the republican party and their voters with the budget agreement last week? Why are republicans retiring before the election? Are they being paid off by a rich dem? Is Putin protecting Islamists by minimizing their involvement in the terror attack last Friday?

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The Key To Wealth Preservation: Hide Your Silver In Plain Sight?

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2024-04-04 18:56 +0000

The Local Silver Mint has just unveiled what may be their most innovative silver product to date. This is quite a statement, considering that this is the creator who invented the Silver Card, Barter Bags, Tenth-Ounce Silver Rounds, Cig-Savers, Building Blocks, and so many other creative iterations of silver. But if you were looking for the best tool for covertly preserving your wealth in plain sight, you needn’t look any further than Weare, New Hampshire. 

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #198

The Liberty Block - Wed, 2024-04-03 19:03 +0000

Chuck Schumer’s statement on Netanyahu and elections in Israel; Trump’s statements on Jews and democrats; Extremely high fines against Trump and his appeal; should Trump fight harder and more publicly/be more provocative; Fani Willis and Nathan Wade and the judge’s ruling regarding disqualification.

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10 Reasons To Support HB1276 & Legalize Brass Knuckles!

The Liberty Block - Wed, 2024-04-03 07:02 +0000

In the Live Free or Die state, there are generally no restrictions for carrying any weapons. Granite Staters may legally carry pistols and rifles open or concealed. However, brass knuckles remain illegal to carry. Last year, the House passed House Bill 31, which would have eliminated the carrying of brass knuckles and similar self-defense tools from the list of crimes in the books. The Senate killed the bill with a voice vote. This year, ten Republican legislators proposed House Bill 1276. It again passed the House, and it is now in the Senate. 

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Farewell: Many Thanks for Your Support and Help Over 13 Years

Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform – N.H. - Tue, 2024-04-02 00:00 +0000

April 2, 2024

Dear CCJR and Community Members,

As of April 2, 2024, with a blend of emotions, including sadness, we announce the dissolution of Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform, situated in Concord, New Hampshire, effective April 2, 2024.

Over the past 13 years, our mission has been to advocate for a justice system that protects our community while promoting the rehabilitation of offenders and supporting the well-being of inmate families. We firmly believe that a just and humane restorative approach to criminal justice is essential for reducing recidivism and creating a safer society.

                     OPEN TO READ MORE                      

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Senate Gold Standard – April 04, 2024

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Mon, 2024-04-01 23:14 +0000

(white) goldstandard-04-04-24-S.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-04-04-24-S-y.pdf

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State v. Joseph Hart – Criminal Defense Strategy

Free Keene - Mon, 2024-04-01 06:27 +0000

This blog is made pursuant to NH Rules of Professional Conduct 3.6 (c) (2).

Due to having filled out the court recording notice form multiple times prior in the same fashion as he did the day of his arrest, Joa informs the Court that his defense to the charge of Criminal Trespass is “Effect of Ignorance or Mistake” due to prior grants of permission to film after filling out the form “anonymous” by similarly situated court facilities.

The statue that specifies that defense is here.

Find the notice sent to the Court here.

Bill Hearings for Week of April 01, 2024

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sat, 2024-03-30 12:00 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 19 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 1 with 2 being of interest.
Of the 42 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 6 and opposition of 2 with 2 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Of Interest SB498 relative to the department of health and human services, division for children, youth and families. Children and Family Law Tue 4/2 1:30 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill provides that under RSA 169-B, relative to delinquent children, and RSA 169-D, relative to children in need of services, a child may be placed with fictive kin or a child care institution, psychiatric residential treatment program, or other program certified by the department of health and human services.
Support HB173 relative to toilet facilities provided by restaurants. Commerce Tue 4/2 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill removes the requirement that restaurants and other businesses that serve food to the public provide toilet facilities for patrons.
Oppose HB82 relative to employment protection for participants in the therapeutic cannabis program. Commerce Tue 4/2 10:20 AM SH Room 100 This bill prohibits an employer from refusing to hire, or terminating the employment of a qualified patient of the New Hampshire therapeutic cannabis program solely on the basis of a positive drug test.
Support HB1469 relative to the retention of individualized education program records. Education Tue 4/2 9:20 AM LOB Room 101 This bill requires the department of education to remove student individualized education plan records from the state special education information system on the same schedule as school districts.
Support HB1695 relative to the release of student personally identifiable information. Education Tue 4/2 9:40 AM LOB Room 101 This bill prohibits the transfer of student’s personally identifiable information to third parties without written consent of the parents and student.
Of Interest HB1659 relative to interference with child custody and shared parenting. Judiciary Tue 4/2 1:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill provides that unless the parenting plan specifically provides otherwise, both parents shall have access to all records and information pertaining to the child. The bill further directs the court to award a parent additional parenting time in response to the other parent’s noncompliance with the parenting schedule. The bill also permits the court to fine the parent for noncompliance with the court-ordered parenting schedule.
Oppose HB1432 (New Title) relative to prohibiting certain uses of deepfakes and creating a private claim of action. Judiciary Tue 4/2 1:15 PM SH Room 100 This bill: 1. Establishes the crime of fraudulent use of deepfakes and sets penalties therefor; 2. Establishes a cause of action for fraudulent use of deepfakes; and 3. Prohibits registration of lobbyists who have been found to have fraudulently used deepfakes in certain cases.
Support HB1276 relative to repealing the prohibition on the possession or sale of blackjacks, slung shots, and metallic knuckles except by or to minors. Judiciary Tue 4/2 1:45 PM SH Room 100 This bill amends the prohibition against carrying or selling a blackjack, slung shot, or metallic knuckles to prohibit sale to or possession of the said items by those under 18 years of age.
Support HB1403 (New Title) relative to temporary waivers for vehicle emission control equipment. Transportation Tue 4/2 1:40 PM LOB Room 101 This bill extends the repair period for vehicles that fail the OBD II test to 120 days.
Of Interest HB1387 relative to revisions to the state building code. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 4/3 9:45 AM SH Room 103 This bill updates the state building code and state building code review board.
Of Interest SB369 directing the office of professional licensure and certification to provide notice of public meetings and an opportunity for comment, creating a new position, and making an appropriation therefor. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 4/3 1:15 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill directs the office of professional licensure and certification to provide to the public notice of its meetings and an opportunity to comment in such meetings. This bill also establishes an attorney II position for the office of professional licensure and certification.
Support HB1407 relative to child care staffing ratios. Health and Human Services Wed 4/3 10:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill creates a waiver for larger rations [sic] in licensed child care facilities for infants and toddlers. This bill also prospectively repeals the waiver in 2026.
Oppose SB496 directing the department of health and human services to establish a climate and health protection program. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 4/3 11:00 AM LOB Room 203 This bill directs the department of health and human services to establish a climate and health protection program in response to health threats associated with a changing environment.

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The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #197

The Liberty Block - Fri, 2024-03-29 23:15 +0000

George Santos running in the primary for congress. Trump clinching the nomination; SOTU; was it a declaration of war against half the country? why did Katie Britt present the republican response and not Trump or someone else with more gravitas? cryptocurrency; would the dems let Trump win and blame him for an inevitable economic collapse? would congress refuse to certify trump if he wins? Current situation in Haiti; RFK Jr’s campaign vs. the “culturally vulgar” campaigns of Trump and Biden; Lazer joined the show and reported from Ukraine; U.S. building temporary ports to send supplies to Gaza;

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House Passes Bill To Ban School Mask Mandates

The Liberty Block - Fri, 2024-03-29 17:37 +0000

In a contentious and narrow vote, the New Hampshire House passed a ban on school mask mandates Thursday. The 187-184 vote was opposed by Democrats, who warned that the law would prevent local school boards from protecting students and staff from future contagious diseases. Republicans had a few major arguments, which helped them pass House Bill 1093. 

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House Gold Standard – March 28, 2024

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Wed, 2024-03-27 00:23 +0000

(white) goldstandard-03-28-24-H.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-03-28-24-H-y.pdf

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State v. Joseph Hart – Defense Filed Document

Free Keene - Tue, 2024-03-26 08:39 +0000

This blog is made pursuant to NH Rules of Professional Conduct 3.6 (c) (2).

Joa moves to dismiss his Disorderly Conduct charge due to the fact that there are no witnesses to his alleged conduct other than law enforcement officers.  Find that here.

Bill Hearings for Week of March 25, 2024

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sun, 2024-03-24 12:56 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 22 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 2 and opposition of 3 with 4 being of interest.
Of the 42 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 9 and opposition of 4 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Of Interest SB451 relative to an expedited track for certain applications to the site evaluation committee. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 3/25 10:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill establishes an alternative procedure and timelines for an expedited track for changes to existing energy facilities meeting certain criteria.
Of Interest HB645 relative to the establishment of decentralized autonomous organizations as legal entities within the state. Commerce Tue 3/26 10:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill establishes decentralized autonomous organizations within the state.
Oppose HB182 prohibiting discharge of volunteer firefighters or volunteer emergency medical technicians from other employment. Commerce Tue 3/26 10:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill prohibits an employer from discharging or disciplining an employee who is a volunteer firefighter or emergency medical technician and whose failure to report for work was due to such employee responding to an emergency.
Support SB374 relative to the licensing of part-time teachers. Education Tue 3/26 11:30 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill defines “part-time teacher.”
Support SB339 relative to repealing the graduation requirement regarding Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) applications. Education Tue 3/26 2:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill removes the requirement that students file a free application for federal student aid form (FAFSA) or a waiver for such form prior to graduation.
Support HB1696 (New Title) relative to local records retention. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 3/26 10:20 AM LOB Room 103 This bill funds and equips the local government record manager with online storage of records that are available for public access.
Support HB1116 relative to certain firearms to be used for taking of game. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 3/26 9:15 AM SH Room 103 This bill allows for the use of rifles and certain pistols for the taking of game.
Oppose HB194 (New Title) requiring the director of the division of historical resources to compile and maintain a list of public monuments. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 3/26 9:30 AM SH Room 103 This bill requires the director of the division of historical resources to compile and maintain a list of public monuments.
Support HB1237 relative to the use of unmarked or stealth police vehicles for traffic enforcement. Judiciary Tue 3/26 1:45 PM SH Room 100 This bill establishes a requirement that any police vehicle purchased after January 1, 2025 must be clearly marked and labeled as a police vehicle in order for it to be used in traffic law enforcement, subject to certain exceptions.
Support HB1412 relative to court reporters. Judiciary Tue 3/26 2:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill repeals the requirements for licensure and regulation of court reporters.
Of Interest 2024-1005h Public hearing on proposed non-germane Amendment #2024-1005h to HB 1583-FN-A, relative
to the per pupil cost of an opportunity for an adequate education.
Finance Tue 3/26 10:00 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill increases the base annual cost of providing an opportunity for an adequate education, establishes relief aid funding
and fiscal disparity aid, and requires municipalities to remit excess SWEPT payments to the department of revenue administration.
Of Interest 2024-1214h Public hearing on proposed non-germane Amendment #2024-1214h to HB 1633-FN-A, relative
to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor
Finance Tue 3/26 11:00 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill establishes procedures for the legalization, regulation, and taxation of cannabis; the licensing
and regulation of cannabis establishments; and makes appropiations therefor.
Oppose SB217 establishing a rural and underserved area educator incentive program for higher education and making an appropriation therefor. Education Wed 3/27 9:45 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill establishes the rural and underserved area educator incentive program and makes an appropriation therefor.
Support CACR13 relating to slavery and involuntary servitude. Providing that slavery and involuntary servitude shall be prohibited in the state of New Hampshire. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 3/27 9:45 AM SH Room 103 This constitutional amendment concurrent resolution adds an article that prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude.
Support HB1042 (New Title) repealing the requirement that each pharmacy establish a continuous quality improvement program. Health and Human Services Wed 3/27 9:20 AM LOB Room 101 This bill repeals the requirement that each licensed pharmacy shall establish a continuous quality improvement program.
Oppose HB1203 relative to prohibiting the charging of rent to charities by charitable gaming facilities. Ways and Means Wed 3/27 9:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill prohibits the charging of rent for facilities or equipment to charities by primary game operators.
Support HB185 (New Title) relative to the determination of parental rights and responsibilities based on shared parenting. Judiciary Thu 3/28 9:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill provides that it is a state policy to support approximately equal parenting time between a child and parent unless such an arrangement is clearly detrimental to the child. The bill also provides that if the court concludes that approximately equal parenting time is not in the best interest of the child, the court shall make findings supporting its order.
Support HB1111 relative to the penalty for false reports of suspected abuse and neglect made to the division for children, youth, and families. Judiciary Thu 3/28 9:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill provides that reports of suspected abuse and neglect may include the name of the person making the report and that a report made maliciously or with the intent to cause harm may be subject to civil and criminal penalties. The bill also provides that a person who in their professional capacity is a mandatory reporter of suspected abuse and neglect may be subject to civil liability for the failure to report.
Support HB1220 (New Title) abolishing the collection of racial and educational data for use in a marital application worksheet. Judiciary Thu 3/28 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill abolishes the collection of racial and educational data for use in a marital application worksheet.
Oppose HB1169 creating a private cause of action for discrimination based on hairstyles relative to a person’s ethnicity. Judiciary Thu 3/28 1:45 PM SH Room 100 This bill creates a private cause of action for discrimination based on hairstyles relative to a person’s ethnicity. This bill also exempts such causes of action from the jurisdiction of the human rights commission.
Oppose SB418 (New Title) relative to refusal of consent to testing to determine alcohol concentration and penalties for aggravated driving while intoxicated. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 3/29 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill modifies periods of suspension under different circumstances stemming from a refusal of consent to testing to determine alcohol concentration. This bill further modifies the penalties for aggravated driving while intoxicated.
Of Interest SB425 relative to bail commissioner fees. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 3/29 11:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill increases the bail commissioner fee to $60.
Oppose SB464 to prohibiting the nonconsensual dissemination of synthetic sexual images. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 3/29 12:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill expands the prohibition on the nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images to include synthetic images that are digitally created and altered to falsely depict the sexual conduct of targeted victims.

The post Bill Hearings for Week of March 25, 2024 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

50 State Justice Data Snapshots and 5 Ways to Reduce Violent Crime

Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform – N.H. - Wed, 2024-03-20 16:21 +0000

The CSG Justice Center’s nonpartisan analysts and justice experts have created two new resources to assist your state in improving community safety:

  • State Data Snapshots: This resource contains the most recent data for every state on crime, arrests, behavioral health, workforce, recidivism, and more. 
  • 5 Ways States Can Reduce Violent Crime: Through our research and work across the country and with the state and local leaders who serve on our advisory board, we have identified five strategies that states should adopt to reduce violent crime and improve outcomes in your communities. 

The CSG Justice Center is available to help you unpack this data and dig deeper into how your state can improve community safety! Please contact Madeleine Dardeau at to schedule a meeting with our expert staff.


Protect and Redirect: America’s Growing Movement to Divert Youth Out of the Justice System

Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform – N.H. - Wed, 2024-03-20 16:19 +0000

Jurisdictions across the country are advancing reforms to expand and improve diversion, demonstrating diversion’s potential to transform youth justice in ways that protect public safety and enhance youth success.  Related to: Youth Justice, Racial Justice.

By Richard Mendel

March 20, 2024

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As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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