The Manchester Free Press

Monday • February 10 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

Senate Gold Standard – April 13, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Mon, 2023-04-10 22:56 +0000

(white) goldstandard-04-13-23-S.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-04-13-23-S-y.pdf

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Bill Hearings for Week of April 10, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sun, 2023-04-09 20:34 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 43 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 1 and opposition of 0 with 1 being of interest.
Of the 34 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 4 and opposition of 4 with 0 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Oppose HB261 authorizing residential tenants to terminate their lease in instances of domestic violence or following a disabling illness or accident. Commerce Tue 4/11 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill permits residential tenants to terminate their lease in instances of domestic violence or following a disabling illness or accident, and describes the written documentation required.
Oppose HB572 relative to eligibility for free school meals. Education Tue 4/11 9:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill increases the eligibility for free school meals to household incomes up to 300 percent of federal poverty guidelines, and provides funding fro the education trust fund for the additional costs.
Oppose HB142 relative to the operation of the Burgess Biopower plant. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 4/11 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill allows the public utilities commission to amend its orders as necessary to protect the continued operation of the Burgess Biopower plant.
Support HB257 relative to telephone carrier of last resort obligations. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 4/11 9:15 AM SH Room 103 This bill allows for an incumbent telephone utility to be relieved of its carrier of last resort obligations.
Oppose HB400 relative to certain assault offenses, bail eligibility for commission of certain assault offenses, and making a false report to a law enforcement officer. Judiciary Tue 4/11 1:15 PM SH Room 100 This bill establishes a separate criminal penalty and bail conditions for assaults involving a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services worker. The bill also establishes a criminal penalty for making a false report to a law enforcement officer.
Support HB588 relative to the criteria for applying for parole. Judiciary Tue 4/11 1:30 PM SH Room 100 This bill allows an eligible incarcerated person to apply for parole upon the completion of 65 percent of such person’s minimum sentence.
Support HB624 relative to federal immigration checkpoints. Judiciary Tue 4/11 1:45 PM SH Room 100 This bill requires a law enforcement agency to provide public notice of an immigration checkpoint.
Of Interest SB102 relative to the Jones Act’s effect on New Hampshire’s heating and energy fuel market. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 4/12 2:15 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires the department of energy to submit a report to the legislature on the impact of the Jones Act on New Hampshire’s heating and energy fuel market.
Support HB408 relative to foster children and vaccinations. Health and Human Services Wed 4/12 10:00 AM LOB Room 101 This bill requires that children living in a foster family home but who are not is foster care shall be subject to the same immunization requirements as any other child in the state.
Support SB200 relative to optometrists. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 4/12 10:00 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill removes a variety of prohibitions on the types of care that optometrists may provide to patients.

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Crypto vs Precious Metals vs Fiat Debate

Free Keene - Fri, 2023-04-07 23:00 +0000

The Wearehouse recently hosted a well-attended debate featuring advocates for cryptocurrency, precious metals, and fiat currency. Jeremy Kauffman from LBRY represented crypto, Silver Dave from Local Silver Mint represented precious metals, and Jay Noone represented fiat currency with his tongue firmly planted in-cheek. Here’s the full video:

House Gold Standard – April 06, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Mon, 2023-04-03 23:42 +0000

(white) goldstandard-04-06-23-H.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-04-06-23-H-y.pdf

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Liberty Dinner 2023 early bird ticket pricing ends May 1!

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sun, 2023-04-02 16:59 +0000

You too can see James Bovard and all of your favorite New Hampshire liberty supporters at the 2023 Liberty Dinner! This is our 20th anniversary celebration, which you don’t want to miss! And you can enjoy the event at 2022 prices, but only for a limited time—the early bird discount ends on May 1st. So get your tickets at today!

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Bill Hearings for Week of April 03, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sun, 2023-04-02 15:58 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 24 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 2 with 3 being of interest.
Of the 44 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 4 and opposition of 4 with 2 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support HB275 relative to schools approved for a school tuition program by a school board. Education Tue 4/4 9:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill allows a pupil’s parents to pay the difference between a receiving school tuition cost and the sending district tuition cap in a school tuition program.
Of Interest HB555 appropriating state general fund surplus toward the retirement system unfunded accrued liability. Finance Tue 4/4 1:00 PM SH Room 103 This bill requires the transfer of 75 percent of a state biennial surplus to the reduction in the retirement system’s unfunded accrued liability.
Of Interest SB12 relative to the leasing of seasonal camp lots by the fish and game department. Fish and Game and Marine Resources Tue 4/4 10:00 AM LOB Room 305-307 This bill allows the executive director of fish and game to lease certain seasonal camp lots on fish and game lands, and changes the requirements for approval of short-term leases and contracts of the department.
Of Interest SB14 relative to the use of game cameras. Fish and Game and Marine Resources Tue 4/4 10:45 AM LOB Room 305-307 This bill adds a definition of “game camera” and permits the use of a game camera to take or attempt to take a game animal or fur-bearing animal.
Of Interest SB15 relative to the use of tree stands and observation blinds. Fish and Game and Marine Resources Tue 4/4 1:00 PM LOB Room 305-307 This bill amends the permissible uses of tree stands, observation blinds, and pit blinds.
Oppose SB263 extending the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program and reestablishing the commission to evaluate the effectiveness and future of the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Tue 4/4 11:15 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill: I. Reestablishes and revises the membership and duties of the commission to evaluate the effectiveness and future of the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program. The commission is repealed November 1, 2028. II. Permanently extends the New Hampshire granite advantage health care program by removing the prospective repeal of the program that was to take effect on December 31, 2023. III. Removes the transfer of funds from the alcohol abuse prevention and treatment fund to the granite advantage health care trust fund.
Support HB135 prohibiting no-knock warrants. Judiciary Tue 4/4 2:30 PM SH Room 100 This bill prohibits a law enforcement officer from seeking, executing, or participating in the execution of a no-knock search warrant and exceptions thereto.
Of Interest HB198 modifying the new resident drivers’ license transfer requirement. Transportation Tue 4/4 1:20 PM LOB Room 101 This bill would require nonresident drivers who establish residency in New Hampshire to notify the department of safety if they then cease to become residents within 60 days, or if their out of state driver’s license expires or is relinquished.
Oppose SB252 relative to release of a defendant pending trial. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 4/5 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill lists certain offenses which, if committed by the defendant, create a presumption that a defendant is a danger to the public and shall be detained for up to 36 hours.
Support HB594 relative to the licensure of out-of-state applicants to boards or commissions organized under the office of professional licensure and certification. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 4/5 9:15 AM SH Room 103 This bill authorizes the office of professional licensure and certification to issue licenses to out-of-state applicants who are licensed in another state, if the other state’s licensing requirements are substantially similar to those in New Hampshire.
Oppose HB532 relative to the licensure and regulation of music therapists. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 4/5 9:45 AM SH Room 103 This bill establishes the licensure and regulation of music therapists under the allied health professionals.
Support HB127 relative to the declaration of a state of emergency. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 4/6 10:20 AM SH Room 103 This bill revises the authority of the governor and general court to declare, renew, or terminate a state of emergency.

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Senate Gold Standard – March 30, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Tue, 2023-03-28 10:08 +0000

(white) goldstandard-03-30-23-S.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-03-30-23-S-y.pdf

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Bill Hearings for Week of March 27, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sat, 2023-03-25 17:56 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 45 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 3 and opposition of 2 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 28 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 5 and opposition of 5 with 3 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support SB206 prohibiting corporal punishment in child day care agencies. Children and Family Law Tue 3/28 9:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill expands the definition of endangerment to include corporal punishment as defined by the department of health and human services.
Of Interest HB170 requiring the teaching of cursive handwriting and multiplication tables. Education Tue 3/28 9:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill requires school boards to teach cursive handwriting and the memorization of multiplication tables.
Support HB296 relative to local authority for granting driveway permits. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 3/28 9:45 AM LOB Room 103 This bill clarifies the authority for local land use boards to regulate driveway access for residential properties.
Support HB119 relative to homestead food operation licensure. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 3/28 9:45 AM SH Room 103 This bill allows homestead food operations to sell food, excluding potentially hazardous food, from the homestead residence, at the owner’s farm stand, or at farmers’ markets.
Support HB31 repealing the prohibition on the possession or sale of blackjacks, slung shots, and metallic knuckles. Judiciary Tue 3/28 1:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill repeals the prohibition, penalty, and exceptions relating to the carrying and possessing with intent to sell a black jack, slung shot, or metallic knuckles.
Of Interest HB97 establishing an additional penalty for a violation of privacy. Judiciary Tue 3/28 1:15 PM SH Room 100 This bill increases the penalty for certain offenses that constitute a violation of privacy.
Support HB201 relative to changing the penalties for driving without a license. Judiciary Tue 3/28 1:30 PM SH Room 100 This bill changes the penalties for driving without a license to a violation, unless the individualis convicted for second time in a 12-month period.
Support HB307 relative to attorney’s fees in actions under the right to know law. Judiciary Tue 3/28 1:45 PM SH Room 100 This bill requires the court to issue a final judgment in favor of the requester before attorney’s fees are awarded under the right to know law.
Of Interest HB321 relative to minutes from nonpublic sessions under the right to know law. Judiciary Tue 3/28 2:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill requires public bodies to review meeting minutes withheld from public disclosure at least every 10 years to determine whether they should continue to be withheld. Minutes not reviewed after 10 years shall be made public.
Support SB245 relative to the inspection of hotel guest records. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 3/29 11:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill clarifies the obligation of hotels and similar lodgings to maintain a record of each guest.
Oppose SB136 prohibiting the employment or volunteering of a revoked or suspended educator. Education Wed 3/29 1:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill prohibits the hiring or service of a person by a school administrative unit, school district, chartered public school, or nonpublic school who is listed on the department of education’s list of revoked and suspended educators.
Support SB35 relative to RSV vaccine administration. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 3/29 10:30 AM LOB Room 201-203 This bill authorizes pharmacists, pharmacy interns, and licensed advanced pharmacy technicians to administer an RSV vaccine to adults.
Oppose SB149 relative to nurse agencies. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 3/30 11:30 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill establishes a licensing and application process for nurse agencies.

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House Gold Standard – March 22, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Mon, 2023-03-20 22:19 +0000

(white) goldstandard-03-22-23-H.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-03-22-23-H-y.pdf

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Senate Gold Standard – March 23, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Mon, 2023-03-20 22:19 +0000

(white) goldstandard-03-23-23-S.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-03-23-23-S-y.pdf

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Bill Hearings for Week of March 20, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sun, 2023-03-19 16:55 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 0 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 0 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 27 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 7 and opposition of 7 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Oppose HB467 relative to public playground accessibility. Commerce Tue 3/21 9:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill requires public playgrounds in use on or after January 1, 2024 to have solid rubber or rubber composite surfacing for accessibility to the playground and each piece of equipment.
Support HB477 to prohibit municipal inspections of owner-occupied units of multi-unit housing. Commerce Tue 3/21 9:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill prohibits municipal inspections of owner-occupied units within residential structures of 4 units or less.
Support HB117 relative to the termination of tenancy at the expiration of the tenancy or lease term. Commerce Tue 3/21 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill adds the expiration of the term of the lease or tenancy if over 6 months as grounds for an eviction.
Support HB466 relative to water bottle filling stations in schools. Education Tue 3/21 9:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill repeals the state board of education’s rulemaking authority to adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A relative to requirements for the installation of water bottle filling stations.
Of Interest HB83 relative to county commissioners’ authority on county buildings. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 3/21 9:35 AM LOB Room 103 This bill increases the expense thresholds for county commissioners’ authority to purchase real estate and repair, enlarge, or erect county buildings.
Support HB252 (New Title) exempting certain agricultural operations from certain municipal noise ordinances. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 3/21 9:30 AM SH Room 103 This bill exempts farming and agricultural operations from municipal noise ordinances.
Support HB188 relative to the duration of physical therapy. Health and Human Services Wed 3/22 9:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill removes the requirement that a physical therapist refer a patient to a health care provider if there is no documented improvement after 25 days of treatment.
Support HB223 relative to prescription refills. Health and Human Services Wed 3/22 9:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill creates an exception to the 34-day limit on prescription refills of schedule III topical androgens if the prescription specifies it is being used for the treatment of chronic low testosterone replacement therapy.
Support HB500 relative to prescribing opioids via telehealth medicine. Health and Human Services Wed 3/22 9:45 AM LOB Room 101 This bill modifies the procedure for physicians, physician assistants and APRN’s to prescribe certain non-opioid and opioid controlled drugs by means of telemedicine.

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Goldback Store Opens in Manchester!

Free Keene - Sat, 2023-03-18 21:33 +0000

A couple of years ago, the New Hampshire Goldback was created after the original Utah Goldback proved incredibly popular at the 2020 Porcfest. A gorgeous, spendable, interchangeable type of gold money available in denominations as small 1/1000th of an ounce of 24 karat gold, the NH Goldback has taken the NH freedom community by storm – giving even cryptocurrency serious competition.

Now, the company behind the Goldback, Alpine Gold, has launched its first physical branch location and they chose Manchester, NH!

I decided I needed to see it for myself, so I set an appointment with Adam Van, the manager, and got him to answer all my questions about the services they provide the community, and the entire eastern portion of the United States. It’s pretty cool – watch the interview here:

Give them a call at (801) 770-2565 x1201 and stop in to see for yourself.

Service to notify victims about offenders via texts, emails

Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform – N.H. - Sat, 2023-03-18 18:37 +0000

CONCORD, N.H. — New Hampshire is starting an Automated Victim Information and Notification System, to keep crime victims aware of an offender's status via text messages, emails and phone calls. Victim advocates will be registering crime victims, who will then maintain a personal profile to update their notification preferences and contact information. WATCH VIDEO

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From Ex-con forum: Successful Reintegration Story

Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform – N.H. - Sat, 2023-03-18 18:30 +0000
"I did 15 years in prison and when I got out it was like being on another planet. Everything had changed so much and it was so overwhelming, I couldn't even walk into a store or just be around everyday people without panicking and sweating, words couldn't describe how I felt…

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House Gold Standard – March 16, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Tue, 2023-03-14 23:00 +0000

(white) goldstandard-03-16-23-H.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-03-16-23-H-y.pdf

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Senate Gold Standard – March 16, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Tue, 2023-03-14 22:59 +0000

(white) goldstandard-03-16-23-S.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-03-16-23-S-y.pdf

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97 State Reps Vote to End DMT Prohibition!

Free Keene - Mon, 2023-03-13 13:24 +0000

A few weeks ago, 70 state reps voted to end drug prohibition entirely and last week, 90 state reps voted to end prohibition on dimethyltryptamine (DMT)! Here’s the full video from the house floor featuring reps Jason Gerhard, Matt Santonastaso, and Jonah Wheeler speaking in favor of the bill, HB 216, which sadly lost 274-97. However, 26% is a good first try.

Clearly, younger state reps understand the urgency of ending the insane war on drugs and as the older prohibitionist reps die off and are replaced by free staters as our number and influence increases, we will be ever closer to ending the madness of drug prohibition in our lifetime.

Bill Hearings for Week of March 13, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Sun, 2023-03-12 13:29 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 14 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 1 and opposition of 1 with 4 being of interest.
Of the 18 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 3 and opposition of 3 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Of Interest HB1 making appropriations for the expenses of certain departments of the state for fiscal years ending June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2025. Finance Mon 3/13 2:00 PM Representatives Hall NHLA Note: See full bill text by clicking bill number link. This is the operating budget bill with line item
appropriations to specific operations.
Of Interest HB2 relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. Finance Mon 3/13 2:00 PM Representatives Hall NHLA Note: See full bill text by clicking bill number link. This is the budget trailer bill with policy changes and detailed appropriations.
Of Interest HB609 relative to energy facility siting. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 3/13 9:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill establishes the regulation of energy facility siting within the public utilities commission and establishes new procedures to replace the site evaluation committee.
Oppose HB142 relative to the operation of the Burgess Biopower plant. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 3/13 9:10 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill allows the public utilities commission to amend its orders as necessary to protect the continued operation of the Burgess Biopower plant.
Support HB639 relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor. Ways and Means Mon 3/13 9:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill establishes procedures for the legalization, regulation, and taxation of cannabis; the licensing and regulation of cannabis establishments; and makes appropriations therefor.
Of Interest HB83 relative to county commissioners’ authority on county buildings. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 3/14 9:30 AM LOB Room 103 This bill increases the expense thresholds for county commissioners’ authority to purchase real estate and repair, enlarge, or erect county buildings.
Support HB252 (New Title) exempting certain agricultural operations from certain municipal noise ordinances. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 3/14 9:30 AM SH Room 103 This bill exempts farming and agricultural operations from municipal noise ordinances.
Support HB409 relative to nonresident licensure by the board of barbering, cosmetology, and esthetics. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 3/15 9:45 AM SH Room 103 This bill modifies the requirements for nonresident licensure by the board of barbering, cosmetology, and esthetics.
Support HB262 relative to laboratory testing by licensed naturopaths Executive Departments and Administration Wed 3/15 10:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill adds naturopathic doctors to the definition of “licensed medical practitioner” for health facilities authorized for laboratory testing.
Of Interest HB25 making appropriations for capital improvements. Public Works and Highways Wed 3/15 10:00 AM LOB Room 201-203 This bill makes appropriations for capital improvements for the biennium and extends certain lapse dates for previous appropriations.

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House Gold Standard – March 09, 2023

N.H. Liberty Alliance - Mon, 2023-03-06 23:47 +0000

(white) goldstandard-03-09-23-H.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-03-09-23-H-y.pdf

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As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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