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House Gold Standard – January 03, 2024

Tue, 2024-01-02 01:29 +0000

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(gold) goldstandard-01-03-24-H-y.pdf

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Senate Gold Standard – January 03, 2024

Tue, 2024-01-02 01:29 +0000

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(gold) goldstandard-01-03-24-S-y.pdf

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Bill Hearings for Week of January 01, 2024

Sat, 2023-12-30 18:35 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 0 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 0 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 41 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 1 and opposition of 10 with 7 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Of Interest SB369 directing the office of professional licensure and certification to provide notice of public meetings and an opportunity for comment, creating a new position, and making an appropriation therefor. Executive Departments and Administration Tue 1/3 1:00 PM SH Room 103 This bill directs the office of professional licensure and certification to provide to the public notice of its meetings and an opportunity to comment in such meetings. This bill also establishes an attorney II position for the office of professional licensure and certification.
Of Interest SB487 relative to the division of personnel in the department of administrative services. Executive Departments and Administration Tue 1/3 1:30 PM SH Room 103 This bill creates a new chapter for the personnel appeals board. This bill repeals 6 statutes related to the department of administrative services division. This bill is a request from the department of administrative services.
Of Interest SB480 relative to the administration of professional licensure and certification and the regulation of real estate practice. Executive Departments and Administration Tue 1/3 1:45 PM SH Room 103 This bill requires: I. Any board or commission whose total number of active licensees exceeds 7,000 to have a dedicated, trained, and knowledgeable customer service administrator that works for the administrative section of the office of professional licensure and certification to respond to inquiries from the public and licensees. II. Makes various amendments to allow for inactive real estate licenses. III. Amends the education approval process for the real estate commission.
Oppose SB404 relative to expanding child care professionals’ eligibility for the child care scholarship program. Health and Human Services Tue 1/3 1:00 PM LOB Room 101 This bill establishes eligibility criteria for child care professionals to receive child care scholarships.
Oppose SB499 relative to reduction of hunger for children, older adults, and people with disabilities. Health and Human Services Tue 1/3 1:30 PM LOB Room 101 This bill directs the department of education to expand options for free and reduced priced meals to students and directs the department of health and human services to implement a summer EBT program to provide assistance to families with children eligible for free and reduced price meals over the summer. The bill also directs the department of health and human services to participate in the elderly simplified application project within the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to provide food assistance to eligible older adults and people with disabilities.
Oppose SB335 relative to alcohol packaging. Commerce Wed 1/4 9:10 AM SH Room 100 This bill restricts the use of certain images and phrasing in alcohol packaging that are attractive to minors.
Oppose SB365 relative to the sale or use of lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycles, scooters, or personal electric mobility devices. Commerce Wed 1/4 9:20 AM SH Room 100 This bill prohibits sales of lithium-ion batteries and electric bicycles or electric scooters that have not been certified by a nationally recognized testing laboratory.
Oppose SB330 relative to allowing the ability to work from home to count toward unemployment benefits eligibility. Commerce Wed 1/4 9:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill repeals disqualification for unemployment benefits for those not available for work outside a home.
Of Interest SB341 relative to mandatory disclosure by school district employees to parents. Education Wed 1/4 9:00 AM LOB Room 101 This bill requires all school employees to respond honestly and completely to written requests by parents regarding information relating to their children.
Of Interest SB342 relative to school building aid funding. Education Wed 1/4 9:20 AM LOB Room 101 This bill establishes a new school district building aid funding program using state funds allocated to each district and makes an appropriation therefor.
Support SB442 relative to student eligibility for education freedom accounts. Education Wed 1/4 9:40 AM LOB Room 101 This bill expands the definition of “eligible student” for the education freedom account program to include students whose enrollment transfer request was denied.
Oppose SB522 relative to establishing an early childhood education scholarship account and making an appropriation therefor. Education Wed 1/4 10:00 AM LOB Room 101 This bill requires rulemaking by the department of health and human services on child care early education and establishes an early childhood education account program to provide funds for an education freedom accounts scholarship organization to administer grants to eligible New Hampshire pre-kindergarten children for qualifying expenses.
Of Interest SB303 relative to the use of renewable energy funds by the department of energy. Energy and Natural Resources Wed 1/4 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill adds battery storage projects to uses of the renewable energy fund, deletes a required renewable generation incentive program, and authorizes a political subdivision incentive, rebate, or grant program using the fund. The bill also modifies the reporting date by the department of energy concerning the renewable energy fund. This bill is a request of the department of energy.
Oppose SB541 relative to retail pet stores. Energy and Natural Resources Wed 1/4 9:45 AM SH Room 103 This bill prohibits the sale of dogs and cats by retail pet shops except in certain cases.
Of Interest CACR24 relating to reproductive freedom. Providing that all persons have the right to make their own reproductive decisions. Judiciary Wed 1/4 1:00 PM SH Room 100 This constitutional amendment concurrent resolution would amend the constitution to provide that individuals shall have a right to personal reproductive autonomy.
Oppose SB428 relative to the use of automated license plate readers by law enforcement officers. Transportation Wed 1/4 1:15 PM LOB Room 101 This bill defines the appropriate use of automated license plate readers by law enforcement officers. The bill also makes an appropriation to the department of safety for digital automatic programming interface to connect data from the division of motor vehicles to the state police.
Oppose SB580 relative to establishing a noise barrier on Teaberry Lane, Bedford, NH. Transportation Wed 1/4 1:30 PM LOB Room 101 This bill mandates the construction of a noise barrier on Teaberry Lane, Bedford, NH.
Oppose SB471 relative to adding a speed limit of 45 miles per hour on rural highways. Transportation Wed 1/4 2:00 PM LOB Room 101 This bill adds a speed limit of 45 miles per hour on rural highways.

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Joint Recommendations Gold Standard – October 26, 2023

Mon, 2023-10-23 23:13 +0000

(white) goldstandard-10-26-23-J.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-10-26-23-J-y.pdf

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PAC Refill Fundraiser

Mon, 2023-10-23 02:59 +0000

It’s time once again to refill our PAC so we can continue supporting the ever-growing ranks of New Hampshire pro-liberty Representatives and Senators!
Similar to last year, we will be holding a fundraising event at Vine 32 in Bedford on Monday, November 27. Capacity is limited, so buy your tickets (each of which is a PAC contribution) now!

And if you can’t attend but have the means to help us prepare for what are sure to be challenging elections, please consider donating to the PAC.

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Liberty Dinner 2023 pricing increases tonight!

Thu, 2023-07-13 23:00 +0000

The 2023 Liberty Dinner is just over a week away, and there’s still a little time to get tickets—but prices increase tonight and close completely on Monday night!

If you’ve been hesitating… WHY?!? This is our 20th anniversary celebration, and a chance to see James Bovard and all of your favorite New Hampshire liberty supporters! Don’t live with regret; get your tickets at now!

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Joint Recommendations Gold Standard – June 29, 2023

Tue, 2023-06-27 10:10 +0000

(white) goldstandard-06-29-23-J.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-06-29-23-J-y.pdf

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Senate Gold Standard – June 07, 2023

Tue, 2023-06-06 02:31 +0000

(white) goldstandard-06-07-23-S.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-06-07-23-S-y.pdf

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House Gold Standard – June 08, 2023

Tue, 2023-06-06 02:31 +0000

(white) goldstandard-06-08-23-H.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-06-08-23-H-y.pdf

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Senate Gold Standard – June 01, 2023

Tue, 2023-05-30 13:11 +0000

(white) goldstandard-06-01-23-S.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-06-01-23-S-y.pdf

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House Gold Standard – May 18, 2023

Tue, 2023-05-16 01:20 +0000

(white) goldstandard-05-18-23-H.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-05-18-23-H-y.pdf

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Senate Gold Standard – May 18, 2023

Tue, 2023-05-16 01:20 +0000

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(gold) goldstandard-05-18-23-S-y.pdf

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Senate Gold Standard – May 11, 2023

Tue, 2023-05-09 19:34 +0000

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(gold) goldstandard-05-11-23-S-y.pdf

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Senate Gold Standard – May 11, 2023

Tue, 2023-05-09 18:10 +0000

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(gold) goldstandard-05-11-23-S-y.pdf

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Bill Hearings for Week of May 08, 2023

Sun, 2023-05-07 20:36 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 4 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 0 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 3 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 1 and opposition of 1 with 0 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support HB281 relative to least cost integrated resource plan of utilities. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 5/9 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill: I. Repeals the requirement for electric and natural gas utilities to submit least cost integrated resource plans with the public utilities commission and have the commission evaluate the plans and maintain them on file. II. Removes the requirement that a municipal host under the limited electrical energy producers act be located in the same municipality as all group members. III. Requires the public utilities commission to provide an estimated annual cost of compliance with electric renewable portfolio standards in customer’s electric bills. IV. Repeals the establishment of the energy efficiency and sustainable energy board and transfer some of the board’s responsibilities to the department of energy. V. Makes various changes to the energy facility site evaluation committee and permitting process.
Oppose HB532 relative to the licensure and regulation of music therapists. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 5/10 9:00 AM SH Room 103 See State website. Two proposed amendments will be heard.

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House Gold Standard – May 04, 2023

Tue, 2023-05-02 10:20 +0000

(white) goldstandard-05-04-23-H.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-05-04-23-H-y.pdf

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Bill Hearings for Week of May 01, 2023

Sun, 2023-04-30 14:31 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 1 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 0 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 10 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 0 with 3 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Of Interest HB1 making appropriations for the expenses of certain departments of the state for fiscal years ending June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2025. Finance Tue 5/2 6:00 PM SH Room Reps Hall No analysis needed.
Of Interest HB2 relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. Finance Tue 5/2 6:00 PM SH Room Reps Hall See bill at state website.
Of Interest HB269 relative to limiting the authority of New Hampshire delegates to policymaking conventions. Rules and Enrolled Bills Tue 5/2 9:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill: I. Establishes a procedure for the selection of delegates to an inter/intrastate policy-making convention. II. Limits the authority of delegates to policymaking conventions to only those granted by the New Hampshire legislature. III. Creates a procedure for recalling and replacing delegates to policymaking conventions who act outside of the scope of the authority granted to them by the New Hampshire legislature.

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Bill Hearings for Week of April 24, 2023

Sun, 2023-04-23 12:55 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 24 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 3 and opposition of 1 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 17 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 6 and opposition of 6 with 0 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support HB367 relative to eligibility of students in the education freedom account program. Education Tue 4/25 9:00 AM LOB Room 101 This bill increases the household income level based on the federal poverty guidelines for the eligibility of students to participate in the education freedom account program.
Support HB464 relative to eligible students in the education freedom account program. Education Tue 4/25 9:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill expands the definition of who is an eligible student qualifying under the education freedom accounts program.
Support HB174 relative to the filing of notice of intent to cut timber. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 4/25 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill enables a land owner to cut timber in certain cases where they have not received a response to the notice of intent to cut timber. This bill also makes it a violation for assessing officials to fail to forward a notice to cut to the department of revenue administration in a timely fashion.
Support SB162 relative to exemptions from rabies vaccinations for dogs, cats, and ferrets. Environment and Agriculture Tue 4/25 9:00 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill makes the initial period for an exemption from the rabies vaccination for dogs, cats, and animals annual with the recertification of a veterinarian.
Support HB156 relative to misconduct by a law enforcement officer. Judiciary Tue 4/25 1:15 PM SH Room 100 This bill adds intentional misrepresentation to the definition of misconduct by a law enforcement officer.
Support HB491 relative to prohibiting the use of the prone restraint for minors. Judiciary Tue 4/25 1:30 PM SH Room 100 This bill prohibits the use of prone restraint on a child in a school or treatment facility.
Support SB119 relative to criminal background checks for charitable games of chance license applicants. Ways and Means Tue 4/25 2:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill exempts members of charitable organizations who do not participate directly in the operation of games of chance from background and criminal records checks.
Oppose SB180 (New Title) relative to product labeling and information guide requirements for cannabis products and the prohibition of the sale of hemp products containing certain levels of THC. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 4/26 10:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill empowers the therapeutic cannabis oversight board to regulate and review the labels and educational materials of cannabis materials. This bill also prohibits the sale of hemp products containing certain amounts of THC.
Support HB337 relative to directing the office of professional licensure and certification to provide notice of public meetings and an opportunity for comment from the public. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 4/26 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill directs the office of professional licensure and certification to provide to the public notice of its meetings and an opportunity to comment in such meetings.
Support SB105 relative to information collected by the division of vital records administration as part of the live birth worksheet. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 4/26 11:30 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill removes the criminal penalty for information requested on the mother’s birth worksheet that is not required for the birth certificate; provides that only de-identified information shall be submitted on the facility worksheet for a live birth; and repeals the requirement that the birth worksheet be retained permanently.

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Bill Hearings for Week of April 17, 2023

Sun, 2023-04-16 19:05 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 41 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 2 with 2 being of interest.
Of the 20 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 6 and opposition of 6 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Of Interest SB54 relative to purchased power agreements for electric distribution utilities. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 4/17 10:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill allows electric distribution utilities to issue requests for proposals for multi-year agreements for energy, in conjunction with or independent of any attendant environmental attributes from electric energy sources.
Oppose HB74 relative to an employee’s unused earned time. Commerce Tue 4/18 9:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill requires an employer to pay an employee for unused earned time.
Of Interest HB530 relative to withdrawal from a cooperative school district. Education Tue 4/18 9:00 AM LOB Room 101 This bill clarifies the process for the vote on withdrawal from a cooperative school district.
Oppose HB250 (Second New Title) relative to the accidental death benefit payable for a retirement system member. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 4/19 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill increases the amount of the state retirement annuity payable upon the accidental death of a retirement system member, but which shall not exceed $85,000. The bill also provides that future accidental death benefits are funded from state general funds.
Oppose SB255 relative to the expectation of privacy. Judiciary Wed 4/19 10:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill creates a new chapter detailing a consumer expectation of privacy.
Support HB360 an act legalizing cannabis for persons 21 years of age or older. Judiciary Thu 4/20 1:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill legalizes the possession and use of cannabis for persons 21 years of age and older.
Support HB431 permitting qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use. Judiciary Thu 4/20 1:15 PM SH Room 100 This bill permits qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use.
Support HB610 expanding the definition of providers who can certify patients of the therapeutic cannabis program. Judiciary Thu 4/20 1:30 PM SH Room 100 This bill expands the definition of provider under the therapeutic cannabis program to include any individual licensed in New Hampshire to prescribe drugs to humans who holds an active registration from the United States Drug Enforcement Administration to prescribe controlled substances. The bill also requires, for issuance of a registry identification card to a minor, certification from 2 providers, one of whom shall provide pediatric care.
Support HB473 relative to penalties for controlled drug violations. Judiciary Thu 4/20 1:45 PM SH Room 100 This bill changes the penalty for certain schedule I, II, III, and IV drug offenses.
Support HB611 relative to eligibility criteria for the therapeutic cannabis program. Judiciary Thu 4/20 2:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill removes the requirement that severe pain be resistant to other treatment options in order to be considered a qualifying medical condition for therapeutic cannabis.
Support HB639 relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor. Judiciary Thu 4/20 2:15 PM SH Room 100 This bill establishes procedures for the legalization, regulation, and taxation of cannabis; the licensing and regulation of cannabis establishments; and makes appropriations therefor.
Of Interest SB111 relative to the town council-town manager form of local government. Municipal and County Government Thu 4/20 10:15 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill clarifies that towns which adopt town council-town manager charters have the same powers and authorities as city councils under RSA 49-C. It also requires that town clerks be elected regardless of the form of municipal government.
Oppose SB132 prohibiting cities and towns from adopting sanctuary policies. Municipal and County Government Thu 4/20 3:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill prohibits any state or local government entity from establishing sanctuary policies.

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Senate Gold Standard – April 13, 2023

Mon, 2023-04-10 22:56 +0000

(white) goldstandard-04-13-23-S.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-04-13-23-S-y.pdf

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As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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