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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
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Since WMUR and the UL Seem to Have Missed This: CDC Drops Universal Masking Mandate for Health Care Workers

Thu, 2022-09-29 18:00 +0000

Your local experience may vary on this point. My Eye Doc, for example, is still high on masking, but the CDC has announced that it no longer recommends universal masking of Health Care Workers.

Related: Certified Industrial Hygienist Stephen Petty’s Senate Testimony on Why Masks Don’t or Can’t Work


The CDC dropped its universal masking guideline for healthcare workers after a weeklong slowdown in COVID-19 hospitalizations and nursing home infections nationwide, CBS News reported Sept. 23.

The change is one of the final sets of revisions to overhaul recommendations for COVID-19 since August. The CDC says healthcare facilities should still rely on its original “Community Transmission” benchmarks. This means over a quarter of counties nationwide can choose not to require masking in their facilities.


State and local authorities, hospitals, and facilities can and will continue to set their policies. As noted above, my Eye Doctor expects masks while the Vet no longer requires them. And that’s how it always should have been.

While we have published mounds of science on the ineffectiveness of masking and some genuine health risks caused by the practice, we’re not here to tell you whether to wear one or not. That’s none of our business. If you want to re-breath your exhaust all day, knock yourself out. We might laugh at you in your car all by yourself, but you be you.

Speaking of which, that appears to be what the UL and WMUR have done. They are just being who they are.

The CDC dropped a mask mandate, which sounds like a big deal, big news, a watershed moment in the arc of bad COVID mitigation policy history (even if you think it was good policy). Health Care workers don’t have to wear masks. The CDC said so!

I guess that’s not an exciting story for the local media, including the ABC affiliate. I couldn’t find any stories about Monday’s announcement.

And so what, you say, but so what, indeed. If the CDC had extended the mandate or reintroduced a new one, it would be above the fold, breaking public health news.

A nationwide decline in hospitalizations and nursing home infections promoted the change, but that’s not news either.

It is one more reason you can’t trust a damn thing they report. But we’re happy to fill the gap when we can.



The post Since WMUR and the UL Seem to Have Missed This: CDC Drops Universal Masking Mandate for Health Care Workers appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Part Two: How Maggie Hassan Stuck NH with Electricity Rates That Are Double What They Should Be

Thu, 2022-09-29 16:30 +0000

CAPTAIN CLUCKER:” HEAR YE! HEAR YE! HEAR YE! The second meeting of the “CLUCKER COMMISSION” (my chickens self-assigned this name) is now in session. All those wishing to present nominations for the “MORON OF THE YEAR/YOU MIGHT BE A MORON” award, come forth and make your presentation.”

Related: The Real Reason Eversource Raised its NH Electric Rates 110%

SILENCE ( I would have said “crickets” to denote silence, but my chickens would go nuts looking for the darn things.)

MASTER FEEDER: “ It appears that no one approaches. Shall we proceed anyway?”

CAPT. CLUCKER: “We shall. We plan to give you the floor but first wish to place in nomination EVERSOURCE. Based on what we have been told, they seem a good candidate. It was SGT.BROKEN BILL’S idea. We wanted him to make the nomination. However, I have to make it because we cannot seem to find him.

MASTER FEEDER: Your friend, the SGT., is no longer a part of the Coop. When one of you eats as much as he did, they graduate to a higher calling where they serve the nutritional needs of the great house on the hill behind the coop.

Regarding the nomination of EVERSOURCE, I can understand the thought, but I think you need to consider additional facts. If someone does something stupid or horribly wrong on their own, they could be a moron. But, if they do something because they have a gun to their head, (probably a bad choice of words for this “chicken” Commission that is only days away from such an event), maybe they are just trying to survive, and the morons are the ones holding the gun.

Certainly,EVERSOURCE took the actions I described, and certainly, they signed the contracts to raise electricity costs by 120 percent. But, a really good case can be made that they had a big honking revolver put right up against their “corporate” temple. That Gun had six high-powered bullets. Let’s take a look at those “bullets:


In 2005, the Governor of New Hampshire (John lynch, a Democrat) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Governors of Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Connecticut, and Delaware to establish this initiative (RGGI). This proposal (an MOU is not binding but expresses a general desire to pursue the program) sets up a regional technocracy to control CO2 emissions from power plants:

  • The regional technocrats set an “enforceable” regional limit on how much CO2 can be emitted in the region.
  • Once that limit is set, a system of credits is set up with one credit equal to the right to emit 1 short ton of CO 2. The total number of allowable credits then is simple math.
  • On a quarterly basis, an auction is held by which all utilities bid for the available permits/credits.
  • If a utility is unable to obtain enough credits to cover its CO2 emissions, it is a crime for them to operate over and above the amount allowed to them thru the auction.
    By this system, CO2 — I.E. the burning of fossil fuels — is reduced by the limits imposed on the allowable permitted CO2 emissions.
  • The net result: Eversource could obviously figure out that it had to get out of the power generating business. Most of its generation, at that time, was fossil fuel and nuclear. The imposition of this “technocracy “over its business not only took away its rights to control its own business (for example, under this program, investing in maintenance or upgrades to coal plants was suddenly an incredible waste of money) but it imposed a rather large new tax (estimates I have seen range from 4.7 billion to 7 billion).
  • Question: why blame EVERSOURCE for succumbing to the Regional Greenhouse Gas initiative? The ten participating States gutted their business. They simply did what they were told do. Bullet number 1 was a doozy.


Maggie Hassan, Progressive

Bullet number 1 was unenforceable in New Hampshire. If you go and study it, I think a fair conclusion was that the Republican Governor Lynch wanted to sign the MOU to study the idea of RGGI, but wasn’t quite sure it would be in the best interests of New Hampshire. He asked for a study to be done by the “University of New Hampshire”. That study somewhat reluctantly (to my eye) encouraged New Hampshire to participate in the RGGI –but mainly because we draw our electricity from the New England grid that is controlled by 6 other New England states that would penalize us if we resisted.
Sooooo….along comes Maggie Hassan with BULLET NUMBER 2: RSA 125-O.

  • Maggie Hassan was then State Senator from District 23(Rockingham county).
  • She, somehow, in her very short time in the Senate, became MAJORITY LEADER. She took up the cause of making RGGI into law and threw her full support into making RGGI into law (RSA 125-O).
  • Under RSA 125-O, it is a crime for Eversource to produce more CO2 than permitted by the Energy Conservation Board. They set the limits on CO2. Of course, every year the limit goes down so that less CO2 is permitted and CO2 credits become more and more expensive.
  • Eversource also has no reason to pay maintenance fees nor pay for structural improvements to deteriorating Power plants.

Some might say this is a good thing. Others — like me — say: “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR CLUCKING MIND?” because I saw the same program in California. Check it out yourselves but here is what I know:

  • California cannot generate the electricity it needs. They are having rolling blackouts. They are having even worse things call Brownouts (where power is reduced but not stopped. It destroys everything being powered).
  • California electricity is three tiered. Under the first tier—which is basic service so you don’t die in 120 degree heat—is 24 cents a kwh. (THAT IS FOR POOR PEOPLE THAT MAKE LESS THAN $150,000 DOLLARS A YEAR OR ILLEGAL ALIENS THAT GET EVERYTHING FOR FREE).
  • Tier 2 service can run a small house. That is at 39 cents a kwh.
  • Tier 3—which would be for most houses in New Hampshire and certainly for all businesses—is at 49 cents a kwh.
  • The stated goal of California is 1 dollar a kwh.

SOOOO…service is third world but when you do get service, you have to pay prices that only millionaires can afford.

I have many friends in California as I lived and worked there most of my adult life. One friend has a very large accounting firm in the City of Cypress (population of around 50,000). He and I were talking at 2:15 pm and he told me that he had to hang up-it was Cypress turn for a blackout.

Maggie Hassan…Bullet number 2


Maggie Hassan did not stop with RGGI. Nor with RSA 125-O. She also cast the decisive vote for Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.
Not sure why it has been labeled the way it is. It has nothing to do with reducing inflation.

Also, not sure why no one has mentioned probably the most important parts of the bill that will cause our electricity rates to double and triple over what we are now paying.

  • First, under current law, the Federal Government imposes a royalty charge on hydro-carbons taken out of the ground by fossil fuel companies. The current level is 4.5 to 6 per cent. This bill raises that to as much as 20 Percent. Royalties are charged on total price, not profit. If oil is trading at 100 dollars a barrel, 20 dollars will now go to the federal Government. Translated, the federal Government has just tripled the tax it charges.Question: What does this increase in Royalty say to the folks like Eversource, oil companies, anyone relying on fossil fuels? Answer: It says you are going out of business if you own or buy oil, natural gas, diesel, coal. (If oil is selling for 100 dollars a barrel, that means USA oil in the ground is net 80 dollars to an oil company. If the same oil company generates oil in Mexico and imports it, there is no 20 per cent royalty and its net 100 dollars. That takes the USA oil out of the world market and squeezes the supply rendering the oil business and oil burning business at a visible dead end.
  • Second, Just about every aspect of generating electricity involves the generation of methane gas. Oil refining. Coal burning. Natural gas production and transport. Under Joe Biden’s new law, a new and quite substantial tax is now imposed on methane gas. The tax is measured by the amount of methane gas an operation causes. The bill is hefty.
  • There are other parts of the bill but just take these two — royalty to the Federal government of 20% of total price, not profit, and new hefty tax on Methane.
  • Bottom line to EVERSOURCE_ get out of the electricity generating business as the Federal Government is out to destroy it with taxes and royalties. Don’t invest in any maintenance, improvements, or structure that has anything to with fossil fuels as it is a waste of time and money.

How many ads have you seen where MAGGIE HASSAN claims to be “fighting” for New Hampshire? How many ads have you seen where she asserts that she is an independent thinker not controlled by Joe Biden.

Well, facts matter.

On this “INFLATION REDUCTION BILL” it would never have passed if Hassan had said, “NO — NOT GOOD FOR MY PEOPLE.”

MAGGIE HASSAN just loaded the third bullet into the EVERSOURCE gun. She just voted to pass a law that will increase the cost of all fossil fuels — heating oil, gasoline, diesel, natural gas by astronomical amounts. Don’t be surprised if all of these fuels become so expensive that few can afford them. Don’t be suprised as well when you learn that this is what the Maggie Hassan’s of Washington have hoped for. Planned for. And think you are DUMB ENOUGH TO NOT SEE WHAT SHE DID.


BULLET 4: THE DESTRUCTION OF NUCLEAR AND HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER BY MAGGIE HASSAN, ELIZABETH WARREN, ED MARKEY, THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF NEW ENGLAND (No, there is no Democratic party of New Hampshire—it’s all run out of Boston, New York, and Washington).

Eversource—since 2005—has faced enormous pressure from Bullets 1-3 to stop generating power from coal, etc. I wasn’t there but it’s seems reasonable to think that they tried to find alternate sources of electricity. One area of promise was the Seabrook nuclear generating power plant. That facility was originally designed to have two reactors. The one that was in operation was providing fairly cheap and very clean electricity. A second reactor could generate a good replacement for coal, natural gas etc. Eversource could transition from cheap coal plants to cheap but clean nuclear.

OOPS! BAD EVERSOURCE. HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY THINK THAT THE “ELECTRICITY EXTERMINATORS” (Maggie Hassan, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, etc.) would allow that second generator to be built.

  • They mounted a campaign attacking nuclear power as dangerous and polluting and shut down any hope of ever building the second generator.
  • Funny in that regard—most of Vermont’s power (71.8%) was from its own Nuclear power generating facility located in Vernon, Vermont. It was shut down in 2014. It was owned and operated by ENTERGY CORPORATION (A VERY LARGE POWER GENERATING COMPANY OUT OF ARKANSAS. THE LARGEST SHAREHOLDERS ARE VANGUARD, STATE STREET AND BLACK ROCK).
  • Eversource might have gotten power from hydroelectric coming out of Canada. As Governor, Maggie Hassan made sure to shut that down. In a letter to the Governor of Connecticut, she famously wrote that she objected to the hydro-electric power plan because it would damage small bio mass electrical generating companies in New Hampshire. The whole project died on environmental objections.
  • Bullet 4: Maggie Hassan and her buddies gutted any prospect of “clean” alternatives. Eversource lost its ability to generate power.

What if Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street all told Eversource to get out of the electricity generating business, stop burning fossil fuels, let Nexextra and Continental take over—or we will bankrupt you with a lousy ESG score fronm ALADDIN?

1. Entergy: which owned the Vermont Nuclear plant;
2. Seabrook Nuclear plant;
3. Nexextra Energy (which is who Eversource contracted with for 22.5 cents per kilowatt hour);
4. Continental Energy (the other company Eversource contracted with).

BLACKROCK is an enormous outfit controlling over 10 trillion dollars of investment money. VANGUARD IS NOT FAR BEHIND (6 TRILLION). Nor is STATE STREET (5 trillion.)
Collectively—and for some reason you always see them acting as a unit—they control nearly 21 trillion dollars of investment money. That is such a huge number that it is really hard to fathom. The entire budget of the U. S. Government is about 6.1 trillion. The total nominal GDP of USA is 23 trillion; of China, 17.7 trillion; of Japan 4.9 trillion.

Simple THOUGHT: these three have enormous wealth and power. How they use it seems devastating to New Hampshire. On the issue of ELECTRICITY, have we not essentially ceded our sovereignty to them? Consider:

  • BLACKROCK developed an operating system called ALADDIN. Aladdin analyzes and then rates – via a scoring system – every company in the world. If you think that the system is based upon an analysis of the financial strength of a company you would be partially right, but mostly wrong. Aladdin is programed to evaluate companies not on their financial health but on criteria better labeled as social and environmental justice. The criteria used are labeled with the title ESG.
  • You can find a complete statement of the ESG criteria on their website. For my purposes, Companies are evaluated by three categories 1. Environment; 2.Social 3. Governance.
  • For example, Coca Cola is evaluated not by how many sodas they sold but by how much carbon was needed to make those sodas. Tesla is evaluated not by how many cars it sells but by how much it contributed to the teaching of Critical race theory to its employees.
  • Curiously, the ESG criteria seem to mirror the WEF/ DAVOS GROUPS agenda. Curiously, the head of BLACKROCK is on the board of directors for the DAVOS GROUP. Vanguard and State street are both signatories to the WEF program called ‘RACE TO ZERO”. Larry fink, of Blackrock recently told a reporter that to achieve the goals of the WEF, proper behavior must be “forced.”
  • (When you see all these big Corporations—like Coca Cola—promoting CRT or DEI – I suppose it could be just because they think it the right thing to do. However, what do you think happens to them if Blackrock gives them a low ESG score. How about bankruptcy?)
  • Bullet 5: Eversource might have been unable to resist the guiding hand of BLACKROCK, VANGUARD AND STATE STREET.


When Joe Biden was running for president, he was losing quite substantially to others who were running. He went to a rather famous meeting with Blackrock. After that meeting, he and Larry fink announced that he would be the next President.

Brian Deese-a pivotal executive at Blackrock– is Biden’s chief economic adviser. Adewale Adeyemo-chief of staff to Larry fink—essentially runs the treasury Department. Michael Pyle—another Blackrock executive—is chief economic advisor to Kamala Harris. Many folks believe that Blackrock—with its Aladdin program and its ESG scoring system—now run the country.

In the Senate, there is an even split between 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans. If Maggie Hassan had decided to vote for the interests of New Hampshire, none of Biden/Blackrock’s massive spending programs or Social/ CRT programs would have passed.


In her campaign for re-election, she reports overs $26 million in revenue. GEORGE SOROS famously announced that his first—but not his last—contribution to political candidates in 2022 was to MAGGIE HASSAN—WHO MAKES HIS ENTIRE AGENDA POSSIBLE.

  • BULLET 6: So, did EVERSOURCE look at the lay of the land and just surrender?
  • Did they see the enormous wealth and power of Blackrock, Vanguard, and State street and surrender?
  • Did they look at how they control the Biden administration and just surrender?
  • Did they see the action of Hassan and her Electricity exterminating brethren and just surrender?
  • Did they realize that their “Goose” was cooked—no way out—so they just surrendered?

Capt. Clucker: WAIT—Goose is cooked? Did you say the “Goose was cooked?” Where? When? Are we next? Is Hassan coming for us to cook us? First, the Goose. Now the Chickens?”

Master Feeder: No, it’s just a figure of speech.
Capt. Clucker: Really? Then how come you call some of us Meat Birds?

Master Feeder: Because…uh…everyone wants to meet you?

Capt. Clucker: oh? Alright. Then let me do something all of us want to do: We nominate Eversource as coward of the year. Moron of the year clearly should go to anyone who believes Maggie Hassan on any subject.

Master feeder: Sorry, but Chickens are not smart enough to vote on such a vital matter. At least not until all the nominations are in place. We have more.

Capt. Clucker: Whoa! Meeting is adjourned. UPS just drove up. What did you get us? Heat lamp? Jacuzzi bath?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

He Is Not Just Bad, He Is Destroying Us

Thu, 2022-09-29 15:00 +0000

It is not enough to point out how bad a President we have in Joe Biden, for that does not even crack the surface. In less than two years, Joe Biden and his feckless Administration have done more harm to America and her people than anyone could imagine.

It is not accidental, but it is evident that this is an intentional attempt to beat us down to make transformation an easier task. Let’s take a look at some of the facts.

Energy Independence: We achieved energy independence under Donald Trump, and he did so in less than four years. We went from a country dependent on the cost of a barrel from OPEC to being an oil and natural gas supplier to other countries. The petroleum industry was flourishing and doing so with the lowest carbon emissions in history. We had made coal, oil, and natural gas affordable, clean, and safe. That was until January 20, 2021 when Joe Biden disrupted the process with the stroke of a pen.

Biden’s policies drove gas prices to the highest levels in our history and now brags about them being down to $3.60 a gallon. That is bragging about a 50% hike from 2020. Excellent job, Joe, and good luck selling that line of thinking. In the northeast, we are looking at a winter heating season with oil, gas, and propane possibly doubling in price from last year. Some will have to choose between gas for their car, food, or heating their home.

Inflation: We are sitting at 8.3%, but everyone who goes to a grocery store, department store, or dines out knows we are much higher. Biden brags about inflation being at 0% for the last two months, but it really means it is flat at a forty-year high. Biden is not an economic genius. With income rising at 5%, Americans are falling behind every month.

Interest Rates: The Fed has been raising rates for months trying to slow the flow of money and the inflation rate. This is raising credit card and mortgage rates, putting the dream of a home out of reach for many. For an average house of $400,000, the monthly payment is up $1,000 or an increase of $360,000 over the 30-year term.

Illegal Immigration: The only group making huge profits under Biden, other than Hunter, are the Mexican cartels. They are making billions each month by charging illegals to cross the Border into our cöuntry. As many as 4 million have crossed since Biden took office, and our Souther Border no longer exists, nor does our sovereignty. Biden and Harris have shown they have no intention of securing our Border, which is one of their fundamental obligations. They are failing us.

Fentanyl: We have beaten this topic to death as it continues to be the number one cause of death for 18-45-year-olds. How do we put this into a number that gets Biden’s attention? 100,000 a year? 300 a day? Apparently, it does not matter. The cartels are obviously going after a younger market with pastel-colored tablets that resemble a popular kid’s candy. Under this illegal poison takes the life of someone close to a high-ranking Democrat, the Administration is not rattled by the numbers that sicken and scare every American.

What can we point to that excites this President. Abortion and insulin for seniors are about the extent of the list. That is all he can talk about as he travels the country campaigning for Democrats. He addressed the NEA last week. This is the largest teacher’s union. He did not mention Education once but did focus on abortion rights. Why do teachers need to be concerned with abortion? Maybe because global warming is too boring!

Biden is hurting us in the pocket. He is making us less safe in our neighborhoods. He has destroyed our sovereignty. He has weakened us on the global stage. That is the product of his work for half of his term. We may not survive the second act.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sorry Climate Cult – Extreme Weather Events Are Not Getting More Frequent

Thu, 2022-09-29 13:30 +0000

The democrat stenographers are wallowing in their climate punch; Hurricane Ian didn’t get to Cat 5 before landfall, and they desperately wanted that. But they’ve still got their extreme weather narrative. or do they? Recent research suggests that’s not happening either.

Related: NOAA – 2022 “Above Average Hurricane Season” Prediction Update – No Named Storms in July/Aug

And let’s be clear. These researchers appear to want a different result than the one at which they arrived (reformatted).


This article reviews recent bibliography on time series of some extreme weather events and related response indicators in order to understand whether an increase in intensity and/or frequency is detectable. The most robust global changes in climate extremes are found in yearly values of heatwaves (number of days, maximum duration and cumulated heat), while global trends in heatwave intensity are not significant.

Daily precipitation intensity and extreme precipitation frequency are stationary in the main part of the weather stations. Trend analysis of the time series of tropical cyclones show a substantial temporal invariance and the same is true for tornadoes in the USA.

At the same time, the impact of warming on surface wind speed remains unclear. The analysis is then extended to some global response indicators of extreme meteorological events, namely natural disasters, floods, droughts, ecosystem productivity and yields of the four main crops (maize, rice, soybean and wheat).

None of these response indicators show a clear positive trend of extreme events. In conclusion on the basis of observational data, the climate crisis that, according to many sources, we are experiencing today, is not evident yet. It would be nevertheless extremely important to define mitigation and adaptation strategies that take into account current trends.


They looked at all the reporting, data, observation, documentation, etc., and could not conclude that we are experiencing more extreme weather events. It’s not happening.

Slow your roll, Cultists.

No one denies that we have these events or that they can be extreme. But we’ve always had them. But based on the evidence compiled by meteorologists, and climate scientists, the actual scientific record, does not support the claim of increased extreme events, and claims to the contrary, at least according to these researchers, are nonsense. It hasn’t happened (yet!).

They actually say “yet.” As if they expected it to be true and are holding out hope.


Al Gore, Tom Steyer, and NOAA will have to hire more Winston Smiths to “correct” the record. Otherwise, rogue researchers will continue to discover, much to their surprise, that this facet of the global climate fraud is political science fraud, not climate science.

One more point. The stenographers and their muses (the Democrat party) are still working the political science, but September is the busiest month for Hurricane landfills in the US. We had zero in July and August and only one in September. And none are forming in the Atlantic as I write this. Consider that while Dems claim this is climate change and that they alone can fix it.

Fix what? The incredibly low incidence of named storms and hurricane landfills? Or by fix, do you mean break, because Democrats destroy everything they touch?


Get one today!

HT | Climate Realism


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

California Resident Karla Jurvetson has Contributed $187,500 to NH Candidates

Thu, 2022-09-29 12:00 +0000

Dear Secretary Scanlon:

Elections in New Hampshire are educational and fun. One group encouraged me to read New Hampshire’s Constitution, a short and progressive document codifying individual rights and freedom.

I spoke to several sign carriers at the primaries. One was a leading Democrat in town who knew me distastefully. However, we had common ground: too much money influencing elections and some aspects of climate change. The conversation ended with her wishing me luck, which I took as genuine.

I am running to represent Cheshire District 15. John Schmitt is the other Republican (you can vote for one or two) – our campaigns are independent. Our Democratic opponents, Amanda Toll and Renee Monteil are running as a team. You might have seen their large signs, characterizing themselves as Progressive Democrats, as do their mailings.

New Hampshire has a great campaign finance website. Monteil’s records indicate $11,208 in contributions; $ 10,000 was from Karla Jurvetson from CA. Toll’s contributions total $11,304, with $10,000 coming from Karl Jurvetson from NH, which is fictitious (should be Karla from CA), and violating election regulations. All these contributions preceded the September 13 primary.

Paul Berch, eliminated by Toll and Monteil, has reported $10,948 in total contributions for his seven election cycles, winning five. Monteil beat Berch by 130 votes – 2.5% of voting Democrats. It was Karla Jurvetson who beat Berch, not Montreil.

Who is Karla Jurvetson? She is the divorced wife of Steve Jurvetson, reportedly a philandering, extremely successful venture capitalist. In this election cycle, Karla has contributed $187,500 to NH candidates and through ActBlue New Hampshire.

Some are concerned about out-of-state contributions. One can scan for large contributions, but Toll’s show up in the in-state bucket due to the address falsification. In total, $6.3 million are coded from NH, and $3.1 million are coded out of state. I have mixed feelings about this because that $3.1 million adds to our economy. However, the circumstances of Berch’s defeat are appalling.

Lastly, Toll and Marteil are not progressives. T are lockstep Democrats. Toll is convicted by her record – the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance rates legislative records A thru F. Below F is “constitutional threat,” which is how they rate Amanda Toll. Toll’s partner Monteil has virtually no Internet presence, but her Facebook and Twitter indicate solely Democratic divisive issues. And both their campaigns are 90% funded by out-of-state wealth (See Bernie for details).


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden DOJ Drops Charges on Judge Who Helped Fugitive Escape Federal Custody

Thu, 2022-09-29 10:30 +0000

Do you remember Shelly Joseph? She’s the Massachusetts judge who helped an illegal alien escape deportation in 2019. With an ICE agent waiting outside her courtroom, Judge Joseph allowed another court officer to escort the fugitive through her chambers to escape. Biden’s DOJ just dropped all the charges.

Related: Mass Judge Who Freed Criminal Alien Will Collect Taxpayer Salary During Trial


The Justice Department has moved “in the interest of justice” to drop all charges against a Newton District Court judge who was accused of thwarting efforts by federal agents to take an undocumented immigrant into custody, drawing an end to a contentious case that had been brought under the Trump administration.

In exchange, Newton District Court Judge Shelley Joseph agreed to admit to certain facts that will be referred “to the state Massachusetts Commission on Judicial Conduct: the forum that is designed to investigate and address alleged misconduct by state judicial officers and to make final recommendations on discipline to the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts,” according to a filing by prosecutors in US District Court on Thursday.


She was charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting, obstruction of a federal proceeding, and conspiracy to obstruct justice. She is also guilty as charged and proud of it. She deliberately helped a known fugitive escape a federal agent.

There are folks “on trial” and in detention for wandering into the US Capitol on January 6th after Capitol Police opened the doors who will face a harsher punishment than this so-called Judge.

And while she has not showered her profession in glory, this is Massachusetts. The Commission on Judicial Conduct is likely as rigged as everything else in the state. If she is connected or revered for her liberal jurisprudence, we should expect very little in the form of reprimand, followed by a nothing burger from the state’s highest court.

And we now know why she refused a plea deal. Understanding the system could take years to get to a trial or even a verdict, she sat on her hands and waited for a more favorable DOJ, which she got.

And not a week went by where she didn’t get her paycheck.

Say hello to justice in America.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who Blew Up Nord Stream …

Thu, 2022-09-29 01:30 +0000

In order to believe that Putin blew up the Nord Stream pipelines … as the Biden-Regime mouthpieces have been claiming … you have to believe that Putin couldn’t simply turn the gas off anytime he wished.

In order to believe that the Biden-Regime blew up the Nord Stream pipelines, you have to believe that the Biden-Regime couldn’t simply turn the gas off anytime they wished. It’s that *&%@$^ simple.

Oh … and there is this:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Democrats Already Pushing Massive Gun Control Ahead of Midterms

Thu, 2022-09-29 00:00 +0000

Legislative Service Requests (LSRs) are “filings made by a legislator for a proposed bill and submitted to the Office of Legislative Services to have a bill drafted.”  These LSRs began being filed in early September and there are many that can now be viewed on the general court website.

While the details of these bills are not yet available, the titles can be very telling about what the bill will actually contain.

Several New Hampshire Democrats have filed multiple gun control bills that take away Granite Staters’ 2nd Amendment Rights. It doesn’t matter that NH is consistently one of the safest states in the country. It doesn’t matter that thousands more people, especially women, have been safely practicing their 2nd Amendment rights in NH, Democrats seek to take those rights away.

Below is a list of the gun control Democrats are proposing for the next session:

If you care about your fundamental human right to self defense, you’ll vote wisely in November. If you care about protecting yourself and your family, you’ll vote against ANY Democrat, Independent, or Republican on the ballot who supports ANY of these gun control measures.

Be sure to ask candidates about these bills. Be sure to specifically ask about Red Flag Laws – it’s called an ‘Extreme Risk Protection Order’ above. You can find out more about Michael Bloomberg’s Red Flag Law here. It’s the same bill that was pushed by another Moms Demand handmaid in the past.

VOTE like your rights and life depend upon it, because they DO.

The post NH Democrats Already Pushing Massive Gun Control Ahead of Midterms appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Names of All 153 Democrats Who Voted to Keep the NH Secession “Bill” Alive

Wed, 2022-09-28 22:30 +0000

The New Hampshire Democrat Party and your local “elected” party members have been scaremongering voters about radical libertarian free-staters and CACR32 – a bill to peaceably secede from the United States. And it would have died a quicker death if 153 NH Democrats had not supported it.

The bill came out of committee with a 21-0 bipartisan vote to kill it. The Republican majority Legislature was prepared to take that recommendation and table it (which would kill it), but 153 Democrats voted to keep it alive.

Republicans wanted to immediately dump the bill onto the consent calendar, effectively killing it. But they couldn’t, because Democrats objected.

On Thursday, in session back in Representative’s Hall for the first time since the COVID pandemic struck, Republicans voted nearly unanimously to table the bill, essentially killing it (again) without a debate.

153 Democrats and only 17 Republicans are why it wasn’t relegated to the consent calendar to die despite NH Democrats appearing to be triggered over its very existence.

Political Theater

Local Dems in your district that crying wolf about “Free Staters” and crazy Republican secession talk may be the reason why CACR32 didn’t die an early death.  But if we’re going to be taking shots or making political hay based on CACR32 and who “supported” it, we should be as fair about that as we can.

Here are the names of the 153 Democrats who voted to save CACR32. If they bring it up to attack Republicans, feel free to share this with them in return.


Rep Party County
Abbott, Michael Democrat Cheshire
Abel, Richard Democrat Grafton
Adjutant, Joshua Democrat Grafton
Alicea, Caroletta Democrat Merrimack
Almy, Susan Democrat Grafton
Altschiller, Debra Democrat Rockingham
Ames, Richard Democrat Cheshire
Baroody, Benjamin Democrat Hillsborough
Bartlett, Christy Democrat Merrimack
Beaulieu, Jane Democrat Hillsborough
Bergeron, Paul Democrat Hillsborough
Bixby, Peter Democrat Strafford
Booras, Efstathia Democrat Hillsborough
Bouchard, Donald Democrat Hillsborough
Bouldin, Amanda Democrat Hillsborough
Bouldin, Andrew Democrat Hillsborough
Bradley, Amy Democrat Hillsborough
Burroughs, Anita Democrat Carroll
Cahill, Michael Democrat Rockingham
Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Democrat Rockingham
Cannon, Gerri Democrat Strafford
Caplan, Tony Democrat Merrimack
Chase, Wendy Democrat Strafford
Cloutier, John Democrat Sullivan
Conley, Casey Democrat Strafford
Connors, Erika Democrat Hillsborough
Cornell, Patricia Democrat Hillsborough
DiLorenzo, Charlotte Democrat Rockingham
DiSilvestro, Linda Democrat Hillsborough
Dutzy, Sherry Democrat Hillsborough
Eaton, Daniel Democrat Cheshire
Ebel, Karen Democrat Merrimack
Edgar, Michael Democrat Rockingham
Ellison, Arthur Democrat Merrimack
Espitia, Manny Democrat Hillsborough
Fargo, Kristina Democrat Strafford
Faulkner, Barry Democrat Cheshire
Fellows, Sallie Democrat Grafton
Fenton, Donovan Democrat Cheshire
Fox, Dru Democrat Cheshire
Freitas, Mary Democrat Hillsborough
Frost, Sherry Democrat Strafford
Gallager, Eric Democrat Merrimack
Gilman, Julie Democrat Rockingham
Goley, Jeffrey Democrat Hillsborough
Gomarlo, Jennie Democrat Cheshire
Gottling, Suzanne Democrat Sullivan
Grassie, Chuck Democrat Strafford
Griffith, Willis Democrat Hillsborough
Grossman, Gaby Democrat Rockingham
Grote, Jaci Democrat Rockingham
Hakken-Phillips, Mary Democrat Grafton
Hall, Muriel Democrat Merrimack
Hamblet, Joan Democrat Rockingham
Hamer, Heidi Democrat Hillsborough
Harriott-Gathright, Linda Democrat Hillsborough
Harvey, Cathryn Democrat Cheshire
Heath, Mary Democrat Hillsborough
Herbert, Christopher Democrat Hillsborough
Horrigan, Timothy Democrat Strafford
Jack, Martin Democrat Hillsborough
Kelley, Eamon Democrat Coos
King, Mark Democrat Hillsborough
Klee, Patricia Democrat Hillsborough
Klein-Knight, Nicole Democrat Hillsborough
Knirk, Jerry Democrat Carroll
Labranche, Tony Independent Hillsborough
Laflamme, Larry Democrat Coos
Lane, Connie Democrat Merrimack
Langley, Diane Democrat Hillsborough
Laughton, Stacie-Marie Democrat Hillsborough
Leishman, Peter Democrat Hillsborough
Levesque, Cassandra Democrat Strafford
Long, Patrick Democrat Hillsborough
Loughman, Tom Democrat Rockingham
Luneau, David Democrat Merrimack
MacKay, James Democrat Merrimack
Malloy, Dennis Democrat Rockingham
Maneval, Andrew Democrat Cheshire
Mangipudi, Latha Democrat Hillsborough
Mann, John Democrat Cheshire
Marsh, William Democrat Carroll
McAleer, Chris Democrat Carroll
McGhee, Kat Democrat Hillsborough
McWilliams, Rebecca Democrat Merrimack
Merchant, Gary Democrat Sullivan
Meuse, David Democrat Rockingham
Muirhead, Russell Democrat Grafton
Mullen, Sue Democrat Hillsborough
Murphy, James Democrat Grafton
Murray, Kate Democrat Rockingham
Murray, Megan Democrat Hillsborough
Newman, Ray Democrat Hillsborough
Newman, Sue Democrat Hillsborough
Nordgren, Sharon Democrat Grafton
Nutter-Upham, Frances Democrat Hillsborough
Nutting-Wong, Allison Democrat Hillsborough
O’Brien, Michael Democrat Hillsborough
O’Hearne, Andrew Democrat Sullivan
Oxaal, Ariel Democrat Strafford
Paige, Mark Democrat Rockingham
Parshall, Lucius Democrat Cheshire
Pedersen, Michael Democrat Hillsborough
Petrigno, Peter Democrat Hillsborough
Pimentel, Roderick Democrat Merrimack
Porter, Marjorie Democrat Hillsborough
Query, Joshua Democrat Hillsborough
Read, Ellen Democrat Rockingham
Rich, Cecilia Democrat Strafford
Richards, Beth Democrat Merrimack
Rogers, Katherine Democrat Merrimack
Rombeau, Catherine Democrat Hillsborough
Rung, Rosemarie Democrat Hillsborough
Salloway, Jeffrey Democrat Strafford
Schamberg, Thomas Democrat Merrimack
Schapiro, Joe Democrat Cheshire
Schmidt, Janice Democrat Hillsborough
Schuett, Dianne Democrat Merrimack
Schultz, Kristina Democrat Merrimack
Shurtleff, Steve Democrat Merrimack
Simpson, Alexis Democrat Rockingham
Smith, Marjorie Democrat Strafford
Smith, Suzanne Democrat Grafton
Smith, Timothy Democrat Hillsborough
Snow, Kendall Democrat Hillsborough
Sofikitis, Catherine Democrat Hillsborough
Somssich, Peter Democrat Rockingham
Soucy, Timothy Democrat Merrimack
Stavis, Laurel Democrat Grafton
Stevens, Deb Democrat Hillsborough
Sullivan, Brian Democrat Sullivan
Sykes, George Democrat Grafton
Tanner, Linda Democrat Sullivan
Telerski, Laura Democrat Hillsborough
Toll, Amanda Elizabeth Democrat Cheshire
Toomey, Dan Democrat Hillsborough
Treleaven, Susan Democrat Strafford
Tucker, Edith Democrat Coos
Vail, Suzanne Democrat Hillsborough
Van Houten, Constance Democrat Hillsborough
Vann, Ivy Democrat Hillsborough
Veilleux, Daniel Democrat Hillsborough
Von Plinsky, Sparky Democrat Cheshire
Wall, Janet Democrat Strafford
Wallner, Mary Jane Democrat Merrimack
Ward, Gerald Democrat Rockingham
Wazir, Safiya Democrat Merrimack
Weber, Lucy Democrat Cheshire
Welkowitz, Lawrence Democrat Cheshire
Weston, Joyce Democrat Grafton
Wilhelm, Matthew Democrat Hillsborough
Woodcock, Stephen Democrat Carroll
Woods, Gary Democrat Merrimack

The post The Names of All 153 Democrats Who Voted to Keep the NH Secession “Bill” Alive appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Former Gunstock Area Commissioner and Current “Citizens for Belknap’s” Brian Gallagher Was Out to Silence “Trouble-Makers”?

Wed, 2022-09-28 21:00 +0000

Yes, THAT Brian Gallagher.  The one who has been writing Letters to the Editor in the Daily Sun, making sure that he was the “Responsible” one calling out the Extremists; in the latest filing for the Citizens for Belknap, he’s listed as Treasurer.

You know, that Democrat-founded and led Political Action Committee that has lambasted Conservative Republicans for months?  He’s a Republican that consorted with hard-core Democrats to do so.  So what’s in it for you, Brian?

Does this email raise questions – including some concerning “integrity” and “long term in political planning”?

Like staying on the Belknap Area Commission, as CHAIR for MONTHS after he sold his house in Belknap County (a mandatory requirement in RSA 399, the enabling statute authorizing Gunstock). That former Commissioner Gary Kiedaisch spent taxpayer money in trying to figure out how to keep Gallagher on the Commission. THAT’S acting “responsible”, Brian?

(second document, page 3; hover over it to see the controls; click to embiggen)

You started on the GAC in 2017 and stayed on until early this year (and never mentioned in your resignation speech that you had moved out of the County).  But folks, look at that second billing date: 11/18/20. And it is apparent that Gary Kiedaisch was looking for a “rug to sweep it under”.  And in another email to Rebecca LaPense, it was CLEAR that Gary Kiedaisch was adamant that the new Master Development Plan was going to be ramrodded through…

—–Original Message—–
From: Gary kiedaisch <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 10:23 AM
To: Tom Day <>
Subject: [External] GAC materials

Hi Tom

Can you please have the following done for this evenings meeting 1. Print 8 copies of the final response to the GAC charges. Becky should have them from Tom.  DONE
2. Bring an easel to this evenings meeting. I have the large master plan map and we’re going to approve that this evening.

…until it wasn’t (trouble makers). Except now, having removed (getting ahead of myself here) “the trouble makers“, you are going to see another run on getting that hotel built on Gunstock other peoples’ properties?

So what else went on under the surface, Brian? You willing to ‘fess up to your formerly “fellow Republicans”?  You know, “the trouble makers“:

From: Karen & Brian Gallagher <>
Sent: Saturday, January 1, 2022 5:13 PM
To: Rebecca LaPense <>
Subject: Re: [External] Posting ??? GAC

Hi Becky:

Yes if possible to have the notice posted at the library and if that can be done have the actual posting include the same as a location posted.

In terms of adding to the calendar that would be very helpful as well going forward. My goal of course is to silence the trouble makers.

Thank you for the RSA update as well. My best.

“Our insight gives us so much more information then our eyesight.”

Yeah, thanks for giving us a bit more insight into this “silence the trouble makers“; was making them lose their relection bids for asking uncomfortable questions? Questions that you didn’t want asked AND having the authority to get those uncomfortable answers?  THOSE kind of trouble makers, Brian?I’m betting that was part of your  “my goal” as well.  How about that, Brian?  Willing to do some ‘splainin’ for us all?  Let us all in those secrets?

And yet you pose as the “non-partisan” one even as you are the treasurer of a Democrat PAC.  And why is it that you continue, in your Letters to the Editor, Daily Sun, to state that you still live in Sanbornton (here, here, here, here, and here)? Even as the PAC you drove was the entity creating the chaos?

I’m betting I’ll find a few more. It’s clear that what happened in the runup for the Primaries wasn’t a “quick and dirty” just because of seating arrangements.

Stay tuned.

Here’s the entire thread in reverse chronological order.

From: Rebecca LaPense
To: Karen & Brian Gallagher
Subject: RE: [External] Posting ??? GAC
Date: Sunday, January 2, 2022 8:55:00 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Hi Brian,

We will have it posted tomorrow at the Gilford Public Library (they are closed on Sunday) and
meeting notice updated to include that posting location.

I talked to Tom and Kristen about adding the GAC public meeting dates to the Events Calendar and
they are okay with that. One of us will let you know when it’s been published to the Events

Calendar…shouldn’t be very long.
Rebecca LaPense, SHRM-SCP
Director of Human Resources
Direct: 603-737-4305
719 Cherry Valley Road, Gilford, NH 03249


From: Karen & Brian Gallagher <>
Sent: Saturday, January 1, 2022 5:13 PM
To: Rebecca LaPense <>
Subject: Re: [External] Posting ??? GAC

Hi Becky:

Yes if possible to have the notice posted at the library and if that can be done have the actual
posting include the same as a location posted.

In terms of adding to the calendar that would be very helpful as well going forward. My goal of
course is to silence the trouble makers.

Thank you for the RSA update as well. My best.

“Our insight gives us so much more information then our eyesight.”


On Jan 1, 2022, at 4:22 PM, Rebecca LaPense <> wrote:
Hi Brian,

Happy New Year!!!

Thank you for your patience in getting back to you this week – I’ve asked Tom and
Kristen about posting the GAC meeting dates on the Gunstock Events calendar, stand
by for an update on that.

The January 19th meeting notice was posted on November 30th with the Gilford Public
Library listed as the location. Are you asking that we also post the meeting notice
physically at the Gilford library? Just clarifying your request below…

RSA 91-A:2 requires that meeting notices be posted in “2 appropriate places one of
which may be the public body’s Internet website, if such exists, or shall be printed in a
newspaper of general circulation in the city or town”. We are not required to post
meeting notices in the newspaper since we regularly post them in 3 appropriate places
– online at GUNSTOCK.COM, here in the Admin Office and County Commissioner’s

Notices for public hearings are required to be published in a paper of general
circulation in the municipality and posted in at least 2 public places, which is our
normal practice for the RAN hearings.
Rebecca LaPense, SHRM-SCP
Director of Human Resources
Direct: 603-737-4305
719 Cherry Valley Road, Gilford, NH 03249
From: Karen & Brian Gallagher <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2021 6:06 AM
To: Rebecca LaPense <>
Cc: Tom Day <>; Gary kiedaisch <>
Subject: [External] Posting ??? GAC
Good morning Becky:
Since we are having out next GAC meeting on the 19th, kindly have the notice
updated to show it is being posted at the Gilford Library location. Is it possible (without
to much effort) to include on the Gunstock website (front page) where events are
posted via the calendar where events are listed to include our meeting notice
there as well for 1/19/22.
From your knowledge is there any statutory requirement that we put a notice in the
newspaper. I am not aware of one but just checking.
My best.
“Our insight gives us so much more information then our eyesight.”

This email has been scanned for spam and viruses by Proofpoint Essentials. Click here to report
this email as spam.

<GACNotice 01.19.22.pdf>

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The post Former Gunstock Area Commissioner and Current “Citizens for Belknap’s” Brian Gallagher Was Out to Silence “Trouble-Makers”? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gas Prices are Creeping Back Up. Joe, Are You There?

Wed, 2022-09-28 19:30 +0000

Listen to Joe Biden, and the price of gas continues to drop. Listen to the facts, and the gas price has increased each of the last eight days. It is mind-boggling how this current administration looks you in the eye and lies or changes the definitions to fit their narrative.

It may be starting to catch up to Biden, and his cast of misfits as the approval poll for Biden is changing direction. As gas prices dropped, his approval rose, but as the price went up, his approval went down. I think Biden hoped to keep the price dropping until Election Day and then let it takes its course. His plan failed, and the polls and the future of the Democrat stranglehold on D.C. are both in trouble.

The DOW, at all-time highs when Joe took his oath, has tanked as Biden’s policies have killed the market momentum. You watch the ticker and hope the red will change to green, but it is not to be. The market will probably be below 29,000 by the weekend. People are watching their savings and retirement funds melt away, and Joe shrugs it off. He claims he does not put much stock in the markets. In his world, the economy is strong. Unfortunately, we live in the real world, and it is hurting every American. It is not just a one-two punch with the cost of gas or the closing bell of the market, it is inflation that continues to eat away at disposable income, and the cost of heating our homes is starting to come into play.

The President and the White House can deny it till the cows come home, but we are in a recession. Every American can feel their budget being stretched and their savings being drained. We already see layoffs, and companies like FedEx, who can tell by future orders, paint a terrible picture of the future economy. Walmart and Target are prepping for early holiday promotions, and Amazon is ready to launch a special early shopping event for their Prime customers. These companies know they have to capture sales dollars when the customers still have spendable cash. These are drastic measures by the corporate sector. Where is the response by the President?

Biden is still preparing to roll out the Student Loan Giveaway. The one trillion dollar influx of cash into the economy will spike an already high inflation rate. Look at the demographics of Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton, PA. Only 17% of Scranton went to college, so 83% of the town people will be strapped with the expense of paying the loans of the minority elite. This can be any town in America. Hardworking people who are struggling to make a living or who paid off their loans are now on the hook for those who won’t. This is a travesty that will further harm the economy. Many say this is illegal and will be challenged in court. The students waiting for a check may never see one, but this will all be solved after the election. This will go down as the most expensive vote buys in history.

This economy is spiraling, and all can see it except the President and his diversity band. They are definitely diverse but also inept, and we are paying for their failures.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH State Rep Carol McGuire – Your State House 09/23/22: Mike Yakubovich and Legislative Work

Wed, 2022-09-28 18:00 +0000

Representative Michael Yakubovich has dropped out of the state Senate race, due to medical problems that need his full attention. Please pray for him and his family in this stressful time.

Michael has been replaced as a candidate for the state senate by my friend Keith Murphy, a former representative who now lives in Manchester Ward 1, in the district. I support Keith’s election and am glad to talk with any of you about him.

My committee met this week to hear a presentation from the NH Retirement System on how they’re implementing SB 363, which allows Group II employees (police, fire, and corrections) to buy additional service credit if they are among those not vested in 2011 when the retirement system changed the minimum retirement date. This would let them retire at a younger age and/or receive a higher pension. The bill requires them to pay the full cost, which turned out to be higher than many of them had anticipated. Still, 137 people (of 1824 eligible) have applied for the buyback since the change went into law on August 6.

We want to thank NH State Rep Carol McGuire for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to


The committee also voted on some of the bills we held for interim study. HB 1429, requiring massage establishments to be licensed (in addition to the actual therapists) was the most contentious: it was recommended for further legislation 8-5, and one member has already submitted a bill to license them. The opposition, including me, believes that this is a local problem, and strongly prefers that towns have the authority to enforce their health and safety ordinances.

My HB 1191, allowing unlicensed owners to do plumbing, electrical, and gas work in duplexes as well as single-family homes, was recommended to not have further legislation because the bill as written is too simplistic, and resetting the exemptions is too complex to handle accurately in a short time period. So we recommended no further legislation, 11-2. HB 1061, on the midwifery board, was unanimously recommended for legislation to restructure the board.

HB 1395, which required the legislature to affirmatively approve all administrative rules (instead of objecting to some of them, and letting the rest go into effect) was recommended for no further legislation. I had thought to use this bill to consider some changes to JLCAR, the joint legislative committee on administrative rules, but decided to try some of them out before making a law change. (unless something surprising happens, I expect to be chair of JLCAR next session, and will be able to try out some changes.)

I’ve been appointed to two study committees this fall: one looking into the operation of the OPLC (office of professional licensure and certification), and the other into updating the state building code. The OPLC study is particularly looking into licensing fees and cost allocations since a licensing fee is intended to simply cover the cost of regulating the profession. If it is too high, it becomes an unfair tax; if too low, the licensing operation is subsidized by other taxpayers. The rule of thumb is that expected fees should total 100-125% of the projected costs, with an allowance for estimating errors and unanticipated costs. The various boards within the OPLC range from 32% to 378% of costs, based on the current allocation formula for shared costs: this is not acceptable and needs to be fixed. Of course, we will also be looking at the allocation formula!

The committee on building code updates hasn’t met yet. Another committee, created by my HB 1398, is studying criminal record checks in education, with the hope of eliminating the need for redundant reports.

Representative Carol McGuire

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

America Is a Lot More like Venezuela than You Thought

Wed, 2022-09-28 16:30 +0000

In true Marxist fashion, the People’s Republic of Venezuela (dba: Venezuela) has a food security problem. The connected political elite are eating like kings while the poor (everyone else) starve. The “cure” for this ailment may sound familiar.

Doctors are discouraged from declaring starvation as a cause of death.

No records, no official problem, and if anyone complains, you can say, where’s the evidence?

Sound familiar? Like safe and effective, or don’t you dare prescribe or fill prescriptions for Hydroxychloruine or Ivermectin, or we’ll yank your license to practice.

The government created VAERS as the go-to standard for vaccine surveillance, but now we are told it is more like Twitter. It’s anecdotal. Inaccurate. Old wives tale.

We have reports of certificates listing the cause of death as COVID so hospitals could collect reimbursements from the government. A government that incentivized death by hospital with federal treatment guidelines that increased the odds that COVID patients would die. Policies that discouraged FDA-licensed drugs that kept people out of the hospital and saved lives.

Don’t use those, or we’ll be sending agents to review your practice.

Back in Venezuela, doctors are “encouraged” to avoid listing starvation on the death certificates of children. That government is intimidating doctors and public health officials to present a preferred narrative, just like in Biden’s America.

Where, despite the evidence that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective and are – in fact – dangerous to many, the Feds have purchased millions more doses.

An America where food prices are climbing out of reach, homelessness, addiction, and suicide are on the rise, and children and women are being trafficked.

What’s that? You are not hearing about any of that on state-run media?

America is a lot more like Venezuela than you thought.



HT | HuffPo

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Need More Than Joe Biden and James Taylor

Wed, 2022-09-28 15:00 +0000

We are quietly approaching a crucial point in time with the conflict in Ukraine. Remarkably, the Ukraine military is pushing the Russian insurgents back and reclaiming a good percentage of territory claimed by Putin’s army. On the surface, this may seem like great news, but it could signal the worst of events for Ukraine, Europe, and the world.

Putin is being pushed into a corner, which is not a good position for a crazed individual.

Putin thought this would be a swift operation when he invaded sovereign Ukraine. He knew he had the numbers and the firepower to topple Ukraine and return it to the Russian mainland. He did not take into account the heart of the Ukrainians and the strength of its leadership. The will of the Russian military has been broken and forced Putin to call up 300,000 young men to reinforce his troops.

This action leads to protests, unrest in Moscow, people fleeing the country, and reports that Putin has gone into hiding for his safety. It has also been reported that Putin is not a healthy man, possibly suffering from advanced stages of cancer. An injured animal can be the most vicious as they fight for survival and have little to lose.

Putin has commented that no ammo in his arsenal is out of bounds, including nuclear. These undertones should have the entire world on the highest alert and unified to prevent a nuclear assault on Ukraine. A nuclear attack by Russia could trigger like action from the United States and its allies. The world should never have to survive a nuclear battle between superpowers and more minor actors.

We also have to be cognizant that China and Russia have been meeting, and no one knows how China would react if the Ukraine conflict elevates to a nuclear level.

Joe Biden is not the man we need in control at this time of heightened tension.

His official comment to Putin yesterday was, “cool it with your threats of nukes.” This weak statement and action are indicative of the problem we face. Biden is soft and does not garner much respect on the world stage. It is not funny, but James Taylor is practicing You’ve Got a Friend. We require a stronger, more respected team than Joe Biden and Antony Blinken. No one is stronger in this feckless administration, and we may have to look to Germany or England to step up and shut Putin down. America is no longer a superpower, and that is solely on Biden.

These next few weeks are crucial. With Ukraine gaining strength, the Russian people acting out against Putin, and Putin showing weakness in how he is reacting to these current situations, it is time to tighten the screws with financial constraints. The world has to isolate Russia and prove to Putin that he will face the wrath of the world’s power should he opt to go nuclear on Ukraine. Let’s hope that Biden can muster enough strength to hold onto the ball, and let’s keep JT quietly at home on Martha’s Vineyard.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tampa, Florida vs. Hurricane Ian (Watch Live Radar)

Wed, 2022-09-28 13:30 +0000

The first major hurricane landfall of 2022 is upon us, and Ian is heading right toward the throat of Tampa Bay. I spent a good deal of time there growing up. My parents like to vacation in the area. Everything is on sand up to the water’s edge, so they’re screwed.

South of Tampa,  on Fort Myers beach (where my parents later lived for many years), they had storm surges that completely covered the island. The sea and the bay were one. Everything under the house (it was on stilts) got seawater on it or in it, including cars, lawn equipment, and tools; it was a mess.

I wasn’t there when it happened, but I’m not unfamiliar with the aftermath. But it comes with the territory. It is nice most of the time, with occasional major weather crises. They loved living there, as do most Floridians.

It is a risk they are willing to take, and today, the risk is a beast named Ian.



Wherever it lands, things will get messy, and damage will be significant. There’s no escaping that. Hurricanes happen, even during Democrat administrations. The question is, will the Left use it to provide meaningful support or as an excuse to spend another trillion dollars on crap.

I’d lean toward the latter.

Never let a crisis go to waste.

Katrina was a talking point. Sandy was a talking point. But not Harvey, which hit Texas in 2017 (Houston). Ian’s political status remains unclear, but some sick bastards out there will be happy to see DeSantis’ Florida getting spanked by mother nature.

If you see any of that, please screen-grab it and send it along, especially if it is locals here in New Hampshire.

Here are some good information and helpful words from the Conservative Treehouse if you are in the path.

Live Radar of Hurricane Ian



Radar HT | WUWT

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Much $$$ Are Manchester and Exeter Parents Paying For District To Defend Woke Policies?

Wed, 2022-09-28 12:00 +0000

And all of this stems from when Governor Chris Sununu sign SB263 made the Democrats political day in enshrining their latest political identity group, those suffering from gender dysphoria and social contagion (i.e., Transgenderism), as the newest “protected class” people that rate “more rights” than the typical citizen (like me and most of you). That unlocked the barn door and, as those of you who read the ‘Grok already know, lots of School Districts immediately implemented Transgender Policies (and ignored all the other policies they were supposed to create and thus are in violation of the law).  While lawsuits across the nation on this (amazing, hasn’t it been, that school boards all across the country put these policies in place at the same time?), NH is a johnny-come-lately.

My lawsuit against the Gilford School Board, for being unwilling to answer two simple questions (what NH RSA gives you the Power to destroy Free Speech as well as lie to Parents about the transgender status of their child?) cost the taxpayers over $14,000.  But that leaves the other two “main” Districts being sued (more on Parental Right to raise their child/hiding transgender status, and Religious Freedom and Freedom of Speech): Manchester and Exeter.

So, I just rolled out two new Right To Know demands because the taxpayers of those Districts should know how their elected and appointed officials (school boards and Superintendents) are spending their tax money.


—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
Sent: 9/27/2022 9:10:32 AM
Subject: RSA 91A demand – An accounting of the funds expended by the Manchester School District on the recently concluded lawsuit regarding your Policy 100.1 (Transgender and Gender non-conforming Students)

Board of School members,

Please find, attached to this email, a Right To Know demand for the total expenditures, at the General Ledger Account Line(s) level, for the cost of defending the recently concluded lawsuit concerning Policy 100.1.  Please note that this RSA 91:A demand is not requesting any privileged legal communication, just the funds expended and the audit trail documentation supporting that final number.

Kindest regards,


Skip Murphy
Founder, co-owner | | 603-630-6644
Dominating the political Bandwidth in New Hampshire


Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records. Otherwise, if this cannot be fulfilled within that mandated window per RSA 91-A, please advise when the Responsive Records will be made available.

This request is for the SAU 37/Manchester School District’s total expenditures concerning the recently concluded legal matter in Hillsborough Superior Court on the legal validity of its Policy 100.1 (Transgender and Gender Non-conforming Students) in which Judge Amy Messer ruled in the District’s favor:

  • Starting values of all involved General Ledger Accounts (“GL Account lines”), as of the date that funds were first expended, as Defendants concerning its Policy 1001.
    Final values of said GL Account lines used for expenditures for this lawsuit plus payments for any remaining outstanding Invoices in this case.
    A transaction summary report, for each said GL line, of all transactions types to include (but not limited to):
  • Transfers into to such a GL line for this purpose
    Expenditures from such a GL line for this purpose
    Transfers into and out of such a GL Line:
  • Listing the destination GL line
    Description as to why the transfer was desired/needed
    Name of the authorizer for that transfer.
    Purpose of that transfer
    The complete audit transaction trail to or from any legal entities from which advice or services were rendered concerning the lawsuit brought by the Plaintiff concerning Policy 100.1. including (but not limited to):
  • All Invoices (and other such documents requesting or outlining payments) against those GL Account lines
    All payment vouchers, copies of checks, documentation for any type of Electronic Funds Transfers (e.g., ACH, Paypal, et al), or other instruments of payment against those Legal GL lines

Note: this Right To Know is not requesting any privileged communications with Counsel – merely the financial transactions with them. Per Hampton Police Ass’n, Inc. v. Town of Hampton, 162 N.H. 7 (2011), these records types (e.g., financial records) are not privileged communications – just financial transactions. If there are any such “privileged notations” associated with these transactions, redacting such notations will cure this issue. Please note that the Court held that billing and payments amounts are not privileged.

Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, unavailable for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

As you are aware, in 2016, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that a governmental body in possession of records is required to produce them in electronic media using standard common file formats: Green v. SAU #55, 168 N.H. 796, 801 (2016). Unless there is some reason that it is not reasonably practical to produce such, explain why it is not practical to comply.

Please also note, per RSA 91-A:4 III, III-a, and III-b, you are required to maintain the safety and accessibility of such responsive records whether stored locally or off-site (including a “hosting company”).

Please let me know when these records will be sent to me for inspection. You may email the responsive records to me at If the volume turns out to be substantial, I have already set up a Dropbox folder to use in uploading those responsive records.

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.


Skip Murphy

And Exeter as well (except those cases are on-going ):

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
Sent: 9/27/2022 9:18:45 AM
Subject: RSA 91A demand – An accounting of the funds expended by the Exeter School District on the onging lawsuit regarding Policy JBAB (Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students)

School Board members,

Please find, attached to this email, a Right To Know demand for the total expenditures, at the General Ledger Account Line(s) level, for the cost of defending the ongoing lawsuit concerning Policy JBAB.  Please note that this RSA 91:A demand is not requesting any privileged legal communication, just the funds expended and the audit trail documentation supporting that final number.


Skip Murphy
Founder, co-owner | | 603-630-6644
Dominating the political Bandwidth in New Hampshire


Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records. Otherwise, if this cannot be fulfilled within that mandated window per RSA 91-A, please advise when the Responsive Records will be made available.

This request is for the SAU 16/Exeter School District’s total expenditures, thus far (as of September 27,2022), concerning the on-going legal matter in Rockingham Superior Court on the legal validity concerning its Policy JBAB (Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students):

  • Starting values of all involved General Ledger Accounts (“GL Account lines”), as of the date that funds were first expended, as Defendants concerning its Policy JBAB.
  • Final values of said GL Account lines used for expenditures for this lawsuit plus payments for any remaining outstanding Invoices in this case.
  • A transaction summary report, for each said GL line, of all transactions types to include (but not limited to):
    • Transfers into to such a GL line for this purpose
    • Expenditures from such a GL line for this purpose
    • Transfers into and out of such a GL Line:
      • Listing the destination GL line
      • Description as to why the transfer was desired/needed
      • Name of the authorizer for that transfer.
      • Purpose of that transfer
  • The complete audit transaction trail to or from any legal entities from which advice or services were rendered concerning the lawsuit brought by the Plaintiff concerning Policy JBAB. including (but not limited to):
    • All Invoices (and other such documents requesting or outlining payments) against those GL Account lines
    • All payment vouchers, copies of checks, documentation for any type of Electronic Funds Transfers (e.g., ACH, Paypal, et al), or other instruments of payment against those Legal GL lines

Note: this Right To Know is not requesting any privileged communications with Counsel – merely the financial transactions with them. Per Hampton Police Ass’n, Inc. v. Town of Hampton, 162 N.H. 7 (2011), these records types (e.g., financial records) are not privileged communications – just financial transactions. If there are any such “privileged notations” associated with these transactions, redacting such notations will cure this issue. Please note that the Court held that billing and payments amounts are not privileged.

Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, unavailable for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

As you are aware, in 2016, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that a governmental body in possession of records is required to produce them in electronic media using standard common file formats: Green v. SAU #55, 168 N.H. 796, 801 (2016). Unless there is some reason that it is not reasonably practical to produce such, explain why it is not practical to comply.

Please also note, per RSA 91-A:4 III, III-a, and III-b, you are required to maintain the safety and accessibility of such responsive records whether stored locally or off-site (including a “hosting company”).

Please let me know when these records will be sent to me for inspection. You may email the responsive records to me at If the volume turns out to be substantial, I have already set up a Dropbox folder to use in uploading those responsive records.

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.


Skip Murphy


The Five Day Clock starts….NOW!

The post How Much $$$ Are Manchester and Exeter Parents Paying For District To Defend Woke Policies? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

WMUR’s Adam Sexton Is A Threat To Our Democracy

Wed, 2022-09-28 10:30 +0000

So, I previously posted about how NHPR’s Josh Rogers Is A Threat To Our Democracy. Adam Sexton is also busy rigging the election. Social Security and Medicare are NOT among the issues voters are prioritizing this election. Even according to the FakeNews Washington Post:

Not even according to FakeNews NPR:

But here is Adam Trump-Voters-Are-White-Supremacists Sexton acting like it is eminently newsworthy … and NOT an attempt to deflect from the issues voters really care about … for Hassan to be talking about Social Security:

FakeNews Adam Sexton is a threat to our democracy.

The post WMUR’s Adam Sexton Is A Threat To Our Democracy appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Panic over Climate Change Will Get Worse; Vote for Change

Wed, 2022-09-28 01:30 +0000

It isn’t even October yet we have had to turn on our heat. Raw, cold nights have made that necessary, so if “global warming” is actually happening, where the heck is it? Last spring was slow in coming and our winter had extended weeks below freezing, then two weeks of really hot, summer days. Now I’m getting old (will be 80 in October) so I can tell you there is not a whisker’s difference in our climate (weather patterns) from when I was a boy. So when WMUR TV presents a pending disaster piece that property along our sea coast is in dire jeopardy, I had to laugh. So, I did. But just in case folks down there buy it, maybe I can pick up a nice oceanfront cottage on the cheap? Somehow I doubt it though because real science reported Greenland has several billion tons more ice already in September.

Oh, the sad plight of the greenies who just can’t get science to support their fantasies. Even with President Joe Biden’s dire prediction of increased hurricanes, which have not transpired, the greenies are desperately seeking straws upon which to cling. Unfortunately, funding for make-believe is still flowing from taxpayers through massive government grants and subsidies in profusion.

Good grief. Gov. Gavin Newsom out in California is passing a ban on gas- and diesel-powered vehicles to take effect next decade without any prospect of creating the green energy needed to supply that state’s present needs. Here in New Hampshire, we are still hearing from Democrats’ tales of gloom and doom while we citizens are feeling the pain of the failed Socialist agendas. It will get worse unless voters decide enough is enough and replace useless Democrats bound in failures with common sense Republicans.

Vote for change.

The post Panic over Climate Change Will Get Worse; Vote for Change appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

When Our Children Prosper, We All Prosper

Wed, 2022-09-28 00:00 +0000

Both before, during, and now post-pandemic, the Department of Education remains committed to supporting our children and our schools. This support extends beyond the traditional classroom and aims to reach a vast array of students, educational facilities, and learning environments.

Support for our public schools does not mean that one does not support our non-public or home education students as well. Similarly, support for Education Freedom Accounts does not reflect a lack of support for public schools. It does not need to be one or the other, or us versus them. We all deserve the best educational experience as possible, and when our children prosper, we all prosper.

We know that learning is not a one-size fits all approach. We know that all students are equally valuable – whether they learn in a typical classroom setting, at a kitchen table, or within a small learning pod.

The pandemic disrupted everything within the world of education. Despite these monumental disruptions, New Hampshire fared well compared to many parts of the country. Coming out the other side of the pandemic and gaining a bit of perspective on what took place when we look back, there is much that we did well and much to be proud of.

We want to thank Commissioner Frank Edleblut, NH Dept of Education for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Those successes can be attributed to the resilience and commitment to children and families in New Hampshire by educational institutions, support organizations, and friends. Those successes also reflect the investments that have been made, both locally and at the state level, in our education system. Through COVID relief funding, school districts and the state have received unprecedented resources to invest in education, all with the goal of supporting our educators and strengthening opportunities for students.

Those state-level investments started early in the pandemic with the statewide licensing of a learning management system to make sure that our teachers and students had the best tools for effective instruction. That learning management system was augmented by a contract with Discovery Education so that our schools and learners had access to high-quality instructional materials, irrespective of the school they attend.

To assist educators in taking advantage of these tools, two professional development opportunities were made available, including a program with Granite State College to train them in the effective use of a learning management system. Most recently, we rolled out our Leaning into Literacy training to ensure that all teachers have the chance to hone their skills in teaching children to read – one of the most important factors of educational success. These opportunities will train thousands of New Hampshire educators.

Recognizing that learning gaps exist, we rolled out three separate tutoring programs to support the work of our teachers and students. Our partnership with Sal Kahn and provides students with a peer-to-peer tutoring platform. Our “Yes! Every Student” tutoring program provides every student with $1,000 scholarships to be used for tutoring or special education services with New Hampshire Certified Educators. Most recently, we completed a contract with to bring 24/7 tutoring services to all children in grades 6-12.

The pandemic disrupted not only academic trajectories, but the ability for some students to access instruction because of stress, anxiety, and growing mental health struggles. Broadly, we have supported students with our Rekindling Curiosity program, which helps low-income students across the state experience one of our great New Hampshire youth camps. The #603Moment campaign is also designed to spread positivity among our communities with uplifting messaging.

For teachers struggling with dysregulated behavior from students, we provided training through The Regulated Classroom and One Trusted Adult programs, offering them strategies and tools for working with these youth. Our partnership with the Community Behavioral Health Association provided mental health training to teachers and camp counselors, as well as direct services to students needing professional mental health support. Our partnership with Graduation Alliance gives our schools direct mentoring services for thousands of secondary students that are struggling to engage, sometimes disruptive and often at risk of dropping out.

These are just a few of the many investments that we have made in support of all schools and students, regardless of where they choose to be enrolled. Our approach, through these investments, has been to support our families, teachers, administrators, and communities, all of whom work hard for our students. These investments, while predominately in support of our traditional public schools, also extend to our public charter schools, non-public schools, and Home Education programs – with the goal of supporting all students, without exclusion and without exception. These efforts and initiatives will not, as some claim, weaken our public education system. Instead, it expands opportunities and resources for every single child in the state, setting them each on a path to a bright future.

The post When Our Children Prosper, We All Prosper appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Hate” Reported At Hartford High School

Tue, 2022-09-27 22:30 +0000

Hartford High School Principal Nelson Fogg’s office sent out an email to parents reporting a type of “hate” crime had been committed off campus affecting a Hartford High School student. We don’t know who, what, when, where or why because the report was deliberately vague stating:

“We were made aware of a concerning incident that happened to one of our students.  The incident was hateful and racially motivated.  This did not happen on school grounds or during the school day, but as a school district, we will not tolerate or ignore threats to members of our community and we condemn all forms of racism.”

Per the suggestion in the email, we reached out to Hartford’s new Equity Coordinator Maggie Ibrahim at for comment and clarification and have yet to hear back.

A few questions immediately come to mind given the nature of the incident and the new role taken on by Miss Ibrahim.

At the risk of sounding incredulous, the problem with this type of report is both the lack of detail and the now lengthy list of hoax self-hate crimes the likes of Jussie Smollett. One might even recall Dwight Walker, a gay pastor, who set his own car on fire to curry political support. In a moment of honesty, Walker said he “wanted people to see him as a victim”, only he was also the perpetrator. He faced felony arson, lying, and fraud charges as a result.

It would be nice if this were a rarity but the number of hoaxes hate crimes (178 since 2001) compared to known hate groups in Vermont (2) gives one pause. The timing of the incident is also suspicious given the school sent out another email later that week announcing a “Day of Racial Equity” field trip occurring next week (9/30).

Nobody wants to doubt these claims but the lack of transparency given the history of these types of incidents leaves the serious investigator no choice. Who was involved? When did it happen and where? What was said or done? How do we know it was racially motivated?

I come from a neighborhood in a city almost famous for its hatefulness – southeast Portland, Oregon. We had skinheads, Aryan nations, then the Crips, Bloods, Asian gangs, Hell’s Angels, and Tanya Harding. We can hate with the best of them. Now, supreme among them is Antifa who have made themselves masters of hate masquerading as “anti” hate. My favorite was the time they tear-gassed, pepper sprayed, and assaulted children who were with their families for a prayer vigil in Waterfront Park. Because what could possibly be more fascist than praying with your kids?

If this incident is real, and until we get the full story we can’t know for sure; it absolutely should be condemned. However, the vagueness of the report disallows people to give it the necessary vitriol and rebuke any racially motivated act of hate deserves. Whoever was targeted should feel supported and unafraid of shedding light on the who, what, when, where, why, and how? I can think of no other town in Vermont than Hartford that would quickly rise to defend anyone, especially a “marginalized’ person from any act of racial hatred. They don’t just lean left, they live it. This is why this report needs to be transparent for all to get behind the victim if in fact there is an actual victim.

If the school or town refuses to shed the necessary light, then the opportunity to drive another nail in the anti-hate coffin will be missed thanks to the false altar upon which the hate hoaxes have been committed over the years.

The second question of Miss Ibrahim’s position arises wondering what exactly is an Equity Coordinator? How does one coordinate equity among Hartford High School students and faculty? Was this taxpayer paid position requested by the town, and, if not, then by whom and why?

Very little can be found on the Hartford page link to her role and bio (which you can find here). What can be found are the following statement and a list of definitions for the terms listed.

Anti-Racism Statement:

“The School District of the Town of Hartford rejects all forms of racism. Racism in any form will not be tolerated in this school. Hartford Schools are committed to the mission of increasing cultural respect by cultivating a greater understanding of concepts of diversity, inclusion, equity, implicit bias, white privilege, white supremacy, and systemic racism.” 

Finally, the arbiters of designating hate groups remain the Southern Poverty Law Center who has added a “hate map” to its site. Out of all of the United States Vermont has by far the least in all of New England with two. The first is the Patriot Front which finds its base in Texas, the second is a neo-Nazi group called the Nationalist Social Club, which is ironic given NAZI stands for National Socialists. Hitler, though anti-communist, actually favored the racist teachings and gnostic program thought up by socialism’s crown prince Karl Marx.

Vermont’s proud tradition of being the first state in the union to abolish slavery in 1777 to its credit, remains a decidedly anti-hateful place to develop a hate group since only two claim residency here. However, the number of hate crimes reported in Vermont (138) is nearly triple that in New Hampshire (48) which has twice our population. Which begs the question, how is Vermont, the bluest state in the U.S., three times as hateful as New Hampshire, a historically red state?

A brief history lesson on the US government’s historical fight against racism and hate crimes goes back to Ulysses S. Grant, a Republican, who fought bravely after replacing the deceased Abraham Lincoln. Among Grant’s many battles was against the lynching of both black and white Americans who were targeted for their stand against racism. Over 1,000 Republicans were lynched during his term in office, though Grant’s efforts brought the extremist Democrat-sponsored Ku Klux Klan and their terrorism in the north to a screeching halt while he remained in office.

I wonder if they’re teaching that at Hartford High School.

The post “Hate” Reported At Hartford High School appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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