The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • May 18 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XX

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 17 min 50 sec ago

Belknap County Republican Committee – the “We’re ALL Extremists Now!” edition

Tue, 2022-08-16 18:00 +0000

Grokster Don, who was also present at July meeting  had the Line / Question of the Night (even if not articulated until almost the end of the meeting):

When did limited Government, Freedom, and the Right to Property become Extremist?

Well, Don, that would be when Socialism, that foreign political philosophy, was brought back to our American shores as “American” academics (‘natch!) returned from Germany and then believed that our Constitution and its underlying values had to be replaced (See Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, LBJ, Obama, and now those who are controlling addled President Asterisk).

The Left has been trying to remove it and the values it stood for and encompassed since the 1890s. One hundred and thirty years, they’ve been marching through our institutions trying to rid “ourselves” of the political philosophy of our Founding Fathers. And that would be by using our own political infrastructure against those of us that still value the Liberty supporting norms they put into place.

But we are now to be called the extremists – and even our Federal Government calls us all domestic terrorists.

And along with “TEA Partier,” “Free Stater,” and now “Extremist.”

The Left loves to label their opposition, in their long march to radically transform America (remember, Obama actually stated as much) anything that would diminish their opposition personally. My prime example is what GAC Commissioners Doug Lambert (owner, DGF Industrial) and Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice Chair) have been calling other Republicans for no cause at all – neither of them nor the Democrat-run group they have aligned themselves with, Citizens for Belknap), can point to any Law that has been broken, ByLaw that has been rendered asunder, Rule that has been bent, nor regulation that has been ignored.




Every step of the way, each of those has been meticulously followed.  Not so much on the other side.

While this video is a month old (had it in my Drafts and forgot about it), that supposition rings true.  A prime example is that GAC Commissioners Lambert and Wood have fallen in with the Democrats in this “rhetorical exercise” of the politics of personal destruction. And given the updated events over this last month, I can just say that Doug Lambert, always a student of the Left’s actions, appreciated how Germany was turned inside out in the early 1930s through the office of the Chancellorship.  Now Lambert has just recreated that using the Gunstock Area Commission.  Now his Putsch has seemingly succeeded.

At least until the two, now maybe three, lawsuits are heard in court.

I do wonder if the newly “appointed” GAC Commissioner Denise Conroy knows that Lambert was an early Trump campaign co-captain?  And that he was the one ostracized from political society by slurring NH Democrat Chair Ray Buckley?  If so, would the below then get invoked, making Lambert and Wood their “useful idiots” (a putsch within a putsch)? Again, both Wood and Lambert are the ones wearing the ski helmets.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Republican Candidate’s Campaign Sign Found Hidden Behind a Manchester Democrat’s Home

Tue, 2022-08-16 16:30 +0000

The occupants of 151 Sagamore Street in Manchester have a Chris Pappas sign in their yard. Alongside it is a sign for David Preece, another Democrat. Pappas is running for reelection to congress. Preece for the NH House. Neither is as interesting as the sign “behind” the house.

The Manchester *Democrats at 151 Sagamore St. supporting Pappas and Preece have a 4 x 6 (4 x 8?) Matt Mowers for Congress sign wedged between their aluminum shed and a pair of ladders.



That’s not usually how people “display” them unless you support Democrats. Mowers is a Republican running for the nomination in Congressional District one, so you’d be right to scratch your noodle and wonder what a Matt Mowers sign was doing on their property unless it was stolen.

4 x 8 signs are not cheap. Stealing them is against the law and comes with a fine and the potential loss of your right to vote in the state.

Related: Democrat Geoff Wetrosky That Lying Liar (And Repeat Vote Stealer)

I’m sure the owners or occupants at 151 Sagamore St., Manchester, have a perfect explanation for why a Republican campaign sign is hidden behind their house during the run-up to an election.

An election (potentially) between the guy whose sign they have allegedly stolen and the guy whose sign is freely displayed in their front yard. Or did they steal this sign in 2020 when Mowers was the nominee and Pappas the incumbent?

That doesn’t make it any less illegal.



*We have not confirmed the party registration of the residents as Democrats, but based on the evidence, it seems obvious.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

G.I.P. GOP US Senate Debate

Tue, 2022-08-16 15:00 +0000
The Government Integrity Project held a GOP US Senate Primary debate on August 14th, with candidates Don Bolduc, Bruce Fenton, and Kevin Smith. Chuck Morse and Vikram Mansharamani chose not to face this audience, which I guessed at over 300. General Bolduc was fired up, Kevin Smith was enthusiastic, and Bruce Fenton didn’t have Chuck to throw verbal bombs at. Ken Eyring diplomatically stated he’d be happy to have any of them cutting government down to size. See what you think.
First, Ken Eyring introduced the debate, the pastor gave the invocation, and the Pledge of Allegiance was said:

Opening statements, then first questions from the Government Integrity Project and the moderator:

Small break for battery change, then questions submitted by GIP members and the audience:

Rapid fire round and closing statements:

And the final photo of the candidates and the volunteers:

What do the readers think? Did the establishment candidate waffle on some answers? Could Bruce really bring a broader electorate? Do you think the General was on fire?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

UPDATE: The Alleged Child Predator and Groomer School Bus Driver in Greenland

Tue, 2022-08-16 13:30 +0000

Tonight I was invited to a school board meeting in Greenland, NH. Prior to the start of the meeting, the board members and administrators opened up comments so that parents could address the alleged predator, that was grooming an 8-year-old boy in Greenland, New Hampshire.

While some parents were aware of this meeting, many were not. I was told by some parents that NO notification went out to parents informing them of this community discussion. That alone is cause for concern. Parents should have been notified that this meeting would be taking place.

The parents who did attend wanted to know why the bus driver was re-assigned to a different route after receiving complaints by the parents.  From NBC News Boston:

The complaint said that in April, their son and daughter’s bus driver, identified as Chick, had given them gifts like candy, Pokémon paraphernalia, and other small toys.

When the kids were absent from school, the parents said Chick would leave notes for the children at their home that said how much he missed them.

The complaint stated that in May, Chick “stopped and asked if he could attend the boy’s Little League baseball game.” The boy’s parents then contacted the school, getting Greenland Police and the school bus company involved.

The Student School Administration asked the bus company to assign Chick to a different route. The complaint said the next day, Greenland Police told Chick he could have no more contact with the boy or his family.

In July, documents alleged someone found two TracFones in the boy’s bedroom. The child admitted that Chick had given him the phones in May.

Upon searching Chick’s car, investigators said they found a “TracFone, a digital camera, duct tape, rubber gloves, sweet (candy) liquor, candy, children’s clothing including underwear, children’s toys, a magnetic GPS vehicle tracker.” Investigators said they also executed a search warrant at Chick’s home.

When asked about the items, his mother told 7NEWS that, in the case of the rubber gloves, he was required to have them for his job, while some other items were related to time he spent as a babysitter.

According to the police, the notes found in Chick’s room said things like, “You saved yourself. Would have taken you away on Friday.” Investigators also said there were detailed instructions on how to take body selfies from different angles and instructions on keeping a secret “in order for your family to not be killed.”

Parents want answers.

Who failed to act on the first reports by these parents that resulted in a reassignment to another bus? Parents want an exact time-line of events. Why was Chick not put on leave, and all of this reported to the authorities?

They want accountability for those involved. Who decided this information should not be shared with parents?  There were calls for transparency by school officials.

As an advocate for parental rights, I added the following requests on behalf of parents who have contacted me: 
1) Accountability: who will be accountable for any of this?
2) Transparency: make sure the investigation is fully transparent, and how this gross negligence never happens again. That involves clear policies that hold personnel accountable for their actions. Parents want to see policies that involve the termination of anyone who puts children in harms way.
3) Parents need to know how the background checks work. Was there any criminal activity that showed up as one parent suggested? If so, why was he hired ? That needs to change.
4) Parents need to see the discipline policy for all those employed in the school district.
5) This was a predator grooming an 8 year old boy in the district. Parents want to make sure that what happens in the Greenland schools does not help any groomers in the future.
6) Any conversations with First Student should be public and televised for those who cannot attend the meeting.
7) Contact representatives from the Child Advocacy Center so that they can advise the staff on what grooming looks like. This could go a long way to helping to identify groomers working in the district.

Parents need to attend all public meetings. They need to make it clear to the school board during school board meetings that there needs to be accountability on what happened with this bus driver.

First Student provides busing for many school districts in New Hampshire. It would be a good idea if all parents started questioning their school board too.

When teachers, administrators or any other person working in the school system is grooming a child, and that person is reassigned, that is called: Passing the Trash. It is up to parents and residents in Greenland to make it very clear, this is unacceptable, and those who participate in this behavior will be terminated too.

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Steve Zadravec <>
Date: Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 16:55
Subject: Update and Statement from First Student
To: ********

Dear SAU 50 Community Members,

In addition to the information we sent out across the SAU yesterday, Greenland Central School has released some age-appropriate talking tips for parents when addressing personal safety issues with their children from the 2022 Committee for Children. I’m including this document at the end of this message.

There has also been a dedicated hotline set up to allow families to report any pertinent information involving this case and/ or other incidents. This hotline is being staffed by the Department of Homeland Security and is the most efficient way to get information to investigators. Officials urge anyone with information to call (603)-722-1751.

Message from First Student
I received the following message with additional information from First Student. We will share additional information as it becomes available.

“First Student is proud to provide safe and reliable school bus transportation to your community. Having done so for more than 100 years across North America, nothing is more important to us. The incident reported in Greenland, N.H., is completely unacceptable and at odds with what we stand for as a company.

We understand the anxiety this causes for parents and school districts. I can assure you that First Student took immediate action. The driver was terminated immediately upon notification of their arrest, and we continue to partner with all local, state, and federal authorities during the investigation.

First Student follows all onboarding guidelines set by the state of New Hampshire and the Department of Transportation, including testing requirements, background checks and licensure policies. Coupled with more than 40 hours of in-classroom and behind-the-wheel training, First Students exceeds in the training of our drivers.

I want you to have confidence in how serious we are about delivering safe and reliable school bus transportation. Our drivers are committed to providing the best start and end to the school day. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”

Thank you,

Dave Fairweather
Area General Manager
First Student

Please know we are committed to a strong partnership with parents and community stakeholders. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. My email is and the phone number is (603) 422-9572.

Steve Zadravec, Superintendent



2022 Committee for Children | Reprinted with permission for personal or educational purposes.

Talking Tips for Parents.pdf 

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Jessica Friedman <>
Date: Tue, Aug 9, 2022 at 13:55
Subject: Message from GCS Principal Hallee
To: *************

August 9, 2022

Dear Greenland Central School Parents and Guardians,

As you always hear me say, student safety is my number one priority. I wanted to personally reach out, as your Principal, regarding the recent arrest of a First Student bus driver. This driver had been transporting some of our Greenland students.

Please know that when concerns are brought to our attention, we have protocols in place for responding to them, which includes contacting the appropriate authorities and other necessary stakeholders.  If there is an ongoing investigation, there are additional parameters that we must follow in order to protect the child and to help ensure the integrity of the legal process.

We are grateful for the ongoing support and collaboration of the Greenland Police, the United States Attorney, and the Department of Homeland Security.  These law enforcement agencies have assured us that they will be actively pursuing this case and will be remaining in our community for as long as we need them.

As a school, we already have measures put into place to have students learn about safety as standard practice within our curriculum, both in respect to personal body safety and how to be safe online. Prior to recent events, Haven was already scheduled to come to GCS in September and will be working with all grade levels.  In addition, our student support team is ready to support our students and their needs.  (HAVEN supports southeastern New Hampshire through violence prevention education, support services, and community outreach.)

Having conversations about these matters with your children can feel uncomfortable. I have included information below on ways you can talk to your student(s) from the 2022 Committee for Children.   Please reach out to me personally if you have any concerns regarding your student(s) safety and would like a time to meet with one of our counselors and/or myself.  If you feel that your child has been impacted by this situation, please contact the Greenland Police Department by calling 603-431-4624. In addition, there will be a communication from Superintendent Zadravec this afternoon.


Tamara Hallee, Principal




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Moby Trump

Tue, 2022-08-16 12:00 +0000

I just saw this headline on a news aggregator:

“Volatile Fallout After Angry Reactions To Court-Approved Search Warrant For Trump’s Florida Estate”

And I wondered:  What is the phrase court-approved doing in the headline?

Of course, the search warrant was approved by a court.  Does anyone think it wasn’t?  It would be like specifying Trump’s American Florida Estate.

I suspect the idea is that the typical reader will think something like:  Well, if the court approved the search, then the search must be legitimate, right?

I also suspect that this might have the desired effect, but only up to a certain point. And I think that the Mar-a-Lago raid may be on the far side of that point.

So the Justice Department, with the help of the media, is trying to borrow the perceived legitimacy of the courts to make this seem like something other than what so many people can so clearly see that it is.

But in this case, I think it’s not going to lift the reputation of the Justice Department up. On the contrary, it’s going to drag the reputation of the courts down, like Captain Ahab being drowned by Moby Dick.

That is, a lot of readers are probably thinking something like: Well, if the court approved the search, then the court must be illegitimate, right?

It’s a great question and one that should be asked more often.



The post Moby Trump appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Minneapolis School District Will Fire Teachers Based on Skin Color

Tue, 2022-08-16 10:30 +0000

The recently agreed-to Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT) Union Contract includes a provision that protects employment-based race. If a job needs to be eliminated, you’ll get fired instead of someone else if you look a certain way.

The union’s agreement ignores seniority in favor of skin color, and you’ve probably guessed which color.


“Starting with the Spring 2023 Budget Tie-Out Cycle, if excessing a teacher who is a member of a population underrepresented among licensed teachers in the site, the District shall excess the next least senior teacher, who is not a member of an underrepresented population,” the agreement reads.

According to the United Federation of Teachers, “excessing” means “reducing staff in a particular school when there is a reduction in the number of available positions in a title or license area in that school.”


So, as student enrollment declines (excess abortions, teen suicide, vaccine or gang murder, parents taking their kids out of the BS public school or moving away), someone has got to get transferred or fired, and the least senior white teacher goes first.

And it may not sound like it, but I’m okay with this.

If white liberal teachers accepted a contract that includes discrimination in exchange for whatever compensation package was agreed upon, live with it. You chose to stay in a tenured system which is by design discriminatory, so this shouldn’t bother you one bit.

You can always pack up your big dream bags and hit the road.

Rumor has it there’s always a teacher shortage somewhere, or if you’d like to try a new career, the Minneapolis Police Department is still severely understaffed. It could be an opportunity to discover what fine citizens the Minneapolis School system has been pumping out in recent years.

You could get one of those therapist/counselor jobs the BLM/Dems have been on about for years. High-Crime low tolerance for law-enforcement neighborhoods are just waiting for your skinny white-ass to show up and counsel them during their drunken or crack-addled domestic dispute. You, a clipboard, and that practiced classroom stare.

Living the progressive dream!

Unless you have a fat ass, then ignore the skinny comment.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Am Running for State Representative with Three Concerns …

Tue, 2022-08-16 01:30 +0000

I am running for Representative in Cheshire District 15 with three concerns: Freedom, Truth, and Justice.

FREEDOM: In January 2022, Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports surveyed 1016 likely voters and found that for DEMOCRATIC voters:

55% would support fines for Americans who refused the COVID shots.
59% would favor confining Americans who refused the COVID shots.
48% thought governments should be able to fine or imprison those who question the efficacy of vaccines!
29% favored taking children away from parents who refused the shots!!

Thankfully, healthy majorities of Republican and unaffiliated voters disagreed with these anti-freedom, anti-American and wrong-headed policies. This was the reason I became a Republican and am running for Representative.

TRUTH: Senator Ron Johnson defined the COVID cartel: “It is the Biden administration, it’s the federal health agencies, it’s big pharma, it’s the legacy corporate mainstream media, and it’s the big tech social media giants. That is the COVID cartel. They’re the ones that have sabotaged early treatment. They’re the ones that have done the censoring that have limited freedom of speech….”

In early April 2021, I wrote, “These are the Reasons I Will Not Be Taking the COVID Shots.” It was rejected by all mainstream print publications. Finally, six weeks later, I found GraniteGrok, who accepted it. It is still a great read.

In March 2022, similarly, only GraniteGrok posted “COVID Truth and Reconciliation,” which summarized the results of two years of medical malfeasance locally.

To stay informed, you could subscribe to Children’s Health Defense (free) or follow some of these courageous doctors: Merritt, McCullough, Yeadon, Malone, Mercola, Risch, Kory… for statistical analysis, try

JUSTICE: The Sounds of Silence. When did you last hear a politician promoting COVID “vaccines”? They now know that the “vaccines” have been an expensive disaster. Yet I have not heard one apology from a US politician nor from a medical administrator who coerced us into taking these poisons.

They broke at least four of ten Nuremberg Code precepts for medical experiments. 1) no coercion, 2) no alternatives, 7) provision for the injured, 10) closing a failing experiment.

Half our country was taken in by this government-run psychological operation. Like Nuremberg, there should be prosecution of the worst: leaders, doctors, and journalists.

COVID medical malfeasance has been recognized as a crime against humanity. Democrats are more at fault, but RINOs are also culpable. About COVID frauds, both Parties remain silent.


Joseph Mirzoeff 641 Park Ave Keene NH 03431 Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Best Way to Do It Is to Wreak Havoc on Ordinary People

Tue, 2022-08-16 00:00 +0000

The left has come to a predictable (but well-known) conclusion. No matter how many institutions they ruin until they’ve upended the middle-class revolution is impossible. They need you out of your comfort zone, and you’d be right to ask where you’d land once displaced.

The answer is a lower working class or the dependency class.

The elites “know better” but don’t want to know you, so chaos is on tap for the indefinite future. Funded, don’t look so surprised, but the rich.

Soros and his progressive peer’s fund BLM and Antifa to disrupt whatever needs disrupting. And now they have oil-money compatriots. The heirs of oil billionaires have been financing groups who engage in eco-terrorism, which (coincidentally) drives up the price of oil.

Related: 67 NH Climate Activists Arrested for Trying to Steal Buckets of Coal from Merrimack Station

I’m sure that’s an unanticipated side effect the way sudden heart attacks are with the COVID vaccines. We thought that might happen, but (with only a 99+% chance of survival if you did nothing), we figured it was worth the potential cost of human life.

You know, it’s just a thing to which you should pay no attention, these are our betters, and they know what’s best.


“Three American oil scions have been bankrolling mobs of eco-zealots who have terrorized the world by slashing tires, blocking traffic and attacking firms. Aileen Getty, Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert and Peter Gill Case, who are heirs to their families’ huge fortunes, are paying the salaries for thugs through their non-profits in an apparent bid to offset their relatives’ legacies.”


And these are real quality human beings. “Getty conforms to the stereotype of idle, rich heirs: She contracted HIV from an extramarital affair and has survived numerous drug overdoses.” But half a million here and there is couch-cushion money to limo-libs like these, and since their too busy being the idle rich, they’ve decided not to investigate the facts.

Not that any other reality would find a place to live in their gray matter.

It will be equally surprising to them when the “eat the rich” mob shows up in their Che-shirts with a real guillotine to take their head. And not just the billionaires who funded them.


The Daily Mail also pointed out that scaremongering by various scientists are also financed by the oil heirs. In the US, the Climate Emergency Fund of the NGO Scientist Rebellion made $100 000 available for consultant salaries and travel expenses. Eco-warriors need money since they spend their lives protesting. Without funding, we would therefore not see the likes of Greta Thunberg making a fuss. …

According to the Daily Mail, [NASA climate researcher Peter] Kalmus justified his involvement in Scientist Rebellion’s concept of disrupting citizens’ everyday lives as follows: “He spent 16 years looking for ways to save the planet and came to the conclusion that the best way to do it is to wreak havoc on ordinary people.”


After the revolution, there is no room for most of the people who made it possible. The so-called intellectuals, leaders of groups like BLM and Antifa, and many in the Climate Cults will find themselves up against the wall with the rest of us.

The NWO knows that you, perhaps more than anyone, will become a problem when you realize that what you did was not for the people. It was for the ruling class. Given your predisposition to disrupt order – their order – you’ll have to be disposed of to prevent future unpleasantness.

Related: Climate Strike is Not About the Climate – Founder of Extinction Rebellion (XR) Says XR It Isn’t Either.

And thanks for tipping the world on its side so they could take it over for good. And since they have your name and address, it will be easier for them to round you up when the time comes.

Until then, keep puncturing tires, blocking highways, trying to stop coal trains, and whatever adds to your criminal record. The more extensive your civil disobedience, the higher you’ll be on the list.



The post The Best Way to Do It Is to Wreak Havoc on Ordinary People appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tim Baxter Calls Out Opponent Karoline Leavitt for Pledging Support for Kevin McCarthy

Mon, 2022-08-15 22:30 +0000

Tim Baxter calls out opponent Karoline Leavitt for pledging support for Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the house and lying about it to the voters of New Hampshire.

New Hampshire (August 15, 2022) – The Government Integrity Project hosted a candidate forum in New Hampshire’s 1st congressional district on Saturday, where state representative Tim Baxter called out his opponent Karoline Leavitt after she refused to answer who she would vote for as the next Speaker of the House.

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In a tweet that has since been deleted, congressional candidate Karoline Leavitt pledged to join House Republicans in electing “Speaker McCarthy.”



Karoline Leavitt also joined Outside the Beltway with John Fredericks, where she said she would vote for Kevin McCarthy and that all Republicans should “join together on this front.

Tim Baxter, who is the only CD1 candidate to go on record pledging to vote ‘NO’ for Kevin McCarthy, releases the following statement after calling Karoline Leavitt out for lying during the Government Integrity Project’s candidate forum:

“Holding Kevin McCarthy’s water does not make you a conservative fighter. My opponent Karoline Leavitt has pledged both on camera and in writing to vote for McCarthy as the next Speaker of the House. This weekend, she had the opportunity to defend her position and, instead, completely dodged the question. 

After two years of Chris Pappas’ representation, the people of New Hampshire are tired of the corruption and they are tired of being lied to by politicians who swear they will protect us once elected. 

The first vote Republicans will make once we retake the House is for the next Speaker of the House. The next Speaker should be somebody who has defended our constitutional rights and has been at the forefront of protecting our conservative values. That’s why I pledged to vote ‘NO’ on Kevin McCarthy.”

All media inquiries should be submitted to:


Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The “Missing” July 31, 2022 Special Gunstock Area Commission Meeting

Mon, 2022-08-15 21:00 +0000

Actually, not so much missing but so much going on with the GAC and the Delegation it’s been hard to keep up.  But to be expected – Wood and Lambert have adopted an Obama tactic that we all first saw at the start of Obama’s first term – too much happening over so many areas of governance in too little time. That’s when the term “Dense Pack” arrived to our politico-terminology and it was derived from Saul Alinsky’s Rules #3 and #8. No one on the Right had ever seen this before and the pressure was 360 all the time.  So, too, here (thank you, Brian Beihl!).

However, I finally got some time last night to process it. While I don’t have the time to put it all up right now, let me put up the two parts that are of most importance (because of lack of time):

The Blindside – right out of the TV reality show Survivor, we see how Commissioners Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial) and Jade Wood (also NH GOP Area 5 Vice-Chair) engineered that an agreement that Commissioner Dr. David Strang thought was in place (that former General Manager Tom Day and Operations Manager Peter McGonagle would return to the Gunstock Mountain Resort to ensure that Soulfest (which Day has hated for a long time anyways) would come off without a hitch.

Instead, while Strang starts to talk about that agreement, Lambert reads a prepared statement that those two would ONLY come back IF ALL of the Sr. Management were rehired AND Strang resigned. Blindsided and stabbed in the back. And while the pressure point was Soulfest (which, in my opinion, they didn’t care if it came off or not – it was just a political ploy to clear the “GAC political table” to get back in building that hotel), this whole thing was meant, not for an operational issue but for a political one. But I’ve already stated that whole thing a number of times.

Faced with this, Commissioner Dr. David Strang, attending the meeting remotely, offered to resign for the good of the Mountain.  Please note that this has been taken out of consequence in actions and meetings held afterwards in trying to state that Strang said other things when he didn’t.  Here is the transcription of what Strang actually said:

If the Delegation holds an emergency meeting to name additional Commissioners such that a quorum in not jeopardized, and the Commission can continue to function, then I will be happy to tender my resignation.

TWO points: the County Delegation must act, and that act must be that multiple Commissioners must be appointed.  Thus far, the “act” was held during an illegal meeting and only one new Commissioner was “appointed”.  Thus, the conditions were not met.

However, that doesn’t seem to matter as everyone BUT Strang (and those that actually LISTENED to what he said) have all been claiming that he resigned.  Not true.

Then hapless NH State Rep Harry Bean, acting outside of his authority and experience in quoting the Law, stepped in as well and “stepped in it” stating that he had already set the wheels moving for that meeting.  Problem is, he didn’t have the authority to do so under RSA 91A (only the Chair can call an “emergency” meeting and a political disagreement is NOT an emergency) and with his call about having the votes, tried to conflate having the votes (RSA 24:9-d, which would require a SEVEN DAY notice) with RSA 91A’ 24 hour notice.

And it didn’t help that County Attorney Andrew Livernois (who in my estimation is trying to wangle a judgeship out of Sununu so his “grey area letter” gave cover for that meeting) by ALSO mangling a plain reading of both RSAs. And now they’ll all be ending up in court (Sept 20th) over this whole thing.

And it will be the taxpayers that will get hosed over it all.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NYC Threatens to Bus New Yorkers to Texas

Mon, 2022-08-15 19:30 +0000

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, inundated by illegal aliens pouring across an open border – and with no help from the Feds, decided to spread the “wealth.” He started bussing illegals to Washington DC and New York City. NYC Mayor Eric Adams has threatened to “retaliate.”

Fox News


New York City Mayor Eric Adams suggested he would bus New Yorkers down to Texas to campaign against Republican Gov. Greg Abbott for the “good of America” in response to Abbott’s move to bus illegal immigrants from Texas to The Big Apple.

“I already called all my friends in Texas and told them how to cast their votes,” Adams said during a news conference on Tuesday. “And I am deeply contemplating taking a busload of New Yorkers to go to Texas and do some good old-fashioned door knocking because we have to, for the good of America, we have to get him out of office.”


Abbot’s office had this to say in response.


“In addition to Washington, D.C., New York City is the ideal destination for these migrants, who can receive the abundance of city services and housing that Mayor Eric Adams has boasted about within the sanctuary city,” Abbott said in a statement on Friday.


So, true, and as we all know, the migration of residents from NYC and DC to places like Florida, Texas, and even here in New Hampshire has driven the price of homes and rent. Housing shortages are a reflection of the exodus.

After the summer of BLM, people began to flee Democrat-run urban areas. Their endless COVID lockdowns and mandates only made matters worse. Americans were jumping ship and flocking to places where they might be left alone.

Businesses that discovered they could d more remotely stopped paying sky-high rent for office space. And that’s not a bad thing. Eric Adams should have plenty of places to “house” an endless line of buses filled with the sort of people Democrats claim deserve a chance here in the US.

But when given the chance, Eric Adams can only whine about a responsibility he clearly meant someone else to shoulder.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Return of General Warrants

Mon, 2022-08-15 18:00 +0000

The warrant issued for the recent search — we’re not supposed to use the r-word — at Mar-a-Lago authorized agents to take ‘all physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed’ that violate the U.S. Code.

And it authorized them to look at ‘all storage rooms, and all other rooms or areas within the premises used or available to be used by FPOTUS and his staff and in which boxes or documents could be stored, including all structures or buildings on the estate.’

In other words:  Search everywhere for evidence of anything that might be a crime, even crimes we have no reason to believe were committed.

How is this warrant different from the general warrants that helped prompt the American Revolution and that led to the inclusion of the Fourth Amendment¹ in the Bill of Rights?

Lavrentiy (‘Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime‘) Beria must be grinning with delight, wherever he is now.



¹ You know, the one that requires probable cause to believe that a specific crime has been committed, and for a subsequent warrant to ‘particularly describe the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized’.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Monday Memes (Sort of)

Mon, 2022-08-15 16:30 +0000

With Nitzakhon needing another hiatus, I thought I might see about filling in while he is “away.” How do we, after all, manage the week without a fresh dose of Monday Memes? Sure, we can do it, but do we want to do it?

And no, it is not long or as strictly political as his, but there is foolishness and mockery.


Language and trigger warning …


This is my first attempt at using what’s called the block editor. It seemed like the only “easy” way to publish a changing layout like this. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble to view or engage and my apologies for how short it is. Future attempts at covering for Nitzakhon will (hopefully) be better!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gunstock – About That Oath That Commissioners Lambert / Wood Keep Yammering That Ness and Strang Have Broken??

Mon, 2022-08-15 15:00 +0000

So, yet another post in this now long-running series chronicling what seems to be a coup d’etat over the Gunstock Area Commission but one that goes to the heart of the demagoguery used by Commissioners Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial) and Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice-Chair).  Ever since the two of them went rogue and “switched sides” (supporting the monied oligarchs that are ticked over losing their “playtoy”), they have constantly used a rhetorical trick to perfection – accusing former Commissioner Peter Ness and STILL Commissioner Dr. David Strang of violating their oath of office.  Well, here is that oath (here, page 9):

It’s rather simple and very much modeled after the actual Oath for public office that is mandated in the NH Constitution (Part Second, Oaths and Subscriptions Exclusion from Offices, Etc.). However, Lambert and Wood have used it, not as a verifying tool but as a political cudgel about the figurative head and shoulders of Ness (in which it worked) and Strang (who has brushed it off thus far).  Over, and over, and over, and over again, in utilizing Saul Alinsky tactics,  Lambert and Wood have said, and at times, screamed “YOU HAVE VIOLATED YOUR OATH” and/or told the crowd “They/<insert name here> violated their Oaths!”.

It hit me yesterday as I finally got around to processing the video from the July 31, 2020, GAC special meeting:


No, not so much. They’ve said it over and over and over again. Constantly whining about it and over it.  Yet I realized that they NEVER ONCE said what was wrong! Just pounding that “you violated it!!”.  Not ONCE did they state to anyone (that I know of, certainly in no public meeting) HOW, WHEN, or WHERE they did “violate their oaths”. Instead, they POLITICIZED that oath (above) in using Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals (Pick the target, freeze it, politicize it) and used it to browbeat and demagogued it to death

So, Commissioners Lambert and Wood, let me ask these really simple questions (like elementary school level):

  • WHEN did they violate their oaths?
  • WHERE did they violate their oaths?
  • HOW did they violate their oaths?
  • What LAW (NH RSA) did they break?
  • What REGULATION did they disregard?
  • Name the RULE that they mangled?
  • Which GAC BYLAW did they torture?

and most importantly, WHICH ARTICLE, in either the NH or US Constitution did they violate?

Nope, not even a wisp of an answer has been forthcoming. You see, that would be telling the truth, that would be acknowledging that they turned it into a talking point – with no substance behind it. Great to hurl at someone and if done repeatedly with anger in one’s voice, you can get away with it…

…for a while. Until somebody like that little boy in the fable of the Emperor’s New Clothes pointed out that the Emperor’s new clothes are just a figment of one’s imagination without any real substance to it.

So, too, in this real world example; what Lambert and Wood have used as epithet holds just as much substance as that “magic” cloth.





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

My Pick for Governor of New Hampshire

Mon, 2022-08-15 13:30 +0000

All the republican candidates running this year for governor are great candidates (exception, Sununu, who does not want to answer questions or be seen with us common people), but we can only choose one.

I and many others support Karen Testerman as our candidate for Governor for the September 13th primary. Why, well, listen to the Resolve debate and see how she answered all the questions and especially a critical question of “What is the source of your authority as Governor”?

You will find out she was the ONLY candidate who said first, GOD is the authority, second, the Constitution of New Hampshire, and third, the constitution of the United States. Karen understands our only hope for NH is in God.

We want to thank John Sellers for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

We all need to return to God, ask for His mercy and forgiveness for NH, and rely on Him first and foremost going forward. We as a state and nation have lost track of where we began.

The pilgrims came to America for freedom, and they relied on God for wisdom and knowledge. From there, many years later, we ended up with state and national constitutions (to protect us from tyranny and overreaching governments) from Godly people who created them and voted to accept them.

We, the people, lost track of WHO is really in charge of our lives, politics, and who holds what office and for how long (John 19:11, Jesus answering Pilate said, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above.”). Without God, we have seen what has happened in just a very short period of time.

Polls are just a snapshot taken at one moment in time. Thad Riley can win one poll and Karen Testerman another, they mean little. One moment she’s ahead, and another, he is. Karen has been persistent over the years. Karen will put God back into our vocabulary so we as a state can survive what is coming at us fast and furious. She has the will and courage to lead us during these difficult times.

She never wants to see another mandate put upon us. Karen is well aware of education issues like school funding, CRT, ESL (emotional, social learning will lead to a social credit score, there will be nothing the school/government will not know about your child), and Parental Rights. She is on top of the abortion issue and gun rights. She will do her absolute best to protect the people of NH from our overreaching federal government. She is NH first, then the USA. She wants the people of NH to be safe and free as possible.


The last thing we want to do is split the vote four ways, and Sununu wins by default. We have only a few weeks left to get our ducks in a row, so stay tuned, stay diligent, and let’s vote as a team and win. Even if I have to give up my pick for governor, I will for the team, but It’s my hope, Karen is our pick.



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bragging About Buckets of Money

Mon, 2022-08-15 12:00 +0000

Vermont Biz is bragging about a bucket of money they got after it was laundered by the Feds. It is a $20 million-dollar renewal grant from the National Institutes of Health. Get a load of this!


 Vermont and Maine have the oldest populations in the U.S., which coupled with rurality, predisposes northern New Englanders to health challenges including cancer, substance use disorders, food insecurity, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cardiovascular disease.


So, the NIH is handing out other people’s money to help the rural populations in aging states that they failed to kill with their COVID policy genocide. That’s nice. People who will need assistance after being denied doctor’s visits or surveillance testing. Individuals whose cost of living has skyrocketed under Democrats.


Once the COVID-19 pandemic became a threat to health throughout the region, the NNE-CTR also supported the NIH-funded RECOVER study of long COVID, a study of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, as well as the National COVID Cohort Collaborative registry that shares clinical data as a part of national COVID research.


I think it’s time for us to accept that the biggest threat to public health, especially to the aging in America, is the people tasked with overseeing public health.

The best thing Maine of Vermont could do for them is to find ways to protect them from the Federal Government and not tie them (or their own taxpayers) to more inside-the-beltway strings.

It is a problem that will continue to get worse as States refuse to push back against Federal policy designed to make not just individuals but states more dependent on the Federal government. And not just in Maine and Vermont.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sunday Sermon (On Monday): We Might As Well Start With A Big One.

Mon, 2022-08-15 10:30 +0000

Billy Graham was known to say, “teach with your Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.” Sound advice, for without a newspaper, it’s hard to know what people are thinking, and without the Bible, it’s impossible to convey what God is thinking.

“Sunday sermons” will be my take on the issues of the day from a Bible-informed perspective, and that perspective is influenced by my generation (Boomer), gender (Male), and denominational background (Baptist). I have no shortage of personal opinions, and inevitably those ideas will creep into this column.

I have presuppositions, and I want you to know them upfront. I believe that the Judeo-Christian God created everything, knows everything, and ultimately has a plan for everything. I also believe that the Bible is a reliable source of wisdom from God that we can depend on in this modern era. I am politically a Conservative, and when it comes to sports- I root for Boston teams.

Listen, I know there are religious skeptics and people with other belief systems. I am just sharing my thoughts. I am not seeking to launch a theocracy or coerce you into my patterns of belief. My belief in Soul Liberty would make me a poor religious tyrant.

We might as well start with a big one. Whoopi Goldberg recently asserted on The View that God supports abortion. She backed that up by saying, “As you know, God doesn’t make mistakes. God made us smart enough to know when it wasn’t going to work for us. That’s the beauty of giving us freedom of choice.”

Freedom of choice is indeed God-given. We are not pre-programmed. We can choose among courses of action. However, that does not mean all choices are equally pleasing to God. Some choices are sins. Sins, if you paid attention in Sunday school, are what separate us from God. The consequence of sin is eternal separation from God.

As a sidebar, we are all sinners and already separated from God. He eagerly wants us to seek forgiveness and for us to be restored, and that’s another column for another day, but the only way to be reconciled to Him is a relationship with Jesus his Son.

But free will, as proof that God smiles on abortion, does not work. Sorry, Whoopi.

Here are some points of scripture to help shape your thinking: Exodus 20:13 says, “you shall not murder.” Murder here refers to an unjust taking of innocent life. It does not condemn capital punishment, defending your family against an intruder, or fatalities in war.

Proverbs 6:16-19 list “six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him,” among them, we find “hands that shed innocent blood”. This is clear, babies are noted for their innocence.

There are verses that state that God knew us in the womb, knitted us together before we were born, and in Luke, we hear that, before he was born, John the Baptist reacted to the presence of Jesus… he had a spiritual encounter. Familiarity with scripture leads us to accept a baby as a person even before birth.

This is a critical difference between pro-life and pro-choice people because abortion proponents insist that an abortion is not murder but a medical procedure that removes not a person but simply a “cluster of cells.” They argue that a woman’s choice to control her own body supersedes any rights a merely “potential” life may have.

We seldom have had a better opportunity to persuade undecided people to adopt our way of thinking on this topic. Triumphant posturing will not win hearts and minds. Prolifers, at least the ones I have met, have zero interest in forcing women into reproductive slavery. Nor do we want a return to barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen as a lifestyle for women.

As a matter of fact, prolifers want to preserve human life and uphold the rights of all of us.

So, Whoopi, I believe God is firmly against the murdering of innocents. And yes, I believe that includes preborn children. One of the common responses we hear from the left is that Republicans are not pro-life but only pro-birth. Their idea is that Republicans should bear the responsibility for raising the babies we want rescued from abortion.

Guess what? I agree with that assessment at least as far as Christians are concerned. The Bible repeatedly describes believers taking care of widows, orphans, and immigrants. For our part, believing as we do, my wife and I have fostered 36 kids and of those, adopted eight.




Editors Note: Future Installments of “The Sunday Sermon” will appear… on Sunday.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Hassan in Populist Clothing: Maggie’s Messaging Cleanup

Mon, 2022-08-15 01:30 +0000

Watching recent commercials, one would be forgiven their surprise to learn that Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) is apparently a great populist. If only our natural memories were as short as the Senator seems to hope, this strategy might hold water.

But to those living in New Hampshire, her ideological record is plainly known to be nothing more than the sanitized socialism advocated by her junior Democrat colleagues in the congress.

Hassan has ever been the advocate of increased tax and regulation in New Hampshire, making her recent populist guise all the more transparent. Indeed, the commercials her campaign has lately released espousing her opposition to the Biden agenda have timed well with what appears to be a serious effort to disinfect such other public materials as her Wikipedia page.

And that cleanup effort has not been minor.

In June 2022, the section of her Wikipedia entry entitled ‘Controversies’ was removed: a section that had previously detailed incidents in which one of Hassan’s congressional interns shouted “f**k you” at then-president Donald Trump, and worse, where Hassan staffers Jackson Cosko and Samantha Davis pleaded guilty to federal crimes for illegally accessing and disseminating the personal information of five Republican Senators, no longer occupies a prominent place in her biography.

In other recent instances of Wikipedia editing, her husband Thomas’ censure by the Association of Boarding Schools for failing to disclose the sexual misconduct of a former teacher at Phillips Exeter Academy was excised; meanwhile, her cross-party support for extending the so-called ‘Remain in Mexico Policy’ was prominently added to the Senator’s resume, in line with her newfound role as some born-again moderate. The relevant section headline on Wikipedia was recently changed from “Undocumented Immigration” to “Illegal Immigration” and finally to “Immigration,” in what is likely another superficial attempt at conservatizing her record.

Is this not the same woman who, during her tenure in the New Hampshire State Senate, did little but offer her vocal and legislative support to over thirty tax increases? Who was later described even by The Atlantic in 2014 as “[speaking] in the sort of scripted, too-boring-to-quote genericisms that drive reporters crazy?” Who, at least as of last September, voted with President Biden’s political agenda 100% of the time? Are we really to believe that such an unremarkable leftist has now formed strong party-bending opinions in support of the American taxpayer? Or is this newest performance by Sen. Hassan simply a bald attempt to limn a political kinship that she hasn’t earned?

Hassan’s populist pantomime is as ridiculous as it is irritating. Her late resistance to the Biden agenda springs only from electoral necessity and not from any longstanding policy positions. The well-known fact that even her gubernatorial campaigns were supported by over $11 million in outside spending from D.C. Democrat syndicates offers but only a fraction of the many reasons why New Hampshire voters know Maggie’s new brand to be a farce. Costly commercials only belie the ultimate falseness of her claim of populism and are an insult to those New Hampshire citizens who have personally seen the negative impact of her true political sympathies.

Senator Hassan is a leftist and ought to be known as one.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Hillary Clinton Email Song That Broke The Internet

Mon, 2022-08-15 00:00 +0000

I’m not sure if it broke the internet, but it had to have done some damage. And it’s clever as heck. Actual statements backed by music and mixed to create The Hillary Clinton Email Song that Broke the Internet.

It’s funny, but then you have to accept that the FBI will never raid any Clinton property in search of nefarious contraband, documents, or evidence of anything. Ever. We have known that since piles of FBI files were found in her possession in the 90s when Bill was warming the chair behind the Resolute Desk.

She was working on her enemies list, and not much has changed at the FBI unless by changed, you mean it’s gotten worse.

Not a happy place, but for now, there’s this. 2min 6 sec.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Now I Know Why Matt Mowers is Hiding in His Basement Like Joe Biden

Sun, 2022-08-14 22:30 +0000

The Government Integrity Project held a debate on August 13, 2022, between candidates for New Hampshire’s U.S. Congressional District 1. Tim Baxter, Gail Huff-Brown, Karoline Leavitt, and Russell Prescott all participated.

Noticeably missing was Matt Mowers! But not because he wasn’t invited. He was!

After hearing his opponents on Saturday, I now understand why Matt Mowers is hiding. All four candidates on stage clearly showed why they would represent NH better than he would. The candidates were honest, respectful, and revealed their character that is worthy of serving NH in Washington.

By hiding, Mowers is apparently trying to ride out a wave of controversies that is building to a crescendo. The bottom line is that Mowers is unelectable in the General Election in November – and he knows it. But he is hoping for a miracle like an endorsement from someone really influential that will make enough people hold their noses and vote for him despite those skeletons in his past.

If Mowers somehow gets past the GOP Primary and is the Republican nominee… he won’t be able to hide from Chris Pappas – and Pappas is going to eat his lunch.

That is why it is important for voters to know there are excellent alternatives, as clearly displayed in the video of the debate that took place on 8/13/22.



Mowers is accurately mentioned and referred to by his opponents multiple times – but never in a positive light.

Not too long into the debate, you, too will see that every candidate on stage would represent NH better than Mowers would. The video above is queued up to the introductions.

How you cast your sacred vote in the primary on September 13, 2022, is your decision. Please do some homework and cast an informed vote. The video above is a good place to start.



The post Now I Know Why Matt Mowers is Hiding in His Basement Like Joe Biden appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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