The Manchester Free Press

Monday • February 10 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

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What's on your mind? Unlike those right-wing or left-liberal extremist shows, Free Talk Live is libertarian talk radio that ANYONE can take control of. Yes, even you. Free Talk Live is the next generation of issues-oriented talk. What is the meaning of freedom? This show is about Liberty with a capital L.
Updated: 3 min 28 sec ago

Free Talk Cast - 003 - AI Sucks

Thu, 2024-06-20 20:10 +0000
Aria and Bonnie talk about Google's AI and its ridiculously stupid answers, from Porcfest! Write to Ian Freeman! Ian Freeman 34755-509 Unit J-A P.O. Box 879 Ayer, MA 01432
Categories: Media, United States

FTL Digest 2024-06-17

Wed, 2024-06-19 18:25 +0000
Aria forgot to take show notes :: A guy promotes an awesome book :: Bonnie, Aria, and dogs :: Be responsible :: Hosts - Aria, Peakless, Bonnie
Categories: Media, United States

Liberty at Night 2024-06-18

Wed, 2024-06-19 16:49 +0000
Liberty At Night :: Replacing the Income Tax with Tariffs :: SCOTUS un-bans bump stocks :: Protests in Argentina :: Dumb Bleep of the Week :: Ivan Raiklin gives details about the deep state plot to take out Gen. Flynn :: 2024-06-18 :: Hosts: Chuck and Nate
Categories: Media, United States

FTL Digest 2024-06-16

Tue, 2024-06-18 02:59 +0000
Woman free (maybe) after 43 years on false conviction :: Riley and Bonnie defining moment for ideas of liberty :: Ridley calls in about 26 ATF arrests in Manchester :: Should other people be able to tell you whats best for your kids? :: Postal Service doesn't servive the post very well :: Where is Derek J? :: 2024-06-16 :: Hosts: Lori, Bonnie, Riley Support Riley on Patreon: Send Bitcoin: 1MnoYoPirXQHfhknDxbDHhLsF9u7kUggKy Send Bitcoin Cash: qpp62s8uupdqkrfew7vgp805pnsh5jk2ncnfkndwrd Dash: XpApo1jcPzTJyLLB6G8GJ7DoW9CGjcV5xT Ether: 0xFb1a23163bea743BB79B93849D864ad070597855 Lightcoin ltc1q6ygsamrkwl0at93datyqfh47z4crg4jkg4fx30
Categories: Media, United States

Free Talk Live 2024-06-17

Tue, 2024-06-18 02:19 +0000
Aria forgot to take show notes :: An awesome person talks about a compelling book :: Bonnie, Aria, and dogs :: Hosts: Aria, Peakless, Bonnie.
Categories: Media, United States

Free Talk Live 2024-06-16

Mon, 2024-06-17 02:15 +0000
Woman free (maybe) after 43 years on false conviction :: Riley and Bonnie defining moment for ideas of liberty :: Ridley calls in about 26 ATF arrests in Manchester :: Should other people be able to tell you whats best for your kids? :: Postal Service doesn't service the post very well :: Where is Derek J? :: 2024-06-16 :: Hosts: Lori, Bonnie, Riley
Categories: Media, United States

FTL Digest 2024-06-15

Sun, 2024-06-16 20:14 +0000
What is Porcfest? :: House passed bill :: Which country are we going to war with first? :: Pine tree riot flag protest update in New Hampshire :: Banned books in Florida :: Gell-mann Amnesia :: Don't put your kids in government schools :: We should be free to buy tanks if we want :: Roger Ver arrest and crazy aspects of it :: Trump thinking of libertarians? :: Would the Ukraine war have happened if Trump was president? :: How were Bush and Gore even different? :: 2024-06-15 Hosts: Bonnie, Colin, Kumo Support Riley on Patreon: Send Bitcoin: 1MnoYoPirXQHfhknDxbDHhLsF9u7kUggKy Send Bitcoin Cash: qpp62s8uupdqkrfew7vgp805pnsh5jk2ncnfkndwrd Dash: XpApo1jcPzTJyLLB6G8GJ7DoW9CGjcV5xT Ether: 0xFb1a23163bea743BB79B93849D864ad070597855 Lightcoin ltc1q6ygsamrkwl0at93datyqfh47z4crg4jkg4fx30
Categories: Media, United States

Free Talk Live 2024-06-15

Sun, 2024-06-16 02:40 +0000
What is Porcfest? :: House passed bill :: Which country are we going to war with first? :: Pine tree riot flag protest update in New Hampshire :: Banned books in Florida :: Gell-mann Amnesia :: Don't put your kids in government schools :: We should be free to buy tanks if we want :: Roger Ver arrest and crazy aspects of it :: Trump thinking of libertarians? :: Would the Ukraine war have happened if Trump was president? :: How were Bush and Gore even different? :: 2024-06-15 Hosts: Bonnie, Colin, Kumo
Categories: Media, United States

Liberty Conspiracy 2024-06-14

Fri, 2024-06-14 22:15 +0000
Liberty Conspiracy :: The rights-related dimensions of the Hunter Biden verdict :: Supreme Court Case being looked at right now, US vs Rahimi on gun rights :: How deep the US CIA ties are to the Nazi elements in Ukraine :: :: 2024-06-14 Host: Gardner Goldsmith
Categories: Media, United States

Declare Your Independence 2024-06-13

Fri, 2024-06-14 03:12 +0000
Declare Your Independence :: Ernie talks with author James Bovard about his newest book, Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty :: Economic warnings from James Corbett and John Sneisen :: 2024-06-13 Hosts: Ernest Hancock
Categories: Media, United States

FTL Digest 2024-06-12

Fri, 2024-06-14 01:10 +0000
Bring back the Draft? :: Some in DC discuss bringing back the draft :: Moms for Liberty insist a book on banning books be banned (tongue twister) :: Nashua protests regarding Mayor denying flying a Revolutionary War flag because it flew on 1/6 :: Chris R., Lori, Riley Support Riley on Patreon: Send Bitcoin: 1MnoYoPirXQHfhknDxbDHhLsF9u7kUggKy Send Bitcoin Cash: qpp62s8uupdqkrfew7vgp805pnsh5jk2ncnfkndwrd Dash: XpApo1jcPzTJyLLB6G8GJ7DoW9CGjcV5xT Ether: 0xFb1a23163bea743BB79B93849D864ad070597855 Lightcoin ltc1q6ygsamrkwl0at93datyqfh47z4crg4jkg4fx30
Categories: Media, United States

Free Talk Live 2024-06-12

Thu, 2024-06-13 02:25 +0000
Bring back the Draft? :: Some in DC discuss bringing back the draft :: Moms for Liberty insist a book on banning books be banned (tongue twister) :: Nashua protests regarding Mayor denying flying a Revolutionary War flag because it flew on 1/6 :: Chris R., Lori, Riley
Categories: Media, United States

Captain Kickass Tribute

Wed, 2024-06-12 21:59 +0000
This is a tribute to Captain Kickass and his time with Free Talk Live.
Categories: Media, United States

Liberty at Night 2024-06-11

Wed, 2024-06-12 02:44 +0000
Liberty at Night :: Conversation with Author Benjamin Ayanian :: How progressive policies hurt the people they claim to help :: EU goes "FAR RIGHT" :: Bogus jobs report :: Israel's deadly hostage rescue :: Dumb Bleep of the Week :: 2024-06-11 Hosts: Nate and Chuck
Categories: Media, United States

FTL Digest 2024-06-10

Tue, 2024-06-11 23:51 +0000
Fox News sucks :: The long reach of the "benevolent" U.S. government :: The U.S. Government targeting Asians :: Rigged game is rigged :: Don't call the police :: Love your neighbors :: The IRS sucks :: Ian in federal prison :: The silliness of federal prison :: 2024-06-10 Hosts: Aria, Mr. Penguin
Categories: Media, United States

Free Talk Live 2024-06-10

Tue, 2024-06-11 02:02 +0000
Fox News sucks :: The long reach of the "benevolent" U.S. government :: The U.S. Government targeting Asians :: Rigged game is rigged :: Don't call the police :: Love your neighbors :: The IRS sucks :: Ian in federal prison :: The silliness of federal prison :: 2024-06-10 Hosts: Aria, Mr. Penguin Write to Ian Freeman today! Don't wait, do it now! Ian Freeman 34755-509 Unit J-A P.O. Box 879 Ayer, MA 01432
Categories: Media, United States

FTL Digest 2024-06-08

Mon, 2024-06-10 02:44 +0000
Will Trump win in the election? :: Trump convictions and the illegal court practices :: Chase Oliver the Libertarian party candidate :: Gag orders are anti free speech :: The people in power play by their own rules :: Modern life is too comfortable for people to rebel against the government :: Sending your kids to government school is handing your children to your enemies :: What's the best protest method? :: Nestle creating food for those eating Ozempic :: Is crypto fiat? :: Kids should talk to strangers :: AI making plenty of mistakes :: 2024-06-08 Hosts: Bonnie, Coach Phil and Peakless Mountaineer
Categories: Media, United States

Free Talk Live 2024-06-09

Mon, 2024-06-10 02:19 +0000
Did Joe Biden poop himself? :: Quality furniture vs cheap :: Did the internet ruin an Amazon tribe? :: Elon Musk; Genius or conman? :: Journalist arrested for no good reason :: David from NM is not Bonnie's baby daddy :: Petro dollar agreement with Saudi Arabia ends :: 2024-06-09 Hosts: Bonnie, Lori, Rich E Rich
Categories: Media, United States

Free Talk Live 2024-06-08

Sun, 2024-06-09 03:00 +0000
Will Trump win in the election? :: Trump convictions and the illegal court practices :: Chase Oliver the Libertarian party candidate :: Gag orders are anti free speech :: The people in power play by their own rules :: Modern life is too comfortable for people to rebel against the government :: Sending your kids to government school is handing your children to your enemies :: What's the best protest method? :: Nestle creating food for those eating Ozempic :: Is crypto fiat? :: Kids should talk to strangers :: AI making plenty of mistakes :: 2024-06-08 Hosts: Bonnie, Coach Phil and Peakless Mountaineer
Categories: Media, United States

Liberty Conspiracy 2024-06-07

Sat, 2024-06-08 17:41 +0000
Liberty Conspiracy :: Anthony Fauci's testimony at Capitol Hill :: taxation funding viral research is unconstitutional and immoral :: Government pop media shills silencing dissent about the virus :: California may make $25 minimum wage for medical workers :: Journalist stopped from flying to Russia by the US :: 2024-06-07 Hosts: Gardner Goldsmith
Categories: Media, United States

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