The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 18 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

Dear Governor Sununu,

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-27 01:00 +0000

You may be aware that the organization “Times Up” has halted operations per this announcement in the Hollywood Reporter.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Times up Legal Defense Fund/NWLC put up the PR money for the plaintiffs (according to this article in the Union Leader) in Rappuano & Does v Dartmouth Board of Trustees, of which you are a member.

The lead attorney in the lawsuit against Dartmouth College was Steven J Kelly Esq, who was also one of three attorneys who sued St Paul’s School for the Prout family in the wake of NH v Owen Labrie.

Steven J Kelly’s partner in the lawsuit against St Paul’s School, filed on June 1, 2016, is Steven Silverman Esq, who had his license from DC Bar suspended in 2014 for using media to influence the judicial outcome in Doe v Cabrera. This fact is cited in St Paul’s School’s response to the Does (Prout Family) v St Paul’s School suit.

According to an affidavit by St Paul’s counsel (former AG) Michael Delaney, the Prout/Doe v St Paul’s School suit was slipped by a “source” to NBC Today Show, Susan Zalkind at Vice Media and Jeremy Blackman at the Concord Monitor from whom Michael Delaney had to get a copy of the suit since the courts had closed but journalists were asking the school to comment on the suit.

Steven J Kelly & Chuck Douglas were in mediation on the Dartmouth suit when Amanda Grady Sexton of NHCADSV led a social media campaign to block ABC/GMA from airing an interview with Owen Labrie upon his release from Merrimack County Jail.

I am aware of the contents of that interview, and it is my belief that the true reason that Amanda Grady Sexton and NHCADSV did not want the program to air is that it would have exposed a bribery and extortion racket going on involving the attorneys who sued St Paul’s School and went on to sue Dartmouth. Attorneys who wanted to use Owen Labrie to get at St Paul’s money which I believe Amanda Grady Sexton and NHCADSV had a financial interest in as well. It would also have exposed Concord Police and corruption within Concord Police and its crooked deals with St Paul’s School.

Amanda Grady Sexton and Steven J Kelly wrote the following guide to Pretrial Publicity which is published on the NCVLI site.

Amanda Grady Sexton attended the trial of NH v Owen Labrie, as did Steven J Kelly, who met with the Prout family five months before the trial in DC. He was introduced to them by Laura L Dunn Esq, who was recommended to the Prout family by Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin, whose budget to investigate St Paul’s and Owen Labrie and (possibly pay) witnesses was approved by the City of Concord Council whose Chair of the Public Safety Committee is Amanda Grady Sexton, Director of Public Affairs for the NHCADSV.

In the following article, it is quite clear that journalists were restricted in covering the NH v Owen Labrie trial and that Amanda Grady Sexton saw it as an “opportunity.” Her husband’s channel, WMUR, was granted exclusive TV access to the trial.

The NHCADSV got a contract with St Paul’s School out of the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation they lobbied AG Gordon MacDonald for. They likely also received 20% of each of Steve Kelly and Chuck Douglas’ suits against St Paul’s School.

The NHCADSV also got what appears to be $2.865 million from the settlement with Dartmouth, while Steven J Kelly Esq & Chuck Douglas Esq got what appears to be $4.9 million.

Professor David Bucci committed suicide in the fall of 2019 after being denied the right to defend himself in the Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth suit. He had been named 31 times and accused of knowing of sexual assault in his department but not reporting it. He professed he did not know, but Dartmouth denied his right to speak.

Had publicly elected officials Amanda Grady Sexton, Congresswoman Ann Kuster, and others not abused their elected positions to deny a New Hampshire citizen his right to speak for himself on ABC/GMA, I believe that Professor David Bucci would be alive today. The extortion racket would have been exposed, and the attorneys and Concord Police, and NHCADSV would have been exposed.

Do you care about lives, or do you care about covering up extortion rackets for your publicly funded non-profits such as NHCADSV and the attorneys and police they work with to game the system using media to influence judicial outcomes and their power to block the public’s right of access to jury trials?

How is it possible that the Dartmouth Board of Trustees, with you as a member and NHCADSV, have not crossed the line with regards to Conflicts of Interest for non-profits in Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth?

Professor David Bucci should be alive. He was a victim of a scorched-earth #MeToo extortion racket. Owen Labrie was silenced from speaking on TV because Amanda Grady Sexton and NHCADSV needed to preserve that extortion racket.

Times Up was a fraudulent organization. It has folded. There needs to be a formal inquiry into what went down in the extortion of St Paul’s School, framing of Owen Labrie, Dartmouth College, and silencing of Professor Bucci, and blocking of the ABC/GMA interview that would have exposed the fraud.

Lastly, you requested public comment for the LEACT commission in June/July 2020. I wrote sincerely about my concerns regarding the coercion of minors in three cases: NH v Foad Afshar, NH v Griffin Furlotte, and NH v Owen Labrie. To my horror, my letter was taken and posted on social media after I had been cyberstalked by Amanda Grady Sexton and NHCADSV. I was smeared. My family was smeared. I wrote to the AG about this and received no reply. My letter was the only letter to the LEACT commission that was posted on social media.

A year later, I was threatened with a defamation suit by Shaheen & Gordon on behalf of NHCADSV and Amanda Grady Sexton. I am a victim of witness intimidation. It is unacceptable.

Kind regards,

Claire Best Hawley
Concerned Citizen and Parent of Daughters

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bill Gates Does 180? – “We Need to Fix the Three Problems of [mRNA] Vaccines”

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-26 23:30 +0000

Supervillain Bill Gates wants to block the sun (climate change), censor speech, and he is one of the global oligarchs attempting to implement a New World Order. But he just took a 180 on the cabal’s pharmaceutical priorities, which seems odd.

Gates has been one of their biggest boosters (hee-hee), but he’s concluded that they have problems that need fixing.

“The current vaccines are not infection blocking. They’re not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people.”

In other words, the people he has long sought to censor for reporting or repeating what he calls medical misinformation were …right? Did you get that? That’s what I heard though I don’t believe he ever says it.

But he invested in them and probably made a few more billions which – and he’s not saying this either – you paid for through government buys of billions of doses in the US, and likely elsewhere through the generosity of Democrats adding generational debt and debt service.

That, coincidentally, IS for the children.

As for “Dr.” Gates, he’s just a guy with money, which makes him appealing to media outlets, but he could use that muscle to do some good. And as I understand it, part of the problem with “the vaccines” was deploying them in the middle of the pandemic. It was epidemiologically meaningless if the plan was to stop the spread even before it became a well-regarded fact that it could never do that. What it could do was encourage, in those few weeks of negligible efficacy – assuming you survived the side effects – the virus to mutate.

That worked!

We were forced to ignore early treatment and prevention in favor of the warp-speed juice that successfully accelerated SARS CoV2’s natural (as with all Flu) inclination to evolve. The Alphabet soup of variants followed, producing further harms we were still prohibited from treating with cheap, safe, available alternatives like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

The idea that this appeared deliberate has been difficult to ignore. Incompetence on this scale seems unlikely, so ill will have become the default position, with goons like Gates at or near the top of the list.

The depopulation and Climate Cult sermons do not help Bill, which makes it difficult to accept that Gates’ fix has anything to do with better treatments that save or improve lives.

We suspect he has other motives but admit this admission is unexpected.



Disclosure: I use products sold by Bill’s tech empire every day.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-26 22:00 +0000

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.  Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch can, and presented as is.  I make no guarantee of accuracy or complete coverage of the world.

Please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well, which is a good site to check out in general.

For prep materials, please see:

Survival Sunday – PREP Edition – Granite Grok







Top of the fold:

A Deeper Look Into the ATF Ruling on Pistol Braces (

The ATF’s new rules are also so horribly written that attorneys are still finding other potential traps inside. For example, an attorney for Gun Owners of America recently pointed out in order to register your previously legal brace gun with the ATF you have to include photographic evidence the gun exists and is in your possession, while normally you wouldn’t create an SBR until after the ATF approves it.  So now if the ATF delays or denies approving your form, you have already sent them photographic evidence that you possess a gun they deem to be illegal, and the only thing stopping them from taking “enforcement action” against you is their mercy. 


“COVID-19 Vaccines Are Not Associated with Sudden Death” – FDA Response to an American’s Concerns About COVID Vaccines (

Translation: We don’t want our pharma “royalty” checks to stop.

BREAKING: Project Veritas: Pfizer Exploring “Mutating” Covid-19 Virus Via ‘Directed Evolution’ To Continue Profiting From Vaccines (VIDEO)

Let’s assume this is genuine and true – that Pfizer is working to develop new strains, presumably to release them, in order to then justify more variations of their Jab.  This is beyond monstrous.  This is pitchforks and torches territory.




They really want you to accept UFOs.



The questions are WHY and WHY NOW?




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

U.S. will criminalize hate speech ‘soon’, EU official predicts at WEF mtg. (

And so it begins:



Bayou Renaissance Man: The World Economic Forum, summed up in a masterly rant

Entitled rules whose manifest destiny is to control.  Related:


Admitting that NATO is part of the NWO.


Jacinda’s Plan To Keep New Zealand Safe



Now the new PM talks about hunting down the unJabbed.



Crushed Bug ‘Additive’ is Now Included in Pizza, Pasta & Cereals Across the EU – Summit News

My favorite pasta – Barilla – comes from Italy.  Looks like I now need to check the ingredients a lot more carefully.  In general, I’m noticing more and more food products containing Bioengineered ingredients.  (I’ve emailed Barilla.)



Protecting Children:

MassResistance forces leftist School Board to remove obscene material

A win!  This is a good group!

“Dead Name” Transgender Documentary Exposes Horrors Of Child Mutilation And The Lives It’s Destroyed ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

But there’s money in maimed and wrecked children.



National Security (specifically):

US military would run out of some munitions within a week of conflict with China, report | Just The News

Make it a two-theater war and we’re out in a day or so.



On The Jab (and Covid)

BREAKING via ALEX BERENSON: New Chinese Study Shows that More than Four COVID Jabs Produced Near Complete Collapse of Immune System in Mice (

And then pharma owns you.  You want to live?  Get our Jab every few months.  Related:

Damaged Immune Systems, Pandemic of the Vaxed: “These Shots Have Clearly Made Things Worse” – DailyClout

What we know about how COVID-19 vaccines may affect menstrual cycles | The Hill



But we DID tell you.  Repeatedly.  To your face.  But because it wasn’t on CNN et al, you didn’t believe us.




Bayou Renaissance Man: This is why it costs so much more to live in big cities

Bayou Renaissance Man: Tomato soup inflation – it’s not fruitful any more




Avi Yemini THREATENED by CNBC vice president in Davos



They don’t like rivals telling things outside The Narrative.





Cleveland: Media’s Lack Of ‘Twitter Files’ Coverage Is Intentional (

Control the information flow, control what people believe.

CNN Ratings Fall Even More, Entire Lineup Did Not Equal Ratings of One Fox Show – The Lid (

When your enemy is committing suicide, don’t interfere.




Nothing specific found this week.



Know your Leftist / Globalist & Islamic enemy:

Nothing specific found this week.



Immigration / Migration:

Poll: Only 14% Of Americans Agree With Amnesty For Illegals – Summit News

Cue up cries of raaaaaaacist!

Yuma, Arizona Supervisor Warns of Total Collapse Under ‘Unprecedented’ Migrant Surge – Geller Report

Invite people in and promise them free stuff – what do you expect?



Economy at large:

GOLDSTEIN: What Really Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Recessions

So what will they engineer?

New Wealth Tax Introduced in California | ZeroHedge

What you own, now, will be “on loan” from government so long as they decide to let you keep it.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear…

Economy on the “Edge of Collapse”, Central Banks are Making Moves w/ Andy Schectman (2of2) | Public Content Network – The Peoples News Network (

It’s coming.  There’s no stopping what can’t be stopped.  On that:

“It can only go on so long. Ordinary people who live on credit cards and pay only the monthly minimum can tell you that. Eventually, credit card payments don’t pay for any new goods or services, just interest. That’s what our nation faces if it doesn’t change course now. Interest expenses will mount, rates will go up and an increasing proportion of tax revenues will be consumed paying interest. The Congressional Budget Office predicts that over the next 10 years, interest expense will triple. In a decade, interest outlays will exceed defense spending. Yikes. Eventually, if fiscal sanity is not restored, government will have to cut services or impose massive tax hikes, or both.”

—Betsy McCaughey


A “Debt Doom Loop” Is Now Fully Engaged | ZeroHedge



Political War

The Rise of the Single Woke (and Young, Democratic) Female – The Jewish Voice

Understand the trends.



US Stability (broad catch-all):



And thus Rome, er, America falls.  When the average Roman finally understood how corrupt and fetid the Imperial City had become, they ceased to be willing to fight for it.  Same case now.  E.g.:

SUSPICIOUS TIMING: Pelosi Sold $3 Million of Google Stock Weeks Before Justice Department Launched Antitrust Probe (



World Stability (broad catch-all):

Pentagon Already Sees Ukraine War Going Well Past 2023 | ZeroHedge

Forever war.  And now this insanity?

US weighing up to help Ukraine strike Russian installations in Crimea (

While Distractions Abound In U.S., DC Swamp Inches Us Closer To All Out War In Ukraine | Ep 503 (

Germany and the U.S. Agree to Send Advanced Battle Tanks – PJ Media

And now this:

Ukraine Pivots To F-16 Fighter Jets Hours After Securing Tanks | ZeroHedge

IMHO, they’ll get them.  Related:


Germany Declares War on Russia

At war with Russia.  Gotcha.  I’m sure Russia gets it too.  Remember the paranoid & fatalistic Russian mentality.  I greatly fear this will lead to thoughts of “If they’re going to take us down, let’s make sure they go down too”.

Putin’s Greatest Fear: Could Ukraine Launch a Drone Attack on Moscow? – 19FortyFive

Greatest fear, no.  Moral-sapping, I doubt it.  Someone drone-attacks my city and I want theirs flattened into powder will be the more likely thoughts.







Specific to energy:

There Have Been 9 Attacks on the Energy Infrastructure Since Nov. (

What happens when they get serious on this?

The Unhinged Environmentalism Of Al Gore

Not 100% sure on Gore, but my suspicion is that he’s using this for enrichment.  Still… do remember, many, many people believe his every word that the entirety of life on earth is under threat.

Buy my coffee mug!




Obama Promised To Make Electricity Prices Skyrocket







Big Tech in general:

Simple automotive collision-avoidance sensor inspired by insect brains (

There are two problems with this.  One, sensors can be fooled.  Two, sometimes, you DO need to hit something.



Text from Telegram:

Smart Shopping trolly that knows what you have picked up,  as soon as you put it in. Lots of cameras to see what you are up to. Card only payments at the checkouts – no cash. If your not part of the system then you don’t fit in here…

Human microchip implants take center stage | The Hill

Why?  Why?  Is “convenience” so attractive you sell your 24/7 privacy?

Professor warns Big Tech is spying on people through smart doorbells –


Rogue AI ‘could kill everyone’ – Blazing Cat Fur

I’ve seen numerous movies that start with this plot device.



Catch-all miscellaneous:

The Real Differences Between the Biden and Trump Troves › American Greatness (

VDH is a national treasure.  I’ve read his book The Savior Generals and have several others of his in my to-be-read stack.



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

Tucker Carlson Says Watergate Was A CIA Operation – PJ Media

More and more, this Frank Zappa quote seems to apply; we’re seeing the illusion of a democratic republic being taken down right in front of our eyes:

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

I just saw a video about the owning, lock-stock-and-barrel of our government by corporations.  I’m no naïf; I know full well how money has influence.  But to hear it put so blatantly?  I have – something I’ve discussed – BETRAYAL TRAUMA.  I know America has changed in the last decades, certainly since Barackus was elected.  But to hear things like this, and other things, have made me question whether the America I thought I lived in ever existed at all.




Mary Grabar, The Influence of Howard Zinn’s Fake History | National Leadership Seminar



Check out her book:

Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation against America




Palate cleansers:



Give me an acre of fields, small cabin, a few farm animals, and I’d live there cheerfully.

Wait for it…




Please check out my MEME collection.  Here’s the last one.  And come on back Friday afternoon – another one then.


The post Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Dem Wants Your Electric Bill to Be Even Higher!

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-26 20:30 +0000

We’ve covered the issue of rising electric rates in the Granite State at length on these pages, and that’s great, but nothing hurts like the experience of opening the envelope and side-eying the actual total each month.

Related: The Real Reason Eversource Raised its NH Electric Rates 110%

As if looking at it that way will soften the roundhouse you’re about to take. And this is entirely unnecessary. From my experience, we are spending about twice as much on electricity. My bill went from $100-130 to 250+ dollars a month. That’s money we are not spending in local restaurants or giving as tips to hard-working waitstaff.

And that is with us trying to use less to recoup some of that loss.

We’re not saving it for a project or a trip to the beach or the white mountains. We won’t be investing it for retirement. It’s gone, and that’s almost 1500.00 dollars a year extracted from the economy to cover my “cost of doing business,” whether it’s your home or your business. Costs that are piling up on business owners as well passed down as the increased costs of goods and services, which we are also paying.

Taxes? Don’t take to me about local tax relief when your energy policy drives up the cost of government utility bills, fuel for vehicles, and all the products and services they require. We pay for all of that too.

It is what I have (for more than a decade) called the triple threat. Rates go up, and you get screwed (at least) three ways.

But New Hampshire Democrats are not done screwing you over on this issue. They want more so you can have less.


State Rep. Rebecca McWilliams (D-Concord) says the $40 million in rebates New Hampshire ratepayers are currently receiving on their electric bills isn’t their money and she wants it back.

McWilliams commented on a House Science, Technology, and Energy Committee hearing on behalf of HB418, which would re-direct collections from the Energy Efficiency Fund away from individual ratepayers and give the money to the state.


The Dems want the state to seize these assets so that bureaucrats and policymakers can make purchasing decisions. The claim is that these will be directed at energy efficiency improvements. But if efficiency is the goal, keeping it as far from the government as possible is the best course.

Rate Hike Rebecca disagrees.


“Instead of doing a refund,  the money stays in the fund where it is intended to have long-term market impacts to adjust for our overreliance on fossil fuel and natural gas in the market,” McWilliams said. ..

[the current rebate is about  30.00 per ratepayer]

…“That $30 does not belong to the ratepayer, but we’ve decided as a legislature to refund it over time. This bill corrects that.”


It doesn’t belong to the ratepayer. Really? Does Rebecca Williams know how RGGI works? It artificially increases operating costs which are passed down to… say it with me, ratepayers. They pay those costs, which – since we can’t seem to get anyone to repeal RGGI and let them keep their money – a past legislature and governor voted to return to them.

In other words, Rate Hike Rebecca is not the brightest bulb in the pack.

It may only equal the cost of one cup of coffee each month over twelve months, but it’s your money, and you’ll do more to see it used effectively than any politician or bureaucrat ever could.

We also know that the goal is to milk the RGGI cow as hard, fast, and often as possible. Expand the energy policy that has made electricity unaffordable for middle and lower-income Granite Staters.

And there is no plan ever to get it to go down, which for Dems applies to the cost of government (and everything else). Any left-wing lips that claim they want tax relief are lying. They want (need!) more money to pay for more government, and to do that, they need to find ways to raise taxes without you noticing.

Giving the government a 40 million a year raise in revenue is just a drop in that bucket, but they’ll take every drop if you let them.

NH Dem Wants Your Electric Bill to Be Even Higher!


We’ll close with a walk down Democrat memory hole lane …



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Will the Future of the NHGOP Hold?

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2023-01-26 19:46 +0000

As a long-standing Republican volunteer who has held multiple positions in the state party and knows a great deal about the party's history with the multitude of its stakeholders, I am providing the insight I KNOW concerning the NHGOP election on January 28th.

The post What Will the Future of the NHGOP Hold? appeared first on The Liberty Block.

NHGOP House Leaders Rerun Same Tax-Cut Playbook

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-26 19:00 +0000

What would you think of a football team that runs the same play over and over and over again … despite that play not just failing to advance the ball, but actually losing yardage?

Well … if you think that football team is coached by the NHGOP leaders in the NH House, I wouldn’t blame you.

The same NHGOP leaders who got shellacked in the 2022 midterms are continuing to run the same playbook that got them shellacked … in three words: BUSINESS TAX CUTS!

Apparently, it has never occurred to these NHGOP leaders that voters paying stratospheric local property taxes don’t think businesses are overtaxed and that these voters desperately need and would be receptive to a HARD cap on the annual growth in local property taxes. But, needless to say, the NHGOP can’t support that: LOCAL CONTROL! Right … except for developers who want to erect massive apartment complexes, who get to evade local control by going to that kangaroo court euphemistically called the Housing Appeals Board.

And, apparently, it doesn’t register with these NHGOP leaders that ignoring WOKE is a losing strategy. Despite the supposed “ban” on CRT, the public school bureaucracy continues to jam DEI … Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which is a lovely euphemism for cultural-marxism, which is CRT by another name … down the throats of our students. How about banning DEI or at least cutting state funding for school districts that push DEI? Oh no … can’t do that … LOCAL CONTROL!

GOP … and rational unaffiliated … voters in general, are far, far, far more concerned with the threat posed by woke and weaponized government than with cutting business taxes. That is why Ron DeSantis … whose name is synonymous with fighting woke … has become so popular. Same for Governor Youngkin in Virginia. If the descent of the NHGOP into an irrelevant minority is to be arrested, it is by similarly fighting woke. Not by ignoring woke and shrieking: BUSINESS TAX CUTS!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

While Not Perfect, This Bill Could Legalize Cannabis In New Hampshire

The Liberty Block - Thu, 2023-01-26 18:09 +0000

Sponsored by five Republicans, five Democrats, and the House Majority Leader, House Bill 639 is an excellent bill, especially compared to the poison-pill-packed House Bill 544. The people of New Hampshire have long called for cannabis legalization, and now they finally have a shot.

The post While Not Perfect, This Bill Could Legalize Cannabis In New Hampshire appeared first on The Liberty Block.

Gay Activist Couple Accused of Sodomizing Their Adopted Sons and Distributing “Homemade” Child Pornography of the Sexual Abuse.

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-26 17:30 +0000

When can Gay not even mean happy? I suppose it depends on which end of this relationship you find yourself. Two married men adopted two young boys and are alleged to have sodomized them, pimped them out, and distributed child porn of the acts.


The adoptive fathers, 33-year-old government worker William Dale Zulock Jr. and 35-year-old banker Zachary “Zack” Jacoby Zulock—who was previously accused of raping a child—from Oxford, Georgia, have been indicted by a grand jury on charges of incest, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, felony sexual exploitation of children, and felony prostitution of a minor.


This behavior is something the left is trying to normalize, legalize, and celebrate. Government-run schools that employ taxpayer-funded “educators” not only engage in behavior that fits the definition of grooming, but they also defend it.


As Townhall reported in August, the suspects were darlings of the LGBTQ media. They were part of an anti-gay hate campaign promoting “#NOH8,” and Out magazine, which holds the nation’s highest circulation among LGBTQ monthly publications, has repeatedly asked them if its website’s Pride page can feature their photos taken at the Atlanta Pride Parade.


In other words, the problem is that they should be innocent, and the law needs to be changed because you can’t help who you love or something.

And look, another thing the COVID lockdowns (appear to) have encouraged (emphasis, mine)!

According to a copy of the 17-count indictment Townhall has obtained, the adoptive dads allegedly performed oral sex on both boys, forced the children to perform oral sex on them, and anally raped their sons. In at least one instance, the anal rape injured the older Zulock child, who just turned 11-years-old in mid-December. Court records indicate that the child sexual abuse stretches back to as early as late 2019 and intensified in January 2021, March 2021, and December 2021, as the offense dates are listed.

If you’d like to read the investigation results at, prepare yourself. The descriptions (evidence) might be troubling even to adults. What these guys did was inexcusable, and according to this report, the defendants, who are currently in prison, are being subjected to jail justice.

What they are accused of has long been considered off-limits, even to rapists and murderers.

I wonder how they feel about the party of no cash bail and early release attempting to make what these two guys are accused of legal.


HT | Exclusive TownHall Investigation

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Camp Constitution Donates Pocket U.S. Constitutions to High School and Junior High Students in Laconia, NH

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-26 16:00 +0000

Last night-Tuesday January 25- at the Laconia School Board’s meeting, school board member, Dawn Johnson announced that Camp Constitution has donated 1,100 pocket copies of the U.S. Constitution to Laconia’s junior high and high school students with some extras for teachers.

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Dawn said that the other board members were “pleased and liked the donations.”

These pocket U.S. Constitutions, published by the National Center for Constitutional Studies, also contain the Declaration of Independence, significant dates in our nation’s history, and quotes from some of the Founders. Since Camp Constitution’s inception, the New Hampshire-based trust, has donated over 30,000 of these booklets to students, civic organizations, and members of the general public. In 2018, the organization donated 1.,200 to the Manchester High School senior class.

Hal Shurtleff, Camp Constitution’s director and co-founder, said, “while there is a certain element in this nation that holds the Constitution in disdain and would like to see it repealed, it has been my experience that people from all sides of the political and ideological spectrum cherish the U.S. Constitution and are pleased that we are handing giving them out.”

In May of 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 in favor of Camp Constitution’s Christian flag lawsuit against the City of Boston.

To learn more about Camp Constitution and request a pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution, please visit their website



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

UK To Prohibit Boosters For Most Under the Age of 50 – Jabs for Kids are Banned

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-26 14:30 +0000

UK To Prohibit Boosters For Most Under the Age of 50 – Jabs for Kids are Banned.

Despite the seemingly endless supply of COVID-19 vaccines traveling with ease across an otherwise spotty supply chain, the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization has decided to end boosters for most under fifty years of age.


The booster availability to the younger, healthy population will end in England on Feb. 12, the government said.

National Health Service (NHS) official Steve Russell said that people should get their booster before the availability ends.

“The NHS will continue to operate a smaller scale vaccine offer from mid-February onwards to ensure those eligible for first and second doses can still get their jabs,” Maria Caulfield, the health minister, said.


The sale ends soon. While Supplies last. Sorry, supply has never been a problem. Odd. But never fear. If you really want another booster of Herr Fauci’s Wonderful Miraculous Cure, you could pretend to have comorbidity.

I know I’m perfectly healthy, but I don’t want to be, so I’m presenting as “at risk” for COVID-19. And, ironically, if you give me the booster, I will be.

But wait, there’s more!


Health officials have also accepted the recommendation to end the availability of the initial vaccination, or a primary series, for the population not at clinical risk subject to further consideration, according to Caulfield. …

Most children are already unable to get a booster or primary series.


Where does this common sense come from, and why have they embraced it? Vaccine uptake has waned. Almost no one in England seems to want one anymore. They have also concluded that there’s no value in it.


In numbers released on Wednesday, UK authorities said (pdf) they calculated that tens of thousands of healthy, young people would need a booster in order to prevent a single hospitalization. That included 168,200 boosters to prevent a single hospitalization in those aged 20 to 29.


No mention of how many of those young, healthy people would be (or were) harmed in such a pursuit, but that would be an act of exceptional public health awareness and a near-admission of how flawed the rollout and marketing were.

I am holding out hope. There’s been a lot of pressure since early on from experts we’ve been sharing here. Those numbers have only grown, and I think that a lot of “experts,” “scientists,” and “doctors” are looking for a way out from under the gross mishandling of the response and the approved remedies.

Many of them, at least in the US, are tied to non-compete agreements that prevent them from contradicting Hospital or state-regulated policies. In other words, if they say what they think or try to treat patients in some way other than what has been approved, they can be fired and lose their license.

That’s not how individualized medicine works, and it runs 180 degrees opposite what Democrats have promised for years in the shadow of ObamaCare.

So, they lied or were misled, just like the COVID debacle.

The UK appears to be searching for a path back to sanity, at least on this matter. Is it too much to ask more US States and the Feds to follow that lead?

Probably, but if we keep pushing, I think the weight of public opinion will make it inevitable.

So, we keep pushing.


HT | Epoch Times

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

#Woke College President “Trips” Over Mohammed, #Woke Faculty Ask Her to Resign

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-26 13:00 +0000

Being a #woke president of a #woke college should be easier than this but then, not so much. The identity politics totem can turn on you at any moment, which seems to be what happened to Hamline University college President Dr. Fayneese Miller.


Hamline University faculty on Tuesday overwhelmingly called for college President Fayneese Miller to resign, saying they “no longer have faith” in her ability to lead the institution after administrators “mishandled” a controversy over Islamic art and academic freedom. …

The call for Miller’s resignation comes at a tense time for the St. Paul private university, which drew international attention after it decided not to renew the contract of an art instructor who showed images of the Prophet Muhammad in class.

The “educator” is alleged to have warned the delicate snowflakes in attendance that she was about to display relevant historical images of the prophet (Muhammad, not Obama). However, according to the offended Muslim, having to say it means she should not have shown it.


During an online art class in October, adjunct instructor Erika López Prater showed students two centuries-old artworks that depicted the prophet receiving a revelation from the Angel Gabriel that would later form the basis for the Qur’an.

One student in her class, Aram Wedatalla, president of the Muslim Student Association, contacted administrators and told them she was offended and that the instructor’s “trigger warning” was proof she shouldn’t have shown the images.


So, the trigger warning is not for the audience. Did you get that? If you have to say trigger warning, you should stop there. Seems a bit anti-climactic at that point, yes? I am about to show you something that may disturb some of you. Wait, no, I’m not.

Can we teach this to #woke grade school groomers pretending to be public school teachers?

Oh, and there has been a ‘liberal’ outpouring of support for Erika López Pratero and the defense of academic freedom and free speech.

That’s a head-scratcher. There isn’t much of either at the majority of such institutions. These might also be some of the same people who wished the two jihadis who wanted to shoot up Pam Geller’s Draw Mohammad Day event had made it inside (instead of getting gunned down in the parking lot by a duty officer). Then or their ideological ancestors.

Geller’s event was full of depictions of the prophet (Muhammad, not Obama).


Fellow instructors and groups promoting academic freedom largely rallied around López Prater, saying she had done more than most professors to prepare students for the images and to allow them to avoid seeing them.

Local and national Muslim groups offered differing opinions. Some said the school had to act to protect a student whose faith had been offended, while others said the university’s decision to describe the incident as Islamophobic ignored diversity of thought within Islam.


Hey Google, show me results for college faculty defending the religious freedom of Christians. Oh, look, a donut?

See how confusing this can all be? One moment a picture of Mohammad earns you a Fatwa from the Intellectual leaders of Wokeistan calling for your professional head, then you turn around and Boom! (sorry, not boom), it is protected expression, and the College President should take a walk for getting her cultural Marxism signals crossed.

No one is more surprised than President Fayneese Miller.


“Like all organizations, sometimes we misstep.”

“In the interest of hearing from and supporting our Muslim students, language was used that does not reflect our sentiments on academic freedom,” the pair wrote. “Based on all that we have learned, we have determined that our usage of the term ‘Islamophobic’ was therefore flawed.


Or was it?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Bureau of Arbitrariness, Tyranny, and Fear

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-26 11:30 +0000

In one of his eponymous lectures, Richard Feynman told a story about a lady who was pulled over for speeding.  Told that she was going 60 miles per hour, she replied that she’d only been driving for seven minutes.

‘How can I go 60 miles an hour when I wasn’t going for an hour?’

I couldn’t help thinking of this recently when I heard an ATF agent, Tommy Estevan, talk about a ‘switch’ that

turns a semi-automatic firearm into, essentially, a machine gun.  So, instead of one round being discharged from a firearm with the single pull of the trigger, when the switch is installed onto a  firearm, you’re looking at 1200 rounds with the single pull of the trigger within a minute.

Boy, that sounds like a lot of rounds!  But as Feynman’s driver might ask:  How can I fire 1200 rounds within a minute if I don’t have 1200 rounds? ¹

With a decent semi-automatic pistol, it’s not difficult to get 5 shots off in 2 seconds. That translates to 150 rounds per minute.  Which seems kind of slow, compared to 1200 rounds per minute.

But all of this ignores replacing empty magazines.  It’s not like there are belt-fed handguns. ²

So a more reasonable way to think about it is this:  If your gun doesn’t have ‘the switch’, you can empty a ‘high capacity’ 15-round magazine in six seconds.  With ‘the switch’, you can do that in one second.  And then, in either case, you have to reload.

One second, versus six seconds, to get off the same number of shots.  Somehow, it sounds less scary when you put it that way.

But scaring you is a big part of ATF’s mission.  And we can expect them to ramp up the scare stories now that Republicans in Congress have introduced a bill to repeal the NFA (which would give ATF no taxes to collect, and thus no reason to exist), and another bill to abolish the ATF.

It will be interesting to see which other Republicans support — and which RINOs oppose — these bills.


¹ Which, if we’re talking about 9mm rounds, would weigh at least 32 pounds, about as much as two bowling balls.

² Although I hope someone out there is working on that project!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Distributors and Traders Could Be Prosecuted If It Was Suggested the Masks Offered Unrealistic Levels of Protection from the Disease”

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-26 02:30 +0000

Remember when the NIH, CDC, WHO, and all the rest used to remind us about how cloth face masks couldn’t protect you from a virus? The experts were so adamant that back in 2003, you could get fined for claiming otherwise.

Related: If You Want to Attend SatanCon in Boston, You’ll Need Proof of COVID Vaccination and Wear a Medical Face Mask


Retailers who cash in on community fears about SARS by exaggerating the health benefits of surgical masks could face fines of up to $110,000.

NSW Fair Trading Minister Reba Meagher yesterday warned that distributors and traders could be prosecuted if it was suggested the masks offered unrealistic levels of protection from the disease.

“I’m sure everyone would agree that it is un-Australian to profiteer from people’s fears and anxieties,” Ms Meagher said. …

“Penalties can range from fines of up to $22,000 for an individual or $110,000 for a corporation,” she said.


Oh, how times have changed. Seventeen years later, you might get fined for not forcing people to wear them in your business (unless they were sitting down, of course).

That latter bit seems to have calmed down in the past 12 months, but the real issue is efficacy which, according to an industrial hygienist, does not exist for cloth or medical face masks.


Medical doctors are what they are, but they are not certified industrial hygienists. They are not experts in the field of workplace or public safety when it comes to real threats and solutions. They are not even experts in these fields regarding a hospital or clinical settings.


These masks will not get the job done for many reasons (listen to the testimony for a few) but mostly because they were never made to do that. Even N95 and K95 masks require special training to be remotely effective.

And to this day, if you grab a box of those medical masks, it says right on the side that it will not provide any protection because to state otherwise could (still!) get them sued.

I guess no one thought to get them a special dispensation from the public health pope.

Nearly everyone else got one.




The post “Distributors and Traders Could Be Prosecuted If It Was Suggested the Masks Offered Unrealistic Levels of Protection from the Disease” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Windham Complaint – September 13, 2022 Primary Election

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-26 01:00 +0000


SENT VIA EMAIL ONLY – –  December 21, 2022

– Dear Attorney General Formella,

The integrity of our elections is the foundation of our Constitutional Republic. That integrity is built upon election officials who understand and follow all election laws and procedures in a transparent manner. It’s unfortunate when procedural mistakes are sometimes made by local election officials during the management of an election. It’s unacceptable when procedural mistakes become commonplace and are not corrected. Whether intentional or unintentional, election officials must be held accountable for their actions when they fail to follow election laws and procedures, especially when failures have been identified and attempted to be remedied by your office.

As you are aware, Windham election officials violated a multitude of election laws and procedures during the November 3, 2020 general election. These violations were identified in your office’s joint letter with the NH Secretary of State that delivered a stern warning to Windham Officials on January 7, 2022.

Subsequent to that letter, it was our hope that Windham’s election officials would ensure strict adherence to the New Hampshire Election Procedures Manual when overseeing and reporting our elections. Unfortunately, election issues in Windham have continued.

With this in mind, it is with great sadness that we file this complaint for what we believe to be many more egregious mistakes and discrepancies regarding the inaccurate reporting of election results of the Windham September 13, 2022, primary election during oversight by the following election officials:

Peter Griffin, Windham Moderator
Betty Dunn, Windham Assistant Moderator
Galen Stearns, Windham Assistant Moderator
Nicole Merrill, Windham Town Clerk
Roger Hohenberger, Windham Selectman
Heath Partington, Windham Selectman
Jennifer Simmons, Windham Selectman
Al Letizio, Jr., Selectman pro tempore
Gene Van Loan – Election Monitor for the September 13, 2022 Primary Election

It is our belief that all of the individuals listed above, excluding Election Monitor Gene Van Loan, also oversaw the Windham general election on November 3, 2020, which produced the largest numerical election discrepancy in the history of NH. Many problems regarding that election were uncovered during your office’s joint investigation with the SOS’s office. That investigation, as well as the findings, led your office to appoint an Election Monitor. RSA 659:77 III,

Per RSA 659:60, the moderator, or the moderator pro tempore if the moderator is disqualified under RSA 658:24, shall oversee the counting of votes by other election officers, including the selectmen and the town clerk, and may discharge any other duties relating to the counting of votes. In your office’s Cease and Desist letter to Exeter election officials, your office acknowledged the joint responsibilities of all those election officials to oversee a town’s election as defined by law and the Election Procedures Manual.

When election officials discharge their duties, they do not discharge their responsibilities.

We believe the Windham election officials are collectively responsible for not following election laws and procedures for at least three state and federal elections in a row: the general election on November 3, 2020; the primary election on September 13, 2022; and the general election on November 8, 2022.

This COMPLAINT identifies concerns with the general election on November 3, 2020 and the primary election on September 13, 2022. While your office has already investigated the November 3, 2020 election and has issued it’s findings, we believe it is relevant to this complaint because it shows a continued pattern regarding the lack of due diligence by Windham’s election officials to follow simple election procedures that have been put into place to ensure confidence, accuracy and integrity.

The November 3, 2020 General Election
During the November 3, 2020 general election in Windham, a large number of documented mistakes were made. Many were not identified until after an independent audit was performed, as well as a year long joint investigation by your office and the Secretary of State.

Both of those investigations uncovered many violations of election laws and procedures by Windham’s election officials, as was documented in your office’s joint letter with the Secretary of State that was sent to Windham’s officials on January 7, 2022. That letter included the following findings:

“Windham’s election night results were not just imprecise, they were fundamentally flawed”

“Town election officials cut corners.”

“In the November 2020 General Election, Windham officials did not follow all of the necessary instructions and statutory requirements.”

“The Attorney General makes a finding that the November 2020 General Election returns from Windham had significant deficiencies.”

The independent audit that was performed during May, 2021 was expensive. It cost NH taxpayers over $770,000 and the findings contributed to a decline in voter confidence across the state. That costly lesson exposed mistakes that should not be repeated. One of those mistakes was the folding of absentee ballots through candidate ovals. When those ballots passed through the ballot counting devices, the folds were inaccurately interpreted as a cast vote – which triggered overvotes that caused all four Republican candidates in the Rockingham District 7 State Rep race to lose ~300 votes each (give or take 3 votes). Other times it incorrectly awarded votes to a Democrat candidate – which increased that candidate’s vote total by 99 votes that were never cast.

There are many issues identified in the joint AG’s and SOS’s letter to Windham town officials, as well as in the auditor’s report.

Unfortunately, based on pubic comments that have been made multiple times by some Windham election officials, it appears they do not acknowledge the failures and deficiencies that led to the poorly run election on November 3, 2020.

Per RSA 659:77 III, due to the issues that were discovered with the investigations of Windham’s General Election on November 3, 2020, an election monitor was appointed for the September 13, 2022 Primary Election.

The September 13, 2022 Primary Election
Even with the oversight of an election monitor during the Primary Election, there appears to be continued issues with Windham’s elections. We believe the election monitor for the Windham September 13, 2022 primary election failed to provide proper oversight as he did not prevent, nor catch many problems regarding election procedures and reporting errors in Windham.

We believe the issues identified below regarding the September 13, 2022 primary election clearly reflect an inability of Windham’s election officials to comprehend and implement their statutory obligations related to the reporting of election results, including but not limited to: the number of voters; the number of ballots received, processed and subsequently sealed in boxes; and even more importantly, the reported vote totals. Many statutory documents were submitted with significant defects multiple times. Each of which, we believe, are in violation of RSA 659:77 III.

The compiling and accurate reporting of election data is not difficult when strict adherence to NH’s built in checks and balances are followed. Those procedures can be found in the Election Procedures Manual as well as on the statutory election reporting forms. When followed properly, these procedures aid to identify and correct any errors prior to announcing election results.

We believe to the best of our ability, that many easily identifiable and glaring errors were ignored, and that these discrepancies should have been apparent to Windham’s election officials on election night – and corrected on election night – before announcing results.

There were multiple opportunities for all election officials to recognize the errors by cross referencing different sets of data that should match but didn’t, e.g. the number of announced voters on election night did not match the number of voters counted by the AccuVote machines (plus hand counted ballots) – nor did it match the number of voters marked as having voted on the Election Day checklist. Neither of those actual number of voters was close to the number of voters announced on election night at 2:35am.

In addition, the number of announced voters should also match the number of cast ballots that were documented on election night – but none of those numbers matched. The following list of issues represents missed opportunities for Windham’s election officials to follow appropriate procedures and accurately report election related results and data – but failed to do so.

The first error repeated the folding issue identified by the 2021 audit. After the debacle of the November 3, 2020 election, it is unconscionable that this mistake was repeated. The rest of the issues occurred on or after election night.

1. Ballot Folded Through Candidate Ovals
The Windham audit in 2021 proved that a fold going through a candidate’s oval can cause huge errors regarding election results. It is difficult to understand and accept that the same mistake was repeated again during the September 13, 2022 Primary Election. This link is an example of an absentee ballot that was received by a Windham voter. That ballot was folded through candidate ovals.

Ignored Discrepancies That Identified Glaring Errors

2. Discrepancy: Announced Voters on Election Night vs. Voters Marked on the Checklist
The number of announced voters on election night (3,724) is 959 more voters than the number of voters marked as having voted on the election day checklist (2,765). These numbers should match, but Moderator Peter Griffin announced 959 more voters on election night than actually voted.

3. Discrepancy: Announced Voters on Election Night vs. Voters Reported in the Moderator’s Worksheets
The number of announced voters on election night (3,724) is 971 higher than the combined number of voters reported on the Democrat and Republican Moderator’s Worksheets (2,753). Those numbers should be identical.

4. Discrepancy: Announced Voters on Election Night vs. Number of CAST Ballots Sealed in Boxes
The number of announced voters on election night (3,724) is 372 less than the number of cast ballots that were sealed into the ballot boxes on election night per the chain of custody records (4,116). These numbers should be identical. There cannot be more ballots cast than voters.

Table 1: The total number of cast ballots is 4,116 per chain of custody records

5. Discrepancy: Announced Voters on Election Night vs. Counted Ballots (AccuVote Counted Ballots Plus Hand-Counted Ballots)
The number of announced voters on election night (3,724) is 956 higher than the number of cast ballots on election night (2,768) per the AccuVote machines (see table 2 below) plus hand count totals. Those numbers should be identical. There cannot be nearly 1,000 more voters than ballots cast.

Note: Table 2 below shows a total of 2,705 ballots cast through AccuVote machines. In addition, there were 7 hand-counted Democrat ballots and 53 Republican hand-counted ballots listed on the Democrat and Republican Moderator’s Worksheets.

  Table 2: AccuVote Ballot Totals

6. Discrepancy: Number of CAST Ballots Sealed in Boxes vs. AccuVote Plus Hand-Counted Ballots
The number of cast ballots that were sealed into the ballot boxes on election night per the chain of custody records (4,116) is 1,348 higher than the combined number of AccuVote cast ballots plus hand counted ballots on election night (2,768). Those numbers should be identical.

7. Discrepancy: Announced Voters on Election Night vs. Number of CAST Ballots on Moderator’s Worksheets
The number of announced voters on election night and in the local paper (3,724) is 960 higher than the combined number of cast ballots as reported on the Democrat and Republican Moderator’s Worksheets (2,764). These numbers should be identical. There cannot be 960 more voters than ballots cast.

8. Discrepancy: CAST Ballots on Moderator’s Worksheets vs. Number of CAST Ballots Sealed in Boxes
The combined number of cast ballots as reported on the Democrat and Republican Moderator’s Worksheets (2,764) is 1,352 lower than the number of cast ballots that were sealed into the ballot boxes on election night per the chain of custody records (4,116). These numbers should be identical.

9. Discrepancy: Voters Reported on Moderator’s Worksheets vs. Number of CAST Ballots Sealed in Boxes
The combined number of voters reported on the Democrat and Republican Moderator’s Worksheets (2,753) is 1,363 lower than the number of cast ballots that were sealed into the ballot boxes on election night per the chain of custody records (4,116). These numbers should be identical. They are not even close.

10. Discrepancy: More Election Day Ballots Sealed on Election Night than Received From the Secretary of State
The number of Election Day ballots that were sealed into the ballot boxes on election night per the chain of custody records (6,303) is 1,333 more ballots than the number of Election Day ballots that were received from the Secretary of State as defined in the Moderator’s Certificate (4,970). These numbers should match.

Note: Table 4 below shows a total of 6,443 ballots were sealed into ballot boxes per the Ballot Chain of Custody records. 140 ballots are Absentee Ballots – as documented in line #9 of the Democrat and Republican Moderator’s Worksheets, and 6,303 ballots are Election Day Ballots (Cast and Uncast).

Table 4: Sealed Ballots

11. Discrepancy: Inconsistent Reporting of Uncast Ballots
The combined number of uncast ballots listed on line #3 on the Democrat and Republican Moderator’s Worksheets (1,147 + 1137 = 2,284) is 43 ballots lower than the total number of uncast ballots that were sealed into the ballot boxes on election night per the chain of custody records (2,327 – see Table 4 above). These numbers should be identical.

12. Discrepancy: Voters Marked on the Checklist vs. Voters Reported in the Moderator’s Worksheets
The number of voters marked as having voted on the election day checklist (2,765) is 12 more than the combined number of voters reported on the Democrat and Republican Moderator’s Worksheets (2,753). Those numbers should be identical.

13. Discrepancy: CAST Ballots on Moderator’s Worksheets vs. Voters Reported on Moderator’s Worksheets
The combined number of cast ballots as reported on the Democrat and Republican Moderator’s Worksheets (2,764) is 11 higher than the combined number of voters reported on the Democrat and Republican Moderator’s Worksheets (2,753). Those numbers should be identical.

14. Incorrect Number Reported for CAST Election Day Ballots (Democrat)
The “Total Number of Ballots Cast by ELECTION DAY voters” (line #5) in the Democrat Moderator’s Worksheet was incorrect. The entered value is 672. The value per the formula for line #5 should have been 715.

15. Unexplainable Reporting of “Grand Total Number of Ballots Cast” (Democrat)
The “Grand Total Number of Ballots Cast” (line #10) in the Democrat Moderator’s Worksheet is a sum of line #5 and line #9. The entered value in line #10 correctly matches the number of voters marked as having voted on the Election Day checklist (within 1). However, as can be seen in Issue #14, the value in line #5 is wrong. How can line #10 be correct (within 1) when line #5 is off by 43?

16. Inconsistent Reporting of the Number of Hand-Counted Republican Ballots
The number of Hand Counted Republican ballots in the Republican Moderator’s Worksheet (56) is different than the number of hand counted ballots on the Windham Town Clerk’s Hand Count spreadsheet (53). These numbers should match.

17. Incorrect Number Reported for AccuVote CAST Ballots (Republican)
The number of “Total Ballots Cast from the ACCUVOTE election results tape” that is entered in Section C of the Republican Moderator’s Worksheet is 1985 ballots. The correct number of Republican Ballots Cast is 1989, as can be seen in Table 3 below.

Table 3: AccuVote Republican Ballot Totals

Election Results: Republican Return of Votes

There were at least four versions of the Republican Return of Votes forms for the September 13, 2022 Primary. The first was created on election night, and at least three “CORRECTED” Return of Votes were produced between September 14, 2022 and September 19, 2022.

A summarized table of all four Republican Return of Votes forms highlights the differences between each version.

18. Republican Return of Votes CORRECTED Three Times
There appears to be a total of 85 modifications to candidate vote totals over three corrected Return of Votes forms. Depending on the race, those changes ranged from a single vote to as many as 69 votes. Collectively, the vote changes add up to hundreds of changed votes. There is no explanation regarding how the original mistakes were made, nor how any of the modified totals were calculated, recalculated, and in some cases recalculated again. In addition, it is not clear when these changes were made, who made the changes, who was present when the changes were made, and who approved the changes to be made.

19. Wrong Candidate Declared Winner AFTER Second & Third CORRECTED Return of Votes
The second and the third final CORRECTED Republican Return of Votes form changed the outcome of the State Rep Race for District 35, making Roger W. Fillio the winner over Julius F. Soti. The final correction was submitted to Secretary of State David Scanlan via an email on September 19, 2022 – three days after the statutory filing period had ended.

20. Correct Winner Declared After Recount – Restoring Election Day Result
A recount of the State Rep Race for District 35 that was held on September 20, 2022 reversed the outcome from the Official “CORRECTED” results, and Secretary of State David Scanlan declared Julius F. Soti the winner. The recount totals on September 20, 2022 were within one vote of the vote totals on election day – raising questions why the results were modified after election day that incorrectly changed the outcome of the election.

21. Wrong and Missing Undervotes and Overvotes (Republican)
There are many errors regarding the reported number of undervotes and overvotes for many races on each of the Republican Return of Votes forms – and in many cases there were no undervotes or overvotes reported at all. RSA 659:73 IV (k) & (l).

Election Results: Democrat Return of Votes

There were at least four versions of the Democrat Return of Votes forms for the September 13, 2022 Primary. The first was created on election night, and at least three “CORRECTED” Return of Votes were produced between September 14, 2022 and September 19, 2022.

A summarized table of all four Democrat Return of Votes forms shows and highlights the notable modifications between each version:

22. Two Candidates Received More Votes Than Ballots Cast (Democrat)
Correction #2 of the Democrat Return of Votes – marked “OFFICIAL RESULTS” – showed Maggie Hassan and Ann McLane Kuster received more votes that ballots cast. An impossible outcome.

23. Wrong and Missing Undervotes and Overvotes (Democrat)
There are many errors regarding the reported number of undervotes and overvotes for many races on each of the Democrat Return of Votes forms, and in many cases there were no undervotes and overvotes reported at all. RSA 659:73 IV (k) & (l).

“CORRECTED” Moderator’s Worksheets

There is a “CORRECTED” Democrat Moderator’s Worksheet and a “CORRECTED” Republican Moderator’s Worksheet.

This summarized table shows the differences between the original Moderator’s Worksheets and the corrected Moderator’s Worksheets to make it easier to understand how each issue below impacted the reported results.

24. The Secretary of State Only Received the Original Versions of Moderator’s Worksheets
To our knowledge, only the original versions of the Democrat and Republican Moderator’s Worksheets were delivered to the Secretary of State. This statement is based on a 91-A request to the Secretary of State and through communications with Orville B. Fitch II, Elections Legal Counsel. Shouldn’t the Secretary of State have copies of ALL the versions of the Moderator’s Worksheets (original and corrected)?

25. The Windham Town Clerk Only Had Corrected Versions of Moderator’s Worksheets
The “CORRECTED” versions of the Democrat Moderator’s Worksheet and the Republican Moderator’s Workheet were obtained from the Windham Town Clerk, who did not have a copy of the original Moderator’s Worksheets. Shouldn’t the Windham Town Clerk have copies of ALL the versions of the Moderator’s Worksheets (original and corrected)?

26. Corrected Moderator’s Worksheets Did Not Correct Reconciling Issues Identified Above
Minor changes were made to the “CORRECTED” versions of the Republican and Democrat Moderator’s Worksheets. None of the issues identified above were resolved with any of the “CORRECTED” Moderator’s Worksheets. The large discrepancies for each issue identified above only changed by small amounts.

27. Incorrect Number Reported for Election Day CAST Ballots (Republican)
The “Total Number of Ballots Cast by ELECTION DAY voters” (line #5) in the “CORRECTED” Republican Moderator’s Worksheet was incorrect. The entered value is 1958. The value per the formula for line #5 should have been 1936.

28. Incorrect Number Reported for Election Day CAST Ballots (Democrat)
The “Total Number of Ballots Cast by ELECTION DAY voters” (line #5) in the “CORRECTED” Democrat Moderator’s Worksheet was still incorrect. The entered value is 673. The value per the formula for line #5 should have been 715.

29. Unexplainable Reporting of “Grand Total Number of Ballots Cast” (Democrat)
The “Grand Total Number of Ballots Cast” (line #10) in the “CORRECTED” Democrat Moderator’s Worksheet is a sum of line #5 and line #9. The entered value in line #10 correctdly matches the number of voters marked as having voted on the Election Day checklist. However, as can be seen in Issue #28, the value in line #5 is wrong. How can line #10 be correct when line #5 is off by 42?

30. Incorrect Number Reported for AccuVote CAST Ballots (Republican)
The “Total Ballots Cast from the ACCUVOTE election results tape” on the “CORRECTED” Republican Moderator’s Worksheet was changed to 1990 ballots. This number is still incorrect. Table 3 above shows the actual number of Republican Ballots Cast from the AccuVote results tape was 1989.

Signature Requirement Questions

31. Moderator’s Signatures Are Missing
The area for the Moderator’s signature on the Names on Checklist and Names on Checklist Worksheet forms are blank. They are not signed. Do these actions violate RSA 659:73 IV?

32. Signature Question
None of the four Moderator’s Worksheets were signed by Moderator Peter Griffin. Mr. Griffin’s name is listed in the Moderator field at the top of the form, but the form was signed by Assistant Moderator Galen Stearns. In addition, the Worksheets were signed after the statutory deadline of 48 hours after the poll closed. Do these actions conform with RSA 659:73 IV?

33. Signature Question
The Moderator’s Certificate was signed by Assistant Moderator Galen Stern, not Moderator Peter Griffin. In addition, the Moderator’s Certificate was signed after the statutory deadline of 48 hours after the poll closed. Do these actions conform with RSA 659:73 IV?

We believe that many of the issues above should have been identified on election night, using the built in system of checks and balances as defined in the statutory reporting procedures and forms.

Per the AG’s 2019 Cease and Desist letter to Exeter, the responsibility and accuracy of counting the votes, reporting the number of ballots cast, and reporting of the votes cast, rests collectively with the moderator, the selectmen and the town clerk – and that it is their duty to ensure the accuracy of the tallies prior to the public announcement. Per the Cease and Desist Letter:

“It is the responsibility of the moderator to oversee the counting of votes. RSA 659:60. The selectmen and town clerk are required to assist the moderator in performing this task. RSA 669:58. ‘After the counting, the moderator shall make a public declaration of the number of the ballots cast, with the name of every person voted for and the number of votes for each; and the town clerk shall make a fair record thereof in the books or the town.’ RSA 669:58; See also RSA 659:70. Inherent in this responsibility is the duty to ensure the accuracy of the tallies prior to the public announcement.”

Your office’s Cease and Desist letter to Exeter noted the ballot count was 110 ballots higher than the number of reported voters on election night. A multitude of discrepancies in the Windham September 13, 2022 primary dwarf that number. A few examples:

  • Issue #2 shows there were 959 more voters announced on election night than there were voters marked as having voted on the Election Day checklist.
  • Issue #4 shows there were 372 more cast ballots reportedly sealed in the ballot boxes than there were announced voters on election night.
  • Issue #6 shows there were 1,348 more cast ballots sealed in ballot boxes than counted by the AccuVote machines plus hand counts.

The issues identified in this complaint occurred with an appointed election monitor present.

There are many areas of concern identified. It appears: the announced number of voters on election night was over reported by 959; the reported number of cast ballots changed dramatically; hundreds of more ballots were sealed in ballot boxes than received from the Secretary of State; vote totals continued to change for nearly a week; simple math errors were made on multiple forms; some forms were missing signatures, and more.

This complaint raises many concerns and unanswered questions. As your office has pointed out, voters have a right to expect the number of voters, ballots and votes are accurately reported on election night. It appears that is not what occurred in Windham.

It is disheartening that it appears all of the time and expense of the Windham election audit was not taken seriously by Windham election officials. The audit uncovered the issue of votes being incorrectly counted by voting machines due to a fold going through a candidate’s ovals. Care and due diligence should have been taken by Windham election officials to ensure the same mistake was never repeated.

In addition, there were a multitude of easily identifiable and therefore avoidable reporting errors for the September 13, 2022 election where many warning signs were ignored. That is the second federal election in a row where numerous errors were produced, and it reflects poorly on every one of Windham’s elected election officials listed in this complaint.

It also reflects poorly on the Attorney General’s and Secretary of State’s Offices, and there remains a duty and obligation for additional action.

There are also issues related to the November 8, 2022 general election. An additional complaint related to that election will be filed with your office when it is completed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ken Eyring
44 Indian Rock Rd, Suite 775, Windham, NH 03087

Thomas J. Murray Jr.
29 West Shore Rd, Windham, NH 03087


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Turns Legislation into Lawsuits

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-25 23:30 +0000

We have lost our way in making decisions and setting policy in Washington. We used to have a process where Congress would pass legislation by compromising across the aisle, the Executive Branch would approve it, and the Supreme Court would step in if Constitutionality was in question. Discussion, compromise, bilateral, and bicameral were the norm and not the exception. That was then. Today is very different, and the new process is not serving the people.

Today, bills are pushed through by whichever Party is in power. It would be a smoother and easier process if the same Party controlled both chambers. Congress becomes a stalemate when we are split as we are after the 2022 Midterms. Not a bad thing because a stalemated Congress finds it difficult to spend our tax dollars.

Unfortunately, it also becomes lame when we need Congress to deal with a crisis. Our Border is such a crisis, and our deadlocked Congress gives rise to Joe Biden’s pen. On January 20, 2021, we saw how dangerous Joe Biden could be with a pen. The only redeeming quality of a Joe Biden Executive Order is that it will only last until January 20, 2025, when newly elected President DeSantis signs orders negating all of Biden’s actions.

In an effort to lessen the stress on the Border, the Biden administration earlier this month announced a new parole program for entrance of up to 30,000 eligible migrants a month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Under the new plan, a migrant must have a U.S. sponsor. Those who do not use the parole process to enter the country will be returned to Mexico.

These 360,000 immigrants will not be instead of the two million illegals that are entering our country but in addition. Biden is being creative by fast-tracking these hundreds of thousands of immigrants. This proposed policy has raised the ire of many states throughout the nation. Nineteen states have joined to sue the Biden Administration to prevent the validation of this harmful legislative proposal. Biden is set to go the Executive Order route to put this pan into play quickly.

Biden met last month with the leaders of Canada and Mexico and had a tremendous opportunity to discuss Border security, the spread of Cartel influence into America, and the production and distribution of Chinese-made Fentanyl. Crickets. There is no indication that any of these three topics came to the table. To not have a discussion and come up with a plan to address these issues is a gross dereliction of the President’s responsibility to protect the citizens of the United States. He had ample opportunity but failed us. According to reports on the talks, climate change took center stage, and there was no time for discussions on three significant issues for much of the country. Why?

One of the reasons is the financial connection between Biden and the Chinese. China has a deep hold on Mexico and is the only supplier of Fentanyl used by the Mexican Cartels. The Cartels are generating billions of dollars in revenue from selling Fentanyl in America and smuggling illegals across our Border. We know Biden is compromised and will not utter a word or take any action against the Chinese government, but it also looks like he is either beholden to or intimidated by the Cartels. This connection has to be investigated because the Cartels are entrenching in most of our states, and this will only lead to increased violence, drug use, and deaths. How much more proof do we need that Joe Biden aims to destroy America? I have seen enough.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Anti-gun leftist bill could ban common ammo in New Hampshire

The Liberty Block - Wed, 2023-01-25 22:45 +0000

Three Democrat legislators have proposed a bill to prohibit “armor piercing ammunition.” As is often the case, the devil is in the details. In this case, the entirety of the new legislation is very short and fairly straightforward.

The post Anti-gun leftist bill could ban common ammo in New Hampshire appeared first on The Liberty Block.

New Hampshire House Leaders Introduce Tax Reduction Legislation

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-25 22:00 +0000

Concord, NH- House Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn), Majority Whip Jeanine Notter (R-Merrimack), and Vice Chair of House Ways and Means John Janigian (R-Salem) released the following statement after public hearings

on HB15, relative to the rate of the business enterprise tax, HB133, repealing the communications service tax, and HB100, repealing the interest and dividends tax.

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Rep. Jason Osborne (R-Auburn)

“Make no mistake, New Hampshire has an income tax. Our tax on interest and dividends is the worst tax imaginable. By punishing saving, it restricts the very fuel of human prosperity. As soon as you enter the workforce, you are told you should be saving for your retirement. And what does New Hampshire do? After you have worked hard and saved, the state taxes you 5%.”

“It is our firm belief that Granite Staters and New Hampshire businesses should keep as much of their hard-earned money as possible. The three pieces of legislation introduced today ensures that happens. It is our goal to stop the collection of a seven percent tax paid by wireless consumers, further reduce business taxes, and repeal an unfair income tax on retirees and businesses. Our state consistently ends the biennium with a surplus. It makes more sense to keep money in the economy rather than have the state collect revenue we do not need.

“New Hampshire has a longstanding commitment to maintaining our overall low tax burden, and by lowering and eliminating taxes, it ensures we remain competitive. ”

Rep. Jeanine Notter (R-Merrimack)

“The business enterprise tax is a tax on the operation of a business. Between inflation and tough economic times ahead, businesses that may see a reduction in profits shouldn’t be overly penalized for continuing to operate. Every time Republicans have reduced business taxes since 2015 we have seen our revenue grow, and we should continue on that successful track record. Continuing to lower business taxes sends the message across the region and the country that New Hampshire is the right place to bring and grow a business.”

Rep. John Janigian (R-Salem)

“New Hampshire has been labeled as income tax free, but that is not the reality. Although we passed the phase out of the interest and dividends tax in last term’s budget, this tax still unfairly targets retirees for the next five years. It is not fair that the elderly and retirees are paying more in taxes because they saved, and as a result we are losing those people to other states. We want to stop the migration of retirees out of our state and keep them in our state to invest in New Hampshire’s economy. In order to make our state truly free of an income tax, we should be repealing this now, and I look forward to having this conversation with the legislature.”


HB15, relative to the rate of the business enterprise tax, is sponsored by Rep. Jeanine Notter
HB133, repealing the communications service tax, is sponsored by Rep. Jason Osborne
HB100, to repeal the interest and dividends tax, is sponsored by Rep. John Janigian


For Immediate Release
January 24, 2023
Contact: (603) 271-3665
House Leaders Introduce Tax Reduction Legislation


Reformatted – Links to legislation added.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

IT SNOWED LAST NIGHT! – [A story about snowflakes]

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-25 20:30 +0000

We received about 2 inches of snow yesterday and…

8:00 am: I made a snowman.
8:10-   A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn’t make a snow woman.
8:15 –  So, I made a snowwoman.
8:17 –  My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman’s voluptuous chest, saying it objectified women everywhere.
8:20 – The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snowmen instead.
8:22 – The transgender man.. women…person asked why I didn’t just make one snow person with detachable parts.
8:25 – The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and are not used to decorate snow figures.
8:28 – I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.
8:30 – I used food coloring to make one of the snow couple a different color and be more racially inclusive.
8:37 – Accused of using a black face on the snowperson.
8:39 – The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be completely covered.
8:40 – The police arrived, saying someone had been offended.
8:42 – The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.
8:43 – The ‘council on equality’ officer arrived and threatened
me with eviction.
8:45 – The TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snowwomen. I replied “Snowballs” and am now a sexist.
9:00 – I was on the news as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe, and sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.
9:10 – I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.
9:29 – Far-left protesters, offended by everything, marched down the street demanding that I be arrested.
9:45 – The boss called and fired me because of the negative association with work that had been all over social media.
10:00 – I cry into my drink because all I wanted to do was build a snowman…

Moral: There ain’t no moral to this story. It is what this world has become because of a bunch of snowflakes. (H/T Hrothgar)

Editor: Also found on Reddit and a million other places in many variations.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Five Cyber Security Solutions You Should Know About

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-25 19:49 +0000

No matter how much you are involved with technology, nearly everyone who uses computers and the internet should be protecting themselves. It is even more important for businesses, but the reality is that everyone is vulnerable online.

Don’t worry, there’s good news. As more threats have arisen in the digital world, there are new solutions to respond to them. Whether you are an individual or the leader of a large company, below are five cyber security solutions that everyone should know about.

Firewall, Anti-Malware, Anti-Ransomware

The first solution is likely something you already know about. What do you typically do when you buy a new computer? You load it up with protective software. Every device in your network should have a firewall, which stops viruses and other malicious attacks from getting onto your computer. 

They should also have anti-malware and anti-ransomware measures. These effective programs stop harmful software from being downloaded on an attachment or by clicking on a link. Making sure your devices have these protections is imperative.


Encryption is one of the most important cyber security solutions in general. Encryption is the intentional hiding of online content and metadata. It scrambles the data to make it appear random and difficult to decipher. This means that your online interactions, information that is inputted, where you were when you were online, and the messages that you send will be protected by the scrambling of the information tied to each data point.

There are all kinds of different encrypted channels. You can use encrypted web browsers—not the private or incognito mode. You can use encrypted messaging apps. You can encrypt your email. Just about everything can be protected with encryption. It’s even how cryptocurrency is protected.

Third Party Transaction Risk Assessment

When you’re in charge of running a business, there are a lot of transactions you need to keep track of. Nearly every single transaction is digital these days. Dealing with the ins and outs of digital transactions may not be your strong suit. That’s why you should work with third party risk assessors and managers. A company like RiskRecon can provide the third-party guidance that you need.

Not only will they alert you of possible holes in your security, but they will also provide solutions for tightening it up, preventing breaches, and what to do when there has been transactional fraud or hacking. Doing business with a risk assessment company will provide peace of mind and problem-solving initiatives.

AI-Protected Cloud Storage

Depending on the computer and the size of your overall operation, you are likely gathering data. Data is an extremely valuable asset for any business. The more information you have about the customers and their lifestyle, wants, needs, and behavior, you can better satisfy various demographics. Cloud storage is essential to keeping track of data, organizing, and analyzing it. There are multiple options to protect all this information.

One way is to use off-site services that separate your Cloud storage from your network and servers, making it difficult for hackers to get into it. Another solution is to use artificial intelligence (AI). AI is capable of organizing, protecting, and analyzing data faster than any human could. It can also protect it by identifying holes in your cyber security. AI can get the most out of your data, including keeping it safe.

Password Scramblers

Finally, another basic solution is to use password scramblers. It is difficult to come up with complicated, unique passwords for every different account you have. It’s impossible to remember them all. That’s why you should use a password generator, scrambler, and encrypted storage. These apps and services provide an easy way to come up with unique passwords that aren’t tied to your personal life. You should never use passwords for multiple accounts. If you keep them stored, encrypted, and generated randomly, you will be a lot better off.

Cyber security is the name of the game. With so many threats come an equal number of responses. Whether you’re a finance company, a consulting firm, or technological innovators, everyone needs to put in the effort to protect themselves and their work. Start with these five cyber security solutions but don’t stop here, there are plenty more ways to strengthen your devices, network, and servers against attacks. 


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Male Model Dies Suddenly, Middle School Teacher Drops Dead in Front of His Class

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-25 19:00 +0000

Dropping dead is all the rage. You’re just minding you’re own damn business, and your heart stops working the way it has since birth. Or, maybe, you have a severe stroke ‘cuz reasons!

Related: The Myocarditis/Pericarditis Pandemic – Who Has to Die before You Believe?

Finding news stories published by the actual self-proclaimed actual media is easy. All you have to do is look. Search died suddenly or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) or all-cause mortality, and you’ll find your lap (top) full. Connecting them to the most obvious common denominator preceding this “epidemic” shuffling off of mortal coils is crazy talk.

Another conspiracy theory lined up to become next year’s truth. And while we wait, young, healthy people are dropping dead.

I’ve never heard of this guy, and I’m not gay or a gal, so I couldn’t speculate, but this guy (Jeremy Ruehlemann) is supposed to be a male supermodel. He was 27 years old.



Now he is part of history and gone way before his time. Look at this guy. He looks healthy to me. So, why is he dead? His father speculates that it was an accidental drug overdose. There was a history of prescription drug abuse, but the father admits he does not know.

We know he was a Jabbasaurus. We also know that the COVID-19 injections have some history of taking out young, healthy people. We do not know if using any other drugs complicates the relationship or the odds. We know very little, and it may be decades before all the consequences of this human test trial on billion of people are known.

Jeremy Ruehlemann is dead, and we can expect the game of “no, he didn’t die from the vaccine*” to begin or continue in much the same way the vaccine is safe and effective crowd lied, knowingly or not, to get people Jabbed in the first place. The way death with COVID was peddled as death from COVID, and so on.

Closer to home (as in, the more ordinary, average sort of lifestyle) is the loss of Jacob Sanchez. This Texas Middle-School teacher died of a sudden heart attack, collapsing in front of a room full of students.


Devine Middle School posted a tribute to Sanchez on its Facebook account.

“We lost a friend, colleague, and just a good man today. Jacob was the kind of person who would do anything to help out others. He was a kids’ teacher. He worked hard to connect with all of our kids not just our athletes. Our kids are going to have a tough time, but our DMS family will be there to help our kids as well as each other,” Darnell posted.


I’m sure the grief counselors were Joan/Johnny/Ze on the spot to help the tweeners come to terms with the sudden death of their teacher, and it is indeed tragic. He was only 35 years old and appears to have been in decent shape. That’s a very odd age for this cause of death. I wonder if there is any evidence of …



There is, but as Jennifer Rosenberg notes in her reply, “We don’t know what could have caused it, only that it definitely wasn’t that thing.” And the band played on, which brings me back to the Related link above from November of 2021 – a few short months into the SADS Era, who has to die?


What will it take?

If I had to guess, a healthy child of yours dropping dead. I wish it didn’t have to come to that. Healthy kids have nothing to fear from COVID19 and should have a palpable fear of politicians, pharmaceutical companies (teachers unions, the medical-industrial complex), their narratives, and The Jab.


But healthy kids have died and are dying. We reported on a two-year-old who died within twenty-four hours of receiving a dose.

At what point is the number of deaths more weight than even the media can hold back?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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