The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 18 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

Expert Says “Body Positive” People Are Like That Because They Have a Mental Disorder

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-28 20:30 +0000

Just so we are clear as Vodka (Comrade!), body positive is a term used to describe people once medically classified as obese. As in, I’m positive your body will be a burden once were complete the transition to socialized medicine.

We’re close, but a few “institutions” recognize the health consequences of being more body positive than less. Carrying more freight than the average American has a history of health issues like diabetes and heart disease, making you more susceptible to the killer COIVD. And now, if this health expert has her way, it’s not your fault.


Dr. Fatima Stanford, who sits on Biden’s 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, appeared on corporate media to share her lived experiences as a fat propagandist.

Here are the highlights of Stanford’s remarkably detached-from-reality obesity religion masquerading as science:

  • “[Obesity] is a brain disease.”
  • “Throw [willpower] out the window.”
  • “The number one cause of obesity is genetics. That means if you were born to parents that have obesity, you have a 50-85% likelihood of having the disease yourself even with optimal diet, exercise, sleep management, stress management, so when people see families that have obesity, the assumption is, ‘Ugh. What are they feeding those kids? They’re doing something wrong.’”
  • “Doctors do not understand obesity.”


I think doctors understand obesity. It is the divisive identity politics tribalism with which they might need some instruction. Maybe we can help.

America is not interested in embracing the traditional Marxist class war to divide the nation in a way that allows socials slugs and leeches to drive the country into the ditch of full-blown communism. To overcome that difficulty, the Democrat Socialists divided us in other ways. Race, sex (gender), age, and sexual preference. All they claim to defend in the non-discrimination bills they support, to which we can add BMI.

If it can be used to divide as the culture fractures, they stuff the gaps with left-leaning bureaucrats, unelected diversity, and regional planning commissions (etc.), all of whom widen the gaps.

I’m sorry, is the word ‘widen’ fat-phobic?

You get the idea.

As for Doctors, they understand that while there are genetic conditions that can lead to weight gain, the most common issue is lifestyle choices. Eating more than a body needs and refusing to admit that’s a problem or that it can be controlled. Leftists have created friction, rolled that onto the totem pole, and pitched themselves as advocates.

But, if elected, they will complete their promised takeover of the food supply chain, and if you’ve been listening, fake meat and bugs are on that menu.

I’m not positive, but it seems unlikely that anyone will be able to sustain a Rubenesque physique on that diet, assuming you survive their pro-choice vaccine policies. Or this blatant effort to enrich their buddies by getting you all on mood stabilizers or other mental health pharmaceuticals. And it might work. Everyone wants to believe that things they can’t seem to change or that are difficult to surmount are not their fault. But let’s be clear. They are pandering for votes that they will use later to punish you. Just like they have or will every other “tribe” they claim to support.

I mean, seriously, look what Democrats and their health experts are doing to women.



The post Expert Says “Body Positive” People Are Like That Because They Have a Mental Disorder appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fighting For BlackRock’s Profits … Oops, I Mean Democracy

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-28 19:00 +0000

So here is Volodymer George Washington Zelensky being candid about a big part of why the United States is fighting a proxy war against Russia … PROFITS. Profits for Wall Street and the Big Banks; profits for the Military-Industrial complex.

Russia is NOT a threat to the United States or to Europe. Russia has less than half the population of the United States; its economy is less than 10 percent the size of ours … indeed, virtually every single one of the big spending packages passed by Biden, Mitch and Nancy on its own is more than the entire annual output of the Russian economy; and the Russian military is largely obsolescent.


The post Fighting For BlackRock’s Profits … Oops, I Mean Democracy appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who Would Put Razor Blades on Gas Pump Handles, I Wonder …

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-28 17:30 +0000

This is a story out of North Carolina, but you might as well assume the same types of idiots might try it where you live. Odds are good you’ve got idiots living among you wherever you are, and by that, I mean eco-terrorists.

The Daily Wire reported on it a few days ago.


North Carolina authorities are informing the general public of a concerning development involving razor blades on the handles of gas pumps.  …

“If you’re pumping gas, check. Look before you grab. Protect yourself however you need to,” Rothrock noted. “It’s going to take some hours of reviewing video to see if we can come up with a suspect.”

“There is no explanation as to why someone would do this,” he said.


There is a very likely explanation, actually. It could be some individuals or individuals who want to punish people that use fossil fuels. Maybe? Yes? Someone younger, probably under 30, with a history of being indoctrinated by the public schools and machine media.

They are probably vaccinated and boosted and love Rachel Maddow. An incel watches Colbert and Maher (except when Bill gets preachy about free speech) and thinks it’s actual news, who spends way too much time on Snap Chat or Instagram (Discord?) subscribed to a manifold of identity politics whiners, a few of whom have militant green tendencies but have never worked a real job in their life.


They might be pissed off about the Sloppy Joe Biden ‘I did that‘ stickers, and this is their idea of unity. And that, too, is a biased assumption based on years of experience observing leftwing stooges. Marxist brick throwers love to start fires (with fossil fuels ironically) and often have green-activist roots. The sort you trip over when fleeing the scene of an act of social justice.

As for the style of the blade, that’s not clear from this report, but the standard universal safety razor blade seems unlikely. Most pump handles are not that wide. but if you took the blades out of a disposable razor, they are long and thin and easier to hide, if subtly is the goal – at least until the bleeding starts.

Also, speculation. They might have been out in the open waiting for some unsuspecting hybrid driver to fill up – green treason! And while no one has reported a gas-pump handle-related razor blade injury (plenty of economic harms have occurred), that does not mean there were none.

I’m waiting for the copycat “look what we found” breaking video vignettes from video platform influencers to start bleeding into the IoT. So, a quick note to any hoaxers who, like the average hate-crime victim, have perpetrated it upon themselves or just made it up out of thinning air for attention, your discovery will initiate an actual police investigation.

If you get caught faking this, you’ll get fined at the very least and may find yourself in jail.

But you will get attention, and it might not be what you were expecting.




The post Who Would Put Razor Blades on Gas Pump Handles, I Wonder … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Quick Thought: Why is NH Senate Staffer Maya Harvey Controlling the NH GOP Media Invites for Today?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-28 16:00 +0000

Somebody just called asking if we, too, were not going to be at the NH GOP Annual Meeting where Trump is speaking, which had me asking, “what, you were denied as well?”.

And the response was, “yeah, Maya (Harvey) said that if you didn’t receive anything, you weren’t invited.” And like us, this person has been a Sununu critic and an NH GOP (certain selected people within) critic as well. However, this person has been credentialed, like GraniteGrok, for every Trump event that has been applied for.

Why not this one?  And no, it is starting to look like “no space” is just a dodge.

Which had me go, “Hmm.”  Now, that person has some contacts that are being worked, so we’re going to be looking for “presence” and “absence” of some things IF a said person can get answers to his questions to others (yes, I am deliberately being obtuse on this but roll with me on this”).

The person also blithely said, “so why is Maya Harvey, who works for the NH Senate, the point person for media for an NH GOP event?” – my head virtually whipped around as I had been assuming she was back at the NH GOP. I had that person, who also received a similar “you aren’t attending” email from Maya so I asked what the domain was on the email address in his email:

“Maya Harvey” <> Note: not an email address.  So I went back to my email thread with her on getting credentialing for Groksters for the event.  Here’s the relevant data points, bolded:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Maya Harvey” <>
To: “Skip” <>
Sent: 1/24/2023 9:39:33 AM
Subject: Re: NH GOP Meeting –

Maya Camilla Harvey
Press Secretary
New Hampshire Republican Party
C: 603 303 3333
O: 603 225 9341

SO HOW IS SHE WORKING FOR BOTH ENTITIES??? How can she be working for the NH Senate, getting paid by the NH State Government, and for NH State Senate President Jeb Bradley? But I do note that she’s not listed on the NH GOP About page: So is this a tempest in a tea cup or something else?  DOES she work for the NH GOP (and her email says she is) or doesn’t she?  And what was the influence as it is starting to be that folks that have critisized Sununu or the NH GOP were excluded from today’s meeting. The question is WHO, if not Maya, has been making that decision (making Maya just a scapegoat)?

The post Quick Thought: Why is NH Senate Staffer Maya Harvey Controlling the NH GOP Media Invites for Today? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Quick Thought – Ding! Ding! Ding! Commenter Allen Was Right! GraniteGrok Authors Were Not Credentialed For the NH GOP Annual Meeting and Trump’s Speech.

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-28 14:30 +0000

As soon as I had put up Maya Harvey’s press release that Trump was going to be speaking at the NH GOP Annual Meeting where new officers are chosen by the new NH GOP State Committee Members, I put in a request for 5 Groksters to be credentialed.  That post was here: “Breaking News – NH GOP Keynote Speaker: President Donald Trump“.  I figured “Five? Maybe 2 or 3 would get accepted”?  But commenter Allen, in the end, was right:

“since the NH republican state committee is acting as a press gatekeeper, I assume GraniteGrok ain’t getting in…”

And at the end of the day yesterday, that became true. So, you think that politics MIGHT be playing a role in this?  Sure.

On Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 9:36 AM Skip <> wrote:

Good morning!

>> Credentialed Media is welcome to attend. For all press inquiries and to confirm attendance, please email Maya Harvey.

I certainly would like to become credentialed for the event.  Other GraniteGrok writers have also contacted me in being able to cover the event as well.  May I request 4 credentials at once or should they contact you directly?



And thus, I waited as she said that the folks’ names I had sent had been put on a “to be approved” list. Late yesterday, I inquired to our status as I had heard nothing from the NH GOP but had from a couple other folks as to when I SHOULD have been notified:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Maya Harvey” <>
To: “Skip” <>
Sent: 1/27/2023 6:19:11 PM
Subject: Re: Re[3]: NH GOP Meeting –

Hey Skip!
So all approved media got an email from the Trump team this morning. If you didn’t get one that means they didn’t select you unfortunately. I know they had a ton of national press make requests and were super limited on space.

I’m gonna put you on the waiting list in case someone cancels and I can sneak you in. It’ll probably just be one or two slots if that happens though because a reporter and camera would cancel together.


—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: “Maya Harvey” <>
Sent: 1/27/2023 6:22:06 PM
Subject: Re[5]: NH GOP Meeting –

OK, understood, even if the Trump folks have credentialed us in the past.



Indeed. Including all of his speaking events here in NH. And one Grokster who was asked by Trump himself to run against Sununu for Governor. And no, I am being completely truthful on that.

And I just got this: “the NH GOP doesn’t support the grassroots. Hopefully the new leadership will be more “inclusive””.

I’ve covered four Trump events and still have the “credentials” to prove it. I’ve also had other Groksters credentialed for those events as well. The only difference between now and then?  Yep, Allen was right.

It’s rather clear that politics is afoot. It’s clear that we have not approved of NH Gov Chris Sununu – and it’s clear he doesn’t like us. And it’s clear that with Elliot Gault back as the Exec Director of the NH GOP, Sununu has firm control of the NH GOP.

Sidenote: depending on how the voting goes today, that is. I believe that Chris Ager will win the Chair. A little time later, Gault will return to Sununu’s direct employment.

But I think Maya may have other reasons as well:

  • We endorsed Chuck Morse’s opponent for Senate, Don Bolduc – she was on his staff.
  • We also caught her doing a “sign stunt”
  • We’ve gone after Sununu a lot.
  • She’s also blaming me for this:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Maya Harvey” <>
To: “Skip” <>
Sent: 1/25/2023 10:16:17 AM
Subject: Fwd: I want a post on your site

Did you send my email somewhere? This is the third spam email I’ve received in 24 hours addressed to the Granite Gronk.

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Hassan Imran <>
Date: Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 10:01 PM
Subject: I want a post on your site
To: <>

           Hi dear sirHow are you?

I want a post on your site
How are you?

Please give me your best price!
Normal  price,


—— Original Message ——

From: “Skip” <>
To: “Maya Harvey” <>
Sent: 1/25/2023 11:47:53 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: I want a post on your site

Nope – just to you.  I get those spam emails all the time so I have no wish to have these pushed upon others.

And it’s GraniteGrok


Granite Gronk?  Yeah, I get that a lot from the Left (along with GraniteCrock and other variations) so that attempted slight didn’t surprise or bother me.

No, it wasn’t me that did the equivalent of “deliver 10 pizzas to this address prank” but eventually these folks, that want to pay to put sponsored posts up, send those kinds of emails to anyone they can associate with a website.  Only thing I can think of is that “Hassan” is using a webcrawler and hoovered up her email address on GraniteGrok.


And with the ramp up to today’s meeting, I had a number of other folks that called me about the meeting at which time after telling them that the ‘Grok wouldn’t be there today, they started to bring up other possible reasons. After all, the “political community” here in NH is rather small and “stuff” gets around – and remembered. It’s a fascinating picture when one starts to connect the dots but I was unaware of quite a few of the possible reasons – ALL tied up in petty/personal politics and all related to the NH GOP.  I’ll put all that up when the folks, who said they would, email the details they verbally told me (anonymously as well).

It will also be interesting to see, among “the ton of national press”, which NH media entities got the invite to attend.

I guess we’re just the PIA to the NH GOP. Ok boys and girls of Granite Gronk GraniteGrok, if that’s how they want to roll, we can amp it up. After all, the oppo research folks against Sununu’s Presidency run have most likely already discovered us.

And bring your footballs and cleats since Maya has us playing a different game.



The post Quick Thought – Ding! Ding! Ding! Commenter Allen Was Right! GraniteGrok Authors Were Not Credentialed For the NH GOP Annual Meeting and Trump’s Speech. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH House Rep Timothy Horrigan – ‘Men Have Vaginas’

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-28 13:00 +0000

During testimony in the NH House Judiciary Committee held on January 26th, New Hampshire Representative Timothy Horrigan (D – Strafford) made the statement ‘men have vaginas’ as if this were a true statement.

Horrigan sits on the Judiciary Committee, where they were listening to testimony in regard to House Bill 396 – AN ACT relative to state recognition of biological sex.

If you begin watching after the 9:00 minute mark in the video below, you’ll hear his remarks for yourself:



What HB 396 does is reverse the ‘trans bill’ that was passed in a previous legislature (thanks to the help of some Republicans) and signed into law by Governor Sununu. The previous bill, that is current law, allows trans women (men) to be treated as if they are actual women. This means men can be in women’s private spaces, sports, rape centers, and domestic abuse shelters. You get the picture.

The trans bill ERASED WOMEN and forced all Granite Staters, via the long arm of the law, to treat trans women as if they are women. They are not, nor will they ever be. Despite Timothy Horrigan’s proclamation, men do not have vaginas (although it’s questionable whether or not some men have manginas). Women are not an umbrella category that includes subcategories. Women have a biological makeup dictated by science that cannot be altered.

To claim a man can be a woman is to denigrate and devalue womanhood and motherhood.

You have the right to believe anything you want of yourself, but you do not have the right to force others to believe the same. Nor do you have the right to infringe upon women’s rights. Rights women fought decades to achieve.

Contrary to what some believe, being a woman doesn’t mean wearing makeup, dresses, high heels, jewelry, curling your hair, or wearing wigs. Science matters. Women matter. And no, men do not have vaginas.


The post NH House Rep Timothy Horrigan – ‘Men Have Vaginas’ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – IQs of Graduates Is Dropping

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-28 11:30 +0000

So, what’s in the water?  The failure of academic rigor in the early grades?  Social dismissal of “merit” or “achievement” as a social good?  Work ethic dropping?  Peer pressure not to stand out (you know – EQUITY!!! in which everyone has to be exactly the same?)?

(click to embiggen)

This is a striking series—the IQ of college graduates appears to be steadily dropping. Pay special attention to the two right clusters, which show that the IQ of undergraduate degree earners is barely higher than high school graduates in the 1960s. High school IQ appears to have held steady starting in the 1980s, after two decades of ruining K-12 standards, while steady and continuing college decline may be the result of enrolling too many marginal students who are ill-prepared or ill-suited to college.

This should be troublesome especially as we know that “grade inflation” (e.g., accomplishing less but being rewarded for more) is an issue as well.  Is it the IQ that’s the issue or is it that “passing/graduating” has become so much easier resulting, effectively, in “phony degrees”? We STEM students used to joke about degrees in underwater basketweaving and we knew which degree programs at BU were rather lax (shall we say) in the rigor department. I’ve oft told here of the story of trying to teach an Education major (in what we considered to be a “gut” course – Economics (micro) 101) how the formulat Y=Mx + B in setting the slope of line. After an hour and a half, I gave up and she dropped the class for being “too hard”.

Now, how hard can it be in being a gender studies Ph.D. candidate now that ChatGPT is around?  Why NOT have a new way on an old cheat?  I’m betting that I could probably pull that feat off fair easily.  Sorta like “script kiddies” doing malware, sorta. The hardest part would be in learning the absolute term gibberish that “academic line of study” has wrapped itself in to make sure that ChatGPT’s output would pass the “slide rule order of magnitude” test.

Which, I bet no one in gender studies would know what a slide rule is (maybe not even a handheld calculator).

BTW, the “cheat” I’m thinking of was to hold an engineering job in America but outsource all the work to other countries. You pay them, keep the remainder – and do pretty much nothing the rest of the day.

(H/T: Powerline)

The post Data Point – IQs of Graduates Is Dropping appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Can You Save Money on Your Wedding Dress?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-28 02:34 +0000

Many brides feel that one of the most critical parts of their big day is the dress they wear. In fact, many have dreamed of their wedding dress since they were little girls, and you may imagine yourself feeling a specific way when you find the one for you.

However, there is a more practical side to these dreams, and that is how much the dress costs. While your wedding dress will likely be the most expensive garment you own, there are plenty of ways to save on it.

Create a Budget Ahead of Time

Create a budget so you know how much you are looking to spend. This allows you to eliminate dresses outside your price range before you even spend time trying them on. Divide the total amount you expect to spend by the number of months before you need to purchase the dress to figure out how much you need to set aside each month. There are some ways of saving more money so you can have a bigger budget. One option is to refinance your student loan debt. You can compare different providers to find the best one for you.

Look for Styles That Are Easy to Modify

While a button-up back may be classic, a corset back may be more practical because you would not need as many modifications to obtain a perfect fit. Corset backs have been coming back into style, and they can fit and flatter any body type. When you put the dress on, you can adjust the tightness of the lacing in each hole to obtain a custom fit of the bodice. Consider a dress that laces up in the back and flows over the hips, so you don’t need to worry about the fit anywhere. Corset backs are also helpful if your weight tends to fluctuate. The dress will still fit you, even if your body changes. Brides who may be expecting can also choose corset backs.

Don’t Limit Your Search to Bridal Shops

Bridal shops charge a premium for their gowns, so consider looking in other places, especially if you want to stay on top of your finances or you don’t want something as traditional. You might be able to find an ideal gown at a department or boutique shop. A simple white gown will give you a laid-back look, and it will not cost nearly as much as a traditional dress. You may be able to find an inexpensive white dress and have it professionally altered to give you a perfect fit.

Don’t Be Afraid to Get Used

This option won’t be for every bride, but if you don’t mind a dress that has already been worn (and cleaned), you could save several hundred dollars. Wedding dresses are usually only worn for one day, so the dress would likely not have experienced heavy wear. There are plenty of online sites where you can find used dresses. You can also try vintage or thrift shops in the area. It might take longer to find something you love, but what you do end up with will be uniquely yours.

The post Can You Save Money on Your Wedding Dress? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Quick Thought: So What Is Government Good For? Treehugger Commenter Would Make a Good Progressive

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-28 02:30 +0000

TreeHugger, either the writers nor the commenters, ever want to discuss what should be a fundamental question within Society: WHAT is the role of Government? So when someone there decides to squeak out an opinion on this, I jump all over it. In a post (“The Comeback of Small Cars and Trucks Is Good for Everyone“) that I thought was a tad too early for publication (although the price of gas  is starting to jump upwards which does influence consumer decisions), commenter Annie Cass decided to throw shade at me after I made a comment on a post’s quote:

The North American approach is to ignore aerodynamics and put in bigger batteries. But Cobée said that won’t work long term: “People will start limiting weight and battery sizes, either through tax, through incentives, through regulation, through naming and shaming.”

Hardly true – the curtain was pulled back as soon as I saw “either through tax…regulation”. People don’t tax and people don’t regulate – that’s the domain of Government only. And like always, I couldn’t resist:

“People Government will start limiting weight and battery sizes, either through tax, through incentives, through regulation, through naming and shaming.”

There, I fixed it for you. Mostly because you have no faith that people will make “your” right choices.

It’s true – Progressives/Socialists wants Government to make all kinds of decisions in every area of your life. Doubt me?  Name one area in which Government has not intruded – I dare you!

And signal Annie Cass to enter:

Grok, in a democracy, government IS people. You’re in the US, so I understand that you’ve not experienced this, but in democratic countries the job of government is to work towards what the majority need.

She’s absolutely right that I haven’t.  It’s also clear that she has no idea what is SHOULD be here in the US (heck, with our education system, we that do seem to be dwindling few)

Here in the US, the Proper Role of Government is supposed to be protecting peoples’ Liberties.

Once again, a huge difference – Needs vs Liberties. What Government should do FOR you versus Government that should stay out of your way and leave you alone.  THAT is a concept that is very foreign to those in other countries. Sadly, with the growth of the Welfare State, too many citizens have “learned” that their lives can be totally provisioned by Mommy Government: food, healthcare, transportation, housing, clothing, and more.

But Annie was absolutely right in one aspect:

Well, you are correct – the US is NOT a democracy.

While it does use democratic processes, it is a Constitutional Republic – far different in structure, form, and function than a majoritarian democracy (e.g., mobocracy, which our Founding Fathers rejected as history taught them that democracy were too apt to fall into tyranny).

I was hoping to get an immediate response – thus far, nada. I’ll update this post if there is one.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Advocating for Health Freedom

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-28 02:22 +0000

Hearing the term health freedom brings about a lot of different thoughts. After all, we live in a free country, so shouldn’t freedom cover everything? As we know, the push for socialized medicine and even the way that many insurance companies operate in paying for medical care reveals that in some ways, we only have limited choices when it comes to our health instead of true freedom.

Some people want information about alternative treatments for cancer for example, but many of these treatment options are tied up in regulatory red tape. It’s not all bad news however, because more and more people are advocating for health freedom to ensure that we still have access to a variety of medical professionals, medications, and even treatment options. Here are some thoughts on medical freedom.

Health Freedom is Freedom

Health freedom is the right of all people to have access to safe, effective, life-sustaining treatments including natural and non-traditional options. People have the right to choose dietary supplements if they want and even holistic, non-drug health care. Some argue that people should have the right to choose alternative medical treatments for cancer, even for children. In fact, some people go get treatments in other countries just to have access to these options. Having the freedom to pursue the best options for the individual puts the power in the hands of the people, and that’s a good thing.

Health Freedom is About Choice and Access

The push for access to alternative natural medicine has been largely positive, but there is still a long way to go. Health freedom is about choice and access. Some areas want to ban certain vitamins or want to restrict their sale. While there has been little regulation in the supplement industry historically, banning it altogether isn’t the best option either.

Some people want to try microdoses of mushrooms to treat their anxiety, but it’s hard to find. Where are mushrooms legal? Who can dispense them in the right amounts? So much of this information is hard to find. Advocating for health freedom is simply having the choice and access to these alternatives in the same ways that someone could get Prozac or other mainstream medications.

Health freedom includes both patients and providers being given the option to learn more about all the options, natural and otherwise, so they can make an informed choice. Care providers should understand even natural modalities to treat someone with an autoimmune disease, for instance, instead of starting them on strong immune blockers.

People don’t want to be forced into one disease management plan. Instead, they want to know all of the options, associated risks, and benefits that each one offers. This gives real choice. When you advocate for health freedom, this is what you are cheering on and doing. You are empowering medical professionals and patients with information and choices.

Help People Make Empowering Decisions for Their Own Lives

The best way to protect health freedom is to help more people be healthier. The healthcare system is all about disease management. Getting people to better health takes a more proactive approach, and it can take more time to get the results you want. It’s the difference between someone making lifestyle changes that lower their blood pressure versus getting medication to do it for them. While a lifestyle change takes more self-awareness, and self-control, and is more disruptive to your life, it also yields better long-term results. The focus is on removing the habits that cause the disease instead of just putting a Band-Aid on it and hoping the Band-Aid won’t ever fall off. But the beauty of true health freedom is that you can choose the pill if you want, and that’s okay.

Health Freedom Impacts Everyone

The truth is that health freedom impacts everyone. It can impact people financially as well as physically. Having options for alternative antimicrobials instead of antibiotics that you’re allergic to is one example of the power of health freedom. Having the option to use IV vitamins that cost a fraction of the amount of others IV drug infusions for autoimmune disease is another example. We can all work together to advocate for health freedom to ensure that we continue to have access to all the options to get what’s best for us.


The post Advocating for Health Freedom appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

That Racist You Are Looking for Might Be In Your Mirror

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-01-28 01:00 +0000

It is interesting how the democrats always turn to name-calling and labels (Racists, colonizers, white supremacists) when they can’t argue the merits of their case.

We want to thank Avalon Lewis for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

And it’s typically the white liberal democrats unloading these derogatory comments in the direction of white Republicans (or anyone else who disagrees with a certain narrative of theirs). They act like they are doing something great for minorities, but their motives are so disingenuous. Such is the case in our General Court in New Hampshire with Rep. Catherine Sofikitis.

Democrat Representative Sofikitis said, “There is not one person of color on this House committee.” She also mentioned something about reconciling history. How phony can she be? Maybe no black people were interested in that particular committee. I guess she thought she would score points with the minorities.

While I was campaigning, I heard about Rep. Sofikitis’ antics. Apparently, she has a habit of making outrageous outbursts during committee sessions. She needs to stop with her false anti-racist rant. Stop the black victimization crap, and stop accusing her colleagues of racism or insinuating racism. Take a look in the mirror. I can guarantee that she will see the real racist in the group. We do not need her iterations, interjections, suggestions, or her phony support.

No, thank you, and no thanks to all the other race baiters out there.

Think about it; In New Hampshire, the black population might be slightly more than 2%. What are the chances of finding at least one black person on every committee or one on a few committees (in an effort to avoid racial insinuations)? Chances are none. It’s not a matter of exclusion, as Rep. Sofikitis would have you believe but more a lack of political involvement by black people in NH. Just another white liberal democrat who still believes that black people need to be taken care of.

And ask yourselves why a certain few liberal democrats are always on a rampage to sterilize history. To kill certain holidays or celebrations or pull down a statue. How does changing the Columbus Day celebration benefit anyone (the black people, the Italian people, or the man Columbus)? This move seems like more strife and division. By the way, why are they still Indian [indigenous people] reservations in this country?

Columbus Day should stay right where it is. History tells us that a man named Christopher Columbus, on a ship called the Santa Maria discovered the new world. Babbling on about the origin of Columbus is of little concern. Since the representative threw race into the mix, eliminating Columbus Day could be construed as racist to deny the Italian-Americans their legacy. That being said, Columbus did discover the new world according to our history.

What actually bothers me most about these conversations, committees, or debates is the constant interjection of race or white supremacy, being uttered by people who, in my view, seem more interested in using racial terms to shut down or deny normal conversation. To both black and white people, can’t we have a civil debate or conversation without inserting racism?

I have found that many of those who cry the loudest against racism are themselves the biggest racists.

This brings me to another question; How did the Democrat party garner so much political support from the minority population, specifically the black population, given the party’s history? Let’s be candid here. The Democrat Party is the nation’s oldest political party. Responsible for many of the nation’s ills, specifically against the minorities (indigenous people, black people) with their policies.


  • It is the white democrats who paid black people to betray their African brothers, kidnap them and sold those blacks into slavery.
  • Think about what the civil War was about; to end slavery.
  • Since the end of the Civil War the Liberal Democrats have oppressed the black people to make certain they never achieve their independence from the Democrat Party simple because they have a group of people who they could easily deceive and manipulate for votes. The liberal democrats are responsible for the Ku Klux Klan and all its brutality as a means to control blacks. President Biden’s dear friend Robert Byrd was a leader, the grand wizard of the Klan.
  • The nation’s oldest party, back in the day created the racial divide. They started with the light skin blacks and dark skin blacks during slavery, to insure distrust and division. This practice continues in modern day pitting black people against white people, rich against poor, the vaxed against the unvaxed and it goes on.
  • Did you know that the democrats refused to sign the new deal unless black people were denied the right to vote? Yep, they did.
  • It is a racist democrat who maximized the use of the abortion technique as an avenue to control and reduce the black population. Did you know that?
  • In 2004, a democrat destroyed the years of hard work that this nation had done to mend the racial divide in this country, taking us back to beyond the 60’s.
  • The Democrats moved the block of black people from plantation slavery to political slavery.

As it turned out, not all those democrats felt the same about slavery because in the 1850s, a number of them, realizing the propensity of what we now call “the liberal or far left” of the democrat party, broke away to form the coalition against slavery. In 1854 that coalition established itself as the Republican Party to continue the fight against slavery and to propose better policies that would enhance the lives of both black and white people and the American Indians (for everyone).

From 2016 through 2020, the Republicans provided policies of real opportunities for Black People to lift themselves and make huge gains toward economic independence, self-reliance, and pride. The Liberal Democrats saw this as a threat and canceled or de-funded every program in 2021. This is how the liberal democrats have garnered their power over black people. This is what you voted for, and that’s a shame because you are now guilty of perpetuating this oppressive and racist regime.

I bring this up only because the American people, especially black people, have been manipulated into believing that Republicans or the Republican Party is responsible for slavery and racism which is far from the truth. So, when a liberal democrat insinuates racism on a certain committee because there’re no blacks on that committee, they should be called out.

In a previous op-ed, a question was asked; does Nashua have a racist problem? Nashua is predominantly Democrat.

Avalon Lewis Former Candidate For Nashua Ward 7 State Rep.

The post That Racist You Are Looking for Might Be In Your Mirror appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

My Name is Liz Gabert and I am Running for NHGOP Region 3 Vice Chair

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-27 23:30 +0000

Although I am a relative newcomer to the NHGOP, I have become very knowledgeable about the political climate in New Hampshire, hosting my own Conservative Talk Radio Show in Nashua over the last four years.

We want to thank Liz Gabert for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

As a radio show host, I have been blessed to meet, work with, and chat with hundreds of diverse people of all races, cultures, faiths, ages, and political persuasions…from here in New Hampshire to nationally and internationally! From Lara Trump to Lt Col Stuart Scheller, to CIA Whistleblowers, to recovering addicts and former sex trafficked women, and so many more incredible individuals… it has truly been an educational, humbling, and honor of a lifetime.

But what is really interesting is that of the folks, of ALL AGES, that I’ve spoken with about Politics and the state of our state and nation…from Republicans/Conservatives to Undeclared and  Libertarians, I truly believe that with the right messaging, they will join us to help breathe life back into the Republican Party here in New Hampshire.

Politically, I have always been a Conservative but had never really jumped into the arena. So after finally settling back in the U.S. here in New Hampshire seven years ago, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to do more than just vote. After attending a few local Republican Committee Meetings, I was elected as my town’s Vice Chair and have been an elected NH State Delegate and State Committee Member. I have enjoyed learning more about New Hampshire Politics and the inner workings of the NH Republican Party.

A little about me personally…I am a proud-born and raised West Texan with a BS in Accounting.  After college, I was employed as an Auditor with a large CPA firm and ultimately worked in management with a Fortune 500 Company based in Dallas, relocating to a number of states throughout my tenure.  After the birth of my three children, I made the decision to end my career and stay at home to raise them.  As a family, we were blessed with the opportunity to live, work and travel Internationally over a 10-year period!

In closing, I am running for the NHGOP Region 3 Vice Chair because as a woman, wife, and mother of now three young adult children, one, a U.S. Army Officer, soon to be Captain,  I am heartbroken and appalled about the direction our country is moving in!  I am horrified that my son and millions of young men and women like him, both past and present, are sacrificing in service to a country that is clearly in decline. I know that as a principled Conservative woman with years of life experiences under my belt, I can and will take on the responsibilities of the Region 3 Vice Chair with a unique, fresh, passionate, and positive perspective.

I would truly appreciate your vote for New Hampshire Region 3 Vice Chairman tomorrow at our Annual Meeting!

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Enjoy your day!

Liz Gabert
Bedford, NH

Note: Just wanted to let readers know that I am endorsing Liz in this effort. I’ve known her for a few years (appearing on her show on a regular basis) and I know that she would be the right kind of addition to the NH GOP Executive Board as well as an asset to the Committees in Area 3.  -Skip

The post My Name is Liz Gabert and I am Running for NHGOP Region 3 Vice Chair appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Steve Beat Me to the Punch – Another Democrat Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-27 22:00 +0000

There used to be a commenter here, whose name I forget but was a Bernie-Bro, that I used to ask one simple question when it came to taxes and Government spending:

Whose money was it FIRST?

He HATED the phrase of “Taxation is Theft” and NEVER would answer the above question. He knew that once he did (and do it honestly) the Democrat / Progressive / Socialist jig was up.  They ACT like everyone else’s money IS Government’s as they are always finding more and more reasons as to why YOUR money IS theirs. There’s always the “It’s for the Children” and there is that underlying dogma that only Government can do “good” things (e.g., Bernie Sanders has said that if it was up to him, all charities would cease to exist – leaving only Government).

Steve found out about HB418 and NH State Rep Rebecca MacWilliams (D-Concord) via NH Journal.  I’m on an email list that had quoted her: “It’s not the ratepayers” money.

The bill is here and is rather short (given how long some can go); MacWilliams is the Prime Sponsor (and, therefore, the Chief-taking-YOUR-money-away point person). When I looked up here NH State House Profile, it is clear that she is a Government-over-people person. A couple of things immediately caught my attention:

Representative Rebecca McWilliams is a mother of three and works as an attorney and architect. She is an advocate for children and the environment in New Hampshire. In 2019 Rebecca passed a bill and chaired a study committee to find solutions to barriers to childcare facility success, and filed legislation to address systemic issues in the business of child care. She was also the prime sponsor of legislation to update the state’s outdated building and energy codes, which when passed, updated the code standard from 2009 to 2015. Rebecca continues to advocate for childcare administrative reform, adopting the California Car Air Emissions Standard, and increasing renewable energy generation in NH. Rebecca and her husband live with their three children on a 130 acre vegetable farm in Concord, NH.

Great, just great – an “elected Representative” who wants New Hampshire to be beholden to a bunch of unelected, unaccountable, and unassailable group of bureaucrats who are appointed IN CALIFORNIA by Democrats (effectively the ONLY political Party in California) – the CARB (California Air Resource Board) that voted to eliminated all gas powered cars.

Really, MacWilliams – you’ve got the feelz to blithely give NH sovereignty away to one of the most socialist leaning states in the union?  And I do have to do a bit more digging because if “childcare” is her “thing”, and I being a former childcare owner / operator knowing that there is too much regulation, I’m betting that any of her “barriers to childcare facility success” ALWAYS has had Government doing more.

Versus me who wanted Government to get out of my way to be more successful.

So I went looking for the video and finally found it here: (the House Science, Technology and Energy Committee)

It’s almost 7 hours long. I did want to download it and then create a video just about her and HB418. However, Youtube wants to charge me $12/month to do so.  Thus, the important bits:

HB418 testimony starts at 1:33:10

  • Congrats to NH State Rep Bernardi for asking THE question: 1:50:38
  • Her response at 1:53:47 “the money doesn’t belong to the ratepayer”.

The typical Democrat answer – you’ll benefit as a ratepayer because we’ll make government less expensive by keeping more of your electricity bill payment to spend on government facilities (instead of one your house or on your needs).

Glorious, isn’t it, that she knows EXACTLY what you need and want.

The post Steve Beat Me to the Punch – Another Democrat Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Think The Vermont State Constitution Prohibits All Non-Citizen Voting …

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-27 20:30 +0000

The Vermont State Supreme Court has just ruled that non-citizens may vote in the state’s municipal elections because the provision in the State Constitution that defines eligible Vermont voters does not apply to municipalities.


“…we conclude that the statute allowing noncitizens to vote in local Montpelier elections does not violate Chapter II, § 42 because that constitutional provision does not apply to local elections.”


Arrived at, not based on the plain text of the relevant chapter, but as a result of past Court interpretations of it. Interpretations of what? Chapter II §42 of the Vermont State Constitution states.


Voter’s Qualifications and Oaths

Every person of the full age of eighteen years who is a citizen of the United States, having resided in this State for the period established by the General Assembly and who is of a quiet and peaceable behavior, and will take the following oath or affirmation, shall be entitled to all the privileges of a voter of this state:

You solemnly swear (or affirm) that whenever you give your vote or suffrage, touching any matter that concerns the State of Vermont, you will do it so as in your conscience you shall judge will most conduce to the best good of the same, as established by the Constitution, without fear or favor of any person.

Every person who will attain the full age of eighteen years by the date of the general election who is a citizen of the United States, having resided in this State for the period established by the General Assembly and who is of a quiet and peaceable behavior, and will take the oath or affirmation set forth in this section, shall be entitled to vote in the primary election.


Based on past precedent, the State’s Highest Court claims that §42 applies to state-wide and federal elections though nowhere in the State Constitution is that mentioned. I could find no reference at all to Federal Elections.

Chapter II §43 – §55 covers elections for all state-wide offices, including Governor, Lt. Governor, judges, State Senators, State Representatives, Secretary of State, Auditor of Accounts, Assitant Judges, Sheriffs, State Attorneys, Judges of Probate, and Justices of the peace. With one exception, these all appear to be county or state-wide offices. Hence, it seems logical that absent any specific reference to municipal elections, you could determine significant leeway in their conduct.

The one exception I found in the State Constitution is Justices of the Peace (emphasis mine).


 Text of Section 52: Election of Justices of the Peace; Apportionment

Justices of the Peace shall be elected by the voters of their respective towns; and towns having less than one thousand inhabitants may elect any number of Justices of the Peace not exceeding five; towns having one thousand and less than two thousand inhabitants, may elect seven; towns having two thousand and less than three thousand inhabitants, may elect ten; towns having three thousand and less than five thousand inhabitants, may elect twelve; and towns having five thousand, or more, inhabitants, may elect fifteen Justices of the Peace. Justices of the Peace shall not exercise judicial powers, except that they may serve as magistrates when so commissioned by the Supreme Court

The election of these offices is by town  (meaning municipality).

Regardless of any opinion issued by a previous court, a plain reading tells me that §42 applies to these local elections. So, now what?

If municipalities can decide to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections because the State Constitution is allegedly silent on the matter, non-citizens who do not qualify under §42 could not cast votes for this one local office because the constitution is not silent.

If non-citizens cannot vote for one local office, why would Constitutional restrictions in §42 not apply to other local offices?

If we look at Chapter I, Article 8 states;

Elections to be free and pure; rights of voters therein

That all elections ought to be free and without corruption, and that all voters, having a sufficient, evident, common interest with, and attachment to the community, have a right to elect officers and be elected into office, agreeably to the regulations made in this constitution.

Should this suggest that “rules” outlined in Article §42 of the State Constitution apply to “all elections”?

Chapter I Article 15 allows the legislature (and only the legislature) to suspend laws, but it cannot, through law, suspend the constraints of the regulations made in the constitution. Might this not make the law allowing municipalities to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections unconstitutional?



Marsh and Woodcock demonstrate that a “freeman” is an individual with the ability to vote in statewide elections in Vermont. Therefore, under § 42, to exercise the “privileges of a freeman in this State” is to vote in statewide elections. These two precedents draw a distinction between statewide and local elections for purposes of the Vermont Constitution’s voting requirements. The distinction drawn is categorical, and we accordingly reject plaintiffs’ contention that these cases create a flexible, case-specific sliding scale for identifying local versus statewide issues and therefore what voter eligibility requirements must be met for any given election. These cases dictate that § 42 does not apply to municipal elections.


Given the recent ruling, are Municipalities constricted in any way by Chapter I Article 8 because, to my untrained eye, they seem relevant to the application of Chapter II §42?

And at the end of the day, the State Constitution itself is the highest law of the land, and “judicial decisions” are but momentary whims of a few judges, a sort of sliding scale of temperament.

I’m not a lawyer, and I admit there are likely many more things that might be at work, but I find it very difficult to believe that a provision that denotes citizenship as a requirement can be so easily ignored or be presumed to not apply in every election anywhere in the state Vermont.

“Every person who will attain the full age of eighteen years by the date of the general election who is a citizen of the United States.” … “touching any matter that concerns the State of Vermont, ” “agreeably to the regulations made in this constitution,” and “by the voters of their respective towns.”

Those are all in there but in no way reflect on each other in this context.

I should note that courts often choose to be limited by the nature of the assumptions presented in the case before them, but I have to wonder. If non-citizens were more likely to vote Republican, would we be having this conversation because Democrat Vermont would have seen it the way I’ve outlined it today?

For now, we should wonder what other squidgy bits in the state’s founding document do not protect the interests of the citizens of Vermont from the antics of liberals in places like Montpelier and Burlington.

As I said, I’m not a lawyer.


The post I Think The Vermont State Constitution Prohibits All Non-Citizen Voting … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-27 19:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, please give the link to this post – it helps the Grok, and it helps me!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Also don’t forget both complementary parts of my Survival Sunday feature: PREP edition and SITREP edition.

And I’ve been posting these a lot to a number of people on Telegram, so reposting here:

The Jab: A Rite of Passage – Granite Grok

Fear is the Mind Killer… – Granite Grok

Concealed Data: My BS Meter Pegs Out – Granite Grok


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




Tucker Carlson: Biden is done



Tucker better put out a statement that he’s not suicidal, and right quick.  That, and check his car’s brakes regularly.









Every process needs negative feedback to keep it from running away, whether unintentionally or by intent.  Removal of liability from vaccines – no matter how well-intentioned – removed consequences for bad performance and, more importantly, for side effects.

I count myself very lucky as most of my vaccines came before this (and, thus, I am dating myself).







“A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. That is why I read so much.”

– George R.R. Martin








This is real.  And brilliant.  The only thing that would have made it more pointed, but then so obviously targeted at Piece-of-Schiff, would have been to call it the PENCILNECK bill.


Preventing Extreme Negligence with Classified Intelligence Licenses  N  E   C   K

with No Exceptions for California Kommisars?

What can you come up with?







SURAK has a data analysis of the Jab… with excellent graphics for those visually inclined:

The CoVID Injection Toll: December 30, 2022 (

And this brings up a morality question.  Let’s assume that all the effects of the Jab are completely intentional.  The immediate deaths.  The injuries.  SADS over time; with excess deaths now and forever in the Jabbed population from multiple causes, increased sensitivity to Covid, and other.


European excess deaths, official data



New Hospitalization Numbers Show Devastating Danger from COVID Shots – Choice Clips (

Lowered fertility and outright sterilization too.  Understand that the percentage drops in birth rates discussed in the video below are calamitous.  Statistically, they are so far outside the norm they cannot not be from a special cause.


Also see:

Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda: Anti-Sperm Antibody Is One of the “Adverse Events of Special Interest” Found in the Secret Pfizer Document (

I believe everything here is intentional.




Wrap your mind around this.  How many hundreds or even thousands of scientists, and thousands if not tens of thousands of lab and trial technicians would need to be “read in” and understand what was being developed?  How many years… decades… no, likely centuries of man-time with not just evidence of the harms being engineered in, but clear evidence as driven by the set targets that, even implicitly, should indicate to people with three brain cells that talk with each other that these effects are the goals?

Bombshell Report: Spike Proteins Invade All Major Organs, Induce Hyperaccelerated Cellular Aging Prompting Shorter Lifespan (

Is every single person in this system either a coward, or a conspirator themselves?  And if the latter, what possible belief could be driving them to want depopulation?

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question – Liberty’s Torch (

Proverbs 16:18… and What’s Coming? – Granite Grok

Borrowing from a Dog Food Ad – Urban Scoop

Remember, the great evils are done by people who think they’re doing good.




Useless Googletards Cry Online As They Get Fired During “Strong Economy”



I know I shouldn’t have a joyous sense of Schadenfreude over this.  But I do.  And this?

Tightening Up! 1.5% of the Google Layoffs Were Masseuses — Tech Giant Let Go of More Than Two Dozen on-Site Massage Therapists as Part of Massive Layoffs

Over two dozen on site massage therapists?????  Talk about overhead!




Pick of the Post:

We have a tie – both utterly ruthless in using humor to drive home a point:



And this one from the Babylon Bee:



These people deserve a Nobel for creativity.  This is priceless in wrapping a truth inside humor, and really – only a Pfizer employee won’t chuckle a little.




I know JP is not everyone’s cup of tea, but even imperfect people can have excellent points.  This is one.  Channeling Reagan’s dictum:


(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.)


I know Peterson flawed.  I’m flawed.  You’re flawed.  Every human being is flawed.  This I know.  I also know that from fiction comes truth:

Only fools fight in a burning house

– Klingon proverb

I don’t agree with myself some of the time.  To insist that I can only associate with, or work with, people with whom I completely agree on everything means my list of allies is very thin indeed.





Palate Cleansers:



Took me a moment.


“Who is wealthy?  He who is content with what he has”, goes a Yiddish proverb.

The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ron DeSantis Is The Anti-Sununu, Not The Anti-Trump

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-27 17:30 +0000

Mikey Graham at NH-NeverTrumpJournal has been pushing Ron DeSantis for President … simply because his NeverTrump masters see DeSantis as NeverTrump’s best hope of stopping Trump. Today he is trumpeting a UNH “poll” that shows DeSantis in the lead in the FITN primary … which assumes that the RNC doesn’t get its act together and pull FITN status from this very BLUE state:

You have to wonder what these voters actually know about DeSantis because these same voters strongly support Sun-King Chris Sununu, and DeSantis and Sun-King are as different as day and night, or as a Republican … DeSantis … and a Democrat … Sununu.

For example, DeSantis is pro-life, while Sununu supports abortion-on-demand up to birth … and possibly post-birth:

DeSantis understands that a free market economy does not mean businesses get to force workers to inject experimental drugs. He also understands that “local control” does not mean that public school administrators get to force children to mask-up. Sun-King Sununu disagrees …. STRONGLY disagrees:

But perhaps nothing distinguishes DeSantis and Sun-King more than woke. Sun-King claims to be anti-woke, but then in the next breath tells you that it is wrong for government to intervene when “private businesses” force woke down their workers’ throats. DeSantis, in stark contrast, has actually taken action to protect the people of Florida from woke.

The bottom-line: Ron DeSantis’ Florida is where woke goes to die … while Sun-King Sununu’s New Hampshire is where woke goes to thrive.

The post Ron DeSantis Is The Anti-Sununu, Not The Anti-Trump appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Schiff, Swalwell, and Omar Get Detention Instead of Committee Seats

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-27 16:00 +0000

It was the smartest thing ever spoken by Barack Obama: “Elections have consequences.” The Democrats realize the significance of those words this week.

Kevin McCarthy is coming out strongly in his position as Speaker of the House, and three Democrats, in particular, are feeling the pain of losing control of the House. Congressmen Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, both of California, and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, of Minnesota, are being removed from prestigious committees. All three are feeling the repercussions of actions they have knowingly done, and all three are very vocal in opposition to McCarthy’s decision. All three are also actively and aggressively fundraising off of their demise in power in the House. Never let a terrible circumstance go to waste.

For the four years that Trump was President, Adam Schiff made a career out of the claims of Russian Collusion responsible for getting Trump elected. He always claimed to have concrete evidence of Trump’s involvement with the Russians but could never produce the facts. Schiff rarely missed a Sunday talk show where liberal hosts were thrilled to give the bloviating Schiff air time to sing his claims. For four years, he lied, and he even doubled down this week when he met with the press to bash McCarthy’s decision. He now claims that McCarthy is serving Trump’s needs and is doing Putin’s bidding in Congress. He will probably make that claim the centerpiece of his Senate bid to replace the outgoing, retiring Barbara Feinstein.

For his years of lying and many leaks to the press of sensitive information, McCarthy made the correct decision to remove him from the House Intelligence Committee, where Schiff would access our most sensitive information. Eric Swalwell will also be removed because of his negative and careless actions.

Eric Swalwell may be the most two-faced and hypocritical member of the House, and that is going some. Swalwell is another frequent talking head on CNN and MSNBC whenever the propaganda-spreading channels need someone to take shots at a Republican. His sins are two-fold. Swalwell had an affair with a known Chinese spy. When the FBI contacted him that they wanted to speak with his mistress, he spirited her out of the country before the FBI could confront her. He slept with her and then aided her in escaping from questioning and accountability. He should have been removed from Congress, charged with espionage, and jailed for his actions. Instead, he kept his seatbelt on the Intelligence Committee and is now complaining he is being mistreated.

Omar is being removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. This position is ironic because of many comments made by Omar that show her disdain for America, her hatred of Israel, and her dislike for many of our allies worldwide. There are so many other allegations about misdoings by Omar, including immigration violations involving her and her family, possibly being married to he brother, and tax and campaign finance violations. The good people of Minnesota can accept these shortcomings, but there is no reason we have to, and I think McCarthy is correct on all three of these individuals. I hope he is successful in getting the votes to back his decisions.


The post Schiff, Swalwell, and Omar Get Detention Instead of Committee Seats appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – NH Is Finally Out of Drought

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-27 14:30 +0000

I’ve been watching the Drought status for NH for a number of months. This new fascination was due to WMUR constantly harping that we’re in a terrible situation with respect lack of precipitation.  Most of that time, the southern border, especially the south-eastern, was in sever rought.  The north was pretty much normal. Most of the rest of the state was in “abnormally dry” which ISN’T a drought condition but still under.

Today, however, is the first time in months that NONE of the State had any color (don’t know where that 6.4% is located) – officially no drought at all.

(click to embiggen)

I note the rightmost data points:

  • 20th wettest December was in 2022 over the last 128 years
  • 50th wettest year to date was in 2022 over the last 128 years

Not too shabby…

The post Data Point – NH Is Finally Out of Drought appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nashua’s Affordable Housing Act and the Mohawk Tannery Project

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-27 13:00 +0000

In December 2021, the City passed an Inclusionary Zoning ordinance (O-21-073) to require all new developments to provide a specified number of affordable housing units within the development.

Nashua Inclusionary Zoning Ord. No. O-21-073

In January 2023, The Board of Alderman held a special meeting to discuss the development of the EPA Superfund Mohawk Tannery property. The City, in conjunction with Blaylock Holdings, Thorndike Development, the New Hampshire Business Development Authority and the Nashua Housing and Redevelopment Authority are working collectively to create the financing to stabilize and cap the Superfund site and build 500+ units of rental and single-family homes. Public input has not been accepted on this development as of yet.

The presentation was well done, but many questions remained and a clear picture of the financing and taxpayer commitment was not available. The presentation can be viewed on YouTube at:


According to the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance, for a development of this size, 20% of the units must be affordable (approximately 100 units of affordable housing) However, the Nashua Community Development Director Sullivan stated that the 20% could only be fulfilled in the rental properties, which would mean only 38 units would be affordable. The City would be waiving the remaining units required for ordinance compliance and, instead, would accept a payment in lieu for the remaining 65 properties. This was a bit confusing as to why this was acceptable. It appears that the City will accept a payment of ~2 million dollars to forfeit the affordable housing requirement.

No one on the Board questioned this. Alderwoman Kelley, a champion of Nashua’s Affordable Housing Act, was silent. What is the liability risk to granting this waiver to one developer and not the next who might have extenuating circumstances. The Housing market and economy have shifted. Does this changing economic picture warrant a review of the newly adopted ordinance? There were no questions by the board to City Council on the ramifications and liability of waiving the law.

The City needs to further explain what options are available to increase the number of affordable homes in this project. It’s a bad look that could result in a costly liability to violate a newly adopted ordinance for projects coming forward.

The post Nashua’s Affordable Housing Act and the Mohawk Tannery Project appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Merrimack County Republican Committee – Vax Victims Resolution to the NH Attorney Genera

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-27 11:30 +0000

NH State Rep Jason Gerhard has proposed a resolution to be voted on at the NHGOP Annual Meeting titled “Resolution for Investigation by New Hampshire Attorney General.”

Whereas the first priority of government is to protect the people as stated in Part 1, Article 12 of the New Hampshire Constitution:

[Art.] 12. [Protection and Taxation Reciprocal.] Every member of the community has a right to be protected by it, in the enjoyment of his life, liberty, and property; he is therefore bound to contribute his share in the expense of such protection, and to yield his personal service when necessary…;

Whereas the people of New Hampshire were induced, coerced, and threatened to participate in so-called “COVID-19 vaccine” injections and controlled by mandates to which they nor their representative body gave their consent as further stated in Part 1, Article 12:

[Art.] 12. [Protection and Taxation Reciprocal.] Nor are the inhabitants of this State controllable by any other laws than those to which they, or their representative body, have given their consent;

Whereas government control of social media exposed recently via “The Twitter Files” prevented an honest, open discussion of the risks and effectiveness involved in the “threats” to the public and individuals;

Whereas the producers and promoters of said medications had at least partial data regarding the ineffectiveness and side effects, but withdrew this data from the public and policymakers; and a malicious campaign to suppress the real data involved silencing and even firing medical professionals who dared to share their related expertise and clinical observations;

Whereas research of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) by John Beaudoin of Massachusetts indicated that at least some COVID identified deaths were apparently related to the “vaccine”;

Whereas Mr. Beaudoin demonstrated a sharp increase in circulatory system deaths related to the approval of these injections;

Whereas according to January 2, 2023 Rasmussen Report of 1,000 people, “Nearly half of Americans think COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame for many unexplained deaths, and more than a quarter say someone they know could be among the victims;”

Whereas the VAERS-documented toll on New Hampshire residents is up to and including the recent death of a two-year-old who received said medication;

Whereas other harm and deaths in New Hampshire are related to the campaign mandating this medication that does not stop the transmission, such as the perishing of an individual who was removed from the organ donor list for refusing such medication;

Whereas the documentary “Died Suddenly” points to a possible relationship between sudden death and the COVID-19 vaccination; and

Whereas Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis requested a statewide Grand Jury to “investigate criminal or wrongful activity…relating to the development, promotion, and distribution of vaccines purported to prevent COVID-19 infection, symptoms, and transmission;” now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the membership of the Merrimack County Republican Committee (MCRC):

1. urges the Attorney General, John Fromella, for the state of New Hampshire to protect the people, to investigate criminal or wrongful activity in New Hampshire relating to the development, promotion, and distribution of vaccines reported to prevent COVID-19 infection, symptoms, and transmission;

2. urges the Attorney General, John Fromella to issue a report to the people no later than 30 June 2023 to be published in all statewide print, social, radio and televised media sources;

3. urges the General Court and Executive Council to allocate sufficient appropriations to the office of the Attorney General in the New Hampshire Department of Justice to undertake these initiatives.

Mover: Jason Gerhard, Representative – Merrimack 25

Seconders: Karen Testerman, Chairman on behalf of the members of the Merrimack County Republican Committee


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