The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • September 7 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Under the Guise of Patriotism

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 19:00 +0000

A truth the right side of the aisle must wrestle with: the Deep State international cabal uses American foreign policy to advance global interests” under the guise of patriotism.

Did you know that Congress has not followed its constitutional duty to declare war since WWII?  America has ceded its power to declare war to that cabal since Pearl Harbor. Who is this “cabal”? It is the regional military arm of the UN, a.k.a. NATO.

Thinking critically, one might ask: Why is America sending 100,000 troops to defend 29 nations in Europe, all under the command of NATO, while simultaneously ignoring the invasion of our southern border? Answer: The cabal tells us it’s Patriotism, however it’s the truth played out before our eyes. It’s the advancement of global interests at the expense of our men and women in uniform.

U.S. troops serve under UN command because Congress shrinks from its responsibility to declare war. Citizens have no control over the UN or NATO. Because of this, military families in NATO countries lose the God-given protections of the Bill of Rights and live under the laws of European Union nations.

Does spending 65 billion dollars to protect Ukraine this year with the higher cost of American blood looming make sense? This foreign policy is not American. It represents the advocates of one world government who have dominated our nation for the past century.

The UN Peace dove is a fraud, and its military arm NATO, sold as a way to defend European nations from the USSR, is part of the con game. Article 52, Section 1 of Chapter VIII of the UN Charter allows for the “maintenance of international peace and security and regional actions of agencies”  such as NATO  or SEATO in Vietnam.

These agencies must conduct their activities consistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Do you remember 911? The UN Security Council Resolution 1441 was issued to President Bush in 2002. This was permission for our President to commit American troops to battle in Iraq. Later resolutions would spread the conflict to Syria and Afghanistan. One does not ask permission from an inferior power but from a superior power.

Let’s look closer at the UN Charter written by FDR Advisor Alger Hiss, a Soviet Agent. Chapter VIII, Article 54 states:

“The Security Council shall at all times be kept fully informed of activities undertaken or in contemplation under regional arrangements or by regional agencies for the maintenance of international peace and security.”

China and Russia are on the Security Council.  Do you trust their leaders with NATO’s strategies of war? I don’t! Isn’t it strange that American diplomats at the San Francisco  Conference in 1945 agreed that our two future enemies would know all of our planned military strategies in UN-condoned wars?

Is this why we didn’t win the UN war in Korea and Vietnam? UN Anti-American war policy was initiated in Korea and Vietnam. The results are displayed on the Korean War Veterans Monument and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. That’s what you call bloody anti-American diplomacy that our Congress and one Administration after another ignore. Congress continues to enable this compromise of our war powers because there’s no accountability that will blame them for sending troops to battle.

We need to get out of NATO and the UN. American liberty depends on holding our leaders accountable to the Constitution.  We can’t enforce it unless we know it. Knowledge of this great document designed to limit government must replace loyalty to party. We need to implore our federal Congress to co-sponsor the American Sovereignty Restoration Act for 2023.

We won’t win the battle until our people gain a sufficient understanding of congressional responsibilities and limitations placed on our leaders by the Constitution. Check out JBS.ORG  or contact Regional John Birch Coordinator Matt Rhodes about the seminar called The Constitution is the Solution at 207-391-0970.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Flupocalypse is a Lie

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 17:30 +0000

Believing anything “the government” says was always tricky. We can add a new measure of skepticism to government agencies pretending to be interested in public health. The COVID response killed that, and they are back to make matters worse.

The Public Health Industrial Complex is peddling another blood-for-money campaign that pushes flu vaccines. Regular Flu. The thing they replaced with COVID, which they have since rebranded to facilitate more money laundering.


It turns out that a year ago, the CDC changed the definition of “Influenza-Like Illness:”

For this system, ILI is defined as fever (temperature of 100°F [37.8°C] or greater) and a cough and/or a sore throat. Since the 2021-22 season, the case definition no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza”. Since ILINet monitors visits for ILI and not laboratory-confirmed influenza, it will capture visits due to any respiratory pathogen that presents with the symptoms of fever plus cough or sore throat. These data should be evaluated in the context of other surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza activity.

As of now, any illness with “fever AND (cough OR sore throat)” is counted as influenza and would darken the map!


By changing the definition of flu, the experts have elevated the incidence in the wake of a two-year public-health terror campaign. State-run media has made sure you knew about the rise in “flu,” but not why.

Igor Chudov explains the double counting here. I have other fish to fry. The latest Flupocalypse aligns with all the other domestic terrorism from the Biden administration.

The non-stop renewals of the COID public health emergency

DHS continues to issue partisan national security domestic terror Def Con 1 updates.

The mess at the border, the economic misery, and a new end-of-the-world conspiracy every other minute.

It’s exhausting or meant to be; people in a constant state of tension are more likely to cede their freedom in exchange for a false promise of security. Some will increasingly act out or initiate actions that can be used to advance the goal of a police state. Flooding the nation with third-world hooligans only accelerates the problem of crime and disorder among the ‘migrants” and actual citizens.

In 2020 “they” weaponized a virus and created a new path to tyranny in the form of the public health police state.

As I write this, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia are building theirs. Blue states in the US are on the same path. Changing the definition of flu adds tension to accelerate the process. If Big Pharma gets more money for “treatments,” then that’s a bonus that finds its way into the pockets of the elites or downstream to buy off state and local public health despots to keep them on the line.

All while dismissing or ignoring the real threat to public health. The CDC, FDA, and we can add the growing Hospital cartel, and health insurance companies can deny service and control the public at the direction of policymakers.

Do no harm has evolved to do harm as needed, and without a way to reign in the bureaucracy behind it or legal protections we shouldn’t need to protect us from it, real threats can never be known or even believed.

And that’s probably on purpose.



HT | Igor Chudov Substack

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Executive Councilors Rejecting Taxpayer Funds for Radicalized and Politicized Sex Ed

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 16:00 +0000

An email worth reading was sent to New Hampshire’s Executive Councilors regarding their vote to reject taxpayer funding for the Get Real sex education program for NH students.

Three out of five voted to reject the funding:


9 December 2022

Members of the New Hampshire Executive Council
By Email, with attachments

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

I write to thank you for refusing to proceed with funding for the Get Real sex education program. I also offer background information to support your decision and encourage the Council to seek alternate course providers.

While the Get Real program may previously have been funded in NH for some period, the premise upon which it was developed and purported standards for its materials (present medically accurate education about healthy sexual behaviour) changed radically in 2019 to one of explicit progressive sexual education advocacy. Get Real references the organization SIECUS for the frameworks it says it aligns with. That organization’s stated purpose is to “spark large-scale social change.”

SIECUS also (1) asserts that “Sex Ed sits at the nexus of many social justice movements – from LBGTQ rights and reproductive Justice….” The motto for the Get Real publisher (ETR) is “advancing health equity.” That purpose is decidedly different to educating young children (middle school age) and informing young adults (high school age) about biology and healthy sex behaviour. What is the social change they want to effect? I doubt parents of prospective students know of this focus for the program, nor the single viewpoint of the authors and presenters. Does the Executive Council want to endorse these objectives? ( 1

The program’s authors assert that the program is shown to delay sex among participating middle school students; empower parents as primary educators about sex; and reinforce communication within families. However, the studies relied on to support these broad claims are based on entirely subjective surveys of approximately 500 school-age participants in the Boston area. As with much social science analysis, there is no way to confirm the purported results nor to replicate them. Further, the surveys addressed vaginal sex only and were administered during a period (2005-2008) when children in the US were generally found to be exploring other behaviours less likely to result in pregnancy – oral and anal sex in particular, and increasingly homosexual and bisexual activity. It was also a period when sexually transmitted diseases increased in the US. All of these shifts have affected girls disproportionately.

The program says it seeks to highlight the role of parents in their children’s care but also asserts that the materials and activities used by participants will be private within the classroom. That seems intended to assure children that no one will be told anything about conversations or disclosures the child makes in the class. Parents certainly have reason to expect that all activities their children participate in with other adults will be open and disclosed to them, but that may not be the case. However, depending on the teacher’s personal beliefs or school policy, parental rights could be ignored completely.

The program’s developers, presenters, and trainers have substantial ties to Planned Parenthood. That organization’s primary profit-making activity is providing abortions. Increasingly it characterizes as educational and advocates for pornography in school libraries. It also assists in making available permanent changes to children’s bodies through sex change surgery and medications such as chemical castration packaged as puberty “blockers.”

The foundation for Get Real and other newly promoted sex education courses is from SIECUS – Sex Ed for Social Change, formerly known as Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. It was formed as a not-for-profit organization by a senior executive of Planned Parenthood, reflecting the specific intentions and practices of that organization. It is not a governmental agency, although it has presented itself (and apparently been widely accepted) as the sole authority on sex education in this country for decades. It’s now focused on advocacy surrounding sexual practices and expanding acceptance of homosexual and non-binary behaviours, particularly at younger ages. (The results of that advocacy show up in news reports almost weekly with adults parading online the ways they present sexual matters (their own and that of their friends) in their primary classrooms.) SIECUS also contributes to the publication of the so-called National Sex Education Standards. These Standards are followed by schools throughout the country and now assert without irony that a child’s gender is “assigned” at birth by a medical professional. (This apparently makes the x and y chromosomes the only ones biologists should ignore.)

The Standards document also widely expands the concepts of sex education to include class, climate, law enforcement bias, privilege, race and culture, and other non-medical concepts. Those are ideological and highly politicized concepts that no one discloses to parents when seeking consent to classes. They are certainly not appropriate for middle school and early high school-aged children.

Information about SIECUS and ETR is readily available online, but I attach PDF files of the Guidelines and the Standards that present in detail the outlook for the Get Real program. It is a politicized and ideological program very much focused on effecting social change by influencing children’s behaviour, in large part by encouraging sexual experimentation at earlier ages and secretive relationships with non-family adults. It dismisses any recognition of parental rights. Is that the outcome you want? I urge you to seek other viewpoint-neutral materials for any taxpayer-funded sex ed program.

Sincerely yours,
Diane Dunning Martin

PDF email Attachments :
National Sex Education Standards –
Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education -3rd edition

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Maine Legislature Leaves Gov. Mills’ Winter “Relief” Scheme Out in the Cold

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 14:30 +0000

Most of our readers understand how this works. The government screws something up, deliberately in most cases, and then pretends to help with the downside of its policy priorities. When that fails, you blame your opponents while regular people suffer.

The New England energy dearth has been an ongoing concern for years. As reliable energy is decommissioned from the grid, nothing reliable has been proposed to replace it. All while heating oil or gas infrastructure has been delayed, sidetracked, or blocked by environmentalist politicians and their green boots on the ground.

The elevation of Joe Biden and his homunculus (Kamala Harris) to the White House alongside a Democrat majority Congress has pushed the Northeast past a tipping point. The Dems’ war on fossil fuels has driven prices up, making the stuff precious and harder to get. With winter days away and a cold and bitter January just weeks away, the folks who had a decade or more to get on the right track picked the wrong one and think sending you a check to pay for overpriced heating oil is the answer.

As I noted here, make sure you ask for small bills, you may need to burn the money to keep warm.

And while getting some of your money back from the crooks in the government is welcome, a check doesn’t make it available to buy.

New Hampshire pushed its own ‘Cash for Oil’ scheme. A stipend to help offset energy prices that have risen in part due to years of inaction or the wrong action by so-called “leadership.” It passed, and I’m sure the check is in the mail, but no one I know has seen one.

Maine tried that too. Gov. Mills wanted to spend 474 million to help Mainers offset the fiscal abuse heaped on them by her political party’s indifference to facts on the ground. Buy some heating oil (or gas or pay for your electric rate hike) but only for a month or two, assuming there’s electricity, oil, or gas.

A handful of the remaining Republicans in that State’s Senate said no, and the measure failed. Mills blamed them.

“A minority of the minority choose to reject this help for Maine people,” Mills said in a written statement. “I urge Senate Republicans to join their other Republican and Democratic colleagues in the Legislature to give this plan the support needed to enact it as an emergency measure so that we can get this relief into the hands of Maine people without delay.”

I didn’t look but does this “relief” include an admission that you are part of why there’s an emergency? That the New England grid needs hydro from Canada or natural gas from Pennsylvania and on and on?

Is there a path to motivate change in DC to overturn old laws so we can get oil or natural gas from the Gulf Coast (instead of Asia or Africa) and have it shipped to the Northeast? Is there any motivation to back pipelines or other much-needed infrastructure?

Has anyone accepted that the math doesn’t work if we try to switch to wind and solar or that the transition (if you are even on onboard with one) will take decades? Or that, yes, we do indeed have plenty of time to find valid alternatives to extend our energy future, and maybe wind and solar are not that?

Or is it just another handout to temporarily assuage the guilt or misdirect culpability (as in the case of Mills blaming Republicans), not that there are no Republicans who bear some blame?

Residents can probably buy cordwood, motor fuel, propane, or kerosene for portable heaters. It’s getting expensive, and maybe the handout helps a little, but giving people some of their money back or giving it to people who never earned it, isn’t relief. It’s more like giving someone fentanyl for chronic pain.

It doesn’t fix the problem, but people become dependent, and without an intervention and a recovery plan, they could become addicted until it kills them.

Or was that the plan all along?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

For Dr. Jill, It is All About the Dough

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 13:00 +0000

One of the often-heard questions about the Biden family is why the President’s wife allows her husband to continue to embarrass himself in a job he is no longer capable of performing. I think the answer is quite simple.

The answer is not easy to accept, especially for people who believe in the foundation of human relationships. Love and mutual respect are what most of us strive for from our life partner. For Dr. Jill Biden, her make-up is clear, and her purpose for being the wife of Joe Biden is power and money. She is propping Joe up and pushing him on because the money train will only run if Joe Biden is in office. Joe retires, and the faucet is shut off. Jill Biden is not ready to settle for their current status when she can have four more years of money flowing in the backdoor of the Biden estates. She is not the First Lady but a maniacal mercenary.

You only need to look at the relationship between Hunter Biden and Burisma. Hunter had no skill set that would make him valuable as a Director on the Burisma board. His skill set was his last name and his VP Dad. Within two weeks of Joe Biden ending his second term as Barack Obama’s Vice President, Burisma cut Hunter’s compensation by 50 percent. Joe was out of office and no longer valuable to Burisma.

Hillary Clinton keeps her name in the news and teases us about running because that saves the money coming into the Clinton Foundation. When she lost in 2016 and was out of power, donations to the foundation dropped to a point it nearly folded. Politics is an ugly business, but you look at the net worth of longtime politicians, and you know why they keep running. It is not to serve the people of this country. Stay in a position where people believe you can do them favors and keep sucking in the dough.

Joe Biden used to brag about being the poorest Senator in Washington. The poor, blue-collar guy from Scranton. He left Scranton when he was a kid and has never been poor. Politicians do not make exorbitant salaries. They could make much more in the private sector, but the money does not come in the backdoor like it does when you are in politics. So how do they get elected poor and leave office as millionaires? Not by putting their pay in a passbook savings account. It is not by shaking hands but by having a hand out to be pasted.

I thought it was elder abuse when Jill did not step in and say no to Joe running. Four years and much brain degradation later, she is pushing him to run. They had to hide Biden in 2020 to hide his slipping acuity. What will they do in 2024 to mask his growing mental deficiencies? Jill Biden has not been a very visible First Lady, which is a good thing. She does not come across as a very likable woman. She has been on stage more often when Joe is at the microphone. She is pushing and propping Joe. She may be there to catch him when he falls. The story of Joe Biden as President is a sad one. Unfortunately, it is also embarrassing to the United States on the global stage, and it will take years to regain our credibility. In the meantime, the money will keep coming for Joe and Jill, more millionaires created by the United States political machine.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Climate Duke and Duchess Fly Private Jet Cross-Country to Collect “Human Rights” Award

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 11:30 +0000

Nothing says privilege or idle rich like flying your private jet to speak out for some cause. And talk, as they say, is cheap; action speaks louder than words, especially when your causes collide.


“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived in Manhattan on Monday afternoon by private jet where they were whisked away by a gas-guzzling SUV as they are set to receive a human rights award at Tuesday evening’s elitist Ripple of Hope gala, tickets for which were selling up to $1 million (£847,000),” reports Breitbart.


When Meghan wrecked Harry, she must have poisoned him with the Hollywood elite hypocrisy inherent in liberal show people. Live in a gated palace and whine about how the borders should be open. Complain about food insecurity, but back politicians committed to making sure people starve. Or, as in this case, expect the peasants to do with less to save the planet while you hop on a private jet to collect a human rights “trophy.”

Laura Ingraham and Raymond Arroyo took this hypocrisy to task in epic style with this segment.

Watch the latest video at

If you genuinely want to save the planet, do some of that pontificating in China. I feel sure they will reward you with something. Perhaps a boat trip home in an 18th-century seafaring vessel to address the hypocrisy problem.



HT | News Wars

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GrokPAC Sent Out Mailers And Got Back…Hate Mail!

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 02:30 +0000

The other day I went to the GrokPAC PO Box to see what might be in it. I had expected to see “business” mail, but I wasn’t surprised when I didn’t. And I wasn’t surprised that I had other mail. There were ten or so responses to our mailers concerning the smut and pornographic books that can be found in Public School Libraries.

There were ten or so responses to our mailers concerning the smut and pornographic books that can be found in Public School Libraries.

Yes, porno books. Books that if I were to read excerpts from them on TV or radio, the “7-second delay” button would be pressed immediately.

As I posted earlier, if I was to read those same excerpts at a School Board meeting, my mic would be cut.  But they allow such porn to be available to children in libraries that we Parents used to believe (to use the language of the Left) to be “Safe Spaces.”  Ladies and Gentlemen, your elected School Board Representatives, School District Superintendents, school librarians, and other staff are making the statement that porn IS safe for your child.



Do you agree with that?  And I will start posting up those excerpts in later posts.  This one’s purpose was to just illustrate some of the responses.  Most people don’t like to receive it – I think it is rather amusing, depending on what they are complaining about. So, I will post them (see FAQs here) as “Object Lessons.”

The first one is rather mild. It was only one word long but did say a lot. Actually, his actions said the most about his message. And those actions were to take our envelope and stuff it into a larger one and send it back:


Amusing (“OR Current Resident”) – I’ll give him some points for that. The one-word message was on “our” envelope (which I have cropped):  “Nah.



I dryly note that the outside envelope does have GrokPAC on it, but our envelope seems to have not been opened. Or he did a great job in resealing it (or someone else told him what was inside). However, his response was mild and fairly non-descript, but showed that he might have had an idea what was in it and didn’t care. At all.  OK, that’s up to him.

At the other end of the spectrum was someone that really wanted to give us a piece of what remains of her mind. Free speech – I’m happy to have that debate. But I do have concerns, grave concerns, about people that have no problems with porn being accessible to minor children – especially in the lower grades. This response just hit TILT!

Sidenote: Yes, harkening back to the day when arcades were mostly pinball machines, and you pushed too hard trying to “guide” the ball where you wanted it to go. I could make a dime or quarter last most of an afternoon back in my college days when studying and needed to take a break.

This next person definitely had more on her mind and certainly wanted to let me know it. Yes, I AM making the assumption that it was a woman because I know very few men that have such good handwriting.  So if you happen to know this lady, tell her thanks for me. Here’s the front of the envelope she sent, and her message back to us started here:


Well, she didn’t want to stop there. Talking points, talking points, talking points – every one certifiable and stereotypical of how some of the Left

Yes, just for removing porn from little kids, I’m a hater, I’m a racist, I’m a fascist (I bet she doesn’t even know what the word means – she’s certainly not reading GraniteGrok, is she?). As to the last bit, the mailer she received was one that Matt Wilhelm is from (Hillsborough 42, Manchester Ward 1). So, heavily Democrat.

But she wasn’t done there. She decides to add a “message” on our actual flier as well:


It says:

  1. Freedom of choice!
  2. They are free to read what they want – it’s the USA!
  3. Why are you pushing your views on others?

Well, no. Kiddie porn is illegal and it is illegal to give it to minors. So neither #1 or #2 are true. IF you are an adult, well, I may not like it (at all!) but you can obtain and view it unless it has been adjudicated otherwise.

As to #3, I find this to be almost totally true across the spectrum of the Left. What THEY say is what it should be – there can be no discussion. While she is complaining about my advocating about my views, isn’t she doing the same? Why is it only one way? Am I supposed to just “go along and get along” with her (and the Left’s) ideas on this? Isn’t this what politics is supposed to be?

Er, no. Or at least it seems that one. Once again, I’m happy. Why?  As Pappa Smurf (Sununu, Sr.) used to say all the time: “Talk, talk, talk. Then talk some more”. The reference was in talking to our families, talking to our friends, talking with others about Conservative values running up to an election.  The Left HATES that!

I’ve turned it around (among many others that have done so as well – The Left wants to SILENCE us – I want them TO KEEP TALKING, TALKING, and even more TALKING!  It shows everyone who they are and what they think.



Fascists, anti-Freedom, and Stupid.

I really never knew that allocating taxpayer money to give minor children porn books is the epitome of Freedom!

Sorry, I disagree.  Children are MINORS, and Society has agreed to restrict their rights until they get older, wiser, and more mature and reach the Age of Majority. It should go, however, that not all that attain such an age are wiser, smarter, or more mature.  Many of them that haven’t are called “college kids” (I kid! I kid! Er, mostly).

However, it illustrates one of the huge chasms between the two philosophies – what should Freedom be recognized as?  With respect to age, who has complete Freedom – and who doesn’t?

Guess that should be another post that speaks back to FDR’s Second Bill of Rights and Freedom itself.  Liberty vs. Libertine.

However, it’s clear – she isn’t going to be voting Republican any time soon…though I do wonder if she “split her ticket” and voted for Sununu for Gov.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Child Mutilation…What is Their Motivation

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-12-10 01:00 +0000

The crusade of school systems and manufacturers of children’s toys to promote gender reassignment is sick. There are many other descriptives I could have used, but I keep profanity out of my writing.

The story of a book published by the American Girl Toy company that teaches young girls how they can take steps to become the boy they want to be is the latest example of a WOKE culture out of control. American Girl Toy and their parent company Mattel are facing incredible backlash, and calls for boycotts and stock sell-offs are loud and justified. We need a name. Who at American Girl Toy thought it was necessary to produce this book and target young girls who cannot even grasp the concept of changing gender? Somebody had to sign off on such a blockbuster and dangerous concept, and we need that person under a hot light to give us answers.

Who is doing this deplorable and inexcusable act on children? Teachers are on the frontline to attack our prized possession. There is no limit to their efforts. They do not have a minimum grade level, and it does not matter whether they are boys or girls. You do have to wonder how they choose their prey. I am sure they are directing their efforts on the weakest and most timid, who can be easily manipulated. Let’s look at some examples.

  1. A 2nd grade teacher in Darien, CT, includes the book “Julian is a Mermaid” in her curriculum. This book is about a child who transitions, dresses in drag, and joins a parade wearing only underwear. The school Board ruled that the book is appropriate in the classroom this week.  
  2. School districts around the country are embroiled in a battle over whether to teach children in grades K-3 about being transgender. Advocates recommend teachers read their young students “Introducing Teddy,” about a boy teddy bear who transitions to being a girl, calling it a “heart-warming story about being true to yourself.”
  3. There are a couple of lawsuits in New Hampshire challenging the New Hampshire School Boards Association (NHSBA) transgender JBAB policy. This time, Ohio parents filed a lawsuit based on what you would find in the JBAB policy that has been adopted in several schools throughout New Hampshire. JBAB not only says that biological males and females can use the restroom of their opposite sex, it also includes a provision that forces school personnel to lie to parents if a student requests a name change at school.

These actions coincidentally happen at the same time that school systems are trying to insulate parents from what their children are being taught and exposed to in school. It is pathetic that students are coached not to mention school activities with their parents. They are being told to only trust their teachers. This is criminal. I hope teachers are not being taught these activities in school, but the only other explanation is it is a product of their years of indoctrination.

This topic is almost beyond comprehension, but it is a reality and must be stopped. I do not have the solution, but I believe it will be found if parents continue to get involved and demand accountability. We also have to consider alternatives to public schools and weaken the teacher’s union’s control of our kid’s education. The hill is steep, but it must be climbed. The future of our children and our country is at stake.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More SEL Group Therapy in Schools: Training Kids to Keep Information Secret

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 23:30 +0000

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is now a way for group therapy sessions to be held inside your child’s classroom. We already know that this is happening in Greenland, but what does this look like?

It’s. hard to say exactly what this looks like in your child’s classroom because it will depend on who is providing the group therapy and what program they are using. Either way, did you sign your children up for mental health services when you handed your child their backpacks this morning?

Isn’t it interesting that after COVID-19 and all of the damage done to children academically and emotionally, school administrators now think it’s their duty to provide children with mental health services? In other words, the organization that damaged your child emotionally has now decided it can fix them.

In this video, you will see the counselor in a “community circle” with children administering a dose of SEL. Some of it may actually sound good to parents. What’s wrong with teaching good characteristics? In some ways, that’s not a bad idea but listen closely to what the counselor says about not sharing what is said in the circle.

Since this is a promotional video to sell an SEL product to your school, they will certainly make it sound wonderful. They won’t show you what happens if a child decides to share a traumatic experience with the circle. What does the counselor do, then? Most counselors, unless they have a Ph.D. in Child Psychology, do not have the education or clinical training to handle a situation like that.

By telling children not to reveal what is said in the circle, most, if not all, will keep that information from their parents too. They are being taught by someone who is supposed to be educated in group therapy with children to do something dangerous. As one parent said after she saw the video, “I absolutely don’t agree with that, it is dangerous and contrary to teaching and maintaining and manage health. Especially for families like mine with Autism, physical disabilities that require mediation and mental health issues. I’m giving the benefit that it was poorly done and meant to point out the should gossip. I think it should be addressed to see if it can be changed or the lesson removed.

This video came from Character Strong. Character Strong is selling school districts a product that can be dangerous if you follow their instructions. While they are supposed to be meeting the social and emotional needs of your children, you can see that this kind of mental health treatment comes at great risk to your child’s well-being.

This is the danger when local schools decide to offer mental health treatment to your children. They have enough trouble teaching children to read, write, add and subtract.

We know two New Hampshire schools that gave two children a vaccine that their parents said they did not want given to their children.

They struggle to teach academics, now they think they can handle medical treatment and mental health treatment too.

They couldn’t even get their promotional video right. Now they want to sell your district a program that doesn’t train the teachers or counselors properly.

It’s time to stop expecting our local schools to provide all of these services to children. They need to focus on teaching academics to leave mental health treatment to professionals outside the school system.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, You Want to Know to Whom or What Gov. Sununu Is Connected? Check This Out!

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 22:00 +0000

Politicians are nothing if not “connected”. To their constituents, their donors, other politicians, their old friends – and then “new” friends depending on their political standing as a politician and “what can they do for me”.  And, often, politicians will also make “new” friends on the same basis (“what can you do for me”). Yes, other than donors (and their money and their ancillary “help”), achievements, and Power, connections are in that bag of “Coins of the Realm”. To other politicians, great and small, Important People, and Important Organizations of many stripes.

There is one site that has had some time put into it trying to play “connect the dots” on how well Governor Chris Sununu is connected. Certainly, or I’m betting so, many are through his Dad who was VERY well connected. Others as he became a Governor and I’m also betting that many more are being made as he has been raising his national profile by going on a bunch of junkets, getting interviewed in the print, and going on a lot of TV networks and stations.  Fame often builds more fame.

Or notoriety, as the case may be.  A small sampling:

(click to embiggen)

This diagram is interactive on the site I found it on so go here to “play” with it. You may be amused at some of the information (and I use “amused” quite loosely). I’m betting it isn’t exhaustive but it certainly has a lot of information that most people are not aware of.

(H/T: Grazing The Surface)

The post So, You Want to Know to Whom or What Gov. Sununu Is Connected? Check This Out! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Greta Thunberg Needs To Announce That She’s a Boy if “He” Wants to “Save” the ‘Planet’

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 20:30 +0000

When Greta Thunberg was muppet Greta with her braid and her attitude, she was a media star, Climate Cult godling, Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, heck, there’s even a statue of her. But Greta grew up and fell on hard times.

Related: Climate-Muppet Greta Thunberg Bites The Hand That Fed Her

Actually, she’s thrown herself on the sacrificial sword of hard truths.


Thunberg accused the United Nations Climate Change Conference, typically referred to as the Conference of the Parties or COP27 (for being the 27th one), of “greenwashing.”

“You described COP27 as a scam,” BBC radio host Nihal Arthanayake said to Thunberg. “Can you explain what you mean by regarding COP27 as a scam?”


Greta’s right, but she’s only half-right. It’s all a scam, but now that the UN has stopped buttering her bread, she can’t just throw away the bread. The lie is her life but only getting it half right still has consequences. The Climate elites want a divorce, and they are leaving Greta for a pretty young thing named Sophia Kianni.


Enter: Stanford University rising star Sophia Kianni. As this glowing Vogue piece on her details, Kianni is the youngest member of the “United Nations Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change.” …

“I learned about climate change for the first time in my sixth-grade class,” Kianni told Vogue. “And right after that, I went on one of my summer visits to Iran to my grandmother’s house. I remember being really struck by how horrible the air pollution was, I couldn’t even see the stars at night!



She’s just what they always wanted. Ethnic, Persian, ethnic, photogenic, ethnic. Not bright, though. Pollution is not the same as “climate change,” ask the Chinese or, better yet, regular Americans. Most of the US has clear, beautiful starry skies. It’s only a few of the light-polluting, urban zoos run by Democrat keepers that have any “pollution” concerns.

And even those pale compared to China and India or other nations exempted because climate change is a war on the west, not the climate.

Greta never went to Africa, India, or China. That’s where most of the “pollution” and “emissions” originate.

In the name of greening the planet, Joe Biden is buying more of everything, including oil and gas, from places (unlike America) with few or no laws to protect the environment. They are doing it to green pockets, not the planet.

And Sophia isn’t going to visit China or India either. There won’t be any ambassadorial junkets to the cobalt and lithium mines in Africa or Asia. So where does that leave Greta Thunberg? She’s not young enough or photogenic enough, or ethnic (pasty white is not a “color” with which they’d like to associate). But she could visit those places with the dirty open mines and their massive pollution and emissions, without which the electric vehicle and wind and solar lies would be impossible.

Here’s a thought, Greta. Announce to the world that you are a boy. Become the transgender darling of the green movement. Gather some funding and do a documentary on how the elites are not just greenwashing; they are whitewashing and money laundering—enriching the global elites no matter who has to suffer, including Gaia.

And feel free to continue behaving like a girl; Lia Thomas is sexually attracted to women and permitted to parade her man parts in ladies’ locker rooms, so there’s ample precedent (and the media loves “her”).

You’ll be the darling of whatever it is again, and you don’t even have to thank me. I’m just trying to help get you past half-truths to the whole truth.



The post Greta Thunberg Needs To Announce That She’s a Boy if “He” Wants to “Save” the ‘Planet’ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 19:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Sunday Survival will be back this weekend but I’m planning a restructuring of it because it’s getting enormously yuuuuuge and unwieldy.  This restructuring will take a few weeks to stabilize.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









Remember my Covid cartoons!  Two are similar to the above:











Timely; from a friend:

The Rutherford Institute :: The Constitution Has Already Been Terminated | By John & Nisha Whitehead |








We’ve seen this before… and are seeing it again:


Gee, what are the odds that Walker’s total goes DOWN – isn’t that supposed to be impossible in a process that should be purely in one direction? – and Warnock goes up.  At the same moment?

And you think you’re going to VOTE your way out of this?  PROTEST your way out of this?  Until we do all hand counting, and other things like voter ID, no same-day registration, fingers in ink, etc., we’re going to keep losing.








Pick of the post:



As we on the Right circular-firing-squad each other, the Left is united in advancing to full Socialism.  We’re fools fighting in a burning house.

The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.

Ronald Reagan

We’re so focused on ideological purity that we’re ignoring all we agree on.




I miss him.  I don’t think he’d last in today’s environment.





Palate Cleansers:

























The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Twitter Files Part II – Hell Yeah, Twitter Shadowbanned You! They Also Had Blacklists!

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 17:30 +0000

Elon Musk has been keeping the Lib-Trolls busy as they try to excuse all the blatant partisan BS they denied was happening on Twitter. Just another right-wing conspiracy that turned out to be true.

We knew it was true. You could see from the changes in interaction. We saw it more with Facebook, but they at least told us they were doing it. Twitter denied it and lied about it, but that will no longer stand up. The Twitter Files Part II is online and there’s more there than you may have thought possible.

Twitter used visibility filtering, ” ‘Think about visibility filtering as being a way for us to suppress what people see to different levels. It’s a very powerful tool,”’one senior Twitter employee told us.” We call it shadowbanning.

They had a “Strategic Response Team – Global Escalation Team, or SRT-GET” that handled as many as 200 cases a day concerning limiting the reach of users.

There was even an elite top-level ban squad called the “Site Integrity Policy, Policy Escalation Support,” known as ‘SIP-PES’.” It looks like they made visibility filtering decisions for high-value high-follower users, including politicians.

All very political an partisan.

Bari Weiss delivers all of part two here (or view it on thread-reader here – same as below). But before you do, the first tweet to follow it is from Dinesh and says it all (and yes, there have been calls for Musk to release a list of everyone whose content was limited in any way without being notified).



Reminder. As a private business, Twitter has the right to ban or filter whomever it wanted, just like we do here, but the bastards lied about it and lied about the partisan viewpoint discrimination.

Here’s Part 2 of the Twitter Files.




1. A new #TwitterFiles investigation reveals that teams of Twitter employees build blacklists, prevent disfavored tweets from trending, and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics—all in secret, without informing users.  2. Twitter once had a mission “to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.” Along the way, barriers nevertheless were erected.  3. Take, for example, Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya) who argued that Covid lockdowns would harm children. Twitter secretly placed him on a “Trends Blacklist,” which prevented his tweets from trending. 4. Or consider the popular right-wing talk show host, Dan Bongino (@dbongino), who at one point was slapped with a “Search Blacklist.” 5. Twitter set the account of conservative activist Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) to “Do Not Amplify.” 6. Twitter denied that it does such things. In 2018, Twitter’s Vijaya Gadde (then Head of Legal Policy and Trust) and Kayvon Beykpour (Head of Product) said: “We do not shadow ban.” They added: “And we certainly don’t shadow ban based on political viewpoints or ideology.”  7. What many people call “shadow banning,” Twitter executives and employees call “Visibility Filtering” or “VF.” Multiple high-level sources confirmed its meaning.  8. “Think about visibility filtering as being a way for us to suppress what people see to different levels. It’s a very powerful tool,” one senior Twitter employee told us.  9. “VF” refers to Twitter’s control over user visibility. It used VF to block searches of individual users; to limit the scope of a particular tweet’s discoverability; to block select users’ posts from ever appearing on the “trending” page; and from inclusion in hashtag searches.  10. All without users’ knowledge.  11. “We control visibility quite a bit. And we control the amplification of your content quite a bit. And normal people do not know how much we do,” one Twitter engineer told us. Two additional Twitter employees confirmed.  12. The group that decided whether to limit the reach of certain users was the Strategic Response Team – Global Escalation Team, or SRT-GET. It often handled up to 200 “cases” a day.  13. But there existed a level beyond official ticketing, beyond the rank-and-file moderators following the company’s policy on paper. That is the “Site Integrity Policy, Policy Escalation Support,” known as “SIP-PES.”  14. This secret group included Head of Legal, Policy, and Trust (Vijaya Gadde), the Global Head of Trust & Safety (Yoel Roth), subsequent CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, and others.  15. This is where the biggest, most politically sensitive decisions got made. “Think high follower account, controversial,” another Twitter employee told us. For these “there would be no ticket or anything.”  16. One of the accounts that rose to this level of scrutiny was @libsoftiktok—an account that was on the “Trends Blacklist” and was designated as “Do Not Take Action on User Without Consulting With SIP-PES.” 17. The account—which Chaya Raichik began in November 2020 and now boasts over 1.4 million followers—was subjected to six suspensions in 2022 alone, Raichik says. Each time, Raichik was blocked from posting for as long as a week.  18. Twitter repeatedly informed Raichik that she had been suspended for violating Twitter’s policy against “hateful conduct.”  19. But in an internal SIP-PES memo from October 2022, after her seventh suspension, the committee acknowledged that “LTT has not directly engaged in behavior violative of the Hateful Conduct policy.” See here: 20. The committee justified her suspensions internally by claiming her posts encouraged online harassment of “hospitals and medical providers” by insinuating “that gender-affirming healthcare is equivalent to child abuse or grooming.”  21. Compare this to what happened when Raichik herself was doxxed on November 21, 2022. A photo of her home with her address was posted in a tweet that has garnered more than 10,000 likes.  22. When Raichik told Twitter that her address had been disseminated she says Twitter Support responded with this message: “We reviewed the reported content, and didn’t find it to be in violation of the Twitter rules.” No action was taken. The doxxing tweet is still up. 23. In internal Slack messages, Twitter employees spoke of using technicalities to restrict the visibility of tweets and subjects. Here’s Yoel Roth, Twitter’s then Global Head of Trust & Safety, in a direct message to a colleague in early 2021: 24. Six days later, in a direct message with an employee on the Health, Misinformation, Privacy, and Identity research team, Roth requested more research to support expanding “non-removal policy interventions like disabling engagements and deamplification/visibility filtering.” 25. Roth wrote: “The hypothesis underlying much of what we’ve implemented is that if exposure to, e.g., misinformation directly causes harm, we should use remediations that reduce exposure, and limiting the spread/virality of content is a good way to do that.”  26. He added: “We got Jack on board with implementing this for civic integrity in the near term, but we’re going to need to make a more robust case to get this into our repertoire of policy remediations – especially for other policy domains.” 

27. There is more to come on this story, which was reported by @AbigailShrier @ShellenbergerMD @NellieBowles @IsaacGrafstein and the team The Free Press @TheFP.

Keep up with this unfolding story here and at our brand new website:

The Free PressA new media company built on the ideals that were once the bedrock of American journalism. 28. The authors have broad and expanding access to Twitter’s files. The only condition we agreed to was that the material would first be published on Twitter.  29. We’re just getting started on our reporting. Documents cannot tell the whole story here. A big thank you to everyone who has spoken to us so far. If you are a current or former Twitter employee, we’d love to hear from you. Please write to:  30. Watch @mtaibbi for the next installment. 


The post Twitter Files Part II – Hell Yeah, Twitter Shadowbanned You! They Also Had Blacklists! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Loudon County School Superintendent Finally Fired over School Sex Assaults, and More! – Stack of Stuff #32

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 16:00 +0000

Virginia’s Loudon County has been ground zero for Parents going on the warpath over what “their” school systems have been teaching their kids. Silly parents, believing that Government is supposed to be working for THEM, found out that Government workers have been working for THEMSELVES instead. Public servants decided to become our Public Masters. Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, emphasis on Leftist sexuality identity politics, porn in the schools – the whole ball of wax in one place. But Parents are starting to melt that wax and this one was a big drip of his own making. And it didn’t hurt that Parents started to take over that school board (they got the message: Be Brave – DO Something!).

Because the School Administrators were cowards and just didn’t want to deal with a “transgender girl” that raped two Normal girls – the second one after the perp was transferred to a second school WITHOUT notifying anyone. As always, reformatted and emphasis mine:

  • Superintendent Scott Ziegler fired after parents complain to Loudoun County School Board

ASHBURN, Va. (7News) — Loudoun County Superintendent Scott Ziegler was fired in a closed-door meeting Tuesday night following a number of parents complaining about his performance to the school board, the school system confirmed to 7News’ Scott Taylor Wednesday morning…Loudoun County parents are telling 7News on Your Side they are alarmed about how Ziegler and school administrators handled two sexual assaults that happened at two different schools last year.

“I think sadness is the first thing that comes to mind that this is our reality,” said Loudoun County mother Lauren Shernoff. “A little bit of shock in accepting it. A lot of us knew that this was coming or anticipated that it was coming, but to see it in print, with the evidence supporting that print, it’s just it’s really disheartening and it feels a little bit hopeless and helpless right now. I feel that way about my kids being in these schools.”

“So, reading that [special grand jury] report was really hard and really difficult to swallow the fact that these are the people that are in charge,” she said.

“I’ve never felt that way before, but it definitely crossed my mind yesterday reading it,” she said. “You put a lot of trust in the schools. We put [our kids] little backpacks on every day. We pack their lunches, we hug them and kiss them goodbye. The one thing we want to count on is that our school system and the leadership is really working overtime to make sure that the things within their control are done well and always have safety first. And now that’s been shattered. So, what do we do next? We can’t trust the leadership in charge.”

…“It was really shocking to me that in the report, it states that the administrators of the school that the student was transferred to weren’t made aware of their history, that it wasn’t communicated clearly, and people weren’t working together to figure out what to do about the situation,” Borg added. “It seems like one student’s right to privacy took priority over every other students’ right to be safe in their school…The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that a sexual assault occurred in a bathroom at Stone Bridge High School on May 28, 2021.

Then on Oct. 6, a sheriff’s office tweet detailed another alleged assault by the same student at Broad Run High School.

A ton more at the link.

And “White Supremacy” must be destroyed. Doesn’t help that in destroying “it”, a teacher is willing to destroy students’ futures. If u kant spel or rite…

  • ‘I try to undermine that BS in my classroom’: English teacher claims teaching kids ‘how to write properly’ is rooted in white supremacy

A California English teacher recently posted several controversial videos on social media claiming that teaching children “how to write properly” is rooted in white supremacy and vowed to begin the school year with a different approach to teaching linguistics, Fox News Digital reported.

Marta Shaffer, an English teacher at Oroville High School in northern California, posted videos to TikTok claiming that white supremacy culture “runs deep” in public schools.

“What do I mean by that?” Shaffer stated. “Well, let’s look at how we write essays: Start with an introduction that includes a thesis; always cite your sources; use transition words like ‘however’ and ‘therefore.’ They are all made-up rules. They’re arbitrary. They were created by Westerners in power.”

What would we ever do without Libs of TikTok in putting a spotlight on these people????

We won’t let schools administer aspirin to children. Yet, transgender activists are fine with giving them drugs that have no long term studies for harm?

  • Doctors Are Giving Gender Confused Children ‘Puberty Blockers’ Used To Castrate Sex Offenders

Transgender activists promote puberty blockers as a safe and reversible treatment for children with gender identity issues, but the drugs have serious side-effects and have been used to castrate sex offenders. Puberty blockers are viewed by some medical professionals as a healthy way of “pausing” puberty to give children time to decide which gender they want to grow into, but blocking healthy puberty is an off-label use of the drug unapproved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The drug has also been used to chemically castrate sex offenders.

When Alabama approved the mandatory chemical castration of convicted sex offenders in 2019, it was announced that they would use the drug medroxyprogesterone acetate, which can also be used as a puberty blocker, according to Trans Minors Rights.

…Puberty blockers, if taken at the earliest stage of puberty, will permanently impair sexual function and prevent the patient from ever experiencing an orgasm, according to transgender activist and surgeon Marci Bowers. The drug may also cement transgender identification in a young patient who would otherwise outgrow it, some medical experts have warned. Young people who are given puberty blockers also risk a lifelong deficit in bone density, and the FDA has warned that some gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, which are used as puberty blockers, could plausibly be linked to a condition called pseudotumor cerebri, which is caused by elevated fluid pressure in the brain.

Woefully little safety data are available for the likely more vulnerable younger population. Bone loss in adult men who have been on these agents is significant, and a leading cause of morbidity with long-term administration,” wrote Harvard Medical School Professor Marc Garnick, who studied Lupron (a drug used 0ff-label as a puberty blocker) for 40 years.

And now that the cat is out of the bag, Transgender activists are trying to stuff it back INTO that bag. Perfect story that if you are talking about it, you’re a bigot, transphobe, pushing violence, and just a hateful person. All of that is “hate speech” (translation: speech that the Left hates, not that it is “hate speech”):

  • MSNBC Guest: Tucker Having Gays Against Groomers as Guest Is Dangerous

When the left tells you they believe “speech is violence” or opposing viewpoints are dangerous to people, they really mean it. The latest evidence of this came on Monday’s Chris Jansing Reports on MSNBC when anchor Chris Jansing brought on New York City councilman Erik Bottcher to lash out at Fox News and Tucker Carlson for booking “dangerous” guests like the person behind the popular Twitter account “Gays Against Groomers.”

During the segment which ran the chyron claiming that there’s a surge of acts of hate across the United States, Jansing turned to Bottcher for a solution to these alleged “acts of hate.” “How do you see allies can do better in the face of this?” Jansing asked. Of course, the first thing you’ll notice is the leftist buzzword “allies” which is common in the woke leftist vernacular.

Bottcher pleaded in response: “Stand up and call out hate when you see it. In your conversations with friends and family who might be conservative, please try to get them to stand up.”

On the verge of tears, Bottcher begged  “Fox News and people who are booking people on these shows like Tucker Carlson had Gays Against Groomers, that is incredibly, incredibly dangerous and some of you are members of the LGBTQ community.”  “Please, please stop because this is manifesting itself in very hateful ways and people are getting killed,” he insisted.

And yet, the phrase “LGB without the T” is starting to gain speed.  With groups opposing what has been going on, it’s a signal that the tidal wave of Transgenderism is starting to fade as parents and others are starting to ask hard, uncomfortable, and penetrating questions of those activists…

…and they don’t like it at all!

Bottcher never provided any examples of people who have gotten killed because Gays Against Groomers went on Tucker Carlson’s show.

Problem for this is that the FBI stats don’t support it.  And having flawed studies that skewered afterwards in attempts to promote it don’t help. We can call it “LYING!”.

  • University of Washington knowingly kept quiet on flawed transgender study

Did not want to ruin ‘positive coverage’

University of Washington media officials knowingly kept quiet on a flawed study that claimed that injecting children with off-label puberty blockers benefited their health, according to emails obtained by a conservative radio host.

“A University of Washington study, in partnership with Seattle Children’s Hospital, claimed gender-affirming care via puberty blockers leads to positive mental health outcomes for transgender teen patients,” commentator Jason Rantz reported. “That characterization, however, was false, forcing substantial edits to the materials used to promote the study and prompting UW to cease promoting the research.”

The Washington radio host obtained emails of UW staff colluding to downplay the edits and concerns about the study, titled “Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care.”

…Social science journalist Jesse Singal first raised concerns about the methodology in April and reported he could not obtain the raw data behind the paper. “Singal has a laundry list of issues with the study: 1) the data did not back up claims made about mental health improvement; 2) the researchers provide little specific data that is typically on display in these kinds of studies, and 3) the researchers may not have used the correct statistical method,” Rantz wrote.

…It is a lie to tell a girl she can become a boy and a lie to tell a boy he can become a girl. It is biologically impossible for someone to switch to the opposite sex. Once you push the false idea that someone can change sexes, it follows you would disregard clear and obvious problems with a study that claims there are benefit to chemically affirming someone’s delusions.

And it is a Lie that transgender students need porn in their schools to feel better about themselves. Why are we allowing this pandering?

  • What Some Schools Are Teaching Kids Is So Obscene, Parental Rights Activists Can’t Even Read It On TV
  • Under federal guidelines, TV and radio stations cannot air obscene content, some which parental rights in education advocates say are in school curriculums.
  • “When my kids were younger or just in my earlier life, I can’t think of a time that I would be talking about a children’s book, and I couldn’t discuss it on the radio. This is a new phenomenon where you cannot discuss what is in a book used for children,” Erika Sanzi, Parents Defending Education director of outreach, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • Parental rights in education advocates have been told to avoid talking about different types of sex and images which appear in several school districts’ sexual education curriculums.

It is against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) guidelines to describe sexual conduct or feature any “grossly offensive” language on a radio or television broadcast. Parental rights in education advocates told the Daily Caller News Foundation that television and radio stations do not allow them to talk about the obscene curriculums and books allowed in schools.

…Sanzi told the DCNF that a producer at a television station told her she could not discuss the different types of sex that 10-year-olds learn in the “Human Growth and Development” curriculum of a Wisconsin school district due to FCC regulations.  “There was anal sex, oral sex and vaginal sex,” Sanzi told the DCNF. “She was like, ‘oh, my God, like you can’t say that.’ The main thing that she was telling me was that I couldn’t use explicit terms for body parts and I couldn’t describe these different types of sex that that the kids learn about.”

Some school districts feature books such as “Gender Queer,” which depicts illustrations of the main characters masturbating and receiving oral sex, and “This Book Is Gay,” which teaches “boy-on-boy sex” and is described as an instruction manual for LGBTQ students.  (RELATED: ‘What Does Semen Taste Like?’: California School Uses Planned Parenthood Lesson To Teach Sexual Health).

…“He said ‘I am going to have to blur the images so much that no one will be able to tell what they’re looking at.’ The language on there, there was anal sex, there was erection, wet dreams,” Johnson told the DCNF. “There were the graphic images of the condoms and then the images of the vulva, vagina, penis. And they all came straight from the curriculum.”

And make no mistake – this is a full on assault on Western Civilization norms and mores:

  • Transgenderism, the left’s offensive against Western Civilization

Who among us could have guessed a few years back that today gender ideology would be the clearest, most divisive matter of contention separating the American left from the right?  To those reasonably grounded in reality, the notion that gender is fluid, that a Supreme Court Justice would be unable to define the word “woman,” that men can give birth, and that children can and should be mutilated if they are confused about their own gender identity is not only sheer lunacy, it is barbaric.

But the left’s commitment to those ideas is total; it’s the hill on which they are willing to die.  Those who disagree with them are vilified as transphobic, haters or terrorists.   Trans activists may well be the least tolerant “community” in the country.

Recently, a young trans girl/boy posted a video of what five years of testosterone have done to her; she regrets her transition.  The comments posted below her video are vicious.  There are probably hundreds of similar regret videos but there are many more videos that promote gender transitions, even for the very young.  Planned Parenthood promotes cross sex transition and has become a giant of the industry.

…In the meantime, leftists are busy stocking school libraries and classroom bookshelves with all manner of pornography, especially promoting homosexuality and normalizing transgenderism.  As parents across the country have become aware of this subterfuge, they are fighting back, showing up at school board meetings to complain.  According to AG Garland, these parents are to be designated as “domestic terrorists.”  If reported, he will sick the FBI on them.

And it gets more and more blatant – and School Boards are responsible for it:

‘You All Played Activist Pimp’: Mom Lights Up School Board Over ‘Family-Friendly’ Drag Show

On Wednesday, Southern California mother Brittany Mayer posted her confrontation with the Encinitas Union School District board on Twitter. The video of her insightful rant has since gone viral. The text on the post lays out the premise in plain words.

“We’re done mincing words.

“While we have a culture that has a huge problem with child porn and with sex trafficking … Encinitas Union School District in CA, made the decision to feature an event to sexualize young children.

And I think that THIS is the next level of pushback by Trans activists who decide, merely by the fact that they got one more vote than the other guy, that they can hoist their Trans ideology on others – with felony charges for NOT going along with this transgender craze with their kids.  WHO owns the kids? This nitwit, like Hillary, believes it is Government:

  • Virginia Parents Could Face Felony Charges for Not ‘Affirming’ Child’s Gender Identity

…Virginia state Del. Elizabeth Guzman (D) plans to introduce legislation in order to combat Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s (R) model policies on the treatment of “transgender” students in Virginia schools.  “The day that Gov. Youngkin wanted to implement this policy, I immediately texted the policy lead of that committee and said, this is how we’re going to push back,” Guzman, who is a social worker, said to ABC 7 News.

The planned bill would expand the definition of child abuse to include parents who are not willing to “affirm” their child’s stated gender identity or sexual orientation, with Guzman telling the outlet that if a child reports such an incident, “the job of that mandated reporter is to inform Child Protective Services (CPS).”

That would be DCYF here in NH. The GALL of this woman!  There is a reason why parents raise their children – those children are NOT wise enough, not mature enough, don’t understand the ramifications of their actions, and don’t have the knowledgebase to critically think of “what possibly could go wrong – and can’t be fixed?”.

And get this – she wants to HURT those parents by Government force! You vill vollow vhat ve tell you do believe!

Depending on the results of that investigation, Guzman said penalties could range from misdemeanor to felony abuse charges for parents and implied a goal of damaging the reputations of these parents if they do not follow the prescribed gender ideology.

“We know that CPS charge could harm your employment, could harm their education, because nowadays many people do a CPS database search before offering employment,” Guzman said. “It’s educating parents because the law tells you the do’s and don’ts. So this law is telling you do not abuse your children because they are LGBTQ.”

And then played the “God card”:

She also implied that not “affirming” their child’s gender identity might bar them from getting into heaven, saying, “You know, we all have a commitment to God. And for those believers out there, we know that there’s life after life, and there is going to be a conversation between that person and God and that’s what we’re after — to go by what the Bible says.”

“I, in Government, have the total right to tell you what you can believe. And I will put you into Government hell if you “sin” against me!”

Fortunately, with all of the blowback that ensued from this, Guzman backed down. Go read about it here.

The post Loudon County School Superintendent Finally Fired over School Sex Assaults, and More! – Stack of Stuff #32 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Say Hello to Old Glory Bank. It’s not #Woke, No ESG, and No BS.

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 14:30 +0000

My first thought when I heard that Country singer John Rich (with Larry Elder and Ben Carson) had “started a bank” was, hell yeah! It’s called Old Glory Bank, and to steal a phrase from Capitol One, it’s not like other banks.


Rich told John Solomon, “People are getting their credit cards turned off if they go to the wrong protest or if they make the wrong social media posts. They’ve weaponized our bank accounts basically, at this point. There’s a whole group of real patriotic Americans who just believe in freedom of speech, and they wanted to create a new platform for regular Americans to be able to do their business.” Elder said “We offer full online banking services. So those of you who were threatened with having your accounts shut down or you’re with banks that have threatened to have others shut down and you don’t like the values of your bank, there’s a home for you at Old Glory Bank.”


My second thought was that they would need a lot of depositors because the other banks and the regulators will be on them like white on rice. Especially the federal regulators. It’s what they do, and with the encouragement of the existing banking system, I’m sure they will be appropriately motivated. But they are doing it anyway, Old Glory, I mean.


Old Glory Bank, the bank for the hard-working Americans who make this country run every day. The bank for people who believe in love of country, respect for the flag, and appreciate the military, law enforcement and first responders.

Freedom. Privacy. Security. Life and liberty.
These are the values that are woven into the fabric of this great nation. Old Glory Bank is for people who believe in the principles that made America strong. Old Glory Bank shares your values. Your beliefs should never be marginalized.

And it’s not exactly a “new” bank if you read to the bottom of their home page.


We’re a 120 year-old bank from Elmore City, Oklahoma, formerly known as First State Bank. Steeped in deep ties to community and small-town values, Old Glory Bank will bring the best mobile banking solutions across this great nation of ours.

We’re a real bank—not just an app. While our beliefs are traditional, our technology is leading edge. We’re the perfect bank for the times.

So, much like the rise of alternative online payment processors, there is a growing interest in appealing to the interests of the other half of the nation. Probably more than half.




HT | PJ Media

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Isn’t My Right To Know (RTK) Demand to Gov. Sununu About the Office of RTK Ombudsman Filled Yet?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 13:00 +0000

Yes, the irony – doing an RSA 91-A concerning THE RTK guy that is supposed to be able to help a citizen in holding their government accountable. It is only outdone by doing an RTK for all previous RTKs (which I have also done – heh!).

That assistance, however, can’t happen if no one is has been hired and is actually occupying that seat.  It’s has been six months since the Guv signed the bill.  And no, I did not apply as HB481 has the requirement that you be a lawyer for five years. Oh well. So what’s the holdup?  So, I sent this in:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: “Governor Sununu” <>
Sent: 12/7/2022 1:35:59 PM
Subject: RSA 91-A Right To Know demand – Status and materials concerning the Office of the Right to Know Ombudsman

Good morning,

Please find attached to this email my Right To Know concerning the Office of the Right To Know Ombudsman. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

I have reproduced this RSA 91-A demand below.

Thank you for your lawful response in this matter.


Skip Murphy
Founder, co-owner |
Dominating the political Bandwidth in New Hampshire

I did get an auto-reply email in return, but that’s not the kind of response that fulfills the RSA 91-A requirement to either fork over the demanded information or let me know when it will be available. Sure, a bit cheeky, but to date, there’s been no information left out that I could find (I know, it’s always in the last place you look, so I haven’t found that place yet).

Here’s that Right To Know, and I’ve bolded “the payload”:

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records. Otherwise, if this cannot be fulfilled within that mandated window per RSA 91-A, please advise when the Responsive Records will be made available.

HB481 authorized a new Right To Know Ombudsman Office to be located in the NH Department of State once it has been staffed. As of last week, no such position has been filled. No news items have covered such an appointment or activation of that office. HB481 was enacted into State Statute on June 24, 2022, being duly passed by the General Court, with Governor Sununu’s signature.

This demand is for any and all communications (emails, voice mails) and other documents (e.g., position postings, resumes, evaluation documents, meeting notices, meeting notes, background checks, et al) pertaining to the hiring and appointment process concerning any and all respondents looking to be the first Ombudsman for the Office of the Right To Know

Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, unavailable for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

As you are aware, in 2016, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that a governmental body in possession of records is required to produce them in electronic media using standard common file formats: Green v. SAU #55, 168 N.H. 796, 801 (2016). Unless there is some reason that it is not reasonably practical to produce such, explain why it is not practical to comply.

Please also note, per RSA 91-A:4 III, III-a, and III-b, you are required to maintain the safety and accessibility of such responsive records. This also includes such responsive records (e.g., emails) which may have been deleted from respective Inboxes but are still available on the applicable email server or in your / email host backup system(s).

Please let me know when these records will be sent to me for inspection. You may email the responsive records to me at If the volume turns out to be substantial, I have already set up a Dropbox folder to use in uploading those responsive records.

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.



So Day One has passed – will Sununu’s office honor the Law that he is sworn to “faithfully execute” and I get a real response? Even if GraniteGrok has been a PIA these last few years?

The good news is that the Office of the Right To Know Ombudsman will be housed in the newly elected Secretary of State David Scanlon’s Department of State.  I’m betting that we’ll be talking with whatever-his-her-name-to-be-announced regularly.  And I know of a few people that will keep that office-holder well-occupied.


The post Why Isn’t My Right To Know (RTK) Demand to Gov. Sununu About the Office of RTK Ombudsman Filled Yet? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Demand Reparations for Italians

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 11:30 +0000

My paternal ancestors migrated to America from Italy at the turn of the twentieth century. They came through Ellis Island in search of the promise of the American Dream and instead were labeled as WOPs.

WOPs was an acronym for “Without Papers,” meaning they had little or no documentation when appearing at the docks in New York. Immigration workers often assigned new surnames to the Italian peasants showing no regard for their history. The Italians were treated as second-class people. WOPs was one of the derogatory terms used by many to throw at Italians. I heard it far too many times in my early years.

Because of the treatment of my ancestors, I demand reparations for the emotional scars I have had to cover up for decades.

The history lesson is true. The demand for reparations is facetious. Of course, I would never expect monetary compensation for the actions of callous people. It happened. It’s done. Deal with it and move on. I will not attempt to equate a childhood subjected to name-calling with Blacks enduring slavery. But I believe considering reparations for any Black person whose ancestors were enslaved is equally unnecessary. But that is precisely what California, New York, and Rhode Island are proposing.

Gavin Newsom of California is considering a payout of over $200,000 to any Black resident with ancestors bonded in slavery. This action would amount to an expenditure of over $500 BILLION. Let’s look at why and the source of these funds.

First, the money. These funds are unspent COVID relief monies sitting in California banks, waiting for a cause to be appropriated. There is no better example of how foolish the COVID Relief Bills are costing the country trillions of dollars and sending billions to states with no specific purpose. Is there any question why we suffer from high inflation and impending recession with billions of unspent dollars being dumped into the economy?

In addition to the cost of these bills, we are all paying the price with inflation and recession dumping these funds into the economy has caused. So what is the purpose of these reparations? Why do they seem to be isolated to Democrat-controlled states? The motivation is clear. The Democrats are losing the once-solid Black vote. The Black, and the Brown voters, too, are swinging to the Red side of the aisle. They realize that promises have been made to them to secure their votes. These promises were empty and made solely to garner votes.

The game is up, and Black and Brown voters now realize that Republicans are doing more for them and the inner city plight. So Democrats are upping the ante and going to straight pay-offs. These reparations would be buying votes for today and years to come. It is bribery and election tampering.

This potential payout is evidence that there is nothing out of bounds for what Democrats will do to retain office and power. I am not calling for Republicans to get into the swamp with the Democrats and use these irresponsible tactics. The better course is to fight to stop actions like reparations or the current movement in Massachusetts to drop the voting age to 16.


The post I Demand Reparations for Italians appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Day 3 Of The Crypto6 Trial: Another Victim Of The Court: Mr Bitcoin Gets Denied

Free Keene - Fri, 2022-12-09 05:10 +0000

Crypto6 Trial Day 3

We had a turnout of ~15 supporters throughout the day. Not bad~ given we’ve got 10-14+ days of trial here. We’re up to maybe ~55 folks who have come out and supported (some may be on multiple days) so far. I want to say thank you to all those who have taken time off work (even if only for half a day) to come out and support Ian & the crypto6. A supportive community is one of the things that make living in New Hampshire like nowhere else.

One of the best parts of the day was when Mr Bitcoin entertained us in the morning by trying to enter the courthouse!

Here is the video:


Here is a summary of the days goings on:

Prosecutor continues asking questions of the last witness from the prior day’s trial.

FinCEN employee Theodore Valahakis
Q Shire Cryptocoin operation directed at kiosk?
A Yes
Q Why was the letter sent?
A General campaign
It was to identify non-compliant businesses
The letter is not itself the registration requirement, and so a business must register whether or not they get a letter
Defense cross examination:
Q Jury should not assume Ian Freeman was placed on any notice by the federal government?
A Correct
Prosecutor introduces new witness to stand
Name: Kathryn Thibault
FBI agent
24 years with FBI
Prior experience: state trooper Maryland
Role: Supervisor
Based out of Knoxville, TN
Does polygraph work
Prior worked in Bedford NH
Worked on: Child exploitation & white collar crime, example: bank fraud, money laundering, and romance scams
Romance scams usually target people through social media where scammers befriend people and then deplete the persons of all their money claiming they need funds and the scams usually focus on elderly victims.
Ways scammers send money: Master card / Visa cards
-Cash transactions
-Wire money
-Personal checks
Money mule: a person who moves assets from those they don’t know for obstruction from other persons
Scammer grooms person to become mule
Then the mule moves money to another account
Hard to ID where everything is ending up
Q Part of Ian Freeman investigation?
A Yes
Lead case agent till 2020
Did lots of interviews
Chats were not available while working on case
Ian Freeman’s PC was not available
I interviewed with people doing wire transfers for Mr Freeman
I based investigation on suspicious activity report
Q how many SARs did you review?
A More than 100
I did not interview 100 though
I focused on New Hampshire with only a few
Q Did you have another source of info?
A Yes, local police
Q Where were the victims located?
A All over the country
Q What was the average age?
A Over 65
Q Did the investigation involve banks?
A Yes
Q Another part of case?
[hmm she sounds coached]
A Kiosks
Q How did you find these Kiosks?
A Through online site coinmaps
Then I bought bitcoin at kiosks
Q Why?
A To see what was required to buy from kiosk and to see what wallet the coins came from
Q Was this your money?
A No, it was government money
Q Where were the machines?
A Murphy’s taproom, 101 local goods
They asked how much to buy and then scan for QR codes on phone containing wallet addresses
Then you feed the bills in and it sends bitcoin to your wallet
Q How long does it take?
A No very
Q Did it require a name?
A No
Q Did it require a drivers license?
A No
Q Did it require a photo?
A No
Q Did it require a phone #?
A No
Q Did you buy at a machine not owned by Ian Freeman?
A Yes, and it required a state ID, no prepaid phone # was allowed, and the owner communicated with the buyer
Q Was finger print scanner required on Ian Freeman’s machine?
A Not to my knowledge
Crypto vend rules:
1. Must use own wallet
2. Crypto is your responsibility to keep safe
3. All sales final
4. Do not tell our staff why you are buying bitcoin
Q Is that what you experienced?
A Yes
Q “If you believe something went wrong please contact us at”…
Witness identifies email in letter from FinCEN matches letter on machine
[note this is evidence displayed on a screen]
name on email of vending machine matches email sent by ian to free giveaway price winner
Phone # matches rules sign and localbitcoin data old phone #
[again evidence displayed on a screen]
I obtained a warrant for search of Ian Freeman’s residence based on this
The house is a duplex
73 is right hand side
73 is where Ian Freeman lives
75 is on left hand side is where Mr Nobody lives
Q Please describe it
A White structure, green, white

Special agent tivo
Q Were you able to ID a video from internet related to front porch?
A Yes
Q Where?
A On Odysee
Q Interview occurred after?
A yes
Q Did you watch clip of video?
A Yes
Q Did the full video have audio?
A Yes
Q Was freeman speaking?
A Yes
Q What is it?
A It’s a stop sign
It says stop and then “paying taxes”
[this has been on the porch as long as I’ve lived in New Hampshire since pre-2016 and numerous people have lived and rented here, this doesn’t actually tell you ANYTHING, but it is intended to bias the jury against the defense… in practice the Shire Free Church does pay taxes or the property would have been seized long ago]
Q What was on 75 side?
A Living room with kitchen upstairs
Q Any shrine?
A No
Q Any chapel?
A No
Q Any meeting rooms?
A No
Q Were others living at 73 side?
A Yes
It was a mirror image of other side, but living room was a radio station
[this is wrong, it’s got recording equipment for a radio show, radio stations require big antennas and all sorts of stuff you’d not find at this address]
Q Any shrine?
A No
Q Any chapel?
A No
Q Any meeting rooms?
A No
The prosecutor brings up a picture of the radio studio as evidence
On left is radio equipment, chair, documents
Desk is behind chair
Q What is procedure of search?
A Take pictures of house is necessary before conducting search
Then take picture when everything of interest is found
Everyone volunteered to help with search
[something tells me this was a paid gig, but on the other hand 365 days of criticizing the feds on Free Talk Live is probably is incentive enough, not that I’m unsure about them being paid]
If anyone has a question they ask me if we should take it
Photo shows folder and the folder has “FBI Crypto” on it
Another has “IRS Bullshit” on it
[this is weird, all it could do is bias a jury against a defense and has no value other than to show Ian Freeman dislikes the government, it doesn’t reveal if he paid taxes, but it suggests he was at least doing something in regard to government demands, certainly that isn’t what the government was trying to do with the photo though]
[humorously the photo also shows shire society and signers on it, a rosary, and peace signs hanging on the wall related to the church that is “fake”, but no one mentions these]
Defense cross examines witness
SAR report interviews Renee Spinella & Andrew Spinella
Q Did you link a scammer with Ian Freeman?
A No
Q Don’t scammers often team up with money launders?
A I don’t know
Q Did you know Ian Freeman required ID?
A I didn’t know that
Q How many devices did you try in state that weren’t Ian Freemans?
A Don’t know
Q How many require ID in the state?
A I don’t know
Q How many machines did you look at?
A I only compared Ian Freemans 6 and 1 other non-Ian Freeman machine
I looked on YouTube for how machines worked
[she has no idea how many if any require a fingerprint/ID]
Q You shouldn’t draw generalizations from 1 machine, right?
A I can’t tell you what to do
Q Do you know how long machine was at Murphy’s Taproom?
A No
Q Know of any complaints?
A No
Did not ask owner of bar about issues or complaints
It was not part of my investigation
“Don’t talk to staff sign” is shown
Q Have you seen signs like that before?
A No
Q But only looked at one other machine, right?
A Correct
Q Part of process to buy crypto was to agree to it, right?
A Not really
[apparently terms don’t matter if you don’t have to click an I agree button … so much for the internet full of privacy policies and other terms of service]
Q Sign though says that right?
A Yes
Q Are you able to verify FinCEN letter ever got to email?
A No
Q You were at the search in Keene on site agent?
A Yes
Q Was this a violent search?
A “officer safety”
Q Ian Freeman was non-violent?
A Yea
We know he was not violent
But but “lots of people had weapons”
And and were “coming and going”
Q Were people displaying weapons day of search?
A No
We had several months of footage from cameras focused on the house
Q You were spying on completely innocent people?
A We were checking people
Q Would you have checked my license if I had been there?
A Yes
Q Why was the specific day of search selected?
A Lots of people involved, coordination
Q Asked about shrine, does that mean a building can’t be used as a church?
A Well not that I would recognize
Q Is there something specific that makes it a church?
A No
[wow- so umm it could be a church then????]
Q You heard of radio ministries right?
A Yes
Q Ian filed a form for religious purposes?
A Yes, but it had a PO Box on it
[this is wrong, it had a mailing address similar to a PO box though]
Q How long did the search take?
A The whole day
Q How did you search?
A Used a swat team
“gave opportunity to leave on own”
“they did not exit on own”
Q What time was the search taking place?
A 6AM it was, dark out
Q People are generally still asleep at that hour right?
A Yes
Q Before searching did you do due diligence and know who was coming and going? Did you do a criminal background check on residents?
A On some
Q No record and has right to carry?
A Ian freeman had no felonies
Q Did he have firearm?
A No
Q Matt roach?
A no felonies either
Nobody had criminal record
Q You know who would be there right?
A No
[At 6am??? If this was a 6PM raid, ok, but after 5 year investigation they know exactly who is home at 6AM, maybe she is a liar, or just incompetent, but either way I sure hope this came off right to the jury as one or the other or both]
Q Does the Freeman house have security cameras with the ability to video record?
A Yes
Q Did you know agents tried to destroy his cameras?
A I know they attempted to disable
[they showed video of them intentionally damaging the cameras, not disabling them]
Q What is a bearcat?
A It’s an armored vehicle used by police for tactical purposes
[yea, sourced from the military and designed for the military no thanks to government programs]
Q Is that what is in the video?
A Yes
Q How many people from swat team were there?
A I don’t know
[there were 56 FBI agents there according to the prosecutor from one of the very first hearings]
They play a video of explosives being thrown at window

Q What were tact team equipped with?
A Shields…
Q Looks like automatic weapon, no?
A Yes
[conveniently failing to mention the most obvious stuff from the video]
Q How many agents? 6?
A Yes
Q What did agent rip down?
A That was for officer safety!
I don’t know what that was
[they ripped down a peace sign, but she conveniently won’t admit what it was.. seems to be a pattern here of the government agents not recognizing stuff indicative of a ministry]
Q Any indication that there was any verbal resistance?
A I don’t know
Q Any reports of threats?
A Not that I know of
Video of Mr Nobody is played for court
Q Any firearms or weapons?
A It does not appear in that frame
[what about the other frames??]
Video of Matt coming out of house is played for court
Q What is Matt Roach’s attire?
A He is in a t-shirt and has no shoes on
Q Any resistance from Matt?
A No
Video of Ian coming out is played for court
Q What is Ian Freeman’s attire?
A Sweatshirt
Q Who is with him?
A Dog
[I guess Ian Freeman wasn’t about to let them shoot the dog, he’s holding him in the video as he comes out, certainly to protect him from the police as they like to shoot dogs]
Video of Bonnie coming out is played for court
Q The one you weren’t sure was there?
A Yea
[this women interrogated Bonnie and lied about it on the stand for some reason or other]
Q Does she have anything on feet?
A I can’t see in this frame
[how convenient, she’s avoiding answering the question, Bonnie was barefoot and made to put on shoes with glass in them]
Q Any indication of resistance?
A No
They play a video of an agent attempting to and actually destroying a camera with what was I believe an automatic firearm
Q What is agent doing?
A Disabling camera
Q Is this standard procedure?
A I’m not on swat team so I wouldn’t know
Q Might be that they didn’t want to see people like a jury seeing them do bad stuff?
A We are professionals!
[she acts all shocked!]
[ room laughs hysterically given we’ve all just watched video of them behave unprofessionally and then lie about it, the judge however erupts in anger at the courtroom because of automatic reactions people have when other people say absolutely batshit crazy stuff, at least some of this video including the FBI destroying the camera is posted publicly and available at or on odysee directly at$/embed/FBI-Raids-FTL-2021/beccf363b14222723dde8bad26f18c4ed3a0136b?r=uzeVx1wy6w7bXhFWKiHNnHAiQvPfC7kA ]
Q What is that?
A Bearcat with battering ram
Q People already came out right?
A I wouldn’t know. I don’t know if this was cut.
[I’m not certain if this video is all at, but it probably is and you can tell the order of stuff happening based on the time stamps on the video]
Prosecution now cross cross examines the witness
Q Was this the only search?
A No
Several other sites in state were searched
Q Did any others have swat teams?
A No
[this is interesting given that I’m 99.999% sure that other searches involved folks who owned firearms also which means “officer safety” was nothing more than an excuse to target the person they were really wanting to hurt, ie because Ian Freeman is behind Free Talk Live and Ian Freeman’s show has people on criticizing not just the government but the FBI, IRS, Treasury, and every other government agencies every night for 3 hours 365 days a a year on around 200 radio stations and then other outlets as well ]
Q Why swat this location?
A High power rifles and a full size sword
[what she is calling a sword was Mr Nobody’s gardening tool]
Q Was anyone hurt in this event?
A No
[this is actually incorrect, the victims that the feds were targeting were injured by the feds blowing in of a window and Bonnie or Ian’s girlfriend, now wife received aid after release from federal detainment, and the primary one injured was not involved in cryptocurrency sales or the reason for which they were raiding and no charges or accusations have ever been made about Bonnie during this investigation]
Q Where was the call out?
A It happened
[keep in mind they played the video which showed the FBI pulling up to the house and at no time did they call out unless a flash bang grenade is now what constitutes calling out]
“They just didn’t cooperate”
[it’s a few minutes after 6am so even if they had called out it’s unlikely anyone would have heard it given they were asleep, but I was not and fortunate enough to have good instincts and some forewarning and arrived before anyone inside new the feds were outside about to bust in, and I watched and filmed the whole raid from across the street, and then a block away and can attest to the fact that no “call out” occurred as was required by the warrant given it wasn’t a no-knock issued warrant]
Q Time?
Q Once the residence was secured what happens?
A Swat then leaves
Q What were you wearing?
A Cargo pants traditional pants
[I think what he was trying to demonstrate was just how cold it was outside and what outrageous conditions they made the victims of the raid suffer through, remember one person had no shoes on! It was something in the negatives, I want to say -20 below, but even if it was only freezing it was COLD and people were made to wait outside for a bit]
Q How far is Matt’s bedroom from Ian’s bedroom?
A Not far
A picture of matts room is shown to the court
Q You know what was found in matts room?
A Weapons, firearms
Q Do you see a bunch of weapons?
A Yes
Defense cross examines witness
Q You knew of Matt Roach before the search right?
A Yes
Q You knew he had no criminal record, right?
A Yes
Q You know he had a completely separate room right?
A Yes
Q There was a call out right?
A Yes
Q Do you know that dust or flakes are occurring in the video?
A I don’t know
[it’s a video that clearly shows a flash bang grenade of some kind being thrown at the house and going off]
Q Do you know if a flash bang grenade is a call out?
A No
[is she seriously suggesting she does not know if a flash bang grenade is a call out? If this doesn’t destroy her credibility with the jury there is no hope for a win at this trial]

[ Day 3 continued, as I ran out of time to include the rest of the the original story here it is below ]

New witness called

Name: Kevin Mccusker

FBI agent

Portland main office

2 years with this office

Prior he was with the Boston field office

His was part of the white collar crime squad

Duties included:

Gathering evidence and info and speak to witnesses about violations of federal law

[ I believe this is the defense cross examining below and the prosecutor mostly just asked questions about the guys qualifications above ]

Q Background info before volunteering?

A Yes

Q You aware of warrant

A Yes

Q Role?

A Assisted in search of residence

A photo of the studio is presented as evidence on screen

A crypto photo is shown

Q Did you hear anything?

A No

Q Call out?

A No

Q Flash bang grenade ?

A Don’t recall

Q How far away were you?

A ~1-2 blocks

Q How many total agents?

A “I don’t know”

15-20 maybe

The amount was appropriate based on the size of the search

[56 is the correct number of FBI agents according to the prosecutor from an early hearing, but there were many many more law enforcement agents and others there]

Q What does that window look like?

[This is a window on the Free Talk Live’s Studio of which they were raiding]

A Broken

Q Do you know why?

A No, not specifically

New Witness

Manchester Police Detective

Name: feather ? [it was hard to hear]

Patrol officer

He was on a task force for FBI: state st task force

It focused on drugs and violent crime

Q Sometimes you help other groups?

A Yes

Q Who did you help?

A Katie

Several search warrants

Where: 142 Chestnut Rd, Derry NH

Q Had info?

A Search warrant had minimal information

Photo of house shown on screen [like above]

Q Involved in swat?

A No

Looking for electronic devices

Found 2 phones

New witness

Special agent

Name: Scott Odonell

FBI Bedford residential agency

27 Years with FBI

Helping with search

“general review”

Information on what to seize

659 Marlboro St in Keene





[This is Aria’s house, a co-defendant in the case that took a plea deal]

The government put up a bedroom photo

Explained found cellular telephone on bed

The agent interviewed aria briefly

[ Aria was smart enough to be what they’d call uncooperative, providing no useful information voluntarily for them to use against her ]

New witness


Name: U Kaljita

Brookline police Department, MA

A detective since 2015


Certified forensics examiner

Worked for computer crimes laboratory

Did cell phone and call line analysis

Qualifications included:

12 week course in advanced crime scene analysis

Learned about bitcoin

  1. How to acquire data from difference devices
  2. Continuing education
  3. CCPA self certified basic and advanced forensics analysis

ID and preserve device in field

In lab same role take measures to preserve data

Specialized in general digital forenstics

Most common is cell phone

Examples ~1,000 phones

Certified in tool used with cell phone

Celltrack program used to preserve data and make human readable

Catalogs into pictures videos etc

Produces compressed image (cell brite)

Role: extract, process, review, and examine Ian’s devices

[this was weird, because it seems they are taking Aria’s devices and then saying they are ian’s not really clear]

Exhibit #1

hdd contains three cell brite reports

Did you analyze three devices maintained

Q Is examination similar?

A Yes, of Ians 3 phones examined, photo’d and assigned unique ID

Analyzed in Chelsea, MA

  • no network
  • take sim card out

This is important because people can remotely wipe phones

[wipe is another term for delete the contents of the phones, and thus evidence]

Q Next?

A Notes on devices

Q Then?

A extract data from device with cell brite tool premium

Q How do you know it’s accurate?

A Hash of data file alphanumeric value, like a fingerprint like 15- digits and can be longer but not sure how big

Q How do you use to know you made accurate copy?

A Check the values match

Q Did you check the value of all three devices?

A Yes

Cell brite physical analyzer

At first in digital format

Tool makes 1’s and 0’s human readable

ie pictures, videos, etc

Q Is that what can be searched?

A Yes

Q Is this like on phone?

A No

The government puts up a picture of photo data that has been extracted, or more like meta data, information about the phone

It includes same email as listed in data bitcoinbombshell user

I sent report to case agent

Q Do you get everything?

A Not always

We make a bit for bit copy

Q Can you get deleted data?

A Sometimes

I may have remnants of data but not all data

[ this is how people get convicted of murder when they didn’t actually murder anyone, those remnants of data may be “How to kill” but not include “mocking bird”, the one makes you think they searched for how to kill someone and if combined with the later just looking up a classic book ]

New witness

Chris Rietman

Q PA to NH? Why?

A It was more expensive to live in PA than NH, loss of rights

Q Why NH?

A I looked around country and found NH

Q Why NH?

[Notice the prosecutor here is trying to force him to say he’s a free stater because there are folks on the jury who indicated that they hate free staters yet still are on the jury]

A It’s the live free or die state


I’m not a free stater

Small L libertarian

A persons rights need to be respected

As long as you are not infringing on anothers rights you should be free to do what you like

Q Why Alstead?

A High speed internet and not too far out and affordable

Southwest NH fit the bill better than other locations

Q Did you meet Ian Freeman?

A Yes, when we moved

It was suggested we attend a meetup with a bunch of people

Q Is he your friend?

A Yes

Q Met a few times?

A Yes

Q You testify via agreement with government?

A Yes, for $40

[this was hilarious, the government was paying him to testify, hmm might bias him in favor of what the government wants him to say]

Q What have you been doing in NH?

  • PC [repair?] work
  • Routers to avoid government survailance
  • Start business
  • Route 101 goods llc
  • Mighty Moose Mart

Q Who owns building?

A Rented from Shire Free Church Holding LLC

Q Tenent?

A Ian Freeman

Are you a member ?

No one has told me they are members of the Shire Free Church, but Ian is

Q You paid rent?

A Yes- gave deal on rent when starting business

Q Direction of chruch for crypto church of new hampshire

A Yes [I think]

Q Do you know religious principle?

A No

Q Have you been to a service?

A No

Q Did it stay 101 good till today?

A No

Q Why closed?

A People don’t buy gifts often

Changed to convenience store

Q Arrangement changed?

A Ian invested in business, yes, no rent if we kept space for Bitcoin embassy.

[this is actually an incorrect understanding of what the situation was… as a part owner in the business here I can attest to the fact that the convenience store rented a portion of the building from the shire free church, but as the shire free church was investing in the business too it provided the space at no charge… though this could have changed with some future negotiation once the business was off the ground potentially]

Q Was there a vending machine prior?

A Yes

Q Who was the owner?

A I don’t know, Ian operated it

Q Were you happy to have it on when you took over?

A Yes

Q Why do you like bitcoin?

A Not subject to whims of banks and politics, the dollar lost 98% of its value

Q Did you know bitcoin was pseudo anonymous?

A Yes, there is no name associated, it just works

No law can change bitcoin, it doesn’t care

Q Did you have keys to the machine?

A No, originally no

Q Do you know how it works?

A In general yes

Q Did you make video?

A No

Q Are you in video?

A Yes

[you can watch the video they played in court yourself here: ]

They have terms of service of the vending machine blown up and on screen to read

Part of it said:

~”our staff don’t need to know what you use them for”

Q Video about dash?

A Yes

Q What did QR provide?

A It was to wallet

Q Did they have to ID?

A No

Q Is that how it worked?

A Yea, thats how it worked

had two keys and one let you in machine

Q What did machine charge?

A It charged no more than 14%, but it was based on market rates and changed over time, 8-14%

2017 or 2018 maybe

Q Neither had ID?

A No, it was not enabled

Q What was your role?

A I helped with machines if people had questions

Q Did you get compensation?

A I don’t remember, but most value was bringing people into the store

[I think he’s referring to when it was 101 goods here as I don’t think the Mighty Moose Mart business received anything from the machine, as that was entirely separate, something I made sure of before investing in the Mighty Moose Mart business]

I follow the principle in life I don’t need to know what you do with your money

Up to $5,000 limit

Q Did you talk to people putting money into machines?

A Yes

I did not what to know that people investing and certainly not if they doing something criminal

Q Could you do serial transactions?

A I suppose, but I never saw anyone do that

If something was troubling we would ask people to leave

A man who owned a small business for example said that they were ~”going to cut off power and I need to pay in bitcoin”

I told him it was a scam

In another incident a women came in with lots of cash to buy bitcoin

Women would get money from someone for auto parts

If we suspect scam we would stop it

Q Did you see mostly older people?

A No, all ages

High school kids all the way up to elderly

Occasionally we had family member buy bitcoin

love of life once and romance scam

Q Did you talk to Ian to do anything to stop it?

A No

Q Did you do anything?

A Yes, I made a sign to warn people of common scams

A photo with a sign saying Bitcoin Scam Warning is shown as evidence

Q But no change in functionality of machine?

A No

Q You said you had interest in bitcoin?

A Yes

Q Did you have an idea for bitcoin?

A Yes, I had idea to put bitcoin machines in airports

Q Did you decide your machines would have KYC/ be registered?

A Yes, a minimum of KYC

Q Did Ian see it?

A Yes

Q Did he have an interest?

A Yes, “no, not for me” he said

[this is hearsay, but I’m sure also true]

Q Did he ever talk to you about other machines?

A Yes, 3-4

Q Did you know he had other methods for trading Bitcoin?

A Selling bitcoin yes

[note how chris does not say trading bitcoin, he says yes to selling bitcoin]

Not know anything about it other than

Q Did he ask you to do any of this?

A I was frustrated with td bank at the time

I told him I would shut down my account

He asked if he could use it to I guess sell bitcoin

Q Did you sign agreement?

A Yes

Shows the agreement to assist shire bitcoin outreach operation 2017 on screen

Q Did ian pay you from time to time?

A Yes

ian admin

chris: assistant

Q Do you know who wrote the agreement?

A No

Agreement has to turn over account for exchange outreach


bitcoin undermines state going to war

20% pd to assistant

chris says made $100-1500 in early days / month

Q How were you paid?

A pd by check, cash app, or similar

Q Did you sign td bank [blank] checks and hand to freeman?

A Yes

Q Did you have to deal with account issues from time to time?

A Yes

Usually when my account was being scammed and people would claim deposit in wrong account and bank would give scammer money back

I would talk to teller sometimes

Q Did you ever talk to customer of freemans business?

A No

Q Did you open bitcoin account for exchange for freeman?

A No, not worth the time, too much paperwork

Q Did you open a 2nd bank account?

A Yes, Bank of america

Q Did you intend to use for 101 local goods?

A I intended to provide freeman access

[I believe they have put up a bank statement document on screen of which chris is referencing to give these answer ]

Q How much money?

A $787,300.63 in 1 month

Q Is counter credit cash?

A I guess

Q $185,000 huffman 4 transactions

Schmit $65,000

Said it was wire for orphanage

outgoing wires all say to ian freeman

and checks too

Q Not made to shire free church right?

A Yes

[Yea, except that doesn’t mean it wasn’t for the shire free church, you can write your legal name or the name of your business and BOTH are acceptable to the bank]

Q Did you want to stop?

A Yes, banks were getting irritable by cash deposits, and it took too much of my time

They show a document on screen as evidence that says it’s a termination agreement


It includes a $6,000 severance

Resignation from crypto churhc

The defense now cross examines Chris Rietman

Q you were involved in it for quite a while?

A Yes

Q Why did you gravitate to it?

A It was money not controlled by banks and governments

Q Good arrangement for you?

A Yes, 101 local goods was not doing well and this supplemented the income for the business

Q Is Ian a good guy?

A Yea

Q Kept agreements?

A Yes

Q Did he ever indicate he operated a money laundering service or worked with scammers?

A No

Q What did he express?

A He expressed gratitude someone was using bitcoin for good, to build orphanages overseas

Q Did he encourage you to prey on old ladies?

A No

Q What did scam warning sign say?

A Bitcoin Scam Alert

it included information on common scams like romance scams and utility bill scams

It was in a public space where people would see it

Q Why was it called a vending machine?

A The term vending machine means one way, it’s not connected to the banks

A vending machine is something you put money into and get something of value out of

Q Who owned it?

A Ian or the the shire free church

Q Product sold was by church, someone else?

A Yes

It did not go out to third party, it was sending it’s own product to individuals, yes

[this is super important, because if it had sold someone elses bitcoin it would be an exchange and not a vending machine and an exchange would be regulated under money transmission laws]

Q The terms of service said “you must use a QR code from wallet you control”, Why?

A he does not want third party involved in transaction

Another term was “Don’t need to know you want them”

Q Did anyone explain why they wanted anything at 101 local goods?

A No, no where they got there money from

Q What were the demographics of people using the machine?

A They were all over the place

Q It wasn’t a hang out for some particular demographic?

A Right

Q Did freeman ever say to let people be scammed?

A Ian was like we shouldn’t care what people do with there own money

Q Was anyone concerned with fees?

A Yes

But the machines were charging about market rate

[I’d say they were below market rate during much of their operating life, though got more expensive as the government cause the cost of running things to go up, but still were well within market rate!!!]

[ An interesting thing occurred at this point that we noticed… there was a change in courtroom procedure because the public wasn’t standing for the judge, but we were standing for the jurors, and thus the judge is now walking in after the jurors whereas before he was walking in sitting down, and then having the jurors come in, the public was showing respect for the juror, but not the judge ]

chris rietman defense cross examination


Q Lack of ID you agree right?

A Yes

Q Did anyone like that?

A Yes, it was nice for a $20 purchase

All people felt they should not have to ID just to buy something

fees were variable

I often asked % they were

I always expected the price to be higher


Q you kept account open?

A Yes

Q That account actually making 101 money, right?

A Yes

[ This is an important point the defense lawyer is making, while Ian was using those checks, this activity was bringing in money for 101 goods, so it was part of 101 goods business ]

Q How much did it make route 101 goods?

A I don’t recall, but we never retired

Maybe $1000-2000 / month

Q Same with other account?

A Yes

It was keeping our business alive

Q Ian was a pretty good landlord right?

A Yes

Ian was always willing to work with us during hard times

Q Good landlord then?

A Yes

Q good guy to be in business with?

A Yes

Q Good friend?

A Yes

Prosecutor asks some more questions of chris

Q You opened 101 local goods?

A Yes

Q You didn’t tell the bank the real reason for the account?

A They never asked

sometime would ask why open account and I’d explain we are a consignment shope

Q You could not stand by machine 24/7, right?

A Right

Q When open it could have taken ID?

A No

Because not enabled

Q Airport business would be vending business?

A yes

Q You said you would register with FinCEN?

If I got to a level I would be a money transmitter

two-way is why I’d need to register

The vending at 101 local goods store was not tied to exchanges, but in my idea it would connect to exchanges

This is why I’d have to register with FinCEN whereas the 101 local goods store vending machine operated by Ian did not have to register

Q What were fees?

A 5% up to 10% depending on a lot of factors

But always would have to be something

Q How much you made total?

A No idea

$6,000 was most we ever got

Defense asks more questions

Q Car scam would it be stopped if you showed license? Would it stop scam?

Prosecutor asks more questions

Q Id won’t stop illegal transaction?

A No

Q Drug dealer would think twice if ID?

A No, but I would have stopped them


Q Could ID stop some transactions though?

A Yes, some possibly

Next up for testifying is Colleene Fordham

61 years old

What does she do? Works at Mighty Moose Mart

Owner: Ian Freeman

Moved ~8 years ago from PA

Worked previously for delta insurance

Q Do you share same libertarian views as husband?

A Yes, but not as strongly

Q You were charged with money laundering and wire fraud and had an agreement to testify?

A yes

[ note: she didn’t take a plea deal, they dropped the charges, and the testify agreement was separate agreement not to bring other unrelated charges whether or not they were likely ]

Q How did 101 get started?

A Worked for thrift store in same location and got a brainy idea to start a craft store

Q Why was the store not successful?

A No, not really, not many people buy gifts often

Q Shire Free Church associated with Ian?

A Yes

Q His responsibility for machine?

A Ian came in and removed cash

Q Any responsibility?

A No

Q Anyone tell you why they used the machine?

A Yes

Q Who made the sign?

A Ian or Chris

Q Who used it?

A All types

Q Was ID Required?

A No

Q Did you find out about online selling?

A yes

Q Did you get asked to help?

A Yes, open bank accounts

Q You have agreement with freeman?

A Yes

Q How many accounts?

A 3

Q Did you sign blank checks to freeman?

A Yes

Q You have to deal with account issues?

A Yes

Q Happen often?

A No, but stressful because I didn’t deal with customers

They present a letter from an investigator for service credit union on screen

Q Why stressful ?

A Because I didn’t not how to handle it

“I sell rare coins like gold and silver”

Mr freeman wrote email

Q Happen often?

A No, 2 times

2018 letter goldbacks

Email to bank shown on screen proves ian did not hide bitcoin sales from banks as it explains what happens and who colleene and shire free church are.

Defense cross examines colleene fordham

Q You made a deal with government right?

A Yes, money laundering and wire fraud

Q Did you consider yourself as someone involved with money laundering or co-conspiring with one?

A No

Q Any agreement to launder money?

A No

Q Freeman on church own building?

A Yes

Q Good person to do business with?

A Yes

He is not capable of doing the sorts of things he is accused of

Q He never expressed interest in scams?

A No

Q Freeman didn’t oversea machine did right?

A Yea

Q What were the age groups that used the machine?

A 20s to 70s

Q No specific demographic?

A No

Q He would not have known if something was shady?

A No

Q Did law enforcement ever ask about the machines?

A No

Q Do cops come in?

A Yes

Q Just right there right?

A You couldn’t miss it

[Note: the fbi actually missed the machines because they were too stupid to realize that the bitcoin vending machine was in the bitcoin embassy and even raided the wrong location, they raided the mighty moose mart convience store, stole a safe, a point of sale machine, and 15 minutes later realized their mistake and returned the items ]

Q There has always been a machine in the building?

A Yes, since I’ve been there

Q you were getting something?

A Yes

Q Did he ask you to lie to banks?

A No, he discouraged it MAJORLY

Q He’s not hiding? He is writing letter right?

A Correct

Letter says “church mission is selling bitcoin online”

“We ID to stop fraud”

[Note: the letter related to online selling of bitcoin by the church, not the vending machines, as other methods were used to stop scams there, ie scam warning sign]

Q Ian is taking it upon himself to explain whats going on with the scam?

A Right

Q He is saying clearly that it is him involved in the trade right?

A Yes

Q He is not hiding the fact he is selling bitcoin to a bank investigator, right?

A Right

[this is important because the government is claiming he is misleading the banks when it fact he does tell the banks how the shire free church operates, who colleene fordham is and her relationship to the church’s operating, what bitcoin is, using the term bitcoin, etc]

Q He is giving a lot of info to the bank rep right?

A Yea

Q Still a convenience store?

A Yes

Q Is Ian still treating you fairly?

A Yes

[the prosecutors own evidence shows ian is innocent]

Prosecutor asks questions now

Q not gold and silver coins, right?

A No

[the letter says like rare coins like gold and silver, not that the thing being sold were traditional coins and bitcoin is often compared to gold and silver, it’s like it in its value, in that it is a result of being rare]

Q Not true right?

A No

[Colleene Fordham is not a technical person, she barely has a crypto wallet, and what she had hadn’t been utilized ~4 years, she doesn’t understand the question here very well]

Cross examination by the defense now:

Q Bitcoin has the word coin in it right?

A Yes

Q It’s rare, right?


[She gets it now! Yes- bitcoin is rare coin, just not the type she was understanding or thinking]

Day 3 is over!


Quick Thought – And Over At the GOP Rotary/Roundabout…

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 02:30 +0000

Is it a rotary or the transplanted “roundabout?” Whichever there’s one at the headquarter of the GOP.



And we wonder why, we, in the base, can’t figure out which way the Party is going.  And not doing as well in elections as the GOP should be?

Just a thought.  So, which one of these lights “belongs” to you?

Frankly, it’s time for a couple of hacksaws, methinks.


The post Quick Thought – And Over At the GOP Rotary/Roundabout… appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Culture War: A Moment of Sanity in Maine

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-12-09 01:00 +0000

A Maine School Board had its toes on the ledge. They were going to vote on a policy to allow teachers and coaches to hide a student’s mental health issues from parents. But the board “transitioned away” and put the new policy on hold after parents made a stand.


The Oxford Hills School Board voted unanimously Tuesday night to indefinitely postpone the adoption of a controversial policy that would require school employees to keep details of students’ mental health secret from parents.

Under the proposed policy, a student experiencing gender dysphoria or gender confusion could ask a school employee to withhold that information from parents, and the school employee would be required to comply.

The proposed policy would also require school staff to coach students on how to avoid changing official records in a way that might allow parents to discover that the student is struggling with gender dysphoria or gender confusion.


One of the towns in this district has successfully petitioned for a recall election of the two board members believed to be behind the policy. #Wokeistan culture warriors tried to stop the recall election but failed. And now the board has tabled the policy pending forever and, at the very least, the outcome of the recall election.

This, of course, got me thinking. If a school can issue a gag order based on gender status under the umbrella of mental health, then are they admitting gender dysphoria is a mental health issue? And what, then, isn’t a mental health issue? There’s nothing to stop a school from locking down everything about a student’s education with the potential for psychological trauma.

Parents would lose the right to know anything about what happens in the government school, which should have everyone scratching their heads.

Schools already go out of their way – when possible – to hide sexual relationships between students and teachers, including actual sexual assaults. The teacher’s unions will fight wing and claw to keep a lid on any rumors or accusations. Administrators have been known to intimidate other students into keeping quiet, and school boards are not innocent either.

If anything, School Boards and Superintendents should be enlarging the magnifying glass and shining bigger flashlights. These aren’t just someone else’s kids. They are children (of all ages) being directed by an institution whose entire existence is at the expense of parents and other taxpayers.

It’s crazy town, and that crazy is probably in your town, so it is in your best interests to get involved and find out. You might arrive just in time to usher in a moment of sanity in your corner of America, or you may discover you have some things to undo. Either way, you’ll have work ahead of you, and someone has to do it.


HT | The Maine Wire

The post Culture War: A Moment of Sanity in Maine appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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