The Manchester Free Press

Monday • May 13 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XX

Manchester, N.H.

The Morning Mail – March 5th, 2023

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-03-05 11:30 +0000

On March 5th, 1770, British soldiers killed five men in a crowd on King St., in Boston, that were throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks at them. African American Crispus Attucks was the first to die, an early black martyr in the American Revolution.

We call it the Boston Massacre.

In 1946 Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech in Fulton, Missouri popularized the term and drew attention to the division of Europe.

And on March 5, 1971 Led Zeppelin played “Stairway to Heaven” live -for the first time – at Ulster Hall, Belfast.

March 5th is also national cheese doodle day and potty dance day if you can work those two together. Wear an ak-kalpak is a Kyrgyzstan cap if you have one handy, and bring your invisible friends. It is also Kyrgyzstan National Hat Day and multiple personality disorder day.

Today also celebrates absinth, Cinco de Marcho (I’m not kidding), namesakes, and St Piran, the patron saint of tin miners.

The Morning Mail



CNN Suffers Lowest Ratings In A Decade In Key Demo – Truth Press


  • Among all the proposed detoxification agents (for mRNA, this holds the greatest promise… – Dr. Peter A. McCullough
  • Could future computers run on human brain cells? – Hub
  • Peer-reviewed scientific literature: “The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous” – Steve Kirsch
  • Are We Medicating Millions of ADHD Children without Scientific Justification? – Dr. Robert Malone


  • California Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Fine Businesses That Use Certain Paper Receipts – Daily Wire
  • ICE and the Secret Service Conducted Illegal Surveillance of Cell Phones – EFF
  • Florida bill would require bloggers who write about governor to register with the state – WFLA
  • This AI Knows Who You Are and Who All Your Friends Are (And Is Telling the IRS) – PJMedia
  • Biden admin makes stunning admission on climate agenda in leaked internal memo – Fox


    • Mississippi passes bill restricting electric car dealerships – AP News
    • Georgia’s SoS Opens investigation into “financial irregularities” at Stacy Abrams’ voting-rights charity – Free Beacon
    • Rhode Island Teacher’s Union Brought a lawsuit against the Mom for requesting a copy of the class curriculum – Twitter
    • Portland, Oregon Walmart is closing all remaining stores due to the rise of theft – Liberty One News


      • ‘Scary Poppins’ Nina Jankowicz Is Crowdfunding to Sue Fox News – Red State
      • TikTok Butterball: ‘You’re Being a Racist When You Start Promoting Weight Loss’ – PJ Media
      • NYT  – Equestrian helmets are racist – PJ Media


Steve Bannon’s Fiery CPAC Speech


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The Morning Mail is a selection of content emailed to me by readers, unsolicited newsletters, and other miscellaneous sources. It is content that I find of interest but lack the time to fisk properly. 

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas: Dear Alien Overlords

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-03-05 02:30 +0000

Dear Alien Overlords,

Let me be the first to congratulate you on achieving intergalactic space travel!  You guys (gals?) must be very excited.  I can only imagine how gigantic the solar panels on your super high-end ultra-efficient alien spacecraft must be.  I can’t wait to see it! 

Please tell me you’ll be giving rides.

I’m sure you were all incredibly eager to find another planet with intelligent life on it.  Which brings me to what do you consider “intelligent”?  I hate to disappoint, but your idea of intelligence is probably quite different than what you will find here on Earth.  Maybe fifty or so years ago we would have been worth the trip. However, SAT scores have plummeted, leaving our current generation still struggling to calculate two plus two (most of us know it’s four but many of these young idiots think it’s five – seriously).  It’s a shame you came all this way and spent all those light years just to find out we’re no longer the cat’s meow.  I don’t know what it’s like on your planet but we humans go through cycles, you see.  It’s just bad timing.  I’m sure in a couple millennia we’ll be right back on top, behind you gals (guys?) of course.

Now I understand you don’t want to give up that easily, as overlords, why would you?  I can imagine we have all kinds of appeal as slave labor. However, you are not going to find very many people willing to show up for slavery.  We can’t even get them to work at McDonald’s for $18/hour, so I’m not sure how you’re going to get them to bother at whatever you’re planning to not pay them to do.  At least here in America, that is, also, try not to use the word slave.  Americans are very sensitive to that.  The preferred nomenclature is “colonized laborer”.

We still have lots of slaves, though.  In fact, we currently have the most in all of Earth’s history.  Mostly for sex – please don’t ask me to explain.  If you really need slaves, I suggest you head on over to North Korea and see if you can’t work a deal with their head honcho Kim, who, despite the name and appearance, is a man.  He has plenty of slave labor; just ask the Chinese, who also would likely be willing to loan you out a couple thousand, maybe even a few million, slaves.  If not, I suggest you try the Middle East or Africa. Very reasonably priced slaves to be found there.

You’re also probably going to hear a lot about “climate change” and get some mean looks from people for flying around in your craft as if you’re adding to the problem.  Don’t worry; you’re not.  As I’m sure is the case on your planet the climate changing is nothing new, in fact a climate changing is its central characteristic.  You have to understand, despite what you might have heard around the galaxy about “evolution” on our planet we have managed to get dumber and weaker as a race, which explains how we come up with things to be unrealistically terrified about, like climate change.   We’re also scared of cars, insults, balloons, each other, our feelings, being alone, face-to-face conversations, responsibilities, babies, telling the truth, Republicans, Democrats, and a guy named Donald Trump.  It’s quite embarrassing, really.

This brings me to my next point…you will notice there’s a large number of younger humans who have difficulty identifying as either male or female.  We also have men who want to be women and women who want to be men, and a whole other group who don’t even know what a woman is.  No, really, they can’t even answer that basic question.  This is what’s known as a mental health crisis, and we’re still waiting for it to pass.  They’re big on flags and pronouns (I’d explain, but you don’t have the time, not even in light years).  We ask that you just play along so as not to hurt their feelings. They may have failed biology and English, but they are incredibly in touch with their feelings, so, please be considerate.

Speaking of weirdos, we have a group of people who are serious control freaks.  I mean LOVE it.  In fact, they have nothing better to do than makeup scenarios like, get this, faking an alien invasion so they can incorporate a one-world government.  The chances of you guys showing up at the same time they want to do this is like once in a blue beam!  Talk about awful timing on your part.

Before you go we do have a group of people who very seriously feel like they are able to run the galaxy.  Lucky you they are all together in Dubai (also the Middle East) right now at the World Government Summit this very week!  What…are…the…odds of that, right!?!  These folks are some real self-starters who are very ambitious and would be an asset wherever they go.  They are deeply concerned we have too many people on this planet, and, as far as they are concerned, the rest of us agree.  So, on behalf of my fellow Earthlings, we would like to offer them as a lovely parting gift for taking so much of your time to come all this way.  Seriously, feel free to take as many as you’d like.  Especially ask for Klaus and Bill.  Klaus comes with, as the kids like to say, a totally lit intergalactic wardrobe, so he will fight right in.  Bill is big on viruses so don’t be surprised if he tries to vaccinate your entire crew.  He means well.

Also, you’re probably wondering who Brandon is.  He’s a joke in every sense of the word, so don’t waste your time.

In conclusion, it’s been lovely having you stop by, and we’re sorry we weren’t more hospitable however we have quite a few in-house issues we’re working out.  If you want to circle back around in a few millennia, I’m sure we’ll have had it sorted by then, and if you’re ever in Vermont, please do look me up, and we’ll find a nice diner for some flap jacks and real maple syrup, not that crap you guys (gals?) are being served on other planets.

Til next time,

John K. Bananas

(P.S. Maybe you can settle this before you go: Pluto, planet, or no?)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Now Look at Colleges Tracking Students’ Behavior …aka…Biases

Granite Grok - Sun, 2023-03-05 01:00 +0000

The College Fix reported on how colleges are now tracking the behavior of college students in “Meet the software company tracking students’ behavior.”  In the past, schools kept records on student behavior, but that information was kept private. 

The introduction of software and the removal of student privacy protections in the federal student privacy law, has opened up private data sharing. Software companies may include a privacy statement, but anyone who reads it can see that personal data is not protected.

How did this happen?

During the Obama administration, The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) law was weakened.


{FERPA} was a strong privacy law when originally enacted by Congress in 1974. It forbid any educational agency, institution or school from disclosing personally identifiable information (PII) from a student’s educational records to any non-school official — even other governmental agencies — without parental notification or consent.
But in 2008 and again in 2011, FERPA was radically revised by the US Department of Education – without any vote or authorization from Congress.

In 2008, the regulations were rewritten to allow states, districts and/or schools to share PII data from student records without parental notice or consent with any third party or company designated as a “school official,” including “contractors, consultants, volunteers, and other parties to whom an educational agency or institution has outsourced institutional services or functions it would otherwise use employees to perform.”

Then, in 2011, the regulations were revised to allow for the disclosure of PII, without parent consent, with organizations for the purpose of conducting conduct studies or audits of the effectiveness of an education program, allowing non-governmental actors to be defined as “authorized representatives” so they could access to student personal data. Previously, “authorized representatives” were entities over which educational authorities had “direct control,” such as an employee or a contractor. Now, an authorized representative could be nearly any individual or organization to whom an education agency wanted to assign that term.

When your child’s personal information is collected by the school district, software company or even another level of government, you may never know.

Is this ethical? In many instances the answer is NO. For instance, the sharing of your child’s health or mental health records require informed consent. But with this loophole in place, mental health PII is now being shared without informed consent. Some of this may be legal, but it is certainly not ethical. Just wait for the school based health clinics in the schools!

How will this technology impact college students? How many college students know how or where their PII is going?

With Maxient software, colleges have the capacity to track a student’s discipline records and academic integrity.” But as you can see from this report, the colleges and software company have the ability to collect a college student’s “biases” too.

According to the company website, Maxient receives 7,000 reports daily from client schools, which “range from small private liberal arts colleges to the nation’s largest public institutions.”

One process that may be facilitated by the software is bias reporting systems, which nearly 500 higher ed institutions in the U.S. have introduced over the past eight to 10 years to address student behavior perceived as “bias.”

“We usually help schools implement the software to their intended uses when we begin working with them, so over the years we’ve certainly had some (indication) they’ll be using it for ‘bias incidents,’” Watson told The Fix, adding that the term itself could vary in meaning depending on the school.

“But most schools end up expanding the different types of records and processes they manage in their software over time, and Maxient staff are not usually informed about that or kept up to date,” he added.

Determining how long to keep records — and when and whether to delete them — belongs to the client schools, according to Watson.

What do college students think about political subjects like climate, gender or race?  What biases do they have? 

Maxient was also cited in a Feb. 23 Wall Street Journal article headlined “Stanford Faculty Say Anonymous Student Bias Reports Threaten Free Speech.”

And a Feb. 20 op-ed in the Washington Times by Richard Rahn, chairman of the Institute for Global Economic Growth, wrote that “Maxient brags about having a national repository that receives about 7,000 tattletale reports a day from 1,300 client institutions. (Remember Lenin’s old quip: ‘The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.’)”

“Students are often unaware that negative reports have been filed on them, and constitutional due process protections are ignored at many colleges,” he added. “A negative report, even one based on false information, can result in a student losing a scholarship or even being expelled — negatively affecting the rest of his or her life.”

One can certainly see how this technology is delving into our personal beliefs, values and behaviors. Until the FERPA loophole is closed, this kind of data mining and collection will continue.   Whenever possible, parents and students should reject this kind of data collection.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trump’s Achilles Heel

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-03-04 23:30 +0000

What kryptonite is to Superman … COVID is to Trump. It stems from Trump’s inability … well, maybe not inability, but extreme intransigence … to admit he made a mistake. And he made a YUGE mistake in giving the keys to the car to Fauci and not taking those keys away when it became apparent that the “models” were total B.S.. The more the primary is about COVID … the better it is for DeSantis.

To the commentators … pointing out that Trump has an Achilles heel (actually I believe that he has several) is neither an endorsement of DeSantis nor is it saying that DeSantis does NOT have his own vulnerabilities. That is, the scope of this post is narrow … who was better on COVID, which is just one of may issues. I want to see Trump and DeSantis battle it out in the primaries … STEEL SHARPENS STEEL … and then I’ll pick which man to vote for … even though I do sincerely believe that it will be virtually impossible for anyone to beat Biden because elections are now ballot-harvesting contests, not actual elections.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Rebuttal by NH Convention Of States to CNHT.Org letter of Feb 28th

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-03-04 22:00 +0000

It is with great sadness I read your unbalanced commentary and misrepresentation of the facts on HCR1 in your Feb 26 article. (GOOD NEWS HCR1 defeated by Brave #22 Republicans ).

So now, what are you calling the 148 Republicans and 9 Democrats that support the OTP vote?

1st. HCR1 calls for a Convention of the States – “ Is NOT a Constitutional Convention (very different process and rules). It passed out of committee 13-5 in a very bipartisan fashion.

2nd. NH Convention of States Action is a grassroots, volunteer organization, no lobbyist; no one is paid here. Mr. Ferris, who spoke to educate the body on Article V, is one of the founders of the Convention of States.

3rd.Civics 101: We are not associated – as you claim – with any strategy or tactic to change, highjack, or implement three new constitutions. Tread lightly here now and in the future when making such outlandish claims. Nothing can happen outside the ratification process.

NH would have been the 20th state out of 34 required to come together under Article V of the Constitution – to simply make and discuss the following proposals- on the federal government under this petition. Fiscal responsibility, term limits, return to federalism – states’ rights. This proposal has strong national support, with over 68% of the voting population.
Ratification requires all but 13 states to stop any proposed amendment. There simply can be NO RUNWAY. Article V is an American Solution – Not a republican or democrat one!

Sadly I hoped you would have been more careful in your writing and allowed for a chance to educate. “Unfortunately, Fear & Ignorance of civics” prevailed on Feb 23 with your help!

State Republican or Democrat party nor your taxpayer coalition in NH has not put forth any solutions for the 34 Trillion debt or any of the other issues which will eventually lead to a loss of our children’s liberty and sovereignty. ( #34 Trillion = $1 dollar bill laid end to end… equals 8 round trips from the earth to the sun – “ Let that sink in”)

Please contact me so perhaps we can share a coffee – so I can help you understand more clearly what is at stake.


Al Brandano
NH State Director

Convention Of States Action.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If We Use The Democrat Rules … It is Long Past Time to Cancel The Democrat Party

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-03-04 20:30 +0000

Using rules against political opponents is precisely the antics Saul Alinsky loved. Make them live up to their own book of rules. Dems try to do it all the time, but a Republican State Senator in Florida just that idea to a whole new level.


For years now, leftist activists have been trying to ‘cancel’ people and companies for things they have said or done in the past,” he said in a statement. “This includes the removal of statues and memorials and the renaming of buildings. Using this standard, it would be hypocritical not to cancel the Democrat Party itself for the same reason.”

Democrats were the party of slavery, Jim Crowe, the Ku Klux Klan, and they openly opposed civil rights legislation for years. Talk about a monument to racism and oppression that need to be toppled.

SB 1248, “The Ultimate Cancel Act,” would effectively cancel the Democrat party, what Chris Queen at PJ Media says might be “the greatest political trolling job ever.”

Democrats have reliably lost their minds, ranting about Democracy and pointing to anything they can claim makes Republicans look like fascists. It is a popcorn-worthy double feature. A tarp Democrats could not help but leap into head first.

If it is unreasonable, undemocratic, or even un-American (fascist, irresponsible, meanspirited, whatever…) to cancel something whose history is so integrated with chattel slavery, doesn’t that invalidate every other argument for canceling the rest of it?

There is no monument to that oppression greater than the Democrat party. If it wants to argue that it cannot be held responsible for its past mistakes, then reparations are dead.

You can’t punish people who never had slaves to reward people who never were slaves if Democrats can’t be canceled for their party’s past support for slavery.

Critical Race Theory has no legs. The 1619 project is political masturbation. And systemic white supremacy and white culture narratives are angry misguided children robbed of life by their own creators.

The statues must go back, the building’s names returned, and the confederate flag restored.

None of that will happen, and no one should expect it, but SB1248 has laid the Left bare and trapped them in their hypocrisy.

If Democrats or their party are not a trigger for slavery and racism, nothing is.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

LETS Barter – April 1

RiseUpNH - Sat, 2023-03-04 19:32 +0000
Saturday, April 1, 2023 – 10:30am to 1pm The Village Church 121 Cobble Hill Road – Swanzey, NH COST: Donation With the “Great Reset” coming, let’s learn to barter.   Space is limited, pre-registration is required! Please RSVP right away to Elena: LETS is a useful way to barter between members of a group. […]
Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Do Democrats So Love Pornography in The Public Schools?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-03-04 19:00 +0000

Leftists complain about the “banning” (“like the National Socialists (Nazis) in the 1930s”) of books and expressions that never should have been in schools in the first place.

First, leftists object to removing sexually explicit, pornographic books from schools.

When did providing pornography to children become acceptable?  Parents didn’t demand that schools provide pornography to their children.  Society never debated and decided that providing pornography to young children provides a public benefit.

No sane person expected that school personnel would be so irresponsible as to surreptitiously bring immoral and potentially harmful pornographic materials into schools.

Second, leftists complain about the NH law outlawing discrimination in our schools (see the explanation).  Since discrimination was outlawed nationally about 50 years ago, no one expected that children would be discriminated against in school.

New Hampshire’s law doesn’t prohibit, as falsely alleged, teaching history, civics, or anything else.  All subjects can be taught without discriminating against or assigning blame or victimhood to today’s children for the sins of others.

Republicans certainly want a clear factual presentation of history including the Democrat Party’s horrible racist history and current oppression of black people.  Slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow Laws, and today’s refusal to provide decent schools and safe neighborhoods that provide economic opportunities are all oppression of blacks done by Democrats.

Why do leftists demand to be able to discriminate against children?  Perhaps to brainwash children into accepting the blame for Democrats’ evil racist actions.

Decent people who care about children wouldn’t allow pornography or discrimination in our schools, so there shouldn’t need to be laws against them.  When you hear people complaining about these laws/restrictions, you know who cares more about something other than what is best for America’s, and perhaps your, children.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Choo Choo Pete Buttigieg’s Gay Mayor Buddy Arrested on 56 Counts Related To Child Porn…

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-03-04 17:30 +0000

Choo Choo Pete Buttigieg just got rear-ended in another scandal. Not his, directly, but by association. College Park, MD, mayor Patrick Wojahn was just arrested on dozens of child porn charges. Buttigieg is alleged to have been something of a mayoral mentor.


The mayor of College Park, Maryland, was arrested Thursday on charges of possessing and distributing child pornography, according to authorities. The mayor has resigned from his position.

Prince George’s County Police charged Patrick Wojahn, 47, with 40 counts of possessions of child exploitative material and 16 counts of distribution of child exploitative material.

This keeps happening to prominent gay Democrats, which will elicit a manifold of responses from others to that fact. But these are the same people defending the right to expose children to gay porn in grammar school. Varying factions in the Democrat party and on the political left are working overtime to normalize adult sex with minors.

Major Dem donor Terry Bean was arrested multiple times for sex with minors, but he was rich and just paid his way out of jail.

But hey, all that LGBT agenda crap in the public schools..that’s not grooming.

Except it is.

And it needs to stop.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Explains Everything …

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-03-04 16:00 +0000

Donald J. Trump will go down in history as the last Republican elected President of the United States … because NeverTrump and the GOP used COVID as a pretext to rig elections through among other means ballot-harvesting … and as a result States like Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin no longer hold actual elections … they hold ballot-harvesting competitions.

And even if somehow the GOP candidate despite the interference of the Deep State, the bias and censorship of regime-media and Big Tech, the rigged rules in key swing States, etc. etc. etc. … manages to win … WHAT NEXT? The Biden-regime has filled the federal judiciary with communists who will block everything that President tries to do … the Deep State will undermine everything that President tries to do … the grifter Republicans, the Paul Ryans and Mitch McConnells will oppose everything that President tries to do, unless it pads their pockets.

America as we knew it is gone. It is never coming back. The ONLY hope short of expatriation is internal migration to Red States and then a peaceful national divorce.

But keep on telling me that the real problem is restrictive zoning laws and that massive Russian fleet shelling Hampton Beach.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas: Why Are So Many Plants and Animals Committing Suicide?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-03-04 14:30 +0000

A recent spate of mass plant and animal suicides is rocking the globe.

The number of food processing plants experiencing such disasters appears to be high, but In the U.S. there were approximately 1,410 warehouse (not just food processing) fires per year between 2014 and 2019.

According to the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), these fires caused an annual average of two civilian deaths, 20 civilian injuries, and $159 million in direct property damage.

However it’s not just plants and animals, even trains seem to be going off the rails from the madness. A recent episode occurred in East Palestine, Ohio just across the border from Jerusalem, Pennsylvania.  After years of tension between to the two cities a Northern Suffolk train appears to have ended it all as a message to the world.  Though the tracks were poorly cared for and the wreckage showed signs of an external explosive device the railway coroner ruled it a suicide.

On April 21 of 2022 A plane crashed into a General Mills plant in Covington, Georgia. The Federal Aviation Administration reported that an unidentified small plane crashed within a mile of the runway of the Covington Municipal Airport.  Local sources say the plant had been showing signs of depression recently giving away its entire collection of early edition Raisin Bran boxes to Captain Crunch.

“I had no idea the General was so upset.  He seemed like such a happy guy on the outside”, commented long time friend and former cereal killer Count Chocula.

Authorities still are unclear as to how the plant was able to steer a manned aircraft into itself dealing the fatal blow, however the local Sheriff is certain it was suicide.

Over 1 billion chickens have all died in a coordinated event that appears to be the result of their involvement in a mass suicide.  Several members of the bovine community were seen milling around the outside of the various chicken harvesting plants where the mass extinction events took place, although authorities say there is nothing unusual about cows dressed in black who can drive black SUVs.  A psycho-forensic analysis of the bird bloodbath reveals the chickens “just didn’t give a cluck any longer”, which is likely the result of too much time on social media.

On April 13, a major food California processing plant, Taylor Farms, burned itself almost completely to the ground after it realized it was not going to be able to flee California.

Also on April 13, a plane crashed into Gem State Processing in Heyburn, East Idaho at about 8:35 a.m.  Despite this being a potato plant in Idaho of all places, local officials have ruled it a copycat suicide stating the plant was driven insane after realizing its childhood hero Mr. Potatohead was now genderless.

On April 11 New Hampshire’s East Conway Beef and Pork experienced a “major plant fire”, which is another way of saying it snuck over the border to Vermont and smoked so much weed it asphyxiated itself.  Given the popularity of plant based suicides this year the East Conway police department has decided rather than create beef with the locals and cold case it, the hot thing to do is call it a suicide.  Many in the town say that’s a bunch of bologna.

Finally in an act of solidarity with plants and animals, Mark Middleton, a long-time aide to Bill and Hillary Clinton, was found dead on his property.  A family member found him hanging from a tree, clearly a symbolic nod to the plant deaths, and he lived in a town known to have both cats and dogs who are struggling with the will to live.  So as not to fail at his mission he courageously loaded a shotgun and, whilst hanging on for dear death, turned it lengthwise to his chest and delivered the fatal blast.

Authorities expressed consternation over the missing rifle only to discover it was sent to the Smithsonian’s new Suicide’s In American History exhibit, sponsored by a generous grant from the Clinton Foundation, where it can be seen encased in glass, rather than hanging like Jeffrey Epstein who didn’t kill himself.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden, Fauci, and Weingarten are Destroying America

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-03-04 13:00 +0000

I am convinced that no three people have done more harm to America, especially our children, in the last two years than these three individuals. Acting alone and in concert with each other, they sustained the COVID Pandemic far longer than was needed, set our children’s education back decades, and may have made decisions that will cause health concerns for a generation. The Left and the media worship this trio and credit them for how they guided us through the worst health crisis in a century. The facts tell a different story, and their ulterior motives are becoming more evident with time.

Joe Biden used the Pandemic to reach the White House. It gave him cover to hide from the public, the media, and Donald Trump. It minimized his exposure so that nobody could ascertain his level of mental incapacity. Biden and the media conspired to disparage the results that Trump had gained to give us a path out of the Pandemic and keep our economy sound. Once elected, he continued to parlay COVID as an excuse for massive spending and bills that would never have passed in more normal times. Joe teamed with Fauci to push the vaccine and booster myth and to block any efforts to blame the origin of the COVID virus on China. He and Weingarten worked hand in hand, including the Justice Department, to keep schools closed far too long and to quell any public pressure towards CRT or Gender Alternative Studies forced upon our children.

Fauci played us like a Stradivarius. He had both ends of COVID covered as he was funding the lab in Wuhan and exerting excessive power and restrictions on America. He was complicit with Biden in suppressing efforts to restart our economy. The Left and media want to elevate him to god-level when they should be investigating him for any potential role in developing the COVID virus. By forcing an ineffective vaccine and multiple booster shots into the arms of Americans, we may have caused severe heart conditions for many young adult males. We still have no clue as to the damage done to the reproductive capabilities of young women forced to take the jab.

Along with Weingarten, he kept our children masked and stuck in remote learning for far too long. Fauci, Biden, and the media set up a system where anyone who criticized their methods and restrictions was immediately debunked and canceled from Social Media. Fauci did all this while being the highest-paid Federal employee and setting a new high for the most significant yearly pension paid upon retirement. We will be paying for the decisions of Dr. Anthony Fauci for years to come.

Randi Weingarten may be the most dangerous individual in our country. Still, she could be considered an existential threat to America by teaming up with Biden, Fauci, and the Justice Department. As President of the AFT, American Federation of Teachers, the largest teacher’s union in the country, she was instrumental in keeping our schools shut and our children locked in their homes. She worked with Fauci, Biden, and Merrick Garland to close schools and the mouths of parents who dared to challenge local school boards. She bribed billions of dollars from the government, and much of that money has yet to be spent or allocated. Her efforts significantly negatively impacted test scores, drop-out rates, childhood depression and drug use, and even childhood suicides. She did nothing with the American money she stole to enhance our kids’ education process or results.

These three are like a trio of fine musicians. They sound great solo but are incredible on stage together. Unfortunately, the music these three played for America was dark and off key. It may be years before we know just how bad this band was for America.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Morning Mail – March 4th, 2023

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-03-04 11:30 +0000

Today is a day to celebrate everyone that keeps voting for Democrats (It’s Brain Injury Awareness Day). It is also Fight Sexual Exploitation Day (where’s that list of visitors to Jeffy Epstein’s Island?).

March 4th used to be inauguration day in the US. The new President and congress (or the re-elected) were sworn into office on March 4th. The 20th amendment to the US Constitution changed all that, but before it did, many Presidents were sworn in today.

In a not-so-belt-tightening twist of irony, it is both National Snack day and World Obesity day (March 4th is also Pound Cake Day). The Waltz, Marching Music, Grammar, Game Masters, and Engineers also have a Day today.

It is also Hug a GI day in the US. Not Gibraltar (Country Code: GI) or Gastro-Intestinal, Ground Infantry, though the term can apply to any ground pounder if you happen to know one that you’d be willing to hug.

In 1801 Thomas Jefferson was the first US President to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C (as were the rest of them until the 20th Amendment was passed). 1936 saw the 1st flight of the airship Hindenburg on this day at Friedrichshafen, and in 1922 the first vampire film (an unauthorized adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, “Nosferatu”), premiered in Berlin.

Republican Charles Curtis became the 1st Native American to be Vice President of the United States (1929) – Herbert Hoover was Inaugurated, President.


The Morning Mail


‘Make them use electric!’ –  Jill Biden cooking on a “gas” stove.


  • Study confirms Xylitol nasal spray can prevent COVID infection – Dr. Peter McCullough.
  • UK could mass vaccinate chickens to prevent avian influenza spreading between humans – inews UK.
  • Insect proteins creeping their way into our snack foods in the US without the consumer knowing – Twitter.
  • Montana could make it a crime for the “vaccinated” for Covid-19 to donate blood. – Citizen news.
  • Rail unions tell Biden officials workers have fallen ill at Norfolk Southern derailment site – NBC.


  • Only A Third of NH Dems Want Biden to Be ’24 Nominee – NHJournal
  • Nashua Woman Indicted In Manchester Scissors Attack Case: Court – Bedford Patch
  • New Hampshire Ranks in Top 10 States to See a Supernatural – Seacoast Current
  • NH epidemiologist reflects on pandemic, 3 years after first NH COVID-19 case – WMUR
  • Trans Face of New Hershey’s Campaign Blasts ‘Transphobic’ Response, Sketchy Past – NewsWars
  • Councilmember Arrested: Dedicated Sheriff’s Office Pursues Election Fraud – Uncover DC
  • Worldwide Carbon Emissions Highest Level In History Despite Billions Spent On Green Policies – Daily Wire
  • What Secret Service agents REALLY thought of Jimmy Carter – Daily Mail
  • Ric Grenell: Susan Rice Acting as ‘Shadow President’ for ‘Weak’ Biden – Newsmax
  • Wealthy Democrat Voters Say Biden’s Uniting the Country; Majorities of Other Groups Disagree – CNS

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Responding to Bongino’s Secession Reservations

The Liberty Block - Sat, 2023-03-04 08:37 +0000

For at least the past few months, Dan Bongino has been flirting with the idea of a state seceding from the union and governing itself as an independent nation. Bongino is among the most popular conservative talk show hosts, and he is the only conservative podcast that I listen to daily.

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MVCS Girls Stand Goes Viral On Twitter

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-03-04 02:30 +0000

Twitter may not be for everyone. At its core, it is a platform made for short tempers, short ideas, and short language. On a good day, it is full of tribalism with black-and-white narratives and political pontificating. At its worst?

It is a morass of human cesspool-level dialogue and videos exposing people at their lowest.  Like a theme park full of real-time car accidents, the ride is made for gawking at the wreckage. In order to get in, you don’t have to be tall enough, it prefers you remain short.

This is why the MVCS Girls’ story (of taking a principled stand against enabling insanity) going viral on Twitter was so uniquely special.

Despite its rhetorical flaws, the social media app is a measuring stick of cultural opinions for the latest controversies.  Thanks to Twitter, the MVCS girl’s story was shared by an account titled “,” which is followed by a world-famous psychologist, NY Times best-selling author, and culture commentator Dr. Jordan Peterson. Known more for verbosity, Dr. Peterson re-tweeted the story to his 3.7 million followers, stating simply, “It’s about time,” and within 24 hours, the story reached over 1 million views.

The tiny school in Quechee was being lauded around the globe as fast as it spun on its axis.

As the attention grew and the comments rolled in, the support was overwhelmingly in favor of the Eagle’s stand for girls/women’s sports to remain free from male athletes identifying as girls/women participating at the expense of the fairer sex’s safety. Here are a few:

  • Solveig283 @solveig283 “Brave. Especially in New England.”
  • Gary Cook @orak100 “Finally. People brave enough to say no.  I salute you.”
  • Abbie M @AbbieM16 “This is the way! All teams should follow suit to protect their girls.”
  • Bighats @bighats61 “Well done, we’ve got to stand up to these woke bully’s.  Good luck!”

As of this morning, the tweet has 1.2 million views, 7,941 likes, 1,325 re-tweets, and 220 comments. Our Vermont Daily Chronicle article, which broke the story, also shared by, has been seen 18.3K times, liked by 277 accounts, and re-tweed 32 times.

The story since has been picked up by the Daily Wire, the Daily Caller, the Daily Signal in the UK, Sportskeeda, the Blaze’s Glenn Beck podcast, and a variety of other online personalities.  Virtually all of those commenting or covering the story support the school’s decision.

A call to help out the small school with donations to bless their courage has been made by many if you’d care to throw your weight behind these big-time little women.  You can make donations via their website:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Looks Like Dems Need a New Scapegoat After Their Narrative Gets Derailed

Granite Grok - Sat, 2023-03-04 01:00 +0000

Alinsky’s rules demand that Democrats blame perceived threats to their power for whatever ails them, from their failed economy to the border, supply chains, and Ukraine. They blamed Donald Trump for the disaster in East Palestine, but that narrative just got derailed.


Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler dispels these claims, finding that none of the regulatory changes made during the Trump administration can be linked to the accident.


What did he find? According to this report,


Kessler found that the Trump administration was not responsible for the lack of electronically controlled pneumatic brakes on the train, as the Biden administration made no effort to reinstate them. He also noted that the brakes would not have helped, as by the time the crew activated them, the train had already derailed.

  • …brakes would not have prevented the derailment.
  • …there is no evidence yet that the braking system played a role in the accident.
  • When it came to the amount of crew present,… the train had two crew members as well as a trainee.
  • …the impact of Trump’s decisions ranged from “none” to “minimal.”


None of this, even coming from as liberal a landscape as the Washington Post, will end the smears. Remember, “Neither truth nor facts nor light of day will stay them from the swift implementation of their approved narratives.”



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Diversity-Equity-Inclusion … Euphemism For Anti-White Racism

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-03-03 23:30 +0000

So only 22 percent of Stanford’s freshman are white … which makes it impossible to claim that Diversity-Equity-Inclusion is about making institutions “look more like America.” Stanford’s freshman class does NOT resemble America at all.

So it’s about redressing past wrongs? You know the argument that white people have historically oppressed people of color and continue to benefit from that oppression, so it’s simply balancing the scales of justice to discriminate against white people in order to benefit people of color. If you nodded yes, then please explain to me how D-E-I is morally different from the Nuremberg laws in the mid 1930s in Germany that began the process of de-individualizing an dehumanizing Jews.

Rhetorical question … the woke Republicans will  simply robotically respond with, “it’s different because DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH.”

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

God-Fearing Catholic Nashua Alderman Wants to Silence Fellow Catholics

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-03-03 22:00 +0000

I am sharing my public comments this week at a meeting of the Nashua Board of Alderman in regard to an anti-Catholic vote by Democrat Nashua Alderman-at-large Melbourne Moran, Jr. that was made when he was serving as my NH state representative in 2022.

Related: “God-Fearing Catholic” Nashua Alderman Says Fly Satanic Temple Flag With Save Women’s Sports Flag

Moran identified himself as a “God-fearing Catholic” at a previous Board of Alderman meeting when he attacked me about my raising of the Save Women’s Sports flag on the Citizen Flag Pole on the Nashua City Hall plaza.

Moran never misses a chance to criticize New Hampshire Republicans, including Governor Chris Sununu.


I am here to talk to you Aldermen Moran about your vote as a state rep on bill HB1625 that would have repealed the unconstitutional buffer zone law. Although you are vocal in your opposition to Governor Sununu’s agenda on many issues, you showed solidarity with him for giving private abortion businesses control of public sidewalks when you voted to uphold his veto of the bill.

As a Catholic, you know that Christians are called to serve the most vulnerable and who is more vulnerable than a pregnant mother and her child? Your fellow Catholics are on the public sidewalks outside abortion facilities to offer help to pregnant mothers in their hour of most desperate need when they are considering ending the lives of their precious preborn children. 

You may ask what good your fellow Catholics are doing on the sidewalks outside abortion facilities. They are reaching out with offers of help to women who are there under threat of being thrown out of their homes by abusive partners or angry parents, women who are being sexually trafficked, and women who are addicted to drugs. They are reaching immigrant women, documented and undocumented, who feel like strangers in a strange land and who don’t know who to turn to for help. 

One of the mothers who was recently helped was an immigrant from Brazil who was pregnant with twins who was being physically abused by her husband. Her husband told her she must have an abortion or else. Your fellow Catholics were there for her on the sidewalk and offered her help, which she gratefully accepted. They threw her a baby shower. She was so grateful and she gave birth to her beautiful twins.

They have saved many more babies with equally heartwarming stories.

These are happy stories that everyone should be celebrating.

And yet you voted with Sununu to allow private abortion businesses to force your fellow Catholics off the public sidewalk and deprive these vulnerable women and their babies of lifesaving help. You accuse Sununu of not caring but where is your compassion?

On a related topic, I am looking forward to candidates challenging potential presidential candidate Governor Sununu about his opposition to freedom of speech as detailed in NH Governor Chris Sununu Whacks the First Amendment and Takes All His Credibility With It. If you are working on a presidential campaign, please share this with your candidate.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Schumer Trying to Give DC the Gift of Statehood

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-03-03 20:30 +0000

For many years, there has been an initiative to make Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico states. This has been a goal of Democrats because the benefit to statehood for these two entities is a more secure hold on Congress. This logic is based on the assumption that both new states would be solid Blue.

Each new state would add two Democrat Senators and one Congressman. The D.C. area has a population of just over 700,000. It would not be the least populated state, but would be a very important state for the Left. Securing statehood for D.C. is more important to the Democrat Party for the power it would bring than the benefits it would bring the people of D.C.

D.C. is one of the most dangerous cities in the country and an embarrassment to the country to be our National Capital. D.C. is a unique piece of America carved out of Virginia and Maryland to host our Capital. The oversight was that the residents were not given federal representation. This has gone unresolved for over two hundred years. One of the solutions would have been having the residents decide which state they wanted to be absorbed by. They then would have been represented without the addition of another state. That does not benefit the Democrats. They need more.

The increase in the number of states is part of a larger plan. The Left wants to reduce the voting age to 16, knowing that the new younger voters will be primarily left-leaning. They want to give illegal aliens the right to vote in local and state elections. The same logic as the voting age reduction drives this. The Dems want more absentee and mail-in voting because there is less control and accountability of these votes. Similar thinking explains the Left’s disdain for Voter ID and why they want to allow vote harvesting. It is apparent the Left wants to skew the voting process in their favor. Why can’t they work on getting on board with policies that will better Americans and fight for their seats on an honest playing field? Because it is far easier to cheat and bribe to retain power.

In addition to these procedural attempts to secure power, the Left has control of most of the media machine. They also have a grip on the Intelligence community and social media. This is why Elon Musk scares the hell out of the Left because Twitter is an open forum that is a dent in their arsenal. The incredible spending spree we have witnessed in the last two years is the frosting on the cake. The redistribution bill disguised as a infrastructure bill, the inflation reduction act, which was a climate control bill, and the student loan forgiveness executive order was nothing but a $20,000 check to secure votes. All are payouts for votes. If the Left would concentrate on pro-American policies, they could save us a boatload of money, because one thing that Liberals never do is spend their own cash.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – So HOW Much Bigger Are the US Stock Markets vs Rest of the World?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-03-03 19:00 +0000

42% big. From Visual Capitalist:

(click to embiggen)

It seems paradoxical that only 4% of the world’s population is so productive that it is still responsible for a plurality of the world’s Gross National Product. Note, too, that while Japan may have more companies listed on the Nikki, each of the US markets, NY Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ, dwarf its value. More productive and a higher value?

Yet, we see the Progressives working on killing “the Golden Goose that lays the Golden Eggs”. They never seem to care that the results of their actions never seem to match the ideology spawning those actions.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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