The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • September 7 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Still with the Emergency Use Authorizations

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-09-09 13:07 +0000
Meryl Nass, RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo: The High-Speed, Bivalent Covid Boosters Are Here On Wednesday, August 31, the FDA issued emergency use authorizations for new Pfizer and Moderna mRNA booster vaccines for covid. The next day, September 1, the CDC’s... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

A Look at Who is Paying the Sununu-Supporting Super PAC to Attack NH House Republicans

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-09 12:00 +0000

According to its campaign finance filings, Granite PAC was fully funded in the fall of 2021 and has received no donations since then. Exactly $225,000.00 was raised in one calendar month in 2021: ten addresses but only five donors.

Related: Sununu-Supporting Super PAC Spends Over $25,000.00 Attacking NH Republicans in House Races


Gemini Electric – $50,000.00

Peter Napoli – $50,000.00

S&S Hotels – $50,000.00

Anton Melchionda – $25,000.00

Michael Kane – 50,000.00 (?) and why the question mark?

The six ‘contributors’ with an address as a business name are owned by The Kane Company, and Michael Kane donated a total of 50,000.00 to Granite PAC.

231 Corporate Drive, LLC
230 Corporate Drive, LLC
130 International Drive, LLC
166 Corporate Drive, LLC
325 Corporate Drive, LLC
162 Corporate Drive, LLC

And good on him. It’s his money. He can do what he wants with it, but why the six addresses? Why not just write a check like the other donors? Is the money from Kane or someone else?

Maybe someone will let me know.

Related: State Rep. Melissa Blasek Must be Doing it Right – The GOPe is Attacking Her with Negative Mail

So, we have ten addresses, five donors, and $225,000.00 to Granite PAC, which was registered to support Chris Sununu until Sept 9, 2022, when the PAC ‘decided’ to attack incumbent Republicans in primaries for the NH house who happen to have rubbed His Excellency the wrong way.


Oh, and a lot of real-estate /developers.



The post A Look at Who is Paying the Sununu-Supporting Super PAC to Attack NH House Republicans appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

While Biden and Democrats Feast on Failure, Do Republicans Have a Plan?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-09 10:30 +0000

Our divider-in-chief has set the tone for the midterms and probably 2024 with all of the verbal assaults on Republicans, precisely what he calls MAGA Trump or Trumpies. The man who claimed he was the great unifier has pulled a 180 and is showing there are no limits to this rhetoric.

I have always believed that Democrats are based on emotions while Republicans depend more on facts and reality. That is one of the reasons that this verbal battle started by Biden appears to be gaining momentum. You always see polls closing as you get closer to an election, but in the case of the midterms, many are questioning if the Republicans can cash in on Biden’s lack of popularity.

Biden had been in seclusion for weeks and on vacation in Delaware every weekend since he was in office. With his popularity at record lows, there was little that Biden could take on the road to message. That changed with the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act. That was considered a huge win for the President and gave him the impetus to hit the campaign trail for many Democrats struggling to hold onto their seats in Congress. The problem for Joe is that the crowds at his rallies are small, and many Democrats do not want to be seen on stage with the President.

This weekend, Joe Biden was in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where it is conceivable that these two swing states may turn Red. These appearances were on the heels of the controversial prime-time speech last Thursday. In that speech, flanked by two Marines in dress uniform, that President dropped the gauntlet on Republicans. In an address that was supposed to be healing, the President went full “divider” and pushed both sides further apart. This tactic is embarrassing, and what message does the President give to insult half of his country?

We see two different visions of America drawn by our two major parties. The America of Joe Biden is authoritarian, dictatorial, devoid of truth, and more divisive than anything we can imagine. The House Republicans are rolling out the Commitment to America plan that focuses on four points: a strong economy, a safe nation, a free country, and government accountability. I challenge any Democrat to show how any of those four points makes us an enemy of the state.

This plan is the message we need to get out before November and drown out the rhetoric and noise spread by the Democrats. We see what the Biden plan has done for America in the last two years. We might not survive another twenty-four months of Biden’s America. The money and media are on their side, but the facts and truth are on ours.

Elections are a marathon of campaigning, primaries, and finally, Election Day. With about sixty days left, the pace has quickened, and we are in the sprint phase. Every decision and every word is critical, as a misstep could be fatal. I am not confident that we will see a tsunami in November, but I am optimistic that people will vote with their wallets and the safety of their families in mind and do the right thing. We need to replace some of these liberal and radical Democrats with conservative Republicans who still see the Constitution as the roadmap for our country.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SAU21 WOKE Leftist Political Teacher Training: Email to School Board Members

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-09 01:30 +0000
Dear SAU21 School Board Members: Let me first start by thanking you for your service– I understand the time commitment it takes to serve in this capacity.

I wanted to follow up with you after my meeting with Superintendent Nadeau yesterday, and provide you the information I presented to her. Our conversation was about an hour long, and was attended by two board chairs, and two additional residents from SAU21. I am grateful for the time everyone took to listen and thoughtfully consider what I presented. One glaring omission from this training is, not having a non-biased Physician, Phd Child Psychologist or Attorney present to answer any questions that could come up from the teachers and administrators that attend. This will leave out important and critical information that the trainer is unable to provide, since she does not hold these credentials. Below is an outline on what I covered during our meeting. This includes a few items I brought up to the two school board chairs. I did ask that additional information be shared during the teacher training. (A) I don’t believe the training is inclusive and could be construed as a hostile work environment by teachers who have a different world view than Seacoast Outright. If we are truly going to be an inclusive school district, then let’s make sure that these kinds of events reflect that. My focus is always on how to help public schools. One way is to make sure that the primary focus is on academic excellence. It was the “Massachusetts Miracle” (pre-Common Core) that showed Massachusetts children performing at the highest level in the country on national standardized tests. Even on international tests, Mass. students were able to compete with students in Singapore, and the other countries that were scoring at the top on the TIMSS test. TIMSS is a highly respected international test of math and science given every four years. Every board member should be asking if this test is given in SAU21, and if not, why not. In Massachusetts they focused on teacher training to elevate the quality of their teachers, and their public schools. They used the best academic standards and tests in the country, but also focused teacher training on academics. Here is your template for how to create the best public schools in the state and country. That is how you unify a community and get the support for the schools, budget and personnel. Right now, this community is becoming divided, and will continue down that path unless parents see that you are focused on the most important task which is, academic excellence. I oppose this kind of training in the schools. It diverts important attention away from the main task of academics, and privately, many teachers acknowledge the waste of time and money used in this way. However, if you are going to go forward with the Seacoast Outright training, I would like you to consider the information I provided to Superintendent Nadeau. This starts with a list of materials I suggested we add to the training. These materials would bring in additional viewpoints, and information that are left out of the Seacoast Outright training. In addition, some of the slides that will be presented during the training are full of problems, and could be better defined.  Some should be removed, as they promote a political agenda. (B) (A) Additional Information to be shared during the teacher training: NH Constitution: Detransition Diaries: (full video once it’s released) US Dept of Ed: Orange County Dept of Ed: Manchester NH Diocese Gender Identity: FDA issues warning on puberty blockers: (FDA Warns of Brain Swelling and Permanent Vision Loss in Kids Taking Puberty Blockers) Respect Project : Attached file Here is the outline I presented from our discussion on September 6th, 2022: 

1) The way the event was managed. The decision to have the training was decided in Feb. Materials to be used by the trainer were brought to the SAU in August.  

Outside organization’s messaging was not thoroughly analyzed or presented to the School Board members for their approval. No survey of parents to determine if this was needed. Administration never told the provider what was required of them or needed. The materials were never supervised by district administrators. What are the main problems that warranted this training?  What are the objectives?

2) Is this mandatory for teachers/staff or not? Article 5 NH Constitution [Religious Freedom Recognized.]

Every individual has a natural and unalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, and reason; and no subject shall be hurt, molested, or restrained, in his person, liberty, or estate, for worshipping God in the manner and season most agreeable to the dictates of his own conscience; or for his religious profession,sentiments, or persuasion; provided he doth not disturb the public peace or disturb others in their religious worship.

It marginalizes the faith community working in the school district. No other training scheduled that addresses the religious families in the school.

3) Hostile Work environment /LegalityThose who are required to attend may consider this a hostile work environment that brings up potential legal issues. Because the training does not take into consideration traditional religious families served in SAU21, if those who are participating do not agree with the viewpoints expressed by Seacoast Outright, will get the message that they cannot speak freely, even in a “safe place.”  There is no diversity in the viewpoints that are conveyed by the trainer or Seacoast Outright. (Catholic Diocese on Gender Identity)(Video )(FDA : Warning on puberty blockers) (Respect Project/ U.S. Dept of Ed: Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools : January 16, 2020)(Orange County Department of Education: Religious Expression in Public School, 2 videos)

4) Content of the material Erik Erikson Stage 5: Critics of Erikson’s theory say that his theory is more applicable to boys than to girls, and that more attention is paid to infancy and childhood than to adult life, despite the claim to be a life-span theory. However, many have found Erikson’s theory offers a useful framework for analyzing developmental histories.**2 Videos Jessica said she’d be showing? Where are they? 

( I did not bring this up during the meeting, but I felt it should be mentioned since Erikson is mentioned as a source from Seacoast Outright) 

(B) What is mentioned in some of the slides from the Seacoast Training slideshow:  My comments in red (notes)

What is Seacoast Outright: There is a call to allyship. Parents need to know that their morals and religious views, will be respected in this. 

Today’s Agenda: Breaking down the binary of sex assigned at birth: is more of a political view and not based in scientific facts. 

Understanding the role of privilege and stereotypes: Could violate the anti-discrimination law in NH, and is a political viewpoint that is not inclusive. 

Group Norms: What is said here stays here, what is learned here leaves here: Leaves parents wondering what is hidden from them. 

Foundational Concepts: The Gender Elephant : One political viewpoint, not inclusive of other views. 

Gender Expression: Pronouns: No description of compelled speech which could open the district up to lawsuits. 

Sexual and Romantic Orientation: US Holidays to consider: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day: Parents want to know what will be advised when it comes to US Holidays. Will they promote the elimination of holidays? Mother’s day? Father’s day? 

Identity Development in Young Children: Many parents do not want any of these discussions with their young children. That needs to be respected and should be conveyed in this training. 

Coming Out: There is nothing about the children who are dealing with underlying issues of self esteem, abuse or even sexual abuse, and may also be acting out. Teachers need to know that some of these kids have serious underlying mental health issues. It would be better to add something about these other cases that teachers may not be aware of, and that parents and mental health providers would be able to guide them. 

LGBTQ+ Discrimination and Mental Health Outcomes : Statistics that leave out information because it’s coming from a political source rather than a non-biased source.  See additional information on how these statistics are manipulated by political organizations below. (C) 

Strategy 1: Acknowledge Privilege and Stereotypes: Provide details on Privilege. This will most likely be requested after the training in a 91-a/Right to Know Request. Have this information documented so it can be available to those seeking information through a 91-a. 

Strategy 2: Utilize Gender Neutral Language: Using gender neutral terms is becoming the accepted way to make all people feel recognized and respected: This has actually angered mothers and fathers, so widely accepted may not necessarily be true. Address your classes with gender neutral greetings ex. “Good morning folks!”: This is a political agenda to move society to a genderless society. This is exclusive political jargon not inclusive at all. 

Practice using they/them pronouns as singular terms during class: Nothing in here about respecting the conscience of your teachers who may hold sacred religious values. This is more of a political agenda that is exclusive versus inclusive. 

Strategy 3 Ask and Tell Pronouns: Nothing in here about respecting the conscience of your teachers again, and is exclusive versus inclusive. 

Empowering Your Students: Celebrate Pride Week in October, Ensure representation in books, PUt a few small LGBTQIA + flags or stickers in a visible spot on your desk or lanyard: This is exclusive and not inclusive unless this is advice to teachers so that they are doing the same for your Muslim, Jewish and Christian students. How many books on Christian, Jewish or Muslim Children are in the class? 

Taking Action Beyond the Classroom: (Sports / Gender neutral and/or private bathrooms and changing areas: This is a political call to action for your teachers from an organization that we are told is not a political organization. How was this approved for the training? 

Resources and Sources: Not diverse in any way. Nothing from the Jewish/Muslim/or Christian community that provide sources on the LGBTQ+ children. Statements, resources, ect. 

5) Authority of the staff to execute: What authority will individual employees have going forward  to implement these concepts?  Open up liability. Will guidance counselors develop plans? Will all of this be made public and transparent? Board members can attend, but for transparency purposes, an audio or video tape should be made and posted on the website. 

To the Board Chairs: (Notes)
Do you watch the enrollment numbers?
Do you ever survey parents on the culture/climate?
EXIT interviews of parents?
Bedford/TrinityAre there exit interviews of teachers and do you get ALL of those results?
Do you get a list of teacher training each year?
If not, that should be provided to you with a brief explanation on each training. That should include cost/time away from class. Is it focused on academics?
Do you authorize each training ?
Check registry is displayed on SAU25 website each month. Transparency on monthly expenditures

(C)***Additional information: A recent study, published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy by Dr. Stephen B. Levine, found that transgender activists are misusing the issue of suicide for the purpose of pushing “gender affirmation”:

Suicide among trans-identified youth is significantly elevated compared to the general population of youth (Biggs, 2022; de Graaf et al., 2020). However, the “transition or die” narrative, whereby parents are told that their only choice is between a “live trans daughter or a dead son” (or vice-versa), is both factually inaccurate and ethically fraught. Disseminating such alarmist messages hurts the majority of trans-identified youth who are not at risk for suicide. It also hurts the minority who are at risk, and who, as a result of such misinformation, may forgo evidence-based suicide prevention interventions in the false hopes that transition will prevent suicide.

“The ‘transition or die’ narrative regards suicidal risk in trans-identified youth as a different phenomenon than suicidal risk among other youth,” Levine and his colleagues noted. “Making them an exception falsely promises the parents that immediate transition will remove the risk of suicidal self-harm.”

This meeting concluded on one final note. All of those in attendance and those who are for/against this training share one common view, we want all of the students in a safe and joyful environment. One where all children can thrive. LGBTQ+ students deserve to be treated with kindness, respect and dignity. I think this kind of training could have been handled far better than what has been presented to the board and community. There has been no consideration made towards the religious families you serve or those who share a different viewpoint than one coming from Seacoast Outright. You serve a diverse community of families, and when children walk into a school, they should know that all are welcome. Bulletin boards, flags or any other displays need to include all students, not just some of one identity. The same holds true for this kind of training. There is nothing on the calendar that suggests any training will be scheduled so teachers know how to better interact with their religious students and families. Inclusive should truly mean inclusive. That has not been demonstrated in any way in this training on September 13, and by the mere fact that there is no scheduled training for children in the religious protected class.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Matt Mowers Would Be Just Another RINO Biden-Enabler

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-09 00:00 +0000

Adam Trump-Voters-Are-White-Supremacists Sexton … grudgingly and for the sake of trying to not appear as a NH-Democrat operative, which he is … asked some questions not about abortion at the recent so-called “debate” he “moderated” for the GOP CD-1 candidates. One such question involved impeaching Herr Biden:

Every candidate … EXCEPT MOWERS … gave the correct answer, that Herr Biden should be impeached immediately.

The border is wide open; the DOJ and FBI are Herr Biden’s personal Stasi; Herr Biden’s regime has been caught asking Twitter to censor WrongThink on COVID … to name but a few examples of impeachable offenses … and yet Mowers wants to hold hearings! What a joke!

Mowers is no conservative. He is as uni-party as it gets.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gunstock – Another Day, Another Right to Know. I’m Beginning to See Why Commissioner Doug Lambert Shut Down the Investigations

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-09-08 22:30 +0000

I’ve been writing a few (ahem!) Right To Know demands lately and starting to get some of the results (i.e., “The Responsive Records”). What I’m finding is that for each one put in, the Responsive Records returned to me just keep handing me more questions.

Sidenote: That is, except for the Drone/UAV usage one – hey, you always end up with some dead ends as not all tips prove out. It is what it is.

I’ll add to that “more questions” thought – sometimes, even for the most mundane document demands, some things show up and make you think “er, really?” or “something’s missing here”.  That’s exactly what I found when I demanded one of the most mundane documents that a govt agency/non-profit/practice/LLC/company generally has:

HR Manual

Yes, Human Resources explanations. For most people, the only “touchpoint” they have with it is when they “onboard” (join a company) during their first couple of days of employment.  Many are just copies of millions of others with very slight differences between them all.  Sure, there are always slight differences between them all but, in general, they do one thing: set expectations for employee behavior.

That is if that’s all you are looking for.

But that’s not what I do – I read such documents like I’m reading code (am a retired software engineer) as in:

“Will it do what it is supposed to do? where are the holes? Where can this go awry? Can this section go haywire given the proper (rather, IMproper) inputs?  What are the designer’s assumptions – and how can they kick them back in their faces? How robust is this and can it adapt to sub-optimal conditions?”

In short, I can be a pain in the patootie. So, can you see the things I found out from this Right To Know (minus my usual boilerplate):

From: “Skip” <>
To: “Jade L. Wood” <>; “” <>; “Douglas Lambert” <>;
Sent: 8/29/2022 3:10:03 PM
Subject: RSA 91A demand – HR Manual(s) and signature pages


Please find, attached to this email, a Right To Know demand for Gunstock Mountain Resort’s Human Resources manual(s). Failing that there may not be a single compendium of such materials, I would be looking for such materials that ordinarily would be part of a single manual. Further, for all salaried employees, I am looking for the signature pages of salaried employees, denoting acceptance of and having read, that manual or analogous materials.

Kindest regards,


The “Payload”:

This request is for the Gunstock Mountain Resort’s Human Resources (“HR”) manual(s) and/or such assorted materials not combined into a single manual that is given to new hires or ongoing employees on a regular basis that outlines employee expectations and regulations (e.g., such as but not excluding others: job descriptions, behavior codes, certification requirements, pay scales, grievances, benefit descriptions, et al.). This would include:

An actual manual/booklet that condenses all such HR directives/regulations

If no single HR manual exists, then all other materials that would be considered of an HR nature that would be given to employees.

Additionally, if such is a part of Gunstock Mountain Resort’s HR procedures, for the period of August 29, 2020, to August 29, 2022, copies of the signed signature pages that signify that GMR salaried employees:

have received such a Gunstock Mountain Resort HR manual and/or HR materials.

have read such materials they have received.

And here was the returning email:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Rebecca LaPense” <>
To: “” <>; “Tom Day” <>; “” <>
Sent: 9/1/2022 4:50:34 PM
Subject: RSA 91A demand – HR Manual(s) and signature pages

I’ve removed a couple of next “bits” for their security:

Gunstock Mountain Resort ShareFile
Expires September 8, 2022

Good afternoon,

This email is in response to your RSA 91A request dated 08/29/22.


The Gunstock Employee Handbook is a public document and can be found on our website, on the Employment page. The direct link is here for anyone to view:

At the time of hire, all employees are provided with an offer letter, which they must sign before their first day of work, that details their compensation and benefits. Included with the offer letter are links to the Employee Handbook and a copy of the Benefit Summary which details applicable insurance benefits and employee discounts. I have attached a copy of the Benefit Summary document for PY 21/22 for year-round/salaried employees.

We do not collect signatures acknowledging receipt of the employee handbook.

Rebecca LaPense, SHRM-SCP

Director of Human Resources
Direct: 603-737-4305
719 Cherry Valley Road, Gilford, NH 03249

Here are the two manuals. Hover over them and you can start to scroll through the documents.

HR Manual:

Gunstock HR manual page_150_gmr-ee-handbook-rev-11.30.21__1

and the Benefits Manual:

Gunstock 2021-22 GMR Benefit Booklet GROUP 1


So I noticed a few things: if you read them, what did you see?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

TWO NH Election Lawsuits Filed to Ban Voting Machines – One State, One Federal!

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-09-08 21:00 +0000

NH Resident Dan Richard has been granted an Emergency Hearing by the Rockingham County Superior Court, this Friday, September 9, 2022, at 1pm to seek a temporary and permanent injunction to prohibit the use of voting machines and to hand count ballots. This hearing is open to the public.

Mr. Richard’s complaint brings multiple charges, which include:

  • The legislature created an unconstitutional statutory mechanism by enacting N.H. RSA 656:40, which authorized a new manner of counting votes on a trial basis, but not provided for by Part II, art. 32 of the NH Constitution.
  • N.H. 656:40, authorizes an un-elected body, the “Ballot Law Commission”, oversight over the towns and cities, to authorize local use of programmable electronic voting machines exclusively, without counting the votes in an open meeting, and without the consent of the inhabitants, as required by Part II, art. 100.

Mr. Richard will argue:

  • The legislature’s temporary authorization in 1979 to use voting machines is unconstitutional. In addition, the use of voting machines since 1979 can no longer be considered used on a “trial basis.”
  • The Ballot Law Commission is an unconstitutional, un-elected, and unqualified body that decides if a town can ignore the hand count requirement of the Constitution of NH, and authorize the use of programmable, open source, electronic machines, and not the legislature.
  • The Ballot Law Commission makes rules which are enforced as law. Neither the legislature, nor the Ballot Law Commission, have enacted any testing or certification standards to ensure the reliability, accuracy, or safety of voting machines.
  • The state of New Hampshire has no federal testing or certification requirements for the repair and modification of its’ tabulation voting systems and electronic voting machines. New Hampshire’s statutes and/or regulations make no mention of any federal agency, certification program, laboratory, or standard.

As reported by the Gateway Pundit, a second lawsuit was filed by NH Resident Brenda Towne in federal court. Mrs. Towne’s complaint seeks the removal of voting machines in NH. It also names Harri Hursti and LHS Associates as plaintiffs, alleging that they were responsible for the destruction of election evidence that was to be maintained and kept under state and federal mandates.

Mrs. Towne’s lawsuit seeks the following relief:

  • To preserve all remaining election records from the November 3, 2020 election,
  • Declaration by the court to order a full physical and cyber forensic examination of machines, ballots and peripheral objects related to the conduct of the 2020 New Hampshire federal election by a qualified expert of plaintiff’s choice.
  • The removal of all electronic voting machines and devices from all future New Hampshire elections.

You can read more here.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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