The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • May 16 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XX

Manchester, N.H.

Coos County Republican Committee Votes to Censure NH Governor Chris Sununu

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-06-18 10:30 +0000

Well, this was rather interesting!  Once again, a little birdie coughed a nice gushy worm – just in time for the start of the 2022 Governor Campaign:



I’ve watched his polling number drop as fast as Biden’s cognitive ability in just over a year – and that’s no small feat.

Gov. Sununu has violated a lot of Republican norms here in what may no longer be the Live Free or Die State (meaning Individuals no longer have control). From taking over complete control of the NH economy during the pandemic (we know what that’s called, right?). His the government deciding winners and losers. To removing local control over a range of issues.

First and foremost, though, is the total disregard for Constitutional order with his “Public Health trumps EVERYTHING” and no longer letting grown adults absorb the latest pandemic information and make their own rational and measured decisions for their lives and that of their families.

Sun-King, indeed!

I do have one small nit with this Resolution – I wasn’t at the meeting when this was voted upon (only two objectors concerning it from what I was told by my source) as they failed to include a most important and personal insult to Parents:

whereas Governor Sununu threatened to veto the Parental Rights bill and in continuation of the Left’s disdain of Parents as of no account in their children’s education in Government schools inflaming the NH Republican base of voters against the Party,

OK, it needs a bit of wordsmithing, but you get the gist of it. It’s not enough that he’s already ticked off the Conservative / Liberty & Freedom wing of the Party (remember what happened to Scott Brown, Kelly Ayotte, and Walt Havenstein when they did that??). But then again, I live in Belknap, not Coos, so my thoughts on it are a bit immaterial on this petition’s verbiage.

It will be interesting to see what the reverberations will be.  I’ve been told it’s on its way to the NH GOP Executive Board and I’m sure, given Elliot Gault’s revolving door status between being the NH GOP Executive Director position (past and present) and being on Sununu’s NH Government staff (past), Sununu will get the message pronto-fast.

Will there be other “renegade” counties that will stymy Governor Groomer – and NH GOP Chair Steve Stepanek – with similar actions?  What if there arises a full-fledged revolt?

And does this open a door for Julian Acciard, Thad Riley, and Karen Testerman (his opponents in the Republican Governor Primary)? I’m sure this will be incorporated into their stump speeches.

Hey, if the Left can automagically turn men into women and women into men and go into each other’s bath and locker rooms, does this mean I can change and be a fly on Sununu’s office wall and during the next E-Board meeting?  Heh!



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – Inflation up, Credit Cards go into use

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-06-18 01:30 +0000

Forget CPI: the week’s most important data point is today’s monthly consumer credit update. Last month we saw a blowout, record surge in credit card usage as consumers tapped out…… and sure enough it was, while again confirming what we have been saying for month: any excess savings accumulated by the US middle class are long gone, and in their place Americans have unleashed a credit-card fueled spending spree.

Click to embiggen.

While it is traditionally viewed as a B-grade economic indicator, the April consumer credit report from the Federal Reserve was another shocker especially after last month’s stunning surge in credit card debt which saw the biggest increase in revolving credit on record which is why we said that today’s G.19 print straight from the Fed would be just as important as Friday’s CPI print…

Living on a fixed income during high inflation is not easy – but we are doing the opposite of most. I lived through the Carter years and then the Reagan years and I know it will HURT just from the financial side to get through this deliberate and planned chaos that the Obama retreads and Davos Elite are putting us through – America Last.  Finances, inflation, energy, food, basic good, healthcare (we just ran around the last couple of days trying to find the Grandson’s medications that, all of a sudden, can’t be found. We finally did, today).

ALL of this is government inspired and I am convinced that this isn’t by accident or stupidity.  Brace yourselves, folks, this is not just a “bumpy ride” coming at us.

If you are one of those using the cards to maintain your standard of living, STOP IT NOW! Lower it and and don’t finance it if you possible can.  Discipline is going to be the watchword gong forward.

And if you really need to be persuaded of that advice, just click on the link below and be prepared to be shocked.

(H/T: Zero Hedge)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Speaks (lies) to AFL-CIO. Facts Matter

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-06-18 00:00 +0000

Joe Biden spoke to the AFL-CIO this week in what can only be called a stump speech. It was a campaign speech complete with volume changes from whispers to yelling. It was big on style but weak on content. His speech was filled with lies and was both embarrassing and insulting.

I think we are starting to see the media call out Biden in his speeches filled with myth and short on facts. The fact is that Joe Biden does not only stretch the truth but rewrites it. How does he get away with this? Why is he not called out for his apparent mistruths? Joe Biden is losing the support of the media as they realize that his Presidency is beyond salvation, and the media needs to look to self-preservation.

Biden began his speech by patronizing everyone in attendance. Speaking with a phony accent, he thanked the members for bringing him home. He claimed to run on the promise of the most pro-union president in history, and he claims he has delivered. He might want to explain that to those who have lost their jobs due to his war on the fossil fuel industry.

Biden then immediately went into his attack on the economy on the day he was inaugurated. He failed to qualify his comparison with the Pandemic and did not refer to the Trump Pre-COVID economy. He talked about the three thousand Americans dying per day under Trump, while more people died during the Biden term than during the Trump term. Facts matter. He called out the twenty million lost jobs but again did not refer to the country shutting down due to COVID. Facts matter.

I’m not kidding, believe me, and I am being honest, are his go-to phrases, and if he were not lying continuously, he would not have to use such terms. He reiterates that Wall Street did not build America, but the unions did. Of course, he forgets to say where the investments come from to fund the building of America. Facts matter.

He spoke of the rich getting richer at the expense of the middle-class but did not mention the highest increase in middle-class wages in history under Trump. Facts matter. He talks about the spending bills he has passed and the trillions of dollars put into creating jobs but does not talk about how those dollars created the fastest and highest inflation rate in history.

That inflation hurts every American, has eaten up all gains made by Trump on wages, and is a “tax” on us all.

He claims the fastest growing economy in the world, which is false, but our economy contracted in the first quarter of 2022, and we are on the verge of a recession should that trend continue into the second quarter. Because of the Biden Inflation, the Fed has raised interest rates impacting mortgage and credit card rates. These, like inflation, will impact everyone. Facts matter.

When he talks about the jobs created under his watch, he does not say we are still below pre-Pandemic employment levels. Under Biden, we are chasing numbers set by Trump, but the Biden Economy is setting us back years. He talks about the increases in the Stock Market under his watch while we have given back all of the Trump gains and 401K levels will delay retirement for millions.

The union members in attendance cheered him on, which says they do not understand or know the truth. As long as there is a high level of ignorance of the truth, Biden’s lies will work with some people. We have to work hard to spread the truth because facts matter.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The System Isn’t Broken, We Are!

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-06-17 22:30 +0000

The other day I heard someone say, “our system of government is broken,” and then they went on to point to corrupt politicians who continue to ignore what the people want in favor of special interests or bad ideology, which have been in Washington for decades.

They also pointed to big money from corporate America as a cause of elected officials being bought and paid for and not doing the people’s will.

This viewpoint, on its face, is compelling. It is also indicative of the societal shift (and not a good one) to blame everyone else but yourself for what misfortunes befall you. Our no-fault society has kicked out the underpinnings of our Republic in a way that is far more damaging than most would give credit and far more complicated to repair than the two sentence conversations of our social media mentality will allow.

Prepare to run to your safe space because you may be triggered by what you read next. The system is not broken! We are. The corrupt politician that gets elected time and time again doesn’t gain access to the office unless YOU vote for them.

We want to thank Greg Hough for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

If you have had it with the people in office, then run for office yourself! I see and hear so many folks complain and then do nothing except blame. How about you get into the game. The only way to not elect trash is to pay attention and get involved or to run for office yourself!

“I don’t like the party,” some say. The party is the people who are in it. Look at the Democrats, for example. They aren’t Democrats anymore. They are Socialist/Communist. That’s who showed up at the meetings, so that’s who they are now.

To the money problem, it costs a lot to run for office. In NH, the pay is $100 a year at the General Court. When was the last time you gave a candidate a contribution? It costs anywhere from $1,000 to $15,000 to run for the House of Representatives and $30,000 to $100,000 to run for the Senate here in New Hampshire. If you don’t pony up, someone will, and that someone won’t be interested in what you want.

What makes more sense paying the gas prices, food prices, housing prices, health care prices, and high property taxes year after year or giving a candidate that you know will fight for you and your interests a $25, $50, or a $100 contribution.

Get involved, learn about the people running, find the ones you like, and support their efforts. Hold signs, go to meetings, have fundraisers, write letters, donate your time or money, or both. It’s a much smaller price to pay than the one we are all paying now.

Those who say our system is broken want you to believe so they can change it such that you will never have a say in what happens to you. Stop belly aching and complaining and blaming anything and everyone else. Take a look in the mirror and get involved! Our country isn’t going to take back itself. We have to do it!

The system works fine. It is the greatest system ever devised. It cannot, however, run on autopilot, and you’ve seen what happens when you leave it to others. It needs YOU. Together, “Let’s keep the government off your back and out of your wallet.”

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Our Enemies Won’t Be Cold If It Makes You Feel Any Better

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-06-17 21:00 +0000

No one likes to have their truth busted, and no one denies that better than the Climate Cult. For forty years, their models have been wrong, their predictions have not come to pass, but still, they cling (bitterly?) to their funding. Sorry, I meant “science!” and the false god named “consensus.” So this is for them.

This is the entire UAH Sattelite temperature record for the earth’s lower atmosphere.



You see warming throughout the timescale following the flip from the global freezing consensus of the 70s to the global warming consensus that has harassed us since.

The pause they denied in the oughts is visible as a flat and slightly declining temperature trend. That was followed by some more gradual warming until the Solar Maximum ended (NASA said late 2018 or early 2019). That’s where we are now – the beginning of a solar minimum. The global trend has stopped rising and is beginning a gradual decline (red box) without regard to CO2 emissions.

The average temperature actually is down 15% from 2016. It looks like we are getting cooler.


Red is El Nino, Blue is La Nina, and gray is neutral months.


As if the sun, not progressive policy advocates, determines the earth’s average temperature. And if true, the global mean will continue to edge downward for the duration, which is estimated at 30-50 years.

How much cooler? No one knows, but the Left is undermining cheap, abundant, domestic energy at a time when we may need more (not less) to weather the next few decades of cooling. From heating oil and gas to electricity, Democrats in the US and liberal governments worldwide are using policy to price these essential commodities out of the reach of many.

Our enemies won’t be cold if it makes you feel any better.




The post Our Enemies Won’t Be Cold If It Makes You Feel Any Better appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tim Baxter Announces That He’s a “Hell No” on McCarthy for Speaker

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-06-17 19:30 +0000

The radical Democrats are destroying this country by rubber-stamping Joe Biden’s Socialist agenda. Chris Pappas, my opponent, is no exception. But, the truth that no one wants to talk about is that we have corrupt career politicians on both sides of the aisle that are destroying this country.

We must get rid of these corrupt scoundrels that are destroying this country, and that’s why I’ve pledged to vote no on Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House. Every other candidate in this race has already endorsed McCarthy, or they’ve stood silent. If you don’t have the courage to stand against McCarthy as a candidate, how should we expect you to stand against him if elected?

Politicians only become less principled once elected, not more. I’m the only proven conservative fighter running for Congress with a proven voting record.  You can trust that I’ll fight for you in Congress. It’s what I’ve done in Congress. Send me to Washington, so I can fight to annihilate the Swamp.

Tim Baxter is a candidate for Congress in NH’s CD-01

We want to thank Tim Baxter for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dear Johnny: Please Help – My Dog Is A Bigoted, Racist, Sexist, Transphobic, Bully!

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-06-17 18:00 +0000

Dear Johnny,

I am writing to seek help with my dog who has been revealing himself to be a bigoted, racist, transphobic, bully and I don’t know what to do? For starters, he barks at all of the neighbors as they walk by our property with their dogs. I sat him down and explained to him (using my soft-tone voice) that it’s not okay to bark at the neighbors and their dogs as they walk by our house minding their own business. It’s bullying and unkind and they clearly are intimidated. He told me this is normal behavior for a Doberman, that he’s a guard dog and it’s part of his breed – he can’t help it, which I told him is just a cop-out. We can all change our behaviors, we can even change our identities. He asked what I meant by that and I told him he could choose not to be a Doberman if he wanted. I offered him an eager look so as to permit him and explained he could identify as a Pomeranian or even a cat! He cocked his head and stared blankly reminding me so much of Tucker Carlson I almost lost it!

“Why would I want to do that?” he asked. I said, “Because maybe on the inside you feel like a cat or a Pomeranian and you need to embrace those feelings and not be afraid to explore other identities.” “But I’m a Doberman” he insisted “cats are stupid and I’d almost rather be a cat than a Pomeranian”. I was heartbroken to hear him say these bigoted and transphobic remarks but he’s my dog and I can’t just have him canceled. We took a timeout and I offered to take him through a guided breathing exercise I learned from my mindfulness class. He insisted on playing with his rope toy shaking it like a rag doll but first had to demonstrably lick himself, which was such a micro-aggression I started to have an anxiety attack. After I rubbed some calming CBD oil on my temples and wrists I again tried to explain myself. I pointed out that when he barks at the neighbors in that manner it not only intimidates them but hurts the movement motioning to our Black Lives Matter yard sign (obviously next to the “I Stand With Ukraine” sign where we used to have our Biden/Build Back Better 2020 sign that I just couldn’t keep up after gas hit $8/gallon because our neighbor who drives a tractor-trailer stares at me like he’s going to roll it right over my tiny house) while reminding him that he’s black. “Yeah, but I’m not a Marxist. Marx was a racist, bigoted idiot who understood neither human nature nor economics.” This is the downside of getting a breed as smart as a Doberman because I looked into it and, honestly, he’s right about both. I couldn’t just let him win like that so I called him a Nazi and threatened to have him sent to a rescue program. I don’t want to have to do that because he’s bold and beautiful and looks amazing sitting on my lawn, but he’s also a transphobic, racist bigot. Johnny, what should I do?



Dear Woken-Hearted,

You sound like a cat person, maybe gerbils. Send him to the rescue. You’ll both be better off.

Johnny B.

(P.s. Please send pics. I’ve always wanted a Doberman.)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Is a Great Teaching Video – Exposing Why Militant Transgenders Are So Narcissistic: DON’T CALL ME SIR!

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-06-17 16:30 +0000

They expect you to bow down to them and all their whims – they prey on the sense of politeness and good nature of most in order to get what they want.

Matt Walsh, the force behind “What is a Woman” documentary (I STILL have to watch it), takes apart one Eden Torres, a militant transgender, from a video that Matt uses to PERFECTION as a teaching moment.  I try to do this with the posts I bring back from Treehugger but this was a master class in dissecting how this Transgender Militant used various techniques to belittle, berate, denigrate, and TRAP someone that simply just wants to get their job done: serve fast food.  And tried to be polite in doing so after seeing that the name on the credit card was male. This was all about him and his feelings.

I agree with Walsh.

Or as NotTheBee put it: This guy is going out there looking for trouble

It’s similar to William Thomas (recently “Lia”) in proclaiming that he only wants to make himself happy and live his “authentic life” (what a miserable, petty, and selfish phrase that is!) and doesn’t care that the women that he parades around in their locker room in his BDay suit and takes their swimming championships away from them aren’t happy at all (nice to go from #462 to #1 by changing your swimsuit, eh?).

I feel for the manager that had to come out and put up with this nonsense – it’s clear he DOESN’T care.  Good for him – he should be concerned with one thing and that’s getting the food out fast and hot and not having to trying to figure out genders, pronouns or other such stuff from a rather snotty person.

And yes, I know this was from a while ago but I just saw this now. Frankly, Eden Torres is an ugly person no matter what gender he thinks he is and forces people to believe their lying eyes to affirm him and make him good about himself.  The manager DOES get the last word, though:

Torres: What would you assume in looking at me?

Manager: I would assume that you are a man.

Me, too – I see the facial whiskers. And that voice is not like any female that I’ve ever met.

Sorry, he’s the kind of person that seems to only be happy when he’s mad.

The Blaze has some of the comments:

  • “So the guy asks your pronouns (I thought you all wanted this); you then ask him to assume what he thinks you are (I thought you weren’t supposed to do that?); and then you get pissed at the answer,” one commenter said. “Literally, there was no way the guy could have won.”
  • “What you want (besides attention) is to have everyone accept your make believe world where you pretend to be something you’re not while the masses cheer you on for your bravery,” another user declared. “Seek help. Accept reality. You’ll be happier.”
  • “It’s nobody’s job to affirm you,” another commenter replied.
  • “I love how you turn the camera around thinking it will show that he’s crazy for thinking you’re a man but…it doesn’t,” another user wrote.
  • “The employee asked you what you wanted to be called. Instead of answering, you told him to assume. When he did what you asked, you got upset. You had a chance to be called what you wanted but chose not to. This guy isn’t paid enough to put up with you,” another commenter explained.

(H/T: Frankly, I don’t remember where. Image H/T: Twitter video screenshot via @edentorres121; account has been deleted)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Showing Images of Gun Violence Disrespectful to Families and Friends of Deceased

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-06-17 15:00 +0000

So I didn’t know that The Daily Sun allowed fictitious names to be signed onto submitted letters to the editor.

Very clever, though cowardly, of the writer from Meredith, in his letter titled “Why doesn’t the news show the gore of mass killings?”, where he promotes the idea of showing the public the mutilated bodies of dead children and adults killed by mass murderers (under the guise of blaming guns and calling them weapons of war), to sign his name as Ragnar Loftbrook, the main character — a pagan — in the bloody and cannibalistic Amazon video series, “Vikings.”

And also how disrespectful and outright despicable to the families and friends of these deceased innocents to suggest such a horror as displaying the carnage on mass media.

Sounds like a very pagan idea he has indeed.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Obama’s Want to Burn More Fossil Fuels at “soon to be underwater” Beachfront Island Mansion

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-06-17 13:30 +0000

If you want a story with layers of hypocrisy, this is probably it. The Daily Caller reports that Barack and Michelle Obama want to install underground residential-use propane tanks at their seven-bedroom, 8 1/2 bath Martha’s Vineyard Mansion. The one on a beach, at sea level.

The property, purchased in 2019, currently valued at about 19 million despite its imminent doom, sits on beachfront near Kingspoint. A fact of which we’d made sport. Climate Cult president cries sea-level rise for years, then buys hisself a swanky shoreline crib.

The headlines did write themselves.

And Martha’s Vineyard is all-in on the fearmongering. They’ve got sea-level-rise mitigation plans, contingencies, and even a video from 2013 showing what it will look like as catastrophic climate change starts to swallow their little paradise.

Barry and Michelle bought it anyway – they even got the owners to knock two million off the asking price. Imagine where we’d be if he strong-armed the Federal Budget like that?

Then consider a request for three large propane tanks amounting to 2500 gallons of capacity. Buried in the yard. Propane. A fossil fuel. Planet-destroying emissions-generating fossil fuels.

A little back-up for a home heated with natural gas (forced hot water)?

I know many folks are ranting about that, but 2500 gallons isn’t much for a home that size. It will keep the pipes from freezing for a good while and the people. Not that the Obama’s need to stay in the summer home over a New England Winter.

And Barry’s loaded. He’ll be more than comfortable, fed, and protected wherever he might rest his Marxist bones. So, the hypocrat has piled hypocrisy upon hypocrisy. Rich, fossil-fuel burning, beachfront owning, budget-conscious with his own money, Democrat who preaches class war, and climate alarmism.

Wait, here’s one more hypocrisy. According to Zillow, the property taxes have gone down over 20% since the Obama’s purchased the property (despite the estimated value going up).

Has anyone else’s property taxes decreased over the past few years – maybe ever? Asking for 81 million ‘friends.’



The post The Obama’s Want to Burn More Fossil Fuels at “soon to be underwater” Beachfront Island Mansion appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – How Many Constitutional Carry States Are There Now?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-06-17 12:00 +0000

The number keeps rising and is now half the States in the Union as of March: 25.  Half the country now honors and respects the Second Amendment whose plain words put NO restrictions on the keeping and bearing of arms.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Georgia was the last State that said that Citizens did not have to ask permission from The State in order in order to exercise their Rights enumerated in the Second Amendment. I always wondered about the cognitive dissonance of having to get permission (by obtaining a license or permit) to exercise a Right that is in the Constitution to defend ourselves against a Tyrannical Government…you?  If you were that Tyrannical State (or wanted to be in on the creation of such), would YOU issue such permits and licenses?

And for the trolls out there; if a person is a danger to themselves (e.g., suicide) or others (e.g., willingness to commit assault and battery, some leading to death), there are already laws that follow Due Process in removing them from Society and start the judicial process.  And not the inanimate object(s)

Just look at drunk/under-the-influence driving – they don’t take away someone’s vehicle, do they? They pull their license instead and revoke the PERMISSION to drive on the public by-ways.  And that is done by the judicial process in going after the PERSON and not the inanimate object.

It’s always been the Left (and supporting role Squish and Progressive Republicans) that go for the throat of our self-defense Right.  They simply want to disarm us.

Then what?  And telling me “oh, that can never happen here?” doesn’t wash.

A rather simple example of actions by Progressives promising such with the 16th Amendment that started income taxes.  “OH, you don’t have to worry about it, it’s only the top 2% that will pay it!” – yeah, we know how well THAT worked out for us, don’t we?   I’m getting off-topic here by talking about income taxes but AIER has a great history on how the 16th Amendment was created – and NOT just for the reasons we think today. It’s worth your time to read it carefully. And Mark Perry’s stuff as well.

The shift has been rather quick to realize that if one doesn’t have to get permission from The State in order to exercise their Freedom of Speech Right, one shouldn’t have to do so for a different one.

And don’t bother telling me that words don’t kill people.  Leaders in Communist/Socialist countries, operating from the words spoken and written by Marx and Lenin, have killed far more people (well over 100 million by most estimates) than American civilians.

(H/T: Crime Research)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Comedian Has an Idea About How to End School Shootings.

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-06-17 10:30 +0000

I’ve had similar thoughts (along this line) and shared them here, but this was still very amusing to me. Delivery and timing help. And the audience thinks it’s funny, probably because what he has to say sounds absurd but actually makes sense by the time he’s done with the gag.

There is some “adult” language, so tag this NSFW. But it is brief and poignant and amusing, and what better way to start a Friday morning than with a chuckle.

And let’s remember, people, it’s a joke.



The post Comedian Has an Idea About How to End School Shootings. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

‘GrokGardening – Invasive Plant Thread

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-06-17 01:30 +0000

City folk, and urban dwellers, have no idea how nature works. If you live in New Hampshire (90% forested +/-), you know a thing or two about that. Clear some land, and nature takes it right back and right quick. And every year, by my reckoning, it’s something new or different.

We cleared some trees a few years back, and the open land has proven to be an excellent place for new growth. I clear it (mower or string trimmer – it’s not all flat enough for a lawnmower), and it grows back. A lesson the urban dwellers may not have learned living in a city.

If you don’t keep after it, it will swallow the world back up and a lot faster than you ever imagined.

This years grow back is a lot different from previous years. Not a bad thing, but an interesting one, and I thought I’d see if anyone else had seen anything similar.

When spring finally sprung, we found a handful of new plants taking over the open spaces we’d created—some pesky, some pretty, and a few that were familiar but more prevalent.

We have a type of ornamental landscaping, “weed,” in the sedge grass family. I call it a weed because it acts like one but when isolated as a landscape element it is a pretty “no-maintenance garden” green feature.



I’m no expert but a search produced “Carex Hystericina” as its formal name. They grow into a big rounded thing a few feet in diameter but low to the ground. Last year we had two or three; this year, there are dozens or scores of them. I’ve placed a few around the yard and mowed down the rest. Yeah, they grow back, and I don’t mind.



Keeping it company is something called horsetail. I didn’t see any of this last year, but it is EVERYWHERE this year.



This stuff is handy (to me). It fills in places where lawn grass doesn’t grow well, and when you mow it, it creates an even green look that makes my yard look better than it is. But as I said, I saw none last year, and it’s all over the place this year. Is COVID or Global Warming to blame? Joe Biden’s presidency. Vladimir Putin?

A little politics in the garden (gardening/landscaping thread).

The wet spring temporarily tuned a chunk of my yard into a swamp, in which grew this in large quantities.



An image search says it’s probably Soft Rush (Juncus effuses) -I call it swamp grass. It grows tall and gets mowed or weed-wacked, though there’s still a ton of the stuff I’ve not yet cut down. It is also everywhere this year; we didn’t have it last year.

Another new edition, and these have not elevated to invasive yet. I just started seeing it this season. Sheep Laurel or Mountain Laurel.



Pretty little plant.


I’ve also got a few of these popping up. Aquilegia or Granny’s Bonnet if the image search results are correct.



I’d like to see more of these, but I have to be careful what I wish for – I might be inundated next year.

There’s more, but I’ve no pics of that stuff, so maybe next time. Until then, what’s invading your landscape or garden? What might you be growing on purpose? Consider this an open gardening thread.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH State Rep Carol McGuire – Your State House 06/10/22: Wrap Up

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-06-17 00:00 +0000

I was prime sponsor for twelve bills this year. HB72, building code amendments, was killed because it duplicated SB 15, which passed. HB 628, legalizing possession and home grow of cannabis, was killed in the Senate (after passing the House 241-113!)

HB 1016, licensing speech-language specialists in schools; HB 1062, electrology licensing clarification; HB 1192, on acupuncture licensing; HB 1288, on names and titles in the department of administrative services; and HB 1398, studying centralized criminal records checks in schools, have all been signed by the governor. HB 1681, updating the state building code, is on its way to his desk.

HB 1061, on the midwifery council, and HB 1191, including duplexes as well as single family homes from the licensing requirement for plumbing, electric and gas fitting, are both in interim study in my committee. I expect them both to be resubmitted next year, in a modified form. Likewise, HB 1447, prohibiting facial recognition technology by state agencies, is in interim study in the Transportation Committee.

HB 1563, auto-enrolling new state employees in the deferred compensation plan, was killed after the public hearing convinced me that it should not be a legislative mandate, but rather something agreed on by the employees and their management.

We want to thank NH State Rep Carol McGuire for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

That’s 50% passing, plus three more actually being studied and one included in another bill – not my best year, but reasonable.

I also cosponsored 28 more bills – way too many! I didn’t actually work on very many of them, but when a friend asks you to cosponsor a bill that is a good idea, it’s hard to say no.

HB 20, education freedom accounts, is on the table in the House because its content was included in last year’s budget. HB 349, deleting the requirement for school nurses to be certified by the department of education (but not that they be registered nurses) passed the House and was killed in the Senate, as was HB 1401. This prohibited the federal government (but not the state!) from tracking individual vehicle mileage – likely as part of a mileage tax for vehicles that don’t pay much gas tax.

HB 457, which allows the legislative youth advisory council to meet remotely, has been signed by the governor. My committee radically simplified this bill, eliminating the changed scope and a new appointing authority; we weren’t convinced this council is useful, but decided to give them another year to prove themselves. HB 568, tapering out the interest and dividends tax, was killed as duplicative: a similar plan was included in the budget.

HB 1018, converting the board of medical imaging and radiation therapy into an advisory board, was another request of OPLC. This bill has been signed by the governor, as has the similar HB 1446, on the boards of recreational therapists and respiratory care practitioners. HB 1043, a study committee on regulations that apply to small food businesses, was killed in the House because they thought the state wide food truck license created by HB 1595 resolved the issue. I’m not sure, but at least it gives some relief from the inconsistent local regulations.

HB 1298, an increase in the income limit for the education tax credit scholarships, passed the House but died in the Senate. HB 1312, on water pollution and waste disposal rulemaking, is in interim study in my committee, looking at the interaction of the building codes (specifically the plumbing code) and the septic and sewer requirements, which are largely in rules. HB 1348, legalization of cannabis (and allowing home grow) was tabled in the House, in preference to the simpler HB 629. HB 1598, legalizing cannabis and setting up a regulatory structure for sales, passed the House and was killed in the Senate. I’m a member of the cannabis caucus, since prohibition doesn’t work and I believe cannabis should be legal – enough people seem to want it!

HB 1507, timely publishing childcare investigations, has passed both houses and is going to the governor. HB 1520, requiring guardians ad litem to provide itemized bills when asked, passed the House and went to interim study in the Senate – not sure why, it seems simple enough.

SB 221, a minor reorganization of the department of corrections, has been signed by the governor. SB232, clarifying that a school district’s retained surplus can only be used for emergency expenditures, or to offset taxes, was killed in the Senate. SB 264, transferring the low income energy assistance program to the new Department of Energy, went to interim study in the House to resolve some issues between the department and the Public Utilities Commission, which currently oversees this program.

SB 274, prohibiting project labor agreements in state government construction contracts, passed the Senate but was killed in the House. My committee heard all the union opposition to this bill, even though such an agreement has never been used in New Hampshire!

SB 282, revising some of the language in the acupuncture licensing statute, has passed both the House and the Senate and is on its way to the governor. SB 290, exempting ear acupuncture from licensing, passed the Senate and is in interim study in the House. SB 292, requiring a probation or parole officer be notified of an arrest, is also in interim study, but the study is mostly to make sure the automatic notification process the state police claim is within their capability actually gets implemented!

SB 310, allowing private organizations to use license plate scanners, was killed by the House as an invasion of privacy. SB 313, cleaning up statutory language setting license fees, and SB 330, on the authority of the OPLC to set fees, have both passed House and Senate and are headed for the governor. The same is true for SB 337, authorizing data sharing for EMT services, SB 398, creating an advisory committee on building code updates, SB241, clarifying the dual enrollment program between high schools and community colleges, and SB 443, requiring municipal amendments to the building and fire codes be reviewed and published by the building code review board or the state fire marshal.

A fairly productive year: twelve passed, five in interim study (at least three of which will actually be studied!) three combined with other bills, and eight killed. The ones I actually worked on were the building code process and most of the licensing changes, all of which went through my committee (it’s much easier that way.)

I also signed up for another term, this time in the new, larger floterial: Allenstown, Dunbarton, Epsom, and Hooksett. It’s a two seat district, and former representative JR Hoell, from Dunbarton, has also signed up for that district.

My husband Dan McGuire, is also running again, from the single seat Epsom district. He has a contested primary, against incumbent representative John Klose. Since I don’t, I won’t do much campaigning until August – Epsom and Dunbarton Old Home Days are both on August 13, and Allenstown’s (with Pembroke) is August 27. Hooksett doesn’t have an Old Home Day…

See you there!

Representative Carol McGuire

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

YouTuber Ranks Every Republican Governor – Mine Got an ‘F’

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-06-16 22:30 +0000

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu’s slide from so-so Republican to establishment tool didn’t take long, but why would it. The Sununu DNA is predisposed toward ruling-class establishment policy. Toe the blue line to get a seat at the table, even if it’s the kiddie table.

It has endeared him to the corporate media and the Left, but does he know it will never be enough because it never is. That may be his biggest flaw, and he’s got more than a few, which is why he ended up at the bottom of this list of Republican Governors with Phil Scott and Utah’s Spencer Cox.

Maskachusetts governor Charlie Baker did better. Well, they all did better except for Scott and Cox, and maybe there’s room for Sununu to be the best of the worst in the F column if that’s a distinction with a difference. A sad little game if you ask me. And yes, he could always be worse.

So, what about the rest of them? Kristi Noem, a darling early in the pandemic, fell out of favor along the way. She got a D from this “pundit.” And she is in “good” company (that’s sarcasm). Nearly 60% rated ‘D’ or worse (so much for a majority of “republican” governors), with only Ron Desantis (Florida) and Greg Gianforte (Montana) earning an ‘A.’

I don’t think he was too tough on any of them, but you decide. See where your governor lands, and let us know if you agree with that or any of the grades assigned in this commentary.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NOTICE: Sheriff Warns against Picking up Folded up Cash in the Street. Here’s Why

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-06-16 21:30 +0000

DUnno if this is happening here in New England but forewarned is forearmed:

A Sheriff’s office in Tennessee is warning the public against picking up folded dollar bills because of possible fentanyl and methamphetamine exposure. The Giles County Sheriff’s Department saw two incidents where a folded dollar bill was discovered on a local gas station floor that had a white powder inside that was later found to be fentanyl and methamphetamine, the office announced Thursday.

“This is a very dangerous issue! Please share and educate your children to not pick up any folded money they may find in or around businesses, playgrounds etc., without using great caution and even alerting a parent or guardian,” the announcement said.

The Sheriff’s office warned that the amount of fentanyl smaller than a penny could “kill anyone that it comes into contact with.”

(H/T: AmericanWire) (H/T: Matt)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And When You Refuse to Leave Alone Those That Want to Just Be Left Alone

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-06-16 21:00 +0000

The Most Terrifying Force of Death…

“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of men who wanted to be left alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.

“The moment the men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the men who just wanted to be left alone.”

~ Author Unknown

Progressives seemed to be hardwired to NOT leave people alone. They just can’t stand the idea that somewhere, someone, is living their lives outside of their grasp – and haven’t yet gone to the point to push us, the members of the “Leave Us Alone Coalition”, where we realize that our Freedom has been taken away by 10,000 cuts. Then, the reaction may well begin because these Oppressors will have pushed the now politically oppressed to understand that they have nothing else to lose.

When you lose your freedom to choose for yourself, you are no longer free, are you?

(Image H/T: Liberal Logic 101)(H/T: Matt)

The post And When You Refuse to Leave Alone Those That Want to Just Be Left Alone appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Governor Groomer (a/k/a Sun-King Sununu) Supports Biden’s LGBT Mandates

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-06-16 21:00 +0000

This: “A new Biden administration rule would prevent students from receiving federal funding for public school lunches if their district didn’t comply with LGBT mandates.”

Governor Groomer’s Attorney-General SUPPORTS Biden’s mandate, which of course means Sununu supports the mandate. From the article:

In a letter to the president, 26 Republican attorneys general demanded the Biden administration withdraw its Department of Agriculture’s Title IX interpretation, which will take billions of dollars in National School Lunch Program funding away from schools that don’t let biological males use the girls’ bathroom or compete in girls’ sports. The department’s interpretation violated the Administrative Procedures Act, …

With the exception of New Hampshire attorney general John Formella, every Republican attorney general joined the coalition, which is led by Tennessee attorney general Herbert Slatery.

As I have said previously, Governor Groomer is NEITHER a conservative nor even a Republican. Nor are you if you vote for him.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Kids Contract Multiple Viruses at Once: Are Public School Mask Mandate Chickens Coming Home to Roost?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-06-16 19:30 +0000

Mask mandates have a lousy record when it comes to stopping the spread of viruses, but there is growing evidence that they increase the chances that you’ll get them. And not just one. Doctors are reporting pediatric patients with as many as three viruses at once.


Thomas Murray, an infection-control expert and associate professor of pediatrics at Yale, told The Washington Post on Monday that his team was seeing children with combinations of seven common viruses – adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus, influenza and parainfluenza, as well as the coronavirus.

Some children were admitted with two viruses and a few with three, he said.

‘That’s not typical for any time of year and certainly not typical in May and June,’ he said.


Experts say pandemic policies might be responsible, but no one in the source article is willing to blame mass masking. They suggest that preventing kids from exposure to everyday viruses makes immune systems ill-prepared to fight them when encountered. That has always been a concern, but that’s the only problem.

Masks don’t prevent the spread of viruses. Wearing one does not prevent exposure. They are not engineered to do that and never were. Neither do cloth masks nor, in many cases, better devices improperly used. What they can do is accumulate exhaled human “waste” in the form of bacteria and recycle that into the lungs with other trapped particulates. The deeper breathing required to get adequate oxygen while wearing a mask can embed these bits further into lung tissue, which presents the opportunity for more severe illness.

It creates fertile ground for something, including things to which they were not adequately exposed.

I’m not a doctor, but I’m not beholden to medical associations, corporate hospital systems, big Pharma, or serving at the will of politicians and bureaucrats who have an agenda and an approved narrative. And I can read, and have.

Trapping kids in masks for six or more hours a day can create the potential for unwanted side effects; Hypoxia, Hypercapnia, particulate vulnerabilities, microbial challenges, and now they are catching viruses in spring and early summer when that used to be rare. A problem some of the same experts are suggesting is the new normal.

It’s new, but it is not normal.

Mass masking any demographic, especially one with nothing to fear from COVID, is not normal. It’s extreme, and these are likely the consequences but don’t worry. They’ll blame it on something else, like climate change.

And that’s a hint. The cure to this and many problems that ail us is a change in “leadership,” prompting a shift in the political climate. An electoral vaccine that protects you from Donkey Pox. And yes, a booster is required (at least every two years), or you should expect to lose more than just your liberties.



The post Kids Contract Multiple Viruses at Once: Are Public School Mask Mandate Chickens Coming Home to Roost? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I’m Running for NH State Rep in Meredith. 

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-06-16 18:00 +0000
I’ve never considered running for public office, but our country is in trouble, and we need to safeguard what our forefathers fought so hard for.

If elected, I would fight to:
  • protect your constitutional rights (freedom of speech, religion, right to privacy and to bear arms, etc.)
  • lower or eliminate taxes, and prevent a state sales or income tax.
  • stop the intrusion in our daily lives by big government and big tech.
  • promote parents’ rights.
  • restore election integrity.
  • advocate for medical freedom and patients’ rights.
  • limit the governor’s power and authority regarding state of emergencies—including their ability to suspend our constitutional rights.
  • reduce/remove regulations and taxes that negatively impact small businesses.
  • end the state’s acceptance of federal government funding that comes with strings attached (illegal immigrants, experimental vaccines, militarized police, and more).
  • make our schools educate students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed—not flawed, worthless political agendas.
  • stop the destruction of the family.
  • defend the biological fact that there are only 2 sexes.
  • allow the recall of elected officials who are failing the voters of this state.
I’m not afraid to tell it like it is, won’t back away from a fight, and don’t do things half-fast. Support me with your vote in the Republican primary on September 13, 2022. I will not let you down. The best is yet to come. Jeanne Tofts Meredith NH Rep Candidate Vote for me on Sept 13, 2022 Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post I’m Running for NH State Rep in Meredith.  appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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