The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

Announcement – GraniteGrok Official “Endorsement” In the Race for NH Governor

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 22:30 +0000

A real quick post – it isn’t Chris “Baby Huey” Sununu (I guess he decided that he doesn’t need the Conservative / Liberty / Freedom wing of the Republican Party in the Primary in September as he’s been appealing to a lot of Democrats that he believes will cross-over).

After putting Julian Acciard, Thad Riley, and Karen Testerman through their GrokGauntlets (and we DO thank them all for trekking either to Hollis or Gilford and their time in talking with us), by a slight majority vote, GraniteGrok is not officially endorsing anyone in the race for Governor of New Hampshire.

In other words, our endorsement is, “no endorsement.”

However, as our standing policy states, any individual Grokster can still issue a personal endorsement for any candidate they wish.

The post Announcement – GraniteGrok Official “Endorsement” In the Race for NH Governor appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So the LGB Are Starting to Divorce the T bit??

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 21:00 +0000

Sidenote: You have to note the use of “straight” instead of that made up word “cisheteronormative”.  I am so over the Wokesters constantly trying to force us to use their Orwellian language and make us believe its the “norm” when it comes to “sexual identity” that is to be the most important attribute of being a human – RUBBISH!

Couldn’t happen to a nastier bunch of people (the militant Ts, that is).  Does this mean that the front end of the sexual identity folks are about to shuck and disavow all of the other letters, numbers, and such tacked onto “theirs”? So I was rather surprised to come across this post (reformatted, emphasis mine):

It’s happening: “LGB drop the T” keeps trending on Twitter as gay activists turn on transgender activists

It was always unsustainable. The only question was how long the LGBT political movement would bask in the glory of its inarguably successful obliteration of traditional societal norms and sexual mores before they took the time to notice. But with #LGBdroptheT trending on Twitter multiple times over the course of the last week or two, it seems apparent that at least in certain quarters, the revolutionaries are doing what revolutionaries always do: turn on each other.

And the hammer is getting dropped:

Like I’ve said before – I think Peak Trans has been hit and perhaps the hits are going to keep on coming.  The gay community certainly had their societal disruption moments (years?) and they knew what they were doing in their own version of social disruption.  It tells me how BAD the militant trans have misread the environment so as to tick off the gays with their “disruption”.  And a lot of us straight folks, traditional societal conservatives, haven’t liked either one but if I had to choose, I’d choose the gays because they never tried to redefine a LOT of our language (well, oyes, other than “marriage” that I still disagree with) that the Trans movement has done in creating utter chaos when it comes to individual relationships.

How can you relate to someone when they can be something else an hour from now and go ballistic simply because I don’t know what the latest words are (or better, no longer care – that now YOUR problem and not mine).

I’ve written on more than one occasion about what far more people than just I have been anticipating for quite some time. Namely, the inevitable clash between gay ideology and transgender theory. Transgenderism relies entirely upon the non-existence of a gender binary, assuming a sliding scale of gender identity that denies there even is such thing as truly “male” or truly “female.”

Needless to say, there can be no gay man if there is no such thing as a man. There can be no lesbian if there is no such thing as a woman.

So in order to have a Transgender sexuality identity, they HAVE to erase gay men and gay women.  So while they hitched a ride with both, it is easy to see that the Transgenders USED the LG’s to start and then stole the platform from them.

Sidenote: just like GAC Commissioner Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial, former Trump co-chair locally) did to the Belknap County Delegation (to use an analogy that I’ve been writing about a lot lately).  Except his methodology was to use the Delegation to be appointed to the Gunstock Area Commission, lay low for a few weeks (like the Transgenders did in their domain) and then set about creating the chaos that has now put him on top.  Illegally, thus far, but the local lawsuits are happening just like lawsuits against transgender policies.

And then simply went to work on dominating the sexual identity politics domain.  And make NO mistake, this is ALL about Politics. And, as the post mentions, using our own good will and politeness against us.  And, apparently, the gays and lesbians as well.

Politics can make for strange bedfellows (did I really just write that, given the topic?), doesn’t it?

Last bit from that post, though, shows how prescient many of us were back in the day:

That “slippery slope” admission is an interesting one. In the early days of opposition to the gay rights movement, conservatives warned that once traditional moral guideposts for sexuality were removed on the basis of emotional preferences, they could not later be arbitrarily thrown back down into the ground to deny other claims made upon the same basis. “Merry” is begrudgingly acknowledging that despite claims to the contrary, the conservative warning has indeed proved accurate.

It has. Society spent thousands of years creating norms of behavior that proved, for the most part, successful – the Left has demolished much of them over the last 50 or 60 years.  And we wonder why everything around us is like a freight train headed for Hades? Every time I mention “Slippery Slope” to someone that isn’t agreeing with me at the time, I get a scornful look. Generally, it is someone either far younger or someone that hasn’t been watching too intently.

The author is right – we were right. Back when the Democrat / Gay alliance was first pushing for civil unions and then gay marriage, I remember having the Laconia Democrat Chair and gay activist on our radio show (he has passed since – AIDS). He obviously was trying to make the case for it and we were against it. Soon after, the Democrats legalized it by passing legislation through the NH House and Senate and Gov. Lynch (D) signed it. But near the end of the show, I asked a most impertainent question:

If the sex no longer matters, then what is so special about the number.  If sex no longer matters, what’s so special about two people?  Why not three, or four? Or more?

At that time, I was thinking of polyandry – and he went ballistic shouting me down and saying that wouldn’t happen and how DARE I bring it up!!!  He knew that bringing that up, that the slippery slope would be that “next thing”,  would start to slow that current train he was trying to push out of the station.

Who knew, at that time,  that the Left would come up with Transgenderism that has turned out to be FAR worse?

I haven’t used this analogy for a few years but perhaps I need to bring it back a LOT more often: that Society is a brick wall where the Left’s various groups have been plucking out individual brick just as fast as they can both to achieve their little agendas and to aggregate Power.  Each time a brick (a societal norm or Law) is removed, that wall loses another smidge of its stability.  Keep removing them and it can move onward to looking like a Jenga tower.

How many more can be removed before traditional America just falls down?

I can tell you that the Left can’t wait for it to happen.  That’s their end game. But if part of the solution is to join forces in trying to put even some of those bricks back into the wall to stabilize it, yes indeed, strange bedfellows.

Your response?  And what are you willing to do?

(H/T: Not The Bee)


The post So the LGB Are Starting to Divorce the T bit?? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire – Announcing Third Round of Election 2022 Recommendations

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 19:30 +0000

Lily Tang Williams for Congress tops the third round of recommendations for the 2022 New Hampshire Republican Primary. Tom Mannion for State Representative is recommended. Additionally, Glen Aldrich, Harry Bean, Gregg Hough, and Norman Silber for State Representative are recommended.

Lily Tang Williams for Congressional District 2

Lily Tang Williams was originally born in oppressive China. Williams said, “I fear that the country I love is becoming like the country I left.” That’s why she is running for Congress. To keep us free. Tea Party Express, The Resolve Initiative, and New Hampshire Conservative Majority Project endorsed Williams. Get involved with William’s campaign at

We want to thank James Thomas for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

Tom Mannion for State Representative Hillsborough County District 1

Tom Mannion is a Marine veteran and software engineer that opposed lockdowns. Mannion was endorsed by Americans for Prosperity – New Hampshire and Hershel Nunez, Pelham’s most pro-liberty legislator. Mannion is running to represent Pelham. Learn more about and help Mannion at

Glen Aldrich, Harry Bean, Gregg Hough, and Norman Silber for State Representative Belknap County District 6

Glen Aldrich, Harry Bean, Gregg Hough, and Norman Silber are incumbents seeking reelection. They have a history of voting with the people, supporting government transparency, and working hard for taxpayers. The New Hampshire House Republican Alliance gives all four incumbents outstanding ratings! Voters are able to vote for four candidates for this position and we recommend that voters vote for all four of these people. They are running to represent Gilford, Gilmanton, and Laconia ward 2. Learn more about and help them at and



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post – Announcing Third Round of Election 2022 Recommendations appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

EV Subsidies and Price Hikes, So Which Tail is Wagging What Dog?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 18:00 +0000

For months we’ve reported on the exponential cost increase (and lack, domestically) of all the rare-earth metals you need to mine to make batteries for the Electric Vehicle paradise the Left promised. EV makers are finally announcing price hikes, and they just happen to be almost exactly the sum Congress just approved for EV subsidies.

Related: The Left’s Electric Car Future Is All Carbon Smoke and Mirrors


The Detroit automaker adjusted the MSRP on the F-150 Lightning for the first time since it was revealed in the spring of 2021. Since then, industrial metal prices for batteries, including nickel, manganese, cobalt, and lithium, have jumped, forcing the automaker to raise the new EV truck prices by up to $7,000, depending on the model.


And …


The Senate passed legislation on Sunday allowing automakers to keep offering up to $7,000 in tax credits for EVs. The House plans to interrupt summer break to reconvene on Friday to clear the bill, sending it to President Biden’s desk for signature.


Which tail is wagging what dog?

No one in DC knows how to run a business that requires long-range planning. Material, logistics, manufacturing lead times, all of that. They print money and give it to their friends. And when it comes to Electric Vehicles, the US Government (Progs, Dems, and Libs in particular) are the automaker’s BFFs. And now there’s some rumbling about these just-in-time price hikes.

The digital murmuring class is mumbling about how car makers are raising their prices to cash in on the 7K handouts by the same amount. And that concern is not far-fetched unless you’ve been paying attention to the cost of rare earth metals (on top of inflation, etc.). Cost hikes were baked in as early as last year. It was just a question of when the costs in the manufacturing cycle would catch up to the sale price.

So, here we are. Congress has been hiding its green new deal in legislation the way cartels hide drugs, but the Inflation Reduction act, more appropriately called the Reduction Inflation Act, is packed with fake-green gimmes, including massive subsidies for wind, solar, and a 7K hand out for EVs.

In my opinion, it is not a coincidence that the automakers raised their prices to take advantage of the handout; the handout was created in response to knowledge of the unavoidable price hike. The Progs, Dems, and Libs are just trying to keep the dream alive even though most EVs are purchased by the upper classes, the only ones who ever would or could afford them.

It’s a dream, on paper, that has no future reality. And the 7k is just another gimme to people more likely to donate money to them. EV’s have no practical use in the real world. They are not green. They can’t replace most of the vehicles needed to move or build a society. And that was never the point.

We’ve been saying for years that the transition to useless vehicles no one can afford had but one purpose. To slow down and, if possible, end private or individual mobility. The green car goal was not to transition to green cars – and EVs are anything but – it was to end your ability to go and do whatever you wanted when you wanted. And the WEF just proved me right.

The WEF is concerned about the availability of rare earth metals. Their answer is shifting from ownership to users. A fancy way of supporting the world where you don’t own anything. In other words, communism. You’ll get it if they think you need it, but guess what? You don’t need it, but they do. It’s John Kerry saying, But I have to fly a private jet to the climate conference to do my job applied to everything.

Create scarcity, demand cultural change, and coincidentally, the cure for everything is communism. So, the 7K subsidy is another smokescreen. It keeps the dream within reach because they are not quite ready to tell you the truth. The green utopia is a dirty, empty, immobile future at the top of which sits a protected class of elites with all the guns and power.

Canadain Truckers, Dutch Farmers. There are a lot of dogs and tails and who ends up wagging what remains to be seen but here’s to hoping Liberty wins. The alternative is not much of a future, at least not for most of us.



The post EV Subsidies and Price Hikes, So Which Tail is Wagging What Dog? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

CRT, DEI, and SEL Are Fraudulent – Here Are Some Facts

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 16:30 +0000

CRT, DEI, and SEL’s stoking of racial tensions aside, its efforts to promote gender confusion under the guise of serving minority gender groups, even among the prepubescent, are finally being recognized as fraudulent to wit:

  • The statistical huge spike in young female to male sexual reassignment surgeries (4,000% in England alone) is now increasingly understood as a product of a social contagion effect;
  • The closing of England’s Tavistock sexual transition surgery center following a review of its diagnosis and treatment protocols has stopped top-down, one size fits all transitioning” for children.
  • England’s National Institute for Care and Excellence’s finding that the link between transitioning and improved psychological function was “very weak” and asserts that the common scare tactic that gender dysphoric children who are not allowed to transition are disproportionately suicide prone simply lacks evidence;

We want to thank Michael D. Breen MPA, Ph.D., Director, NH No Left Turn in Education for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

  • Contrary to years of claims that puberty blockers are not harmful, America’s Food and Drug Administration now has a new warning on puberty blockers as they may cause brain swelling and vision loss;
  • That America’s Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found that:

“There is a lack of current evidence-based guidance for care of children and adolescents who identify as transgender regarding the benefits and harms of pubertal suppression, medical affirmation with hormone theory, and surgical affirmation;”

  • Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare (SNBHW) drastically changed course after reviewing studies on the effect and safety of hormone treatments and now states that (1) this treatment

(1) this treatment “currently outweigh the possible benefits, that the treatments should be offered only in exceptional cases;”
(2) “that the phenomenon of detransition is more common than previously thought,” thus “gender-confirming treatment thus may lead to a deteriorating of health and quality of life (ie: harm)”
(3) there is a lack of evidence to support hormonal or surgical interventions, except for exceptional circumstances.

  • Finland’s Counsel for Choices in Health Care (COHERE) asserts that

“In light of available evidence, gender reassignment of minors is an experimental practice,” and that “no irreversible treatments should be initiated.”

  • Finland’s Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino (chief psychiatrist in the department of adolescent psychiatry at Tampere Hospital.) is of the opinion that “Scientific evidence for any interventions on minors with gender identity indication is actually zero;” that the dramatic rise in female to male transitions was a product of “political pressure,” “appeared to be very much influenced by other adolescents;” and unlike the original Dutch cohort current applicants “had severe psychiatric problems,” and that “virtually nothing is known” about adolescent-onset gender dysphoria.
    • That the cohort in which sexual transitioning is based is a small Dutch group, mostly male, that had long-lasting gender dysphoria absent other mental health issues. (Not rapid developing gender dysphoria dominated by females transitioning to males as in the U.S.) and that even in this original study (in which subsequent views are based), the methodology “wasn’t terribly reliable;”
  • That there is a high rate of autism among those with adolescent-onset gender dysphoria;
  • • That there is an alarming rate of unsatisfied detransitioners “almost completely ignored” in the American press.

Albeit extremely profitable for some, perhaps it is time to pause the use of our public schools to initiate non-mental health professionals’ secret “counseling,” “diagnosing,” and designing “interventions” to include the secret administration of puberty blockers which overwhelming leads to sexual mutilation of children. This phenomenon is grounded in the nonacademic agenda of CRT, SEL DEI’s ideological need to identify the “oppressed” rather than SCIENCE. It will be years before we can collect meaningful data on the impact of age-inappropriate pornography and psychological harm, and quality of life issues this rancid ideology has forced upon children and their parents.

Respectfully submitted:

Michael D. Breen MPA, Ph.D.
NH No Left Turn in Education

The post CRT, DEI, and SEL Are Fraudulent – Here Are Some Facts appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

UN Caught In Climate Change Cover-Up

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 15:00 +0000

If the “experts” were right, I should be writing this article from a dingy while floating down an overfilled White River. I’m not. In fact, the river is so low I can’t put a dingy in it.

Perhaps even lower is the integrity of the scientific “experts” surrounding the global warming/climate change catastrophism they’ve been pushing onto the people of Earth since former Vice President Al Gore nominated himself the climate tsar for the world. One might recall the bold and devastating claims he made in his “Inconvenient Truth” documentary, which included:

  • Extinction of the polar bear population
  • Sea levels rising high enough to bury Manhattan
  • All arctic ice would melt away by 2013
  • The great coral reefs would disappear

So far, he’s batting a solid .000 on these predictions, which isn’t just embarrassing for him. It is for the rest of the world who bought into it as well as buying a Prius or a designer set of recycling bins off Etsy to do their part. Global warming, like with COVID-19, only moves policy if you can sufficiently scare the crap out of a maximum number of people willing to believe the doomsday mantra “we’re all in this together.” Only some of us have known it wasn’t a methane problem but a steaming pile of cow pies since the beginning.

The polar bear population, rather than dying off, has exploded to the point of threatening the native Inuit population in Canada. However, experts desperate to save face insist their encroaching southward isn’t due to their increase but thanks to climate change.

How about those sea levels in Manhattan? Rather than admit his error, Gore does what any corrupt expert would do to save face. He simply changes his claim, you know, like how the climate changes. I imagine he couldn’t stomach the thought of being cornered by little Greta Thunberg crying, “how dare you!”

What about that arctic ice recession? How about this quote from the Danish Meteorological Institute:

“The year 2020 is now all-but upon us, Al, and we have clear evidence that the ice at the poles is now not only not melting, it is in fact once again growing, in both thickness and extent (DMI).”


The Great Barrier Reef is also not only not dying but is getting greater by the year. Australians are proud to be its stewards and are even more proud of their efforts to keep it healthy, which they have. Maybe the climate changes backward down under? Who knows.

The real inconvenient truth is that global warming is not taking place. Nor are the schizophrenic weather phenomena of climate change. Storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes have all decreased steadily over the past one hundred years. This makes sense since these atmospheric occurrences are needed to cool the earth and oceans, neither of which have gotten appreciably warmer.

As a result, the catastrophism that animates the global green movement is no longer theoretically viable – it’s definitively been proven false. The honest scientists are admitting as much. However, the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change just had to admit the earth has not warmed in 15 years. This admission wasn’t followed up with contrition toward a world that had upended itself to stop the spread of global warming only to find out it was based on, at best, erroneous scientific theorizing, at worst bald-faced lies. No, the collective embarrassment of the panel found scientists around the world, mostly the European countries who have gone all-in on going green, following Al instead of the science and simply changing the data to suit the narrative.

Science relies on falsifiability, which is different than saying it is open to lies. It’s not. It is by its very nature the pursuit of that which is true for the purpose of giving mankind insights by which to guide how we live faithfully among each other and nature. Those behind and out front of the global warming turned climate change movement don’t understand either the boundaries set by scientific philosophy or the laws that actually keep us safe as a human race.

It appears the same hubris that believes humans are capable of fundamentally transforming the Earth’s climate is in operation of those who believe they can fundamentally transform science to suit their political manipulation of people.

If anything needs to change, it’s that.


The post UN Caught In Climate Change Cover-Up appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fake News for the Week (8/15-8/20)

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 13:30 +0000

Hollywood Updates Insensitive Movie Titles

Hollywood is usually the first to speak up for the rights of the underprivileged, who also happen to never live in Hollywood. The Screen Actors Guild along with the Harvey Weinstein Foundation have teamed up to bring classic movie titles, once perfectly acceptable in lights on the marquee, into the 21st Century where accurate nomenclature takes a backseat to the feels. After several thousand online tweets demanding these insensitive titles be changed to spare the feelings of people who prefer to remain anonymous yet demand to be the center of attention, major Hollywood production offices have relented. Here are just a few of the new titles:

  • Scent of a Biologist
  • Pretty What?
  • What Birthing Persons Want
  • Little Lesbians
  • Wonder Broad
  • Attack of the 50 Foot Floozy

Several agents, who represent major starlets were asked how this would affect the challenge of getting equal pay with their male counterparts, could not be reached for comment as they were busy finishing up Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) training.

Antifa Changing Name To Protifa After Realizing They Love Fascism

The militant arm of America’s new protest culture known as Antifa announced via social media that they will be changing their name. The group’s name derives from “antifaschistisc”, a 1930s era German word associated with a group of anti-Nazi radicals. It would later be associated with anti-fascist groups in Italy.

After having so much success as the foot soldiers for former Nazis George Soros and Klaus Schwab, from whom Antifa has drawn considerable financial support, the group is rethinking both its name and image. Group leaders, who wish to remain anonymous, have recently given a press release stating they will now go by Protifa after three straight summers of success and support by both the US government and many US corporations.

“Fascism sucks until you can use it for your cause” said one member who was recently released from jail after serving six hours of a twelve year sentence for arson, armed robbery, vandalism, and child molestation.

Also seeing a change are the all black uniforms with black facemasks worn by Antifa members since the early rioting in 2016. New corporate sponsors Adidas will be making a lighter, more breathable black jumpsuit with white pinstripes borrowing a page from 1950s mobsters, coupled with a sensible street shoe complete with steel toes and heel compartment that can hold small explosives or up to a 3” blade.

Dartmouth college historian Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Antiefascist Handbook has given his blessing to the change.

“Antifa is ready to go pro!” said Bray. “Protifa is a much more positive message, and one we hope will inspire kids to look to us for role models”.

When asked if he was concerned for the children’s safety due to the large number of pedophiles among Protifa’s ranks he stayed true to his positivism commenting “Absolutely not. If anything it will lead to member retention at both ends.”

Vermont Prostitutes Announce Plans To Unionize

The recent decriminalization of prostitution in Vermont has many sex workers looking to protect their industry. Recently the non-profit Whores For Change held a meeting at the ONE Community Center in Burlington. Meeting notes reveal the topics of discussion included:

  • A Ho Healthcare Initiative
  • Know Your STDs
  • Time cards and the forty hour work week
  • Signs of overworking
  • Workers compensation
  • Fund raising ideas
  • The benefit of uniforms versus costumes
  • Proper footwear

Those in attendance seem encouraged by the discussions and appreciate the opportunity to increase the professionalism of the world’s oldest profession. We reached out to the Whores For Change legal team of Dewey, Lay & Howe who were unavailable for comment at this time.

Wokesters Identify Dangerous New Group Of Oppressors

The vanguard of social justice warriors out to defend the oppressed have identified the latest threat to the human race – humor.

“This attack on the humorless is no laughing matter” said Reece P. Kupps (zee/zer), Professor of Stoicism at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Professor Kupps cites the staggering number of students on campus suffering depression and an almost crippling inability to laugh, about anything.

Behavioral scientists at the Cleveland Clinic have been studying this growing trend among Americans by screening classics such as Blazing Saddles and Airplane for groups of millenials and gen Z, using Baby Boomers and Generation X as control groups. Their research has found not only do the younger generations not laugh throughout the films but become violently offended. One African American researcher was removed from the study team after laughing out loud at multiple instances of racial humor, ironically aimed at black people, during a showing of Blazing Saddles.

“I’ve always thought that was some funny s**t” said the scientist.

Racialized humor is never funny” scolded a younger Caucasian female who got up midway through the film to start a protest outside the building.

“He’ll see how funny it is looking for a new job” retorted another (also Caucasian) young Ivy League student.

Upon learning of the termination the Dave Chappelle Show hired the scientist to join their team of writers where he now makes nearly quadruple his income from last year.

The post Fake News for the Week (8/15-8/20) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Wyoming Republicans Tell Liz Cheney to F*** Off!

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 12:00 +0000

If you peruse the corporate media on J6 Never-Trump Liz Cheney’s embarrassing primary loss in Wyoming, you might throw up in your mouth. It’s embarrassing. And I’ll be honest, it had an impact on my choice of headlines. I was looking for some much-needed balance.

Cheney chose a side. She voted to impeach Trump. She decided to be a useful idiot in the J6 star chamber. And the people she was supposed to represent didn’t like that. Democracy! Boom!

“Hageman secured greater than 66% of the vote while Cheney was only at 28.9%.”

Democrats (and Never-Trumpers) can’t shut up about democracy until we all turn blue. But when it works against them, the narrative needs a new direction. And as hard as Cheney tried to get Democrats to cross over and meddle in a Republican primary, it failed. She lost. The Trump-backed candidate won.

How the hell do they spin that? They are spinning, but there’s no spin.

Liz made poor choices down in DC, and Wyoming Republicans told Lizard Cheney to F off, and that’s as clear as you can make it.

So, what next?

Liz has nothing to lose. She can be as progressive as the elitist political blood that runs through her veins demands. And if you listen to her concession speech or read the reporting from the Left’s pundits doing business as reporters, the goal remains the same. Do whatever it takes to ensure Donald Trump can’t run for president again.

That makes Trump the best person for the job.

If stooges like Cheney fear him, then he’s what America needs. A guy who will try to dismantle the bureaucratic state and the machine that props it up. So, I hope Trump’s Secret Service detail is up to the job because they weren’t joking when someone said out loud that if this FBI-raid thing doesn’t stick, someone will have to assassinate him.

Trust me, they’ve all been thinking it, and the only reason it hasn’t happened is that, like all such figures, he is probably more dangerous o their cause as a martyr.

That is still true, but at some point, they will take the shot … and then try to use it to ban guns.



Note: The link to the Daily Wire and the pull quote with the election results were added a few minutes after publication.

The post Wyoming Republicans Tell Liz Cheney to F*** Off! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

RINO Report: Jim Allard

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 10:30 +0000

This is the second in a series that points a spotlight on some RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to defeat in the upcoming primary.

Pittsfield is a very strong Republican town. You might think that a Rep from such a town would himself be a strong Republican. Sadly, Jim Allard is a severe RINO. He has “blossomed” from mediocre to one of the worst RINOs in the whole House.

In the 2019-20 session, Allard voted with Democrats against Republicans 50 times, which placed him in the top (i.e., worst) ten RINOs. In 2021-22, he voted against Republicans 123 times. That was second only to Dan Wolf as worst RINO.

We want to thank Spec Bowers for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

Allard has two newcomer opponents in a 3 for 2 primary – Cy Aures and Clayton Wood. I have no info about either one, but they could hardly vote worse than Allard. It is best to vote for both of them so that Allard finishes last.

Here are some highlights (lowlights?) of Allard’s career.

Bad votes by Allard, James (R, Pittsfield) Parental Control     voted AGAINST parental choice regarding face masks ( 2022 HB1131 ) Education     voted AGAINST education choice ( 2022 HB1298 )     voted FOR repealing the education freedom account program. ( 2022 HB1683 )     voted FOR restricting education choice ( 2022 HB1516, 2022 HB1684, 2022 HB1120 ) Cost of Living     voted AGAINST reducing costs of energy ( 2021 HB373, 2022 HR17 )     voted FOR higher property taxes for most owners ( 2021 SB102 )     voted FOR requiring state taxpayers to make up for poor investments by the Retirement Board ( 2022 HB1417 ) Constitutional Rights     voted AGAINST prohibiting the suspension of civil liberties ( 2021 HB440 )     voted AGAINST property rights ( 2021 HB402, 2022 HB414 )     voted AGAINST religious liberty ( 2021 HB542 )     voted AGAINST repealing a never-used and unconstitutional infringement on free speech ( 2022 HB1625 )     voted AGAINST rights of conscience ( 2021 HB63 )     voted AGAINST rights of conscience regarding vaccination mandates ( 2022 HB1604, 2022 HB1379, 2022 HB1455, 2022 HB1490, 2022 HB1210 )     voted FOR restricting property rights ( 2021 HB177 ) Right to Life     voted AGAINST prohibiting abortions after 24 weeks ( 2021 HB625 )     voted FOR weakening the right to life ( 2022 HB1609 ) Other     voted AGAINST the right to join or not join a union ( 2021 SB61 On all of these votes, at least 80% – in most cases, more than 90% – of Republicans voted the other way.

The post RINO Report: Jim Allard appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

CDC Apolgizes to America

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 00:00 +0000

The Center for Disease Control has developed a new set of COVID guidelines. The new guidelines may not be an apology, but they are an admission of agency overreach.

There is no accompanying apology to America for the irresponsible restrictions the CDC inflicted on Americans over the last two years. You will not see the CDC accept responsibility for damaging our children and their educational development. You will not see how unjustly American families were separated, with many seniors passing away without a relative by their side. The new guidelines are an admission of incompetence at the highest level of the CDC but do not hold your breath waiting for terminations or resignations. These bureaucrats are beyond accountability.

The new guidelines indicate the CDC eased its COVID-19 guidance on Thursday, reflecting a shift of tone from institutional mandates to personal choice. Many will find this shift too little and far too late.

Among the biggest differences in the new recommendations is that the guidelines will no longer differentiate people who are up-to-date on their vaccinations and those who are unvaccinated.

The agency no longer recommends 6 feet social distancing or quarantining after being exposed to the virus but not experiencing symptoms.

The agency will also remove several specific COVID-19 recommendations for schools, like “test to stay” guidance that required students exposed to the virus to continue to test negative to remain in school.

But the guidelines do keep some measures in place, including encouraging testing for people with symptoms and their close contacts.

The CDC continues to recommend that those who test positive should stay home for at least five days and wear a mask for 10 days. The CDC did not call for a negative test before exiting isolation.

Contact tracing should be limited to hospitals and certain high-risk group-living situations, such as nursing homes, the CDC said. The new rules remove regular testing except in certain high-risk settings, such as nursing homes and prisons.

The new guidance also tailors advice on isolation for people who became very sick from COVID-19.

People with moderate symptoms, such as shortness of breath, and those who were hospitalized, should stay at home for at least 10 days.

People with compromised immune systems should now talk to their doctor about ending their isolation after contacting COVID-19.

For the many whose COVID-19 symptoms rebound, the CDC recommends beginning the isolation period over again and visiting the doctor.

There are a few points here that lead to more questions. With no longer differentiating vaccinated vs. unvaccinated, what does that mean for all who lost their jobs for not taking the jab? Does that mean that these people should be automatically reinstated and compensated for lost wages? Does that mean that all our discharged military personnel are now returned to active? This may be a quick change to the CDC, but it has many ramifications.

Does removing distance requirements mean we can get our classrooms back to pre-Covid capacity and cancel any mask mandates implemented this year in California and Pennsylvania? Those who made those mandate decisions should take the initiative to retract them immediately. Though these new guidelines are a welcome relief, the timing has puzzled many.

All of a sudden, personal responsibility was key to the CDC when they had taken away our liberties for over two years. It is no wonder that most Americans have no faith in CDC decisions. Then again, we have that same feeling about all of the government. I don’t see how they will ever regain our trust.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Prerogatives of Private Political Parties

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-16 22:30 +0000

People seem to forget that political parties — including the two major parties — are private organizations that can make up whatever rules they want for nominating candidates for office.

For example, many in the GOP would like just about anyone except Chris Sununu to be the nominee for governor, but they worry about how the challengers (Karen Testerman, Julian Acciard, and Thad Riley) might split the vote, leaving His Excellency as the winner (and conservative values as the loser).

But the party could choose to use something like Instant Runoff/Ranked Choice voting or some other alternative voting scheme designed to combat the many weaknesses inherent in the first-past-the-post scheme that is normally used.

Alternatively, the party could just include Anyone But the Incumbent as a choice on the ballot, which would encourage voting among party members who figure that none of the other candidates could possibly be worse, but don’t have the time, energy, or patience to learn which would be best.

A variation on this would be to let a voter choose between voting for someone and voting against someone.  Each vote against would cancel out one vote for.  This could put the whole field on more or less equal footing without singling the incumbent out.

For that matter, the party doesn’t even have to make use of the normal primary system that is run (at taxpayer expense) on its behalf.

It could, for example, use mail or email ballots, which it would accept only from people who are registered as Republican well before primary day. This would exclude ODORs (One Day Only Republicans) who change party registration at the last minute.  It would also exclude people who amble over from neighboring states to try to influence what happens here.

As soon as you let go of the commonly held but completely bogus idea that the two-party system is an official part of the government, all kinds of possibilities arise, most of which are better than the traditional method, which right now looks pretty certain to nominate someone who might as well be a Democrat.

Yes, it’s risky to try something new.  But should the GOP be more afraid of trying something that might not work, or clinging to something that almost certainly will not work?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Monadnock Gathering of Freedom Groups

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-16 21:00 +0000
Title: Monadnock Gathering of Freedom Groups When: Saturday, September 24, 1-5PM Where: The Village Church, 121 Cobble Hill Road, Swanzey NH

Brief Description: For all individuals and groups who fully understand the Great Reset narrative and are committed to freedom, this event provides an opportunity to meet others in your area so that we can build resilient community networks to deal with possible social, economic, and supply chain disruptions and work towards creating viable parallel systems. More information and tickets here.

Please Submit Group communications or Press Releases for consideration
to Submission is not a guarantee of publication.

Admission is $10. For those who do not wish to purchase a ticket on the Eventbrite System, they can reserve their place by writing to [please specify # of tickets, the names of ticket recipients and their town(s)], then pay at the door.

Thank you, John-Michael Dumais Executive Director Collaborative Communities Coalition Rise Up NH and Voluntary Civic Action League


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

No One Is above the Law, You Say?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-16 19:30 +0000

Yes, I am well aware that there are never-Trumpers, anti-Trumpers, and people who wish Trump would burst into flames. That’s not today’s subject. You can find that on almost any “news” outlet.

If you think that the raid, oh, excuse me, warrant execution at Trump’s Mar a Lago residence (by multiple heavily armed agents of the State, some wearing tactical gear  when he wasn’t home) is acceptable or even the best thing ever, you might want to pause and think again.

The search was ostensibly for documents, not narcotics that could be flushed away or a bomb that could be detonated. Paper, including, per several reports, a cocktail napkin. (Our Democracy, I mean Republic, is safe! Thank goodness!) Were the agents expecting armed resistance? Perhaps the documents were going to be thrown in a fire pit?

Attorney General Garland said that no one is above the law. Agreed. One of our founding principles is the law should be applied to everyone equally, regardless of their position in life. Also agreed.

Now, for a moment, imagine that the political leanings were reversed: that a Republican administration sent the same agents into the home of a Democratic politician (who wasn’t there). Does that still seem acceptable?

Well then, where was the raid on Obama’s home after missing records were noted back in 2018? Or the raid on Eric Holder’s home after the Fast and Furious gun walking debacle of the late 2000s?

Or the raid on Hillary Clinton’s home after Director Comey’s 30-minute exposition on the alleged illegal acts relating to her server? Or the raid on the Clinton home after the reports of many missing items after they vacated the White House?

If he really trafficked under-aged girls, then where is the investigation into Jeffrey Epstein’s “client” list? And currently, where is the raid (and indictment) of Hunter Biden after he’s admitted to crimes and with video evidence of others?

No one is above the law, you say?

Who will hold the FBI accountable for the Steele dossier/collusion hoax, their lying to the FISA court, the efforts of agents Strzok & Page to undermine the Trump presidency, or the suppression of Hunter’s laptop? (I’m avoiding more deadly “missions” such as Waco and Ruby Ridge.)

I’ll wait for an answer…for quite a while, I’m sure.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Belknap County Republican Committee – the “We’re ALL Extremists Now!” edition

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-16 18:00 +0000

Grokster Don, who was also present at July meeting  had the Line / Question of the Night (even if not articulated until almost the end of the meeting):

When did limited Government, Freedom, and the Right to Property become Extremist?

Well, Don, that would be when Socialism, that foreign political philosophy, was brought back to our American shores as “American” academics (‘natch!) returned from Germany and then believed that our Constitution and its underlying values had to be replaced (See Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, LBJ, Obama, and now those who are controlling addled President Asterisk).

The Left has been trying to remove it and the values it stood for and encompassed since the 1890s. One hundred and thirty years, they’ve been marching through our institutions trying to rid “ourselves” of the political philosophy of our Founding Fathers. And that would be by using our own political infrastructure against those of us that still value the Liberty supporting norms they put into place.

But we are now to be called the extremists – and even our Federal Government calls us all domestic terrorists.

And along with “TEA Partier,” “Free Stater,” and now “Extremist.”

The Left loves to label their opposition, in their long march to radically transform America (remember, Obama actually stated as much) anything that would diminish their opposition personally. My prime example is what GAC Commissioners Doug Lambert (owner, DGF Industrial) and Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice Chair) have been calling other Republicans for no cause at all – neither of them nor the Democrat-run group they have aligned themselves with, Citizens for Belknap), can point to any Law that has been broken, ByLaw that has been rendered asunder, Rule that has been bent, nor regulation that has been ignored.




Every step of the way, each of those has been meticulously followed.  Not so much on the other side.

While this video is a month old (had it in my Drafts and forgot about it), that supposition rings true.  A prime example is that GAC Commissioners Lambert and Wood have fallen in with the Democrats in this “rhetorical exercise” of the politics of personal destruction. And given the updated events over this last month, I can just say that Doug Lambert, always a student of the Left’s actions, appreciated how Germany was turned inside out in the early 1930s through the office of the Chancellorship.  Now Lambert has just recreated that using the Gunstock Area Commission.  Now his Putsch has seemingly succeeded.

At least until the two, now maybe three, lawsuits are heard in court.

I do wonder if the newly “appointed” GAC Commissioner Denise Conroy knows that Lambert was an early Trump campaign co-captain?  And that he was the one ostracized from political society by slurring NH Democrat Chair Ray Buckley?  If so, would the below then get invoked, making Lambert and Wood their “useful idiots” (a putsch within a putsch)? Again, both Wood and Lambert are the ones wearing the ski helmets.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Republican Candidate’s Campaign Sign Found Hidden Behind a Manchester Democrat’s Home

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-16 16:30 +0000

The occupants of 151 Sagamore Street in Manchester have a Chris Pappas sign in their yard. Alongside it is a sign for David Preece, another Democrat. Pappas is running for reelection to congress. Preece for the NH House. Neither is as interesting as the sign “behind” the house.

The Manchester *Democrats at 151 Sagamore St. supporting Pappas and Preece have a 4 x 6 (4 x 8?) Matt Mowers for Congress sign wedged between their aluminum shed and a pair of ladders.



That’s not usually how people “display” them unless you support Democrats. Mowers is a Republican running for the nomination in Congressional District one, so you’d be right to scratch your noodle and wonder what a Matt Mowers sign was doing on their property unless it was stolen.

4 x 8 signs are not cheap. Stealing them is against the law and comes with a fine and the potential loss of your right to vote in the state.

Related: Democrat Geoff Wetrosky That Lying Liar (And Repeat Vote Stealer)

I’m sure the owners or occupants at 151 Sagamore St., Manchester, have a perfect explanation for why a Republican campaign sign is hidden behind their house during the run-up to an election.

An election (potentially) between the guy whose sign they have allegedly stolen and the guy whose sign is freely displayed in their front yard. Or did they steal this sign in 2020 when Mowers was the nominee and Pappas the incumbent?

That doesn’t make it any less illegal.



*We have not confirmed the party registration of the residents as Democrats, but based on the evidence, it seems obvious.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

G.I.P. GOP US Senate Debate

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-16 15:00 +0000
The Government Integrity Project held a GOP US Senate Primary debate on August 14th, with candidates Don Bolduc, Bruce Fenton, and Kevin Smith. Chuck Morse and Vikram Mansharamani chose not to face this audience, which I guessed at over 300. General Bolduc was fired up, Kevin Smith was enthusiastic, and Bruce Fenton didn’t have Chuck to throw verbal bombs at. Ken Eyring diplomatically stated he’d be happy to have any of them cutting government down to size. See what you think.
First, Ken Eyring introduced the debate, the pastor gave the invocation, and the Pledge of Allegiance was said:

Opening statements, then first questions from the Government Integrity Project and the moderator:

Small break for battery change, then questions submitted by GIP members and the audience:

Rapid fire round and closing statements:

And the final photo of the candidates and the volunteers:

What do the readers think? Did the establishment candidate waffle on some answers? Could Bruce really bring a broader electorate? Do you think the General was on fire?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

UPDATE: The Alleged Child Predator and Groomer School Bus Driver in Greenland

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-16 13:30 +0000

Tonight I was invited to a school board meeting in Greenland, NH. Prior to the start of the meeting, the board members and administrators opened up comments so that parents could address the alleged predator, that was grooming an 8-year-old boy in Greenland, New Hampshire.

While some parents were aware of this meeting, many were not. I was told by some parents that NO notification went out to parents informing them of this community discussion. That alone is cause for concern. Parents should have been notified that this meeting would be taking place.

The parents who did attend wanted to know why the bus driver was re-assigned to a different route after receiving complaints by the parents.  From NBC News Boston:

The complaint said that in April, their son and daughter’s bus driver, identified as Chick, had given them gifts like candy, Pokémon paraphernalia, and other small toys.

When the kids were absent from school, the parents said Chick would leave notes for the children at their home that said how much he missed them.

The complaint stated that in May, Chick “stopped and asked if he could attend the boy’s Little League baseball game.” The boy’s parents then contacted the school, getting Greenland Police and the school bus company involved.

The Student School Administration asked the bus company to assign Chick to a different route. The complaint said the next day, Greenland Police told Chick he could have no more contact with the boy or his family.

In July, documents alleged someone found two TracFones in the boy’s bedroom. The child admitted that Chick had given him the phones in May.

Upon searching Chick’s car, investigators said they found a “TracFone, a digital camera, duct tape, rubber gloves, sweet (candy) liquor, candy, children’s clothing including underwear, children’s toys, a magnetic GPS vehicle tracker.” Investigators said they also executed a search warrant at Chick’s home.

When asked about the items, his mother told 7NEWS that, in the case of the rubber gloves, he was required to have them for his job, while some other items were related to time he spent as a babysitter.

According to the police, the notes found in Chick’s room said things like, “You saved yourself. Would have taken you away on Friday.” Investigators also said there were detailed instructions on how to take body selfies from different angles and instructions on keeping a secret “in order for your family to not be killed.”

Parents want answers.

Who failed to act on the first reports by these parents that resulted in a reassignment to another bus? Parents want an exact time-line of events. Why was Chick not put on leave, and all of this reported to the authorities?

They want accountability for those involved. Who decided this information should not be shared with parents?  There were calls for transparency by school officials.

As an advocate for parental rights, I added the following requests on behalf of parents who have contacted me: 
1) Accountability: who will be accountable for any of this?
2) Transparency: make sure the investigation is fully transparent, and how this gross negligence never happens again. That involves clear policies that hold personnel accountable for their actions. Parents want to see policies that involve the termination of anyone who puts children in harms way.
3) Parents need to know how the background checks work. Was there any criminal activity that showed up as one parent suggested? If so, why was he hired ? That needs to change.
4) Parents need to see the discipline policy for all those employed in the school district.
5) This was a predator grooming an 8 year old boy in the district. Parents want to make sure that what happens in the Greenland schools does not help any groomers in the future.
6) Any conversations with First Student should be public and televised for those who cannot attend the meeting.
7) Contact representatives from the Child Advocacy Center so that they can advise the staff on what grooming looks like. This could go a long way to helping to identify groomers working in the district.

Parents need to attend all public meetings. They need to make it clear to the school board during school board meetings that there needs to be accountability on what happened with this bus driver.

First Student provides busing for many school districts in New Hampshire. It would be a good idea if all parents started questioning their school board too.

When teachers, administrators or any other person working in the school system is grooming a child, and that person is reassigned, that is called: Passing the Trash. It is up to parents and residents in Greenland to make it very clear, this is unacceptable, and those who participate in this behavior will be terminated too.

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Steve Zadravec <>
Date: Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 16:55
Subject: Update and Statement from First Student
To: ********

Dear SAU 50 Community Members,

In addition to the information we sent out across the SAU yesterday, Greenland Central School has released some age-appropriate talking tips for parents when addressing personal safety issues with their children from the 2022 Committee for Children. I’m including this document at the end of this message.

There has also been a dedicated hotline set up to allow families to report any pertinent information involving this case and/ or other incidents. This hotline is being staffed by the Department of Homeland Security and is the most efficient way to get information to investigators. Officials urge anyone with information to call (603)-722-1751.

Message from First Student
I received the following message with additional information from First Student. We will share additional information as it becomes available.

“First Student is proud to provide safe and reliable school bus transportation to your community. Having done so for more than 100 years across North America, nothing is more important to us. The incident reported in Greenland, N.H., is completely unacceptable and at odds with what we stand for as a company.

We understand the anxiety this causes for parents and school districts. I can assure you that First Student took immediate action. The driver was terminated immediately upon notification of their arrest, and we continue to partner with all local, state, and federal authorities during the investigation.

First Student follows all onboarding guidelines set by the state of New Hampshire and the Department of Transportation, including testing requirements, background checks and licensure policies. Coupled with more than 40 hours of in-classroom and behind-the-wheel training, First Students exceeds in the training of our drivers.

I want you to have confidence in how serious we are about delivering safe and reliable school bus transportation. Our drivers are committed to providing the best start and end to the school day. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”

Thank you,

Dave Fairweather
Area General Manager
First Student

Please know we are committed to a strong partnership with parents and community stakeholders. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. My email is and the phone number is (603) 422-9572.

Steve Zadravec, Superintendent



2022 Committee for Children | Reprinted with permission for personal or educational purposes.

Talking Tips for Parents.pdf 

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Jessica Friedman <>
Date: Tue, Aug 9, 2022 at 13:55
Subject: Message from GCS Principal Hallee
To: *************

August 9, 2022

Dear Greenland Central School Parents and Guardians,

As you always hear me say, student safety is my number one priority. I wanted to personally reach out, as your Principal, regarding the recent arrest of a First Student bus driver. This driver had been transporting some of our Greenland students.

Please know that when concerns are brought to our attention, we have protocols in place for responding to them, which includes contacting the appropriate authorities and other necessary stakeholders.  If there is an ongoing investigation, there are additional parameters that we must follow in order to protect the child and to help ensure the integrity of the legal process.

We are grateful for the ongoing support and collaboration of the Greenland Police, the United States Attorney, and the Department of Homeland Security.  These law enforcement agencies have assured us that they will be actively pursuing this case and will be remaining in our community for as long as we need them.

As a school, we already have measures put into place to have students learn about safety as standard practice within our curriculum, both in respect to personal body safety and how to be safe online. Prior to recent events, Haven was already scheduled to come to GCS in September and will be working with all grade levels.  In addition, our student support team is ready to support our students and their needs.  (HAVEN supports southeastern New Hampshire through violence prevention education, support services, and community outreach.)

Having conversations about these matters with your children can feel uncomfortable. I have included information below on ways you can talk to your student(s) from the 2022 Committee for Children.   Please reach out to me personally if you have any concerns regarding your student(s) safety and would like a time to meet with one of our counselors and/or myself.  If you feel that your child has been impacted by this situation, please contact the Greenland Police Department by calling 603-431-4624. In addition, there will be a communication from Superintendent Zadravec this afternoon.


Tamara Hallee, Principal




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Moby Trump

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-16 12:00 +0000

I just saw this headline on a news aggregator:

“Volatile Fallout After Angry Reactions To Court-Approved Search Warrant For Trump’s Florida Estate”

And I wondered:  What is the phrase court-approved doing in the headline?

Of course, the search warrant was approved by a court.  Does anyone think it wasn’t?  It would be like specifying Trump’s American Florida Estate.

I suspect the idea is that the typical reader will think something like:  Well, if the court approved the search, then the search must be legitimate, right?

I also suspect that this might have the desired effect, but only up to a certain point. And I think that the Mar-a-Lago raid may be on the far side of that point.

So the Justice Department, with the help of the media, is trying to borrow the perceived legitimacy of the courts to make this seem like something other than what so many people can so clearly see that it is.

But in this case, I think it’s not going to lift the reputation of the Justice Department up. On the contrary, it’s going to drag the reputation of the courts down, like Captain Ahab being drowned by Moby Dick.

That is, a lot of readers are probably thinking something like: Well, if the court approved the search, then the court must be illegitimate, right?

It’s a great question and one that should be asked more often.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Minneapolis School District Will Fire Teachers Based on Skin Color

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-16 10:30 +0000

The recently agreed-to Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT) Union Contract includes a provision that protects employment-based race. If a job needs to be eliminated, you’ll get fired instead of someone else if you look a certain way.

The union’s agreement ignores seniority in favor of skin color, and you’ve probably guessed which color.


“Starting with the Spring 2023 Budget Tie-Out Cycle, if excessing a teacher who is a member of a population underrepresented among licensed teachers in the site, the District shall excess the next least senior teacher, who is not a member of an underrepresented population,” the agreement reads.

According to the United Federation of Teachers, “excessing” means “reducing staff in a particular school when there is a reduction in the number of available positions in a title or license area in that school.”


So, as student enrollment declines (excess abortions, teen suicide, vaccine or gang murder, parents taking their kids out of the BS public school or moving away), someone has got to get transferred or fired, and the least senior white teacher goes first.

And it may not sound like it, but I’m okay with this.

If white liberal teachers accepted a contract that includes discrimination in exchange for whatever compensation package was agreed upon, live with it. You chose to stay in a tenured system which is by design discriminatory, so this shouldn’t bother you one bit.

You can always pack up your big dream bags and hit the road.

Rumor has it there’s always a teacher shortage somewhere, or if you’d like to try a new career, the Minneapolis Police Department is still severely understaffed. It could be an opportunity to discover what fine citizens the Minneapolis School system has been pumping out in recent years.

You could get one of those therapist/counselor jobs the BLM/Dems have been on about for years. High-Crime low tolerance for law-enforcement neighborhoods are just waiting for your skinny white-ass to show up and counsel them during their drunken or crack-addled domestic dispute. You, a clipboard, and that practiced classroom stare.

Living the progressive dream!

Unless you have a fat ass, then ignore the skinny comment.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Am Running for State Representative with Three Concerns …

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-16 01:30 +0000

I am running for Representative in Cheshire District 15 with three concerns: Freedom, Truth, and Justice.

FREEDOM: In January 2022, Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports surveyed 1016 likely voters and found that for DEMOCRATIC voters:

55% would support fines for Americans who refused the COVID shots.
59% would favor confining Americans who refused the COVID shots.
48% thought governments should be able to fine or imprison those who question the efficacy of vaccines!
29% favored taking children away from parents who refused the shots!!

Thankfully, healthy majorities of Republican and unaffiliated voters disagreed with these anti-freedom, anti-American and wrong-headed policies. This was the reason I became a Republican and am running for Representative.

TRUTH: Senator Ron Johnson defined the COVID cartel: “It is the Biden administration, it’s the federal health agencies, it’s big pharma, it’s the legacy corporate mainstream media, and it’s the big tech social media giants. That is the COVID cartel. They’re the ones that have sabotaged early treatment. They’re the ones that have done the censoring that have limited freedom of speech….”

In early April 2021, I wrote, “These are the Reasons I Will Not Be Taking the COVID Shots.” It was rejected by all mainstream print publications. Finally, six weeks later, I found GraniteGrok, who accepted it. It is still a great read.

In March 2022, similarly, only GraniteGrok posted “COVID Truth and Reconciliation,” which summarized the results of two years of medical malfeasance locally.

To stay informed, you could subscribe to Children’s Health Defense (free) or follow some of these courageous doctors: Merritt, McCullough, Yeadon, Malone, Mercola, Risch, Kory… for statistical analysis, try

JUSTICE: The Sounds of Silence. When did you last hear a politician promoting COVID “vaccines”? They now know that the “vaccines” have been an expensive disaster. Yet I have not heard one apology from a US politician nor from a medical administrator who coerced us into taking these poisons.

They broke at least four of ten Nuremberg Code precepts for medical experiments. 1) no coercion, 2) no alternatives, 7) provision for the injured, 10) closing a failing experiment.

Half our country was taken in by this government-run psychological operation. Like Nuremberg, there should be prosecution of the worst: leaders, doctors, and journalists.

COVID medical malfeasance has been recognized as a crime against humanity. Democrats are more at fault, but RINOs are also culpable. About COVID frauds, both Parties remain silent.


Joseph Mirzoeff 641 Park Ave Keene NH 03431 Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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