The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

Tightening the Reins on Free Speech and Public Input

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 12:00 +0000

At the Board Of Aldermen meeting last week, it appears that the Board pushed through two ordinances that are grossly unjust to the Nashua taxpayers. It is perfectly fine for the Board of Aldermen and other officials to go after a Nashua resident, but GOD forbid those residents to fight back.

This Board and other officials stated in a public meeting that a resident of Nashua represented herself as an employee of the City, and that was a criminal act, and they were turning it over to the Police. However, this was a blatant lie, and city leadership knew it and still stated it anyway. To date, not one official has ever apologized.

One of the ordinances will add language that states that excessive repetition and irrelevant remarks are discouraged. However, will that rule be applied to the board members like Patricia Klee and Tom Lopez, who love to hear themselves talk or cheer for  Mayor Jim Donchess? What about Attorney Steve Bolton’s public meltdowns? I am waiting for Bolton to take off his shoe and pound it on the desk. So much for professionalism.

Another part of the ordinance is the presiding officer has the authority to terminate the remarks and any speaker when such remarks do not adhere to this ordinance. This is the same person who shut it down in the middle of a zoom meeting because she did not want to hear from residents but never seemed to enforce the Code of Conduct to the Board Members.

The Mayor personally requested another change only to allow citizens to address issues covered on the agenda. The bottom line is that if a resident wants to talk about something that is not on the agenda, go pound sand because this Board does not want to hear it.

Does any other resident remember when King O’Brien said he would get a committee of residents and businesses together to discuss the barriers? Instead, O’Brien and Economic Development Director Cummings ran illegal meetings on the downtown barrier matter and broke the law when complying with public record requests.

Residents have seen this Board be disrespectful to the Nashua residents. This Board does not want to hear from anyone that disagrees with them; like-minded people are always welcome. I expect the next ordinance will be that residents will be required to address board members as “their Holiness,” and before speaking, citizens will be required to kiss the Mayor’s ring.

Nashua is primarily a single-party system representing the elected government. It is not working for the City’s greater good. Nashua residents need to vote and bring balanced representation to our City government. State seats are up for election in November. Please vote to bring balance to what is now a nearly 100% Democratic majority.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

There is No Climate Emergency, Say 1,200 Scientists

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-08-19 11:36 +0000
Chris Morrison, The Daily Sceptic: 1,200 Scientists and Professionals Declare: “There is No Climate Emergency” Since emerging from the ‘Little Ice Age’ in around 1850, the world has warmed significantly less than predicted by the IPCC on the basis of... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

A Money Making Operation from the Start

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-08-19 11:26 +0000
'The IPCC, and various climate change organisations, were largely founded by an oil baron and self-declared socialist who wished to see a globalised climate authority for the purpose of a central world government. It has always been, from its beginnings,... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Mike Pence Comes to New Hampshire … And Makes A Complete Fool Of Himself

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 10:30 +0000

So Mike Pence came to New Hampshire yesterday, and gave a speech to the NHGOP’s RINO elite. While the part about mindlessly supporting a lawless and rotten FBI that is intent on preventing Donald Trump from running for President in 2024 may have been what New Hampshire’s RINOs wanted to hear, it did NOT play so well outside of New Hampshire:

The post Mike Pence Comes to New Hampshire … And Makes A Complete Fool Of Himself appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Palate Cleanser – University of Washington Commencement 2020: Star Spangled Banner.

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 03:00 +0000

I’ve had this hanging around sine June but given everything going on, I finally stumbled back on it in my “stack of stuff”.  It is a WONDERFUL rendition given that it was done over the ‘Net.  Great arrangement as well.

Take the two minute – just spectacular!


(H/T: True North Reports)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Public Schools Should Conduct Exit Interviews with Teachers and then Post that info on the Website

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 01:30 +0000

I would propose that everyone begin requesting that the school administration conduct exit interviews with teachers that include a set of questions to help school board members and the public understand why teachers are resigning.

A few simple answers could be:
1) Retired
2) Moving
3) Inadequate Pay
But what if there are internal problems?

What if there are problems that are not being addressed? How would anyone ever know?

In Brookline, parents are concerned about the teacher turnover. Fortunately, they are hearing from some of the teachers, but what if parents are not informed?

We seeing large numbers of teachers leave the profession this year. Some reports say that the number isn’t as high as being reported, but in Keene, NH, teachers did let the public know that they were leaving because of problems that were not being addressed by administrators.

Exit interviews shared with the school board and the public, with the names redacted, could be a way to hold administrators responsible.

One disgruntled employee wouldn’t raise alarms, but several teachers who resigned over internal problems need to be addressed. If no one knows that there is a problem, how do you fix it?

It doesn’t have to be extensive either. A few questions about why they are leaving, with a section to add their comments, would suffice.

If we truly support teachers in New Hampshire, we have to look at all of the reasons they are resigning. If that needs to be addressed in an effort to support a good working environment, this is one way to do that.

Contact your local School Board Chair and ask that an exit interview be included after a resignation and that all of those be made transparent.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Truth Leaks Out: Dolls and Trucks Are for Everyone

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 00:00 +0000

I have been attending the Nashua Public Library trustees’ meetings and talking to them about my serious concerns about picture books the library has made available to young children which try to convince them that how well they fit a gender stereotype is what makes them a boy or girl. You can read about two of those books here.

Related: Picture Books at Nashua Library Promote Dangerous Gender Ideology to Young Children

I requested that the library staff purchase the picture book “My Body is Me!” to push back on this dangerous propaganda. “My Body is Me!” encourages kids to be comfortable in their bodies and challenges gender stereotypes. However, it was rejected because the book does not meet the library’s materials selection policy.

I was delighted to recently discover that the library had acquired the picture book “Dolls and Trucks Are for Everyone” which celebrates that boys and girls both can play with trucks and dolls and be comfortable with themselves. It shows kids being kids and indulging in all their interests and ignoring gender stereotypes.

This charmingly illustrated book features a boy sewing on a sewing machine and a girl riding a skateboard, a girl playing hockey and a boy figure skating, and a boy baking and a girl writing computer code.

“Dolls and Trucks Are for Everyone” goes against the destructive gender ideology that schools, medical professionals, therapists, social media influencers, and politicians are pushing on our children.

The Nashua Public Library has also recently purchased gender-critical books for adults including “Tomboy: The Surprising History and Future of Girls Who Dare to Be Different” by Lisa Selin Davis, “The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths About Sex and Identity in Our Society” by Dr. Debra Soh, and “Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality” by Helen Joyce which a librarian kindly took the initiative to order for me after another gender-critical book I requested didn’t meet their material selection policy.

At my request, the library carries “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” by Abigail Shrier and “Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything About Race, Gender, and Identity – and Why This Harms Everybody” by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose. At my husband’s request, the library has a copy of “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement” by Ryan T. Anderson which Amazon has virtually banned by removing it from their store.

After the multiple pieces I have written critical of the Nashua Public Library, I wanted to give credit where credit is due. Thanks to the library director Jen McCormack and her staff for carrying materials that represent the diverse interests of the Nashua community.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Karoline Leavitt – NH Grassroots Endorsements and a Reminder That the September 13TH Republican Primary Election Is Coming Fast!

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-08-18 22:30 +0000

Karoline Leavitt – The Only America First Grassroots Candidate in NH-01

Endorsed by The Resolve, Endorsed by GraniteGrok, Winner of 603 Alliance Straw Poll

Learn more about Karoline on her website – and VOTE for her in the Republican Primary on September 13th!

And here is her first TV add:

The post Karoline Leavitt – NH Grassroots Endorsements and a Reminder That the September 13TH Republican Primary Election Is Coming Fast! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Question before Us Is: “Do We Want to Be Free and Prosperous?”

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-08-18 21:00 +0000

Months ago I was asked, “What do you think about the future of America?”. I responded, “That is what we are deciding right now in 2022”.

The 2022 mid-term primaries are about one ‘thing’: The People. The question before us is: “Do we want to be free and prosperous?”

I implore you to vote for the American people and for their empowerment through Individual Rights, State Sovereignty, and the continued Unity and Independence of the United States of America.

We are in a highly dynamic and even volatile situation, but nothing will happen in America unless The People give authorization. Our future is in our hands. Take a full deep diaphragmatic breath, smile, and tell yourself, “We choose Freedom and Prosperity.”

We want to thank Tejasinha Sivalingam for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

The 2022 Republican Primary is not about how good any candidate looks, it is not about which party is less evil, it is not about all the left and right fear porn and propaganda, nor the feel-good echo chambers. It is simply about what positive direction you, The People, want to take and what objectives you want to achieve. However, remember the positive direction is not always the easiest because it may require we get out of a rut!

I am running for United States Senate because I love you, and I want you to be free and prosperous. I will hold the door of freedom and prosperity open for you, but we must walk through it together. Godspeed!



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is David Hershey, Running for NH House from Barnstead/Alton (Belknap 7), a Scion of THE Hershey Candy Family?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-08-18 19:30 +0000

I had taken the Grandson to Water Country in Portsmouth, NH on Monday.  On the way back, coming up through the center of Alton (but not quite to Alton Bay on Lake Winnipesaukee), I saw the above sign. According to the NH Secretary of State Republican Cumulative Filing document (Election Division), he is a resident of Alton.  Cutsie, perhaps, but certainly the “Dr. Obvious” play on his last name in trying to attract attention by the use of The Hershey Company’s famous chocolate bar.

Sidenote: For reference, the Hershey logo on their website is this:

The second Dr. Obvious question is, as the post title states, an actual member of THE Hershey Company and has permission to use such a likeness of their candy bar (of which I am known to imbibe from time to time but prefer the dark chocolate version instead of the milk chocolate one).  So I decided to ask Hershey’s Anna Lingeris who is the Media Contact for “Brands, Products, and Marketing:

—– Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
Sent: 8/17/2022 11:39:57 AM
Subject: Possible Copyright infringement?

Good morning,

My name is Skip Murphy and I own and run NH’s largest and most influential political blogsite. Thus, I am always on the watch for all things political especially during this “silly season” of candidates trying to get themselves noticed as the September Primary election is approaching rapidly.  Candidate road signs are a staple of the “retail politics” environment at the local level and I came across this one in Alton, NH (also attached):

While it may be a “clever” play on his name, using a likeness of your most famous confectionery product.

He is running in Belknap County District 7 (Alton and Barnstead) as a Republican.  For the record, I am also a registered Republican but not happy to see someone violating a commercial copyright (possibly) simply for personal (political) gain.

Thank you for your time.

Kindest regards,


Skip Murphy
Co-Founder, co-owner |
Dominating the political Bandwidth in New Hampshire

So we shall see what we shall see, won’t we?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

When Will We Get Martial Law?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-08-18 18:00 +0000

Yesterday I was at a very nice picnic at Elks Lodge, sponsored by the Republican Party of Dover. Several candidates spoke: three gubernatorial hopefuls, Testerman, Riley, and Acciard; two senatorial hopefuls, Vikram and Bolduc; and three Congressional hopefuls, Prescott, Huff Brown, and myself.

The following is a summary of my presentation:

When will we get martial law? As you saw during the Canadian truckers’ convoy, Mr. Trudeau imposed whatever “law” he wanted, including ways to freeze the donations properly sent by citizens. Can it happen here?

New Hampshire’s state Constitution emphatically states, in Article 34: “No, ain’t gonna have martial law in this state. Forget it.” [not exact quote]. But New Hampshire’s stance won’t hold back the feds from doing it.

We want to thank Mary Maxwell for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

What feds? Can Biden impose martial law? What does the parchment say? The parchment never uses the word “martial law.” But it does give Congress — and only Congress — the power to suspend habeas corpus. That would have the effect of taking away your legal rights, there would be no court to listen to you.

Have we already seen martial law in the US?

In 1786, before the Constitutional Convention was called, there was a rebellion in Springfield, Massachusetts, led by Shay, a veteran of the Revolutionary war. It had to do with debts. He set out to seize the armory but was defeated by a militia. This influenced the Framers. Their final wording in Article I, Section 9 of the parchment is: ” the Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”

(Note: the fact that it appears in Article I, which is the Legislature’s article and not in the President’s job description in Article II, tells us that the suspension of habeas corpus would need to be made by Congress.)

James Madison’s notes show two objectors. Mr. Pinckney of South Carolina moved that habeas should not be suspended but on the most urgent occasions, & then only for a limited time not exceeding twelve months.” Mr. Rutledge, also of South Carolina, “was for declaring the Habeas Corpus inviolable— He did (not) conceive that a suspension could ever be necessary at the same time through all the States.”

In 1814 there was a declaration of martial law in New Orleans by General Jackson during the War of 1812 against the British. It was a complicated situation for which Jackson eventually paid a contempt of court fee. But that was in a separate action, so does not furnish jurisprudence on the legality of martial law.

The main case, luckily, has to do with internment, that is, herding people into camps. I have heard that FEMA camps have been built secretly on American soil, and I can tell you that camps exist in Australia, where I used to live. They are not secret; they were openly used during Covid as a sort of quarantine thing. Can you be interned here in the US?

In 1942, President FDR wanted to intern Japanese Americans, including about 100,000 who had US citizenship. Families in the three west coast states were herded into these camps.

It’s important to note that FDR was not a sloppy, kinda guy. He did write to Congress and get their permission to suspend habeas, per Article I, sec 9. He then added more: his Executive Order 9066 says, “I hereby further authorize and direct the Secretary of War and the said Military Commanders to take such other steps as [they] may deem advisable to enforce compliance.” Wow. It’s blank check city, Man.

One Japanese man arrested for breaking FDR’s curfew was Fred Korematsu. In 1984, his case was re-opened, and Judge Marilyn Patel in California acquitted him. But NOT because there was anything wrong with the martial law, just something wrong in Korematsu’s personal case. She even said that “the original precedent still holds.”

Just so’s you’ll know, if we get in trouble today, THERE IS NOTHING IN WRITING TO PROTECT US against martial law — no Supreme Court refutation and no Congressional fussing. Granted, in 1948, Congress saw the wrongness of the US seizing the property of the Japanese Americans and gave them compensation, and in 1990 paid $20,000 to each of the sufferers.

You may be laughing at me for suggesting that a piece of paper could help. Well, I do feel that way. So I propose two ways to inhibit the use of martial law, short of a constitutional amendment. The first would be to pin down a legal definition of the words that Sec 9 says can justify a suspension of habeas corpus.

Recall the wording: “the Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.” We should pin down three words: rebellion, invasion, and public safety.

My other suggestion is that Congress get busy real quick on modifying the legislation it passed in 1976, called The National Emergencies Act. Stunningly it allows a president to declare an emergency and promises that Congress won’t intervene for 6 months.

This is unsupported by the Constitution. Why in the world, after seeing the opening salvo of a wrongful national emergency declaration, should Congress not intervene? After all, it wrote that law in the first place. [I think it’s a treasonous abdication by Congress of the People’s authority. I see a lot of treason on Capitol Hill, as described in my book Prosecution for Treason.]

I don’t mean to mix up the National Emergencies Act with martial law, they are not quite the same. In regard to emergencies, we are lucky this time to have the needed piece of paper — it’s called the Blaisdell case. In 1931, the US Supreme Court ruled in Home Building v Blaisdell, that emergency does not add any new power. And it does not — I quote — “remove or diminish the restrictions imposed upon power granted or reserved.”

Ah, back in the days when justices were justices.

Ah, back in the days when the words “Don’t remove constitutional restrictions on power” meant — wait for it — “Don’t remove constitutional restrictions on power.”

The post When Will We Get Martial Law? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gunstock – My Right To Know Demand Concerning GMR’s use of UAV/drones is Now out of Compliance with RSA91-A

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-08-18 16:30 +0000

Well, back on August 8th, I submitted an RSA 91-A Right To Know demand for any and all documents concerning the use of drones/UAVs at Gunstock Mountain Resort. 

Such documents may include (but not limited to):

  • Request for Proposals to vendors
  • Purchase Orders to vendors
  • Statement of Work/Contracts between GMR and vendors
  • Acceptance of Services provided by GMR to a vendor
  • Invoices from vendors
  • Payments/remittances to vendors from GMR

Yesterday, I realized that I had lost track of the 5 day window in which I was to receive a response – the 17th of August and 7 business days had passed.  So, I sent the Gunstock Area Commissioners a gentle reminder:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: “Douglas Lambert” <>; “Jade L. Wood” <>; “” <>
Sent: 8/17/2022 1:30:48 PM
Subject: Re[2]: RSA 91:A demand – UAV/Drone Services

Good Afternoon,

On August 8, I sent the below RSA-91A demand for certain documents concerning the use of UAV/drones usage by Gunstock Mountain Resort. It has now been 7 business days since placing that with you three AND your official notification, Mr. Lambert, that it was successfully received.

As you well know, Commissioner Lambert,  RSA91-A:4 IV mandates a specific time schedule for a response from the Governmental body:

IV. (a) Each public body or agency shall, upon request for any governmental record reasonably described, make available for inspection and copying any such governmental record within its files when such records are immediately available for such release.
(b) If a public body or agency is unable to make a governmental record available for immediate inspection and copying the public body or agency shall, within 5 business days of a request:
(1) Make such record available;
(2) Deny the request; or
(3) Provide a written statement of the time reasonably necessary to determine whether the request shall be granted or denied and the reason for the delay.
(c) A public body or agency denying, in whole or part, inspection or copying of any record shall provide a written statement of the specific exemption authorizing the withholding of the record and a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the record withheld.

The Gunstock Area Commission is now two days overdue according to the Law.  Please advise when the Gunstock Area Commission will bring itself back into compliance with RSA91-A by either:

    • Furnishing the demanded records (for which there are relatively few)
    • Providing the time frame in which they will be provided
    • Provide the explanation as to why the GAC is denying this valid request.

I’m quite sure that this is just a gentle reminder for you, Commissioner Lambert, with your still precedent setting actions in Tardiff-Lambert vs. Belknap County Delegation in defending the Public’s Right To Know what their Government is doing.

Have a GREAT day!



The post Gunstock – My Right To Know Demand Concerning GMR’s use of UAV/drones is Now out of Compliance with RSA91-A appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Minneapolis is No Longer Part of America

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-08-18 15:00 +0000

Minneapolis used to be a beautiful, proud city. That was yesterday, no longer true today. One-half of the Twin City region, Minneapolis is a business hub in the middle of the country, easy to access, and nestled in a beautiful area of Minnesota.

The climate has changed dramatically since the unfortunate death of George Floyd. That event created a destructive storm of riots, looting, and burning of businesses downtown. Over 1500 buildings and businesses were destroyed, and many will never return. The story told by the mainstream media at the time never told the whole story because of fear of being canceled as racist. BLM took over the downtown and contributed to why businesses opted to relocate elsewhere rather than return to Minneapolis. An unfortunate chapter in the city’s history.

Related: Minneapolis School District Will Fire Teachers Based on Skin Color

A rarely published fact about Floyd was that his autopsy showed he had enough Fentanyl in his system that he would have died of drug poisoning even if not under restraint by the Minneapolis police officer who was later convicted of Floyd’s death.

Another chapter prior was the influx of Somali refugees to Central Minnesota by Non-government organizations. The 2017 census for Minnesota shows nearly 70,000 Somalis that had relocated to the state. This influx of immigrants not only put a burden on public schools and local resources but also changed the region’s culture. This pilgrimage to Minnesota gave them Representative Ilhan Omar and her husband/brother. Omar barely won her primary for reelection last week and is almost assured of reelection.

The ongoing shame of the recent happenings is the folks of Minnesota that are giving up and fleeing the state. They no longer feel safe as the Left successfully defunded police, and crime is rising. It is unfair to these natives of Minnesota who are saying goodbye to the state they grew up loving and enjoying.

The latest event today shows how far this state has dipped. According to the NY Post:

Minneapolis public school teachers of color will have additional job protections this upcoming school year under a new contract that would allow them to keep their jobs rather than white instructors with more seniority.

The labor agreement’s intent was to protect “underrepresented populations” and keep the district’s predominantly white staff from becoming more homogenous, a report said Monday.

The contract was one of the first of its kind in the nation and a “huge move forward for the retention of teachers of color,” union leaders told the Star Tribune.

This provision is in the new Minnesota teacher’s contract approved by the teacher’s union and Minnesota school districts. It is designed to make up for past discriminatory hiring of predominantly white teachers while the population of color was rising. 

This contract may be unconstitutional and is challenged by white Minnesota teachers. We have lost our way, and this contract shows how far Minnesota has drifted Left and is more interested in minorities and not the overall good of the state. Hopefully, sanity will take hold, and maybe the state can be salvaged. If not, it may become just a shadow of its former greatness. A sad footnote in our history.


The post Minneapolis is No Longer Part of America appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Germany to Mandate Masking for Anyone Who Has Not Been Re-Vaxxed Every Three Months

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-08-18 13:30 +0000

Germany has gone “full Germany” on the subject of mask mandates. The new Infection Protection Act requires indoor masking for the unvaccinated beginning this fall. Those who have been jabbed three or more times but not in the past three months will also need to wear masks indoors.

To aid with enforcement, there is a color-coded Corona Warning App (CWA), so the jabbed and unjabbed can be promptly sorted for loading on bix cars… at public venues like stores and restaurants. Like they do in China!


Depending on the color, the users then have different rights. A green code allows free movement, orange and red mean quarantine for up to two weeks. This is reported by the public broadcaster ORF.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Health is on the mend after his corona infection. According to Lauterbach, things are “slowly improving”. Nevertheless, Covid-19 is “no small thing. Despite four vaccinations and Paxlovid, I had more severe symptoms than expected.”


When you let political science supersede medical (or climate) science, things don’t appear to make sense anymore. But on the bright side, you can also silence dissenters (or change the color code on their device to lock them down).

And again, as predicted, you can’t get jabbed enough to please these people even when everyone knows the vaccines don’t do what advocates have long claimed. But if you’ve been jabbed by the ineffective thing, you won’t have to wear the other thing that doesn’t stop the spread but might make it worse.

In Dr. Colleen Huber’s “The Defeat of COVID,” she cites numerous peer-reviewed literature on various COVID-related subjects, including masks. After which, she comments on the doctor’s first requirement to do no harm (reformatted – several direct links added to footnotes).


The instruction not to inflict harm is so essential that it is basic to major religions. It is the central operating principle of civil societies, and harmonious institutions, alliances, friendships and households. The Golden Rule is the only common precept among all the world’s religions. So it is well-established that I am not ( as a physician ) allowed to cause harm to you.

It is worth repeating: I may not hurt you. As a physician, I work under, as the central principle of my philosophy and my practice, the Golden Rule as Hillel’s corollary, otherwise known as the Hippocratic Oath: First Do No Harm. But aren’t we all under the same oath? Aren’t we all obligated to not cause harm?

I do not ask others to wear a mask. Why? I have no right to obstruct anyone’s breathing. I have no right to cause widely demonstrated and clinically confirmed hypoxic injuries to the lungs, brain, heart and musculoskeletal system known in the peer-reviewed research to be caused by masking. Yes, I am sorry that you have been told over the last year that masks don’t reduce oxygen, by emphatic and dogmatic people, but the fact remains that oxygen deficit during mask-wearing is very thoroughly established in peer-reviewed clinical data.

Here[596], here[597] and here[598], for example. And yes, surgeons also suffer from deoxygenation.[599] Excess of carbon dioxide, as it accumulates inside a mask, also is a mild poisoning of the entire body, and this is also established in clinical data. [600] [601] So if you demand that a child, a worker, a traveler, a consumer or anyone else wear a mask, you have been demanding that they mildly poison themselves. I know this is vexing for some to read, but you cannot inflict harm with any moral authority, and you need to stop that, now that you know it’s an assault, if you want to be able to live with yourself, or to exist peacefully with a good conscience.

Why do I have no right to demand that another person wear a mask? Even inside my home? Even when people are only a few feet away from me? Even when we hug or shake hands? Because I have no right to raise their blood pressure by an average of 12 points systolic.[608] I have no right to force anyone to incubate an average of 100,000 bacterial colonies in their airways or on their skin, which were cultured from the used masks of European train commuters.[609] I have no right to immobilize the cilia of people’s airways, which they need to help escalate inhaled viruses, bacteria and fungi up the trachea, away from the lungs.[610] I have no right to put asbestos fiber size particles deep into their lungs, where those are unlikely to be exhaled, and where those particles can begin the process of pulmonary fibrosis (the most frightening and hopeless disease I have seen as a physician).[611] I have no right to interfere with the function of a person’s immune system to perform its usual functions.[612] [613] [614]

Before COVID, there was no practical use for medical or cloth masks to slow the spread of flu because, at best, they help spread it (there’s plenty of peer-reviewed data on that as well). But now, Germany is defining freedoms based on a vaccine and a mask that are ineffective, could poison or kill you and may make matters worse, and they are passing this off as public health policy.

More of what didn’t work in 2020 and 2021.

A program that will continue if Germans don’t say the same thing to their leaders as Wyoming just did to Liz Cheney.



HT | Reclaim the Net

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

RINO Report: Tom Cardon and Brenda Willis

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-08-18 12:00 +0000

Derry has a 16 for 10 primary, the largest in the state. Its candidates run the gamut from extreme RINO, mediocre, excellent, to unknown. The latter may or may not be well known in the community, but they are unknown in the sense of not having voting records. And the RINO Report is based on voting records.

The three with excellent records are Erica Layon, David Love, and John Potucek.

The three with good records are Richard Tripp, Katherine Prudhomme-O’Brien, and Jodi Nelson.

The three with mediocre records are Stephen Pearson, Wayne MacDonald, and David Milz.

The last, David Milz, is near RINO. He was particularly bad in 2015-16, poor in 2021-22, and mediocre in 2017-2020.

We want to thank Spec Bowers for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

The two worst by far are Tom Cardon and Brenda Willis. They are former one-term Reps who should stay that way, never to be elected again.

Cardon and Willis are among the worst RINOs of the last decade.

In the 2015-16 session, Cardon voted with Democrats against Republicans 139 times, which placed him third worst RINO in the entire house. He voted nearly as often (48%) with Democrats as with Republicans.

In 2017-18, Willis was first, i.e. worst, among all RINOs, voting 114 times with Democrats against Republicans. Her RINO score was 46%.

Here are some highlights (lowlights?) of their short careers.

Bad votes by Cardon, G. Thomas (R, Derry) Parental Control     voted AGAINST declaring that parents have the natural right to control the well being of their children ( 2016 CACR16, 2016 HB1471 )     voted AGAINST giving parents the right to remove their child from taking the state annual assessment ( 2016 HB1338 )     voted AGAINST requiring parental notification prior to the teaching of  human sexuality ( 2015 HB332 ) Constitutional Rights     voted AGAINST repealing a never-used and unconstitutional infringement on free speech ( 2016 HB1570, 2015 HB403 ) Right to Life     voted AGAINST banning abortion after viability ( 2016 HB1625 )     voted AGAINST prohibiting taxpayer funding of abortions ( 2016 HB1684


On all of these votes at least 80% – in many cases more than 90% – of Republicans voted the other way.

Bad votes by Willis, Brenda (R, Derry)

    voted AGAINST education choice ( 2017 HB647, 2018 SB193, 2018 HB1686 )     voted AGAINST education choice including private schools ( 2017 HB557, 2017 SB8 )     voted FOR repealing education choice ( 2017 HB129 ) Cost of Living     voted FOR an income tax ( 2018 HB628, 2018 HB628 ) Constitutional Rights     voted AGAINST repealing a never-used and unconstitutional infringement on free speech ( 2017 HB589 )     voted AGAINST the right of self defense ( 2018 HB1313, 2018 SB500 )     voted FOR restricting the right of self defense ( 2018 HB1566 ) Right to Life     voted AGAINST collecting abortion statistics ( 2018 HB471 ) Other     voted AGAINST prohibiting sex change surgery for minors ( 2018 HB1532 )     voted AGAINST strengthening the right-to-know law ( 2017 HB365 On all of these votes at least 80% – in most cases more than 90% – of Republicans voted the other way.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Baldwin Defense

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-08-18 10:30 +0000

The FBI has now confirmed what everyone familiar with guns knew anyway:  The only way that the gun used by Alec Baldwin to kill Halyna Hutchins could have fired was for him to cock the gun and pull the trigger.

Baldwin, however, continues to insist that the gun ‘just went off,’ although his story has changed slightly.

Baldwin now claims that ‘fanning’ the gun could make it go off, and that’s what he was doing. And that does work with single-action revolvers like the one he used. But fanning requires holding the trigger down, i.e., pulling the trigger and then not releasing it.

If you don’t hold the trigger down, fanning is the same as cocking.

So to claim that you fanned a gun but didn’t pull the trigger is a little like claiming that you read a book but didn’t turn the pages. It’s an inherent part of the process.

Anyway, if he gets away with this, attorneys everywhere should start presenting this as a defense for any client involved in a shooting:  The gun just went off by itself!  My client didn’t pull the trigger!

And it seems fitting that this defense be named after Baldwin, as in:  My client’s husband was fatally shot while in bed with another woman, but I got my client off using the Baldwin defense.


The post The Baldwin Defense appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden: Unifier or Weaponizer

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-08-18 01:30 +0000

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden took the oath of office as President of the United States. He then lied to the American people for the first time. Joe promised to heal the country from the most divisive four years in American history.

Biden assured the people that his Presidency would return civility and transparency to the White House, and most importantly, he would bring the country back together again. He did unify the country like never before, as nearly 60% of Americans feel the country under Joe Biden is heading in the wrong direction. Getting 60% to agree on the day of the week is not easy.

Joe Biden may not be tweeting daily, but his polarizing policies have created a chasm between Americans never seen before. Biden is using many of the arms of the United States government to attack specific segments of the population, primarily those with ties to the right. It is an ugly assault on the people, but some will say he is also stomping on our Constitution.

His first volley was at the wealthy and successful, who he claims have not paid their fair share of taxes. Nobody ever defines the fair share, and they forget that over 50% of Americans pay no taxes at all. With a provision in the wrongly named Inflation Reduction Act, $300 Billion will be used to expand the IRS by 87,000 new agents. Most of these agents will be tasked with investigating and auditing the middle and upper-class Americans. The CBO has determined that this provision will raise $20 Billion over the next decade. A poor return for our tax dollars.

The Justice Department and FBI are teaming up on Donald Trump. The Biden Justice Department has turned on mothers and fathers in this country by labeling anyone who challenges the education system and local school boards as Domestic terrorists. The FBI is used to investigate anyone reported by school departments as potential threats. The stream of investigations and laws suits culminated last week with the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago, the Florida home of the former President. These proceedings solely aim to destroy and possibly run in 2024 by Trump. It does not appear to be working as the approval ratings for Donald Trump are skyrocketing, and it seems inevitable that he will run.

The Border is a two-pronged attack as the number of illegals crossing increases every month, and the amount of Fentanyl discovered is mind-boggling. July saw over 200,000 encounters at the Border. That number is twice the number of Americans killed yearly by Chinese-made Fentanyl. The border crisis impacts every state as the influx of non-English speaking students burdens schools. Social service budgets are inadequate to handle the new demand for benefits. Employee wages are driven down by increased available workers, especially for entry-level positions.

Biden has alienated every sector of the American population. Even blacks and brown people hurt by the increase in urban crime due to the destructive policies of local justice departments are turning away from the Democrat party. By weaponizing the government, Biden has successfully unified America, but definitely not how he hoped. He has turned most of America against him, and his party and Democrats will feel that pain in just a couple of months as the midterms approach.

By Ray Cardello for August 16, 2022 Season 12 / Post 31

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden took the oath of office as President of the United States. He then lied to the American people for the first time. Joe promised to heal the country from the most divisive four years in American history. Biden assured the people that his Presidency would return civility and transparency to the White House, and most importantly, he would bring the country back together again. He did unify the country like never before, as nearly 60% of Americans feel the country under Joe Biden is heading in the wrong direction. Getting 60% to agree on the day of the week is not easy.

Joe Biden may not be tweeting daily, but his polarizing policies have created a chasm between Americans never seen before. Biden is using many of the arms of the United States government to attack specific segments of the population, primarily those with ties to the right. It is an ugly assault on the people, but some will say he is also stomping on our Constitution.

His first volley was at the wealthy and successful, who he claims have not paid their fair share of taxes. Nobody ever defines the fair share, and they forget that over 50% of Americans pay no taxes at all. With a provision in the wrongly named Inflation Reduction Act, $300 Billion will be used to expand the IRS by 87,000 new agents. Most of these agents will be tasked with investigating and auditing the middle and upper-class Americans. The CBO has determined that this provision will raise $20 Billion over the next decade. A poor return for our tax dollars.

The Justice Department and FBI are teaming up on Donald Trump. The Biden Justice Department has turned on mothers and fathers in this country by labeling anyone who challenges the education system and local school boards as Domestic terrorists. The FBI is used to investigate anyone reported by school departments as potential threats. The stream of investigations and laws suits culminated last week with the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago, the Florida home of the former President. These proceedings solely aim to destroy and possibly run in 2024 by Trump. It does not appear to be working as the approval ratings for Donald Trump are skyrocketing, and it seems inevitable that he will run.

The Border is a two-pronged attack as the number of illegals crossing increases every month, and the amount of Fentanyl discovered is mind-boggling. July saw over 200,000 encounters at the Border. That number is twice the number of Americans killed yearly by Chinese-made Fentanyl. The border crisis impacts every state as the influx of non-English speaking students burdens schools. Social service budgets are inadequate to handle the new demand for benefits. Employee wages are driven down by increased available workers, especially for entry-level positions.

Biden has alienated every sector of the American population. Even blacks and brown people hurt by the increase in urban crime due to the destructive policies of local justice departments are turning away from the Democrat party. By weaponizing the government, Biden has successfully unified America, but definitely not how he hoped. He has turned most of America against him, and his party and Democrats will feel that pain in just a couple of months as the midterms approach.



The post Joe Biden: Unifier or Weaponizer appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Children Across NH are in Danger from Predators and Groomers on the School Bus

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-08-18 00:00 +0000

After reading through the affidavit on the arrest of Michael Chick, a bus driver who worked in the Greenland school district, more information has been revealed that should concern every parent whose child rides the school bus. Not only was Chick reassigned after complaints by the 8-year old’s parents, the police ordered him in May not to have any contact with the child.  At the same time, “School Administration contacted the bus company, First Student, and requested that Chick be assigned to a different route (so he would not drive the 8-year old boy or his sister anymore). Chick would then drive other children instead.

There was an opportunity for parents to address the school board and administrators prior to the start of the school board meeting. However, many parents were not notified that this discussion would take place. How come no one sent a notification to the parents who have children in the Greenland schools that this meeting would take place? Some parents found out about it and showed up, but many are reporting they didn’t hear anything. Something this serious should warrant a public meeting where the entire community can attend, but they need to be notified first.

The people tasked with protecting children, ignored the warning signs of a groomer and instead placed him on another bus where he could access more children.

The affidavit reveals that Chick was spotted sitting by the side of the road taking pictures of kids at Water Country in Portsmouth in July.  This was reported to police by someone who saw him taking the pictures.

The affidavit also reveals that Chick terrorized the 8-year-old boy by threatening him and his family. The boy was to provide pictures of himself to avoid any harm that could come to him and his family.

The contents of audio, captured by surveillance placed on the school bus, also reveal that Chick thought he might be transferred to another district:


Chick pressures the boy to take a cell phone, so he can stay in contact with him. Chick uses the excuse that he’s protecting the boy from a gang that wants to harm him and his family.




Chick also planted tracking devices on the cars of the parents and used that information to further terrorize the 8-year-old boy.



The police then provide details the investigation.
Here is some of what was reported:



Someone in Greenland made the decision to reassign Chick to another bus after the police instructed Chick to have no contact with the 8-year-old boy. There is nothing in the affidavit that indicates the school district administrators or the bus company conducted any kind of investigation on Chick. There was enough evidence for the police to intervene and instruct Chick to have no contact with the boy or his family.

You would think that something like this would have been taken seriously given a former school bus driver pled guilty several years ago in Kittery, Maine, for sexual assault against a child.

Parents want answers. They want someone accountable for reassigning Chick to another bus after there was evidence that something disturbing was going on. This was a classic case of grooming and there was some evidence that the family and the police picked up on. If the police feel that a bus driver should have no contact with a child, that should be enough evidence to stop him from having any contact with other children too. But the people charged with protecting children in the district and from the bus company simply passed the trash.

This happened in Greenland but it could have happened at any school in this state.

Who made the decision to reassign Chick?

Every district should make transparent the contract that their employees work under, and those who are contracted to provide services to the children in the district. Let’s see the contract that the driver works under that allows them to be transferred after a complaint is made.

When there is any complaint of this nature, the individual should be removed immediately so that an investigation could take place. In this case, if he is a threat to an 8-year old boy, he should have been terminated.

There are other teamsters working for other companies where this kind of behavior would have resulted in swift action, like a termination. There is no good reason to reassign Chick to another bus under these conditions.

The post Children Across NH are in Danger from Predators and Groomers on the School Bus appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Did Chris Pappas Campaign Manager Lucas Meyer Steal That Matt Mowers Campaign Sign?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 22:30 +0000

If you missed it, we got a tip on a “stolen” Republican campaign sign behind a house in Manchester. At the time of publication, we knew they supported Democrats, but it appears the home may belong a Lucas Meyer, a Young Dems President, who is Chris Pappas’ 2022 Campaign manager.


Experienced Democratic organizer and New Hampshire Young Democrats president Lucas Meyer is joining U.S. Rep. Chris Pappas to lead his reelection bid as campaign manager.

Meyer’s role with the Pappas campaign was shared first with WMUR and was then widely announced later Monday.

Meyer has been involved in progressive causes and Democratic campaigns for nearly a decade. He led Pappas’s successful reelection campaign for the Executive Council in 2014.


If true, that could be awkward. The Campaign manager of a Democrat for Congress in possession of the Republican opponent’s campaign sign hidden behind some ladders next to the shed behind his home.

Related: Republican Candidate’s Campaign Sign Found Hidden Behind a Manchester Democrat’s Home

According to the property card, the home at 151 Sagamore St in Manchester with the Chris Pappas sign out front (and Mowers sign hidden in the back) is owned by someone named Lucas S. Meyer.




According to this LinkedIn page, the guy Pappas hired with whom he’s been familiar for many years is Lucas S. Meyer.




It looks an awful lot like Democrat activist (the Young NH Democrats president) and Chris Pappas for Congress Campaign manager Lucas S. Myer has a stolen Republican Campaign sign wedged against his shed.

As a reminder, this is illegal and unethical, but not unexpected from Democrats. So, same guy or just way too many coincidences?

We eagerly await angry emails denying that this Lucas S. Meyer is the owner of this residence with that sign behind it. Or an explanation as to why that sign is behind that home. Or who this Lucas S. Meyer is that also supports Pappas other than the one running an NH Democrat’s Congressional campaign? Or, if Lucas owns it but is renting it out to Democrat-supporting sign stealers (who may plan to work for Pappas, vote here, and leave).

Some other explanation?

Lots of options.



The post Did Chris Pappas Campaign Manager Lucas Meyer Steal That Matt Mowers Campaign Sign? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Announcement – GraniteGrok Official “Endorsement” In the Race for NH Governor

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-17 22:30 +0000

A real quick post – it isn’t Chris “Baby Huey” Sununu (I guess he decided that he doesn’t need the Conservative / Liberty / Freedom wing of the Republican Party in the Primary in September as he’s been appealing to a lot of Democrats that he believes will cross-over).

After putting Julian Acciard, Thad Riley, and Karen Testerman through their GrokGauntlets (and we DO thank them all for trekking either to Hollis or Gilford and their time in talking with us), by a slight majority vote, GraniteGrok is not officially endorsing anyone in the race for Governor of New Hampshire.

In other words, our endorsement is, “no endorsement.”

However, as our standing policy states, any individual Grokster can still issue a personal endorsement for any candidate they wish.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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