The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

A Feminist View of the Sexual Revolution

Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2022-08-20 11:43 +0000
Louise Perry, Common Sense: I'm 30. The Sexual Revolution Shackled My Generation. I used to believe the liberal narrative on the sexual revolution. As a younger woman, I held the same opinions as most other millennial urban graduates in the... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

FBI’s Raid on Trump Likely to Prevent Release of RussiaGate Documents

Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2022-08-20 11:25 +0000
Jeff Carlson, The Epoch Times: Spygate Docs and Trump’s RICO Lawsuit: Exploring the Real Reasons Behind the FBI Raid We know the search warrant was not “focused” as Garland had stated. In fact, it was extremely broad and included any... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

So Predictable. Next Target is Religion

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-20 10:30 +0000

The Left is reading directly from the Marxist playbook on how to break down a Democracy as you transform your country into a Socialist or Communist government and society. The Left has proven to be very patient and methodical as they began phase one over a hundred years ago.

They started indoctrinating our children in 2015, beginning with the colleges and universities. In just four generations, that indoctrination has progressed down to Kindergarten and Preschool, and the capturing of the youth is complete. 

They have taken prayer out of schools and have challenged the Pledge of Allegiance. Some consider our National Anthem a trigger, and monuments and statues have been toppled or removed to erase our historical roots. We have renamed schools to erase the names of our founding fathers because they remind us of how slavery was the foundation of our nation.

The education world has worked very hard to sever the connection of children to their parents to be replaced with the community as the sole need in a child’s life. They have even removed the terms mother and father from records and replaced them with birthing and non-birthing parents. They are working on eliminating gender identity and creating an asexual society. Soon, girls will be stripped of makeup, hairstyles will be uniform, and all children will be in brown jumpsuits. Maybe this is the state of equity that the Left strives for.

Patriotism is taught as evil, and masculinity is toxic, but chivalry is considered condescending. Success is not a goal; meritocracy is dead because it is racist. With the successes the Left has enjoyed, they feel ready for the next step, and that is the eradication of religion.

Keller Independent School District is pulling the Bible after three parents complained about sexual content! The Bible has sold over four billion copies in the last fifty years, making it far and away the most read book in history. The district says the removal is not permanent but only until the investigation of the complaints is complete. In the meantime, they have acknowledged the danger of the Bible by acquiescing to a mere three complaints. This action comes on the heels of an even more bizarre revelation by the Left last week.

From the National Catholic Register:

An article published Sunday in The Atlantic magazine suggests the Rosary has become a symbol of violent, right-wing extremism in the United States.

The article set off a frenzy of reactions among Catholics, ranging from amusement to grave concern over what some see as anti-Catholic sentiment. 

The magazine later changed the article’s headline from “How the Rosary Became an Extremist Symbol” to “How Extremist Gun Culture is Trying to Co-Opt the Rosary.” Among other edits to the text, an image of bullet holes forming the shape of a rosary was replaced with a picture of a rosary. 

Photo from National Catholic Register

This was not a parody on the Babylon Bee but an article in a formerly respected national magazine. I am shocked that there is no wild outrage from the Catholics of the country. To be fair, all religions should be outraged. Keep in mind that large box stores were open during the Pandemic, but houses of worship were forbidden to hold in-person services for nearly two years.

Footnote: I cohosted our monthly radio show this week with my friend Liz Gabert. Life with Liz on WSMN 1590 from Nashua, NH. I hope you will enjoy our discussion.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH State Rep Carol McGuire – Your State House 08/12/22: Summer Work

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-20 03:00 +0000

There was no official legislative work in July, but I did meet with the working group on HB 1312. That bill was to address the need for a 1,000-gallon grease trap at an ice cream shack and was held for study in my committee because testimony revealed multiple conflicts between the state building code and various agencies’ rules.

The working group was specifically addressing the issue of grease traps for restaurants on septic tanks and involved the building code review board, code enforcement officers, plumbers, Environmental Services’ septic oversight division, and Health & Human Services restaurant licensing (for public health.) After three meetings and a lot of friendly discussions, it was resolved that the septic rules, plumbing code, and restaurant licensing rules all need to be changed to resolve the discrepancies! The building code review board is identifying other areas where agency rules conflict with the building code, and I expect some legislation to settle conflicts.

I was appointed to the study committee on Office of Professional Licensing and Certification (OPLC) operations. We first meet next week and will be looking at fees, cost allocations to the various boards, and if some boards could be consolidated or deleted.

We want to thank NH State Rep Carol McGuire for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

It was a pleasure to meet with so many people at the Epsom and Dunbarton Old Home Days! It turns out my primary is contested, but both candidates are pleasant to work with and capable (it’s a two-seat district.) I prefer JR Hoell because he has experience in the legislature and can hit the ground running: I’m campaigning with him. If the primary voters decide otherwise, I’ll support Ernie (or take a break from the legislature!)

The primary election is Tuesday, September 13, and I urge everyone to go vote. Every district is different, but in Epsom, I have contested elections for Governor, US Senator, Congressman, Executive Councilor, state senator, and one representative in Merrimack 14 (I’ve endorsed my husband Dan McGuire), and two representatives in Merrimack 27 (I’m one.) Usually, turnout is low for the Primary elections, so your vote matters more than usual. If you have a favored (or unfavored!) candidate in any of these races, your vote may make the difference.

I’ve also started working on bills for next year. So far, I’ve got some updates for the scope of practice for occupational therapists (requested by their professional organization); and some bills from this year. I’ll probably resubmit my cannabis legalization bill and HB 275, the executive ability to declare a state of emergency (unless we manage to override the veto…) As vice chair (and likely chair next session) of JLCAR (the joint legislative committee on administrative rules), I expect some clarifying amendments to that process. Probably some of the bills being studied in my committee will need further legislation as well.

I’m also looking at the requirements for farm and agricultural plates: the rules are being updated right now, but there’s a lot of confusion among the town clerks and the DMV. At the least, I expect to specify that the town clerk, not the DMV, determines if a vehicle is a “truck” (that is, used for carrying farm goods – the DMV seems to put too much emphasis on the sheet metal rather than the usage) and if a business is a “farm.” I’ve had constituents look for help on both these issues, and right now nobody is sure who decides.

Anyone who has an idea where our laws need to change should get in touch with me soon; I can file bills in September (assuming I win the primary) and all representatives again in November, after the election.

Representative Carol McGuire

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sun-King Sununu Endorses Maggie Hassan

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-20 01:30 +0000

According to the available polling, Don Bolduc is blowing out the field in New Hampshire’s GOP Senate primary:


According to Sun-King Sununu, the voters supporting Bolduc are NOT SERIOUS voters:



Given that it appears that Bolduc is going to cruise to victory, Sun-King’s anti-endorsement sure sounds like an endorsement of Maggie Hassan. Will we see Sun-King campaigning with Maggie-the-Red, perhaps with President Xi joining them remotely?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More Bad News for EVs – You Pay Up to An Extra 13% for Electrical “Waste” with Every “Fill Up”

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-20 00:00 +0000

An auto club in Germany that claims 21 million members ran some controlled charging test electric vehicles to see how efficient that process was. The results put another nail in the value coffin. Not only are they expensive to buy and own, but the average charge also wastes up to 13% of the electricity.

Put another way, the consumer is charged for all the electricity required to fully charge the battery, which is as much as 13% more than the battery can hold.

So, imagine pouring two gallons of gasoline on the ground every time you filled a 20-gallon tank. People would lose their collective minds. But that will be standard for every charge of every vehicle in the utopian electric fleet of the future.

Related: Michael Moore’s Documentary: Green Energy is a Scam and We’re All Fools (Video Added)

ADAC’s Ecotest calculated the kWh needed to fully charge a range of electric vehicle batteries.


The result of the test under the same conditions for all electric car models: E-car drivers have to plan for a particularly large amount of power loss for some models – but everyone has to pay extra. According to the ADAC Ecotest, a 100 kWh battery in a Tesla Model X100D actually needs 108.3 kWh. The Kia e-Niro Spirit has 72.3 kWh for a 64 kWh battery. The Jaguar I-PACE EV400 also needs at least 10 kWh more for a 90 kWh battery.


With electricity prices scheduled to double in New Hampshire (as an example) and with the cost of EVs still out of the range of most middle and lower-income families, throwing money out the window with every charge might just as well be another tax.

Line loss or transformer loss is baked into the infrastructure. There is no way to transmit electricity without waste (primarily) in the form of heat. Anywhere from 8-15% or more of the electricity generated by power stations is lost before it gets to you. A carbon footprint problem we’re supposed to ignore.

Related: EV Subsidies and Price Hikes, So Which Tail is Wagging What Dog?

But not in the ADAC tests. The consumer pays immediately for the loss of every kWh that exceeded the actual electricity needed to charge the battery.

The gasoline you poured on the pavement.

Dark Future

At present, the infrastructure to charge the existing fleet is inadequate. Rolling brownouts and blackouts are predicted everywhere. There is no plan that puts enough wind or solar into operation, maybe ever, to address the growing demand without EVs. There isn’t enough land for the equipment needed to create that much electricity unless the plan is to need less.

With rates skyrocketing, charging will become unaffordable to all but the most well-off, and we’ve postulated repeatedly that this was always the goal. A point they admit, including after the release of the original Green New Deal, whose author (we can’t ever let you forget this) said, “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti continued. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

No air travel for you and the end of private transportation.

The goal is to force your mobility profile back into the 19th century. Trains, horses, walking. The only other reasonable explanation is that they are all idiots, and while the rank-and-file prog parrots might be considered that stupid, the people at the top are not.

They’re evil.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Open Thread – OK, there’s tons of stuff going on but I got nothin’ right now

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 23:15 +0000

So y’all are gonna have to take point and lead this week’s Open Thread yourselves.  Take us all to that Promised Land called “The Weekend”!

Let’r rip!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

RINO Report: Bonnie Ham

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 22:30 +0000

North Grafton District 3 (Lincoln, Woodstock, Easton, Livermore) has a 2 for 1 primary. One candidate is atrocious; the other does not (yet) have a voting record.

This primary is a rematch of the 2020 primary. Let’s hope that this time Paul Schirduan is the winner because Bonnie Ham is truly atrocious. (She might be a perfectly nice person but her voting record is atrocious.)   Bonnie Ham served four terms from 1999-2006. I have not analyzed her voting record from back then, but at first glance, it does not appear terrible.

We want to thank Spec Bowers for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

When Ham returned for the 2017-18 term and then again for the 2021-22 term, she became one of the worst RINOs of the decade. In 2017-18 she was 6th worst of all RINOs, voting 100 times against Republicans. In 2021-22 she was even worse, voting against Republicans 121 times to earn 3rd place among the worst RINOs. Ham’s triple-digit bad vote count in two separate biennia earns her a spot in the RINO Hall of Shame. She is one of only four Reps to vote that badly. Here are some highlights (lowlights?) of her recent career.   Bad votes by Ham, Bonnie (R, N Woodstock) Parental Control     voted AGAINST establishing the parental bill of rights.  ( 2022 HB1431 )     voted AGAINST parental choice regarding face masks ( 2022 HB1131 )     voted FOR restricting parental choice ( 2021 HB251 ) Education     voted AGAINST education choice ( 2018 SB193, 2021 HB609, 2022 HB1298 )     voted FOR repealing the education freedom account program. ( 2022 HB1683 )     voted FOR restricting education choice ( 2022 HB1516, 2022 HB1684, 2022 HB1120 ) Cost of Living     voted AGAINST requiring a super-majority vote to override a property tax cap ( 2021 SB52 )     voted FOR higher property taxes for most owners ( 2021 SB102 )     voted FOR requiring state taxpayers to make up for poor investments by the Retirement Board ( 2022 HB1417 ) Constitutional Rights     voted AGAINST prohibiting the suspension of civil liberties even during an emergency ( 2021 HB440 )     voted AGAINST property rights ( 2021 HB402, 2022 HB414 )     voted AGAINST religious liberty ( 2021 HB542 )     voted AGAINST repealing a never-used and unconstitutional infringement on free speech ( 2017 HB589, 2022 HB1625 )     voted AGAINST right to keep and bear arms ( 2021 HB197, 2021 HB307 )     voted AGAINST rights of conscience for medical professionals ( 2022 HB1080 )     voted AGAINST rights of conscience regarding vaccination mandates ( 2022 HB1379, 2022 HB1455, 2022 HB1210 )     voted FOR restricting property rights ( 2021 HB177, 2021 HB177 ) Right to Life     voted AGAINST collecting abortion statistics ( 2018 HB471 ) Election Integrity     voted AGAINST requiring that voters without valid photo id must provide documentation within 7 days ( 2022 SB418, 2022 SB418 )     voted AGAINST strengthening the requirements for documenting the domicile of a person registering to vote ( 2017 SB3 ) Other     voted AGAINST allowing schools to display the national and state mottos ( 2021 HB69 )     voted AGAINST prohibiting sex change surgery for minors ( 2018 HB1532 )     voted AGAINST right to join or not join a union ( 2021 SB61 ) On all of these votes, at least 80% – in most cases more than 90% – of Republicans voted the other way.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

UPDATE II: Gunstock Mountain Resort – An RSA 91:A Demand – Payment of Taxes Information

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 21:00 +0000

Maybe one of these epochs, I’ll finally get caught up on stuff.  One of those was about my RSA 91:A Right To Know, issued on August 5th,  concerning taxes paid by Gunstock Mountain Resort (Business Profits Tax, Business Enterprise Tax, Meals & Rooms Tax) as well as the top shareholders in GMR and any monies paid to GMR by other state agencies. The “responsive records” were sent to me on August 10th and for the exact data I requested  – but no narrative or explanation; just the data.  So back on the 10th, I asked for an expansion/definition:

From: Skip <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 4:13 PM
To: Cathy White <>
Cc: Tom Day <>; Douglas Lambert <>; Jade L. Wood <>
Subject: Re: 91:A Request for Taxes 08-05-22
Good afternoon,

I am in receipt of your spreadsheet listing one of the taxes paid by Gunstock Mountain Resort – Meals and Room Taxes.  Thank you for sending that.

I am curious, however as my RSA 91A demand was structured for the last 22 years:

This request is for the listing of payments for taxes to the State of NH by Gunstock Mountain Resort for the time period of January 1, 2000 through to end of day, today, August 5, 2022:

  •  Business Enterprise Tax
  • Business Profit Tax
  • Meals and Room Taxes
  • The listing of the corporators/top five stockholders in this enterprise.

Might it have been an oversight that the list of the Meals and Room Taxes supplied as responsive records only go back to Jan 1, 2020? Should I expect to be receiving the earlier years in a second tranche? Thank you for your lawful response in this aspect of my Right To Know.

Secondly, I had also listed the BET and BPT amounts for the same period of time, yet, unlike the MRT amounts, nothing was listed – simply “N/A”.  Am I to assume that N/A, in this response, means “Not Available”, which is to say “Denied”?

RSA 91-A:4 does state:

IV. (a) Each public body or agency shall, upon request for any governmental record reasonably described, make available for inspection and copying any such governmental record within its files when such records are immediately available for such release.

(b) If a public body or agency is unable to make a governmental record available for immediate inspection and copying the public body or agency shall, within 5 business days of a request:

(1) Make such record available;
(2) Deny the request; or
(3) Provide a written statement of the time reasonably necessary to determine whether the request shall be granted or denied and the reason for the delay.

(c) A public body or agency denying, in whole or part, inspection or copying of any record shall provide a written statement of the specific exemption authorizing the withholding of the record and a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the record withheld.

Since only the attached spreadsheet was supplied with no explanation or narrative accompanying it in your email body, please inform me as to why this information was not supplied as outlined above.

As to the last item, am I to assume, SHOULD I assume, that there are no shareholders involved with Gunstock Mountain Resort (e.g., “none” does mean “none”)?

Kindest regards,


And I did get a reply the next day (which means I’m late by 6 business days in putting up the response (emphasis mine):

—— Original Message ——
From: “Douglas Lambert” <>
To: “Cathy White” <>; “Skip” <>
Cc: “Tom Day” <>; “Jade L. Wood” <>
Sent: 8/11/2022 8:56:52 PM
Subject: Re: 91:A Request for Taxes 08-05-22

Good evening Mr. Murphy.

Please be advised that the date was initially misread as 2020, not the 2000 as written.

The “N/A” reference does not mean “not available,” it means “not applicable,” as the Gunstock Mountain resort, as a publicly owned institution is not obligated to pay those taxes. This means that this particular answer on the columns listed as such will remain the same going back within your requested period of time.

You are correct in your assumption that there are no shareholders “involved with Gunstock” and that “none” does in fact mean what it says.

For the NH Meals and Rooms tax, it is different, however, and Gunstock DOES pay those when directly operating the food service operation, which has not always been the case during times when that was provided by a privately contracted outside entity.

We are continuing to look back on this data, as some of it is contained on an older computer system that will require some time to retrieve. As you are aware, we cannot create or provide records that do not exist on a particular format. Once we complete our research and analysis, we will finish our response to this request.

We cannot give an exact estimate as to the time of completion until the exact location and disposition of these records is known, other than that it may a week or two rather than a day or so.

Please consider this our response and acknowledgement of your request and know that this will be followed up as the requested information becomes available.

As always, we appreciate your continued interest in the Gunstock Recreation Area.

With warmest regards,

Doug Lambert
Gunstock Area Commission

So as it turns out:

Gunstock Mountain Resort, in not paying BPT or BET taxes, means that it is not a public corporation in the private sector – there are no profits on which to be taxed and there is no need to pay the Enterprise tax to be paid as it is a government agency.  Thus, Commissioner Lambert has confirmed it is not a Private Sector entity.

Hmmm (twirling the small mustache I now thinking over a couple of things but also wondering if I should regrown the WONDERFUL handlebar mustache I had in college 40 years ago)…  I think I’ll also have another question but I’m still waiting for the rest of the R&M tax information to be sent to me.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If Elections Were Held in New Hampshire Today

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-08-19 20:38 +0000
It would be a Granite State red wave. Paul Steinhauser, Concord Monitor: Poll indicates voters unhappy with Hassan while Bolduc leads in GOP primary A new poll indicates that only 39% of New Hampshire registered voters believe Maggie Hassan has... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Diogenes, Democrats, and Dick Swett

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 19:30 +0000

According to legend, the Greek philosopher Diogenes strolled about with a lamp, purportedly looking for an honest man. Were he in New Hampshire today looking for an honest Democrat he could find one in Bow in the person of former congressman and ambassador Dick Swett?

Swett recently showed his integrity by signing on to a letter along with 34 other prominent Democrats criticizing their party’s “unethical” practices of investing money in Republican primary candidates they perceive as easier to beat in general elections. Dems minimize such shenanigans as “mischief,” but a better word would be “fraud.”

Cast your minds back to 1996. GOP Governor Steve Merrill opted not to run for reelection—creating an opening in the State House corner office. State Senator Jeanne Shaheen immediately declared her candidacy and ran unopposed (of course) in the Democrat primary.

On the Republican side, popular three-term Congressman Bill Zeliff declared a gubernatorial candidacy and was the strong favorite. Conservative activist Ovide Lamontagne also ran a long-shot campaign for the GOP nomination. But on that September 10, Lamontagne stunned Zeliff, 47,556 votes to 43,393.

Shaheen received only 52,328 votes in getting the Dem nomination. But that November, Shaheen trounced Lamontagne to become governor. She’d go on to be the first woman to serve as both governor and senator, three terms as each.

What happened in 1996?

What happened was a concerted effort on the part of Democrats to declare as independents and control the outcome of the GOP Primary. The popular Zeliff had experience and name recognition and would be unbeatable in a general election. Despite passionate conservative support, Lamontagne had limited elective experience and could be portrayed as an ideologue.

So the Dems went all in for Lamontagne over Zeliff in that September GOP primary, as they were sure they could beat Ovide in the general election—which they did.

How do we know this? Because some Dems confessed.

The numbers bear this out. Shaheen’s primary vote total was only slightly ahead of that of both Zeliff’s and Lamontagne’s. See the above tallies. Zeliff/Lamontagne combined for almost 91,000 votes to Shaheen’s 53,328 as erstwhile Dem “Independents” voted for Lamontagne.

So why does this matter today?

It matters because, unlike Republicans, Democrats have few contested primaries. So by declaring as faux “independents”, they can vote in GOP primaries and influence outcomes, and select “weaker” candidates to run against in November.

This is keeping with a long tradition of Dem “mischief” going back to Tammany Hall and the beginning of Democrat “machines.” That’s not to say Republicans haven’t occasionally been guilty of their own mischief. But Dems have turned election mischief into an art form. This behavior is what honest Dems like Swett want stopped as they see it as eroding “our dedication to fair elections.”

Dems even laugh about buying or stealing elections, as when John F. Kennedy joked that his multimillionaire father cautioned him about purchasing too many votes.

“I’m not paying for a landslide,” JFK quoted his dad as saying.

Interestingly, JFK and Richard Nixon essentially tied in the 1960 election, each winning about 49% of the popular vote. Kennedy very narrowly took the key states of Illinois and Texas for an electoral triumph. There was significant evidence of voter fraud in both states (especially in Chicago), and Nixon’s supporters pleaded with him to ask for recounts and to challenge the results in disputed districts. Nixon quickly overrode them and conceded to Kennedy, explaining that he didn’t want to put the country through the turmoil of a disputed election.

Would that our 45th president, who lost by around 7 million votes in 2020, had been as considerate of the American people as Nixon was in 1960? There’s no shortage of GOP critics of President Trump. Why can’t more Democrats be similarly introspective regarding their people and policies? (Beyond Dick Swett and the other 34 folks with integrity.)

The numbers of declared Republicans and declared Democrats are virtually the same in New Hampshire. But check out the vote totals after the Sept. 13 primaries. The GOP numbers will far exceed the Democrat turnout. Folks can draw their own conclusions. It would be refreshing to hear Senator Hassan or Representatives Kuster and Pappas decry and discourage the fraud—a la Dick Swett—as opposed to winking, nodding, and averting their eyes.

Diogenes would likely be satisfied with finding one honest N.H. Democrat—i.e. Dick Swett. But shouldn’t Granite Staters expect more?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Do Facebook and Instagram Have Vaccine Policies?

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-08-19 18:59 +0000
Madeline Leesman, Townhall: Facebook and Instagram Remove Anti-Vaccine Organization Run by RFK Jr. Meta took down a Facebook page and Instagram account this week for Children’s Health Defense, an anti-vaccination organization spearheaded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for violating the... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Trust the FBI?

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-08-19 18:51 +0000
Tristan Justice, The Federalist: Think The FBI Deserves The Benefit Of The Doubt? This Laundry List Of Corruption Should Make You Think Again Can the FBI be trusted? A Federalist analysis of agency lies over the last decade is an... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Palate Cleanser: Gee, and I thought Michelle’s scamming days were over?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 18:00 +0000

Heh!  Received this today:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Mrs. Michelle Obama.” <>
Sent: 8/17/2022 12:14:23 AM
Subject: Hello

Hello and how are you? I am Mrs. Michelle Obama from United states of America and wife to the ex-president, I have business idea which I want to share with you. Please contact me on email address ( for more information,


Mrs. Michelle Obama.

Gosh, I didn’t know that we were best buddies. After all and such, I kinda pounded on her for her actions and words when she was the First Lady and decided that it was the Proper Role of Government to do a centralized takeover of local school districts’ food and cafeteria products to school children in which “one size fits all” policies were superior to that of local officials.

Heh! Seeing that THE Michelle Obama is reaching out to me, I have a question to you all: SHOULD I respond?  If nothing else, just to have a little fun?  I do this all the time with the “Medicare Department” callers, the “Microsoft Support team” (whom after being on the phone with them for 15 minutes of leading them, ask the the question “er, I’m confused – WHERE did you say that Windows icon should be on my LINUX machine?”).

What do you think?  After all, it THE Michelle Obama, right? (snicker)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Latest Hassan Ad Shows Us Who Maggie Really Is – All Hat and No Cattle

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 16:30 +0000

Senator Maggie Hassan has a disabled child, so when I first saw her latest ad hyping the Better Care Better Jobs Act, it seemed like a good fit for her. Sure, it’s more money pumped into federal “care” programs, but it was in her wheelhouse. So, it appears, are misleading campaign ads, and this is no exception.

In the ad, a mom with a disabled kid (like Senator Hassan) has all sorts of nice things to say about all the good this legislation can do. Maggie presents it as why she’s in elected office. The sort of work she wants to do.

Warm, emotional heartstrings, but even a cursory look leads you to a reality sandwich.

1. Hassan is not the prime sponsor of the Senate bill; she is just one of the thirty-nine co-sponsors of S.2210.
2. There is an identical bill introduced in the House HR.4131.
3. Both bills were “introduced” on June 24th, 2021.
4. Neither bill has moved an inch since then. They were announced and have been collecting dust.

For those keeping track, that’s 422 days of nothing.

On her Senate Webpage, there are four pieces of press on the legislation published between 6/25/21 (the day after introduction) up to  9/20/21, all shades of the same narrative. Hassan and Shaheen Introduce Key Legislation…join colleagues in introducing…support for direct care, etc. Four press releases over the first three months after the bill is introduced and nothing after that.

It’s been 329 days since Hassan’s last piece of press on the bill unless you count this campaign ad.

Again, it’s a thing that makes sense for Senator Hassan to support. Something she can understand, even if, in her own circumstances, she would never have needed public support.

But she is running ads on this like it’s a done deal.

“Maggie for NH today launched “Care” – a new TV ad that highlights Senator Maggie Hassan’s work to try to ensure that people like her son Ben, who experiences a severe disability, and all Americans, can be fully included in their communities.”


“Senator Hassan first entered public service in large part to help ensure that those who experience disabilities, like her son Ben, would have the same kinds of opportunities that all parents want for their children. That is why she is pushing Congress to pass the Better Care Better Jobs Act”


“Senator Hassan: Helping families like Lexi’s all over the Granite State, it’s why I do the work. I’m Maggie Hassan and I approve this message.”


What work?

You haven’t done a damn thing to help Audrey from Brentwood.

The Bill is 422 days old. You signed on as a co-sponsor and ran a few press pieces. The Bill is a name and a number and nothing but. If that’s your idea of helping New Hampshire families, you’re terrible at it, and “Care” is as much or more of an act of fraud as your previous ads.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Stupidest Thing I've Read in a Long Time

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-08-19 15:34 +0000
Philip Elliott, Time Magazine: The GOP Just Borrowed a Soviet Skill and Disappeared Liz Cheney This article is part of The D.C. Brief, TIME’s politics newsletter. Sign up here to get stories like this sent to your inbox. In the... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

NH Dem Chris Pappas: Liz Chaney is a Patriot … Speaking Truth to Power.

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 15:00 +0000

US Congressman “Flap Jack” Pappas (D-NH) wants us to know something about Liz Cheney.

Liz Cheney is a patriot, and it’s disappointing she has been defeated for speaking “truth to power”. We need more people in politics like her who will put country first.”

Hmm, our Democrat representative who praises the RINO Liz Cheney? What gives?

Townhall explains that the attempt to convey the honor of ideological martyrdom is a favorite of Trump-haters across party lines. Yup, Cheney spoke the truth and was crushed for it. Au contraire! She was crushed because the good people of Wyoming became tired of her vaudeville acts.

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Townhall elaborates:

If Liz Cheney or anyone else has sharp criticism of Trump, bring it. Make the case. Invite debate. But that’s not how these people roll. Their lofty condemnations are never simply a point they wish to make or a contribution to an ongoing dialogue;  they paint themselves as the sole examples of high character.

The accompanying supposition is that to oppose them is a dereliction of duty amounting to the abandonment of the Constitution.” ( ) This is the height of preening condescension and exhibits Cheney’s narcissism.  Whoa, Chris Pappas digs this act.  Must be the anti-Trump thang.

Then there’s the brave loner, John Wayne, style of Cheney. But she wasn’t brave, being protected by Pelosi and her anti-American minions and by, presumably, the Flap Jack. Liz Cheney was by no means a loner in her continual chastising of the right. Nope, she was just another voice singing soprano in the Democrat choir where our own Chris Pappas chortles a mediocre mezzo-soprano.

Then there’s the additional idea that Cheney et al, are working to make the Republican Party viable again. And nabobs like Cheney, Pelosi, Pappas, Hassan, and Chuck Schumer lament the sad fall of this once workable Republican political party.

They mean they miss the loss of a supine Republican Party, lying at their feet, bending backward to meet their every costly whim.

Then there’s the idea abroad in our fair land and fairer state that everyone who voted for Trump was somehow mesmerized by his theatrics and never meant to vote for him. That’s why Liz was chucked out on her ear. Nope, we recognized that although Trump has his baggage like everyone, and who hasn’t said or done something they regret, Trump worked for us. It is in direct contravention to those who actively work and vote for BS that is inimical to us, be it here or in Wyoming.

Cheney and Pappas, and Shaheen and Kuster, have said yes to every expensive porkpie in the sky crock cobbled together by Pelosi and Schumer, all of which is detrimental to our well-being, the pursuit of our happiness, and our ability to pursue economic stability and to add to our personal wealth. And I don’t mean to say we’re wealthy. Unlike Cheney, the Democrat largesse hasn’t brought us $36,000,000 like it did Cheney.

Pappas is fresh from voting for that Inflation Reduction Act, which will accelerate inflation, wipe out the old folk’s savings, cost America 900,000 jobs per economist Casy Mulligan, and reduce incomes by $1,200.   The increased tax burden will cost every family in every income quartile at least $2,400. And the increasingly weaponized IRS, with 4500 new weapons and 5 million rounds of ammunition, will audit 4 of 5 individuals earning less than $200k.

To see and hear Pappas praising the freshly defeated Liz Cheney because of her clearly RINO outlook means that Chris “Flap Jack” Pappas quit working for us as soon as he hit DC.

Real political courage, which is not often found and hasn’t been seen from our NH federal representatives since all four became Democrat ciphers, requires the occasional principled stand on an issue. I’m not voting for this because it’s not in the best interests of those I represent. It would be a nice change. A change that’ll never happen until we rid ourselves of Pelosi’s and Schumer’s expensive tools.

And these two utterly unprincipled solons answer, not to their constituents when you view San Francisco and NY State, but to the billionaire cognoscenti like George Soros, John Kerry, our own St. Paul’s schoolboy, and Bill Gates. The latter three all hate America while worshipping at the altar of the UN and the other Davos One Worlders. Their membership requires a private Gulfstream jet.

I don’t dislike Pappas, Cheney, or any of the rest of this far-left liberal crowd. But I sincerely question what the hell they’re doing as our Representatives. Has anything the Biden cabal passed or written through executive fiat bettered our lives? Not an iota.

According to the Texas Public Policy Foundation, this willy-nilly spending will result in a drop in output of $3.7 trillion from our gross domestic product (GDP). How is this a boon for our way of life? Our Representatives and their votes have us becoming Europe and their lowered economic expectations.

It’s time for many changes, and Maggie “the Magster” Hassan, Kuster, and Pappas need to be sent to the political wilderness like Cheney was for the same reason – her constituents were at the end of their ropes and could no longer afford her. Just as we in NH are, we simply can’t afford to have these Democrats representing us.

Let us, each and every NH voter, do just like Pappas said, speak to power and break it!


The post NH Dem Chris Pappas: Liz Chaney is a Patriot … Speaking Truth to Power. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It's the Continuing Coverup

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-08-19 13:36 +0000
Operation Crossfire Hurricane & Why the FBI Stole Docs from Mar-a-Lago. Seb Gorka with Steve Bannon Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

The Leaders of Chicago Are Disgusting Human Beings

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-19 13:30 +0000

In 2021, in the city of Chicago, there were 792 shooting homicides and 3,561 shooting victims. By far, the deadliest year for homicides in Chicago’s history. You would think this would infuriate the Mayor and the District Attorney. You would be wrong.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot is much more concerned with cutting funding for the Police, her security detail, and security for the film crews of TV shows and movies being shot in Chicago than the safety and well-being of her people of the Windy City. There is no sense of urgency to solve the daily shooting spree existing within her city. For this reason, I see Mayor Lori Lightfoot as a disgusting human being.

District Attorney Kim Foxx is considered soft on crime. Foxx has been the Cook County DA since 2016. During her tenure, she has dropped over 25,000 felony cases.

In comparing Foxx versus her predecessor, Anita Alvarez, for the three years analyzed, Foxx’s office dropped 8.1% of homicide cases, compared with 5.3% under Alvarez. Under Foxx, the office dropped 9.5% of felony sex crime cases; the rate was 6.5% for Alvarez.

Foxx garnered headlines in 2019 after she dropped charges against Jussie Smollett, who purportedly staged an assault against himself and claimed supporters of President Donald Trump were the perpetrators, using homophobic slurs and placing a noose around his neck.

Foxx is a member of the soft-on-crime DAs destroying big cities like New York, SanFrancisco, and Los Angeles. These cities have all defunded much of their Police Department, are dropping cases quicker than it takes for the arresting officer to get back to his post, and are advocates of no-cash bail. It is these lax policies that are pushing crime rates to record-high levels.

Chicago was once a gem of big cities in America. Now, it is a crime-ridden area where people don’t even want to fly into O’Hare to catch a connecting flight. Chicago is not alone in its demise. San Francisco and Los Angeles are now homeless meccas with sidewalk cafes replaced with tent cities. Along with these tent encampments come drugs, filth, and crime. Many of these homeless areas are close to schools, with kids avoiding used needles on the street as they navigate their way to school.

People are fighting back. District Attorney Chesa Boudin was overwhelmingly recalled in San Francisco. In Los Angeles, DA Gascon survived the recall attempt to remove him when the petition campaign came up short of signatures. Gascon took a victory lap when the petition was rejected as if that was a call of support. The voters of LA County are not done and will continue to oust Gascon.

As for Chicago, the folks of this city in decline can look to themselves for the source of their problems. They continue to go to the polls and support the likes of Lori Lightfoot. They need to break this horrific cycle and pull a red lever. Doing so will turn the tide by refunding the Police, ending no cash bail, reclaiming the streets, and putting people first. As long as these corrupt, inept public officials are allowed tenure, then you will keep your cities in the headlines.

The post The Leaders of Chicago Are Disgusting Human Beings appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DOJ Refuses to Release Sworn Affidavit of 'Probable Cause’

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-08-19 12:30 +0000
TrendingPolitics: Trump’s Lawyer Shreds FBI Over Mar-A-Lago Raid; Here’s What She Says It Was Really About Former President Donald Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, spoke with the folks at Newsmax where she took an opportunity to completely shred the FBI over... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

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