The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

If Mike Pence is Running for Something, it's Hard to see How this Helps Him

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-08-23 13:06 +0000
Kelly Sadler, The Washington Times: Sorry, Pence, the FBI is not above reproach or scrutiny Last week, former Vice President Mike Pence gave a speech in New Hampshire calling on Republicans to stop criticizing the FBI after the unprecedented raid... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

RINO Report: Aboul Khan and Jason Janvrin

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-23 12:00 +0000

Seabrook, like many other towns, has two districts. Unlike most towns, All of the candidates have voting records, i.e. they are current or recent Reps.

Rockingham 30 (Seabrook alone) has a 3 for 2 primary. There are two good guys and one bad buy. Tina Harley had one of the best records of all Republicans in 2021-22. She voted only three times with Democrats against Republicans. William Fowler had a very good record, with just nine bad votes.

Aboul Khan’s record runs from bad to very bad. For the last three terms, he has averaged more than 40 bad votes, putting him in the top (i.e., worst) 15% of RINOs. In the 2013-14 term, he voted with Democrats against Republicans 111 times, putting him in the top 10% of RINOs.

We want to thank Spec Bowers for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

Rockingham 40 (Seabrook and Hampton) has a 2 for 1 primary. Neither candidate has a good voting record, but one is clearly worse than the other. Jason Janvrin voted with Democrats against Republicans 82 times in the 2017-18 term. Cross-checking with the House Republican Alliance scorecard confirms that Janvrin is the worse of the two. Abramson’s average HRA score for the last three terms was 89.7%, right about the middle of all Republicans. Janvrin’s HRA score was 71.6%, which put him firmly in the bottom (worst) 15% of all Republicans. Here are some highlights (lowlights?) of Khan’s and Janvrin’s careers.   Bad votes by Khan, Aboul (R, Seabrook) Parental Control     voted FOR restricting parental choice ( 2021 HB251 ) Education     voted AGAINST education choice ( 2018 SB193 )     voted AGAINST repealing the mandate that schools provide menstrual products ( 2021 HB458 ) Cost of Living     voted AGAINST reducing tobacco taxes ( 2013 HB335 )     voted FOR an income tax ( 2018 HB628 )     voted FOR higher property taxes for most owners ( 2021 SB102 )     voted FOR higher rooms tax ( 2018 HB1609 )     voted FOR requiring state taxpayers to make up for poor investments by the Retirement Board ( 2022 HB1417 ) Constitutional Rights     voted FOR restricting property rights ( 2021 HB177 ) Other     voted AGAINST right to join or not join a union ( 2021 SB61 )     voted AGAINST strengthening the right-to-know law ( 2017 HB365 On all of these votes, more than 80% of Republicans voted the other way. Bad votes by Janvrin, Jason (R, Seabrook) Cost of Living     voted AGAINST lower energy rates ( 2018 HB592 )     voted FOR an income tax ( 2018 HB628, 2018 HB628 )     voted FOR higher energy rates ( 2018 HB559 ) Other     voted AGAINST prohibiting sex change surgery for minors ( 2018 HB1532 )     voted AGAINST strengthening the right-to-know law ( 2017 HB365 On all of these votes, more than 80% of Republicans voted the other way.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Belknap’s Republican “Extremists” Should Embrace it Just Like We did Back in 2010

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-23 10:30 +0000

In the run-up to the 2010 wave election that wiped Obamacrats out of the US House and in state legislatures across the country, NH Dems tried to label Republican candidates as extremists. So, what’s happening to the Belknap County Delegation is just more of the same, and like in 2010, they should embrace it.

Both links in the pull quote are long dead, by the way.


Mary Jane Wellner and Marjorie Smith, who head the Committee to elect House Democrats, (and we must assume Ray Buckley) have themselves a new web page.  It’s called the Extreme 16.  It’s some lame left wing fund-raising gimmick that pits 16 Republican House candidates against each other and asks (presumably, Democrat) visitors to vote to decide who the most extreme GOP nominated candidate is. It’s set up like a tournament. The Moon Bat Final Four.


We broke the story and what followed was a rush by Republicans to ask why they were not in the brackets. Candidates took it and used it not only to embrace the accusation but to then define it, defend it, and control the narrative to wreck the opposition’s narrative.

I’ve not had much to say about the Gunstock situation or the Belknap delegation – nothing, actually – because it’s Skip’s “neighborhood,” and he’s got it covered.  But the extremist thing seems like it needed another kick in the tires.

A professional leftist hack hiding behind another fake-centrist facade is using Left-wing power and money to rally TransDemocrats (RINOS) and anyone they can dupe into thinking that local control, individualism, bylaws, rules of order, transparency, and rule of law are extremist positions.

They are extreme if you happen to be a 14th-century Monarch or a 20th-century Marxist. And that’s being kind. The majority of human experience on planet earth has been dominated by authoritarians convincing others that they are better, smarter, and entitled to make decisions for others, both basic and life-changing.

If reasonably low taxes that allow you to keep more of what you earned is extremist, then I’m on board.

If letting you make decisions about what is important to your children and family is extremist, count me in.

Do you see where we’re going here?

The 2010 Dems Extreme 16 was a failure for them and a victory for Republicans, who went on to take veto-proof supermajority control of the NH House and NH Senate. The November 2022 midterms are shaping up with some of the same potential as we saw in 2010. And up in Belknap County, the Left is playing an old game.

If Belknap Republicans have the sense to take that bull by the horns, they can force Citizens for Belknap and local Democrats into a corner because the only extremists are the Democrats who would replace them and deprive everyone of local control, property, and liberty at the first opportunity.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

For Immediate Release – Testerman’s Oppscore® Is Better than Reagan’s

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-23 03:00 +0000

CONCORD, NH John Paul Moran, GOUSA founder, “was given the opportunity to ask Trump if he would support GOUSA’s OppScore®, the “Rotten Tomatoes of Politics” political credit rating to throw out the corrupt, self-serving rotten politicians and elect Pro- America people like him … Trump mused the question, then … he said, “Sure, I would endorse it!”

“What an honor for John Paul Moran and GOUSA to receive the endorsement of Donald J. Trump,” said Karen Testerman, candidate for NH Governor. This gives special significance to my GOUSA OppScore® of 4.75, which is better than former President Ronald Reagan’s.”

The Opportunity Score® is the very first nonpartisan political credit rating system of its kind that rates elected officials against two standards:

  • No. 1: are they following the law and the Constitution, and
  • No. 2: are they supporting the Will of the People?

The good news is that the OppScore research shows that most Americans are strongly united on principles 80% of the time. GOUSA rates all members of Congress and their challengers and key Gubernatorial and other state-level races. More information may be found at





Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

With Elections Looming Let’s Revisit the Fake “Problem” of Student Voting Rights in NH

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-23 01:30 +0000

Any student over 18 has the right to vote, assuming they’ve not done something to lose that right. In New Hampshire, Student Voting Rights translate as follows: out-of-state students attending college in New Hampshire have more voting rights than actual residents.

You will likely see or hear the term’ Student Voting Rights’ on social media, Democrat candidate campaigns supporting “Student voting rights,” or in the press from whiny leftist groups (including “the press”).

You do not need to engage in lengthy debates about domicile, residency, if someone feels like they might stay in NH, or whether anyone else can know their feelings.

None of that matters. Why? Because we’re talking about voting rights. Equality or equity or non-discrimination means everyone has the same damn rights. Right? Wrong.

Related: NH Election Flaw: “Extra Rights” Misrepresented as “Voting Rights” Violates “Equal Rights”

Out-of-state college students in New Hampshire have more rights than actual New Hampshire residents. The NH Dems know it, the NHGOP knows it, and Chris Sununu and his AG know it. The Secretary of State knows it too.

When someone brings up student voting rights, the only question anyone needs to answer is this. Why can these students “legally” vote in either of two states, but I can only vote in one?

A student from California matriculating on campus in the Granite State can, according to the NH Democrats, vote in California or New Hampshire. You can only vote in New Hampshire.

Even when the “students” are in their home state learning remotely, NH Dems encourage these students to vote in New Hampshire by mail but asking them to vote from here by mail to their home state is vote suppression, even though Democrats support all absentee or all mail-in voting.

Okay. Can you mail a completed ballot to any other state than New Hampshire?


Student Voting Rights is a code for giving a class of likely Democrat voters not just more rights than you but denying you the same rights given to them.

Related: NH Dems – College Students Are Too Dumb to Understand What It Means to be a Resident of New Hampshire (I’m Not Kidding) …

Student Voting Rights means they can vote in either of two states  (three or more in the case of out-of-state campaign workers) in every or any election they choose.

These Students can vote in your state or their state, but you can only vote here. And this is something you can use in at least two different ways. First, you can use it to challenge claims by groups squawking about Student Voting Rights. Second, you can use it against Democrat candidates who claim to support special rights for a class of individuals instead of all of them.

Challenge them.

Why do you believe they should have more rights than me? (You may have to explain it.)

How am I suppressing votes when these students can vote in two states?

And if I can’t vote in two states, how are you not suppressing my voting rights?

And remember, NH students who truly live in NH can’t vote in any other state either.

Take it wherever you want from here. I think you’ve got this.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Well, That Was Fast – I Have Received the First Tranche of “Responsive Records” from My GAC Audit Committee RSA 91A Demand.

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-23 00:00 +0000

So, what is it that Commissioners Lambert, Wood, and Conroy are afraid of that will now be public? Catherine at the Laconia Daily Sun reports that all three voted to shut down the investigative sub-Committees (Legal, Audit). Why? 

Late today, I received emails containing 60 pages of materials from the Gunstock Area Commission’s Audit Committee that was investigating possible allegations of “things not right.”

You know, that sub-committee that Commissioners Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial ), Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice-Chair), and Denise Conroy (who hates both of them) just killed off (along with the LEGAL sub-committee that was looking into the deep reasons why the GAC was suing the Belknap County Delegation (seems to me to be a made up reason for politics to draw attention to the REAL reason(s) – like why did Gary Kiedaisch spend $110,000 in legal bills without the GAC voting to allow it?  Using it as his own piggy bank for lawfare purposes?).  They made sure to deep-six the sub-Committees.

So what ARE you hiding, Doug Lambert, Jade Wood, and Denise Conroy?

I have been promised more – much more.  And knowing that the Laconia Daily Sun’s Catherine McLaughlin put in a similar RSA 91A for the Audit Committee records – I shared them with her this afternoon. This should turn out to be quite interesting on several different levels.

I’m betting it will make for some riveting reading!

Here is that Right To Know:

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records. Otherwise, if demand this cannot be fulfilled within that mandated 5 business day window per RSA 91-A, please advise when the Responsive Records will be made available.

This request is for any emails as well as for any and all assorted documents/materials involving all of the Gunstock Area Commission’s Audit Committee (“GAC-AC”) activity for the period of January 1, 2022, through August 17, 2022.

Responsive records will include (but not to exclude others not specifically enumerated in these general categories):

  • Any and all hardcopy-based information: workflow papers, financial records, financial and audit trail Standard Operating Procedures, GAC-AC interim work, and analysis materials.
  • Any similar information of the above but in computer-readable formats: all computer based file types such as databases, voicemails, images, name/publisher of software used, spreadsheets, word processing documents, financial records accessed, et al.

Also any email/voice /written communications between the GAC-AC members, Gunstock Area Commissioners, and Gunstock Mountain Resort staff concerning any and all Audit Committee work.

For emails, the information for each responsive record shall include:

  • TO fields, FROM fields – all addresses
  • CC fields, BCC fields – all addresses
  • DATE fields
  • SUBJECT field
  • The Body of the email itself
  • Any and all attachments of any email message having such

Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c): If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, unavailable for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

As you are aware, in 2016, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that a governmental body in possession of records is required to produce them in electronic media using standard common file formats: Green v. SAU #55, 168 N.H. 796, 801 (2016). Unless there is some reason that it is not reasonably practical to produce such, explain why it is not practical to comply.

Please also note, per RSA 91-A:4 III, III-a, and III-b, you are required to maintain the safety and accessibility of such responsive records. This also includes such responsive records (e.g., emails) which may have been deleted from respective Inboxes but are still available on the applicable email server or in your / email host backup system(s).

Please let me know when these records will be sent to me for inspection. You may email the responsive records to If the volume turns out to be substantial, I have already set up a Dropbox folder to use in uploading those responsive records.

Partial release of demanded information is allowable (e.g. some, but not all materials, as it may take a bit of time to gather and deliver). If there is a substantial amount of hardcopy materials, I will come review them at an agreed upon time and place.

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.


Skip Murphy

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More Bad News For Electric Vehicles (Truck Edition)

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-22 22:30 +0000

Electric Vehicles (EVs) suck. To review, they are dirty to build (not green), dirty to run (not green), are more likely to fail, are far too expensive, and inadequate to almost any task not suited to a golf cart (which is a lot cheaper), and now we’ve got more bad news.

Related: A Reality Check For Electric Vehicles in the Real America

The electric Rivian pulled a 2,000-pound trailer 153 miles, using 91 percent of its battery charge. Extrapolating to a full charge, TFL Truck estimated the actual range was 168 miles.

The gas Tundra, on the other hand, drove the same route with the trailer and used only a third of its fuel. Extrapolating the remaining gasoline in the tank at the initially-used 14.8 miles per gallon showed the Tundra with a range of 473 miles.


And that was the best result on their test.


Actually, the Rivian did fairly well when compared to another TFL Truck test pitting an electric Ford F150 against a gas-powered GMC Denali Ultimate Edition pickup, each towing a 3-ton trailer.

In that test, the F150’s computer said it should have had a range similar to the Rivian’s — 160 miles. Instead, the electric Ford limped to a charging station after only about 85 miles. The GMC traveled 156 miles and it’s computer said it had 129 miles remaining.


The Electric Vehicles will have to pull over, find a place to charge, wait for their turn, and then wait to recharge the battery. Even in a perfect world with enough charging stations and electricity, you still have to stop and wait to recharge. When the gasoline-powered vehicle that has already outranged the EV needs more fuel, it fills in minutes and is back on the road.

Related: Democrat Solution to Democrat Created Problem – Charge $1000.00/ Year to Register Electric Vehicles

Now. The Western Journal author does give the EV Truck some credit that, in my opinion, it does not deserve. “Electric trucks have a place — low mileage applications in, perhaps, smog-prone urban areas.”

If you don’t mind “offshoring” your emissions, then maybe. EVs are not greener. Best case, you could pretend driving it offsets the carbon emitted to make it, drive it, and scrap it (beginning and end-of-life carbon), but that would be a lie. But since lies are the foundation of the environmental movement, if you are the sort who has the cash to drop in an EV pickup, you’re probably already comfortable with a wide range of lies the Left likes to tell (like how wind and solar will never be green).




HT | Natural News

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Viral 2004 Video Resurfaces Of Anthony Fauci Praising Natural Immunity

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-22 21:00 +0000

As Anthony Fauci attempts to disappear before a Republican-led House initiates one investigation after another in 2023, old clips of a younger-looking and more honest NIAID Director are coming back online.

In one such, he candidly explains how a woman who contracted a respiratory viral infection wouldn’t require subsequent vaccination because, as he puts it, the best vaccination is to get infected yourself.

The clip can be seen here:


Well, no, if she got the flu for fourteen days she’s as protected as anybody can be, because the best vaccination is to get infected yourself…

If she really has the flu, if she really has the flu, she definitely doesn’t need a flu vaccine…

She doesn’t need it because it’s the most potent vaccination is to getting infected yourself.”

This man is a genocidal criminal. What science has changed since this video originally aired? For over a year, social media giants censored and outright banned users for daring to claim natural immunity to Covid was a thing. Everything the Regime did was counter to science and common sense, and yet the mainstream narrative persisted.

Now, as individuals are being asked to booster up for their 5th or 6th dose, or we watch a quad-vaxxed Joe and Jill Biden contract Covid for the umpteenth time, there are those in society who still think they’re smarter than us or “following science.”

We previously wrote that Anthony Fauci announced his upcoming resignation from his post as Director of the NIAID come December. It gives him enough time to presumably whip us up into one more infectious disease panic before fleeing for witness protection in an attempt to evade public accountability for his massive con.

“Effective December, the face of the response to the Covid pandemic and alleged financial enabler of the Wuhan virus, Anthony Fauci, will be resigning from his position as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and infectious Disease. His resignation is more than welcome – albeit coming two weeks and twenty-seven months too late to stave off the disastrous and deadly policies championed by him.

Anthony Fauci first warned against mask use before suddenly expecting us to wear several at once, denounced existing generic pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products in favor of locking down until a vaccine happened to appear in record time. Pushing for mandates, boosters, and everything else, despite him promising that the virus would stop in each vaccinated person, has done nothing except exacerbate problems and exposed hundreds of millions of Americans to an unknown and untested gene therapy.”


Hailey Sanibel writes at The Blue State Conservative

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Invasion at the Southern Border and its Consequences

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2022-08-22 19:46 +0000
Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times: Biden Admin Running ‘World’s Epicenter’ of Child Trafficking: Former White House Adviser “These astronomical numbers defy any historical comparison. So overwhelmingly are the prior records exceeded that there is no reference point. Biden, with the... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Mike Bordes Should Not Be Re-Elected by the Citizens of Laconia

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-22 19:30 +0000

From here:

NH State Rep Laura Pantelakos (D): “I don’t care about protecting peoples’ Liberty
NH State Rep  John Mann (D): “liberty” is either an ideology or a gross misrepresentation and oversimplification (accidental or otherwise) of what government is for.

Neither has read our Declaration of Independence lately, have they?

Seemingly, NH State Rep Mike Bordes, running for re-election from Laconia Wards 1,3,4,5,6 (Belknap District 3) has an issue with your Liberties as well.

Laconia citizens, do you know who the REAL Mike Bordes is, running for a second term in the NH House?  I posit that he is not the Conservative NH State Rep he claims to be.  After all, he’s been attacking other Republicans that are much more Conservative, that have been legislating/voting more in line with the NH GOP Platform, and are far better at defending your Individual Liberties than he has. While he received a B+ from the NH Liberty Alliance in 2021, he slumped badly in 2022 by regressing to a C+ showing his tendency in caring about your Freedom and Liberties: (NHLA 2022    2021

Name                  Vote %       Sponsored          Grade

Bordes,Mike           79.9                   0.5                         B+       2021
Bordes, Mike          64.4                – 0.3                         C+       2022

And while one would expect an elected Republican to adhere to the NH GOP Platform (which indicates what Republicans actually believe), he got worse there as well. Proof is here (Page 1):

There were two major bills sponsored by Republicans this year – putting Parents back in charge of their child’s education (Parental Rights, voting with the Democrats) and the ability to work WITHOUT being forced to join a union (Right To Work). He voted against the Parent Rights bill and showed no political courage on the RTW bill by “taking a walk”; Bordes displayed his true colors by walking out of the House chamber and refusing to vote either way.

Not good when compared to other Belknap County Representatives Republicans (not even close!). Add to that, he’s been constantly attacking real Republicans for their smaller government, lower taxes positions and willingness to seek out and highlight corruption.

Finally, the major legislative accomplish of Rep Bordes in his two years in the House was to remove the daytime speed limits on Lake Winnipesaukee.  Like nearly all of his other proposed legislation, it was killed in the House and never even made it to the Senate for consideration.

So, when it comes time for Laconia voters to cast their ballots in the Republican primary next month, they may wish to consider that any real Republican candidate might be better than Bordes.

Here is the LTE I am sending into the Daily Sun ( an abbreviated version of the above):

Mike Bordes Should Not Be Re-Elected by the Citizens of Laconia

NH State Rep Laura Pantelakos (D): “I don’t care about protecting peoples’ Liberty“ ( Seemingly, NH State Rep Mike Bordes, running for re-election from Laconia Wards 1,3,4,5,6, hasn’t read our Declaration of Independence either and has similar issues with your Liberties.

Laconia citizens, who IS the real Mike Bordes, running for re-election? He’s not the Conservative he’s claiming. He’s been attacking Republicans that are more Conservative, who vote more with the NH GOP Platform, and far better in defending your Liberties.

While he received a B+ from the NH Liberty Alliance (who measures how a Rep defends your Liberty) in 2021, he slumped badly in 2022 to a C+. He only voted on 80% of the NHLA rated bills in 2021 and only 64% in 2022. His adherence to the NH GOP Platform, measured by the House Republican Alliance ( was barely a “gentleman’s B”.

Further were two major bills sponsored by Republicans this year – putting Parents back in charge of your child’s education (Parental Rights) and your ability to work WITHOUT being forced to join a union (Right To Work). He voted against PR and showed zilch political courage on RTW; his true colors showed by walking out of Reps Hall and refused to vote.

Not even close when compared to other Belknap County Republicans). Further, he’s been constantly attacking other Republicans for smaller government stances, desiring lower taxes, and willingness to seek out corruption; it should give you pause.

Finally, what did he accomplish in his two years in the House? He tried to remove daytime speed limits on Lake Winnipesaukee. Like nearly all his other proposals, it died in the House.

In next month’s Republican Primary, Laconia voters should know there are better Republican candidates than Bordes.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

RINO Report: Jim Mason

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-22 18:00 +0000

Franklin has a 3 for 2 primary. The candidates are good, bad, and unknown – or perhaps we might say excellent, terrible, and promising.

Dave Testerman is a 3-term Rep with an excellent record, better than 80% of all Republicans during the last six years. Ernesto Gonzales is a newcomer. I am told that “He is a very smart guy, a refugee from Communist Cuba. He is absolutely a patriot and has all the correct values when it comes to education, taxes, Pro-life, the border crisis, etc., etc.”

Jim Mason is a 1-term Rep with a terrible record, worse than 96% of all Republicans these last two years. He voted with Democrats against Republicans 72 times.

We want to thank Spec Bowers for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

Here are some highlights (lowlights?) of his short career.

Bad votes by Mason, James (R, Franklin) Parental Control     voted AGAINST giving parents more information about students‘ assessments ( 2021 HB194 )     voted FOR evading parental choice regarding vaccinations ( 2022 HB1126 ) Education     voted AGAINST education choice ( 2021 HB609, 2021 CACR3 )     voted AGAINST letting parents sue if their child’s school neglects to protect students from bullying ( 2021 HB140 )     voted AGAINST requiring students to pass a civics test ( 2021 HB320 ) Constitutional Rights     voted AGAINST prohibiting the suspension of civil liberties even during an emergency ( 2021 HB440 )     voted AGAINST property rights ( 2021 HB402, 2022 HB414 ) Right to Life     voted AGAINST prohibiting abortions after 24 weeks ( 2021 HB625, 2021 HB625 )     voted AGAINST right to life for any baby born alive ( 2021 HB233 )     voted FOR weakening the right to life ( 2022 HB1609 ) Election Integrity     voted AGAINST requesting absentee voters to verify their identity ( 2021 HB292 )     voted AGAINST requiring a person who registers to vote without any identification to have his or her photo taken ( 2021 HB523 )     voted FOR making it easier for nonresident aliens to vote illegally ( 2022 HB1093 ) Other     voted AGAINST allowing schools to display the national and state mottos ( 2021 HB69 On almost every one of these votes, more than 90% of Republicans voted the other way.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Monday Memes – They “Are Still Alive” Edition!

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-22 16:30 +0000

With Nitzakhon on hiatus, people have been stepping up on the meme front. For your continued entertainment and as a source of anti-Lefty ammo: Monday memes are Alive! Alive!

Not always in good taste but with an eye toward mockery and a better layout than the one I published last week.





And… stop jabbing your kids!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Are Some “America First” Candidates Who Support Kevin McCarthy Deep State Enablers?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-22 15:00 +0000

Every election cycle, candidates make promises to their constituents – but many times, those promises are rarely fulfilled. To make matters worse, once in office, politicians have a 90+% chance for re-election – which is why the swamp never gets drained.

We (the voters) keep repeating this insane cycle. It’s like when Lucy promises to hold the football for Charlie Brown and then pulls it away at the last second. We know exactly what will happen, but Charlie Brown falls for the same false promise every time.

And when it comes to voting, we are a lot like Charlie Brown. We don’t have that same clarity when we cast our votes – and fall for the same unfulfilled promises every election.

This is a never-ending cycle that needs to end.

Related: CD-1 Candidate Tim Baxter: Why the Vote for Speaker of the House is “Almost the Only Vote That Matters”

Up until recently, I could not make sense of our collective naivety. Then it hit me after I heard NH’s Congressional Candidate Tim Baxter identify the importance of the Speaker of the House – and the authoritarian power he has to halt/limit/control all legislation that is brought to the House floor for a vote:

“There’s no amendments, there’s no Bills that are voted on unless the Speaker of the House consents to it.”

“The vote for Speaker is not just about getting a conservative, but about getting someone who isn’t corrupt in office.”

Watch: GIP’s Ken Eyring and Tom Murray Talk with NH Congressional Candidate Tim Baxter

That’s when it dawned on me that there may be self-proclaimed America First Congressional candidates who might be intentionally gaming the system by telling voters they are America First candidates in order to get elected – but plan to cast their Speaker of the House vote for Kevin McCarthy who they know will block the America First agenda from ever coming to the floor for meaningful votes. That way, they can have their cake and eat it too – without voters realizing they were had.

Other candidates may be sincere in their commitment to the America First agenda, but their pledge to vote for McCarthy nullifies their intent – and, more importantly, their effectiveness.

Either way, candidates who pledge to elect Kevin McCarthy to Speaker of the House don’t deserve our votes.

That’s why I believe Tim Baxter is justifiably hammering two of his opponents – Matt Mowers and Karoline Leavitt – for their pledge to elect Kevin McCarthy to Speaker of the House – and essentially empower him to unilaterally block their America First campaigns.

Conservative Review provides “Liberty Scores” for Congress. According to their website,

“Conservative Review’s Liberty Score® grades members of Congress on the top 50 votes over a rolling six-year term. A letter grade is assigned to each member to help you quickly determine whether a lawmaker is supporting conservative principles.”

Kevin McCarthy failed with a score of 52%. An “F.”

Elise Stefanik, the Congresswoman who Leavitt said she would align herself with – failed with a score that is lower than McCarthy’s: 44%. Another “F.”

To put those scores into context, both McCarthy and Stefanik scored LOWER than Liz Cheney, who received an “F” with a Liberty Score of 53%.

We can and must do better! If voters want real change in Washington, then someone other than a Liz Chaney clone needs to be elected to Speaker of the House.

Baxter has pledged to cast his vote for someone like Chip Roy or Andy Biggs. Both received an “A” with a Liberty Score of 100%.

If Mowers or Leavitt help elect McCarthy to Speaker of the House… they would, in essence, be Deep State enablers.

That is why Mowers and Leavitt must renounce their support for McCarthy NOW because McCarthy will kill the MAGA / America First agenda on day one.

Mowers and Leavitt need to step up and be leaders like Tim Baxter and set the example for other Congressional candidates across America… and that means dumping McCarthy as their choice for Speaker of the House.



This post was first published by the Government Integrity Project


The post Are Some “America First” Candidates Who Support Kevin McCarthy Deep State Enablers? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And Yet Another Reason For NOT Supporting Chuck Morse … Endorsed By The Biden-Endorsing Union Leader

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-22 13:30 +0000

You knew it was coming. The NeverTrump Union Leader has endorsed Chuck Morse, calling him the best candidate to defeat Maggie Hassan. Yes, you read that correctly “Stinky” Joe McQuaid wants you to believe that Morse, who is by far the most inarticulate, inauthentic and uncharismatic candidate seeking the GOP nomination, is the best choice to defeat Maggie Hassan:

In case you have forgotten, “Stinky” Joe’s Union Leader also endorsed Joe Biden, and had this to say about him:

Building this country up sits squarely within the skill set of Joseph Biden. We have found Mr. Biden to be a caring, compassionate and professional public servant. He has repeatedly expressed his desire to be a president for all of America, and we take him at his word. Joe Biden may not be the president we want, but in 2020 he is the president we desperately need. He will be a president to bring people together and right the ship of state.

Morse would be as much of a figurehead Senator as “Stinky” Joe McQuaid’s choice for President, Joe Biden, is a figurehead President. When Morse says “603 Way” what he really means is doing the bidding of the NHGOP-Establishment.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Wyoming Voters a Threat to Democracy

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2022-08-22 12:52 +0000
Jon Gabriel, azcentral: Out-of-touch politicians ask, 'Is it me?' then blame voters for their loss Though it had been predicted for months, Rep. Liz Cheney’s loss to Harriet Hageman dominated politics this week, in Wyoming and beyond. White House Chief... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Biden Administration Enforcing Immigration Laws? Not a Chance!

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2022-08-22 12:41 +0000
Rita Li, The Epoch Times: 4.9 Million Illegal Aliens Crossed US Border in 18 Months Since Biden Took Office: Report A total of 4.9 million illegal aliens, including some 900,000 “gotaways” who evaded apprehension and have since disappeared into American... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

If Coffee is Systemically Racist, Then so Is the Democrat Party

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-22 12:00 +0000

There’s an article by someone somewhere on the internet (no duh!) about coffee and how it is racist. They say that it is a drink by black people for black people that has become a pillar of white supremacist capitalism.

The article “looks” at a history of abuse regarding coffee as a commodity and a beverage and declares that white supremacy is built-in. So, just like the Democrat party?

But no one mentions the Democrat party.

“The first coffees exported to North America and Europe were harvested by slaves,” Johnson wrote. “Later, enslaved Africans prepared and served coffees for their slave owners, when they were not laboring in the fields.” …

White supremacy is built into the foundation of the coffee industry. The global coffee economy was created through colonialism …

It’s not just that Black folks cannot afford specialty coffee, but the very acceptance of the term “specialty coffee” suggests that some coffee is somehow superior to others, an idea that is rooted in whiteness.  …

And if you put milk in your coffee, you are doubling down on racism. Milk is also racist (almond milk too?).

Or maybe not.

Africans are still enslaving Africans. Islam, completely ignored in most stories about historical slavery, murdered or enslaved millions. People whose lands were colonized by the armies of Allah. Places where non-believers were treated like dirt, if allowed to live at all.

So, slavery is not a white thing. It is a human nature thing. So is the idea of superiority.

The article mentions great accomplishments by blacks, like the pyramids, built by brown people for brown people, who were essentially gods. Talk about a superiority complex.

Travel forward from there in history to the American slave trade, and it ends and begins with southern plantation Democrats who defended the right to enslave blacks to the death. A group whose political party enacted laws to subvert freedoms when they were finally gained. That disarmed black Americans terrorized them, treated them like animals, and even lynched them.

And today, we can look at Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or Patrisse Cullors of BLM. They have each used blacks to get rich, while their supporters destroyed Black businesses, neighborhoods, and even lives in “the interest” of black people.

And most if not all of them are Democrats.

Every Democrat-run urban area in the US includes political leaders who are black, enriched, and empowered at the expense of, for lack of a better term, their own people; folks trapped in poverty and forced to live in crime-riddled neighborhoods. Different plantations but the same systemic superiority.

Modern-day Africa is filled with dark-skinned despots who deem themselves superior, living the high life on the pain and suffering of the lower classes. The same is true in parts of Central and South America.

People of color get rich off the labors of people of color by selling coffee beans to white people (or drugs or human beings).

Human and sex trafficking is slavery unless Jeffrey Epstein (a Democrat) does it.

In other words, being white has nothing to do with it, nor does coffee, a product whose global success may have been inevitable regardless of who found a way to get it to the world.

But if your head is far enough up you a**, you can be very specific about the sorts of racism you’d like to promote while completely ignoring every other kind. A thought process typical to the Democrat party, which, to this day, still believes it is superior to everyone else and is working diligently to enslave all of us under the boot of authoritarian rule, regardless of color.

If you are not paying attention, that’s what they mean by equity.



The post If Coffee is Systemically Racist, Then so Is the Democrat Party appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) is a “Big Lie”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-22 10:30 +0000

A “Big Lie” is a lie that is endlessly repeated and amplified enough to overwhelm any criticism and achieve general acceptance.

The misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) is a “Big Lie” promoted and celebrated by the media.  The Congressional Budget Office says it will have a negligible effect on inflation (shorturl. at/bstw0).  In the near term, its spending exacerbates today’s already painful inflation.

Even people who voted for the IRA can’t explain how it reduces inflation (see the first 4 minutes).

Another “Big Lie” is President Biden’s claim that no one with an income less than $400,000 will pay another penny in taxes.  The Joint Committee on Taxation says the IRA will raise income taxes at every level, even for incomes under $10,000   (  This is on top of increased taxes, fees, and royalties on energy which will increase the costs of almost everything.

Even these may understate the tax increases on poor people who can’t afford the tax experts that rich people use to find loopholes, and dispute IRS audits.  ABC reports on a Syracuse University study indicating that poor people are audited at a rate 3 times greater than people with $1,000,000 incomes and 5 times greater than all people who aren’t poor (New study finds IRS audits low-income workers at a rate 5x higher than everyone else – ABC13 Houston).  All Democrats voted against an amendment to limit audits funded by this bill to people earning over $400,000.

Recently Biden tried to deceive the American people by stating that there was no inflation in July.  It’s normal to talk about inflation on an annual basis; the cost of living was 8.5% higher in July than a year earlier and 7.1% higher than when Biden took office.

Biden blamed Putin’s war for our inflation and high energy prices…another “Big Lie”.  Inflation and energy prices skyrocketed well before Putin invaded Ukraine.

Biden also claimed that the US isn’t in a recession despite having two-quarters of negative growth, the traditional indicator.  The media provided numerous talking heads providing all sorts of additional reasons why we aren’t in a recession; this was another “Big Lie”.

Some other examples:  Mayorkas (Homeland Security): “our border is Closed!” (Despite 2 million annual illegal border crossers, some violently harming Americans, and others bringing the illegal drugs that kill 50,000 to 100,000 Americans annually).  “CRT isn’t in our schools”, although parents watched it in their children’s remote learning.  Obama: “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

It’s easy for Democrats to pull off “Big Lies” since the vast majority of the media repeats and promotes their claims, and attacks anyone questioning or providing evidence disproving Democrat claims.  It’s nearly impossible to pull off a “Big Lie” when most of the media questions, disputes, and attacks your claims, as it does with most Republican claims.

An example is Trump’s claim (which he certainly believes and therefore is not a lie) that the 2020 election was stolen.  Trump’s belief is based on the many irregularities in ballot handling and counting (e.g., use of illegal ballot harvesting and drop boxes, selective ballot curing only in Democrat areas, excluding Republican poll watchers from vote counting, unreliable mailed ballots, etc.).

Trump’s claim is overwhelmed by the attacks and criticisms from almost all the media, all Democrats, and some, mostly big-government, Republicans.  Trump’s claim may be incorrect, but it’s not a lie, big or small.

What is certain is that Biden is President and Democrats control Congress, and the American people and millions of people around the world are suffering because of it.

The post The Misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) is a “Big Lie” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sunday Spotlight: No Limbs, No Problem

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-22 03:00 +0000

Each Sunday, I take a step away from daily politics and focus on someone who has done extraordinary things or who we may need to know a little better. This week’s focus is on a man who has inspired me for years. This week’s light shines on Nicholas James Vujicic.

I am forever amazed by people who have overcome unfathomable hardships or challenges. I especially admire those who can set aside their situation and turn it into something that motivates others to strive beyond their self-inflicted boundaries. Jimmy Johnny Jones, who I wrote about a couple of weeks ago, is such a person who has incredible wit and wisdom derived from the loss of his legs thanks to an IED in Afghanistan.

Nicholas James Vujicic (/ˈvuːɪtʃɪtʃ/ VOO-itch-itch; born December 4, 1982) is an Australian American Christian evangelist and motivational speaker born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of arms and legs. Born without limbs and rejected at birth by his parents, Nicholas has devoted his life to motivating others. Seeing him speak to a group while “walking” around a raised platform on the stubs leaving his body where his legs should be, is enough to believe that anything is possible. The words he then speaks are but reinforcement in case the visual evidence is not adequate.

Nicholas is still a young man but has a way of connecting with young people, and they buy into his message of spirituality, faith, and hope. It would have been easy for Nicholas to cash in his chips and abandon his fight, but that is not who he is. Maybe his parents turning their backs on him gave him his incredible strength. It doesn’t matter the source but that you have harnessed your strength and message to impart a bit of his power to others.

In 2008 in McKinney, Texas, near Dallas, he met Kanae Miyahara. They married on February 12, 201. The couple has two sons and two daughters and resides in Southern California. Without limbs, he can type 43 words per minute on a computer. God gave him this talent to pen eight books translated into 32 languages. 

If you can’t get a miracle, become one – Nick Vujicic

Vujicic founded an organization, Attitude is Altitude, which focuses on Social and Emotional learning, positivity, and anti-bullying. The primary purpose of this foundation is to help and inspire the students for their careers. In 2009, he appeared in a short film, The Butterfly Circus, and played a small role as Will. Following his astonishing performance, he was awarded the Best Actor award at the 2010 Method Fest Independent Film Festival.

Nicholas has accomplished great things with no arms, legs, fingers, or thumbs. He has shown us that with what God has given us, there are no limits to our potential. He has shown us that when we need to feel sorry for ourselves for the challenges we face, we should think of him, standing before us with no limbs, and give ourselves a boot in the butt to get us to move on. It is with his mind and his tongue that he has shown us there is nothing we cannot accomplish if we put our minds to the task.

God Bless you, Nicholas James Vujicic, and give you the strength to carry on spreading your message for years to come. We who are touched by you are better people for the experience.

The post Sunday Spotlight: No Limbs, No Problem appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

General Don Bolduc Town Hall, Hollis NH

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-22 01:30 +0000

On August 17th, General Don Bolduc held a town hall meeting right here in Hollis, NH, accompanied by Baseball Great, Rico Petrocelli, and Lt Col Stu Scheller (retired). Petrocelli told us why he’s supporting Bolduc, Ltc Scheller spoke about corruption and poor leadership damaging our armed forces, and Gen Bolduc gave a great stump speech – Enjoy!

Segment 1 – Rico Petrocelli tells us a bit about baseball and a lot about why he’s all in for Bolduc:



Segment 2 – Don Bolduc talks about failures of leadership, and how we need to bring back responsibility and accountability in the military and in our government:



Segment 3 – Ltc Stu Scheller talks about failures of leadership in the armed forces, and how he gave that failed leadership indigestion:



Segment 4 – Ltc Scheller Q&A:



Segment 5 – General Don Bolduc gives a great wrapup speech and call to action – he deserves our support:



The post General Don Bolduc Town Hall, Hollis NH appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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