The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

San Francisco Resident Writes Op-ed Supporting Connecticut Resident for a New Hampshire House Seat

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-28 12:00 +0000

San Francisco native Jessi Yu has a few kind words for Miles Brown. She thinks he’s the guy to vote for (for) the New Hampshire House. I guess it should not matter that Brown lives in Connecticut and not New Hampshire.

He doesn’t live “here,” as reported on these pages, back in May 2022.



Mr. Brown’s claim to a qualification to run for public office in the Granite State is based on his presence on a local campus. But at no point has he been a resident of New Hampshire, which is apparent in this published campaign announcement we shared from the Dartmouth Campus paper.


Former College Democrats president Miles Brown ’23 announced his campaign for New Hampshire state representative on Instagram and Twitter on Thursday. Brown, a government major from West Hartford, Conn., will campaign over the summer leading up to the state Democratic primaries on Sept. 13


Repeatedly being in the state while living in Connecticut is insufficient to fulfill the residency requirement to run for office. That must explain why visiting the state as a student who lives in San Francisco qualifies you to support that illegitimate run.



Jessi Yu lives in San Franciso but attends college at Dartmouth, making her eminently qualified to recommend a candidate not qualified to run for office.



Jessi did a political intern stint in Maryland her Freshman year. This year it’s Mayor Joyce Craig’s office. Perhaps we will see her, like Miles, attempt to use the New Hampshire Legislature to pad her political resume before graduating without ever having abandoned her home-state driver’s license/State issued ID with the address to which the tuition bill is delivered.

Jessi is also barking up a tourism tree with which we are very familiar. We’ve been covering that lie since Jessi was a little thing in the City by the Bay.


2011: Ask Jeanne Shaheen – About Diminished Snowfall
2013: Another Tourism Stake Through Their Global Warming Heart
2013: Another Maple Syrup Stake Through Their Global Warming Heart
2014: Jeanne Shaheen Said Global Warming Would Affect Our Winter Tourism. She Was Right!
2014: If You Like Your Tourism Industry, You Can Keep Your Tourism Industry
2015: Jeanne Shaheen 2009 “In New Hampshire, we are already seeing the effects of climate change.”
2016: Tourism Up – I Blame Global Warming
2017: They Said if We Did Nothing About Global Warming, it Would Affect NH Tourism, and They Were Right
2017: They Said if We Did Nothing About Global Warming, it Would Affect NH Tourism, and They Were Right (Again!)
2018: Global Warming Continues to Produce Rising Tide of Tourism in NH
2018: Blame Global Warming for Another Bumper Apple Crop in New Hampshire?
2019: Damn You Global Warming – NH Tourism Experts See Increase Again This Year
2019: Climate Didn’t Ruin Tourism, so NH Democrats Want to Add a New Tax That Might Do It
2020: Liberal Sneetches Said No Beaches And Other Things The Climateers Got Wrong
2021:Turning 21: The Left’s “Kids Won’t Know Snow Narrative” Celebrates a Milestone


New Hampshire has survived the prevarication of progressive Climate prognosticators for years. We’ve also passed any number of tipping points and thresholds.

I will concede that the only “bad year” for NH tourism since I started blogging was man-made. The result of unnecessary overreach by the sort of politician Miles Brown would likely be (lockdowns, quarantines, essential businesses, oh, my!). Absent that, we’ve been fine and will continue to be okay.

The true threat comes from the girl from San Francisco (Gasp! you gendered her!) and the boy (Gasp again) from Connecticut. They think CO2 is a driver a warming (it’s not) or (worse) that government, with or without them could do anything other than force “solutions” that would punish the very people they claim to defend.

Current policy and the economy it has destroyed are just the beginning.

And while electing ineligible “students” from out of state to the legislature is a problem (and a violation of state law), their ideas are the real threat to New Hampshire, as is an AG or Secretary of State who only enforces the law when it advances some petty agenda.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Convention of States Grows At VT State Fair

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-28 10:30 +0000

Friday afternoon in Rutland was both hot and a hot spot to enjoy the salt of the earth types gathered at the Vermont State Fair. The sprawling fair grounds were alive with the typical attractions: prize-winning livestock, ancient farm equipment, blaring tractor engines, overhyped racing pigs, and loads of rides, prizes, and fried foods. For artisans, there were unique cheeses and breads. For artistry there were quilts, paintings, and jewelry. The good people of Vermont know how to hang out and enjoy one another with mutual admiration at a fair because no televisions are piped in with constant political complaints or accusations from team red or team blue. Team red, white, and blue is the only one that matters and this is inherently understood at a state fair.

Nearly every registered voter in Vermont has concerns about both the direction of the federal government and its lack of accountability to the people they are sworn to serve. The political discontent is reaching a fever pitch, less so between parties and more now than ever between the people and their elected officials. In January of this year Gallup reported some one million registered Democrats switching party affiliation to Republican, largely out of disenchantment with government overreach and mishandling of the COVID pandemic. Vermont Senator Sanders also recently reiterated a poll stating Americans show a 16% approval rating for politicians, with a majority of Americans feeling their government is not working in their best interest to the point of even considering taking up arms against them.

Despite the recent assaults on the founding fathers and their historical sins, the integrity of the Constitution they formed remains stalwart. Still, the longest-living Constitution in the world, its reputation as a beacon of truth and freedom the world over, remains intact. Though these men were brought to bear arms against their tyrannical British government, they foresaw such a time as now when, to avoid armed conflict, a provision was given to allow the citizens to exercise a special constitutional imperative if the federal bodies became recalcitrant to the will of the people. Namely, Article V, which gives the people the ability to call a convention of states, Pelosi and McConnell be damned.

Serried inside the Vermont Building at the fair was a battery of booths representing a variety of groups. Among them was the Convention of States (COS) offering hope and education to Vermonters who likely aren’t familiar with Article V. Of the thousands in attendance many hundreds were willing to give a listen and, more importantly, sign their names to the petition calling Vermont lawmakers to pass the resolution.

This past year saw a COS record number of Americans ally themselves with their mission. South Dakota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, and West Virginia brought the total to 19 of the necessary 34 needed to call the convention. In Vermont, there is legislation currently sponsored and ready to be brought to a vote. If Vermont and the other fourteen states with current legislatures all vote to pass, the Convention will be called. At this point, delegates are selected from all states and the people’s will to power will become fully operational.

Talking with Vermont’s State Director for COS, Jason Herron, and District Captain, George Wilson, the excitement to see the people of Vermont waking up to their Constitutional prerogative is growing and fast. They shared:

“We’re seeing record numbers of people sign the petition. We even had a Marxist lawyer stick around and chat with us about it. It was the coolest thing because the conversation went all over the place but we could agree we all want a convention of states.”

Which sounds a lot like the type of progress wanted by most Vermonters.

COS relies heavily on volunteers, and like most political initiatives, it requires momentum. Right now, it has TONS of momentum as Americans have grown tired of Washington DC A.K.A “the swamp”. Senator Ted Cruz recently shared in an interview his journey from pro-COS to anti-COS back to pro-COS. Explaining his initial change of heart began with constituents worrying about a “runaway convention” that would instead take away liberties rather than establish term limits and fiscal responsibility, which are the COS stated goals. The runaway convention concern is not shared by either Herron or Wilson.

“The COS has legal precedence that precludes a runaway convention. It simply can’t happen”.

When I asked them to explain they remind me the delegates cannot be lobbyists, or bureaucrats, or any other swamp creature. If the Convention is called, you can be assured it will amend the Constitution to include term limits, a balanced budget, and regulatory amendments that all sides of the political aisle can agree to.

Objections by lawmakers to the COS used to have merit, however, the unanimous opinion among Americans, Vermonters included, is there are no good excuses anymore. 16% approval isn’t just a failing grade, it’s bordering on defenestration level discontent. It’s looking like a COS is the only thing that can save this country from outright civil war, and politicians will be among the first targeted if it comes to that. COS is designed to help us all avoid that kind of disaster.

To get involved sign the petition and, more importantly, call, email or visit your representatives and let them know Vermont is ready to join the COS – today.





















































































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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It’s a Game Changer

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-28 01:30 +0000

Joe Biden is the master of clichés and catchphrases. These are usually used by someone who cannot express themselves due to a lack of command of the English language. Or who want to hide from the truth of what they are saying. Let’s take a look at the favorite sayings of Joe Biden, and you can decide on his reasons for using them.

Just a kid from Scranton

When he was ten years old, Joe Biden left his hometown of Scranton, PA. Then, his family moved to Delaware, his home to this day. Most people do not define themselves by their first decade, but Joe Biden has for most of his political life. It is with this tactic that Joe tries to relate to blue-collar Americans.

Let me be clear

This phrase is a favorite of the Executive Branch. Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris use this particular catchphrase, but in different ways. Kamala uses it to preface one of her now infamous word salads. She claims to be the clearest when her words and meaningless but plentiful.

Joe uses it when he, and everyone around him, know he is lying. He used the phrase twice during his announcement of the Student Loan Relief Plan. He does not have the authority and does not know how much it will cost, but it is paid for with savings from the Inflation Reduction Act. It is all based on lies.

Ultra MAGA Republicans

Joe Biden is experiencing a “deplorable moment” every time he uses and tries to explain the term. He claims he can respect Conservative Republicans, but he cannot respect and has no use for MAGA Republicans. The Great Unifier is alienating one-half of the populace every time he insults us with his rhetoric. He has no problem taking our tax dollars to spend on his wrongly named programs that were written to kiss the butt of the progressive Left wing. Ironic that Biden claims he cannot believe the control the MAGA movement has had on the Republican Party when it is the Radical Left that has transformed the Democrats.

It’s a Game Changer

President Biden uses this phrase so much that it has lost all meaning. By definition, a game changer is something so significant that it impacts history. The atomic bomb certainly was a game changer as it brought about the end of World War II in the Pacific and brought the battle for nuclear supremacy to the world. Biden has done nothing to change the world in any significant way. He certainly has done much to harm America in his short time in office. With the stroke of a pen, he has attempted to simultaneously destroy the fossil fuel industry and our economy. With a pen, he destroyed our sovereignty and opened our Southern Border to anyone who wanted to enter, abruptly changing the demographics of America. His promise to be the most diverse President in history has assembled the most inept team in American history. Joe Biden’s Presidency has been a game changer, but not how he sees it.

Catchphrases and clichés may be the only things that define Joe Biden. There are some words spoken by some great men that have been remembered for decades. “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” defined a young JFK. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” exemplified the renewed power of America brought by Ronald Reagan. These powerful men strived to make America the shining beacon on the hill. Joe Biden has no such words to his credit and has only put a dimmer on that once bright light.

The post It’s a Game Changer appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Inflation Reduction Act Will Hurt America’s Middle Class

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-08-28 00:00 +0000

Democrats, including Sens. Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen, and Reps. Annie Kuster and Chris Pappas, apparently think that middle-income and poorer Americans are not suffering enough. Their votes for the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act will increase our suffering now; any benefits will be later.

The IRA increases the spending that caused today’s painful 8.5% inflation. The IRA adds taxes, fees, royalties, and regulations to those which doubled our energy costs. Food prices haven’t been this high since 1979 and we already see some of the shortages that Joe Biden promised.

Democrat energy policies are already killing good American jobs ( and the IRA will kill thousands more jobs.

The $80 billion IRS funding targets middle and lower-income Americans who can’t afford specialists to find loopholes and negotiate deals.

Much of the $369 billion borrowed for “Green Energy” will go to China which produces most solar panels and windmills. (See Michael Moore’s movie, Planet of the Humans)

Biden tapped our strategic petroleum reserve to reduce the pain that his policies caused. After supporting Biden’s policies, Sen. Hassan considered her upcoming election and now claims to want to eliminate the gas tax. Both actions would end after the election; both efforts are pretenses at caring for the American people.

Simply for political purposes, Biden has jeopardized our ability to respond to a national emergency. Our strategic reserve is at its lowest level since the 1980s, and Biden is still releasing one million barrels daily.

There is great similarity between Democrat actions and Marxist policy which demands the destruction of the middle class. The misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” is another step toward destroying the American Middle Class.

Votes for Democrats in November are votes to drive many middle income Americans into poverty.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

91-a Right to Know Request Sent to SAU21: Politicizing Teacher Training

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 22:30 +0000

Seacoast Outright has been tasked with training teachers in SAU21 in September. Given their political background, a few families in the district have started questioning whether this was a good decision. Teacher training can be a valuable tool to help teachers in the classroom. However, many teachers have reported that some of it is a complete waste of time and money.

Superintendent Meredith Nadeau sent an email to parents describing the training this way:

One training scheduled for the upcoming year has been a subject of concern for some individuals. That training is a 90-minute session for educators focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all children–in this case, providing a better understanding of how to support LGBTQ+ youth. The goals of the training are to build staff understanding of the concepts of sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, and gender expression, to share information and data regarding the experiences of LGBTQ+ youth, and to discuss strategies for creating a safe classroom/school space for all. There is no curricular component, and no aspect of this training is intended to be provided to children. As educators, our job is to create an environment free from discrimination for all, including on the basis of age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, marital status, familial status, disability, religion or national origin, creed or economic status. Students who identify as LGBTQ+ are twice as likely to report being bullied or harassed as their peers, and 45% of students identifying as LGBTQ+ report having seriously considered suicide in the last year. A recent WHS graduate perhaps best articulated the need for this training for our staff:

I went through Winnacunnet as one of the few LGBTQ+ students… It was incredibly isolating and when I needed help, I hesitated in fear of not being understood…My favorite staff members did not share any of my experiences, but they had open hearts and open minds that I am forever grateful for. I recognize that not everyone is privileged enough to be in my position. That is why I strongly encourage…training so that students like me are able to freely rely on faculty without fear of discrimination or judgement on who they are. It will show them that our school is always striving to be better to all individuals.

With more schools focusing on WOKE ideology in the classroom, parents want to know how administrators and teachers will improve academic outcomes.  This kind of WOKEism is driving parents to remove their children from public schools, and send them to a private school where the important task of academics, is still a priority.  When enrollment falls, and parents demand school choice options, don’t be surprised. Parents want their public schools safe for all children but focused on their most important task which is, academic excellence.

Nationwide we are seeing a trend away from academic excellence, to a focus on changing a child’s attitudes, values and beliefs. In Fairfax County it was reported that teachers were trained to “transition children’s genders without parental approval.” This training required “all teachers to complete a training program that says parental permission is not required for students who seek to be addressed by different names or pronouns.

This is why I decided to file a 91-a Right to Know Request in SAU21. What materials will Seacoast Outright use to train local teachers? I was told that no government records exist. However, Jessica Goff from Seacoast Outright told me that she turned over all of the materials to the administrators. Why did I not receive those materials? Is there something to hide? Do they wait for parents to file a lawsuit before they are willing to provide the information requested?

In SAU16, they are racking up a large legal bill that the taxpayers will have to cover. One parent took his case to the New Hampshire Supreme Court in order to access the information he requested.

In this video, you can see another parent was told that “no documents existed.” But she knows the information is there. They are just not providing it. What are they hiding?  These people work for us. We pay their salaries. They educate our children, and yet we cannot access information that should be easily accessible.

I’ve asked for the materials in a Right-to-Know request. I’ve asked the trainer, Jessica Goff from Seacoast Outright to send me the materials. So far, nothing has been provided. It sure makes it look like they do not want this information made public. Why?

I will be posting some of the correspondence with SAU21’s Superintendent, Meredith Nadeau. If the district is going to engage in political activism cloaked in teacher training, then all of this needs to be made transparent.


The post 91-a Right to Know Request Sent to SAU21: Politicizing Teacher Training appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

RINO Report: Dennis Acton

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 21:00 +0000

Fremont has a 2 for 1 primary. Emily Phillips is a newcomer, and Dennis Acton is a RINO. Acton is not quite as bad as some of the other RINOs, But Phillips could hardly be as bad and likely would be much better.

In his first term, 2019-20, Acton voted 49 times with Democrats against Republicans. That was bad enough to place him in the top (i.e. worst) ten RINOs. He was worse than 94% of Republicans. In his second term, he had “only” 46 bad votes, which was worse than 87% of Republicans.

We want to thank Spec Bowers for this Press Release. Please direct yours to

Here are some highlights (lowlights?) of Acton’s career.

Bad votes by Acton, Dennis (R, Fremont)

Parental Control
voted AGAINST parental choice regarding face masks ( 2022 HB1131 )

voted AGAINST requiring students to pass a civics test ( 2021 HB319 )

Cost of Living
voted FOR requiring state taxpayers to make up for poor investments by the Retirement Board ( 2022 HB1417 )

Constitutional Rights
voted FOR restricting property rights ( 2021 HB177, 2021 HB177 )

voted AGAINST right to join or not join a union ( 2021 SB61 )

On all of these votes, more than 80% – in some cases 90% – of Republicans voted the other way.

The post RINO Report: Dennis Acton appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Real Reason Eversource Raised its NH Electric Rates 110%

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 20:30 +0000

Editors Note: I have changed the title and bumped this post back up the home page. The original headline did not adequately convey the content, which I believe is essential reading for every electric ratepayer, especially in New Hampshire. 

Originally Published Aug 26, 2022, at 11:00:

For the past 26 years, I have personally and solely held these awards to dis-honor the person or people who I believe have either thought or done the dumbest, most mindless evil for that respective year.

There is absolutely no benefit to anyone in receiving this award. There is no prize of material nature. There isn’t even a single “bragging right” unless, of course, you are that deep of a moron to believe that being a moron is laudable.

Up until a few years ago, I was the sole judge. However, it dawned on me that the award is trivialized unless participants feel it is a contest that is fair and impartial. As a result, I have appointed five of my finest roosters and hens to be the impartial judges (pictured above). They will have the unfettered power to declare the winner based on whatever criteria or standards they choose.

“Judges, are you prepared to proceed? “

(this is the lead chicken speaking. His name is Captain Clucker. He refers to me as Master Feeder because that is what I do):

“Master Feeder… …we are prepared to proceed but need guidance. What is a moron? How do we know a moron when we see them?”

Master Feeder:

“Judges, realizing that the term “moron” is a human term, and no one in the chicken realm would qualify, let me give you a concrete example of a moron from which you should get an answer to your question. I will do so by placing in nomination the first contestant for this valueless award: The first nomination for the non- prestigious, totally useless award of MORON OF THE YEAR IS…( DRUM ROLL)…

I nominate ANYONE who believes that the Eversouce rate increase from .10 cents per Kwh to .22 cents per kWh has anything to do with the Ukraine war.

Let’s look: in June of 2022, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission approved a rate increase for Eversource of more than 100%.

In a news article, Eversource and our State Government representatives acted shocked, dismayed, and surprised. Some –like many Republican members of the NH House and Senate “CLAIMED” that they never saw it coming. Maggie Hassan, Anne Kuster, and Chris Pappas went underground saying zero (at least I never saw anything from them) and Governor Sununu expressed shock, dismay, and sympathy and promised a rebate of maybe 100 dollars.

One time.


When reporters began to ask those probing questions (like WTF is going on) of” why” and “how”, our illustrious elected officials trotted out the scapegoat of all times—Vladamir Putin. His war has raised the price of natural gas and all fossil fuels and the higher rates we are being charged are his fault.


If that is true, it should be reflected in the public records filed by Eversource with the PUC justifying the increase.

Specifically, let’s look at their ‘EEI” REPORT which documents the source of energy for Eversource. If the rate increase is due to an increase in the cost of natural gas or other fossil fuels —caused by Putin — it should show up there—shouldn’t it?

  • In 2012, Eversource generated 414 MW of electricity from Natural Gas.
  • In 2019, that number was zero.
  • In 2020, it was zero.
  • In 2021, it was zero.
  • In 2022, it is zero.

Captain Clucker:

I know I am just a chicken and that my brain is the size of a small pea, did not Putin’s war begin in 2022? How can the rise in natural gas prices caused by Putin’s war, cause a 100% increase in New Hampshire/Eversource electrical rates WHEN THEY USE FRIGGIN ZERO NATURAL GAS TO GENERATE POWER?


Careful with the “size of a pea” comment, Capt Clucker. Lots of folks who are running for this prestigious non-award will be offended that your brain may exceed theirs.

Captain Clucker:

“Sounds like a non-chicken whopper to me, Master Feeder? I am going to guess that there is a “bad moon arising” on this one. Please don’t tell me that MAGGIE HASSAN IS INVOLVED? “



Putin invaded Ukraine in February of 2022.

In 2015 (7 years before Putin), Eversource made a determination that it would succumb to the concerted efforts by the Obama administration, Elizabeth Warren ( yeah, the senator from Massachusetts), Ed Markey (also from Massachusetts), and a lot of wealthy people and corporations who live in places like California, Florida, Texas, Boston, etc). Specifically, Eversource decided to commit to what is called “race to zero”, AOC’s Green New Deal, and the United Nations /World Economic Forums “ “Net zero by 2050” programs.

Specifically, they made the decision to divest themselves of any and all fossil fuel generating plants. Go back to the EEI report cited above:

In 2012, the total MW GENERATING CAPACITY OF Eversource was 1,188 MW.

  • Of that, coal was 559.2 MW ( NOT QUITE 60%).
  • NUCLEAR WAS 95 MW(not quite 8%)
  • Solar was 4.1.
  • For 2019 thru 2022, Coal is zero.
  • Nuclear is zero.
  • Solar is 70.
  • WIND is zero

If you go and read Eversource’s 2020 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT, they explain that they are committed to US Congressman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s (“AOC”) (NY-Kill Capitalism) Green New Deal, the Biden version of AOC’s Green New Deal, fealty to the World Economic Forum Net Zero 2050, and the Race to Zero 2030 in that they are 100 percent committed to decarbonization—getting rid of all fossil fuels. As of 2019, their EEI report documents that they have closed down all fossil fuel sources of generation. They have eliminated Coal (about 60% of their fuel used) they have eliminated Nuclear (about 8 Percent). That means that as of 2020, they eliminated nearly 70 percent of their self-generating capacity.

Note — when they were using these fuels they sold energy to us New Hampshire folks at 10.2 Cents per kWh. And that electricity all came from plants in New Hampshire.

Curiously, their EEI report and their SUSTAINABILITY report are silent on where and how they are getting “REPLACEMENT” electricity. WTF?

They assert that in 2025 (at least two really cold winters away) they will generate 350 MW FROM SOLAR and 1760 MW from WIND. They are essentially saying that they are replacing—in two years—carbon-based electricity with solar and wind.

Until 2025, whatever are we to do? Well, why not buy really expensive solar and wind power from two companies that are controlled by BLACKROCK, VANGUARD, AND STATE STREET?  Order number 26,645 issued by the New Hampshire PUC, dated June 23, 2022, provides the following:

  1. “On April 5, 2022,Eversource…filed a timeline for requesting approval of its solicitation and procurement of default energy service …
  2. …Eversource based its filing…(seeking a 110% increase in its rates) on the results of its REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS issued May 12, 2022 …
  3. …The RFP requested 100% of the required power supply for the Company’s Small Customer Group …and 100% for its Large Customer Group…
  4. …According to Eversource, the RFP was distributed to all the members of the New England Power Pool…”
  5. …Eversource selected NextEra Energy Marketing, LLC and Constellation Energy Generation…”

FYI – both of these companies are publicly traded. Their largest shareholders are BLACKROCK, VANGUARD, AND STATE STREET. Each of those companies are intimately involved in and committed to the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM’S program to abolish all electrical generation except from solar and wind and thereby foment the “Great Reset”.

Eversource essentially is now a partner in the “Great Reset.”

Capt. Clucker:

The Great Reset? Don’t they want you to eat bugs? We eat bugs.”)

Translation: Eversource divested itself of most all of its self-generation capacity in New Hampshire (which they billed at 10.2 cents per kWh) and is now replacing that same energy by purchasing it (at 22.5 cents per kWh) FROM THREE COMPANIES THAT ARE INTIMATELY TIED INTO THE GREAT RESET.

Capt. Clucker:

Whoa! Run that by me again? We were getting our electricity for 10.2 cents AND now we are paying 22.4 cents for solar and wind power…even though neither exists to replace what WAS canceled?

How did Putin do all that?

Does he own those companies that are selling electricity to Eversource? And who are these new companies that supply 100 percent of our energy in New Hampshire? And why are they charging so much?


Master Feeder:

” Yikes! Slow down. Consider this data:

EVERSOURCE is not a New Hampshire company. Their headquarters are in Hartford and Boston. They provide service to New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. All they really do is take power from the New England grid—which serves all the New England states and distribute it to customers.

By divesting themselves of all the power generating units in New Hampshire, Eversource has basically submerged New Hampshire citizens into a system controlled by Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York.

That system is controlled by those who want to institute AOC’s Green New Deal.

In a document entitled “THE BIDEN PLAN FOR CLEAN ENERGY REVOLUTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE”, Biden and Harris (and Maggie Hassan supports them both 100 percent) lay out their plan to institute the Green New Deal from the infamous AOC. Consider what they say:

After noting the danger of climate change – and citing with approval the “Green New Deal”- Biden clearly states that the only salvation for America is to institute –on an emergency basis– the World Economic Forum’s “race to Zero” platform and the United Nations program “Net Zero 2050.

Both programs call for a total and complete destruction of fossil fuels and anything they run — like electricity-generating plants.

This plan by Biden/Harris/ Warren/ Markey/Hassan is clearly the plan adopted by Eversource and by the New England grid Masters coming out of Boston and Hartford and New York.

In short, Eversource, by its own admission, has joined the Biden plan—the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM’s plan—to gut the fossil fuel industry and replace it with wind and solar sometime in the future (unknown date).

Eversource has also gutted any form of energy independence for New Hampshire and clearly made New Hampshire completely dependent on, and subservient to, people who don’t give a hang about what happens to us this next winter.

Led by Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, Maggie Hassan and the Bidden folks (- and let me know if you think Maggie Hassan has ever objected to anything Biden, or Harris or Pelosi or Schumer told her to vote for), the destruction of the “cheap energy” fuels has been accelerated to its highest pitch. This group (which for shorthand I will call ”HASSAN’S BUDDIES”) has destroyed the energy system that allowed New Hampshire residents to live free and prosper.

HASSAN’S BUDDIES have destroyed Coal.

They have destroyed nuclear (HASSAN’S BUDDIES shut down the Vermont nuclear power plant in 2015. Seabrook was supposed to have two nuclear generators but HASSAN’S BUDDIES shut that down too.)

In short, beginning in 2015—some 7 years plus before Putin first bombed Kiev – HASSAN’S BUDDIES were hard at work devolving the New Hampshire power landscape. The 110 percent increase is due to their efforts—not Putin’s war.

Capt. Clucker:

“I have checked with my committee. We accept the nomination you have made and ask all who qualify to place their name in our coop. Write it on a piece of paper and wrap the paper around a corn cob so we are sure to find it. “

Master Feeder:

“Thank you for accepting my first nomination. I also wish to submit several more. As a warning, my next one: I NOMINATE FOR THE ‘YOU MIGHT BE MORON’ AWARD ANYONE WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE THAT BLACK ROCK, VANGUARD, AND STATE STREET DO NOT OWN AND CONTROL THE NEW ENGLAND POWER GRID.

I will explain this next award nominee in our next meeting.

Now — which one of you Clucker’s ate all the mealworms?




The post The Real Reason Eversource Raised its NH Electric Rates 110% appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, Look Where Brodie Deshaies Is Getting His Campaign Money From! Hint: Right to Work

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 19:30 +0000

He’s a bought and paid-for man – a man beholden to union money for his action in his votes, IMHO. Not only that, he’s “laundering” that aggregate money out to similarly minded RINOs that care not a whit about your freedom to work anywhere in NH without having to join a union – but that will be another post.

Now, is Brodie actually writing the checks?  Yes, but not under his own name – there’s a “level” between him and these other RINOs (and a number of them have been brought up in our reconstituted RINO Reports (courtesy of Spec Bowers).  There is a PAC called “Common Sense PAC” located in….wait for it…..Wolfeboro.  We know this because all Political Action Committees MUST report their revenues and expenditures according to NH RSA 664.

Guess who is the Chair?  Yup, Brodie Deshaies.  Guess who the Treasurer is?  Ding, ding, ding – give that man a ceegar! Yep – Brodie Deshaies.  Proof?  It is quarterly reporting time:

(click to embiggen)

That’s just the declaration page – who, what, and when.  The report ALSO requires a summary of receipts and expenses:

Note that “THIS PERIOD column” – how often does a “round number” with 5 digits appear like this?  All zeroes except for the most significant digit (that would be “2” in this case).  How does that happen – with only two “Contributors”?  This way:

Two donors.  Both are unions – and ONLY two donors in this period.  In the aggregate, to be complete, he also has 21 donors for a total of only $230 ($10.95 on average).

Let me add a few other posts that we have on this:

  • Perhaps his chutzpah is because he’s been endorsed by Sununu AND voted against RTW
  • Spec tells us about Deshaies “RINO score”: 29.0% Deshaies, Brodie (R, Wolfeboro). Meaning he votes with Democrats A LOT!
  • If Zandra Rice-Hawking of Granite State Progress is endorsing you, you are a LOUSY Republican!
  • My commentary on a bunch of his votes (re: worse than lousy)
  • And a whole bunch of unions forking over their members’ dues to Brodie to keep their political Power intact.
  • Spec takes a closer look at Deshaies and his RINOism
  • And others are seriously looking at Deshaies voting record





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Midterms Should Not Be Close, But Polls Say They Will Be

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 18:00 +0000

I wrote some time ago that we on the Right needed to temper our expectations for a Red Wave in November, and with two months to go, I may be on the mark. I was hoping I could write how wrong I was.

There is absolutely no reason for a Democrat surge except for ignorance and lack of understanding of how damaging recent Biden “victories” will be to our future. Over the last few election cycles, we have seen how inaccurate and unreliable polling has become. What concerns me is how the mainstream media is buying the data and reveling in the possibility of the Democrats holding Congress.

It is concerning, almost alarming, how many people still rely entirely on the mainstream media. They have shown us how they often manipulate the content they report on and the stories they opt to ignore. A case in point is the Hunter Biden laptop fiasco that has been kept under wraps since before the 2020 elections. Had the story been allowed to see the light of day, it would have impacted the Presidential election. And now, it would shine a light on the credibility of Joe Biden and explain some of his dealings with China and Russia.

The media, and the White House, are touting the recent successes of Joe Biden, including the Inflation Reduction Act and the Student Loan Reduction action. Immediately after these bills or actions were announced, they were debunked, but nobody heard the reviews and explanations. Many people were satisfied with the Cliff Notes and talking points. Shame on them for not being more curious and the media for hoodwinking the public.

In reality, inflation is still at a record high, and more than 300 Americans are killed daily by Chinese Fentanyl. The Border does not exist, but a record-high number of illegals cross the Rio Grande daily. The CDC has admitted they were ill-prepared to get us safely through the Pandemic, and Fauci will retire with the largest pension in our history.

Gas prices are down but nearly double the price from two years ago. Supply chain issues remained unresolved, and food prices set new weekly records. Energy prices are up 30%, and the heating season is upon us. Seventy-five percent polled say we are going in the wrong direction, so how can the Democrats think the midterms will be close?

Biden continues his assault on MAGA Republicans but let’s not forget it was the Democrats that could not accept Hillary Clinton losing to Donald Trump in 2016. It was the Democrats who weaponized the FBI and the Justice Department to concoct a bogus Russian Conspiracy Theory. It was the Democrat’s connection with Big Tech to cancel or censor anyone with a conflicting view or who wrote about sensitive issues like the Hunter Laptops or The Biden Cartel.

It was Big Tech that banned a sitting President from social media. And with all of these situations verified, Biden has the gall to call out MAGA supporters as the greatest threat to our Democracy. This may be the most remarkable example of projection from our worst President in the history of our Republic—quite a combination.

So, let the pollsters keep polling and let Joe keep devising ways to buy votes, and I’ll wait patiently for the most critical polling day of all, Election Day. Whether a tsunami or a ripple, I am confident that the Republicans will retake Congress, and maybe, we can get that 75% to rethink the direction of our great country.



The post Midterms Should Not Be Close, But Polls Say They Will Be appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Colossal Stupidity of the Nashua Legal Office

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 16:30 +0000

The Nashua Legal office is in need of a major overhaul. Like the Assessing Office, the Mayor has promoted incompetent leadership and lawyers who disregard citizens’ rights and ignore their professional conduct codes. Who are the major offenders? Attorney Bolton and Attorney Leonard.

In 2020, a malicious practice was initiated by Attorney Bolton and former attorney Mayor Donchess to push all general information requests into the legal office, treating each one as a litigation matter and a formal right-to-know request. At the time, there was a Right-to-Know lawsuit filed regarding assessing matters, but the legal office assumed responsibility for all requests from city departments. Requests to the clerk’s office, the building, public works, and finance departments were grabbed by the legal office, forcing citizens into a direct interface with the Attorneys.

The information denials started piling up with phrases like “overly broad, unreasonably described, and unclear” many times without providing any hint of what was lacking. The legal office refused to assist or speak with citizens to inform them on how records were stored so citizens could provide clarity to their requests. They would pile on indiscernible legalese language in response to requests and then invite citizens to respond back. When attempting to ask for clarification, the legal office would respond that RSA 91-A does not require the City to answer questions.

The lawyers effectively tied our shoelaces together while we were sitting at the table, tripping us up every step of the way.

Citizens began contacting me about their confusing email responses from the City lawyers and asking for advice and help. Most cannot afford lawyers. My inability to find a solution to these barriers created by the legal office was frustrating and harassing. I was barely keeping my head above water with my own lawsuits, certainly would not recommend my costly legal approach to anyone, and was making little progress in receiving my records.

This response from Attorney Bolton’s office to a request for records submitted March 7, 2021, for Assesshelp emails submitted to the office from January 1, 2021, to March 1, 2021, was a classic deflecting response. Assesshelp is the email address citizens can use to submit general questions or abatement applications to the Assessing Office. The request was not an exhaustive search. Typical of the responses I was receiving is the following:

Overall, this request for governmental records is unclear, overbroad, and not reasonably described. For example: Does your request intend to subsume all emails received by the assesshelp email address, regardless of the intent or purpose of the sender (e.g. junk mail, incorrectly addressed correspondences, personal correspondence, unrequested commercial solicitation, etc.)? Is your request only for those emails which are readily available (e.g.: not subject to initial and legal deletion, unintentional deletion, file corruption, etc.), or is the request made with the presumption that it can and should be satisfied verbatim?

The Attorney then wanted me to write back with clarification, but I did not understand what was being asked of me. My failure to write back with clarification caused the lawyer to chastise me and label me as uncooperative. This became the material of a lawsuit. I never got to the bottom of Attorney Bolton’s intention of this response. As a pro se plaintiff lacking legal training, I failed to call Attorney Bolton as a witness in my initial filing. For two years, Attorney Bolton’s legal office crushed its citizens, violating not only our civil rights but the spirit and intent of the open records law.

Any small victories won in these cases have been overshadowed by the failure of the legal system to recognize this type of harassment and unethical behavior and put a stop to it. Who failed us? It starts with the Attorneys. My right to know attorney was watching this unfold and not agreeing with it at all, but never filed a complaint with the professional conduct committee (PCC) of the Supreme Court. Unsurprisingly, lawyers don’t file on other lawyers; the snitch thing is not popular.

Superior Court dropped the ball and should have recognized with all the lawsuits submitted that something was going sideways in the legal office. The judge should have filed with the PCC or written a strongly worded order that pushed the legal office back into its lane and separated citizens from direct contact with the city attorneys. There are professional conduct rules that don’t allow third-party interfacing.

Citizens, including myself, contacted the Attorney General’s office for two years, asking for help. We have almost a half dozen rejection letters stating that the AG’s office is a criminal justice office, municipal issues are not covered by that office, and citizens must use the remedies of RSA 91-A and go to the local court. Our AG’s office needs a municipal branch of oversight.

These colossally stupid practices created by Attorney Bolton, with or without Donchess’ blessing, set the stage for a costly litigation mess. Bolton, Leonard, and Donchess have very effectively made public examples out of record-seeking citizens claiming they victimized the City. This dark triad has mobilized City Hall employees to marginalize these citizens and remove them from participation in city government.

It is time for citizens to push out these dark forces. This Mayor must be voted out of office. The PCC and the State must make an example out of Attorney Bolton’s and Attorney Leonard’s despicable practice of municipal law, disbar them and enact oversight to prevent this from happening elsewhere.


The post The Colossal Stupidity of the Nashua Legal Office appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nearly a Million Tons a Year of Solid Waste is Brought Into NH From Other States

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 15:00 +0000

Mr. Nork (NH Solid Waste Management Bureau), I have read the subject draft plan for Solid Waste Management in NH, and it ignores the elephant in the room. Please give me a moment to explain.

The Introduction to the plan states, in part: “As mandated under RSA 149-M:29, the purpose of this plan is to set out goals, strategies and actions to:

  • Reduce generation of solid waste through source reduction.
  • Increase diversion of waste from disposal.
  • Achieve the state’s solid waste disposal reduction goal established in RSA 149-M:2.”

This plan, however, does nothing to address the nearly million tons of solid waste generated by sources in other states, nor diverting that solid waste from disposal in New Hampshire.

Table 1 on page 6 clearly shows that only just over half of the solid waste disposed in New Hampshire from 2018 to 2020 was generated by the residents of our state!



I’m sure that you and the Bureau are well aware of the fact that 2.7 of the 5.9 million tons of Solid Waste disposed in New Hampshire came from other States. In fact the plan states in the last sentence on page 5: “Legislators and members of the public have expressed significant concern about the receipt and disposal of out-of-state waste in New Hampshire.”

Why, then, are there no Goals, Strategies, or Actions that address reducing the amount of solid waste accepted from other states to be disposed in New Hampshire?

Frankly, Goal Number 1 should be reworded to REDUCE THE QUANTITY OF SOLID WASTE GENERATED DISPOSED. And Action 1.1 should be to introduce legislation that reduces the amount of solid waste accepted from other states and disposed in New Hampshire to 0 tons in a reasonable time. (Doing so by 2050 would, in itself, meet the 45% reduction goal stated in the first paragraph in Section II.)

The plan goes on to Goal Number 3: “MAXIMIZE THE DIVERSION OF…SOLID WASTE”, yet still makes no mention of diverting solid waste accepted from other states TO other states, instead of New Hampshire landfills, public or private. Doing so will go a long way to supporting Goal Number 4: “ENSURE ADEQUATE CAPACITY FOR MANAGEMENT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE-GENERATED WASTE”. In fact, it will greatly increase the life of the active New Hampshire landfills. (Wouldn’t raising the tipping fee for out of state solid waste, perhaps with a State Tax serve two purposes? Reduce out of state Solid Waste and increase State revenue.)

These comments are not intended to reduce the importance or significance of the need for Granite Staters to reduce the amount of solid waste that we generate. Nor are they intended to ease the heavy lifting that comes with our responsibility to minimize our foot print on this beautiful land that we have inherited. It simply notes that we Granite Staters should not be doing the lifting for those in other states who shirk their responsibility to manage their waste and who care little about our beautiful state lands.

Given the knowledge that I am not “the brightest bulb in the pack”, I am sure that many individuals have raised this point before, yet apparently no one has taken any action. What is it that prevents the Bureau, this Plan, the General Court, our Executive Council, and our Governor from noticing and addressing the elephant? My last suggestion is that the Bureau take the time to answer that question in the Introduction to the plan and the “Public Outreach, Education, and Technical Assistance Action(s) associated with the aforementioned Goals 1,3,& 4. We deserve education and outreach why can’t we ask and force other states to keep, manage, and dispose of their own trash!

Respectfully submitted,


Subject: Public Comment on Draft New Hampshire Solid Waste Management Plan to be published October 1, 2022.

Solid Waste Management Bureau
Attn: Mr. Michael Nork
P.O. Box 95
Concord, NH 03302-0095

The post Nearly a Million Tons a Year of Solid Waste is Brought Into NH From Other States appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So NH State Rep Gregg Hough ALSO sent his complaint about me to the entire Belknap County Delegation? WHY?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 13:30 +0000

Seriously?  And I found out about it during the BCRC Executive Committee during Wednesday’s hearing where he presented his allegations and I gave my defense (“Laconia State Rep Gregg Hough: With All His Other Political Enemies, He’s Decided to Anger GraniteGrok, too?“):

…I have no problem posting it even though it was supposed to be a three-party-only document. At least that’s what I thought.  I learned that he made it a Public Document…

Yesterday was the hearing by the BCRC Executive Committee on this matter – and I found out that Gregg Hough had decided to share his complaint with the entire Belknap County Delegation (all Republicans).  So, a second attempt at alienating GraniteGrok, the county’s major Conservative media outlet, from its base even as the Delegation has NOTHING to do with his beef with a lowly constituent and nothing to do with the BCRC. In fact, I can say that with impunity as it came out during the BCRC-EC hearing that a good chunk of the Delegation are not members of the BCRC and never show up; a condition that Gregg Hough shares as he’s hardly attended at all since the new BCRC team took office.

Really?  Not only did he not vet Denise Conroy who hates him:

He failed to vet ME in deciding to take on GraniteGrok: Blogger to Fear? Really??


The “Krusty Konservative.” Anonymous, abrasive, and well-sourced.

New Hampshire
Skip Murphy of GraniteGrok. Very politically incorrect; known to change his mind about pols.

South Carolina
Will Folks, FITSNews. Once claimed an affair with Governor Nikki Haley (she denies it). Might pick on a few candidates; he likes a foil.

Heh! That was written by James Pindell back in 2011 for New Yorker Magazine covering the early Primary States and the newly emergent political bloggers’ importance in those States. If you remember, he had a blogsite called The Political Scoop, then moved to WMUR, and to the Boston Globe. Yes, I was surprised at the description but he did have the right of it – Gregg Hough is now one of those “pols” that I have changed my mind – and for good reason. Not only over an action that he was TOLD was illegal (and did it anyways) but is actions subsequent to that (which are being chronicled on this site).

So, in not assuming that the members of the Belknap County Delegation are panting over every word I write here at the ‘Grok (and I am assured that some DON’T), I decided to send my defense to them just a few minutes ago:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: “tom ploszaj” <>; “Glen Aldrich” <>;;;;;;;;;;; “Paul Terry” <>;; “Mike Sylvia” <>;;;
Sent: 8/26/2022 8:41:51 PM
Subject: A Rebuttal (with commentary): NH State Rep Gregg’s Allegations towards me and GraniteGrok

Belknap County Delegation members,

Your colleague, Gregg Hough, decided to issue a complaint to the Belknap County Republican Committee – Executive Committee (“BCRC-EC”) concerning a personal political spat between the two of us concerning his involvement in the illegally called Delegation meeting. I have the right, as his new constituent (due to redistricting) to influence my new Elected Representative as to his actions.  I also informed him as to what I would do if my newly elected representative participated in that meeting called by Harry Bean.  A fuller explanation can be seen here:

On Keeping One’s Word – Or Not. Not Cool to Lie to a New Constituent, Gregg Hough (Laconia Ward Two)!

My only conclusion with his complaining to the BCRC-EC to have GraniteGrok disbarred from covering their meetings was an act of retribution due to my writing about our disagreement (above).  Why else involve the BCRC-EC EVEN AS OUR SPAT had nothing to do with the BCRC-EC?  In advance of that hearing this past Wednesday, I received a copy of that complaint.

It was during that hearing that, unbeknownst to me, he had previously forwarded his complaint to you all. Again, Hough decided to involve yet another group totally unrelated to this person-to-person spat.  My conclusion remains the same.

In order to present a bit of balance, please find attached my defense against his allegations that was presented to the BCRC-EC this past Wednesday.

For full disclosure, I wrote about the hearing here:

Laconia State Rep Gregg Hough: With All His Other Political Enemies, He’s Decided to Anger GraniteGrok, too?

Gregg Hough has Gov. Chris Sununu calling for him to be ousted. The Progressive/Democrat Citizens for Belknap PAC are gunning for his seat. True Conservatives are set against him. And he wants to pick a fight with GraniteGrok??

Yes, he has attacked GraniteGrok. And me.  By submitting a complaint to the Belknap County Republican Committee…Wait, WHAT?  He didn’t like what I wrote about him and the illegal Belknap County Delegation meeting on August 1st, so he went to THEM?

I appreciate your time in this matter.


Skip Murphy
Co-Founder, co-owner |
Dominating the political Bandwidth in New Hampshire

And here is the ENTIRE document that I presented to the BCRC-EC on Wednesday. Yes, it is long!

Good afternoon.

Isn’t this a sordid affair – no, not for me but for the NH Government’s Agent, NH State Rep Gregg Hough. And yes, I am recording this Due Process session of the Belknap County Republican Committee Executive Committee (“BCRC-EC”) as there is a real probability that Rep. Hough is going to end up in a legal proceeding – I have already retained legal counsel. Thus, for both his protection and mine, cameras are rolling.

My defense here before the BCRC-EC will be in three parts. First is with the Executive Committee, the second is in interrogating Rep. Hough as to his insipid and shamefully hollow allegations in his accusation brought before the BCRC-EC concerning me and GraniteGrok, and then thirdly, returning to the BCRC-EC.

Addition after the hearing: The post that has NH State Rep Gregg Hough so twisted: On Keeping One’s Word – Or Not. Not Cool to Lie to a New Constituent, Gregg Hough (Laconia Ward Two)!

Phase I: BCRC – EC

Madam Secretary:

  • Is Rep Hough only a General member of the BCRC or a full-fledged member of the NH GOP State Committee (and thus held to a higher standard than a General member)?
  • What has the attendance record been of Rep. Hough since this Executive Committee has been formed?
  • If you don’t have a numeric count, could you categorize it as excellent, mostly present, fair, poor, or almost non-existent? My recollection is, at best, over the last two years, he has only attended three or four with two of them being these last two meetings and most likely driven by his part stemming from this Delegation/GAC fracas stirred up by the rogue Gunstock Area Commissioners.
  • In the same manner, although I freely admit that I rarely sign in but that my cameras have always been present (excepting two meetings), how would you categorize my attendance at BCRC meetings since the current members of the BCRC-EC were elected, in contrast to Rep Hough?

Mister Treasurer:

  • Can it be said that I have attended more fundraising events of the BCRC than Rep Hough?
  • Have I contributed more, financially, to the BCRC than Rep Hough, through these fundraising events?

To the Executive Board as a whole:

  • In my time in dealing with you as a Committee, have you ever known me/GraniteGrok to violate any Article of the US or NH Constitution?
  • What NH State Laws have I/GraniteGrok broken since my restarting on the reporting of the BCRC meetings and activities?
  • What NH GOP Platform Planks have I/GraniteGrok violated since this Committee assumed the reigns?
  • What NH GOP By-Laws have I/GraniteGrok skirted since returning to the BCRC fold?
  • What BCRC By-Laws have I/GraniteGrok ignored since recordings have been uploaded to the GraniteGrok website?
  • The BCRC, even taking into account the history of myself/GraniteGrok going after anyone violating the NH/US Constitutional norms, NH GOP Platform, and HRA/NHLA scoring), invested its Trust that I would faithfully report the happenings of the BCRC wholly and without false representations when I asked about restarting such recordings or writing about BCRC meetings/events:
    • Have I ever put up deceptively edited recordings (other than for “edited for time constraints” given that the Internet attention span is the equivalent of a gnat’s)?
    • Have I ever, when asked, put up such recordings/written narratives that SHOULDN’T have been made public? Especially of those of BCRC meeting Speakers because of “sensitive” material?
    • And most importantly, Have I ever violated that Trust placed both on and in me in correctly and nonprejudicial reporting on BCRC activities?
  • Has GraniteGrok’s reporting on the BCRC added value to the BCRC?

Phase 2: Rep Gregg Hough

You are accusing me of several issues. Your remedy for these allegations is that you would have the BCRC stop my reporting on BCRC meetings. Is this correct (Yes or No)?

Let us walk through every one, shall we? I wish to understand your vapid positions on these. And if you are in horror of how your positions are being labeled, remember that I am a Private Citizen and you are a Government Agent by your actions and desire. Do you even understand why this point is so important?

And lest I forget, this question lurks – why are you even involving the BCRC-EC in what is a personal spat? Or have your political ambitions so blinded you?

Given the answers from the BCRC-EC, there is one word that describes your actions:


However, before delving into each of your allegations, let me remind you of your oath of office (NH Constitution, below), in part:

… agreeably to the rules and regulations of this constitution and laws of the state of New Hampshire.

Would you agree?

Let’s also go to the root cause of this kerfuffle – that illegal meeting of the Delegation and your part of it. Contrast and compare the relevant portions of RSA 91A and RSA 24 in calling and having that meeting. Demonstrate, for us, that you are being faithful to the Laws you invoked in this regard.

Addition after the hearing – the relevant portions of both RSAs follow this defense document.

As to your allegations:

  • Whereas: The Granite Grok [sic] has included me in an article or two concerning the delegation and the gunstock situation. While I have no problem with an opposing view/opinion being published I do have a problem when content is made up, and selectively edited to present a disingenuous fabrication to fit the Groks [sic] narratives.

You have provided no proof as to this allegation.

  • Whereas: To put it bluntly the Granite Grok [sic] has elevated itself to the current definition of journalism.

You have provided no proof as to this allegation. As I have said for years and over countless posts – we are all political activists and report from that viewpoint. We do, however, participate in citizen journalism in which we do not opine, just put up the video as with the BCRC meetings.

Addition after the hearingSaid. No. Grokster. EVAH! I challenged Rep. Hough to find such amongst the over 47,000 posts on GraniteGrok. Heck, even Senator Elizabeth Warren had a1024th chance at being an American Indian – he’s got less chance than that in proving his allegation.

  • Whereas: This has made me lose all confidence in their ability to speak truth to power and I now question all articles and how much is just made up.

“Speak Truth To Power” – why the adoption of such a Democrat/Progressive phrase, Representative Hough? Again, you present no “truth” to this allegation in the form of specific instances to support your allegation. In this, the previous two allegations and those that follow, YOU are the one “making stuff up” and expecting that others will believe you simply by dint of the Power of your Government Agent’s position of being an NH State Rep? Projection much?

Very slovenly thinking and reasoning, wouldn’t you agree? This is what I want in my elected representative?

Addition after the hearing – These allegations had me remember that old joke about consultants: “fly in, drop a load of crap, and fly away”.

Or was it just to easy (and lazy) adopting the technique that was used against Peter Ness and Dr. David Strang – make up an allegation:


and then present NO proof at all that they did such things. Do YOU have any proof that they did? So why are you trying to use “The Big Lie” here?

In fact, we have a history at GraniteGrok of when we believe we are wrong, we state such AND we do so in a post that appears on our front page and not buried deeply like other media sources. And I have corrected multiple authors of posts when they have been in the wrong.

Whether you question things or not is your right but immaterial to your remedy you are seeking. Yours is but a personal opinion. A limp one.

  • Whereas: This makes their presence not welcome as it is obvious that given provocation or the plain disposition of the Grok it can and will twist and fabricate as it sees fit.

By whom? Just you, Doug Lambert, Jade Wood, The rest of the “Lang Gang”? Because I pose a threat that must be dealt with? I see a relationship pattern developing here – and that you are now working to further sow dissension within the GAC, the Delegation, and Republicans in Belknap at large.

You DO realize that the new Commissioner that you voted for, Denise Conroy, wants you GONE, right?

Yes, that’s her sign (color version on GraniteGrok). The one you missed when you failed in your obligation as a member of the Delegation to properly vet the candidates simply because, in my humble opinion, you wanted to be “seen to be doing something” and do it fast. Just like the Citizens for Belknap PAC wanted.

Addition after the hearing – And why the CoB is now calling for your electoral defeat.

  • Whereas: The Belknap County Republican Committee should be able to speak freely without the threat of retribution or publication of confidential and important political conversations, thus filming, or audio recordings, or both must not be allowed to continue as it disrupts the purpose of the gatherings.

You have provided no proof that this has happened. Name a specific instance where a video recording has been misused. I’ll say it again – you’re lying, again. Proof? Not once has the BCRC-EC accused me of such.

Addition after the hearingAnd we’re back to 1/47,00 chance of proving it.

This has already been addressed (above) and at this time of meeting, most likely already answered and decided. Especially since it has already been determined that you haven’t bothered to show up much at all since the change in administration of the BCRC. Thus, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW what the purpose of the gatherings are?

  • Whereas: There is simply NO reason for the Granite Groks [sic] presence at our meetings.

Addition after the hearing – you keep building that “Hough Jenga Tower” and then pulling out the piece that causes your case to fail.

Past history proves you wrong. If there was NO reason, why did the BCRC-EC allow GraniteGrok to start doing so in the beginning of their term? And allowed such video recording to continue? Again, only your personal opinion.

  • Whereas: This request is not to disallow Republican people who work for or run the Grok to attend BCRC meetings as they have the right to attend as any other Republican in the County.

Well, isn’t that gratuitous of you? And rife with several problems. First, if you knew ANYTHING about GraniteGrok, you would know that no one WORKS for GraniteGrok, we all volunteer. We have no payroll so we have no employees – that’s what real NH political activists on the Right are – volunteers.

However, you leave a question dangling – are you stating, in your position of being a Government Agent, that while are you giving us leave to attend, like the aristocracy of old, BCRC meetings, are you meaning that you are using your position of Government Authority to not allow us our Freedom of Speech and ability to write about those meetings afterwards?

How would you have that enforced? Tell me, Rep. Hough – which RSA would you now torment that you would obviate the First Amendment and Articles 22 and 30 to disallow any GraniteGrok author from writing about a given meeting?

You DO know that a number of GraniteGrok authors attend BCRC meetings/events, right? Oh wait, you wouldn’t – you don’t show up.

I ask that you consider the afore mentioned [sic], as I for one will still attend when my availability allows, however if there is press there, I will not participate in my full capacity, nor do I believe other [sic] will, with the Granite Grok [sic] or any other press presence

Is that a threat or simply a statement of your past performance? And if the former (as the latter has already been proven), who do you think even cares?

Addition after the hearing – Lenin purportedly the creator of the phrase “useful idiot”. You now are a living, breathing example. You single handedly allowed that illegal meeting happen and YOU are upset that a constituent is bringing the hammer down on you for breaking the Law by saying that I’d work for your defeat? You helped in dividing the Delegation. Conservatives are looking at you sideways. Sununu called for you to be defeated. The Citizens for Belknap PAC, now that your usefulness is at an end, is actively campaigning to defeat you.

And now you’ve ticked off GraniteGrok with baseless allegations? Congratulations, welcome to your Participation Trophy.

Phase 3: BCRC – EC

  • Given that Rep. Hough is my new Elected Representative by dint of redistricting, I have the Right, as a voter, to instruct my Representative in his actions in representing me,
  • Given that Rep Hough is seeking, stupidly, to met out retribution against me calling him out in breaking the laws that govern public meetings called and held by public elected Representatives
  • Given that Rep Hough is seeking, with great silliness, to met out retribution against me for calling him out in helping to conduct an illegal meeting of the Belknap County Delegation (e.g., County Convention),
  • Given that Rep Hough is is seeking, with great rancor, retribution for calling him out as a liar after a conversation in which he told me that he would NOT to participate in such an illegal meeting of the County Convention,
  • Given that I WARNED him that the meeting that he helped to form, structure, and in which decisions were made, would be ruled illegal,
  • Given that I WARNED him that County Livernois put out faulty information in his absurd and toady Letter of Opinion by NOT listing the two most important clauses of RSA 91A and RSA 24 governing such meetings,
  • Given that I WARNED him that in proceeding with that meeting, I would work against his re-election as I would never be able Trust him in the future for having broken the Law in which there are now two lawsuits filed against his actions in this matter,
  • Given that he blatantly ignored GraniteGrok’s 17 year history of calling out RINOs and misbehaving Representatives, both Democrat and Republican for bad actions, deeds, and words, and that I would post up that conversation on GraniteGrok,
  • Given that in participating with the formation of the structure of the meeting by:
    • by ignoring my counsel that in this Dillon’s Rule State, only those actions explicitly specified in Law are permissible (and all others being illegal),
    • being one of the members considering themselves to be the majority of the Delegation that was able to call a meeting using RSA24 but then doing a mashup with RSA 91A concerning legal noticing,
    • by nominating Rep. Bean to be the “temporary Chair” of that meeting even though RSA 24 makes no mention of such a status for a County Convention,
    • By allowing himself to nominated and then elected to be the “temporary Vice-Chair” of that meeting even though RSA 24 has no mention of such a status for a County Convention.

He has wantonly and with purpose, he showed a callousness toward the Law contra his Oath of Office.

Thus, I ask the following questions:

Isn’t this a matter in which a Government Agent, NH State Rep Gregg Hough, is asking the BCRC to met out a remedy for what is truthfully an action that is solely between a citizen and his Elected Representative outside the purview of the BCRC’s purposes and activities?

That he is purely adopting the tactics of that Democrat based PAC that has so roiled Republican politics in trying to silence, not only GraniteGrok, but also that of the BCRC in trying to get its messages out without undue editorializing that is often been done in the past by other media?

I ask that you consider and deliberate on those two question and the allegations that Rep Hough has brought forward today in the following light:

  • He has willingly participated in an illegal Delegation meeting and thus has broken the Law willingly concerning the RSAs that govern such meetings,
  • He is either consorting with or is at least politically aligned with (from a results standpoint) a Democrat run entity that is discrediting other Republicans within the Delegation,
  • That he has fallen prey and being manipulated by said entity taking advantage of his “ambitious” future political plans for his own political gain,
  • That he is a Government Agent trying to strip me and GraniteGrok of our US and NH Constitutional Rights (First Amendment, Articles 22 and 30),
  • He has violated his Oath of Office as specified in the NH Constitution (Part Second – Form of Government, Oaths and Subscriptions Exclusion from Office, Etc.)

I, A.B. do solemnly and sincerely swear and affirm that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all duties incumbent on me as …………………………………………., according to the best of my abilities, agreeably to the rules and regulations of this constitution and laws of the state of New Hampshire. So help me God.


  • Given that the BCRC-EC has confirmed that this complaint, based on a private matter between two people, that allegations brought forward by Rep Hough, are totally outside the confines of the BCRC purpose and activities
  • Given that the BCRC-EC has confirmed that I have broken no Law, violated no NH GOP By-Law, and have not rendered asunder any BCRC ByLaw, and have fully kept faith with Constitutional values
  • Given that GraniteGrok has not engaged, either in the past or present, in any actions that has violated the trust in me or GraniteGrok for which the BCRC-EC has already confirmed,

Therefore, I ask for the following actions by the BCRC-EC:

  1. That these scurrilous allegations against GraniteGrok and me be forthwith tossed with all the scorn and opprobrium that they so richly deserves and that you can muster.
  2. That a formal recognition of this unwanted and unneeded attempt to bring the disgusting technique of the politics of personal destruction into the BCRC that we saw against Peter Ness AND against a sitting member BCRC-EC, Dr. David Strang, for their lawful conduct as members of the Gunstock Area Commissioners, be roundly, rightfully and publicly condemned.
  3. That a letter of censure be read to the General membership at the next BCRC general meeting for this attempt by a sitting member of the NH GOP State Committee to use the Executive Committee of the BCRC as a political cudgel similar to what Governor Sununu has done in his political retribution for being called out by this august Committee.
  4. And, that you laugh at him as he walks out the door for being the stupnagel he is for trying such a lame political stunt.

And know that I will be writing about him with peals of laughter over this supercilious attempt to co-opt the BCRC-EC in his vendetta as a Government Agent in trying to deny MY Freedom to Free Speech in writing/recording about any BCRC meeting/event that I wish to attend (being a registered Republican) as I am protected AGAINST him by both the NH and US Bill of Rights incorporated into both Constitutions.

In this, he is showing an abuse of Power and a careless disregard of responsibilities of his duty to faithfully protect and defend the Constitution and the Laws of this State (see Oath of Office, above).

Section 91-A:2

91-A:2 Meetings Open to Public. –

    1. For the purpose of this chapter, a “meeting” means the convening of a quorum of the membership of a public body, as defined in RSA 91-A:1-a, VI, or the majority of the members of such public body if the rules of that body define “quorum” as more than a majority of its members, whether in person, by means of telephone or electronic communication, or in any other manner such that all participating members are able to communicate with each other contemporaneously, subject to the provisions set forth in RSA 91-A:2, III, for the purpose of discussing or acting upon a matter or matters over which the public body has supervision, control, jurisdiction, or advisory power. A chance, social, or other encounter not convened for the purpose of discussing or acting upon such matters shall not constitute a meeting if no decisions are made regarding such matters. “Meeting” shall also not include:

(a) Strategy or negotiations with respect to collective bargaining;
(b) Consultation with legal counsel;
(c) A caucus consisting of elected members of a public body of the same political party who were elected on a partisan basis at a state general election or elected on a partisan basis by a town or city which has adopted a partisan ballot system pursuant to RSA 669:12 or RSA 44:2; or
(d) Circulation of draft documents which, when finalized, are intended only to formalize decisions previously made in a meeting; provided, that nothing in this subparagraph shall be construed to alter or affect the application of any other section of RSA 91-A to such documents or related communications.

  1. II. Subject to the provisions of RSA 91-A:3, all meetings, whether held in person, by means of telephone or electronic communication, or in any other manner, shall be open to the public. Except for town meetings, school district meetings, and elections, no vote while in open session may be taken by secret ballot. Any person shall be permitted to use recording devices, including, but not limited to, tape recorders, cameras, and videotape equipment, at such meetings. Minutes of all such meetings, including nonpublic sessions, shall include the names of members, persons appearing before the public bodies, and a brief description of the subject matter discussed and final decisions. The names of the members who made or seconded each motion shall be recorded in the minutes. Subject to the provisions of RSA 91-A:3, minutes shall be promptly recorded and open to public inspection not more than 5 business days after the meeting, except as provided in RSA 91-A:6, and shall be treated as permanent records of any public body, or any subordinate body thereof, without exception. Except in an emergency or when there is a meeting of a legislative committee, a notice of the time and place of each such meeting, including a nonpublic session, shall be posted in 2 appropriate places one of which may be the public body’s Internet website, if such exists, or shall be printed in a newspaper of general circulation in the city or town at least 24 hours, excluding Sundays and legal holidays, prior to such meetings.The minutes of the meeting shall clearly spell out the need for the emergency meeting.
    III. A public body may, but is not required to, allow one or more members of the body to participate in a meeting by electronic or other means of communication for the benefit of the public and the governing body, subject to the provisions of this paragraph.(b) Except in an emergency, a quorum of the public body shall be physically present at the location specified in the meeting notice as the location of the meeting. For purposes of this subparagraph, an “emergency” means that immediate action is imperative and the physical presence of a quorum is not reasonably practical within the period of time requiring action. The determination that an emergency exists shall be made by the chairman or presiding officer of the public body, and the facts upon which that determination is based shall be included in the minutes of the meeting.
  2. (a) A member of the public body may participate in a meeting other than by attendance in person at the location of the meeting only when such attendance is not reasonably practical. Any reason that such attendance is not reasonably practical shall be stated in the minutes of the meeting.
  3. When a meeting of a legislative committee is held, publication made pursuant to the rules of the house of representatives or the senate, whichever rules are appropriate, shall be sufficient notice. If the charter of any city or town or guidelines or rules of order of any public body require a broader public access to official meetings and records than herein described, such charter provisions or guidelines or rules of order shall take precedence over the requirements of this chapter. For the purposes of this paragraph, a business day means the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding national and state holidays.
  4. An emergency shall mean a situation where immediate undelayed action is deemed to be imperative by the chairman or presiding officer of the public body, who shall post a notice of the time and place of such meeting as soon as practicable, and shall employ whatever further means are reasonably available to inform the public that a meeting is to be held.

RSA 24

24:9-a First Meeting. –The chair of the county delegation shall set the time and place for the first meeting of the county convention to be held during the week of the second Wednesday of December of each even-numbered year and shall notify the clerk of the house of representatives prior to the first Wednesday of December. The time and place of the meeting shall be announced by the clerk of the house of representatives on the first Wednesday of December of each even-numbered year.

Section 24:9-c

24:9-c Further Meetings. –The chairperson of the convention or a majority of the members of the convention may, and the chairperson of the convention upon the written request of the county commissioners shall, call a further meeting or meetings of the county convention. On a day on which there is a meeting of the house of representatives such meetings may be held only in the city or town in which such meeting of the house of representatives is held. On days when there is no meeting of the house of representatives such meetings may be held at any place in the county.

Source. 1863, 2735:2. GS 22:7. GL 23:12. PS 24:13. PL 35:15. 1933, 120:3. 1941, 134:1, 2. RL 44:17, 20. 1953, 118:1. RSA 24:4, 6, 7. 1961, 199:1. 1995, 134:2, eff. May 24, 1995.

Section 24:9-d

24:9-d Notice. – The clerk of the convention, or his or her designee, shall mail to each member of the convention a notice stating the time, place and purpose of further meetings at least 7 days before the day of the meeting and shall cause to be published a like notice at least 7 days before the day of the meeting in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. Mailing such notice is not required during any session of the general court, if the notice is printed for 2 legislative days in the journal of the house of representatives.



The post So NH State Rep Gregg Hough ALSO sent his complaint about me to the entire Belknap County Delegation? WHY? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vera Sharav “Unless All of Us Resist, Never Again is Now” – Full Speech (video+transcript) – Nuremberg, August 20, 2022

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 12:00 +0000

Vera Sharav “Unless All of Us Resist, Never Again is Now” – Children’s Health Defense Europe:

The moral significance of the Nuremberg Code — the most authoritative, internationally recognized document in the history of medical ethics — cannot be overstated, said Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection.

On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written. WATCH the historical event REPLAY here (from Monday 22th August).

Speakers include CHD President Mary Holland, Holocaust Survivor & Public Advocate for Human Rights Vera Sharav, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.

Transcript of Vera Sharav’s speech:

I came to Nuremberg to provide historical context to the current global threat confronting our civilization. These past 2 1⁄2 years have been especially stressful— as painful memories were rekindled.

In 1941, I was 31⁄2 when my family was forced from our home in Romania & deported to Ukraine.

We were herded into a concentration camp – essentially left to starve. Death was ever-present. My father died of typhus when I was five.

In 1944, as the Final Solution was being aggressively implemented, Romania retreated from its alliance with Nazi Germany. The government permitted several hundred Jewish orphans under the age of 12 to return to Romania. I was not an orphan; my mother lied to save my life.

I boarded a cattle car train – the same train that continued to transport Jews to the death camps – even as Germany was losing the war.

Four years elapsed before I was reunited with my mother.


The Holocaust serves as the archetypal symbol of unmitigated evil

– Moral norms & human values were systematically obliterated.
– The Nazi system destroyed the social conscience.
– Millions of people were worked to death as Slave laborers.
– Others were abused
as experimental human guinea pigs.

The Holocaust did not begin in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Treblinka.
The Holocaust was preceded by 9 years of incremental restrictions on personal freedom, & the suspension of legal rights and civil rights.

The stage was set by fear-mongering & hate-mongering propaganda.

A series of humiliating discriminatory government edicts demonized Jews as “spreaders of disease.” We were compared to lice.


The real viral disease that infected Nazi Germany is Eugenics— Eugenics is the elitist ideology at the root of all genocides.

– Eugenics is cloaked in a mantle of pseudo- science.
– It was embraced by the academic & medical establishment as well as the judiciary — in Germany and the United States.
– Eugenicists justify social & economic inequality.
They legitimize discrimination, apartheid, sterilization, euthanasia, and genocide. The Nazis called it “ethnic cleansing” — for the protection of the gene pool.
Medicine was perverted from its healing mission & was weaponized.
First, it was to control reproduction through forced sterilization; then it was to eliminate those deemed to be “sub-human” —Untermenschen. The first victims of medical murder were 1,000

German disabled infants and toddlers. This murderous operation was expanded to an estimated 10,000 children up to age 17.
The next victims were the mentally ill; they were followed by the elderly in nursing homes. All of these human beings were condemned as “worthless eaters”.
Under Operation T-4, designated hospitals became killing stations where various extermination methods were tested – including Zyclon B — the gas that was used in the death camps.


The objective of the Nazi Final Solution was to annihilate the entire 11 million Jewish Population of Europe as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The Nazis enacted discriminatory laws; they utilized modern technology; low-cost industrial methods; an efficient transportation system; & a highly trained bureaucracy that coordinated the industrial genocidal process. The objective was high speed, maximum efficiency at lowest cost.

The human casualties of this unprecedented genocide were 6 million Jews & 9 million other people whom the Nazis dehumanized as Untermenschen.
The purpose of Holocaust memorials is to warn and inform future generations about how an enlightened, civilized society can be transformed into a genocidal universe ruled by absolute moral depravity.
If we are to avert another Holocaust, we must identify ominous current parallels before they poison the fabric of society.
Since the Nazi era, the study of history & most of the humanities—including philosophy, religion, and ethics — have been overshadowed by an emphasis on utilitarian science & technology.
As a result, few people recognize foreboding similarities between current policies & those under the Nazi regime.
By declaring a state of emergency—in 1933 & in 2020, constitutionally protected personal freedom, legal rights, and civil rights were swept aside. Repressive, discriminatory decrees followed.

In 1933, the primary target for discrimination were Jews; today, the target is people who refuse to be injected with experimental, genetically engineered vaccines. Then and now, government dictates were crafted to eliminate segments of the population.

In 2020, government dictates forbade hospitals from treating the elderly in nursing homes. The result was mass murder.
Government decrees continue to forbid doctors to prescribe life-saving, FDA approved medicines; government-dictated protocols continue to kill.

The media is silent – as it was then.
The media broadcasts a single, government-dictated narrative – just as it had under the Nazis. Strict censorship silences opposing views.
In Nazi Germany few individuals objected; those who did were imprisoned in concentration camps.

Today, doctors & scientists who challenge the approved narrative are maligned; their reputations trashed. They risk losing their license to practice as well as having their homes & workplace raided by SWAT teams.


The moral significance of the Nuremberg Code cannot be overstated:

The Nuremberg Code is the most authoritative, internationally recognized document in the history of medical ethics.

This landmark document was formulated in response to the evidence of medical atrocities committed by Nazi physicians and scientists.

The Code sets forth moral boundaries for research involving human beings.

The Nuremberg Code rejects the ideology of Eugenics & unequivocally asserts the primacy & dignity of the individual human being – as opposed to “the greater good of society.

American jurists who formulated the Nuremberg Code incorporated the official 1931 German “Guidelines for Human Experimentation” authored by Dr. Julius Moses. Those Guidelines remained legally in force until 1945. The Nazis violated them in their entirety. Dr. Moses, who was Jewish, was deported to Theresienstadt where he died.


The Nuremberg Code defined foundational, universal moral and legal standards; affirming fundamental human rights.

These human rights apply to every human being.

– The Code sets limits on the parameters of permissible medical experiments.
– Equally important, the Nuremberg Code holds doctors and research investigators personally responsible to ensure the human subjects’ safety & to ensure that the person freely gave his voluntary, fully informed consent. The standards of the Nuremberg Code are incorporated in the International Criminal Code. They are legally applicable today in peacetime & during war.

The objective of the Nuremberg Code is to ensure that medicine, never again deviates from the precautionary ethical principle, “First, do no harm.

The Nuremberg Code has served as a blueprint for subsequent national and international codes of human rights – to ensure that:
– the rights & dignity of human beings are upheld;
– & to ensure that medical doctors never again engage in morally abhorrent experiments.
– Like the 10 Commandments, not a word of the Code may ever be changed.

The first of 10 ethical principles lays down the foremost ethical requirement – which is spelled out in great detail:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force… constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge & comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This… requires that before the acceptance… of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject… [he] should be [informed of] the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences & hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty & responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.


The genocidal culture that permeated the Nazi regime did not end in 1945. It metastasized in the United States.

At the end of the war, US government agents helped 1,600 high ranking Nazi scientists, doctors, & engineers to evade justice at Nuremberg.

These Nazi technocrats facilitated the murderous Nazi operations. They were Hitler’s partners in crimes against humanity. They were secretly smuggled into the US under Operation Paperclip. This was in violation of explicit orders by President Harry Truman. These Nazi criminals were placed in high-level positions at major American scientific & medical institutions where they continued their work.

What’s more, these Nazi technocrats trained a generation of American scientists, doctors, & engineers.
This is how Nazi methods, & the immoral disregard for human values were entrenched in America.

In 1961, in his farewell address to the nation, President Dwight Eisenhower warned against the increasing dominance of “the military-industrial complex” whose “total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt [everywhere]

Eisenhower warned: “we must be alert to the danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

In 1979, a report to the President, by the US Commission on the Holocaust, chaired by Auschwitz survivor Elie Wiesel warned:
…the inclination to duplicate the Nazi option and once again to exterminate millions of people remains a hideous threat.”

Those who declare that Holocaust analogies are “off limits”—are betraying the victims of the Holocaust by denying the relevance of the Holocaust.

The Nuremberg Code has served as the foundation for ethical clinical research since its publication 75 years ago.

The Covid pandemic is being exploited as an opportunity to overturn the moral and legal parameters laid down by the Nuremberg Code.

The Nuremberg Code is our defense against abusive experimentation.


Humanity is currently under siege by the global heirs of the Nazis.

A posse of ruthless, interconnected, global billionaires have gained control over national & international policy-setting institutions.

They have embarked on implementing a diabolical agenda:
– Overthrow democracy & Western civilization;
– Depopulate the global population;
– Eliminate nation-states & establish One World Government;
– Eliminate cash & establish one digital currency;
– Inject digital IDs & artificial intelligence capabilities into every Human being. If these objectives become a reality, we will be digitally surveilled 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In May 2022, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Klaus Schwab, the architect of the dystopian Great Reset declared:
“Let’s be clear, the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world.”

The ultimate goal of these megalomaniacs is to gain total control of the worlds’ natural resources, financial resources and to replace humans with Transhuman robots.

[1] Transhumanism is a bio-tech- enhanced caste system – the New Eugenics.

Klaus Schwab’s lead advisor is Yuval Noah Harari, an Oxford University trained, Israeli. Harari is a proponent of the New Eugenics & Transhumanism.

Harari refers to humans as “hackable animals” He declared: “We have the technology to hack humans on a massive scale…

Harari despises the very concept of God.

Transhumanists despise human values, & deny the existence of a human soul. Harari declares that there are too many “useless people.” The Nazi term was “worthless eaters

This is the New Eugenics.
It is embraced by the most powerful global billionaire technocrats who gather at Davos: Big Tech, Big Pharma, the financial oligarchs, academics, government leaders & the military industrial complex. These megalomaniacs have paved the road to another Holocaust.

This time, the threat of genocide is Global in scale.

This time instead of Zyklon B gas, the weapons of mass destruction are genetically engineered injectable bioweapons masquerading as vaccines.

This time, there will be no rescuers. Unless All of Us Resist, Never Again is Now.


Vera Sharav
Holocaust Survivor
Public Advocate for Human Rights
Founder and President of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP)


Please read our Re-publishing Guidelines.

“© [8/20/2022] Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.



The post Vera Sharav “Unless All of Us Resist, Never Again is Now” – Full Speech (video+transcript) – Nuremberg, August 20, 2022 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Student Loan Debt … The Biden Regime Is Playing The GOP Like A Stradivarius

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 10:30 +0000

Have you heard all the outrage from the GOP at the Biden-Regime’s ukase that “forgives” student loan debt? Indeed, even Sun-King Sununu … who strives to be on both sides of an issue … has joined the bloviating:


While Sun-King is correct, the effect of Biden’s action and the GOP’s reaction will be to juice turnout of the Democrat base. Imagine the reaction of the proverbial “suburban mom” in Bedford, whose vote the NHGOP-Establishment so covets … MOCK MY TWIN DEGREES IN INTERSECTIONAL GARDENING AND DECONSTRUCTING PATRIARCHAL GAMING THEORY, HOW DARE THEY.

BUT will it have the same effect on GOP voters? Since Biden was inaugurated, the GOP “leadership” … primarily Mitch McConnell … has dampened if not destroyed enthusiasm among GOP voters. From a recent article by Miranda Devine:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his House counterpart, Kevin McCarthy, “don’t inspire anybody,” [pollster] Baris said.

“The Republican Party is in an identity crisis,” Baris said. “They’re not capturing the anger of the views that we’re seeing in the Republican base. It’s hard to talk about inflation when you send 50 billion [dollars] to Ukraine. People are saying, ‘What about me?’ ”

It’s not about promising tax cuts or wailing about the economy. Republican voters correctly think they are under attack on all fronts, and they don’t see their representatives acting accordingly. …

… Joe Biden is the most unpopular president in modern history, Dems have tiny majorities and no mandate to wreck the country in the way they are. So Republican voters feel their party is just rubberstamping ruinous legislation and not putting up a real fight.

That “red wave” the GOP-Establishment has been taking for granted is getting bluer and bluer by the day.

The post Student Loan Debt … The Biden Regime Is Playing The GOP Like A Stradivarius appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

All 128,000 Hunter Biden Laptop Emails Plus Ashley Biden’s Entire Diary

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 03:00 +0000

If you’re having trouble sleeping or your outrage meter is starting to wane, Marco Polo USA has all things Hunter Biden Laptop to top off your “WTF is this” tank. That includes all  128,000 laptop emails in a searchable database.

It is the gift that keeps on giving, don’t be greedy. You can search and share this content with anyone, including Liberal ‘Friends’ who’ve not yet blocked you or labeled you a conspiracy theorist.

You can also download them all to keep handy for your personal use. You never know if you might need a Hunter Biden laptop email to put some triggered snowflake over the edge.


How about the complete searchable transcription of the Ashley Biden Diary (local copy here)? You can see the original Diary (scanned) here.

A Bidencopia of debauchery and corruption.

It’s enough to make a corporate media reporter blush and bury a story.

So, dig in, and then let us know if you find anything juicy we should share.


Note: I am Now on Truth Social @TheRealNHSteve

The post All 128,000 Hunter Biden Laptop Emails Plus Ashley Biden’s Entire Diary appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Plight of the Progressive Teacher

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-08-27 01:30 +0000

She will stick with her vision, and if her classes get smaller, well, so be it. True believers do not weigh their truth by popularity.  

If you’re a teacher in a public school who’s seen students withdraw in recent years and go elsewhere, you don’t understand it; especially those students who head for a school with an old-fashioned classical curriculum. It doesn’t make sense, though the trend is clear. New York City schools will have 30,000 fewer students this year than last year, a departure that follows a national exit from public schools. One beneficiary of the exodus is classical education, where enrollments are jumping.

But why? Our teacher can’t say. She has a progressive model of schooling—ed school trained her well—and she knows that all the learning ideals are in her favor. Creativity, individuality, relevance, and social betterment—they’re the hallmarks of child-centered classrooms attuned to current realities. Diversity, equity, and inclusion guide the readings and homework she assigns. She wants students to become critical thinkers and social change agents. Her benevolence is obvious to parents.

So why the departures for a system so different from her own? Why do Great Hearts Academies in Phoenix alone have a waiting list of 8,000 kids? Classical education shouldn’t be that popular; it loses on every progressive scorecard. So much is happening in America today, so many woke advents, and classical schools are stuck on Plato. They force kids to memorize things, too, even as it blocks a student’s creative impulses. They like assessments such as the Classic Learning Test, which includes hard-core Christian fathers such as Origen in its author bank.

Our progressive teacher is not impressed. Religious texts don’t belong on standardized tests. And the sight of 25 kids reciting the Preamble to the Constitution as one voice is dismaying—uniformity is oppressive. Also, she asks, where’s the relevance? What does an 18th-century novel offer our 21st-century junior with five social media accounts and worries over climate change, racism, and gun violence? Life presses upon them hard, and we must “meet the students where they are.” Robinson Crusoe doesn’t cut it. The syllabus must be more contemporary and political. Show a 10th-grader The Scarlet Letter and a book about hip-hop, and we know which one he’ll choose—and who are we to judge?

Classical educators also worship the past, and that’s a problem. The past itself is a problem. That’s why progressives are progressives. Too much injustice back then, lots of discrimination. The past is something to escape, not preserve. If we have to study it, we determine what went wrong, and figure out how to fix whatever effects of bias and inequality linger. Why revere materials from a world so inferior to our own (though we have very far to go)? The author of the Declaration of Independence was a slaveholder.

Few conceptions, however, are more damaging to the minds and souls of the young than that of the expulsion of the past. So our classicist believes with all her heart. Youths need tradition, they need roots. The past isn’t oppressive—it’s their inheritance, a river of greatness and brilliance in which they mature and deepen as they swim in it. Classical teachers have little time for guilt and injustice, not when they have the Sermon on the Mount, Hamlet’s words, and Beethoven’s concertos to impart.

What an evasion, our progressive snorts, a whitewashing. She’s indignant. To highlight George Washington’s Farewell Address and slight the slaves at Mount Vernon is a shameful practice. To teach Dante, Cervantes, and Milton without mentioning the denial of authorship to women during those times counts as a high crime.

Nothing will convince the progressive teacher to change that opinion. The moral frame is fixed, the long training secure. She welcomes critical race theory as the next step in schooling-for-social-justice. She has a lesson plan for Pride Month, which she rates above fourth-century Athens.

Which makes the disappearance of students from her classroom all the more incomprehensible. Parents should be happy with her moral outlook, not unhappy. And they most definitely should not retreat to classical schools. There, life is dull, prescriptive, insensitive, reactionary. Why those institutions are spreading is beyond her. Parents who like to hear their kids recite “Paul Revere’s Ride” and to find pictures of the Acropolis and the Pantheon in their kids’ folders don’t have an argument she must respect. They’re just a glass of ice water poured onto her convictions.

It doesn’t work for her to appeal to youth preferences, either. That won’t help, for the kids are alright in those old-fashioned spaces. Retention at classical schools is high, demand is strong and outcomes, too. The same isn’t true in public school classrooms, where the only question when NAEP results are reported is how disappointing they will be. Half the high-schoolers are bored to death, and they’re not learning much, either. The achievement gap that progressives abhor hasn’t closed in decades in spite of their efforts.

Our progressive can’t reconsider her premises, though. She has all the right ideas and values, and it’s not working. She’s at an impasse, and progressivism allows her no way out. There’s no “Let’s try this other way” available to her. The more her enrollments diminish, the more she hates Donald Trump and his supporters. Progressivism isn’t a theory to be tested by practice. It’s a faith, a worldview. She had a vision of the future in which she plays a productive role. The role of the classical teacher—to transmit the tradition—seems to her a constrained one, a comedown. She can’t go there. She’s like the Episcopal priest who observes fewer people in the pews as the months pass, but can’t stop boasting how inclusive his church is.

There’s no going back, not for our teacher. Classicism urges us ever to return to the sources, to innovate gradually and infrequently, to judge our creations by the examples of the masters. Progressivism looks forward, always forward. No masters, no timeless inventions, no second thoughts. She will stick with her vision, and if her classes get smaller, well, so be it. True believers do not weigh their truth by popularity.



Prof. Mark Bauerlein |  American Greatness.

Republished with Permission.

The post The Plight of the Progressive Teacher appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fake News from New Hampshire – This Week of 8-21 to 8-27

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-26 22:30 +0000

Concord State House To Build First Totally Inclusive 152 Bathroom Multiplex

A close third on the priority list for the Biden Administration, behind Ukrainians and illegal immigrants, is the ++ community. These are people so confused by math and science they cannot identify with a long-established biological binary. Rather than waste precious hours teaching them how to accept these realities, many of our nation’s educators have chosen to offer up new categories for them to embrace. Among these are: agender, bigender, furry, pangender, potgender, Teflonsexual, two-spirit, legionated and demon-seeded.

With the most recent printing of billions of fiat Federal Reserve notes, New Hampshire has been granted a generous $58 million to build the first ever totally inclusive bathroom multiplex. Wrapping around the State Capitol in the style of gilded log cabins, visitors and legislators alike will enjoy the opportunity to do their dirty work in complete comfort knowing, that even though all pipes flow to the same tank, they can clean their pipes in personalized privacy in these incredible public spaces.

New Hampshire’s Assistant Secretary of the Inferior, Bill Bradley, explains some of the hi-tech features those planning to drop in can expect. Mr. Brady announced despite overwhelming opposition from cis-women voters:

“There is nothing worse than having to end a meeting or miss a vote to go to the bathroom, which is why we’re including cameras in each stall so lawmakers can keep doing the people’s business while doing their business.”

Artificial Intelligence will utilize these cameras to either lift or lower the lid depending upon the person’s bathroom ID card, which they will use to gain entry. Those who identify as “neither” or “neutrois” will have access to all or no bathrooms depending upon their social media credit score.

Furries (people who pretend to be animals) can also expect human-sized litter boxes generously donated by the folks at Pet Supply in Nashua.

Local contractors are expected to break ground on this project in the fall of 2022 and finish sometime in the spring of 2029.

Nabisco’s Announces New Hoi Polloi Puffs

Consumer snack maker Nabisco will be unveiling its latest offering to fans later this fall. Following the recommendations to capitalize on insect protein, their new Hoi Polloi Puffs will contain a variety of snack choices while also coming in several exciting new flavors. Eager vice president of marketing, Juno Nutting, stated:

“The nice thing about climate change is doors are opening to new products. It’s almost heartwarming that another generation besides the Boomers is going to grow up enjoying the beetles.”

Beetles are just a portion of the insect family ground into tasty treats for mass consumption. Also making an appearance are arachnids and mealworms.

“Flavoring can get a little tricky so we’ve asked culinary experts to put together the best blends of herbs and spices to give our snacks each their own signature flavor. We’re also using Beetlejuice to sweeten our new line of Bug Bites .

Look for the following labels from Nabisco on store shelves near you:

  • Jalapeno Hoppers
  • BBQ Cricket Chips
  • Potato Thrips
  • Doritodes

Senators Shaheen and Hassan are so excited about the idea they are working with the snack maker on building a manufacturing plant in Plaistow which will create jobs and utilize the growing insect population.

Displaced Ukrainians Thankful Americans Stand With Them

Foreign war correspondent Gage Steel took to the streets of Kiev this past week looking to discover how Ukrainians felt about the state of war in their country.

Anatoly Golka, a resident of Kramatorsk commented:

“I have a cousin who lives in Poland who tells us how many Americans are standing with us online” while standing outside the rubble that was once his home.

A professor of political science at the University of Kiev stated :

“I thank God for the Americans who are willing to put it online in face of that psychopath Putin and let him know, unequivocally on their social media, that they recognize the Ukrainian flag well enough to copy and paste it to their account.”

Bananas Fake News Network live streamed this interview once the missiles started to drop and is happy to report we had over ten thousand likes and gained at least five thousand new subscribers. Though we were unable to contribute any meaningful sustenance to help the displaced Ukrainians, we stand with the United States Congress in taking tens of billions of American tax dollars and entrusting them to a nation run by some of the finest Eastern European oligarchs. We have complete faith in former actor turned president Volodymyr “Ukraine’s Reagan” Zelensky, whose net worth of $830 million means he must be doing something right! Surely people who can make that much money in a country famous for corruption and human trafficking will be able to put America’s billions to good use.

Representatives Pappas and Kuster plan to present the “I Stand With Ukraine Day” bill later this month.

Prosperity Preachers Applaud Congress’ Health and Prosperity Bill

World famous prosperity gospel teachers and long-time members of Trinity Broadcasting Network issued a statement of admiration for the recent prosperity bill developed and passed by Congress. Observed Houston’s Joel Osteen:

“This bill does what we’ve been preaching about for years. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Christian or a Communist, the point of life is to be healthy and wealthy. This bill does that by ensuring that the healthy and wealthy will stay that way”

“We’ve been teaching the need to manifest your wealth – SPEAK IT INTO EXISTE-E-E-E-NCE!” shouted Kenneth Copeland as he boarded the smaller of his three private planes for an overnight stay on his private island.

“This only proves that God loves me and has loved me ever since He had the good sense to make me” opined Elevation Church founder Stephen Furtick. “I praise the God who uses the greatest Congress in the world to meet my needs! So blessed!”

Despite most economists warning the continued printing of money leads to inflation and acts as a tax on the middle and lower classes, the Trinity Broadcast Network has invited the bill’s drafters to celebrate this landmark legislation and will be holding a twenty-four-hour telethon this weekend to offset the cost of running the Lord’s business.

Body Found In Hunter Biden’s SUV

Hunter Biden was brought in by the Delaware State Police Department for questioning regarding the dead 14-year-old Asian prostitute found in the back of his Escalade. The coroner’s report showed signs of a struggle and fingerprints on the sides and back of her neck that matched Hunter’s. Several pounds of crack cocaine were found next to her body as well as a cell phone with a video of what appeared to be a man matching Hunter Biden’s physical characteristics who then monologue’s into the camera while smoking crack about why he had to kill her. Video face recognition software matched the male to Hunter Biden’s exact face and voice recognition software also was an exact match. When asked about the investigation a spokesperson for Delaware SPD said it was being ruled a suicide.

Later that day Delaware SPD issued a thank you to the Ukrainian energy company Burisma for recently donating thirteen fully armored SUVs and thirty three thousand dollars in ammunition.

The post Fake News from New Hampshire – This Week of 8-21 to 8-27 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Laconia State Rep Gregg Hough: With All His Other Political Enemies, He’s Decided to Anger GraniteGrok, too?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-26 21:00 +0000

Gregg Hough has Gov. Chris Sununu calling for him to be ousted. The Progressive/Democrat Citizens for Belknap PAC is gunning for his seat. True Conservatives are set against him. And he wants to pick a fight with GraniteGrok??

Yes, he has attacked GraniteGrok. And me.  By submitting a complaint to the Belknap County Republican Committee…Wait, WHAT?  He didn’t like what I wrote about him and the illegal Belknap County Delegation meeting on August 1st, so he went to THEM?

Delusion?  Politically incompetent?  Clueless? Or trying to be today’s shining example of the definition of Lenin’s phrase “useful idiot”? Does he think that his newly discovered bromance with Gunstock Area Commissioner Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial), if one reviews his recent social media postings of the two of them, is providing a Teflon shield around him in which he cannot be criticized?

Or has he tipped his hand and let us glimpse a tiny sliver of his willingness in finding and then riding “the Political Strong Horse” to further his political ambitions?  And in doing so, proving my sad observation that there is little sense of Loyalty in politics and him showing how little value he places on the concept of loyalty as he so willingly changes political “saddles” and alignments?

As loyal readers know, I had a beef with this Representative (that I have been saddled with (pun intended) due to re-districting) in his involvement in the illegally called and illegally run Belknap County Delegation meeting of August 1st (my first post here: On Keeping One’s Word – Or Not. Not Cool to Lie to a New Constituent, Gregg Hough (Laconia Ward Two)!). The gist of the post is that I, as my right being a constituent of his, told him not to take part in that illegal meeting. I explained WHY he shouldn’t (the intermingling of two RSAs that shouldn’t be: RSA 91A and RSA 24:9-D (and told my OTHER Representative, Harry Bean, the same thing)), and that he said he wouldn’t participate.

Until he did which is why I wrote that post.

Well, “stupid is as stupid does” goes that old saying, and NH State Rep Gregg Hough wasn’t content with being admonished by me.  He, as a Government Agent (or, if you prefer, an Agent of the Government, as that is what an elected official happens to be), decided to retaliate against me and GraniteGrok. He chose to use a tactic that has been in use a lot here in Belknap that I’ve been writing about a lot in the political fracas involving Gunstock Mountain Resort, the Gunstock Area Commission that oversees it, and the Belknap County Delegation (“Convention”) that appoints and has oversight over the GAC – sow and spread divisiveness between the players by those within and aligned with the Progressive/Democrat Citizens for Belknap PAC (political action committee).

So he attacked GraniteGrok. And me.  By submitting a complaint to the Belknap County Republican Committee…Wait, WHAT?  He didn’t like what I wrote, so he went to THEM?

WHY?  Or better, how?  While there is a lot of background material, loyal readers know that when the last elected NH GOP Delegates in Belknap County voted for the BCRC’s elected officials (chair, vice-chair, secretary, treasurer), former Chair Alan Glassman was ousted by a vote of 17-3.  Roundly getting spanked by those that collectively said “We’ve had enough; time for a change”. I/GraniteGrok was asked to be a neutral observer (with cameras rolling) as there had been rumors of voting malfeasance in other counties by those county-wide delegates.  After that change up, I decided to participate again in the BCRC and offered GraniteGrok’s services (again, the cameras) in getting the BCRC’s messages out – like reports on bills going through their process as recounted by the NH State Senators and Representatives as well as by the various speakers.

Ever since that time, however, there has been a low-level animosity going on and it is my belief that Hough wanted to capitalize on it like how Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial) and Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice Chair) did to the other GAC Commissioners Peter Ness and Dr. David Strang and how the NH State Rep Tim Lang (and his “gang) were doing in the Delegation, the Sr. Mgt of Gunstock all quitting making SoulFest yet another political pressure point, et al.

Hough tried to follow suit, not understanding that he didn’t have the political chops to do so – his complaint’s mission was to get GraniteGrok, because of his dispute with me, he carried on the same political tactic that Progressives and the Left use – that of the politics of personal destruction. He wanted to have the BCRC Executive Committee throw GraniteGrok out of their meetings in retribution.

Here is his Complaint (emphasis mine):

Greetings Chair Silber, Vice Chair Terry, Treasurer Strang, Secretary Bean and Hon. Abear

I am writing you as I feel this is the appropriate avenue to voice my concern about allowing the press at BCRC meetings. If needed I am more than willing to address everyone at a meeting to share with the group, the following concerns.

I object to the presence of the press at our monthly meetings for the following reasons:

Whereas: The Granite Grok has included me in an article or two concerning the delegation and the gunstock situation. While I have no problem with an opposing view/opinion being published I do have a problem when content is made up, and selectively edited to present a disingenuous fabrication to fit the Groks narratives.
Whereas: To put it bluntly the Granite Grok has elevated itself to the current definition of journalism.
Whereas: This has made me lose all confidence in their ability to speak truth to power and I now question all articles and how much is just made up.
Whereas: This makes their presence not welcome as it is obvious that given provocation or the plain disposition of the Grok it can and will twist and fabricate as it sees fit.
Whereas: The Belknap County Republican Committee should be able to speak freely without the threat of retribution or publication of confidential and important political conversations, thus filming, or audio recordings, or both must not be allowed to continue as it disrupts the purpose of the gatherings.
Whereas: There is simply NO reason for the Granite Groks presence at our meetings.
Whereas: This request is not to disallow Republican people who work for or run the Grok to attend BCRC meetings as they have the right to attend as any other Republican in the County.

I ask that you consider the afore mentioned, as I for one will still attend when my availability allows, however if there is press there, I will not participate in my full capacity, nor do I believe other will, with the Granite Grok or any other press presence.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.


Representative Gregg Hough

I have no problem posting it even though it was supposed to be a three-party-only document. At least that’s what I thought.  I learned that he made it a Public Document…

Yesterday was the hearing by the BCRC Executive Committee on this matter – and I found out that Gregg Hough had decided to share his complaint with the entire Belknap County Delegation (all Republicans).  So, a second attempt at alienating GraniteGrok, the county’s major Conservative media outlet, from its base even as the Delegation has NOTHING to do with his beef with a lowly constituent and nothing to do with the BCRC. In fact, I can say that with impunity as it came out during the BCRC-EC hearing that a good chunk of the Delegation are not members of the BCRC and never show up; a condition that Gregg Hough shares as he’s hardly attended at all since the new BCRC team took office.

And with that, let me end this by stating that if Hough’s purpose was to shut up GraniteGrok and myself, maybe I should put him into the same category as Jade Wood – he can’t even find the checkerboard while others are playing 4-D chess.

Sidenote: my board game of choice is this – it’s much faster:


(click to embiggen) Also known as Reversi, it is a far quicker game and much more dynamic.

Anyways, during the hearing, I presented my defense to each of his points.  I’ll post that next a bit later on. You’ll see where I point out his outright falsehoods, lack of proof, and his lack of reasoning.

To Be Continued…

The post Laconia State Rep Gregg Hough: With All His Other Political Enemies, He’s Decided to Anger GraniteGrok, too? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What’s With This Foolish Divisiveness? It Should Stop!

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-26 19:30 +0000

Wanna know who is the problem? WE ARE THE PROBLEM. Moments ago, I saw a headline from Brighteon “Media Flips and Blames Trump for Vaccine Injuries.” I just know the next focus of interest articles will be an analysis of who could have done this did this awful thing (the blaming of Trump).

Think how childish it is for citizens to be engaging — some of them full-time — in defending either Trump or Hillary in regard to false claims they have made about each other. As if the person addressing that subject were addressing the real affairs of our nation.

Good God. This must stop. I also just saw this remark in a Granite Grok essay of 2019, taken from a Reuters report:

“Suicidal thinking, severe depression and rates of self-injury among U.S. college students more than doubled over less than a decade.”

That is something we should jump on — and turn it around. How dare we, yes I said WE, create such a situation that leads to suicide by young people?

And before dinner tonight (Aug 25, 2022), I spied a video of UK Prime minister (soon to quit) Boris Johnson yakking about Ukraine. Could he have anything of interest to tell? Of course not. He did not run the show in Britain. Theresa May did not run the show. John Major DID run the show, as we can tell from the fact that he is in The Order of the Garter.

Brain-Expansion Needed

OK, where was I? Ah, this article says we are needlessly, stupidly, buying into divisiveness. How many Republican meetings have I been to lately that say Biden is bringing us socialism, fie on him. Did any Republicans send back their stimulus checks? I never got mine, by the way, am blacklisted, so far, not lethally.

Political Party aside, all Americans will be needing urgent help when “THEY” cut off the electricity, the food supply, and everything else. So who gives a stuff if Hillary stole somebody’s emails? Hillary has done way worse. And why didn’t Trump lock her up? The last time I looked at Article II of the Constitution, it said “He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”

Where was he for four years? And why didn’t he do a fireside chat to explain Jan 6th? He was president at the time. Remember — leader of the free world? Big guy? Can’t he open his mouth and explain to us how the Powers That Be set up the entire Jan 6 invasion? No, NOT for the purpose of DEPRIVING ONE MAN OF THE 2024 Presidency. To deprive us all of our political security and our national dignity. FIE ON THEM.
Jan 6

Here’s what happened on Jan 6, 2021. Starting at 1:30 pm, 138 House members did properly submit their challenges to the electoral college ballots from 3 states — Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Granted, the Invasion interrupted the proceedings, but these resumed from 9 pm to almost 4 am. There weren’t enough votes from both chambers to cause those ballots to be rejected (as is laid out in 3 USC 15). So Biden won.

Notice I did not say, “There weren’t enough Republican House members.” I said not enough all around. Why should Democrats be ASSUMED to be beyond the pale of reasoning? Why couldn’t Dems have saved us from bad countings? They know what it is to see Republicans grab a presidential win in 2004.

Does not one single, solitary member of both chambers (535 warm bodies) think it might be good to put the matter on the table as an American tragedy, not just a blow to one’s own Party?

Excuse me for this tirade, but we are spinning wheels. Even the new interest in DeSantis (or Newsom, OMG) is childish. There are thousands of men out there who are capable of being president. I can name one right now: Dan Andrews of the NH Legislature. Or Dan Itse. Or Therese Grinnell.

Not that it’s a big job. The Framers intended it to be small. Congress (aka the People) are in charge.

So Trump is being set up to take the rap for dead-vaccinated people? Fine. He did authorize Operation Warpspeed (for which I sued the DHHS and FEMA). Yes, he signed some kind of check to Pfizer and Modera “cuz they really needed help to make a vax” (for which they had had the patent already — natch).

The Parchment Ariseth

It is principally Congress’s fault. Congress holds the purse. There was no excuse for the House and Senate members in 1986 to create the National Vaccine Injury Act. How in the world can Congress say such-and-such can’t be sued when the Seventh Amendment protects everyone’s right to seek judicial redress for damages? “In suits at common law… the right to trial by jury shall be preserved.”

You hear remarks like, “Yeah, but nowadays, that has been eliminated by the DoJ.” WHAT?????

Would somebody pass me a Valium, please?

Better yet, elect me to the House, and we will get some action going against the NCVI legislation. Or maybe the Judiciary will get all piety-minded and beat the rush hour by re-opening the case of some poor soul who tried to sue for their autistic child and declare the precedent erroneous. I think such exhuming of an old decision is called “sua sponte” — the Great Nine do not even need to have a case in front of them.

My friends in Australia have told me that their plan is not to wait for the black-robed ones (Oh, I am referring to judges here) to avenge the deaths of Covid-vaxxed family members. They will instead focus on Leviticus 24:22.

Word-of-God type thing.



The post What’s With This Foolish Divisiveness? It Should Stop! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Delivery Management Software Can Save Businesses Time and Money

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-08-26 19:17 +0000

Proper delivery management can save businesses time and money by optimizing delivery schedules and automating delivery operations in the mailroom. Keep reading to learn how delivery software can help your business improve its bottom line.

What is delivery software and how does it help businesses?

Delivery management software is a program that helps businesses manage their mailroom deliveries. It can save time and money by helping recipients track their shipments and get notified when a delivery matches their name. Office managers can utilize the software for more detailed reporting on delivery operations, proof of delivery, and ensuring that recipients will never miss any packages that they may have ordered from a retail business.

What are the benefits of using delivery management software?

Delivery management software can save companies time and money in a few ways. The first way is that it allows for better organization of deliveries. This means that the company can protect its deliveries more efficiently and make sure that everything is secure and recipients are notified on time. In addition, this software can help to track the status of each delivery, so recipients know whether their packages have arrived at all times. This can be helpful if a package needs to be tracked or if there is a problem with the delivery. Finally, using delivery management software can help recipients save money by keeping the mailroom more secure. There will be historical snapshots of the package as well as historical footage in case packages are lost or unaccounted for.

How does the delivery management solution work?

Office managers can scan the package label from any iPhone device. They can send a notification to the package recipient to pick up the mail. When working in conjunction with security cameras, the pickup process a lot more secure thanks to better visibility in the mailroom. This is great for both overall security and for recipients to feel satisfied and happy with the way the property is managed.

What are some of the best features you will find in a top-rated delivery management software?

You can utilize label OCR scanning, package photo validation, and user directory integration to ensure that the right packages end up with the correct recipients. The instant recipient notifications also make it easy for them to know when they should drop by the mailroom at the right time. This prevents deliveries from piling up in the mailroom. The software can also send automatic pickup reminders if it takes the recipient several days to pick it up. The mailroom dashboard allows delivery managers or office managers to have real-time visibility over the mailroom thanks to the use of video security integration. Filterable search functions are also available when utilizing delivery management programs.

What businesses could benefit from mailroom management?

Not only can these be used in traditional mailrooms, but they can also be used at loading dogs, reception areas, and warehouses or factories. Anywhere packages come and go, a delivery management system should be in use for better efficiency and security.

Does the software allow deliveries to be picked up by someone else?

If recipients want to grant permissions to another person to pick up the packages, these settings can be updated within the software. That way, both recipients and delivery managers will find every aspect of the delivery process more convenient.

Delivery management software can save businesses time and money by helping to automate and manage the mailroom and package delivery process. This software can help businesses track and manage any incoming deliveries, as well as optimize their notifications and pickup schedules. This can save businesses time and money by improving efficiency.



The post How Delivery Management Software Can Save Businesses Time and Money appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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