The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

Largely Symbolic at this Point

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-08-30 18:26 +0000
Natalie Winters, The National Pulse: NEW: ‘Defund Davos’ Bill Would Deny World Economic Forum Taxpayer Cash. House Republicans have introduced a bill to block any taxpayer funds from potentially supporting the activities of the World Economic Forum – the corporate... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

We Are All in Trouble If We Don’t Stop This Now

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-30 18:00 +0000

Law-abiding citizens are being purposely mislabeled with words to sow confusion and potentially make us criminals. Maybe you may know that in the Hebrew language, every letter has a meaning or definition tied to it. We need to pay close attention to every word the Left is trying to change.

Take the word fascism which means a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

We want to thank John Sellers for this Press Release. Please direct yours to

The democratic left and RINOs call patriotic Republicans, Conservatives, Liberations, and even Free Staters fascist. They are twisting the meaning of words and pinning them on these groups. They are trying to divide and conquer us to split the vote, which allows the wrong person gets into office. It’s all about the vote!

Here is another word, terrorist, which means the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion. See also terror, which is a state of intense or overwhelming fear and violence or the threat of violence used as a weapon of intimidation or coercion.

Do any government/s or organizations come to mind that may have or could use systemic use of terror, violence, and intimidation? Look at the pandemic. They used to terrorize us. Now hiring 87,000 IRS agents, the DOJ and FBI seem to have been politicized, and this list keeps growing. Look around the globe because it’s not just the great USA but China, Russia, and Ukraine (which they want us to take sides and divide us again). Could you imagine another country giving the USA 5 trillion dollars to fight a war? That is basically what the US has given Ukraine, whose economy is only 51 billion, yet we have given them over 60 billion and counting (follow the money, sorry, digressing).

Law-abiding citizens are being called terrorists because we take a stand for our state, country, kids, jobs, health care, and more. They are trying to shut us up (what happened to our first Amendment?). The democratic left is trying to rip and tear apart our constitutional rights of speech, guns, religion, to assemble, petition the government, and so on.

They are constantly trying to pin a word on us to sow confusion (boy is girl and girl is boy, yes is no, no is yes, confuse the people and win the vote…), you hardly ever see the Dems divided. Good news… God’s word never changes, which we can use as a base of TRUTH.

These are just two words out of many. The Left is trying to pin on us and make us look like criminals by default. We need to fight back and protect the citizens of NH, including some blinded democrats and RINOs, and it must happen in this election cycle.

Just a primary? No, No, No, it is so much more this year. We need everyone to vote. The primary will show us who is educated on the real issues and willing to take a stand.

EVERY NON-VOTER IS A VOTE FOR OR AGAINST A CANDIDATE. Think about it, one vote for “A,” one vote for “B,” and the third vote for “A,” and the final voter does not vote; candidate “A” wins.

Real Patriots need to step up. We need to start talking to every neighbor, not just one or two doors on the left or right but five, six or seven doors on each side of us and across the street. Give them some HOPE and tell them their vote still does count and to vote on September 13th and on November 8th.

It’s now that we LIVE FREE OR DIE. Otherwise, we are going to get picked off one by one. If they can hold the J6 people forever, they can hold you and me, and they have the money and power to find the tiniest, meaningless infraction and make your life miserable.

Let’s have HOPE for NH. Let’s all pray to God and repent, and just maybe, just maybe, God will save NH as He did with Nineveh (bible book of Jonah).


The post We Are All in Trouble If We Don’t Stop This Now appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Garland and Wray Using Washington Field Office SAC Tim Thibault as Sacrificial Lamb

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-08-30 17:32 +0000
Larry Johnson, A Son of the New American Revolution: THE START OF THE UNRAVELING OF THE TRUMP MAR A LAGO RAID Donald Trump is having a very good week, notwithstanding the flood of negative stories from the Deep State media.... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Origins of the Mar-a-Lago Raid

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-08-30 16:50 +0000
Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Do Not Vote for Democrats

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-08-30 16:32 +0000
Tell me this guy is not evil. — DVZ MΞMΞS (@FreedomInc5) August 30, 2022 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Does the Constitution Protect the Unborn?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-30 16:30 +0000

When the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade (pdf), most of the outrage came from those who believe the U.S. Constitution protects abortion rights. However, a few argued that the Constitution mandates a national standard forbidding abortion.

This essay explains why those who claim the Constitution forbids abortion are as much in error as those who think it legalizes abortion.

I have a long history of advocating for pro-life causes. But there’s a difference between my political preferences and what the Constitution actually says. Respecting what the Constitution actually says is key to the rule of law—necessary, in turn, for a free society. If we disagree with the Constitution, we should work to amend it. We should not fall into the left’s corrupt practice of pretending the Constitution says what it doesn’t.

The Case for the Unconstitutionality of Abortion

The arguments for the view that the Constitution bans abortion have been set forth as follows:

First: It’s a scientific fact that humanity begins at the moment of conception.

Second: A human being is therefore a “person” as the Constitution uses the term.

Third: The Constitution’s Fifth and the 14th Amendments each contains a Due Process Clause stating that no “person” shall be deprived of “life … without due process of law.”

Fourth: Just as slavery was a national moral issue rather than a states’-rights issue, abortion also is an issue of national morality.

Let’s examine each of these arguments.

Argument #1: ‘Humanity begins at the moment of conception’

The essence of the Roe decision was that it was unconstitutional for a state to protect an unborn child, against the wishes of the mother, before the child could survive outside the womb. Although the court purported not to decide when human life begins, its ruling assumed that a fetus necessarily dependent on the mother is only “potentially” human.

This ruling was absurd: One’s humanity isn’t solely a function of dependence or independence. If it were, then America’s large dependent population would be deemed non-human. Roe’s absurdity illustrates that judges are unequipped to make decisions of this kind.

But the fact that humanity isn’t solely the result of independence doesn’t prove that it’s solely the result of conception either. Exactly when life becomes human is a subject on which reasonable and informed people disagree. Some would place the critical moment at the time of conception; others at the time when cells differentiate from each other, or at the time of implantation, or when (and if!) the brain begins to function, or when the fetus has a heart, or when the soul enters the body. Science offers plausible answers and rules out implausible ones, but it doesn’t give us the answer.

In this respect, the question of when humanity begins resembles the question of when it ends—that is, when death occurs. There’s a point in time when we can say a person is definitely alive and a point when we can say a person is definitely dead, but there’s often a twilight zone between the two. To a lesser extent, the question of when humanity begins resembles the issues of when a person ceases to be a child and becomes an adult, or is mentally competent or incompetent.

In a democratic society, the answers to such questions are provided by the people’s freely elected representatives, acting under spiritual, scientific, and popular guidance. When legislatures delegate discretion to physicians and other providers (as they often do), they still impose legal guidelines.

Admittedly, decisions of this kind can be difficult. However, their difficulty argues for their being products of an open, democratic, and deliberative process. Not the results of abstract reasoning or judicial decree.

Argument #2: ‘The Unborn are “Persons” Under the Fifth Amendment’

The Fifth Amendment forbids the federal government from depriving any “person” of life without due process of law. What does “person” mean?

In daily discourse, we often use “person” interchangeably with “human being.” This is not necessarily true in legal language, however. Some traditional legal systems have denied personhood to certain classes of human beings, such as slaves or foreigners. Our own legal system grants personhood to corporations, which aren’t human beings at all, but rather formally organized collections of human beings.

In 1791, when the state legislatures ratified the Fifth Amendment, the American legal system recognized all born human beings, even slaves, as “persons.” But it didn’t recognize the unborn as fully human. And it certainly didn’t recognize the unborn as legal “persons.”

Applying the Fifth Amendment to include the unborn within its word “person” would require changing the meaning of the amendment as its ratifiers understood it. More on that below.

Argument #3: ‘The Unborn are “Persons” Under the 14th Amendment’

When the state legislatures ratified the 14th Amendment in 1868, knowledge of fetal development was far more advanced than in 1791. Accordingly, most states had instituted some legal protection for the unborn.

But granting some legal protection didn’t mean that lawmakers believed the unborn were fully human, much less “persons.” (Lawmakers also grant legal protection to animals and forests, for example.) Although the legislative and public debates over the amendment discussed the “personhood” of ethnic minorities and women, no one seems to have added fetuses or embryos to the list. And in the years after 1868, laws were passed and lawsuits filed to protect the 14th Amendment rights of ethnic minorities and women—but not the unborn.

This and other evidence forces the conclusion that the 14th Amendment’s term “person” doesn’t include those yet unborn.

Other Problems with the Fifth and 14th Amendments

You might respond by saying, “Whatever the opinion was in 1791 and 1868, we now know that the unborn are human and, therefore, ought to be legal persons. So let’s extend the two Due Process Clauses to them.”

Of course, this line of argument reeks of the unprincipled “living constitutionalism” most conscientious Americans reject. But there’s an even bigger problem with it: Even if we interpret “person” in the Fifth and 14th Amendments to include embryos and fetuses, most abortions would remain unaffected.

The Fifth Amendment Due Process Clause prevents the federal government from taking life, liberty, or property without following pre-set procedures. The 14th Amendment extends the same restriction to state governments. But the two amendments apply solely to governments—not to transactions by private parties, such as the typical abortion procedure. In this respect, the Fifth and 14th Amendments are unlike the 13th (abolishing slavery): The 13th applies both to governments and to private individuals; the Fifth and 14th apply only to governments.

In constitutional law, the rule excluding private conduct from the Fifth and 14th amendments is called the “state action doctrine.” The state action doctrine protects federalism and prevents officials and judges from using the amendments to restrict individual freedom.

In sum, as Justice Samuel Alito pointed out in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health (pdf)—and as the late, great Justice Antonin Scalia said repeatedly—the Fifth and 14th Amendment Due Process Clauses really have nothing to do with abortion.

Argument #4: ‘Abortion is a National Moral Issue, not a “States’ Rights” Issue’

I have seen one writer argue that “Abortion is no more a ‘states’ rights issue’ than slavery was in the mid-19th century.”

However, the writer got the history wrong. Slavery was a moral issue, but it also was very much a matter of states’ rights. Even most anti-slavery activists acknowledged this. Abraham Lincoln, for example, agreed that states could maintain slavery within their own borders indefinitely. What Lincoln contended was that Congress should adopt a law abolishing slavery within federal territories.

Slavery ceased to be a states’-rights issue only when Americans passed a constitutional amendment abolishing it. Similarly, those seeking to end abortion in our country will have to obtain a constitutional amendment to do so. The present Constitution will not do it for them.



Rob Natelson | Republished with permission from The Tenth Amendment Center

The post Does the Constitution Protect the Unborn? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Lefts Big Lie and Another Californian Weighs in On the Connecticut Resident Running for a NH House Seat

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-30 15:00 +0000

I want to thank Sophia Bokaie for allowing us an opportunity to revisit the Democrat lie that Republicans are trying to strip college students of their voting rights. Sophia lives in San Rafael, California, and visits New Hampshire to attend Dartmouth, where she is the Executive Director of the College Democrats.


This non-resident student, like Jessi Yu, wants you to support non-resident student Miles Brown for an NH House seat from the town of Hanover. She/Her insists that Republicans don’t want college students to vote, not a word of which is accurate.

She also insists that out-of-state students should be voting because the legislature greatly impacts them. So does Mexico if you go to school there but by all means, try to vote there.

From your letter, I can see that you are well-versed in the necessary propaganda, but none of it carries any weight, especially when you open up with that blatant lie about student voting rights.

If “Republicans” were a private citizen, they could sue you for libel and win.

Democrats are all in on absentee voting and voting by mail. So, whether you are attending college overseas or out of state, you can vote. No one on the right is trying to confuse you or make that difficult. No one is stopping you. Request an absentee ballot for the address on your state-issued ID, regardless of state. Complete it, return it, and your right to vote is secured.


I know, it’s not done.

Democrats will continue to lie about student voting rights because if out-of-state college students like Sophie and Jessi voted in California, where they live (by their admission), New Hampshire Democrats could lose a handful or perhaps dozens of seats in the state legislature and possibly other races further up or down the ballot.

That’s all this is, and wouldn’t it be refreshing if you just admitted it? But you can’t.

The left will say or do anything to keep that from happening, even if it means lying and confusing college students to do it.

And no, I don’t think that will stop Connecticut resident Miles Brown from running or you from voting for him. Nor will it stop us from writing about how you stole votes from New Hampshire residents by voting here when you should have voted absentee in your home state, which will look great on your resume as you climb the progressive political ladder.

That’s the only reason Miles is running. To pad his political resume at the expense of an actual New Hampshire resident by collecting votes from out-of-state students robbing the locals of their voice. He’ll leave after graduating, perhaps even resign the seat mid-term to pursue a paying opportunity in business or politics.

He wouldn’t be the first.



The post The Lefts Big Lie and Another Californian Weighs in On the Connecticut Resident Running for a NH House Seat appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SAU21 Under Pressure to Make Teacher Training Transparent, What is there to HIDE?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-30 13:30 +0000

As of today, I’ve received no response from the SAU21 administrators to schedule a meeting. They have not provided any answers to my questions, and they have not contacted me about the teacher training materials Jessica Goff gave them. Seacoast Outright is a political organization that will be training teachers in SAU21. All of this should be made transparent…


Dear  Superintendent Nadeau, Please see the email (below) sent to Jessica Goff from Seacoast Outright.  We had a lengthy conversation about the upcoming teacher training in SAU21. During that conversation, she directed me back to the administrators on several occasions. For instance, I asked her about making the training open to the public to observe. She mentioned that she wanted a “safe space” for the teachers to discuss the training. While I can certainly understand not wanting any disruptions during the training, the dialogue and materials should be made transparent. I’d like to request that this training be open to the public, or have someone videotape the training session and the round table discussions. That video can then be  posted on the school district website. This would go a long way to make this transparent.  Recently other similar trainings have made national news.  In Fairfax County it was reported that teachers were trained to “transition children’s genders without parental approval.”  This training required “all teachers to complete a training program that says parental permission is not required for students who seek to be addressed by different names or pronouns.” I’m sure you can see how this kind of training would raise concerns for many parents in SAU21. If you recall, a teacher who lives in Hampton Falls also brought her concerns to the school board in August. Her district required all teachers to attend a similar training session. (52:38) She warned that something will be said that’s inappropriate. The high school where she works has been involved in lawsuits and FOIA requests for the past two years. I filed my own 91-a a few weeks ago asking to see the materials, videos, etc. that would be used during this training session. In the reply I received, it indicated that no government documents exist. However, after speaking with Jessica Goff, she said that all of those materials were sent over to the SAU a few days prior to me picking up your reply. Why were those materials not provided to me? It casts more doubt and concern that these materials were never vetted prior to making the decision to hire Seacoast Outright for this training session. As far as I can tell, it was Mr. Hobbs who engaged in this dialogue with Seacoast Outright but he never vetted the materials. And now the materials have been kept from public view. The 91-a, and under the protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, 20 U.S.C § 1232h, the teacher training materials should have been provided to me. Can you explain this?  Perhaps you can also address how this training will be respectful and inclusive to religious families? Or families who have different viewpoints? Especially in light of the recent suggestion to adopt the NHS Resolution of Inclusivity. There are a number of voices that would like to be acknowledged when it comes to any discussion on LGBTQ+ issues. Those who are now de-transitioning would like consideration too. As you can see from this short trailer, there are three girls featured who now regret their transition. In the documentary film Detransition Diaries, they present stories of three young women who felt that their trauma and dysphoria would be fixed by trying to medically transition from female to male. Medical professionals, therapists, counselors, and even school officials, affirmed that these girls were indeed “trans,” but once they stared down this path, they each realized that they had made a terrible mistake. They all began a medical transition by taking testosterone, and one even went as far as having a double mastectomy. They changed their names, hair, and pronouns, thinking that this would relieve them from their duress and suicidal ideations. It wasn’t true. The film focuses on the rising number of young girls and women who have decided to transition. Statistics show that between 2016 and 2017 the rate of gender surgeries among women and girls quadrupled in the U.S., and continues to rise. This, they say, is due in part, to the reality of the new social contagion. Since this film will be released in the fall, I am also requesting that the teachers who will be trained by Seacoast Outright also view this documentary. While I do understand that medical situations will not be part of the training, Jessica did confirm that teachers could ask questions. The FDA issued a warning on puberty blockers, because of some of the severe side effects some children were experiencing. A Swedish hospital discontinued the use of puberty blockers.  A girl who was put on a regimen of puberty-blocking drugs to transition to a boy, after five years of treatment, developed osteoporosis and suffered damage to his vertebrae. The mother of the teen told a journalist that “He felt so bad that he tried suicide attempts on several occasions. We didn’t understand, we thought our child would feel better from the treatment.” You can see that some of the outcomes have been severe in terms of their medical and mental health. Important information like this should not be kept out of the conversation. I believe Mr. Hobbs mentioned that a discussion on pronouns would be part of the training provided by Seacoast Outright. I suggested to Jessica that it would have been helpful to have a legal expert available to answer questions that could help the teachers understand their civil rights as well as the civil rights of the students. I would expect that this kind of training would cover current lawsuits that are pending or the case where a professor was awarded $400,000.00 in a settlement after refusing to use preferred pronouns. A case in SAU16 is currently pending after a student refused to use preferred pronouns. Our teachers need all of the facts without any political bias. As you move forward with the training, I hope that you will make these adjustments so that parents are not left questioning what will be presented to their children’s teachers. I await your reply and would still like to set up a time to meet.


Ann Marie Banfield 

TRUST REQUIRES TRANSPARENCY Hello Jessica, Thank you for taking the time to talk to me this week about the upcoming teacher training in SAU21. You mentioned that you had sent the materials that you will be using during the training to the SAU prior to our conversation. If those materials, videos, etc. can be sent to me via an email, I would appreciate it.  I know you said that the training would not be open to the public to view. I do think it would help to make this as transparent as possible. I’ve heard from parents who are assuming that there is going to be material or information presented that would be controversial. By making this all transparent, you might be able to address their concerns. A videotaped session posted on the school district website could also be another option to making all of this transparent. While I do understand that you want to make sure that teachers are in a “safe place” to discuss the LGBTQ children, let’s not forget that those children belong to the parents and not the teachers. Everything that involves their children should be made transparent unless there are extenuating circumstances where they’ve gone through due process. I also hope in the future, you will consider adding experts to these presentations. As we discussed, including someone to offer legal, medical, and mental health advice would support our teachers and students. You brought up how this training session saves lives. When I hear that, I think that something like this calls for a non-biased PhD Child Psychologist to be present. Since you are referring to the serious nature of anxiety, depression, or suicide, we really don’t know what would save a child’s life. But a Child Psychologist with the education and clinical training would have the background to offer the best advice. If this kind of training is truly about helping the LGBTQ kids in the schools, then politics has to be removed, and those with the best medical, legal, and psychological training need to be the ones to help them. While I am sure that you believe you are offering the best advice possible, sometimes those without expert credentials either leave important information out of a discussion or add something that can cause harm. While that may not be your intention, that is why we have experts in those fields who can draw upon their expertise to make sure that the teachers, or the children, are not being put in harm’s way. For instance, Seacoast Outright includes Planned Parenthood as a resource, but as you can see from this video from an upcoming film, the young ladies who went through transitioning to become a boy now have regrets. They talk about their suicidal thoughts, self-harm, and depression. Planned Parenthood prescribed testosterone but didn’t offer them the psychological help they needed. That’s the danger in politicizing this important subject. Will our teachers and students see the whole picture or just someone’s politicized viewpoint? Nothing on this page includes any information about the warning from the CDC on puberty blockers or that a hospital in Sweden stopped prescribing puberty blockers because of the physical harm that they’ve caused to some of their patients. On one hand, you acknowledge the self-harm, serious mental health issues and that your training saves lives, while at the same time, you are telling me that the training doesn’t include any presentations by nonpolitical or biased experts in the field of medicine or mental health. When scrolling through the website, I noted the list of medical resources, but those resources have put some of the girls in the video in harm’s way. They did not step in to make sure that these girls were seen by the best physicians and Child Psychologists available. I’m not sure how one can make the claim that these trainings are saving lives. I hope we can continue this dialogue because I don’t want to see the teachers put in a vulnerable position with their students. I don’t want to see our children shuffled along a path that leads them to regret or, even worse, medical procedures that are irreversible. Nothing on the website includes any videos or information on detransitions or testimony from those who now regret some of the decisions they’ve made. By withholding this information, I’m not sure how anyone can claim that they are helping LGBTQ children. Thank you again for your time and your thoughtful consideration.

Ann Marie Banfield 


Attachments area

Preview YouTube video Hampton Falls School Board Meeting – August 9, 2022

Hampton Falls School Board Meeting – August 9, 2022

Preview YouTube video [Official Trailer] The Detransition Diaries

[Official Trailer] The Detransition Diaries

The post SAU21 Under Pressure to Make Teacher Training Transparent, What is there to HIDE? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

"Natural Immunity" is no longer an Anti-Vax Dangerous Theory

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-08-30 13:06 +0000
Paul D. Thacker, The Disinformation Chronicle: CDC Now Says COVID-19 Prior Infection Same as Vaccination, Let Us Now Commence the Great Misremembering Releasing new pandemic guidelines last week, the CDC epidemiologist Greta Massetti divulged to reporters what many experts have... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Original Study Promotes the Irreversible Genital Mutilation of Impressionable Children

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-08-30 12:31 +0000
Jason Rantz, The Federalist: After Proclaiming The Opposite, Medical Pros Quietly Admit Mutilating Trans Kids Doesn’t Fix Depression The original press release was sent on March 11 and claimed that “gender-affirming care for transgender and nonbinary adolescents caused rates of... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Campaigning Democrat-Style in Wisconsin

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-08-30 12:14 +0000
Benjamin Yount, Just the News: Wisconsin places inactive voters back on rolls, key lawmaker calls it 'mind-boggling' “Why we are returning anyone to the rolls in a state where anyone can vote as long as you have a voter ID... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Student Loan “Forgiveness” is Just More Taxpayer Money Laundering into Democrat Campaigns

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-30 12:00 +0000

If you’re interested in vote-buying forgiving college loans isn’t actually all that clever an idea. A majority of those people are already voting for you. So why do it? Why would Joe say (without authority) that he will forgive student loan debt on paper or as a cash payoff?

Here, have 10,000 dollars to pay down some of your loan or whatever scheme they manage to pull off if any?

Whether a check in hand or a break from having to pay for it, most of those people will now have taxpayer-backed resources they could or might donate to Democrat candidates.

Across the scope of the deal, that’s a lot of money in the hands of the sort of person who might thank Democrats by getting involved—knocking doors, making calls, being a mule.

And maybe the promise will fall apart. Biden doesn’t have the authority or the money. “Printing it” will only make inflation worse. And maybe less of it gets laundered the way they hoped, but even a fraction of the whole is significant. Even th idea is enough to motivate.

So when do they pay off the Labor Unions? Owned and operated by the far-Left, Union was once the foundation of Democrat Power. Now it’s universities and government schools. They’ve got management, but they are losing the workers (excluding the Ed unions, of course). These people built and moved America. A class whose numbers are in decline as Dems promote the propaganda mills instead. What do they have for them?

No “loan” bailout. No training incentives. The party practically spit on them, while the Unions milk their pay and funnel it to their Left-Wing operatives in elected office.

Truckers, pipefitters, electricians, plumbers, bricklayers, and ironworkers.

No loan forgiveness for them, but if Democrats think they need them, they will find a way to buy them (with your money). That’s what Democrats do.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Warming, Cooling? Whatever. Fossil Fuels are to Blame. It's the Science!

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-08-30 11:41 +0000
NEW - Greenland ice sheet gained 7 Gigatons of mass in just one day yesterday — the largest daily gain ever recorded during the summer. — (@disclosetv) August 30, 2022 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

The Tale of Two Countries

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-30 10:30 +0000

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way…”

Dickens wrote that opening in 1859 about the French Revolution of 1775. He could have written the same about the last six years. Many feel that we were heading in the right direction during the years that Donald Trump was in the White House, just as we were during the resurgence of America under Ronald Reagan. If only Trump had the unifying personality and charisma of Reagan, he might still be in charge, and we would not be experiencing the demise of America under Joe Biden.

For generations, we have had two major political parties that had different views on the government’s role in our lives, but there was always a sense that both were striving for a better America for her people. Somewhere along the way, the divide between these two beliefs widened and continued to accentuate our differences and blur our commonalities. Our country has morphed into two factions, the Right and Left, and we no longer have the same desires for our future.

The Left now sees our country as evil, built on the backs of slavery, and designed to take care of the “haves” at the expense of the “have nots”. The Right still sees America as the great country envisioned by our forefathers. We see the opportunity offered to everyone to follow their dreams and to build a quality life for their family.

There is minimal compromise as our government is now strictly by the numbers. Forget about any bipartisan votes. Bills are voted on along party lines, and the outcome is evident before the roll call. It does not matter what the cause is, whether it is for the military, education, immigration, medical insurance, or infrastructure, there will be no negotiating. To cross over is considered betrayal.

It is extremely frustrating to be in the minority. There is very little chance of blocking an initiative of the majority side. The Border and Fentanyl smuggling are two of the biggest issues facing America, and even these cannot conjure cooperation. The government has two primary jobs; to protect our sovereignty and to ensure our safety. The destruction of our Border, the flood of illegals, the smuggling of fentanyl, and the moves to defund the police make it easy to see that your best interest is not on their screen. Why does this party still enjoy the support of so many? Government handouts is the quick and dirty answer.

I listened to Rob Reiner and Senator Klobuchar (D-MN) discuss the Biden Presidency with Bill Maher this weekend; it was alarming. Reiner claimed that the first two years of Biden’s term were the most successful in American history. Klobuchar nodded enthusiastically in agreement, as is the media. They are giddy with the legislative accomplishments of this senile President. Nearly $8 Trillion has been committed to an infrastructure bill that had little to do with infrastructure. The Comeback Kid signed an inflation reduction act that was more about green energy than bringing down costs. And finally, Joe announced he would forgive $10,000 of student loans for anyone with a loan balance and an income less than $125K. He doesn’t have the authority to do this, but who cares? Nobody will realize that until after the midterms.

We need to survive this Alternative Universe of Biden by slowing him down while he is falling down and supporting every Republican candidate. Vote and pray may be the answer.



The post The Tale of Two Countries appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Are Not Happy with the Continuing BS of Senate and House

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-30 03:00 +0000

When did We, The Citizens of Rockingham County, vote to change the term for County Treasurer, County Sheriff, County Register of Deeds, and County District Attorney from a 2-year term to a 4-year term?? Why Rockingham County only ??? Why isn’t there a roll call record ??

It amazes me that our “Republican” legislature would put this change through right before our September primaries with NO coverage, NO announcements. When were you going to tell us? After the primaries ?? This is a typical RINO Demonrat Uniparty move.

We want to thank Susan LaPointe for this Press Release. Please direct yours to

Exactly HOW does changing the term of Rockingham County officials relate to the Gunstock Area Commission??? It DOESN’T! Two entirely different subject matters. If the Senate wanted to require that the Gunstock Area Commission be elected by the voters, that bill should have made its way through the legislature on its OWN with its OWN public hearings.

We are NOT happy with the continuing BS of Senate & House “conference committees” redrawing legislation. That MUST be stopped. This “reworked” bill should have gone through the legislative process again, with public hearings. The added verbiage wasn’t an “amendment” to the initial bill, the Senate “amendment” related to a completely different subject matter.

When is the Establishment Republican Party going to realize We The People are working for change? The NH Republican Party needs to put Integrity, Accountability, and Transparency at the top of its platform.


The post We Are Not Happy with the Continuing BS of Senate and House appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gunstock – My Right To Know Demand Concerning GMR’s Human Resources manual / materials

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-30 01:30 +0000

Every company I have ever worked for, except for the very smallest startup, has had Human Resources (“HR”) manuals or materials that cover LOTS of areas that outline what employers expect from their employees and what is being offered to those employees as part of their remuneration in exchange for their time, talent, and work ethic. Even for the small Daycare center that TMEW and I owned until she became ill, I crafted an HR manual. I figured that if large corporations had put the time into creating their own (and, let’s be honest, legally covering their posteriors in the case that things went sideways when employees that should be there), then I could do the same thing. It actually was a great exercise in determining the how’s and why’s of running our micro-sized business.

So, I am quite sure that Gunstock Mountain Resort has such a manual or materials that, if combined, would form a virtual HR manual.  I would like to see that information.

Another thing that most well-run companies do is to make sure that EVERY employee knows what is in that manual – by including a Signature page that says:

  • I have received this HR manual.
  • I have READ this HR manual.

It’s almost immaterial if the latter has occurred or not – legally, a signature says that an employee has. CYA and sometimes, that can be very important. It was to us and there was a time that an employee decided to bring a case to Unemployment Security. By having things written out in advance and being able to demonstrate that she had signed our HR manual, she lost her case.

Sure, there are lots of other reasons for having an HR manual with the best one being “everybody knows how the game is to be played”. I want to know how GMR’s game is played.

So, here is my RSA 91A for exactly that information:

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records. Otherwise, if this demand cannot be fulfilled within that mandated window per RSA 91-A, please advise when the Responsive Records will be available.

This request is the Gunstock Mountain Resort’s Human Resources (“HR”) manual(s) and/or such assorted materials not combined into a single manual that is given to new hires or ongoing employees on a regular basis that outlines employee expectations and regulations (e.g., such as but not excluding others: job descriptions, behavior codes, certification requirements, pay scales, grievances, benefit descriptions, et al.). This would include:

  • An actual manual/booklet that condenses all such HR directives/regulations
  • If no single HR manual exists, then all other materials that would be considered of an HR nature that would be given to employees.

Additionally, if such is a part of Gunstock Mountain Resort’s HR procedures, for the period of August 29, 2020, to August 29, 2022, copies of the signed signature pages that signify that GMR salaried employees:

  • Have received such a Gunstock Mountain Resort HR manual and/or HR materials.
  • Have read such materials they have received.

Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c): If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, unavailable for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

As you are aware, in 2016, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that a governmental body in possession of records is required to produce them in electronic media using standard common file formats: Green v. SAU #55, 168 N.H. 796, 801 (2016). Unless there is some reason that it is not reasonably practical to produce such, explain why it is not practical to comply.

Please also note, per RSA 91-A:4 III, III-a, and III-b, you are required to maintain the safety and accessibility of such responsive records. This also includes such responsive records (e.g., emails) which may have been deleted from respective Inboxes but are still available on the applicable email server or in your / email host backup system(s).

Please let me know when these records will be sent to me for inspection. You may email the responsive records to If the volume turns out to be substantial, I have already set up a Dropbox folder to use in uploading those responsive records.

Partial release of demanded information is allowable (e.g. some, but not all materials, as it may take a bit of time to gather and deliver). If there is a substantial amount of hardcopy materials, I will come to review them at an agreed-upon time and place.

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.


Skip Murphy

The post Gunstock – My Right To Know Demand Concerning GMR’s Human Resources manual / materials appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How a Church Directory Lead To Outrage

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-30 00:00 +0000

A lot of people move to New Hampshire to find liberty. Whether they are liberty conservatives, libertarians, free-staters, or simply ex-Californians, the number of people who identify with the Live Free or Die ethos that makes New Hampshire a unique destination appears to be growing.

I believe that this is a good thing. Several months ago, I decided to create a resource to allow libertarians to learn more about the Granite State, to help them move to a place where people mean what they say when they say they love liberty, and to help them find a better life for themselves away from the authoritarian control freaks that dominate most other parts of these united States.

We want to thank Sidney Algernon for this Press Release. Please direct yours to

That website is, and I believe it to be a fairly innocuous and uncontroversial but valuable tool to help anybody who believes in the freedom to get the information they need about New Hampshire. Some of the first pages on the site involved information about legislative victories, our lack of income taxes, seat-belt laws, and insurance information. It cited publicly available information. The small number of people who stumbled upon it found it to be useful.

That all changed when we had an idea to compile a list of all the churches in New Hampshire that we could to help potential movers figure out which churches would be best for them.

I’ve never been religious before, but I knew a lot of people who wanted to move to New Hampshire for more liberty were, so it seemed like a useful addition to the site. I thought a valuable addition to a mere list of churches would be to indicate if the churches were “Woke” or not. I got this idea because I read the Babylon Bee, and they occasionally pick on wokeness in churches, so I perceived this to be a problem for liberty-lovers who are Christian and a problem we might be able to solve.

Such a directory would take work, however, and I am not an expert on the various sects of Christianity. I knew that Protestants and Catholics are different, but an honest attempt to get every church in New Hampshire into an easily navigable directory would be a gargantuan task. Luckily, the work ethic of a single anonymous editor would be enough to match the workload.

Their username is “AvoidantDRS,” and over the course of several weeks, they worked tirelessly. In the end, he didn’t simply produce a mere list of churches; he had organized and put into context what I believe to be the most detailed and thorough list of churches in New Hampshire that exists. He put information in there about whether they were tied with a religious school. They had their website listed. He listed church controversies. He put on whether the church put a gay pride flag out front or not and whether they performed gay marriage ceremonies. Anything that a liberty-loving Christian would want to know, he put it in there.

It was a wonderful list, and as I watched it grow over time, noticing the amount of time it took to compile this list, to say that I was impressed would be an understatement. Once it was “Done,” however, that’s when I started to share it with other liberty groups in hope that it may prove a useful resource for movers.

Some people, however, did not appreciate the work put into the directory.

It started innocuously enough. A random reverend with a Ukraine flag in their Twitter bio complained about the list being helpful in the commission of hate crimes.

Other people on Twitter accused us of being hateful.

An Insider article spoke about extremist right-wing violence and the church directory as though the two were in some way related. This was re-published on Yahoo.

A day or so later, a political organization claiming to represent a handful of small religious groups called “The New Hampshire Council of Churches” accused us of being “white supremacists,” despite the word “race” appearing nowhere on the page. They accused us of being “Anti-LGBTQ” merely for reporting which churches included LGBT symbols on their websites.

They also performed that same rhetorical trick The Insider had used; They discussed things that had no relation to us whatsoever as though it was related, speaking about our directory as well as making claims about some group called “NSC-131” (a group that we neither knew anything about nor have anything to do with).

Their complaints were re-published on government-funded NHPR, as did MSNBC.

One thing all of these news articles seemed to have in common was that not a single one of them would simply link to the list to allow the reader to see it for themselves. I believe this is because they knew that as soon as most people actually looked at the directory, it would be obvious that it wasn’t the evil fatwah they were making it out to be, and they would be revealed as liars.

But still, we were curious about the NH Council of Churches. We did a bit of research on the person, “Reverend Heidi,” to see why they cared about a measly church directory on some website. It was very confusing to us as to why someone would lie in such a transparent way.

According to what we discovered, she is a reverend of sorts who is married to a transgendered male-to-female spouse. This is a rather unusual arrangement considering the history that Christianity has with such affairs. She also apparently is opposed to “fatphobia” and encourages unhealthy eating habits and gluttony among children. By my count, that’s both Pride and Gluttony, two of the seven deadly sins.

This isn’t a judgment of her life choices, it truly isn’t any of my business what sort of life people lead, but I’d assume that such a person is indeed very woke, for better or for worse, and it became obvious that they hated us because we had correctly identified woke churches as what they were. It was clear this woman hated us for our politics and was using theology as a weapon.

An FAQ was added to the directory, and in it, AvoidantDRS explained why he thought they were so incensed by a church directory. He said that it benefited those who wish to subvert Christianity by lying about this page.

This belief has an internal consistency that is very attractive.

Though we added an FAQ in response to the lies spread by woke liars, I will not apologize for truthful statements. I was at first alarmed at the rather cavalier manner in which Reverend Heidi seemed to have no moral qualms with directly, boldly, and blatantly lying. The shamelessness of the whole affair was rather revealing.

Because of this, I learned that Satan is, first and foremost, a liar. He is not able to create anything new. He is only capable of distorting and perverting creation. Evil does not often result in your will being accomplished; instead, evil has a tendency to bolster the good due to its own incompetence.

Such was the case here. Two months ago, I was happily atheist, with some mild Hellenistic sympathies. Working with Christians who were building a fantastic tool solely out of the goodness of their hearts was very enlightening.

When evil used the power of lying to try to break our directory, they failed. Instead of breaking our directory, they managed to expose it to thousands of people who would not have otherwise been introduced.

When NHPR and the Union Leader ran hit-pieces on the directory, even more people discovered the list. Many of them contacted us to try and submit corrections, as well as to submit churches that were missed.

The Liberty Ecclesia group for Christian Libertarians reported at least 40 new members. I greatly appreciate all these people for their corrections, additions, and other contributions that make the directory an even better tool. Anyone with additional information about the churches or who wish to submit corrections to the directory is more than welcome to reach out to us.

As for those who hate the list, who hate us, those who lied about it and called us racist, bigots, transphobes, and all the other things they accuse everyone of being these days, their evil resulted in good.

It convinced me that people like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien are right about this mechanism I described. They managed to convince me that Satan isn’t some metaphorical concept, some goofy goat-legged man with horns and a pitchfork who tries to get people to shoplift. He seems to be very real, and he makes people do evil by convincing them that evil is actually good.

But the existence of Satan has another interesting implication, for if Satan is real, then that means that God should also be real. Otherwise, why would Satan’s machinations and lies constantly turn to good?

This is my way of saying that I went to church this past Sunday. I didn’t attend Reverend Heidi’s congregation, though I do wish them well. It may be easy to do under the circumstances, seeing how much benefit she accidentally brought me, but I do want to say that I forgive her for what she did.

Others have had to forgive much worse sins, but I’m new to this, so give me a break. I hope she and her congregation have many blessings in their pursuit of God.

And if you want to see the “white supremacist” directory, the one full of “transphobia,” “bigotry,” and “hate,” simply go here.

If you’re Jewish, we have a similar list for synagogues.

Both accept corrections, as we are dedicated to not simply being useful to potential movers but being truthful and factual in the content we publish. Any contributions are appreciated.

The post How a Church Directory Lead To Outrage appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, Doug Lambert Is Now Threatening Me with a Lawsuit?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-29 22:48 +0000

Wow, I guess my post, Oh Doug? Did you really mean to say “fascist” millions?, hit “a spot”.  Around 5:15 pm or so, Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial) called my cell phone.  I hung up as I really have nothing to say to him given how he SCREAMED at me at a public session of the Gunstock Area Commission when I simply asked “Why are you trying to cancel Peter Ness and Dr. David Strang after YOU were “canceled” after calling NH DP Chair Ray Buckley the “F-word” (watch the video here starting about 15:15)?  I knew at that point in time whatever friendship I thought we had after defending him for 15 years was over – he put New Rules into place.

He called back. I hung up again.

A third time.  And a fourth time.  Then he texted me – he’s threatening what one of my lawyer friends is calling a SLAPP suit (he was laughing as I read it to him):


First, I don’t have the skilz to steal anybody’s anything and certainly not his wife’s ID. Two, simply mentioning DGF Industrial is not “attacking”, it’s just better identifying who you are like I’ve been doing to Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice-Chair). That’s NOT attacking your business.  And for the life of me, I can’t remember what I said a month ago – feel free to forward to me and I’ll post it here for EVERYONE to listen to.  You know, openness and transparency – things you USED to stand for.

And no, I’m not going to remove that post.  That email came to me as a result of a valid RSA91A  request that returned a set of Responsive Records that included it.  And like I told Gregg Hough:  find the proof, SHOW me where I’ve been putting up “our personal business emails”.

And did you forget what you and I wrote in our FAQs, when we started GraniteGrok, concerning emails?

I’ll have MUCH more to say on this later but I want this to go out the door in our Daily ‘Grok eblast that reaches a lot more people.

Remember, you changed the Rules and I’m now just playing by them.


The post So, Doug Lambert Is Now Threatening Me with a Lawsuit? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mitch McConnell Doesn’t Want The GOP To Control The Senate Because … Orange Man Bad

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-29 22:30 +0000

Mitch McConnell is some kind of butt hurt. Trump-endorsed Senate candidates beat his milquetoast Establishment candidates in primaries in Arizona, Georgia, Ohio and Pennsylvania. For Mitch it is and always has been about Mitch and his ilk controlling the GOP. So much so that butt-hurt Mitch is now helping the Democrats beat Trump-endorsed America-First candidates:

Blake Masters has an excellent chance of defeating Mark Kelly. The polling referred to by Politico is suspect. For example, Fox News, whose pollster skews heavily Democrat, has Kelly at only 50%.

The Establishment GOP does not believe that GOP voters should get to choose their own Senators.

The post Mitch McConnell Doesn’t Want The GOP To Control The Senate Because … Orange Man Bad appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Eavesdropper

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-08-29 21:00 +0000

A real tragedy that Americans have lost their Fourth Amendment right to privacy! Did anyone think to restrain the makers of cell phones from listening in on every conversation? I don’t mean just what is said between caller and callee. I mean, yer basic CIA can hear whatever you say NEAR your phone.

Correct me if I’m wrong. Yesterday I was at the Candidate Q&A in Londonderry. I was uninhibited in what I said, per usual. Got home and switched on the YouTube for some calming music — Frank Sinatra’s My Way, to be exact. So, as you would expect, the sidebar contained other Sinatra songs, a bit of Louis Armstrong, and so forth. But at the very top of the sidebar was a video of the Lejeune water complaint.

This is no doubt because I had been talking to Ron Dunn, a fellow candidate, about the groundwater contamination in Londonderry caused by St. Gobain chemical factory. He told me that Gobain has settled with victims, such that his family now receives free bottled water from them. Even his dog got thyroid damage from the water.

I mentioned to Ron there’s a class action by Marines who served at LeJeune Base from 1960 -1987. I’m assuming this is why my Sinatra song got a LeJeune video on the sidebar.

(Correction: not a class action, but an offer of federal compensation to victims. In other words, we will pay out. Might as well, as we were all stupid enough to let the LeJeune tragedy take place. It gave cancer to many Marines and their families.)

Anyway, back to the Q&A. A visitor said to me, “Are you a Republican or a Democrat?” I said, “Republican — see, my table has a red tablecloth, the Dems have blue.” Then I looked around and saw that no Dem candidates had shown up. (The person who organized the event — indefatigable hostess Janet Huttula — assures me they were invited.)

Having ascertained my Party allegiance, the visitor said, “All my life, I was a Republican, but I gave it up a while ago because of a certain president.” “George Bush?” I asked. “No,” he said. “Trump.”

I have some quarrels myself with 45 and figured the visitor might have meant the failure to lock her up, the Muslim ban, or Operation WarpSpeed.
Until he said, “It was about Covid. Trump kept saying the science was bad.”

Could have knocked me over with a feather.

Now let’s move to my next visitor, Debra Paul, pulling her rather magnificent canine on a leash. She told me that she will be arraigned on October 19th for crimes committed at her newspaper, The Londonderry Times. What crimes? Publishing political advertisements without labeling them political ads. A penalty of $12,000 lurks, or a year in the clink.

Because of this, and because I don’t want to be in the clink due to possible contaminated water (I mean water contaminated for particular prisoners), I’d better state upfront that my motive to write this article is to help Ron Dunn — hence it may be deemed a political ad. He is one of 10 seeking 7 Londonderry seats as State Rep.

Dunn shows up at some of the events I go to, always has enthusiasm, and always helps with the cleanup (such as the folding up of the red and blue, or in this case, just the red tablecloths). I told his wife I’d like to express my support for him at if she could tell me some reason why voters should choose him.
Mrs. Dunn said, “He is one of three citizen members of the state Budgetary Commission.” I said, “That’s not sexy enough. Anything else?” She said, “He gets along with people. He’s a peacemaker. He talks to both sides.” Yup, that’s true. Ron would have diligently folded up some blue tablecloths had there not been a Donkey boycott.

And that reminds me, someone at my table opined that the reason Debra Paul might get knocked out of business as a press owner is that hers is one of the few surviving Republican newspapers, and “the other side” wants them snuffed out. Think about it – the ease of suppressing newspapers. Rupe Murdoch once cleaned out a lot of local papers in the UK by buying up all the ink for newsprint.

Note: If perchance, the takeover of small papers in NH is happening via an attorney general’s decision to arrest Debra Paul, that is a serious worry. However, I don’t know enough details of the Londonderry Times case, so I’m gonna shutta mah mouf — for now.

My next customer at the Q&A told me I must have cards to hand out. So far, I have only given out copies of the extremely subversive 1789 Bill of Rights. (That’s the federal one, you should see the New Hampshire one!) I replied that lack of money prevents me from printing cards and lawn signs. But more likely, it’s because I do things my way.

Finally, and with regard to Trump being wrong (or right) about bad science, please google for “Erik Enby, Mary Maxwell.” You will see my obituary for dear Dr. Enby in Sweden, who discovered some amazing things when he looked at the Pfizer vaccine under the microscope. Erik Enby’s pal, Swedish filmmaker Borge Peratt, videoed the scene at the microscope and then died. Then Enby died.

At Enby’s funeral, they played Sinatra’s “My Way.” This is because, from a young age, Erik had looked at the human body — and also at plants and animals — to see how they really worked, which of course, led to the confiscation of his medical license.

Wait! How dare I say it led OF COURSE to his loss of license? In 2013, my book Consider the Lilies was published. I think it is the definitive work, to date, on the topic of suppression of cures for cancer, from 1890 to the present. The book’s subtitle is “A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer and Their Legal Status.” By legal status, I mean whether or not the cancer curer is in jail. Or has had his/her house burned down, or got into an accident, or whatever.
Consider the Lilies is a free download at my website

Alert: The last two paragraphs may constitute a political ad.



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post The Eavesdropper appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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