The Manchester Free Press

Monday • February 10 • 2025


Manchester, N.H.

V-Day: Modern Feminism’s Valentines Day Contradiction

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-02-14 23:30 +0000

Valentine’s Day hasn’t been banned yet, but not all that long ago, modern feminists crafted their own interpretation of it. It is a self-contradicting alternate holiday called V-Day, combining awareness about sexual abuse alongside paraphernalia that encourages it.

Related: NH House Rep Timothy Horrigan – ‘Men Have Vaginas’

Every year V-Day celebrations flood college campuses with an array of offensive material that appears to have little connection with the prevention of violent crimes against women. For example, Roger Williams University was flooded with signs that read, “My Vagina is Huggable,” “My Vagina is Flirty,” and “My Vagina is Regal,” while students at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill went around in “I My Vagina” T-shirts. V-Day participants at Boise State University distributed vagina-shaped lollipops, and at Arizona State University they constructed a 40-foot inflatable vagina.

The logic behind V-Day seems strange. If you were really concerned about preventing sexual abuse against women, wouldn’t it be more effective to offer women lessons in self-defense rather than encourage them to participate in pornographic readings? And what possible connection can there be between empowering women to resist violence and encouraging them to distribute vagina-shaped lollipops?


Centuries spent trying to get the world to look at women as more than their sex parts are out the window. Women are, according to V-Day advocates, all about their vaginas. I’m not complaining; I’m just curious. Contradictions aside, is this supposed to help you achieve happiness, and if so, for whom?

I’m not defining what that means for you, by the way. That’s all on you. But given the tendency of feminists to favor totalitarian political schemes where choice vanishes for all but the ruling elite, there may not be many paths left to find it. Is this truly how you want to live your life? And are you the sort whose mission is to make others miserable about their choices when they differ from yours?


Lukas cites one women’s studies textbook that defines “heterosexual bribery” as “the dangerous fantasy that if you are good enough, pretty enough, sweet enough, quiet enough, teach the children to behave, hate the right people, and marry the right man, then you will be allowed to co-exist with patriarchy in relative peace.”


As a reminder, women graduate with more college degrees than men. They are competing well on salary despite claims to the contrary and, as noted by Dr. Peterson, tend not to suffer the slings and arrows of misfortune to which men’s flesh are heir. They can even choose to be men and keep their vaginas!

But are they happy? Is it Happy V-Day, or just V-Day, a celebration to end gender violence that encourages it?

On that last point, is anyone planning to do anything about the parallel gender culture that allows men to pretend to be women to gain access to women to commit gender violence? And is it okay if they wear a “My Vagina is Huggable,” “My Vagina is Flirty,” or “My Vagina is Regal shirt? After all, according to NH State Rep Timmy Horrigan, men can have vaginas.

And if anyone can have a vagina, what does that mean for V-Day?




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Would You Be Surprised to Learn About Another Carbon Offset Scam – This Time In New Guniea?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-02-14 22:00 +0000

Last week we reported on accusations that Verra, a business that takes money and then claims to protect South American Rain Forrest so Big Everything can claim to offset their carbon footprint, was a scam. What are the odds there would be a second carbon credit scam?

The odds would be excellent (it’s all a scam), and yes, another s0 called carbon offsetter has been linked to bad behavior.


In the race to curb catastrophic climate change, prominent Australian businesses have been enthusiastic customers of carbon credits. They’ve been offsetting their emissions by buying credits from companies promising to stop exploitative timber harvesting, whilst lifting locals out of poverty.

But reporter Stephen Long has found that there is a vast chasm between what is marketed and what is really happening on the ground.

In a month-long trip, the team travelled to some of the most isolated villages in Papua New Guinea. They uncovered environmental devastation in the very areas one company claimed to be protecting and indigenous landowners angry at unfulfilled promises.

Long asks, who will really benefit from the carbon trade?


NIHT was there to cut down the forests for logging, and they are still logging, but to get there from wherever they started, they got local villages (landowners) to sign contracts. NIHT said they would pay them a percentage of the carbon offset profits, but the language in the agreement allows NIHT to deduct almost any cost before arriving at the number, of which only a percentage goes to the tribesman.

And then, according to the reporting, they log portions of the forest anyway while paying a pittance to the locals.


A month on the ground investigating the carbon traders, where we unearth shocking claims and revelations.

So, the figures were fudged, made up?


STEPHEN LONG, REPORTER: There is rainforest here, but there’s also utter devastation from logging within the carbon credits project area.

POLLY HEMMING: The risk is the overall result is more emissions and a worsening of climate change.

GARY JUFFA, GOVERNOR ORO PROVINCE: It is a form of neo-colonialism. That is my opinion.


Virtue-signaling corporations, with the help of virtue-signaling politicians (most but not all Democrats), are offshoring everything. First and foremost, emissions. The entire net-zero fantasy is impossible to reach, but they are content to let nations with no interest in reducing pollution, let alone anything else, violate the blessed sacrament of the Climate Cult as long as you and I can’t see their hypocrisy.

We can see the hypocrisy they claim to offset by handing buckets of cash to groups like Verra and New Ireland Hardwood Timber (NIHT is an American company registered in Mississippi), so they can continue living the lavish western lifestyle guilt-free, at least on paper. But that’s not what’s happening.

Another organization appears to be laundering carbon credits from unsuspecting businesses while screwing over the local populations in third-world countries.

It looks like carbon colonialism on both sides, the emissions, and the credits.

So, where’s the liberal outrage?




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is there a Chinese Spy State Inside our Schools?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-02-14 20:30 +0000

The Hill has an Op-Ed advising all universities and colleges in the US to close Confucius Institutes. In light of the current concern over China’s activities in the US, the University of New Hampshire’s partnership with the Confucius Institute is worthy of another review.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

And so is the University of New Hampshire’s influence on New Hampshire’s policies on sexual assault and domestic violence investigations and prosecutions. Are they influenced by the university’s relationship with China, where due process and free speech are denied?

Consider that in 2009 Amy Gutmann of UPenn visited President Xi in China to discuss ways in which to build between China and America.

Consider payments to UPenn for Joe Biden’s Think Tank.

Consider the Department of Justice’s payments to the University of New Hampshire from February 2009 onwards for “Know Your Power” and “Bystander” training and consider that these led not only to unfair criminal trials, undue influence, denial of due process but also the debacle outlined in “Mr. Weber’s Confession” at Phillips Exeter Academy — the framing of a retired teacher for a sexual assault crime his “victim” states he didn’t commit.

The framing of Mr. Weber was directly a result of the Memorandum Of Understanding between Exeter Police/HAVEN (NHCADSV) and the school. That MOU was hailed by Amanda Grady Sexton of the NHCADSV at the time in Seacoast Online. But, as censorship goes, the article quoting her was removed after “Mr. Weber’s Confession” was published.

Howard Altschiller of Seacoast Online no doubt had something to do with conveniently removing it for his wife, Debra Altschiller’s (HAVEN) benefit — to avoid scrutiny of a failure of a program. Altschiller and the NHCADSV had lobbied Attorney General Gordon MacDonald for a Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Paul’s School, which yielded no prosecutions, a secret report, and a contract that ended up with six-monthly reports from a police/compliance officer.

We have to ask whose interests are any of these serving — a spy foreign governments or the “Live Free or Die” state of New Hampshire. If the former, then who is influencing it? Soft-peddled influence via the UNH Confucius partnership is the only explanation for the amount of infiltration, control, and censorship we see from these groups.

More at |

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, #2 Is in the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary: Nikki Haley

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-02-14 19:00 +0000

Yep, something slipped by me/us yesterday. While there is no dearth of “possibilities” showing up in the media & blogosphere for those that are thinking of declaring to be an actual candidate (e.g., Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis, Asa Hutchinson, Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Mike Pompeo, Kristi Noem, Larry Hogan, Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Mittens Romney, Glenn Abbott, Liz Cheney, Vivek Ramaswamy – and one place said Tucker Carlson???), there’s still only two in the race

Yes, two. Nikki Haley, former South Carolina Governor and Ambassador to the UN, made it official yesterday:

Nikki Haley Makes Major Announcement About 2024

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) has officially launched her campaign for president. Haley posted the video announcement on Twitter Thursday morning.

“Get excited! Time for a new generation. Let’s do this!” Haley captioned the video. She says in the video, “I was the proud daughter of Indian immigrants — not Black, not white. I was different.”

Well, that just cut the knees out from under our present Veep, Kamala, doesn’t it?

Regardless of how you may feel about her, she’s now made it a two-man band (Trump being the only other official candidate in the race). And Trump decided to continue his history of going after rivals:

“Nikki suffers from something that’s a very tough thing to suffer from: She’s overly ambitious,” Trump said

Er, isn’t that a character flaw of EVERYONE running for President, the highest elected office in our Republic AND (with the exception of Biden) the most powerful man in the Free World (historically)?

I’m quite sure that we’ll be writing a lot more about her and any other of the wannabees later on.

Does that mean we HAVE to include Baby Huey (aka, Chris Sununu) as well?  Talk about being overly ambitious

(H/T: IJR)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

1776 Moment: What Does it Mean to Be American Today?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-02-14 17:30 +0000

It’s not 1980 anymore. Today our nation faces two existential threats different from anything we have encountered in our history. The first is the rise of a Chinese Communist Party who, unlike the USSR, supplies the shoes on our feet, the phones in our pockets, and the apps that addict our kids.

A Preview of a Conversation at Murphy’s Taproom in Manchester: Feb 22, 6-9 pm

The second is a new hybrid of state and corporate power that is far more dangerous than big government alone. Reciting slogans memorized in 1980 will not solve these problems and may well exacerbate them.

Politics is only part of the solution. Market actors can do their part. Just over a year ago, I founded a new financial firm called Strive that uses shareholder power to guide U.S. companies to focus on value maximization instead of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. My firm refused to do business in China because we could not be loyal fiduciaries to U.S. clients with the Chinese Communist Party’s boot on our necks. Behemoths like BlackRock and Vanguard have already changed behaviors in response, and we have engaged with U.S. energy companies to deliver our shareholder mandate.

But market solutions alone cannot spawn the national revival that we need. My generation is hungry for a cause; for meaning; for identity. We lurch from one secular religion to another as part of our hunt for deeper purpose. In place of God, we worship “climate.” In place of America, we pledge allegiance to “Diversity.” In place of family, we embrace an alphabet soup of gender identities. We wrongly embrace the idea that hardship is the same thing as victimhood. If you ask people my age or younger what it means to be an American in the year 2023, you will most likely get a blank stare in response.

The Republican Party’s top priority should be to fill that generational void with an inspiring national identity that dilutes woke ideology to irrelevance. Instead of obsessing over the question of “who,” we should start answering the question of what we stand for – and why. My two recent books – Woke, Inc. and Nation of Victims – articulate that vision, and I believe deep in my bones that we can create a new movement to turn this vision into reality by focusing on the most important objectives:

Defeat Communist China. The Chinese Communist Party represents the single greatest threat to our nation. The events of recent weeks remind us of this reality. We must defeat China economically to avoid having to do so militarily. Xi Jinping’s recent missteps create an opportunity to act decisively.

Dismantle the managerial class in government. Democratic self-governance only works if the people whom we elect to run the government are the people who actually run the government. The GOP needs to prioritize repealing civil service protections and replacing managerial protections with sunset clauses instead: if the President cannot serve our country for more than 8 years, neither should most federal bureaucrats. Elon Musk recently exposed managerial corruption at Twitter, and the next U.S. President should do the same for our own federal government. This includes exposing each instance in the last five years when a government employee attempted to influence private behavior. This practice is now rampant: Climate Czar John Kerry applied pressure on America’s largest banks to enter a so-called “U.S. net-zero banking alliance.” This is wrong and must be exposed before it is fixed. The solution will likely require shutting down countless government agencies that cannot be reformed.

Restore free speech. Free speech is a foundational cornerstone of the American experiment. It is a precondition for the pursuit of truth. It is a precondition for peace: if you tell people they cannot speak, they scream. If you tell people they cannot scream, they tear things down. Today the U.S. government regularly pressures the largest and most influential technology companies to censor disfavored political speech. This subverts the classical mantra that private companies are free to decide how they operate their websites. If it’s state action in disguise, the Constitution still applies: internet companies must abide by the First Amendment if they are acting at behest of government.

Political censorship goes beyond the internet. Employers have fired countless American workers for voicing the “wrong” political views. As I have argued on the pages of The Wall Street Journal, Congress should enshrine political expression as an American civil right: if you cannot fire or deplatform someone for their race, sex, sexual orientation, or religion, then you should not be able to fire someone for their political speech either. As I have argued in Newsweek, existing civil rights laws should already protect American workers from viewpoint discrimination. The federal prohibition on religious discrimination forbids employers from forcing employees to bow down to any religion, including secular ones as defined by the Supreme Court. The modern woke agenda in much of corporate America meets the Court’s test to a tee.

Embrace merit over identity politics. After the Supreme Court (hopefully) overturns affirmative action later this year, we must eliminate the national cancer of race-based preferences in every sphere of our lives. The U.S. federal government is directly responsible for the spread of affirmative action in America by requiring government contractors and other private parties to adopt race-based quota systems. This has unleashed hell on our national spirit by creating systematic racial discrimination, and we must eliminate it.

This is just the beginning of how we can revive our missing national identity. America’s future depends on whether we succeed, and I look forward to discussing this with citizens in the Granite State on February 22. We will start with an event in Rochester that morning and finish with an event in Manchester that evening. I look forward to hearing from all of you directly!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey RNC … Have You Seen What’s Going On In Milford … This is the State You Want Picking The Next GOP Presidential Nominee?!?!?!

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-02-14 16:00 +0000

So the School Board in Milford recently banned urinals in the pursuit of WOKE, or if you prefer a euphemism, equity and inclusion. Is the Republican National Committee paying any attention to what is actually going on in New Hampshire? The State is becoming more and more and more WOKE at an increasing speed. Is this the State you want to showcase in the 2024 Presidential Primary, RNC?

New Hampshire is TOTALLY out of step with RED States AND with PURPLE States. New Hampshire is a BLUE State. The last time the GOP Presidential candidate got over 50 percent of the vote was 1988. New Hampshire should be LAST on the primary schedule. NOT first, LAST.

The post Hey RNC … Have You Seen What’s Going On In Milford … This is the State You Want Picking The Next GOP Presidential Nominee?!?!?! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Skip’s Sauntering Snippets – #25 – A General Rant about the Current State of Our Climate Apocalypse

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-02-14 14:30 +0000

Should have put this up as the -19 degree F weather happened two weeks ago, but life marches on. So does the weather. In fact, it has marched on well before me and will after me as well.

The Climatistas, however, only have a history that barely goes back a coupla/few years because they FAIL to acknowledge their past pronouncements of our now-way-overdue-doom. Yes, weather and climate change all the time. However, it seems that these folks always want to conflate the two simply for political and

ideological reasons.

Anyways, two weeks ago on that Artic Saturday here in the Northeast, the trusty wood stove kept cranking out the BTUs from my sustainable tree wood cut on my land and we stayed warm and snuggly! It was just “weather” and not climate change.

And no, you’re not taking that stove nor the gas one in the kitchen anytime soon.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe, This is Not the Macy’s Parade

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-02-14 13:00 +0000

I preface this article with a comment. I do not enjoy writing negative posts daily, but this President and his Administration leave little choice. There is little done in the nearly 800 days I have been opining, which I feel benefits most Americans.

I yearn for days when I can relate positive actions and programs pushing us in the right direction.

These last two weeks have been incredibly frustrating. We are under attack. Our sovereignty has been violated four times, and many more questions than reasonable explanations exist. In the last few days, three airships have been shot down over the United States and Canadian air space, and our President is moot. Not a word, no address, no statement, nothing. It is like he is on vacation, and the Do Not Disturb sign is on the doorknob.

John Kirby and Karine Jean-Pierre are scheduled to handle the press briefing today, but we know from the first balloon that we can not trust the information they relay to the media. The President must address the country, take questions from all media outlets, and accept accountability for what is being done to solve this air assault on North America.

The word coming out of the Pentagon is sketchy at best. The spokespeople will not acknowledge what has been shot down, who the airships belong to, and how many more are en route to our airspace. We have proven that all the information regarding the first balloon was false. How can our faith be restored as this crisis unfolds in real-time? Joe Biden claims the transparency of his Administration as he continues to avoid contact and questions from the media.

He shunned FOXNews yesterday and refused to have a sit-down interview with the broadcast host of the Super Bowl. This interview has been a Super Bowl Sunday tradition for years, and Biden did sit the last two years with CBS and NBC. Biden told FOX he would sit with FOX Soul but no news person from the FOXNews team. Biden would have addressed over 100 million Americans yesterday but was not up to the task. What is he afraid of?

The White House Press Office has been in flux for two years. Jen Psaki was qualified but could not be trusted. She was the victim of many fact-checks. When she left the Administration to join MSNBC, she was replaced by Karine Jean-Pierre. KJP has been a train wreck proving incapable of answering a question unless it was in her briefing book. Karine is not qualified for the job but checked off three boxes on the diversity checklist. She is black, female, and gay, which makes her perfect for this Administration.

White House communications director Bedingfield Is stepping down after two years, and her replacement is Ben LeBolt. LeBolt comes from the Obama Administration. When KJP talks about LeBolt, there is no mention of his capabilities but only about him being the first openly-gay director of White House communications.

“I also knew — I also know that Ben is making history — as you know, we believe, here in the Biden-Haris White House, that representation matters. He will be the first openly gay communications director, which is very, very important indeed” said Jean-Pierre when announcing LeBolt.

Again, diversity over qualifications. It is pathetic and does not serve the American people. We need the truth, we deserve the truth and hearing from anyone but Biden is unsatisfactory.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden White House Obstructs Another Investigation

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-02-14 11:30 +0000

The Bidenistas are at it again. Obstructing Justice. A conclusion based on actions that meet the requirements of the “would Dems lose their mind if this were Donald Trump measuring” measuring stick.

Related: More Boxes of Biden Docs in Boston


The US Treasury Department refused Wednesday to provide House Republicans any suspicious activity reports it may have on foreign banking and other business transactions by Hunter Biden and other members of President Joe Biden’s family. …

[House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James] Comer wrote on Jan. 11 to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen for any so-called suspicious activity reports — used by banks to flag what they deem dubiously large transactions — as part of his panel’s probes into overseas business and other dealings by the president’s son.


Treasury, an executive branch office, would like to know why, and could we have more detail, please, and no outrage from the watchdog media? They are sleeping peacefully with whatever bone the Dems have given them.


In his letter to Yellen, Comer wrote, “The Committee is investigating President Biden’s knowledge of and role in these schemes to assess whether he has compromised our national security at the expense of the American people.”

Comer added the committee also “will examine drafting legislation to strengthen federal ethics laws regarding employees and their families.”


Legislation that will never survive the Democrat Senate to save the most transparent administration from having to explain why they told Joe to veto it or why they refuse to release records when that same administration has a keen interest in your bank transactions if they are $600.00 or more.


HT | Steadfast Clash

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Have You Been Factccinated?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-02-14 02:30 +0000

Not necessary, not safe, and not effective. Lockdowns caused more harm than good. Vaccine harms are real and can lead to death. Money was a motivator at every level, the tests were lousy, only a fraction of the positives were actual cases, and the asymptomatic were punished for no reason.

Masks don’t work against a virus. Distancing is pointless virtue signaling. None of it was the better course if public health and saving lives were the goals. A few people made a lot of money or leveraged money for power and influence, and many died unnecessarily in that pursuit.

None of this is news to our readers, who have the sense not just to read what we share but to follow the links, do their own research, and arrive at their own conclusions. We’re not monolithic, value contrarian opinion, and could care less whose “side,” said what. Our woodshed takes everyone, including our authors.

Plain and simple truth.

The COVID Pandemic was a fraud. There is no shortage of rubes who peddled it or continue to pander to it, so we must revisit details in the hope that those on the fence may see the light and follow it.

To that end, I’m revisiting a report we shared back in early 2021 from Dr. David Martin. Interested parties in the US Government invented SARS and own the patents for the genome, the test to detect it, and the treatment.

This is inspired by Jim Jensen, writing on Substack, who has a two-part piece from December 2022 reviewing the full interview with Dr. Martin for those who would rather read than watch.

At the end of his review, Jensen asks,


Is it too far to conclude that a group of people are evil and mad enough to wreck the world in a bid to sell billions of dollars worth of a treatment that we are instructed to take repeatedly forever?


It is not, and as noted above, we’ve covered this ground, but it is too important not to revisit, so I’ve included a few highlights from Jensen’s more recent review below. You can watch the whole thing here if that’s more your speed.

Consider it your Factccination Booster. A fresh injection of reality.

Side effects include frustration, exasperation, increased use of adult language, dismay, disbelief, and a healthy (and growing) distrust of the motivations of politicians, government, bureaucrats, the media, bureaucrats, and the so-called public health infrastructure. Just what the Founders intended.

Here we go.


In 1999 Anthony Fauci funded research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, specifically to help the NIAID build “an infectious, replication-defective coronavirus” that was specifically targeted for the human lung epithelium.

“In other words,” Dr. Martin asserts in another incendiary observation, “we made SARS.”

First, beyond the obvious concern of our government designing pathogens that can be used as bioweapons, US Patent 7220852 is a violation of 35 USC § 101: Inventions patentable. You cannot patent a naturally occurring substance.

Second, these patents not only covered the gene sequence of SARS coronavirus, but also covered the means of detecting it using RT-PCR (real time polymerase chain reaction).

The reason that’s a problem is if you own both the patent on the gene itself, and you own the patent on its detection, you are the only entity that can say whether the virus exists or can be found.

Three days after the CDC filed the patent on the SARS coronavirus in 2003, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals filed a patent on antiviral agents or treatment and control of infections by coronavirus. How can you get a patent on a treatment for a thing that had only been invented three days earlier?

US Patent 7151163, issued to Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, has another problem. The problem is it was issued and published before the CDC patent on coronavirus was allowed.

Dr. Martin summarizes, “it is not physically possible for you to patent a thing that treats a thing that had not been published because CDC had paid to keep it secret. This, my friends, is the definition of criminal conspiracy, racketeering, and collusion. This is not a theory. This is evidence.”

There was no “novel” coronavirus. There are countless very subtle modifications of coronavirus sequences that have been uploaded. But there was no single identified novel coronavirus at all. Some of the sequences were found in patent records as early as 1999.

According to Dr. Martin, if you take what was reported to be “novel,” you find 73 patents issued between 2008 and 2019, which have the elements that were allegedly novel in the SARS-COV-2, specifically as it relates to the polybasic cleavage site, the H3 receptor binding domain, and the spike protein.

“There was no outbreak of SARS.” Dr. Martin asserts, “because we had engineered all of the elements of that. And by 2016, the paper that was funded during the gain of function moratorium, that said that the SARS Coronavirus was poised for human emergence, written by none other than Ralph Baric, it was not only poised for human emergence, but it was patented for commercial exploitation. Seventy-three times. There is nothing new in this. Nothing. Zero. Seventy-three patents on everything clinically novel. Seventy-three. All issued before 2019.”

In other words, in March 2019 Moderna amended four failed patent applications to begin the process of coronavirus vaccine development 9 months before SARS-COV-2 began to allegedly be detected in the population.

In November, Moderna entered into a cooperative research and development agreement with UNC Chapel Hill with respect to getting the spike protein put inside a lipid nanoparticle. So, they actually had a candidate vaccine before we had a pathogen.


“There has not been a single paper published by anyone that has actually established that anything novel since November of 2019 has clinical distinction from anything that predates November of 2019.”

Remember: the people who patented the SARS coronavirus also patented the RT-PCR test which “detects” it. The world was flooded with PCR tests that were designed to look for fragments of gene sequences (if that.) Testing was mandated. … We’ve known since at least 6 months into the COVID scare that the “gold standard” RT-PCR tests can produce wildly inaccurate results, especially when the cycle threshold is jacked up so high.

The hated Nobel Prize-winning inventor of the RT-PCR test and enemy of Anthony Fauci who conveniently died just before the COVID scare, Kary Mullis, publicly insisted that the tests should never be used for diagnosing viral illness.


One last point. The patent info is all public. Any investigative reporter can watch the interview and follow the breadcrumbs. And if they thought it led to Donald Trump’s door, they’d be blowing this thing wide open 24/7/365.

There’s still time to do that before it happens again if public health is an actual concern.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

School District Violates Right-to-Know, Again!

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-02-14 01:00 +0000

On January 23, 2023, I filed a new lawsuit against the Newmarket School District, Superintendent of Schools Todd Allen, and School Board Chairman Gary Swanson, alleging numerous violations of NH Right-to-Know.

We want to thank Rep. Jeffrey Clay for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

This lawsuit is necessary to compel the school district to provide public documents for inspection, which they have refused to do.

Since 2016, the Newmarket School District has been engaged, at taxpayer expense, in the most reprehensible acts of unethical, immoral, and criminal behavior, including lying to both the Rockingham and NH Supreme Courts.

From the beginning, Newmarket taxpayer dollars have been paid to Attorney Barbara Loughman, a most reprehensible and unethical person and attorney, to lie to the courts to protect the district from violations of Right-to-Know.

Today, despite being fully aware of the lies told to the courts by attorney Loughman in previous lawsuits, the Newmarket School Board, comprised of Gary Swanson, Amy Tilton, Phil Nazzaro, Andrew Haemker, and Dan Smith, has once again retained attorney Loughman to defend the district in this new lawsuit.

With Loughman being retained to defend Newmarket in this present case, I fully expect more unethical, immoral, and criminal acts will be employed to keep public records from being inspected. I am ready for this to happen, and I will call out and report every occurrence of these bad acts to law enforcement, the courts, and the public.

Newmarket’s current school board members, Gary Swanson, Amy Tilton, Phil Nazzaro, Andrew Haemker, and Dan Smith, swore oaths to support the NH Constitution and to adhere to NH Laws; they did not swear to protect the school district, which is exactly what they have been doing.

The School Board and Superintendent have violated their oaths of office and failed the people of Newmarket. Instead of filing a lawsuit against attorney Loughman and her law firm to recoup taxpayer monies paid in legal fees to lie to the courts, they are now paying Loughman more taxpayer money to defend bad acts committed by prior school board members and superintendents.



| Newmarket, NH School District Corruption

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Face The Nation … Sun-King Sununu Tells Republicans: LET THE GROOMERS GROOM

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-02-13 23:30 +0000

Sun-King Chris Sununu brought his LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME! pretend Presidential campaign to Face the Nation yesterday. His message for Republicans … LET THE GROOMERS GROOM. I kid you not:

Hey dummy … yeah you Sun-King … the Left, and that includes Democrat Governors, ALREADY is … and has been for some time … attacking conservative businesses. Is Sun-King that insulated from reality? Or is he just that damn dishonest.

More importantly, protecting children from grooming should be one of the top priorities of government at all levels, NOT the “worst precedent.” And Florida’s actions in stripping Disney of the corporate welfare and corporate perks that state government has given it over the years is absolutely the right thing to do, the conservative thing to do, the limited government thing to do.

Sun-King Sununu … one of the worst lockdown-Governors, who supports abortion up to birth, biological boys competing against girls in school sports, mask and “vaccine” mandates … is NOT a small-government Republican. He is a woke corporatist/globalist authoritarian and the sooner he exits the Governor’s office for his contributor’s gig on MSNBC the better.


The post Face The Nation … Sun-King Sununu Tells Republicans: LET THE GROOMERS GROOM appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, Chris Sununu Thinks He Can be “President I’m Going To…Not Fight For Your Priorities”?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-02-13 22:00 +0000

It’s one thing to be popular in a single role. It’s quite the other for a different role for which there are far more qualified candidates competing against you. He’ll have to remember these lines that Chris Sununu gave to the Washington Times (emphasis mine):

Mr. Sununu also warned minor candidates not to carve up the field.

“I think there’s a lot of hope and opportunity for good candidates to get in, drive the message where it needs to be,” he said. “But the discipline is getting out, too. The discipline and saying, ‘Look, you’re only polling at 5%, you got to get out.’ We don’t want a crowded field here.”

We should ALL hold you to your words – it’s called accountability and living up to your word. I’m betting that this result, like all online polls of a pre-selected audience at NH Journal (and yes, we “suffer” from the same issue when we do ours). Did ANYONE expect that, in his home State and among New Hampshire Journals readership, Sununu WOULDN’T be at least #3?  After all, he’s been Guv for the last half-decade. Yet, the guy he’s bashing the most, Trump, is still beating him, while Ron DeSantis holds a 2-1 lead over Sununu:

(click to embiggen)

I had a link to a recent poll that had Sununu at only 4%, but I think it’s on my main laptop that’s in the shop, and I can’t find it.  Even still, Emerson College polling has “Someone Else” at only 4% – below his own pre-set limit:


(click to embiggen)


And it will be clear that Sununu will NOT be The Guy appealing to the national GOP base that generally skews Conservative.  Remember, he isn’t a “social moderate” – Sununu is quite Left of Center when it comes to Social Issues to the point that he’s really part of the Democrat Party. After all, he helped ignite the Culture War in NH’s Education battlefield by signing SB263, that created yet ANOTHER protected class of “gender identity”. What Conservative Republican would do that??? None – yet, he’s calling himself a Conservative to the national electorate and cloaking himself in “Live Free or Die.”

He’s Pro-Choice and fought against the bill that created a 24-week limitation.  And someone else has picked up on this (H/T: Instapundit):



I guess, for as many times as GraniteGrok has put up Andrew Breitbart’s warning of “Politics is downstream for Culture”, Sununu doesn’t get that unless the Right FIGHTS the Culture Wars started by the Left, there will be nothing left to have Republican politics on. And we’re back to that he IS involved in the Culture War – on the Left’s side.



While he’s decent when it comes to taxation, spending, and Second Amendment, he’s looking the other way in that Government has been weaponsized and is participating in the Culture War on the side of the Left. And he just doesn’t care a whit. And DCE over at Weekend Pundit, while a bit less blunt, agrees:


When I heard the governor of my state is considering a run for president in 2024, my first thought was “Oh no!”

My second thought was “Oh HELL no!!”

Mind you, I have no dislike for Chris Sununu. He’s been a decent governor, but there are a lot of things he should have been addressing in New Hampshire that he’s been wishy-washy about, particularly things like CRT/DEI ‘indoctrination’, or refusing to tell the “Abortion No Matter What” pro-choice extremists to step off (though he did sign legislation banning on-demand third trimester abortions despite being pro-choice himself).


Another person seeing that the “Conservative” has not earned the title.

So now folks are jumping into the 2024 Presidential Campaign.

Oh, and another thing: His Excellency Sununu also decided a couple of years ago to bring NY Housing Development (stemming from Obama’s Federal takeover of local zoning) to NH by rigging the law (and a “Developers Court”!) to favor developers over the locals in the small NH communities that are the bulwark of the State. NY Gov Hochul is now doing the same thing in advancing Obama’s zoning takeover:


Hochul wants to give the state bold new authority to override local zoning laws in cases where municipalities resist the measure, which she hopes will help address a housing shortage that’s made New York one of the least affordable places in the country. Her push, while favored by housing advocates, is not likely to make her many friends in the areas that proved to be challenging territory for Democrats last November and will likely be again in 2024.

“You would see a suburban uprising, the likes of which you’ve never seen before, if the state tried to impose land-use regulations on communities that have had local control for over a 100 years,” Bruce Blakeman, the Republican county executive in Nassau County, said in an interview.


And Sununu is doing it from the Republican side – WHY does he think that Republicans are for this (other than those supported by the Developers and his sycophants)?  She alienated her Democrat base – will he do the same against the Republican ones?


Voters on Long Island and in much of the Hudson Valley went overwhelmingly for Republicans in the midterms, putting Rep. Lee Zeldin within striking distance of the Democratic governor and losing her party multiple seats in the House.

Her plan would compel every municipality to grow their housing stock and require those downstate to allow more housing near rail stations, contributing to her goal of reaching 800,000 new homes over the next decade. Similar efforts have been tried in other states, including Massachusetts and California, to varying results, while pitting bucolic suburbs against the needs of pricey metro areas.

…“There’s a lot of resentment when the state or a regional entity tries to come in and tell people how they should make their communities. It’s not a winning strategy,” said Laura Curran, the former Democratic Nassau County executive who was defeated by Blakeman in 2021.


Let him lose.

With this, he’s fostered the idea that people aren’t Free Citizens but simply cogs in the machine that is NH’s economy.  Do you want another “Obama Housing King”?


The post So, Chris Sununu Thinks He Can be “President I’m Going To…Not Fight For Your Priorities”? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Babe Pitching a Complete Game at Age 38

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2023-02-13 21:00 +0000
October 1, 1933 Babe Ruth Pitching Game Footage From His Final Appearance In 1933 — Baseball In Pics (@baseballinpix) February 13, 2023 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Qui Custodiet Custodiens: What’s Happening at Veritas?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-02-13 20:30 +0000

Who watches the watchmen? Is it a bird, is it a plane, is it the Pfizer empire striking back against James O’Keefe? Why the sudden news last week of board belligerence and staff strife within Project Veritas, coming hot on the heels of the most explosive reporting about Big Pharma malfeasance we have ever seen?!?

Let me be clear and upfront that GraniteGrok and myself consider that James O’Keefe is a friend, and that his investigative work is second to none. Ourselves, friends, and family members, have been involved in some of his work. But there’s always a back story, and our readers deserve to know what is going on.


  • Project Veritas has exposed some big fish and serious malfeasance in government, schools, media, social media, and now the biggest of the big – Pfizer effectively front-running its vaccines by forcing new Covid variants.
  • YouTube and other outlets have taken down these videos as misinformation – money DOES buy power.
  • The Board has NOT voted to remove O’Keefe, but to suspend him during the investigation.
  • As the chief ideas man and spokesman for Veritas, O’Keefe does not handle constraints well and chafes at attempts by company officers to run a tighter ship. When he has an idea, everything is about action NOW and damn the cost.
  • James is a tough and demanding boss to work for, but 200% staff turnover in two years suggests more is going on.
  • James O’Keefe, his personality, ideas and techniques ARE Project Veritas, and it is nothing without him.

Much speculation about the goings on at Veritas is splattered all across the Web, so your staff made some calls and did a bit of reading between the lines to try to discern the truth. Sites on the left can barely contain their glee that somebody they dislike may be having a hard time – they misunderestimate the man, and overplay the current situation. Sites on the right are convinced that leftists, Pfizer stooges, DeSantis supporters(!), or other factions have infiltrated the board as Project Veritas (PV) has grown. Sites on the center right have published both a credible description of the problems at PV and of the comments suggesting donations will dry up or follow O’Keefe if he is ousted.

So what’s really going on? We (Grok staff and myself personally) have watched James O’Keefe grow and mature into a smooth and polished presenter and spokesman for the cause. We constantly admire the audacity of his work, and have never been given cause to doubt the veracity of his results.

But that’s not the whole story. It has reached my ears by several paths that James is more than just demanding, and that staff turnover is a good gauge of the morale of the troops, regardless of how good the cause may be. A turnover of 140 out of 65 staff (more than 200%) in two years is worse than anything I have seen with mercurial bosses in places like Silicon Valley. This sounds like a hostile work environment, and I don’t mean in the snowflake/PC manner of describing such.
Letting urgency override common sense in business expenses gives company officers severe heartburn, especially when merely being involved with PV can put a target on your back.

One former staffer who departed a few years ago told me that the employee grievance list could have been written by themself a few years earlier, and it caused flashbacks.

I’m not trying to be sensational here, in fact, I heard far more than I can report with good conscience. In the end, it comes down to this: James IS Project Veritas – it is nothing without him. There is nobody better at picking plump, bloated, juicy, complacent targets and exposing them – all emperors are naked before his gaze.

BUT, there is a big difference between being the front man and chief investigator, and being a people manager. The one thread which ran through all my conversations is that James is not well suited to managing people, especially a lot of people.
Conversely, no matter how good the board is at running PV as a 501c3, they cannot run the kind of stings and investigations for which James is famous. There needs to be compromise, not conflict because America, heck, the World, NEEDS PV and James O’Keefe as a going concern, picking off those bloated, complacent, and yes, evil targets for We The People.

To summarize, there is no sign that Pfizer, RINOs, Commies, or any other miscreants are trying to bring down James O’Keefe. A conflict of operating style has come to a head, with a most unfortunate proximity in time to something which could be his greatest achievement so far. The board needs to facilitate O’Keefe doing what he does best, and O’keefe needs to take a deep breath and separate leadership and mentoring of the investigative teams from direct personnel management. Anything else, IE complete separation, will lead to disaster.

TownHall: Project Veritas Issues Statement Amid Reports of James O’Keefe Being Ousted.
Old Row Swig on Twitter points out that the money will follow O’Keefe, not the PV corporation.
Rolling Stone: James O’Keefe Put Project Veritas Staff Through ‘Public Crucifixions,’ Leaked Memo Says.
PJ Media: James O’Keefe Put on Leave at Project Veritas. Has There Been a Coup?
Conservative Treehouse says hostile coup; blames RINOs and DeSantis (huh?).
TimCast article includes employee memo to PV board

The post Qui Custodiet Custodiens: What’s Happening at Veritas? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Now We Have Bruce Currie’s Answer to My Question: Whose Money Is It FIRST?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-02-13 19:00 +0000

Before he got banned for turning into a troll, Bruce Currie (a Bernie-Bro)  used to be part of the ‘Grok commenters. I gave him credit for constantly standing up for his Progressive replies but it was clear that he wasn’t going to go that “last step” and answer one of my principle questions when confronting Progressives on spending and taxation:

Whose money is is FIRST?

I rarely get answers to that because that gives up the game – and Bruce understood that he couldn’t be honest because:

  • It means that we are not Free People – that we are subjects rather than Citizens
  • Government is now “allocating” our money” and subverting the philosophical underpinning of our country – from the Declaration of Independance: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  That Happiness was originally Property of which our wealth is private property.  If Government is now allocating our wealth, then we have no personal property and that EVERYTHING belongs to the State (which Communist Bernie Sanders (don’t believe that “Democratic Socialist” crappola) really wants (for one example).

So in reading Pravda on the Merrimack (Concord Monitor), I spotted a recent Letter to the Editor that referenced “columnist Bruce Currie” so I went looking and found this:  Bruce Currie: How can America pay for things the people want? With ease“.  I dryly ALSO note that:

  • Currie believes that Government is responsible for paying for what people want vs what its Proper Purpose is: protecting our Liberties
  • That “With ease” was a signal that Government is in charge of all money – and he proved my supposition further down in his piece.

It’s long – 1,200 words so I’m just going to abstract from it. Please note that it’s from 2019 – and he was still around the ‘Grok but never mentioned this. I do suggest that you read the entire piece. Emphasis mine, reformatted:

A Green New Deal and single-payer health care are finally getting the attention they deserve, thanks in part to the efforts of newly elected members of Congress like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who’ve pushed these issues front and center. They want the nation to get serious about global warming – which more accurately should now be called climate catastrophe. But, as with single-payer health care, a rejoinder is often: “How will we pay for it?”

The short, snarky answer for both is: “The same way we’ve paid for our $6 trillion forever wars in Syraqistan, because taxes didn’t pay for them.” So bear with me – a longer answer follows.

Fiat currency
When Dick Cheney famously said that Ronald Reagan proved that “deficits don’t matter,” he was right – though for the wrong reason. Deficits don’t matter because the United States is a sovereign nation with a fiat currency – one not backed by gold or silver but declared as legal tender by “fiat,” and backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government.

The federal government does not run like a household. It can never go broke – contrary to the claims of deficit hawks – from whom we hear most often when Democrats are in charge. Congress can authorize spending as much money as it wants or needs – effectively creating money from thin air. Skeptical? As Alan Greenspan told Paul Ryan in a congressional hearing back in 2005: “There’s nothing to prevent the federal government from creating as much money as it wants and paying it to somebody.”

The problem is that countries CAN go broke and it generally happens very slowly – and then all at once. Ask the Weimar Republic and Venezuela for just two examples. Countries can go broke when those buying the debt no longer believe that the “full faith and credit” is no longer a valid supposition. In other words, that FFaC phrase fails to instill any faith at all. After all, with the Federal Reserve now cranking up interest rates, just Interest PAYMENTS on the National Debt will be the third largest item in our national budget – almost more than what we spend on our national defense.

And continuing to just print money is one thing, others accepting is another, but at what real value? We know the answer to that – skyrocketing inflation rates as people actively start to realize that so many dollars being printed aren’t worth as much as they were before the presses started rolling. But he keeps digging and FINALLY ANSWERS MY QUESTION!

But wait, there’s more. A corollary to the fact that all money first comes from the government…

Being a Progressive/Socialist, of COURSE he is pleased as punch to say that Government is the font of EVERYTHING – including the labor that you expend to get your paycheck. Which he just made clear, comes from Government.  You aren’t “you” – you simply have already been bought and paid for by Government.

What a dismal way to live one’s life that our Founding Principle, that we are sovereign individuals, has been turned on its head.

is that taxes do not, and cannot, pay for government spending. The spending comes first. Just as a quarterback must first throw the ball before a receiver can catch it, the government must first “spend” money into the economy before taxpayers, like receivers, can throw it back, i.e., pay their taxes.

Pay our taxes?  Or rebating it back? He has no idea what real wealth creation is all about, does he?  But again, he never would acknowledge that capitalism is where true wealth is created – not allocated.

…The tax equation

Federal taxes have two main functions: 1) they serve to maintain the currency’s value, since taxes can only be paid in dollars and, 2) taxes (and tax cuts) can be used to control the money supply, or to redistribute money within the economy.

No, taxes do not “control” the money supply. Yes, the Federal Government as a role by the money it spends (authorized by politicians that generally have NO idea what basic economics hold). It is the Federal Reserve’s job to “manage” the money supply – something that even with all their “expertise” still give us cycles of recession, depression, and booms.

We’ve had over four decades of tax cuts that effectively redistributed income upward to the 1 percent, and we know how that has worked out for most Americans. A proposal to implement higher marginal taxes on the rich now has broad support.

And he’s ignorant of our Progressive tax schedule. Right now, the bottom half pays about 2.5% of all income taxes – the top 1% pays about 45%.  That’s redistributing?

The Founders did not think entrenched, hereditary wealth and a growing rentier class of landed gentry was a good thing. Our own history shows that the republic survived and thrived with far more progressive tax rates in the 1950s and ’60s, when the top marginal rate was over 90 percent.

Which no one paid. However, he never did like it when I said “Sure – just give us the same sized and intrusive Fed Government at the same time in the 50s and 60s.

Modern Monetary Theory
The understanding outlined above of how a sovereign nation with a fiat currency works isn’t too good to be true. Instead, it’s how money works in the real world and is the gist of Modern Monetary Theory, or MMT. While MMT is currently “hot” and has a growing number of adherents from within the economics profession, it’s not really new. MMT’s understanding of money, credit and debt can be traced back at least to Alexander Hamilton’s 1791 “Report on Manufactures” and to the writings of John Stuart Mill. Today, one of MMT’s best known proponents is Stephanie Kelton, who served as economic adviser to the Bernie Sanders campaign in 2016.

Higher taxes on the rich by themselves won’t “pay for” single-payer health care, or a Green New Deal, or cover the $6 trillion we’ve spent so far on wars in the Middle East since 9/11. But it isn’t necessary to “pay for” this spending. We can debate the wisdom of having spent $6 trillion on permanent war. Just as we can (and should) debate the need for a single-payer health care system or the need to address global warming with a Green New Deal.

With a sovereign currency, what this nation chooses to spend money on should be removed from any discussion of how a program should be paid for. Congress can authorize such spending at any time. Inflation is never a concern, so long as sufficient goods and services are available to purchase with the money spent into the economy.

Translation: spend like drunken sailors all the time because there will NEVER be any bad outcomes to bad politics, bad policies, and bad legislation that “their” money really isn’t there and that others “get a financial vote” on this behavior later all. That is Currie’s always undiscussed philosophy of Progressivism – that actual outcomes are irrelevant both in achieving the purpose/outcome for legislation and that those putting them into action are to be held blameless.

In other words, there can never be any responsibility or accountability. And we are expected to believe this 2+2=5 nonsense as it refutes reality and human nature.

In fact, government spending that invests in new infrastructure, more efficient buildings and transportation, and in better health care for all, has a multiplier effect that spending on war does not. The benefits of such spending are concrete and tangible to all of us, because they ripple through the economy in ways that spending on wars cannot.

Much of this spending is on things that the private sector will not or cannot do, because it’s on things that aren’t profitable – like roads and mass transit, or retrofitting buildings for greater energy efficiency. The return on investment may be too risky, or too many years away.

And thanks to “shareholder value theory” popularized by Milton Friedman, U.S. corporations have become risk-averse – more interested in stock market manipulations than in long-term investment.

But finally, after years of knowing but with no proof, we have the answer: “the fact that all money first comes from the government…”

Gosh, what did we EVAH do before the Federal Government existed?


The post So Now We Have Bruce Currie’s Answer to My Question: Whose Money Is It FIRST? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-02-13 17:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  Take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and almost certainly a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Last week’s Overflow.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***


A hat-trick of past essays:

Church of the Covidian – Liberty’s Torch (

The Fly on the Urinal – Urban Scoop

From Divine to Disgusting – Granite Grok


Why I tend to be awkward at social events lately:





What is ‘C40 Cities’ about and how does it link ULEZ Expansion with The Clinton Foundation?





But first, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.














There’s a danger here.  When the SHTF, where will they go first?










Crowder has a good video on this too:


The 2nd Amendment : For Muskets Only?!



Arguments to the contrary – should someone care to make one to me – should be put onto hand-crafted parchment with a quill pen and conveyed to me by a man on horseback.









There are a LOT of people whose bridges to them I’d love-love-love to burn.  With matches, gasoline, and thermite too.  The only thing that prevents me are my kids, and the potential threat of my wife Jabbing the kids if I do go full nuclear mode.








This, I find interesting.

I’ve seen other videos of Covidians also devoid of blinking – and some generic (Left) pols as well.  Weird, considering the average blinking frequency is 15-20 blinks per minute.  So that’s once every 3-4 seconds.  Interestingly, according to this search result (bing) people’s blinking becomes “off” when lying.  Generally by blinking less.

This guy doesn’t blink for over 30 seconds.  From the above search:

12 Subtle Signs To Know If Someone Is Lying To You | Thought Catalog

Body Language Lying Eyes Seeing Through The Eyes Of Deceit (

The above two, and others, all point to a lack of blinking as one sign of lying – or being medicated on something.  And no, I’m not ready to go down the lizard people road.  At least, not yet.





The Noxious Spread of Anti-White Racism



Divide and conquer in full swing.  Watch your backs, non-blacks.


Am I saying that all blacks are like this?  No.  But… I listen to what people SAY, I watch what people DO, and I definitely notice PATTERNS.  And when WORDS match ACTIONS and those words and actions create defined PATTERNS across significant numbers of people… I don’t think I’m out of line to be on my guard as a “race realist”.







Pick of the post:


Some strong contenders, but this one really hit me on an emotional level – because, while I know humans are merely emotional animals capable of reason… some people are so devoid of reason I want to tear what little hair I have left out.





Adderall and Me



It’s a profound shortage of medicines.  I’ve now had to have some of my – and my family’s – scripts ORDERED ahead of time to make sure they’re there when I go to pick them up.




Palate Cleansers:



Not beer.  A good 18 year old scotch, on the other hand…



The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Proposed Legislation That Affects the Right to Life

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-02-13 16:00 +0000

The NH Legislative Pro-Life Caucus & NH Right to Life are sponsoring a press conference in Concord, NH, to discuss proposed legislation that affects the right to life that will have hearings in House Judiciary later this week.

Please Submit Group communications or Press Releases to
Submission is not a guarantee of publication.

For this event, we chose Valentine’s Day to remind us of the human dignity and immense value of all people, at all stages of life, both before and after birth.

All media outlets are welcome.

WHO: Leaders from different NH pro-life organizations, including the Legislative Pro-Life Caucus & NH Right to Life.

WHEN: Tuesday, Feb 14, 8:15-8:45 am (one-on-one discussions available afterward)

WHERE: Lobby of the NH Legislative Office Building, 33 N. State St, Concord, NH.

WHAT: Legislation (for pro-life and anti-life) will be discussed. Two bills of particular concern (HB224 and HB271) would remove NH’s moderate, 6-month protection for preborn children and allow abortion until birth.

FOR QUESTIONS CONTACT: NH Right to Life at (603) 230-8136 (voice & text) or

The post Proposed Legislation That Affects the Right to Life appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If College Was Killing Your Kids, Would That be a Public Health Emergency?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-02-13 14:30 +0000

If College Was Killing Your Kids, Would That be a Public Health Emergency?

There have been seven deaths at North Carolina State since the 2022-2023 year began. Yes, NC State has a vaccine mandate for staff and students “with on-campus responsibilities” and a pro-vax culture, so most students are likely vaccinated.

With that out of the way, only two of the seven deaths might be related to vaccine harm, but that does not make the number any less alarming.

Four NC State students committed suicide in the fall semester, according to this report.


Students said they are under immense academic pressure that could be impacting their mental health.

“I know that’s one of the things that bothers me a lot. So I understand where that struggle comes from. The need to succeed is big pressure,” Alessandro Dal Pra, a chemical engineering major, told WTVD.


The quality of High School graduates across the country has been in decline for years, so if academic rigor in higher education is the pressure point, whose fault is that?

The tribal victim class worldview, also a product of the long shadow of #wokesim, facilitates weakness, whining, and the hashtag many uses without using it, #whyme?

Unnecessary pandemic fearmongering and the invasive and destructive response trapped many of these kids, already unprepared for any chaos, in a tumultuous head-space loaded with cultural garbage and no way to manage it.

Four suicides. One student died in a car accident, which made five tragedies at NC before 2023 even arrived.

The next student died in January, and while I could not find the cause, I did see this.


The student, identified as Adam Fawcett, was enrolled in the College of Engineering and living in Wood Hall. He died during the weekend.

“The preliminary results from the investigation into last weekend’s student death show no signs of foul play and no signs of an intentional act,” N.C. State Police Chief Dan House.


He wasn’t murdered and didn’t kill himself, so it looks like Adam dropped dead. We literally do not know him from Adam, so we’ve no other context, but the odds are good that he was jabbed, so there’s that.

The latest incident involves a Grad student living on campus who would have been required to have the COVID vaccines.


The death was reported Wednesday night at E.S. King Village, which has apartments for graduate students, postdocs, older undergrads and students with families.

The student was a graduate student in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS), according to an email sent to students in the college. … The N.C. State Police Department does not suspect foul play or suicide, and the cause of death is currently unknown.


Much like Adam Fawcett, police say he was not murdered, and he did not kill himself, but he died unexpectedly. Unnecessarily, no doubt, but the cause of death might never be something the media feels like reporting if it contradicts approved narratives.

So, kids are dying, and something is killing them, but we can’t imagine what it might be.

What if it’s NC State? What if American colleges are killing your kids, some of them faster than others?

Would that be a public health emergency?


The post If College Was Killing Your Kids, Would That be a Public Health Emergency? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is It Biden’s Economy or a Redo of the 2007 Financial Bubble – Second Loans on New Cars?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-02-13 13:00 +0000

If there are some of you out there that are frustrated that I haven’t returned your emails, the answer is simple – I’m doing this on a backup laptop that doesn’t have my email. My main one went to a local Laconia shop on Thursday and I thought I’d have it back later on in the day. Thursday became Friday, and when I called at 2pm yesterday (their website said they close at 3pm on Saturdays), I found out:

  • Their website is out of date (on multiple things) as I received the automated attendant’s “You have reached us after normal hours…”
  • I wasn’t going to have my laptop with my emails (and a lot of OTHER stuff I needed for now stalled-out projects for an additional two days).

So, I apologize if it has appeared that I’m ignoring you…(and yes, I will have WAY more than the 3,000 unread emails of before). But using my backup came with a couple of good nuggets and I’ve added ZeroHedge to my normal reading sites.  Now, while the title of this post is “Bank Of America Will Start Bundling EV Charging Stations With EV Auto Financing“, I kinda figured that I already knew that it made sense – they need people to go into debt, and pay that bill, to make money (emphasis mine, reformatted):

Fabien Thierry, head of consumer vehicle products, told Bloomberg: “Bank of America has been supporting the electrification, and we’ve been saying that we want to be one of the EV financing leaders.” He said he believes the bank is the first to offer the service. The charging stations can range from $200 to $2,000 generally, while the average price for an electric vehicle in the U.S. is about $65,000. 

Thierry said that more EV-centered initiatives are on their way for the year ahead.

Well of COURSE they are – the ESG policies (Environmental, Social, Governance) policies of BlackRock, Vanguard, and State State are driving BoA’s “supporting the electrification” of that E and S. Not surprising or surprised.  But this is what caught my eye an that I didn’t know (and why ZH is now on my daily list). Reformatted, emphasis mine but keep in mind that the recent new car pricing was like houses – consumers were buying them for well above sticker prices and taking out loans to pay for them.

That’s how 2007/2008 happened overall – paid prices were over asking prices – and then crashed hard leaving people with assets worth far less than what their loan amounts are for. We all know what happened then – turned in the house keys and just walked away letting banks holding the bag(s).

Recall, we wrote months ago that at this stage in the looming credit bubble, people were starting to take on second auto loans with the knowing intent on defaulting on their first.

As Twitter’s CarDealershipGuy – who claims to be an anonymous auto-industry CEO and whose analysis has been featured in places like the NY Post and who frequently Tweets about the state of the auto market – laid out a long thread:

“This morning I discovered something *extremely* alarming happening in the car market, specifically in auto lending. I’m now convinced that there is a massive wave of car repossessions coming in 2023,” he wrote.

Recapping much of what we said above, he noted that over the past 2 years, many people took out exorbitant loans on cars and while car values were inflated (and still are) but many people simply had no choice and bought an overpriced a car. Then, echoing the Fitch assessment, he notes how those buyers are underwater: ”

Car valuations are now plummeting. Some cars have declined in value as much as 30% y/y. And these same people that took out these big loans are now ‘underwater’. Basically, they owe banks more on these cars than they are worth. And the banks are well-aware of this.”

The punchline is his personal experience from late last week.

“This morning, one of our General Managers opened up DealerTrack — a portal that dealers use to communicate with auto lenders — and highlighted something very concerning. 9 of our lending partners have started WAIVING ‘open auto stipulations’ for consumers.”

What this means, he explained, is that once consumers are stuck with a vehicle they paid too much for, they can’t trade it in without putting some money up front to cover the difference of what is owed on it versus what it is worth. At that point, he notes,

“Dealer can’t sell consumer a car, Consumer can’t buy a car, And, you guessed it, lender can’t finance a car!”

The lender then knows that most consumers are stuck and waives the open auto stipulation – meaning they allow the consumer to buy the new car with a second loan knowing they already have a first one. But the lender does it because they know that the buyer will default on the old, other car.

Cue default avalanche: “This is NOT normal. But it’s the only way lenders can finance cars and dealers can put cars on the road. And the implications of this will be tons of repossessions,” the CEO wrote.

Many new cars now sell for below sticker prices.  That has now pushed used car prices down as well from almost parity with new ones.  “Tons of repossessions” will mean that banks will be stuck with a lot of assets as well and will be working to get them off their balance sheets as quickly as possible. And either that will be direct sales (brokered, of course as you won’t be seeing “CARS HERE CHEAP” signs in bank parking lots) or sold to dealers whose used car inventories swell – but at less than usual used car prices.

In short, replacing the “now off lease” vehicle marketplace in a way that is unfortunate.  But that means opportunities for others (Schumpeter’s “Creative Destruction”).

The 2015 F-150 is now into middle age (years-wise) and was an “3 year off-lease” purchase. Given the last 3 years and the heightened cost of new cars, not as many folks were leasing as they were before. Thus, my idea of replacing one former (and very low mileage) leased vehicle with another one went up in smoke when the off-lease marketplace dried up.

However, repos may be my answer (while being very unfortunate for the previous owners) IF I have to replace the pickup (although at my age, was thinking “this might be the last vehicle I ever buy”). But as needed, I will take advantage of the opportunity.

The post Is It Biden’s Economy or a Redo of the 2007 Financial Bubble – Second Loans on New Cars? appeared first on Granite Grok.

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