The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

Winter is Coming: Is It Time for New England to “Pay” the Green Energy Piper?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-31 21:00 +0000

For years we have been writing about how energy policy in New Hampshire and New England was on a crash course with a cold hard reality. This might be the first winter where that is less theory and more truth, and we’re not happy about the “I told you so.”


The Department of Energy recently sent New England governors a letter begging them to increase fuel inventories through all legal measures ahead of winter. According to the data, fuel inventories in the region are running well below average. Now, the region is serving as a cautionary tale for all who seek to abandon fossil fuels.


Read that again. Democrat Energy Secretary Jennifer frikkin’ Granholm warned New England Governors to stockpile “fuel,” and she’s not talking about wind and solar (which you can’t stockpile). She means coal, natural gas, propane, fuel oil, wood,  or the seats in the legislature (which would burn nicely) if the need arose.

That’s not a threat. I am just making a point.

We have had Republican and Democrat governors and legislative majorities while this problem metastasized.

PSNH became Eversource while on an ESG-like binge, forcing electric rates 110 percent.

And now, after nearly a decade (at least) of warnings about inadequate energy infrastructure in the northeast, the Democrat US Energy Secretary of the Go Green Biden Administration is telling us we are in some serious sh!t this winter if we don’t have more fossil fuels.

In other words, it’s beginning to look like Australia and Germany, and it’s not Putin’s fault.

No One Should Be Surprised

I mentioned some ‘Grok coverage of the decline and fall of our energy fortunes. Here’s a short list of recent work on the subject if interested.


  • 2022: Australia’s Energy Price Problems Get Worse – Will New England Get the Hint?
  • 2022: Governor Groomer (aka Sun-King Sununu) Owns Biden’s “Progressive Energy Policies.”
  • 2022: Pay Attention America: Winter is Coming, and Green Energy Can’t Keep Europe Warm
  • 2021: Northeast Activists Still Working to Ensure We All Freeze to Death
  • 2020: Hold on To Your Wallets – New England’s Governors Promising Regional Energy Improvements
  • 2020: Northeast’ Energy Policy’ – How About Freezing to Death My Pretties…
  • 2019: Boom! Boom! Out Go the Lights! (If We Don’t Smarten Up)
  • 2019: Has Sen. Shaheen Done More for Natural Gas in Ukraine than New Hampshire?
  • 2019: Without Fossil Fuels, Millions of Americans Could Freeze to Death
  • 2018: Advocates For Affordable Energy In NH Need To Fight for It
  • 2018: How Do We Heat Our Homes If “Global Warming” Causes Extreme “Cooling.”


It is not a new problem to amateurs like us, so it can’t have been a surprise to whatever passes for the experts. Speaking of which, Germany will be rationing electricity this winter thanks to their experts, one of whom has pre-labeled the people likely to protest that mismanagement as enemies of the state.

Did you get that? Years of bad policy come to their logical conclusion, and if you get mad about no heat or electricity, you might be arrested and imprisoned.

Quick question; Do they have heat at the prison?

New England Grid (lock) on Expansion

The left, with some help, has done all it can to stop natural gas pipelines, power lines, and even hydro (which is natural) got pilloried until the projects were abandoned.

Because of policy choices, the region is largely dependent on foreign imports. The usual suspects are blaming the impact of the Russian war in Ukraine for the pending fuel shortage, but a look at the details reveals that costly regulations and taxes are also to blame for the energy troubles.

Everyone from ISO New England to GraniteGrok has been pointing out how we’ve set ourselves up for failure.

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu has been quick to nod his head when people ask about wind farms off the coast while opposing oil or gas drilling in the same areas.

He’s also not been a leader (as far as I can tell) when it comes to infrastructure for energy that’s affordable, abundant, and on-demand – which is what you need throughout a New England winter.

And we appear to be coming up short.

The piper has come to call, and if we’re lucky, no one will have to pay with their life.



HT | The Daily Wire

The post Winter is Coming: Is It Time for New England to “Pay” the Green Energy Piper? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ivermectin in the News

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-08-31 20:37 +0000
News of a study on ivermectin claims that ivermectin is completely ineffective against covid. What is the truth? Watch the video. As stated several times in the video, the emergency use authorization for covid vaccines depended upon there being no... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

I Think This Is a Great Idea: State Level Electoral College

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-31 18:00 +0000

Over the last few years, we’ve seen a lot of counties in a given State want to secede from their current State and join with another as they believe to be more in tune with their beliefs and culture.  Often, it’s in States that have a tremendous “gap” between a State’s urban and rural areas.  Frankly put, the more conservative rural areas are tired of being pushed around by the far more progressive cities.  The latter so out dwarf the former that the former are shut out of almost every political decision. What’s the sense of sticking around when your “Representation” has been taken from you?  Wikipedia has a list of the States in which its own residents can’t stand it anymore:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California (many times!), Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York (many times), North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington (ESPECIALLY Washington!), Wisconsin, Wyoming.

Well over half – and remember, our country was BORN by an act of secession – so why is this looked upon so poorly? But THIS idea puts all that talk to bed (emphasis mine, reformatted):

Colorado GOP gubernatorial candidate calls for state-level electoral college

One candidate in Colorado’s gubernatorial election has called for eliminating its one-person, one-vote approach in favor of a state-level electoral college to weight votes according to population. Greg Lopez, a Republican candidate for Colorado’s governor, has pitched the idea of using an electoral college-based approach for statewide political office, arguing the current system favors large cities at the expense of more rural counties.

EXACTLY why we see so many attempts at splitting off – the culture gaps, the value systems, and worldviews no longer mesh.  The Founders had the right idea on this. Nowadays they are derided by the Left because “oh, it was only small colonies way back then” yet the principle of the Electoral College, the 50 state level races for President, smooths out the population (and therefore, the outlooks) densities.  Isn’t this EXACTLY what goes on in the States mentioned above?

Boston drives the rest of MA, NY City drives NY State. Chicago dominates the rest of Illinois. Southern CA can ignore Northern California. For all intents and purposes, Portland and Seattle could care less about their fellow residents.

Here in NH, it’s similar: most of the population is Concord and below.  The Lakes Region is a relative satellite and, truth be told, Plymouth marks the end of civilization concerning density. The cities dwarf the more suburban surrounds, they both crush the sparser areas.  This idea could be applied here.

However, given Sununu’s recalcitrance (MY WAY OR NO WAY!!!) over the more simple redistricting this year, it would be hard to implement (at least now). But how WOULD those slices happen?  By the State Reps + the State Senator in a county?  What about overlaps?  Should we start from scratch? Rejigger things such that the North and West get the same attention as the more densely populated South and East. Redo the Counties?

I don’t have answers and perhaps the idea doesn’t fit as well here as in other States. We are, after all, a State where its largest city is only about 117K people and the smallest city, Lebanon, is only 14K.  Contrast that will the millions in each of the States mentioned above for density contrasts.

What is your take on this?



The post I Think This Is a Great Idea: State Level Electoral College appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DOJ Arguments "Familiar but Transparently Weak"

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-08-31 17:07 +0000
Jonathan Turley, Jonathan Turley: Justice Department Opposes Any Special Master and Alleges That “Obstructive Conduct Occurred” at Mar-a-Lago Notably, this filing includes the picture which is being widely distributed. It can, however, leave an obviously misleading impression. The picture could... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Sound Advice from Joe Rogan

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-08-31 16:55 +0000
Ruth Hayes, Truth Times: “Vote Republican:” Prolific Podcast Host Joe Rogan Gives Advice To Voters Who Learned Hard Lessons During The Pandemic The pandemic was hard on America. Businesses were forced to close, and for some time, people were locked... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Mara-A-Lago Raid

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-31 16:30 +0000

The pillage and rape of President Trump’s Mara-A-Lago home was orchestrated by the “Vindictive Deep State” of the awful Attorney General Merrick Garland, the FBI (Fascist Bureau of Investigation), the DOJ Department of Injustice) and “Demented Joe” will have unintended consequences for the Demolitioncrats. The law of unintended consequences is beautiful karma.

President Trump can now declare his residence and domicile as Bedminster, New Jersey because the outlaw Federal government destroyed his Florida home at Mara-A-Lago. President Trump may now nominate the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, as his Vice President. The voters will then kick the traitorous Demolitioncrats out of American history in the 2024 election.

On another note, the only way to preserve election integrity in future U.S. elections, including New Hampshire, and prevent the “Computer Thugs” –Zuckerberg, Gates, and Bloomberg and their ilk– from stealing our elections are PAPER BALLOTS and HAND COUNTING of the ballots. Just ask the French how they handle their paper ballot elections!

We want to thank Charles Bradley III for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Finally, with the outrageous political and judicial abuses being imposed on conservatives by this current administration and the long-term imprisonment of January 6th protesters, especially those languishing in the deplorable D.C. jail, I am seriously concerned about the safety of Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro should they be imprisoned by a D.C. Demolitioncrat judge. After all, a federal judge and jury unjustly railroaded Bannon with a conviction for contempt of Congress. Numerous other Federal employees have been held in contempt of Congress, including Eric Holder, Obama’s Attorney General, Lois Lerner, Director of the IRS, Bryan Pagliano, IT director and Hillary Clinton aide, with none of them facing the same judicial intimidation imposed on Bannon and Navarro. Hypocritical double standard anyone!

Pray for God to help all of us to resist this Tyranny! But remember God helps those who help themselves.

The post Mara-A-Lago Raid appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

"My son Hunter" Available for Pre-Order

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-08-31 15:03 +0000
John Nolte, Breitbart: Nolte: Daily Beast Goes Full-McCarthy Against ‘My Son Hunter’ The fact that this is all the left has got — shameless, straight-up McCarthyism — to attack My Son Hunter, is a beautiful sign. Why? Because it means... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

This Week In Fake Knews: 8-29-22

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-31 15:00 +0000

Science Retires

In a somewhat shocking announcement, Science has retired from public service. After several years of receiving harsh criticism and being hard to follow, Science has decided it’s had enough in serving the public. Fans of Science are shocked with many turning to chemistry to cope while others are putting their faith in quasi-scientific government programs. Critics say Science was never reliable and had been corrupted by a venal system that forced Science to compromise many years ago.

Science was popular early on in its career with success in the late 70s and early 80s in addressing many scientific and health concerns. Despite some early criticism, Science was even taught regularly in schools throughout much of the past fifty years. However, Science is no longer appreciated; neither is Math or English for that matter and so the lack of interest and faith in the direction of Science was enough for Science to quit while it was ahead.

Science has said it will most likely spend its last days reading and enjoying time with its family. Though no longer a biologist, Science looks forward to the sunset of its career with the birthing person it was partnered with some sixty years ago and plans to catch up on much of the science fiction it missed out on while being Science fact.

Science leaves behind several pandemics and health crises, a rising tide of anti-science movements, three or four controversies, a method, some experiments, and several Beagle puppies available for rescue to the right home or laboratory.


Vermont Department of Education Going MAGA for Math

Taking a page from Drag Queen Story Hour, the Vermont Department of Education is seizing the opportunity to put the State’s new surplus of prostitutes to make up for the nearly 3,000 educator shortfall.

Math Escorts will now be available after school in participating towns. With a generous donation from the Van Halen Foundation, these hot teachers are starting their own MAGA movement:  Make Arithmetic Great Again

Though many of the participating women of the night are not natural math teachers, their concern arose from the continued problem with Johns’ and Janes’ inability to do simple math. Basic 10% tips were often coming up short and many found they were wasting precious time doing math for a client when they could be doing someone else.

“It’s kind of embarrassing really. I mean what is happening in public education when we prostitutes are better at math than the average person?”

It’s a fair question and one that the legislators in Montpelier aren’t afraid to answer. One progressive legislator explained:

“They are a resource, just like pot dealers. It’s that simple. This is why we de-criminalize and re-imagine a future where sex workers contribute more to the community than just a roll in the hay. We think they can carry their weight if they help our kids carry the one and add it to the total”.

The MAGA: Carry the One program will roll out this fall along the I-89 corridor from Hartford to Montpelier to Burlington. Charnice St. Croix, a  twenty-fifth-year woman of the night, explained:

“We’re just looking out for our future and the future of this great profession. We can’t have the next generation of John’s wanting to use Venmo and not having any idea how to tip let alone use the basic functions of a calculator”

Parents seeking to enroll their child can do so at the VDOE website and one lucky child will be randomly selected for a one-year Math Escort scholarship courtesy of Texas Instruments.


Criminals To Cops Program In Burlington

A team of criminals has been meeting with Burlington police departments to develop what they think is the solution to rising crime and the shortage of police in the Queen City, as well as the effect they are having on property values. Facing a nearly 50% drop in officers, several Burlington area police departments began to advertise openings for job availability to a core group of criminals they found themselves interacting with daily.

Citing the change in law enforcement on a national level, with the Federal Bureau of Investigation leading the way, Burlington cops seem optimistic that crime may in fact pay, as in pay back. One thirteen-year veteran officer opined:

“Who better to have patrolling the streets than the folks that know who is up to what?”

One patriotic criminal expressed his concerns by stating:

“America has always been a great place to commit crimes, but we’re on the brink of, not just a recession, but a flat-out depression. That’s depressing, for everyone, including us criminals.”

The hope is this new partnership can regain some semblance of the glory days not long past. Criminals in particular are concerned that if the dollar is devalued and properties in Burlington are no longer desirable there will be far less opportunity to commit crimes worth committing.

“I’m not breaking into someone’s home and risking getting shot for a flat-screen TV that is worth 10% of what it was two years ago. That’s just bad business.”

Filling police vacancies with low-level criminals who can read good and pass a basic fitness test and polygraph may be all that’s required for new recruits. Burlington mayor Miro Weinberger is cautiously optimistic in stating “This is the ultimate win-win. Unless it doesn’t work.”

GOP Asks Pope & Joel Osteen To Make Trump Fourth Member Of Trinity

Riding the red wave following the Mar-A-Lago Raid which boosted Donald Trump’s popularity to unforeseen heights members of the Republican Party have asked Pope Francis and the world’s most famous preacher Joel Osteen to claim him as the fourth member of the Trinity. “We think he’s earned it,” said Marjorie Taylor Green from the back of a S.W.A.T. truck.

“This will be his third election win in a row, which is a world record” boasted Trump donor and faithful advisor Roger Stone.

Clergy members from around the country balked at the suggestion. Scotty Charmichael, a parochial school student in Boston wondered: “Doesn’t Trinty mean three? How can you have four in a Trinity?” His friends reminded him that he sucks at math and that Donald Trump can turn three into four if he wants to.

The Vatican declined to comment on behalf of the Pope who was busy getting a mani-pedi at the Papal salon.

Osteen spokesperson Chastity Grieves said:

“Joel and his wife are prayerfully considering a Trump nomination as the fourth member of the Trinity, and are waiting to hear back from the Trump team about their request for a love offering to help them in their decision.”

When asked about this nomination Trump posted the following to his Truth Social account:

“This is a tremendous honor. Very, very tremendous. I accept the nomination with great humility. Everyone says humility is my greatest strength next to my greatness, which is why I have great humility. I am very proud to work alongside God and Jesus and the other guy. I think we’ll make a fabulous team. Speaking of teams I hear the Los Angeles Angels are for sale – what better time for me to buy some Angels?!”

Sales of rosary beads have increased 87,000% causing the Department of Homeland Security’s terrorist tracker software to crash as was reported at yesterday’s Security Council briefing.


GOP Offers To Help Democrats Change Party Name

Recent polls show the Democrat party approval rating has dropped nearly forty-seven points placing them behind the Teamsters, the Mafia, Satan, and Telemarketers in popularity among their own Party members. The slightly sagging face of the party, Nancy Pelosi, was asked what they intend to do to restore their Party’s popularity. Though her answer was unintelligible a staffer claimed she said “It’s time for a name change.”

Longtime Democrat strategist James Carville, motioning to Speaker Pelosi:

“Every good team needs a facelift from time to time. The Washington football team is now the Commanders, Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben are now just fake syrup and white rice – we think the low approval ratings speak loud and clear what the people want – a name change.”

Seizing the opportunity to extend the olive branch and create some bipartisan goodwill in both House and Senate Republicans asked their constituents to exercise their creative juices for the good of the nation. Taking the high road, an eager GOP base was all too happy to oblige with the following:

  • Demonrats
  • Dumbocrats
  • Libtards
  • Dimwits
  • Groomer Party
  • Let’s Go Brandons
  • Commie Bastards

GOP Party leader Mitch McConnell was unavailable for comment. However, up-and-comer Lauren Boebert was overheard to have said

“I think they have some real winners there.”

The post This Week In Fake Knews: 8-29-22 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mikhail Gorbachev Dead at 91

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-08-31 14:50 +0000
Ben Whedon, Just the News: Last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev dies at 91 The Soviet Union's final leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, has died at the age of 91, roughly 30 years after the collapse of the communist superpower he once led.... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Mikhail Gorbachev Dead at 91

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-08-31 14:50 +0000
Ben Whedon, Just the News: Last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev dies at 91 The Soviet Union's final leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, has died at the age of 91, roughly 30 years after the collapse of the communist superpower he once led.... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

General Bolduc in the Lead to Challenge Hassan

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-08-31 13:57 +0000
Caroline Vakil, Yahoo Sports: Retired general holds wide lead in New Hampshire GOP Senate primary race: poll Retired Army Gen. Don Bolduc holds a wide lead among other Republican challengers in New Hampshire’s GOP Senate primary, according to a new... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Pay (Even More) to Play in New Hampshire Politics?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-31 13:30 +0000

An homage to this post:

“We are a for-profit entity that has a donation line item in our budget and we donate to different things to promote Gunstock and promote the area and promote skiing in general,” he said. “We generate our own revenue and this donation does not affect Belknap County residents because we don’t take Belknap County money.”

That was Tom Day’s explanation for the $500 check that Gunstock sent, with him signing it, to the Friends for Sununu campaign fund.  Yep, an NH Government agency spending taxpayer money for this highest race in the State of New Hampshire. Is this what we want – Government using taxpayers funds to supply money to candidates?  I don’t think so

Well that “for profit” dodge got debunked when I put in my Right To Know demand concerning the amounts paid by Gunstock Mountain Resort to the State of New Hampshire for Business Profits Tax and Business Enterprise Tax. And the expected answer came back “zilch”. No taxes paid in those categories (it did pay Meals & Rooms taxes) which meant that Tom Day, General Manager of GMR, outright lied. He’s far from being stupid but with his quote above, he thought that everyone outside of GMR is. Even Commissioner Doug Lambert had to correct Day’s statement (emphasis mine):

—— Original Message ——
From: “Douglas Lambert” <>
To: “Cathy White” <>; “Skip” <>
Cc: “Tom Day” <>; “Jade L. Wood” <>
Sent: 8/11/2022 8:56:52 PM
Subject: Re: 91:A Request for Taxes 08-05-22

Good evening Mr. Murphy.

Please be advised that the date was initially misread as 2020, not the 2000 as written.

The “N/A” reference does not mean “not available,” it means “not applicable,” as the Gunstock Mountain resort, as a publicly owned institution is not obligated to pay those taxes. This means that this particular answer on the columns listed as such will remain the same going back within your requested period of time.

You are correct in your assumption that there are no shareholders “involved with Gunstock” and that “none” does in fact mean what it says.

But not much has been said about the rumors of that subsequent (rumored?) $1,000 check that Kevin Landrigan tweeted about:

So, having it drop into a black hole by all the media here in NH (and IF I missed someone posting it somewhere, I apologize), I put in ANOTHER RSA 91A demand. You all have seen the boilerplate parts from my previous RTKs so let me just show the most significant bit:

This request is for the following governmental records: all General Ledger (“GL”) accounts having any activity within the following filters:

  • For the time period of May through July, 2022 inclusive, and
  • The transaction amount exactly matches $1,000

For the resulting Responsive Records that match the above filters to include the following information:

  • GL account ID(s)
  • GL account description
  • Transaction type (i.e., revenue in, expense out, transfer, other)
  • Transaction Date
    Transaction Amount
  • Name of the person requesting the transactions
  • Name of the person authorizing the transaction
  • If available, the vote of the Gunstock Area Commissioners concerning the transaction
  • Name of the person/entity receiving such monies

So, let’s see if Commissioners Jade Wood, Doug Lambert, and Denise Conroy (who I emailed the complete RTK) are going to the right thing.  We make fun of Landrigan from time to time but on something like this, I know he isn’t going to blurt out something as a repeat donation check of $1,000.  So will I get the expected Responsive Record(s) I am demanding/expecting?

And if it is Tom Day, AGAIN, what are they going to do about Tom Day?  Will there be a third, fourth, fifth, ad infinitum instance?  And are OTHER parts of NH going to start doing the same thing that Gunstock is doing?

And we lose our Republic to a government that is supposed to serve us to a government that is now self-sustaining by out-spending us during election cycles?

Oh wait – something is missing! BTW, Commissioner Lambert – where’s the rest of the Responsive Records owed me that you promised concerning those Meals & Rooms Tax payments? We’re now passed the two weeks you said:

For the NH Meals and Rooms tax, it is different, however, and Gunstock DOES pay those when directly operating the food service operation, which has not always been the case during times when that was provided by a privately contracted outside entity.

We are continuing to look back on this data, as some of it is contained on an older computer system that will require some time to retrieve. As you are aware, we cannot create or provide records that do not exist on a particular format. Once we complete our research and analysis, we will finish our response to this request.

We cannot give an exact estimate as to the time of completion until the exact location and disposition of these records is known, other than that it may a week or two rather than a day or so.

So when, Commissioner Doug Lambert, when? You have failed to be responsive to the requirements of your position based on RSA 91A’s plain language.

The post Pay (Even More) to Play in New Hampshire Politics? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Thread: It's a Coverup

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-08-31 13:11 +0000
Follow the thread on Twitter. All 22 June Kash says they’re going to release all the Spygate docs Reinhart recuses from law suit against Clinton Trump gets a subpeona asking for CCTV footage of storage locker — Piper Ginny (@PiperGinny1)... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

CT “Kid” Running for the NH House Scrubbed his Facebook Page But He’ll Have to do Better Than That

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-31 12:00 +0000

When first we wrote about the latest out-of-state student (Miles Brown) running to deny an NH resident a seat in the State Legislature, I predicted something that has come true.

These screengrabs might be scrubbed before the end of the day.”

It may have been more than one day after our reporting, but Miles has scrubbed his social media of any obvious evidence that he lives in West Hartford, Connecticut. Here’s what his Facebook page looked like before he scrubbed it.




And here is what it looks like now.




The page has become all about his campaign…to pretend he doesn’t still live in West Hartford, Connecticut. And he might pull it off. But I have a suggestion that might help the deception, Miles.

Related: Dem Kathleen Calavaro Encourages Massachusetts Residents to Vote for Her in NH

Read carefully.

You are still listed as an active registered voter from West Hartford, Connecticut. You must notify CT that you are no longer a “resident” of that state and have your name removed from the voter rolls.

You are (after all) running as an NH resident for a seat in the NH Legislature.

And if you have not surrendered your CT state-issued ID or driver’s license (Name, DOB, Address – not in NH) for the comparable NH version, then you’re going to keep running into a brick wall on the student voting rights issue.

Miles Brown, Jessi Yu, Sophia Bokaie, and even Nicolas Marci, who I am told is a Texas resident running for the NH House (not yet confirmed), have more voting rights than any actual New Hampshire Student.

While they and all the other out-of-state students like them can vote absentee or in person in two states, New Hampshire students and every other actual resident of the Granite State can only vote here.

These “students”can vote here or there in the primary or here or there in the general. Vote in one local race or another. As long as it’s not the same election (no voting in two states on November 8th, for example), they probably won’t get arrested for it.

Choose whose taxes to raise, which budgets to grow, and what ballot initiatives to support in either of the two states.

Those are the voting rights for which you fight. You want special “rights.” Extra rights. More rights than the rest of us. The right to do what we, as actual NH residents, cannot.

Is it just me, or is that one of the most “Democrat things” you can imagine after supporting and defending elected officials who are spending trillions of dollars not yet earned by “students” not yet born who had no voice or vote for the Democrats spending it?


The post CT “Kid” Running for the NH House Scrubbed his Facebook Page But He’ll Have to do Better Than That appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ok Doug Lambert, from Now On, I Won’t Use the Phrase “(of DGF Industrial)” Anymore but You’re Still Gonna Have Some Explaining to Do

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-31 10:30 +0000

No, not to me, but to someone else.  I know that Jade Wood has been ticked with a nickname that she really hates.  Now, it wasn’t me who gave it to her – I’ve not gone after her much (other than finding the checkerboard) ESPECIALLY when contrasted with her words about Peter Ness and Dr. David Strang.  After all, she’s tagged them as being the world’s worst people, scum of the earth, blaming everything that’s gone wrong with Gunstock EVAH!, and for violating their oaths (she hasn’t said HOW they broke their oaths that I know of, but it’s clear she believes it).  About the only thing she hasn’t blamed on them is the existence of herpes but the clock is still ticking.

No, that hated nickname was presented to her by the guy sitting at the Gunstock Area Commission table, meeting after meeting.  Especially the one when they announced that they had driven Peter Ness – boy, they were so pleased with themselves; what a show that was for them.  Exhilaration doesn’t even come close to the euphoria I saw them display.  Never mind that they made a decent man into mincemeat.

Yep, that would be Mr. Lambert that first came up with the nickname.  Others have adopted it and it has made her hackles rise.  Well, Jade Wood, now you know who stuck you with it.  I was sent an email (which I am redacting to protect the innocent). I had actually and totally forgotten about this email thread but once someone sent it to me, it made sense – and it was from “before going rogue”. After all, New Rules and all. Redacted, emphasis mine:


This also clearly shows how much Jade was instrumental in damaging your position as you made your case.

I had forgotten that she said it could be addressed after the HVAC matter- she then aided and abetted the hurried adjournment.

I wonder how she would spend her 30 pieces of silver?

My new name for her is Judas.


I’m betting that the next time Jade looks you, Doug Lambert,  in the eye, it isn’t going to be that dreamy look anymore. But nice to let the side you were against what you thought of them then – all of them. Yep, “‘splainin” is the operative word.

Next time, Doug Lambert, don’t threaten me with a SLAPP lawsuit you knew you can’t win, and don’t threaten me with something you know I didn’t do. Capiche?  First Gregg Hough and now you have both strived to shut me down and get me to shut up in quick succession.  Good luck with that.

I’ll be on radio later on today and I will be talking about this whole episode.

And none of this would be happening if you didn’t go all Judas yourself and threw all your long-term friends away for political opportunism.  Or are there other kinds of opportunism at play now?

You ended our friendship so now you’re just another politician.  You’ve also brought the Streisand Effect upon yourself. just like former City of Nashua Right To Know lawyer Jesse Neumann:

For those of you not in the know, the Streisand Effect is as follows (and read this link – it’s a similar story to Jesse’s).

What is “The Streisand Effect” you ask?  Well, as these two are about to find out, it is a blogger’s delight:

The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.

It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose 2003 attempt to suppress photographs of her residence in Malibu, California, inadvertently drew further public attention to it. Similar attempts have been made, for example, in cease-and-desist letters to suppress numbers, files, and websites. Instead of being suppressed, the information receives extensive publicity and media extensions such as videos and spoof songs, often being widely mirrored across the Internet or distributed on file-sharing networks.[1][2]

And what’s nice about it is that can morph to different situations. Nice going.


The post Ok Doug Lambert, from Now On, I Won’t Use the Phrase “(of DGF Industrial)” Anymore but You’re Still Gonna Have Some Explaining to Do appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

No Plan in Place for Gas to EV Conversion

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-31 01:30 +0000

You expect the government to be dysfunctional, but how they are trying to force America to Electric Vehicles is setting a new low in long-range thinking. To make matters worse and more confusing, are the number of states passing laws forbidding the sale of gasoline-powered automobiles in as few as thirteen years. You can make that thirty-three years, and it will still be too soon for many Americans. I am one who never wants to give up my gas vehicles.

Currently, there are 287 million automobiles registered and on the road in America. The average age is 12 years which is on the rise as people are holding onto their cars longer. The main reason for that increase is the rising cost of a replacement vehicle. The average cost of a new car is about $45,000, while the price of a new electric vehicle starts at $65,000 and rising. This entry-level price will not entice Americans to ditch their beloved gas vehicle.

Currently, the government is offering a $7,000 rebate towards the purchase of an EV. On the day the government announced that rebate, Ford increased the price of an EV by $8,000, and Tesla increased by $15,000. So much for a rebate. If the rebate stays in place to stimulate conversion, the cost to taxpayers could be $2.3 Trillion Dollars. Do we simply add this to our $30 Trillion Deficit? The DEMS would say go for it.

Pulling the plug on the fossil fuel industry was a bad decision and certainly a premature one. This decision has had worldwide ramifications. Europe was one of our most significant natural gas buyers, and Biden has forced them to go elsewhere. That elsewhere is Russia, and they are not selling enough to keep Europeans warm this winter. It is not hyperbole to say that Europeans will die from the cold this winter due to a lack of fuel, and those deaths are all on Biden. In January, you will not hear about this atrocity in Biden’s State of the Union.

We do not have the raw materials for the batteries that will power this massive fleet of new EVs. The Lithium will come from China, which is another way they will control America and her people. We also have no plan for the disposal of used EV batteries which are as toxic as nuclear waste. What is the motivation for a dealer to offer a customer cash for a gas vehicle with no resale value?

We will also need to have every home equipped with EV charging equipment, and in many sections of the country, we are already experiencing brown and blackouts because our grid is inadequate. What happens when every household plugs in their EV at night? We may have to shut down every electric component at night as the country charges their cars. Brilliant.

We will need an infrastructure of charging stations to replace gas stations across the country. Unlike fueling your car in five minutes, it can take an hour to charge an EV battery. I can see the lines forming for miles as people wait their turn to plug in!

One last thought, where will we bury 287,000,000 cars that are no longer legal to drive? Maybe we can use the Grand Canyon because with everyone driving EVs, nobody will be able to venture west to see one of our most fantastic natural attractions. Excellent job, Joe and Mayor Pete. You have really thought this one through.

The post No Plan in Place for Gas to EV Conversion appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, Doug Lambert, Am I Detecting a Bit of Hypocrisy Here?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-08-31 00:00 +0000

So, Doug, let’s revisit your text to me, shall we?



So, is it “OUR” business (Doug and his wife) or “MY” business (just Doug) – I’m confused, well, not really. I’m going to put the threat of a lawsuit (technically known as a SLAPP suit – not well looked upon by judges) aside for the moment.

He’s upset that when I mention his name, it takes the form of “Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial).”  Now, I will admit to being short of sleep at times, tired at others, and sometimes moving too quickly (fingers not keeping up with my thoughts), but how is that “attacking” his company?

And then there’s the strange confluence of “our business name” and “my business”  “which is not me personally.”  But I’ve never lately stated that it is YOUR’S, Doug – my phraseology only points out that you work there.

Just like you do:


GraniteGrok is read by thousands, Facebook is read by 100s of millions, and I was sent this from your Facebook page (as I am NOT on Facebook – haven’t been on it for years) by someone that is reading my posts. YOU put your company’s name out there.

So, YOU get to display your FULL company name, but no one else can mention it?  Of COURSE you can, and you did so proudly (look at the smile on your face) as well you should. You took something (as you’ve told me for years) from a pail full of tools to a multi-million dollar company with multiple product lines (and Gary Kiedasich STILL raises up his nose and sniffs and diminishes your accomplishments relative to his).

To say that my mere mentioning of your company’s name, not even using your logo, is an “attack”?

I’m really curious – what definition of “attack” are you using when telling me that I am “attacking” your company?  Am I disparaging it?  Am I trashing your products?  Talking smack about your services? Making sport of your employees?

I think not.

I’ll tell you the same thing that I told your Bobbsey Twin, recent new BFF Gregg Hough, who has attached himself to you like a remora sucker fish and whose social media feed (from what I’m told and shown) is full of the two of you.  Prove it.

Show me that post or series of posts. I’m betting that you won’t find a single one. I will tell you the same thing I told him: GraniteGrok now has over 47,000 posts. Over 17,000 are mine. Have fun looking for them – it might take a while.

Go ahead – find a post where I have attacked your company. Period.

I’ll have more to say on your text a bit later on; I’m not done.

I haven’t attacked your company or your wife, but you certainly decided, of your own free and voluntary will, to attack me like you have done for months against Peter Ness and Dr. David Strang.

Guess what – I’m not them.



The post So, Doug Lambert, Am I Detecting a Bit of Hypocrisy Here? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden’s Racism Problem

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-30 22:30 +0000

Joe Biden is a racist. That’s been evident for a while. The Republican National Committee (RNC) thought America should know or get a reminder. So, they collected Joe’s racist remarks (made in public) over the years and ended up with this.

Joe has been in the public eye (and office) for almost his entire life, and he only survived because he had a Democrat state re-elect him, no matter how embarrassing he got. But mainly because the media has gone out of its way to hide or shout down all his nonsense.

That’s gotten more difficult now that he’s messing up the whole country and perhaps the world. But there’s so much that some of it can get lost in the noise.

This is just a reminder, America. Before you call someone else a racist, look at your president, Joe Biden, and remember that this is just the stuff he said out in the open.




The post Joe Biden’s Racism Problem appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mary’s Moral Militia, Part 2: Instincts

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-08-30 21:00 +0000

My first career was as a sociobiologist (See my book The Sociobiological Imagination, SUNY Press, 1990). The late EO Wilson was my mentor. By 2000, I moved into Law, but I’ve never stopped looking at how law exists in relation to our evolved instincts.

Karen Testerman, current candidate for NH Governor (You go, Karen!), handed me a book last week, which I knew would include the texts of the NH Constitution and the US Constitution. It did, but, as I should have guessed, she prefaced those items with a more basic plan: The Ten Commandments.

This series of articles on a moral militia wants you to stop thinking of a bunch of nice hearty Minutemen raising their guns against…um…er… It’s not clear who the target is. We’ll get to that. But first, try to draw a distinction between the role of a small-r republican government and the state-of-nature type thing. They are vastly different.

My Baby Boomer generation has had a cushy life. We innocently believed that the Constitution of 1787achieved what was needed, and that it was able to keep naughtiness in check. Remember when some Congressmen get ousted for taking cash in the Abscam sting? And didn’t Martin Luther King solve the problem of segregation? Didn’t we go all over the place to stop the threat of Communism?

Yeah, maybe, but the big Takeover is always being stealthily plotted and planned. It’s hard to see it, as it does not fit the reports that government makes about itself. Our blindness to this extra-legal phenomenon is a serious problem. There really is a cabal, any zoologist would predict it for our hierarchy-prone species.

In order to show it up more clearly, I’ll take a zoologist perspective. Let us consider a state-of-nature in the rough. Remember when Thomas Hobbes said life would be nasty, brutish, and short? He was not exactly correct, but the Hobbesian picture is at least part of reality.

People Are Awful

All humans, being mammals, are selfish. Each person must operate to save his own life and improve it by wealth. (You also help relatives, and so the family is a source of strength.) If this means hurting another human being, don’t worry — there are ways to justify it.

Indeed there are ways for you to cover up — to yourself — that you are acting cruelly. The instinct for self-deception was a biggie in Homo sapiens’ evolution. Plus, a separate instinct prompts us to hate an enemy group and try to destroy it completely.

I was enlightened to read a few years ago about a genocidal non-human species, namely, the hyena. What I am about to describe — the “finishing off” of one group of hyenas by another — is not to be confused with the everyday predator-prey relationship. Any predator regularly eats his prey which are not members of his own species — the cat eats the bird. Hyenas acts at a group level; their victim is not a prey but a competing group of hyenas — same species.

It must be that each group wants to survive and sees a neighboring group as a lethal competitor. Hyena Group A starts to sense that Hyena Group B is getting big. This is a worry. Maybe they depend on getting water from the same water hole. At some point, one of the two groups will try to kill the other. Humans do this too. We learned about it in grade school as a nice thing called “conquest.”

Interestingly, in the hyenas, when they are still in a pre-war stage, Group A may notice a few B hyenas straying into neutral territory. It will kill them, for no other reason than it’s easier to get them as loners, unprotected by their brethren.

You can see that humans, over the ages, have committed many genocides of foreign group or even nearby competitors. Some of it is strategic. The Roman empire kept growing and growing as

The “necessity” factor puts paid to any feeling of guilt or remorse. Killing, in war, is virtuous; everybody knows that. We despoiled the ancient treasures of Iraq in 2003? So what. Who gives a damn.


Even in domestic society we are pretty bad. All humans are fitted out with basically the same DNA. We will lie, cheat, steal, kill, and be unfaithful to a partner, when tempted. Oops, that’s what the Ten Commandments is about, isn’t it? But humans need to live peaceably so we don’t openly steal, murder, get adulterous, and so forth. We submit to rules.

The enforcer of rules is often assumed to be supernatural. People imagine that “rightness” is up there somewhere, and that it’s a real thing. Indeed we are taught that it’s all of a piece — there is a realm of goodness, and if you are a good individual you are in touch (somehow) with that realm.

I guess the Constitution could work like religion. It does set out what one must do and must not do. Both our state and federal constitutions are directly aimed to control a specific type of bad behavior, namely, the oppressive behavior of the powerful. Thus in place of “Thou shalt not commit adultery” we have “Thou shalt not [2A] disarm the people” or [5a] “Thou shalt not accuse a guy, and hang him, without giving him a chance to show that the accusation is a crock.”

The persons who drafted constitutions in the 1700s did not think that a piece of paper was sufficient to hold the powerful at bay. They tried to check interest against interest. They even foresaw the possibility of all the interests coagulating. Oh-oh, that would mean a strong ruler is pitted against a relatively weak conglomerate of citizens. “A republic, Madam, if you can keep it.”

Some Instincts Are Cleverer Than Others

Sinning wholesale is quite the breezy way of life. Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), who boasted that he was the most evil man in the world, gave as his motto: “Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.” Please try to picture a group pf powerful people who boast that they are free from all scruple. They will be pleased to know that the masses do have scruple. In fact they will manipulate that situation to the max.

For at least 17 years solid, since 2005, I have been tracking the behavior of the unscrupulous. They run our nation behind the scenes. I call them The Globalists to indicate that they have no ethnic unity themselves. (Some say it’s a Jewish thing, but clearly it’s a motley crew.)

Very likely the globalists command all nations, including ones that are nominated as “outsiders,” such as Iran or China. If a national leader stands up to them, he/she will soon be in the grave. This happened to John Magufuli of Tanzania in 2021 for “daring” to say No to vaccines.

I think it pays to congratulate The Globalists on their huge achievements, some of which benefit us. They do make the trains run on time. They do fetch sugar and spices from distant lands to your table. They — I hate to say it — make the communication of all of us possible via the Internet.

Among their mortal sins — very mortal, about as mortal as you can get — are the instigation of wars, the disbursing of diseases, the attack on the family, the disestablishment of Christianity. All these were carried out by first gaining expertise into human psychology.

You can hardly blame the poor creatures for being scared now that they have painted themselves into a corner. At the moment, though, they are still largely able to deflect anger against themselves. They get us to believe that it’s, say, “Biden” who is doing such a thing as bringing illegal immigrants in.

On the hustings, I raised the question, “Who opened the southern border?” The answer I got was, “the Democrats do it to bring in more voters for them.” No. The transmigrasie that is going on in the US now is well known in other countries. It’s a plot to destroy each culture. Clever men are in charge, and, as far as I know, not one of the 435 Congresspersons has any plan to identify them or punish them. This is pathetic.

In a later part of this series, I will show how we can get over that paralysis.



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post Mary’s Moral Militia, Part 2: Instincts appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fed Admits It CAN'T Tame Inflation, Promises More Economic Pain Anyway

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-08-30 19:59 +0000
By Stefan Gleason, Money Metals News Service Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell is talking tough and warning of more interest rate pain to come. At the same time, Fed officials are now admitting that their sized-up rate hikes won't even... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

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