The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

Two Questions Answered By Joe Biden’s Red-Speech

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-09-03 13:30 +0000

Joe Biden’s “red-speech” answered at least two questions. I will address each in turn.

QUESTION: What do you get when you combine Adolf Hitler and a pedophile?

ANSWER: Joe Biden.

Seriously, it was a speech that could have been delivered by Hitler or Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong or Pol Pot. Never before has an American President declared half the country enemies of the state:

Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself and should spend every day he has left in office profusely apologizing for his hateful invective that makes him the moral equivalent of the worst dictators of the 20th century. But in Biden’s defense, he has no idea how he degraded the office of the Presidency because his dementia is such that he has no idea what he did yesterday or the day before or the day before that. He is a mere figurehead for Team-Obama.

And this brings us to the second question:

QUESTION: Will the Brandon-Democrats peacefully transfer power should the GOP win in 2022 and 2024.

ANSWER: Of course not.

If you believe the opposition are fascists, that they “are a threat to the very soul of this country”, then you do anything and everything to keep them out of power. We already saw this playbook following the 2016 election. The Democrats, the permanent government … i.e. the Deep State … and many Republicans simply refused to accept the results of the 2016 election and did anything and everything to negate that election: the Russia hoax, the Secretary of Defense refusing to withdraw troops from Syria, the DOJ refusing to prosecute BLM and Antifa militia … and the list goes on and on and on.

Expect Trump to be indicted shortly. And then they’ll go after DeSantis and other prominent America-First Republicans.

Team-Obama, through figurehead, imposter-President Biden, has unmistakably shown us who they really are.


The post Two Questions Answered By Joe Biden’s Red-Speech appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bryson Gray

Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2022-09-03 12:58 +0000
I made a song about the FBI raiding Trump ???? — CCG BRYSON (@RealBrysonGray) August 10, 2022 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Michigan Election Officials Unaware That They Were Missing a Voting Machine

Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2022-09-03 12:55 +0000
Paul Sacca, The Blaze: Dominion voting machine used in 2020 election goes missing from Michigan, an Ohio Uber driver buys it for $8 at Goodwill An Uber driver from Ohio was able to make an online purchase of a 2020... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Words of Wisdom – And Now He Can Apply it to Himself

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-09-03 12:00 +0000

This Letter to the Editor appeared a while ago and yes, I am late on reporting on it – a snippet from it with emphasis by me:

…a once seemingly rational and even-handed politician has become visibly shaken and filled with apparent rage. It begs the question of those of us witnessing this sudden sea-change: Is there something in it for him? Nobody gets so worked up like this unless they’re hiding something or been promised some sort of reward. Same could be said of his allies. Could it have something to do with constructing a massive hotel and restaurants on public lands that have been rightly preserved since the ’30s? Who knows? Sadly, now that there are people serving on the Commission that want only what’s best for Gunstock and its owners — the residents and taxpayers of Belknap County — there are forces seeking to prevent it. Beware the corporate fat cats.

And now, the more recent allies of those fat cats.  It’s been amazing to see that those that were put onto the Gunstock Area Commission to ferret out what was decried in the above went so quickly rogue – almost at the snap of somebody’s fingertips.  And that question remains – why this sudden sea-change?  What IS it that’s in it for him?  And with recent activities, what is that something that is still being hidden from we citizens of Belknap?  WHY is he now part of the forces seeking to prevent it?

This LtE was written about now-former NH State Senator Bob Guida – and many people outside of the Gunstock bruhaha had been noticing a change in him over the last year and a half to two years (and not for the good).  The Letter writer was correct – WHY such a change so quickly? I can ask the same question about Bob as I’ve known him for a number of years. Still can but I still don’t know the answer.  I now hope only that he enjoys his retirement.

But now, we who know who the LtE writer is, are asking the exact same questions.  Written back in May, it is eerily prescient as to another: Doug Lambert (and he’s telling us his company’s name outright so I don’t have to mention it).

But the exact same words that Lambert wrote about Guida before Lambert did his “in the twinkling of an eye” metamorphosis to join those “corporate fat cats”, apply to him now.  I wonder, upon reading it now (and he will, or someone else will let him know about it), will he ask himself “was it worth it?” to have sold his soul (which after his first falling off the political high wire, he told me he had to go find who he really was).

And does he need to reflect, once again, if he’s lost his soul a second time?

You know, I read those words he wrote and I can only wonder what has happened that has transformed him into being just yet another self-serving politician where Power outweighs decency.

Why should I be surprised?  I shouldn’t – he was always quoting Niccolo Machiavelli (the person from whom “Machiavellian” is derived (to wit: “The term Machiavellian often connotes political deceit, deviousness, and realpolitik.”) who wrote The Prince.

The LtE can be found here in its entirety. I am just amazed at how well he described his current state of being – back in May.


The post Words of Wisdom – And Now He Can Apply it to Himself appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Open Letter to Joe Biden from a Christian Black man and MAGA Republican

Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2022-09-03 11:40 +0000
Royce White, Official Substack of Royce White: An Open Letter to Joe Biden Yes there was a time when Black people were treated as less than. Yes that was a grave moral error. But it was an error that globalists... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Oh, Canada

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-09-03 10:30 +0000

You just have to admit that liberals, north or south of the border, are consistently inconsistent.  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arranged for his government to fund a study to create an anti-racism program for Canada’s broadcasting system. Good idea but he messed it all up. The advisory firm he hired, Community Media Advisory Center, went right to work on it but something wasn’t quite right. A problem arose when it was discovered that CMAC’s chief consultant, Laith Marouf was revealed to be an anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist, Christian-hating, Palestinian Muslim with a long documented history of hate on his Twitter account. Seems that his account has been shut down but the damage was done. Poor Justin, with mud on his face (like the black face photos of him a few years ago), was forced to have the contract with CMAC canceled despite CMAC’s dumping of Marouf.

Anti-racism is a good thing but it can’t just sound good, it must be good. Liberals spend an awful lot of time thinking up great-sounding programs but then fail to look at unintended consequences. Their vetting of those designing the program or charged with carrying them out always seems to be leading to them being consistently inconsistent.

I’ve made this charge often in my letters to the Daily Sun and here in the ‘Grok. These are charges easily supported by the Left’s long history of welcoming any and everyone into their “Big Tent” Party of “special interests”.  Muslims are just one of these identity groups because, as I’ve pointed out numerous times before, the ideology of Islam is not compatible with any Western democracy for a whole range of reasons of which most of which are diametrically opposite to Classical Western Liberal values. The same can be said of the Black Lives Matter movement which engages, routinely, in criminal rioting, theft, violence, and even murder. So why do they do it?

Two reasons, money and votes.

Muslims pour millions of dollars into Democratic election campaigns and work for candidates despite hating the values of liberals, simply because liberals are more likely to support Islam than Republicans. BLM, on the other hand, will make news and headlines so that candidates can ride into office. All of this comes at a cost which we are all experiencing now and no mistake it will get worse before it gets better.

We all witnessed the long weeks of the Canadian truckers’ strikes where Trudeau did everything but shoot the protesting truckers all over the so-called pandemic vaccines which have proven not to be vaccines at all because they still do not stop the spread of Corvid(s). Yes, the strike was broken but at what cost to the people?

The midterm elections now coming up are critical for future decisions. If we allow this slide down into Marxist Socialism, this Republic will cease to exist except in name only. Our Rights will be subject to Government approval, free speech will no longer apply, nor will Freedom of religion, equal justice under the law, nor will anything else be the same. We already are seeing our economy being ruined and the Left wants to take away private ownership of property. Retirement will be a memory of the past as the elderly will be “made comfortable” as we slowly die and are no longer a burden to Government (see Canada). This is their vision of how Government should be: people are subjects, not citizens and your children belong to the Collective, not to parents.

Is this the America you want?

The post Oh, Canada appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Open Thread – So, you got any long running sagas?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-09-03 01:30 +0000

Certainly, the Gunstock ski area in my county, Belknap, has become a long-running tragedy but somebody’s got to cover it! I assume that I’m not the only one with such things going on – you folks must have one you can share, right?

Or not – after all, like always, this open thread is yours do to with as you wish!

The post Friday Open Thread – So, you got any long running sagas? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mary’s Moral Militia Part 3: Vieira’s Constitutional Militia

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-09-03 00:00 +0000

In 2019, at Camp Constitution’s unique bookshop, Hal Shurtleff guided me to make three priceless purchases: Frederic Bastiat’s The Law (1850-ish), John McManus’ Changing Commands, 1995 (about the CFR), and Daniel McGonigle’s editing of Edwin Vieira’s “Execute the Laws” To Restore the Republic, 2013.

I didn’t tackle Vieira’s work back then in 2019, but I am gobbling it up now.

In naming my series Mary’s Moral Militia, I had a general idea that you can’t have a government — as we’ve had now for decades — that laughs at morality. It can’t work. The moral militia is, for me, not necessarily armed. It relies on law, and good ol’ enlightened self-interest, to straighten situation out our lugubrious situation. The citizen-led grand jury is one such way to put an end to the so-called immunity of the powerful.


But for Vieira there exists a provision in the US Constitution whereby all adults are to be armed by their state. He makes a water-tight case for it. Allow me to preach his sermon:

1. When our Constitution was written in 1787, the word militia meant what a militia had been since the 1600s. Each time “militia” appears in the parchment, it is referring to that thing and not to some later development that we are familiar with (be it the National Guard, or a private group of rebellion-minded citizens).

2. And what was that entity that existed from 1600s to 1787? It was the body of men in the community, age 16 to, say, 60, who could be called up as law enforcers, or handlers of emergencies. There was no army. (And police forces didn’t get invented until Sir Robert Peale organized the Bobbies in London in 1820.)

3. Service in the militia was mandatory and it required training. Were these men allowed to own guns? Edwin Vieira would laugh at you for asking. These men were required to own a gun and keep it at home in good working order. If a man was too poor to buy a gun, the group would help him.

So now let’s look again at the three references in the Constitution. Two of them are in the amazing section 8 of Article I where we see 18 clauses that lay out Congress’s job. I covered these in Part 1 as follows:

Section 8, Clause 15: “Congress shall have the Power to … provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.”

And where would that militia arise from? It comes from the militia of each state:
Clause 16: “Congress shall have Power … to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States….”

(Pardon me, but if you will phone a few friends to tell them to vote Mary Maxwell up to The Hill, on September 13, you will have a Section 8 maniac in place when the crisis comes, y’know.)

The third time the word militia appears in the Constitution is in Article II, sec 2:
“The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.”

Same Old Same Old

You may recall that President Washington in 1794 set 15k citizens in motion to deal with a problem in western Pennsylvania, known as the Whiskey Rebellion. He said “I ordered the militia to march.” But even earlier, in 1775, the Minutemen of Lexington had stepped up to the plate when they were needed. Paul Revere and Co were not acting together as inspired individuals. It was all disciplined and official.

Note: there was not yet a break with England. The Declaration of Independence did not come about until 1776. The Minutemen of 1775 were fighting British soldiers because they were being oppressive bullies.

So are you with me? When the Constitution came in, establishing a republic, characterized by limited government and lotsa rights of We the People, there was no new authorizing of the federation to set up a new militia. Vieira insists that the militia in all three mentions (plus in the Second Amendment) is the every-able-bodied-man militia whose duty is to show up when needed.

Normally they are under the state’s authority, but Congress has constitutional power to deal with “governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States.”

Does this mean the militia men are under the feds’ wing year-round? No! Can’t you read English? Three circumstances may call for a call-up by Congress (and a consequent handover of the men to the Commander in Chief). This can only be: to repel invasions, to suppress insurrections, and “to execute the laws of the Union.”

And So?

In this series of articles, I am mainly interested in the execution of laws. Indeed, I am mainly interested in the fact that laws are not enforced against numerous criminal members of government. It’s quite the impasse, isn’t it? Members of the DoJ, or of Congress for that matter, break laws left right and center, and yet are protected by the law-enforcement institutions.

A little piece of good news here is that many members of We the People have caught on to the inappropriateness of condoning the crimes of the powerful in this way. Hark to the Boston Town Records of 1772:

“We are trodden in the dirt. The Colonists have been branded with the odious name of traitors and rebels, only for complaining of their grievances; How long such treatment will, or ought to be born is submitted.” Ahem.

It’s even better. Vieira thinks that we, in the constitutional militia (all of us), can use our minds. Yep, minds as in moving forward instead of being quicksanded in contemporary history. (See also Philip Allott’s Eutopia.]. Vieira says, on page 40 of McGonigle’s book:

“Revitalized militia would mobilize millions upon millions of individuals for hundreds of different programs and bring with them the innovation and experimentation that emanate from minds not mired in the ruts of rigid bureaucratic centralism…[ No longer would ‘homeland security’ depend for direction on exclusive cliques of professional ‘security’ and ‘intelligence’ operatives including former high-ranking KGB and Stasi agents.” (Good heavens!)

He goes on to say, on page 41:

“State and local politicians, the media, the organized legal and medical professions, the intelligentia, the modernist churches and synagogues, and all the Establishment’s other mouthpieces, front groups, camp followers, and hangers on are constantly inveighing about how ‘guns cause crime.’ [Yet when wielded by] the increasingly para-militarized State [Vieira wrote this in 2004] the most savagely lethal varieties are double plus good and would never, ever, be used to further usurpation or tyranny.”

That was written in 2004. We’ve wasted 18 years of Edwin Vieira’s insight into the real militia of our Constitution. How about cottoning onto it now?



The post Mary’s Moral Militia Part 3: Vieira’s Constitutional Militia appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Announcement: GraniteGrok Endorsement for US Senate

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-02 22:30 +0000

And no, it wasn’t Chuck Morse, the Sununu and RNC/GOP handpicked maiden – he didn’t get a single vote.  Either did Kevin Smith (who is dead last in the polls), the other Establishment candidate. This is what happens when you decide that we aren’t good enough for you.

And, apparently for Smith, a low single-digit rating in the poll (even brand new candidate Vikram Mansharamani was doing better than Smith).  And for all the money and attention (yep, the Washington DC-based GOP has decided IT knows better than we do who is best to represent us by shoving millions into our Primary race for their golden boy), Morse is way behind in the polls to someone that the Establishment detests because they see him as uncontrollable.

Sidenote: if Sununu is attacking him, that should be a really great incentive TO vote for him (and not so much for Sununu). But then again, Sununu is doing the same thing against a LOT of good Conservatives because they DARE to be conservatives and put Liberty and Freedom Principles before his style of political subservience.  All the more to vote for them.

Trust us, we know.

Nope, if you want to ignore us, you’re also ignoring our readers. Once again, I hate to have to tell them but OUR READER VOTE IN THE PRIMARIES.  And I am extremely thankful that they think so much of GraniteGrok that they freely give us their eyeballs every day – and today they get to read about the contempt in which these GOPe characters hold you.

But for the first time in YEARS, we are going to do a third endorsement in this cycle.  And it is for the guy who has taken the opposite tack – he’s made it his mission to BE with you all every chance he has gotten.  He’s easily the most improved speaker, he’s certainly the most improved candidate as far as the issues go, and it’s clear that he’s done his homework in understanding the Liberty/Freedom/Conservative/Conservatarian voters in NH – what ails them, what they are looking for, and what kind of candidate they want as a bulwark against the DC Swamp.

I am proud to announce, on behalf of the GraniteGrok writer, in this very unusual third-endorsement-in-an-election-cycle goes to:

US Army Special Forces (Green Beret) Brig. General Don Bolduc

We thank him for his three-decade-long service in our military – which, I might add, was experience brought to bear on how he has risen to the top of the field both with us and with the polling going on. And we thank him in advance for that continued service as he starts in on yet another battlefield. He learned from last time – talked with a lot of voters to better learn what is important and WHY.  He has a better grasp on Constitutional issues and how they should play out in representing US.  He understands that the old fashion GOP talking points about taxes and finances are insufficient – that CULTURE is the driving force and that we expect him to be that firewall against a Federal Government that no longer respects its boundaries and its willingness to engage in that Culture War that hate traditional American norms and history.

And yes, he came fully prepared for our GrokGauntlet with his own (well cared for) real gauntlets.

Yes, it is late but we just had our last candidate in this past Wednesday – we wanted to give every candidate a fair shake and opportunity.  But we still have two weeks and we will support him (and our other endorsements) as we can. And by the way? If you see Establishment malfeasance going on against Don Bolduc, Lily Tang Williams, or Karoline Leavitt, let us know!

To be truthful, we found good things about the other candidates that did take the time and showed interest in meeting with GraniteGrok: Bruce Fenton and Vikram Mansharamani.  Both are newcomers to the political scene.  From our perspective, both were great to talk with, in different ways, and both brought different perspectives to bear and need more time to develop a bit more to be better integrated, not within the GOP, but with those NH voters that they’d be better integrated than the Establishment ones.

And here are the three GrokGauntlets sessions presented for YOU folks in aiding you in picking your candidate to support:

Don Bolduc:

Bruce Fenton:

Vikram Mansharamani:

And an additional pic of The General’s gauntlets:

The post Announcement: GraniteGrok Endorsement for US Senate appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Students Are Getting Creative With Their Preferred Pronouns

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-02 21:00 +0000

With the growing list of genders, kids are getting creative when asked what pronouns they want their teachers to use at school. In this article they say there is 68 genders. In this list, compiled by so-called experts, there are 16 genders. Here they list 72 genders.  Is it any wonder, kids are confused?

As kids enter school this fall, they may be asked a series of questions about themselves. First remember, this may be a way to data mine personal information about your children. The less is better. You have no idea where this personal information goes, who has access to it, or how it will be used.

All non-academic surveys and questionnaires need parental consent. So if your child tells you that they had to fill out something like what is pictured below from an Art class, and you did not consent, you can file a complaint.

Gone are the days when teachers just wanted to know something about your children so they can relate to them better in the class. Today’s classroom is all about data-mining personal information on your child. This is why you need to do a semi-annual visit to your public school and the New Hampshire Department of Education to review what data is being collected and stored on your children. There is a lot more that is being mined through the Ed Tech Apps, but at least you can see what they’ve gathered in their school file if you request that information from school administrators and the NH Dept of Ed.  You can find more information the privacy laws here.

To file a complaint if you did not consent to this non-academic survey is easy. First you can contact Diana Fenton ( at the New Hampshire Department of Education and ask her to investigate this violation of state law. You can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education too. Courage is a Habit is also a website to save to opt out of surveys, etc.

This was a survey of a student in a New Hampshire School:


Send this email to all your children’s teachers, superintendents, and school officials: “Dear _______, This is your formal notice that you are not permitted to talk to my child about any matter related to gender or sex, including asking my child about pronouns. I consider this to be sexual harassment of children and do not agree with the radical ideology of gender theory. Please confirm receipt of my email and agreement to comply with my instruction, as it is my fundamental right as a parent to direct the education and upbringing of my child.”

The post Students Are Getting Creative With Their Preferred Pronouns appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

10 Things Worth Collecting

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-02 20:32 +0000

Collectibles can generate a huge profit, and provide some people with an investment that can help protect their financial future, but what is worth collecting? Here is a guide to the ten most profitable collectibles.

Comic Books

Some early additions of comic books have been sold for millions of dollars at auction houses across the world. Many comics are worth a few hundred or even thousands. This collectible is a lot of fun and can be a great way to make money.

Baseball Cards

You may be wondering, are my baseball cards worth anything? Well, though many baseball cards are barely worth the paper they are printed on, some can be worth tens of thousands of dollars, or even millions. Collecting them for the future can be really profitable.


It takes money to make money. Rare coins can turn into a lot of paper, and you could have one sat in a drawer somewhere, or between the sofa cushions. Some of the highest value coins are mistakes that feature a minting error or misspelling. Keep your eyes peeled when collecting for one of these.


When people think of collectors, they think of stamp collectors the most. This is possibly the oldest form of collecting, as people use to keep stamps and envelopes from the mail because receiving mail was so rare. The oldest stamps fetch the highest fees.

Movie Memorabilia

This isn’t just t-shirts and commemorative cups from fast food outlets, the props and autographs from the stars all play a big role in the movie memorabilia market. Collecting the commercial tie-ins can be a good investment if the movie is a big blockbuster.


People have been collecting wine for millennia, but savvy collectors can hold on to a case for just a few months or years before moving it on for a hefty profit. This takes a lot of research to do, but it can be worth it for the returns. Or just drink it responsibly, that can be a good way to enjoy wine too.


This is one for a collector who knows what time it is – time to make money. Watches don’t take up much room, which is handy for a collectible, and even modern watches can appreciate in value quickly. The big names can make big money, like Rolex, Breitling, and Omega.


If you have the space you should think of collecting classic cars. Not only is this a lot of fun, and a little addictive, but the potential profits are also massive. You don’t have to invest in Ferraris, Lamborghinis, or Maseratis either. Many classic American cars earn huge bids at auto-auction houses.


This is one for the fashionistas. Handbags are a fun collectible that can also make some serious money. The right handbag from the right fashion house can double or triple in value in just a couple of years.

Antique Furniture

The oldest collectible in the book, literally. If you can find room for some furniture you can have amazing interior decor and spin a profit when you are ready. You will have to research a lot though.

Any one of these collectibles can provide a lot of fun and enjoyment, but also a decent profit. Why not choose one and start collecting today?

The post 10 Things Worth Collecting appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Couldn't Pay the Tab so We Printed More...

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-09-02 20:04 +0000
You need to watch this for your Friday — Natalie Dowzicky (@Nat_Dowzicky) September 2, 2022 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Vote to Restore Integrity to Our Country and State

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-02 19:30 +0000

On September 13th I am asking Republican and Independent voters to vote for REPUBLICAN SENATE CANDIDATE DON BOLDUC. Voters have an opportunity to elect a Senator who will once again represent the people of our State.

Don is a New Hampshire native and grew up on the family farm in Laconia. He spent 33 years in the U.S. Army, rising from a private and retiring as a brigadier general. He may be the only one to accomplish this or certainly one of a very few Americans.

During those 33 years, he earned two awards for valor, five Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts. Today he is an advocate for all those who suffer PTS. His fellow officers and soldiers call him “Captain America” and “everyone’s general.” During his career, he worked with leaders, militarily and legislatively, throughout the world and Washington, D.C.

Don Bolduc believes in:

  • United States Constitution
  • Fiscal responsibility
  • Restoring our energy independence
  • Legal (not illegal) immigration
  • Border Security/finishing the wall
  • National security and defense for the U.S., without trying to solve every problem in the world

Don is someone who has been on the frontline of life, seen the worst, has come through it all and continues his unselfish service to the people of this great state and our country.

We cannot afford another six years of Maggie Hassan and the Biden/Pelosi/Schumer socialist agenda. Have you seen the ads Maggie has been running for her reelection campaign since last Fall? Where do you think the millions of dollars of ad money comes from? Let me fill you in on a little secret—it’s not coming from New Hampshire or anyone interested in the people of New Hampshire!



The post Vote to Restore Integrity to Our Country and State appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The 2022 Republican Primary Edition of Liberty Ballot is Published

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-02 18:00 +0000

On the night before the New Hampshire Primary, many voters in New Hampshire will be asking the same question: of the many candidates on the ballot, which viable candidates will vote to reduce the size of government?

By then, it’s too late to research the candidates, so we’ve done the research for you since 2014.

All a voter has to do is select their town from the drop-down menu, and a sample ballot with the pro-liberty candidates in contested primary elections per-marked will appear. This ballot may be downloaded, printed, or emailed. There is an extensive Frequently Asked Questions section at the bottom of that answers the when, where, and how-to vote questions.

Congressional candidates Lily Tang Williams and Tim Baxter are both recommended by Liberty Ballot. For the U.S. Senate race, the three best candidates are supported by Liberty Ballot. Congratulations to Bruce Fenton, Don Bolduc, and Kevin Smith.

Go to to see the recommendations for your town.


Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post The 2022 Republican Primary Edition of Liberty Ballot is Published appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

CDC Approves “New” COVID Booster (For People) That Has Only Been Tested on Rats

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-02 16:30 +0000

Since the shine has worn off the original venom, the Public Health Industrial Complex needed to answer this question. How do we keep that laundromat running? The answer is a reformulated “booster” for COVID that has never been tested on humans.

Not because the humans got some sense. They’ve decided to skip the “middle man.”

The original booster was the same failed “vaccine” that wasn’t safe or effective. But that was tested on humans by humans who lied about the results and tried to hide them. If you skip human testing, it saves you months or years on development, and there are no results to hide.

Just repeat after me, safe and effective. And we know you’re going to lie. You’re going to lie a lot.

Related: We Know Why The Public Health Industrial Complex Had to Discredit Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

It also makes sense. Most of the folks who are still stupid enough to line up for next-gen, state-sanctioned pharmaceutical modification are Democrats. The word “rats” is right there in the name. It’s a human test trial that’s actually just jabbing more “rats.” Should we expect similar results? It makes you more likely to catch and spread the virus, with about a 1-250 chance of dropping dead.

And having said all that, the first question on my mind is this. Will the powers that be allow the animal rights activist-wing of the Lefty-Environmentalist cabal to claim a conscience rights exemption because of the animal testing?

I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

We’ll also have to pry the rat-test results from the most transparent administration in history.

Does anyone want to bet on how many of those lab rats died? All of them they’re rats. They are not immortal. Oh, you mean from the new and improved bivalent COVID19 booster? Yeah, we can’t tell you that. Sources and methods.

Related: Data From 145 Countries Show The Jab Increased Cases and Deaths

Not that it matters to science or the Public Health Industrial Complex. Like when Obama retasked NASA to do  Muslim outreach, Biden’s CDC, NIH, ETC., have one job. Use the government’s alleged interest in public health to launder money for the political and bureaucratic elite.

How many wealthy Pfizer execs does it take to donate to Democrat political campaigns?

And since Democ “rats” are the only ones who will benefit and democ “rats” are most likely to line up for it, we should start calling this the COVID rat booster. That’ll have Twitter banning people for disinformation.

Maybe Biden should repurpose NASA to go after rat booster deniers. You can’t get into space without boosters, so you could write it off as mission creep.




The post CDC Approves “New” COVID Booster (For People) That Has Only Been Tested on Rats appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is New England’s Largest Energy Provider Bailing on Offshore Wind?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-02 15:00 +0000

Eversource, that woke energy company that just raised our electric rates 110% (more on that here), has been quick to jump into offshore wind projects across the northeastern seaboard. But now they say they might sell some or all of their stake in these projects.


Nolan said the energy utility’s review of its wind investments would conclude by the end of 2022, during an earnings call Thursday.

The review could lead to the sale of all or part of the company’s stake in the Ørsted venture and the proceeds of such a transaction would be invested in the company’s existing energy and water delivery systems, according to Eversource. The company is confident it will receive large offers to scoop up its stake given its lease value, Nolan added.


Vapor ware?

Eversource has a 50% stake in three offshore wind projects which they would sell for large buckets of cash so they could do what? Waste it on other green energy projects.


“We see an opportunity to convert early, strategic investments in the wind industry to reinvest the proceeds in our core distribution, transmission, heating and land-based clean energy businesses – where we’ve identified an estimated $18B of initial investments in our 5-year capital plan – including utility-scale solar, EV charging infrastructure, and technologies to make our infrastructure smarter,” Eversource spokesperson Caroline Pretyman told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an email.


But it’s not exactly a waste. Not for the fat cats t Eversource. There are even larger buckets of federal cash getting handed around to support these other projects. Someone at Eversource is just calculating how to cash in on the opportunity for access to those on the wind side so they can tap into more of it on another.

Related: NH Gov. Chris Sununu Signing Bill to Ban Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling (But He Likes Wind!)

None of which will produce anything we actually need, especially come winter (discussed recently here).

Meanwhile, in the real world, no one has a plan to produce enough electricity to power all this new infrastructure which – by the way – isn’t possible without coal or oil. You can’t make metal or wire or cables (wind machines or solar sun catchers) out of wind and sunshine no matter how much of it you shine up someone’s ass.

What you can do is pretend there is value, encourage the government to tilt the marketplace in your favor, and then cash in, leaving someone else holding the bill in the dark.



The post Is New England’s Largest Energy Provider Bailing on Offshore Wind? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

AYFKM? "A Very Fine Line?"

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-09-02 14:02 +0000
Domenico Montanaro, NPR: Biden's speech walks a fine line in its attack on MAGA Republicans "Not even a majority of Republicans are MAGA Republicans," Biden said. "Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know because I've been able to... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

I'm a Threat to Democracy, According to Joe Biden

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-09-02 13:32 +0000
Joe Biden's address in Philadelphia tonight is one of the most menacing, bitter, angry and divisive speeches in modern US political history. Hard to believe that a US president can stoop to this level, condemning tens of millions of Americans... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Out with a Focus on Academics and in with Woke Indoctrination

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-02 13:30 +0000

There is one thing parents can agree upon and that is, they want public schools that are welcoming and safe for all children. Parents may be divided over political viewpoints, but they generally agree that they want all children learning in a safe school environment.

In SAU21, the upcoming teacher training on September 13th has caused political factions to argue against each other. Whether it’s on social media or a local protest, politicizing teachers or the schools, will cause division in the community.  Superintendent Meredith Nadeau and Assistant Superintendent David Hobbs have been actively working on this teacher training which never received approval by the school boards.

Seacoast Outright will be in charge of training teachers on September 13th. This political organization will offer their narrow political views to the teachers when it comes to the LGBTQ youth who attend SAU21 schools. The LGBTQ community is not monolithic, that’s why parents have been engaged in a social media discussion on the training. There have been LGBTQ families supporting the training and some that have not.

Recently I filed a Right-to-Know Request to obtain the training materials that will be used by Seacoast Outright. I do not have them in electronic form, so I will post a few pages here with some of my commentary.


While a few people have defended Seacoast Outright as NOT being a political organization, you can see in their materials that they push political activism on the teachers they will be training. In this slide, they are pushing a political view on teachers in the areas of sports and gender neutral bathrooms.



Seacoast Outright says that their support is for ages 11 to 19. However, all teachers in the district will attend the training session. Including those in Kindergarten and above.



There is nothing about actual science provided in this slide.

For instance if they offered real science they would say, “The sex of a baby is determined by its chromosome make-up at conception. An embryo with two X chromosomes will become a girl, while an embryo with an X-Y combination results in a boy.”   Seacoast Outright pushes a narrow political view on teachers,  rather than scientific facts.



This sounds like the typical BLAME and SHAME and discriminatory conjecture.  What exactly are they trying to tell the teachers they are training? Since Black Lives Matter Seacoast teamed up with Seacoast Outright, maybe this is part of their agenda.
Here is New Hampshire’s anti-discrimination law:

354-A:31 Prohibition on Public Employers. No public employer, either directly or through the use of an outside contractor, shall teach, advocate, instruct, or train any employee, student, service recipient, contractor, staff member, inmate, or any other individual or group, any one or more of the following:

I. That people of one age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, marital status, familial status, mental or physical disability, religion, or national origin, are inherently superior or inferior to people of another age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, marital status, familial status, mental or physical disability, religion, or national origin;



What will be presented by Seacoast Outright on US Holidays?



Is it inclusive for teachers to display flags from one protected class of students? Wouldn’t that be exclusive? YES!

Why have children in SAU21 been told by their teachers that they cannot participate in Christmas activities, or even write Merry Christmas on the chalkboard?
Take a look at this parent at (12:30) who talks about how the district is moving in an exclusive direction:

Her daughter, who is in 6th grade, was told by her teacher not to write Merry Christmas on the chalkboard because she might offend someone. She even mentions the decrease in the public school population because of this  intolerance towards the Christian students. Their support for inclusiveness must mean inclusive to their narrow political views.

This same jargon was preached in SAU16. They were also all about diversity and inclusion, but when you pulled back the curtain, they were good with attacking and excluding Christians.  This seems to be a common narrative. Sell your community on inclusivity while trashing religious students at the same time. Parents need to fight back because their religious children are in a protected class too.


There is nothing in this that offers teachers a different viewpoint. What do religious families within SAU21 believe about gender identities ?

Here is the recent proposal by SAU21 school administrators on inclusivity.  Seacoast Outright represents their political viewpoint, which may be valid to those who subscribe to their worldview, but it does not represent inclusive viewpoints on gender identity. There are many different world views on this subject, but only one will be presented during this training. That contradicts the statement that they want to make on inclusivity:



If North Hampton administrators, board members and employees are going to support inclusivity and appreciation for diversity, then Seacoat Outright’s worldview excludes other views on gender:

1) United Church of God: God’s will is for each person to appreciate and embrace his or her gender and to glorify God as a male or as a female.
2) The Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards : And whereas the medical and psychological professions have shown through study after study, that not only are SOCE (sexual orientation change efforts) and GICE (gender identity change efforts) not efficacious – they are in fact dangerous, causing depression, anxiety and sexual dysfunction;

Therefore, be it resolved that the Rabbinical Assembly condemn Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Change Efforts as contrary to the value of tzelem Elohim and specifically injurious to k’vod habri’ot, inasmuch as they falsely hold up that which is natural as disordered, that which is established as changeable, and that which does harm as therapeutic;

3) Diocese of Manchester NH: The matter of gender dysphoria is a sensitive topic that requires a compassionate response.
As Catholics, it is our most fundamental belief that every human being has been created in the image and likeness of God and has inestimable value and dignity. No one should be an object of scorn, hatred, or violence for any reason, including those who seek gender transition or who refuse to identify as either male or female.

The Catholic Church teaches that God created us, male and female, and that our bodies, souls, and identities as male and female are all integral to who we are as human persons.

4) Gender Identity in Youth Islamic Perspective Divergence between gender identity and the sex of an individual is considered in Islam abnormal behavior and primarily a mental health issue requiring healthcare and spiritual intervention along with awareness. There could be very rare cases where the gender identity – sex misalignment is caused by other factors, however these are much less common. 

There are differing views even within the world religions that is not be expressed in this training. How is that inclusive?

The teacher training is exclusive, not inclusive.

While I respect those who hold different a different world views, unless the district decides to provide training on each group of students in the protected classes, they are actually being exclusive.

Supporting, caring for, or treating the LGBTQ students should be the standard of care they should expect in any public school. That is what we should expect from all of our public institutions. But this training does not respect or include diverse viewpoints. This is political affirmation for one worldview that can conflict with the other families served in SAU21.

If SAU21 administrators are going to align their mission with Woke ideology, and abandon their main mission of focusing on academics, expect division and pushback.

What unites a community?
1) When public schools prioritize academics over politics.
2) When the focus is on providing a quality education in a safe school environment.
This kind of training excuses administrative failures to curb bullying, and an unsafe school environment. Instead of supporting teachers who have to deal directly with bad behavior, administrators get to parade around pretending as if they did something to help the school culture.

Parents expect three things from the schools that educate their children:
1) Quality academics for all.

2) Safe environment for all.

3) Parental respect

When any of those elements are missing, you can expect problems within the school community. When the leadership remains focused on those important tasks, then you are serving all families. In turn, families will support you and our public schools.

Feel free to use the following message below sent to me by a parent:

Send this email to all your children’s teachers, superintendents, and school officials: “Dear _______, This is your formal notice that you are not permitted to talk to my child about any matter related to gender or sex, including asking my child about pronouns. I consider this to be sexual harassment of children and do not agree with the radical ideology of gender theory. Please confirm receipt of my email and agreement to comply with my instruction, as it is my fundamental right as a parent to direct the education and upbringing of my child.”


The post Out with a Focus on Academics and in with Woke Indoctrination appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Well, Yesterday Was Coup D’Etat Day within the Belknap County Delegation; Peter Principle on Full Display

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-09-02 12:00 +0000

Proving People Can’t Be “Evolved” as Progressives keep saying and proving again that the Peter Principle Still Exists (and Incompetents Get “Promoted”).

Silly me thinking that perhaps all the political shenanigans and backstabbing were going to take a break yesterday because I took TMEW and the Grandson to Clarke’s Trading Post (it’s an old name, for those of us of senior age and wisdom here in NH, Clarke’s Bears for the younger and uninitiated ones) for a well-deserved family day. Been trying to do a number of day trips for him now that school finished – a last “summer hurrah!” as it were.  Who knew that a “bumper boat that squirts water at others” would be such a hit for the youngster?

But nothing waits for anyone and life is but a tradeoff of choices (something that Progressives STILL don’t understand as they believe their Moral Superiority trumps everyone else  – and no, I didn’t watch President Asterisk last night preaching that I’m such a danger to society and “Our Democracy” (what a stupid phrase – and he and the Dems mean it selfishly but I shouldn’t let myself get started on that – yet).

Yep, the whole mess of Gunstock Mountain Resort, the Gunstock Area Commission, and the stench of secret dealings of using public assets for private gain got gassed mightily into the Belknap County Delegation – those monied former Commissioners that rumor had Master Plans to deal themselves into were not going to be denied and their minions flipped the Delegation from those that were trying to find the basis of those rumors to those that are wishing to be those former Commissioners’ “firewall”.

Remember, Commissioners Doug Lambert…

Sidenote: see, Doug, I didn’t even have to say that phrase I said I wouldn’t use anymore! Until I decide to follow your example of promising to resign if the Delegation didn’t do something you wanted – and then you caved. So, I’m two for two (posts) in keeping my word. Too bad you didn’t keep yours, though.

…and Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice Chair) were appointed by the Delegation to start actually do the Overwatch GAC Commissioners are supposed to do – and then flipped.

Emboldened by the strategy created by Gary Kiedaisch’s monies (assuming here, along with other monied people who got peeved that those “Conservative riff-raff” were spoiling their plans) by hiring Brian Beihl, an Uber-Progressive Obama/Alinsky style organizer…

Sidenote: and I have to admit, it has worked to a “T” – sowed dissension into the new GAC commissioners, then over to the Delegation by causing the “manmade political emergency” that was Soulfest (reminder: Tom Day, GM of GMR had started months earlier in trying to break the contract – simply splendid idea of using the people you hated to see at the Mountain used as a political crisis to strike fear into those not wanting to lose their re-election bids in a few weeks – BRILLIANT!)

…set in motion the plots within plots within plots at several levels in the attempt to:

  • Save Gunstock – for themselves, that it.  That it was being saved for Belknap County residents was just a cover
  • Stop the investigations, from a Legal and Accounting Audit perspective, that was already leading to uncomfortable results coming to light.  Stay tuned – both GraniteGrok and the Laconia Daily Sun have stuff in the works
  • Put up a firewall for the GAC, as I mentioned earlier, by taking over the Delegation so that competent and curious Commissioners continue to ask embarrassing questions (the reason why the Sr. Mgt staged a politically driven mass resignation that had NOTHING to do with meeting seating arrangements but EVERYTHING to do with being served papers that morning – but always turn a negative into a positive by blaming it on the folks that WERE presenting an existential threat to what was going on.

So while I have much more to say on this, I think that I can summarize what happened after talking to a number of folks:

  • NH State Rep (and hopefully NOT my elected Representative for long) Gregg Hough apparently lied to Chairman Mike Sylvia that the simple agenda for yesterday’s meeting was fine and that only the supplemental appropriations were to be discussed and voted upon.
  • NH State Rep Tim Lang (leader of the “Lang Gang” of other dissident Reps), one of the puppet masters coming out of the Shadows got up and shoved more items onto it
  • NH State Rep Mike Sylvia resigned AS CHAIRMAN of the Delegation (still a NH State Rep), not willing to take it any more, understanding that the “fix” was in and had been lied, apparently, by Hough
  • NH State Rep Dawn Johnson had enough of this nonsense of not following proper procedures and walked out.
  • NH State Rep Barabara Comtois immediately resigned as Secretary, and NH State Rep Juliet Harvey-Bolia (a new member of the Lang Gang – another one not understanding existing Law took her place.
  • NH State Rep Harry Bean (remember, the one that called the illegal Delegation meeting because he couldn’t (or wouldn’t, more likely) do the homework required to use State Statutes correctly having fallen for the Beihl manufactured “emergency”) was elected as the new Chair after being nominated by Tim Lang who, for some unknown reason, thought he was in charge with quite a few Reps unwilling to take part in this coup by voting “Present”.

Sidenote – and with this disregard for Law and proper process, you really want Tim Lang as a State Senator?  Ambition, with Political Power as the drug of choice, is never a good combination.  Remember, he was Sununu’s boy in deciding winners and losers in who Government would allow which businesses would reopen – and the severe restrictions that were mandated upon them.  Free Enterprise?  Not under Lang’s administration in this!

As I said, I’ll have more to say later on but I was informed by several sources that Bean was as competent in running the remainder of the meeting (how complicated can manage two sets of votes can it be????) as he was in calling that illegal meeting. Absolutely clueless and had to keep looking at Puppet Master Lang on how to proceed every single step of the way.

Unfortunately, this is not going to end well for the taxpayers of Belknap County with the coup. Expect that our taxes are going to skyrocket given that this new “leadership” and majority of the Delegation (you know, switching sides to “The Strong Horse” has happened again) are now being WAY too cozy with the Belknap County Commissioners.  Those that just left were really fiscally conservative in eliminating the “slush funds” that are always found in any budget – if things continue on the same trajectory as now, we’ll be able to thank them for making us even poorer.

You know, like Biden’s policies are now?

And remember, Sununu supports them all!


The post Well, Yesterday Was Coup D’Etat Day within the Belknap County Delegation; Peter Principle on Full Display appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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