The Manchester Free Press

Wednesday • May 15 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XX

Manchester, N.H.

Critical Negotiating Skills for Real Estate Investors

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-04 17:32 +0000

The real estate pool will always be open for business and there is no such thing as too many investors. You can do anything from becoming a real estate agent to fixing houses and reselling them, to finding wholesale opportunities and selling contracts for a fee.

In fact, there are even courses on wholesaling houses for beginners and on other real estate investing topics. While learning the ins and outs of each type of investment is critical, it’s also valuable to simply learn the art of negotiation. Too many people jump in without getting any training on this important skill and end up having difficulty

Learn How to Overcome No’s

Have you ever been told no and then just walked away? Most people would say yes. Savvy real estate investors should consider learning ways to overcome a potential seller’s objections and overcome their nos. This can be through a series of conversations, direct questions and more. It’s important to get to the underlying reasons that might be the answer. Some newer real estate investors, especially in the wholesaling arena, would benefit greatly from a cold calling script for wholesaling.

These scripts give great options to help you overcome when someone says no to your opportunity. Being good at real estate investing often requires a similar skillset as the average salesperson. You need to know a good opportunity when you see one and understand how what you offer can help them. While of course, investing helps you as well, the deals should be focused on the benefit for the seller and less on you.

Walk Away if Necessary

Investing can feel like gambling, but in any good gamble, you must know when to walk away and then do it. There comes a point in a negotiation when the outcome is not going to be favorable for you. It’s at this moment you need to decide whether to walk away or not. Maybe you discover that the property you thought was basically turnkey is now going to cost you a huge chunk of money to make livable. While you might love the location, the property, and the potential, if you didn’t plan on a fix and flip, it’s probably not the right opportunity for you. It’s never too late to back out until the final paperwork is signed. And even then, if there was a criminal lack of disclosure, you may have some recourse.

Negotiating often feels like a dance, make sure you’re the one staying in the lead when it comes to making decisions and finalizing any real estate deal.

Stay Connected to People in the Industry

Connecting in the real estate industry is important. Knowing people who do inspections, make repairs, and even manage properties is critical. Part of your job as an investor is to know where and when to invest and what to invest in. There are real estate agents and brokers who can be great assets to you as you build your investment portfolio. They can help you view properties, get in your offers, and will even negotiate on your behalf. Staying connected will be important as you move forward.

Connections can also help you during negotiations. People love to work with those they know, like and trust and if you are known by someone in their sellers’ circle, they may be more likely to negotiate with you and give you the real estate contract. Additionally, connections in local government can help you get access to the people you need to overcome zoning and other potential issues.

Don’t be Rude

While being direct is important in real estate investing, you do not need to be rude. Keep demeaning comments, anger, and unnecessary opinions out of the real estate deal. No one likes to work with people who make them feel bad. Be direct and forthcoming with information that is necessary for the deal, but don’t let personal feelings rule you. Being rude will isolate you and potentially keep you from getting the deals you want the most. Being gracious, polite, and even friendly is still possible while being professional and trying to drive a lucrative deal.

Learn from the best negotiators that face-to-face and even phone calls are far better than trying to negotiate through text and email. The more personal the interaction, the better the outcome. Learning negotiation skills can help many new investors overcome fears and get better at finding and settling great deals.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-04 16:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing, but I’m still getting up to speed here.  If I can, I will have a Monday Overflow.  But first, an Independence Day thought.

Every Independence Day I reread the Declaration of Independence.  Regrettably, as time goes on, I find myself seeing more and more reflections of their grievances in today’s society.  Back in the late 90’s as my Rightward shift started to accelerate, I remember reading a from-memory phrase whose origins are lost to me:

To be thought insane, merely start quoting the Founding Fathers in the context of today’s infringements of freedom.

So now, please, watch this video from the TV series John Adams.  The acting is, IMHO, superb in conveying the weight of the decision to vote YES.  And their silence afterwards as they full-well recognized that, if they lost, they and their families would die a traitor’s death.  (I have two documented Revolutionary Warn ancestors and two more that await confirmation.)








Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter(and Part IIand Part III) can often be hidden inside humor.  Stand by for Thought Splinters IV… when I can get to it.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









My choice for the best of the lot… it’s a tie.






Palate Cleanser:

The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

July 4, 2022: Let Freedom Ring

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-04 15:00 +0000

This is the time of the year that the air is filled with joy and recognition of America’s Independence Day and the formation of one of the greatest nations on Earth. There is something for everyone: spectacular fireworks, family and friends’ gatherings, concerts, patriotic music, parades, and traditional BBQ.

It puts most of us in a reflective mood, particularly when we celebrate America’s birthday. Freedom, individual liberty, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. All prodigiously good reasons to celebrate America’s 246th birthday.

Yet, I am also disappointed to see the reality of the world as it is, particularly with what the current Democrat Party is doing to this nation of all nations. For decades, the Democrat Party has shown by both words and deeds that they despise the U.S. Constitution while they bend over backward to embrace Islamists, illegal aliens, and anyone who hates America and feels entitled. The left is interested only in power, control, and nothing else — even if it means sacrificing our safety and national security.

Creeping socialism, communism, liberalism, progressivism, New World Order (NWO) Globalists, and the American ‘Democrat Party’ are riding on a fast train to erode much of the foundation of this nation. A nation that is the best hope of all free people. Tragically, a terrible course was set in motion during Obama’s presidency. We have already seen the devastating impact of Obama’s redistributionist government. The Biden Administration continues Obama’s ‘Fundamental Transformation of America.

“A global pandemic and the Biden administration has given Obama & Co. the opportunity to undo the prosperity of the Trump years and move forward with their plans to remake the U.S. into a “green” socialist Utopia, the damage to actual Americans’ lives and businesses be damned”

I would like to join all of you in the celebration of the birth of this great nation. Yet, deep in my soul, I find it also my solemn duty to keep sounding the alarm about the fire of Marxism and communism even at this poignant moment during our 4th of July celebrations.

As Ronald Reagan once said: Let the Fourth of July always be a reminder that here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights; that government is only a convenience created and managed by the people, with no powers of its own except those voluntarily granted to it by the people.”

I am for unity under just one banner: freedom. Any idea or action that separates people into warring camps and builds walls of separation is abhorrent to me. Marxist Democrats have degenerated into a force for oppression, segregation, and tyranny and I find it necessary to expose the harm it inflicts on fellow Americans.

This Democrat Party no longer hides its agenda. They now openly encourage millions of illegal aliens to violate our laws and break into our country, and they want to sign them up for free welfare, free health care, free education, and the right to vote — with the help of their ace in the hole, the “Fake News” media and RINO’s (Republicans In Name Only). It is obvious that the Democrat Party is at war with America, and is not interested in stopping any time soon.

As for politics, there are really no saints in this line of work — Democrats, republicans, or whatever. It is sad, but a fact that politics is dirty, parochial, and divisive. I am asking you not to make any decisions based on emotion. We must remain united and win this battle peacefully and wisely.

In 1776, our Founders stood up, put their lives and fortunes on the line, and declared their freedom and independence from the chains and shackles of the King of England. I hope all Americans, once again, unite for the love of freedom and are willing to stand up and declare their Freedom and Independence, not from England, but from the chains and shackles of our own government and its lackeys.

In short, Americans have an illegitimate President and a federal government that has revealed itself to be punitive to its citizens; taking unconstitutional measures and issuing orders that amount to nothing short of federally mandated self-destruction. Nonetheless, first things first.

Our highest priority is the preservation of this nation of the free. We have done what it took in the past and we must do what it takes now and into the future to safeguard our precious liberty. America is not perfect. Yet, it is the very best hope for a humanity struggling to find its humanness. We must promote the work of the good by unifying our fellow Americans to save America from fading away. America is worth defending.

Happy Independence Day.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Poll – Who Was Your Pick for NH Governor?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-04 14:15 +0000

I’m late – mea culpa, mea culpa.  So, you tell us if you think the results are a bit surprising?  And what does it portend in the Primary in September?  Should Sununu be a bit worried?

And not for nothing, here’s what FiveThirtyEight, a Leftist polling/consulting site that will be a constant on ABC, CBS, NBC and the rest of that alphabet news show lineup, has to say about the General Election:

(H/T: NH Journal)

So the question is, how BADLY does the Liberty/Freedom / Conservative wing of the NH GOP NOT want Sununu again as Governor?  I think it’s rather clear that the writers here at GraniteGrok, given the [deservedly so] pounding over the last year and a half we’ve given him for being a Squish, especially over his mishandling of the Pandemic vis-a-vis the NH Constitution, that we’d shed no tears if our unscientific, self-selected poll were to come true.

Note: yes, we KNOW they turn out to be a popularity contest and an exercise to see which campaign turns out their supporters – but it is rather amusing and there is some information to be gathered from it.

So, given that it looks that he’s unstoppable in the General election, which translates into Sherman just adding to the CO2 emissions from NH as he’s merely burning $100 bills two or three at a time in a Hail Mary effort if this is true, if Sununu was to be stopped, Y’ALL have to stop him via the Primary.  Stranger things have happened.

So HOW BADLY do you want it to happen?

And a new poll tomorrow for the US Senate Race!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meet Senate Candidate Kevin Smith and Congressional Candidate Karoline Leavitt!

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-04 13:30 +0000

The Government Integrity Project (GIP) is continuing their FREE series of intimate meetings for the public to meet – AND QUESTION – candidates for public office. The next event will be held on Thursday, July 14th at 7pm in Brentwood, NH (Click here for details).

Two candidates for federal office will be hosted: Kevin Smith (U.S. Senate) and Karoline Leavitt (U.S. Congress – CD1). Come and hear what they have to say about the issues that are important to you. Meeting candidates in person adds another dimension of understanding that leads to casting a more confident, and more informed vote in the primary. These types of personal interactions also help to shape the positions of those who are elected.

Please take advantage of this opportunity to meet and influence these candidates.

Looking forward to seeing you on July 14th!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Researchers “Discover” That the Human Immune System Protected Unvaccinated People from COVID19

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-04 12:00 +0000

I wish this were a parody. I do. But back in March, an article was published in ‘Interesting Engineering’ titled “A hidden immune feature may have spared unvaccinated people from COVID-19 infections.” It was picked up by the BBC, among others, as if no one had heard of such a thing.

Some human beings appear to have a natural resistance to COVID19 that limits the viral impact and keeps them out of the hospital.

No kidding?


For six months, the researchers at the University’s Sahlgrenska Academy investigated 156 employees from five primary care health facilities who were recruited during April and May 2020. None of these employees had been vaccinated against COVID-19, and the majority of them had to work with infected patients on a daily basis during the height of the pandemic.

They identified IgA (immunoglobulin A) in the respiratory tracts of several of the personnel who didn’t catch COVID-19, which could mean they had an antidote in their immune systems all this time.

These antibodies are found naturally in mucous membrane secretions in the airways and gastrointestinal tract, where they protect the body by binding to viruses and other invading organisms.


Even children inherently understand the process, if not the actual biology. Their nature drives them to expose themselves to things, and their bodies process that into the human defense system.

Related: Data: COVID Vaccines Cause More COVID Cases per Million and More Deaths per Million

I don’t suppose the “researchers,” or the reporter realized that SARS CoV2 is bits of things most of us have been exposed to all our lives. Something like 80% of it is pre-existing flu strains. As such, our bodies, without any experimental pharmaceutical intervention, can mount an adequate defense against it.

But no one makes money on that.


The disease appears to affect some people more severely than others, with some experiencing very minor symptoms and others being hospitalized and requiring aid in breathing. The current study aimed to uncover health factors that appeared to offer COVID-19 protection for the unvaccinated.


I should mention that the author of this groundbreaking report (about what sounds to them like life-saving research) states “that the majority of the COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective against severe illness, hospitalization, and death.”

Maybe. For about three to five weeks. After which, the “COVID-19 Vaccines” can make some recipients more susceptible to illness and hospitalization. But let’s not water down this watershed moment. The big news is that people have antibodies, and sometimes they are different, and this affects who gets sick from what.

It is a knowledge we’ve had for … at least a few years.




After being inundated with BS and fearmongering, I suppose a discovery of this amplitude might appear astonishing. New even. But not in any significant way. When push comes to shove, this was never about the flu, and the only antibody for that is free people who refuse to kneel before the self-anointed elite.

Related: Record-Setting Non-Covid Excess Deaths as The Pandemic Politics Piper Has Come to Call

People that reject wearing useless masks. And when can we expect these researchers to make that discovery. Or the one where having them on your face is worse for your health in ways already known?

No rush. Plenty of “research” has been published on how dangerous masking and mass masking is to public health. But how long must we wait before the right sort of researchers discover it and decide that the public needs to know?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

When Will We Protect Those Who Protect Us

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-04 10:30 +0000

There is a human tragedy occurring around us every day. People who stepped up to protect our country or went to work each day not knowing the dangers they would face are opting to end their lives rather than face their demons.

Far too many of our veterans and first responders die each year, not because of something that happened on the job, but something the job may have done to them. Society does not pay much attention to this senseless waste of life, which is a sad tragedy of its own.

We lose 22 veterans every day to suicide. That number has been increasing yearly for the two decades that the data has been tracked. It seems so shallow to call lost veterans data points, but since the military and government are doing little to address the crisis, data points are what we have.

We lose over 250 first responders per year to suicide. Not nearly as many as the veterans we lose but at a rate twenty percent higher than the general population. The numbers don’t matter as much as the issue itself. Any soul lost to suicide is a failure of society. We need to do better.

After mass shootings, people always come forward to tell of the warning signs they saw. Unfortunately, those stories do nothing after the fact. We must speak up when we see situations that could manifest into a far more severe predicament.

Many Veterans don’t show signs of an urge to harm themselves before doing so. But some may show signs of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, or hopelessness, like:


  • Seeming sad, depressed, anxious, or agitated most of the time
  • Sleeping either all the time or not much at all
  • Not caring about what they look like or what happens to them
  • Pulling away from friends, family, and society
  • Losing interest in hobbies, work, school, or other things they used to care about
  • Expressing feelings of excessive guilt or shame, failure, lack of purpose in life, or being trapped


By the statistics, the VA and the Policeman’s Union are not doing enough to identify, counsel, and save these heroes who have decided they have nothing to live for.

These men and women stepped up for us. Whether to protect freedom in a foreign land or to keep us safe at home, these heroes ran towards danger for others. Now is our time to run to them, keep them safe, and ensure they get the counseling needed to avoid a tragic end to their lives. Awareness of the problem is the first step. Taking action is the next.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is It Wrong To Ask Questions Anymore? Is It Wrong To Verify The Truth?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-04 02:00 +0000

The editor of a local news outlet was stating how wonderful the Jan. 6th investigation was going. How the committee was focusing on Trump’s PAC spending money in places it should not spend it, like paying for expenses at one of Trump’s hotels.

And also how the 2000 Mules was debunked because Bill Barr said so, but Barr never produced any evidence. It’s like you or I saying Sununu is taking money from the state and putting it into his pockets and that would make it true.

The hearing on the January 6th investigation is all one-sided, this is no different than a grand jury. I say let all the facts come out, but I doubt that will ever happen.

Regarding Trump’s Political Action Committee (PAC), it can give money to any other nonprofit organization and naturally pay the bills, like hotel bills. We all need to remember if Trump was purposely committing fraud, I am sure they would have charged him. Anyways, let Trump stand for that crime but I doubt they will ever charge/convict him.

We want to thank John Sellers for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

I say if you want to follow the money, forget Trump’s few million dollars of PAC money, look at what Biden gave Ukraine! Where did the 40-plus billion dollars go for Ukraine? I think many people’s pockets could be getting lined with millions. Don’t you ever wonder how Senators and Congressmen get into office like you or me but come out multimillionaires? Think about it, 40 billion, and now I hear it is up to 53 billion given to Ukraine. I know weapons cost money, but 53 billion?

Let me put some perspective on this amount of money. If I got this right, Ukraine’s yearly revenue is equal to about 51 million US dollars per year and then here. If we use 40 billion, this is giving them over 780 times their yearly revenue to spend. Remember Ukraine is not a wealthy country, they are about the size and population of California.

It seems to always be the case of look here while they do something else over there. We are being fed what they want us to hear so we repeat it over and over again until it sounds so true, we think it is true. I said before truth is getting harder to find these days.

Meanwhile we suffer with high gas, and heating oil prices along with food and many other things increasing by the day and just wait until next year, that is when the real suffering will begin. Things take time to trickle down to us poor people, but it is coming.

Is it wrong to ask questions anymore? Is it wrong to verify the truth?

Elections do have errors, just ask anyone who’s had a recount. The recount is there because errors may exist by machine or human.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sunday Spotlight: The American People

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-04 00:00 +0000
On this Fourth of July weekend, what better person or group to celebrate than the American People. The toughest, most resilient people on earth, the American People, are the glue that has held this country together for nearly two hundred and fifty years.

Regardless of the political party in power or the state of the world, the American People have been the rock that others rely on for stability. Americans have always delivered. Every decade has its different challenges. Depression, war, political unrest, and generational conflict are some of the obstacles Americans have had to endure. And the People have always come out stronger together on the other side. Probably not since the Civil War, when the question of slavery divided the country, have there been such diametrically opposed factions as we have today. We have a battle between those who love this country, its history, and its future potential and those who want to tear it down for a more Socialistic America. The difference with today’s conflict is that the seed was planted over one hundred years ago to bring about this moment of choice. The Progressives planned for the long game when they took over our educational system, media, and entertainment and, in so doing, changed our culture slowly over decades. Their patience was incredible, but they may have pulled the trigger a bit too soon. Two World Wars and even the Korean Conflict united the country in patriotism and set the productive capacity into full gear. Except for the War on Terror, no war or conflict since has had the same effect. The Vietnam War and the various conflicts in the Middle East since have divided this country like never before. Throw in the culmination of the Left’s move toward Socialism, the worship of a Greener World, and the polarization effect of two unpopular presidents, and you have the making of a Left and Right not capable of compromise. The Left overplayed their hand. They got Ultra-Progressive candidates like Cortez, Omar, and Talaib elected, but they were too brash and immature for the calling. School boards pushed too far with CRT and DIEJ, and the COVID Pandemic exposed their mission to parents. Parents were ready to fight back. After the productive but divisive term of Donald Trump, the Left countered with the feeble and inept Joe Biden, and that may be the tipping point the Right was looking for. In less than two years, the country has gone from one of prosperity and a thriving economy to a recession, inflation, stagnation, and further divide. The Right has seen and felt enough. The primaries have shown a thirst to return to our basic principles and a more conservative candidate. The polls for Biden and his team continue to plummet to all-time lows and signal a Red Tsunami like never seen before in November. We have survived another era of upheaval and change, and the majority is longing for the country they can be proud of. The Left will have to concede that they gave it their best shot, but it was far from good enough. It was not the Government or a political party that would pull America together. The American people have realized they are stronger than the system and are flexing their might and authority to get this great country back on track. For that, we have much to celebrate this Fourth of July. We have seen how low we can fall and want to rise back up to be that shining beacon on the hill once more. `

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GP: J6 Witness Cassidy Hutchinson’s NINE Confirmed Lies … (so far)

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-03 22:00 +0000

The left has been falling all over itself, sharing revelations made before the j6 commission about President Trump. Statements reminiscent of the fake dossier pimped by camp Clinton. “bombshells that are also proving to be equally fictitious.

Gateway Pundit has the list. We’re sharing it, so you’ll have it while wandering in the social media wilderness.


1.) Cassidy Hutchinson said President Trump attempted to grab the steering wheel of “the beast” and wrestle control from the Secret Service on January 6.

Truth: President Trump was not in “the beast” on January 6.

Truth: Secret Service agents willing to testify against this ridiculous lie by young Cassidy. It never happened.

2.) Cassiday Hutchinson said President Trump grabbed the neck area of Secret Service agent Bobby Engel.

Truth: Bobby Engel willing to testify this was a lie.

3.) Cassidy Hutchinson said President Trump broke dishes and flipped tablecloths on January 6.

Truth: President Trump refutes the nonsensical claim.

4.) Cassidy Hutchinson claimed to have written a handwritten note on January 6.

Truth: Former White House lawyer Eric Herschmann wrote the note and testified to this fact under oath previously before the committee.

5.) Cassidy Hutchinson said her boss Mark Meadows called Roger Stone on January 5 to find out what would play out the next day on January 6.

Truth: Roger Stone has never spoken to Mark Meadows outside of a conversation they held in a green room in 2019.

6.) Cassidy Hutchinson said Mark Meadows spoke with General Flynn on January 5.

Truth: General Flynn has never had a phone conversation with Mark Meadows.

7.) Cassidy Hutchinson said General Flynn and Roger Stone participated by phone in a briefing in the war room in the Willard Hotel with Mark Meadows on January 5.

Truth: Did not happen. Stone and Flynn have not spoken with Meadows on the phone, ever.

8.) Cassidy Hutchinson said Jeffrey Clark met with Rudy Giuliani and Trump campaign at White House.

Truth: This is false. They’ve never met or communicated.

9.) Cassidy Hutchinson testified that Trump’s White House counsel Pat Cipollone was at the White House on the morning of January 6, 2021.

Truth: Pat Cipollone was NOT at the White House on January 6.


Star witness? Surprise witness? More like, we found someone willing to commit perjury just in time to hide the “sudden death” of Michael Stenger in exchange for a book deal (and we’ll look the other way like we do when our side threatens “democracy”).

You know, more of that, at this point, what difference does it make.

It does make a difference. Facts in the face of more lies from Democrats and their presstitutes erode the value of past and future claims. You are helping expose the blatant and systemic fraud.

So, go forth armed with the truth and use it – if for nothing else – to get the Progs’ panties’ in a twist.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Governor Groomer and the Liberal World Order

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-03 20:00 +0000

So here is Governor Groomer … a/k/a Sun-King Sununu, a/k/a Chrissy-Abortion … at a conference sponsored by Goldman Sachs, beneficiary of the 2008 bailouts and one of the heavyweights of Woke Wall Street and the Liberal World Order (ESG).

This … as in Goldman Sachs and other globalists, i.e. the “Liberal World Order” … is who and what Governor Groomer and his fellow NH-GOP elitists, like Jm Merrill, really believe in and support.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who is gaslighting who? Sam Levy of Everytown for Gun Safety or the Union Leader? Or Zandra Rice-Hawkins? Andy Pelosi?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-03 18:00 +0000

So who is at fault here?  The Union Leader had an article about guns and schools: Gun control backers urge Sununu to veto federal preemption bill. It was about the recently signed into law bill, HB1178, by Governor Sununu (and yes, I’ll thank him for being Consistent on gun politics) that no longer requires State-level law enforcement to cooperate with Federal law enforcement when it comes to enforcing Federal law AND any Presidential Executive Orders that would violate State Law.

The Left is all up in arms over this “nullification”; WHY should they as Democrat-controlled States and Cities have taken the same actions for illegal immigration (and threatening to do the same for abortions)?  But I digress as I wanted to point out a fallacy (bordering on a lie?) that the UL quoted without any pushback:

“New Hampshire has some of the barest state laws in the country and this would be ceding to the federal government,” said Sam Levy, senior counsel for Everytown for Gun Safety, a national gun control advocacy group.

Yeah, so what?  We also are amongst the safest States in the nation, year over year, for gun crime (note I didn’t say gun violence?  It’s ALL crime. Period. And screw the focus group “wording” to disguise what they are trying to accomplish).  Why?  Our culture. Our sense of self-responsibility and “live and let live” attitude.  But here’s the problem:

For example, Levy said New Hampshire is the only state that expresses it’s legal under state law for adults to possess guns on the grounds of a public school.

The federal Gun-Free School Zones Act makes it a federal crime for adults to possess and carry weapons within 1,000 feet of a school.

So Levy said the first – truth. But did he also say the second line?  Or was that UL’s Landrigan ” lazy note”?  Whichever, it’s wrong. So either Levy is lying or Landrigan didn’t bother to do his homework. I knew that holding an NH Pistol/Revolver License, I COULD legally conceal carry on school grounds.  I also know that it has never been litigated here in NH and I’m not sure I want to be the first.  That said, I went over to and looked up the exceptions to the Gun Free School Law:

What Are The Exceptions?
The prohibition of firearms in school zones does not apply if any of the following provisions are met. Note that I’ve added my own commentary in brackets [].

(i) on private property not part of school grounds; [like a home or other private property that is within 1000 feet of a school but isn’t public property.]

And that’s the part that either Levy lied or Landrigan got wrong. After all, if a town puts up a new school across from your home, does that automatically deny you your Second Amendment Right?  Of course not.  And the same exists if you are purchasing a home right across the street.

(ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license; [So if you have a concealed carry permit, license, or another official document which permits you to possess the firearm assuming that there is some qualification standard in order to receive that permit/license.]

There is an application for an NH Pistol/Revolver license here that meets the above qualification and mine was signed by our Chief of Police after my application was approved by the NH State Police. While getting such a license makes it possible to carry reciprocity with other States, it also allows such a holder to go onto school property.

And if you are merely “passing through” that 1000 ft zone and other circumstances:

(iii) that is— [speaking of the firearm itself]

(I) not loaded; and
(II) in a locked container, or a locked firearms rack that is on a motor vehicle;
(iv) by an individual for use in a program approved by a school in the school zone; [like if the individual has the firearm in order to participate in the school’s rifle club]

(v) by an individual in accordance with a contract entered into between a school in the school zone and the individual or an employer of the individual; [So if the school has hired or contracted an armed security guard for example.]

(vi) by a law enforcement officer acting in his or her official capacity; or

(vii) that is unloaded and is possessed by an individual while traversing school premises for the purpose of gaining access to public or private lands open to hunting, if the entry on school premises is authorized by school authorities.

Let’s add Pelosi to this mix – no, not the past-her-prime one in DC – Andy Pelosi:

Andy Pelosi, executive director of the Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus, said New Hampshire traditionally has had a very low number of gun incidents around schools, but 11 cases were investigated in 2020-2021.

“Does Governor Sununu really want local law enforcement officials to stand down when someone brings a gun to a school campus?” Pelosi asked.

What a stupid question and was asked only to score political points. Of COURSE, local law enforcement are going to show up. And unlike Parkland and Uvalde, our NH responders are going to make sure that students/staff will “Live” and the criminal will “Die” (either physically as necessary or judicially).  HB1178  says NOTHING about this – Pelosi (LIKE the one in DC) is “spinning” something out of the same cloth used in the “The Emperor’s New Clothes” fable.

And it wouldn’t be complete with mentioning Zandra Rice-Hawkins who really is the Executive Director of Granite State Progress (whose mission is to turn NH into Blue Progressive Colorado) but shows us here one of her “pop-up” groups that she changes around depending on the agenda:

Zandra Rice Hawkins, with the left-leaning Granite State Progress, said the bill could end up costing law enforcement agencies, because the federal government could choose not to award discretionary grants to states that do not fully cooperate with them.

Doubtful. Almost completely.  This was, IMHO, spin as I doubt that the “Spend more money Quad” (Shaheen, Hassan, Kuster, and Pappas) that have no problem taking Federal money even as it drives us all deeper into that $30 Trillion debt we already have.

Yet, she’s the one that’s the UL featured image even after having very little to say.

I dryly note that the ratio of gun haters to Constitutional Right supporters (see what I just did there?) was 4 to 2. Why cast the dim light on legal, law-abiding gun owners, Kevin? We here at GraniteGrok make SURE that our biases are known (US/NH Constitution, Conservatarian stances).

However, it’s clear that the UL is still slipping Leftward – and never a mention why…

The post Who is gaslighting who? Sam Levy of Everytown for Gun Safety or the Union Leader? Or Zandra Rice-Hawkins? Andy Pelosi? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-03 16:00 +0000

This is a very foreshortened Survival Sunday as I’ve gotten out of the hospital just yesterday.  Going in for what I hoped would be a quick turnaround, well, it wasn’t… and like most hospitals stays it was anything but restful.  Thus data & link collection were enormously curtailed.  Fortunately, I am better but now have some new life challenges with which to content.  Just as the world’s about to collapse.  Joy.

There will be a Monday Memes but curtailed as well, maybe an Overflow, but BH I should be up to speed by next weekend.




First, remember I am merely an “enlightened amateur” as far as anything survival goes.  Please vet & check on your own.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Second, the hour is late and I fear bad times are imminent, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. The proper mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt.
  2. Having a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: start cultivating your community ties and building alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

Fourth, as you read here, note that I present an aggregation of articles that I think are interesting, but I do not have time to vet them.  Caveat emptor.




Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

And two aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs





Starting next week I’ll discuss books I have or have read about in terms for foraging, my own foraging attempts, food preservation, etc.  Understand I’m no expert but the more info I can get to people, the better.  Articles specifically to that will be there as well as well as in-the-wild food processing and preservation.




Short of years of preparation and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?




Bombshell Oxford Study: Less than 6% of “Approved” Medical Drugs Are Backed by “High-Quality Evidence” to Support Their Benefits – “Harms” are Significantly Underreported Across the Board

I was reading this, about an Israeli study showing long-duration reductions in sperm count after the Jab, and remembering two essays I wrote on depopulation:

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question – Liberty’s Torch (

Proverbs 16:18… and What’s Coming? – Granite Grok

Now here’s the interesting thing to me.  I’ve emailed this information to my Rabbi and Shul President.  Not a peep.  Not a single reaction to a peer-reviewed article from our spiritual home.  You’d think that even the possibility that the Jab could affect our posterity – “from generation to generation” – would be of some slight interest.  Nothing.  Other people to whom I’ve mentioned this… nothing.  Deadpan face.  Literally no emotional reaction at the possibility that the Jab may have ended their genetic line.  Are they even human any more?

More here on this.  If this drop in live birth rates is, in fact, confirmable – and country after country seems to be pointing to it – this is calamitous.

COVID-19 vaccine updates

I’ve mentioned Dr. Rima Laibow before… and in mentioning her, I used to think she was an utter loon.  Putting vast bits and pieces of data points from here and there, I think she’s spot-on right.

Dr. Rima Laibow – DEVASTATING! 90% of the Global Population Will Die – Globalist Agenda (

Do recall that they will do this convinced they are doing good.




Top of the fold:

Yes, Biden Is Hiding His Plan To Rig The 2022 Midterm Elections (

And if, despite historic disapproval ratings, public sentiment seething at inflation, shortages, etc., the Dems keep the House and Senate?  Then what?

“Every single nation is getting pounded down, because of globalist extra-national interests”

I agree.  It has to be deliberate, and coordinated; long-time readers have noted that I have repeatedly said this has been planned for well over a century.







Presented, quick hit style, are some links to specific-topic prepper articles I think are particularly noteworthy.  Print them out and start a binder – if the SHTF badly enough you won’t be able to retrieve these off the net or, possibly, even off your computer (I remember one Y2K event I went to – someone was selling survival info on CDs… yeah, useful when the power’s out!):

Where Not To Be During an EMP – Ask a Prepper

The problem, of course, is knowing when the EMP is coming.  In general though more I see talk in Europe and Asia the less comfortable I am being in a place where my survival, and ability to leave, are predicated on there being electricity.

How To Make Long-Lasting Tallow For Survival – Ask a Prepper

I don’t use a pressure cooker.  Instead, having rendered the tallow, I bake it at 260-270 F for an hour.  Well enough to kill any bad things.  Then seal it up quickly.

How to Fish and Not Only Survive… But Thrive  – The Organic Prepper

I’ve already taught my kids how to make a minnow trap from a plastic bottle.



Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

Withdrawing “too much” of your own cash???

Remember, today’s world is one financial crisis away from YOUR money becoming the GOVERNMNENT’S MONEY by diktat.  I’ve read mounting pushback, if not outright denial, of accounts of multiple banks now putting a halt to even smallish amounts of cash (e.g., $10K or more).




Shortages (broadly):

Bidenomics: East Coast Truckers Are Stalled Out on the Highway Waiting for Gas – The Gas Stations Are Out of Diesel (VIDEO)

Remember that most “last mile” deliveries are made by diesel trucks.  This will ripple-effect, and hard.

The controlled demolition of FOOD and ENERGY infrastructure is now under way… prepare or get crushed –

Food shortages may hit the USA much harder than we expected


Far too much smoke for there not to be a fire



Inflation (broadly):




US Social Stability (broad catch-all):

Uvalde Police Were in School Hallway with Rifles and Ballistic Shield Within Ten Minutes: Report

Let’s assume this is true.  Why were they withdrawn?  Who gave the order to stand down?

20 Federal Agents Storm Home of ‘Anti-Vax’ Doctor’s Home and Throw Her in Prison for Two Months Over J6 Trespassing Charge – Becker News

Thou shalt not question The Narrative.  On anything.  Or else.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

‘We must be prepared to use nuclear weapons’ (

Closer… closer to the precipice we edge.

John Waters explains what’s about to happen in Europe

The migrant tidal wave approaches.

Brace yourselves for war between Iran and Israel

As Peter notes, understand – in Shia Islam a global war is not a bug, but a necessary precondition to their version of the Messiah coming.



Specific to energy:

10 Things That Will Be Extremely Valuable After An EMP

I would have thought cell phones would have been the first things fried, but… at least per here… perhaps not.  Of course, without a cell phone tower network, they’re not terribly useful.  But still, a working calculator, a notepad… with device to device bluetooth there’s some communication…

Germany’s ‘Green’ Energy Disaster Is A Warning To The United States (

Nobody will pay heed.  They’re set on Utopia.



Gardening, animals, etc.:

How To Make Comfrey Fertilizer For An Extended Harvest – Ask a Prepper

The 5 Best Chicken Breeds for Your Homestead – The Organic Prepper



Tech security:






Catch-all miscellaneous:



Wrap-up commentary if I am moved to do so:

In grabbing / copying the tags from the last Survival Sunday I reread my section about the US government actively encouraging the slaughter of bison as a food weapon against the undesirables… the Native Americans:

You think the US government wouldn’t use food against those whom it considers its enemies? Against you? They already have set the precedent.

And I recalled just now the sudden “heat stroke” deaths of cattle by the hundreds and thousands.

One other thing came to mind.  The invading (and yes, we were invading, but that’s been the way of the world forever) Whites were just as disdainful of the natives as the current administration / Communist Left / mass migrations are at Whites who have been here for hundreds of years.  Their starving us out, I truly believe, is part-and-parcel of their doing “justice” to us for times past.



Palate cleanser:









The post Survival Sunday appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Stop Lying: Abortion in New Hampshire Unaffected by Overturning of Roe vs Wade

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-03 14:00 +0000

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and the lying about the decision has begun. This decision does not outlaw all abortions; according to the New York Times, about 87% of abortions will be unaffected (the rest will be available in other states). This decision is not anti-democratic; it leaves control of abortions to be decided democratically by the people of each state and their representatives.

Each state’s decisions can evolve as the people consider the related competing interests: a woman’s, the baby’s, and the state’s and society’s. For example, abortion has killing 63 million babies promoted a healthy society and respect for life or does it contribute to today’s high crime, suicide, and drug use rates?

The states where the citizens want full-term, healthy babies to be aborted will still allow it. States wanting underage, and perhaps molested, girls to get abortions without parental consent, will still allow it.

Most states will probably continue to have laws that are similar to what the Roe decision allowed; abortions will be available for a period of time, typically before the baby could live outside the womb. Each state will decide about parental notification, rape, incest, public funding, healthcare requirements to ensure safe abortions, etc.

Even abortion supporters like Ruth Bader Ginsberg agreed that the Roe decision was poor. Dissenters from today’s decision identify no Constitutional right to abortion.
Bipartisan support existed/exists in Congress for a Constitutional, nationwide law enacting Roe. The Democrat leadership’s very radical abortion bill was defeated by a bipartisan vote.
Nationwide, today’s Supreme Court decision returns abortion decisions to the people and their representatives; abortion in New Hampshire is unaffected.

The post Stop Lying: Abortion in New Hampshire Unaffected by Overturning of Roe vs Wade appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Big Brother “Disappears” Inconvenient Federal Wildland Fire Management Document

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-03 12:00 +0000

Shortly after assuming control of the US government’s executive branch, Whoever is Running the Biden Administration (WRBA) scrubbed 57 years of inconvenient forest fire data from public view. They didn’t stop there.

A 2001 PDF report on Wildland fire management is no longer available. It’s gone, but then it’s not. Tony Heller at RCSB found it on the Wayback machine in its entirety, a problem the Feds will have to address at some point if their 1984ish obsession with rewriting history is to succeed.

I’m sure they can get Google or that Zuckerberg fellow to buy the site and manage the material to suit the needs of their political masters.

In this case, what exactly do they hope to hide?

The 2021 data tampering I mentioned above looks like this.



The 2001 report, which you can read here, has a similar unadulterated graph to the one above. It looks like this.



That doesn’t prop up the approved narrative, so I can see why that had to go. But if you read the copy around it, you’ll find something that might be even more concerning to the Ministry of Truthers. The benefits and necessity of wildfires.


This decrease in wildland fire has been a destabilizing influence in many fireadapted ecosystems such as ponderosa pine, lodgepole pine, pinyon/juniper woodlands, southern pinelands, whitebark pine, oak savanna, pitch pine, aspen, and tallgrass prairie. Fuels increased and understory vegetation became more dense. As a result, those wildland fires that did occur were larger and more severe than historical fires. Eliminating fire also affected individual plant species. For example, Hessl and Spackman (1995) found that, of the 146 threatened, endangered, and rare plant species found in the conterminous U. S. for which there is conclusive information on fire effects, 135 species benefit from wildland fire or are found in fire-adapted ecosystems.


If true, wildfires, regardless of an ignition source, aid in propagating plant species that have and or will adapt further to the phenomenon.

Seeing as the Planeteers are big on evolution theory, having more species due to burning woodlands instead of fewer could befuddle the narrative.

And they can’t have that either.



The post Big Brother “Disappears” Inconvenient Federal Wildland Fire Management Document appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Babylon Bee “Brings Satan in” for the Post-Roe vs Wade Press Conference

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-03 10:00 +0000

Red suit, horned head; Satan gives an “honest” appraisal of what went wrong after 50 years of killing babies in the womb (er, a “setback”?).

But he reminds us on the pro-life side that he has a GREAT team and that they will be doing the “Build Back Better” bit in regaining their lost political ground:



I just have one question – why didn’t he mention our NH Senators, Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie “The Red” Hassan in being on his “A-Team”?  After all, haven’t they given their Left ovaries in assisting the cause in assuring that the preborn will never see the light of day, take their first breaths, and gaze into their Daddy’s eyes?

Oh wait, they’ve been trying hard to remove Daddy’s for a long time with their other family un-friendly policies…

(H/T: Instapundit)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – US Already the Leading Nation, by a Factor of 5, in Reducing CO2 Emissions

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-03 01:30 +0000

So why all the sackcloth and ashes by the Left for the simple decision by the Supreme Court that the EPA doesn’t currently have the Power to kill off our fossil fuel industry? THAT is supposed to only be done by our elected representatives and not by a bunch of ideologically crazed Obama retread Greenie bureaucrats.

After all, with natural gas replacing coal, look what America has already done in leading the way:


We’re #1 by far in actually doing the job instead of the virtue-signaling chest-pounding blathering done by those that want to be seen as “being someone” and force their Gaia-worship onto us.

Remember, most of those yahoos doing it will NEVER suffer the consequences of what they advocate for or in implementing those policies that will leave us unable to freely travel in our cars, raise the cost of the goods we need, and in many cases, have us freeze to death because we can’t heat our homes. They simply hate us for having choices now and are working hard to take that freedom of choice, as Americans, from us.

Good for SCOTUS for wielding their judicial Constitutional sword and placing the burden back on the Legislators to craft and pass such soul-crushing bills that will NOT keep us #1.

The fact that they had to do this proves my years-long point:

The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen.

Government is supposed to serve us – and not the other way around.

(H/T: Powerline)

The post Data Point – US Already the Leading Nation, by a Factor of 5, in Reducing CO2 Emissions appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Austria Holding Docs Accountable For Harms Caused by a Vaccine They Mandated?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-07-03 00:00 +0000

In Nov 2021, Austria mandated COVID19 vaccination to begin Feb 1, 2022. Failure to produce proof of inoculation or exemption would result in a fine. Austria dropped the program a month in but now rumor has it they could hold physicians responsible for vaccine harm.

Google Translate isn’t handling this page as well as I’d like but it goes something like this.

Austria required vaccination. Citizens had to get vaccinated. Physicians or their offices did the inoculations. The Ministry of Health policy appears to be that there was no such thing as COVID19 vaccine harm. Not even suspected cases. Reporting them could be career-damaging, possibly losing the ability to practice. But, if someone reports harms now, if physicians did not fully disclose the potential benefits or harms they could be liable for the latter?

It makes no sense.

Translated – the emphasis is in the original.


Doctors would have to provide sufficient information about the benefits and risks of the treatment in advance so that the person concerned can make an informed and free decision . The consequences for the doctors are also mentioned in the response: ” The function of the information is to protect the freedom of decision of the person concerned. ” of medical professional duties . This can be punished under administrative and/or disciplinary law as well as have consequences under liability law.”


Doctors are responsible for ensuring informed consent for a treatment mandated by the State based on information provided by a State that said they were safe and did not want to hear about complaints of vaccine harm?

If I’d just jumped off the boat this morning I might be inclined to dismiss that as nonsense but after years of observation and the past two, in particular, I can’t dismiss it.

Searching other sources it looks like the goal was to get a needle into the arms of the vaccine-hesitant. The Jab mandate was announced in November of 2021 and set to begin on Feb 1, 2022. The fines, set to take effect in late March were never enforced (one report claims fines as high as €3,600) and the program was scrapped, though not officially abandoned until last week’s announcement.

A search for details about the claim that doctors are responsible produced better translations but from the same source.


In Austria the massive harm done to human life and health done by the Covid “vaccines” has resulted in the Austrian Minister of Health shifting responsibility to doctors who betrayed their medical responsibility to inform patients of the risks of the vaccine.

Of course, had doctors done so, they would have been punished for “spreading misinformation.” It was the Austrian government that tried to mandate coercive vaccination of every Austrian.

In truth, the “Covid pandemic” was an exercise in massive disinformation by “health authorities,” aka marketing agents for Big Pharma, incompetent, mindless politicians, and a whore media that lied through its teeth and continues to do so.

Now that the Austrian Health Minister has shifted responsibility to medical doctors, how much longer can the utterly corrupt US “public health system” deny that there are massive “vaccine” injuries?


Paul Craig Roberts – whoever he is, engages in some (justifiable)  finger-pointing.


Big Pharma and its agents at NIH, CDC, and FDA, and the responsible politicians and presstitutes will try to control the narrative and conclude that the deaths are Covid deaths due to the waning effectiveness of the “vaccine.”


Presstitutes. Forgot about that one. And let’s try to not be like them. I’m not convinced at this point that Docs in Austria can expect financial repercussions for vaccine harms its politicians have refused to admit exist.

Nor does it seem likely that failing to provide more detail than the Ministry of Health allowed makes them liable. But Again, what about the last two years makes you think that this could not, in fact, be true?

A follow-up will be required once we’ve learned more.



The post Is Austria Holding Docs Accountable For Harms Caused by a Vaccine They Mandated? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Anyone Else See The Discrimination In This Headline: “Arizona County Had The Largest white, Black, Hispanic Growth”

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-07-02 22:30 +0000

The Laconia Daily Sun uses wire services for content in their newspaper and that, in part, could explain the cut-and-paste demographic discrimination so rudely displayed. But local entities have the ability to edit what they want in these supplied articles.

Articles and reprint privileges for which they pay. And let’s not worry about the grammar for the moment.

“Arizona county had the largest white, Black, Hispanic growth”

I’m told that Black is used because Blacks are a “marginalized” group. I’m told that Hispanics are a “marginalized” group. But the Left uses those notations as a Collectivist grouping of sometimes non-related folks – it’s only by skin color that one is associated with one of those groups (e.g., black or brown).

The assumption is, regardless of their “origins,” they are all Oppressed groups and therefore, required that their Leftist segregational titles be capitalized so as to point them out more clearly.

It seems that the Associated Press (aka, the AP) is itself discriminatory in its own way by either not being consistent with its spelling of various racial groups or deliberately singling out a particular skin-based group (again, regardless of origin(s)).  Are White people no less important to the AP writers and editors than others?  And is it the case that many may well be White as they write and edit such pieces and titles?  Does that connote some level of self-loathing?

Sorry to burst your bubble but the headline, either right from the AP or by the Laconia Daily Sun editor, is racially discriminatory – ALL races matter.

Unless you want to be a racist yourself.

Note: Just like the silly “womyn” and “Latinx” (which seems to be the spelling that rich white liberal women prefer even as most Latinos hate it), I’ve now see “Whyte” being used.

What, is this now Woke English discrimination against the vowels “i” and “y”? Is this an emerging “grammar racism” I see?

(H/T: Daily Sun, page 46)

The post Anyone Else See The Discrimination In This Headline: “Arizona County Had The Largest white, Black, Hispanic Growth” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sununu Signs Law Prohibiting NH From Enforcing Fed Rules on COVID Vaccination as a Condition of Employment

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-07-02 21:00 +0000

Governor Chris Sununu put his signature on HB1455, which prohibits state enforcement of any federal law, order, or rule that requires an individual, as a condition of employment or any other activity, to provide proof of vaccination against

The state is also prohibited from enforcing testing requirements for COVID19 more than once a month. And that sounds great but let’s slow our roll.

While “No state or local government agency, and no official or employee thereof, shall enforce or assist in the enforcement or administration of any such law, order, or rule.” And the state shall not assist in investigating or assisting federal agencies,


Paragraphs I and II of this section shall not apply to any health care facility, provider, or contractor subject to a federal vaccine requirement including the survey and certification policies and procedures under the authority of the department of health and human services, bureau of licensing and certification.


Now all of a sudden, what seemed great doesn’t sound as good. Just like what they did to HB1178. From Nullification to Dullification.

So, what’s left? A Step in the right direction?



The post Sununu Signs Law Prohibiting NH From Enforcing Fed Rules on COVID Vaccination as a Condition of Employment appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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