The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • July 27 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XXX

Manchester, N.H.

Removing Meat from Our Diets Won’t ‘Save the Planet’ – It Might Even Make Matters “Worse”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 22:30 +0000

You are likely familiar with the war on meat, but in recent years, the antagonists have upped their game. Meat puppets among the ideologically complicit media happily repeat their claims without a spec of balanced reporting. And everyone is told to believe something misleading or just false.

Livestock, or meat animals, are not a plague on all our houses. They are beneficial in several ways while contributing next to nothing to emissions – if that’s something you are convinced is a problem.

The anti-meat movement likes to complain about how livestock consumes too much people-food and takes up too much land we could use to grow crops. But 90% of what ruminants eat is non-human edible, and two-thirds of the “agricultural land on which they graze is marginal or unstable to grow food humans can eat.

Related: The Elites’ Want You to Eat Bugs – But They are Toxic to Humans

Those are significant numbers. Removing meat from our diets frees up minimal arable land or food grown for humans.

A significant portion of agriculture grown for people is waste—shells, hush, skins, all the parts that people cannot use or digest. There is also significant agricultural waste – food made and prepared that lands in the waste stream. Over 80% of all food waste is agricultural human-edible food.

But you can feed most or all of that to cows, goats, sheep, and pigs. Livestock will eat the shells, hulls, husks, skins, and the people-food waste and convert them into foods we can eat, which have significantly more necessary protein and nutrients per pound than many, if not most agricultural products.

Neither cows, sheep, nor other livestock “creates” emissions that are not already present on the planet. The grasses grow by absorbing naturally occurring CO2 (airborne fertilizer) and rainwater. The animals eat and absorb or release back these back into nature. Nature eventually converts that back into its component bits which return to the earth as water and carbon dioxide, which makes possible the plants that the next generation of animals will eat.

Speaking of fertilizer. It is another byproduct of what we feed to livestock and is responsible for producing 50% of the world’s agricultural fertilizer, while 80% of the world’s “livestock emissions” occur in developing countries.

The West only accounts for 20%, and if you have not yet guessed, Americans’ total contribution is a fraction of the total global emissions, while we can produce 18% of the world’s meat with only 6% of the worldwide herd.

So, the next time you hear a 3-minute report on the news about how much better it would be if we stopped eating meat, odds are good they are leaving out details and not reporting the downsides of trying to shift everyone to a meatless diet.

And then there’s this, which I’ve shared before. And while it’s from a fictional television show, it is a simple fact.



Almost none of these “reports” begins to address the impact of food agriculture or its emissions footprint in comparison, probably because livestock is less and more crops would be that much more as would the waste left behind that we no longer have livestock to eat.

And what does adding agricultural waste do when it rots? It releases “global warming” gases that end up in the air without producing anything.



WIL | Eating Less Meat Won’t Save the Planet

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 21:00 +0000

I have heard from Nitzakhon, and he’s OK. Things are still very uncertain so while we hope for the best, here are some memes. Monday memes. Ridicule baked in.



The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Will America Wake Up from This Grooming, Transgender Nightmare?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 19:30 +0000

The 5-year-old NH girl was dressed in her older brother’s hand-me-down clothes and was off to school. When school officials called the child’s mother, she was concerned something was wrong. When asked what her daughter’s “preferred pronoun” was, the mother responded she was a little girl.

A year later, the school reached out again. This time the school officials wanted to know what bathroom her child preferred. The grooming had started.

The biological sex of over 99.9 % of humans is determined at the time of conception. Individuals born with an X Y chromosome have male genitalia and those with XX chromosome have female genitalia.

We want to thank James Betti for this op-ed. Please direct yours to

Gender dysphoria is defined as a person of one biological sex wanting to identify as the opposite biologic sex. It is a psychological condition that has no demonstrable genetic component. To make things more complicated, a person who psychologically identifies as the opposite sex doesn’t necessarily have a sexual attraction to that sex. For example, a biological female who identifies as a male can have sex with a biological male, get pregnant, and deliver a baby. This is the genesis of the “woke” absurdity that a man can get pregnant.

Prior to the 2000s, adolescent children with Gender Dysphoria were treated with support, both at the child’s level and family dysfunctional level. Approximately 80 to 95% of children, after going through puberty, accept their biological sex. Basically, they grow out of their gender dysphoria.

The Grooming of Transgenders is just a symptom of the Progressive disease.

In the early 2000s, a study emerged {now discredited} suggesting Gender Dysphoria patients had a higher rate of attempted suicide and that something must be done. In England, Finland, and Sweden, aggressive therapy with sexual reaffirming, puberty blockers, chemical sex hormone transition, and even gender reassigning surgery were performed. Initial studies were based on a small number of mostly biological male gender dysphoric patients, but as more publicity was placed on the condition, suddenly, there was a large increase in overall patients and, in particular genetic female patients, with multiple other significant psychological problems. Gender-affirming advocates point this out as an indication the previous low numbers of Gender dysphoria cases were the result of under-reporting. Critics rightfully point out the newly designated Gender dysphoric patients do not match the traits of historical patients, and something else, such as social media influence or encouragement {Grooming} is responsible.

 In the last year England, Sweden and Finland have backed off aggressive intervention

for the psychological condition of gender dysphoria. They have recognized the harmful effects of aggressive gender dysphoric treatment. And are going back to the conservative time-tested treatment of supporting the child and helping with their environmental stressors such as home dysfunction. Except in extremely rare cases withholding puberty blockers, hormone manipulation, and gender-altering surgery is the new standard.

So how is it that America is moving in the exact opposite direction?

Despite Einstein’s truism that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity, America seems determined to repeat Europe’s harmful gender dysphoria errors. Multiple organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Professional Association of Transgender Health {WPATH}, have guidelines recommending intervention in dysphoric adolescents with the use of puberty blockers, hormone manipulation, and irreversible gender reassigning surgery. Unbelievably WPATH is set to recommend lowering the age for use of puberty blockers. The Biden administration has doubled down on aggressive therapy and placed a known transgender extremist Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, as head of America’s decision-making. Despite the worldwide evidence that aggressive gender dysphoria treatment is harmful, American clinicians continue to look the other way.

Initial steps have to be addressed at the level of schools and medical care.

Florida has instituted the “Parental Rights in Education act,” which has stopped schools from teaching sexual orientation or gender identification before 4th grade. In addition, teachers will have to report any child’s physical or mental issues to their parents. Florida has also looked at the evidence base research regarding gender dysphoria and, similarly to Europe, has decided there is no good science to support using puberty blockers, sex-altering hormones, and gender reaffirming surgery prior to full puberty. They have stopped Medicaid funding and, with the Florida Board of Medicine’s backing, are on the verge of making aggressive child-harming gender dysphoria treatment illegal.

Although public schools are ground zero for the possible sexual exploitation of our youth {not to mention CRT exploitation}; the school administrators and teachers are not the root cause of this moral catastrophe. These civil servants often lack the background knowledge and intellectual curiosity to question their indoctrination. Those who do, quickly find out they either conform or move on. Many of these civil servants are nothing more than robots, programmed by woke seminars, doing the bidding of their progressive masters.

 The real problem is “Woke” government agencies, mostly Federal but some State, who make policy {think Assistant Secretary of Health, transgender Rachael Levine}.


Secretary Rachel Levine


It is not only our children; America is also being groomed to embrace wokeness.

The Biden administration has put people in charge, not on the basis of merit but using the standard of adherence to rabid progressive dogma and Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity {DIE}. These individuals do not hesitate to wield their power. They have personal “Woke” agendas and are incapable of an evidence-based fair-minded approach. It’s not just Biden’s woke progressive government going after your children’s sexuality and force-feeding CRT.  The same concept is responsible for Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, allowing 5 million illegal aliens to invade our country along with sex traffickers and American youth killing fentanyl daily crossing the southern border.  Secretary of Defense, General Austin, a DIE appointment who is still looking for “White supremacists in the ranks”, has embarrassed our military by leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan and creating a military that is so “woke” it can no longer meet its recruitment needs. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, a former Governor with NO experience in the Energy sector, has dutifully destroyed America’s energy independence. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, who championed massive federal giveaways, has brought back crushing inflation. The list goes on and on, but all have some things in common. All come with agendas based solely on the religion of woke progressivism. Many have pent-up anger from their own life experiences {think General Austin and Secretary Levine} and have not hesitated to force their personal views on America. The final thing they all have in common is they have failed miserably, and 74% of the nation believes America is on the wrong track.

Progressive elected officials are back in their States and districts, lying about their part in bringing all of this on to America. They are misrepresenting their part in confirming the Biden Cabinet incompetents and voting for massive giveaways which have sparked the worst inflation in generations. With a straight face, they tell you their promise to not raise taxes on people making less than $400,000 was kept; as you look at your energy bills, grocery bills, and mortgage payments, you cannot keep up. The average American is paying over $5500 extra/year {and going up} because of Joe Biden and these elected officials. They somehow defend forgiving individuals $10-$20,000 worth of student loans, forcing blue-collar Americas to pay for the excesses of college-educated progressive voters, increasing the national debt {$300 to $500 billion}, and further bankrupting our grandchildren. They tell you the $360 billion from the inflation reduction act {which doesn’t reduce inflation} is going to be spent on green energy and is going to save the world, but the WSJ reports it will only affect the rising temperatures by 0.0009 degrees Fahrenheit. All the while lining the pockets of progressive donors.

The grooming of the NH kindergartener is unconscionable, but it is only a symptom of the underlying disease. Similar to the abdominal pain that when investigated, uncovers incurable Pancreatic cancer, the grooming of our children is a late finding in the pernicious progressive disease process.

One can only pray it is not too late to save the country and make America great again! 2022 is here Vote

The post Will America Wake Up from This Grooming, Transgender Nightmare? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Palate Cleanser or BlogLine of the Day – Pick one: Irony, Electric Vehicle Edition

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 18:00 +0000

Coal miners help push tourists’ dead electric car in West Virginia. “Because the vehicle was plastic underneath, there was no way to tow it, so a group of miners decided to push it. ‘So here are 5 coal miners pushing a battery car to the coal mine to charge up.’ You could even see mounds of coal in the background while the vehicle was charging.”

TMEW thought I was having a fit when I was first reading this.  For all of the talk from those that want us to “electrify everything”, this was a dose of Reality crashing down on the virtue-signalers. According to the article, the coal miners were quite polite and willing to help.

There was no mention how the driver reacted.

The post Palate Cleanser or BlogLine of the Day – Pick one: Irony, Electric Vehicle Edition appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dems: Rules for Thee, But not for Me

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2022-09-05 17:14 +0000
Biden is now calling people who question election results a threat to democracy. Yet he and his own party have been doing it for years. Dems hope nobody sees these clips. RT this video to expose them. — Steve... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Political Ad – “Stop the Insanity”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 16:30 +0000

Sky News Australia has a segment that includes a very powerful political ad created by a group called Citizens for Sanity. The focus? The political left’s obsession with giving criminals more rights than everyday, law-abiding Americans.

Ed Driscoll at Instapundit thinks it might be one of the most powerful ads of the year.

He’s probably right.




Citizens for Sanity

HT | Sky

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Last Week in Pictures

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2022-09-05 15:17 +0000
Last week's favorites from PowerLine. Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Our Freedom Depends on an Unbiased DOJ

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 15:00 +0000

No one is above the law!

How many Democrats smugly trumpeted those words after the FBI raid at Mar-A-Lago? They happen to be right, in principle. In free, democratic societies, equal justice under the law is not just a cliché. It’s more than just a noble concept. It’s the lynchpin that holds all orderly societies together.

But when pontificating Democrats like Merrick Garland and Nancy Pelosi proclaim that no one is above the law, it sounds like the set-up for a joke. It leaves us waiting for a punchline that never comes.

We’re all too familiar with the rogues’ gallery of Democrat miscreants and lawbreakers who have never been held accountable for their actions, mostly because of a politically biased justice system.

Long before Hillary Clinton’s private server and the Biden’s influence peddling schemes, there was Eric Holder, Barack Obama’s attorney general and his self-described “wingman.” Holder had the distinction of being the first ever attorney general cited for contempt of Congress after obstinately refusing to surrender subpoenaed documents. He was never criminally charged.

And there was Sandy “Socks” Berger, Deputy National Security advisor under Bill Clinton. He was filmed stealing classified documents from a National Archives reading room by stuffing them in his socks and pants. He later lied about it to federal investigators. But after eventually pleading guilty, he paid a fine, and was sentenced to nothing more than probation and 100 hours of community service.

In 2013, James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence under Obama, provided false information to Congress while under oath. He escaped perjury charges by blaming his patently false statement on a lapse in memory – even though his office had been briefed on the questions the day prior to his testimony.

But all that pales compared to the Hillary Clinton scandal. The affidavit supporting the search warrant at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago sounds pretty damning. It’s filled with terms like “Top Secret,” “Sensitive Compartmented Information,” “evidence of obstruction, and “…imprisoned not more than ten years.” But those exact words would have been used in any affidavit supporting the indictment of Hillary Clinton – if only the FBI director had not arbitrarily determined that “…no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

And there’s so much more.

In 2016, a few senior FBI agents took it upon themselves to prevent Donald Trump’s election to the presidency. Determined to thwart the will of the people, they did all they could to promote the Russia collusion narrative. Though that attempt failed, they had better success in the 2020 election, by suppressing credible, and deeply troubling information about Joe and Hunter Biden’s influence peddling scheme. Those efforts helped elect our current president – one who may now be under the influence of one or more geopolitical adversaries. It’s a possibility reinforced by Biden’s globalist, socialist, and outright anti-American policies.

And we shouldn’t forget the incident involving pro-abortion activists. They harassed and attempted to intimidate our Supreme Court Justices and their families for weeks on end, following the leak of the Roe v. Wade decision. It was a blatant and outrageous violation of federal law. But because the pro-abortion cause is supported by Democrats, Garland chose to look the other way.

The unprecedented overreach targeting a former president and the apparent effort to eliminate a potential political rival is just the latest example of the injustices meted out by this Department of Justice.

For obvious reasons, most Democrats don’t see a problem, but any reasonable person looking at the recent history of the DOJ and FBI can only conclude that it’s not just liberal bias. They’ve become weapons of the Democrat Party, routinely wielded against political opponents. There’s something else that reasonable people should agree upon: Democracy can’t exist where the rule of law is subverted by politics.

There is a glimmer of hope, though.

No one ever joins the FBI to target political opponents or to sway American elections. They set out to fight crime and corruption and to help keep our country safe from its enemies, foreign and domestic. But power and hubris often breed corruption, and as idealistic young agents move up the ranks, some of them, the Peter Strzoks and Timothy Thibaults, lose sight of their purpose.

Perhaps our best hope for reforming the FBI lies with the dedicated and principled insiders, the growing number of whistleblowers who haven’t forgotten why they joined the bureau. They’ve come under pressure recently by the same man determined to pervert their mission. Garland issued a memo several days ago aimed at blocking further communications with congressional representatives. But the vast majority of agents still believe in the ideals reflected on the FBI seal – fidelity, bravery, and integrity – and the oath they took to “protect and defend the Constitution.” They won’t all be silenced. They may be our best hope to reform the FBI and DOJ, and save our democratic process.

Peter Lemiska

The post Our Freedom Depends on an Unbiased DOJ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Not bad analysis, except the he can't help lying about Trump

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2022-09-05 14:44 +0000
Lance Morrow, Wall Street Journal: Biden’s Speech Had It All Backward If there are fascists in America these days, they are apt to be found among the tribes of the left. They are Mr. Biden and his people (including the... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Data Point – US Strategic Petroleum Reserves at a 40 Year Low…and Falling FAST!

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 13:30 +0000

Is this an indication of a “forcer event” for Biden to look us in the eye and announce that there’s no more oil for America?  And that he then closes down, under some Green New Deal pretext all oil production and refining?  Sure, releasing that much oil has, in part, reduced the price at the pump (e.g., pandering for votes to make people forget the $5/gallon prices that aren’t all THAT so long ago) but is there ANOTHER purpose to do so?

What happens if the SHTF and we lose because we have no petroleum for the military??

And then Secretaries Petey Buttigieg and Jennifer Granholm will then get on their EV hobby horses and say “BUY AN ELECTRIC CAR!!!” showing just how much they despise the rest of us.

And remember, Biden has sold 6 million of our oil to our geopolitical enemy – China.

(H/T: Powerline)

The post Data Point – US Strategic Petroleum Reserves at a 40 Year Low…and Falling FAST! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Look for a Massive Vaccination Drive Right After the Midterm Elections

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2022-09-05 12:06 +0000
Justus R. Hope, Repurposed Drugs: Powers & Possibilities: Planning for the Fall Pandemic - Use Overnight Fasting for Health Dr. Marik and I both advise that approved patients [cleared by their physicians] aim to eat all their meals within 5... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Irony Alert: Coal Miners Push Tourists’ Dead Electric Car to the Mine for a Charge

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 12:00 +0000

You may have seen pictures of an Auto club that has arrived with a gas-powered generator to recharge a motorist stranded in their dead Electric Vehicle. A priceless moment. But if we’re talking emblematic EV moments, this one is hard to beat.

West Virginia state Senator Randy Smith shared a picture of five coal miners pushing the “dead” Electric Vehicle up to the mine so it could get a charge.


The car broke down right in front of the Mettiki Coal access road on US 48, which is several miles from Davis. “Someone called one of our foreman and told him a car was broke down in the middle of our haul road,” said Smith’s post.

Because the vehicle was plastic underneath, there was no way to tow it, so a group of miners decided to push it. “So here are 5 coal miners pushing a battery car to the coal mine to charge up.” You could even see mounds of coal in the background while the vehicle was charging.



Looks to the left of the car and to the right of the “shed.” Do you see that pile of coal? Another iconic, if not an ironic, image of these so-called green vehicles

And I’m not trying to nitpick (yes, I am) but is ‘broke down’ the correct term for the circumstance? Batteries charge and discharge. It is what they do. A fully discharged battery is not broken. It’s just down.

The vehicle’s operator might have had a breakdown, but the car was fine. Well, as “fine” as can be given the situation, there are pictures all over the internet of helpful coal miners pushing your EV up a hill to a coal mine shed so you can get a charge.

It’s not Iwo Jima, but it’s pretty damn iconic.



The post Irony Alert: Coal Miners Push Tourists’ Dead Electric Car to the Mine for a Charge appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

In Which We See the Point of Single Payer Health Care

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2022-09-05 11:51 +0000
Matt McGregor, The Epoch Times: Hospital That Allows for Patient Options in Healthcare Enters Ninth Month Without Federal Reimbursement Tom Renz, an attorney with America’s Frontline Doctors and Make Americans Free Again—organizations that oppose unconstitutional federal health mandates —spoke with... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

DISCUS Doodlings – Behavior Must Be Legislated

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 10:30 +0000

From “Progressives and the Proper Role of Government – and your subservience to it”:

  • NH State Rep Kris Roberts (D): “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.”
  • NH State Rep Leigh Webb (D): “The role of government is to legislate behavior“
  • NH State Rep Laura Pantelakos (D): “I don’t care about protecting peoples’ Liberty
  • NH State Rep  John Mann (D): “liberty” is either an ideology or a gross misrepresentation and oversimplification (accidental or otherwise) of what government is for.”

So why put those up?  You folks know that I frequent (they’d say haunt) the Eco-Socialist site known as TreeHugger.  There, they are all about Renewables, Sustainability – and about how your standard of living, in order to save the Earth, must be diminished.  Add to that, because we, the unwashed and uneducated, refuse to do what they want us to do voluntarily, are now turning to Government to FORCE us to live as they demand.  I’m there to render the expected judgment on them with a hearty “UP YOURS!”.  And they generally have a hard with my arguments because I’m not their normal reader and bring uncomfortable questions – you know, like Ian Underwood does here!

This post here is about “Fatal California Crash Ignites Debate About Speed Limiters for Cars” post over there. But this post isn’t about my observations but my friend over there, Vindaloo Bugaboo chimed in. While the post is all about having Government put speed limiters on cars – for SAFETY! And making it clear that Govt should force manufacturers to do so. And not putting the responsibility on those that cause the accidents. It’s the usual and normal response from Socialists/The Left – EVERYONE must be punished for the actions of a few.  Safety first – not Freedom. Well, VB wasn’t having ANY of that! Emphasis mine:

Vindaloo Bugaboo
Since when has the world had to be straightjacketed in bubble wrap to keep people safe? Where is the personal responsibility? Where is the enforcement of the law and why isn’t it being applied equally to everyone?

I’m nearly 51 years old. As a kid, I drank water out of a garden hose lying in the sun for hours, played in my godfather’s cow yard throwing dried manure chips, jumped out of the hay loft into piles of hay below, climbed trees, jumped off swings, walked alone to and from school, rode my bike without a helmet, rode in the back seat of an old car that didn’t have seat belts, drank raw maple sap out of the bucket where the spiders and bugs and tree bark were all taking a swim in it as well, scrapped my knees/elbows/hands and didn’t put Bactine on it, and about a zillion other things that today’s health pundits either denounce or have outlawed. How is it I got to be this old and haven’t ended up worse for wear? Why is it that so much of that stuff today is verboten or in some cases even criminalized (like not wearing a bike helmet)? If ignorance of danger, combined with common sense, was sufficient to see me and millions of other kids of the 1970s into adulthood, why is EVERYTHING these days needing to be amended to protect us from our own stupidity?

See NH State Rep Kris Roberts’s quote at the top of this post.

I’ll tell you why.

Because ever since that old woman put a Styrofoam cup of hot McDonald’s coffee between her legs in her crotch, and then spilled it, lawyers have lawyered up and we’ve become a far more litigious society where personal responsibility is no longer the onus of the consumer. Tide pods? What idiot ever thought “Gee, we should film TikTok videos of us eating them!” as if that’s something a responsible individual—yes, teens are fully capable of making those decisions—cannot conceive they ought not to do? Or the cinnamon huffing challenge? Or any number of other narcissism fueled social media “challenges”?

People are growing stupider by the day, and I yearn for the day when we can collectively have people toughen up rather than resort to sucking thumbs and retreating to a room full of coloring books.

That’s why I see so many of these “improvements” as ill-conceived, Nio—because it separates people from each other and enables selfishness and incompetence to flourish.

Well said and I only had two things to add to it (more of clarification than anything):

That’s the key – 2 points:

1) Stop blaming everyone else and take responsibility for yourself instead of “somebody’s gotta do something about this!”

2) just leave other people alone to live their own lives without your meddling in it – just do it.

And then VB asked a question:

I cannot understand how this is a thing. It’s savage, barbarous, and uncivilized conduct.

Perhaps it would be best to enforce traffic laws we already have and rely on technology like red light cameras to catch people who CHOOSE to ignore safety and drive offensively instead of defensively.

I’ve long thought every driver should have mandatory recertification of their driver’s license at least every five years—written AND instructor-led—and for those who fail, pull their license on the spot. Arizona got rid of all their traffic cameras a few years ago (to much applause) because idiots were racing to get through the yellow light or hard braking so they wouldn’t be in the intersection and get fined, which caused an upswing in rear-end collisions. Some lights in the Phoenix metro area had yellow lights last for 3 seconds, some up to 6 seconds. The simple (and ignored!) fix would have been to program the yellow lights to flash 3 times, hold solid 3 seconds, then turn to red—that way any driver from a reasonable distance could know whether or not the light would be turning colour anytime soon. Instead, we got a statewide ban on traffic light cameras and even more idiots crashing their cars—similar to how speeding violations have gone through the roof because people think the freeway is their personal version of Tokyo Drift or GTA 5.

Isn’t the real question to ask is this:

Why do so many people feel that the law does not personally apply to them?

And I thought that the answer was clear and plain:

It is because of the entitlement mentality that has overcome our societies – only *I* matter – into the extreme. Norms have been removed, basic civic behaviors have been altered, and people wonder why things are going into the crapper?

I remember, before it became verboten and summoned the cancel mob, that merely saying “you look nice, today” WAS taken as a compliment and not as being misogynist. And v.v. Remove those kinds of societal “grease” and friction becomes the norm. And when friction goes to the extreme, all you end up with is a fire.

When the Left keep deciding that it has the Moral Superiority to not just ask but DEMAND that others MUST be forced to live as they demand, why are they surprised when the pushback is in the form of flamethrowers?

They refuse to acknowledge what I pointed out earlier – how about just leaving everyone else alone to live their own lives? Stop being the Borg in forcibly demanding assimilation into systems that other find abhorent?

There’s a lot more in the comments – VB was on fire and swinging (for personal Liberty and knocking all those deriding such) at almost anyone.  A good model for ALL of us to utilize.  Why?

If we don’t, who will?  And I will tell you that when there is no response for Liberty and against the Collective, they believe they have won.

The post DISCUS Doodlings – Behavior Must Be Legislated appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Bigoted Woke Mask Continues to Slip

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 10:30 +0000

The CT public school administrator has clearly revealed the true sophistry of the Woke/CRT/Anti-racist dogma. Likewise, (assuming this internal union leadership “warning memo” is genuine). Like the school administrator, this labor organization has also exposed its bigoted foundational beliefs.

Public educators would not have to be counseled to adhere to norms of secrecy, and conduct closed meetings beyond public scrutiny if this bigoted belief system was not well engrained in the Connecticut public education milieu:



As the specious mask of this bigoted Woke cause continues to slip; incident by incident, the source of the bigoted administrator’s “professional” decisions becomes clear. His profession’s value of “Diversity” is actually an ethical black hole. It’s justification for the intolerant and illegal discrimination against any group perceived out of lockstep with the vulgarity originating from the hate-laden, Woke/CRT, “Anti-racist” pulpit. Within this rubric, (now taught to our children), “inclusion” means embracing only their preconceived intersectional groups thus attaining “equity” among these conjured categories in an incomprehensible taxonomy that belies millennia of scientific research conclusions. Its purpose is as old as mankind; to deny equal protection under law and custom to others due to race, sex, or in the administrator’s action–to those with religious values of fairness and kindness.

We want to thank Dr. Michael D. Breen for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

The ideological casualties have always included Catholic “Papists.” They are now coerced with the rest of Americans, to have their children instructed in accordance with a scientific-illiterate dogma, in violation of virtually all of our conscientious beliefs. Which is to say that white individuals, by virtue of their skin color, are irredeemably racist since infancy. Males are misogynistic due to the “toxic” immutable nature of their sex. Lastly, the dogma ignores countless scientific studies explaining disparities among groups as it asserts that great harm is done by these “other people” all functioning within an invisible and evidence-free structure of “White supremacy.” There is nothing new here. History has repeatedly instructed us that as these persecuted categories of citizens grow in frequency and volume, it will not end well.

The “Papists” have been targeted throughout history. A few generations after 41% of Catholics were deliberately killed in Ireland during centuries of persecution, they were specifically and repeatedly besieged along with Jewish and Blacks by hate groups in the United States such as the “Know Nothings” and the Ku Klux Klan.  They were marginalized and persecuted with the identical anti-intellectual doctrine employed by this school administrator. Once again, history brings us the same lesson. If unrestrained, the same corrupt and intolerant convictions will produce the same bigoted behaviors and policies. This is what Martin Luther King meant when he said that he would “Go with love; that hate is too big a burden.”

I hope any investigation includes the authenticity of this meaningful internal memo supposedly originating with this union leadership. I want to believe that no organization could be so obtuse as to miss the point. The problem is not that this bigoted ideologue “got caught” expressing this corrupt, yet increasingly accepted, philosophy. The issue is why does this cult-like belief system exist in Connecticut’s public education milieu at all. This is an enormously significant violation of the public trust delegated to school boards, administrators and teachers, and unions. Does this union fail to understand this ethical failure? It seems that they must. Why would they frame the problem as insufficient secrecy surrounding the discrimination and demeaning of others?  What have they done to eradicate this unwholesome and illegal norm functioning in their member’s work environment? For these reasons, I hope this internal memo is a hoax and not a further confirmation of an ideologically bigoted educational environment in Connecticut.

Finally, I taught in Connecticut. The teachers and school officials I know are understandably intimidated by these ideological bullies. I was surprised to learn that one old friend will not wear identifying jewelry that identifies her as a “Papist.” They are eager to work in a mutually respectful environment that stresses the dignity of all citizens absent the bullying and scapegoating of any. They are dedicated professionals who understand that this modeling of hate-laden discrimination is not simply a violation of our laws. It is an enormous ethical failure that cannot continue to be promoted in any American workplace and certainly has to stop being taught to children.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael D. Breen
President, New Hampshire No Left Turn in Education

Note by Skip: Dr. Breen is scheduled to speak about Critical Race Theory – and already the union is ginning up a protest.  Will it, indeed, be “peaceful”?  I have my thoughts about that:



Yeah, this person (English Teacher):

State Senate Campaign Volunteer Admits Role in Scheme to Obtain Public Election Funds
Leonard C Boyle, Acting United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, and David Sundberg, Special Agent in Charge of the New Haven Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, today announced that TINA MANUS, 42, of Stratford, waived her right to be indicted and pleaded guilty yesterday before U.S. District Judge Victor A. Bolden in Bridgeport to a conspiracy offense related to her role in a scheme to obtain public funds for the 2018 Connecticut State Senate campaign of Dennis A. Bradley.

According to court documents and statements made in court, in 2018, Manus was a campaign volunteer for the Bradley campaign.  Between March and October 2018, Manus conspired with Bradley, his former campaign treasurer, Jessica Martinez, and others to defraud the Connecticut State Election Enforcement Commission (“SEEC”), the Citizens’ Election Fund, and the State of Connecticut by making misrepresentations concerning compliance with state election law and the requirements and restrictions of the Citizens’ Election Program (“CEP”), a voluntary public election-financing program under which candidates can apply to SEEC for grants to fund their primary and general election campaigns.

Manus pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, an offense that carries a maximum term of imprisonment of 20 years.

Manus, who has agreed to cooperate in the ongoing investigation of this matter, is released on a $150,000 bond pending sentencing.

Another link here. A paywall’d one here. Again:

One would have thought she would have chosen to lay low and quiet for a while.  These true believers, so it seem, are so Morally Superior to the rest of us that it doesn’t matter to them.

More here.

The post The Bigoted Woke Mask Continues to Slip appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sunday Spotlight: FedEx Champ Rory McIlroy

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 01:30 +0000

Each Sunday, I take a step away from daily politics and focus on someone who has done extraordinary things or who we may need to know a little better. This week focuses on PGA golf superstar and 2022 FedEx Champion Rory McIlroy.

You might ask why I would be highlighting a golf pro who is also a mega-millionaire but stay with me. Rory deserves attention for more reasons than the clubs in his bag. I was pulling for Scottie Scheffler, who had a breakout season but fell short of closing out the FedEx after leading for most of the 72 holes. He faltered slightly, and the veteran McIlroy was ready to pounce. Scottie was a breath of fresh air in 2022 with multiple wins but a calming personality that endeared him to many fans. He was a modest family guy with many of his family members on hand to hopefully celebrate. They may be disappointed, but as his father said after one of his wins. “I am so proud of you. You are a great golfer, but even a better husband, father, and man”. High praise from his dad and deserved. But this week is about Rory.

With his win, Rory surpassed Tiger Woods as the only three-time winner of the FedExCup Championship, the ultimate prize in the PGA season. Any time you pass Tiger in any category, you have accomplished greatness. Scheffler held a comfortable six-stroke lead to start the final round, and it seemed like it was just an easy four-hour round to pick up the trophy and the $18 Million winners check. Not to be, as Rory played a near-perfect round to take home the cup and cash.

The 2022 PGA season has been unique and full of uncertainty as the upstart Saudi backed LIV league was picking off and buying the cream of the PGA crop every week. The LIV league has unlimited resources and is paying millions to entice players to turn their backs on the PGA. Phil Mickelson was the first player to jump ship and was reportedly paid $200 Million to do so. Players like DJ, DeChambeau, Koepka, and the latest, Open Champ Cameron Smith, have all taken the money and scorned the PGA. The PGA does not allow any LIV players to compete in any PGA event, including the Masters, PGA, or the Players.

So far, it looks like Rory will refrain from cashing in with the LIV and stay with the PGA. You might say that it is easy to stay with career winnings in excess of $64 Million, but he is probably leaving over $100 Million in Saudi funds on the table. He and Tiger have teamed up and are counseling the remaining PGA golfers on why they should stay with tradition and continue to support the PGA. It shows his maturity, commitment, and respect for the PGA tradition.

Rory has always been a polarizing member of the tour. People either loved him or not. But with age has come a better, easier to like Rory McIlroy, and that could be the best thing to happen to the PGA and golf this year. Rory turned pro in 2007 and has played for 15 years. He is in phenomenal condition, and if his body stays healthy, he should compete at the highest level for years to come. He will serve the PGA and younger players in two ways. He will be the excellence they can strive for and the quality of person we should all hope to be.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial), Where Is That Threatening Voice Mail You Claimed I Left for You?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-05 00:00 +0000

Yeah, I said I wasn’t going to name your company anymore.  Why should I as you’re doing it all by yourself (see the above image if you’ve missed it before)? Well, you set the New Rules when you said that you (and Jade Wood) both were going to resign if the Belknap County Delegation refused to bow to your demand to do something by 5 pm on July 29th).

…Frankly, during the second Public Session, both of them sounded like a pair of Doomsday Climatistias in which WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE IF <pick something> DOESN’T HAPPEN RIGHT NOW!!!  It’s very much like they were Fire and Brimstone touring circus tent-based Evangelists warning of eternal damnation if you don’t get rid of your Devil.  Or replicated by almost every candidate’s frenzied fundraising email that says the other side is going to win if you don’t give me $100 in 10 minutes. But that kind of rhetoric, when used in the political arena, is a tried and true part of the Saul Alinksy toolkit.

So, the “Wag the Dog” – Clinton bombed an aspirin factory in Libya in an attempt to take attention away from his political problems.  Lambert and Wood tried the same thing:


…At 5 p.m., they stood outside Gunstock’s ticket office with a half dozen employees and members of the Lambert family.  Lambert folded and unfolded an unsigned resignation letter in his hands. “I had made up my mind to do this tonight,” Lambert said, referring to his letter if no action or action plan had come from the delegation. “But I owe this one last opportunity to the wonderful staff to make this work.”

Yeah, that didn’t happen as they both chickened out and made up excuses.  Didn’t have the courage of their convictions. They hung themselves out to dry on their own petards. They thought they had the “juice”, at that time, to make it happen.  And then it didn’t.  Other people had to do their heavy lifting later on. He walked the political high wire a second time (re: NH Democrat Party Chair Ray Buckley being his most ignoble sense of himself) and fell off when their bluff was called. Taking me on is now a third time believing he can go after another political person he doesn’t like.  So let’s revisit his latest threat:

A third high wire act.  Which started to think about what you wrote (above):

I have your threatening message on my phone saved from last month.

and my response to it was (emphasis now):

And for the life of me, I can’t remember what I said a month ago – feel free to forward to me and I’ll post it here for EVERYONE to listen to.  You know, openness and transparency – things you USED to stand for.

Hey Doug, I CHALLENGED you. So far, bupkis. No voicemail from you. I would have thought that if you had it, you’d have HAPPILY sent it over and have a great laugh at my expense in proving your allegation. If you had such, I know that you’d be acting just as gleeful as you were that Saturday morning calling out Ray Buckley on his birthday as I’d have to hear my own words.  You still have the chance to rub your hands together if what you claim is true.

Is it? Or is this yet another bluff?  Here I am, giving you the chance to embarrass me in front of my friends and my readers. As I said – openness and transparency.  I don’t remember what I said so you have the Power in this offer – a second offer.

Or, like your resignation promise, are you bluffing again?  Go ahead – prove me wrong.

So let’s get to the actual matter at hand – if there ISN’T a voice mail, what should Belknap County residents think of you?  Truthful?  Someone that they know isn’t double-dealing behind their backs? That when you tell them something, they can depend on what you say?  That you are “apolitical” (snort) in all things?  Or now that YOU are the political extremist willing to do what is necessary to achieve your end goal?  Which to me, at this point, is protecting those people and hidden things that you were put onto the Commission in the first place?  And then repudiated them? And canceled the Legal and Audit sub-committees that were looking into those rumored malfeasances?

Like you used to decry in years past?  Tsk, tsk, tsk.

And how will they view you as a Commissioner that is supposed to be in overwatch mode now that you canned the investigations? Even after watching the videos I’ve taken and watched your behaviors?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gilford Democrat Lisa Dimartino Is Campaigning as a Moderate but She’s Really Not

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-09-04 22:30 +0000

Lisa Dimartino wants to portray herself as a moderate politician, but as I have been saying, Democrats are going to be taking advantage of the utter chaos that the Democrat Political Action Committee, Citizens for Belknap (CoB), was causing.

Their strategist, Brian Beihl, politically maneuvered the Republicans on the Gunstock Area Commission to turn against each other. Doug Lambert and Jade Wood supported that end game by turning on their Republican colleagues with an engineered “emergency” with the cooperation of the Gunstock Sr Management by having them quit.

That had the Delegation’s moderate Republicans shaking fearing they wouldn’t get re-elected.

This simmering dissension within the Belknap Delegation, with the assistance of the “Tim Lang Gang” (that is also aligned with that Democrat PAC), pulled off a coup causing issues within the Belknap County Republican Committee by attacking GraniteGrok (thanks, Gregg Hough!).

Lisa DiMartino is a hard Left Democrat that wants to take advantage of the manmade chaos created by Citizens for Belknap and (and I have no other words to describe them) Democrat-affirming Republicans. After all, if they are helping this PAC achieve its end, even if unwittingly (even after being TOLD what they were doing), even if they were just using it to feed their own political ambitions. what else am I to call them?

Here’s her LtE to the Daily Sun – reformatted a bit:

It’s time for a change on the county delegation

I’m Lisa DiMartino from Gilford, and I’m running for state representative for Belknap 6, Gilford, Gilmanton and Laconia Ward 2.

Our family has lived in Gilford for 25 years, and our two children attended Gilford schools from elementary through high school. We are fortunate to have established roots in the community and made many friends throughout the years. I know many of you from working at the Gilford Public Library, and Lakes Region Community Services. I look forward to meeting many more of you while I’m out in the community introducing myself and listening to your concerns.

From 2012 to 2014, I was honored to serve as a state representative for Gilford and Meredith, and served on the Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee. I decided to run again, because I have a sincere interest in public service, and want to help enhance the health, safety and well-being of our citizens.

Let’s face it, these are challenging times with problems that affect us all regardless of political affiliation. The economy, inflation, health care, and affordable housing, just to name a few. I’ve been a disability rights and public health advocate for many years and currently serve on the New Hampshire Medical Care Advisory Committee. I’ve also served on numerous other nonpartisan state commissions, boards and nonprofits. If elected, I will be a dedicated, engaged and responsive advocate for our community.

And note the CoB tag team bit: the use of “extremists” which is just Democrat speak for “anyone that disagrees with us” just like Biden’s speech this past Thursday where the only good Republicans are those that already agree with him (you know, like all of the Republicans that our re-born RINO Reports have been spotlighting):

Over the past decade, extremists on our county delegation have eroded essential county and state services, jeopardized our nursing home, and brought Gunstock to the brink of disaster; it’s time for change. It’s time to bring more diverse, reasonable and responsible voices to the table. It’s time for healing, collaboration and making government work efficiently and effectively again.

Please consider voting for me on Nov. 8.

For more information, visit

Lisa DiMartino

Benign sounding, right?  She’s anything BUT “diverse, reasonable and responsible” but the stage has been set for her and others As I say all the time, don’t just listen to politician’s words, research their actions.  So, how DID she support parents and small businesses?

She voted to keep your kids locked into the teachers union run “public” schools:
voted FOR repealing education choice and scholarships for low-income families ( 2013 HB370 )

She voted to keep your Cost of Living higher than it could have been:
voted AGAINST lowering business taxes ( 2014 HB1475 )
voted AGAINST reducing business taxes ( 2013 HB354, 2013 HB434 )
voted AGAINST reducing the meals tax ( 2014 HB1597 )
voted AGAINST reducing tobacco taxes ( 2013 HB335 )
voted AGAINST requiring a 3/5 vote to raise taxes ( 2013 CACR1 )
voted FOR higher boat registration fees ( 2014 HB292 )
voted FOR higher energy rates ( 2013 SB148 )
voted FOR higher gas taxes ( 2014 SB367, 2013 HB617, 2013 HB617 )
voted FOR higher tobacco taxes ( 2013 HB659 )

Supporting your Constitutional Rights?  Not so much – at all!
voted AGAINST the right to keep and bear arms ( 2014 HB1438, 2013 HB388, 2013 HB451 )
voted FOR banning free speech near abortion clinics ( 2014 SB319 )
voted FOR weakening the right of self-defense ( 2013 HB135 )

And for making it easier for outsiders to vote in NH elections:
voted FOR making it easier for non-residents to vote in NH ( 2013 HB119 )
voted FOR removing a deterrent to voter fraud ( 2013 HB595 )
Her LtE sounds so nice and middle of the road. Her actions say otherwise. Actions speak louder than words and these votes from her prior term in the NH House show that she wants a tighter Government grip over your children, that Government should always have more of your money and is pleased to have it keep taking your money, infringing on your Free Speech, and making sure that YOU have less of a say in your Government by supporting outsiders influence NH politics and policies.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Biden Unity Speech

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-09-04 21:00 +0000

Now, just a word about the president’s speech Thursday night… Biden talked about MAGA Republicans.  It should probably make us all both angry and nervous.  Didn’t it seem to you like he was using language that could lead some to violence?

Biden’s language is absolutely dangerous.  He’s not equivocating, not couching what he has to say in euphemisms.  He is calling Americans white supremacists, fascists, and racists.  In effect, he is inciting his followers to violence.

He is stirring up the fearful passions of his political base to win an election in November.  That’s my conclusion because the data just do not match his claims.  The data shows Mr. Biden got it dangerously wrong.

We want to thank Marc Abear (Host of Common Sense Radio, Belknap County Republican Committee Executive Committee member) for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Consider this; during the 2020 election, the Republican Party attracted over 70 million people to vote for its MAGA candidate Donald Trump.  Exit polls conducted by Edison Research show that his block of over 70 million voters was the most diverse group of people the GOP had put together since 1960.

26% of Trump’s MAGA voters were non-white.  That’s an increase from what he got back in 2016.  If we break out those numbers.  Compared to 2016 Trump got:

  • 5% increase among black men.
  • 4% increase among black women.
  • 4% increase among Hispanic men
  • 3% increase among Hispanic women
  •  For LGBTQ+ he got 14% in 2016 and 28% in 2020

Like Trump or not, his movement is a growing rainbow coalition. It is diverse.  It is not racist or fascist or white supremacist regardless of what Biden is claiming. Biden and his team know this.  They just don’t care. They would rather lie and create panic and hysteria than lose an election.

To be honest, if we were talking about threats to America we would be talking about Joe Biden and his family.  Let’s talk facts, not opinions.  Joe Biden’s son Hunter abandoned a laptop at a repair shop 3 years ago. On that laptop, Hunter said he was giving his father Joe a 10% cut of a business deal between him and members of the CCP plus other Chinese citizens.

There is a grave national security threat. There is your threat to our democracy.  Joe Biden has denied ever taking Beijing’s cash.  He has denied ever talking to his son about any of his business dealings. We know from the laptop Joe Biden’s denials are an absolute lie.

We know Joe Biden was writing letters of recommendation to Hunter’s Chinese business partners so their kids could get into an American college.  That’s just one example.  That is a fact not an opinion.  We have a man sitting in the White House who has been credibly accused by his own son of taking secret cash from the greatest enemy our country has ever faced.

How serious is that for you?  For me, Joe Biden is a clear and present danger to this republic.  Joseph Robinette Biden is a national security nightmare.  If the CIA were doing its job, Joe Biden would be thrown out of office and convicted of his crimes.

Every single intelligence case he has touched must be assumed to have been compromised by the Chinese.  No matter what Biden said Thursday.  We must assume the words he is using and the actions he supports are not meant to strengthen America.

We have credible information suggesting he is not acting on behalf of the American people.  He may be serving his own interests… He may be serving those of Beijing.

The point here is Biden was smearing his fellow Americans.  He was using intimidation and lies for political purposes.  It was dangerous and wherever it was intended to go it does not lead to unity.


On Sat, Sep 3, 2022 at 11:01 AM Pete Home <> wrote:

Greetings NH State Republican Party:

Where are you folks on speaking out and condemning that outrageous speech given the other night by Biden…


I’m supposed to believe that I’m a terrorist, an extremist and that I live in a shadow of lies. Where’s my Republican party standing up for me and speaking out against this sort of Hitler style of propaganda and inverted truths?

I’ve never seen anything like this. Say something!!!

Pete Sandstrom, BCRC Member
P.S. can you imagine if Trump gave a red-light nighttime speech like that?


The post The Biden Unity Speech appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – Gun Sales Still Holding High

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-09-04 19:30 +0000

Yes, gun sales have fallen from their 2020 all time highs but the last two years are nothing to sneer at either.  They are still well above any other previous years as measured by NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) requests which most States use when someone purchases a gun (or several guns at a time which might mean UNDER reporting of guns actually sold in some time period) from an FFL (Federal Firearms License holder – generally a gun store).

Not shabby at all:

And we can just thank Democrat politicians and bureaucrats, who do NOT like civilians holding enough firepower relative to the Government, for being the best sellers of the notion that people should be exercising their Second Amendment Rights. While Biden still has a ways to go, his speech on Thursday (“Full Monty Mussolini“) and his threat to ban the politically generated phrase “assault weapons” again is just going to drive those numbers upward again.

(H/T: The Truth About Guns)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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