The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • May 19 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.XX

Manchester, N.H.

Susan Porcelli: I Am Running for the NH House and to Restore the Promise of the American Dream

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-12 18:00 +0000

My name is Susan Porcelli and I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination for NH State Representative District 19 (Hampton Falls and Kensington).

My husband Michael and I have lived in Hampton Falls for over 30 years.  During that time, we have worked hard at our jobs, contributed to our community, and supported our extended families.  We thought we were living the American Dream.  However, with each passing day, we see this Dream in jeopardy.  We see our country heading in the wrong direction.  Instead of just complaining I decided to take action and work to restore the promise of the American Dream.

I grew up in New Jersey to first-generation parents of modest means.  I understand the value of hard work.  During the Depression, my dad was forced to quit school and go to work to help feed his brothers and sister, then served bravely in WWII; he had common sense wisdom.  My mom, the oldest of five, taught me common sense values and to always keep family close to my heart.

I moved to NH to start my career after seeing what happened to the “Garden State” as a result of disastrous liberal policies. I was a senior executive in the financial services industry and now I have the time and energy to be your Common Sense problem solver at the NH Statehouse.

As a State Rep, I will listen to you, the voter, and I will be your strong voice for our small towns:

·         Promote Safe and Secure Schools with a focus on Academic Excellence

·         Protect hardworking families from skyrocketing inflation

·         Advocate for overburdened Taxpayers and overregulated Small Businesses

·         Defend the NH Advantage, Local Control, and Traditional Values

I will take a Common Sense approach to evaluate each bill and each issue to promote Common Sense solutions and keep NH on the RIGHT track.

I am passionate about this position and will work hard to win your support.  I have the experience, leadership ability, and drive to be an outstanding State Representative for the voters of Hampton Falls and Kensington.

Please remember to vote for Susan Porcelli (R) in the Republican Primary on September 13th!

To learn more, contact Susan at or follow me @SusanforNHStateRep

The post Susan Porcelli: I Am Running for the NH House and to Restore the Promise of the American Dream appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-12 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  So much over I may do a “late week” memefest “overflow overflow”.

But we’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









Sign of the times.  Security tags on cheese blocks!








I find the irony of this admirable thought being associated with a Globalist like that to be… strong here.  But it’s true.

There’s an old expression: Don’t wrestle with a pig.  You can’t win and it annoys the pig.  To minimize my stress now I ask myself if I’m going to have a discussion or an argument.  You see, in a discussion you work with another to find what is right.  In an argument you are trying to prove who is right.  I want to know what’s right.  I want, citing a quote from Bill Whittle, to be where the truth is, and if the truth requires that I move, so be it.

Having a discussion requires that you set aside your ego and be willing to consider that it is you who is wrong.  It requires that you listen to, and weigh, information with which you disagree.  Most people don’t have that kind of intellectual strength, being too vested in their own egos.  And in many cases, they’d rather cling to their beliefs that support their view of themselves as superior intellects, and better/nobler/smarter/more educated than you, than admit that someone they disdain was more insightful and aware than they.  Not for nothing is vanity the Devil’s favorite sin.



A classic example of this: a couple of weeks ago I engaged, at a social event, a doctor about The Jab.  Would not listen to a single thing I said, despite the fact that I had specific and – thus – testable / checkable references.  I referred to and named peer-reviewed sources.  And nothing.  Not just nothing, just a zombie-like chant of “Safe and Effective”.  The priesthood at the Center for Disease Creation and the Federal Death Administration had spoken from on high, and that was that.








My pick for best of the lot:

This was tough.  Very tough.  So many excellent ones but for me this captures my sense of deep betrayal.



I’d known vote fraud was a thing for well over a decade in my political evolution but I’d never really suspected how large and deep-rooted it was until 2020.  As Aesop said (bolding added):

If Palpatine and Jar Jar won, the Leftards should welcome honest audits and recounts, the better to take another victory lap, while rubbing the Right’s noses in the Left’s inevitable march to the throne room of power. People who’ve actually scored a touchdown don’t bitch about re-watching the video that proves it. It’s that simple.

You can run the tape back and forth, and if the feet are inbounds, and the ball is in control, it’s a touchdown time after time after time.

So when one team’s coaches, and half the fans in the stadium, boo and catcall the replay, and start agitating loudly to ignore it and just call the touchdown without looking at that pesky video replay, you know they didn’t score, and you know they know they didn’t score, so all their histrionics and hissyfits beforehand and afterwards is just them being pissed that they lost, refusing to admit it, even to themselves, and terror at having their noses rubbed in you seeing it with your own lying eyes, on a 50′ tall jumbotron, in front of millions of eyewitnesses.

So I recall Barackus’ “flexibility moment”…



And yet, in 2012, HE F*CKING WON?????  It was then that I realized that the America I knew, the America into which I was born, was dead.  It was a deep sense of utter betrayal.

Now, though, after 2020… perhaps not.  Because Trump was SO popular, his vote totals SO overwhelming, they had to pull out all the stops and bank on the enemedia and other shills to cover it up, betting on all the useful idiots to lap up anything spewed by the enemedia.  Because Orange Man Bad.

So in a strange and twisted way, 2020 gives me hope.  There are more of us that I suspected.  This is why I tirelessly post.  I was more or less alone, until I realized I was not.





Palate cleanser:





The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why NH GOP RINOs Exist in 2022

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-12 15:00 +0000

Adversity is the greatest revealer of character. As author Robert McKee once said,

“True character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure – the greater the pressure, the deeper the revelation….”

Our nation’s Constitution was wisely architected to ensure a God-centered compass for navigation during adverse times full of angst, anger, and animosity.

The adversity and chaos that surrounds us in America and the world today has indeed helped reveal the deep-seated problem of Republicans-in-Name-Only (RINOs) infiltrating the Republican Party. Before all the uncertainty and volatile times erupted, these imposters were able to mask themselves as committed conservatives. But now their agenda of misrepresentations and manipulations has been exposed, as well as a hard fact: they do not hold conservative virtues.

It is becoming apparent that there is no longer a constitutional benchmark for the party and no compelling future-ready vision embedded with committed conservative values for the NHGOP or our state. Just look at the average age of our State Senators: 62 years old. Do you honestly believe retirement age ideas, paradigms and platforms can provide the support you and your family need in today’s flux economy and digital world? Broken and outdated systems look backward. Healthy and innovative systems invest forward.

We want to thank Gary Whitehill for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

By perpetuating an environment which suppresses new voices, ideas, and platforms, the RINOs have fractured the NHGOP into a party weakened by structural dysfunction. There are no curbs to blatant RINO self-enrichment. RINOs serve themselves, not their constituents, our state, or the Constitution. As the saying goes:

“when the trough gets lean, the pigs get mean.”

The RINO contortion has become so deeply ingrained inside the NHGOP that most state party member “Republicans” are either RINOs, fundamentalists, populists or extremists. Each of these factions represent a political position that is strongly opposite to the beliefs, values, and views of committed conservatives.

Behind the scenes up until COVID, the RINOs pandered for power and profit easily because people were lulled during those past stable times. Comfort zones invariably lead to a degree of complacency. The pandemic stirred up ripples of inconvenient truths. Consciences surfaced, and questions emerged. The true character of 51 elected officials in Concord has been exposed: New Hampshire has a very big RINO problem in Concord and in the NHGOP. The result is a fundamental schism inside the state NHGOP and the national Republican Party itself.

It’s no wonder why current NHGOP “leadership” is unable and unwilling to renew and regrow itself in a direction relevant for the uncomfortable times and adverse challenges of the 21st Century. Our future position moves from granite to quicksand when our conservative purpose is eroded. RINO group-think is a slippery slope for Granite Staters. Committed conservative values must serve as solid ground for us to embrace the natural need for new leadership, new ideas, new strategies and a new direction. When we are firm in what we believe – underpinned by our constitutional commitment, our choices are better directed.

But with RINOs in charge, decisions are tainted by disillusion, dysfunction, and dictatorial edicts in Concord. Future strategies focus on entrenching positions of power, not serving the needs of the people. Real conservative voices become a weak echo in the cavernous RINO domain. And the NHGOP continues to fracture further into irrelevance.

Who suffers the brunt of this downfall of direction? The burden shifts onto the backs of hardworking Granite Staters: socially, economically, and civically. Essentially, meaning New Hampshire will increasingly loosen its constitutional roots and morph into a pseudo-Massachusetts liberal oasis. Without a clear vision, mission and direction for our State, our citizens will continue to endure high energy prices, high property taxes, low wages, and little ability to protect the state from more Massachusetts mindsets.

Innovation, renewal, and regrowth: that is the way forward. Let’s not lose our committed conservative values. Let’s use them to build on again. Nurturing an innovation-centric government is the missing link between the Tea Party movement of the 2010s and traditional committed conservatism, as well as the key to a better future for all Granite Staters. If Concord and DC were doing their jobs right, then we would have small government everywhere.

A strong future for generations to come is what we all need and deserve. Do not allow RINOs to continue stealing that future from you, your family, and our great State. With the Fall 2022 election approaching, now is the time to make your voice loud, and make your vote count.

Gary Whitehill
Colebrook, NH

BIOGRAPHY: Gary is a 9th Generation Yankee Constitutional Republican running for State Representative in Coos County District 3.

The post Why NH GOP RINOs Exist in 2022 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Do You Ask a Pariah for Help

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-12 13:30 +0000

Joe Biden took off this morning on Air Force One for a week-long trip to Saudi Arabia. Two things were evident as he climbed the steps. Hunter Biden was not along for the ride, so Joe would have to squeeze money from the Saudis himself, and Joe was going to a country to meet with its leaders, who he had previously called “pariahs .” I am sure he will receive a warm welcome when his plane touches down at King Fahd International Airport.

Joe claims he will meet with the Saudis to discuss International Relations and stability in the Middle East. We all know he is going there to beg the Saudis to increase their drilling capacity, lower the OPEC price of crude, and export more to the United States. He is not being honest and transparent about his intentions and goals but isn’t that the MO for this White House?

This trip is part of the overall energy strategy of the Biden team. First you shut down the flow of crude from our good friends to the North, Canada, by killing the Keystone Pipeline. Thousands of people were put out of work, and towns were destroyed by his decision. Next, inform the Fossil Fuel Industry that you want to drive them out of business. Destroy any incentives to pursue permits to drill on existing leased land. Vilify the 60,000 independent gas station owners by accusing them of price gouging. Joe Biden has done all he can to eliminate the fossil fuel industry in our country, and now he goes overseas to beg for their crude oil. Good Luck, Joe.

Biden kills an industry at home and thousands of good-paying jobs while he encourages a pipeline from Russia to Europe, buys crude from Russia, travels to Saudi Arabia to bend a knee and beg for help, and finally goes to the corrupt country of Venezuela to have them divert crude to America.

Biden is a hypocritical ‘farse. Our energy industry is dangerous to the environment, but it is acceptable for Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela to drill. Does it make any sense? Absolutely not.

We were an energy exporter under President Trump just two years ago.
We were supplying LHG (liquid natural gas) to Europe, and now we are taking the futile step of drawing down our Strategic Energy Reserve. It is pointless for two reasons. He knew it would not impact costs at the pump, and some of that reserve was directed to China. Let that sink in.

The fuel that is set aside for times of war or natural disaster is being shipped to China. How and when will they be replacing that supply? Never, but when you have Joe Biden in your back pocket, you can get away with backdoor deals like this. It is disgusting and should be considered a criminal act by the President.

So Biden, with his tail between his legs, heads off to Saudi Arabia, the country and regime that Biden called a pariah and could not deal with. Now that Biden is desperate to do anything to reverse his floundering approval ratings, he is willing to get into bed with the devil. And the more we know about Joe, Hunter, and their shakedown of foreign governments. He may be right where he belongs.


The post How Do You Ask a Pariah for Help appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Chris Sununu Not Only Carries the Democrat’s Water, He Adds Some Ice, A Slice Of Lemon, And A Little Umbrella.

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-12 12:00 +0000

I’d like to have nice things to say about New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, but he doesn’t make it easy. Sure, I applauded a few bills he signed (which could have been better had he let them), but lately, he’s mostly been a disappointment, and crap like this makes it more challenging.

His Excellency made an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union (which is odd because the last time I checked, he just wanted to run New Hampshire). “[A]nchor Jake Tapper asked if he thought it was “disqualifying” for Republican gubernatorial hopefuls to campaign on former President Donald Trump’s discredited claims that the 2020 election was stolen through widespread fraud.”

Governor Groomer not only carries the Democrat’s water, he adds some ice, a slice of lemon, and a little umbrella.


“Well, if I were — if they were on the ballot in my state, I would disqualify them,” Sununu said.


How? How would you disqualify them?


“So I don’t know if there’s ever one single disqualifying issue,” Sununu continued. “But my sense is, if they’re kind of pushing that line, there’s other issues and other platform policies that folks might have questions with. But that’s something every voter just has to kind of decide for themselves — look at the whole platform, look at what’s important in their state and what’s important for their family.”


Lovely dance you did there, and you’d disqualify them for that, but there’s no single disqualifying issue.

Well, of course not. Chris Sununu and the NHGOP platform are not close companions. Irreconcilable differences might be an excellent way to explain the relationship. But daring to question how stupid, idiot, creepy basement-dwelling Joe Biden got more votes than Obama, that’s crazy talk.

Related: Dem Kathleen Calavaro Encourages Massachusetts Residents to Vote for Her in NH

It’s also (to his credit) not the biggest concern of Granite Staters.

Inflation and being left behind economically are top concerns. Declining student achievement is a concern. So why take the shot at Republicans then equivocate? Because he is one of the Left’s useful idiots (Chris should check out this survey). They can count on him to take shots at his party from their side of the aisle. And he’d rather move along on the question of voter fraud than take even a casual unbiased look at the math that doesn’t add up.

Nor will he ever.

I’m not sure how much political capital Sununu spent to make the Windham thing go away (the Merrimack thing never got uninvestigated), but we’ve got some sketchy election BS right here in New Hampshire and have for years.

Related: NH Governor Chris Sununu (r) Says Trump is F**king, Crazy!

How do Republicans keep winning down-ticket majorities but can’t win a seat in Congress to save their lives?

It defies human nature, and it is one of those things folks question, but if you dared ask them, per the CNN appearance, well – His Excellency would disqualify you for pushing that line.

Not a “making every legal vote count is the foundation of our republic” and if voters have concerns about that they’ll make it known at the polls. No, he’d disqualify those Republicans.

That’s the Democrat’s goal. Disqualify a potential Republican Candidate from running for President again (Trump) because he wants to dismantle their corrupt little Klan Bake. And Sununu is with them?

And one more thing. Sununu is “disqualifying” people who have concerns and want an investigation to ensure that every legal vote counts, while his AG is dismissing as “free speech” a statement by a Democrat candidate encouraging the kind of fraud about which those governors are concerned.




The post Chris Sununu Not Only Carries the Democrat’s Water, He Adds Some Ice, A Slice Of Lemon, And A Little Umbrella. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Citizens For Belknap” – A BIG Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-12 10:30 +0000

I recently happened upon an article about a new Political PAC in Belknap County. Citizens for Belknap is a group of Leftists pretending to care about “Republicans.”

Lest you be misinformed, Brian Beihl who is the leader of this PAC has connections to Open Democracy which is a FAR Left group. To the informed eye, the globalist Open Democracy works hard on Socialist planks that true Conservatives battle every day.

They are all about growth of government while dismantling individual rights in the process.

We want to thank Conservative Lady for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to


Quoted from the article, “Brian Beihl, a seasoned campaign consultant and organizer who is overseeing the undertaking, said he has been pleased by the initial response to the effort from voters. In particular, he pointed to the number of longtime Republicans disaffected by the pretense of extremists and radicals disguising themselves as Republicans.”

Talk about a wolf in sheep’s clothing! Pretending to be ANY part of the REPUBLICAN political stratosphere is an outright lie. As someone who has connections with Open Democracy, Beihl is hiding the real agenda of Citizens of Belknap – to take down the truly Conservative delegation of Belknap County – but NOT for the reasons they are putting out there.

This propaganda is outrageous. Do not believe anything Citizens for Belknaps puts forth. Let everyone know this is NOT a Republican group. Because this group could not care less about hard-working taxpayers. They just want more power to grow government in Belknap County. Buyer BEWARE!

The post “Citizens For Belknap” – A BIG Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Palate Cleanser: Sorry, Couldn’t Resist Being Punny

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-12 01:30 +0000

Well?  It’s true, right?

I look at it this way – I’d go from a weight of 187 down to 82. Right? From 3 digits to 2 digits HAS to mean something, right?

Quick thought – the metric system is weird. My weight is almost half in kilograms but my walking around is almost doubled in kilometers.  Talk about confusing?

Just think of what it will do to those who can’t do math?  Is that why England, having left the EU, is returning back to the Imperial system?

(H/T: Barnorama Dad Jokes)

The post Palate Cleanser: Sorry, Couldn’t Resist Being Punny appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Does Your School Have a Parental Secrecy Policy?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-07-12 00:00 +0000

Every parent in the nation should find out if their local school has a Parental Secrecy Policy.  In New Hampshire, it is policy JBAB, which was put forth years ago by the New Hampshire School Boards Association (NHBSA).

Parents are finally fighting back and taking these schools to court. You can read about a monumental lawsuit here:

Middle school is a confusing time to kids. But it is especially confusing when teachers and administrators impose their own woke ideas on kids.

This was the experience of our client’s daughter, who in just the sixth grade was recruited by teachers to join an “Equality Club” where she was told she may be transgender and bisexual—two terms that were foreign to her. Teachers encouraged Jessica Konen’s daughter to change her name to a boy’s name as an expression of her new identity and specifically instructed her not to tell her mother about her new identity because her mother couldn’t be “trusted.”

Then, they gave her articles—and required her to read them—on how to hide her transgenderism from her mother. Still without Jessica’s knowledge, teachers and administrators created a “Gender Support Plan” instructing faculty to refer to her daughter by a new name, male pronouns, and to let her use the unisex teachers’ restroom.

Parents absolutely have a right to know what is being taught in their kids’ school, especially with respect to sensitive issues like gender and sexuality. The Supreme Court has consistently held that parents have the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. But parents are denied that right when activist teachers think they know better and intentionally hide information from moms and dads.

Undoubtedly, Jessica’s cases is not the only one of its kind. The California Department of Education encourages schools to keep secrets from parents much like the Spreckels Union School District did with Jessica. This usurpation of parental rights cannot go on unchecked.

You can find the court document here:

Many New Hampshire schools continue to follow policy JBAB. Within policy JBAB, there is a provision in the Privacy section that instructs school personnel to hide information from parents.

School personnel should not disclose information that may reveal a student’s transgender status or gender nonconforming presentation to others, including parents and other school personnel, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.

We have the Manchester School District standing in defiance of parents in that school district after they were sued by a Manchester parent. MSD is telling parents: They have no duty to inform you of students trans behavior: 

MSD insists the mother has no right to know if her child is living a trans identity at school, and it wants her lawsuit dismissed.

The mother, who is going by Jane Doe in the lawsuit, claims her child started expressing a different gender identity at school from the child’s identity at birth, and that fact was kept secret from the child’s family.

According to Jane Doe’s lawsuit, she found out last fall that her child was using a different pronoun and gender identity at school. The mother spoke with school staff, including the guidance counselor. The mother made it clear she wanted her child to be called by the name and pronouns her child was born with while in school, according to the lawsuit.

Even though the staff she spoke to initially agreed, the mother soon got an email from the school principal stating that due to the district’s policy, it would not be possible. The principal stated the district’s policy requires school staff to keep such matters secret from parents if the child wants them kept secret, according to the lawsuit. Even if the staffers agree to use the child’s biological gender identity when speaking with the mother, they would be obligated to lie and not tell the mother if the child wished to be identified as something else, according to the lawsuit.

According to the district’s motion, the mother has no rights when it comes to the child’s identity at school.

Does MSD realize that we have a federal law in place that says parents have the right to inspect their child’s school records:

  • Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.

  • Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.

Once you open this door to withholding information from parents, what else will they hide? Would they inform you if your child has expressed suicidal thoughts? Other risky behavior? Or is this only for the WOKE agenda that is focused on a child’s sexuality?

Shannon McGinley, executive director at the conservative organization Cornerstone, said school districts should not have the power to override parents and their values when it comes to raising their children.

“Schools are not courts of law and should not have the authority to unilaterally deprive people of recognized legal rights. This is a government entity that is increasingly being given vast and unquestioned power over our lives and the lives of our children,” McGinley said.

Two weeks after Jane Doe’s lawsuit was filed, the Manchester Board of Education tweaked the transgender policy — though not by much. The original policy read: “School personnel should not disclose information that may reveal a student’s transgender status or gender-nonconforming presentation to others, including parents and other school personnel, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.”

The board took out the phrase “including parents and other school personnel,” and added a line stating, “Nothing herein shall be construed to change the obligation of the school to take action when student safety is concerned.”

The changes did not assure Jane Doe that her rights as a parent would be recognized, and the lawsuit continues in the Hillsborough Superior Court – North in Manchester. McGinley said it was one of the reasons Cornerstone backed the failed Parents’ Bill of Rights in the legislature.

Why would any adult working in a school district think it’s ok to deny a parent due process, and withhold any information about their child? Maybe under circumstances that show a parent is a threat to the child, but that would mean that the parents were afforded due process. This kind of policy could benefit a groomer or sexual predator who does not want information given to parents and guardians.

Some districts rejected policy JBAB or adopted a version that does not trample on parental rights. New Hampshire parents should check their school policy for JBAB and read what was adopted. Pay close attention to the PRIVACY provision, that is where you will find the language that requires school personnel to withhold information from parents.

What can you do? Ask that this policy be revised or rejected. The New Hampshire School Boards Association has already backed off of their support for this policy. Maybe because it conflicts with federal law or maybe because parents are finally fighting back and taking these schools to court.

The post Does Your School Have a Parental Secrecy Policy? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fake Meat-Fraud Prediction – They’ll Market it Like COVID Vaccines and Hide What’s Bad About It.

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-11 22:30 +0000

Turning corn into fuel was a bad idea, but the politicians love their cornogrpahy. That slutty little dance they do to get lobbying groups to put cash in the campaign g-strings. I think the fake meat craze is next on the list, and Gates and Bezos are ready with fat stacks of bills in hand.

Both men are investing deeply into fake meat. Gates is even buying up farmland to prevent cattle grazing and – very likely – to grow whatever they’ll be putting in those patties.

And that’s the first dirty secret. You’ll need a lot of frame land to grow the plants needed for plant-based meat or chicken. Gates and Bezos are also invested in a new company whose fake meat foundation is built on fungus. Yum! But you’ll need to grow that too. More land you won’t be able to use for all the solar farms we’ll need to make all that fake meat (or charge electric car batteries).

Farming – and I’m sure I read this somewhere – makes a significant CO2 contribution to the environment. It requires killing everything on or above the land just to get started. You’ll need farm equipment that won’t or can’t be battery-powered. There will be fertilizer, chemicals, and pesticides to protect the plants, which will wash into the water table and rivers, which also used to be bad for the environment.

And we’ve not even made a burger or nugget yet.

Manufacturing is carbon-intensive, and we could go on, but what about the thing when it is finally produced? According to a life-long vegetarian, Dr. Amy Myers, it’s not good for you.

It is loaded with additives and carbohydrates that spike your sugar levels. Most will include corn (see above, plus – if you’re into it, not non-GMO and more pesticides). Even the Gluten-free versions use stuff your body may identify or mishandle as gluten if you are sensitive. They require plant proteins contaminated with gluten and soy, which I guess is bad. And they do not and will never include essential proteins and fatty acids the human body needs that only come from eating meat.

What do I care?

If you are an adult into fake meat, have at it. Please put it on the shelf, and let it compete with natural beef (or chicken). But allow it to compete.

The Government has already engaged in policies that make real meat more difficult and expensive. Propaganda campaigns consistently lie about the amount of CO2, the carbon footprints of competing products and industries, and the actual impact of “manmade” CO2 on the planet (next to none or zero).

Fake meat has no environmental benefit, but if you want in, knock yourself out. Just don’t hide your head in the s nd. Wealthy interests with globalist connections and government help are trying to price you out of real meat while subsidizing the fake stuff. Advocates inside and outside of the Government will profit. And to protect that financial model, they will lie to you.

Not long from now, I predict you’ll see it treated a lot like the COVID vaccines.

Big media and Big Tech will slander the opposition. Corporate media will be well compensated for advertising while being encouraged not to write unfavorable stories. The Government will incentivize it at the federal level through welfare programs. They will pour money into state programs (as with COVID) that discourage honest analysis of fake meat’s bad or ugly.

People who dare to question fake meat orthodoxy will be labeled deniers or hesitant.

Big beef will get the same treatment as Big Oil.

And the entire time, fake meat will have never been as good as they say or as green as they say or as safe as they say and will probably become less of all of the above but saying so will make you an outcast.

Mark the date.



The post Fake Meat-Fraud Prediction – They’ll Market it Like COVID Vaccines and Hide What’s Bad About It. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point: Amount of Assets to be Wealthy in the US?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-11 21:00 +0000

Interesting infographic and table, courtesy of Visual Capitalist.  We heared (or more correctly, heard a lot during the Occupy Wall Street movement – seems like eons ago) all about the vaunted (and hated) “1%”.  Democrat Socialist Bernie Sanders is still going after them – even as he is now one of them with an estimated net worth of around $4 million. So, some info on the Top 1% at a State level:

(click to embiggen)

The post also has this in tabular form as well:

No, I’m not even close, thanks for asking!

The post Data Point: Amount of Assets to be Wealthy in the US? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Elon Musk Really Walking Away From Twitter Buyout?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-11 19:30 +0000

Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter has turned into a celebrity relationship. It’s on then it’s off then it’s on-again, then it’s over. But is it over? The sticking point was how many actual user accounts there are (many as you know are fake) and since Twitter won’t cough that up, Musk says he’s done. Or is he?

News reports that Musk is walking away from the deal have been popping across the interwebs for days. Many on the right are despondent as a major victory for free speech falls apart. It would be tragic but it’s not over until it is over.

A lawsuit has been filed against Musk for walking away from the deal so it’s off to the courts they go where it seems very likely that the actual number of Twitter users will have to be provided during discovery.

Do I need to type that again?

Walking away was always going to trigger a lawsuit. A lawsuit was always going to involve discovery. If, during discovery, Elon gets the number he is after he can choose to walk back ending the lawsuit.

The number of actual Twitter accounts becomes public knowledge exposing the vast Twitter conspiracy only theorized up to that moment. The methods by which the platform is used to flood the zone with propaganda. The mountain of alledged fake accounts that were created by political operators and activist groups.


Much like the Musk takeover, nothing is a done deal until the deal is done, and maybe I’m overthinking it, but it looks to me like Musk found a way to find out what he needed to know and that’s a beautiful thing.

If it works.




The post Is Elon Musk Really Walking Away From Twitter Buyout? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH State Rep Jess Edwards – Seeking Re-election

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-11 18:00 +0000

SITUATION:  I’m completing my third term in the NH House and am running for reelection in a new district as a result of the redistricting done based on the 2020 census.  District 31 is a floterial with two State Reps based on the excess populations of Auburn, Candia, Chester and Deerfield.  I’ve been elected in the past by the voters of Auburn, Chester, and Sandown.  I need to get more involved in Candia and Deerfield so that people can vote for me with confidence.

THUMBNAIL DESCRIPTION:  I’m a constitutional conservative who runs as a Republican.  My subject matter expertise includes healthcare systems, information technology, project and privacy management.  Most recently, I have chaired the subcommittee of Finance that resources the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and am the vice chair of the HHS Oversight Committee.  My other significant duty is to be one of six (of 400) Representatives serving as a voting member of the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee.  Other committee assignments include the Governor’s Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery; Commission to Study Telehealth Services; NH Health Care Quality and Safety Commission; Commission to Evaluate NH Granite Advantage Health Care; Joint Committee on Dedicated Funds; Long Range Capital Planning and Utilization Committee – Alternate; Committee to Develop a Plan for the Closure and Replacement of the Sununu Youth Services Center and the Rockingham County Long-Term Care Services Committee.  Locally, I’m a member of the Auburn Citizens Fiber Broadband Advisory Committee and an alternate to Auburn’s Planning Board.  My voting record and sponsored bills can be found by following the URL to my NH General Court biography.

MILITARY DESCRIPTION:  I retired as an Army Medical Services Corps (MSC) Officer (Lieutenant Colonel) in 2009 after a third of a century of a hybrid career among the various components.  The military put me on scholarship to earn my Finance bachelor’s degree and sent me to graduate school for a degree in Computer Science.  Additionally, they paid most of my costs to earn a graduate degree in Systems Management.  As an MSC, I led field medical units, functioned in the role of senior information systems leader overseeing and supporting all fixed medical facilities in the Army.  I also served as a budget and manpower officer for the 18th Medical Command managing all Army financial and human resources within the Republic of Korea.  I later became a healthcare operations planner and was recalled to active duty to deploy to Afghanistan.  I’m likely the only hospital administrator in US history to have established a combat arms institutional training school to organize and field battalions and brigades.  While serving in Afghanistan, I came under direct hostile fire and was awarded the Combat Action Badge.  Other awards include the Expert Field Medical Badge, Parachutist Badge (Airborne), and Air Assault Badge.  I received four Meritorious Service Medals, an Army Commendation Medal and other lesser medals.

We want to thank NH State Rep Jess Edwards  for this announcement. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

CIVILIAN DESCRIPTION:  After leaving Army active duty in 1991, I began my civilian career while continuing in Army Reserve and National Guard roles.  My first job after active duty was as a radiology administrator at Creighton University and I followed the department chair to West Virginia University.  I became a faculty member at Georgetown University where I worked under contract to the Department of Defense as the Deputy Program Manager of the DOD Telemedicine Testbed.  I authored a textbook chapter on Military Telemedicine during that time.  The Sisters of Mercy Health System then hired me to prepare our ten hospitals for radiology imaging networks and the virtualization of other clinical services such as tele-dermatology along the Rio Grande.  The next phase of my career took me to a few different global medical device manufacturers as a product and project manager.  I transitioned to serving as an IT security and privacy officer for Carestream Health and Philips Medical Systems.  I retired from my paying career to serve full-time as a state rep in 2016.

PERSONAL:  My wife of over 40 years passed away in February 2022.  Our two grown daughters live very near and we’re close.  Both are successful and motivated.  Our eldest is expected to delivery our first grandchild in August 2022 and enjoys the love and support of her wife of six years.  Brody and Pepper are two great rescue dogs and do a great job of taking me for long walks in the woods.

The post NH State Rep Jess Edwards – Seeking Re-election appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-11 16:30 +0000

Personal note: Feeling a LOT better but I was really, really screwed up.  Some ongoing things from this that need addressing and some major lifestyle changes.  Cherish and take care of your health… and do not ignore warning signs.  I did ignore signs until very late, which is one reason I’m in the situation I’m in.




They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and I will back-edit to include the link.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III) can often be hidden inside humor.  Stand by for Thought Splinters IV… when I can get to it.  Work has ramped up!

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




But first, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.











My choice for the best of the lot:

It’s a tie – couldn’t decide.



What company turns down that many potential customers if they have a legitimately safe and effective product?  In parallel, see the one in the main body about Uruguay asking for the list of ingredients and Pfizer saying NO, we’d rather not sell if we have to disclose what’s in it.  And Pfizer admitting there was data collection fraud but that’s OK because they government knew about it???

Note that I am not advocating violence.  I am not recommending a course of action.  If there is violence against pharma facilities and/or individual employees I will decry it.  But if parents and friends who have injured, crippled, or killed loved ones – especially children – decide to take action in the face of the pharma companies having total legal immunity… I won’t blame them either especially with all the warning signs we’re seeing.  See Surak’s latest on that (chart grabbed from link).  Note that in every category, there are more from the Covid Jabs than from all other vaccines since 1988.



One more cartoon, very relevant:






Understand what this is: A bounty on real-time tracking of political enemies.  There’s only one reason you do that.




For Sale:

From time to time the admins have permitted me to put up a couple of items for sale.  Here are two.


Bumper Sticker









Palate Cleanser:


(Rainbow Over Judean Desert)

The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules 2020 Election Was Rigged

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-11 15:00 +0000

The Democrat/NeverTrump narrative that the 2020 election was the safest, most secure election in history took yet ANOTHER body blow recently as the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that the ballot drop boxes used in predominantly Democrat areas were ILLEGAL.

But don’t hold your breath waiting for Mike Graham and other NH-NeverTrumpers to recant their “no evidence” mantra. All that mattered/matters to them was getting rid of Trump. And inflation, open-borders, crime AND the TRUTH, among other things, are all small prices to pay for that end.


The post Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules 2020 Election Was Rigged appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, How do you QA test a Climate Model?

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2022-07-11 12:32 +0000
The North Pole is having its coldest summer on record. Greenland summer melt is below average. Meanwhile, the climate models say the opposite. — DonKeiller (@KeillerDon) July 10, 2022 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

The Un-American Way

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2022-07-11 12:06 +0000
Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Upper Valley Homeless Hopefuls: Twin Pines

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-11 12:00 +0000

The problem of homelessness in America is plaguing many of its cities. On the west coast from Los Angeles to Seattle, the problem is growing. The southwest has similar issues from Phoenix to Dallas. However, one city has seen a decline in their homeless since developing a coordinated system that is streamlining intake and services creating the stability many experts say is crucial to ending the crisis in a meaningful way.

Houston, Texas has seen a stunning 54% decline in its homeless population since 2011. At the same time their sister city to the north, Dallas, has dealt with a rapid increase, which has many wondering about the discrepancy. The office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is tasked with tracking and recording these trends and offering help in the form of federal funds to areas that are proactively showing improvement. Houston, thanks to its successes, was given $18 million in HUD funding in 2019 alone, while Dallas only garnered as much over ten years. Why is HUD favoring Houston? The answer lies in their effectiveness in dealing with homelessness in ways HUD considers worthwhile.

Those close to the situation in Texas note Houston has developed a system of coordination among service providers by way of a digital database they share called the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). This allows separate service providers a way to see which person or family they are serving, what services are being used, and what is recommended or allowed for their particular situation. This efficiency gain gives HUD confidence the Houston service providers will put federal money to good use.

Dallas has copied the Houston model without the same success. Critics note Dallas’ struggle is manifold. Whereas Houston has a strong mayoral executive office, Dallas is mired in committee with the mayor serving more as a board member with far less fiat power. This causes initiatives to be passed around and stalled due to the bureaucratic handling of the political football. Though the cost of living is an issue in both cities, Dallas is on par with Los Angeles in terms of affordability and cost of living barriers. Compound this with their changing the interface of their HMIS platform every other year and the problem seems to be one of mismanagement from a lack of streamlining services. A few trips down south to be mentored by their sister city would seem to be in order.

Though the number of homeless in each city is more than the population of Hartford, the town is taking the coming crisis seriously. Similarly encumbered by the cost of living and housing availability, coupled with the mentally ill and addiction-addled finding succor among the good people of the Upper Valley, the Twin Pines housing group sees the Houston model as hopeful.

Andrew Winter is the Executive Director for Twin Pines and was eager to share the history, function, and goals of their non-profit. As fellow residents of the area, he and his staff see their mission as one of keeping everyone safe with the overall health of the community in mind. When asked to respond to the concerns of the Hartford area residents expressing concern with their proposed eighteen-unit housing plan, located off of Route 5 North next to the Episcopal Church and only blocks away from the local elementary, middle, and high schools, Mr. Winter was happy to explain the vision of its proponents.

Understanding the concern of parents and other locals he explains Twin Pines is addressing their safety concerns. First, by screening applicants for serious offenses, such as sexual crimes or recent domestic violence charges, both of which disqualify candidates, Twin Pines is well aware of who they will offer to house.

Citing specific numbers and trends Winter seems to have a firm grasp on both the scope and seriousness of the situation. Disabled veterans, economically limited families, single parents, mentally ill, and addicted comprise many who qualify as “chronically homeless”, the primary category Twin Pines is hoping to reduce.

“We currently offer 539 apartments for low to middle-income residents as well as short to long-term housing for the homeless.”

When asked if they have programming in place designed to encourage upward mobility he explains the motivation to improve one’s situation is largely contingent on the stability of their housing situation which is the primary goal of Twin Pines and its affiliate groups.

“Housing stability offers people the peace of mind to begin making the changes necessary to become more productive personally and in the community if that’s their situation. We also have residents as old as 81 who are past the age of productivity who simply need housing.”

This level of thoughtfulness and compassion should resonate with area churches, some of whose members are among the critics of the Hartford project. Their concerns typically center around the safety of the location relative to children, the negative effect on property values, and the assumed inefficiencies of government programs that enable rather than empower.

Winter acknowledges these concerns however he cites the success of Houston, and its adherence to coordination among service providers, which includes many church-based non-profits, as the only proven solution for dealing with a national problem emerging in Hartford. Not deceived by the fact that homelessness will not cure itself, the nature of people to struggle with addiction, mental injuries, and simple bad luck, Winter seems laser-focused on being proactive about this mission – keeping people in a position to succeed in whatever measure possible by housing them.

When asked about utilizing area churches, such as Valley Bible church who initially offered their annex to help this problem, as resources to aid in this effort Winter is surprisingly quiet. It’s not clear if he is uncomfortable commenting or at a loss as to how to include them in the established vision. When pressed to consider the church is called to offer help to those in need “from womb to tomb” as one local pastor put it, Winter’s response is surprisingly terse.

“There’s plenty of opportunities to help.”

One can only hope the town, its residents, and the church can work together to meet this need so far being championed by those answering the call on a daily basis.

The post Upper Valley Homeless Hopefuls: Twin Pines appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Twitter's Grand Strategy

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2022-07-11 11:10 +0000
Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Biden Celebrity Influencer Sentenced to Prison for Child Sex Crimes.

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-11 10:30 +0000

Joe Biden has been credibly accused of rape. He’s a child sniffing creep. He has groped the wife of a Secret Service Agent. Inappropriately touched numerous women on camera (more off, we can only assume). Exposed himself to female members of his Secret Service Detail. Then there’s Ashley Biden’s Diary.

The guy is gross. And he has disgusting “friends.”


Jerry Harris, former Biden campaign surrogate and star of the Netflix documentary Cheer, was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for sex crimes involving minors. The disgraced cheerleader pleaded guilty in February to sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy in a bathroom at a cheer competition and paying another underaged child to send him sexually explicit photos and videos on Snapchat.


Not the most appealing subject before you have had your breakfast but well worth sharing with your “liberal” friends. As in, why haven’t you publicly denounced this yet?


Prior to his arrest in September 2020, Harris was one of several celebrity influencers the Biden campaign embraced in an effort to “win back the internet.” In June 2020, Biden appeared with Harris on Instagram Live to discuss “some really important issues facing our country right now, in particular young adults and the black community.” The video, which received more than 300,000 views on the social media platform, was deleted shortly after federal agents raided the influencer’s Illinois home in September. Harris was arrested days later.

Related: Biden’s Department of Education: Looking Out for the Sexual Predators?

Jerry Harris is just the latest name in a long list of sexual abusers and misusers within or with ties to the Democrat party. Weiner (Congressman), Epstein (sex trafficker who didn’t hang himself), Weinstein (Donor), Matt Lauer (Talking Head), Rep. John Conyers (US House), John Weaver (Lincoln Project), Al Franken (Senator), Terry Bean (Donor), Ted Kennedy (Senator), Bill Clinton (president), Donny Ray Williams (Hill Staffer), Ed Buck (Donor), Andrew Cuomo (Governor), more…

CO Democrat Congressman Bob Filner (Sexual Assault)
CA Democrat Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra (Sexual Harassment)
NM Democrat congressional candidate David Alcon (Stalking/Sexting pic of his genitals)
CO Democrat Rep. Steve Lebsock (Sexual Harassment)
CO Democratic House Speaker Crisanta Duran (cover-up)
MN Democrat Sen. Dan Schoen (Sexual Harassment)
CA Democrat Sen. Tony Mendoza (Sexual Harassment)
CA Democratic Senate leader Kevin de León (Cover-Up)
PA Democrat Commissioner Philip Ahr (Child porn)
GA Democrat Rep. Calvin Smyre (Sexual Misconduct)
FL Democratic Party President Sally Boynton Brown (Failure to address harassment claims)
NM Democrat Sen. Michael Padilla (Sexual Harassment)
CO Democratic Rep. Paul Rosenthal (Sexual Harassment)
IL Democrat Sen. Ira Silverstein (Sexual Harassment)
MO Democrat Rep. Josh Peters (Sexual Harassment)
NV Democrat Sen. Mark Manendo (Sexual Harassment)
OK Democrat Rep. Will Fourkiller (Sexual Harassment)
OR Democrat Rep. David Gomberg (Inappropriate Touching)
WA Democratic Rep. Brendan Williams (Sexual Harassment)
CT Democrat councilman Scott Chamberlain (‘furry’ profile)
FL Democrat Sen. Jeff Clemens (Sexual Misconduct)

And those are the ones we know about that I could find on short notice.

But there’s no pattern and since none of these people are Republicans or Priests at this point, what difference does it make?



The post Biden Celebrity Influencer Sentenced to Prison for Child Sex Crimes. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sunday Spotlight: The Fine Folks on the Pond

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-07-11 03:00 +0000

Many of us have become very cynical and protective over the last couple of decades. I remember when I was young, our neighborhood went far beyond the street we lived on, and we knew all our neighbors by name. Life seemed much simpler back then, and there was an implicit trust of everyone in your circle. One of the things that may have helped this feeling of ease was rarely talking about politics amongst friends and neighbors. Maybe that privacy was a good thing for relationships.

I grew up in Massachusetts, and when I married and had children, we moved to New Hampshire, hoping for a safer and more stable environment for our children to grow in. It was the right decision at the time. But nothing stays the same forever, and New Hampshire, especially the Southern tier, morphed into an extension of Massachusetts. We have learned to adapt but not easily.

This past year we purchased a cabin on a pond in Central Maine. The experience has been two-fold, with the peace and tranquility of the pond a welcome change from home and the people a throw-back to an era long ago. The latter has restored a positive feeling about people we have not felt in some time.

The first experience came the day we launched our boat for the first time. I could not get the engine to turn over, and strangers immediately came to our aide. People we did not know could not have been more helpful, and they did get us started and on our way to a summer of boating fun on the pond.

The next was the day we built a new deck on the cabin. We had hired a young man who lived on the pond to help me with the heavy lifting. He and I got started about an hour into the project when two of our new neighbors stopped by. I thought they were stopping by to see what we were doing, but I was wrong. They had their tools with them and spent the entire Saturday helping build our deck. Who does that? Not folks from Massachusetts or New Hampshire, but Pond People in Maine do this kind of thing every day.

This past week, our cousin who lives on the other side of the pond fell, and she shattered her arm in two places. Her summer is ruined. Our neighbor heard about the accident and asked us to give her a ride to our cousin’s place so she could deliver a wonderful meal she had prepared for them. She took the time to shop and spend part of her Sunday cooking a meal for strangers needing some help. Who does that? Pond People in Maine, that’s who.

People helping people. Strangers lend a hand because it is needed and not asked for. This is the way it used to be when you ventured past your front gate to visit your neighbors. I am not a believer in taking a community to raise kids, but I am a firm believer in the strength of friendship and community being far more potent than going it alone. I am sad we had to come to the middle of Maine to find that kind of community again, but I am glad we made the trip up I95!



The post Sunday Spotlight: The Fine Folks on the Pond appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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